#ps they both went to bed late for them last night - around 9
whatimdoing-here · 3 months
The small one came in and asked what t- blends I know. Like. With words.
It's 6:56am.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - A special night
Prompt: Any Fandom | Any Characters/Pairings | Ordering a sweet treat to be delivered to the other person at home/work
Word Count: 2,136
Author/Team: LadyMonotone
Fandom/Original: Redacted ASMR (Gavin/Freelancer. Vincent Solaire/Lovely) 
Rating: T
Triggers: NA
Summary: Having an Incubus boyfriend comes with many perks. The Freelancer and Lovely really should have seen it coming. 
ConCrit: Y 
Well, I guess this can be a sequel to my previous oneshot, REDACTED verse - Those that stood above the rest. I really wanted to write the Freelancer and Lovely interacting after their first, proper meeting so this oneshot suddenly comes to mind! 
Exam week is the bane of every student, everywhere — even for the magical ones. 
An uneasy atmosphere lingers around D.A.M.N as the current semester hurl the students into an intense week of revisions, study groups, and extra classes; all for the upcoming exams. 
The seniors are frantically cramming for their final papers and projects under the watchful eyes of the lecturers. The Freelancer doesn't envy them one bit when they caught a Sonal Energetic screamed into his backpack for a solid ten minutes. 
His scream shakes the student lounge, and the windows shattered. 
Once he got that out of his system, he focused back towards his textbook, expressionless. The rest of the students around the Energetic hardly bat an eye over what just happened. 
On that day, the Freelancer learned to avoid a large group of seniors until the exam week blows over. 
"The tension alone in that lounge could make a Serenity Daemon hide underneath a bed." The Freelancer narrates their experience to Lovely. The two of them are currently having their own study session over at the Freelancer's apartment. 
It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and yet here they are - flipping through textbooks, reviewing and swapping notes and downing cans of coffee and Red Bulls from as early as 9 AM. "Even the janitor wasn't fazed by it. He just snapped his fingers, and the windows were good as new!"
That night after their proper introduction, Lovely and the Freelancer had become quite good friends, much to Vincent's annoyance and Gavin's pleased smirk when the Freelancer told him that Lovely would be coming over for their study session. 
"Aww, look you, Deviant. Arranging a little study date with that friend of yours," Gavin teased during breakfast this morning. They both woke up early to prepare meals that could last the Freelancer and Lovely throughout the whole day. When his Deviant absentmindedly replied, "Uh-huh" as they were busy chopping the vegetables, Gavin couldn't help but plant a fond kiss on top of their head. "Anyway, I'll be popping into Aria for a bit today. A few of my, ah, older brothers and sisters called for a meeting. Can I trust that you two won't be having too much fun without me?"
The Freelancer stopped chopping to gave their boyfriend a deadpan stare. "Gavin, we'll be studying." They explained. "Our first paper is literally next week. So I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there won't be any fucking happening." They then stop themselves. They suddenly recalled something. "I don't want to be on that Solaire Prince's hit list too."
Gavin just cooed at their disgruntled partner, as if the genuine possibility that the both of them being shred to pieces by Lovely's possessive boyfriend amused him. 
Nonetheless, Gavin pulled his weight to ensure there was enough food and comfortable pillows and blankets in their shared apartment so that his Deviant and the Electro Energetic would be comfortable for their revisions. 
An hour before Lovely arrived, Gavin kissed the Freelancer goodbye and Rifted into his home dimension. 
And now we're back in the present. 
"I think those students around that guy were his classmates," Lovely commented. They take a quick sip of the lemonade that Gavin prepared to refresh their parched throat. Even in a simple pair of slacks, baggy t-shit, and hair pulled up in a bun, they still look as breathtaking as ever. "They reacted as if it was like a regular Tuesday for them. It's so crazy to think that we'll be seniors like them soon."
The Freelancer pours more lemonade into their glass from the pitcher beside them. Their books, notebooks and snacks are spread all over the dining table. A large and fluffy pillow is propped behind the Freelancer so they can lean back on their chair comfortably. "Urgh, mood. I can already imagine the coursework we'll be forced to do in our final semester." They groan. Their brain is fried from all the information and notes they've been reviewing since this morning. On top of that, the thought that they will be getting even more work once they hit their senior year is starting to freak them out. 
Seeing the Freelancer is having an internal crisis, Lovely quickly glance at the time on their phone and decides, "OK, I think we seriously need a break. You look like you're going to pull a stunt similar to that Sonal Energetic, and I don't think your boyfriend appreciates coming back to a half-destroyed apartment."
"Gavin can fix the apartment with his magic, don't worry." The Freelancer is quick to assure Lovely. "He did that after he and Vega trashed the place anyway."
"Uh, what? Who's Vega?"
The Freelancer snapped their attention back to Lovely once they realised the name that they accidentally dropped. "N-Nothing! I didn't s-say anything!" They laugh awkwardly, doing their best to brush off Lovely's concerned expression. "Anyway, break! Yeah! That's a good idea! Are you hungry? We can watch something on Youtube and eat in the living room. You're OK with that?"
Lovely gingerly nods; it's best not to comment or ask about this Vega person since the name alone made their friend jumpy. They push their chair back, stretch their stiff spine, and get up to help set the plates and cutleries while the Freelancer heats the lunch they made in the morning. 
They then move to the living room with a tray of food and drinks, where the couch and coffee table are surrounded by pillows and blankets thrown around messily. 
"You play video games, right?" The Freelancer asked after Lovely settle down on the couch with a blanket over their lap. "Do you want to watch a playthrough or something?"
"Sure! Do you and Gavin play video games too?"
"Gavin does, though he usually only plays those dating sim games for girls. It's a guilty pleasure of his."
"Oh, Otome Games? My respect for your boyfriend just levelled up. Has he ever played Hatoful Boyfriend?"
"Uh... I don't remember he ever mentioned that title. What is it about?"
"We're watching a playthrough of that game. Right now. You can watch it with me, but you can't tell Gavin anything, OK? I promise you're going to love his reactions."
Lovely's eyes light up with glee and grin widely as the Freelancer switch on the Smart TV. When thumbnails of pigeons with pink hearts in the background pop up on the screen, they immediately throw an incredulous look at the Energetic. 
"That top playlist is good to watch. Come on, sit beside me." Lovely pats on the empty spot on the couch beside them, unperturbed at the look the Freelancer is giving them. "I think you're going to like Okosan."
The Freelancer press play on the first video and kick back on the couch with the Energetic. What's better than having a break after a long study session? Hanging out with a friend with some good food while watching a crazy romance video game about pigeons! 
However, when the fourth video starts to play, the doorbell rings. 
"Uh... are you expecting someone?" Lovely asks curiously; their head is tilting towards the door. Their plate of eggplant pasta and buttered abalones are polished on their lap. The Freelancer internally preened when they enthusiastically complimented on theirs and Gavin's cooking skills. 
Anyway, the Freelancer moves their empty tray onto the coffee table and flip over the blanket to get up. "Not really. Gavin said he'll be coming back home at night." They explain and went towards the door when the doorbell ring once more. 
A delivery man greets the Freelancer with a stoic face, an armful of flower bouquet, and a thick, rectangular item wrapped in hot red packaging. 
"I, uh, think you got the wrong address?" They said, confused to hell and back. 
The delivery man blinks, unfaze at the Freelancer's greeting. "Good afternoon. Delivery for..." He pauses to read the card attached to the bouquet. "Deviant? We received a request from Gavin to arrange a flower bouquet and some... special chocolates. He also left a message for you: My Deviant has been working so hard lately~ So I got you something to... help you relax. PS: give some of the special chocolates to that gorgeous friend of yours and their boyfriend."
The Freelancer could only gape when the delivery man finished reciting Gavin's message. From the living room, Lovely is also doing an excellent mimicking of a goldfish. Their stunned expression made the man sigh tiredly. "Look, I'm not going to judge your... bedroom activities. Just take the packages already. I still have more stops to deliver."
"O-Oh my god! I'm really, really sorry about my boyfriend!" The Freelancer finally snaps out of it and stammers an apology. Their face is bright red. They hurriedly accept the flowers and package, shoot a quick thank you and slams the door shut. 
Lovely watches as the Freelancer stares into the bouquet with a mixed feeling, something between fondness and extreme embarrassment, before they scream into the large sunflowers. 
They patiently wait for the Freelancer to get it out of their system before Lovely delicately asks, "So, uh, does Gavin do these sort of things often?"
"No. This is the first time ever." The Freelancer replies. Their voice is muffled because the flowers are still pressed onto their face. "That's what I get for dating an Incubus, I supposed..."
"Aww, don't be embarrassed, dude! I think it's super sweet how much Gavin loves you. Flowers and chocolates? Boy got some serious game; might even give Vincent a run for his money, and you should've seen how we first met."
The Freelancer peeks through the petals and is relieved to find that Lovely wasn't put off by Gavin's forward nature. In fact, they are very accepting of the Freelancer and Gavin's relationship.
Feeling the warmth on their cheeks slowly disappearing, the Freelancer made their way back to the couch. The rectangular package is tossed onto the couch, and the bouquet is on the coffee table. The Freelancer figured they could put the fresh flowers in a water-filled vase later. 
"The guy said that Gavin sent you some chocolates?" Lovely reiterate as the Freelancer began to untie the ribbon and unwraps the box. 
"Special chocolates, and knowing Gavin, I kinda have an idea of what kind of chocolates they are." They admit and make quick work of tearing the paper wrappings. 
Apparently, Gavin ordered two types of chocolates for his Deviant. One box holds a fancy gourmet assortment of salted almonds dipped in rich Belgium chocolate, double chocolate raspberry truffles, vanilla pieces powdered with light matcha and some white praliné hearts. 
Lovely whistle, impressed over the spread. "Your boyfriend really went all out for you!"
The box below it contains rows of heart-shaped chocolates, but the short message written on the card of said box proves it's anything but ordinary treats. 
'These are homemade chocolates made by one of my close associates. She's a Succubus, by the way, and renowned for her aphrodisiac desserts. You can try some first if your Energetic friend doesn't mind being a voyeur.'
The Freelancer promptly throws away the card and cues them, and Lovely shrieking in embarrassment. Neither of them expects the second batch of chocolates. 
"These are sexy chocolates? Like, legit aphrodisiac chocolates made with magic!? Oh my god, I didn't know they were a thing!"
"I didn't either! I was expecting sex toys below the chocolates!"
"Wait - didn't Gavin wants to give these to Vincent and me!? Dude, does he has a thing for Vincent? Because at this point, I should tell you: he noticed that Gavin was purposely riling us up when they first met, and he's been thinking that your boyfriend is out to get him. But, uh, not in the sexy way, but I'm thinking otherwise now. And if that's the case, then you can warn that Incubus to be ready and catch these hands."
The Freelancer groans and hides their face in their hands. "OK, you know what? I'm going to put the special chocolates in the fridge, and then we'll continue watching a few more videos from the playthrough and get back to studying."
"... You're in denial."
"I'm just trying to keep whatever sanity I have left. It's been a crazy year."
"Urgh, tell me about it."
That night, at Lovely's and Vincent's apartment: 
"Vincent, baby? I'm back. Look what I got!"
"Welcome home, Lovely. Dinner's ready if you're hungry. Hmm? What's that?"
"It's homemade aphrodisiac chocolates made by a Succubus. Gavin and the Freelancer gave some to us."
"...I'm gonna punch that Incubus in his smug ass face."
"...Does that mean you don't want them in the bedroom tonight?"
"OK, I'll punch him tomorrow. C'mere, Lovely. I've missed you."
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 3/8
Chapter Summary:
Rain... Fireworks... Romance?
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April 15, 2021 - 7:00
Loki, his heart pounding, approached the mailbox whose flag was raised.
He opened it and unfolded the small note with trembling fingers.
Thank you for this lovely attention. I haven't stopped wearing it since I received it.
You tell me that this connection with me allows you to open up to others and not feel alone anymore and you ask me if I want to continue this correspondence?
I don't want to stop either!
I don't know if we'll ever meet, but I want to continue to get to know you and for you to get to know me.
Tell me what you like.
Yours, Mobius.
Loki breathed a sigh of relief, put the letter in his pocket and left. He would have to work before he could write. This was no longer a matter of a quick word, he wanted to take time to think before he wrote.
As he walked through the school gates, although he loved his job, for once he couldn't wait for the day to be over.
April 17, 2019
Mobius was sitting in what had become his special Loki spot, the armchair in front of the bay window, a steaming cup of coffee next to him, reading Loki's latest letter.
I love Norse mythology and my work.
My favorite cocktail is Gimlets, gin and lime.
This brings me to my favorite color: green.
I have a sweet tooth, I like all kinds of sweets and pastries, and on the other hand I also like everything spicy.
I like quiet evenings reading and listening to music.
I like Jane Austen, The Brontë sisters and Paulo Coehlo.
I like to use metaphors but I have heard that they are not always great.
And although I can't stand violence, I like daggers, especially old ones.
Oh and I forgot, I like the house on the hill.
Mobius promised himself to go and see in Sylvie's antique weapons store if she had any antique daggers.
I can't stand cruelty, condescension, and lies.
And although they are green I hate peas.
Mobius laughed at the last sentence, he finished his coffee and went to get his notepad to start writing.
April 19, 2021
Loki, sitting cross-legged on his couch with Croki's head on his leg, was reading Mobius' latest letter.
I like to take watches apart and put them back together, to see the mechanism inside. They are all different.
I like to walk in the streets of New York and discover places by chance.
I like to draw, or rather make sketches that I never finish.
I like whiskey, Jack Daniels, and occasionally a good glass of red French Bordeaux wine.
I like all kinds of music, but my preference is for jazz.
I don't like lies, preconceived judgments, and gratuitous meanness, well, just plain meanness.
And I also like the house on the hill.
How did you end up living there anyway?
Loki read the letter again, folded it up and put it in the little box with the others before going to bed and thinking about what he would answer the next day.
April 21, 2019
Mobius went out still in his robe because it was a day of rest. He was surprised to see that Loki had already answered if he was to believe the little flag. He refused to question the fact that his heartbeat had accelerated.
He went to get the letter, then read it in front of his breakfast, Croki at his feet.
I rented it after college. It was the strangest place I had ever seen. I couldn't imagine anyone building it. Or... I couldn't imagine anyone building it and not living in it. I liked the way it sort of...hovered over the water. I loved that path that led to it. I don't know why, it has a strange, timeless charm.
April 23, 2021
Loki, on break between classes, took the letter out of his pocket and read it again.
Yes, the fact that you have to walk so much to get to the front door and that it's uphill, it's like you have to earn the right to enter the house. Every time you enter the house, it's like you're embarking on a quest whose prize is the right to enter.
I'm sorry, I must sound eccentric.
April 24, 2019
During his lunch break, and all day, he read that simple phrase from Loki over and over again.
Don't apologize, you can be eccentric. You can be whatever you want.
Mobius had always felt different, both in his personal and professional life choices, and this simple phrase eased some of his inner struggles. He couldn't ignore the warm feeling in his chest.
A few weeks passed. The wind was blowing violently on a late spring day in New York. Loki was walking rapidly towards the school. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, he grabbed it to answer the call.
Loki lost the smile on his face.
-Look, this isn't easy for me either. You know that... no, I'm not mad that you called. I just... I'm sorry, I have to go to work and I...
He was approaching the school and didn't want to continue this conversation as more and more students came in.
-I don't think that's a good idea. No. Sigyn, I'm asking you not to come. Because we need more time... Especially if we want to stay friends. I just don't think we should... look, I'm on my way to work, we'll talk about it. Bye.
Loki sighed, shaking his head as he walked through the large front door.
" Already feeling demotivated?" asked Natasha as she greeted him with a smile.
"Oh no no!" protested Loki.
"That's good timing. Heimdall has caught the flu and we need someone to cover his classes while he's absent. Since you have an art degree, I was wondering if..."
"No worries! I'm happy to oblige."
"Perfect," Natasha thanked him, "You can check with the assistant about Heimdall's schedule and make arrangements then. Thank you Loki, really. If the exams weren't coming up, I wouldn't have asked you."
Loki replied, "No worries, really."
If anything, he was glad to see that even though he was the last one in and the youngest teacher, he was trusted.
At the end of the week, as he walked home with his arms full of groceries, he thought maybe he should have thought about it before saying yes.
Because he was exhausted.He hadn't realized how much time and energy it would take to handle two positions.
Fortunately, Heimdall was back at work on Monday.
Loki put his groceries in the car and thought he'd stop by the house on the hill before heading home.
When he arrived, the little flag was up.
He took the letter and opened it.
Hi, pen pal. You haven't written in a while. I hope all is well.
You actually I
This is ridiculous, just a few words to write and it makes me sound like a babbling teenager.
Well I'm writing it down: I MISS YOU
It was obvious that the last words had been written with force.
