#puma basket
dasisugarun · 10 months
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puma ads was an art tbh (i found some treasure in my drafts) or 574 days before yoongi come back
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muffinlance · 2 years
PEEEEEASE!!! Some Song and zuko shenanigans!!! I just love how you write them <3<3<3
The ostrich-horse comes back weeks after she was stolen. She raises one big foot and scratches at her harness, which clearly hasn’t been tightened properly, because the saddle finishes slipping sideways and dumps the thief himself into the dirt outside her stable. Song is just coming off from a shift at the clinic, so her first thought isn’t That bastard, it’s Dehydration, probable sunstroke, has he had a single meal since he left us, that bastard.
His eyes are closed. His breathing is shallow. She nudges him with a foot, then pats him down. Two swords and a knife get hidden in the shed at the bottom of a grain bin. She draws up two buckets of cool water from the well. One of them goes in the ostrich-horse’s trough. The good girl coos, and drinks greedily. The other one goes over the thief’s head.
He sits up, sputtering.
“Hello, Junior,” she says, and drops the bucket on him, too. 
“What? Where? …Song?”
He doesn’t have the grace to look sheepish. But she’ll take the flash of fear in his eyes, the way his shoulders twitch under the lacking weight of his swords, the way his hands convulse around the bucket. It feels good. Probably not in a way she should like, but it’s not like she’s planning to do whatever it is he’s afraid of. 
(He was afraid the last time he was here, too. But not of her.)
“The well’s in back,” she says. “Get a drink. Don’t make yourself puke. And don’t steal my bucket.”
She’s moved on to brushing the ostrich-horse’s feathers when he comes back. The ostrich-horse has moved on to pecking grain. Li is holding the bucket, and wobbling a little. His skin is still sun-flushed.
“Sit down,” she orders, pointing to the porch, with its shady overhang. 
She finishes rubbing down the ostrich-horse’s feathers. Checks her feet for scuffs and stones, and her legs for strains. Then she walks past a sitting, wide-eyed Li, goes into the house, and comes back with a basket of carrot-potatoes and a scrub brush. 
“Clean these,” she orders. “You know where the water is.”
And he’s already got a bucket to do the washing in. He’s been clutching it since she handed it to him. She’s getting a little sick, of that cornered pygmy puma look of his.
“You got a meal and an ostrich-horse rental from us, last time,” she says. “This time, it’s payment up front. With interest.”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Work for it,” Song says.
Li has no idea how to clean a tuber. He’s very diligently overdoing it when her mother comes home.
“Hmm,” she says quietly, stopping next to Song. “Do I need to get someone?”
Li’s shoulders stiffen, because he’s got better hearing than either of them thought, and because he has to know that ostrich-horse theft isn’t treated lightly. Their town isn’t big enough to warrant guardsmen, but a few neighbors and a rope would get things done. 
“He’s starving,” Song says, after moving this conversation farther away. 
“Hmm,” says her mother.
“Our ostrich-horse isn’t.”
They both stare across the yard. At a refugee with golden eyes, who doesn’t know how to even start preparing his own meal. But whatever money he had, however he’d gotten it, he’d let their bird—his bird—eat first. 
They don’t let him sleep in the stable, for obvious reasons. He doesn’t run off in the night, for less obvious ones.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Singapore releases automatic air-to-air refueling capacity of the F-15SG on the A330 MRTT
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/11/2023 - 18:07in Military
Airbus and the Air Force of the Republic of Singapore (RSAF) have completed a test flight campaign for automatic air-to-air refueling (A3R). The Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) was used to refuel F-15 fighter planes in flight.
Over three weeks in August, an RSAF A330 MRTT made more than 500 wet and dry automated contacts with the entire fleet of Singapore Air Force receiving aircraft, including the F-15SG, a modified variant of the U.S.-made F-15E Strike Eagle.
The flight tests of the F-15SG were carried out in Singapore and covered the entire AAR operational range under different weather conditions. The tests were supervised by the Spanish certifying authority INTA, which works for military certification in the first half of 2024.
