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acheiempalmas · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @meu_time.esporte Camisa PSG R$ 40.00 Represente o seu time com a nova Camisa Nike Paris Saint-Germain IV 2020/21 Torcedor Pro Masculina, a mesma utilizada pelos atletas de futebol do clube. Tecido altamente respirável ajuda a manter o suor longe da sua pele, para que você permaneça fresco quer esteja torcendo nas arquibancadas ou jogando em campo. Esse produto é feito com tecido com 100% de poliéster reciclado. #neymarjr27 #psghand #psgreal #psgtfc #neymarfanskerala #neymaredits #psgsco #neymarskills #psgbarça #psgacademy #psgbarca #neymarssmile #neymardasilva #psgcas #tagify_app #psgmhsc #neymarjunior #neymarstyle #camisadetimepersonalizada #camisadetimeimportada #allezpsg #neymarjrskills #psgcciamis #neymar10 #neymarjr__4evah #psgirls #neymarjúnior #camisadetimeseuropeus #neymarjrsteam #camisadetimebrasil (em Palmas, Tocantins) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZWoiDssvj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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discoverspro · 6 years ago
Sin dudas @cavaniofficial21 se ganó el corazon de muchos, y te deja reflexionar sobre lo poco que es cada uno de nosotros frente a ellos... 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪Un grande Edinson Cavani #psg #psg_paris_saint_germain #football #paris #psgfamily #neymar #psgfans #parissaintgermain #psgamer #psghand #psgreal #realmadrid #messi #psgames #psgbarca #psgfcb #psgeroboklemari #psgasm #teampsg #psgche #championsleague #allezparis #soccer #barcelona #ps4 #psgc #psgoestiagungwijoyo #ronaldo #neymarjr #toureiffel (en Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnjNaWleW6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=eozp0w5nfyfn
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arachblog · 7 years ago
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Reprise de la saison de handball avec le @psghandofficiel ! #arachpictures #arachblog #psghand #parissaintgermain #paris #coubertin #handball #saison #ilovemyjob (à Stade Pierre De Coubertin, Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWpo9An9Iy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12134mcpvajd7
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mickaelbarclais-blog · 8 years ago
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Salon HIT : Le salon HIT - Paris Healthcare Week
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balmainworld · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://thebalmainworld.com/?p=44601
Five things on PSG Handball - Elverum
On Thursday evening, Paris Saint-Germain Handball return to the EHF Champions League action,. Playing host to Elverum – former Parisian Luc Abalo’s new club – in Matchday 4 action.
Get back on track For the moment, the numbers aren’t looking the best for Les Rouge et Bleu, who lost their first two matches – at home to Flensburg (28-29), then away Meshkov Brest (32-31). But it’s not time to panic just yet! With a game in hand over most of their competitors, the capital club have a chance to get the ball rolling when the Norwegian side come calling. This also applied to Elverum, however, who have also played just two matches (victory in Porto, 28-30, and defeat against Kielce, 22-31).
Luc’s return This match will have a very special feeling, as it is the return of Luc Abalo to the Stade Pierre de Coubertin. The former Parisian right-winger, now 36 yers old, is returning to his old stomping ground for the first time since making the move to Elverum this summer. Prior to that, the French international had made his mark on our Club by winning seven French league titles and playing in three EHF Champions League Final4s. Although, thanks to COVIS, he had noted a chance to say goodbye to his teammates and fans, all concerned will now have the opportunity to make up for it.
8 années ont passé depuis son arrivée au club. Nous souhaitons à @lucabalo le meilleur pour la suite de sa carrière et le remercions encore pour tout ce qu’il a accompli sous le maillot 🔴🔵 #MerciLuc pic.twitter.com/UjqguNUngc
— PSG Handball (@psghand) June 30, 2020
Head-to-head Last season, Paris and Elverum were in the same group. The first leg, in Norway, was very close! Exceptionally moved to Lillehammer’s Hakons Hall (with 12,000 spectators), the game was not all fun for the Parisians, who had to rely on an excellent Rodrigo Corrales to get out of the trap (22-25). In Coubertin, on the other hand, Raul Gonzalez’s men achieved a large success (31-25). There again, it was one of our last ramparts – Vincent Gérard – who stood out, making nine crucial saves.
