#psych 8x8
phoenixwrightzine · 11 months
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Court is now in session—preorders for Ipse Facto are now open!! With 90+ pages featuring our favorite ace attorney in this hardcover zine, we're celebrating all aspects and eras of Phoenix Wright starting with his first day on the job!
Every physical order made in the first 48 hours of preorders will also receive a 2.5-inch die-cut sticker! This stamp sticker is the perfect addition to any lawyer's bluff! Every order made in this timeframe will automatically have 25% of profit go to charity!
Preorders have been extended! They are now open until September 15th!
⚖️ Open until September 9th September 15th!
More bundles are under the read more!!
This bundle contains: 🌻 8x8 Hardcover Physical Zine (90+ pages!) 🌻 Digital PDF and Digital Merch 🌻 2x Prints 🌻 1 Acrylic Charm 🌻 1 Shaker Charm 🌻 2 Sticker Sheets 🌻 3 Die Cut Stickers 🌻 1 Button
This bundle contains:  🌻 8x8 Hardcover Physical Zine (90+ pages!)  🌻 Digital PDF and Digital Merch 🌻 1 Acrylic Charm  🌻 2 Sticker Sheets  🌻 3 Die Cut Stickers  🌻 1 Button 
This bundle contains:  🌻 8x8 Hardcover Physical Zine (90+ pages!)  🌻 Digital PDF and Digital Merch 🌻 2x Prints (150mm x 100mm)  🌻 2 Sticker Sheets (A5 and A6)  🌻 3 Die Cut Stickers (~3") 
This bundle contains:  🌻 8x8 Hardcover Physical Zine (90+ pages!)  🌻 Digital PDF and Digital Merch
26381 // DIGITAL BUNDLE $20
This bundle contains:  🌻 Digital PDF (90+ pages!)  🌻 Digital Merch 
Your eyes aren't deceiving you—we've uncovered five psyche-locks! We have five incredible stretch goals to unlock during preorders, all of which will be added to eligible bundles for free when unlocked! 
There's a lot of evidence floating around the courtroom. To help us make sense of it all, we've put together a guide for you!
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Certain bundles are only eligible for some stretch goals—if you want them all, you'll have to buy the TURNABOUT TERROR!
Thank you for your support! 🌻 @fandomzines @zineapps @zinefans @zineforalll @zinesunlimited @zinereblog @zinefeed @aafancalendar @zine-shop-channel
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randomstupidchaos · 5 months
So 2023 didn't turn out quite how I planned re: quilt projects. I wanted to make this king size postage stamp quilt all in 2023, but then The Horrors distracted me all through the summer and then got Worse in October when my mom was hospitalized for the entire month.
But now I'm trying to get myself psyched to make this happen in 2024 without pressuring myself too much. My low-key New Years resolution is to finish this thing. I've completed 30 out of 81 blocks. If I can finish 3 per week, I can finish the blocks by mid-May, then take my time with the quilting. Totally doable. Right?
Let's not talk about how I thought 2 blocks per week was doable last year.
I'll make it work.
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Sorry the lighting isn't great. It's nighttime and I prefer to take pics in daylight.
If you haven't seen this WIP before: as I said, it's a king size postage stamp quilt. It's not the purist postage stamp in that the final size of each square is 1.5 inches rather than 1 inch and there are duplicate fabrics, but I needed to be SOMEWHAT sane, right? Each block is 8x8 squares, and the final top will be 9x9 blocks (5184 squares); assuming I get my seam allowances right, it will be 9ftx9ft, or 108x108 inches.
Each block takes roughly 2.5 hours to piece. That does not count my fabric pull when I pick the squares (it's a Process).
This is a stash-buster project using as many of my scraps as possible. When I initially planned the project I didn't want to buy any new fabric for the top. I've stuck to that for the 'dark' squares of the checkerboard, but did have to buy more of the 'light' fabric because I don't have as much variety in my stash.
Yes, I have been told I was insane for starting this. Yes, I have considered reducing the size of the final quilt top. Yes, I continue out of stubbornness.
I shall prevail. Eventually.
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pleasurebutton · 3 years
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Psych 8.08 A Touch of Sweevil
Balls, Brannigan, balls! Balls, balls, balls! And tequila!
