#ptn quotes
rahu-the-knight · 8 months
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"I used to think toys would always be by the owner's side. But plastic weathers, porcelain breaks, metal rusts, and people grow up..."
"Turns out 'change' is the only constant."
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lucernalux · 1 month
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To be fair who doesn't?
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roysristi · 11 months
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Hidden Rules of Life
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lucbianism · 1 year
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“I’m willing to accompany you for eternity…”
— McQueen
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hiemaldesirae · 1 year
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when she promise on my lingyun
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jules-and-company · 1 year
ils me rendent fou vous m’entendez. FOU
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airdst · 1 year
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"Be honest, do you want me, or a beast?"
I am looking respectfully at Ninety-Nine's upcoming skin...
gif and quote from PTN Discord's dynamic wallpaper (x)
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queenoftheboard · 1 year
I am once more thinking about Eirene and the significance of her name and how I've always found it a little bit strange that the first thing that will pop up in any searches is the association to the Greek goddess of Peace, Eirene - mostly because PtN Eirene doesn't come across as a pacifist. There is also a nice thread on the PtN reddit from some time ago where some guesses for the names of several characters were ventured and although some appear more obvious (NOX, Langley, Kelvin), the only mention there for Eirene is a former empress of the Byzantine empire.
And while I am 100% in favor of queenly aesthetics for Eirene (given the chessboard motifs, Quinn, etc), I never really liked this rather obscure association (I doubt 'empress Eirene' is the first empress or female monarch that comes to anyone's mind these days). As a result, I went back to the Greek mythology and thought it interesting that one of the few surviving statues of Eirene is a Roman copy, which depicts Eirene holding an infant Plutus - the Greek good for wealth. Now - this is more interesting; Eirene is the dominating figure of the Greed libram, and it's what drives her.
That statue is considered to be an allegory for 'Plenty' - in other words, 'Plutus' prospering under 'Peace'; frankly, this makes a lot more sense: while it's true that during wartime there is a financial gain for some enterprises, usually this leads to significant strife for the economy of a country and increased debt to finance war efforts. From a purely business, broader economic perspective - peace is actually more profitable.
And while Eirene (as a character) seems to not be afraid to 'get her hands dirty' (her own beginning battle quote) to achieve what she must for Quinn, she didn't resort to war to get to where she is; in fact, Eirene's wealth accumulates from sensible business choices, trade channels, political connections... Eirene's empire is built on peace (or the illusion of it) rather than all-out war. And then, one last element for consideration made me realize this is actually a pretty damn good name.
Eirene's equivalent in Roman mythology is Pax - and the Roman Empire reached its golden age during the so-called Pax Romana, going as far as inspiring other similar periods in human history where one had domination over the world in terms of geographical reach, cultural matters, trade and so on. The Roman Empire prospered as it had never done so because peace (or what was deemed 'peace' at the time) allowed them to be the strongest they ever were.
In a way - this seems to be what Eirene is doing; she is not seeking to go to war against any government agencies (at least not on the outside). Eirene is effectively establishing her own empire, going from DisCity to Outlands, controlling trade routes, having fingers in all sort of pies in DisCity in several different business segments and benefitting from 'civility' and 'order'.
Honestly - I have no idea if Eirene's name is supposed to be that deep and if Aisno went for all these connections when naming her; but now my mind has done these links, I feel much more at ease with her being named after the Greek goddess of peace.
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aetherose · 7 months
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For you and I's convenience, an organized Tags List! SEE THIS POST FOR HOW TO SEARCH FOR TAGS ON MY BLOG.
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&& ooc / your local queen of brainrot
&& rose plays hi3 / ellie herrscher ballista go
&& rose plays gi / this is my third playing gi tag jfc
&& rose plays hsr / screams in kafka simp
&& rose plays lc / im a sadomasochist confirmed
&& rose plays lor / screams in angela simp
&& rose plays lcb / 12 idiots and 1 simp
&& rose plays bg3 / who knew cats can get you so far
&& rose plays ptn / sapphic fever dream time baby
&& rose plays pgr / my impulses won and now we're here
&& aetherose pinned post / do not reblog; non-rp blogs dni
Spoiler tags to block: hi3 spoilers, genshin spoilers, hsr spoilers, lobcorp spoilers, ruina spoilers, limbus spoilers, bg3 spoilers, ptn spoilers, pgr spoilers
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&& ic / give all to the present for the sake of the future
&& thread / the hearts that can bend shall never be broken
&& commentary / live to the point of tears
&& open starter / freedom is nothing but a chance to be better
&& asks / seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable
&& drabbles / a nostalgia for innocence
&& memes / there is not love of life without despair about life
&& dash games / there is scarcely any passion without struggle
&& crack / oh lord save us from ourselves
&& incorrect quotes / just a rose tradition!
&& headcanons / man is always prey to his truths
&& oc lore / the gentle indifference of the world
&& gallery / at the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman
&& edits / the glimpse of an eternity stretched across time
&& mun art / rose can draw sometimes
&& aesthetic / an appeal to the essence of being
&& musing / can you see the meaning inside yourself
&& music / where words fail song speaks
&& announcement / gather around rose’s garden
&& patch notes / just a rundown of the updates to the blog!
