redux-iterum · 1 year
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Hoooookay, so, “defanging Clan culture”. This is something I’ve noticed pervasive in a lot of people’s propositions for “a better Clan culture” (and by extension, other societies like the Tribe and the Sisters). They see the unfairness either consciously or unconsciously built into the societies and go, “That’s bad,” and reactionarily erase it from their own work. The Clans forbid medicine cats from having families for stupid reasons, so these medicine cats can have families. Adoption is treated weirdly by canon, so these Clans have Correct™ ways of viewing adoption. I could go on.
 However, the end result is an unrealistically utopic society. The code is designed to be free from abuse; not a single bad thought enters the head of a character unless The Plot Demands So; toms, mollies, and jacks have nothing stopping them from filling any role; everyone regardless of age, gender, ability status, background, sexual orientation, mental status, etc, is happy because this society welcomes and accepts all.
I’ll take my leave before the flowers start singing.
Now, if you just want to experiment with an idealized Clan culture with zero shades of darkness, more power to you.
But I think something a lot of people are misguided on is that a well-built setting doesn’t necessarily mean a utopic one. Many stories have unfair aspects to their fictional societies, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with depicting these or having a protagonist who believes in something counter to what we do, even if said protagonist never changes their opinions on it by book or series’ end (especially in adult media, and to a lesser extent in YA).
What I think is more constructive and elevates worldbuilding is instead to work out the “why is it like this” and the “how did it come to be like this” and delve further into the “what if it was…”. Take medicine cats not having families, for instance: canon’s “why” and “how” are very similar, “a medicine cat couldn’t be a mom and a doctor and so forbade anyone else from having a family.” Most of us find that very stupid. A reactionary approach would just go, “a medicine cat can have a family,” but a reconstructive approach would integrate medicine cats’ celibacy into the culture by instead going, “medicine cats cannot build families for a religious reason; they are to be as detached from the moral realm as possible so they can remain attuned to their warrior ancestors, and this attunement is muddied by indulging in earthly things like raising a family.” Unfair? Yes, but it’s good worldbuilding.
 Before someone puts words in my mouth, what I’m not saying is, “I think the Clans need to be grimmdark,” but what I am saying is, “think about how the Clans (or Tribe or Sisters or whatever) would realistically view X or Y and how they interconnect with other aspects of their culture.” It’s okay for a society to still need growing up to do; aren’t we all like that?
Side-note before I finish: while thinking about this in relation to canon Warriors, it came to me that part of the reason why we as the readers are so miffed at why the code hasn’t been changed to alleviate inter-Clan relationships despite constant drama surrounding them (ignoring the aspect that the authors love forbidden romance), is because it keeps getting shoved in our faces so often and constantly abused for drama. Had forbidden relationships not be used so often as instigators of drama, I don’t think we would’ve spurred the Erins into addressing it in TBC and ASC.
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 9 months
20 for sinnoh trio?
20.) a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood?
A lot of nostalgia for this three gets clouded by childhood trauma for them unfortunately. Mostly because the three of them had to grow up real fast dealing with the horrors of the world. And as a result their childhood, even later down the line when they’ve fully come to terms with what happened when they’re adults in Paldea and are starting to make futures on their own, and came to the conclusion that they love the world, it’s all very tainted.
But I think the concept of a simple time when they aren’t trying to grasp with the horrors, even if tainted, is still something they treasure.
Dawn often thinks about her times with Barry in the playground. There’s a specific memory where she remember him scraping his knee in the playground and his parents coming to his aid. She remembers their parents coming to investigate just what happened and why their children were crying (they both were because if one kid starts crying the other most certainly will as well). But it becomes fond when she just remembers both of their parents comforting them, watching Barry’s mom take out a first aid kit and watching her cover up the injury. It was simpler. Back when the tender embrace of your mom and a first aid kit could heal all.
A nostalgic memory for Barry would be with his parents as well. His dad was never around often as far as he knew, but back when his relationship with his mom was better and there wasn’t tension they would often just . Go in their backyard and play. Barry would hang off and piggyback on Dragonite, roughhousing with Palmer’s pokemon. Back when mom and dad got along, back when his own bad thoughts never existed. Like Dawn’s, it was a simpler time back when he didn’t have to grapple with complicated feelings.
Lucas grew up very lonely child and his childhood was very empty. He was loved, don’t get him wrong, he remembers the loving embrace of his parents who would support him in all he did. But he just spent time studying, it’s all he knew. So the first proper “nostalgic” memory is him catching his first pokemon. Having professor Rowan by his side, and feeling that rush seeing the new entry, as well as just the feeling of accomplishment that HE did it. It gave him a sense of rush and childlike wonder, back when learning didn’t feel so complicated.
They also have nostalgic memories together, such as arcade visits, poffin making, and Barry rushing ahead with Lucas trying to catch up, Dawn following far behind at her own pace. Again, back when things were more simple.
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jeekarru · 4 months
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some telegram stickers!!!!
my tg channel - https://t.me/windy31meow :D
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lucyghoul · 1 year
8, 16, 21!
love that i asked you 8 too. going to do all yellowjackets
8. common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
i disagree that lottie is a lesbian. i think as a teen she is genuinely attracted to travis and as an adult she has a castiel endverse who cares it’s all sex attitude so she does sleep with men. maybe less often. and she fucks them with the strap too don’t worry
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing
you’re baiting me with this but mistynat. i like conceptually get it but to me nat just has like. zero emotions about misty. and there’s just nothing that i want to sink my teeth into there. and we all know im natlottietravis girl and to be honest i think the narrative is pointing very very strongly to those three being the core of the show and therefore misty is an impediment not an essential person for nat. love and light
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
laura lee im so sorry i think she lived and died and slayed but that’s about it
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nerdierholler · 1 year
Regency vampires and Book of Death!! I would love to hear more!!
Thank you for asking!
The initial worldbuilding for the Regency Vampires is here (fixed link) there's about 15 short posts if you want to know more. WHOOPS the original link was funky and missing stuff. I fixed it.
And I've posted a few things previously for the Psychopomps here.
There's some snippets of both under the cut!
Regency Vampires
TL;DR, In this world, vampires live openly as part of, if not entirely accepted by, upper society and have done so for several centuries. They're bound by strict rules and closely monitored, but of course on the surface everyone is oh so polite. I don't have many scenes for this written but here is the vampire heroine running into a vampire friend at a ball.