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matsuropalette · 2 years
re: ocd posting, yes! one of the ways my psych who diagnosed me described it was that most people think of ocd more in the sense of the “compulsive” part (hand-washing, flicking light switches a certain number of times, etc), which is why a lot of people go undiagnosed. a major hallmark symptom of ocd is the “obsessive” part—obsessive thoughts that you can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try. often the obsession ties into the compulsion; people will do rituals to try and get rid of the obsessive thought or obsessive fears. sometimes it’s things like “if i don’t step on every sidewalk crack my friends will die”, sometimes it’s stuff like “i can’t stop thinking about a rotating cow and it’s distressing me”. but essentially yeah, intrusive and unwanted obsessive thoughts are, like, the biggest symptom that psychs look for in ocd and other related anxiety disorders
you're telling me the fucking brain tree thing AND the fucking "everything has to be on a beat of 8 and end on a multiplication of 8x8" thing are ocd symptoms???????
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sunfish-exotics · 4 years
Hey guys! I’m having some issues with my psych keeping on top of my refills so I haven’t been feeling too social the past few weeks, I’m hanging in there though! The animals are all doing great, just haven’t been up to taking a ton of pics or talking about them frequently. I’m hoping to be able to transition the 2021 breeding snakes to brumation around the first week of December as long as the weather cooperates. Just as a reminder I’m going to have 1 corn snake pairing, 4-5 western hognose pairings (in a perfect world anyway lol) and 2-3 leopard gecko pairings. I scaled back my plans a little bit for 2021 just because of covid which is affecting pretty much everything unfortunately. It has encouraged me to be a little more self-sufficient when it comes to breeding my own (invert) feeders though since they can be difficult and expensive to source quickly now.
Expo plans- (BIG disclaimer being this is contingent on covid remaining stable here- it’s not severe here at the moment and Repticon has proticols in place that were followed strictly at the last show I worked in August but it’s going to depend heavily on what happens after thanksgiving..) Now that that is out of the way, I will be working the Charlotte / Concord Repticon December 12th & 13th. I’ll have one table for animals (2020 western hognoses, 1x 2020 corn snake, and sub adult and adult leos)- price wise they’re going to range around $40-$500 so a good range and selection, albeit fairly small since I have sold most by this point from 2020. No isopods at this show, I need to let my colonies replenish. My other table will be all art. I will be debuting the 2 posters I teased earlier (they’re still not here yet and I will post pics and prices as soon as they arrive!) and I have some more 8x8 print designs joining the lineup. I’m unsure how many vinyl stickers / decals I’ll have, I definitely need to get started making some new ones but I need to check my vinyl stock before making immediate plans. It’s too late to get more vinyl for this show but I am looking forward to offering the stickers online soon as well. I am not planning on shipping anymore until the spring so any animals that are not sold will be staying here after the show until shipping weather returns. I can offer them for (paid) holds though if anyone has interest in them.
My art commissions will close for December (and I will hopefully be finishing up all November comms by the first week of December) so I can focus on some personal projects I’m looking to launch in 2021, including my first Kickstarter campaign for the first planned set of enamel pins which will hopefully become a series of pin sets if it goes well.
I’ll also get started on a blog post for my thoughts on how 2020 went (REPTILE WISE lol, the year majorly sucked in general for me like most of EVERYONE else in the world lmao) and my plans going forward for Sunfish Exotics and my life plans in general. I really need some clarity and writing always helps me with that. I also really need a new pen tablet and I think I’m going to go for a cintiq (I’ve never had a pen display before and I think it’s time) and focus on updating and improving my art equipment (printers, etc)
My cage building projects are moving along, a bit slower than I hoped but I’m going to be working on the turtle build first before buying the lumber for the new cage stacks. Since my AP cages (well, hatchling racks) finally arrived I will be selling some old caging soon which will help fund the lumber and acrylic bill. I already have all the supplies bought for the turtle build which is why I’ve been working on that off and on.
Hope y’all are doing well or at the very least coping! Life is tough but we got this 🙌
I’ll try to be more active soon but I gotta get my meds straightened out first!
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
hello tag lurkers, followers, and friends ! we have already met 2/7 of our goal ( 1 app for 7 diff skellies ) to set an acceptance date and we are so psyched ! we have fourteen awesome characters open so far and we’d love to have some more apps tucked safely into our inbox so why not come check us out ! we’re an upcoming 8x8 skeleton supernatural rp with modern royal influences ! we’ll be lurking the main throughout the night so come say hi !
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Can't imagine being left in a corner while your colleagues leave you behind and go and talk with the prison psych WITHOUT you. 🤷‍♀️ 
I'm still mad that Vera didn't help Linda up off of the floor and take her to see Miller. 