During the testing campaign, flights were also carried out in night conditions, not only with F-15, but also with RSAF's A330 MRTT and F-16 as receivers. In July 2022, the A330 MRTT became the world's first tanker aircraft certified for automatic air-to-air refueling in daylight with F-16 and A330 MRTT as receivers. This automatic refueling system not only reduces the workload of the boom operator during refueling. According to Airbus, it also improves safety and optimizes the transfer rate of air-to-air refueling under operating conditions.
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The Airbus A330 MRTT has been proven in combat since 2014 and is certified for in-flight refueling with boom and hose and basket systems for F-15, F-16, F-35, A330 MRTT, AWACS, Eurofighter and many other aircraft.
Tags: A330 MRTTairbusMilitary AviationBoeing F-15SG Strike EagleREVO - Air RefuelingRSAF - Republic of Singapore Air Force - Air Force of the Republic of Singapore
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Our Beautiful Life When It's Filled With Shrieks
—Christopher Citro
I’m doing a balancing act with a stack
of fresh fruit
in my basket. I love you. I want us
both to eat well.
We’re not allowed to buy blackberries
because they’re mean to their workers
and you
read left-wing news sites. Till when? I
asked and you
said nothing. So that’s one healthy
food off the list.
I’m still buying pineapples and you’re
still eating them.
I guess you’ve never seen the websites
about those.
Nobody in this supermarket knows
that I am a puma.
This morning our cat rolled on the
floor showing me
her belly which I leaned down and
Beneath a backyard pine tree the
neighbor’s cat
was eating one of our cat’s moles—at
least the moles
we rent from the landlord for her. It’s
so complicated
staying alive sometimes. The voices of
the collection
agencies on the answering machine
sound menacing.
They’re paid to sound that way and
they’re not paid
much more than the people they’re
which can get you thinking if you’re
the sort of
person who likes to think about that
sort of thing.
Other people subscribe to adventure
magazines and read about men who
rode across
Turkey in the late 1800s before
anything was
happening in the world. Before
probably existed. When you could get
an honest
wage for an honest day’s blackberries.
When we
loved like fierce mountain storms,
with the blood
of eagles in our hearts, exchanging
grocery lists
that just said you you you you all the
way down.
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litteratured · 7 months
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Crucifix In A Deathhand by Charles Bukowski
yes, they begin out in a willow, I think
the starch mountains begin out in the willow
and keep right on going without regard for
pumas and nectarines
somehow these mountains are like
an old woman with a bad memory and
a shopping basket.
we are in a basin. that is the
idea. down in the sand and the alleys,
this land punched-in, cuffed-out, divided,
held like a crucifix in a deathhand,
this land bought, resold, bought again and
sold again, the wars long over,
the Spaniards all the way back in Spain
down in the thimble again, and now
real estaters, subdividers, landlords, freeway
engineers arguing. this is their land and
I walk on it, live on it a little while
near Hollywood here I see young men in rooms
listening to glazed recordings
and I think too of old men sick of music
sick of everything, and death like suicide
I think is sometimes voluntary, and to get your
hold on the land here it is best to return to the
Grand Central Market, see the old Mexican women,
the poor . . . I am sure you have seen these same women
many years before
with the same young Japanese clerks
witty, knowledgeable and golden
among their soaring store of oranges, apples
avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers -
and you know how these look, they do look good
as if you could eat them all
light a cigar and smoke away the bad world.
then it's best to go back to the bars, the same bars
wooden, stale, merciless, green
with the young policeman walking through
scared and looking for trouble,
and the beer is still bad
it has an edge that already mixes with vomit and
decay, and you've got to be strong in the shadows
to ignore it, to ignore the poor and to ignore yourself
and the shopping bag between your legs
down there feeling good with its avocados and
oranges and fresh fish and wine bottles, who needs
a Fort Lauderdale winter?
25 years ago there used to be a whore there
with a film over one eye, who was too fat
and made little silver bells out of cigarette
tinfoil. the sun seemed warmer then
although this was probably not
true, and you take your shopping bag
outside and walk along the street
and the green beer hangs there
just above your stomach like
a short and shameful shawl, and
you look around and no longer
see any
old men.