Loki felt a strange warm feeling in his chest. He had also hugely missed the correspondence, so he hurried to answer on the spot and put the letter in the box before going home.
Parking the car in front of the mailbox, Mobius chose to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he saw the little flag raised.
He took the letter out of the box and once he got home, Croki fed, he went to his favorite place to read the letter.
It has been a difficult week.
I couldn't get away from work and only had the strength to go to bed at night. I can't remember the last time I looked up at the sky, or saw a damn tree. That's what I miss. The nature around me.
It's not so bad when I'm busy. It's when I have a minute to breathe, to look around, that it seems really hard. I wonder what I'm doing here, alone, in this gray city. I miss the trees.
PS: I missed you too
June 15, 2019 - 9:00 pm.
In the evening, Mobius left the house with a small tree in the pickup's trailer. He was driving towards the city.
June 15, 2021 - 9:30 pm
In the middle of the walk from school to his apartment, Loki saw the black rain clouds gathering in the sky. Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder in the distance and as he was on the home stretch, the rain began to pour.
June 15, 2019 - 9:35 PM
Arriving at 105 MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village, obviously still under construction, Mobius parked the pickup and pulled a shovel and the tree from the trailer. He began digging a hole outside the construction site that would become Loki's apartment building. Once finished, he began planting the tiny, fragile tree.
June 15, 2021 - 9:35 pm
Loki was completely soaked as he walked the last few yards to his front door. He struggled to find his keys, dropped them, and grew more and more frustrated as the rain poured down on him, when suddenly it stopped. He was baffled, as thunder and lightning continued to flash across the sky, and the rain continued to fall all around him, but not on him.
He looked up.
Above him were the dense green leafy branches of a young tree that formed a canopy swaying in the rain right above Loki. It hadn't been there a second ago, but now it was sheltering him, and Loki was stunned.
June 15, 2019 - 9:37pm
Mobius smiled as he swung the shovel into the pickup's trailer before heading home.
June 15, 2021 - 9:37 pm
Loki, overcome with emotion, broke into a smile and whispered to Mobius, even though he couldn't hear him, "Thank you."
Raindrops fell through the green branches as Loki danced under the tree, his face to the sky.
2019 - A few days later
Casey stood on the small path in front of Mobius' house, "Wow!!!"
Mobius motioned for him to follow him inside.Casey entered, still stunned by the house.
"So, this is where you're hiding?"
Mobius replied with a smile, "Yeah.You want a beer?"
"Yeah thanks."
Mobius pulled two beers out of the fridge and they went to the chairs in front of the bay window and talked about the house for a while. Casey had lots of questions.
Casey took a sip and his face became more serious.
"Mobius. I didn't just come here to escape my pathetic existence in the city. I came to talk to you about TK and ask you to come back with us. We need you."
Mobius shook his head, "TK? Sorry Casey but no."
"I'm sure if you talked to her..." insisted Casey.
"Forget it.Ravonna doesn't want me to come back. I don't want to come back. Everyone's happier now."
Casey argued, "What about your work? Your work was awesome. Even she admitted that. Look, I know it's hard, but if you put your problems with her aside, you-"
"I said forget it." replied Mobius, this time with a sharp tone before softening, "Sorry. It's just... I like it here. And I like my job at the store."
Casey nodded and accepted the answer before asking, curious again, "Are you in a relationship with anyone?"
Mobius answered after a slight hesitation that didn't go unnoticed, "No."
"Why did you hesitate?"
"I didn't hesitate."
"Yes, you did."
Mobius insisted, "I...I'm not involved with anyone, okay?"
"Okay." replied Casey, who smiled playfully before continuing, "All I'm saying is that maybe you should think about the future."
Mobius began to laugh. He couldn't stop himself.
Casey looked at him as if he had gone crazy, "What?"
Mobius continued to laugh.
A few days later, with Loki's letter open in the passenger seat of his pickup, Mobius drove to the train station near Brooklyn College of Arts.
He parked, picked up the letter and got out, heading for the entrance to the station.
Around this time two years ago, I lost something.
In the Brooklyn train station.
I was going back to my parents and left it on the platform. See if you can find it for me. I won't tell you what it is.
Then put it in the mailbox. It's your mission if you choose to accept it.
Mobius could not resist a challenge. So he found himself at that moment looking for an object he knew nothing about. He walked through the station. There were a few people. He looked for a single man and saw none. Just a few families and an elderly couple.
He continued to search when suddenly, through the window overlooking the station platform, he saw a young man with long black hair get up and get ready to board the train.
Mobius wasn't sure if it was him, but he felt deep down that he was Loki, and he was amazingly handsome. Mobius hurried through the door and onto the station platform. He was about to head towards him when he stopped.
The young man had embraced a woman who had her back to Mobius.
They kissed and said goodbye.
Neither of them noticed that Loki, for it was undoubtedly Loki, had left a book on the bench behind him. Mobius saw it, but it would be awkward to approach and interrupt the kiss. He hesitated.
The train driver announced the final boarding.
Loki separated from the woman, obviously reluctantly, and boarded the train.
The woman Loki had kissed did not move and watched the train pull away until it was completely out of sight. He did not notice the book. Mobius watched him leave and once he was gone, he approached the bench. He looked at the book that Loki had left behind. It was a well-worn copy of Persuasion by Jane Austen. It had definitely been Loki.
Loki impatiently went to the mailbox, thinking that perhaps Mobius had already been to the station.
He opened it, and was disappointed when he didn't see the book and just a little note.
Loki, a little disappointed, answered immediately on the same piece of paper and just as he was about to leave, he heard the characteristic sound of the little flag being raised and went back to the box and opened it. He grabbed the small paper and unfolded it.
L: Going to the fireworks, I guess.
I go every year.  Why?
M: Would you like to watch them together? From the cliff. The fireworks on the lake are beautiful
L: I know, I watched them from the house the time I lived there.
You're not asking me out, are you?
M: No, no. I just thought it might be nice to do the same thing, that's all.
L: The same thing, two years apart.
M: It's better than staying home.
L: Okay. Let's go see the fireworks.
M: See you in 10 days then. July 4th at 10pm in front of the mailbox.
Mobius did not wait for an answer, and walked happily back to the house. Even though he had denied it, it still felt like a date of some sort.
The butterflies began to fly again.
July 4, 2019/2021 - 10:00 pm.
Two years apart, in the same place, Loki and Mobius sat next to the mailbox. Mobius brought one of the seats from the garden furniture and Loki brought an old folding camping seat in his car.
He is armed with his pad and pencil.
The strange and timeless conversation started again, always punctuated by the little flag that went up and down.
L: Did you go to the station? I never got my book.
M: Let me keep it for a while. I want to read it.
By the way, there's something I wanted to ask you.
Who was the girl at the station?
Your fiancée?
Why didn't you tell me about her?
Loki thought it sounded like Mobius was jealous, but didn't want to get the wrong idea.
L: You don't tell me about your love life either.
M: Because I don't have one unfortunately.
My God, I can't believe you didn't tell me you were married.
L: I'm not married. We broke up when I moved to New York.
I'm on my own.
The fireworks just started.
M: They started here too.
I'm sure yours are better, since it's supposed to get better every year.
L: Probably. Let's enjoy the sight.
Afterwards, during the fireworks, the flag did not move for a while. Then when the grand finale was over, and the silence fell, the flag suddenly rose, making Loki jump.
M: At the station, when I saw you... I didn't expect... I mean, you didn't tell me you were so gorgeous.
Loki read these words and could not suppress a small gasp of surprise. He looked around embarrassed even though he knew for a fact that no one was there.
L: Not fair.
You saw me but I still don't know what you look like.
Mobius ran his hand over his face and figured that since it was truth night, he might as well go for it.
M: You're right. I wouldn't mind knowing what I'll look like in two years. Why don't we meet in the future and tell me what you think?
Loki thought about it and then looked at his watch, it was 10:43 pm, he took a deep breath, suddenly excited and nervous
L: Why don't you call me on July 4, 2021 at 10:44 pm
As Loki finished the last line of the "4" the phone rang.
He almost fell out of his chair.
He steadied himself with a pounding heart and picked up, "Hello?"
Who is on the other end of the phone...?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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h2omyeon · 4 years
You Were Beautiful (KJM x Reader)
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Summary: You had been in love with your classmate Kim Junmyeon for the last year and a half. You finally find the guts to tell him the truth about how you feel, but at the wrong time. (PS: Chanyeol makes a cameo in this story and Junmyeon is an Art History major!)
Pairing: Junmyeon x Female Reader
Tags: College Student Junmyeon, Art Hoe Junmyeon, bittersweet stuff
Warnings: Mentions of suicide towards the end of the story (not in this chapter)
Word Count (in total): 8.5k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first ever story I wrote and published on here. Feel free to leave comments and I will try to publish each chapter weekly! This story is based off of a combination of dreams that I had which included people who weren’t Junmyeon and Junmyeon himself during the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic (AKA: when things began to fall apart). Like the world that I was living in at that time, this story/dream is just as (I hope to believe) chaotic. I also apologize if there are a ton of plot holes in the story because it was based on a dream and I could not think of any filler parts. Enjoy!- PS
Read the previous parts here: Part 1 Part 2
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Chapter 2: Starry Night
The rest of the semester and graduation week came and went like a breeze. While you and your friends went crazy on your graduation caps and dresses, Junmyeon went shopping to buy stuff for his family and friends in South Korea. Despite his time being spent more on shopping, his cap came out the best and won 1st place in the cap decorating contest at graduation. 
You and Angela decided to throw him a surprise goodbye party on his last day, which was the day after graduation, at your place. There was predominately Korean music playing and people were happily dancing along to it despite not understanding what was being sung. Junmyeon, despite wearing a sweater vest on a warm May evening, danced like a pro to literally every song that played. You had no idea he could dance so well. There was also food that would have lasted your family a week and a half that was finished in less than three hours, mostly by Junmyeon’s bar musician friend Chanyeol and Angela. 
The party went successfully and those who were not able to see him off the next day gave their little goodbye gifts. Chanyeol was eating the remaining chips and looked at the clock; it was 9:30pm. “Shit! I have a date. Thanks for the party, Y/N.” He gave you and Angela quick hugs and walked to Junmyeon, who was packing his stuff in his bags. 
“I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you in the future, man,” Chanyeol said as he gave Junmyeon one last bro hug and handed him his gift, then left the house and into the night.
Once Chanyeol left, it was only the three of you.  “That was fun,” Junmyeon said. “Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, Angela. I’m really gonna miss all those people, even Chanyeol.” 
“Anything for you, Junmyeon.” you and Angela replied back in unison while you and Angela had cleaned up the cups and plates left on the table. Junmyeon helped tidy up the sofa and swept the dining table floor. 
Music played in the background loud enough for you all to not realize that your parents and sisters had come back. Junmyeon went to lower the music as he greeted your parents in the process. 
While you went to throw out the last of the plates, Angela began to follow you into the kitchen. 
“When are you gonna tell him?” she hissed softly. Junmyeon was happily looking at the gifts he got in the living room, silently observing them. 
“Never at this point,” you replied a little too loudly. Luckily he was in the middle of a conversation with your parents and younger sisters, so he didn’t hear you. “Maybe later,” you softly replied. 
“You’ve been saying that for two years, Y/N. The man is leaving TOMORROW,” she clapped back. “It’s now or never.” 
“I thought he was gonna stay in New York like he had planned. I was gonna tell him sometime after college, but I didn’t think he was gonna leave tomorrow,” you snapped. 
“Come on, Y/N, go tell him after he’s done with your family,” she suggested while watching your 12 and 18 year old sisters talk to him endlessly about some random stuff. After inserting the final dishes into the washer and wiping the counter, you guys danced and sang along to “Rough” by GFriend as it played from a faint distance at your speakers and laughed when you both messed up on a few steps. 
“Junmyeon, don’t leave yet. We have a gift for you,” your mother could be heard saying to your friend who was about to leave. You and Angela had walked out of the kitchen and into the living room by the time your mother walked out with a red box. 
“It’s a deity for good luck while you are in the military and for your wonderful future ahead as a future curator,” she explained. Your father handed him an envelope. “Here’s $200 that you can use for your future education after the military,” he added. Junmyeon added the gifts into the bag. 
“Thank you all for the gifts,” Junmyeon said humbly. “I have so many I don’t know how they will all fit in my luggages!” he exclaimed, showing off the bags of gifts he got. Everyone began to laugh. 
After a few minutes of small talk, Junmyeon and Angela wished everyone a good night. Your parents wished them a good night in return, while your sisters went to get ready for bed. 
“Y/N, go walk Junmyeon home,” your mother suggested with a smile. “It’s so late at night, I don’t want him to get into any issues right before he leaves.” You immediately agreed. Your sisters made kissy noises; “Shut up!” you snapped at them. They laughed when you realized you had turned red. You then left the house with Angela and Junmyeon, who were waiting at the front door. 
Right when you three reached the crosswalk, Angela gave Junmyeon one last hug; she let go of the embrace as she started to silently cry. You felt tears form in your eyes. “I’ll miss you, Jun,” she tearfully stated.
“Thank you for everything and making college the best three years of my life. I joked around with you a lot, but I really liked you. You made both my best friend and myself really happy. Let me give you my gift,” Angela ruffled through her bag and took out a purple box. She handed the box to Junmyeon; he thanked her. She began to cry even more. 
“Angela, I will miss you too and thank you for the gift,” Junmyeon replied to the heavily upset Angela, holding her hand for a brief second. “We have each other’s contact information. I’ll try to text and email all of you when I can. The military is strict and oftentimes we’re not going to be allowed to go on our phones, so I’ll try my best. Don’t worry, Angela, we’ll see each other in the future. Once I’m done with my military service, I’ll come and visit New York before I go on and do my masters.” he explained while wiping her tears. They hugged one last time while you watched in silence. 
“What if you die?” she joked after letting go of the embrace. You all laughed.
“I really wanted to send you off tomorrow, but I have work. Serve well, okay?” Angela declared
“Angela, he’s going for training, not fighting in a war. Although with Trump as president I won’t be surprised if there was a Third World War,” you sarcastically remarked. 
“I know, but-,” a car honk interrupted her sentence. Her hipster vegan boyfriend, Nicholas, had come to pick her up in his car. 
“Goodbye, Junmyeon,” Angela said. 
“Goodbye, Angela.” he said back. 
She gave him one last hug and waved at the both of you before crossing the street. You both observed the couple drive off into the night, living a life of their own. 
“I’ll really miss that girl,” he sighed, while you two walked. “She reminds me of my friend’s sister in Korea. Funny and naive.” 
You were silent the whole walk. Now was your chance to tell him, you didn’t know the next time you would see him again to tell him. Junmyeon began to notice you were unusually silent. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” he asked as you both finally reached the front porch of his house. You both sat on the bench and looked at one another. Now is the time to do it, you thought to yourself. You felt your heart beat out of your chest, but it was now or never. 
“Junmyeon, I-I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while. It’s something you probably wouldn’t expect from me, but if I don’t say it, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t know when I’ll ever see you again, so… ah, fuck it!” you nervously began.
“What do you want to say?” He curiously asked. You must have looked like a fool because he then began to say: “Why are you so nervous? Let me get a bucket-,”
“There’s no need. I’m not going to throw up; I wanted to tell you that…” you continued, trying to avoid his gaze. 
“That what, Y/N?” he proceeded to ask. You then made eye contact with him. God he has pretty eyes, you thought a little too loudly. He began to giggle. 
“Are you okay? What’s up? We’re friends, you can tell me anything.” 
You took a breath. “Junmyeon, I realized as time passed that I really started to like you. Not in the friendly way, but in-,”
“I actually wanted to tell you the same thing,” he confessed with a chuckle. “I was going to tell you tonight, but you beat me to it. That’s very brave of you.” 
You had a surprised look on your face; he began to laugh. 
“I’m serious,” he began. 
“Y/N, in the years that I got to know you,” he continued, holding your right hand. “You’ve grown to be a beautiful person inside and out and I want you to know that. I know self deprecation is your signature suit, but hear me out. You are kinder, more loving, sweeter and funnier than you think you are. I have always loved you because of who you were and I want you to know I will never let you go, even if we will be 14 hours away from another. You will always be a huge part of my life. You were friends with me at a time when I was starting to miss home and spending time with you and Angela made me realize that New York will always be my second home. That is the best thing anyone could have ever done,” he admitted. 
The two of you smiled at one another. Immediately, you looked up at the sky, silently observing the moon and its surrounding stars. 
“Those stars are very beautiful, like you,” he gushed. You scoffed then looked back at Junmyeon, who was smiling at you; the glow of the moon went onto his face and he became even more beautiful than he was before. 
