#psi vampyre
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foxhole-tarot · 6 months ago
☄️🪐 An Introduction to Energy Work for Psi Vampirism
AKA how to siphon and take in energy consciously for beginners
these are real spiritual beliefs, not roleplay
learning to take energy consciously is an important part of psi vampirism as it both gives you a consistent supply of energy and prevents you from drawing too much on sources you do not want to take from extensively. learning this skill can also be important for sanguinarians as psi feeding can, for some people, be used as a substitute for blood. it's important to remember that neither blood nor energy are more moral than each other in and of themselves.
this form of energy work can also be used in witchcraft as a way to draw in external forces and use them in a way that comes from within yourself.
this is my personal experience and what I have been taught, it is not irrefutable fact.
when drawing energy through psi feeding you have 3 options:
take from a human source
take from ambient human energy
take from a nonhuman source
☄️ 1. human sources
taking from human sources is often the preferred method of taking energy for psi vampires.
if you decide to take from human sources it's important to establish your own code of conduct, what that contains is a personal decision but you should be conscious efforts to avoid causing harm. some things to consider are:
how much energy you take
who you take energy from
what situations you take energy in
generally it's considered bad form to draw large amounts of energy from a single person as this drains them. while no physical harm will come of it, it's just a shitty thing to leave someone feeling exhausted.
some psi vampires find they are only satisfied with human sources. this is fine. some psi vampires just prefer human energies. this is also fine. drawing from humans is not immoral as long as you do so with care.
☄️ 2. ambient human energy
if you're concerned about the ethics of drawing directly from humans, you are worried about your ability to control your feeding, or you just simply don't want to take directly from humans it's good to consider ambient human energy. ambient human energy is a good in between step between nonhuman energies and human energies as ambient human energy is human energy that is lingering and not in active use.
finding ambient human energy is the real trick. while ambient human energy is everywhere that humans are it's greater in crowded areas and greatest in high energy crowded areas. a concert has a lot of ambient human energy, rural Idaho does not.
it often takes more practice to take ambient human energy than human energy or nonhuman energy as your source is much broader and much muddier.
☄️ 3. nonhuman sources
everything has energy. animals have energy, the sun has energy, the plants have energy, your dining room table has energy. it's possible to draw energy from all of these sources.
some psi vampires have a harder time benefitting from these energy sources. not everyone has the option of drawing from nonhuman (and particularly inanimate) sources.
when taking energy from living things I would encourage you to first build a relationship with that thing- particularly if you plan to feed off of it regularly or extensively. this can be a simple process, and can look like taking care of something (watering a plant, putting out food for a stray cat- don't feed wildlife, etc.), leaving offerings, or working with and building a relationship with the spirit of whatever you're taking from.
☄️🪐 Beginning Energy Work
If you already have a foundation in energy work, skip this section
energy work is the manipulation of the metaphysical energy around us. it is the core of psi feeding. while most psi vampires feed unconsciously naturally most desire to break free of this as it can have unintended consequences for the people around them. on top of this, unconscious feeding does not always satisfy energy needs. with conscious feeding you get control of all aspects of your feeding.
one of the best ways to learn basic energy work skills is to spend time playing with energy- but to do that you need to gather the energy in the first place. start by visualization. hold out your hand and imagine the energy, imagine its feel, its heat, its static, imagine its appearance, its color, its size. imagine gathering that energy, imagine sparks coming together. try to put that visualization into action.
this step is trial and error, it takes time to get it. you'll know you've succeeded when you feel the energy there, it's a hard feeling to describe but it's very distinctive.
from there, practice changing the size of the energy ball you've created. take energy in and release it. this is the same method you used to gather energy in the first place, you're drawing it in them drawing it out and letting it dissipate.
practice moving the ball of energy, move it upwards and downwards in small increments until you have a good grasp on moving energy from far away.
repeat these exercises until you feel comfortable with them.
