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mokulule · 1 year ago
Taglist part 4: (so sorry to the people who just got added since last part, but I hope to be better about actually getting around to updating without the taglist hanging over my head)
@bright-shade | @treepainting | @all-mights-asscheeks | @mysticsoulgirl | @job-ross-the-second | @randomkiddoscrewingaround | @firedrakegirl | @toodaloo-kangaroo | @jackdaw-and-hattrick | @herbfairy | @jarlyd | @nebulaexy | @psuedohuman | @smol-book-nerd | @plotwholls | @nootherusernameworked | @jfkd19800 | @thought-u-said-dragon-queen | @queenshipper16 | @saphjack | @phangirl23 | @dell-l4r5 | @rowanaway-fromthisbs | @shykitten28 | @azphim | @cocopurplepompom | @amyheart19 | @mossy-bonez | @basementloser | @itsberrydreemurstuff | @regressor-marina | @paroovian
The Number You have Called Cannot Be Reached - part 8
Part 1 | Masterlist
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Warnings: angst/depression and canon typical violence So I promised this like months ago, and then got overwhelmed by having to manage the taglist resulting in me not updating this fic despite actually having written the next part. So that said this is the last time I'm tagging people, please subscribe to the masterlist - I'm gonna link it both here at the top and at the bottom. Anyways enjoy the next part:
Jason could handle this. He had handled this for years. The Pits were a known enemy. It shouldn’t effect him to this degree. But he could handle this. He could go about his day without putting heads in duffel bags, that had got to count as a win. The fact that he was avoiding his family, was just a precaution. Jason had everything under control.
Not like when he’d fled the Cave after assaulting Bruce in his stupid sweater.
That had not been his proudest moment. But the thing that really got to him was how he didn’t remember doing it. He didn’t even remember going to the Cave. When he tried to think it was all a green haze. The last moment of real clarity was opening Ghost’s bag and seeing nothing but dry protein bars. Knowing in his gut this was all he ate and that he stood with his food, and no way to give it back to him.
When he had fled the Cave, he’d gone home shaking like a leaf, and sunk to the floor trying to get his head back on straight. He didn’t know how long he sat there with his back against the door, just trying to breathe and search his memory. Eventually, though he didn’t know after how long, he found his phone and looked up the news. It had been a great relief to find that Red Hood had not been sighted, so he likely hadn’t been out on a murder spree he couldn’t remember.
But now it was days later. There had been no more green hazes. Things were under control.
Maybe he hit a bit harder, and a bit longer, when he went out. But it was the normal amount? Wasn’t it? Definitely not much more than normal, if it was more. That he was sure of… like 80% sure of. Jason rubbed the front of his helmet in lieu of his brow - It didn’t really help. What had Bruce even said that set him off? He barely remembered, something that felt demeaning, but the words escaped him no matter how many times he turned them over in his head. Normally he wouldn’t question himself that like, of course Bruce would have said something demeaning, he always did. He didn’t trust Jason, never would again. There would always be suspicion and doubt. But now…
Jason’s hand clenched into fists. Now having been without the Pits’ influence, having seen Bruce trying to reach out to him, as awkward and resigned as it had been, he wasn’t so sure.
He wasn’t sure he could trust himself.
Maybe this was all Bruce’s plan? Another of his famous gambits - this one to fold Jason back under his control, with the pretense of love and family. Because surely he had been right all along and Jason needed to be watched, couldn’t be trusted on his own.
Jason ripped the helmet off his head, only barely stopped himself from throwing it. He gasped and breathed in deep, like a man drowning. He was the one in control, he reminded himself firmly. Not the pits. Not Bruce.
There was sound in his comms and he hastily pulled the helmet back on. Ghost had been sighted. He had to go. If he could just talk with Ghost, figure out what this was.
Ghost ran away. Immediately, as if he could sense Jason.
It was okay, Jason could handle this.