“I’m only recently arrived back. A slight wound sent me home earlier than planned.” “I’m sorry to hear that, I hope it was nothing serious.” James rubbed a hand over his shoulder, his face betraying a barest hint of remembered pain. “Nothing of concern and already well on its way to being healed, although I imagine it will leave a scar behind as a reminder.” Bess did her best to hide the concern and surprise that threatened to come to the surface. Those of the kindred did not scar easily, that James mentioned it at all meant it must have been a serious injury. She nodded in unspoken acknowledgement, “I’m glad it was nothing more serious and you have returned to your family. Will you be staying in London for the season while you recover?” “Yes, the family thinks I could use some pleasant diversions after being abroad for so long. They were quite insistent in fact.” Bess understood completely, the Banelfords wanted to parade him before the ton to show the great service their family had provided, in accordance with the charter.
(Psycho)pomps and Circumstance
They really are a bit of a chaos crew. I love them dearly but could never come up with any big plot, it's all slice of life and little conversations. Maybe that's enough? I don't know. I've given up on ever having enough thoughts or ideas to put together for something long. Just not how my writing brain works.
Anywho, Thanatos is the suit wearing middle manager of the bunch with an affinity for coffee, so the coffee shop is usually where he checks on Dani.
“I didn’t think you were going to make it today,” she said. “I’ve had three pickups already this morning and another 12 after.”  They called Dani’s name and she grabbed her coffee, sipping it while Thanatos still waited. “Honestly,” he continued, “I thought about just popping in for a look and a wave but I’m going to need something to get me through the rest of these. Besides, you were already at the front of the line so I didn’t have to wait.” Dani rolled her eyes, “Glad to see where your priorities are.” “Coffee and work are always at the top of the list, you know that.” “I see how it is.” Dani dramatically put a hand to her chest, “Our friendship means nothing. Dear god, you wound me. Is this how I go? A crushed heart?” Thanatos didn’t even pretend to inspect the invisible threat of fate that Dani knew allowed him to see when her death was near. “Not today my good lady.” They called for Thanatos and he grabbed his coffee. He took a long drink and sighed, “Back to work.”
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hey I wanna get into ppt2, should I watch the first season or is it fine to skip to the second?
oh!! to be honest, i watched the second season first with june. the first season isn't exactly too important unless you want like. a little bit extra context and some personal character lore that's a little hinted at for the characters from the first season? UM if you watch the first season just be aware that it was made by yellow when he was a little kid. soooooo. don't expect high quality anything HBJIDAESNJIAESHIA BUT YEAH you're good to watch the second season straight up
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tofusquisha · 1 month
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pomped up psychos
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lilyisda1 · 1 month
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Pomp and Psycho-stance idk
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The Disney Universal has unlimited potential! Finding out there's families of dragons protecting regular people from magical threats. Lilo and her Ohana??? Monsters in the closet?
Realizing your toys came to life without one around.
Anne gonna be getting shock after shock after ascending, isn't she?
[During Goddess orientation]
D3: and that’s roughly everything. If you have any questions, you can refer to either an avatar, psycho pomp or the celestial guidebook.
Anne: …how did all of this happen under all of our noses?
D3: You’d be surprised at how self-centered most “intelligent” species are.
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zoe-aura-of-d3ath · 1 month
hello, my name is Zoe and I was told I'd like it here....
About me:
My name is Zoe [REDACTED]
I got blue hair with brown roots, tan freckled skin and grey eyes
Im 16 and my b-day is august 28
Im a child of thanantos, the personification of death and psycho-pomp
Sexuallaty: bi and taken!!
Hobbies: I like reading and drawing
Mom died of insomnia....stayed up for a whole month....
I have a dagger for combat! It's made of obsidian!
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I would say I'm kind and smart.....and maybe a bit sarcastic.....maybe a lot sarcastic
Im also kinda a nerd when it comes to mythology
Friends: @demigod-jack-hearth (aka first dude I talked to and he wants to adopt me maybe)
@reyna4ever (bestieee)
@braydons-world (helps me when I need it)
@weakest-son-of-sun (helps me too, nice to talk to)
Lover(s?): ......yup @braydons-world [I love you I love you I love-]
Family: @thedaughter-of-death she's nice to me :D
pets: velvet, a brown-black boa and shadow a black butterfly
Can turn into this cat (thanks dad!!) :
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Thats all from me....
[Ooc! Heyyyy! All texts in character will be indicated with purple tags are either #Zoe talks or #Zoe causes mayhem for ooc tags #Zoe not here! I also own the account @goddess-of-bubblegum im an idiot for not putting tbis here bwfore, but this is a percy jackson-verse role-play blog]
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nerves-nebula · 4 months
Really curious about the inspiration for the napkin in the new version of the boar comic. In the original where the boy bleeds alone it emphasised to me how isolated he way, how became more and more bloody but the voice didn't seem to care. But in the new version this strange and monstrous hand leans in and lends him a napkin. The boy didn't ask for it but it but the voice gave it anyway, as a small quiet act of kindness. It's strangely reassuring? To know that someone cares for this boy? Even in very small ways, ways that do not save him but offer the tiniest bit of comfort
So yeah I'm curious on that choice
THANK YOUUUUU OK SO !!! that was in response to one of my professors criticisms. he wanted there to be a reveal of/to know who the voice was, but to me that wasn't the point. the point is that this interviewer is a kind of psycho pomp, or after-life bureaucrat, but who they are and the form they take is unimportant. however i understood his critique so i wanted to give more of a hint to who this person is, and at least confirm they are a nonhuman entity.
it's also combined with a critique he had that there should generally be more stuff going on, a lot of the shots are very basic/the same, just the kid but doing slightly different things. so the napkin/hankerchief gave the kid more to do i feel.
AND it (coincidentally) corrected something you've brought up here, which is that while the kid died alone, he ISN'T alone now. I don't want it to seem like the voice talking to him is uncaring. it's alien and kind of cold in a professional way, but it isn't uncaring. it's whole job is to look after this soul, if you go with the psycho pomp interpretation, it's a shepherd and this kid is its little lamb.
in the original, when the kids starts bleeding, the voice doesn't mention it because the voice *expected* this to happen. this is a normal occurrence, not anything strange. but i never once considered that this could be read as it not caring, so yknow, the napkin fixes that too :)
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hippiichi · 5 months
i can officially say i'm done with all sketch commissions and now only have rendered comms left to do!! these take longer esp since finals are coming up for me it'll take a bit more time but they'll get done ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
here's all the commissions i've done so far in one big post thank you to everyone who helped me and skippy out!