“Thank you for being a part of my life, Junmyeon. I know it was too late now for me to tell you that I loved you, but I’ve accepted that we can’t be together because duty calls. I will always love you as my best friend,” you began. “You taught me how to live life in ways I didn’t consider before. I grew to love art in a weird way and I became happier. I was at my worst when I met you. I was confused, lost and didn’t want to be on this planet at all, but the more I got to know you and be around you, I realized that you were the reason I stayed,” you revealed. 
“Hey, I’m sorry that we can’t be together because of me. I know we will both be living different lives, but I will always think of you when I think of New York. For god’s sake, you were the first girl I ever fell in love with this seriously. I know you will be a wonderful teacher and if I ever get assigned to curate a whole Picasso exhibition, I will invite you first so you can make fun of my tastes in art,” he stated, jokingly implying that you won the Picasso had shitty art debate.
“Well, I have to pack these things and some rest so I can fly safely tomorrow.” you got up to leave and so did he. You hugged him and let go of the embrace and walked away to go back home. 
“I love you,” he called out.
“I love you too, Junmyeon. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you waved.
Just as you were about to go back to your house, you heard footsteps and he grabbed your arm. You turned around and he stroked your cheek, then leaned in closer to your face until there was almost no space between the two of you to breathe; “I love you,” he whispered and then closed his eyes. You knew what was happening; what had happened to the main characters in all those rom coms you watched was happening to you at that moment.
Like the characters, you too began to lean in and close your eyes as your lips touched his. “I love you too,” you whispered between kisses. The butterflies grew in your stomach and your heart began to beat faster. It didn’t help that his Dior cologne smelled really good at the moment. The kiss was deep, but quick because you could hear the door begin to open. You opened your eyes and moved back when you saw Mrs Kim watching through the next door with a smile. Junmyeon turned around and became flustered like a child in the spotlight for the first time.
“Goodnight again.” you said. “Goodnight Mrs Kim!” you waved at the woman at the net door; she called out goodnight as well. 
“Goodnight, Y/N. You’re a good kisser for someone who claimed they’re an old lady,” he stated just before he walked into the house with his gifts. Once he entered the house, you watched him until he turned into a shadow; you then walked back to your own house in silence.
You smiled knowing you finally kissed the man of your dreams, but it felt bittersweet at the same time because he was going to leave the next day. You finally reached your own house and walked into it with a smile, your mother watching with a smile on her face as well. The TV was blasting as your father watched it like a zombie. Your father then looked up from the TV and watched the two of you in slight confusion, then smiled knowing what had happened. 
“I always knew he liked you, but I’m so sorry he had to leave you so early.” she sympathetically stated when you walked in. You smiled, then went to get ready for bed while texting Angela what had happened on the Kims’ magical porch.
Part 4
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fantasiesandbooks · 5 years
Tenerife Sea x
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I don’t own any of the photos.
 Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
 Soundtrack 1
Soundtrack 2
The day of Exo’s comeback finally arrived and with it Chanyeol’s birthday too. You were on your job and luckily for you this was the last day in which you had to hand in your most important project. You were at your desk, taking few a minutes to relax after all the stress and anxiousness you were feeling not too long ago at the meeting. You checked Chanyeol’s conversation and noticed that he hasn’t seen the birthday message you had sent him at midnight.
He must be busy you thought.
With all the work and meetings you had throughout the day you hadn’t seen the boys MV which it was a bummer considering you could see all your social media exploding because of it but you had to “keep it together” at the office. You felt exhausted from these past few days and there was still two days left from the week. I don’t know how would I manage to live until Friday. You thought and rested your head in your hands. Suddenly you remembered that the party for celebrating Chanyeol’s birthday and also the guys album was that day and cursed. You weren’t not feeling in the mood for partying. The only thing you wanted to do was to fall into a coma and sleep for three days straight but you knew you couldn’t missed it giving that they really counted on you for you to be there celebrating their success. You decided that the rest of the week you wouldn’t attend to any of your classes after work and only head home to rest.
“I just beg the days come by quickly” you sighed and got back to work.
 It was already 03:00 am of the following day. The boys just arrived to the dorms after working basically the entire day and having dinner after it due to Chanyeol’s birthday. Everyone went straight to their rooms to call it a day. Chanyeol was getting ready for bed when he remembered he hadn’t seen nor reply the messages in his phone- The day had been hectic with all the variety shows they had to attend and the recordings for the live show of the day.-  Although his phone was buzzing all day with calls and message notifications he only took a little bit of time on his break to reply some of them. He laid on his bed with his phone in hand and started scrolling throught the thousands of messages that were waiting on his inbox. He came upon your message and read it it.
Happy birthday Yeol!!!!! I hope you will have a beautiful day with all your loved ones. Continue to be that cheerful, hardworking, kind, dorky, amazing being. <3 I feel truly thankful for having you in my life and know that I will always have your back. P.S I really hope you will have nice wine at the party because I’m in need of one glass ASAP.
Chanyeol chuckled at the last comment and also at the meme you had posted below the text that had a Baby Yoda with a birthday hat.
Maybe your words were not out of the ordinary but they warmed his heart. Also, he didn’t expect for them to be so since he knew your writing was more on the side of creating stories and not pouring your feelings out through words.  He tried to come up with his reply as he felt that a simple thank you wouldn’t be enough but found it it hard to do so as he was having trouble with finding the right words to say. He decided to leave it last to continue reading and answering the rest of the messages.
Man, this is gonna take a while... he thought as he released a sigh and started typing.
 The alarm set off for you to go to work. You woke up, took a shower and got dressed up. You were having breakfast and checking your social media when you noticed Chanyeol’s message. You opened it and read it:
Thanks so much y/n :) I also feel thankful for having you in my life and for you being my best friend. With you I have learned many things and know that although I can be selfish and act like an asshole sometimes, I will always care about you no matter what I say even if I’m drunk, or angry or fighting with you. Ps. I look pretty cute with that hat. - referring to the Yoda meme- and Yes! There’s gonna be good wine and I’ll be waiting for you with glass in hand ;).
You chuckled at the last part of the message but some of his previous words were the ones that stuck in your mind “I will always care about you”. You knew he was sincere about it but that also made you think about the future.  There will come a day in which he would have more important people in his life. A wife or another girlfriend that treats him better that Sojin, children perhaps and that thoughts only had made you fearful, sad and anxious about it.  If you couldn’t dare to tell him what you feel for him, maybe you should stop being friends as you couldn't fathom the idea of ​​seeing him build a life with another woman while you would only be by his side pretending to be fine when you knew that neither your mind nor your heart could bear it. Being apart from him would be the only solution which you could think of and that wasn’t a good option either. You shook your head, trying to dissipate those thoughts away. I don’t have time for that right now you thought as you looked at the clock and saw you were already 10 minutes late. You rushed to leave everything as good as possible at your home and headed to work.
Finally Friday had arrived. The Exo members were checking the last stuff for their party- The place was a well-known bar that was located in one of the most famous and modern skyscrapers of Seoul. It had a big terrace and a wonderful view of the city’s night life. The music was blasting with a DJ at the inside of the bar. You could see some waiters walking around carrying boxes full with booze and others helping the bartender setting up the bar.- Chanyeol was looking at his phone with a big frown on his face when Baekhyun approached him and padded his back.
“I can wait for the party to start” The now white haired boy said excitedly and Chanyeol turned to look at him, frowning still.
“What’s the matter Yeol?” Baekhyun asked, his smile fading slowly at seeing his friend’s face.
“I’ve just got a text from Sojin. She’s coming over” Chanyeol sighed.
“You’re joking right?” Baekhyun huffed and Chanyeol gave him a serious look.
“Look” The tall boy said and showed his phone to Baekhyun so he could read the message. After reading it Baekhyun let out a groan “Come on man! Why did you invite her?” He whined.
“I swear I didn’t. She heard about the party at the Studio” Chanyeol explained. Baekhyun gave a frustrated sigh.
“Can’t we just prohibited her entrance?” Baekhyun suggested and Chanyeol gave him a pointed look.
“Even if we do that She will call for me” Chanyeol said matter of factly.
“She’s problematic” Baekhyun pointed out and Chanyeol averted his eyes at the floor, he was starting to feel stressed about it.
“I don’t know what to do to fix it” Chanyeol confessed.  Baekhyun was beginning to feel stressed too, he knew Sojin there would meant trouble of some kind, specially if she came across you. She would be on Chanyeol’s back the entire night just so everyone could see he was taken.
“Ok, we just have to keep her distracted and sober... and away from y/n the rest of the night” Baekhyun said thoughtfully. Chanyeol doubted they could do the tree things altogether but kept quiet and let his friend kept talking.
“Yeah but I don’t want to be stuck with her the entire night” Chanyeol said, concern readable on his face.
“You won’t be. I’ll help you and we will have to tell the rest of the boys about this unexpected guest” Baekhyun said.
“Thank you man. I really need help with her” Chanyeol said relieved.
“Ok course. That’s what bros are for... to keep you away from crazy girlfriends” Baekhyun said proudly.
“Hey, do you know anything about y/n?” Chanyeol asked trying to sound calmed. He haven’t mentioned anything about he being in love with you to any of the boys. Nor even Baekhyun. The least he wanted right now was hearing his friends teasing and jokes about his unrequited love and comparing him with Jackson.
“Only that she’ll be here after work and that she’s coming with Jackson” Baekhyun explained “why?”.
“It’s nothing, actually. It’s just that I sent her a message an hour ago to see if she was already on her way but she didn’t answer” Chanyeol answered.
“Maybe she didn’t listen the notification.” Baekhyun said nonchalantly. “She’s fine. Plus, she is coming with her boyfriend”.
“Yeah” Chanyeol couldn’t help but rolled his eyes at the mention of Jackson.
“Why you hated him?” Baekhyun asked amused.
“What?! I don’t hate him” Chanyeol said trying to feign incredulously and Baekhyun gave him a quizzical look. “Ahg... I think he’s trying too hard. You know like hanging out with us and giving us presents just so y/n can see him as the finest gentleman she had ever came across with”.
Baekhyun sneered at that. “Isn’t it normal that he is trying so hard?. Come on Yeol! We are both men. We know that men only try that hard when they are really interested in the other person. If that’s the case, you more than any of us, should feel happy that she is with a good boy”.
“Or maybe he is just pretending to be interested and the only thing he wants is to jump into her pants. You know there’s that chance too”. Chanyeol retorted.
“I hardly doubt that. I know him and he is just not that kind of guy” Baekhyun said calmed.
“You don’t know him too well. Neither do I and let me tell you that only over my dead body he will lay a hand on her” Chanyeol countered back.
“You know she’s probably not virgin right?” Baekhyun pointed out, giving him an amused look. At the thought of that Chanyeol couldn’t stop feel angry. He knew you have been in relationships before, so have he. But now just the thought of you getting touched by other men irked him like never before.
“Yeah well whether she is or not I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t find out” Chanyeol said determined. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at his friend. Everybody close to Chanyeol knew the boy went overboard sometimes with the things that matter to him, specially regarding his friends and family. The people who spend a lot of time with him, like you or the guys, have learned to live with the ups and downsides of it.
“How could Yoora was able to marry, with you being his brother?” The white haired boy asked although he didn’t expect an answer.
“Believe it or not my dad was tougher than me” Chanyeol explained and Baekhyun shook his head.
“Baekhyun” Junmyeon said while approaching the two men.
“Jongdae is looking for you. He said there is something wrong with the bottles you ordered” The redhead said.
“What?! This can’t be happening right now.” Baekhyun said storming out to find the other boy. Chanyeol and Junmyeon looked how his friend walked away and the last one turned to look at the tall man.
“Is there something wrong?. You looked worried.” Junmyeon asked him.
“Sojin is coming to the party. Baekhyun suggested to basically babysit her the entire night but honestly I feel so tired to do that on my own and he said I’d asked you guys for help” Chanyeol said and his leader released a heavy sigh.
“I’ll help you when she arrives” Suho said resigned. “Now come on. I need some help with checking the waiters who are preparing the snacks trays”.
“Thank you” Chanyeol said sincerely and both men headed towards the kitchen.
 It was 09:00pm and you and Jackson were arriving at the party. You were not feeling as tired as you had imagined which giving the tough week you had had was like a miracle. You were wearing a knitted brown sweater with black jeans and flat boots. Your wavy hair in a long ponytail and natural makeup. Your “boyfriend” on the other side, was wearing a dark red jacket with brown jeans and sneakers. When the two of you arrived at the floor where the party has been held you noticed a lot of people was already there waiting in line to pass. 
“Now this is a real party” Jackson said while looking at his surroundings.
“Don’t you guys do the same at your company?” You asked intrigued.
“Not even close.” Jackson stated. “We do have parties but not like this” he said gesturing at the whole place. - it was a massive room beautifully adorned with fancy furniture and sculptures, all of it surrounded by enormous crystal walls. There were huge posters promoting the boys comeback and a few ones of Chanyeol with the “Happy Birthday” sign And his birthdate written on them. You could see a DJ on one side of the room and a beer pong table with people around it at the other side.- The place was crowded but it was big enough for you to not feel suffocated. Luckily the people at the row were passing quickly and after 20 minutes you and Jackson were inside. You took Jackson’s hand and started walking around the bar.
“Y/n” someone called you and you turned to looked at them. It was Jongdae. He spotted you from across the room and headed towards you.
“Hi Dae! Good to see you” you said excitedly and hugged him. “Congratulations on your guys comeback and also for hosting this party. Clearly you wanted it to do it memorable”.
“Thank you” Jongdae said and turned to look at Jackson.
“Hi man! How are you?” Jongdae greeted him and give him a pad on his back.
“I’m good thanks man. What about you?” Jackson said cheerfully.
“Same. I’m glad you two came” Jongdae said.
“We couldn’t miss it, right Jack?” You said.
“Yeah.” Jackson said.
“Hey Dae! Have you seen Chanyeol? I want to give him his birthday present” you asked your friend.
“I saw him at the terrace a couple of minutes ago. He was chatting with someone guys” Jongdae explained.
“Oh! Well I’m going to go and try to find him. Are you gonna be alright?” You asked Jackson.
“Sure! I’ll be around here” he said nonchalantly.
“You should come with me. Last time you didn’t finish telling me and Junmyeon about some thing we’re curious about your album” Chen said and put one of his arms around the other boy’s shoulders.
You saw the two boys walking away and you turned to walked towards the terrace. Outside it was cold, the night air hitting you in the face and making you want to come back inside. There were tables with little bonfires above them and couches next to them. Some people outside were chatting, others smoking and having drinks at the tables. At one corner you could spotted Chanyeol. He was wearing a large sand-brown coat and jeans.
He looks so handsome you though.
You went straight to him and touched his arm gently.
 Chanyeol was chatting with some on his friends when he sensed a light touch on his arm and heard you greeting him.
“Hi Chan!” You said cheerfully.
He turned slightly to look at you and smiled. “Hey!” He said. The other people around him scattered leaving only the two of you.
“How are you?” You asked him.
“I’m good although this whole thing it’s crazy. There are more people than the ones we had invited” He said looking around at all the people outside.
“You know it always ends up like that when you throw a party” You chuckled. “Oh, before I forget this. Here! Happy birthday.” You said and pull out of your bag a little blue box with a silver ribbon around it. Chanyeol looked at you surprised and took the box.
“Well it’s just a half of the entire present. The other half is at your room” you explained.
“You sneaked into my room?!.... but how?” Chanyeol said baffled.
You smile amusingly at him “It wasn’t me. It was Myeon the one that put it in there.”
He look at the box again and took off the ribbon, he opened it and inside of it there was a silver guitar pick. On one side it had carved one of his many nicknames “Yeol” and at the other it had the silhouette of a puppy that look like Toben. He look at it and smiled. You knew he liked everything that had a personal touch of him and for what you remembered he didn’t have a guitar pick with his name, nickname nor his dog on it.
“So I can asumme the other half of the present it’s a guitar?” He looked at you quizzically.
“It could be a stripper too. I’ll guess you will find out once you see it” You said nonchalantly and he laughed.
“Wether it’s a girl or a guitar it’s gonna be good so thank you” he smiled widely at you.
You laughed slightly “You’re welcome” you said and engulfed him in a hug.
Chanyeol closed his eyes for a moment and rested his head upon yours, it was a habit of his every time you two hugged since he was taller than you. That way he could sniffled the essence of your hair and your perfume he had come to love so much. He had a big smile drawn on his face, he know that, and maybe everyone around would look at you two and see him as an idiot because of that but he didn’t care. He needed his safe place even if it was for a couple of minutes after the exhausting week he just had had.
“Am I interrupting?” Someone said in an annoyed tone. Just with that he came back to reality. Chanyeol recognized that voice, it was Sojin’s. He opened his eyes abruptly and saw the other girl standing in front of you with an irritated look on her face. When you heard her too you quickly broke the embrace. You felt uncomfortable at the daggers Sojin was throwing at you through her eyes and averted your gaze.
“Sojin” was the only thing Chanyeol said. He looked clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable as well as you.