☄️🪐 Siphoning & Taking In Energy
The first step in siphoning energy is getting to know the energy source you're taking from. feel out the unique characteristics of the energy you're taking from. at first, you can start by literally placing your hand on your energy source. then take the skills you learned in the last step and this time try to collect your energy from one specific source. if visualization helps you, visualize sparks coming from your source and into your hand.
from there, take the energy you siphoned and put it inside your body. you can do this however you like, but I prefer to put the energy inside my chest. consciously add the energy to your own and mix the two. if visualization helps you, visualize the energy swirling together with your own until they're one homogenous blend.
congratulations! you've just fed off an energy source
now, practice the above steps until they flow. you can cut out parts as you become more comfortable with what you're doing.
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diaryofozythevampyre · 7 months ago
Visualise your tendrils like a colourful jellyfish. Like an octopus’s. Like bioluminescent strands that pick up energy wherever they’re placed.
Get creative.
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blackrosesociety-vampyres · 6 months ago
Vampire Community Research: Social History and Narrative Identity Themes Within Self-Identified Vampires
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This article has originally been published on Black Rose Society's website: https://blackrosesociety.sauromatos.com/vampire-community-research-social-functioning-and-narrative-identity-themes-within-self-identified-vampires/
We interviewed our very own Luna Luv about her ongoing research project on the narrative themes in identity development and social history of people within the Vampire Community. In providing you with a closer look into some of the goals, challenges and other details pertaining to this research effort, it is our hope you will be motivated to be part of the survey and tell your friends.
Black Rose Society is assisting Vampire Community Researcher Luna Luv with hosting a survey that hopes to identify trends in the social history and identity formation of self-identified vampires. The results of this independent study will be drafted up into an article/paper titled “Social Functioning and Narrative Identity Themes Within Self-Identified Vampires,” which will be published and distributed exclusively within the vampire community, including the Black Rose Society’s website.
You are invited to share the link to this survey between your friends within the community. We are looking for responses from all corners of the Online Vampire Community
Our purpose: Self-identified vampires, that is, people who choose to identify themselves as a vampire or as possessing vampiric traits, often come from vastly different philosophical and ideological backgrounds. This survey asks for historical accounts from individuals who identify as vampires (or vampire-adjacent, i.e. medsangs, vampirekin, etc.) which pertain to both their identity and social development. Responses, while anonymous, will assist us in finding trends in social history and identity narrative development that may exist between identity types, or further serve to individuate them.
This survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. Responses cannot be saved to come back to later, so please set aside appropriate time for yourself to complete the survey. Please provide as much or as little information as you are comfortable.
Interview with Researcher Luna Luv
BRS: What motivated you to conduct a survey?
Luna Luv: I’ve always had a lot of interest in why people do what they do, vamps included. I don’t think there’s ever going to be a concise answer to that question, but I do think that there are ways of getting a little bit closer to that understanding in some cases. Extending from that, I thought that this research area might be very valuable, especially since psychological perspectives have generally been considered distasteful within the community — and definitely not for no reason. Most articles in psych journals mentioning “real vampires” are often sensationalist or align us all with sexual deviancy and/or pica, which in my opinion displays a fundamental misunderstanding or perhaps disinterest in our psychology. I thought a survey like this would be a way of showing the community that a psychological approach isn’t intrinsically invalidating, and can actually serve to provide us with meaningful insight into what makes us align with the archetype “vampire.” I figured a survey would be a good way of obtaining some qualitative and quasi-quantitative data on the topic.
BRS: How have the responses been so far?
Luna Luv: I’ve really been surprised by how much interest this has gotten. The survey has only been out for around 3 months and we already have close to 60 responses. I definitely see us being able to hit our goal of 100 by the 1-year mark, and hopefully if this keeps up we’ll be able to greatly surpass it. I’m really humbled by how many people have reached out to me and expressed the potential value they see in the study, and I’m so excited to share what we find with the community.
BRS: Can you tell us about your background?
Luna Luv: I’ve got a Master’s degree in mental health counseling and am currently working out of the US, with hopes to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology in the future. Consider this survey practicing for my thesis, haha. As for my relationship to the vampire community, I’m a lifelong medsang who only discovered the word roughly 5 years ago. I’ve dabbled a bit in the offline scene but I’ve made my home in the online spaces, primarily Black Rose Society.
BRS: What are your goals for this survey?
