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a-ndrez · 21 days ago
DB Por siempre 🔥🐉
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La verdadera escencia 🐉
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purpleuniart · 1 year ago
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[gasps] omg I'm posting!!!
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snobgoblin · 2 years ago
waitttt haha my initials are PP twirls hairrr
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melmothblog · 8 years ago
Ask Responses - MISC
A compilation of responses to the miscellaneous questions, which came through ask recently. Thank you for asking.
What is your opinion on Fateyev? After reading multiple youtube comment sections on ballet videos, I've learnt that a lot of people are unhappy with him due to his casting/promotion decisions. I don't know much at all about the situation but was wondering if you could shed some light on this matter.
A word to the wise, never form an opinion based on what you read in the comments section. Especially on YouTube. If I’ve learned anything from closely following Tsiskaridze for several years, it’s that the truth is often the complete opposite to what people are saying online.
I like Fateyev. Mariinsky has had its fair share of scandals, and some of the choices made by the theatre’s management had completely misfired in the past, but show me a company anywhere in the world which is completely trouble-free.
The main complaint I hear against Fateyev (aside from Skorik’s promotion) is that he isn’t hiring VBA graduates, which is simply not true. Given how small the company is (compared to, say, the Bolshoi), the number of available places is limited, so the Mariinsky can only afford to take the cream of the crop. Which they do. The only star graduate they didn’t offer a contract in the last few years is Kovaleva, and I can actually understand their decision. Shakirova and Lukina shot through the ranks like nobody’s business, and many of the fresh graduates currently in the corps are getting amazing soloist and coryphee parts on regular basis.
In short, nothing is ever black and white.
Do you know roughly how tall Anna Smirnova is? I read somewhere that she was "well under five feet" but that seems highly unlikely to me??
I don’t know her exact height, but she’s tiny. Probably over fife feet though...
Whatever happened to Kimin Kim? I haven't seem any news or videos for some time.
He was injured. But he’s back now. He danced Basil, opposite Viktoria Tereshkina, in the Mariinsky’s “Don Q” in London recently. 
Is Maria Puart still dancing?
I don’t think so. I think she suffered an injury in her final year or immediately after graduation, and has since transitioned to acting.
d i s c l a i m e r
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yooncleves · 3 years ago
E el daic: Jon ciairt jomno ci avaja doi feil, e el plé pedlo de louro daic a soa tuota: Tuota duoteme la puarte de moi luc, che me toca, e jul spartait tra louro la sostuanza e dapù pauch dai, mais toich indajoi el feil ple pedlo andait a la luorga, e luoc el dissipuat toich el soo, viviand malamiant. Muà el ju venait in se stiass, daic: quinci jomni de journata Cn cuassa da me tuota i ju bonduanza de puan e cua ju muor de fum
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laciviltacattolica · 4 years ago
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Luigi Maieron, scrittore, poeta e cantautore friulano, nell’album Non voglio quasi niente mostra il suo radicale attaccamento alla natura e alla terra, in particolar modo nel brano in dialetto «Il bien viaç». La canzone è un inno, una lode all’acqua, come elemento fisico, originario, portatore di vita, e inteso come elemento «dativo»: «I sei lât a cjoli l’âghe / In-t-al flum dongje il paîs / L’âghe a si dà e a no domande nue / Tal so cori intal so gîr» (Sono andato a prendere l’acqua / Nel fiume vicino al paese / L’acqua si dà e non chiede niente in cambio / Nel suo correre nel suo scorrere). In questo «si dà» è presente la densità di senso della natura che non è conquista dell’uomo, ma elemento ricevuto originariamente. La seconda strofa descrive la pienezza generativa propria della natura: «E cu l’âghe vin bagât la cjere / che il nosti prât a si era suât» (E con l’acqua abbiamo bagnato la terra / Che il nostro prato si era asciugato).
Maieron parla solo di acqua? Lui, uomo della montagna, è esperto della natura, ma anche dei sentimenti umani che si riflettono in essa. Una possibile metafora si può sottendere: il ciclo dell’acqua continua nella terra, la bagna, la vivifica, non diversamente dal sentimento dell’amore, che permea e vivifica l’esistenza umana. Il brano continua considerando il creato come entità dotata di senso: «La cjere a scolte a sa scoltâ / La cjere a sint il respîr dal timp / A si mouf e a torne a nassi / Secont il gîr e la stagjôn» (La terra ascolta sa ascoltare / La terra sente il respiro del tempo / Si muove e torna a nascere / Secondo il giro e la stagione). Di nuovo il ciclo è concluso, ma aperto infinitamente: la natura è generativa, così come il sentimento dell’amore.
Questa ciclicità è data anche dalla ritmica del brano, una ballata, senza un ritornello, con la ritmica della batteria e della chitarra incessanti, che dànno la sensazione del ripetersi continuo e costante. L’acqua irriga la terra, la vivifica, la rende prato su cui i piedi possono sentire l’erba: un contatto con la natura senza filtri, pelle contro erba e terra, il cammino dell’esistenza, «il bel viaggio». Ma è un viaggio non idilliaco, bucolico: «Nus a dât un poucje di lûs / Par passâ  enfre dal scûr» (Ci hanno dato un poco di luce / Per attraversare lo scuro) in quanto la vita rimane un mistero, tutto umano e profondo, rappresentato da «un troi ch’al puarte a cjase […] cul pas curt di un viaç già fat / O apene començât» (un sentiero che porta a casa […] con il passo corto di un viaggio già fatto o appena cominciato).
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kattebaka · 9 years ago
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 ★*・°☆ Lights up, skeleboy! ★・°☆.。
I love Sans with clunky, thick-soled sneakers so why not go the next step and give him LED sneaks!
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purpleuniart · 1 year ago
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tried some gouache for the first time on my sketchbook! i got kinda nervous with the process, but I'm very happy with the result
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purpleuniart · 1 year ago
i was looking through my sketches and i felt particularly fond of this one, it's kinda cute actually
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purpleuniart · 1 year ago
so, i accidentally drew one of my best friends (she's my soulmate actually)...
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it was really not intentional, but when i finished it i was like "wait a minute..... i know that ain't who i think it is....."
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purpleuniart · 1 year ago
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huevember day 3 i guess
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purpleuniart · 2 years ago
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studies from paintings
Portrait of Pauline Hübner — Julius Hubner
Cleopatra and Markus Antonius — Pompeo Batoni
The Four Roses — Franz Dvorak
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purpleuniart · 2 years ago
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omg look a Harley Quinn sketch!!!
ngl i love her hair, it got so much prettier than i expected
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purpleuniart · 2 years ago
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oh look (surprisingly) another art
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purpleuniart · 2 years ago
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posting these because i really love it and because i need to post something here (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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