No wonder Linda sought outside help, her colleagues obviously didn't care...
 8x8 'Goldfish Pt 2
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narumayo-week · 6 years
Improve Your Mind With a Full Pc Game of Chess
Table games have been played the world over for quite a while. Be it Chaupar (Ancient Game from India) from the season of the Mahabharata, or the advanced prepackaged games played by individuals everything being equal; they assume a critical part in our lives. Some table games depend on techniques and some on the component of shot. Chess is one tabletop game totally in view of a system of the players.
To download table game like chess you can go on trusted website game beasts here is link click to watch: http://gamebeasts.net/category/pc-games
Accepted to be started in India, alongside Chaupar and Pachisi, chess is a two-player system prepackaged game played by a great many individuals over the world. It is accepted to be a standout amongst the most interesting and rationally difficult prepackaged game all things considered. It is played on a checkered leading body of 64 high contrast squares, masterminded in a 8x8 matrix. Every player has 16 chess pieces; one ruler, one ruler, two rooks, two knights, two ministers, and eight pawns, all move in an unexpected way. The players need to utilize their sound judgment and assault each other's chess piece and attempt to win. Chess can have three outcomes; one where the lord gets a checkmate and it is in an inevitable position, second where one of the player deliberately leaves from the diversion and last where the amusement closes in a draw.
Prepackaged games are generally played for diversion, to murder fatigue, however chess is an amusement which has a few different advantages. It gives stimulation to the players, as well as enhances one's fixation. Chess enhances the memory of the players as they need to recall and foresee each other's moves to play proficiently. It builds persistence in individuals and enhances subjective abilities. It is likewise trusted that chess is a prepackaged game which brings about higher IQ in youngsters. It influences the focus to traverse longer which causes the players to be mindful.
The present reality is loaded with diversions which guide our brain to pointless things which we don't generally require throughout everyday life. The good judgment is never again underestimated. Selection representatives search for individuals who have a higher concentration than others, regardless of whether they are not as gifted. Having awesome concentration and sound judgment and really utilizing your brain to believe is an extravagance these days. Be that as it may, we can practice our brains through this straightforward prepackaged game and utilizing different procedures to crush other individuals. We experience a daily reality such that we are always associated for all intents and purposes however not really. We play amusements web based, sitting isolated on our sofas. Rather than playing these internet recreations, we can play chess, which is a social action since it requires an adversary. In the event that some person held a challenge where we needed to outline a diversion where you could interface with other individuals and furthermore utilize your brain and hone it all the while, chess would win no doubt. Playing chess is an awesome propensity since it hones our psyche and upgrades our capacities which unquestionably reflects in our everyday exercises since it is properly said that the quality of our brain is practice and not rest and some person comprehended it hundreds of years prior and we have to comprehend that as well and include in more activities which accomplishes a similar reason.
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blondeulence · 7 years
my psych partner's cousin is a single mother of 5 currently living in an 8x8 room after Irma took their house in st thomas, she's trying to bring her here to ohio as this is a life threatening situation
thanks guys, I know there's a lot of these posts going around but any attention is appreciated
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canispicta · 4 years
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Excited to share this item from #CanisPicta my #etsy shop: #Psych Nicknames 8x8 Pop Art Print Home Decor Television Show #Burton #Guster Aliases #Pineapple Ananas TV Humor Funny #Shawn #Spencer Gus Fandom https://etsy.me/2X7ID3M
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sending-the-message · 7 years
There's a Fine Line Between Sanity and Madness... by TheBigSp00k
There’s a point in each of our lives where we question our sanity. The internal battle between logical reasoning, the voice in your head, and what your eyes are projecting to your brain. When you put it simply, it seems like such a straight forward answer, but there’s always that lingering doubt in the back of your mind that will conflict with your sense of assurance. It takes one small thought, one toxic thought that slowly spreads like a malignant tumor throughout your mind that forces you to question everything you once thought was reality.
This it what drives one into madness. Once the battle has begun, it doesn’t seem to end. You may be able to keep its malicious endeavors at bay, but that is only temporary. Once insanity has you in its crosshairs, you are forever a target, and like a hungry predator, it waits until a moment of weakness for its chance to strike. You aren’t always aware that you are fighting for your sanity, some never knew until it was too late.