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Salmon Chirashi (Japanese "Scattered Sushi")
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The Brave Blossoms gave it their all and kept the game against Argentina close in last Sunday's game' first half; but eventually, Los Pumas roared and the Japanese couldn't repeat the historic feat of their home tournament four years ago, and did not qualify for the quarter-finals. They showed great skills, and great class and thanked their fans, bowing to the supporters after the match. This Salmon Chirashi, which take little time and few ingredients to prepare, and yet makes a delicious meal pays homage to this vailliant team's strength and humility! Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
2 cups leftover cooked fluffy white rice
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1/2 cup frozen broad beans (or edamame if you can find it easily!)
1 small, ripe avocado
1/2 lime
a fillet fresh salmon
sushi ginger, to serve
In a medium bowl, combine rice and rice vinegar, stirring well to combine. Spoon vinegar rice in a steaming basket, and fit it over a pot of boiling water. Cover with the lid, and warm, about 10 minutes.
In a small saucepan of salted boiling water, add frozen broad beans.
Peel, pit and dice avocado. Squeeze lime juice generously over the avocado.
Using a sharp knife, cut salmon fillet into slices just a bit thicker than sashimi.
Spoon warm vinegar rice into two serving bowls.
Arrange salmon slices, avocado dices, broad beans (or edamame) on top. Garnish with sushi ginger.
Serve Salmon Chirashi immediately, with soy sauce, a chilled Japanese beer or Matcha Honey Soda!
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Japan vs. Argentina (27-3), Sunday 8th October, 2023, Nantes, France
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sneakersculture · 1 year
Les 50 ans de la Puma Clyde
La Puma Clyde, l’un des modèles les plus marquants de l’histoire de Puma, célèbre cette année ses 50 ans. Un demi-siècle d’histoires à raconter sur ce modèle inspiré par Walt “Clyde” Frazier ! La bonne paire de baskets ! Quand vous pratiquez le basket, l’un des éléments les plus important pour bien vous sentir sur le terrain, c’est justement ce que vous avez aux pieds. Hautes ou basses, amorti…
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lover-praxis · 1 year
I’m doing a balancing act with a stack of fresh fruit in my basket. I love you. I want us both to eat well. We’re not allowed to buy blackberries anymore because they’re mean to their workers and you read left-wing news sites. Till when? I asked and you said nothing. So that’s one healthy food off the list. I’m still buying pineapples and you’re still eating them. I guess you’ve never seen the websites about those. Nobody in this supermarket knows that I am a puma. This morning our cat rolled on the floor showing me her belly which I leaned down and rubbed. Beneath a backyard pine tree the neighbor’s cat was eating one of our cat’s moles—at least the moles we rent from the landlord for her. It’s so complicated staying alive sometimes. The voices of the collection agencies on the answering machine sound menacing. They’re paid to sound that way and they’re not paid much more than the people they’re menacing, which can get you thinking if you’re the sort of person who likes to think about that sort of thing. Other people subscribe to adventure cycling magazines and read about men who rode across Turkey in the late 1800s before anything was happening in the world. Before cantaloupes probably existed. When you could get an honest wage for an honest day’s blackberries. When we loved like fierce mountain storms, with the blood of eagles in our hearts, exchanging grocery lists that just said you you you you all the way down.
Christopher Citro, "Our Beautiful Life When It's Filled With Shrieks"
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lunacitysworld · 2 years
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"Be ready to take on the world with the confidence that comes from feeling and looking your best! 💎💎💎💎 #nike #adidas #jordan #sneakers #airmax #airjordan #sneakerhead #fashion #puma #yeezy #shoes #nikeairmax #nikeshoes #kicks #basketball #nba #sports #ballislife #football #k #basket #lakers #sport #nike#france #europe #like #miami #florida #a #italy #unitedstates #nyc #music (à New York City, N. Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnp5nwfoaN-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cagoule-streetwear · 17 days
Comment créer sa tenue streetwear ?
Le streetwear est plus qu’un simple style vestimentaire, c’est un mode de vie. Alliant confort et tendances urbaines, il permet d’affirmer son identité tout en restant décontracté. Vous vous demandez comment créer votre tenue streetwear idéale ? Ne cherchez plus ! Nous vous proposons un guide complet pour maîtriser les bases et composer des looks uniques.