“Hey Sojin” you said although you couldn’t sound so happy when you greeted her.
“Would you care to explain what was happening here?” She asked.
“I was just congratulating him for his birthday” you explained.
“Oh! Well in that case I believe it’s my turn to congratulate my boyfriend. Excuse me” she tossed you aside and stood between you and Chanyeol. She grabbed the tall boy’s face a little bit harshly and kissed him.
You let out a huffed and rolled your eyes. By the looks of it it seemed that Chanyeol was taken aback for her sudden move and it seemed like he was trying to break the kiss. Your anger at Sojin’s childish behavior and Chanyeol’s passive attitude was starting to build up.
I don’t need to watch this you though and walked away from them.
For Chanyeol everything happened so quickly he didn’t know how to react. He saw how Sojin had pushed you aside but he didn’t have time to said something when he felt Sojin’s hands on his cheeks and her mouth over his a moment after. He tried to move his face away from hers but at the same time he didn’t want it to do it aggressively so when he finally could got away from her hold, you we’re already gone. He looked from side to side in case you were still near but he didn’t see you. Then he looked at Sojin and grabbed his hair in frustration.
I can’t keep up with this he thought.
You went inside in search for the rest of the boys or Jackson. You didn’t want to ruin your night with seeing Chanyeol stuck to Sojin.  You spotted Jongin and Sehun at the bar. You approached them and greeted both boys.
“Hey guys!” You said to them.
“Y/n you came!” Jongin said cheerfully and Sehun waved at you while having a zip of his beer.
“Of course. Baekhyun told me the bar would be open for me.” You joked and both guys laughed.
“Well technically we are in charge of checking the booze request but we could have a deal if you bring us your homemade lasagna next time you go to the dorms” Sehun tried to bargain.
“A smooth move Oh Sehun” you said and extended your hand at him to sealed the bargain “Ok deal. Now, can you order a glass of wine for me?”. Sehun took your hand smiling mischievously at you and called for one of the bartenders for him to take your order. “Did you just arrived?” Jongin asked you.
“No, I arrived almost an hour ago but there was a lot of people outside trying to get in and then Jackson and I came across with Dae and he took him away. I don’t where they are now” you explained and Sehun gave you your drink. You started to drink it as if it was water. The wine was burning your throat slightly but it had a nice flavor.
“You should drink slowly. At least enjoy the flavor of it” Jongin suggested.
“I did that. That’s why I want another one” you said and gestured the bartender to gave you another glass.
Jongin and Sehun exchanged a quizzical look for a moment and you asked them “So where are the rest of the guys? Myeon and Baekhyun.” You clarified.
“Junmyeon was supposed to be at the entrance telling the guards nobody can enter from now on and Baekhyun was looking for Chanyeol a couple of minutes ago. Have you seen him?” Sehun asked you.
“Yeah” You said and turned to said thank you to the bartender for your drink.
“He was outside... with Sojin” you said annoyed.
“Oh” both boys said at unison, not sounding very happy at the mention of her name.
“So everyone has the same feeling towards her, huh?” You asked rhetorically drinking your glass in one go. “You could say that” Jongin answered hesitantly. “I think the only one who’s trying to not dislike her is Junmyeon”
“Yeah because the man is an Angel” you said and both boys chuckled.
“I think it’s more because he knows it has been difficult for Chanyeol seeing she don’t match in our group like you or Jackson”. Sehun thought out loud and Jongin nodded in agreement. “Yes. I mean you are our friend and Jackson is trying to be but he doesn’t make a fool of himself” the blue haired boy said. You nodded in understanding and thought about the first time you have started talking with all of them. Everyone was so friendly with you that you wished you could be friends with all of them and you were so thankful that became true.
After a while of you talking with the boys you were getting slightly worried about Jackson. He came with you after all and you had just left him with Jongdae. You thought he had to be fine as Dae wasn’t much of a drinker either but the part that made you worried was that you haven’t seen him around since you went to look for Chanyeol.
“Guys” You said louder so Sehun and Jongin could hear you above the music. Both men turned to look at you.
“I’m gonna go to find Jackson” you announced.
“Do you want us to help you looking?” Sehun asked you.
“It’s ok, I’ll do it alone. If I can’t find him then I’ll come back for you. Thank you.” You said and the boys nodded.
“See you” Sehun said as you turned around and walked away.
You were walking between bodies dancing and drinking. You were beginning to feel suffocated by how close each person was with another and decided to walked around the dance floor.
“Ah y/n” You heard Sojin called you from behind.
Fuck you thought annoyed and turned around to see her.
“Are you looking for Chanyeol?” Sojin asked you.
“No. I’m looking for Jackson” you said nonchalantly.
“Probably he got bored and left.” She said and wave her hand dismissively at you.
“He is not like that” you said and she snorted.
“If you say so...” Sojin said. “Hey now that you are here. How about we play some beer pong?”.
“I’m good thanks. I have to find Jackson” you said an feigned a smile at her.
“Come on. It’s a quick game actually. Or do you think you can’t handle the drinks?” She asked with a smug smile on her face. You thought about saying no again and go to find your friend but you also didn’t want to granted her the pleasure of calling you a quitter. There was something in the challenge of it and the satisfaction of seeing her face contorted in anger that made you agree to her request.
“Fine! Only one game” you said sternly.
“Ok” she said amused and you two walked towards the table. The people around it started cheering at the two of you, their new contenders.
“Do you know the rules of the game or should I explained them for you?” Sojin said arrogantly.
“I already know them. Let’s get this over with” you said. You were so done with her attitude that now more than ever you wanted to win.
“Very well then. You shot first” She said and one person of the crowd handed you the little ball. You focus you gaze at one cup in Sojin’s side, inhale slightly and exhaled when you threw the ball.  You could see the ball going inside the cup and splashing a little bit of the drink on the table. People yelled excitedly and you smiled at your small feat. Sojin grabbed the cup and drank it without problem.
Ok maybe I can win this You encouraged yourself inside your mind.
Let’s kick this bitch’s ass
The game was going smoothly. You on the other hand were starting to feel dizzy and a little burn inside your stomach. You tried to suppressed any sign that would indicated Sojin or any other at the table your state so you keep playing. It was almost the end of the game and you were winning 19-18 until Sojin scored another point and you had to drink the cup. It was the last shot for each of you. If you scored you would be the winner.  You took the ball and looked around. Everybody was looking expectantly and Sojin was giving you a wicked smile as she noticed you were starting to look drunk.  You had good aim but she had a better alcohol tolerance. You breathe deeply once again focusing only on the last cup at one side of the table and shot the ball. Thankfully the ball reached its target and went inside the cup. The crowd cheered and you could heard some people groaning at losing their bets and you smiled at Sojin who looked annoyed at your winning. You pushed passed the people surrounding the table and walked in search of a bathroom. 
Once in there you leaned over the sink and splashed water on your face. You turned to look at yourself at the mirror and didn’t recognize the person in front of it. You had your cheeks bright red as if you had a fever. Your lips dry as you were feeling thristy. You felt your legs weak and the dizziness was increasing inside of you.
I need to sit you thought and went outside.
Near the restrooms were a couple of stairs that leaded to the kitchen. You took a seat on them and leaned over the wall.
 After you went looking for Jackson he came over with Jongdae and Junmyeon to where Sehun and Jongin were sitting. He asked about you and the boys had told him you were looking for him too. He suggested calling you but the boys showed him you had left your purse with them and inside of it was your phone. The other boys offered to look for you too and everyone scattered around. They had agreed to call the others if anyone found you.
 Baekhyun was walking around the bar searching for Sojin. It was his turn to keep an eye on her since Chanyeol and Junmyeon had been stuck with her since she arrived. He was doing a great job he thought, trying to have a conversation with her even though she was moody because she had seen you and Chanyeol hugging and it looked like her boyfriend was having the time of his live by doing it.  Her words not his. She was complaining about it when a couple of Baekhyun’s friends came over to him and greeted him. He talked with them for what he thought were like 3 seconds and when he turned around to introduced Sojin, the girl was already gone.
Shit he muttered and excused himself to went after her.
In times like this when he would have to look for someone he hated the fact that a lot of people had came to the party. He couldn’t find her anywhere and felt stressed about it. He stopped at one side of the restrooms and decided to wait there for a couple of minutes in case she was inside the ladies room. He groaned in frustration.
I take back what I said earlier about not hating her... I totally do now he thought. 
He scanned the place and saw you sitting at the stairs. Oh my god, that’s y/n. He thought alarmed when he saw you leaning over the wall with your eyes closed. He walked rapidly towards you and shook your arm.
“Y/n are you ok?” You heard Baekhyun said and felt your arms being shaken. You opened your eyes and smiled at him.
“Baek, you’re here” you slurred.
“Are you drunk?” He said surprised and you nodded.
“But you don’t drink that much. What happened?” He said surprised.
“Beer pong. Sojin challenged me” you said between breaths.
“My god! ” He said. “But you didn’t drink beer, right?. There’s no way you could get drunk that fast by only drinking beer”.
“Beer, tequila, vodka...” you counted. “And more”. Baekhyun sighed heavily. He definitely hated Sojin now.
“We need to get you a bottle of water and take you home. Can you stand up?” The white haired boy asked you.
“Yeah...” You said hesitantly and loosed your balanced. You would have crashed against the wall if Baekhyun hadn’t grabbed you.
“Ok no” Baekhyun said as he struggled to keep you balanced. He put one of your arms over his shoulders and leaned your weight on him.
“Let’s go to the bar for some water” he said and you two started walking.
“Jackson” You said and Baekhyun side eyed you.
“What?! I didn’t hear you well” he said.
“Where is Jackson?” You asked.
“That’s something I would like to know too” he said between breaths.
 You two arrived at the bar. Baekhyun placed you in a stool and asked the bartender for a glass of water.
“Baekhyun!” Jackson yelled as he was approaching. You could tell his face was growing with concern as his vision became clearer and he saw you weren’t all right.
“Hey!” Baekhyun said.
“Y/n!. What’s wrong with you?” He said as he cupped your face.
“She’s drunk. Sojin challenged her to a beer pong game” Baekhyun explained.
“But she doesn’t drink. At least not like that” Jackson said turning his gaze from you to the other boy.
“I know. That’s why she’s like this” Baekhyun gestured towards you.
“We need to give her food and water to reduce the symptoms.” Jackson said.
“I’ve already ordered a glass of water and there’s no food left. It ran out” Baekhyun explained. Jackson felt his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and saw Jongdae was calling him.
“Shit! I forgot to call the other guys. We had agreed that whoever find her first, he would have to call the other guys that were looking for her too” he explained. Baekhyun nodded and went to take the glass of water from the bartender and gave it to you. “Dae, I found y/n. Me and Baekhyun are with her at the bar right now. She’s drunk but overall she’s fine. Yeah, we are not moving from here. Please tell the others about it. Bye.” Jackson said and hung up. He turned to look at you and shook his head in disapproval “what were you thinking?”.
“That I wanted to beat her ass” you said and Baekhyun snorted.
“And did you?” The white haired boy asked you.
“Yes” You said with a smug smile on your face.
Jackson chuckled and Baekhyun praised you “That’s my girl”.
Chanyeol was inside the bar as the night air was colder than it was a couple of hours ago. After getting over the jealousy scene Sojin had made at seen you and him hugged he texted Baekhyun saying he needed help ASAP. His shorter friend came 5 minutes after that and the tall man made up an excuse for getting away from Sojin at least for a couple of hours. He wanted to go after you and apologized for the girl’s behavior but some friends and acquaintances intercepted him during his quest and just now he was able to continue with it.
 Chanyeol was walking around when he spotted Jongdae’s head between the sea of people. He called his name and the other boy looked at him surprised. Jongdae got out of the dance floor and went straight to him.
“Hey man! I’m looking for y/n. Have you seen her?” The white haired boy asked.
“I’ve just talked with Jackson through the phone. Y/n is drunk. Jackson is with her at the bar” The shorter boy explained.
“What?!... How did that happen?. Did he make her drunk?” Chanyeol said baffled. Anger building up inside of him as he imagined Jackson was the one responsible for your state.
“No. It was your girlfriend” His friend stated.
“Sojin? How could she do that?” Chanyeol asked intrigued.
“Apparently she challenged her to a beer pong game” Jongdae answered while they were heading to the bar.
Chanyeol pinched the bridge of his nose trying to contain his anger. He couldn’t believe all the troubles this girl has caused.
They were the first ones  to arrived at the bar. They saw Jackson and Baekhyun surrounding you and went closer.
“How is she?” Jongdae asked.
“She’s still dizzy but at least she hadn’t vomit” Baekhyun said, his eyes catching the other ones.
“Y/n are you feeling better?” Chanyeol asked taking a step forward so he could grabbed your hand.
“Channie you have come” You said cheerfully and touched his cheek.
“Apparently she is the happy drunk kind of girl” Baekhyun said amused.
“We need to take her home.” Jongdae said.
“Yeah! I think so too” Baekhyun agreed to what his friend’s just said.
“I’ll take her.” Jackson and Chanyeol said at unison. Both men turned to look at each other. Jackson with a serious face and Chanyeol frowning at him.
“I came along with her. I’m responsible for her tonight” Jackson explained.
“I’m her best friend and I’m always looking after her not just tonight” Chanyeol countered back.
“You have a girlfriend to take care of” Jackson said matter of factly. Chanyeol was feeling his inside burning “And if you had taken care of yours this wouldn’t had happened”.
“Same goes to you” Jackson huffed.
“Ok let’s calmed down guys” Baekhyun said trying to loosen the mood. “How about I take her home?” The shorter boy suggested. “No” Jackson and Chanyeol roar at the same time while they turned to look at him quickly and went back to their hate staring contest.
“I’m tak...” Jackson got cut off by his phone ringing.
“Shit! Hold on” he said and got out of the circle the boys had created around you.
“Like hell he’s taking her” Chanyeol said to the rest of the boys. Everyone could see he was mad now and the boys got worried at that. Chanyeol was the kind of people who could loose his temper easily.
“Calm down man” Jongdae grabbed him by the arm. “We don’t want the two of you to cause a scene here”. Jackson returned with you. The boys could see on his features he was upset.
“Ahg...I’ve got a call from Mark. He said my manager need us urgently. I have to go” he said reluctantly. Baekhyun and Jongdae nodded at him. Chanyeol on the other hand was pointed looking at him with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Don’t worry, we understand. We’ll take care of her” Baekhyun said reassuringly and padded his friend’s back.
“Can you take her home?” Jackson asked directly at Baekhyun, ignoring Chanyeol’s hard gaze. At hearing that, Chanyeol was ready to complain when he felt Jongdae squeezed his arm to hold him back from it.
“Sure. I’ll keep you informed about her” Baekhyun said.
“Thanks man” Jackson said and gave him a pad on the back. He turned to looked at the others and you. His gaze changing from a worried one to a hard one when it lay on Chanyeol.
“See you”. He said and hurried up to the entrance gate.
The rest of the Exo members looked at him walking away and turned to you. “Ok let’s go ” Chanyeol said and hunched to grabbed your arm and put it over his shoulders. 
“Chanyeol” Baekhyun said sternly.
“Come on. Let me take her home” Chanyeol whined.
“What about Sojin?” Jongdae asked.
“I don’t care about her right now” Chanyeol said.
“At least you know her enter code?” Baekhyun asked inquisitively.
Chanyeol kept quiet for a moment thinking about it. -He knew the code until you two last fought. The last time he went to your place he was so caught up with chatting that he didn’t see if it was the same or not and now he wasn’t sure of it.-
“I’m... not sure” The tall boy admitted. Jongdae gave him a pointed look and Baekhyun facepalmed himself.
“Then take her to the dorms.” Jongdae said. “Kyungsoo’s and Minseok’s rooms are empty”. Chanyeol nodded and grabbed you by the waist to steadied you “I’ll see you at home” and started walking.
“Let us know when you get there” Baekhyun yelled and he could heard a “yeah” coming for his friend.
“What a good night” Jongdae said sarcastically.
“Tell me about it” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol was feeling a slight back pain from the hunching as he was walking towards the entrance.
“Channie. I’m not feeling well” You slurred.
“I know. We are going home. Hang in there” he said to your ear so you could heard him through the music. You were almost at the elevator when Chanyeol felt a firm grip on his other arm.
“Chanyeol” it was Sojin looking at him furiously “Where are you going with her?”. His girlfriend spat.
“I’m taking her home. As you can see she’s drunk. Thanks for that by the way”. He said annoyed.
“Please. She had a couple of drinks” she said dismissively.
Chanyeol glared at her, refraining himself from arguing. “We’ll have this discussion later”. He turned to keep going and Sojin stood in front of you.
“If you go with her we are done”. She threatened him.
“Fine.” Chanyeol said bluntly and walked around her.
She huffed and started ranting about it.
 Chanyeol didn’t hear her once you got into the elevator. You started laughing out of nowhere and Chanyeol look at you weirded out.