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i've hit the post limit on mobile give me a sec
commissioner list:
Arthur (OC) for @emberglowfox
Astarion bg3 for my irl
Callum (OC) for @srahbee
oc art for @Alecopon
Gladion and Sivally for @psycho-pomp
valentine's day art for @evilest-opossum
oc art for @joshmofobi on instagram
oc art for @moshicorn on instagram
oc art for maggie on instagram (sorry their username is really long and untypable)
storch unit and mynah for @enbivalent on instagram
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thefallenangelsgang · 9 months
The Avantris Fam Discord got this a few days early, but, in a burst of academic energy I haven't felt in weeks, I wrote a 2k word Literary Analysis on Marius from Edge of Midnight in 4 hours (complete with citations and sources)
What you are about to read is the culmination of an 18 day hyper fixation (I averaged more than a session* a day) (*each session being about 3 hours in length). It has only been slightly edited for better Tumblr consumption. It is legitimately almost 2k words. It starts VERY academic (as I get to flex my knowledge on an obscure Arthurian legend I love) and then immediately drops off in quality as I traverse some "dubious psycho-analysis" (my own words) and try to wrap up a half finished thoughts that should be thousands of words longer.
If you want to see my active descent into madness or the original google doc this was written in, join the discord (linked above!). I've got massive Legends of Avantris Brain Rot and will for a very long time I fear.
TW for Sexual Assault Themes (please tell me if my tw tags are not extensive enough)
CW for my insufferable academic attitude, literary analysis where no one wanted it, "dubious psycho-analysis", half finished thoughts, DnD, vampires, and my sailors mouth
Marius: An Analysis on Chivalry and Chastity
Break to save your dash
To get the literary shit out of the way, Marius’s seduction is a parallel of the Arthurian Legend “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” intentionally or not. I have a sneaking suspicion perhaps The Duchess scene is also based on the “Tale of Sir Galahad” bit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail BUT that bit draws inspiration from Gawain’s story. So no matter which way you cut it, Marius is connected to Gawain to SOME degree.
Attempting to be brief, I’ll sum up Gawain as briefly as I, someone who loves this tale a ridiculous amount, can.
Gawain is King Arthur’s nephew, a knight of the round table, young, chivalrous, pious, but itching to prove himself. He loves the aging Arthur and Arthur loves him like a son but he feels restless in his station because he has not gone on a great quest like many of the other knights. 
Serendipitously, during the New Years celebrations a strange man enters Arthur’s great hall. He is green and carries a great axe in one hand and a bough of holly in his other. He challenges anyone in the room to hit him with the axe and he will return the blow in a year and a day. No one takes the man up on the challenge. Arthur is about to do it when Gawain takes his chance to prove himself. Thinking he can outsmart the Green Knight, Gawain cleaves the man’s head from his shoulders. Unexpectedly the Green Knight picks up his detached head, leaves the axe for Gawain as a trophy, and strides out of there with the reminder that he will return the blow in a year and a day. Gawain has effectively doomed himself.
Attempting to put off his fate, Gawain waits to seek the Green Knight until All Saints Day (November 1st). He is sent forth with all of the pomp and circumstance a Knight of the Round Table and favorite of King Arthur can get. He spends nearly two months seeking someone who knows of the Green Chapel where the Green Knight resides and is fruitless. Winter sets in and he begins to suffer exposure when he is greeted by a beautiful castle that seemingly appears out of nowhere. He meets the Lord of the Castle and the Lord's beautiful wife. In the spirit of Christmas the Lord challenges Gawain to a game. The Lord will be hunting the next three days, anything he catches is to be Gawain’s. In return Gawain is to give the Lord anything he receives during his stay.
Well what Gawain receives is a lot of unwanted attention from the Lord’s wife. She attempts to seduce the ever pious Knight. Gawain, minding his promise and his tenets, only allows her six kisses over the course of the three days. All of which he returns to the Lord. But seeing as she can’t sway him with the sins of the flesh, she tempts Gawain with magic. The same day she convinces Gawain to receive three kisses she offers him an enchanted sash that will keep him from harm. Gawain accepts this knowing it will save his life in the coming days. He breaks his promise to the Lord and does not divulge this gift.
Gawain keeps his appointment with the Green Knight who admonishes Gawain when he flinches at the first swing, holds back on his second, and finally drives home the third, only wounding Gawain slightly. Gawain now must confess his temptation to the Green Knight who tells him that it is not Gawain’s fault. This has all been a plan by Morgan le Fay to attempt to ruin Arthur. Gawain only fell to part of her plan and so it has been thwarted. He should learn from this stumble on his path. And learn he does.
Monty Python takes this tale and guts it for “the Tale of Sir Galahad” segment. Galahad is instead searching for the Grail when he stumbles upon a mystical castle with a grail shaped beacon. His temptress(es) are the “8 scores” of young women of Castle Anthrax. He too enters the castle sick from exposure and wounded and thwarts unwanted advances until he learns that the grail is not there. Before he can fall to his temptation Lancelot, Ector, and ironically Gawain rescue him from his “peril” judging it to be “too perilous” for him to face. (It is really important to note that the actual Sir Galahad in Arthurian Legend doesn’t have a story that even resembles this one. Galahad is supposed to be an emulation of good ol’ Jesus Christ and the perfect chivalric Knight. He literally ascends to heaven in his tale. The only reason Gawain’s Tale is used is because it is the perfect setting to test “Sir Galahad the Pure” as long as you fudge a few details.)
These are both humorous stories with happy endings. It is important that Marius’s story is not.
Marius is searching for the Grail much like Sir Galahad in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (a parallel Mikey brings up often by singing “Brave, Brave, Brave, Brave Sir Robin Marius”). 
Like both Gawain and Galahad his quest leads him on a lengthy adventure that causes him to suffer from exposure to the elements. A fate he is saved from by a mystical castle that appears out of nowhere. 
Much like Gawain and Galahad, this Castle is the home of a seductress. 