Luna Luv: My primary goal is to identify if the existing relationships we’ve seen between one’s social development (how they learn where they belong) and identity development (how they learn who they are) can extend to the development of one’s vampiric identity, and if so, what the primary influential factors are. What lessons have we learned to tell ourselves, and when did we learn them? Or what other struggles may run parallel — perhaps our vampiric self-discovery coincided with other unique discoveries about ourselves, such as our gender identity or sexuality. I believe it would be worthwhile to see if we can find any significant correlations in these areas.
BRS: What is the timeline for obtaining the results?
Luna Luv: Initially, I wanted to run data collection from March 2024 to March 2025 and have the paper out by the end of the year. However, considering how much traction this survey has gotten thus far, and how we’ve only recently begun expanding to other social media sites, that deadline is likely to be pushed. I wish I could give a definitive answer — all I can say is that I’m going to try for December 2025, but this may not end up being feasible. 2026 at the latest! Haha
BRS: What challenges did you encounter while organizing this survey in the OVC?
Luna Luv: Honestly, and I should’ve expected this — mistrust. Which is entirely fair; the Vampire Community holds anonymity as something sacred, and in designing this survey it was my intention to preserve our respondents’ anonymity as much as possible. The purpose of utilizing Google Forms to host the survey, in addition to not having access to a more secure survey-hosting site at the time of development, is to prevent (or at least minimize) the submission of multiple responses. However, this requires a respondent to log into a Gmail account, which a few people were not thrilled by. This is why I make a point to emphasize that no account data is stored or recorded by any of the researchers involved in the study, and the email address utilized to access the study is not collected.
BRS: Are there any potential biases, either from your role as the survey organizer or among the participants?
Luna Luv: Oh, absolutely. The primary one being that the survey is being shared almost exclusively through social media, and as such the majority of the responses involve people who primarily participate in the online community. Unfortunately, I personally do not have much access to offline community spaces which may be able to blast this study to community members who may otherwise not see it. Regarding my own biases, I definitely have my own perspective on vampirism based in my personal experiences and knowledge-base. I do not intend on hiding this fact — rather, I simply wish to add my own perspective to the pool of discussions surrounding the nature of whatever it is we’re all going through. Perhaps we will find a more substantial relationship between the specific flavor of one’s vampiric identity and other common factors in their social development history, or even demographic information.
BRS: Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to our readership?
Luna Luv: I appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to even look at my little project. I’m not trying to pretend that this is some extremely thorough and well-put-together study that’s going to have groundbreaking ramifications on the community… This is just something that I’m really interested in and passionate about, and I’m so humbled by how many people have expressed interest in what I’m doing. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for the support I’ve gotten. Thank you all so much for reading, and participating if you have!
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vampashes · 5 months ago
i need vamp friends :c
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theic-manic · 10 months ago
Some rough notes for my Vampiric Grimoire (planning stage) feel free to use and/or contribute your own perspectives.
"Energy vampire" is a misused term since all feeding in energy feeding, just in different forms.
So I've made some brief notes on Vampire subgroups I've made for a grimoire I'm planning.
🩸Sanguine vampires
Your blood suckers, these vampires need plasma (in small amounts) to access energy.
Since there's an abundance of literature on Sanguines, I won't reinvent the wheel here, however I'll remind everyone of the importance of consent & safety.
🍆🍑Tantric Vampires
Aka Succubi & Incubi.
Similar to Sanguines, however they feed via different bodily fluids.
The main difference between Tantrics & Psi Vampires (to be covered below) is their need for erotic contact & fluids.
Again, remember consent & safety.
Unawakened tantrics may engage in hypersexual or sex-addict like behaviours.
💔 Emotional Vampires aka Emphatic Vampires
These are usually mixed up with Psi/Psychic vampires as the latter can feed via emotions, in a limited capacity.
The best metaphor for these guys is the movie Monster's Inc. & how the factory converts screams (& later, laughter) into energy.
Emotional Vampires may feed by deliberately triggering people however many discover pleasant ways to feed such has becoming comedians or musicians.
Also typically found in Political & public speaking careers.
They also make great trauma counsellors.
They can feed in a similar way to Tantrics, however they end up getting really hurt and/or manipulating others when hungry...
