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loveletterworm · 1 year ago
Its crazy how I have no fucking idea what I intend to do in general whatsoever like No I can't go to college I don't have any interests I could pursue there. No I can't do an art thing in college which is my sole consistent talent because I am quite confident they would not let me in due to the fact that I am not actually that good at it in a broad sense and also I wouldn't like having to do assignments about it anyways. No I can't get a job because I cannot drive anywhere. No I can't learn to drive because I'm scared of the road and cars and dying. But as for staring at the wall and not doing anything or going anywhere forever I am going pro.
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bettinalevyisdetermined · 2 years ago
Do you remember Empire's Tribute, that pseudoanime show tumblr made up?
I had never heard about it before now. I guess it was the Goncharov bit before Goncharov existed or something?
My initial thought was that it must be a fandom mashup of Star Wars and Hunger Games. XD But after doing a little search of that tag, none of the characters or scenarios ring a bell of any kind. I am lost.
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taperwolf · 8 months ago
The only CRT monitor I currently have is a 5" black and white screen built into a karaoke machine.
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It's got auxiliary inputs and outputs on the back — your standard set, for the era, of yellow, white, and red colored RCA jacks each, and I have the thing out because I was playing a kit-built game of pong on it earlier — but the reason it has a screen at all is to take advantage of the CD+G format. This is an extension to the CD specification that let you include low-res graphics alongside the audio data on the disc, effectively a 288x192 pixel image made of 6x12 tiles, with 16 colors (though handled through a color table that allows some pseudoanimation). The most common use for all this was just text for karaoke, but there's some potential for other graphical things, albeit in a very low-bandwidth way.
But every so often I get the urge to seek out the authoring software for this stuff and make some kind of minimalist demo scene thing. Usually if I lie down for a while, the feeling passes.
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nosferatuantitribu · 8 months ago
oh, and the "sharing work invites comments" thing. it was like a year ago or so when i was in this server, right. it was this homestuck server ran by this rando obsessed with eridan and such. one of many things about homestuck is you have the unironic fans, the people who, when drawing the kids and trolls etc they very much stick to 1) exactly how they looked in the comic and 2) the 2013 pseudoanime internet style all homestuck art used to be drawn in. other people have more variant styles for different reasons, of course, and i am definitely oversimplifying how this all worked. but i'm for sure more in the "unfan" category, and this is reflected in how i talk about my fantrolls and such. i was introducing my fantrolls and fankids to this server in the proper order, all 16 of them. i've put a lot of intention into how these little ectoshits work and who they are in the context of earth c. all four fankids are what we would consider white and intentionally very flat characters. while 11 out of 12 fantrolls are trolls of color (the one white troll is a tiktokker and a major problem for everyone else). so i write up little descriptions of them, brought in my heroforge builds, and, well you'd never guess who gets fanart. that's right, it's doug strider, my fankid whose one personality trait is that he's grillin. he is utterly forgettable, has wraparound sunglasses and a shitty crew cut, and yet has every feature i put into the figurine creator lovingly crafted on some moron's drawing tablet. maybe it's on me that he was one of the first to come up on my list, but i'm a firm believer in making art about what you know. and he resonated with this person because his sheer mediocrity is what they knew, what they were comfortable with. having my art viewed through that lens makes me extremely uncomfortable, and that is part of why i don't engage with the "homestuck fandom" like i used to.
hm. getting to the bottom of why i consider it inappropriate to share the ups and downs (especially downs) of my hobbies. i think part of it is "the curse". aka when i share what i'm in the middle of doing it, it can often shift for the worse right after the conversation (lord knows the best way to split my writing into a new file is to talk to somebody about it). it's possible that 1) the shifting gears into communication takes spare energy i could've used to work on it more because i'm famously awful at transitioning from one task to another. or 2) i am reading too much into it and there is in fact no correlation between these things, and it just seems like there is because i remember the struggles better than i do the non-struggles.
and then another part of this is how sharing these invites comments. these comments often focus on parts of my work i'd rather not dwell on, or draw inappropriate conclusions about me as a human being and who i fundamentally am. i don't like being misrepresented, but there also aren't any proper representations of me here or anywhere. like, i pretty exclusively use my own (ancient) photos and edits as avatars, i'm not very good at expressing myself on a basic level which is why i work so hard to do it and why my writing always seems off whenever i revisit it, and even in games where you can do whatever the hell you want i still stick to the same basic strategies and play modes every single time. hell, i doubt anyone really gets a good idea of me in their head, partly cause normal people's eyes just slide right past me and partly cause i'm terrible at connecting to others and maintaining friendships because i do all this stupid fucking brooding about how it sucks to be me and be living!!!!!