Oo o oO
Barbara tapped the space bar absently without actually pressing it. Keeping half an eye on her leftmost monitor which showed the program she used for the surveillance in Gotham, no persons of interest were pinging tonight so far, no alarms had tripped for about an hour. She had time to ponder the conundrum that was their reoccurring thief.
If the thief was building something the other night was proof the loss of the spectral calibrator, hadn’t put a stop to the progress. The thief never ran in the same direction so they still didn’t even have that to go by to narrow down where he stayed, when he wasn’t giving them the run around.
The odd reaction to Jason hadn’t made a reappearance. In fact the moment Jason joined them the thief disappeared immediately: density shifting into the ground. Jason was not happy about it to say the least.After the backpack full of barely edible off-brand protein bars had been delivered to the cave by Jason, Barbara would agree with Jason that whatever situation the thief was in, it was worrying if this was all that he ate. She still held by her assessment that the photographic evidence was of too low quality early in their run-ins because of the strange electromagnetic interference he gave off to actually judge if he’d lost weight - but he did look very gaunt now.
She leaned back in her chair. A cup of coffee was warm between her hands, she breathed in the familiar scent as she considered the known facts.
Name assumed to be Danny Fenton, potentially legally Daniel Fenton, though they’d been unable to find a match to his physical appearance and rough age in their databases. He hadn’t actually spoken to any of them, it was a very real possibility he was a foreigner, but they’d checked and he wasn’t wanted by any foreign intelligence services.
The phone was baffling.
It was a brick, and it looked like something from the early 00s, from around the time when handheld phones really started to be something everyone had.
Tim had asked for Barbara’s help after he hadn’t been able to recover the erased text messages for some days. Tim had filled her in on his discovery that while all the numbers coded into the phone led to a “the number you have called cannot be reached” message when called from the phone - some of the numbers were actually active when looked up; the Jazz one led to a pizza place and the Dad number led to an elderly woman with Chinese heritage who had no relation to anyone named Danny or Fenton. The rest of the numbers weren’t currently in use.
It was odd however that despite those two numbers being in use, they still got the cannot be reached message. Tim had suggested the program which made the phone able to piggyback on the mobile network without a sim was faulty, but it had been easy enough for Barbara to disprove by calling a local number which connected with no problem. Tim was brilliant but sometimes he got too caught up in his complicated theories that he forgot the simple things.
Her recovery program for the text messages had just finished running (this was her third attempt). She took a sip of coffee, leaned forward and promptly nearly spat it out when she saw the result. It went down the wrong pipe when she tried to recover and she coughed and sputtered. Carefully she put her cup on her desk before she spilled it.
Finally her airways were clear and she rubbed the bridge of her nose. Somehow this was Dick’s fault.
She had recovered the messages. They were there - time stamps and all. The last message received was over a decade ago in 2009 and wasn’t that ominous? But that was a side note to be pondered later, because the contents of the messages, oh this was malicious.
Somehow, before deletion every single message had been changed to “Ghost”.
Not just a single ghost, no, entire messages teasing at their original length, but just changed into ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost. A whole litany of ghosts.
And it was definitely Dick’s fault.
So that was it, hopefully I will be able to get back in the swing of things now. Commentary and tags are a great motivator and I read them all. As stated this is last time I tag people, so in the future you can subscribe to the masterlist or on Ao3 where the edited and hopefully better version eventually goes up.
Tag list of doom part 1:
@thewondersoflebanon | @gin2212 | @busterkeel | @apointlessbox | @spoopyspoony | @charlietheepic7 | @proper-idiocy | @serasvictoria02 | @zgirlly | @emeraldcorpral | @mushroom-jack | @v-inari | @8-29pm | @quirky-gardener | @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff | @mars-the-witch | @elthepickle | @thegatorsgoose | @impulsiveasshole |
@tired-yet-awaken | @luagi-the-bestest | @britcision | @autumnwulf | @little-pondhead | @asphyxia778 | @sarina-elais | @may-rbi | @onlyhereforthechaos | @somuchyikes | @yjfk | @rosiea184 | @screamingtofillthevoid | @ailithnight | @writer-extraodinaire | @samgirl98 | @hanahaki-disease | @riverdancingwerewolves |
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a-daks · 7 years ago
psuedohuman reblogged your post:
vanessakimballs: a-daks: vanessakimballs: ...