1. Commencez par les basiques : le t-shirt et le hoodie
Le cœur d'une tenue streetwear repose sur des basiques bien choisis. Le t-shirt ou tee-shirt est un incontournable. Optez pour un t-shirt imprimé ou un t-shirt oversize, très tendance. Les manches courtes ou longues sont au choix selon la saison, et les imprimés graphiques ou logos de marque, comme un t-shirt Hilfiger ou Tommy Jeans, ajoutent une touche d’authenticité.
Ensuite, pour une touche plus sportive, intégrez un sweat à capuche ou un hoodie. C’est la pièce maîtresse du style streetwear, offrant à la fois confort et style. Les sweats zippés ou non, ainsi que ceux avec des empiècements de couleur, sont parfaits pour apporter du dynamisme à votre tenue.
2. Choisissez un pantalon adapté : du jogging au jean slim
Le bas de votre tenue joue un rôle crucial pour réussir votre look streetwear. Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous :
Pantalon de jogging : Idéal pour un style sportswear décontracté, le jogging en molleton ou avec un cordon de serrage est la pièce la plus confortable de votre garde-robe.
Jean slim : Si vous préférez une coupe plus ajustée, le jean slim ou le pantalon skinny fonctionne très bien avec un haut ample comme un sweat. Un jean slim foncé ou bleu marine est une option polyvalente qui s’adapte à toutes les occasions.
Pantalon chino : Pour une tenue un peu plus élégante, optez pour un chino beige ou kaki. Il se marie parfaitement avec un t-shirt et une veste bomber pour un look urban chic.
3. Accessoirisez avec des vestes et blousons
Le blouson ou la veste est l'élément qui vient compléter votre tenue. Voici quelques idées pour peaufiner votre style :
Veste bomber : Incontournable du style streetwear, elle apporte une touche décontractée tout en restant stylée. Préférez-la dans des coloris sobres comme le noir, le bleu marine, ou même avec des empiècements.
Blouson matelassé ou doudoune : Parfait pour l'hiver, ce type de veste vous gardera au chaud tout en apportant une allure sportswear.
Veste en cuir : Pour un style plus audacieux et urbain, la veste en cuir est un excellent choix. Elle se combine très bien avec un pantalon slim et un t-shirt basique.
4. Ne négligez pas les baskets et accessoires
Les baskets sont l'élément central de toute tenue streetwear. Optez pour des sneakers montantes comme des Puma ou des Nike pour un style athlétique et moderne. Les baskets blanches ou bicolores sont aussi très prisées, notamment dans un look casual chic.
Côté accessoires, pensez à des casquettes, des bonnets, et des sacs à dos minimalistes pour compléter votre look. Une casquette bien choisie peut ajouter une touche finale à votre tenue, tandis qu’un foulard ou un châle léger peut apporter une note de fantaisie.
5. Jouez avec les coupes et les textures
Le streetwear est également une question de coupe et de matière. Mélangez les textures pour créer des contrastes intéressants : un sweat en molleton avec un jean slim en denim, ou un pantalon chino avec un pull en cachemire. Osez des coupes oversize pour les hauts et plus ajustées pour les bas, ou inversement, pour un look équilibré.
Les imprimés tels que les rayures, le jacquard, ou encore des motifs fluo apportent du dynamisme. Quant aux vestes à capuche et autres vêtements de sport, ils incarnent parfaitement l’esprit décontracté et urbain du style.
6. Adapter votre tenue à votre morphologie
Le streetwear convient à toutes les morphologies. Si vous êtes plutôt mince, optez pour des coupes ajustées ou slim fit qui mettront en valeur votre silhouette. Pour les grandes tailles, préférez les vêtements oversize ou à la coupe droite qui offrent à la fois du confort et du style. N’oubliez pas qu’une bonne tenue doit avant tout vous permettre d’être à l’aise.
7. Créer une tenue streetwear en toutes saisons
Le streetwear n'est pas réservé à une seule saison. En automne et en hiver, privilégiez des vêtements en maille, des sweats en molleton, et des vestes matelassées. Pour les saisons plus douces, misez sur des t-shirts légers, des polos en coton bio, et des baskets légères.
