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dandanjean · 9 months ago
Le réveil
Tout commença le jour où un célèbre médecin, scientifique de renom et personnalité prisée des médias, déclara, preuves à l’appui, que toute mort avant 120 ans était une mort prématurée. * Le gouvernement s’empara de la question. Le Président prit la parole à la télévision et déclara qu’il allait s’attaquer de front au problème. Il créait ce jour un Conseil de défense réunissant le Président, le…
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firehananas · 9 months ago
While doing reach for my owns OCs, I was surprised (while I shouldn't because if Sanada do something right it's definitely the symbolism of her characters) that Eddie is incredibly Thanatos coded.
✅ Psychopompe of sort (carried the bodies to hell/eternal rest), guardian of dead (literally one of the meaning of Eddie's name: Guardian of Tombs) ✅ Poppy theme (its seeds are narcoleptic and help create morphine, related to Thanatos, Hypnos and Morpheus in myth. Other than the sleep like apparence of dead, it's also because ingesting too much of it can be deadly.) ✅ *Anime only* butterfly theme (in Ancient Greek, butterflies are a symbolism for the human soul - it's also why Psyché is given butterfly wings, as she becomes the goddess of Soul. Sometimes, Thanatos is also represented with butterflies)
Both the flower and the insect are also symbolism for the beauty yet the brevity of life. ✅ Give peaceful/unpainful deaths (Thanatos was originally just the Death, then as the myth goes on, the brutals deaths were given to his sisters, the Keres) ✅ Big Family (For Thanatos: A twin brother who had A TON of children including Morpheus + all the others Nyx's children, being his siblings. Mason family is smaller in comparaison (4 boys) but they had a zoo in their house soooo...)
✅ Buttmonkey (Thanatos on paper is scary and inflexible, yet this dude manages to get caught in a bag by Sisyphus.)
(I mean.)
(And he also loses to Heracles for some reasons.)
(As is Eddie for the Angels who always ended up with the short stick).
Now I can see a more twisted vision of Thanatos/Hypnos with Albert/Eddie, so this will be more a theory/interpretation than a true comparaison but still.
Hypnos and Thanatos are twin brothers, and sometimes co-workers.
Hypnos, god of sleep, is represented with white wings and is beloved by humans and gods alike as they allow them to rest, to be at peace. This love is reciprocated.
Thanatos is represented with black wings. In opposition to his brother, he is hated and feared by humans and gods alike, but as Hypnos, the feeling is shared (though the fear is replaced by distaste).
Now, Eddie and Albert. They aren't twin brothers but I still feel there is some parallelism.
Albert is the "favorite" one, despite being the violent one. While saying he hates everything and everyone is probably exaggerated, he is in so much pain, frustration (and delusional), he projects on others, especially the weaks (and Eddie) and search to destroy them.
Meanwhile, Eddie is the "unfavorite" but also the kind one. The one who wants pets (and people) to be at peace. He feels that by 'owning' people (by killing them) he can make them 'happy' and connect with them that way (hence his interest in Ray).
All this to say that, somehow, Albert is like a Thanatos rejecting his role (as a gravedigger) and his family (becoming ironically more 'peaceful' than his so loving brother), while Eddie is a sort of Hypnos who had gone wrong by embracing his brother's (Thanatos) duty.
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extrait-livre · 6 months ago
"Les humains ont une pulsion de mort inscrite au fond de leurs gènes. Et si cette pulsion ne s'exprime pas contre son ennemi extérieur, ils la retournent contre eux-mêmes."
Bernard Werber - La planète des chats
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minivirgo · 7 months ago
god there's this colleague of mine who is just one of the prettiest people i've ever seen and she always dresses so nicely. filled with jealousy and self-consciousness (elle est aussi socialement skilled ughhh)
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bobbole · 8 months ago
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The Corinthian - art by Rahsan Ekedal
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The Sandman: The Doll's House
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erraticlord · 3 months ago
(n.) an overwhelming urge to run away
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docpiplup · 7 months ago
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Beguinas (2024)
Episode 5: Pulsiones (Drives)
The days in the Inquisition prison weaken Lucía who, after Telmo's risky visit to confess her love, decides to heed Lasarte's advice and fake her madness to escape confinement. But, far from being her salvation, Lucía ends up in the custody of her brother and with the news of the happy marriage between Telmo and Juana. And Lebrín orchestrates the marriage knowing the danger that his friend who is suspected of being a Judaizer is in danger. Meanwhile, Marie Anne and Gabriela let themselves go and recover their forbidden love story.
