#public speech in hindi
townpostin · 20 days
Eloquence Unleashed: Gulmohur High School's Elocution Extravaganza
Young Orators Shine in Bilingual Verbal Virtuosity Display Students at Gulmohur High School demonstrated exceptional oratory prowess in both English and Hindi during the annual elocution competition. JAMSHEDPUR – Gulmohur High School’s annual elocution event on August 31 showcased remarkable linguistic talents across various age groups and categories. The competition, drawing inspiration from…
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mariacallous · 4 months
In 2017, Pratik Sinha and Mohammed Zubair cofounded the fact-checking website AltNews in India. Almost immediately, the pair were targeted with persistent and vicious attacks from the far-right news website OpIndia. Many of the attacks claimed that Zubair was a Rohingya Muslim who illegally migrated to India and that his cousin was a rapist. In several headlines, the site described Zubair as an “Islamist” spreading fake news.
This wasn’t far off from OpIndia’s other coverage: In addition to routinely attacking journalists and news sites critical of the government, OpIndia spreads conspiracies and, at times, outright disinformation, particularly about the country’s minority Muslim population. Founded in 2014, OpIndia is regularly name-checked by leading lawmakers in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the site admits it is funded in part by ads run by the BJP. As hundreds of millions of Indians vote in elections across the country, critics fear that OpIndia’s election-related disinformation and overt support of the Modi government could further undermine trust in the democratic process. Already, the website has echoed Modi’s widely criticized description of the Muslim vote as “vote jihad.”
Yet despite this, US tech companies, which have rules against hate speech and disinformation, continue to platform OpIndia and, in some cases, allow it to continue to make money through advertising. OpIndia has a robust presence on Facebook, Instagram, and X. Additionally, a new report, shared exclusively with WIRED, has found that Google’s ad platform is being used to partially fund OpIndia’s operation.
“In an increasingly polarized space, they create a vicious narrative against you,” Sinha tells WIRED. “All of this is narrative building. Their job is to defame anyone who's critical of the government, and that's what they do.”
Despite repeated efforts by activists to defund the site—and the fact that publications that have partnered with a Google-supported election fact-checking initiative, Shakti, have fact-checked OpIndia’s articles and found it routinely publishes fake news—OpIndia continues to operate thanks in part to ads that Google’s ad exchange platform places next to its content. In 2019, Poynter’s International Fact Checking Network, which accredits publications as trustworthy arbiters of information, rejected OpIndia’s application.
“Google’s own publisher policies prohibit the monetization of content that incites hatred, incitement of racism, promoting discrimination of an individual or group,” says Sarah Kay Wiley, director of policy and partnerships at Check My Ads, a nonprofit digital advertising watchdog organization and author of the new report. “Google also says that they don't monetize or work with publishers that make claims that are false and could significantly undermine trust in an election or democratic process.”
Ad exchanges allow publishers to sell ad space and advertisers to buy it through an entirely automated process that happens in the split seconds before a website loads. Ad sellers and buyers set limits for price and spending, with Google taking a cut of all transactions. Because of the automated nature of the process, advertisers likely don’t realize that their products are showing up next to hateful and misleading content.
Other ad exchanges such as Magnite have discontinued working with OpIndia. If Google were to stop working with OpIndia, says Wiley, that “would definitely have a material impact.”
On Facebook, OpIndia runs pages in English and Hindi, with 310,000 followers and 431,000 followers in each language, respectively. Both pages list their administrator as Aadhyaasi Media and Content Services Private Limited, which owns OpIndia.
On its Hindi page, OpIndia has shared stories promoting the “love jihad” conspiracy theory, which asserts that Muslim men are trying to marry, seduce, or kidnap Hindus in order to force them to convert and create a demographic shift in Hindu-majority India, and has promoted false claims, including that a new inheritance law would reallocate wealth from Hindus to Muslims. Meta spokesperson Erin McPike did not comment on whether this content violated Meta’s policies, nor on whether Meta takes into account the violations of the Hindi page when assessing the English page.
These narratives then get picked up and spread on other platforms, like X and Telegram, says Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan, an analyst with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. “In some of these places there’s even more explicit calls for violence against Muslims or for the removal of Muslims,” he says. The site has international appeal as well: WIRED was able to find OpIndia articles shared in non-Indian, right-wing channels on Telegram, including a pro-Kremlin channel with over 1.3 million subscribers and numerous conspiracy channels with hundreds of thousands of followers.
The site is also highly active on the social media platform X with the official OpIndia account, which has 688,000 subscribers. OpIndia appears to pay for X Premium, giving it a blue checkmark, but did not respond to whether it subscribes to the service. WIRED has identified at least half a dozen OpIndia writers, columnists, and editors, including editor in chief Nupur Sharma, who has more than 680,000 followers, who appear to be subscribed to X Premium.
Sharma did not respond to a question about OpIndia monetizing its content via X Premium, and the company itself also failed to respond.
“It’s a hyper-partisan, right-wing outlet that set themselves up by saying that mainstream news media in India have a liberal bias, very similar to what American right-wing outlets say about professional journalism in America,” says Kalyani Chadha, an associate professor at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University who published an in-depth report in 2020 on India’s right-wing media ecosystem that included OpIndia. “They bill themselves as a news outlet, but there's not a lot of original reporting. A lot of it is commentary and opinion.”
In addition to Sinha and Zubair, OpIndia has regularly targeted journalists and outlets it sees as “far left.” In one piece, the site’s staff listed the Indian journalists and publications supposedly associated with billionaire George Soros, who has long been the target of conspiracies from the global far right. In another, they attacked veteran journalist Ravish Kumar, falsely accusing him of harboring sympathies for the perpetrators of a 2019 rape case. OpIndia has also spent years attacking Raqib Hameed Naik, an Indian journalist and the founder of India Hate Lab, which documents instances of hate speech and conspiracies that target India’s minority communities. This, he says, was made all the harder by government officials sharing the articles.
“The goal is to amplify this disinformation, and you have BJP leaders sharing this, so people think it’s authentic,” says Naik. “In the long term, this kind of builds the case against a critic, a journalist, that this person is bad, because there is reporting against them.”
When WIRED contacted OpIndia for comment, Sharma responded to our emailed questions by posting her responses on X.
When asked about hate speech and disinformation on her site, Sharma wrote: “Our critics are mostly Islamists, Jihadis, Terrorists, Leftists and their sympathizers—like yourself. We don't particularly care about any of them.” She then added that “Islamophobia does not exist” and pointed to an OpIndia article that outlines her position. Sharma added that it was “none of your concern” when asked if OpIndia was funded by the BJP. Sharma’s post also tagged one of the authors of this story, who then faced a torrent of abuse from Sharma’s followers.
For years, activists and researchers have tried to highlight the problematic content published by OpIndia. A 2020 campaign from UK-based advocacy group Stop Funding Hate led to a number of advertisers removing their ads from the site. Google, however, says the content published on the site does not appear to breach its own rules.
"All sites in our network, including Opindia, must adhere to our publisher policies, which explicitly prohibit ads from appearing alongside content promoting hate speech, violence, or demonstrably false claims that could undermine trust or participation in an election,” Google spokesperson Michael Aciman says. “Publishers are also subject to regular reviews, and we actively block or remove ads from any violating content."
Despite this, users can find ads for Temu or the Palm Beach Post next to many OpIndia articles promoting conspiracies and Islamophobia, placed with the help of ad-exchange platforms like Google’s Ad Manager, which is the market leader.
Facebook, meanwhile, says Wiley, is more of a “walled garden.” Once a publisher meets the company’s criteria for monetization, including having more than 1,000 followers, it can earn money from ads that run on the page.
While researchers that spoke to WIRED were unable to tell exactly how much the site has made from Google Ads and Facebook monetization, they said it’s likely that OpIndia is not solely reliant on the ad exchange for its revenue. It appears that, as with many news outlets in India, part of that funding comes in the form of more traditional advertising from a major client: the government.
“A large section of India's mainstream press depends on the government ads for their survival,” says Prashanth Bhat, professor of media studies at the University of Houston. “That revenue is critical for the mainstream media survival in a hypercompetitive media environment like in India. We have about 400 round-the-clock television news channels in India in different languages, and we have over 10,000 registered newspapers. For them to survive, they definitely need government patronage.”