Key stats Despite their setbacks, Paris can rely on an attacking line that scores plenty of goals. After two games, the team’s top scorer is none other than Mikkel Hansen, who has found the net ten times. The Danish international is closely followed by his new Latvian teammate Dainis Kristopans, who has nine goals, seven of which were scored in Brest. For the Norwegians, Lucio is already off to a good start, with four goals to his credit. But the team’s top two scorers are Dominik Mathe and Alexander Christoffersen, with ten goals each.
To follow the game (kick-off at 20:45): – Television: Eurosport – At the Stade Pierre de Coubertin: get your tickets on our official website Live tweet: our official page
(Credits: TeamPics/PSG)
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frtodaynews · 7 years ago
Les équipes françaises de hand cartonnent tout cette saison…
Comme le PSG et Nantes, Montpellier verra le Final Four de Ligue des champions. — PASCAL GUYOT / AFP
Montpellier s'est qualifié dimanche, aux dépens de Flensbourg, pour le Final Four de la Ligue des champions de handball, où il y aura pour la première fois trois clubs français avec le Paris SG et Nantes.
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3 clubs de @LNHofficiel au #Final4 de @ehfcl !!! Bravo @psghand @HBCNantes @mhbofficiel !!! Il y aura donc un club français a minima en finale !! Le #hand français et la @LNHofficiel au sommet de l’Europe des clubs !!!
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— Béatrice Barbusse (@bbarbusse) April 29, 2018
Les Montpelliérains ont écrasé Flensbourg, champion en 2015, 29 à 17, devant leur public. Ils avaient fait match nul en Allemagne 28 à 28 à l'aller. Le MHB est la seule équipe française à avoir gagné le titre européen en 2003. Plus tôt dimanche, Nantes avait éliminé les Danois de Skjern grâce à un match nul 27 à 27 à l'extérieur. Le PSG s'était qualifié samedi face aux Polonais de Kielce (35-32 au retour).
20minutes Sport
The post La folie, Montpellier rejoint le PSG et Nantes au Final Four de handball appeared first on Nouvelles de la France.
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manuguiton · 7 years ago
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Envie de rejoindre une entreprise qui gagne ? Tu souhaites faire évoluer ta carrière ? Viens nous rencontrer chez @gfiinformatique #Lille à l’occasion du match @PSGhand – Dunkerque ! #emploi #recrutement #gfigoforit Infos et inscription : https://t.co/TBaTna4RMt https://t.co/BAQbm4GsMY https://t.co/TBaTna4RMt
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gerrit-lagenstein · 8 years ago
Ich weiß, was Du letzten März getan hast …
Immer zum Monatsende teile ich an dieser Stelle meine Lieblingsbeiträge, die ich in den letzten vier Wochen für meine verschiedenen Auftraggeber angefertigt habe. Wie gewohnt handelt es sich dabei um NBACHEF, Bild.tv und handball-world.com.
In der Regel sitze ich für Bild wie es sich für ein Boulevard-Medium gehört an eher seichteren Themen. Angesichts des bitterernsten Konflikts in Syrien würde ich nicht sagen, dass dieser Beitrag eine schöne Abwechslung war. Schön wäre es, wenn über Krieg nicht berichtet werden müsste, weil es keinen gibt. Wahrscheinlich ist diese Vorstellung zu schön, um jemals wahr zu werden.
Trotzdem gilt es nicht wegzuschauen, sondern möglichst vielen Menschen zu zeigen, welch katastrophale Folgen Kriege haben. In Europa ist Frieden in den letzten Jahrzehnten selbstverständlich geworden. Aber ist er das angesichts vom europaweiten Hang zu Abschottung und Nationalismus wirklich noch? Der Syrien-Krieg sollte uns allen ein warnendes Mahnmal sein.