&& psa / you should probably read this
&& starter call / where there is no hope it is on us to invent it
&& inbox call / a day will come when revolutions will have need of beauty
&& promo / a beautiful twilight that enhances everything
&& self-promo / heyo its me rose
&& discord chronicles / hidden beneath the surface lies treasures
&& signal boost / a little can go a long way
&& misc / rose doesnt know where to put this
&& munday / stuff about rose!
&& saved / rose’s most beloveds
&& wishlist / rose’s hopes
&& queue / rose remembered she can queue stuff
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&& c. elysia / miss pink elf
&& c. aponia / disciplinary perdition
&& c. mobius / infinite ouroboros
&& c. fu hua / taixuan impression
&& c. dr. mei / ward of humanity’s flame
&& c. seele / swallowtail phantasm
&& c. veliona / starchasm nyx
&& c. theresa / valkyrie pledge
&& c. senti / herrscher of sentience
&& c. binah / degraded arbiter
&& c. faust / representation emitter
&& c. rodion / what is cast
&& c. furina / endless solo of solitude
&& c. focalors / lady of all waters
&& c. columbina / the damselette
&& c. sandrone / the marionette
&& c. la signora / the fair lady
&& c. lumine / the abyss princess
&& c. klee / fleeing sunlight
&& c. raiden ei / plane of euthymia
&& c. raiden norika / guardian of eternity
&& c. zero / song of the end
&& c. kafka / twilight trill
&& c. black swan / loom of fate’s caprice
&& c. hsr bronya / windrider bullet
&& c. hsr seele / butterfly flurry
&& c. layla / silent nightingale
&& c. lumia / niveous eminence
&& c. rosemary / nocturne illusion
&& c. pamela / paradoxical heart
&& c. arabella / bloodied blossoms
&& c. lynn / starlight’s embrace
&& c. gabriella / tempestuous waves
&& c. daphne / flowing gales
&& c. calista / transcendent damnation
&& c. radiata / crimson lily
&& c. sylve / tempest archer
&& c. raven / lunar songstress
&& c. nimue / ethereal sorceress
&& c. luna / apocalyptic moonlight
&& c. vera / redheaded death
&& c. alpha / crimson abyss
&& c. qu / kowloong monarch
&& c. nanami / searing heart
&& c. selena / tempest finale
&& c. angela / star of freedom
&& c. iori / the purple tear
&& c. zena / arbiter of the head
&& c. eden / golden diva
&& c. bronya / wolf’s dawn
&& c. skirk / girl of another world
&& c. clorinde / candlebearer shadowhunter
&& c. kokomi / pearl of wisdom
&& c. jingliu / transcendent flash
&& c. robin / caged songbird
&& c. one / song of salvation
&& c. two / song of love
&& c. three / song of obsession
&& c. four / song of envy
&& c. accord / recorder android
&& c. popola / singer of the ancients
&& c. devola / singer of the ancients
&& c. shadowheart / daughter of darkness
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&& v. crossover / and we come together despite all odds
&& v. unspecified / dance in a world of endless possibilities
&& v. genshin / step into a vast magical world of adventure
&& v. hi3 / for all that’s beautiful in the world
&& v. hsr / may this journey lead us starward
&& v. lobcorp / face the fear; build the future
&& v. lor / book; librarian; star; and city
&& v. lcb / face the sin; save the ego
&& v. projmoon / hominem te esse memento
&& v. stp / you are on a path in the woods
&& v. bg3 / to become more than what we were made to be
&& v. d&d / our adventure begins here
&& v. fe3h / promise me you won't forget me
&& v. ph / there is no black and white; only our will
&& v. pgr / reclaim the world for humanity
&& v. dod3 / the songs of oblivion
&& v. modern / a world not far off from our own
&& v. ce / the ethereal abyss
&& v. ce: rein / reborn into peace
&& v. tenebra / repetition of history
&& v. herrscher of death / birthed from broken serenity
&& v. older layla / the nightingale’s metamorphosis
&& v. younger layla / from the embers
&& v. little layla / still-burning flame
&& v. white witch / the monster they made
&& v. star of the head / flickering lights in an empty city
&& v. shining star / reignition of lost light
&& v. fallen star / all-consuming darkness
&& v. chosen of bhaal / the embrace of her rancid blood
&& v. young nimue / unknowing accursed daughter
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&& complicated found fam / butterflies daffodils and birds
&& layla + crystal / the sweetest devotion i’ve ever known
&& calista x aelia / light up the night sky together
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shackld · 11 months
you know those TikTok trends of people showing a quote than showing the character they attribute to it? it's 2am im in bed and ofc now I wanna do that with PTN
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Vedi, non sono bravo
a fare restare
chi mi vuole bene,
però so aspettare
e con te mi sa che lo farò
Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, Scrivile Scemo
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odiarciinsieme · 4 years
ti innamoravi e non di me
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dominique-ea · 4 years
La mia solitudine era un mondo magico che ti volevo mostrare.
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oblolongue · 3 years
Zarbut : C’est le vaisseau qui nous abandonne!
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caffeinamente · 3 years
Io vorrei percorrerti di notte come fossi un'autostrada.
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aradiascoven · 4 years
Sembrava "La storia infinita" e forse era solo la felicità.
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