And all too much like Sir Gawain, the Lord of this Castle is away on a hunting expedition. 
But here is where Sir Gawain, Sir Galahad, and Sir Marius’s stories diverge. Because Marius’s story partially is a story of sexual assault. 
We see in the ritual that Marius’s “head is filled with exhaustion, wine, and a strange perfume that feels almost magical in its enchantment” (Nikkie’s narration, 2:32:00, Chapter 17). There’s literally no other way to say this, Marius cannot consent to the acts about to take place in The Red Duchess’s bedchamber. He is too sick, too drunk, and, on top of it, literally charmed. 
His affliction is also another facet of this assault. While his transformation is not a direct result or part of the sex act, it follows quickly on the heels of it. Nikkie even notes Marius is still naked and that the shame of what has just happened is beginning to bubble up.
(Now this is where I get into the dubious psycho-analysis)
Perhaps attempting to swallow that shame, he accepts the Faux Grail and drinks from it, not questioning the appearance of the so-called Grail of Dawn. If he can just get through this night he can bring it back to Victor and all will be righted. He can live with the shame if it saves his kingdom. 
But that isn’t the Grail of Dawn he is drinking from and the woman who has just taken something irreplaceable from him is not just a beautiful woman looking for the comforts of the flesh on a cold, lonely winter’s night. And he is going through something so much more horrible than being assaulted like he has been.
And so he ends up back in the cold, irrevocably changed through no fault of his own, and he hates himself for it.
It’s heartbreakingly common that Sexual Assault survivors blame themselves for being assaulted. Marius’s conviction that he was at fault, that if only he was stronger, smarter, less feeble, he could have found a way to say no. He could have escaped her clutches. He wouldn’t be a Dhampir. He wouldn’t be haunted by her noxious perfume. He would still have his clear connection to Lathander. 
None of it is really his fault. The Duchess took advantage of him. There was truly nothing he could have done to change his fate that night.
At this point I am trying to articulate some of the things @middycat_ @zer09851 and @purpledinosaurdnd were talking about here https://discord.com/channels/223485292449890305/892828741900849182/1182483200505815153 
I think I want to jump into my High Inquisitor thoughts because they tie so closely with the novel I wrote above. This section is admittedly a little more scatterbrained. 
The High Inquisitor is a perfect example of both Marius’s self loathing and the way abusers seemingly can sniff out who has been abused before. From the second we meet her she singles Marius out. While yes, Marius is the most “normal” out of the EoM cast, Jericho is a MUCH easier target. He is touch starved and his sin is literally Envy. Jericho would have bent immediately at the first hints of affection and then she has an actual demon under her control. But Marius, though a tougher catch, is a much tastier meal so to say. (Not in that way you freaks /j) 
By answering to the High Inquisitor’s beckoning is how we end up with Marius as the Crimson Abbot. His self hatred would make him spiral and he’d turn to his Wrath to compensate. We’ve seen it before, especially recently when he thinks Lathander has abandoned him. He gives in because it's so much easier. She wants me? Fine. Let her have me in all of my broken glory. I’m too wrong to serve Lathander. Etc etc. 
Man, I wish I could string these thoughts together better.
AHA! This was the thought I had that I felt needed more context! 
@middycat_ brought up “hoping beyond hope that it’s not lathander’s choice to leave him”
I think the severed connection between him and Lathander is both a subconscious self-sabotage and a direct result of the ritual binding him to The Red Duchess. 
Most of the binding rituals I was pretty comfortable with. Lethica, Briggsy, Farryn, and somewhat Yorgrim were simply binding themselves to their gods/patrons. (I’m still not entirely sure what the Maiden of the Mists' whole deal is about but she seems mostly benevolent for now. Mr Crossroads didn’t really make Briggsy that way, he kinda was a bastard from the start. The zombification was a result of “fuck around and find out”). The ones I felt least comfortable with and that are reaping the most consequences are Jericho and Marius. Jericho’s character analysis is another similarly sized tome that will have to wait but he is having a harder and harder time keeping Virgil in check. Marius has bound himself to the woman that literally raped him. 
No wonder Lathander has found it hard to commune with him, The Duchess is practically breathing down his neck, whispering in his ear that he is not worthy of Lathander. He has been debased, ruined, made unloveable in the eyes of that god. And at least up until Chapter 22 he has been pushing back against that. Not any longer. He’s given in. As @middycat_ said “he’s a tired old man, a jaded old soldier who should have long since given up this fight to someone else.” 
I am afraid we are about to see the beginnings of the Crimson Abbot
And the only thing that can save Marius are his friends.
But I am also afraid they may not learn their lessons in time. Many of them tried to encourage him to fuck or made fun of him for not fucking the High Inquisitor when he was clearly triggered by something. 
Jericho will have to quash his envy. 
Briggsy and Farryn will have to admit they were wrong.
Lethica and Yorgrim will have to speak up.
Inaction hurts as much as action
And Marius needs all the help he can get.
[If you stuck this out A) you deserve awards and B) check out my other 2k word research essay on a niche topic: Why Ghouls Look Different Across the Fallout Games (Not because of Stylistic Differences) ]
This is fucking insane but here are the sources i used
Sir Gawain
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Gawain_and_the_Green_Knight https://www.yorku.ca/inpar/sggk_neilson.pdf (Translation PDF if you want to read the tale)
Sir Galahad
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galahad (for the one time i reference his actual arthurian legend)
Monty Python (I really can’t believe I cited this)
https://montycasinos.com/montypython/grailmm2.php.html (This is a script I was quoting from) https://montypython.fandom.com/wiki/Sir_Galahad (I was looking for other info on him in the movie but ended pulling the list of knights from this)
Pretty basic article on why victims blame themselves
https://www.throughthewoodstherapy.com/sexual-assault-survivors-blame/ (In case you want to do some light reading)
EoM Episodes
17 + 22 Definitely Anytime the High Inquisitor shows up
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adobealmanac · 1 month
Hello! I am working through reading through the information on your blog. The search function on this app is notoriously horrible though. Might try to use my laptop. I would like to know if you have any thoughts on the term cryptid
Personally I believe, through experience, that beings that get put into the cryptid category or spirits or gods who would have been revered in antiquity by indigenous people, and still are, and I still do them
But that because of the lack of offerings or resources or praise or worship that they have become accustomed to, thanks to colonization, they are now in a reduced state with limited influence
Uhh. All of the beings who are Gods to me are put in this category. Wampus is a cat goddess. The other one doesn't like me to share his name as much I think but he is devil like. A psycho pomp, guardian of crossroads, teacher of witchcraft, Lord of the outcasts, etc. I would also like to know, genuinely. What you think about this. I want to pray to El chupacabra. Have the Jersey devil and the mothman. Lol. I don't need validation as such but I guess more specifically, what do you think of the term cryptid, and can El chupacabra potentially be honored or worked with, without the destructive aspect? I believe so, personally. Have a good one 🤍
Cryptids - Cultural appreciation or appropriation?