“Why are you laughing?” He asked you.
“She looked so mad” you said between laughter. Chanyeol snorted. Never in his life he or the other boys have seen you drunk. You’ve always tried to behave yourself and usually it was you who kept them at bay with alcohol.
“Yeah well, you helped with that too” He pointed out.
“I know. That’s why it’s even funnier for me.” You said amused. The elevator stopped at the main entrance of the building and Chanyeol took you to his car.
Chanyeol closed the door once he settled you on the couch. He was exhausted for almost dragging you from the parking lot to the lobby and then from the elevator to the dorms. He gave a sighed and turned to look at you. You were still mumbling random things and got slightly touchy with him during the whole ride to their home. At least she didn’t vomit in my car he thought relieved.
“Ok now. We need to get you to bed” He said. He approached you and was standing there thinking in which room he should left you. He decided to take you to his room in case you destroyed anything inside of it. He carried you bridal style and walked through the hall rapidly.
“Good God woman! You are definitely putting on some muscle” he said short of breath. You hummed in agreement. He kicked the door open and laid you on his bed.
“Chanyeol... I don’t feel well. I’m thirsty” you complained.
The tall boy was beginning to normalize his breathing when he said “I’ll be right back”.
He went to the kitchen for a bottle of water and jogged back to this room. He was at the door when the view in front of him took him by surprise.
“What did you do?” He almost yelled when he notice you were sitting on his bed without any pants.
“They are uncomfortable” you explained and pouted at him. He tried not to look at your legs and your underwear and handed you the bottle.
“Here, have this. It should help you a little bit” He explained, trying to look at anything but you. You noticed your best friend had his face and ears slightly red because of the embarrassment and made you chuckled. “What’s wrong? Clearly you had seen women’s legs before” you said amused. He didn’t answer at your statement and went to sit beside you. You took a zip of water and sighed in satisfaction.
“Better?” He asked while looking at you.
“Yeah” you said. Your drunken mind still taking the reins of your actions.
“You are bad” you said and slapped slightly his chest.
“Me?! I took you home” Chanyeol said offended.
“Jackson would have...” you said.
“Your perfect boyfriend couldn’t do it because he had other things more important to do” Chanyeol said bitterly. “He’s not my boyfriend” you corrected him.
“He’s not?!. Then you are friends with benefits” Chanyeol said sarcastically and you sneered.
“Psh... I wish. I mean have you seen him?” You said and Chanyeol gave you a judging look.
“I don’t like your drunk self” He pointed out.
“He is hot and he dances like OH MY GOD” you said and slapped his chest again. Chanyeol grimaced and grabbed your hand to prevent another slap.
“I got it. You are head over heels for him now shut up” Chanyeol said irritated.
“Not as I am with you” you said amusingly and leaned your body against his.
“What?” Chanyeol turned to look at you baffled.
“You” You said, cupping his cheek. You were looking at his lips. They seemed so soft and pink and juicy. 
I wondered how they would taste like you thought.
It was like you didn’t have control over your body as you leaned forward a little bit more and smashed your lips against his. Chanyeol had a bewildered look on his face. You had your lips pressing against his. For what he felt was a minute he stood there frozen. Your lips caught his lower lip and you caressed it gently with your tongue.
Chanyeol could taste the mix of different drinks on your lips and when he felt the feathery touch of your tongue against his he gave in. He closed his eyes and gently grabbed your arm. His lips caught yours and his tongue started tracing their edges. He felt an explosion inside of him. Even thought the kiss was slow he felt a storm of emotions; fear, shyness, love. He thought it was the best kiss he had ever received.
“Fake” you muffled against his lips. 
“What?” Chanyeol reacted at hearing your voice. The memories of tonight flashing in his mind and he remembered your drunken state. He broke up the kiss and looked at you.
“He” you whispered and before you could join your lips again you felt asleep. Your head crashing against Chanyeol’s chest.
He grabbed you and carefully laid you on the bed. He turned around and saw near his desk there was an acoustic guitar with a blue ribbon stuck to it. He went over to grabbed it and take a better look at it. The body was smooth and have the name “Loey” beautifully  carved at one side of it. It was a good brand too. He put his fingers over the strings and noticed it had a nice acoustic. He smiled at the sound of it but it quickly faded away as he remembered your last words.
“What was she talking about?” He asked to himself.  He laid next to you and turned his face so he could take a look at you. There was no way that you would answer him now. Fake. He. What is fake? And who is he? Was she talking about Jackson? Or me? Will she remembered this tomorrow?
Chanyeol’s mind was fill with so many questions right now. The tiredness from the day soon catching up with him and he felt asleep.
Tomorrow it would be a day full of explanations.
Thank you for the support and the love. I hope you like the series and enjoy this chapter. I’ll try to come up with the next one as soon as possible. Are you getting ready for the holidays?.  Also If you have any comments regarding the series feel free to send me a message. I think it would help me a lot.^^ 
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mcwriting · 5 years
starstruck (2)
Heyyyyyy so I stuck to my word lol.
I’m basically unable to function after seeing far from home this evening but also it was so good. I teared up when tom did and my mom made fun of me but its okay because his acting was awesome! Highly recommend y’all see it (even tho ik you probably will if you haven’t already lol)
Ps this is my first time linking one post to another so please lmk if it doesn’t work, but if it’s not, you’ll always be able to access this through my starstruck tag!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Fandom: Tommo Holland
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader eventually
Setting: LA
Word Count: 1386 (lol it’s shorter this time srry)
Warnings: i actually don’t think there’s any here, but lmk if there should be
Rating: K+ still
Background: part 2 of my DCOM inspired fic
B/f/n: your best friend’s name
Previously on starstruck...
The faint remains of his cologne wafted to your nose and you couldn’t help but breathe it in. You relaxed further into his grip and stayed comfortable until you heard a buzz on the table next to you.
You decided to ignore it until it happened two more times. Finally, you decided to wiggle out of Tom’s grip and succeeded without waking him. You picked up the cell and noticed it was 10 a.m. and all three texts were from b/f/n
Hey I’m coming over
I’ll bring ice cream since you said you weren’t doing too hot yesterday 
I’m on my way
“No. No, no, nonoNO,” you exclaimed, getting louder and louder, causing Tom to sleepily ask,
“Could you keep it down, darling?” 
“No, I can’t ‘keep it down,’ Thomas, because b/f/n is ON HER WAY HERE!”
He sat up fully awake.
“We have to get you out of here without her seeing, and she’s probably gonna be here in like 5 minutes.”
Tom rushed to get up and find his keys that were in the pocket of his discarded jacket while you hurried to brush your hair and take a makeup wipe to your face.
You clambered down the stairs and hurried Tom through the kitchen and into the laundry room when you heard the doorbell ring, and when you didn’t answer in apt time, it began ringing like crazy.
Panic stuck your chest and you looked at Tom.
“Open the garage and leave in 5 minutes, then text me so I can close it.” You commanded, beginning to walk towards the entryway.
“Wait, wait,” he grabbed your arm, “I don’t have your number!”
You scrawled it down on a sticky note and ran, hoping he would get out safely and quickly. You opened the door to find b/f/n holding two pints of ice cream, raspberry sorbet for you and coffee ice cream for herself.
“My gosh what took you so long? I about started searching for the spare key with all these goods melting.”
You were about to reply when the door between the garage and utility room shut loudly. 
“Uh, who was that?” she asked, knowing your parents were at work.
“Oh, uh, a friend from dance. We’re working on a piece together and we decided to talk about it last night since I hurt my head,” you lied.
B/f/n furrowed her brows for a second before letting it go and coming inside to set up your typical movie day in the living room. Meanwhile, you headed back to the kitchen to grab spoons and check your phone, where a new number had sent a message. 
I’m out so you’re good to close the door. Thanks again for the great night ;)
You smiled and sent back 
That makes it sound soooo much worse than what really happened haha. You made it out without suspicion too :)
You decided to put his number in as a contact, disguising him as “Clara Twinkletoes” after a joke made late into the previous night, then headed to the living room.
After finishing one movie and your separate ice creams, you both decided to take a break and were looking at your phones.
“Hey, I know you hate talking about Tom Holland,” you gave a side-eyed glance to the bringing up of his name, “but guess what? He liked my picture last night! I just remembered to tell you!” 
B/f/n held up her phone to show you the notification, then went back to staring at it excitedly. 
“That’s actually really cool. I’m happy for you,” you expressed, leaving out the fact that you had asked Tom to like it when you were talking about the post at 1 a.m.
A few minutes later, b/f/n breathed out a soft “woah.”
You looked at her in confusion.
“Y/n, look at this girl Tom was photographed with yesterday, she looks like your twin!”
Dread filled your stomach as you stared at the picture of you and Tom in his black Audi A8, that stupid ballet skirt wrapping your head.
“Yeah, maybe if I took ride alongs with celebrities and wore nineteen fifties headscarves,” you quipped, “you only think that girl looks like me because you want it to be me, b/f/n.”
“Hmm, I guess…” she trailed, taking back her phone to continue scrolling through Instagram.
Not long after, you got a text from Clara twinkletoes.
Have you seen the picture??? I’m getting tagged and you are too
Like… everyone thinks that girl is you
Psh as if. We can talk about it later, I’m busy with my gal pal
Fine. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the beach tomorrow? I wanna talk about all this in person
Hmm. Maybe. Probably not ;) 
“Hey, b/f/n?” You asked tentatively.
“Is it cool if you don’t spend the night tonight? I need to go to dance early tomorrow since I took the day off and I’ve also got this head injury so…” 
it wasn’t a complete lie. You did have a head injury and your plan was to go to dance at some point, but you decided to leave out the part where you might actually go hang out with hot shot Holland.
“Oh, uh yeah, sure. My sister is coming into town this week so it’s probably for the best, you know how my mom is about cleaning the house and stuff,” she said, obviously trying to hide her disappointment.
Around 4 pm, she got up to leave. You had watched two more movies and eaten plenty more snacks throughout the afternoon. 
“I guess I’ll see you later, y/n. Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow,” she smiled. 
You returned the gesture and gave her a hug, then watched from the doorstep as she mounted her bike and rode off to her house only a few neighborhoods away, you feeling queasy about lying so much.
You headed upstairs after a light dinner and some TV. It was only about 8 o’clock, but the combination of a head injury, late night, and slight emotional distress (from lying to b/f/n) made you feel exhausted, not to mention you would be waking early the next day. 
You changed into sweats and flopped into bed, checking your social media for a little bit to wind down. 
Your snapchat was just pictures from friends, only a couple of them joking to you about the whole Tom Holland situation (but of course none of them knew the truth)
Twitter and Instagram, however, were a different story. After the premiere, you had chosen to turn off notifications and were especially happy to know it was the right choice. 
On Twitter, fan accounts and other people were replying to a joking tweet you had made days before the premiere in reply to b/f/n where you said “Why be friends with that tom holland guy when you could hang out with your superior best friend hmmmm?? He’s lame compared to me lolol” 
People were going nuts about it, divided over whether you were just messing around or if you really didn’t like him. Most of them chose the former, though you knew you had meant the latter. Other people were tweeting about you separately and debating about that picture from the day before.
You almost deleted your Twitter in a rash decision but realized how suspicious that could look and instead closed it and moved to instagram.
It too was overflowing with tags and comments and follows and likes. Your stomach churned as you realized how big this was becoming. Finally you made the choice to meet Tom tomorrow, even if it risked being caught again. You sent him a single text to let it be known:
Alright twinkletoes. Let’s go to the beach.
You figured you could reply to whatever he sent in the morning and put your phone on do not disturb before plugging it in and checking the alarm.
You snuggled into the sheets and buried your head into a pillow. A sweet and musky scent drifted into your nose and you took a deep breath. 
Tom’s cologne
You sat up, sniffing around the sheets, pillows, and covers, realizing he had left his scent everywhere. 
“I need to wash these sheets tomorrow” you breathed to yourself in an annoyed tone. 
With that you laid back down, glad that b/f/n wasn’t there to ask whose scent was all over your bed. Though you tried to convince yourself that you wanted the smell gone, had anyone been watching, they couldn’t deny the way you sunk into the bed and the faint smile that made its way to your lips as you drifted into slumber.
A/N: there’s chapter 2!! Hope you guys enjoy. I don’t think I’ll post 3 until this weekend but who even knows haha. Love y’all and am so happy to have your support!
Tag List: @marvel-lously
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rap-liine · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by: @nervousatthenightclub omg sorry this took so long but thank you!!!
1. What takes up too much of your time? prolly tumblr tbh
2. What makes your day better? just getting time to myself to chill and watch stuff
3. What’s the best thing that happened you today? a bunch of stuff actually!! i got a bunch of compliments on my outfit + hair, maintained first place in my gymnastic competition in gym, got my daily approval from my favorite teacher, finished the oreo ripple icecream i didn’t know we had until my sister told me and i discovered red oranges are a thing apparently 
4. What fictional place would you like to go? oooohhhh maybe Alagaësia (the place where the Inheritance Cycle is)
5. Are you good at giving advice? yupp
6. Do you have any mental illness? nope
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no
8. What musician inspired you the most? honestly i think the entirety of bts was really a big inspiration for me to get deeper into dancing and other things but hobi especially motivated me, and even though hyunjin’s backstory is super inspiring i don’t know how it helped me personally yet
9. Have you ever fallen in love? huh even 9 year crush don’t count as love imo
10. What’s your dream date? i’ve never really thought about it but probably a fancy dinner and a walk through the city at night after 🌌
11. What do others notice about you? i try to be optimistic and upbeat 24/7 so I really hate being around negative ppl, even tho ppl hate me for my smarts idgaf about them and genuinely care about my education, although im v confident im also v grateful for everything, and can cut people down but im really caring (mom friend literally everywhere) and i know what i want and i get it done
12. What is the annoying habit you have? ok my mom can fight me on this but burping isn’t that bad ok
13. Do you still talk to your first love? no? he moved but even before not really
14. How many ex’s do you have? 0️⃣
15. How many songs are on your playlist? pandora ain’t letting me see the full list but either way a lot of what i listen to isn’t on there, so im gonna take a guess and go at 500? it’s different for each playlist tho
16. What instruments can you play? i’m relearning piano and i want to pick up guitar
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? lmao one of my best friends and trust me they’re all ugly
18. Where would you like to go before you die? either mecca for religious purposes or greece/rome/brasil
19. What is your zodiac? virgo ♍
20. Do you relate to it? yES omg it’s like a 98% match
21. What is happiness to you? the emotional, physical, and spiritual contentment of a person OR (bc i think i understood this wrong) being with people i love, the feeling of accomplishment / pride, reading books that take you away from reality, debates and physical exercise
22. Are you going through anything right now? only high school my dude 🤙
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? even though this technically wasn’t my choice but eating nutella sandwiches for lunch every day and not getting into team sports as a kids 😭
24. What’s your favorite store? MARSHALLS, HANDS DOWN
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? women are absolutely entitled to the rights to their bodies and men should have no say whatsoever in this aspect, but at the same time don’t use it as an excuse to hoe around and constantly get pregnant
26. Do you keep a bucket list? not really, but i have an idea of some things i want to do in life
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? stray kids’ miroh (liSTEN TO IT)
28. What do you want for your birthday? silver/grey adidas soccer sweats, a new pair of black sneakers, and a permanent ps account
29. What are most peoples first impressions of you? 1) looks bc (majority of) ppl aint blind and 2) im super energetic and outgoing and just really friendly in general, 3) confident and a bunch of other things
30. What age do you seem according to most people? okkk literally all adults think im 5 years older than i am but?? i’m not 20 believe it or not
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? on my dresser next to my bed or charging on my cabinet
32. What word do you say the most? the duh lmao prolly bruh or either of the second two words
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? no one older than me but maaaaaybe sixteen
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? no on younger than me past a few months
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? teaching but HUH i do not have to patience to teach kids
36. What’s your favorite music genre? pop (more specifically the kind with a k before it)
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? i’d stay in the US
38. What is your current favorite song? hmmmm beside the ones that will always be my favs then maze of memories by stray kids
39. How long have you had this blog for? only a few months but i made so many amazing mutuals already!! 💫
40. What are you excited for? my april trip to spain & morocco with my best friend and my move into my new private school in late august
41. Are you a better talker or listener? uhhh both?? i love talking but i’ve always been a human diary so i can't really chose
42. What is the last productive thing you did? finish four pages of my history hw 🙃🙃🙃
43. What do you want for Christmas? nothing bc i ain’t christian
44. What class do you get the best grades in? omg my grades are lowkey sad rn they’re all a minuses but!! i do really well in p much everything but us history honors, bio honors, and spanish ii are two classes i love and excel in
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? gotta say a 9.3 bc im regretting all the sugar i ate today
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? working in a lab in boston
47. When did you get your first heart break? if you don’t fall in love you can’t get hurt :0
48. At what age do you want to get married? hmmmmmm i don’t wanna have a huge gap between me and my children but i also want to have a stable successful career first, so i’ll say before 30 ig
49. What career did you want to have as a child? veterinarian but then i realized that meant looking at sick animals all day and i went n o p e
50. What do you crave now? a gym bc i wanna exercise
tagging: @sonqmingi @parkseonghwa (whenever she comes back from hiatus), @lqhhj, @forhyunsuk, @ultvisual, @cuteez, @ateezsbitch @taengyo @astarlightmonbebe and ofc anyone who wants to!!
