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L'Umbria del vino: Pucciarella sul podio per la categoria spumanti In quasi tutte le categorie del concorso i vini che hanno superato la soglia dell’85/100 (punteggio minimo per poter entrare in graduatoria per l’asse...
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器官移植分秒必爭 無人機急送腎臟
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分秒必爭,無人機助腎臟移植!無人機運用越來越廣,美國馬里蘭大學醫學中心日前透過無人機運送腎臟,並成功完成腎臟移植手術。參與開發的馬里蘭生命傳奇基金會執行長Charlie Alexander表示,他們將嘗試利用無人機運載器官到更遠的距離,擴大應用範圍。
分秒必爭,無人機助腎臟移植!無人機運用越來越廣,美國馬里蘭大學醫學中心日前透過無人機運送腎臟,並成功完成腎臟移植手術。參與開發的馬里蘭生命傳奇基金會執行長Charlie Alexander表示,他們將嘗試利用無人機運載器官到更遠的距離,擴大應用範圍。
洗腎長達8年 無人機急送腎臟
短短三英哩路 技術門檻卻超高
工程團隊工程師Matthew Scassero非常自豪,「知道有一個人在等待器官,是一個巨大壓力,但是能成為這個關鍵任務的一部分,也是一種殊榮。」
馬里蘭生命傳奇基金會執行長Charlie Alexander表示,如果此方式真行得通,他們將嘗試利用無人機運載器官到更遠的距離。馬里蘭工程學院院長Anthony Pucciarella指出,這不僅是工程技術的突破,更有助擴大器官移植庫,並替移植提供更多運輸途徑。
1. Life-saving kidney delivered by drone.
2. First drone delivery of a donated kidney ends with successful transplant.
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年紀輕心肌梗塞 關鍵在於高血脂
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健康醫療網 健康醫療網是以健康新聞、治療新知為主的全方位健康媒體平台,致力於提供最專業、最即時、最樂活的多元化資訊。
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器官移植分秒必爭 無人機急送腎臟 【健康醫療網/記者蔡岳宏外電報導】分秒必爭,無人機助腎臟移植!無人機運用越來越廣,美國馬里蘭大學醫學中心日前透過無人機運送腎臟,並成功完成腎臟移植手術。參與開發的馬里蘭生命傳奇基金會執行長Charlie Alexander表示,他們將嘗試利用無人機運載器官到更遠的距離,擴大應用範圍。 洗腎長達8年 無人機急送腎臟 根據《CNN》報導,這項無人機航空系統由馬里蘭大學醫學院、馬里蘭大學和馬里蘭生命傳奇基金會的醫生、研究人員和航空工程專家所研發。該名腎臟移植患者,是一名來自巴爾的摩的44歲女性,她在移植前已經洗腎長達8年。 專家解釋,移植器官的過程越短越好,而將器官從捐贈者送到移植小組手上,飛行時間約5分鐘。傳統上,器官仰賴飛機運送,但是當航空交通受阻或阻塞時,器官就可能延誤。 根據美國的器官捐贈和移植作業系統「聯合器官分享網」統計,大約1.5%捐贈器官沒有送達預定地,近4%延遲超過兩個小時,影響後續移植作業。且器官移植需求急迫,在2018年,美國有近114,000人在等待器官移植。 短短三英哩路 技術門檻卻超高 《BBC》報導,短短三英里的路程,運輸器官的無人機卻需要克服大量技術。包括無人機是否能承載器官重量,以及攝影機和器官監測系統;當無人機飛過人口稠密地區,還需要飛安的通信和安全系統;如果無人機失靈,它還有降落傘回收系統。 工程團隊工程師Matthew Scassero非常自豪,「知道有一個人在等待器官,是一個巨大壓力,但是能成為這個關鍵任務的一部分,也是一種殊榮。」 馬里蘭生命傳奇基金會執行長Charlie Alexander表示,如果此方式真行得通,他們將嘗試利用無人機運載器官到更遠的距離。馬里蘭工程學院院長Anthony Pucciarella指出,這不僅是工程技術的突破,更有助擴大器官移植庫,並替移植提供更多運輸途徑。
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UAS Delivers Donor Kidney in History-Making Flight
UAS Delivers Donor Kidney in History-Making Flight
Members of the Maryland team celebrate a successful flight in late April. From left are Norman Wereley, Ph.D., Minta Martin professor and chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Dr. Joseph Scalea, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine; Dr. Thomas Scalea, the Honorable Francis X. Kelly Distinguished Professor in…
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#Airtec#Anthony Pucciarella#Chesapeake Aviation#E. Albert Reece#Joseph Scalea#Ken Reed#Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland#Matthew Scassero#Mohan Suntha#Norman Wereley#Pax Aero Solutions#Piedmont Flight Center#s-hunt-aero#St. Mary’s Airport#St. Mary’s County Regional Airport#Steve Bildman#Thomas Scalea#UAS Test Site#UMd UAS Test Site#University of Maryland
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Successful transplant after first drone delivery of a donated kidney
For the first time, a drone delivered a donated kidney that was then successfully transplanted into a patient, University of Maryland Medical Center said last week. Unmanned aircraft delivery could soon become the fastest, safest and least expensive method for beating the organ transplant clock, the drone developers say.