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scumbird1881 · 5 years ago
Happy friday everyone! Heres a new idea I had brewing that I've been meaning to post. Friends would ask me where the quote was from but it was reqlly just something I made up on the spot one day. Big thanks to @switchnollie180 for being the voice of this project #jeffcoopmanart #1881 #getinyourcar #lightupadumaur #andgetouttahere #dumaurier #dumauriercigrettes #plymouthduster #cigs #smokes #peelout #pseudoanimation #comedy #funny #burnout #illustration #drawings https://www.instagram.com/p/CAN-UdVD5oW/?igshid=dogqa0z02lqm
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witchblade · 2 years ago
im glad at least some people draw rya as a little odd and peculiar you understand
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twentythousandvolts · 2 years ago
ive been into tf2 since i was 10 years old but somehow i just managed to get confused that a picture from the actual fucking comics was scout and not like pseudoanime jerma. Ok
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elmundodeanalu · 5 years ago
Lo mejor de la década (2010-2019)
En mi época escolar he visto y recordado diversas series; pero en mi época universitaria he descubierto más para hacer fanarts y crear contenido original.
Época Touloussina
7. Miraculous Ladybug (mayo 2016):
Es la mezcla perfecta entre Chicos Mágicos y superhéroes. Los Miraculous como concepto de joyas que puede transformar a su usuario en héroe me sorprende. Me da curiosidad de cómo Marinette y Adrien interactúan a través de su forma civil o en traje de héroes. El único problema con esta serie serían los típicos clichés; aunque la amo.
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8. My Hero Academia o Boku no Hero (mediados de 2017)
¿Qué harías tú si tuvieras superpoderes? Este mítico anime inventa diversos conceptos como Academias para Héroes. Está influenciado en los cómics de Marvel y DC. Muchos la comparan con Naruto; pero va más allá. Mi héroe profesional favorito es Eraserhead, tutor de Deku, nuestro prota; resalta que es un poco mejor que Kakashi, defendiendo a sus alumnos a capa y espada.
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9. RWBY (inicio de 2018):
Imagina un mundo que mezcla los cuentos de hadas con criaturas muy extrañas llamadas Grimm. Pues este pseudoanime en 3D cuenta la historia de 4 chicas que luchan contra esos mosntruos. Los episodios están muy buenos; ayuda a cada personaje a desarrollarse conforme avanza la historia. Un ejemplo sería Qrow, tío de Ruby y Yang; que a pesar de ser un alcohólico, quiere mucho a sus sobrinas.
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10. Kimetsu no Yaiba o Demon Slayer (Mayo de 2019)
Esta serie es diferente de otros shonen; porque cuentan sobre el camino de Tanjiro para salvar a su hermana Nezuko y volverla a que sea humana. Los co protagonistas como Zenitsu o Inosuke, tienen grandes motivos para unirse a Tanjiro. Muzan; el villano de la serie se luce. Los pilares me recuerda al Gotei 13; siendo como Caballeros Dorados.
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11. Avatar La Leyenda de Aang y Korra (entre 2011 y 2015):
Una obra maestra que jamás olvidaré. Las culturas de las 4 naciones, que se basa en el Asia y Europa Oriental. Los personajes están bien construídos. Te identificas con cada uno de los protagonistas. Zuko es el mejor personaje; porque pasa por una transición de ser un príncipe caprichoso a alguien que está dispuesto a ayudar a las otras naciones.
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En el caso de Korra, nos ambienta a una época más actual; explora más el Mundo Espiritual y los conflictos después de la Guerra de los 100 Años. Los villanos son lo mejor de la serie; porque tienen diversas ideologías sobre cómo ven el mundo en que vivimos. ¡Buen trabajo!
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12. One Punch Man (entre 2016 y 2017)
Es lo mismo que Boku no Hero Academia; pero mucho más estructurado. Es sin duda, la sátira hacia los típicos animes, burlándose de diversos conceptos que se aplicaron a partir de Dragon Ball. La comedia está bien hecha, tanto los héroes como los monstruos nos impresionan con sus escenas de batalla.