🔮 Psi Vampires aka Psychic vampires, Pranic Vampires, Strigoi
We're the energy omnivores in that we can feed in the same ways as other vampires however these other methods aren't as effective.
The downside of this is it can take us longer to awaken as Vampires, we may get caught up in the "fluffy bunny" (the love & light toxic positivity) community and/or end up going through hypersexual stages like our Tantric kin.
Unlike Tantric Vampires, we can feed via online interactions & be fairly satisfied.
We best feed when close to someone we can establish a link with, physical touch can also enhance this.
Unlike others, we can distance feed either astrally or via meditation though this takes discipline.
Similar to emotional Vampires we can feed from crowds, though we send out our "tendrils" to nibble from the crowd's auras.
This isn't as effective as "deep feeding".
We can benefit from learning Reiki & other energy work however we must be careful to avoid unawakened vampires who work in those fields.
Feng Shui is critical for our living spaces & we benefit from learning what our Ayurveda Doshas & Humors (Greek medicine concept) are, adjusting our physical food diets according to those.
Unfortunately we are probably why it's believed that vampires burn in sunlight since we are especially sensitive & weakened by the sun & sensitive to other weather events due to the type of energy involved.
That said, due to our relationship with energy we are especially good at Weather Manipulation, witchcraft & energy healing.
While we may be drawn to careers in healing, we're often found in toxic workplaces due to our ability to feed from & transmute negative energy.
While we CAN feed via emotions like our Emphatic kin, we can become really unwell if force fed large amounts of negative emotional energy, e.g. people in crisis.
📝 Note on naming conventions;
I'll eventually expand upon these in my personal grimoire, and once digitised I can make it available either as a Google doc or even a Tumblr post.
I plan on updating the naming conventions to be more accessible to wider audiences
ie each "type" will be given a plain English name, an "old country" name inspired by old myths & a spiritual name for those more accustomed to spirituality.
Psychic vampire naming conventions might resemble
Psi Vampire (Plain English)
Strigoi (Old country/mythos)
Prana Vampires (Spiritual)
The fun challenge will be creating a 3-name system for Sanguines 🩸🧛‍♀️
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Art by Justin O'Neal.
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sangaverage · 5 months ago
1. Vampirism as a Condition
Its finally here folks, My long awaited and long Text attempt at writing up something I've promised for a little while
This will be based on more personal experience and the experience of a primarily sanguine Vampyre, there may be a few mentions of other feeding methods here and there
(as far as I know) There is a word limit so I shall try to cram as much in as possible here!
Lengthy and somewhat messy post under the divider (Credit: here!)
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Yes we drink blood, or at least the Sanguinarians and Medsangs do, some feed on energy, some feed on both and much more.
There is a genuine Need when it comes to "IRL" vampirism, sure it won't kill us but it makes it incredibly hard to function properly sometimes and the symptoms can be intense.
Now the symptoms are different from vampyre to vampyre so I can't give an exact list...
Some symptoms however can be found Here!
How it may feel to feed Here!
(Thank you: as-others-were, and sauromatos )
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What Causes Vampirism:
It has yet to be proven but the general agreed on consensus here is that for some unknown reason A vampyres body either fails to or cannot produce a specific thing it needs well on its own, for Sanguinarians my guess is Something in heme iron is what gives them what they need and as heme often equates to blood, its the most logical thing to consume and also gives us the most of this energy that we need, for psychic vampires it's theorised something in prana (aka a person's life force) is what gives them the energy they need.
Despite what some "Fluffier" sources may tell You, this is not parasitic behaviour, we are not to be shunned/feared/ to be constantly protected from! more often than not the Vampyre and Thier Feeding partners/ Donors can come to a symbiotic agreement! Though many who can detect our energy signature do have some form of stigma or are otherwise unnerved around us.
More in this type of feeding relationship sort of in This post.
See This post For more details as to possibly why.
See This post As to a funky theory that it's also possibly something to do with our eyes,
no it's not the scleric ring theory!
(Thank you to: fugamextenebrae and Confessionsofabloodfreak )
it is also theorised that vampires suffer a damaged solar plexus and thus cannot adequately hold on to or break down the energy they need well themselves due to this.
