#but if i break my 8x8 pattern it starts chopping them off in different sizes and its so fucking Bad
matsuropalette · 2 years
re: ocd posting, yes! one of the ways my psych who diagnosed me described it was that most people think of ocd more in the sense of the “compulsive” part (hand-washing, flicking light switches a certain number of times, etc), which is why a lot of people go undiagnosed. a major hallmark symptom of ocd is the “obsessive” part—obsessive thoughts that you can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try. often the obsession ties into the compulsion; people will do rituals to try and get rid of the obsessive thought or obsessive fears. sometimes it’s things like “if i don’t step on every sidewalk crack my friends will die”, sometimes it’s stuff like “i can’t stop thinking about a rotating cow and it’s distressing me”. but essentially yeah, intrusive and unwanted obsessive thoughts are, like, the biggest symptom that psychs look for in ocd and other related anxiety disorders
you're telling me the fucking brain tree thing AND the fucking "everything has to be on a beat of 8 and end on a multiplication of 8x8" thing are ocd symptoms???????
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