Sharma confirmed that OpIndia is reliant in part on ads from the government. “Literally every media house gets advertising from various political parties,” said Sharma. “In fact, a part of your salary could also be funded by such parties and/or their sympathizers. Do get down from your high horse.”
The BJP has, however, also sought to help OpIndia in other ways. In 2019, the BJP reached out to Meta directly, asking the company to allow OpIndia to monetize on Facebook. Meta spokesperson McPike told WIRED that OpIndia’s English page is still able to monetize but that monetization on its Hindi page is currently not allowed “due to violations of our policies.”
“In order to monetize on Facebook, Pages must comply with our community standards, our partner monetization policies, and our content monetization policies,” McPike says.
Google did not respond to questions from WIRED about whether it had ever received a similar request from the Indian government. Google’s Aciman says, “As we do with all publishers, we’ve taken prior page-level enforcement action on this site when we’ve found policy violations. We will of course continue to enforce our policies on violating content across our publisher network.”
X did not respond to questions about whether OpIndia and its staff are able to monetize through X Premium or whether the company has ever received requests from the government to restore content from OpIndia or its staff. The company has complied with several takedown requests from the Indian government to ban accounts or tweets critical of the government.
But Wiley says that without transparency on the part of tech companies as to how they’re deciding which organizations are able to earn money through ads—and how much—outlets like OpIndia will continue to fall through the cracks.
“The business model of the internet at the end of the day is advertising, and what we're seeing over and over again is, that business model is broken,” she says. “Advertisers don't know where their money is going. And the biggest issue is that a lot of that is being funneled to mis- and disinformation online.”
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ncrrctcr · 3 months
{ali öner, 28, agender, they/them} We are so glad to see you safe, SULTAN FARHAD QAJAR of PERSIA! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are KIND and ANALYTIC enough to handle it. Just don’t let your INSECURITY bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out THAT WHATEVER CURSE OR MADNESS HAS AFFLICTED YOU SINCE BIRTH ONLY GOT WORSE AFTER YOUR BROTHER'S DEATH
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NAME: Farhad Qajar AGE: 28 GENDER / PRONOUNS: Agender, they/them ORIENTATION: Panromantic, demisexual, polyamorous
• • •
FAMILY: Only their sister Arshiya MARITAL STATUS: Formerly betrothed to Nabil Badi LANGUAGES: Persian (native), Arabic (fluent), Turkish (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent, written), Latin (fluent, written), Hindi (fluent, written)
cw ableism and internalized ableism, mentions of self-harm.
You still remember much of what they said about you when they thought you could not understand them. They said you suffered from a number of maladies — the physicians never seemed to agree on which one —, and that was one of the kindest statements about the matter. Some would whisper that the third child of the monarchs was born insane. The most superstitious claimed you were possessed, and even discussed various procedures to get you exorcised.
The truth is that speech simply didn't come to you as naturally as it did to others. It took many years for you to realize how that was an oddity.
Whether malicious or well-intentioned, the words soaked into your mind, but not into your parents'. They knew something was off, but rather than a curse, they thought of it as a blessing. A challenge from Allah to love and raise a child that others thought irreparable.
As they came to the understanding that crowds often sparked inexplicable tantrums, they decided to remove you from the eyes of the public, and focus instead on your education. Professors came and went, often believing their teachings were in vain. Yet, they never were — you would not respond or seem to pay attention, but were always listening and learning.
It was your brother who first found out about your words; the ones you wrote, not spoke. He did not let the rough calligraphy distract him from what was truly going on: poetry.
Khan kept your secret, but would visit more often, to offer his company and conversation. It seemed more like a monologue, but you were always attentive. He offered you books, as well, you feed your talent and inventive. He was the first person you ever replied to, too.
In time, he was also the one who prompted you to speak to the rest of your family — with a reassuring hand firmly planted on your shoulder. You remembered vividly the tears of your mother, who fell to her knees, and the stern pride and relief in your father's face. You came to understand this was the reaction of someone who thought their child miraculously cured of an illness that had plagued them for over a decade.
You never told them they were wrong. Whatever demon had a hold on your tongue was only dormant, not gone.
Nevertheless, from that moment on, you flourished. Your brother made sure you remained isolated like you desired, using your literary work as an excuse, although he could not prevent your future marriage to get rearranged to prince Nabil of Egypt. But while weren't exactly thrilled, you were alright with it. He was nice, and you two clicked the moment you met, even though it was not in the way you were expected to.
Life was easy and fine. You became a prolific writer, and pretended not to notice your symptoms, or your anxiety over your perpetually postponed marriage. Nabil was great; the idea of leaving your home for a place you were barely familiar with, not so much.
But when Khan died, your world turned upside down. He may as well have been the one keeping that demon at bay, for it returned in full force.
You lashed out at others, nearly babbling rather than forming coherent words, you destroyed things with the rage and savagery of a feral animal, and harmed yourself. Following who-knows-whose commands, the servants locked you away, as the palace was already in a dire enough state of disarray to deal with you as well. Silence followed the yelling and banging on the door, and it continued for days, in which you didn't even eat and can't remember sleeping.
When the fog started to lift, you were exhausted and terrified. That wasn't you. Whoever, whatever, got in control of your body, couldn't have been you. It wasn't easier than believing yourself insane, but it made more sense. The other thing you knew is that you couldn't stay, being a liability, a potential danger, to the crown and everyone around you. So you left. You vanished. In the middle of the night, without so much as a word.
Hardly anyone outside your family and their closest circle knew of your condition, but you sought refuge with your closest friend and have been living in Egypt ever since, under the King's protection. Speech gradually came back to you, and you improved. But recently you got word of your family being in shambles. Arming yourself with both love and courage, you come out of hiding to try to make things better.
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englishontips · 7 months
How To Speak English Fluently And Confidently? 
Communicating in English easily and without hesitation can appear to be a unimaginable accomplishment for some. However, with the right techniques and commitment, English familiarity is a feasible objective for any language student.
In this thorough aide, we will investigate demonstrated procedures to dominate English familiarity alongside defeating normal road obstructions. Read on to unlock your full potential for flawless English communication.
Why English Fluency Matters
Before diving into fluency strategies, let’s first understand why English fluency is such a valuable skill. Here are some of the top benefits of speaking English fluently:
Boost Career Prospects
English is the worldwide language of business. Familiarity can open up open positions and speed up your vocation development. Businesses profoundly prize competitors who can convey plainly and really in English.
Succeed in Academics
For students and academicians, English fluency leads to better educational outcomes. It allows comprehending study materials, acing exams, conducting research and communicating ideas clearly.
Travel Without Barriers
English is spoken universally. Fluency in the language helps travelers navigate seamlessly while discovering new cultures and places. You can interact easily with locals and make friends worldwide.
Gain Confidence
Having the option to offer your viewpoints and thoughts fluidly in English is significantly enabling. It helps confidence and gives you the certainty to seek after your interests.
Obviously, familiarity can be groundbreaking for your schooling, vocation, side interests and self-improvement. Presently we should investigate demonstrated methods to accomplish English authority.
Strategies for Improving English Fluency
Here are effective strategies and tips recommended by language experts to gain long-term English fluency:
Surround Yourself with English
To soak up the language, immerse yourself in English-speaking environments. Watch English news channels, movies and TV shows without subtitles. Listen to educational podcasts and English music to get accustomed to pronunciation patterns. Spend time on sites like Englishontips.com which provide lessons and resources for learning English. The more exposure you have, the faster you will absorb the language.
Have Conversations
Practice speaking every day with a language partner or tutor. Active conversations allow reinforcing proper grammar and vocabulary while improving spoken confidence. Get corrected on mistakes and focus on tricky sounds. Apps like Tandem let you find language exchange partners worldwide.
Read Aloud
Reading out loud daily strengthens pronunciation and the ability to structure sentences. Start with children’s books and work your way up to more complex texts like newspapers and novels. Record your reading to listen back and identify problem areas. Apps like Speechling provide reading aloud exercises.
Think in English
Challenge yourself to think in English rather than translating in your head. Inner dialogue and self-talk in English will make external speech more natural. Write a daily journal in English to enhance thinking skills. For example, you could write imperative sentences in hindi and then translate them to English to practice both languages. The more you engage in thought processes directly in English, the faster your mastery will improve.
Continually Learn Vocabulary
Having an extensive vocabulary is vital for fluent communication. Learn 20 new words daily using digital flashcards and dictionary apps. Weave these new words into your speech and writing. Reading extensively will also expand your vocabulary over time.
