#psychopaths do not forgive
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wherepond · 2 months ago
Trump unhinged
Arrogant and deceitful interpersonal style: impression management or superficial charm, inflated and grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying/deceit, and manipulation for personal gain. Deficient affective experience: lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect (coldness and unemotionality), callousness and lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility for own actions. Impulsive and irresponsible lifestyle: impulsivity, sensation-seeking and risk-taking, irresponsible and unreliable behavior, financially parasitic lifestyle, and a lack of realistic, long-term goals.
4 Reasons Psychopaths Seek Revenge More Than The Rest Of Us
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amywritesthings · 4 months ago
dating on airplane mode. | part two.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader Fandom: attack on titan (modern au) Word Count: 3.5k Summary: So you're dating your neighbor who also happens to be a sex hotline dom named Levi Ackerman. Stranger things have happened, right?
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI - slow burn, eventual smut, sex work, neighbors au, newly established relationship, the direct sequel to Press Four For More Options Credits: dividers by @/saradika-graphics / gif by pankago
part one. / part three. | masterlist
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There’s a pop-up shop about six floors above yours—
A noisy bar quickly becomes background white noise.
—if you don’t mind walking a neighbor home.
And within a breath, the world ceases to exist.
You’re not sure what you were expecting him to say, but it sure as hell isn’t that.
(He gets paid to be a smooth talker, but holy shit, it is catastrophically different when you’re saddled with the reality that you can walk — run — straight to the man inviting you to his home.)
Before you can even think, your voice blurts out of your parted lips:
“I don’t mind.”
Annie will forgive you.
Hell, you bet everyone crowding that tiny high-top table will forgive you come Monday morning when you’re back in the office.
Half of them won’t even remember that you were there in the first place. It’s a win-win situation.
There is no hesitation in the way you pick up your purse from the countertop and rush towards the front entrance of the bar, your eyes zeroed in on a patient Levi.
It takes some serpentining, but eventually you burst through the doors.
Levi turns towards you, his cell phone still held to his ear. 
There’s a little pink in his cheeks — from the nipping bite of the cold evening weather or his quick-witted pick-up line, you aren’t sure.
“Sorry,” you exhale like you’ve run a marathon in such a short distance. “I should’ve said bye or something before running out here, but I figured—”
The fringe of his hair shakes in his eyes as he holds up a finger to his lips.
A stern expression replaces the debonair, and for a moment, you wonder if something is wrong.
But then—
“Yeah, no, I’m calling out for the evening,” he states. “Will you relay, Petra?”
You know that woman’s name.
(The hotline receptionist responsible for connecting you to him.)
“Not an emergency, no,” he reassures, brows briefly knitting together. “Just taking some time off.” A pause. “Why are you laughing?” Another pause. “Forward them to Erwin. I trust him not to run my damn clients off. Thanks.”
“Sorry about that.”
Pocketing his phone, he squares his shoulders and waits expectantly. 
A suspicious crawl of embarrassment runs through your veins, like somehow being spontaneous — selfish — inconvenienced him.
“You had a shift tonight?” you ask belatedly.
“I did,” Levi admits, that buttery-smooth voice curving with a lift of amusement. “And now I don’t.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to mess up your—”
“I have over a hundred hours of time accrued,” he interrupts in the very tone he’s used in your sessions before when you chalk up your existence as being a nuisance to him: stop. “If anything, it’ll get them off of my ass for never using it.”
Your brows raise. “A hundred?”
“Over,” Levi corrects, “so you’re doing me a favor — if you’re still in the mood for tea, of course.”
There’s a pause. A taxi flies by to fill the anticipating void.
I’m well past the mood for tea — is what you would say if you were a psychopath.
Instead you clamp your mouth shut and nod. 
Levi nods with you, seemingly exhaling a breath he may have been holding. As he steps forward, one foot in front of the other.
His attention drops from your face, searching your form in a way that makes you feel exposed.
Then he clears his throat and raises a stiff elbow — a polite gesture.
Take it.
The sheer idea of touching him is so fucking daunting.
Until now, you haven’t done anything but fantasize about him, but he’s flesh and blood and right in front of you — if you’re willing to simply take.
So you do.
Slowly you glide your hand over the crease of his elbow, tucking it against his side until your bodies are looped. The sheer cut of his bicep in his 90-degree angle threatens to make you lose your composure.
Jesus, it’s so solid.
(It’ll be a miracle if you even make it back to his apartment in one piece, let alone your own after everything is said and done.)
He walks. You follow until you match his pace.
For most of the journey, the two of you step in silent tandem. 
While he stares ahead, stopping you both whenever you reach a crosswalk, you can’t help but look over his profile. His cheekbones are even higher than you imagined, chiseled from the Gods, with dark hair that fades in an undercut at the nape of his neck.
Levi is the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen in your life, and you live in a pretty damn busy city, so you’ve seen a lot of men.
“Stairs or elevator?” he asks once he breaks the rhythm of your feet to move two paces ahead, grabbing the door with his fist. He detaches from you to pull open the door, offering you to walk through first. 
You’re so giddy over the chivalry you nearly miss the question. 
“Wait, what?”
“Stairs.” He nods his head, the stark black fringe waving with it. “Or elevator.”
“You live on the sixteenth floor.” 
“Wait — Levi, do you walk the fucking stairs?”
Levi blinks like he has to remember that isn’t normal before clearing his throat.
“Oh my god.”
“I didn’t want to get complacent after losing my job at the gym,” he states, changing his trajectory as he heads for the elevator instead.
You’re grateful that, for once, you’re not trying to act brave — or stupid.
Your big mouth doesn’t try to say that sixteen flights of stairs is totally fine just to impress him.
(This man has already heard what you sound like when you orgasm on more than one occasion. In some twisted way, the two of you are way past the surface stages of courting, but it doesn’t make this any less daunting.)
Once more he tracks ahead to hold the elevator door for you. Waiting until you’re comfortably inside, he presses the grayed ‘16’ button on the panel. It illuminates in an outdated hazy yellow — forcing your attention to the grayed ‘10’ just below it.
Six fucking floors, all this time.
Once the doors close, Levi Ackerman leans his back against the metal wall, his arms crossed and forearms barred from his rolled-up sleeves. 
You stay put in the dead center of the lift, watching him stare at the elevator panel until he lifts his chin to look back at you.
Neither of you look away.
The prolonged eye contact feels like an acknowledgement of a solved mystery between two people.
He knows you better than most people. You’d wager you may know him just as well.
“You okay?” he asks, softer this time. 
The intensity of his gaze doesn’t waver.
You find yourself nodding before you realize it. 
“Are you?”
Levi takes a moment to drop his attention an indiscernible amount, mulling over your question, before meeting your eyes once again.
“Yeah. Better than.”
Nothing can stop the smile growing on your face, not even by pressing your lips together.
“Never told me your preference,” he states casually, shaking some of his black fringe from his eyes. “In tea, I mean.”
“I’m happy to have whatever you have,” you promise. “I’m not picky.”
“You can be,” he promises right back. “Trust me, I have every type of tea you could think of.”
“Hopelessly addicted, more like.”
The elevator pauses and gives way to the sixteenth floor’s hallway. When the door opens, Levi unfurls his arms to hold his hand out for you to take — only to seem to think better of it and fish for his keys instead as he takes the lead.
Instinctually your hand flexes at the ready to accept, but it falls limp to your side with the decision to simply follow behind.
(Yeah — you’re not used to the proximity yet, either.)
After passing a few apartments, Levi pauses at a door identical to yours and fiddles with the lock until it gives. 
He pushes it open, gesturing for you to walk in first.
A part of you wants to hesitate.
The rest of you refuses.
His apartment is clean to a degree you’ve never seen before — for a person who had no idea he was going to end up coming home with a stranger, you’re impressed by the lack of clothes lying about or…
Really anything.
Everything appears pristine. 
Taken care of.
So meticulously in order that you quickly toe each shoe off before stepping inside to leave the dirt and grime of the city at his doorstep. 
Levi follows suit, removing his shoes and closing the door behind him.
As you stand awkwardly by the door, he shuffles around you to the kitchenette mirroring yours a few apartments below. 
He reaches up into the cupboards to take out two mugs, preparing a kettle on the stove.
“Make yourself at home,” he offers, glancing over his shoulder towards you.
At home.
At home in the apartment where you got your shit verbally rocked for a week straight.
Afraid of offending him, you begin a slow mosey around the perimeter.
To the right is a cluster of framed photographs hanging on a wall — one portrays a tall, handsome blonde wearing dog tags around his neck and an all-smiles brunette with glasses cinching a less-than-enthused Levi between them. 
The proximity suggests they could be his friends, though the keys each person holds in the photo makes you realize a second later: 
In the background is a boxing ring, barely unpacked.
The co-owners of the old gym, maybe?
Considering the one person has dog tags, you can only assume they all met in the army and found themselves in the same city after deployment.
Another framed photograph has Levi in a similar annoyed disposition, arms crossed and unenthusiastic in contrast to the surrounding smiling young adults. They crowd him in various poses of muscle flexing, proudly sporting Survey Gym tees.
So his gym was called Survey Gym, huh?
The name rings a bell, if only in passing.
The young faces surrounding him must have been his trainees. His fighters.
(The people he held dear before the gym went under and he had to find a new path.)
“Trying to find dirt on me already?”
His voice makes you jump out of your damn skin.
“Oh — shit, sorry,” you sputter, stepping away from the wall. “I was just—”
“That was a joke,” he interrupts, the corner of his lip twitching. 
Levi takes the initiative to walk over to you with both mugs in hand, steaming from freshly brewed tea.
He holds out a no-frills emerald mug to you, and the scent finally catches your nose:
“Those are my friends, if you’re too polite to ask.”
“I was relying on context clues,” you confess, mindful of the heat when taking the mug from his hand. You sip until a familiar warmth spreads through your body. “Co-owners?”
“Used to be,” he answers after his own gulp. His free hand gestures to the photo with two people. “Hange’s probably clinically insane and Erwin’s not much better.”
“The guy you mentioned over the phone to Petra?”
Levi nods, taking another long sip of his tea. You follow suit, enjoying the taste.
“Same guy who got me into the hotline, yeah.” He switches focus to the other photo. “Some of my fighters. They’re busy training with other coaches and shit now.”
“Would you ever go back to training fighters if you could?”
“Probably,” Levi replies, “but I’m not exactly the easiest to work with. If I’m training anyone, it’s alongside Erwin. No exceptions.”
Silence settles between your bodies.
As you continue to stand there, allowing the aroma of the tea to calm your senses, you know — the longer you stand here, the more what ifs begin to plague your mind.
What if you met his friends, became a part of his life?
What if you don’t measure up to his expectations?
What if you just said what was on your mind without holding back — would it scare him?
When you feel your mug suddenly grow light, your instinct is to clench your hand around the ceramic handle.
However, you come back down to Earth to realize the person maneuvering the cup is Levi, who has in turn moved closer to you —
So close you can smell the faint scent of a woody, musky cologne.
Angled towards your body, he pauses in removing the mug from your hands when he feels your muscles tense. “You’re disappearing on me.”
So he noticed, even in person.
Say it.
Say it, idiot.
Trailing off, you find yourself trusting him; letting go of the mug freely so that he can take it back. Levi sets both mugs down on a slender table situated just under the photographs, placing them on swirling marble coasters.
“Just?” he repeats, a mere murmur this time.
“This doesn’t feel real yet,” you confess. “Being here with you. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I wanted this but in my own apartment. Hell, it feels like this is my apartment because we have the same fucking layout — but yours is so much cleaner, I won’t even lie to you.”
It brings you both to laugh under your breath, octaves intertwining. 
When he shakes his head, you find yourself gravitating to his orbit.
“Doubt it’s bad.”
“Oh, it’s a pigsty compared to this place,” you nervously giggle, moving even closer. “Like, I should go home to clean it – but later.”
“Definitely later.”
“Like tomorrow kind of later," you accidentally joke.
Before the realization hits you, your breath tickles his cheek. Levi is practically toe-to-toe and warm, so very warm, to the degree of dizzying every reservation you had.
You don’t have the confidence to stare anywhere but his lips, parted with little puffs mirroring yours.
“And what is that you want now?” he adds quietly — a question that shoots straight to your core, twisting it with an intense desire that it nearly takes your breath away.
You know.
And if you were a gambling woman, then you suspect that he knows, too.
Three words exit your mouth, straight from your very soul:
“To be selfish.”
It’s all it takes.
As if released from a leash holding you both to your leads, you meet Levi in a passionate, suffocating kiss. 
His hands reach for your face the same time you reach for his, mangling your limbs in a race to touch, to hold — to feel.
Manners are left behind as you press your lips to his, kissing him like you’ll die without. Your own hands bury themselves in the softness of his hair, dragging through the freshly-buzzed undercut and earning yourself a groan.
He sounds even better in person.
You part your lips with a shuddered breath when his tongue leisurely slides across it. All coherent thought ceases to exist.
It’s just him pushing closer — guiding you backwards — until your back hits something solid.
A surprised grunt melts into another groan as he moves one hand to cradle your head, mindful that the back of your skull doesn’t slam against the wall.
Levi tastes like the pineapple seltzer you abandoned back at the bar.
You want this.
Never in your wildest dreams have you considered sleeping over a man’s apartment before the third date, let alone the first, yet the heat of him — the taste of him — opens brand-new possibilities that mostly focus on the rest of that body underneath his gray long-sleeved shirt.
You're already grabbing the hem of your shirt. The fabric feels too tight against your blazing skin.
Everything needs to be off.
“Hey,” he exhales in-between kisses, catching your lower lip in his teeth to tug at it. Instantly you whine into his mouth, an involuntary (and fucking embarrassing) noise. “Hey—”
If he asks, you’ll say yes. 
To hell with the unwritten rules.
You’re consenting adults, it’s clear you both want this, and when push comes to shove —
A hand shoots out, covering yours before your shirt can lift over your bra.
All motor functions effectively freeze when you realize Levi is pulling away, forcefully creating some distance between your panting bodies.
“Baby, listen to me.”
As if in pain, he grits his teeth and pulls away from the kiss, eyes damn near black. 
You’re left watching, stunned and disheveled and painfully aroused.
Worries go from nonexistent to overdrive in a matter of seconds.
“What’s wrong?” you quietly ask despite your budding panic. “Fuck. Sorry, did I do something wro—”
“No. Shit, are you kidding?”
Those stormy eyes catch yours, and you feel another sharp wave of desire flow through your body.