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13. Pop Team Epic (inicios de 2018)
Sin duda, mi anime favorito. Homenajea a la cultura popular usando distintos tipos de humor y la sátira. Popuko y Pipimi sin duda son excelentes protagonistas; sus voces son cambiadas tanto como actores femeninos como masculinos. Ellas sin duda quieren invadir nuestra mente y nuestro mundo...
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¡Esperemos que la década de 2020 sea de grandes maravillas!
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sniktbub · 6 years ago
I should do those pseudoanime illustrations for wikihow articles do they pay you to do that shit
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wortzik-remade-blog · 7 years ago
yall ever get pissed off bc yr art style isnt cutesy calarts adjacent and it isnt pseudoanime? bc im pissed off
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grimdarkandhandsome · 6 years ago
Dark Tapestry: R’lyeh
COLLATOR'S NOTE: The following report by staff historian Dr. Igarashi is reproduced below. Unfortunately, the papers recovered from the rubble at the destroyed base had suffered heavy water damage, and only the header and a few fragments remain legible. They are reproduced below. Igarashi himself, along with all staff assigned to that location, was also lost in the devastation of Hurricane Camille.This report has been given the post-publication classification of PC-TOAD.
Internal Report R7415-3 Subject: PC-GRAVE, mythobiological analysis Date: 05/17/69 [...]
The deity romanized in contemporary contexts as Kutulu or Ce Thulhu is likely the etymological root of words such as 'cthonic', 'Thule', & perhaps even 'cult' & 'culture'. [...]
(It should be noted that the crouching, demonic form seen in cultic statuary is very likely not the actual appearance of entity PC-GRAVE. It is an anthropomorphized representation that omits any hydrodynamic adaptation. We speculate that the true organism that originates the myths is a sessile pseudoanimal, similar to the kelplike [...]
III: Sources from the Literature    It is the opinion of this historical survey that the fables communicated within the cult of PC-GRAVE are mythological cognates of the narratives known more widely as the Flood of Noah and the Tower of Babel. Biblically, the Flood is the earlier and more devastating of the two events, [...]
IV: Necrobiosis, or, "That is not dead which can eternal lie"    Reconciling the sparse timelines commonly documented in reports of PC-GRAVE activity has been perplexing since the beginning of the Project. Inevitably, the dates given in cultic sources are implausibly early. Several mythological figures and past civilizations are described as surviving and performing acts across spans of centuries or millennia. It is difficult to integrate these reports and the date ranges collected from archaeological and geological evidence into any credible timeline.    The interpretation favored by Research Survey Project Juliett, in light of recent observations, is that the 'exotic' or anomalous core elements of PC-GRAVE belong to a rare, hitherto undiscovered kingdom of life that is not subject to some known biological laws. This hypothesis is substantiated by sample analysis and field tests documented later in this report (see Part VII). [...]
[...] sterile, perhaps distilled water, could replace seawater as the substrate of life in this environment, and very cold temperatures prevent denaturing of the organism's molecular structures. Furthermore, the once-living creature 'de-specializes' its cells into a homogeneous, Protean state, similar to the unformed cells of the human embryo. This homogenization process adds redundancy and allows the colony to survive the losses of individual cells during a centuries-long aestivation interval. Within the isolated and sterile environment, we believe these Protean tissues autonecrotize via an unknown process. A lysosomic form of tissue disintegration dissolves the organism into a stable state that is utterly without metabolic activity.    Once an era of more favorable ecological conditions dominates in the external environment, the dissolved tissues of PC-GRAVE could in theory reactivate into life, break the osmotic seal isolating them from the deep ocean, and begin to recolonize the shallows. The most poorly understood step in this process is the initiation of metabolic reactivation. It is entirely unclear how any non-metabolic organism could (a) discern when is the appropriate moment to return to the environment, and (b) resume metabolic activity from stasis without the assistance of any living cells from its genetic line. The natural evolutionary solution to this puzzle would be for a population of living PC-GRAVE colonies to exist outside the sterile environment and, when appropriate, for these living sentries to 'wake up' the sleeping tissue from stasis. However, this sentry scheme seems to abandon the long-term survival advantages of the aestivation strategy, and furthermore challenges the fact that PC-GRAVE is notably absent from the human historical record for wide swathes of the last ten millennia.
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zjedz-goffra · 7 years ago
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various doodles and pseudoanimations even from 2017
I have no idea when and why I did last image
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h-selene · 7 years ago
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“Please just talk to me!”