I pressed the button to ascend to the 9th floor. The elevator dinged with the awareness of my demand and the sliding metal doors slowly shut in front of me. The overhead light flickered a bit, but this was a usual occurrence as the hospital I worked in was ancient and the elevator maintenance was long overdue. The elevator creaked and groaned as it struggled to rise only a few feet. Suddenly the room went black. I was instantly thrown into a panic when a dim red light illuminated the room with a sinister glow.
I lunged towards the control panel, rapidly smashing the emergency button. I yielded no response from the call box after repeatedly trying to gain contact with anyone on the outside. This was not a pleasant experience as I have always had a slight fear of small places. Each time I entered this place, I’d have to convince myself that I wasn’t going to die.
I circled the small 8x8 room for what felt like hours. I tried several more times to communicate with anyone through the speaker box. Nothing but silence.
This was where I began to panic. I ran my palms up and down the control panel, pressing every button. I tried prying the doors open with my bare hands but they didn’t budge an inch. All I could do was wait. Suddenly the elevator began to move. The ominous red light overhead continued to glow menacingly. It was unusual how the elevator didn’t any sound as it ascended.
The elevator stopped on the next floor. 2nd floor was the psych ward. When the doors slid open, I wasn’t greeted by the usual poorly lit hallway I had become so familiar with. It was darkness. When I started to step towards the exit, deciding to take the stairs instead, a feeling of terror washed over me. It felt like a warning, as if there were a presence telling me to stay away. The same feeling you would get when you were about to enter a place you didn’t belong. This suddenly made me feel anxious, the elevator I had once feared then felt like a sanctuary compared to that what might’ve been on the other side of the door.
I reached to press the button that manually would close the doors, but was interrupted by a young man entering the elevator. He was wearing a patient’s gown and had stitches that vertically stretched across each side of his face. He looked at me and smiled, revealing 2 rows of rotten yellow teeth. I only stared back at him. When he entered and the doors closed behind him, he didn’t press a button. He just stood there, smiling at me.
When the elevator began to ascend once again, he took a step closer. I took a step away and pressed my back up against the wall. I was at a loss for words, something about this man deeply disturbed me. No matter what floor we ended up on, I was going to get as far away from him as I possibly could. But the elevator seemed to be going on forever. There was no marker above the door that told us what floor we were passing, just that horrifying red light.
I slowly edged my way towards the controls, keeping my back against the wall while maintaining as much distance from him as I possibly could. He just turned his body, following me with his head with each side-step I took. The man began to play with the stitches on his face, picking at them. I did my best to avoid making eye contact but his eyes were locked onto me. I was terrified. With his free hand he reached underneath his gown and started to fondle himself. My assumption was that this was a mental patient who managed to slip away during the power outage. I only could pray that he was just mentally ill and didn’t have any violent intent.
The man began prying at his stitches and blood started run down the sides of his face. He continued pulling at his wounds, tearing his skin apart with his long fingernails. Soon he was now peeling back the skin on his face. I could see exposed muscle and bone between waves of gushing blood as he proceeded to tear his skin back as if he were peeling the skin from an onion. The man now had half of his face ripped off, his expression never. His other hand had transitioned from fondling his genitals to full on masturbation and I could see a trail of blood running down his inner thigh.
I turned my back to him and started frantically pounding on the door. I screamed and cried for help as he moaned in pleasure behind me. I could hear his feet splash in the puddle of blood below as he slowly started to approach me. I didn’t dare to turn back and look as I was mortified by what he had done to his own face. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. Warm air pressed against the back of my neck as I could tell that he was just inches away from me. I was prepared to turn around and defend myself when the air suddenly went cold. The elevator became silent. When I turned my head to see what had happened, I was shocked to find that the man had vanished into thin air. Him, the of blood that was at my feet, everything. It was gone.
This is when I began to sob uncontrollably.I fell to my knees and curled into a ball as I felt all hope exit my mind. I thought I was going to be trapped inside that elevator forever. Was I going mad? Did claustrophobia create these illusions? I didn’t have answers. I didn’t even have a guess. All I could do was wait for the nightmare to end.
In the midst of my sorrows, I didn’t even notice that the elevator had stopped. The doors slid open and I could hear footsteps entering the room.. A nurse pressed the button marked “8” and patiently stood just a foot away from the doors as the elevator began to ascend. She was humming a familiar tune to herself, completely unaware of what was going on around her. I just sat there and watched, up until the elevator arrived at its designated floor.