“You’re perfect,” Levi continues, struggling to catch his breath. “You’re fucking perfect, it’s just—”
One word acts like a splash of cold water.
You’re perfect, but something is imperfect about this. 
You’re perfect, but he still wants to stop.
Levi scowls, voice rough. “Oi. I can hear you thinking a mile a minute.”
Heat rises to your face. “Me?”
“Yeah, you — so don’t.”
For good measure of reassurance, Levi leans back in to gently peck your lips. It’s less heated but by no means less passionate.
You belatedly press your lips back to his before watching him pull away. 
His lips are slick with saliva and exertion. 
There’s a deeper flush on his face that wasn’t there earlier.
“It’s just that I don’t want to rush this,” he states as calmly and evenly as he can.
Objectively, you get it.
Objectively, Levi is making a whole lot of sense. Rushing into things could end up with a lot of heartbreak and confusion. Taking it slow hurts way less than speedrunning the firsts of a new dating-situation-whatever this is.
Subjectively, you’ve heard him moan in your actual face and you would very much like to hear it again and again until it’s burned into the back of your brain like a core memory.
“And I’m not trying to say that we can’t — trust me, I want to — but you’re not some one-night stand to me in any capacity of the damn phrase.”
Unable to help yourself, you nervously roll your eyes and shrug a shoulder. 
“Technically we’re kind of way past one night stands considering we’ve had, like, six.”
A wicked smirk flickers across his face. 
“Yeah, no fucking kidding — but that isn’t what I mean.”
Taking yet another slow, even inhale, the dark-haired man runs his thumb affectionately over your cheek.
“Let me do right by you. By this. Even if it’s corny as shit, I’ll try it.”
Pausing, he drops the hand on your face to gently take your hand.
“I want to take you out on a date. A nice date. Something proper — starting with finishing our tea, then walking you home so I know you got to your apartment safe.”
“I’m six floors away, Levi,” you tease.
“I’ll settle on taking the elevator with you,” he retorts, teasing right back. "Still: let me prove I can be good to you. That I can earn you."
He pauses, jaw clenched.
"Earn us."
Reluctantly you both detach, the taste shared on your lips. He wastes no time to take your hand in his, squeezing it for emphasis, before giving you back your cup of tea.
Although the room is charged with tension, you both behave.
Sipping tea.
Holding hands.
As much as you want to act on your desires, you’re flattered he’s so adamant to take this slow.
It only grounds this fantasy further into the woven fabric of reality — of what’s to come in your life.
Levi is good on his word: he walks you to the elevator, through the corridor and to your apartment.
And when you’ve managed to wriggle your keys into the door, he gently calls your name.
Just as you turn, he places that warm hand on your cheek and presses his lips back to yours.
This time it’s chaste, sweet — lingering.
They brush yours methodically, as if committing your body to memory, before reluctantly pulling away.
“Goodnight, formerly Scarlet,” he states under his breath for only you to hear.
“Goodnight, still Levi,” you return, mirroring his intimacy in tone.
Satisfied, he kisses you one final time before pulling away. 
You watch as he walks backwards towards the stairwell of the apartment complex, a certain glow about him as he asks:
“Will I see you at the gym in the morning?”
As if you’d ever skip a leg day now.
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Author's Note:
First of all, much love and appreciation for your patience as I finally found the mental capacity to write this chapter. Naturally it was easier to write in the summer, and fall has been A Time (TM). I have a lot of big life events coming up in the next few weeks, but I will keep the dash posted on when they should expect part three.
Thank you for any likes, replies, etc. Every reblog gives this writer wings.
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bulletswithribbons · 10 months ago
Loving and fearless
TateLangdonxFem!reader // NSFW
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Summary: You find out your boyfriend is a mass murderer. He's worried about what you will think of him but he never knew you weren't a good girl from the very start.
Warnings: Smut (obv), unprotected piv, sex with feelings, implied murder...
Word count: 1.7k
a/n: Ok so sorry I took really long to write a new fic I was working on a Part 2 for my Kai one but then thought of this. Had to write it down to satisfy my pookies since I didn't take so long writing it. Basically why it's short.
𝕱𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖎𝖈 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙 ⋆⭒˚.⋆𝜗𝜚
“Are you scared?” He asks. He wasn’t trying to hide it, nor deny it. He just wanted you to accept it as it is. He was no saint, but so weren’t you. No sugarcoating things for this once at least.
You shook your head slowly, “no.” You said, and it wasn’t a lie. At least yet. You weren’t afraid of him, you knew him better than anyone. Or maybe that’s what you chose to believe. You didn’t want to change anything about him or live in a deluded world of your own thinking of him as someone he isn’t. As fucked-up as it sounds, you liked that psychopathic trait of his.
Tate tilts his head partly to the side, daring you to say that thing you were desperate to.
“I doubt it,” he replied, regret somehow dripping from his tone. You knew he didn’t regret shooting up his school nor all the murders he committed, rather of the way you found out. He had already apologized, what else would you need? Him to get on his knees and beg you to forgive him? He would gladly do that.
“I want you to embrace it,” you finally said, the thought lingering in your head for a while now. You just didn’t know how to express it without sounding like a weirdo. 
“Embrace it?” He repeats after you, confused, a hint of surprise in his voice.
You nod.
“You killed them. There’s nothing you can do about it anymore. You’re troubled Tate. Stop hiding that side and accept it as a part of you. You can’t run away from your past and you being trapped here actually proves my point.” Your tone was comforting, all loving. You were one of the very few –the only one– that actually cared about him in a non-twisted way. He wasn’t ready to lose that. He would never be.
“But would you accept it as a part of me? You want me to go around killing people and then come back to you so you can clean the blood of others from my own hands?” He asks, his voice quavering, a bit shaky and unclear, he was upset and you knew he's on the verge of crying.
And Bingo. There it is. Those poor souls, he doesn’t care about them, but rather what you would think. Nothing matters as long as you’re still there standing by his side. Was it unhealthy? Maybe. But for you it only made your relationship stronger.
“Isn’t that what you would like?” You ask, your hand darting to his face brushing his blonde strands of hair away from his face as you cup his cheek.
A single tear runs down his cheek as he smiles lightly. His dimples looked more adorable than ever. All he ever wanted was to be appreciated. And he is.
The sight of him taking two steps closer to you had your heart speeding up, even though he's your boyfriend you can't help but feel like a silly little girl with a silly little crush. Except it wasn't little, nor silly. His hand grips at your waist as he pulls you to him, getting rid of every inch that separates your bodies. His head tilts slightly before he attacks your face with his lips embracing yours in a hungry lustful open-mouthed kiss.
Your hands quickly find the back of his neck, pulling him even closer and deepening the kiss while his tongue pushes through and fights yours for domination.
He was completely teasing you, or maybe not, maybe he just craved you so bad. His covered erection was tempting your core, begging for release. One of his hands slides down your shirt and cups your boob, squeezing tightly. A soft moan escapes your lips and onto the kiss.
At that time, you thought maybe a somewhat evil spirit took over your boyfriend as he aggressively pinned you against the wall, too impatient to hop on the bed. But you know it was no evil spirit. There was no need to keep on finding why’s to his actions.
He yanks your shorts down to your knees then grips at your thigh lifting it up to his hip, probably to get better access. Meanwhile his other hand unzips his jeans and pulls them down along with his boxers freeing his rock hard dick. Yeah now it's confirmed that it was to gain better access. Tate always gets hard easily, that was a fact you knew. Whether it was a silly little cuddle session or you whispering the randomest topics in his ear. It didn’t bother you, you actually loved it. It enthralled you.
Your arms wrap around his neck while his breath fans against your nape. Each passing second your pussy screams for him to fuck the shit out of you even louder.
His digits found their way to your inner thigh, trailing toward your center. Once they reach your clit, his pointer finger runs up and down the thin soaked fabric of your underwear. He taps on the wet spot a few times, teasing you or maybe to later remember how desperate you were for him inside you. “This is my way of thanking you, y/n.” He whispers in your ear, your body shuddering at the sound of his voice, excitement surging through your entire temple. Every second passing by the atmosphere gets even hotter.
You nod, “mhm.”
His finger curls at the edge of your panties pulling it to the side, baring your pussy to him and the arousal glistening within.
Tate leans over you even closer, capturing your soft skin between his teeth sucking in deep; while he uses a hand to line his cock up to your dripping entrance. His tip caresses your sensitive bundle of nerves. “I’m not waiting any longer,” He mutters under his breath to your ear as he pushes himself deeper into your cunt and slams into you. 
Tate has never ever hidden the fact that he craves you desperately. You loved that he would kill for you but hated how you would too.
You let out a loud moan, if he didn’t know you any better he would’ve thought that was a scream for help. Your hand grabs a fistful of his hair. Your moan made him groan quietly. He loved the sound of you squirming beneath him, and even the sound of your voice when you talk about anything no matter what it was. He couldn’t stop himself, of course not since he couldn’t even wait to hear you screaming his name. Your legs curl around his hips as he thrusted in you deeper, moaning uncontrollably as he feels your tight warm wet walls wrapped around his thick length. “My cock.. Is pure love..” He breathes out. Your eyes hardly widen, Tate isn’t used to dirty talking. Not at all. If anything he was actually nice and making sure you’re ok nearly between every two thrusts. Unless he was jealous or upset with you. But mostly that’s it. Your eyes barely stay wide for 2 seconds before they roll to the back of your head once his tip hit a spot in you that made your moans louder than they already were. “Oh fuck, Tate!” You scream, He slides out slightly then back in forcefully. He didn’t recognize mercy, and your pussy wasn’t getting any of that. His cock pounding into you merciless, unsympathetically, inhumanly. All of the above. Abusing that same specific spot of yours. 
His intense tightening in his chest made him hungry for air as he breathed heavily, humping you remorselessly. Your pussy swallowing every inch of him and lubricating like crazy, your own arousal leaking down your pussy and out to your thighs. Such a slut you are for him. Problem is you were shameless about it.
Your grip on his hair tightens, holding on as hard as you can but making sure not to hurt him. You would never. Soft moans are whispered in your ear as he presses his mouth a little harsher against your skin, his fingers tightening on your thighs. His lips trailing kisses up and down your neck, leaving small bites here and there as he slowly makes his way up to your jaw. His hands slide up your thighs and stop at your clit, rubbing it as if his life depends on it, all the while his hips are pounding into you as fast as they can. You arch your back involuntarily immediately once you feel the contact. He groans softly as he feels your arch into his touch, his fingers going inhumanly faster than before. 
Seeing how it is, it wouldn't be long for you until you came.
Shockwaves of pure pleasure began to ripple throughout your body. Legs trembling and eyes rolling back. Your face was bright red and a wheezing sound came out of your mouth with every inhale. The perfect combination of his fingers stroking your clit and the fast paced abuse on your cunt was enough to make you see stars. He was chasing his own release and you were begging for yours. You knew you were close.. Real close.. “Tate.. Please.. I’m so fucking close..” You whimper, not knowing what exactly you were begging him for. Tate knows your body well enough to know you were close, he speeds up. Judging by his breathing, you can tell he was getting tired. You let out your moans freely as you feel your orgasm crashing down. A complete mess leaking down your thighs. You can’t hold your back arch anymore but it didn't matter, waves of ecstasy and euphoria taking over your body. Tate wasn't done yet, and although your lips were already burning up, you didn't protest. “Hmph..I love you,” He moaned in between thrusts as they were getting erratic, feeling you cum around his cock was enough for him. But that didn’t stop him from abusing your swollen red cunt until he was fully finished. Tate thrusts into you for a moment longer before you feel his ejaculate drowning your pussy breathing heavily, his release splaying across your walls in ropes. Tears had stained your cheeks.
Tate had you still pinned against the wall, with your legs wrapped around his hips and his hands grabbing your thighs. His now softened dick still in your abused pussy. Why isn’t he pulling out yet? This is the first time he lasted this long. Usually he doesn’t stay so long.
His head was resting on your shoulder, nose burried into your neck. His breathing slowed down steadily and went back to normal.
It felt weirdly comforting.. Him being so close, you didn’t even want him to pull out. Your legs still crossed behind your boyfriend’s back.
“You want me to pull out?” He whispers to you lovingly as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face and tugs it behind your ear.
“No, let’s stay this way for a while..” Your arms wrap around his neck, hugging him close. You can feel him nodding.
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oldsoul007 · 5 months ago
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Shadows of the Sacred
father charlie mayhewxdetective reader
Summary: what begins as a case for y/n takes a turn to something far more difficult for y/n to resist
disclaimer: I’m not catholic and no disrespect to the religion at all just been wanting to write about him and the show. This is just a work of fiction. (Loosely follows the plot) I jus write for fun so I’m not giving it my all, be nice ;) and enjoy
Warnings: making out, blasphemy?, forbidden love, sexual themes, not proofread
There's an undeniable allure to a man who is off-limits.
The office was noisy with the recent murders going on. Some psychopath was killing people and putting them into religious meaning. We have no clue who could be doing something like this. Lois was currently talking to some nun that came in here. She has a very weird vibe from her considering she’s a nun. I think Lois thinks so too considering how she’s looking at her.
I feel like I’m going insane lately. Considering I haven’t been able to sleep after seeing those things. Even in my dreams I can’t escape them. You think no matter how many years you’ve been working like this you’d be used to these things by now. I sat at my desk, the hum of the precinct filling the air as i sifted through a mountain of paperwork. The phone rang incessantly, and the chatter of my colleagues created a constant background noise.
Just as I was about to take a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, my boss, Lois, burst into the room. "Y/n, I need you on this one," Lois said, urgency in her voice. “Im gonna need you to follow that nun and the priest she was talking about to see what you can get off her” she says pointing at the nun walking out of the building. “What, you thinking she has something to do with the murders?” “No, at least not alone but I just there’s something about her.”
So here I was walking into a chapel for Sunday mass. Sunlight seeping in through the stain glass. Church bells ringing in my ears. The smell of old wood. Somewhere I haven’t been since I was 16 years old. I sit in the back behind an elderly couple hoping to go unnoticed. I noticed the priest sitting in his chair tapping his hand along to the choir. He’s wearing these dark red boots along with his priest attire seeming very serious. He looked very young for a priest, and was very attractive.