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Hier geht’s zum Video
The International Game - Die besten Nicht-Amerikaner in der NBA
Die Kurve zum Sport zurückzufinden, fällt nicht schwer. Den folgenden Artikel schrieb ich deutlich, bevor ich das Syrien-Video schnitt. Seine Einleitung zeigt aber einmal mehr, dass Sport genau das richtige Mittel für friedliches Zusmammenleben von Menschen verschiedenster Nationen ist:
In der NBA spielen so viele Ausländer wie nie zuvor. Während der politische Trend in vielen Ländern, und so auch unter Trump in den USA, immer mehr Richtung Nationalismus geht, öffnet die beste Basketball-Liga der Welt ihre Türen für Baller aller Nationen. In der aktuellen Saison stehen bei den 30 Franchises 116 „International Players“ aus 44 Nationen unter Vertrag. Nachdem mehr als der Hälfte der Partien 2016/17 gespielt sind, ist es an der Zeit, den jeweils besten Profi jeder NBA-Nation zu küren.
Hier geht’s zum Artikel
PSG nimmt Kiel im abschließenden Vorrundenspiel komplett auseinander
In meiner ersten Schicht nach dem Skiurlaub bekam ich das abschließende Champions League Vorrundenspiel zwischen Paris St. Germain und dem THW Kiel zugeteilt. Millionentruppe mit hohen Ambitionen gegen deutschen Rekordmeister. Es gibt schilimmere Partien, um wieder in den Arbeitsalltag zu finden. Der Spielbericht ging mir tatsächlich recht leicht von der Hand – aber nicht weil es eine solch atemberaubende Partie wurde.
Vielmehr feierten die Franzosen einen Kantersieg ohnegleichen. Kiel kassierte seine höchste Europapokal-Niederlage aller Zeiten. Die Rhein-Neckar Löwen nutzen dieses Ergebnis kürzlich als Abgesang auf die Kieler vor dem Achtelfinal-Rückspiel gegen den Rivalen. Dumm nur, dass der THW die Mannheimer anschlißend raus warf. Wie gut, dass ich kein voreiliges Fazit zog, sondern nur eine Leistungssteigerung forderte...
VICTOIRE et record de buts marqués en @ehfcl battu pour les Parisiens ! Allez Ici c'est .... #PSGKIEL pic.twitter.com/Zh37xp7tri
— PSG Handball (@psghand)
12. März 2017
Hier geht’s zum Artikel
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cerebralprince10 · 10 years ago
Hitting the Sigurdsson #missionimpossible drill one last time at AUB. #AbaloJr #winglife #clinicalfinisher #golazo #wintheday #psghand #OutHereGrinding #emptygymforthewin #leftyswag
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balmainworld · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://thebalmainworld.com/?p=44596
Victory - and a reunion
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Paris Saint-Germain Handball were aiming to take their first EHF Champions League points of the season on Thursday evening as they played host to Elverum in their Matchday 4 clash. An important evening in terms of points, but also and for one opposition player in particular…
As was the case against Toulouse last week, when Edouard Kempf returned to Coubertin for the first time, the evening began with a tribute. United as one, Coubertin gave a rousing chorus of thanks to Luc Abalo, who was returning to Paris for the first time since his departure to Norway this summer. After eight seasons in the capital, which included seven Lidl Starligue titles, the French international received a very warm welcome from his former (but enduring) supporters.
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Once the match began, Lucio didn’t take long to find his feet. In spite of Paris’s strong start, punctuated by a magnificent kung-fu from Nikola Karabatic (4′: 3-1), our former right-winger proved that at 36 years of age he has lost nothing of his genius with a beguiling finish behind his back (7′: 4-4).