Practice Public Speaking
One of the best ways to gain verbal fluency is by practicing public speaking at every opportunity. Join Toastmasters or a public speaking course to build skills. Upload presentation videos online to review and improve.
Receive Feedback
Ask for feedback from tutors, teachers, native speakers and language partners to improve. Record conversations and analyze your speech patterns. Critical feedback will highlight problem areas for you to work on. View mistakes positively as learning experiences.
Set Daily Goals
Define specific measurable goals and dedicate time daily to achieve them. For example, “I will learn 20 new words and have a 30-minute English conversation with my language partner today.” Maintaining consistency is key.
By combining the above tips into your daily routine, your English fluency will improve dramatically within months. Along with strategies, having the right mindset and motivation are equally critical.
Adopting the Right Mindset for Fluency
More than techniques, achieving fluency requires the right attitude and mindset. Here are some top tips for the optimal English learning mentality:
Acknowledge Flaws Gracefully
Accept that even native speakers make mistakes occasionally. View errors as feedback for improvement rather than reasons for embarrassment. Focus more on getting your message across than speaking perfectly.
Let Go of Inhibitions
Many learners are inhibited by the fear of mistakes or sounding non-native. But the only way to become fluent is by speaking up confidently. Make mistakes fearlessly and course-correct. Eventually, your speech will become flawless.
Be Patient
Remember that gaining fluency requires rigorous long-term practice rather than overnight success. Set incremental goals and celebrate small wins. With regular practice, you will get to an advanced level step-by-step.
Immerse Fully
To absorb a language, you need complete immersion. Don’t let excuses like lack of time prevent your progress. Become obsessed with English – watch, listen, speak, read, write as much as possible! Full immersion accelerates fluency.
Have a Growth Mindset
Believe that language skills can be developed through dedication and practice. Many adult learners feel being fluent is impossible after a certain age. But human brains retain language learning capacity well into adulthood. Stay motivated.
Adopting the right learning attitude and mindset sets you up for success in your quest for English mastery. Along with strategies, having grit and motivation will ensure long-term language fluency.
Overcoming Roadblocks in English Fluency
Despite consistent practice, some common challenges can obstruct your path to fluency:
Anxiety About Mistakes
Many learners hesitate to speak up fearing they will make errors. But mistakes are inevitable and essential for improvement. Let go of perfectionism, speak courageously and course correct. Each error gets you closer to fluency.
Lack of Motivation
It’s common to lose motivation, especially after hitting a plateau in progress. Rekindle motivation by setting new goals, joining a language course or finding accountability partners. Stay inspired by reading fluency success stories.
Limited Vocabulary
Growing vocabulary requires devoted exertion. Understand books, and papers, pay attention to digital recordings and use cheat sheets to learn new words day to day. Applying vocabulary through speaking and writing cements learning.
Fears Around Pronunciation
Don’t let concerns about not sounding “native-like” prevent you from speaking up. Focus on clarity rather than perfection. Record speeches and converse with native speakers to enhance pronunciation.
Negative Self-Talk
Self-doubt and negative self-talk can impede language progress. Notice negative thoughts and reframe them. Instead of “I can't do this”, say “I am becoming more fluent daily with practice.” Be your own cheerleader!
Addressing these common hurdles proactively will help you attain English fluency faster. Seek help from teachers if needed, but keep pushing yourself out of the comfort zone.
Maintaining and Improving Your English After Reaching Fluency
Congratulations, you have now achieved your goal of English fluency! But language learning is an ongoing endeavor. Here are tips to maintain and continue enhancing your English skills:
Have daily conversations with native speakers
Read books, newspapers and magazines in English
Write regularly - maintain a journal, blog or write articles
Limit passive activities like watching movies; stay actively engaged with the language
Join a language course or immerse yourself in an English-speaking country periodically to improve proficiency
Learn new vocabulary words and phrases consistently
Continually seek feedback on your spoken and written English
Surround yourself with people who challenge your language skills and push you to improve
Staying actively engaged with English even after gaining fluency will help you move from proficiency to mastery. This ensures you retain your hard-earned fluency and continue progressing.
Conclusion: Dedication Is Key for English Fluency Success
Gaining mastery over spoken and written English requires dedication and immersion. But fluency is an achievable goal for any motivated learner. Setbacks and plateaus will occur, but consistent practice will ensure long-term success.
Follow the strategies outlined here - converse daily, expand vocabulary, get feedback, read aloud, think in English and more. Complement these with developing a positive attitude. Be patient with yourself on the journey and celebrate small milestones.
With customary practice and devotion, you will change from reluctant speaker to familiar communicator. Open interminable individual and expert open doors through the endowment of English familiarity. Your example of overcoming adversity is ready to be composed.
What Is The Fastest Way To Gain English Fluency?
Full immersion by surrounding yourself with English media, conversations, books etc. is the fastest way. Living in an English-speaking country accelerates fluency. Daily practice is vital - read, write, speak and listen actively.
How Can I Learn English Fluently At Home?
Watch English news, movies, podcasts without subtitles
Read aloud and write daily - maintain a journal
Have conversations with language partners via apps or online tutoring
Think in English; use flashcards and listen to educational content
Practice public speaking - record videos of yourself presenting on topics
What Are 5 Tips For Improving English Fluency?
Converse in English daily
Continuously expand your vocabulary
Improve pronunciation and accent through recordings
Read out loud daily
Immerse fully in English - media, books, environment
How Do I Keep Improving My English After Becoming Fluent?
Have daily conversations with native English speakers
Read books, newspapers, magazines in English
Maintain a journal or blog in English
Limit passive activities, stay actively engaged with the language
Learn new vocabulary consistently
Take periodic immersion trips to English-speaking countries
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hypocrisssy · 11 months
I don’t know who to ask about this but ever since hs hindi ko po kaya mag speech sa harap ng tao, Na memental block po ako and sumasakit yung tyan ko sa sobrang kaba. Meron 1 time nahimatay ako sa sobrang kaba dahil need ko mag salita sa harap ng mga tao and now na college student na ako may mga times na need ko mag speech sa harap ng tao and i was hoping to get a treatment about this thing? Any suggestion po na pwede ko puntahan na doctor yung affordable for student lang po sana salamat po.
Huyy alam mo bang ganyan din ako super kaba palagi pero series of public speaking made it bearable pero extreme yung sa'yo anon if nahihimatay ka pa sa kaba. 🙁
I am not a professional on these things but I do hope may makatulong sa'yo regarding the situation. Did you try therapy?
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kumar-vishwas · 1 day
Kumar Vishwas: The Poet-Politician Who Redefined Indian Literature and Public Life
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Kumar Vishwas is a prominent figure in contemporary Indian literature and politics, renowned for his captivating poetry and engaging public persona. A celebrated Hindi poet, social activist, and former politician, Vishwas has left an indelible mark on India's cultural and political landscape. His journey from a small-town poet to a national political figure is both inspiring and multifaceted.
Early Life and Education
Born on February 10, 1970, in Pilkhuwa, a small town in Uttar Pradesh, Kumar Vishwas was raised in a middle-class family. His father, Dr. Chandrapal Sharma, was a teacher, and his mother, Rama Sharma, was a homemaker. From a young age, Vishwas was inclined towards poetry and literature, much to the concern of his family, who initially encouraged him to pursue a more traditional career.
He completed his primary education in his hometown and went on to pursue a degree in engineering, but his love for literature pulled him in a different direction. He decided to follow his passion and pursued a Master's and Ph.D. in Hindi Literature. This shift laid the foundation for his future as a poet and public intellectual.
Rise to Fame in Poetry
Kumar Vishwas first gained national recognition for his poetry, which resonated with the youth of India. His romantic verses, often laced with humor and deep emotions, struck a chord with audiences across the country. He became a regular performer at Kavi Sammelans (poetry gatherings) and quickly gained popularity with his unique style and relatable content.
One of his most famous poems, Koi Deewana Kehta Hai, is a testament to his skill in expressing profound emotions with simplicity. The poem became an anthem of sorts for young lovers, and Vishwas was soon hailed as one of the leading figures in modern Hindi literature. His ability to blend traditional Hindi verse with contemporary themes allowed him to build a diverse fan base, ranging from young students to older poetry enthusiasts.