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cuatrotrece · 6 months ago
una remera q diga q si estas involucradx en politica de la jd TE ODIO
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kino51 · 1 year ago
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La fille de feu 1958
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 years ago
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«Podemos pues decir que la era del consumo, al ser el resultado histórico de todo el proceso de productividad acelerada bajo el signo del capital, también es la era de la alienación radical. La lógica de la mercancía se ha generalizado y hoy gobierna, no sólo el proceso de trabajo y los productos materiales, sino también la cultura en su conjunto, la sexualidad, las relaciones humanas, hasta las fantasías y las pulsiones individuales. Esta lógica lo abarca todo, no sólo en el sentido de que se objetivan y manipulan todas las funciones, todas las necesidades, atendiendo al provecho, también en el sentido más profundo de que todo se vuelve espectáculo, es decir, todo se presenta, se evoca, se orquesta en imágenes, en signos, en modelos consumibles».
Jean Baudrillard: La sociedad de consumo. Siglo XXI, págs. 244-245. Madrid, 2009.
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spoonietimelordy · 1 year ago
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estefanyailen · 2 years ago
"Las pulsiones sexuales tampoco quieren renunciar a su satisfacción sustitutiva mientras sea incierto que la realidad les ofrezca al mejor."
- Sigmund Freud - V conferencia tomo (XI)
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cacaitos · 2 years ago
like idc about works of this day and age that evoke any sort of freudian theory for their story but i do have them categorized in: the ones that do it unironically, that believe wholeheartedly that it's a normal and valid way to understand human relationships through and the ones that use it moreso as a visual and/or narrative framing to treat their actual themes with, especially banking off of pop knowledge of freudian imagery and theory.
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r15-rz · 2 years ago
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Es fácil percatarse cómo en múltiples ocasiones el ser humano se expone a circunstancias que vulneran su integridad. Desde decir algo que socialmente no les favorece hasta embriagarse al punto de una intoxicación etílica y encima conducir de regreso a casa.
El hombre como especie encuentra más placer en la vulnerabilidad, en vivir al margen de la vida y la muerte, que en vivir la vida propiamente dicha.
Y es que ¿Qué es la vida sino se arriesga la misma para divertirse? Esta pregunta deja por un lado el placer y el gozo que solo se puede hallar en la tranquilidad y la armonía que ofrece el vivir la vida.
A estas personas que viven matándose física y psicológicamente, les es imposible darse aquello que jamás han tenido. Viven canjeando su tiempo, dinero y orgullo por un poco de aprobación social. Adoptan una actitud masoquista ante las exigencias del capitalismo, dónde parece estar bien humillarse con tal de tener un tiempo para autoflaguelarse con excesos que los dañan física y mentalmente; y son capaces de dejar el amor propio por un poco de compasión fingida de sus semejantes, que lo único en lo que se asemejan es que viven atrapados en el mismo círculo vicioso.
Pero claro, no queda de otra, más que resignarse y decir que eso es vivir la vida. Para mí es solo un lema de negación a la muerte.
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shadyqueeneagle · 21 days ago
- Sono proprio curiosa di sapere cosa intendi per molestia. Se intendi il semplice provarci e fermarsi davanti ad un no, NON è molestia e non avete il diritto di pretendere che noi donne ci asteniamo dall'approcciarvi (in qualsiasi posto: su un social, al supermercato, per strada, sul lavoro...). Senza contare che un uomo, che per sua natura rimane indifferente all'astinenza, minimizza e non può capire cosa significhi una forte pulsione sessuale femminile.
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petalidiagapanto · 3 months ago
«Seguendo le teorie nelle quali credeva, ella cercò di crearsi l'amore»
(Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary)
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