En été, des débardeur, des shorts ou des pantalons chino vous offriront un look à la fois décontracté et stylé, sans négliger le confort. Ajoutez une paire de sandales ou des mocassins pour finaliser un look décontracté chic.
Bonus : L’art du total look
Pour créer une tenue qui attire vraiment l’attention, osez le total look ! Par exemple, un ensemble sweat à capuche et jogging assorti, accompagné de baskets montantes, peut créer un style parfaitement coordonné. Sinon, jouez la carte du color block en mixant des couleurs vives avec des tons plus neutres pour un effet ultra moderne.
En conclusion, créer une tenue streetwear consiste à allier confort, style, et personnalité. Que vous préfériez un look sportswear, décontracté, ou plus élégant, il suffit de suivre ces conseils et d’oser expérimenter avec les couleurs, les coupes, et les textures. N’oubliez pas que le streetwear est avant tout une façon de s’exprimer à travers la mode, alors amusez-vous et faites preuve de créativité !
FAQ - Comment créer sa tenue streetwear ?
1. Qu'est-ce que le style streetwear ?
Le streetwear est un style vestimentaire qui tire ses origines de la mode urbaine, influencée par la culture du skate, du hip-hop, et du sportswear. Il se caractérise par des vêtements confortables, souvent oversize, et des pièces telles que les t-shirts imprimés, les sweats à capuche, et les baskets.
2. Comment bien choisir son t-shirt pour une tenue streetwear ?
Pour un look streetwear réussi, optez pour un t-shirt oversize ou un t-shirt imprimé. Les couleurs neutres comme le noir, le blanc ou le gris fonctionnent très bien, mais n’hésitez pas à expérimenter avec des imprimés graphiques pour une touche plus audacieuse. Assurez-vous de choisir une coupe confortable qui reflète votre personnalité.
3. Quelle est la pièce maîtresse d’une tenue streetwear ?
Le sweat à capuche est probablement la pièce maîtresse de toute tenue streetwear. Il est à la fois pratique et stylé, et se marie facilement avec des jeans, des joggings, ou même des pantalons chinos pour un look plus habillé. Vous pouvez également opter pour une veste bomber ou une veste en cuir pour un look plus urban chic.
4. Comment associer un pantalon à une tenue streetwear ?
Les pantalons jouent un rôle crucial dans une tenue streetwear. Pour un look classique, optez pour un jogging ou un pantalon de survêtement en molleton. Si vous préférez quelque chose de plus ajusté, un jean slim ou un pantalon chino est parfait pour un look à la fois décontracté et stylé. Associez-le à des baskets ou des sneakers montantes pour compléter votre tenue.
5. Quels accessoires choisir pour parfaire une tenue streetwear ?
Les accessoires sont essentiels pour ajouter une touche personnelle à votre look. Une casquette ou un bonnet est un choix populaire, tandis que des chaussures comme des baskets blanches ou montantes peuvent faire toute la différence. Les sacs à dos minimalistes ou des sacs banane sont également très prisés dans la mode streetwear.
6. Le streetwear convient-il aux femmes ?
Absolument ! Le streetwear pour femme est très populaire et s’adapte à toutes les morphologies. Vous pouvez opter pour des pièces oversize comme des sweats à capuche, ou bien choisir des vêtements plus ajustés comme un jean slim ou une jupe en denim. Le tout est de mélanger confort et style pour un look streetwear féminin unique.
7. Peut-on porter une tenue streetwear en toute saison ?
Oui, le streetwear est très versatile et peut être adapté à toutes les saisons. En été, misez sur des t-shirts légers, des shorts, et des baskets. En hiver, optez pour des sweats à capuche, des vestes matelassées, et des baskets montantes pour rester au chaud tout en étant stylé.
8. Comment mélanger les styles streetwear et chic ?
Le streetwear chic est un mélange de vêtements décontractés et élégants. Par exemple, associez un pantalon chino avec un sweat et des baskets pour un look casual mais raffiné. Vous pouvez aussi porter une veste blazer par-dessus un t-shirt basique et des baskets blanches pour un style à la fois moderne et élégant.