#BLOCKED #why is everyone so thirsty for locus all of a sudden? #like im there with it but like #what are we all doing with our lives right now?
tbh I blame @kananeski
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goblinkind · 7 years ago
Send me a ‘🌹’ and I’ll tell you whether you’re a jock, nerd, prep, or goth.
I know you to be a goth‼︎ Wise and caring goth.
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mraof · 3 years ago
I have a coding time tracking plugin that sends me an email thinking it's broken every time I go a week without opening the IDE because I'm not doing well mentally or I'm not doing well mentally or I'm not doing well mentally or I'm using Emacs instead
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oldweedsmokingbf · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
new oc hehe
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betterthanaphobes · 8 years ago
hello hope ur havin a nice day! i just wanted to ask what sga means because I've seen it used a couple times recently in like. discourse and stuff (in context to a anon you replied to earlier + said it was a conversion therapy term?) and i always thought it meant student gov association so ive obviously missed something 😨 sorry if im bothering u. you're great + love the blog!!! thank u for all your help!
omggg s totally ok basically it means “same gender attracted” which has been used in conversion therapy before
if someone wants to use it for themself its fine but exclusionists have a tendency to force the definition of “sga or trans” on the lgbtq+ community, which excludes not only aspec people but also non-”sga” mspec people and nonbinary people who dont identify as trans, along with a lot of other people who belong in tghe community
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ofbutterfliesandlions · 8 years ago
hello again! I know a little more about etsy than storenvy so I can't say a whole lot about that but: the color scheme for your shop is very nice and I love your banner! etsy shoppers usually like listings with a few photos (idk how much it actually impacts things) so maybe you could pull an "example" reading for a second photo for each of the listings so customers have an idea of what they're getting? also I can't find a list of decks on either site but the FAQ says it's "below" 1/2
I'd add some more information about you (if you're comfortable) through the about section in your shop because lots of online customers feel more comfortable when they have a point of trust with the seller I guess? the power within readings seem very cool! Your listings are well-worded and I think you've covered your bases! I wish you lots of luck! 2/2
Hi again, thank you for your responses!! 
Thank you for the compliment about the banner! I feel bad using something that wasn’t 100% from scrap (I used Canva.com), but it actually came out kinda well? [plus, I don’t think it counts as using it for profit if i’m not charging people to look at it, right? :D;;]
Ok, I will definitely consider adding more photos to each reading. I was mostly concerned about making sure I got at least one default photo up, and I was gonna worry about examples later, particularly if it got to the point that I needed them.
Someone else pointed out that the list of decks was missing from the FAQ!! I have since fixed that, so that should appear. I’ll later down the line go through and double check that they are okay by publishers (most of them are indie so I’ll have to individually mail/ask them if I hadn’t in the past), which is probably a bad thing to do now that I think about it but I believe that c&d isn’t as much of an issue now as it was 2 years ago.
I’m not entirely sure yet what to put for a personal information, but it definitely makes sense! I’ll probably figure something out in the upcoming future, it won’t be too hard. 
Thank you so much for your multi-part response!! I really do appreciate it!!
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putris-et-mulier · 8 years ago
holy crap man im so sorry youre getting death threats and shit?? what the Fuckening...
Typical Thursday
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ohwandamaximoff · 8 years ago
mack ? thank u +have a nice day !
have a nice day too! 
Misguided ghosts // paramore
At my best // machine gun
Cool // troye sivan
Kiwi // harry styles
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loganscove · 8 years ago
good morning! how are you today? what all have you been working on lately, deck-wise or anything else? are you looking forward to anything coming up soon (like an event or a class or a new movie coming out)? what's it like doing home cleansing as a job? hope you have a nice day!!