Oh non @lucabalo pas toi ! pas maintenant… bon allez, on avoue ce but était magnifique. Un tir dans le dos à l’aveugle qui permet à @ElverumHandball de revenir à un but ! 4-3 pic.twitter.com/KAIJNCWAvg
— PSG Handball (@psghand) October 15, 2020
A warning that Les Rouge et Bleu did not take lightly as they closed ranks defensively. Thanks to a solid rearguard and an inspired Vincent Gérard, our team did not concede any more goals for almost 10 minutes and took advantage of the opportunity to widen the gap (14′: 8-4). But the Norwegians weren’t going to take it lying down! Well led by an untenable Luc (who was given another tribute in the 19th minute, his old number), they came very close to levelling it up, prompting Raul Gonzalez to call a time-out (20′: 10-9).
20′: Après une 19ème minute d’acclamation en faveur de l’ancien n°19 @lucabalo les Parisiens posent un premier temps-mort alors qu’@ElverumHandball revient à un but 10-9 #PSGELV pic.twitter.com/KsSt123OXO
— PSG Handball (@psghand) October 15, 2020
This did the trick and the capital club carved out a bit of breathing space, but still had to contend with opposition ‘keeper Thorsten Fires, who continued to shine (24’: 13-10). At the break, the Parisians led by four lengths but knew there was still plenty of adversity to come.
After the break, newcomer Elohim Prandi showcased his power with a brutal double (33′: 20-16). Our left-back was everywhere and also set up Kamil Sypzark with a beautiful no-look blind pass.
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However, the match remained as tight as ever (38′ : 21-19). The two side went blow for blow and while Paris managed to remain in front, the visitors were never far behind (42′: 23-21). To see Les Rouge et Bleu make the break, we had to wait until the last quarter of an hour. Success in attack and defence returned and, in the space of a few minutes, they carved out a seven-point lead, thanks mainly to more fireworks from Elohim.
49′: @PrandiElohim nettoyeur de lucarne professionnel et consciencieux ! Après s’être occupé de celle de gauche il passe à celle de droite ! 30-23 #PSGELV pic.twitter.com/vyZ6RhPnX1
— PSG Handball (@psghand) October 15, 2020
At the start of the last ten minutes, the result seemed beyond doubt (51′: 31-23) and, right through to the final buzzer, Paris Saint-Germain Handball maintained their its eight-goal lead and claimed their first two points of the European campaign!
After the match, there was a final tributeLuc Abalo, immortalising him in Coubertin’s Hall of Fame!
(Crédits : TeamPics/PSG)
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arachblog · 7 years ago
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De retour à Coubertin pour le match de ligue des champions de hand avec le @psghandofficiel pour @lemousticproduction #arachpictures #arachblog #lemousticproduction #psghand #paris #ilovemyjob #handball (à Stade Pierre de Coubertin)
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arachblog · 8 years ago
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Mon lieu de travail pour la soirée... Photos en ligne ce jeudi #arachpictures #arachblog #lemousticproduction #psg #psghand #psghandball #paris #ivry #handball #hand #coubertin #ilovemyjob (à Stade Pierre de Coubertin, 75016 Paris, France)
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arachblog · 6 years ago
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Petit retour sur la soirée "PSG" d'hier! Victoire du PSG - Paris Saint-Germain en champions League au parc des princes 6-1 et dans la foulée le @psghandofficiel a battu Pontault-Combault 38 à 25 pour la 5eme journée de la @lidlstarligue . Voilà quelques photos de la soirée. #arachpictures #arachblog #paris #parissaintgermain #psg #foot #football #soccer #championsleague #uefa #uefachampionsleague #handball #lidlstarligue #parcdesprinces #stadepierredecoubertin #neymar #neymarjr #cavani #mbappe #thiagosilva #thomastuchel #lucabalo #benoitkounkoud #psghand https://www.instagram.com/p/Bog6WbOHTq7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xthbaewe91hb
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cerebralprince10 · 10 years ago
When your idol acknowledges your existance and you feel like a room without a roof. #todaywasagoodday #OQP #psghand #AbaloJr #roadtoprosperity #blessed
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