Political Career and Activism
In addition to his success as a poet, Kumar Vishwas ventured into politics. He was a founding member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and played a key role in the party's early days. His oratory skills and ability to connect with the masses helped him gain a significant following in the political arena.
Vishwas contested the 2014 Lok Sabha elections from the Amethi constituency, running against high-profile candidates like Rahul Gandhi. Though he lost the election, his involvement in politics highlighted his commitment to social change and activism. Vishwas remained a vocal advocate for anti-corruption measures and a more transparent political system in India. Despite parting ways with AAP in later years, his brief but impactful political career demonstrated his desire to contribute to the nation beyond the realm of poetry.
Contribution to Literature and Public Discourse
Kumar Vishwas' literary contributions extend beyond his own poetry. He has been a strong advocate for the promotion of Hindi literature and has used his public platform to raise awareness about the importance of preserving India's linguistic heritage. Through his performances, social media presence, and public speeches, Vishwas has brought Hindi poetry into the mainstream, making it more accessible to younger generations.
His role as a public intellectual goes beyond the written word. Vishwas has been invited to various forums, universities, and cultural events, where he shares his insights on social issues, national identity, and the role of art in shaping public consciousness. His speeches often combine humor, satire, and philosophical depth, making him a unique voice in Indian public life.
Personal Life and Legacy
Kumar Vishwas is married to Manju Sharma, and the couple has two children. Despite the demands of his public life, he has always maintained a strong connection to his family, often mentioning them in his public appearances and interviews.
As of today, Kumar Vishwas continues to inspire millions through his poetry, social media presence, and public engagement. His ability to traverse the worlds of art and activism with equal ease makes him a unique figure in contemporary India. Whether reciting his heartfelt verses or addressing a crowd on matters of national importance, Vishwas remains a voice of reason, creativity, and passion.
In conclusion, Kumar Vishwas has carved a niche for himself as one of the most influential poet-politicians of modern India. His legacy as a cultural icon and his brief but significant political career have left a lasting impact on both fields. Through his work, he continues to inspire and provoke thought, contributing to the rich tapestry of Indian public life.
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oppvenuz4456 · 8 days
Event Anchors in Mumbai: A Guide to Choosing the Right Host for Your Event
Mumbai, being the entertainment hub of India, is home to some of the best event anchors in Mumbai the industry. Whether you're planning a corporate event, wedding, product launch, or live show, the right anchor can make all the difference in creating an engaging and seamless experience for your audience. Event anchors are essential for setting the tone of the event, keeping the flow smooth, and ensuring that the audience is entertained and involved. Here's a guide to choosing the right event anchor in Mumbai.
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For more Info Check https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/anchor/?city=mumbai 
Why Hire a Professional Event Anchor?
Hiring a professional anchor brings expertise, confidence, and charisma to your event. These hosts have years of experience handling live audiences, understanding the mood of the crowd, and making impromptu decisions if things don’t go as planned. They have the ability to engage guests, ensure smooth transitions between segments, and manage the time effectively. Whether it's keeping the energy high at a wedding reception or smoothly guiding a corporate seminar, an experienced anchor can elevate the entire event.
Types of Events and Anchors
Different types of events call for different kinds of anchors. For example, a wedding anchor needs to be charismatic, funny, and engaging to entertain a wide range of guests. For corporate events, you may want someone more formal and professional, who can communicate business goals effectively. In product launches or promotional events, anchors with a background in media or television often do well due to their ability to present information with style and clarity. Mumbai has a diverse pool of anchors who specialize in different event types, so it’s essential to choose one whose style matches your event’s requirements.
Top Event Anchors in Mumbai
Mumbai is home to some of the best and most versatile anchors in India. Some of the top names include renowned television hosts, radio jockeys, and entertainers who have transitioned into anchoring live events. Many of these anchors have a strong background in public speaking, and they are fluent in both English and Hindi, allowing them to cater to a diverse audience.
You can find anchors like Shweta Kapoor, known for her bubbly and engaging presence at weddings and social events, or Rohit Jayakaran, a popular choice for corporate events and conferences. Shibani Dandekar, a well-known media personality, is also in demand for fashion events, launches, and high-profile weddings due to her glamorous presence and ability to connect with the audience. Whether you’re looking for a formal or casual tone, Mumbai offers a wide range of professionals to choose from.
Qualities to Look for in an Event Anchor
When selecting an event anchor, there are certain qualities that can ensure the success of your event. Look for someone with excellent communication skills, who can interact comfortably with a live audience and convey messages clearly. A good anchor is also quick on their feet, able to handle unexpected situations or technical difficulties without losing composure. Versatility is key, especially if your event involves different segments like entertainment, speeches, or interactive activities. It’s also important to choose someone who can adapt their style to fit the theme of the event, whether it’s formal, fun, or somewhere in between.
Budget and Availability
The cost of hiring an anchor can vary significantly depending on their experience and the type of event. High-profile anchors or those who have worked on major media platforms may charge a premium, while local or emerging talents can be more affordable. It’s essential to set a budget before approaching an anchor or agency. Keep in mind that rates can also vary based on the duration of the event and any additional responsibilities the anchor may have, such as moderating discussions, interviewing guests, or conducting interactive activities.
Booking Through Agencies or Directly
In Mumbai, you can book an event anchor either through a talent management agency or directly by contacting the anchor. Talent agencies that specialize in event management can help match you with anchors who fit your event’s requirements and budget. They handle all the logistics, including contracts, schedules, and special requests. If you have a particular anchor in mind, you can also try reaching out to them directly through their professional websites or social media profiles. When working directly, it’s important to clearly communicate your event details, timeline, and expectations.
Coordinating with Your Anchor
Once you’ve selected an anchor, it’s important to brief them thoroughly about your event. Share the event schedule, key points you’d like highlighted, and any specific segments they need to introduce or manage. A good anchor will want to understand the flow of the event so they can keep it running smoothly. You can also request a rehearsal if your event has a complex program, such as award ceremonies or entertainment segments, to ensure everything goes as planned.
Importance of Audience Engagement
A skilled event anchor knows how to read the room and keep the audience engaged. Whether it’s through witty banter, interactive games, or audience participation, keeping energy levels high ensures a lively atmosphere throughout the event. For weddings and social gatherings, this could mean keeping guests entertained between rituals. At corporate events, this could involve audience Q&A sessions or ice-breaker activities. The right anchor will ensure that guests are involved, engaged, and enjoying every moment of the event.Choosing the right event anchor in Mumbai is key to the success of your event. With the city’s wealth of experienced professionals, you’re sure to find someone who fits your event’s needs and makes it a memorable experience for everyone involved.
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englishwiseae · 2 months
The Role of Language Diversity in IELTS Success
In Dubai, a various metropolis with a mix of cultures and languages, the benefits of this range lengthen to many areas of training and private progress. One vital space the place this range is extremely useful is preparing for the Worldwide English Language Testing System (IELTS). On this weblog put up, we talk about the significance of town’s multilingual setting in IELTS coaching in Dubai, providing distinctive insights and academic experiences not discovered wherever else globally.
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The Multilingual Benefit
Dubai is a vibrant metropolis that welcomes expatriates from everywhere in the world. This various combination of cultures is a centre for world commerce and a really perfect atmosphere for sharing languages. College students who take part in IELTS teaching in Dubai expertise vital benefits from this setting. Common publicity to quite a lot of accents and dialects in English—from the British tones usually heard in enterprise districts to the American accents in motion pictures and media—prepares college students for the varied vary of English spoken within the listening and talking sections of the IELTS.
Studying from Actual-Life Interactions
Outdoors of the college atmosphere, Dubai gives quite a lot of real-world conditions the place English is the first language. English is dominant in tutorial conferences, enterprise conferences, and informal conversations, with influences from numerous native languages. These alternatives are priceless for these getting ready for IELTS who want to improve their talents in listening and talking. The flexibility to know and talk successfully in such a different linguistic panorama not solely boosts confidence but additionally hones the comprehension talents essential for IELTS success.
Cultural Insights and Language Utilization
Understanding the cultural context behind language utilization can considerably have an effect on the outcomes of the IELTS check, significantly within the talking and writing modules. In Dubai, college students usually come throughout idiomatic English with influences from various ethnicities because of the convergence of varied cultures. This familiarity assists them in recognising the subtleties of the language, a comprehension that enhances their functionality to utilise English precisely and fittingly inside totally different contexts.