Vampirism is not thought to be genetic nor can someone be "turned" in the sense you may be thinking, there is however something known as the awakening.
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The Awakening:
Despite what you may be thinking The Awakening is not a 100% sudden occurrence! Sometimes it takes the individual Vampyre several "mini awakenings" before the true realisation/ finally ignoring the doubt happens and the confirmation and learning process can begin proper.
The Awakening itself is hard to describe to non vampiric, but is often explained as some form of realisation or coming into ones own, generally around or just after puberty (some can be much earlier and some can be much much later) where the individual realises that they need said energy source to remain "fit and healthy" in a sense, an unawakened Vampyre or Vampyre coming into thier awakening is often called a "latent".
Usually, being around other vampyres is said to be the catalyst that leads to an awakening, however in some cases, be it lack of vampyres in an individuals area or other external factors, this is not entirely needed. And some vampyres can awaken solely on their own, this is said to be a slower process however...
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Are Vampyres Spiritual:
Many of us are, yes but not all of us, first and foremost, Vampirism is not a religion!
Ones vampirism can be incorporated into spiritual practice or Those who are not vampyres but have weak energy systems, can still practice vampirism and are willing to do so spiritually!
Many but not all vampyres are attracted to Predatory spirituality at some point in there lives, vampyres are more instinctual, after all but not all vampyres do this, some are pagan or wiccan, some are Buddhist, etc etc some aren't even spiritual at all!
(more on predatory spirituality and how it equates, Here! And Here! Thank you: fugamextenebrae and Xerxeswitch )
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Common misconceptions:
-We have reflections, can be filmed and have our pictures taken
-we do not set on fire or burn to ash in sunlight, hower some of us do suffer heatstroke more easily or are more prone to sunburn and eye strain in strong sunlight
-Stakes to the heart will kill us, but they'll kill pretty much anything
-Religious symbols and other holy items do not bother us, however there is a theory that faith can bother some of us, but that is just a theory, we do not spontaneously combust on church ground
-we can mostly wear silver and eat garlic, allergies do exist though
-we are not immortal and live and die as you do
-we can get sick, we are not living corpses despite the fact we may look "dead" sometimes (I am not a morning person lol)
-we do not have Supernatural superpowers, however some of us do have well developed clair senses
-we are chill with "werewolves"
-Animals do not hate us more than anyone else, however there is a theory some animals are sensitive to odd energy signatures so may behave a little strange in our presence (prolonged eye contact, overly friendly etc)
-we can cross running water (if it's shallow or we can swim lol)
-we can enter places uninvited but it's common courtesy and manners to be invited in anyway
-many of us do not "bite", let alone hard enough to puncture skin, we are still biologically human and bites can and often will cause infections, rather we use sterile tools should we need blood or substitutes
-we do not die without the ingestion of blood/ prana etc, we can also eat human food
-we don't all "get off" on blood, though some of us vamps can have a fetish for blood, fangs or biting, we're biologically human after all and there's no harm in it!
-we look just like any other human and no we don't sparkle (unless we use body glitter or something)
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I think that's everything really!
For stuff I didnt cover, please check the "general living Vampirism" section of my Important posts as it may be there!
More posts like this possibly in the future!
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dammit-theclown · 7 months ago
Hey vampire community!
(and any other folks with the Need To Feed™)
What are your favorite and/or go-to blood/feeding substitutes?
I always find myself ordering blood sausages like sundae (순대), kishka, and jelito, plus duck blood dishes and nutrient-saturated/whole organisms like oysters, clams, crickets, and intestine/tripe dishes. Meal replacement drinks and strong/tangy/iron-rich teas, fruits, and meats will also work in a pinch.
Curious to hear what psi feeders have to say about this!