I’m good. Better now that my meeting is over (89% for my class if you’re wondering!)
Right now for decks I’ve been collecting images for the Library Oracle. I’ve decided on 59 cards, plus a thank-you card at the end. There will be 50 without people, and 9 optional people cards. They will also have a call number on them (just thought of this, so I’ll have to refine it). I am aiming to get at least one deck done and read this month, because I have 10 to go by the end of the year if I am going to be on time. I could probably be done two this month if I work hard. Maybe three? No, let’s not push it. I’m going to aim for the Library Oracle (Pages? Something better than that, I think) and the Red String of Fate, which is mostly done, I just need to refine it. I might also need a few more cards, but honestly it’s the easiest to do. 
I’m looking forward to my birthday (May 10. That gives you more than a month to find my gift)*. I’m also looking forward to the camping thing I am going to be doing. It’s a week of camping with a bunch of Elders and learning from them. It will be an amazing experience so I will be able to better bring in culturally responsive teaching into the classroom.
House cleansing is really fun, a bit scary. Most of what I’ve done since I started getting paid is more talking people through their own fears. I’ve walked into a completely silent house once. The person’s paranormal experiences were their partner being an asshole and scaring them on purpose. I find the other experiences really freeing. Once it’s done, it’s often done. Though, I am booked for a return in a couple of weeks to a house were we decided living together was the best idea. Turns out it might not be.
I won’t go into details, but it’s scary sometimes. Sometimes it’s calm all throughout. I usually go in after meditating for a few hours so I’m as calm as possible only to find out nothing scary will happen. Sometimes I go in thinking it’ll be easy and needing to step back and ground myself because I get so scared. It’s a mixed bag, but I really wish I could do it full time.
I am having a nice day! Thanks for all the questions!
*Seriously though, I don’t need anything, I just like joking about it. I do not expect nor want random gifts from anyone. I’m getting too old for birthdays and I already know I’ll be getting Jane Davenport Mermaid Markers which is too much already.
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mokulule · 2 years ago
Tag list of doom part 4
@bright-shade | @treepainting | @all-mights-asscheeks | @mysticsoulgirl | @job-ross-the-second | @randomkiddoscrewingaround | @firedrakegirl | @toodaloo-kangaroo | @jackdaw-and-hattrick | @herbfairy | @jarlyd | @nebulaexy | @psuedohuman | @smol-book-nerd | @plotwholls | @nootherusernameworked | @jfkd19800 | @thought-u-said-dragon-queen | @queenshipper16 | @saphjack
The Number You Have Dialled Cannot Be Reached 6
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Warnings: angst/depression and canon typical violence
Bruce sighed, absently feeling the air on his hands folded in front of his face. He stared unseeingly ahead. His frowned deeply, at a loss of what to do. Worry picked at his self control.
Something was up with Jason. Ever since the other night, something had happened between the thief and Jason. It had left him unsettled and off balance, that much was obvious. They’d all been able to see it.
Now, today, Jason had lost control. He’d been agitated of course, but Bruce hadn’t expected the outburst. Jason was usually good at managing his anger these days, at least in the family. He didn’t get physical with them anymore in anger. Except today Jason had suddenly pulled him up by the shirt, and Bruce had honestly expected him to punch him. Jason had shaken it off, but then he’d fled.
The urge to move, to do something, itched at him. He wanted to get answers, but confronting Jason was out of the question. Their truce was fragile, and it seemed every time he spoke to Jason he said the wrong thing. He didn’t know what to do except control the urge to go after his son. He couldn’t fight his demons for him. He could only try not to make it worse.
And so he sat there, staring, unseeing.
Dick’s footsteps, came down the stairs, easily recognizable: light and almost dancing to a rhythm only he could hear, skipping a step every now and then.