You stated this issue very well. Many creatures that are considered to be cryptids are often removed from their cultural contexts therefore limiting the extent of what their power is -- their origins and folk traditions are effectively lost due to this. One common one I consistently see being forced into the "cryptids" category is La Llorona. She is not a cryptid, but is a vengeful spirit from the Southwestern USA and Mexico. People often use the term cryptid with her.. which just sort of lumps her into a category in which she does not belong. You can't hunt her, for she is already dead. Nor can you spot her, since seeing her is essentially a death sentence.
Due to this "cryptidification" there have been numerous pieces of media that have been published by people outside of her culture that represent her inaccurately. I personally dislike many of the movies where she is the villain, as.. to me she is more-so a vengeful spirit that is easily avoided. She doesn't seek out people, but if they stumble into her territory, well, that's on them. Also, in the movie she is defeated. That is just inaccurate in my opinion, as she isn't exactly defeatable. She is avoidable, but you couldn't kill her even if you tried. I do not like these portrayals, as they misrepresent her and provide incorrect information according to her true story.
In essence, cryptid hunters or cryptozoologists should focus more on the cultural aspects of the beings they intend to hunt or research, as that is a key component to who these creatures are and what they represent. Instead of simply reading other crpto-fanatics own views on the beings. Stripping the cultural background from any entity is in essence only looking at them through a two dimensional lens. You simply cannot fully understand a "cryptid" without looking into the folkloric traditions and tales told by the people who grew up with said being. Essentially, they should try their best to learn from the culture rather than appropriate from it.
Onto this idea of worshipping more "harmful" or "evil" entities, such as El Chupacabra. I've touched on this idea for La Llorona in a blogpost before, however I do not believe all entities can be talked about in the same way. I urge people not to worship, invoke, or attempt to seek out La Llorona as she is intrinsically dangerous. However, I do believe you can work with aspects as her, or a more archetypal version of her, as it is not exactly sentient in the same way that she is. I think El Chupacabra could be worked with if you really wanted to, although I'd strongly urge you to protect any pets you live with prior to working with him... heh. As El Chupacabra does not harm humans, I think its plausible to work with him, so long as you are respectful and protected of course. To be frank, I could see him being immensely useful to work with for farmers, as they could potentially offer him things to keep him away from their farm. But, to each their own.
All in all cryptids are quite the interesting subject when it comes to anthropology and.. "cryptozoology". They provide an interesting accessibility to otherwise little-known folkloric beings, however that is not always good. I do believe that working with certain beings that are categorized as "cryptids" could be worthwhile.. however do stay away from La Llorona.. lol. I hope this provided some sort of insight for you, please do let me know if you have any further questions or comments! Thanks for asking this question, as I found writing this to be quite interesting.
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ghostly-penumbra · 2 years
Happy (late) holidays, @everystarstorm! I was your secret gifter this year!
The Prompt: ALL ghosts need to honour the truce. Including those who don't know they're considered part ghost.
Could be DPxDC with Red Hood or could be with Valerie.
I decided it would be with both!
Warning: (Barely) mentioned drugs, there's a fight, lots of swearing. The Fentons' Christmas feud is mentioned, there is a small breakdown(?). But, as requested, it gets solved by the end! (So it's hurt/comfort overall). There is a scene that could be considered “suggestive” but that wasn’t my intention and this isn’t an explicit work. There is also references to dying.
- - -
Valerie didn't hate living in Gotham. She just hated the smog, the villains, and how mean could be the people when you were just trying to go about your day.
It made life hard and fast-paced, with little breathing room between an academic crisis and a city-wide one.
What she really appreciated, though, was the lack of portals to Hell in her ex-boyfriend’s basement that constantly let out ghosts who greatly enjoyed wreaking havoc in her town. Her new city had its restless spirits, of course, but it wasn’t brimming with ambient ectoplasm enough to power up ghost royalty and Ancients, so she could easily deal with them by either helping them move along or make them.
(Her psycho-pomp side-job was not something she was Obsessed with, really, it’s just that she much preferred it when the dead didn’t mess with people trying to live their lives and had no way to defend themselves. That wasn’t fair.)
The downside of that was that she somehow managed to fall into a fake sense of security in Gotham, of all places. And so, when a convoy of half a dozen unmarked vans sped next to her as she left the library –they wouldn’t let her spend the night studying there in Christmas Eve, or the whole of Christmas day, either, the traitors–, followed by a ping from her Ghost Detector –which wasn’t a ghost sense, even if it was part of her suit, which was a part of her now, no matter what Danny said– and a man riding a motorcycle one-handed whilst he fired a gun with his other hand, she froze.
For a second, which was a small eternity on its own right, which many times meant the difference between living and dying. She froze, confused, wondering how the heck had a proper ghost –that had a high enough level of ectoplasm in itself as to be Detected by her suit– made it all the way to New Jersey? A natural portal, perhaps?
The very next second, by which point she could’ve died already, the Red Huntress sprang into action. Her suit covered her body like a second skin, lifting her from the round as her hover-board materialized and she began her chase.
“Stop right there, ectoplasmic scum!” She yelled at the ghost overshadowing what was probably some thug or crime lord, even. If her luck was really rotten, it probably was one of the more gun-oriented vigilantes.
The ghost turned the guy’s head towards her and quickly fired two shots at her hover-board. Valerie activated the suit’s intangibility with a thought and felt the bullets pass right through her unimpeded.
Annoyed, she growled under her breath, “You’ll regret that,” and pointed her wrist-gun at it; focused as she was on where it would be next, she didn’t wonder why it had used an actual, real gun rather than an ecto-beam.