The choir stops and a light beams down on him. He stood up and started speaking to the congregation. I watched as Nun Megan looked up at him amazed. I zoned out until it was over. I watch as everyone flows out of the chapel stopping to speak to the priest first of course. I stand up to leave when I see the nun running around the corner. I seem to zone out on her suspicious whereabouts when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. “Shit you scared me” I turn around and meet face to face with the priest. “Oh forgive me father I-“
“It’s quite alright we all have our vices” he smiles. “I noticed you while I was speaking, I’ve never seen you before what made you want to come to our church? The blog?” He asks eagerly. “Um…I don’t know what blog you’re talking about? But no, I’m catholic I’ve just been inactive for a while and thought I should reconnect with the church.” “Oh well welcome back, we’re glad to have you.” “Me too…I’m y/n” I say reaching out my hand. He puts my hand in between both of his hands holding it. “Father Charlie Mayhew.” He smiles.
I notice movement to the right of me seeing sister Megan watching us. I drop my hand from his and act like I don’t notice her. “Well I better get going I enjoyed your sermon” I say backing away from him after noticing how close I was standing to him. He looked over noticing sister Megan too. I decided to leave so I wouldn’t draw too much attention. “Nice boots” I say as I proceed to walk out of the chapel.
I feel someone run up next to me, looking over to see sister Megan. “So what made you decide to come to our church?” She asked curiously. “That seems to be the question of the day” I say blankly. “Well it’s just we don’t get many new people joining the church lately” she says trying to keep up with me. “I just decided to come back after a while” I say grabbing my door nob to my car. “Bye now” I pull out a cigarette and start to drive back to the station.
I’ve been to many masses but nothing seems out of the norm so I decided I should talk to the preist more. He’s so intriguing. It always felt like he was staring at me but I think it’s just me being paranoid. After the service I lingered a bit waiting for everyone to leave so it was just me and him, with me sitting and him up at the altar putting out the candles. Me seeming to go unnoticed by him I carefully stand up and walk over to him.
“Father Charlie?” He turns around noticing it’s me he softly smiles. “It’s nice seeing you again y/n” "well, I really enjoyed your sermon today," i began. "It gave me a lot to think about." "Thank you, y/n," he replied, genuinely pleased. "I'm glad it resonated with you."
I took a breath, feeling a bit nervous but determined. "I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me sometime. There's a diner nearby that I've heard great things about. It would be nice to get to know you better outside of the chapel."
Father Charlie's face lit up with a smile. "That sounds wonderful, y/n. I'd love to join you for lunch. How about tomorrow?" "Perfect," she said, relieved and happy. "I'll see you then."
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The door jingled as it opened and I spot Father Charlie settled into the booth at the rundown diner, the aroma of fresh coffee and sizzling bacon wafting through the air.
"Good afternoon, y/n," he greeted warmly as I approached the table. "I hope you don't mind, I went ahead and ordered some coffee."
"Oh Not at all, Father Charlie," i replied with a smile, sliding into the seat across from him. "Coffee sounds perfect."
He seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me better, almost drawn to me. "So, y/n," he began, his eyes twinkling with curiosity, "tell me more about yourself. What do you do for a living?"
I hesitated for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "I work in public service," I said, which was true enough. "It's a challenging job, but I find it very rewarding."
Father Charlie nodded, listening to me. "That sounds like a noble profession. It's always heartening to meet people who are dedicated to helping others.” “You know the more I talk to you the more I feel like I’ve met you before” I muttered. “Well I get that a lot” he chuckled. “Wait no, you went to pine valley high, it’s funny you said you always wanted to be a doctor” “and you said you always wanted to be a detective” I shuttered as he says almost suspiciously. “I mean look where we ended up” I laugh trying to change the subject.
“I always admired you in high school” he says eating a fry. “Really? I mean I always tried to go unnoticed” “I have no idea what you’re talking about you seemed so confident” “I mean that’s what I showed everyone” “I understand.” He said seeming to sense my uneasiness.
“I was wondering if you knew anything about the murders happening around town.” Father Charlie eagerly changing the subject. "…it’s been so unsettling lately," I said, trying to seem confused. "These strange murders have everyone on edge. It's hard to believe something like this could happen in our small town."
Father Charlie nodded, his expression serious. "I know. The community is shaken. People are scared, and it's understandable. The randomness of the attacks makes it even more terrifying."
I took a sip of my coffee, my mind racing with thoughts of the recent events. "this... it's different. There's no clear pattern, no obvious motive. It's like the killer is playing a twisted game."
I leaned in slightly, lowering my voice. "Do you think there's anything we can do to help find the killer? Maybe there's something we've overlooked."
He pondered my question, unaware of my true role in the investigation. "We can pray for guidance and protection, and we can keep our eyes and ears open. Sometimes the smallest details can make the biggest difference."
I felt a pang of guilt for not being able to confide in him fully, but i knew my cover was crucial to solving the case. "You're right, Father.“
Father Charlie placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You should read the blog, Sister Megan has an interesting way of talking about the whole case" Father Charlie leaned forward, his eyes filled with passion. “You seem to know a lot about these events.” “What can I say I like true crime.” I joke.
As our lunch arrived, we delved into deeper topics, sharing stories and perspectives. An unspoken connection seemed to grow between each other. We found themselves sharing more than just professional interests; we talked about our hopes, our fears, and our dreams. The more we shared, the more we realized how much they had in common.
“Well I have to go now but I’d love to talk to you more. So I was wondering if you’d come by the monastery later tonight?” Father Charlie asked. “Uh is that allowed Father?” “I say so, I’ll see you later then” he said as he left money for food and walked out the diner.
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I arrived at the chapel later that day as the sun began to set. I walk in and it’s completely silent. I walk around the corner to find steps trying to find Father Charlie.
“In here y/n” I heard him shout. "You know I really admire the work you do here, Father Charlie," i said. "It's inspiring to see someone so dedicated to their faith and their community." "Thank you, y/n. Your dedication to public service is equally admirable. It's rare to meet someone with such a strong sense of duty and compassion."
As I reach what I’m assuming is his room. The door in opened ajar so I gently knock trying not to push the door. “Come in.” I head him say. I push open the door to see him leaning against the wall in only a towel. “Oh sorry is this a bad time I can come back later” I try not to look down. “no, please stay. Would you mind closing the door?” He bops his head. I push the door closed with my back against it trying to resist getting close for him. His hair was wet which made him even more attractive, he was so toned and large.
“So um why’d you want me to meet you, here?” “Maybe I just like seeing your angelic face” he smiles, creeping toward me. "Y/n," he began, his voice tinged with regret, "I feel a connection between us, and I know that you feel it too, But I also know that there are boundaries we must respect. My commitment to the church and to my faith is something I hold dear." I nodded, "I understand, Father Charlie. I feel the same way. It's just... difficult to ignore what we feel."
We stood in silence for a moment, the weight of our unspoken emotions hanging in the air. Finally, Father Charlie spoke again, his voice gentle but firm. "Perhaps, I’ve been wanting a change in the church for a while, I mean it’s a new world”
“Father Charlie I- “Charlie please” he cut me off. I nodded. “Would you mind drying my back” he says reaching out a towel to me. I walk slowly toward him, taking the towel. He kneels on this wooden step stool thing and I proceed to walk over so I’ll be behind him. I hesitate and notice his back full of scratches and stitches. “Fa-Charlie?” I say as I gently start swiping the towel on his back. “Yes y/n” “what happen to your back?” I feel his shudder as I ran my finger gently over one scar.
He slowly stands up so we’re face to face with him towering over me. “We all have our vices” he says in a whisper, grabbing my chin with his hand gently. His eye piercing through mine. I could almost hear my heartbeat against his. “I should go” he grips my arm as I try and walk toward the door. I grab his bicep gently like he’s gripping my arm. “This isn’t right Charlie” “I know but if it’s wrong why does it feel so good” he mutters as he backs me up against the wall. His lips lingering over mine, his bare chest against mine, his breath against mine. He runs his lips done my neck leaving open mouths kisses along my collar bone.
I grab his face to look back up at me. “Fuck it” he says under his breath. He grabs my face kissing me harshly. I could tell he hasn’t kiss someone in a long time. I could feel his tongue against mine and running over my teeth. “oh y/n, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you.” He said in between kissing me. I let out a soft moan against his mouth, and that sound seemed to do it. He grabs me and lays me down on the bed.
He starts kissing me going lower down my body. Hot open mouth kisses. He pushes my skirt up kissing my upper thighs slowly. Sending shivers down my spine. I brush my fingers through his hair throwing my head back at the feeling.
And then I came back to reality. I push his shoulders to keep distance from him. “Wait, stop we can’t.” I say pushing my skirt back down. “Why?” He says brushing my calf. “Why? Charlie you have no idea how badly I want to but you’re…you’re a priest you took a vow. It’s a sin” “you’re not a sin”
a/n: part || coming soon…
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threepandas · 28 days ago
Bad End: Happy Wife
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Thirteen servants were dead; Two estates on fire.
I never even made it to the gates.
The smell of smoke lingered in the air. Clung to his hair and skin, even after bathing. Because no amount of scented oils, scrubbing, could erase his sin. The scent of iron and cooking flesh. Cruel scents of ancient houses ablaze. Innocent people being slaughtered. For... for the crime of trying to help me.
It was all my fault.
Last time, I had escaped alone. Or... more laughably, he had let me escape.
So he could hunt me through the forest like a brightly colored deer. Some pretty prey to stalk and torment. Letting me exhaust myself. Run and run until I could no longer, before casually strolling up to come collect me. As though letting me get it out of my system. A man, merely humoring his wife's tantrums and overly dramatic, willful ways.
I never should have accepted help. No matter have lonely I was. How desperate my despair. Because... because-!
"I'll get you new ones. Don't be upset, Love." The monster that was my husband, said idly. His voice a low rumble like thunder, his so called 'sweet' tone. "Servants that can't obey their lord, can't be trusted. Shouldn't be kept. They were scum. I'll get you better ones."
Ha ha... more like, servants that obeyed him. Feared him. Had no shred of mercy or honor, left in their bones. Gods... I... I had condemned thirteen good souls. All for trying to help me. Save me. Just for trying to get me out of this hell and away from this man.
I would never forgive this life's sperm donor, for handing me over. Because... because after a betray like that? After I had begged? Begged and screamed, rioted and tried to run? And STILL he handed me over? He was no kin of mine. I had no family.
Not in this life.
My family may not have been perfect. May have been flawed. But they would never have handed me over to a psychopath. Sold me to the highest bidder, like chattle. And... and honestly? I would take them at their worst, over these bastards at their best.
I never should have read that STUPID book. Yeah, maybe, it had nothing to do with anything. Maybe, all it would have done is left me ignorant on top of being stranded. But? I had to blame something. Or I'd go insane. So it was the fucking book's fault.
Recommend by an internet friend. Historical fiction. Lots of complex characters and some spicy yandere. How FUN. Court intrigues! Poisonings! Bastards and hidden births! Great to read... literal hell to live through. Everyone wanted everyone fucking dead, and all I wanted? Was to marry far, FAR into the countryside. Live a boring ass life.
But apparently I blinked funny. Or was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wore the wrong fucking dress (well, not dress, but you get the idea). Because next thing I knew? Yandere Sr., of Yandere and Yandere, is looking at me! And not in that "oh, what an interesting bug" sort of way! Look looking!
I didn't know shit about him! Yes, his son. But him? Nothing!
Well... aside from the fact he was a VERY convenient Widower. Like... the SECOND he got a kid out of his arranged wife. It was all very "everyone suspected but no one could prove shit" Sort of thing.
And? Said son? Becomes a major antagonist in the book. Until he "embarrasses" his Father by going too far. Implied gruesome end to follow. Plot moves on. Which? Is all well and good FOR THEM. But what about me?! I had nothing to go on! Aside from "Aaah ha ha ha! Run." Which? Didn't fucking help, in the end! Still... s-still ended up married.
Though, my new "son" ended up dead, in relatively short order. Apparently wasn't too pleased to have a step-mom. Tried to do something about it. Disappeared between one day and the next. And now no one is allowed to so much as talk about him. But hey! It's apparently fine! Because at some point? We're gonna make a better one!
"Your thoughts are far away, Love. Should I help you concentrate?" Husband muses, from the edge of the bed. I jerk back as I jolt violently to the present, focusing on the threat. He looks pleased. "Better~, this wife should focus only on her Lord. And yet... once again she's wandered. Tried to run. This lord wonders what he should do, hmm?"
Scrunched up in a ball on the bed, I hoped the answer was fucking "nothing". Or maybe, perhaps, "leave". Inching backwards, like the hunted animal I felt like, I wasn't fast enough to avoid the hand that shot out. Capturing my ankle in shackle strong grip.
It wasn't crushing. Left no bruises. Yet the touch felt scalding, as his hand imprisoned yet cradled my ankle. Dragged my leg free of my curled up little ball of self. I froze, as I felt his other hand gentle running the tips of his fingers up and down my shin. Up and down, up and down. As though just feeling my skin.
"Should he make sure his wife can not run?" This grip tightened, nearly bruising. His other gripping farther up my leg. As though casually preparing to snap bones. "Or perhaps, he should chain you away? Hmm? This Lords wife is a troublesome girl. Causing trouble as she does... ah~, what to do with her..."
Terrified, sat froze. Mind numb. Please. Gods. Please, please, please! D-Don't. I was shaking. Could feel tears starting to build. Watched, helplessly, as he examined me. Something pleased, satisfied even, creeped into his expression. And without breaking eye contact, he lifted my leg towards his face, to gently kiss the skin right above my ankle bone. It could have been tender... if it didn't feel like a threat.
"This wife is so very lucky, that this Lord loves her so. That he would never."
It was almost mocking, in how sweet the words curled. As though suggesting that because this one thing was too far, he was a good man. As though suggesting that he would do far worse to others, in my place. But don't worry. You won't be hurt. See how benevolent he is?
"But come, let us not discuss your punishments tonight, hmm?"
Like a predator, stalking his prey, he crawled up onto the bed. Closer and closer. There was no where to run. Was this it? W-was this the day he... he-? Looming, on his knees, above my curled up ball of fear, he effortlessly worked his arm in and around my waist. Dragging me closer. All but into his lap.
"You are tired. Upset. Have made such messes for this husband to clean." He murmured, face pressed close. Breathe ghosting against my neck, my ear. All I could smell was rich soaps and smoke. "We can deal with this tomorrow. For now, it's time for bed. So go ahead, rest sweetly in my arms, Love.
"It's where you belong."
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vveirdvvitch · 6 months ago
Look! I wrote a dirty little piece of fanfiction featuring Edward Nashton!
Edward Nashton X Fem!Reader
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Warnings: fem!reader, no use of y/n, smut, fluff, porn with very little plot
Summary: Eddie does you a favor
Heaven Tonight
Edward trudges up the stairs to his apartment. It had been another torturous day at the office and he was looking forward to getting back to his real work. Cleansing the city would finally give him the satisfaction he had been seeking. Nothing would keep him from obtaining his goal to purge the rotten decay at the heart of Gotham.