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xerxeswitch · 4 months ago
Honestly, this is one of the best examples of explaining vampirism to others. It's with respect and it's pretty accurate. I'm impressed! I am surprised she explains the things that I already do consciously anyways. I do recommend this video for anyone who's curious, as a PSI vampyre myself. (This is mostly on vampire magic or psi vampirism, as a heads up)
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saccharinesensuality · 6 months ago
I've seen so much talk about the vampyre community in July alone to the point where it's interesting. I started talking about my experiences because lust vampires are barely mentioned unless it's to tell you how "scary" we are now people are starting to be vocal. This video is more nuanced (I havent heard a non-vampire mention med sangs in awhile). They bring good points about the cons of the vampire community as it stands right now. Unfortunately, there's horrible people in every subculture but you can feed on negative energy while simultaneously healing them.
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wanderlust-psifang · 6 months ago
What a vampire is not:
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A sociopath, although we may be indifferent on certain issues or have a morally grey perspective. This is a serious mental health condition and not a buzzword that should be thrown around to define something you fear or dislike. Same with narcicism (below).
A narcisist, although we value and love ourselves. In folklore vampires can't see themselves in the mirror so they had to develop self love in other ways.
A murderer, don't let true crime and Satanic Panic miasma poison the well. Yes, in folklore they were murderous stinky, disease ridden blood drinking monsters, but we've evolved. Don't let our past kick us in the ass (yes, a Blink 182 reference!).
A sexual predator, no means no, maybe means no, only an obvious and excited yes means yes. Consent is key from feeding to sexual intimacy. In folklore, vampires had to be invited in, remember?
An immortal, only if science gives us the tools to extend life, we die like everyone else. Spiritual immortality is an uncertainty and is largely based on ones spiritual beliefs.
A cult member, although we may be part of communities of like minded individuals, we worship no human nor god. I have been involved in a very real cult and am still healing from the trauma of it all.
A roleplayer, yes, they exist and they are part of the community. Being that the original public Vampire Community was based on Vampire the Masquerade, and other fictions, it only makes sense it would attract roleplayers, but not all of us are.
A Satanist, although I am a practicing Satanist, that is my personal choice. Vampires have a variety of religious and spiritual beliefs, some going as far as using the concept of vampirism itself as a spiritual practice.
What a vampire is:
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A condition, where we need human lifeforce to sustain us. This need can stem from a variety of issues from medical, psychological, or spiritual.
A magical practice, where lifeforce is not a need but a way a witch may utilize human energy as a catalyst for their ritual. Some may use it as an offering in place of blood.
A philosophy, where life is meant to be lived to its fullest pleasure and potential. This philosophy can stem from a magical perspective or a mundane, LARP perspective.
Conclusion and note on Otherkin and Alterhumanity
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Vampires are still humans, we just have a set of needs and desires that make us different. Some may consider vampirism as a kin type, the vampirekin, but I personally do not.
I am not, nor ever have seriously been involved, with otherkin nor alterhuman specific communities. I am in shared spaces with otherkin and alterhumans and have no issues, but I do not consider vampirism and otherkin or alterhumanity mutually inclusive.
Picture sources: Krysten Ritter from the movie Vamps
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carpethisnoctem · 4 months ago
Awakening the Vampyric Soul: Symptoms, Struggles, and Self-Discovery
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A Vampyric awakening refers to a profound spiritual and energetic transformation where an individual awakens to their true vampyric nature. This awakening can be a life-altering process, leading to a heightened awareness of one’s energy, emotions, and even interactions with the subtle realms.
What is a Vampyric Awakening?
A Vampyric awakening is a recognition and acceptance of one’s latent vampyric nature. It is a process of expanded awareness where the individual becomes conscious of their ability to feed on energy, manipulate subtle energies, and tap into powers they have long carried within. Every person born with vampyric potential may not always recognize it immediately; some may "sleepwalk" through life until this process begins. The awakening allows them to connect to their Essential Self, the part of them that transcends their current lifetime and links them to a long, spiritual lineage.
Symptoms of a Vampyric Awakening
The symptoms of a Vampyric awakening can manifest both physically and spiritually:
1. Heightened Sensitivity to Energy: Individuals begin to notice subtle energy flows in their surroundings. They may feel drained in crowded spaces or overwhelmed by other people's emotions.
2. Physical and Emotional Fluctuations: The individual may experience physical weaknesses, such as fatigue, sensitivity to light, and cold hands, which are tied to their energy depletion. Emotional instability, like intense moods and a feeling of "separateness" from others, is common.