The ecto-net flew from her wrist and Red Huntress hurried to secure down her end to her board, feeling it dip from the added weight as she fished the guy up from his bike, leaving it to careener off the road.
“Fucking shit! What the fuck is this?” Raged the ghost as it tried to cut the net with a hella-big knife. It probably had already figured phasing through it was not an option.
Well, neither was cutting it.
“Pff, don’t try it, big boy.” Red Huntress told it whilst she pulled up her GPS. “Skulker himself almost cried when none of his blades worked either.” She sing-sang in a mocking tone. That was a much cherished memory of hers.
After a moment of silence, the host spoke again, “I don’t even know who the fuck are you, but as soon as I’m outta here, I’ll fuck you up.”
Valerie rolled her eyes under her helmet, and set course to a dilapidated zone with many abandoned buildings that would serve to minimize potential collateral damage.
“That, you can try, ghost, once you release this… thug? Violent vigilante?” Red Huntress shrugged. Too busy with school to keep up with the gothamite night life, she was lagging a lot in her knowledge of who was who in the Hero/Vigilante vs. Villain/Criminal scene.
“For your information, jerk, I prefer the term zombie, since I’m up and about in my own body.” The ghost said.
“That’s what you all say, ‘this is my bo-’ what are you doing?!”
The ghost had shot a grappling hook at a nearby water tower, securing it firmly, and having Red Huntress’ momentum make her lose her balance and be pulled back by force, dislodging the net from where Valerie had clipped it to her board, and both of them tumbled down the couple of metres left between the ground and them.
Red Huntress retracted her board back into her suit the moment it hit the ground, falling on her feet and running out what was left of her momentum to reduce the impact damage.
She turned around and didn’t hesitate in shooting an ecto-blast from her other wrist as she saw the ghost pointing its gun at her (low, aimed at her thigh to impede, not kill). His gun clattered to the ground and he cursed, holding his injured hand close to his chest whilst he reached for his belt with the other one.
Red Huntress didn’t give him a chance. She stretched her arm and the ecto-net –which the ghost hadn’t managed to completely take off yet, and he had just started fighting whilst still entangled– launched itself back towards her, sweeping the ghost from its feet.
“Fuck this thing!” It swore again, and Red Huntress quickly straddled its abdomen and pointed her ecto-gun under its chin.
“I don’t want to hurt whoever it is you’re overshadowing, but I will if I have to. So come out of that body and fight me like a real ghost if it’s a brawl what you want!”
The ghost growled at her, mindful of the wrist-ray. “I told you I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I may have died but I am alive now, I’m not a ghost, and this is my body!” It lurched up and flipped them over, pinning Red Huntress’ wrists to the ground next to her head and away from him. “So you better leave me alone or we’re really gonna have a problem.” It reared back and then head-butted her, making their red helmets clash. “Are we clear?”
“Then tell me something, big boy,” Red Huntress spat venomously, “if you’re not a ghost possessing some random hunk, then why do ecto-weapons work on you? Shield up!”
A surge of red power lurched from Valerie’s suit and materialized around her, pushing the ghost away with a grunt of pain.
They stood up quickly, both taking fighting stances. Neither waited for the other one to find a good opening, and launched themselves at their adversary–
–and stopped dead in their tracks just as their fists were about to connect with the other one’s face.
“What are you doing to me?” The ghost demanded in a growl; his fear would have been well-hidden if not for the small cracking of his voice.
“I didn’t do shit, ghost.” She spat back. She moved back to an upright stance, but the moment she tried to attack her body froze again.
Red Huntress looked back at the ghost, who seemed to have reached the same conclusion as she, if his hand opening and closing as a claw whilst it hovered next to his holsters was a reliable sign.
“No violence, it seems.” It said, frustrated.
“That doesn’t sound like Gotham.” Red Huntress mumbled to herself but got a snort from the ghost all the same.
There was still tension running high between them, and Val was thinking fast on how to get the ghost out of that body and into her thermos without kicking its ass, and the ghost was obviously just as eager to resume their brawl.
Psychological warfare it would be.
Just as Valerie was about to say the meanest, most awful, confidence-shattering insult that would make Regina George proud and leave her former A-lister social group back home gaping at her… there was a shift in the air.
You know that feeling you get when you find out someone died? When it finally dawns on you that they are no more, will never be again, and nothing will change that.
Well, to that feeling, add the fact that said dead person is looking at you, and maybe you will get what they felt in that moment.
A bright, toxic green spiral appeared above the space between them, spreading out and opening up to a visage of floating purple islands and doors of all colours.
“By decree of the King of the Ghost Zone, any ecto-entity or spirit that breaks the [insert religious festivity here] will have to personally fight—” The glowing figure wrapped in royal regalia stopped as he took in what he was seeing, “-me. Uh, Red, what’s going on? Who’s your new friend?”
Valerie’s cheeks flushed with rage as Danny looked at her foe up and down with a furrowed brow.
“He’s not my friend! This ghost is overshadowing some hunk and it doesn’t want to let him go!” She said, pointing her finger at said ghost.
“I’ve already told you, I’m not a fucking ghost! This is my own fucking body and I’m not in the fucking mood to deal with this shit!”
“Then why does my ghost detector ping you as one?”
“Because your shit is broken, I don’t care!”
“And I should just take your word for it? You shot me!”
“And you fished me out of a car chase! Who the fuck does that?!”
“A ghost hunter to a ghost!”
“I’m getting fucking tired of you Ghost Buster shtick-”
“And I’m already freaking tired of you ‘not a ghost’ thing!”
“Oh, you can’t even swear.” The ghost mocked. “Shit fucking lame.”
“Get fucked, you ectoplasmic piece of shit.”
“Get out of my turf, Ghost Facer wannabe.”
“Shut up!”
Their mouths clamped shut against their will before they could throw any more vitriol at each other. They turned and found the young king hunched over on the floor, cradling his –now crown-less – head in his hands and with his eyes closed tight. His regalia was all gone, and instead he now wore a white hoodie fashioned after his regular suit. The hood was wide and covered a good half of his face, but his mouth still showed in a pained grimace.
“One year, that’s all I ask. One year without having to be in the middle of a stupid fight between believer and non-believer on fuckin’ Christmas. Is that too much to ask? I can’t lash out, I can’t stay out of it, am I just supposed to be unhappy?”