Just wanted to try and do one of those fancy pseudoanimations. Not a complete success, but fun nonetheless
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cheetahmarketing · 4 years ago
Transformers Revenge - Restored HD Full Theatrical Version\
Transformers Revenge aka Micro-Commando Diatron-5 aka Space Transformers has never looked this good for a very good reason.  I uploaded and and corrected this version from the original master that was meant to be the theatrical release.  When movie went straight to TV the color was destroyed, it was drastically shortened and chopped up for ads.  Now the Restored HD Full Theatrical Version has the deepest blacks reddest reds and deep blues yellows oranges and purples! The story line, well it is still all over the place, here is the best I could figure out what happened to this mess below for your reading enjoyment.  A little history, a little speculation and a little tung and cheek jokeing to lighten the experience.  Enjoy the vastly improved sound and visual as always in Cartoon Crazys channel and do not forget to subscribe and hit that bell! "So basically, it's The Fantastic Voyage but with giant robots and Robin Hood's Merry Men." — An archive.org user summarizes Micro-Commando Diatron-5, better known as Space Transformers, is a perplexingly insane and incredibly low-quality pseudoanime straight from South Korea. The plot focuses around a Cyborg woman named Ivy, who defends the entire universe from enemies with her built-in evil-sensing computers. The enemy infects her with a virus. Now the only one to save her is Diatron-5, a Humongous Mecha shrunk down to microscopic size that goes in to fight the bacteria. Two kids, a battle station called the "Star Wars" and Diatron's inventor join her in the battle against evil. Evil being an androgynous woman named Mary, her brother with blue skin who looks suspiciously like Spock and their fleet of robots and forest green demon-like aliens. It was dubbed twice; first with an American-sounding cast under the name Micro-Commando Diatron-5, which can be viewed here, and later on under the name Space Transformers with a British-sounding cast (some being from Space Thunder Kids as well), released by infamous producer Joseph Lai, that can be downloaded here. Bits and pieces of the film were redubbed and incorporated into Space Thunder Kids by Joseph Lai, in the same manner as the Godfrey Ho Ninja Movies. What are the details of this original film as it was origionally scripted, not as TV re-edited it and destroyed it:   (First let me admit, though the first 2 acts are great, as they say in show biz, they lost me in the 3rd act completely lol) • UR Base belongs to the good guys • Apocalypse Maiden: Ivy • Art Shift: The animation ranges from extremely poor to half-decent. (Best I can tell from my research, this is because they simply ran out of money and filled with what they could to finish it, this is most obvious at the end where the film simply ends) • Artistic License – Biology: So many instances. one example, people do not have small galaxies inside their bodies – or do they? • Battle of the Still Frames: There's a beautifully crappy example of this (sans the battle) towards the end. A good 1 minute sequence of nothing but a handful of completely still frames of the titular mecha panning around the screen to make it look like it's flying in space, to the tune of a visibly improvised and trippy BGM track. There were absolutely no attempts to make the backgrounds loop evenly or even sync properly with the robot, at one point it just pans through a completely still robot + BG image, and in other, Diatron-5 starts inexplicably flying backwards. (we also have the full series of Space Angel on this channel, Cartoon Crazys, some say that animation is minimalistic, or evey “crappy” but really, look at parts of this film and other poorly finished anime and tell me Space Angel was not pretty darn good for a made for afternoon TV low budget daily cartoon made in 1960!) (That said there are parts of this film that are truly excellent and deserve a close look, had the full budget come to fruition, this may well have been a classic movie) • Batman Can Breathe in Space, and my old argument with almost all space animation with the exception of Space Angel, space ships should not be banking in a vacume!!!!! • Bloodless Carnage: The red soldiers are shot down by Checker/Crackle, yet no wounds appear. Their clothes aren't even torn! However, this is probably due to the cheap animation rather than censorship. There are quite a few obvious deaths in this very violent movie. • Gasp! (restored in HD, some of this looks so good, but some really comes out BAD) • Hong Kong Dub: Two of them! Both with different Dub Name Changes. (I kept it English other than the song at the end, it worked much better than the junk the American version had in there, it is Korean after all) • Ill Girl: Ivy • Incredible Shrinking Man • Literal Ass-Kicking • OK Lots of info, but there you have it! Thomas R Reich PhD
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polygraphie · 8 years ago
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