Peer Studying and Group Periods
IELTS teaching in Dubai usually facilitates group studying classes the place college students from totally different linguistic backgrounds come collectively. This setup mimics the varied environments of worldwide universities and workplaces, the place communication should often bridge cultural and linguistic gaps. By taking part in group classes, college students enhance their skill to precise themselves clearly and grasp their classmates’ various English language expertise, which is important for his or her IELTS preparation.
Enhanced Vocabulary Acquisition
In Dubai, English mixes with Arabic, Hindi, Tagalog, and different languages, increasing learners’ vocabulary. IELTS teaching in Dubai makes use of town’s pure linguistic range to boost college students’ vocabulary. Coaches continuously use multicultural communication strategies, together with colloquial speech and expressions from totally different English-speaking nations. An expanded vary of phrases is important for the IELTS check, particularly within the writing and talking elements. A different vocabulary can considerably enhance scores by showcasing linguistic expertise and flexibility.
Adaptability in Communication
College students taking part in IELTS teaching in Dubai usually develop a heightened adaptability of their communication expertise because of the must work together with audio system of English as a second language. This adaptability is crucial in the course of the IELTS listening and talking checks, the place accents and phrasing fluctuate broadly. IELTS instructors in Dubai prepare college students to be versatile listeners who perceive and reply to varied English accents and speeds. This coaching ensures that college students are ready for the check and well-equipped for finding out or working in a world atmosphere.
Technological Integration in Language Studying
Dubai’s standing as a technological hub additionally performs a major function in IELTS teaching in Dubai. Fashionable language studying instruments that utilise AI and machine studying to simulate real-life interactions in English are more and more used. These applied sciences present interactive and personalised studying experiences, permitting college students to apply English in numerous eventualities that mimic Dubai’s eclectic linguistic atmosphere. Such technology-enhanced studying makes getting ready for IELTS extra partaking and efficient, providing college students suggestions tailor-made to their studying wants and progress.
The linguistic range of Dubai isn’t just a attribute of town however a boon for its learners. For college students enrolled in IELTS teaching in Dubai, town’s multilingual setting gives a dynamic and efficient coaching floor for mastering English. You may seek for appropriate teaching centres to boost your topics earlier than the examination. Teaching centres present quite a lot of coaching packages which can be tailor-made to your wants. You may talk about your weaknesses and necessities with the suppliers and get your companies.
The on a regular basis studying alternatives introduced by Dubai’s linguistic panorama at PTE Educational and structured teaching equip college students with the strong language expertise wanted for excellent IELTS outcomes. This distinctive mix of real-world expertise at PTE Educational and formal coaching makes Dubai a really perfect locale for IELTS preparation, reworking the problem of a multilingual society right into a definitive benefit for educational {and professional} success.
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Effective Communication Made Easy with the Best Spoken English Classes in Ahmedabad
Turning Point Institute: Your Pathway to Mastering English Fluency
Turning Point Institute is a well-known name for the best spoken English classes in Ahmedabad. Over the period of more than two decades, it has evolved into the ultimate solution for effective communication skills in English. Our approach to teaching is completely out of the box and highly effective. You can watch the following video to understand our coaching method in detail.
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Course Overview
Our English Fluency Training course is divided into four comprehensive modules:
Module 1 — Basic: This module focuses on mastering the basics, including the present simple, present continuous, future tense, and past simple. The goal is to improve your ability to form complex sentences and ask questions correctly.
Module 2 — Intermediate: Intermediate level concentrates on conversational English, listening and comprehension, and expanded vocabulary. You will practice real-life scenarios and dialogues for different situations, enhancing your ability to understand and use English in everyday contexts.
Module 3 — Advanced: At the advanced level, you will delve into complex sentence structures, passive voice, conditional sentences, and reported speech. You will also develop your public speaking and presentation skills, learning to structure a speech, overcome stage fright, and communicate effectively.
Module 4 — Fluent: The fluent level focuses on accent training and reduction, fluency development, cultural contexts, and examination preparation for tests like IELTS and TOEFL. This module aims to ensure you speak with speed and clarity, reducing fillers and hesitations.
Course Duration and Schedule
Sessions: Monday to Friday (90 minutes each)
Seminars on PD and GK: Twice a month
Our highly qualified faculties, Mr. Ashish Bhatt and Mrs. Pragna Bhatt, bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the classroom. Their interactive and practical method will help you create your own sentence structures with amazing clarity in grammar and other aspects. During grammar sessions, you will speak thousands of sentences, which are asked to you in Hindi/Gujarati for every grammar point being taught. This method ensures you connect all structures with logic and visualization, discovering that each sentence is formed using basic 4 to 5 rules only.
Unique Teaching Methodology
At Turning Point Institute, we believe in a hands-on approach to learning. Our smallest errors are rectified through constant practice, and you will develop the presence of mind to use the simplest to the most complex structures for expressing yourself confidently, knowing your grammar is always correct. This will help you participate in various speaking activities with confidence and achieve true fluency in English.
Why Choose Us?
Choosing Turning Point Institute means opting for the top English speaking coaching class in Ahmedabad. Our unique teaching methodologies and experienced faculties ensure that you receive the best English speaking classes in Ahmedabad. Moreover, our course is designed as an offline English speaking course in Ahmedabad, providing you with the personal touch and interactive experience that only face-to-face learning can offer.
Join us at Turning Point Institute, and embark on a journey to mastering English fluency. Our commitment to excellence and personalized attention will help you achieve your language goals effectively. Whether you are looking to improve your conversational skills, enhance your public speaking abilities, or prepare for an English proficiency test, we have the right course for you.
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deshbandhu · 4 months
Hindi News Highlights: Major Stories of the Day
In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest news is crucial. For millions of Hindi-speaking individuals, catching up on the top stories is a daily ritual. This article brings you the major stories of the day, featuring the most prominent news headlines in Hindi. From political developments and economic updates to cultural events and sports achievements, these news headlines in Hindi provide a comprehensive overview of the current affairs that matter most.
Political Developments
Government Policies and Reforms
Today's news headlines in Hindi are abuzz with discussions on the latest government policies and reforms. The government has announced a series of initiatives aimed at boosting the economy and supporting small businesses. Key policy changes are expected to have a significant impact on the agricultural sector, with new subsidies and support schemes being introduced to benefit farmers. These developments are among the most talked-about news headlines in Hindi, reflecting the government's focus on economic growth and development.
Election Updates
Elections are always a hot topic, and today's news headlines in Hindi cover the latest updates from various states. With upcoming elections, political parties are ramping up their campaigns, making promises to woo voters. The news headlines in Hindi highlight key campaign strategies, candidate profiles, and public reactions. The political atmosphere is charged with rallies and speeches, making it one of the most engaging sections in the news headlines in Hindi.
Economic News
Stock Market Trends
The financial markets are a staple in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's updates include significant movements in the stock market, with major indices showing volatility. Investors are keenly watching these trends, and the news headlines in Hindi provide detailed analyses of market performance, expert opinions, and forecasts. Understanding these trends is crucial for investors and businesses alike, making this a vital part of the daily news headlines in Hindi.
Economic Growth Projections
Economic growth projections are another key focus in the news headlines in Hindi. Reports from leading financial institutions suggest that the economy is on a path to recovery, with positive indicators across various sectors. The news headlines in Hindi delve into these projections, offering insights into factors driving growth and potential challenges ahead. This information is essential for policymakers, businesses, and the general public to understand the economic landscape.
Cultural Events
Festivals and Celebrations
India is a land of festivals, and the news headlines in Hindi often feature stories about ongoing and upcoming celebrations. Today's highlights include preparations for major festivals, with communities gearing up for grand events. The news headlines in Hindi provide a glimpse into the cultural richness and diversity of the country, showcasing traditions, rituals, and festivities that bring people together.
Entertainment Industry Updates
The entertainment industry is always buzzing with activity, and today's news headlines in Hindi cover the latest from Bollywood and regional cinema. From movie releases and celebrity interviews to box office collections and award functions, the news headlines in Hindi keep fans updated with all the glitz and glamour. These stories are a major attraction for readers who follow the entertainment industry closely.
Sports Achievements
Cricket Highlights
Cricket continues to dominate the sports section of the news headlines in Hindi. Today's top stories include match results, player performances, and upcoming fixtures. The news headlines in Hindi provide in-depth coverage of domestic and international cricket, making it a must-read for cricket enthusiasts. Highlights of today's matches and expert analyses offer a comprehensive view of the sport's current scenario.