Val flinched, and her posture shifted so that she was turned towards Danny, ignoring the angry ghost next to her.
“Phantom?” She asked, approaching slowly, one step at a time. “Can I sit here?”
Phantom shrugged his shoulders and snorted. Not a ‘no’, so Valerie took a seat on the sidewalk with him, close enough to touch him if he allowed it.
The unknown ghost looked between one and the other, obviously confused, but Val wasn’t paying attention to him anymore. For one, she no longer could kick his ass, and most importantly, her friend needed her.
“Your parents are still holding onto their feud?” She asked gently.
“Pff, as if either of them was mature enough to accept defeat just for the sake of peace.” He spat, pulling his hoodie lower.
Valerie pursed her lips under her helmet. Danny’s relationship with his parents was good, especially since he revealed his half-ghost status to them. (Valerie’s acceptance had been… slower; to reconcile the fact that the sweet, shy boy she had dated and the annoying ghost she hunted were one and the same took her time, and now she regretted it had been so long); so for him to express himself like that about them… it must still be bad.
“I’m sorry.” She said, because even if it did nothing for him, she was. “I would’ve thought you would stay away for Christmas.”
“I wanted to, but there was an issue with a natural portal.” Danny explained to her, turning his head just the smallest bit toward her. His freckles glowed green just like his eyes, so she could see the bags under them. “I fixed it alright, just not in time to avoid their spat.”
Val put a hand on his shoulder and when he leaned into her touch she went for it and wrapped him in a one-armed hug.
“Well, you’re here and not there right now. Want me to show you around?” She offered him.
“What the absolute fuck is going on anymore?” Both Amity Parkers looked back up to the gothamite still standing there. “Who the fuck are you people?”
“Right, duty first.” Danny said and stood up, dusting off his clothes. “As the King of the Ghost Zone, it is my duty to make sure all ghosts, spirits, shadows, and ecto-entities abide by the Truce. Ecto-contamination makes you both ecto-entities.” He said as he gestured at Red Huntress with a hand, who took it to help herself up from the ground. “I assume you are dead-adjacent.” He asked in a tone too monotonous for such a question.
“… you could say that.” Was the clipped answer.
“There you have it. I’m not gonna delve into it right now, we can talk at length later, suffice to say, you count as an ecto-entity, so you are subject to the Truce, and that means no fighting in Christmas Day.”
“I have fought every Christmas ever since I was resurrected.” The dead-adjacent-but-apparently-not-a-ghost guy said.
“Fighting living, non-contaminated humans without a trace of ectoplasm in them. Which, and you’ll hate this, you won’t be able to do anymore, either.”
“What?!” The vigilante(?) roared, advancing menacingly just to stop one step in. “The fuck does that mean?!”
Phantom sighed and rubbed at his temples. “It means the Truce hadn’t taken effect on you because your ecto-signature is weak, and you hadn’t fought any other ecto-entity before, but now you have,” he pointed with his head at Red Huntress, who was paying as much attention at these news, “so now you can’t fight in this day anymore.”
“What about self-defence?” He asked quickly. Smart.
“That’s where I come in. I get the call, check out what’s up, and if a fight is needed, I have it.” He turned to his ex, sheepishly. “I just added that bit myself, y’know, to release some misplaced anger.”
“Understandable.” She said, patting him on the back. She turned to the vigilante. “I guess that means you’re not a ghost, after all.”
“As I kept saying.” He growled at her, but she ignored him.
“Well, there is nothing to it now.” She summoned her board and offered her ex a hand. “Let’s sight-see.”
Danny smiled, with his freckles shining bright green. “Yeah, okay.”
“So that’s it? You interrupt me in the middle of chasing down drug dealers, you tell me I’m some… pseudo ghost, you forbid me from fighting just ‘cause it’s fuckin’ Christmas day, and now you just leave.” He was clenching his fists hard, and Valerie could picture clearly the snarl on his face under the red helmet.
“It do be like that sometimes.” She told him unkindly, rolling her eyes. She wasn’t having an existential crisis over her nature, even if she had just as much right as him.
“We are going to have a talk, later.” Phantom told him, ignoring Red Huntress’ mean remark and sitting down on the board with his feet dangling. “There’s more stuff you need to know, and I would like you to go see my doctors for a full check-up.” The boy King said with an intense look. “And you’re welcome to join us, by the way.”
“Oh, I am?”
“He is?”
Danny sent a look at Valerie and she just inclined her head to convey her skepticism.
“Yes, you are.” He told the vigilante. “It’s part of the Truce; no hard feelings, regardless of circumstances or allegiances.”
“Pff, sure, I’ll think about it.” He said, turning his back, on them and walking away. He didn’t sound like he would think about it.
“Let’s go, ghostly boy.”
- - -
Hovering barely above Wayne Tower –but a considerable distance away anyways– Valerie and Danny sat watching the sunrise with a tray of jokerized fries between them (and several other wrappings stored away). Apparently, the batburger opened 24/7, every day of the year.
They saw the grapple land on the boar and hook itself to the conveniently placed anchor, making the board dip with the added weight.
They watched in unperturbed silence as the line retracted itself and bought along the vigilante they had found out to be Red Hood after a google search. Crime-Lord-slash-Vigilante, the Truce didn’t care.
“Took ya long enough.” Danny told him as he heaved himself up and then sat next to them.
“Ugh, shut up.” Red Hood answered, but there was barely any heat to his words. “Not much else to do today, apparently.” He glanced at the batburger bags that sat next to Red Huntress and asked, “Got any chili dogs on that?” The paper bag passed hands and soon Red Hood was rummaging through its contents. “Bingo.” He took off his helmet –under which he had a domino mask– and dug in.
Valerie just took another fry to her mouth.
“So,” the gothamite said after being handed a can of pop, “any plans for the day?” He was looking at them, and his face as much more expressive without the helmet; he was genuinely curious, probably wondering what would two vigilantes do on a day without fights and when barely any business was open.
“I was thinking of sneaking into the planetarium later at night.” Danny said. “As long as there’s no property damage, no one gets hurt, and I don’t have ill intentions, the Truce remains intact.” He explained.
“I had thought of going to Robinson Park and have a picnic or something.” Val commented. “Here’s to hoping Poison Ivy isn’t there today, though.”