9. Comment choisir ses baskets dans un look streetwear ?
Les baskets sont un élément clé du streetwear. Optez pour des sneakers montantes ou des baskets blanches pour un style polyvalent. Les grandes marques comme Puma, Nike, ou Adidas proposent des modèles incontournables. Assurez-vous de choisir des chaussures confortables et en harmonie avec le reste de votre tenue.
10. Où puis-je trouver des vêtements streetwear de qualité ?
Vous pouvez trouver des vêtements streetwear dans les boutiques spécialisées, en ligne, ou dans les magasins de prêt-à-porter proposant des collections dédiées. Recherchez des marques reconnues dans le streetwear comme Tommy Hilfiger, Puma, ou des collections spécifiques pour le streetwear chez des marques comme Zara ou Gémo.
Article suivant : Comment Tricoter un Snood Cagoule ?
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scontomio · 26 days
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💣 Puma teamLIGA Shorts Junior Unisex per Bambini 🤑 a soli 8,25€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/puma-teamliga-shorts-junior-unisex-per-bambini/?feed_id=270754&_unique_id=66d5e6f41651e&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Puma%20teamLIGA%20Shorts%20Junior%20Unisex%20per%20Bambini I pantaloncini unisex per bambini offrono comfort e leggerezza, ideali per ogni attività sportiva. Il materiale traspirabile e il design moderno assicurano libertà di movimento. I pantaloncini per ragazzi sono pensati per adattarsi a qualsiasi attività sportiva, dal calcio al basket, garantendo sempre il massimo comfort. La leggerezza del tessuto consente ai piccoli atleti di muoversi liberamente, senza alcuna restrizione, mentre il design moderno li rende anche esteticamente accattivanti. Realizzati con un materiale traspirabile, questi pantaloncini mantengono la pelle fresca anche durante le giornate più calde. La capacità di assorbire l'umidità è fondamentale per garantire che i bambini possano concentrarsi sul gioco senza distrazioni. Che si tratti di una partita con gli amici o di una sessione di allenamento, questi pantaloncini sono la scelta perfetta. Le recensioni dei genitori lodano spesso la versatilità di questo prodotto, sottolineando come sia adatto non solo per lo sport, ma anche per il tempo libero. La possibilità di abbinarli facilmente a diverse magliette e scarpe rende questi pantaloncini un must-have nel guardaroba di ogni giovane sportivo. Inoltre, il design moderno e accattivante non passa inosservato, permettendo ai bambini di esprimere il proprio stile anche durante le attività fisiche. Con una combinazione di funzionalità e moda, questi pantaloncini rappresentano una scelta intelligente per i genitori che cercano qualità e praticità. #coupon #puma #pantaloniepantaloncini #offerteamazon #scontomio
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njean1980 · 26 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Puma Green Suede Basket Bow Sneakers Size 9.
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hepatology · 2 months
I’m doing a balancing act with a stack of fresh fruit in my basket. I love you. I want us both to eat well. We’re not allowed to buy blackberries anymore because they’re mean to their workers and you read left-wing news sites. Till when? I asked and you said nothing. So that’s one healthy food off the list. I’m still buying pineapples and you’re still eating them. I guess you’ve never seen the websites about those. Nobody in this supermarket knows that I am a puma.
This morning our cat rolled on the floor showing me her belly which I leaned down and rubbed. Beneath a backyard pine tree the neighbor’s cat was eating one of our cat’s moles—at least the moles we rent from the landlord for her. It’s so complicated staying alive sometimes. The voices of the collection agencies on the answering machine sound menacing. They’re paid to sound that way and they’re not paid much more than the people they’re menacing, which can get you thinking if you’re the sort of person who likes to think about that sort of thing.
Other people subscribe to adventure cycling magazines and read about men who rode across Turkey in the late 1800s before anything was happening in the world. Before cantaloupes probably existed. When you could get an honest wage for an honest day’s blackberries. When we loved like fierce mountain storms, with the blood of eagles in our hearts, exchanging grocery lists that just said you you you all the time way down.
Christopher Citro
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regsnapshots · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PUMA Basket Crush Emboss Sneakers.
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jawhip5 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Puma Basket Platform Core White Sneakers Sz 7.5.
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janetburston · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PUMA Dee And Ricky X Basket Sneakers Green Size 7 Women's/UNISEX.
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