Other Sports News
While cricket is immensely popular, other sports also find a place in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's coverage includes updates from football, hockey, badminton, and more. Achievements of Indian athletes in international competitions are prominently featured, inspiring young sports enthusiasts across the country. The news headlines in Hindi celebrate these accomplishments, highlighting the dedication and hard work of athletes.
Health and Lifestyle
Health Alerts and Tips
Health-related news is an important part of the news headlines in Hindi. Today's stories include health alerts, expert advice, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The ongoing focus on public health measures, especially in light of recent health crises, is covered extensively in the news headlines in Hindi. These updates are crucial for keeping the public informed and promoting a healthier society.
Lifestyle Trends
Lifestyle trends, including fashion, travel, and wellness, are also featured in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's highlights include the latest fashion trends, travel destinations, and wellness tips that cater to a broad audience. The news headlines in Hindi offer readers practical advice and inspiration for improving their daily lives.
Conclusion Staying informed with the latest news headlines in Hindi is essential for understanding the world around us. Today's major stories span a wide range of topics, including political developments, economic news, cultural events, sports achievements, and health updates. By providing comprehensive coverage of these areas, the news headlines in Hindi ensure that readers are well-equipped with the knowledge they need to stay updated and make informed decisions.
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balbharati01 · 4 months
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The Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar, celebrated Labour Day on May 1st, 2024, with fervour and enthusiasm, showcasing the school's commitment to acknowledging the contributions of the workforce. The assembly, graced by the participation of confident Gradechildren, was a testament to the school's dedication to holistic education.
The morning began with the resonating voices of young speakers, as children confidently delivered the 'Thought of the Day' in both English and Hindi, embodying the spirit of inclusivity that Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar, stands for. Through their speeches, they expressed gratitude and respect towards the didis and bhaiyas, who tirelessly work for the school community.
The highlight of the assembly was the heartfelt Hindi poem recitation by the children, where they expressed their appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the school's support staff. Adding to the cultural richness of the event was a melodious song sung in Hindi, echoing the sentiments of unity and gratitude towards the labor force. The poem resonated with the audience, emphasizing the ethos of the day, "Kaam bada ho ya chota ho, mehnat toh rang lati hai," highlighting the significance of labor, regardless of its scale. The lyrics encapsulated the essence of Labor Day, celebrating the laborers' invaluable contributions to society.
The vibrant atmosphere continued with a captivating dance performance by the children, showcasing their talents and spreading joy among the audience. Their energetic moves and synchronized choreography were a testament to the school's dedication to nurturing not only academic excellence but also artistic expression.
As the assembly drew to a close, Principal Sir took the stage to honor the laborers with tokens of appreciation, symbolizing the school's acknowledgment of their hard work and dedication. The gesture exemplified Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar's commitment to fostering a culture of gratitude and respect towards every member of the school community.
In a heartwarming gesture, the children presented handmade cards to all the didis and bhaiyas, expressing their heartfelt appreciation for their tireless efforts in ensuring the smooth functioning of the school. These tokens of gratitude served as a reminder of the strong bonds that exist within the Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar, family.
In essence, the Labour Day assembly at Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar, was not just a celebration but a reaffirmation of the values of respect, gratitude, and inclusivity that form the cornerstone of the school's ethos. Through their participation and heartfelt expressions, the children
exemplified the spirit of unity and appreciation, making the event a memorable tribute to the unsung heroes of the school community.
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history-of-heidi · 6 months
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𒀭 ! history-of-heidi.blogspot.com ❱❭❱❭ 📰
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‽‽ PREMiER ば ❱❭❱❭ GRADE 11 STORY !
ʬʬ ☇ umamin.link/to/hiddenheidi 著者 💭
“istoryang nagmula sa ’yo, para sa inyo.”
𒀭 ! ──── 𖤐 ⤸ Hello po! Alejandro Heidi Fortescue nga pala. Mataas tumalon, bente ang baon. Ako ay naniniwala sa kasabihan na kung kasalanan ang pagiging magandang lalaki, sana mapatawad niyo akong lahat. So, basically, this blog is just all about myself or rather me stating the most unnecessary things ever. This is a day in my life as a living handsome creature. Today is the last day of our vacation, simula bukas, back to school na naman. I will finally enter and face my last year in Senior High School. I’m in Grade 12 taking Humanities and Social Sciences as my strand. My first year sa Senior High ay sobrang nakaka-culture shock dahil bukod sa bago lang ako sa university na ito dahil kakalipat nga lang namin dito since walang Senior High sa pinasukan naming eskuwelahan noong Junior High kami, sobrang daming activities, new subjects at events na talaga nga namang nakakapanghina at nakakapagod. Pero, ayos lang. Naka-survive na rin naman ang pogi sa paghihirap noong nakaraang taon. Naging masaya ang school year ko dahil na rin sa iba’t ibang experiences na naranasan ko, isa sa mga activity na ginawa namin noon ay ‘yong human chess at aerobics sa Physical Education na akala mo lalaban sa national dance contest sa TV sa sobrang grabe makapanakit ng mga hita tuwing kinabukasan pagkatapos ng practice, short film sa Physical Science at debate sa Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences, impromptu speech sa Oral Communication at syempre ‘yong canvas art activity sa Contemporary Arts in the Philippines na nakapagpa-dalawang isip sa akin na baka fine arts talaga ang calling ko. Kemerut! Marami pang ibang activities and events na sobrang laki ng naitulong sa akin na ma-figure out ang mga kaya at gusto kong gawin. It helped me to enhanced my skills in editing, painting, dancing, public speaking including leadership skills and more. Oh ‘di ba? Daig pa K-pop idol sa pagiging all-rounder at ace of the group member.
ʬʬ ☇ umamin.link/to/hiddenheidi 著者 💭
“istoryang nagmula sa ’yo, para sa inyo.”
𒀭 ! ──── 𖤐 ⤸ Anyways, this blog is not just all about kwentuhan at pagre-reminisce sa nakaraan, sabi nga ni Kathryn Bernardo, “no looking back, only moving forward”, dahil kailangan ko na talagang kumilos at magpunta sa Baclaran para mamili ng mga kagamitan sa eskuwelahan. Kabog ang outfit ng accla ngayon dahil lakas maka-pogi vibes na akala mo maglalakad-lakad lang sa mall pero parang binili isang buong tindahan sa Baclaran sa dami ng pamimilihin mamaya. Nakasuot ako ng black shirt na pinatungan ko ng checkered polo na may style na parang tastas ang laylayan, nabili ko lang ito sa halagang singkwenta pesos noong Christmas sale sa may ukay-ukay diyan sa may Silang, Cavite, hindi ko alam kung style ba ito ng damit pero syempre, pogi ang nagsuot kaya hindi mo maiisip na sira-sira ito o ano. Tinernuhan ko lang ng dirty white colored na pants at itim na sapatos na nabili ko naman sa Shopee noong birthday ko. Syempre hindi pa rin ako nagpaawat at nagsuot din ng kwintas para medyo nakaka-slay ang datingan natin ngayon. At dahil gusto na ring gumala bago magpasukan dahil mawawalan na naman kami ng oras at mga libreng araw para lumabas at gumala dahil sa mga sunod-sunod na activities sa school at magiging abala na rin ang mga magulang ko sa kanilang negosyo, kasama kong aalis ang buong pamilya ko na hanggang ngayon ay nagsisigawan dahil hindi magkasundo sa mga susuoting damit at panay sabi ng bilisan na pagkilos dahil daw tanghali na kahit ala singko pa lang ng madaling araw at baka raw anong oras na kami makarating sa pupuntahan, bigla pang nag-away itong kambal dahil sa power bank at earpods, talaga nga namang nag-inarte pa ang isa at sinabing hindi na ito sasama. Agad ko na lang din pinagsabihan ang dalawa at baka mawala pa sa mood ang nanay at hindi na ituloy itong pag-alis namin. Nasa labas na silang lahat habang ako naman ay ang nautusang i-check ang buong bahay kung wala bang naiwang nakasaksak na appliances, bukas na gasul o bukas na binta at naiwang sinampay sa labas pati na rin ang mga gripo sa lababo at mga banyo ay hindi ko na rin pinalampas. Matapos ko masiguradong sarado at maayos na ang lahat ay kinandado ko na rin ang aming bahay at itinago ang susi sa aking bag.