“She’s in Arkham right now, don’t worry.” Red Hood told her. “The day is long, though; wanna get lost in the woods for a few hours?” He offered them. At both incredulous stared –though Red Huntress’ was hidden by her mask, which had retracted just enough to allow her to eat– he continued, “It’s a cool place to go for a hike if you know which parts to avoid, which I do. There’s also a good hidden bookstore and library that’s open all year ‘round and I have a card, if either of you cares, and there’s also a great Chinese place downtown, also.” He crumbled his trash in his hands and stood up to throw it with a baseball player’s skill at Wayne Tower, managing to make it enter an open window. “Suck it!”
Valerie and Danny looked at each other and shrugged.
“Sounds good to me.”
Val stood up, dusting off crumbs from her suit. “Alright then, big boy. Guide us to that secondary location in the middle of the woods.”
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
Fern's (new) introduction to the Gleaming Grove
The Gleaming Grove is the name I use for my personal pantheon. It is a mix of historical, unrecorded, and constructed deities that I have been honouring for a little over a year now. Some of these deities have been in my life for quite a bit longer, some even right from the start.
Through personal interactions with these deities I have gotten to know them beyond what is historically known. This is called UPG, or Unverified Personal Gnosis. So please, keep in mind that these are my personal interpretations of these deities. Also, as I walk this path and learn more about myself and about these deities, the pantheon might change.
Now, allow me to introduce you.
Cernunnos: Horned Hunter – historical and unrecorded Gaulish deity of the forest, of animals and the hunt. He is the leader of the Wild Hunt and the King of the Fae. He is the god of the liminal, the in between. The cycles of nature – death, decay, and life again.
Nehalennia: Wildmother – historical Dutch deity of nature, the sea, harvest. She guides travelers over sea, guiding them with her stars, or with profitable winds. She is the tempest and the storm, but also the cooling breeze on a hot day. She is the deity of agriculture, especially orchards. Her travel over the sea also includes being a psycho-pomp, guiding those who have passed to their afterlife.
Baduhenna: Rootwoman – historical Dutch deity of the forest, magic, and war. They protect the sacred places and fight against any who wishes to take it away. Protects the oppressed and gives them the tools and power to fight against their oppressors, in both weapons and magic.
Elen of the Ways: Wayfarer – historical or constructed deity of roads and pathways, of journeys both physical and spiritual. She guides us with her lit lantern when we are lost. Labyrinths are dedicated to her, especially as a way to travel inward. She protects us when we travel and nudges us in the right direction of where we need to be. An antlered deity carrying a lantern and surrounded by green.
Nemetona: Sanctuary – historical Gaulish deity of sacred spaces. Protector of boundaries. Both the sacred spaces we creating when practicing witchcraft, as the sacred spaces that are our home and our personal boundaries.
Avalon - Lady of Avalon. Goddess of healing, magic, apples, and harvest. Queen of the Fae, keeper and protector of magic.
Hearthlight – unrecorded and constructed deity of home, hearth, and community. Protects the home and hearth, provides and guards warmth and love in the home. Connections and community. Sharing what you have and taking what you need. Perhaps a mantle shared between different deities
Loki: Trickster – historical Norse deity of mischief, change, laughter. God of the outcasts, challenges societal norms and brings necessary change.
Venaris: Lady of Flowers – unrecorded deity of spring, of flowers, love, joy, mirth, and art. Beauty, music, poetry and inspiration. She invites us to dance to the tune of the seasons, to stop and smell the roses, and see the small wonders around us. Is related to Eostre/Ostra and Meda
Liyesa: The Iridescent One – historical and constructed deity of beauty, self love and -acceptance, freedom. She teaches us there is beauty in all of us, and helps us learn to love and accept ourselves as we are. Breaker of Chains, she guides us to break free of the chains society and our own perfectionism throw around us. She grants us second chances should we need them.
Holle: the Veiled Silence – constructed and historical Dutch deity of silence, of winter and of secrets. She is the silence of snowfall. She urges us into contemplation and introspection, and what secrets mean and how to keep them.
Arawn - historical Welsh deity of the Underworld, the wild hunt, loyalty, and honour. King of the Fae and Lord of the Dead. Also called Gwyn.
Ashka: Ashkeeper – unrecorded deity of the dead, graveyards, and memories. Gathers and keeps the memories we have of those who have passed. Keeps the ‘souls’ safe until they are ready to continue to wherever they choose their afterlife to be.
the Morrigan: Crowmother – historical Irish deity of war, magic, and sovereignty. She is connected to Baduhenna both through historical sources and my own interaction with both.
Mona: Moonmother – historical deity of the Moon, magic, the night. Bringer of change and moving through cycles. Mother/sister to Starsister. Void created the stars, Herta (the Earth) and the moon. We gave them life in the form of divinity. Moon came first, and she inspired humans to give her a sister/daughter.
Stēra: Stardancer – unrecorded deity of the stars and the night sky, of navigation and of hope. A light in the dark, a guide to lead us home. She dances across the sky, leaving a trail of stars behind.
Herta/Arda: Greenmother – historical Dutch deity of the Earth, nature, growth, and harvest. Her day was called “Hartjesdag” or “Heart’s Day” and was a day for collecting magical herbs to bless the home.
Gahella: Void/Creation – The emptiness from which anything can be created (chaos in Latin) The depth of space. The Divine Chaosyne. Void is the emptiness that was here before the big bang. The void from which creation springs forth. They are the darkness between the stars that birth the galaxies and starfields. Chaos is needed to keep things from getting stagnant, and is the catalyst for change.
Werda: Wordweaver – unrecorded deity of words, stories, magic. Muse of writing. They spark the inspirational spark and guide the words on paper. They are the keepers of knowledge, both mundane and magical.
Lycke: Lotweaver – unrecorded deity of fate, luck, and the tapestry of life. They weave the threads of life, guide and watch over them. Fate is not set in stone, choices and such will always have an influence on the tapestry.
Klaithe: Craftweaver – unrecorded deity of creativity, artistry, and artisans. The joy of creation for the sake of creation. The inspirational spark that is within all of us. The need to express our true selves in our own ways.
Spirits honoured in my practice: the Good Neighbours, Alven, Merfolk, Dragon, Unicorn. My ancestors of blood and bone, land, heart, spirit, and craft. The spirit of Wolf and Crow.
[Updated March 9 2024]
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