He rounded the landing and began the climb up the last flight when a curious sight made him forget briefly about his plans for the evening. There you sat on the filthy hallway flooring in front of your apartment door which was across the hall from his own. He pauses at his door and watches as you tap away on your phone.
And then it happens. It had happened before and each time was a special gift Edward treasured. You lift your head up and smile at him.
The first time had been approximately 8 and a half months ago when you first moved in. He had been coming home from work and nearly ran into you when you headed down for more boxes.
“Whoops! Hey sorry neighbor!”, and that 1000 watt smile had him forgiving you instantly.
He didn’t mind accidentally receiving your mail. Now he knew your name. Now you would greet him with a warm smile and say, “Thanks Ed! I don’t know why the dang mailman keeps doing this.”
“Hey Edward!” Why you were always so friendly was beyond him. He turned it over and over in his mind. Was it a trick? Were you stupid? Were you perhaps the only genuinely kind person in all of Gotham?
Ed gave you a timid tight-lipped smile, “hey, what are you doing down there?”
“Oh you know, trying to get a hold of my sister who is far too busy with her new girlfriend to care about what I’m doing, as well as our good for nothing landlord.” You paused and gave him a quizzical look, “Well, I don’t know our landlord's dating status just that he can’t be bothered to answer.”
It was Edward’s turn now to look puzzled. You pointed behind yourself towards the door, “Key broke off. I can’t get in.”
He nodded and gently huffed, “Ah!”
“So I’m down here until someone either responds or I get desperate enough to call some weirdo who decided to become a locksmith.”
The wheels of his mind clicked into motion. He could probably solve this for you with his pliers and his lock picks, but he couldn’t be sure if you would react negatively or positively. Who has a set of lock picks at the ready? Definitely a creep.
He didn’t want to freak you out and he couldn’t let you sit here in the hallway by yourself. There was no telling what kind of degenerates occupied this building. He looked to his door, key in hand.
“Um,” Edward swallowed thickly, “you could wait inside with me.”
The lock clicked and the knob turned. The wheels spun up again. Dread fell upon his shoulders like a sodden cloak. He couldn’t let you inside! One step and you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was, in fact, a creep. A psycho. Ed-weird. His heart pounded in his chest. Sweat threatened to cover his whole body in a clammy sheen as every conceivable bad ending raced through his mind. You screaming in horror as you ran from him; You slapping him hard across the face in revulsion; You shrieking at him with unbridled rage, “let me out of here you psychopath!”
No, surely you would politely decline with another of your sweet candy smiles. Then he could suggest waiting at the diner on the corner while he took the time to vet locksmiths.
Just as he was pulling the door back towards himself you were up on your feet and pushing past him with a cheerful grin.
“Thanks Ed! I think my butt was falling…” you trail off as you truly begin to take in your surroundings. Newspaper clippings covered in large, red letters and threatening phrases paper most of the walls. Piles of ledgers, various tools, and unrecognizable contraptions litter every available surface. It all feels so surreal as you turn slowly looking for anything to give you an answer. This must be a dream. And if it is a dream, then you can do whatever you want to do.
Your gaze lands back on Edward. Still standing in the doorway looking like he might vomit or pass out. From his sudden pallor you guessed both. Your eyes make contact with each other. His big, murky green eyes full of panic pull at your heartstrings. A dream you tell yourself again.
Without too much thought, you let the words tumble out of your mouth. “Can you do me a favor Eddie?”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion but he nods.
“If you’re gonna kill me, could you at least fuck me first?”
Panic bubbles in his chest as he chokes out a strangled, “What?”
“Well,” you glance about the room again, “this is kind of a textbook serial killer apartment,” your eyes connect once again with his, “And I am the kind of dumb girl who will follow a cute guy anywhere.”
Edward’s heart stops. The wheels of his mind screech to a halt. Cute. You think he’s cute. This was not a scenario he had considered.
His face softens as he finally closes the door behind him. You find the both of you slowly crossing the room towards each other. As if your feet have no intention. They follow some magnetic drum. Prisoners of their destination.
Until the two of you stand mere inches apart. Head tilted back to look him in the eye. Heart pounding your gaze darts between his eyes and lips. The pink tip of his tongue protrudes ever so slightly to wet those lips. Before you can think too much about it you push yourself up on your toes and smash your mouth inelegantly against his. The force pushes a small squeak from your throat.
The sound snaps Edward from his tether. His arms crush you to his chest, hands pawing at your back. His form is soft yet solid against you and his fervor elicits a soft moan from your now parted lips. He takes this as your sign to deepen the kiss and his tongue begins a passionate exploration of your mouth. His hunger and inexperience make his kisses feral.
Teeth click together. Tongues clash and lick. Saliva runs freely. Drool accumulates at the corners of your mouths. Edward walks forward pushing you back towards the bedroom without breaking the kiss. His apartment is small like yours and it isn’t long before you feel the mattress hit the backs of your calves. You fall backwards onto the mattress and stare up at him.
Edward allows himself a moment to take it all in. He feels compelled to burn the image into his memory. You splayed on his bed, eyes glassy, lips parted and panting. The spitting image of delicious prey.
Carefully, as though he is trying not to spook you, he climbs onto the bed and crawls up your body. His breath is warm on your face as he leans down once again to capture your lips with his own; However the new angle causes his glasses to slide down his nose and hit you in the face.
Any tension you may have had dissolves at his soft giggles. “Sorry,” He says as he folds his glasses carefully and places them on the nightstand.
His reach pulls up the fabric of his shirt just enough to reveal the smallest sliver of his tummy. You take the opportunity to snake your hand through the gap to feel the softness for yourself.
Edward tenses, almost pulling away. Your free hand goes to the back of his head. Threading your fingers through his soft downy hair, you guide him back down for another kiss. This time his lips are hesitant. The hand still under his shirt glides over his side to his back. You dance your fingertips over the smooth skin and knobs of his spine.
His eyes flutter closed. A slow whine pushes out of his nose as his body and lips melt back against yours. It isn’t long before you feel his fingers pull at the hem of your top, so you adjust yourself enough to pull the garment up and over your head, tossed to the side. Goosebumps form on your arms and chest as Edward gapes open-mouthed at you in your modest cotton bra.
“Your turn,” you almost whisper.
Edward takes a deep breath, steeling himself against his self-consciousness. He unbuttons his shirt just enough that he can pull it and the t-shirt underneath up and over his head. While he is distracted with his task you reach behind yourself, easily unclasping your undergarment. You add it to the growing heap of discarded clothes at the same time as Edward’s shirts. A sound like the combination of a groan and a whine squeezes from his throat. The cool air causes your sensitive peaks to tighten.
The sight sends Edward into a ravenous frenzy once again. His nose crashes into the flat of your sternum and his hands crawl up to the fleshy mounds now on either side of his head. His hands knead the soft tissue and fingertips dance around your ever hardening nipples as his tongue slides across your skin.
Wanton moans pour out of your mouth at the sudden cascade of attention to your breasts. More fuel for Edward’s fire. You writhe and sigh when his wet persistent tongue travels up the side of your breast and he takes the nipple into his mouth.
Equally perverse sounds bubble their way out of Edward, his mind peacefully blank as he suckles. Your legs are tangled together and he absent mindedly humps your thigh. His hardness easily felt through the thin fabric of his cheap slacks.
Your right hand returns to his dark blonde locks, fingers tightening and pulling him off of you with a soft pop when your nipple is pulled free of his lips. You gaze on his love drunk face with its wet puppy eyes and slackened jaw. Gently you guide him to the other breast. Edward resumes his devotions to your pleasure while you reach your free hand down towards his pants.
Your fingers pull clumsily at the latch on his belt. A frustrated grunt at your failure breaks Edward from his ministrations. He looks down to where your fingertips struggle and notices the small wet dot on the crotch of his pants. You’re going to think he’s a pervert. Panic grips him yet again, until he hears your voice husky with arousal.
“Take them off.” You lick your lips before adding, “please?”
His heart leaps into his throat and he finds himself wrenching his belt loose and scrambling out of his khakis faster than he thought possible. There is a moment's hesitation before he pulls down his boxer briefs. But then he sees you are squirming out of your own pants and panties all at once. And so his underwear joins its brethren on the floor.
Edward doesn’t have time to worry about the size of his cock or what it looks like bobbing up and down, leaking precum. He would worry but the distance between your knees keeps increasing. He feels like he is watching a time-lapse of an orchid blooming, the petals unfolding to reveal the true beauty within.
As you lean back on your elbows, legs bent at the knee and falling to either side, Edward stares hungrily; a starving man crawling across the desert on hands and knees. Your sweet cunt an overly ripe peach on the verge of decay, splitting at the seams with musky juices. The promise of satiety.
Edward has never committed this particular act before but the sirens’ song of your wet, pink pussy is simply too much to resist. His arms crawl beneath your legs and wrap around your thighs. Fingers gripping lest you change your mind, close your legs, and deny him what he now considers his singular goal.
You would never, of course. In this moment, your only desire is to give in to him. You’ll do anything if it means he will continue. You’ve never felt desired like this before. Like you are a benevolent goddess offering sustenance to your most loyal servant.
His gaze flits up to yours. With a small smile and nod you award him approval. Tentatively he presses his lips to your right thigh. First a chaste kiss. Then a light flick of tongue. A gentle nibble. Briefly his breath hits your sensitive throbbing sex but your torture is prolonged when you realize he is simply moving to do the same to your other thigh.
Desire coils within your pelvis. The ache overwhelms you, your need too great.
Your whines and moans fill Edward with a confidence he was unaware he could achieve without his mask. His breath is cool and sharp on your wetness as he comes to feast on you at last.
First, a chaste kiss. You throw your head back and shudder, amazed at how such a simple action could feel so electric. Then a light flick of tongue. Your elbows give way, landing you flat on the mattress. A gentle nibble. Your thighs clamp together to hold him hostage against you at the same time your hand flies to the back of his head.
“Ahhhhh! Eddie!!! Ahhhh!” You moan his name.
A beautiful woman is moaning his name.
The wheels in Edward’s mind begin to turn yet again. He cannot lose this. He needs to know how to recreate this result. He will master this puzzle. Unleashing his tongue to explore your folds, he begins to catalog every twitch and sound you make.
The flat of his tongue licking you like an ice cream cone draws a low moan. The pointed tip drawing circles around your clit cause you to buck and hiss. He kisses, sucks, and licks. You pant, shake, and writhe. He pulls your labia into his mouth. You growl and arch your back off the bed. He pushes his slick muscle into your aching hole. Your eyes go crossed as you whine and shiver.
It is impossible to tell how much time has passed. Every touch from Edward is electric pleasure. What started as sloppy-yet-eager has become a determined assault on your pulsing cunt. Your head lolls to the side and you can see him buried between your thighs, nose pressed to your clit. Sensation and image combine to launch you into ecstasy.
Your hips buck. Moans blur into growls blur into a purr. You feel your insides tighten and relax. Tighten and relax. A gush of fluid rushes into Edward’s mouth which he drinks gratefully.
Panting, he pulls back to look back up at you. His eyes glassy with lust and triumph. Face glistening with your release. Never have you seen something so erotic.
Your hands dart out and clutch his shoulders, “Eddie please, I need you. I need you in me.”
Edward pushes a sharp breath out of his nose. This is it. Jaw clenched, he reaches for his bedside table and pulls a condom from the top drawer. Not that he had many lovers, just that sometimes economy of cleanup during certain solo activities was tantamount.
With shaking fingers he rips the package open and tosses the wrapper away. He tries to steady his breathing and roll the condom on his turgid member. Lips pursed in concentration, eyes closed, Edward takes a deep grounding breath.
His absence is too much. You wiggle yourself closer to him and whisper seductively, “Please Edward.”
His eyes snap back open. His face set in determination he leans himself towards you. Propping himself on up his elbows over you. You simply can’t take it any longer. Before he can make another move you snake your hand between your legs and grasp him firmly eliciting a growling moan from the usually stoic man.
He is thick and firm in your palm. Twitching with excitement. You guide him towards your entrance, rolling your hips up to take in the tip. Seemingly of their own volition, Edward’s hips come crashing into yours, sheathing himself in one fluid motion. If you weren’t so aroused it may have been painful but all you can feel is a delicious fullness. Sparks ignite behind your wide eyes.
Edward takes a deep shuddering breath and pulls back slowly, looking down to see where you connect. He nearly pulls all the way out before sliding back in. The pace he sets is tortuously slow. Dragging his full length in and out. Your eyes roll back in your head, legs shaking. Edward has the sudden desire to never cum. To simply slide in and out for eternity. Perhaps that would be heaven.
Warmth and desire pools in your belly. Your legs come up to wrap around his hips. Your arms wrap around his torso. Still he continues to go much slower and gentler than what you crave.
“Please Eddie faster, please” you sob into his shoulder.
Unable to do anything but give in to your request, his pace quickens. He screws his eyes shut tight and wills himself to hold out. To remain here inside of you for as long as possible.
Edward nearly loses his control when your nails dig into his back and you wail, “Harder!”
A high pitched whine builds deep within him as he pistons himself into you. This is what you had been craving. Him rutting like a crazed buck in heat.
You pitch your hips up in time with his. Wet slapping sounds echo around the room peppered with guttural moans and hisses of pleasure.
Jaw clenched, Edward uses every ounce of willpower he has to maintain his pace, holding back just enough to avoid falling over the edge. No small feat as you thrash beneath him. Gasping. Clawing at his back. Digging your heels into his ass.
“Ohmygod, Eddie! Mm gonna cum!” Your body engulfs in fire, every nerve alight with ecstasy. You become weightless, out of time and space as your orgasm crashes through you.
Edward feels the rush of warm liquid. Your soft, slick walls clamp down on him like a vice. The muscles contract in waves to produce a milking sensation. He does not slow, fucking you through your orgasm and quickly catching up to his own.
A sweet languid smile graces your flushed face as you come back down from your peak. You are so beautiful, so angelic in his eyes.
A dark possessiveness overcomes him. His thrusts come even faster. More wild than before. He buries his face into your neck and growls, “Mine.”
The word unlocks something within you. Your arms and legs curl around him tighter as you gasp your reply, “Yours.”
His teeth sink into your neck. You feel his growls reverberate in your whole body as he repeats it over and over. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.