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never2late2smile · 7 years
Keep Me Warm When You’re Not Here...
If you’d rather read the fic on AO3 the LINK IS HERE
When Keith leaves the team for his mission with the Blade he leaves behind a few things he won't need... like his leather jacket.
Coincidentally Lance has misplaced his own jacket.
Hey Peaches! I will be updating All Aboard as soon as I can - this was just a fun little fic I did with a friend.
PS: my sister who had never seen Voltron binged it with me and her favorite character is Shiro - so I need to draw more of him. (She digs the show and finds Zarkon to be obsessive - and totes agrees that Shiro needs a vacation)
Please enjoy this little angsty romance fic I co-wrote with my bestie.
Lance had been walking down an empty corridor in the castle when a chill ran down his spine and goosebumps dotted his bare forearms. An annoying reminder that he wasn’t wearing his jacket; actually he hadn’t seen his jacket since Keith left. It had been about three weeks since Keith left on his mission with the Blade.
The rest of the team was hesitant to let Keith go, but Lance had noticed how oddly comfortable Keith seemed in the Blade’s uniforms. Not to mention his little speech about not being the right leader for the team really struck Lance. It mirrored the personal conversation he had with Keith not too long ago. Lance hadn’t realized until the day after Keith left how similar they felt. Both of them knew deep down they could be replaced, it could happen at any moment, but it was Keith who had deliberately pushed himself away.
Lance instinctively hugged himself trying to get warmer. He stopped in the middle of the corridor he had been pacing in. It was their bedroom hall, he had been walking up and down the hall for over an hour now trying to gain the courage to go into Keith’s room. Lance knew it was obviously unoccupied, it’s resident was on another ship halfway across the galaxy. Lance just felt something wrong about invading Keith’s privacy without him there.
With a resentful sigh, Lance reached out and pressed the touchpad, the doors slid open with an echoing scrape. The room inside was dark but Lance didn’t need to turn on the light to know that it was empty. Keith didn’t have any interest in “decorating” like Pidge. To Keith, his room was a place to sleep and all it needed to serve that function was a bed. Lance could see the mattress from his position in the door frame. The one thing that was out of place was Keith’s jacket, haphazardly tossed on the bed.
Lance stepped in and quickly scanned the room, it wasn’t here either. He had looked all over the castle and couldn’t find his jacket anywhere. He never wore it outside the castle anymore, the only reason they left the castle was to perform for the coalition or go on a Voltron mission. So he would’ve only lost it somewhere in the castle of lions. His gaze traveled over the bed and Keith’s gaudy red jacket caught his eye again.
Something in his gut twisted. The sudden thought of Keith and his well being filled his mind. Was Keith eating? Was he hurt? Was he in the field or was he resting? Was he okay?
What he still alive?
Lance blinked and shook his head, of course Keith was still alive. If anything happened to him Kolivan would have called them immediately. Still, the thought lingered and Lance found himself picking up the gaudy jacket, hugging it close. It was the only thing left aboard to remind him of Keith, besides Red.
He absentmindedly gripped the leather sleeves, the material was clean but worn. It was not as bright as it was when they first came to the castle. Lance could smell the faint traces of Keith’s musky scent. He would train without it on, but once his training session was over he’d sling it on over his sweaty T-shirt. Lance found himself smiling. He remembered the time he challenged Keith to a mock sword fight on the training deck. He lost of course but not without making Keith laugh at his silly imitation of Obi-wan Kenobi.
Since then the training deck had been left unused, and each time Lance passed it he expected to hear the clash of metal or the grunt of a focused Keith...but no one has used it since Keith started training with the Blade.
Lance frowned. The ship wasn’t the same without Keith here. The team wasn’t the same either. It might just be him, but Shiro seemed more distant and strict as of late, kind of like how Keith was when Shiro was gone. Hunk and Pidge were often holed up in their computer lab, while Coran and Allura planned coalition events and battle plans with Shiro. Lance didn’t know how to speak advanced tech talk or plan aerial battle plans. All he could do was pat his teammates on the back and tell them they were doing a good job. Keeping the smile on until he was out of sight.
When he was alone Lance would be trapped with his thoughts. To quiet his anxiety he’d distract himself with his video game or nap, but most of the time it wasn’t enough. He had begun to notice how quiet he was when Keith wasn’t around. It didn’t seem like anyone else noticed though and that began to eat at him. If Keith were here he’d find a way to annoy Lance into socializing. He had a weird way of making Lance feel involved, he made him feel like he belonged.
Lance’s energetic bond to the team stemmed from his rivalry with Keith, but with his rival gone, Lance was finding it hard to be motivated. The coalition events made him feel important in the watchful eye of the galaxy, but that feeling was temporary. The simulated smiles were becoming harder to produce. He almost fought with Shiro last week when he brought up Pidge’s “poor aim” on their rescue mission, instead he promised to train with her. He nearly snapped at Allura when she voiced her slight disapproval of the Blade taking Keith - but he couldn’t do that to the team, they needed him to be there and smile when they couldn’t.
No matter how tired it made him he couldn’t stop…he was the positive one.
Lance shuddered and wiped his eyes, a few warm tears had slipped past him. They fell onto Keith’s jacket with tiny plops. When had he started crying? In the dark of Keith’s empty room, Lance felt like he could finally break down. He closed the door and let himself slide to the floor. Pulling Keith’s jacket closer he used it to muffle his trembling sobs.
He sat there and cried for a long time, unable to move. This room felt like the only safe space on the whole ship. He used to find solace in Blue, but she was Allura’s now. He had Red but being in her made him tense, he couldn’t relax. While everyone else had each other Lance had become alone. Maybe he did it to himself, slowly pushing away like Keith had done.  
Whatever had happened the damage was done, and repairing it would take time and effort. Lance was willing to put in the effort to bond again with the rest of the team, but this was a two-way street. If they didn’t want to try then their bond would stay one-sided and Lance knew everyone was too busy to put in that unnecessary effort. He knew they cared, but he also knew deep down that they didn’t need him.
Lance to a deep breath, his throat was rough and dry. He breathed in once more calming his heart rate and soothing his erratic wheezing. His eyes were puffy and hot, his cheeks were damp. Using Keith’s jacket he gently patted his face. For some reason he felt better, his head rested on the closed doors. He let all his thoughts disappear and closed his eyes. He could hear the whirring of the castles engines. The gentle hum vibrated through the floor. His mind was blank as he calmly breathed in again. Keith’s jacket was close and he could still smell him.
Lance opened his eyes and looked at the crumpled piece of clothing. He’d clung to it like a lifeline like it was the only thing keeping him sane. He couldn’t put it back. I mean it’s not like Keith was going to need it anytime soon, so Lance straightened himself and walked over to his room next door, the jacket and Keith’s pillow in his clutches. Once inside he draped the jacket over the pillow like a disembodied torso.
“Paladins!” The sound of Coran’s bouncy voice echoed throughout the castle’s intercoms. “We will be departing for the Ludic system in 9 vargas. I have arranged a coalition performance in their most popular city. I will make another announcement before we depart. Don’t overwork yourselves and get some rest!” With a static click, the intercoms went silent. Lance rolled into bed, the others would probably be turning in soon as well.
I wonder if Keith is getting enough sleep? Lance thought to himself. He reached out for his makeshift Keith pillow and hugged it close. A few stray tears decorated his face before he drifted off to sleep. I hope you're okay.
In the days that followed Lance could not get a full night’s rest if the jacket was not close. If he fell asleep without holding it his mind would be plagued with nightmares. He’d wake up in a cold sweat screaming for Keith, his heart still pounding from the horrid visions of his friend dying in the line of duty. The only way to calm himself was to hold onto the red leather jacket. He’d rock back and forth on the bed calmly chanting that he was fine, that Keith would check in soon.
Lance never did find his own missing jacket and decided to give up on it. He opted to wear his pajamas more often and even asked Coran and Allura if there were any other Altean outfits aboard. He’d grown so accustomed to this new routine that when the battle of Naxzela came to a dramatic close Lotor was far from Lance’s thoughts.
Getting back to the ship he and the other paladins parked their lions in the hanger. They immediately noticed Lotor’s empty ship and a few of the freedom fighter vessels, but Lance’s eyes were trained on a Galra fighter jet. Keith was here too.
When they reached the main deck Lotor was in cuffs and Allura was taking with the freedom fighters about interrogating him. Lotor only smiled when they told him they were going to put him in a cell on the lower deck of the ship. Shiro agreed to help Allura with the interrogation and they excused themselves to transport Lotor to his cell.
A few people stayed on the main deck. Hunk and Coran were checking the castle diagnostic systems, preparing to do a full damage check on the engine. Pidge and Matt were congratulating each other on their victory. Matt had high fived Lance when he entered the deck. He was a good fighter and an even better brother. Lance was leaning against the bay window watching the siblings exchange combat details.
He watched Matt sling an arm around Pidge and announce they were going to the prison deck. Just before they exited the deck doors Matt waved over a figure who had been standing idle in the corner.
It was Keith. How long had he been standing there? Lance had subconsciously started walking over to him. He watched as Matt put a hand on Keith’s shoulder and then told Pidge to wait by the door. Pidge begrudgingly agreed and busied herself with checking the security cams in the prison deck. Lance assumed Matt hadn’t noticed him because he started to speak in a hushed tone to Keith, but Lance was close enough to hear.
“Never do that again.” Matt’s face was solemn and serious. It made Lance nervous, “What you were prepared to do was… well, it was terrifying. I don’t know what was going through your mind in that moment Keith, but you need to know that no one would have been happy if your death meant our victory.” What was Matt talking about? Lance stood frozen, Matt squeezed Keith’s shoulder, “That might be how they do it in the Blade, but you scared us. I never want to see a teammate put the weight of a mission on his shoulders alone, you need to share that weight with the rest of us. Whenever you want to start just let us know, okay.”
Keith looked at the floor, silent. Matt gave his shoulder a pat and headed over the door where Pidge was waiting impatiently. Keith kept his eyes glued to the floor as he focused on how the lights of the castle danced on the metallic tiles. He was finally starting to dissociate when a white foot obstructed his vision. He knew from the blue trim on the leg gauntlet that the person standing in front of him was Lance.
“What was that about?” Lance’s voice was shaky and oddly quiet, Keith hadn’t heard it in so long, “Keith, what was Matt talking about when he said no one would have been happy if your death meant our victory? What happened out there?” His voice shuddered. Keith could see Lance ball his fists and open them and balled them again tighter this time.
He took a deep breath before turning to look him in the eyes. He had expected Lance to be angry or smug, it would have been easier if he was mad at him. They could have had an argument and Keith would have felt at home again, but the concern in Lance’s tired eyes twisted something inside him. Lance waited patiently, eyes like spotlights that Keith couldn’t shy away from.
“I saw an opportunity to help,” Keith tried to keep himself from stuttering, “Before I could act Lotor came out of nowhere and tore through the force field.” He watched Lance, his blue eyes searching for something in Keith’s words.
“What was this opportunity and why was Matt against it?” Lance pressed further.
“We couldn’t get to the machine holding you guys on the planet. There was a force field none of us could break with our canons alone…” Keith felt his pace quicken, it suddenly became harder to breathe, “...I knew that we needed something stronger, like an explosion, so I accelerated my cruiser and sped straight for the field.” Lance’s eyes widened and his mouth parted open slightly. Keith frowned, “You guys were... going to die. We all were, so why let that happen if I could stop it?” He was surprised he was still making eye contact. He was practically shaking.
Lance was still for a moment as if processing this was going to break him. Slowly he put his hands on Keith’s shoulders and gripped hard. Keith watched Lance’s eyes squeeze shut as he whispered through clenched teeth.
“...You’re an idiot you know that…?” Hot tears began to hit the metallic floor, “...I have been waiting to see you, to have you here with us again, and before I could get the chance you decided you were going to be an idiot. Why?” Lance’s grasp on Keith's shoulders grew tighter, “That’s so selfish of you Keith. Do you know what that would have done to us, to Shiro, to Pidge and Hunk, to Allura and Coran, to me? You’re apart of this team...this family...if we lost you I don’t think I would be able to take it.” The tears didn’t stop, they hit the floor like rain. Keith didn’t know what to do, his hands twitched with every quiet sob that Lance made.
“Keith,” Lance finally looked up at him, eyes red and full of heartbreak, “Do you know how weird it is to say that I’m happy Lotor came in when he did? If feels weird to be indebted to him for saving you. I want to punch the guy but I also want to thank him.” Lance chuckled through heavy sobs, a confused smile on his face, “Why is it always you. You’re always the one making me feel emotions I never thought I’d have to feel.” While Keith was distracted by Lance’s smile he was pulled into a tight hug.
Lance’s arms wrapped tightly around Keith’s neck and shoulders. Keith could feel how shaky Lance was, and how fast his heart was beating. He could feel how tired he was. Keith hesitantly lifted his own arms, unsure of what to do. He’d never hugged someone this close before. Gently he laced his arms around Lance’s back and pulled him in closer. Lance buried his face into Keith’s neck and Keith did the same to him.
Breathing in he suddenly realized he was home. He could smell the Altean bath salts mixed with Lance’s own scent, it was fresh and sweet. He’d come accustomed to this smell and associated it with a safe place. He’d stolen something the night he left with the Blade, something that smelled just like this, something to keep him sane on the nights of inactivity, He’d taken Lance’s coat. It was too big for Keith and perfect when he was cold on the Marmora cruiser.
Why did he take it? It was a last minute thought as he was exiting the castle. He’s seen it sitting on one of the lounge couches, Lance nowhere in sight. When he picked it up he hadn’t expected it to be so soft. He turned it over in his hands admiring how clean Lance kept it. Some of the edges had become frayed and there was a hole in the left pocket, but it was still soft. He thought about finding Lance and returning it to him before he left but Kolivan was waiting in the hanger. So Keith did something he would feel guilty about later, he slung the bulky coat on and made a dash for the hanger.
Kolivan didn’t question it, but a few of the other Blades recognized it as the paladin Lance’s clothing item. They asked him why Lance gave it to him and Keith dodged the question multiple times. Looking back on it now, it would have been easier to just say he stole it because as the days turned to weeks his fellow Blades had thought up a pretty embarrassing reason why Keith would have this coat.
It was brought up during a mealtime meeting. Keith had forgotten to leave the coat in his bunk and instead wore it out in the lounge space earning him a few glances and smirks. He shook it off and grabbed his food rations. Keith took a seat next to Kolivan and ate in silence, that is until Kolivan decided to have the most awkward conversation Keith had ever had with anybody.
“I see you are wearing his coat again.” Kolivan regarded Keith’s appearance from the corner of his eye, not daring to make full eye contact.
Keith swallowed his food, “Um yeah. It’s always cold on this ship and I forgot to leave it in my bunk.”
“Yes, I am aware you sleep with it on,” Kolivan said as he took a sip of water. “It’s nice to have a memory of a loved one close with you. Especially when that loved one is far away. I myself wear this,” Kolivan reached for his neck and pulled out a silver necklace from his layered robes. There was a locket attached to it, he opened it revealing a picture of an elderly Galran woman. His face grew almost soft as he eyed the picture with an intense gaze, “That is my mother, Niesha. No longer does she live in the waking world, she is amongst the stars now, but her close company brings me comfort in times of stress.” He clasped the locket shut and tucked it back out of sight.
“So I understand why you’d bring such a thing with you.” He nodded to himself as he took another sip of water a bite of his rations.
Keith was quiet, he’d stopped eating and could only stare at Kolivan. Suddenly the looks the others gave him made sense. They thought that the coat was a parting gift. They thought Keith’s evasion to the question of the coats purpose was due to embarrassment. They thought Lance was a loved one. What kind of loved one?
As if they could read his thoughts the Blade sitting across from him spoke up. “I find it absolutely fascinating. Is it some kind of human tradition to give up an article of clothing to your spouse before they leave for war?”
“How romantic!” Another chimed in, “Although I don’t believe they are bonded in such a union. I do not see any ceremonial bracelets or rings.” A few of the Blades nearest Keith looked at his wrists, hands, and ankles confirming there were no ornaments present.
Keith felt his face grow hot. “We’re not married.” He growled through gritted teeth.
“Of course you're not, you both seem a bit young. Ah, so it’s young love!”
“A couple of lovestruck lads.”