When the doors slid open, flames burst through the threshold, filling the elevator with thick black smoke. It became unbearably hot. I struggled to even obtain one lung full of air. The nurse casually stepped out the door, but before they closed behind her, she turned around and looked at me. Her face had been melted off. There was nothing left but a skull with long blonde hair hanging behind it. Her free-hanging jaw chattered as if she was trying to speak but no words came from it.
I jumped back from my hands and knees onto my ass and scurried back towards the far wall of the elevator. Charred hands came out from the flames. They grabbed at the air, trying to get a hold of me. I pushed my back against the wall and tucked my legs into my chest. Finally, the hands retreated back into the flames as the doors began to close. Before the doors sealed the room, I caught a glimpse of the name tag on the breast of the nurse’s scrubs. It read “Mary”.
The glow of the red light above faded out and I was shrouded in darkness once again. Suddenly, the elevator became illuminated by the white fluorescent bulbs above. The sounds of grinding metal and worn out gears never sound so relieving as they did at that moment as power had resumed and the elevator began to ascend.
The elevator arrived at the 9th floor and I was greeted by 2 angry looking men in black uniforms. They came at me, attempting to snatch me up by my arms. One of them grabbed me by the left arm. I managed to slip out of his grasp before the other got a hold of me.
I bolted down the hall. The uniformed men followed me in pursuit. I Ran into an office door and locked it shut behind me, knocking over a bookshelf to barricade the door. I dug through the office desk drawer to find a cell phone. I tried to dial 911 but before I could put the receiver to my ear, the door burst open. My pursuers managed to break through the door and get past the barricade. One of them grabbed me by the shoulders and I sunk my teeth deep into his forearm. The man screamed in pain as I turned towards the other, ready to defend myself.
The other man was wielding some sort of syringe. I tried to go for his legs but he managed to stab the sharp steel needle into my neck. My vision started to blur and my whole body became weak. Soon enough I was on the floor, looking up at the 2 figures towering over me. I blacked out.
I woke to the sound of a woman’s voice humming a familiar tune. I looked around the room to see that I was in a hospital bed. Both of my arms and legs were strapped down, forbidding movement of any kind. I panicked as I saw the familiar blonde hair of the nurse from the elevator. When she turned around I was surprised to see that the skin on her face had returned. She was beautiful. That’s when I started to recognize her, I knew I had seen this woman’s face before. Not just once but several times. She approached me with a slight smile on her face.
“Mr. Wright, I know you have had a hard couple of hours but that doesn’t mean you can go wandering around the hospital unsupervised.” She said in a soft yet scolding tone.
I was going to demand for her to let me out at once but something stopped me. I looked down at what I had been wearing… it was a hospital gown. I wondered how I had gotten into it in the first place. I tried to tell her that I was an employee, I told her I was her superior, but she didn’t respond.
That’s when it all sank in. Exactly when did I get to this hospital? What floor did I enter the elevator on? Why didn’t anyone recognize me as their fellow associate? The voice in my head screamed in frustration as I thrashed against my bindings. It tore at my skin and I could feel the warm red liquid soak the sheets of the bed.
I managed to break free and ran for the door. Locked. On the counter beside my door was a medical chart, I saw that my name was written at the top so I made the mistake of getting a closer look.
“Henry F. Wright,
Severe schizophrenia, Amnesia, Violent Tantrums.
Repeating episodes, violent tendencies, admitted July 2nd 2013. Patient has history of delirium and hysteria. At times he is coherent and understanding. When not, patient creates a fictional persona. Do not encourage this behavior.
Has frequent episodes in which he believes he is a hospital employee, as well as vivid hallucinations. Patient must be restrained during examination and transport due to his instability.
Tests have ruled out any possible triggers for his ‘episodes’ other than the east wing elevator. Patient has a history of escape attempts. Use caution when treating. Others have been several injured while attempting to treat patient.”
I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t a fucking patient, I fucking work here! I don’t know where I am, and it feels as if my memories are slowly slipping away. I refused to believe any of it. There’s something going that they’re trying to hide. Maybe I had discovered something that they were trying to cover up.
I hid behind the closed door and waited for the nurse to return. When she did, I hit her over the head with a stethoscope and snatched her security card as well as her cell phone. When I entered the hallway, the lights cut out and were replaced by the red glow of the emergency lights. I ran to the elevator and hit the button to bring me back to the ground floor.
I’m hoping that writing the events that occurred will help me keep the memories of them. Otherwise, who knows what will happen to me.
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