The tension in his abdomen becomes too much to bear. He feels his scrotum tighten in anticipation of release. Edward seats himself inside your warmth as deeply as he possibly can. A strangled cry rips from his lungs as he cums inside of you.
As the spots fade from his vision and his ragged breath evens out, the full realization of what has transpired comes over Edward. The pretty girl from next door was beneath him. Naked. The woman he had pined over since the very first time she had smiled at him was flushed and breathing unsteadily.
Cold spiney fingers of panic start clawing at his chest. The questions don’t just run at lightning speed through his mind, they tumble speedily from his lips.
“Um A-are you okay? Uh did you uh c-cum? Was was I good?”
Edward’s face burns with embarrassment at his clumsy pillow talk.
Until your face once again brightens with a smile, “Yes, oh yes and oh my god yes!!”
You punctuate each affirmation with a kiss, gazing back at him adoringly.
His heart swells beating back the icy grip of panic. He lets out a breath he did not know he was holding and gently untangles himself from you.
Edward carefully slides the condom off his now softened member and ties off the end. He places it gently on the nightstand. Cringing at the sickening squish sound it makes.
He picks up his glasses, places them on his face, and turns back to you. “Um do you need anything? What should I do now?”
Your face splits into a warm smile, “Just cuddle me, silly.”
You open your arms up to him and he slides down to lay beside you. Arms wrap around each other and legs entangle together. Edward grabs the blanket and pulls it over you both at an awkward angle. You idly play with his hair and a contented sigh escapes you.
“Hmm I guess this means you’re not gonna kill me huh? “ you say with a tired laugh.
“No,” you can feel his lips curl into a smile against your neck, “but I might chain you to the radiator.” A high pitched almost manic giggle bursts from him.
You join him with your own laughter crazed from the whirlwind of emotion. You didn’t know if he was kidding or not. Or if you even cared.
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prologue-ae · 15 days ago
| Regrets | Kim Minjeong
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Kim Minjeong (Winter) x fem
Yes I did want to hurt people today! Also I couldn’t sleep and decided to update for the first time in like, FOREVER
You really just had to be ruined didn’t you? Your heart felt as though it stopped pounding as you looked at the sight in front of you. Your ex with some other girl. I mean sure it was your ex but it still hurt so much.
It almost hurt as much as when the wound was fresh, when she abruptly said “hey I’m bored of us, let’s break up” the exact words that broke you, the words that split your heart into a million pieces. Your eyes pricked tears while watching her. Minjeong, the girl you loved so dearly with another girl. I mean what’s the chances the only person you let in would do this to you?
Definitely more than fifty. The girl herself seemed to be enjoying it, making her own show. Gripping the girls waist and very.. sloppily making out with her. Stop! You thought to yourself. Not noticing the sting in your eyes and the water falling from them onto your cheeks. Well you hadn’t noticed until you stopped zoning out, once your legs instinctively began to move you away from the scene. Away from the whole area infact. You firstly weren’t sure where you’d end up, and secondly. You knew that you wouldn’t be ok.
The worst part about that? Your life used to be so stable until her.until she came into your life. Before you knew it you’d ended up inside a bathroom. Since your school was rich as hell there were small rooms that each bathroom ‘stall’ had.
You locked the door not even noticing your breath shortening or your hands shaking, also bleeding slightly because of how tightly you’d clenched your fists so hard, to the point where the pretty nails you’d gotten that weekend pierced your skin. You’d slid down the wall and curled up against it, sobs wracking your throat. The hyperventilating seemed to be a lot more noticeable now, now that you had nothing else to think about. The only thing to think or critique being yourself.
I mean ever since the breakup is that not all you’d done to yourself? ‘I’m not pretty enough’ or ‘Maybe I just wasn’t enough for her standard’ Why. Why did she have to fuck you up so badly. But oh, seeing her face was enough to make your heart beat a few pulses quicker.
That’s what you hated about her, about yourself. The fact that you could still love someone as heartless or cold as her. I mean, her nicknames ‘Winter’ isn’t it? Shouldn’t you have thought it through instead of hurting yourself like this. You had a whole plan ahead of you, graduating, becoming a successful lawyer. And now, it was so sudden. As if a vulture had swooped down and forcefully dragged and torn the dreams to pieces. That’s what it felt Minjeong was like, because the problem with it was.
You couldn’t ever picture a future without her. Even if she hurt you, even if she did all of that to you. You’d always forgive her. That’s your problem. Your heart with metal barriers secured and standing tall opened, just an inch to allow the parasite called ‘love’ to seep inside.
How could you ever try and become your own person and make a life for yourself. Without the girl who’d utterly stolen your whole existence. As if whenever she was even within thirty meters she’d still managed to get a light pink hue to coat your cheeks, make your heart beat a bit quicker than before, your hands clammy and of course, your stupid lovesick puppy eyes to follow her every movement.
Wasn’t it all going her way? All to her plan. Get you so obsessed to the point you couldn’t even live properly without her. Whether or not she was with you, romantically, platonically or physically because that’s how deeply you truly loved her. The type of love that would consume you whole one day, take over your whole life. Surely you were this close to the brink of becoming psychopathic. It’s not even like you could deny it, it was like. Some sort of mind game that became a sick, addictive joke to her, but if she asked you’d run straight back wouldn’t you? Because that’s the type of person you are.
You’re the type to stay loyal, and even if you tried to get over them, you know how hard it’d be?
Of course you did, you were the one going through it. But did she was the real question? Probably not. You heard the bell ring, a loud sharp sound cracking through the silence and heavy atmosphere of the small cramped room.
As you looked up from the ground you saw your own appearance in the mirror. God did you look messy, messy hair, red, puffy eyes, a red nose, tear stained cheeks. Not to mention the sight of your hands, drops slightly leaking from the wounds of your nails digging into the palms, the skin was cold. You rubbed your eyes slightly and thought about skipping classes, even if you did your parents would most definitely scream at you.. they were strict after all.
You sigh not really caring at all, it was your life anyway. Not like they get the choice right..? You were in university, a big girl. You weren’t a kid, you could be independent.
You thought as you looked at your pathetic appearance in the mirror, god Minjeong was probably enjoying herself with some other girl by now. You sigh deeply, having caught your breath, you weren’t sure when you did but apparently it already happened.
You leant your head back on the door closing your eyes, slowly loosing consciousness. Once you’d awakened you heard the sharp sound of the bell again, signalling the end of the school day, everyone would be crowded going out of the gates and to the dorms. But you weren’t prepared to take any risks so. You decided to wait a while before everyone was gone. Also it gave you time to fix yourself.
You stood up your legs slightly shakey. You still managed fine, you looked into the mirror gripping the sink tightly. You grabbed your bag pulling out a makeup bag. Placing it on the side, you first washed your face then applied concealer around your eyes, on your nose. Not forgetting to blow it first of course. Afterwards you brushed through your hair gently fixing it and adjusting as needed. Your eyes were still red but you couldn’t do anything about that could you, you’d just say it was hayfever or something if anyone asked. Washing your hands was like a blur, a sharp sting in both hands from the tight squeeze and digging of your nails into the palms.
After you’d finished, you looked through your bags finding bandaids. The wounds weren’t all that serious but it’d have been better for small bandages to cover, but this was all you had right now.
It was sort of embarrassing though, as the nerd you were. You really seemed to like cartoon stuff, so.. the bandaids of course had small characters all over them. You applied them gently placing each one over the marks in your hands placing the spares back into your bag along with your makeup bag. You checked the time, great it was twenty minutes since everyone should’ve been gone. You slung your bag over your shoulder and opened the bathroom door, before your breath caught.
There she was standing all tall and mighty, Kim Minjeong, or better known as Winter. She tilted her head looking at you asking “you’ve been crying?” You shook your head, your voice was slightly hoarse and it would’ve made it more obvious. Minjeong scoffed though, she knew you like the back of her hand, why would she believe a clear lie when you were also, such a terrible liar.
She reached her hand out before you flinched away and tried to shut the door on her. Her hand held it open before you could close it to lock it. She said “Listen, I don’t know why you’re crying but I’m sure whatever it is can’t be that serious, we need to talk. Come out now” god did she choose the wrong words, wrong time and wrong girl. Your eye twitched slightly and something overcame inside of you, anger?
You said “no.” Pathetic right, a hoarse slightly croaky voice managing out one word. Minjeong however, looked stunned. Had you just defied her? Her. Kim Minjeong, the same girl who had you wrapped around her finger. She responded in an annoyed tone “what?”
Your eye twitched again as you repeated “no. I don’t have the time to waste on someone using me, thinking they’re in charge. Well guess what! This is my life Minjeong, you can’t fucking control me! You left me you don’t get to act victim, you don’t get to ask for a ‘talk’, that’s not how this break up thing works!”
You saw a slight crack in her cold facade, before it went back on. She scoffed and retorted “oh yeah? What happened to the girl who’d do anything to please me? Sold her whole Lego collection for me, to buy me the valentines present I wanted? Threw away the albums of Pokémon cards that you loved so dearly and definitely costed more than a thousand cause I said I didn’t like them? Sold the PC I said was ugly and a waste of time? Huh, where’s she?”. There it was, the mean side, the sharp tongued bitch that would come out as a defence or just when she felt like it.
This time you wouldn’t cower down and have it, you said back frustrated “that girl was dead as soon as you left. Her appearance not being shown to someone who clearly doesn’t love her and would make a show of kissing other girls in front of her!”
Minjeong smirked slightly and asked “Jealous huh? And dead? That’s rich coming from a girl who seems to still feel so much for me.” Your eyes brimmed again, you shoved her back and quickly ran off, without another word. Minjeong felt a sudden stab in her heart, she made you cry. Again.
She quickly recovered thinking, she needed to keep image. She bit her lip in slight regret as she watched your figure disappear running far enough out of sight and around the corner. God if she could tell you the whole story, if only she could embrace you, comfort you, love you like how she always wanted to love you, like what you deserved. Maybe even be a better girlfriend or be one that was for real this time. Maybe, just maybe she’d be happy.
But you’d never know what was going on with her, you’d never know why she couldn’t.
A/N: listen. I know it’s shit but it still made me cry 🙄 better than nothing ig
Alternate ending (HAPPY)
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v3nusxsky · 1 year ago
Hi! Request from prompt list 🔥17
Dom Emily Prentiss x sub reader with overstimulation kink
Thanks :)
You can take it baby 18+
*Authors note~ 3 days into a particularly stressful placement and of course I want Emily Prentiss in completely normal ways right now. Full confession this was meant to be posted last week but I had the week from hell. I apologise guys*
Trigger warnings~ dom Emily, sub r overstimulation kink sub space mommy kink fingering oral strap on referenced as the real deal praise degrading humiliation kink spanking edging oral fixation aftercare hinted at threesome
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Really, it was amusing that you sat here pouting at a situation you had walked straight into. Willingly. All day you had been bratty, distracted and just plain disobedient to Emily and that was something she would never accept from you. As her wife, you knew damn well what you’d done and yet you still had the audacity to sit here squirming, despite the command to kneel and remain still. However, your wife was no stranger to recognising the cues of what you needed, perks of living and working together. Well and she is a profiler while you are just a technical assistant.
On the rare chance that no psychopathic serial killers were out on the hunt, the team stayed home bound and worked on paperwork that was so long since needing to be attended to. That was the soul reason you’d been able to achieve such a great result in annoying your lover with your behaviour. The instructions had been simple, go and strip bare, move so your nose is touching the wall and your knelt on your knees with your palms resting comfortably upon the tops of them.
Timeouts are something you hate, especially after you’d been edged on the drive home. All you wanted was her and that was something you knew you’d have to earn forgiveness before you could even think about having. You’d lost count how long she left you alone in the room, thighs coated in your need, craving the raven haired woman’s presence. You’ve always been told to be carful what you wish for, never understanding fully the meaning. Until now.
Ending up over your shared bed with Emily behind you was definitely not the attention you wanted. But it’s what you got. Her hand coming down against the soft globes of your ass and the backs of your thighs as she forced you to count and thank her for every hit. “Such a little slut, just needed mommy to give you a good spanking didn’t you baby?” She would taunt as an obnoxiously loud mewl slipped past your lips at the delicious sting her palm left behind. “Oh, you really are a little whore , wonder what the team would think? Their little mini PG over my bed whimpering like a bitch. Do you like it when mommy hits you baby?” You never confirmed it, you didn’t need to, the fact your enjoyment was dripping down your thighs told her everything she needed to know.
By the twentieth spank you no longer felt the same pleasure in the sting, your voice wavering as you counted for the woman. “Surely a slut like you can take ten more, right? Or are we not even capable of doing something so simple for mommy?” Her words only motivating you to take more. The brat in you simmering down into her pliant little girl. “I can mommy! I can please! Wanna be good” you whimpered causing the last ten wacks to be laid down on your ass faster than the speed of light.
You didn’t even have a breath to dry your falling tears before Emily’s slender fingers trailed down to the apex of your thighs, fingers playing with the copious amounts of slick that took residence there. “That wasn’t enough for my little whore was it? I think you need more, what do you think?” She murmured as if you were just discussing what to have for dinner. “No please mommy I’ll be good now, I swear!” you whined trying to squirm out of her hold despite there being no where to run. “Oh you poor girl” she cooed with her words dripping in faux sympathy, “You are mommy’s bitch to play with so why would I take orders from you? Remember your place little girl” she growled into your ear leaning down to grab your hair and roughly manhandle you into her desired position. “There’s so much fight here, a pretty slut like you doesn’t need it. Let mommy do all the thinking, just lay there and look pretty for me. Can you do that? No, you will do that or I won’t be as kind with my next move. You didn’t like that last time did you sweetheart?”
Last time flashed between your eyes as you remembered being left with your thighs covered in your sticky need for days on end, Emily refusing to touch you, no touching yourself and most definitely not allowing any of the potential friends into the bedroom touch you either. Your mama would’ve given into your crocodile tears and whimpered pleads too easily for Emily’s liking. But that didn’t mean that JJ wasn’t clued up on why you tried to hang around her more at work, subtly pleading with her to have her way with you, in fact the whole of the BAU had gathered you were very much on a punishment as time trickled on. “No mommy! Please! No don’t want that” you cried hoping to avoid the situation.
“The behave” she snapped back at you before yanking your legs apart and settling between them. Her lips trailing all over your exposed skin, nipping, biting and marking every inch of it from your neck to thighs. You could’ve sobbed in relief as she took your rock hard clit into her lips, allowing you some form of relief. “M-mommy” you choked out in between mewls of pleasure. Emily was always so skilled in every aspect of the bedroom but you often told her how this was your favourite way to let her take you. And when she added two fingers into your weeping hole as her tongue focused all its attention on your clit you swore you were ready to see stars. Until you didn’t.