“It must be hard to be so far from him.”
Keith couldn’t get a word in, the room was abuzz with congratulatory praise and odd questions about mating rituals. Feeling uncomfortable he left his rations half eaten and retreated back to his bunk. He could hear Kolivan reprimand the crew for teasing Keith about his relationship.
Since then anytime there was a televised event about the coalition Keith was the first to know. The Blade updated him on the latest performance of the paladin’s ridiculous coalition act. Apparently, they had all donned strange personas with weird names like Humorous Hunk and Shiro the Hero. But the most outlandish thing Keith had to witness was a clip of one of their most popular shows. The Blade played this clip on the main deck gawking and complimenting Keith on his taste.
The clip was of Lance, or as he was known across the galaxy: Lover Boy Lance. He was expertly descending a long rope from Red’s mouth. Keith had no idea how strong Lance was, or how he kept himself balanced with the strength of his core and arms. Not only that but the boy had done all sorts of tricks with his legs including mid-air splits.
The comments never ended. “Is he flexible in other ways?” “My god Keith you lucky guy.”
All the members of the Blade assumed Keith and Lance were dating and/or engaged. The only thing keeping him from denying it was his own opinion about Lance. It’s not like the boy was bad to look at, Keith would be lying if he said Lance wasn’t handsome. Afterall it was Lance’s coat that kept him from losing it on the lonely nights. He could wrap himself up and forget all his stress. Surrounded by a familiar scent he could easily drift off to sleep in.
Keith had slowly begun to realize his feelings the longer he was away. He could barely remember how Lance’s laugh sounded and would recall Lance’s smile daily just so he wouldn’t start to forget it. In the moments before Lotor saved him Keith’s one regret was not seeing his team, not seeing Lance one last time. He wanted to hear everyone laugh, he wanted to see them smile. He wanted to tell Lance something important.
So as he and Lance stood there, holding onto each other for dear life, he felt relieved and alive, more alive than he’d felt in months. He wanted to stay wrapped up in Lance’s caring embrace, but they were awkwardly interrupted by a heavy cough.
They broke apart wide-eyed and fidgety, trying to straighten themselves. It was Kolivan who had coughed, he looked less stern than he usually did.
“Keith we made it here as fast as we could. Before I join the others in Lotor’s interrogation I wanted to return this to you. You left it on your bunk.” Kolivan held out Lance’s coat and placed in Keith’s stunned hands. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll leave you two alone.” He nodded swiftly and turned to leave through the bay doors. That’s when Keith took notice of the empty main deck, Hunk and Coran were no longer here. He hadn’t noticed them leave.
Keith and Lance were alone now. Lance had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at his coat in Keith’s hands.
“So you took it. I was looking for that thing for weeks.” Lance looked from the coat to Keith, “Of all the things to take with you, why did you take my coat?” There was amusement in his blue eyes as he crossed his arms.
“I - uh - you see it was in the lounge and - I was gonna find you - but I was in a hurry and…” Keith took a moment to think, why had he taken the coat? He could have just left it there Lance would have found it eventually. “...I needed an anchor.” He confessed.
“A what? How would my coat anchor you?” Lance was smiling slightly, but his tone was nervous.
“Well, I guess I was lucky I found it because your coat kept me pretty warm on the ship. It also kept me from breaking down... made me feel closer to you guys. I was so far but it reminded me you were out there somewhere.” Keith felt like pulling his hood over his head, his face was uncomfortably warm.
“Oh.” Lance’s face was beet red and his eyes darted all over the deck. “Well this is gonna sound funny but since we’re in such a sharing mood I, uh kinda stole your jacket, too.”
Now it was Keith’s turn to be confused. “What, but it’s in my room. Why would you go in there while I was away?”
“I was looking for my coat and thought maybe Coran put it in your room by accident when he was cleaning or something, but all I found was your jacket.” Lance kept his arms crossed like he was shielding himself. “You know… it’s pretty boring without you here, dude. Like everyone has their thing. Allura, Shiro, and Coran planned battles and coalition events. Hunk, Pidge, and even Matt had themselves holed up in their computer lab. Then there was me, I was there to pilot Red and perform when asked, but I felt like an actor. Being happy all the time is exhausting Keith.” Lance let his arms fall and he looked intently at his hands.
“Cheering people up is hard when they don’t want to do the same for you. So when I found your jacket I just kinda… lost it. You were gone and everyone went back to doing their thing but I was just left alone. I didn’t know how alone I was until you left, and every day after that I hoped to god you were okay. Your gaudy leather jacket reminded me you were still out there somewhere. It’s on my bed actually.”
Lance scratched the back of his head, “Um, I couldn’t sleep without it. If I didn’t have it near me I’d have horrible nightmares of you not coming back...dying in the line of duty. It felt like nice, I guess your jacket was my anchor.”
Keith took a tentative step closer to Lance and placed a hand on his cheek, the other still holding his coat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I promise I won’t be self-sacrificing… for  while.” Laugh let out a small laugh.
“Good, I don’t need you making me worry now that you’re back, at least for a few days at least.” Lance ran a hand through Keith’s hair, the other snaked around his waist as he pulled him close. Keith dropped Lance’s coat at their feet and took hold of Lance’s face with both of his hands.
“The Blade thinks were either dating or engaged.” Keith hummed as he wrapped his arms around Lance’s neck.
“That’s hilarious. All because you were wearing my jacket?” Lance smiled as he became lost in Keith’s violet eyes.
“Well I slept in it too, but yeah. It’s really soft.” Keith smirked.
“Now that you're back you're probably gonna want your jacket back huh?” Lance made a look of fake disappointment. “I won’t be too broken up about it because I think I’m going to be getting an upgrade.”
“An upgrade?” Keith raised a playful eyebrow.
“Well if you don’t mind wearing it while I hold you, I think that would be a good compromise.” Lance let his fingers weave through Keith's hair.
“I think that’s fair, but why would I ever consider cuddling up with you?” Keith pretended to look disinterested, but couldn’t fight the growing smile on his face.
“Keith! I’m hurt! Don’t you remember how I’m your long distance war finance?” Lance chuckled closing his eyes while he laughed at himself. His laugh was music to Keith’s ears, it wasn’t the fake boasting laugh from the coalition shows. No, this was honest and Keith cherished every second of it.
Keith couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned in while Lance was still laughing and kissed his cheek. He pulled back and watched Lance’s eyes sparkle before looking at him confused.
“Hey, you missed.” Lance said before quickly countering with a kiss to Keith’s lips. Keith felt all the blood in his body boil. He wrapped his arms tighter around Lance’s neck, not want him to move from his position. He could taste something sweet on Lance’s soft lips and gasped when they broke for air.
Keith leaned his forehead against Lance’s as they both panted breathing heavy. Keith thought Lance’s half-lidded gaze was hypnotic. A hand tangled itself in Keith’s hair lightly tugging it back leaving Keith open for a second kiss. Lance missed Keith’s lips and instead kissed neck, trailing up Keith’s jaw before stopping to hover over his lips.
“I think we should take this “cuddling” to a more private place before someone walks in on us.” Keith whispered, not want this to stop but was aware there were plenty of people wandering the ship now.
“My room?” Lance asked hurriedly finding Keith wrists, tugging him eagerly towards the door. Keith laughed and picked up Lance’s coat off the ground before they disappeared down the corridors of the castle.
Somewhere in the lower deck of the ship Pidge was rolling her eyes as she closed the security footage to the main deck. She was going to have a very serious conversation with Keith later, the rest of the team needs to know what’s going on with him.
“What were you watching just now Pidge, I heard you laughing.” Matt leaned in to peek at her wrist gauntlet’s screen.
“Nothing, just a couple of idiots finally reliving their pent-up emotions.” With that Pidge closed out the screen and went back to paying attention to Lotor’s interrogation and asked Matt what she missed.
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midnightstarr8 · 7 years
RULES: 1. Answer 11 questions. 2. Write your own 11 questions to pass on. 3. Tag 11 people.
This will be my third go-round at this thanks to the lovely @bleuemelomane <3 Loved your answers girl, especially the music! This time I probably won’t tag people but I will answer all of your questions!
1. Do you write fiction/fanfiction? If not, would you like to? -I do write from time to time; you can find my fanfiction at fanfiction.net under this link! https://www.fanfiction.net/~midnightstarr . I used to write a lot more than I really do now; I think I’ve been slipping back out of the Beyblade fandom a bit and that’s keeping me from really having the inspiration I need, but it’s also hard to really want to write after you’ve been working for 12 hours already lol. Work kills me. PS; if you check out that link don’t go back any further than three years LOL the rest of my stuff is crap.
2. What inspired you to be the person that you are today? -I think for the longest time, I was the girl that cared what everybody thought. Like really really cared, hearing something bad about myself or that I’d done something wrong and I’d go nights with no sleep. So I decided that I had to change that because it’s not right to live your life in fear of what others think of you: you’re not gonna please everybody. So keep the people closest to you happy, keep yourself happy and don’t stretch yourself too thin for other people. We’re all only so deep until we run shallow, so take care of your self-esteem! I had a wonderful father but a not-so-great mom and both of my parents struggle with alcohol addiction and work away for weeks at a time, so I mostly raised myself. I’ve always been a really independent person, but not that confident: it’s really different. Aiming to be a nurse and possibly a doctor has really helped me with my self-confidence because there’s nothing like leaving the room of your patient and knowing you made a positive difference to them. Their health depends on your judgement and your medical assessment, knowledge and skill: it’s a great boost when you’ve done something that really makes a difference. I’m still not entirely sure what kind of person I am, because on certain days I feel like a wonderful person and on other days I feel like a bad one. I think we all cycle through that, so really if we all try to just be the best kinda person we can I’m hoping that makes up for it in the end.
3. Name a few mundane things about your daily life that put you in a good mood. -Omg, okay. A cold glass or can of Diet Pepsi. Yummmm, probably with ice. Especially after a long day at work. My laptop, always running down my playlists. Putting on lipstick and nailing the perfect application! My pups cuddling up to me in bed and putting her face on mine - lmfao it’s just an adorable way to wake up. On sunny days, when we’re lucky enough to have them, if the wind’s just right the sea turns this amazing bright blue and everything just looks and sounds better. Hearing my dad playing with the animals, when Brandon calls and he says he had an awesome day at school.... Coming online here and seeing someone agrees or wants to talk about one of my headcanons! All things that make me mundanely happy.
4. Name an event that had a deep impact on your life. -That’s really difficult... Like, I’d like to say my parents’ divorce but I was a child and mom’s alcohol abuse has just been one long road of battery and ignorance. So that doesn’t really count either. Maybe graduating from nursing school... That definitely changed my life in big ways. The things you learn and the responsibility you carry is so huge, it’s a bit like carrying around a bomb that could blow at any time and you’re the only one who knows how to defuse it so if you make a mistake everything goes BOOM
5. What would be the perfect crossover for you? (Could be from movies, animes, books.. Whatever you want.) -Holy shit, uh, Beyblade, Sailor Moon and Digimon. Can you imagine a world with so much magic...?
6. What was your very first OTP/ship? -Honestly Beyblade came first.... So that would make it RayxMariah! Hahaha god love their hearts <3 Then V-Force happened and it became MaxxMariam but I still have my ReixMariah feels. Nothing but real love for that pairing.
7. Are you more of an email person or a letter person? -I think I actually do prefer emails.. It’s just quicker. Plus letters can get messy and time-consuming when you’re trying to write a whole lot. Emails I can pop it down and be done!
8. Do you relate to a fictional character? -This is gonna be lame but I really think I relate to Tyson. I am Tyson. From the bottomless gut to the engorged head to the fact that I think my friends might ditch me from time to time but they keep comin’ crawling back and I still love them to bits. Can’t relate to the champion thing though. I am master of nothing.
9. What’s your skincare routine? Do you have any secret tips that have made you as awesome as you are now? -This is laughable, but I don’t really have a skincare routine. Like there’s nothing I do nightly. In the shower I use a body wash on my face and neck called Sea-Kissed Scrub. It’s got sea salt in it, like little granules so I rub it into my face and my dry skin just totally disappears plus I feel so fresh. But otherwise, when I get out of the shower in the mornings I moisturize with whatever moisturizer I have in front of me (I have about 30 - right now it’s tarte’s H20) and then I put on my makeup. I don’t wear foundation. Really. None. I might use a pressed powder in white and maybe a concealer, but no foundation. It’s too hard to match my skin tone; I’m pale as fuck with naturally blushed cheeks so there’s nothing full coverage enough to handle it. So I just do some on-point lips and eyes and that’s about it.
10. Talk about your OCs/fictional characters: how did you create them, what makes them special.... -I’m not nearly talented enough to have a good OC, but honestly my portrayal of Mariam in my fics and in my roleplaying online here and on skype is probably close enough to having an OC. We have so little info about her as a character that it’s like having a bit of a blank canvas: time to play! I think what drew me to Mariam is that she’s so stubborn and a bit cocky, but at the same time she can be taken down a notch; like she’s not so much of an idiot that she can’t learn something new? She makes mistakes, and she’s not the best beyblader on her team and she fights with her captain and he has to be strict with her but she didn’t let that stop her from believing Max belonged with Draciel. So like, she’s a really individual thinker and I like that. So while my Mariam isn’t afraid to live life, I generally have her make a lot of mistakes... Because when you leap into everything head over heels, some things just don’t work out. And she’s a passionate person: when she’s pissed she’s pissed, when she’s upset she’s really upset so like that can spiral out of control at times. She has a couple bad habits and she makes a lot of assumptions about people. I think Mariam is special because she’s not the feminine soft that she wishes she was so she wears pretty dresses to make up for that. I think she’s special because no one else can make as many fucked up bad decisions as her and still find room to make another bad decision. Haha I love her because she grows. She has good days and bad days: like a normal person, like all characters should. She’s special because she’s mine.
11. Finally, let’s talk about cute fluffy friends: Talk about your pets! -Okay. Shadow is my nearly two-year old pup!! She’s jet black with a white patch on her chest and two white feet! She’s a border collie and terrier mix so while she’s not a huge dog she’s fluffy as fuck and soft to the touch with a really pretty face! I got Shadow because my father was getting depressed, and he loves animals even more than I do so I figured it was time for a dog. I’ve never owned one, so she’s my first pup and honestly she was so hard to train at first that I doubted my ability hahaha. She talks to us! Shadow is THE most verbal dog I have ever come across and everyone else who gets to know her says the same thing. She has a full range of speech. Shadow’s our pretty puppy. Now, a few days after getting Shadow, we made the choice to go and adopt a kitty too... Because I’ve owned cats all my life and Dad said ‘if we’re gettin’ one might as welll get two.’ So we did! On the day we visited the rescue, a lady came in with a carrier with two tiny babies in it... They’d just been pulled out of a drain pipe. So I chose Ghost. He was a snow white little guy who was terrified of people. So he went to the vet, got his shots, some ointment for his sore little eyes and he came home. The first night home, he curled up in his litter box and wouldn’t come near us but Shadow crawled in it with him and they slept there that night. After that it got easier and easier!!! Ghost has had a hard road, and late last year we found out he’d developed necrosis of his hip.... So he had to have a leg amputated. My kitty is a proud amputee and doing great!!! In fact, now he’s not in pain anymore and he’s so damn happy and active because of it. He’s a sook now. More for dad than for me, but that’s okay because that’s how I intended it. God love their hearts, they are serving their purpose. <3
And that was 11 questions! Thanks for the tag @bleuemelomane, <3 you.
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0n-y0ur-left · 7 years
@machine-dove sent me a message yelling about my tags on this post and said I had to write the ficlet.
I’m always a slut for prompts, so...
The thing was, Steve would swear in the years that followed, he really felt like him and Bucky had been dancing around this for months.  They’d been best friends for years, for as far back as either of them could remember, but after the weirdness that had been middle school there’d been a charge there, a spark of something humming beneath the surface of their interactions that both excited and scared the hell out of them.  
Or out of Steve, anyway.  He’d finally gotten the nerve to admit - to himself and his friends and loved ones - that he had a thing for both girls and guys at the start of eleventh grade, and while he didn’t have dates of either sex lining up to ask him out, it had at least cleared the air between him and Bucky.  And when Buck had broken up with his last girl of the month, four months ago (not that Steve was keeping track), and they’d started constantly hanging out together again, like old times… well, there was a nasty little voice in Steve’s head that couldn’t help reading more into it.
Especially when Bucky insisted sharing milk shakes when they went out after school, or popcorn when they went to the movies, or letting Steve borrow his Varsity jacket when he accidentally/on purpose forgot to bring his own coat to the Homecoming game they’d gone stag to.  There was definitely something there, something more than Steve had ever dreamed of hoping for - but while one mean side of him liked to point out the possibility of his best friend becoming something even more, the other, meaner side always shut him down: making sure to remind Steve as harshly as possible just how delusional he was being.