“Hey B, thought you were going golfing with the mayor, keeping up the old appearances and all that” he greeted brightly, as ever immune to Bruce’s mood. Or maybe Alfred sent him down to deal with him, that was also an option.
“Oh I love these,” Dick reached forward over Bruce’s shoulder to grab a protein bar from the backpack. He opened it and started to eat it without hesitation.
“Dick,” Bruce sighed, “this is evidence.”
Dick snorted and leaned on the console so he could look at Bruce. “You’re serious.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow.
Dick snorted again, of course Bruce was serious, then he pulled the backpack over and started rooting through it. Much to Bruce’s exasperation he opened another protein bar.
“Dick, they could be drugged.”
“As if you’d have let me take the first one if that was the case,” Dick mumbled around the mouthful of granola. Bruce mentally conceded the point.
“Anyways,” Dick swallowed and continued, reading the name tag on the inside of the backpack, “Danny Fenton, who’s that?”
Bruce sighed.
“The thief.”
“The Ghost!?” Dick looked up in excitement, “so we have a name now?”
“Presumably, it may not originally have been his backpack.”
“True, doesn’t help much either does it? Danny is very common and Fenton may not be Johnson, but it’s not exactly unique.”
“I haven’t looked it up yet.”
Dick narrowed his eyes.
“This has anything to do with why you’re brooding?”
Silence stretched between them, but Dick could be surprisingly patient when he wanted to. There was no point in dragging things out, it wasn’t a secret, Dick could easily find out through the surveillance if he wanted, Bruce would rather he didn’t.
“Jason was the one who delivered the backpack.”
“Ah.” There was the worried frown Bruce would have liked to avoid. He leaned down a bit to better face Bruce.
“You had a fight?” The question was posed carefully, softly, not betraying any inkling what he thought of that, in a way to gently pry the answer from Bruce, but Bruce knew his eldest son well enough to know he was already mentally running damage control options. That was Dick, always trying to keep their family together tooth and nail. There was a soft pang of appreciation in his chest he couldn’t articulate, instead he focused on the problem at hand.
“He’s convinced the thief needs help, I don’t actually disagree.”
Dick sat back in realization, his eyes flickered to the backpack and its sorry spoils.
“But he could still be working for someone,” Dick recited with a sigh, it was an old lesson. One he knew Jason wouldn’t have appreciated, not if he felt Bruce was dismissing his concerns. “B.”
“I know.”
Do you? Dick’s eyebrows asked, but he had the grace not to actually say it. He clapped Bruce on the shoulder instead, squeezing slightly.
“He’ll warm back up.”
“You think so?” He asked unable to look up at Dick.
“Hey,” Dick said brightly in a way that naturally drew attention to him, “we’ve come back from worse.” And there was that bright smile and that pang of appreciation was back, along with another warm feeling in his chest: hope.
“Well, I gotta get going, I’ve got work tomorrow. Just gotta grab a few more of these.”
And the feeling was gone.
“We shouldn’t waste perfectly good food, B, also they’re W-Mark exclusives, they don’t have them in Blüdhaven.” He grinned, pockets stuffed with contraband. Invariably reminding Bruce of a younger version with pockets full of candy he’d been denied. Brat already knew he had won. Bruce waved him off with a sigh.
Dick practically skipped towards the stairs. Then he paused.
“Oh and B, if I was you, I’d check the phone at the bottom of the bag. It’s not a brand I recognize.”
With that he was off.
Bruce stared after him. Pride warred with annoyance. He’d been so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed Dick checking out the bag more thoroughly than the cursory look he himself had done when Jason had handed it to him.
He grabbed the bag and rooted around a bit, and just as Dick had said, there was a phone.
He pulled it out, and turned it over in his hands. It was made from dark blue plastic. The logo on the back, a stylized V in front of a globe, wasn’t one he recognized. It looked old and scuffed, had actual buttons and a jarringly small screen when you were used to modern smartphones.
It was also out of power.