“Mommy!” You sobbed in poor frustration at being edged once again. You really couldn’t think of anything but her. You’re cunt being sensitive and in dire need of some relief, clenching around thin air causing her to smirk at your pathetic state. “Pathetic. Can’t even handle a simple edging. Why should mommy give you and your pathetic pussy my cock hm? Do you deserve something so special?” Her teasing triggered a string of incoherent begging and pleading for her to take you with her cock that you knew was attached between her legs from the moment she’d had you knelt on the floor.
Knowing and seeing however are two very different things, seeing her cock was definitely better than just knowing it was there. In fact, you were practically drooling at the sight. “The sight of Mommys dick really does just turn you into a mindless bitch in heat doesn’t it my love? Oh my girl do you want it in your mouth? Say please, beg me” she murmured as she now approached you bare apart from her not so little hard friend. “Mmm please mommy, I want it” you whimpered, eyes never leaving the woman’s new appendage. It’s a deep maroon colour, that just so happens to be one of your favourite colours on the woman. And naturally Emily just had to buy one for her sweet girl.
“Open slut” she demanded looking down at your blown wide pupils with a smirk plastered on her lips. You instantly did as she asked of you and was rewarded with her veiny cum filled cock in your mouth. Your gags were music to the profilers ears, so much that she would pull out and forcefully thrust back in testing your gag reflex. Tears again now flowed freely as you did your best to take her abuse on your throat. Emily couldn’t lie, seeing you on your knees, her cock in your mouth was enough to have her on the edge with a simple look but that’s not what she wants tonight so she unhappily pulls her shaft from your now puffy and abused lips.
Simply deciding you’d slipped deep enough now she threw your plaint body on the bed and positioned you to be on your hands and knees, spread apart and ready for the taking. And taking you she would be. You couldn’t help but sigh happily as the tip of her cock teased the wetness all over your glistening folds. Those sighs soon turned into a gasp as she thrusted herself into your warm awaiting hole, stretching your soaking walls to accommodate her sheer size. “Mommy hurts” you whimpered adjusting to the stings and burns she’d created until they faded into blissful pleasure. “Oh, poor baby” she cooed not bothering to slow her pace or shorten her thrusts. The woman may as well have been a wild animal with how she was pounding your oversensitive pussy. Any whines and cries of protest were swiftly ignored and met with words that practically oozed dominance and sex.
“Gonna take my cum baby?” She panted into your ear after tugging your almost limp body towards her chest. “No mommy, too much can’t” you mewled quietly as the woman did nothing to slow the abuse on your core. “Shh, just a little more my love, such a sweet girl for your mommy. Mommy wants to make her sweet girl nice and full hmm? Can you be a doll and let mommy do that baby?” She murmured sweetly causing you to nod, giving Emily that okay to let herself and you fall over the edge as you both came rushing over the edge at the same time. A sneaky right arm squeezed at the base of her cock causing her cum to spurt into your awaiting walls with ease. The sensations causing you to go dizzy with pleasure and everything went black.
Now to say Emily wasn’t proud of her ability to fuck you like this wasn’t her secret joy of life would be a lie but she was always there jumping straight into aftercare. In scenes, your nothing more than a means to an end, how you both like it, but now your her wife, her sweet lover who deserves the world, sun, moon and stars. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to be that for you so it was no surprise that she sprung into action, ridding herself of the strap on, heading to get a warm wash cloth and lotion for you as well as drinks and snacks for when you came round to the world of the living.
Like always she had been able to care for your sore body before you’d even roused yourself, and when you did the familiar haze covered your beautiful eyes showing the woman how far down you are. “Are we with me sweet girl?” She murmured softly, a stark contrast of what she’d been earlier on. A pitiful whimper was all she received as a response as you slowly rolled onto your stomach knowing the routine well enough. “Thank you sweet girl, mommy just wants to make you feel all better now darling. I’ll be gentle love” she murmured to you lowly as she took your desired cream and applied generous amounts onto your sore arse. Next on the order would be a drink, trip to the rest room and a snack if you desired.
Before you knew it you were laying your head on Emily’s chest as she gently stroked your cheek with her index finger. Truly you looked nothing short of perfect in this state and it’s one she always wanted to commit to her memory. Although a sub drop didn’t appear to be on the cards Emily always easily let you back to the real world but slowly easing out of the scene, something that had worked well. What she had never seen you do is poke your tongue out to swipe at her finger before moving your hand to grab at her rest and bring the finger to your mouth.
On instinct really, you began to suckle on her finger as she watched on mesmerised. Oral fixation isn’t something you have discussed or discovered about yourself but it appears to be a needed conversation. “You’re okay darling, mommy is here okay?” She murmured to you watching as your eyes fluttered shut, contentment filling your body. Happy murmurs surrounded her fingers as you tried to snuggle even closer. “Good night sweet girl, mommy loves you darling” she whispered as you appeared to be falling into a peaceful slumber, not letting her finger slip from between your lips.
Word count 2144
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saiyanprincessswanie · 8 months ago
Mine - Part 4
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Pairing: Soft!Dark Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Word Count: 2643
Summary: Steve and Reader struggle with whether they can trust one another or not. Both have feelings but is it enough to forgive and start over? Will they be able to have the future they each dream of?
Series Warning: NON/DUB CON, Swearing, Angst, Possessive Behavior, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Male Masturbation, Somnophilia, Drugging, Light Bondage, Physical Fighting, Rough Sex, Choking, Female and Male Oral, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasms, Spanking and Stockholm Syndrome
Please READ the Warnings!! These will be touched on throughout the series.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait with this fic. I just have recently been able to type again after my right shoulder surgery.
A/N 2: This chapter isn’t as dark as the other ones.
Moodboard by @fictional-affairs
Thank you to my beta readers @lfnr-blog-blog-blog & @pigwidgeonxo
Reblogs & Comments on Tumblr are welcomed and encouraged. Even if you leave an emoji you will make my day. 😊💜
I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps, or third-party sites. If you see my work anywhere besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts, it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫 🚫
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Time seemed to go by slowly as you sat in the bedroom window watching as Steve finished chopping up logs for the fireplace. A faint sound of thunder echoes throughout the room and little goosebumps rise on your skin. You snuggle into your hoodie to chase away a storm that is brewing not just outside but within you as well. Steve grabs a bunch of logs and starts heading to the house. Light rain falls from the sky covering the ground below. You hear the door open and close downstairs followed by him walking around. 
The storm seems to pick up as the wind blows through the trees. You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and your hands start to fidget in your lap. Will he be in a good mood today? Your heart is beating faster and faster the closer his footsteps reach the door. Suddenly a key unlocks the door and you hold your breath. Which Steve will greet you today? The door creaks open and you sit as still as you can. 
“Doll? I got a fire going in the fireplace and soup simmering on the stove. Why don’t you come join me?” His words held no authority in it but a simple request. 
You slowly stand up and turn to face him, walking over to where he stood in the doorway. Your eyes glanced over him as he stood before you in a flannel shirt, jeans, and boots. He gives you his million-dollar smile and pulls you in for a hug. Closing your eyes you let him envelop you in his arms. Your arms wrap around his body and you just give in. A minute later he is taking your hand and walking you down the stairs. 
The warmth from the fire hits you as soon as you descend the stairs. The smell of wood burning and soup filled the air as you took a deep breath in. Gosh if this was only a different time and place you would swear you were home. 
Steve leads you over to the table and pulls your chair out for you. You offer a shy smile and thank him. Steve kisses the top of your head and walks the short distance to the kitchen where he can still see you. 
Your eyes scan the dining room and kitchen. Steve was right, this is how you wanted your future house to look like. It’s as if he took all the ideas from your head and made it a reality. Everything in here was perfect except the man you once loved was a kidnapping, psychopath who had ripped away any trust you had in him. Tears lightly poured from your eyes and before you could do anything Steve was wiping them away. 
You hadn’t noticed that he brought the soup over to the table. Instead, he kneels next to you and continues to wipe them away gently as he takes in your shaking body.
“Doll, what’s wrong? You know you can speak to me about anything, right?” His voice is laced with concern and his deep blue eyes stare at you taking everything in. 
You shake your head as you continue to cry. What if you shared the truth about everything with him? Would he still carry out this twisted plan?
“Steve I can’t, I won’t share my thoughts cause you will just be mad at me. I don’t want to be humiliated again with your punishments. Let’s just eat and forget about it, okay?” 
Steve just stared at you. He knew something was weighing on you but did he want the truth? What if it was about leaving could he keep his composure? He shook his head knowing that this was tearing you apart inside and being this nervous around him wasn’t healthy.
“Please, doll, I promise I won’t be upset with you. Just tell me the truth.” His hand caresses your cheek. “I swear I won’t punish you for being honest with me. All I want in this world is for you to be happy with me.”
Your gaze drops to your lap where your hands are and you take a deep breath trying to calm yourself. You look back up into his blue eyes and decide it is now or never.
“It’s not that easy Steve to tell you this. There is no question that before all of this, I loved you from the moment I met you. Your smile drew me in and I knew I was yours forever. At that time you would flirt but always held back with me like you were searching for something else or maybe someone else. That was until recently and your emotions shifted so quickly that I felt overwhelmed but excited that you finally wanted me. But that’s a lie 'cause you just want to breed me.”
Steve’s breath hitched and he was about to retort before you cut him off.
“That night we made love, I finally felt like my dreams were coming true and that maybe you had loved me all along. But that’s not the case. You said it yourself last night you want me to listen to you and not question anything you say. But how can I not question your behavior? You’re mean, and controlling and you have a device on me to keep my super soldier serum from working. You talked about how I broke your trust, have you ever considered that you shattered my trust with you? The love I once had for you is slowly falling apart and I don’t think I could ever love you under these circumstances.”
Steve listened as you poured your heart out. A part of him wanted to be angry about what you’re saying, while another part of him couldn’t believe that you were once in love with him. Once? Steve shook his head, maybe he was going about this in the wrong way. He never liked bullies and from what she is saying he sounded just like one.
“Steve trust goes both ways. If you want me to earn yours then you must earn mine as well. This dominant thing you’re doing over me won’t work if you want true love and a family one day. I’m pleading with you to stop this madness and let’s work on us before my love goes out like a flame never to be lit again.”
He takes a breath in and out trying to contain himself. Yes, he could see what she was saying about him. Steve did want her to make a family with but it was more than that. Little did she know he loved her the same, from the very beginning. He didn’t think for an instance that Tony would match them together in a million years, that’s why it never went beyond flirting. Steve took her hands in his and decided he needed to be honest.
“Look doll, I have loved you from the day we met. I never thought I would ever have a future with you. Not until Tony said we matched. I was so focused on finding the right woman who could have my children that I got blinded along the way. I’ve never wanted to hurt you nor do I plan on it. I just want a chance at us. For what could be? But it’s hard to trust your intentions after you tried to run away from me. How can I know if what you’re saying is the truth?” His eyes pleaded to hers as he searched her face for answers.
There is no way he loved her for that long. But, what if he is telling the truth? She closed her eyes and thought back to the beginning. Their awkward conversations, the silly jokes, him always complimenting her, the soft touches when no one looked and then it clicked. Her eyes opened wide and a tear fell from them again.
“I’m sorry I tried to run away but I was scared. I didn’t know what you wanted to do with me. You can believe this to be the truth. With how messed up this situation is I don’t want to be away from you. Look if we both try, maybe we can work towards trusting one another again. What do you say?”
Steve gave you that smile you always loved. He leaned in and gave you a soft kiss on your lips. “Let’s try again and work towards trusting one another. I promise to not harm you or take you against your will again. But know this, if you are lying to me you will know my wrath, and trust me when I say you haven’t seen the mean side of me yet.”
The last sentence sent chills through your body. By the way, he was looking at you, you swore there was something evil brewing. You kept telling yourself to relax and everything would be okay. If you did decide to run, the time had to be right. For now, your feelings were telling you to try things with Steve. What’s the worst that could happen?
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The next morning you woke up to Steve cuddling you close and your legs tangled together. You had gone to bed in just his t-shirt and he slept naked.  The rain had ended overnight and the sun was rising in the sky. You reflected on last night after you spoke your truth. Steve let you sit by the fireplace and read a book instead of locking you in the bedroom. It was a nice moment between the two of you when he sat on the other end of the couch with your legs in his lap. 
Before bed, Steve had told you that tomorrow you both were going to try to start over again. That he would follow your lead on this while he learns to trust you again.
You smile to yourself as you soak up all the cuddles from him and let out a sigh of contempt. Just as you wiggle your butt from excitement you hear a groan behind you.
“Keep that up and I’m going to fill that pretty pussy.”
A giggle escaped your lips. “So what if I want you to?”
Steve’s eyes opened at that comment and he had a grin on his face. “Is that so?” He questioned. 
When you wiggled again Steve quickly rolled you onto your back and parted your legs so he could now lay in between them. Steve pushed his shirt up and pulled it off quickly. He rubbed his cock against your already wet pussy. You couldn’t help but be excited cause you knew how well Steve was between the sheets. Steve’s cock started to get covered in your arousal and the tip of his cock kept nudging your entrance until finally, he slid home. 
Both of you let out a groan once he was fully inside you. You wrap your legs around his waist and your hands claw at his back when he starts moving with hard thrusts. Your nails rake down his back with every thrust of his hips. Steve is on his forearms so he can kiss and swallow your moans. With every thrust, you moan and gasp in pleasure. He keeps a steady, hard pace and you end up squealing in pleasure as he hits a certain spot inside you that has you seeing stars. With every thrust, you’re getting closer and closer to your impending orgasm. Steve quickly scoops your legs up with both arms and pushes your legs to your chest deepening his thrusts. 
Your fingernails scrape down his arms as you try to find a way to ground yourself from the pleasure he is giving you. Steve keeps thrusting into you harder and harder while he starts to play with your clit. It brings your orgasm to a peak as you scream his name into the abyss. Your pussy clenches down on his cock as he continues to plow into you. Once you come down from your high Steve pulls out of you and flips you over to your stomach. Pulling you to your knees he sinks back into your velvety walls and fucks you hard and fast as his fingers dig into your hips. 
This is everything Steve has wanted from you. You're being submissive to him whether you realize it or not. Your head is on the bed, fists clenched into the sheets while you moan out incoherent words. He desperately wants to fill you up and breed you. He knows having a baby will link you two forever and the time to start that family is now. 