ʬʬ ☇ umamin.link/to/hiddenheidi 著者 💭
“istoryang nagmula sa ’yo, para sa inyo.”
𒀭 ! ──── 𖤐 ⤸ Halos dalawang oras din ang byahe papuntang Baclaran, sakay kami ng secondhand na van na minamaneho ng amain ko na nabili namin sa kapatid ni nanay sa presyong kapatid lamang. Anong oras na rin kami nakarating at bago kami magpatuloy sa agenda naming ngayong araw ay dumaan muna kami sa Baclaran Church dahil gusto munang magdasal at magpasalamat sa Kaniya nila mama at papa. Pagkatapos ay talagang humirit na si Hadley na nagugutom na raw ito dahil hindi na nakapag-umagahan kanina dahil ubos na sa oras sa sobrang dami ba namang seremonyas sa katawan. Napagdesisiyunan ng pamilya na sa Mang Inasal na lamang kumain. Pagkatapos malamanan ang aming mga tiyan ay sa wakas, mamimili na rin kami. Ang pinaka pinunta namin dito, at dahil nga nandito kami para mamili ng mga kagamitan, gumawa ako ng listahan ng bibilhin na mas mahaba pa sa pasensya ng nanay ko para hindi masayang ang pinunta naming dito sa Baclaran at para wala rin kaming makalimutan. Nakabili kami ng mga notebook, filler notebook, big notebook, small notebook, mini-notebook, at iba pang klase ng notebook sa Baclaran. Nagpabili na rin ako ng tatlong ream ng A4 sized bond paper dahil sobrang batak magpa-activity ng school namin at gusto laging naka-print sa A4 size. Marami pa kaming pinamili tulad ng ballpen, lapis, intermediate paper, yellow paper, highlighters, art materials at marami pang iba. Binilhan na rin kami nila mama ng mga bag na gagamitin namin sa pagpasok, habang nagpabili naman ako kay papa ng bagong underwear dahil hindi na nakaka-slay ang itsura ng garter ng mga underwear ko. Bukod doon, namili na rin si mama ng iba pang mga kagamitan para sa bahay lalo na para sa kaniyang kusina, nagtungo naman sa hardware ang papa ko para tumingin ng kung anong pwedeng bilhin para sa kaniyang tools. Habang kaming magkakapatid ay naghanap ng mabibilhan ng makeup and cosmetics product. Yes, tatlo kaming magkakapatid na palong-palo tuwing in game sa ganda-gandahan at porma-pormahan. Matapos magwaladas ng pera para sa pantakip ng blemishes ko sa mukha ay hinintay na lang namin ni Hadley na matapos si Harley sa pamimili at saka nagkayayaan na kumain ng ice cream sa nakita naming ice cream store.
ʬʬ ☇ umamin.link/to/hiddenheidi 著者 💭
“istoryang nagmula sa ’yo, para sa inyo.”
𒀭 ! ──── 𖤐 ⤸ Nang makabalik ang aming mga magulang ay bumalik na kami sa sasakyan para ilagay sa likod ng van ang aming mga pinamili at dahil good mood si mama sa mga oras na iyon dahil nakapag-withdraw ito ng pera sa may ATM machine kanina ay pumayag siyang dumiretso sa SM Mall of Asia at magpalipas ng buong araw. Wala pang isa’t kalahating oras ay nakarating kami roon at nagsimula na maglabas ng mga phone at mag-picture sa kung saan man namin makita na magandang background. Kumain ulit kami kahit hapon pa lamang, nagkasundo na rin kaming lima na iyon na rin ang magiging dinner namin para hindi na kami gagastos ulit mamaya. Naisipan naming mag-stay sa may seaside. Sumakay din kami ng mga rides gaya ng Pirate Ship, Drop Tower at MOA Eye. Lahat naman kaming magkakapatid ay walang takot at matibay ang sikmura sa mga ganitong klase ng rides kaya enjoy na enjoy naming tatlo ang mga rides doon. Hindi rin matapos-tapos ang pagkuha ng mga litrato na siguradong ipo-post namin mamaya sa mga kaniya-kaniya naming social media accounts, picture dito, picture doon. Akala mo hindi na ulit makakabalik dito eh. Pagkatapos ng mini-photoshoot namin ay bumili muna kami ng drinks at shake para sa amin at para sa mga magulang namin saka kami bumalik sa pwesto nila mama at papa na nasa may open space kung saan pwede maupo or mag-picnic. Nagpalipas lang kami ng kaunting oras bago nag-asikaso magligpit at mag-ayos ng mga sarili namin para maghanda ulit na gumayak pauwi. Nakatulog na ang kambal sa byahe samantalang ako ay nakikinig sa music gamit ang headphones ko habang nag-a-update sa group chat naming magkakaklase lalo na’t wala pang bagong set of class officers, ako pa rin ang tumatayong presidente sa klase at maayos ko silang binigyan ng instructions kung nasaan ang magiging classroom namin pati na rin ang schedule ng aming orientation bukas. Pagkauwi na pagkauwi sa bahay ay inayos ko na agad ang mga pinamili, tinulungan din naman ako ng mga kapatid ko lalo na’t nasa mga pinamili rin namin ang kanilang kagamitan sa eskuwela. Matapos maayos ang mga pinamili ay nag-ayos na rin ako ng aking sarili para makapaghanda sa pagtulog, inayos ko ang mga gamit na dadalhin at gagamitin ko para bukas sa orientation at saka nahiga sa aking kama. Syempre hindi muna ako natulog at nag-ayos muna ng mga litrato na kinuha namin kanina at nag-post sa Instagram, nag-add ako ng music na Manila by Young Cocoa at saka isa-isang nakatanggap ng notifications galing sa mga mutuals ko sa nasabing social media platform. Anyways, dito na matatapos ang kasing haba ng position paper kong blog, magpapa-antok na lamang ako sa panonood sa TikTok. See you soon! This is your Humanista Heidi! ♡
Lagi’t lagi, para sa bayan,
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officialsohelk · 6 months
The Ways to Become an Inspirational Public Speaker
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Inspirational public speakers are those who deliver inspirational speeches. They inspire people to take adequate action to achieve their desired goals. Though more or less we all know about motivational speaking, very few of us make a career in it. Being a motivational speaker can be a very fulfilling career. This is because motivational speakers in Hindi inspire people to live their lives in a better way.
Know More>> https://topmotivationalspeaker.tumblr.com/post/744806349748289536/the-ways-to-become-an-inspirational-public-speaker
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The Ways to Become an Inspirational Public Speaker
Inspirational public speakers are those who deliver inspirational speeches. They inspire people to take adequate action to achieve their desired goals. Though more or less we all know about motivational speaking, very few of us make a career in it. Being a motivational speaker can be a very fulfilling career. This is because motivational speakers in Hindi inspire people to live their lives in a better way. Are you passionate about helping others? Then becoming motivational speakers can be the ideal solution. But becoming a motivational speaker is not so easy. It requires a lot of consideration and skills. Let's dive into those facts which can show you the right way to become a top motivational speaker. If you are working hard to become a motivational speaker, the below steps can help.
Also Read: How to Develop Cultural Diversity in Your Organization
Identify Your Expertise
The very first step towards becoming a successful motivational speaker is the identification of expertise. This is because it decides the genre of your speeches. So, determine first which area is your forte. Any subject which you find interesting can be good to start a career in it. Only remember, having a certification can help you establish your credibility.
Select Target Audience
Once you select your field of interest, the next step is selecting the target audience. While selecting your target audience, ask yourself some questions. Such as who can benefit from your speeches the most, what should be the demographics of the target audience etc. Think and take action through multiple channels to reach most of your target audience.
Learn The Art of Speaking
The main duty of a motivational speaker is to address a large number of audience at public gatherings. Hence it is vital to boost your public speaking skills to appear confident yet composed in front of the public. To boost your public speaking capacity, you can join a public speaking class. You can watch the videos of famous motivational speakers in India available on the internet.
Capacity to Write Effective Speeches
Becoming an efficient motivational speaker requires not only effective speaking skills but writing skills too. Content is the king of any motivational speech. Hence it is crucial to write speeches which can motivate the audience from within. Write your speech in a proper structure. Such as the introduction, body and conclusion. You can start your speech with a question, statement or words of gratitude to the readers. In the end, summarise your writing and make the audience take action.