With how old it looked, it was unlikely cordless charging was an option. He looked at the bottom edge where there was an actual mini headphone jack, along with what he assumed was the charging port - it wasn’t a type he recognized.
He frowned and got up. He wouldn’t be too late for his meeting with the mayor if he left now, not something he couldn’t brush off as eccentric forgetfulness at least.
He could drop the phone off at Tim’s on the way. Tim would get the phone working one way or another.
Oo o oO
Danny stayed underneath the pavement long after the not-ghost had left. The feeling of almost giving in was a crawling like ants underneath his skin. The threat of almost capture was like a noose around his neck - if they captured him, if they managed to contain him, he would never get home.
Eventually the bone deep tiredness of using his powers too much hit him, and he dragged himself back to his haunt, invisibly and intangibly, because he’d had much too much excitement today. He was raw and empty inside when he dropped onto his blanket pile and rolled up. He would get food some other day. Never mind that he was completely out. It wouldn’t end his existence, just weaken him. Ghosts at the core ran on willpower, and Danny wanted to go home.
A small squeak and rustle, had him opening his eyes a crack and turning his head to look to the far side of the room. There the rat was going his trash, the packaging probably still smelled like food.
He huffed and closed his eyes again. If he got truly desperate he could always eat the rat - It wouldn’t be the worst thing he’d eaten.
Sorry, it's not the longest part this time, but we got to appreciate a few other characters, yay! Hope you enjoyed, cause Danny sure isn't enjoying himself.
Tag list of doom part 1:
@thewondersoflebanon | @gin2212 | @busterkeel | @apointlessbox | @spoopyspoony | @charlietheepic7 | @proper-idiocy | @serasvictoria02 | @zgirlly | @emeraldcorpral | @mushroom-jack | @v-inari | @8-29pm | @quirky-gardener | @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff | @mars-the-witch | @elthepickle | @thegatorsgoose | @impulsiveasshole |
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bumblebeerror · 3 years ago
The Mormon tabernacle choir is back! Yay! I see you in my notes @psuedohuman and I love your tag !!
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goblinkind · 7 years ago
@psuedohuman replied to your post “@psuedohuman replied to your post “I need an emoji tag for Finn...”
also black heart emoji is that even a question düde lmao 🖤🖤🖤
Clearly; otherwise I wouldn’t have asked! One personalized Mack tag, comin’ right up 😎
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betterthanaphobes · 8 years ago
on fav aro headcanons: most of these are from pretty dated media but i hc sylar from heroes as panace, pippin from the musical pippin as biace, katniss everdeen as aroace (no shitty compulsory-heterosexuality-epilogues we ignore the "last chapter" like Men) and agent maine from red vs blue as demi or greyace
!!!!! oooooh nice!!
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ofbutterfliesandlions · 8 years ago
I guess if I would make a suggestion on the name thing? I kind of like "Revenant Tarot Readings"? It's got alliteration, connects to your icon image (which is from defenders quest, right?), and connects to your practice with its connection to the spirit world since revenants are usually returned spirits? Idk just a thought. No matter what I really love your URL and I think it (and versions of it) make a good name too!
omg!!! That is a really good name!
Thank you!!
And i’m so glad someone recognized it as being from Defender’s Quest!!! also i think that miiiight be over the 20 character limit but it’s still rly good.
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freakyfeatures · 6 years ago
Post 10 songs you’ve been listening to (tagged by @breathinghalcyon 💕)
1. Home by Snoh Aalegra
2. Street Car by Daniel Casear
3. Storm by Ivy Sole
4. Symbol by Tunde Olaniran
5. Longevity by Yeasayer
6. Kinfolk by Mereba
7. Borders by St. Beauty
8. Sickasfuck by Tei Shi
9. Late Bloomer by Mereba
10. Backwoods by Ivy Sole
I'm tagging @stellarmelodies, @mossbabie, @iblifeposts , @emeraldeclipse, @psuedohuman , and @edwardstarch
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