The faster Steve is pounding into you the closer he is getting to his high but lord he needs you to cum one more time. His left-hand leaves your hip and his fingers move down to circle your clit again. All it takes is a few swipes and you're screaming his name to the heavens above. Your cunt grasps his cock and milks him dry as Steve cums deep inside you. His groans fill the air as he gives a couple more sloppy thrusts into you. Steve looks down on your spent form and leans over your back to kiss your shoulder. 
Once he pulls out of you he goes to the bathroom to clean himself up before he returns to you with a washcloth. Gently he cleans you up and throws the washcloth in the laundry hamper. You’re completely exhausted and feel like you can barely move. If you had your super soldier serum running through your veins instead of suppressed you could have kept up with him, no problem. Now your body could just roll over to your back and look up at him. 
He was smiling down at you looking like a man who just finished a successful mission. You lifted your arms a little to show him you wanted a hug. Steve lay next to you and brought you in for a hug. He held you close to his chest as you snuggled into him. Your cheek rubbed against his chest hair as you enjoyed this feeling of euphoria. 
Maybe things could work out between you both and you could have a happy ending? It just depends on how Steve decides to treat you, like an object or someone to be loved unconditionally. You both promised to start over and this was the best way to show each other how much you loved one another. Hopefully, he will begin to trust you over time and maybe get your super soldier serum flowing through your veins again. I mean it’s not like he wants you like a regular woman, right? There is always going to be that adventurous side of you and you’re going to want a normal life that isn’t just sex. Though you had to admit this is the best sex you’ve had in your life. It’s everything you dreamed of minus the kidnapping part. 
Steve kisses you on the forehead and groans as he stretches. “Why don’t we get in the shower and I will cook breakfast for you? I’m sure you’re hungry. What does my lovely doll want to eat?”
You smile up at him and answer, “Well I do have a craving for pancakes and you sure do make the best ones.”
Chuckling, Steve nods his head. “I can do that for you, doll.”
Steve rolls out of bed and pulls you to your feet. As you walk to the bathroom Steve slaps your butt playfully. “Though first, I think I need another round of you in the shower.”
You squeal in delight as you head to the bathroom. Maybe this could work, you think to yourself as the hot water sprays down on both of you. Today is a brand new day to figure out whatever it is between the two of you. 
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megaderping · 8 months ago
Persona 5 fandom, I beg of you, please stop with the casual (and likely very unintentional) ableism. This is less about one specific person and an overall trend I see whenever people post bad takes on Akechi. Going "Akechi is a murderous psychopath" is harmful because it spreads an unfair stigma about psychopathy and mental illness in general as this "crazy" and violent thing, which has been normalized for far too long. And also, it's just not true. Anyone who thinks Akechi is this "remorseless psycho" (keeping in mind this use of the term isn't great) simply does not have more than a surface level reading of the character. His missable November texts make it abundantly clear that he is not happy with what he's doing under Shido. Which, granted, HIGHLY missable text. You have to basically delay Sae's Palace and not go in at all until mid-November. Engine room, 12/24, multiple times in third sem... his remorse is there, it's just subtle or not presented as shaking and crying and begging for forgiveness, because he's a guarded mess of a person (with deep psychological scars, make no mistake- this is not a healthy kid). But even without those texts, there are plenty of times where these feelings are conveyed. His sad reaction when Morgana explains changes of heart (if he had known sooner), his regrets in the engine room and lamentations about Joker's freedom, and I basically did a whole meta post breaking down the important visual and spoken symbolism to Akechi's character that gets boiled down to "hehehe crazy murder boy". Hate or dislike him? Cool, sure, but the normalization in fandom communities of just throwing around mental illness related terms in a derogatory fashion... really isn't good? Like even if Akechi was literally a psychopath or sociopath or had npd or other specific mental illnesses, that doesn't inherently make him evil, nor does it erase his victimhood, which is so integral to his role in the story.
He killed people, yes. That's not really up for debate, and yes he gets feral and over the top in third sem... but that's just over the top edgelord behavior directed at Shadows and focusing only on that ignores everything else he says and does in third sem, yet it happens so much (even though other Phantom Thieves, like Haru, have fun fighting Shadows too). Are we just gonna ignore all the times he's cool, collected, and reasonable in third sem to throw around this antiquated and hurtful idea of what the word "psychopath" means? ._. Just... blarg. I've made many Akechi rambles/rants, but the normalization of ableism surrounding him is not great? I think it's mostly down to ignorance and lack of media literacy, but yeah. Plus it's kinda fucked up how little weight is placed on Shido for teaching him how to do shutdowns (his own admission), the fact that the moment Akechi revealed himself to Shido, he was screwed, because this is a man who took a bump on the head as a reason to ruin Joker's life.
Idk. I think it's not just a P5 fandom trend, even, because it's so normalized the same way people think OCD is this funny quirky mental condition because of shows like Monk when it's an actual disability that can deeply affect people in horrible ways... Mental health awareness is good is all I'm saying.
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interloved · 8 months ago
toxic!anakin skywalker; ex boyfriend edition.
description box; your ex boyfriend anakin skywalker finds you at a party after weeks after your alleged break up. in his eyes, you’re still his girlfriend, so… why’re you hanging out with that guy? have you forgotten you’re his? you probably need him to remind you again… and he’ll do that with pleasure.
warnings; nsfw warning, mature themes like violence —> minor blogs do not read, TOXIC BEHAVIOUR LIKE THIS SHOULD NOT BE ROMANTICISED!!; porn with plot, anakin is a toxic little psychopath as always (therapy when??), smut under the cut!, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!
part one.
ONE THING ABOUT YOUR ex boyfriend anakin skywalker that you absolutely hate is how a fight between the two of you never fails to become a yelling match. anakin doesn’t always initiate it, you have to admit that, sometimes you did too, but it was usually his fault it became an argument at all.
another thing you hate is how the two of you have an unofficial “break up ritual”—and it’s escalated so badly that it’s gotten to the point where your friends are telling you to break up with him. constantly.
they say it’s unhealthy, it’s toxic, he’s not good for you. they say he’s controlling, he’s possessive, and that he’s a gaslighter. they say he’s a master manipulator, that his issues can’t be fixed by anyone, and that you should leave him before it’s too late.
it’s not like you haven’t tried. you have, you just keep failing again and again somehow. maybe because if anakin is anything, it’s addictive. you’re not sure what it is, but something about him always has you crawling back, back to his comforting embrace, back into his apartment, back into his arms.
you don’t know how he does it—maybe it’s that damned “break up ritual”. he’ll yell, you’ll yell back, he’ll cry and beg you to forgive him and to come back home, you’ll give him the cold shoulder for a month or two, he begs you to come back again, you make up (have sex), pretend that fight never happened and repeat. it’s always the same.
but this time, it’s different.
anakin and you have been broken up for about two months and a half, and your ex boyfriend is getting nervous. it’s never taken you this long to return home—usually, it’s never taken you more than two months to come back.
but never this long. and you’ve never attended a party without him. let alone talk to a guy. ever.
anakin’s fingers drummed on his steering wheel at somewhat irregular intervals, and he looked at the house he was parked in front of. the pictures his friend had snapped and sent him were blurry and dark, but there was no doubt he had captured your small frame—and the guy standing next to you.
“OK, that’s it.” he snarls, and he closes the door of his car.
you belong to me, he thinks.
IT DOESN’T TAKE YOU long to figure out the guy you’ve been talking to ditched you. you’ve been wandering around, looking almost everywhere for him, but you just couldn’t seem to find him. it appeared like you had been left alone.
but then, you found someone else. leaning on a doorframe. head slightly cocked, a small, triumphant smile. one that you were used to more than anything.
“ani?” you whisper in confusion, and you were thankful the music was too loud for him to hear that damned nickname you always used to call him. he made his way to you and for one split of a second, you considered just running away.
“hey, you,” he grins at you, “partying, huh?”
you blink. this was… too normal. he was acting like you guys had never broken up. but you were willing to believe he’d changed.
“yeah. um, my friend ditched me for dinner, sooo… now i’m here.”
he clicks his tongue, “aw, that sucks.” and suddenly, he’s looking at you with such an intense gaze. he’s always been this way—so overwhelmingly intense, possessive but intense. passionate, but intense. scary intense.
“i would’ve never ditched you.”
and there it is again. that possessive glint in his eye.
“i don’t belong to you anymore,” you mutter, looking away.
and then, all of a sudden, “i miss you.”
your head whips around. you didn’t expect that—partly because anakin isn’t the type to admit his feelings in generl, and partly because anakin’s never been the one to try and get you back. it’s always been you crawling back to him, never him chasing after you.
it’s such a stupid thought but, maybe he’s changed. he hasn’t
“listen, i know what you’re probably going to say, but why don’t we grab a coffee some time and just, i don’t know, talk—”
“sure,” you find yourself answering, you answered too quickly for your own liking and because you want to soften your response a little, you add, “why not? it’ll be nice catching up.”
anakin grins at you with a way that is just so unmistakenly anakin, and flashes you cheeky wink. “it’s a date, then.”
and maybe it’s because you’re lonely, or because you’re tipsy, or because you really do miss anakin too, but you return his mischievous smirk with a little smile of your own. and maybe it’s because you’re drunk, but you genuinely believed he had changed.
how wrong you were.
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wherepond · 2 months ago
Trump unhinged
Aviation expert refuted Trump's lies & insults live on CNN
Signs and symptoms > Primary features > Core traits
Arrogant and deceitful interpersonal style: impression management or superficial charm, inflated and grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying/deceit, and manipulation for personal gain.
Deficient affective experience: lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect (coldness and unemotionality), callousness and lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility for own actions.
Impulsive and irresponsible lifestyle: impulsivity, sensation-seeking and risk-taking, irresponsible and unreliable behavior, financially parasitic lifestyle, and a lack of realistic, long-term goals.
4 Reasons Psychopaths Seek Revenge More Than The Rest Of Us
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littlelambscandyland · 26 days ago
Hi ! I'm the one who requested for Michael Afton but I'm sorry I made a mistake about the character I wanted to ask for William Afton >: Sorry again and have a nice day !
No problem, you're perfectly fine! I'm sorry it took me a super long time, I have problems with fighting hyper fixations, but I got you now. Now I don't know if you meant the movie or just in general so I did the movie, but tried to make it feel vague enough to be generalized.
You'll Learn
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Warnings- Forced Age Regression, Kidnapping, Manhandling, Spanking
His hands felt cold. Larger than your own and much too capable of holding you in place. He rubbed your arms in what you assumed was supposed to be soothing, but the tears kept falling.
You thought about how you got here. Trapped by the man who used to be your boss. A man you once had pity for after learning of his loss. A man you once admired for his knowledge and skill. Now he terrified you. Now you know what he really was, a child murderer. A kidnapper and deranged psychopath who despite claiming to hate children wanted you to act like one.
You thought about the night you saw him dressed in that terrifying bunny suit. How easily he picked you up and locked you in his trunk. How you woke up the next day tied to a bedpost in a room way too childish for an adult.
You thought about everyday since that night. Every little bit of praise or threat he gave. Every bath or meal. Every right he gave and took away. You couldn't stop thinking of everything he's done, everything he's capable of.
William Afton was terrifying, and yet you sit here in his arms. Trapped in his hold.
"Where are you, bunny?" His voice comes out raspy, as he taps your arm lightly.
You didn't want to answer him. Didn't want to grace him with what he wanted, but you knew the consequences if you didn't. It was a calculated risk.
"Stars." You lie.
"Is that so?" He asks. His grip tightens. "You know I can tell when you lie, hmm?"
Calculated risks.
"Answer me." William demands.
"You don't get to know my thoughts." You claim quietly.
Tears gather in your eyes and your heart beats faster. You know you shouldn't push him, but nothing he can do diminishes your anger towards what he's done.
Suddenly the man starts laughing. "All I've done to take care of you and you still push me away?" He scoffs. "Fine."
Despite your heavy protests the man moves you with ease. Your sitting position is roughly switched to a laying one. He positions your stomach onto his lap with your butt in the air.
His hand comes down repeatedly. He berates you not with words, but his hand on your rear.
Smack Smack Smack
You say nothing as he slaps his hand down.
Smack Smack Smack
You don't move even when tears fall down your face.
Smack Smack Smack
Through the pain and tears you refuse to cry out an apology.
Smack Smack Smack
Even though it felt like it lasted forever, it was over almost as soon as it began. He roughly pulls you back up. Your stinging butt placed right back into his lap. Your back pressed to his chest and his arms wrap around you heavily.
He sits his head on your shoulder. "You will learn, one day, you'll realize how good this is for you."
You shake your head at him. A weakened fight against him.
William smirks. "You will, and daddy will be righhht here to forgive you."
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year ago
Sukuna coming for Megumi's little sister at Shibuya pt. lll
Part l here Part ll here
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Pairing: Sukuna x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Synopsis: After promising Sukuna to do everything he wants in exchange for him sparing your friends, you find yourself in a bitter fight with Jogo. While you feel like dying, Sukuna enjoys teasing the hell out of you...
Warnings: this is basically Sukuna flirting with (y/n) through the newest episode so it has no real plot, not proofread bc I'm having a nasty headache, forgive me
Tags: @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @dazaisdick @sanicsmut @arehzhera @mynahx3 @wifenanami @ploylulla
You know how reckless it was, making a deal with the devil himself. But you just had to do it. For your friends, for Megumi, for Yuji. Maybe he will be able to regain the control over his own body before Sukuna is even able to harm another soul, maybe everything will turn out alright.
God, how much you beg for your mantra to be true.
“First things first. You.”
His finger darts towards the volcano curse whose forehead is soaking wet in sweat.
“If you land a hit on her or me once, I will fight on your side.”
You can’t believe your ears, whole body screaming at you to run away. Even though Gojo-sensei made it look so easy, you are very aware of the fact that this cursed spirit standing in front of your very own eyes is not to be messed with. How on earth are you supposed to keep up with him on your own, how are you supposed to survive all of this?
“A human?”, he cursed spirit questions, eyes darting towards you in disbelief.
“I hate waiting. Make your decision or die”, Sukuna replies dryly, rolling his eyes while all you can do is stare at him in pure horror.
He can’t be serious about that, right?
“Are you out of your fucking mind?”, you hiss at him, his eyes darting towards you in nothing but amusement.
“Nothing easier than that”, the cursed spirit replies.
You aren’t even able to comprehend that the cursed spirit lifted its arm when you get yanked into the air, followed by a wave of scorching fire.
Fuck fuck fuck. You know you are good, you know you are well-trained. But this? The whole ground underneath catches fire, gets eaten up by countless flames.