3. Changes in Feeding Habits: The need to feed on others' energy becomes apparent. This can start subtly with emotions or escalate to direct energy draws from others.
4. Expanded Perception: Many become aware of their ability to perceive auras or sense energy shifts in others. They may also experience clairaudience or telepathic impressions from others they share a connection with.
Highs and Lows of the Awakening
A Vampyric awakening is often a double-edged sword, filled with both exhilarating highs and challenging lows.
- Empowerment: Awakened vampires often feel a sense of empowerment. They become attuned to the subtle realms and gain control over their feeding and energy manipulation abilities. This heightened awareness can lead to spiritual growth and greater control over their environment.
- Connection to Others: Awakened vampires can form deep, intimate connections with those they feed from. These connections are sometimes so profound that they create lasting bonds, both energetically and emotionally.
- Expanded Awareness: The awakening process grants a deeper understanding of one's place in the universe. The individual often experiences revelations about the cycles of life and death, as well as the nature of existence itself.
- Energy Dependence: One of the key struggles during a Vampyric awakening is the newfound dependence on feeding. Vampires need to sustain their energy through feeding from others, which can be emotionally and ethically complex. Failure to feed adequately can lead to physical debilitation, sickness, or extreme fatigue.
- Isolation: The process of awakening can make an individual feel detached from "normal" people. This sense of separateness is often isolating, as few outside the vampyric community truly understand the experiences of an awakened vampire.
- Emotional Turmoil: Many individuals experience emotional ups and downs as their awareness increases. The influx of unfamiliar thoughts and sensations can cause confusion and anxiety.
How to Recognize If You Are Having a Vampyric Awakening
Recognizing a Vampyric awakening can be challenging, as many of the signs can be misinterpreted as common spiritual experiences or emotional issues. However, a few key indicators point to a true awakening:
1. Increased Sensitivity: If you find yourself more sensitive to energy, light, and even emotions, it may be a sign that you are awakening to your vampyric nature.
2. Unexplained Fatigue: Feeling constantly drained, even after rest, and only finding relief when engaging in energy exchanges with others is a common symptom.
3. Desire for Energy: A growing, instinctual need to draw energy from people, places, or even crowds may indicate the start of a Vampyric awakening.
4. Physical Changes: Symptoms like cold hands, sensitivity to sunlight, and fluctuating physical strength often accompany the awakening.
A Vampyric awakening is a transformative process that changes how one interacts with the world. While it brings newfound power and understanding, it also comes with unique challenges and responsibilities. Recognizing the signs of this awakening—such as heightened sensitivity, emotional fluctuations, and energy dependence—can help individuals navigate the process and embrace their vampyric nature.
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daimonpriestess · 2 years ago
So I think Lilith wants me to get into Vampirism again. I haven't been interested in that since I was 21. Most notably Vampyric Magic which I didn't know was an actual thing until very recently.
It makes sense and given I nor Levathia (A past life self) is attached romantically to our former master/ex anymore, I think it would work out a lot better.
Lilith being a literal ancient goddess/Succubus & an aspect of Asmodeus being an Incubus (which are energy vampires in a sense IMO, maybe they don't have "fangs" but they do similar things that Psi Vamps do. It's just usually in a sexual way.) it would make more sense them being our "masters/mistress" (more notably Lilith, but I am spoused to Asmodeus.) then a narcissistic human who doesn't even believe in being a vampire anymore.
I consider myself both a PsiVamp (I'm an empath) and a Sanguine Vampire, I will admit to being a fan of Vampire culture before I knew about true vampires (Lost Boys, Buffy, Underworld, John Carpenters Vampires, Blade, The Last Vampire books, The Amelia Atwater Rhodes books ect.) I was also obsessed with Twilight for a time but I knew those books were fiction. I also really liked and still do like The Vampire Diaries and True Blood. Also more obscure or low budget movies and shows like Razorblade Smile (which my ex introduced me to) Blood Ties, Only Lovers Left Alive and A Discovery of Witches.(which I loved because it was witches and vampires)
I've also written stories based on my past life (lives?) as Levathia, idk if I'll finish them though as I did base most of the characters on real people who's influence or inspiration is now gone.