Are you planning to start a career in motivational speaking? Then, we suggest offering some free speeches at different events. Apart from that concentrate on making an online and offline presence. Create social media profiles, share short videos, share updates etc. Contact us to learn more.
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bollywoodirect · 9 months
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Tributes to #KhemchandPrakash, one of the greatest Hindi film music directors, on his 116th birth anniversary (12/12/1907).
Khemchand Prakash, born on December 12, 1907, in Jaipur and hailing from Sujangarh in Rajputana Agency, British India (now Rajasthan), was a beacon of musical innovation in the Hindi film industry. His journey from the royal courts of Bikaner and Nepal to the bustling city of Kolkata, where he joined the legendary New Theaters, set the stage for his illustrious career. As an assistant to composer Timir Baran in the 1935 film ‘Devdas’ and a performer of a comedic song in ‘Street Singer’ (1938), Prakash’s talents began to shine.
In 1939, destiny took him to Mumbai, marking his debut as a music director with Supreme Pictures’ films ‘Meri Aankhein’ and ‘Gazi Salauddin’. His association with Ranjit Movietone Film Studio produced memorable films like ‘Diwali’, ‘Holi’, ‘Pardesi’, and ‘Fariyaad’. Khursheed, his leading singer, and Prakash together delivered numerous hits in the early ’40s. Their crowning achievement was the 1943 film ‘Tansen’, featuring hit songs that are remembered to this day.
The late ’40s saw Prakash’s career peak with films like ‘Ziddi’ from Bombay Talkies in 1948, where he gave Kishore Kumar his first major break and featured Lata Mangeshkar’s enchanting song “Chanda re ja re ja re”. But it was the 1949 film ‘Mahal’ that truly cemented Lata Mangeshkar’s fame. The record for the song “Aayega Aanewala” initially credited only the character name, Kamini. Such was the song’s popularity that All India Radio was inundated with calls inquiring about the singer, leading to the first public announcement of Lata Mangeshkar’s name.
Khemchand Prakash’s legacy extends beyond his compositions. Famous composer Anil Biswas credited him for adhering to historical accuracy in musical traditions, notably in making K.L. Saigal sing ‘Sapt Suran Teen Gram’ in the Dhrupad style for ‘Tansen’, a genre authentic to Tansen’s era, instead of the more modern Khayal genre.
Tragically, Prakash passed away at Harikisondas Hospital two months before the release of ‘Mahal’. His masterpiece ‘Aayega Aanewala’ became a sensation posthumously. The poignant tale of his second wife, Shreedevi, struggling in her later years, and the achievements of his daughter, Chandrakala Khemchand Prakash, a Kathak dancer married to Padmashree awardee Ram Gopal Bajaj, adds a personal dimension to his story. Javed Akhtar, in his maiden speech in the Rajya Sabha on May 17, 2012, highlighted Prakash’s significant yet often overlooked contribution to Indian music and cinema, ensuring his legacy lives on.
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voiceoversakura · 1 year
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Ang iyong boses ay natatangi, katulad ng isang fingerprints. May sarili itong natatanging kalidad at katangian na naghihintay na matuklasan at mapabutihin. Ang paghahanap ng iyong vocal niche ay isang paglalakbay ng pagsusuri sa sarili, pangangalaga, at teknikal na pang-unawa. Sa blog na ito, tatalakayin natin kung paano hanapin ang iyong vocal niche, pag-uusapan ang mga mahahalagang praktis sa pangangalaga ng boses, at bubuksan ang mga pagkakaiba-iba sa mga uri ng mikropono.
Pagtuklas ng Iyong Vocal Niche Pagsusuri sa Sarili: Magsimula sa pamamagitan ng pakikinig sa iyong sarili. I-record ang iyong boses at magtuon ng pansin sa mga bagay na nagbibigay ng katangi-tanging katangian nito. Ito ba ay malalim, malakas, malinaw, o nakakarelaks? Ang pag-unawa sa iyong natural na kalidad sa pagtutogma ng boses ay ang unang hakbang sa pagtuklas ng iyong niche. Eksperimentasyon: Huwag matakot subukan ang iba't-ibang estilo at genre ng pag-awit o pagsasalita. Ang pag-awit o pagsasalita sa iba't-ibang tono at tono ay makakatulong sa iyo na malaman kung saan pinakamahusay sumiklab ang iyong boses. Ang eksperimentasyon ay mahalaga sa pagtuklas ng iyong vocal range. Feedback: Humingi ng feedback mula sa mga kaibigan, mga guro, o mga tagapagturo ng boses. Maibibigay nila ang mahahalagang opinyon tungkol sa iyong mga kahinaan at mga lugar na pwedeng pagbutihin. Ang konstruktibong kritisismo ay isang hakbang patungo sa pagpapagaling ng iyong vocal niche. Pasyon at Katotohanan: Dapat tugma ang iyong vocal niche sa iyong pasyon at katotohanan. Umawit o magsalita tungkol sa mga paksa na nauugma sa iyo. Ang katotohanan ay magpapahalaga sa iyong boses at magiging relatable ito sa iyong audience.
Pangangalaga sa Iyong Boses Hydration: Manatiling maayos ang pagkaka-hydrate sa pamamagitan ng pag-inom ng maraming tubig. Ang tamang hydration ay mahalaga para mapanatili ang lubrication ng iyong mga vokal cords at maayos ang kanilang pag-andar. Warm-Up at Cool Down: Bago at pagkatapos gamitin nang malawakan ang iyong boses, mag-engage sa vocal warm-up at cool-down exercises. Ito ay makakatulong sa pag-iwas sa sobrang pagod at pinsala. Pahinga: Ibigay ang sapat na pahinga sa iyong boses. Iwasan ang labis na pagsasalita o pag-awit kapag ikaw ay pagod o mayroong pangangarog. Ang pahinga ay nagbibigay daan para magpagaling at mag-refresh ang iyong mga vokal cords. Iwasan ang Masamang Gawi: Iwasan ang paninigarilyo at sobrang pag-inom ng alak. Ang mga gawi na ito ay maaaring makasira sa iyong mga vokal cords sa paglipas ng panahon. Bukod dito, mag-ingat sa maanghang na pagkain at caffeine, dahil maaring magdulot ito ng acid reflux, na maaaring makasama sa iyong boses. Propesyonal na Gabay: Isaalang-alang ang pagtutulungan sa isang guro ng boses o speech therapist. Maibibigay nila sa iyo ang mga personalisadong teknik at ehersisyo para mapabuti ang kalusugan at performance ng iyong boses.
Pag-unawa sa mga Uri ng Mikropono Ang mga mikropono ay may mahalagang papel sa pagkuha at pagpapahusay ng iyong boses. May iba't-ibang uri ng mikropono, bawat isa ay may sariling katangian:
Dynamic Microphones: Ipinagkakaloob para sa mga live performance at maingay na kapaligiran. Matibay at hindi madaling ma- feedback. Nakakakuha ng tunog sa mas makitid na range ng frequency, kaya't ito ay angkop para sa mga boses na may mas kaunting detalye. Condenser Microphones: Angkop para sa studio recording at pagkuha ng mga maliit na nuances ng boses. Mataas ang sensitibidad at nakakakuha ng mas malawak na range ng frequency. Nangangailangan ng phantom power at mas sensitibo kaysa sa dynamic mics. Lavalier Microphones: Maliit, clip-on mikropono na kadalasang ginagamit sa broadcasting o public speaking. Nagbibigay ng hands-free na operasyon ngunit maaaring mag-sakripisyo sa kalidad ng audio kumpara sa mas malalaking mikropono. Shotgun Microphones: Mahabang at highly directional na mga mikropono. Ipinagkakaloob para sa pagkuha ng tunog mula sa isang tiyak na direksyon, karaniwang ginagamit sa pelikula at produksyon ng video. USB Microphones: Mga plug-and-play na mikropono na konektado nang direkta sa iyong computer. Kumportable para sa home recording at podcasting, ngunit maaaring hindi magbigay ng parehong kalidad ng propesyonal na studio microphone.
Ang iyong boses ay isang mahalagang instrumento na makakapag-ugnay sa mga tao sa malalim at emosyonal na antas. Ang paghahanap ng iyong vocal niche ay kasama ang pagsusuri sa sarili, eksperimentasyon, at pananatili sa iyong tunay na sarili.
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