What the hell are you supposed to do?
“If you want to survive, you will have to stand close to me”, Sukuna purrs, his arms wrapped tightly around your ribcage from behind while jerking through the air with you.
How disgusting. The thought of feeling your boyfriend’s tight muscles against your back but knowing fully well that the man pressing his frame against yours is nothing but a psychopath makes your guts turn. Your hands fight desperately for your escape, to get out of his iron grip around your body. But instead of letting go, he chuckles into your ear, his body rubbing against yours.
“Pathetic. You might have a strong will, but your body is still as weak as that of any other human.”
“Why not letting me go then? Why did you safe me when I am a weakling in your eyes?”, you scream on top of your lungs.
“Because you’re fun to mess with.”
You stare at him through wet lashes, mind going completely blank. He can’t be serious about his senseless words, why on earth is he doing all of this? Is it because he knows that Yuji loves you? Is it because you are a decent hostage?
“Oh, there he comes again. Duck your head.”
Your usual cool composure is gone in the wind when another ball of fire is yanked towards you, reflecting in your wide-open eyes. A toe-curling scream escapes your lips, hands instinctively holding onto Sukuna for dear life-
Hot tears start to sting in your eyes. The bitter truth is that you don’t want to die. Not through the hands of a cursed spirit, not because of Sukuna, not even through your own force. You want a happy and long life, you want to grow old with Yuji and your brother by your side.
But the way this cursed spirits yanks towards you, eye narrowed when your gazes meet tells you more than urgently that your life is in serious danger.
You close your eyes, breathe in and out. Is there anything you can do to escape this situation? No, your faith lies in the cruel hands of Sukuna – the hands of the king of curses, the hands that are responsible of countless deaths. When he’s done playing with you…
You’ll be next.
“Balling your eyes out? How unusual, (y/n). Do you need a shoulder to cry on?”
This is the time. You have to choose between staying alive for a little longer or risking it all and telling yourself fall into the scorching hell underneath. Your eyes scan the area around you, mind pondering about a way to escape him. If you’re fast enough, you might be able to make it…
“Don’t get stupid ideas. Remember our deal, (y/n). If you break it, I’ll kill everyone you love without even blinking.”
The oh so sweet tone in his voice is replaced by so much taciturnity than your blood freezes in your veins. Your orbs stare at him boldly with your head up high. No, you have to keep on fighting. You have to stand up to him. For your friends, for your brother.
For Yuji.
“I won’t break it”, you assure him, earning a maniac grin instantly.
Oh, what a beautiful sight you are with tears streaming down your face and your eyes of determination.
“So, what now? You said you wanted me to let you go, right? Nothing easier than that.”
His grip around your body loosens. Before you are able to get a hold of him, your body flies towards the ground, cutting through the hot air.
“Sukuna!” you cry out desperately, arms flying around without an aim.
What are you supposed to do? Is there a way your technique might help you? If Megumi’s shikigami were here to catch you…
But it isn’t. And you’ll crash into the ground with full force within the next seconds if you don’t come up with a plan.
“I want you to beg for it, (y/n).”
You let out your breath, eyes piercing through the man flying above you. That fucking asshole. Nothing is further from you than to worship a creature like Sukuna.
“Go to hell!” you shout over the noise of the rapid air around both of you.
Do you really have a choice, though? If you want to live, if you want to survive Shibuya, you have no other choice than to do what that man wants.
“Fuck”, you curse under your breath, closing your eyes.
You have to do this.
“Please safe me, Sukuna”, you press out.
“Not enough.”
The heat of the ground becomes almost unbearable, with every breath your lungs feel like bursting from the hot air. Time runs out.
“I beg you with all that I have, please safe me Sukuna!”
His hands grab your body tightly before he catapults both of you into the air again.
“See? Wasn’t hard, was it sweetheart?”
Your fast and shaky breaths ring in your ears. That was close, way too close for your liking. What is all of this about?
He comes to a stand on a nearby building, still holding onto you while his eyes roam around the area in amusement. You really are a handful, the mix of emotions reflecting in your eyes making it so enjoyable for him to toy with you. And that oh so sweet scent of yours. You feel just like he imagined it, your heartbeat hammering against his very own chest.
“Out of breath, sweetheart?”
That fucker. He seems so unbothered by all of this, the whole city underneath your feet going up in flames. What about the people? Please, hopefully Maki was able to escort all of them out.
“Shut up and get moving, aren’t you able to see that he attacked us again?” you bark at him.
The dark night sky is discoloured in crimson, deafening noise keeps moving towards you. Without saying another word, Sukuna grabs you firmly by your waist and pushes your body up in the air along with himself.
“Let’s play a little.”
Your eyes aren’t even able to comprehend the movement around you. Fire blasts around your frame, just inches away from burning your skin. Without saying a single word Sukuna lifts you off the ground and holds onto your back and knees. You want to scream at him to let you go, you want nothing more than to free yourself out of his grasp.
But you are powerless. This fight that lays itself out in front of your very own eyes would have killed you in the matter of seconds if it wasn’t for Sukuna. These targeted attacks, the sheer force of his cursed power. All you can do is stare at the scenery with your glossy eyes wide open and your hands holding onto Yuji’s uniform for dear life.
The untouched part of Shibuya comes nearer and nearer. You squint your eyes, observing what looks like people on the ground. Wait…Your heart sinks immediately, the feeling of throwing up becomes almost unbearable. That there is Panda. Panda from Jujutsu High, panda your comrade.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Your hysteric voice doesn’t seem to interest him the slightest, bodies still aiming for the humans to your feet. No, you can’t let that happen, you can’t allow him to hurt your friends. Even though he swore he won’t hurt them if you do what he wishes…Sukuna is no one to trust.
“Panda, hurry up and run!” you scream on top of your lungs.
His soul almost leaves his body when realizing that it is Sukuna who holds you in his arms, thick fear clouding your sight. How did you end up here? He wants to turn around, to free you out of his grasp. But instead his feet are about to start moving, on their way to get him out of this mess-
“You won’t”
Everyone around you stops in their tracks, completely crushed by the sheer presence of Sukuna. Gently he lets go of you, letting you stand on your own wobbly legs.
“I hereby forbid every person in a 100-meter radius from here to move until I say ‘now’. And of course, I will kill anyone who violates that rule.”
“Sukuna…”, you mumble, eyes wide open by the sheer sensation of a fucking fireball shooting your way.
He chuckles to himself.
“Not yet.”
“Sukuna!” you bark at him, the sky completely on fire by now.
“Still not yet.”
“Sukuna, you promised!”
You fist the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer to you while staring at him intensely. If he won’t let them go immediately, all of them will burn to death. When his eyes meet yours, they are filled with nothing but amusement, lifting his arms painfully slow.
“Now”, he announces along with clapping his hands.
But he himself has no intention to leave this place, let alone letting you flee along with your friends. No, instead he holds onto your body tightly when a wave of fire, magma, rumble and death washes over you. Fuck, this will definitely burn you to the ground. Out of instinct you hide your face against his chest, squinting your eyes shut.
Is this how you die? Because you’ve got hit by a random fireball at Shibuya? What would Megumi say if he knew about all of this, would he be proud?
Your heart skips a beat. Definitely not. You acted like a coward, pressing yourself against the king of curses in order not do die. What about Yuji? What about your plan to free him?
“Now you’re in the mood to cuddle, huh?”
He moves fast. In the blink of an eye your body gets pressed against the ruin of a nearby building, his hands wrapped around your nape and wrist while all you can do is stare at the man in front of you in silence.
“What do you want from me?”, you breathe out.
“Oh, sweet little (y/n). You are my favourite toy since we’ve first met. Let’s just have a good time together, shall we?”, he hums in satisfaction.
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austinsastrology8991 · 2 years ago
Mars Aspects, how you like to WIN
if you win,i dont win so i gotta turn my loss into yours, becsuse we can't all be winners. i didnt change my mind, just chose a better outcome, whats your choice?
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Mars aspecting sun - winning at all costs, they appear like a winner, but the means and ways they go about it are so in your face, you become impressed but simultaneoulsy concerned. but thats what gets them off. they turn the expression show dont tell, into show and tell everybody. which gives them more enemies, but also makes em more fierce. also flambouyant just to throw their enemies off lol. mars aspecting moon - they like to win behind closed doors. they want you to belive in them, simply becsuse they believe in you. its what gets them emotionally secure i guess. the security of winning. but its just confusing becsuse for example we watching tv on da couch, and your trynna pull a funny. sit down we still love you we just tired. but if you put them in there place expect a tantrum. mars aspecting mercury - basically death note. intellectual competitors/debators always playing the chess game of anything; "whats the best move here" also super entertainign speakers, can talk super fast and aggressively. also very into learning, they want to dominate the intellectual sphere. they wanna argue with everyone but no one wanna bite back lol. also > can't catch deez hands
mars aspecting venus - agrresively charming. there charisma just exudes from there aura naturally, people just laugh at these guys so easily, because they just are likeable with it. also people love it when they are angry, they just fall for em harder. but they dont like to get angry becsuse theyd rather just be charming mars aspecting jupiter - so much movement, they move like the "wacky waving inflatable arm tube man" - family guy. but seriously the way they move peopple just cant believe they move like dat, they move so strangely but hypnotically. also so much energy these guys can do a million sets in da gym and eat the whole fridge. they just got way too much energy and it shows... they also just get really lucky w competition, victory just lands in their lap lol. mars aspecting saturn - these guys are always striving to be da best at whatevrr there mind is set on. if they gotta goal, then whatsver is obstructing there path better move or they gonna trample all over it/ya. kinda intimidating. but this usually sets them back, but in the end only makes them stronger/ more fierce. because to them the fear people have of them is also getting in there way lmao. unless it works to there favour... basically control freaks and they only care about their agenda, but will pretend to have your interests in mind, just to get there ends. mars aspecting uranus - these guys are the true psychopathic freaks, everyone i know with this aspect is sadistic and also enjoys getting hit. people stay away from them, because they know they just wanna hit them lol. even when they acting nice, after like a week they show their crazy psychotic side, and everyones like yeahhhhh idk about you. but they dont mean harm they just view violence as intriguing i guess.... they like to win by fighting everyone and anyone lmao, but its play fighting, unless you try them... they really are the psychopaths; extremely calculated and precise with there attacks. they think they doing you a favour by attacking you lol. mars aspecting neptune - idk why but they always getting sexualized, probs because they are an easy target, and there submissiveness gets people going like "i can hurt them and they will literally just apoliogize :D" i feel bad for these lot, but there forgiveness really does shine through, i guess they dominate through submission... go figure. they like to win you over with their pure hearts <3 mars aspecting pluto - they literally do nothing and everyone is intimidated lmao. you can just tell these guys will not just kill you but torture you and enjoy it lol. thats why they always acting like they are not a threat, because they are begging for someone to challenge them, but they are so bad at acting innocent, everyone can tell they are a wolf in sheeps clothing. its all or nothing with them. but they choose their prey very carefully... they like to win at all costs no matta the price.
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carlosainzgf · 27 days ago
Hi i like to request a salesmen x platonic teenage daughter idea, the daughter could have a crush on one of the players maybe and salesmen goes full papa bear mode?
the salesmen might be a psychopath, a killer, an asshole but he was one hell of a father. he never said no to you- i mean how could he when you’re his whole world, his little baby- even tho you’re 17 you are still his little baby. in his eyes you hadn’t grown a day since you’ve been 5 years old.
he never kept his job hidden from you but never let you too close to it either, he didn’t want you to be like him some day. you were an angel, you always have been and you always will be.
he also always thought that no man would ever be good enough for you. whenever you had a crush on a boy he would find a way to scare them away from you. it hurt your ego as a young girl not being liked by boys but your dad thought it’s better to have a hurt ego than a broken heart.
you were sat on the big couch of your dad’s office as he filed up some information about the players he recruited today. you helped him with it reading some stuff outloud for him to type faster. he sometimes watched back the clips he took with a hidden camera to get a second look on the, soon to be, players.
“darling, would you mind getting your laptop so i can watch the clips of today?”
“of course!” as much as you weren’t a fond of the thought that most of those people in those clips would end up dead you still found it entertaining. i mean it runs in the family.
you helped him connect the camera to the laptop and set down with him to watch. a few faces- and a whole lot of slaps- later something caught your eye. someone, to be exact. “what’s this ones name, dad?” you tried to ask as subtly as possible. “lee myung gi. he had a youtube account on crypto money. he lost all his money and made his subscribers also lose theirs.” he sounded uninterested. i mean after all he was just a pathetic guy who needs money so desperately he’s willing to get slapped for it.
“what’s his youtube?” you, again, tried to ask subtly. “why are you asking, dear?” your dad wasn’t a dumb man- not even close- but he tried to see the best in you. his precious little girl whom can never have a boyfriend. he also wasn’t blind, he could see that myung gi was a handsome young man. “oh- no reason. just wondering.” wow, real subtle.
“he is a handsome young man. shame. he probably won’t survive in the games.” he said without hesitation before quickly skipping the parts that had myung gi’s face. he saw how you frowned when your dad said he wouldn’t survive. maybe he should kill the man himself, he tought to himself but he knew you wouldn’t forgive him if you were to find out.
while his mind wondered about all the things he could do to myung gi, you were busy looking for his youtube. which you were quick to find. MG Coin. you wanted to dm him, tell him to not join the games and save himself a lot of trouble but you couldn’t. so instead you decided to manipulate you dad into, somehow, make sure myung gi doesn’t get into the games.
“isn’t it sad seeing such young people getting into death games because they are in dept. i mean they are only a few years older than me. imagine if i were one of them, you would be devastated as a parent. maybe we could help the young ones, you know. we have the money for it after all.” real touching.
“there had always been young players, darling. you never seemed to mind it or care for them. why do you care all of a sudden.” yeah, he didn’t buy it. “i mean it’s their fault that they are in such miserable conditions. they are young they could work and have money, they have a whole future ahead of them yet they prefer playing ddakji and getting slapped to get money instead of working a real job.” he was too defensive with his words. like he had done no wrong in his life and those other people have committed all kinds of sins. they were directed to myung gi even tho he referred to him as ‘young players’. i guess manipulation is in the blood.
he would make sure to run into myung gi again just to slap him again. and he would also make sure to block all his accounts from your phone. he couldn’t bare the idea of a pathetic loser who was too dumb to invest in crypto money being by your side. he wasn’t good enough for you. no man was and no man could be enough for his dear daughter. maybe a kitten or a little puppy would distract you from men. yep that seemed like a good idea to him.
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