I was into Wicca when I met my ex and found out I was an actual vampyre when I was 18. But I never put them together, being a vampyre (or baby vamp att) was always separate from my craft and I was never in a coven. I never thought to use blood in my practice (especially since my goddess then was Aphrodite) or siphon others energy for a spell. (Not knowingly anyway.) I'm sure as I mostly did spells or rituals with him that Valenn and I used one another's energy but I didn't do it consciously. I also grew up with the mindset that energy vampires are bad, though some are. I didn't realize that empaths and Psivamps are two sides of the same coin until recently.
I've never actively drank blood, or used it anyway, or done blood play ect. But I've always been drawn to it. Just att there's no way I would have done it safely or had anyone around me (not manipulating me) that knew what they were doing.
That being said I'm pretty sure my demons would know to show me how to do it safely and I am married to someone (on the 3D) that I absolutly trust and is with Lilith.
It is still hard to find things about Vampyric Magic (other than the book by Father Sebastian which I have yet to read) or about real Vampirism in general. I've come across a couple on tumblr and YouTube but it doesn't seem to be as prevalent or "trendy" as it once was. If anyone has any suggestions or you are one let me know!
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darkling-est-2023 · 1 year ago
Hoping to find people on here, so hi. Call me Mave for now. I'm a physically young vampyre (I'll be voting in the next election), but I am no youngling. I'm a sanguinary and psychic vampyre, and a founding member of a House. I live in the South, and if you frequent a famous vampyre parlor here, you probably know me (and if you do, I'm terrified of you).
I'm a transsexual, use he/him unless I say otherwise. I have autism and dissociative identity disorder, which causes me to interact with people "strangely." I'm also ethnically Jewish. Don't be a fucking freak.
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vampashes · 5 months ago
need some bloodstains on my white shirt to match my blood red tie
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theic-manic · 10 months ago
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Psychic vampire techniques.
Source: "Sekhem Apep", Michael Ford.
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sangaverage · 5 months ago
psychic vampirism- charging a crystal as an energy conduit
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(Very loosely based on "Corruption of the stone" , from shadownomicon)
Divider credit: here
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You will need:
some form of crystal for your energy conduit to absorb ambient energies (a large ISH crystal ball or chunk that fits nicely in your hand is recommended)
A home for your item when not in use (such as a box, pouch or some silk to drape over)
A nice spot or spots for your item to do Thier thing when in use (this could be your altar, your wallet or bag if feeding out in public or even a spot with good foot traffic)
Incense or aroma oil (specifically something that reminds you of your Vampirism/ psychic vampirism/ energy exchange)
A spell candle or candles in:
purple (for spiritual exchanges and energy)
red (for life force)
black (for the dark current)
Set up your space as you usually would for magick/ ritual, light your candle(s) of choice and the incense (if using)
Hold your crystal you chose for a moment, feel it's natural energies and sit with it a while before charging it with your own
One you have got a feeling for your crystal proceed to the next step
Cleanse the stone by placing it over your incense smoke for a few seconds and then carefully above the fire of the candle (if using incense that is, if not place a drop of your chosen oil instead)
once you have done this, gently blow some air on the crystal to charge it with your energies and "activate" it for this working and your future energy drawing needs (you only really need to do this for this spell but you can redo if you feel that it' needs a little charge every now and then)
Feel your pulse if you can, then imagine the stone has its own pulse that matches with yours (if you cannot do this however, do not worry, it is merely for visualisation and does not affect the spell)
Once you feel ready speak your own words or similar to below:
"May you forget your original purpose this night, for I program you anew, you are to obtain ambient energies for me, like a sponge, when I deem myself in need, I shall request to feed on this energy that you have collected, you will be recharged for your purpose by my happiness with the results you give! "
Congrats! Your crystal is now an energy conduit! Consider this your vampiric battery from now on!
when you need psychic energy just grab your stone and request that you feed on the energy it has collected, leave it somewhere to get more, feed when you need it, rince, repeat!
(Should you wish to revert this crystal back to it's original purpose, leave it in direct sunlight for a few hours (or preferably untill the sun sets) and state that the stone remember it's forgotten purpose.)
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