The unmanned aviation system was developed by physicians, researchers and aviation and engineering experts from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the University of Maryland and the Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland, a nonprofit that facilitates organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
“This whole thing is amazing,” the patient, a 44-year-old woman from Baltimore who had spent eight years on dialysis before undergoing the transplant procedure, said in a news release. “Years ago, this was not something that you would think about.”
The faster an organ is transplanted, the better it works. The flight delivering the organ to the transplant team at the Baltimore-based hospital took about 5 minutes. Yet the delivery of an organ from a donor to a patient has many moving parts. One of the most crucial and complex steps in the organ transplant process, then, is transportation. Typically, donor organs are delivered by either chartered or commercial flights. Sometimes, busy air traffic causes delays, while occasionally, an organ is left on a plane.
Roughly 1.5% of donor organ shipments did not make it to their intended destination, and nearly 4% had an unanticipated delay of two or more hours, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, which manages the organ transplant system in the United States. There were nearly 114,000 people on waiting lists for organ transplant in 2018.
The history-making delivery was preceded by test flights that transported saline, blood tubes and other medical materials and then by transporting a healthy, but nonviable, human kidney. The effort included a number of technological firsts, including a specially designed high-tech apparatus for maintaining and monitoring a viable human organ and a custom-built unmanned aircraft system.
“We built in a lot of redundancies, because we want to do everything possible to protect the payload,” said Anthony Pucciarella, director of operations at the test site. Safeguards included backup propellers and motors, dual batteries, a backup power distribution board and a parachute recovery system, in case the entire aircraft fails.
“As astonishing as this breakthrough is from a purely engineering point of view, there’s a larger purpose at stake. It’s ultimately not about the technology; it’s about enhancing human life,” said Darryll J. Pines, dean of the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering. He believes the new technology has the potential to help widen the donor organ pool and provide greater access to transplantation.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/05/01/successful-transplant-after-first-drone-delivery-of-a-donated-kidney/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/05/01/successful-transplant-after-first-drone-delivery-of-a-donated-kidney/
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#alessandrolaurawedding #weloveweddingstory #ilregistadimatrimoni (presso Pucciarella Azienda Agricola)
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A Magione torna Olivagando, ospite la social chef Viola Leporatti Violainthesky In programma l’11 e 12 novembre l’evento clou al Trasimeno per l’olio extravergine di oliva - Il programma verrà presentato il 6 novembre nella sede d...
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#alessandrolaurawedding #ilregistadimatrimoni #weloveweddingstory (presso Pucciarella Azienda Agricola)
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