Because Bucky, even if he was single, had never once expressed an interest in being with other guys.  And even if he had, Buck was so far out of Steve’s league that it wasn’t funny.  He was smart - honor council this year, top of their class since he’d first transferred to Brooklyn in elementary school - he was on student council, starting pitcher for the varsity baseball team as  a sophomore, a key player in every drama production Washington High had put on since he’d started there.  People were tripping over the opportunity to hang out with Bucky Barnes, never mind the chance to date him.  And Steve… Steve was just Steve.  Scrawny asthmatic with a chip on his shoulder, painfully average student and GSA representative.  He was a decent artist when people took the time to actually look at his work, and Bucky swore up and down that he was funny as hell, but for the most part Steve knew that the only reason he wasn’t regularly getting shoved in lockers anymore was because he was most famous for being Bucky Barnes’ best friend.
Steve was an idiot for even imagining that he had a chance with someone as perfect as Bucky, but he wasn’t so stupid that he’d go and risk something as important as their friendship by asking him out.
Besides, they hung out so often that Steve felt he could pretty safely pretend they were dating.  In the deepest, darkest corners of his mind.  And if ninety-nine percent of his schmoopy fan art of late was based on an AU of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne as dorky high school boyfriends that maybe bore a little bit of a resemblance to the dumb shit that the two of them did together?  Well… no one needed to know.
It got more hits to his blog, at least.
That said, there were still nights when Steve’s stupid brain couldn’t help but wish.  So when Bucky had sent his text on the Sunday before the MLK Holiday, when Steve was already pouting about the fact that he couldn’t join him in their volunteer plans because his stupid head had decided to come down with a stupid cold, well… Steve couldn’t help feeling a little reckless.
Text from Bucky Received 09:32 PM
What do you wear to bed?
Steve had been staring at it for a solid thirty seconds, blinking and trying to convince himself that it really wasn’t the Nyquil that he’d taken earlier - that Bucky really was asking him that question.
He had to know how suggestive it was.  Steve had watched Bucky charm girls since they were in elementary school… he knew how to flirt, he knew how people took his words.  Which meant - he had to be flirting with Steve.  It wasn’t completely out of the blue, not really, but it still left Steve such a squirmy mess that he actually had to abandon his tablet on his desk and fall back onto his mattress to read it again.
Bucky had stayed over enough times over the years to know damned well that Steve usually just slept in whatever outsized summer camp t-shirt was cleanest in his drawer and either a pair of old boxers or ratty pajama pants; but he couldn’t very well say that.  Not in response to his first sext.
He bit the hell out of his lip, dismissing the thought as fast as he could, before  finally forcing his fingers to type out an answer.  
Text to Bucky Sent 9:34 PM
depends on the weather
if its summer just a black jock or smth ;)
He held his breath as the ellipses bubble appeared on Bucky’s side of the screen, rereading his response obsessively.  Best case scenario: Bucky really was flirting with him, and they could get it out of their systems the easy way… break the ice on a text screen, then make out like fiends in person the next time they hung out together.  Worst case scenario: Bucky would ask him what the fuck he was talking about and Steve would laugh it off as a joke.
He was golden.
He was really, really fucking hoping for the former - although as Bucky continued typing he couldn’t help but start panicking.
Text from Bucky Received 9:35 PM
k but what about like in the winter
do u wear warm pajamas?
What the fuck?
Steve actually started to type as much, but the rest of Bucky’s responses came in a flurry of messages.
Text from Bucky Received 9:35 PM
my mom is making me throw out my old superman pajamas and i kno theyre about ur size
i swear theyre not gross or anything
ill wash them before
if u want them
i just know u like superman and its dumb to throw them away
Steve finished reading the texts, dropped the phone onto his comforter, and covered his face in his hands because - oh God.  It was so painfully cute, so painfully Buck that he couldn’t help giggling, and immediately picked the phone back up to read the exchange again.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he took a screenshot and hit the share icon for his Tumblr account.  After a second’s debate he added the hashtag #Ur fav would NEVEr #This boy and posted it.
He rolled onto his side, staring at the screenshot and grinning like a crazy person… and then succumbed to the cold meds, finally.
Steve woke up coughing a short while later, blinking in confusion before realizing that he’d definitely fell asleep on top of his covers, with his damned contacts still in.  He reluctantly moved to the bathroom to pop them out (his eyes were already a sticky, awful mess, so leaving them in absolutely wasn’t worth how he’d feel in the morning), then stumbled back to his bed, groaning when he noticed the time on his alarm clock.
He face-planted back into his pillow, only to bash his nose against the cold, hard surface of his phone.  With a curse he moved the damned thing to his nightstand - then remembered how he’d fell asleep in the first place.  He knocked three books on the floor feeling for his glasses on the nightstand, but finally got them on his nose and pulled his phone screen close to his face, blinking in surprise when he saw his Tumblr app notifications.
With a little red bubble that read 1,000+ next to it.
Steve opened the app with shaking fingers, only to laugh out loud when he realized which post it was that had blown up.  He hadn’t imagined the interchange with Bucky, and apparently the entire damned internet was every bit as charmed as he’d felt.  A quick scroll through his inbox confirmed that at least fifty people thought they should get married.
Which… was probably jumping the gun, but was something that Steve couldn’t help preening over, just a little.
Text to Bucky sent 06:03 AM
If nothing else, Buck would get a good laugh out of it in the morning, Steve figured with a giggle.
A giggle that stopped as soon as the blue check mark appeared next to Bucky’s name.
Text from Bucky received 06:03 AM
Steve - had definitely not expected Buck to be up yet, but he could hardly abandon the conversation now.
Text to Bucky sent 06:04 AM
I put this on tumblr.  U should see the responses!
It vaguely occurred to Steve that he probably should have asked for permission ahead of time, but it was Bucky.  And it wasn’t as if he’d said anything terrible - if anything, Steve came out looking like the pervy idiot.
Besides, none of their classmates would guess that this random Bucky on the internet was their Bucky: no one outside of their immediate friend group knew that Buck was such a dork, or would believe it in the first place.
Text from Bucky received 06:04 AM
is that ur art site?
Steve hid his grin behind his hand.  His art site.  Please…
Text to Bucky sent 06:04 AM
yeah sort of.  i post on it sometimes
it got huge responses!
more than any drawings :P
PS how old r these pjs?  if they r gonna fit me? XD
Text from Bucky received 06:04 AM
Steve’s heart sank in his chest as the ellipse button appeared immediately under Bucky’s response.  He was in the middle of stumbling out of bed to retrieve his laptop to delete the damned thing when his phone chimed again.
Text from Bucky received 06:05 AM
i lied to millions of ppl on the internet
my mom isnt making me throw my pajamas out
i saw them at target
Steve was about to laugh and make a snarky reply about the ‘millions’ part (he had a grand total of five hundred twenty-three people following his crappy fan art blog, but Bucky always was one for dramatics) but the rest of Bucky’s rant stopped him cold.
Text from Bucky received 06:05 AM
they were on sale tho
i know we already did xmas presents
they just made me think of u
Steve’s smile was so wide his face ached.  The ellipses kept coming.
Text from Bucky received 06:06 AM
no they werent
they werent on sale
thats another lie
sorry tumbler
can they see this now???
Steve was dying.  Bucky was going to actually kill him with adorableness, and he didn’t even seem to realize it.  After smothering a squeal in his pillow Steve got his shit together and started typing back.
Text to Bucky sent 06:06AM
nope! no worries ;)
He gnawed viciously on his bottom lip as he typed up his follow up, started to delete it twice, then finally manned up and hit send.  
Steve was a lot of things, but he sure as hell hoped he wouldn’t ever be called a coward.
Text to Bucky sent 06:07 AM
i got about 50 message overnight tho
they all say i’ve gotta marry you XD
The emoticon, Steve decided when he saw the blue checkmark beneath it, was a nice touch.  If Buck freaked out now, he could just laugh the whole thing off as a joke.
(he wasn’t laughing while the ellipse bubble flashed next to Bucky’s name ten billion times in the next two minutes)
Text from Bucky sent 06:08 AM
we should prob start with coffee first
if ur feeling better i can pick u up tuesday?
is seven okay?
Steve stared at his phone for a solid thirty seconds, gaping in shock, before pressing the call button next to Bucky’s name with shaking fingers.  Seven was perfect, but he could hardly trust himself to type as much.
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humanistauno · 4 years
A Journal by: Paola Marie Zuniga
December 16, 2019
A community blast!
Exactly 5:45 AM, I jumped out of my bed and prepared myself up. Today’s the day for our community visitation and survey. I will not deny that I kinda got excited with the thought of going out for a community immersion in a place I have never been visited.
All set! We had so much fun (or maybe only me) riding the trike to Brgy. Paraiso’s Sitio Salkan. I loved how the trike go up and down because of the rocky kind of road there – although, a part of me is kinda worried since I sat at the back part and I am undeniably heavy so, I was thinking about our tricycle getting stuck because of me. I was so excited about the ‘hiking part’ but it all disappeared when I felt my body getting heavier than it was used to be. I got tired easily and I can only think of two reasons why did that thing happened; first, because of how high the place is and second, that was the day I had my exercise ever since December started.
Everything went well, fortunately. We had interviewed 3 participants from different houses and we also had a chance to stay up on a hill and watch those eye-warming trees surrounding the whole place. We even took our lunch there and of course did some photoshoots. That is something we cannot forget, to be honest. Oh well, so much for this day. I am kinda tired with all the hiking and walking and running and stuffs and now, your little girl here needs her sleep. Ciao!
December 18, 2019
“Happy another-step-in-reaching-death Day slash legality day”
To be very honest, I wanted not to open my eyes. I mean, I know it’s my birthday and I have to be thankful for this another year being added but, who would like to celebrate their birthday without their mother? But oh well, my body betrayed me and it moved on its own plus I still need to open the boutique and do kinds of stuff there.
Tons of ‘Happy birthdays’ and such were received both personally and In social media. I am thankful for those people because I felt special with their birthday greetings and all. It made me soft and think, maybe it’s not that bad to celebrate my birthday after all, even with the absence of my mother. Also, speaking of which, my mom called me and I tried not to cry. I joked around while she cried on the other line. Ah, it hurts to hear your mom cry aye?
To be very honest, I cried while I was in the boutique – cleaning and arranging dresses. This was supposed to be a very happy and special day since I just turned 18 and here I am, doing work and just spend the entire day watching anime. Nothing special, really.
Ps: my churchmates and my tita prepared foods at the church. It lifted my spirit a little and I do appreciate the effort.
December 20, 2019
“Church thanksgiving and Christmas party!”
So far, this is the most awaited day for me. I am just ready to receive gifts and stuff from peeps in the church. Also, I am kinda excited about the prepared foods. The party started with a blast! We had the victory got talent and it was epic I must say! Every participant did a very good job and that includes my sister and two cousins who won first place in the said event.
After that segment, the most awaited part had arrived and it was EATING TIME! I only ate meat at that time and avoided rice hehe – I did not even touch the cake but then I kept on eating the fried chicken. I honestly can not stop myself at that time since I was craving for that and I know we need to feed up that craving and be happy for the rest of our lives with the help of these foods!
Receiving gifts for me is the highlight of the party- I received gifts from my Ates and Kuyas and also from my Ninongs and Ninangs. So for those who posted on Facebook about their godparents who were missing in action, I really can’t relate to your posts as of the moment (ooh, arrogance at its finest oho).
It was a great night actually, although, after the party, we went straight to the wake of my grandmother who passed away just right before my birthday. We stayed up late until 4 AM just to play lucky 9 and Bingo. I am kinda new to the card game (Lucky 9) and don’t even know a single thing so my cousin had to teach and guide me from time to time just for me to participate in the game. It was fun actually.
December 24, 2019
“A Happy Christmas”
We started this day with a dawn service in our church which for me is the best thing to do. I mean, it would be nice to start your day worshipping and praying to our creator. After the service, we had hot Choco and suman prepared by our pastor and we had fellowship with our co-members in church.
The moment we reached home from church, I found myself sleeping on my bed again. I woke up at 3PM actually and I took a bath immediately – after hours of sleeping and enjoying the dream I was having, back to the same routine again. Do some household chores then indulged myself to anime.
As the darkness finally took over, we started to become busy preparing food for the Christmas Eve. We don’t have much food for the celebration but being together, eating in one table is so much better than having lots of food but there’s no one to talk too. I kind of like being alone but I love being with my family.
Our house was filled with my music and shouts from my cousins the moment the clock struck 12. Exchanging of ‘Merry Christmas’ were heard inside our house as the 8 of us gathered around the table. We prayed and did a video call with my mom who was celebrating Christmas alone in her dorm in Cebu. ‘Twas sad honestly, seeing your mom on the screen of your phone, alone, while you’re with the rest of the family, eating together. I kind of felt sorry that she had to go somewhere far from us just for the sake of our future. But hey! It’s Christmas, we obviously does not want to break the joy we were having in our hearts, and so, we still laughed and joked around as we have our small celebration.
It was indeed, a happy Christmas.
December 29. 2019
“Mini reunion”
Every family gathering, I have always felt uninvited. Maybe because our family was known as one of the most problematic among the others and that made me feel uncomfortable every occasion.
Early in the morning as we prepare ourselves for church, my tita told me that we will be attending the reunion after church. At first, I said I am not going to show up in that gathering because I am pretty sure I will be left out, yeah – I am that negative. But after our church service, my cousins did convince me to attend the said reunion and even blackmailed me and left me no choice but attend the reunion.
The world seemed so dark to me at that time, sitting on the corner, frowning while I watch my titas and titos laugh and do crazy stuffs. At first, I really am not in the mood but when they called us out because we are about to eat, my mood changed a bit. Food can really change the world, yes. Well, I ate a lot. One thing I liked when we have gatherings is that the food being prepared are way too delicious that it made me forget how grumpy I am earlier. And since the food enlightened me up – after eating, I started to mingle with my younger cousins, they would kiss me in the cheek then we’ll sing along at the karaoke. It made me think that it wasn’t really a bad idea joining this mini reunion. The kids had their parlor games which was facilitated by me (lol) and it made me realize, kids can really wash away those negative cells you have in your body.
Guilt was slowly eating me at that time. How can I enjoy listening to their funny talks and even enjoy the presence of the kids where in the first place I was so negative about this gathering and even talked bad things about them inside my head. But here’s what I had realized like really.. I may talk bad about them but now, I will try my best to repay the goodness they were showing which I had failed to recognize through hard work in school and make them proud. Somehow, I want to be a good relative for them despite of how bad my thoughts about them are.
January 1, 2020
To be honest, I did not started 2020 with a ‘good morning world’ since I did not sleep last night and I spent the whole night talking over the phone with my friend who was living in Makati. We talked about stuffs like our favorite anime series and of course, our cringey new year’s resolutions.
The whole first day of 2020 was not spent wisely. Body was still glued on the bed, eyes were still darted on the screen of the laptop. Productivity was nowhere to be found. I am pretty sure everyone wanted to be productive in the first day of 2020 but look who’s lazing around and let the whole world go crazy on its own as long as she get to finish her favorite anime, it’s me your girl.
6:15PM in the evening, we went to church for our midweek service. It’s kind of cool to start up 2020 with God’s words yeah? The whole preach was about reminders and of course it gave blessing to every listeners. Who wouldn’t be blessed by his words right?
The first day of 2020 ended up semi-good and semi-not. Semi-good because we went to church and heard wonderful messages and reminders and semi-not because I was not productive, I only fed up my anime desires and finished a whole series. Ugh.
January 3, 2020
“A man in green”
When boredom hits you, you sure do things just to make yourself busy and entertained. As for me, I’m clinging up unto omegle at times like that and I wasn’t really expecting to meet someone who just became my crush in just a snap.
So okay, here it goes. Every time I do omegle, my interest were always ‘bnha’ ‘mha’ and ‘anime’ and so I started the chat and words such as ‘you both like anime’ had appeared. The stranger did messaged me first with a hello with plenty of letter Os and was followed by ‘M20’. When I receive replies like that, I always end the conversation right away because I think they were just some horny dudes trying to get some nudes from girls they met in omegle but at that time, since I was bored and all, I replied ‘F18’ and did not end the conversation. Betraying my own rules, yeah the power of boredom and curiosity.
And so the guy once again replied and asked me about my favorite anime series. I did answered him that I have a lot of favorites but I then told him my favorites among the favorites which are One Punch Man and Boku no hero Academia. I was really expecting for him to freak out and end the conversation since many peeps in the anime community doesn’t like both series for its plot and both series are overrated animes but this guy replied “OMG YES SAME” and was followed by “I LIKE DEKU” “WHO’S YOUR BEST BOI” and such which I find funny so I tag along and replied him with ALL CAPS.
The whole duration of our conversation was fun and all, until we decided to exchange our instagram accounts. And there I saw a green eyed human with green hair. He is a good looking man who like rats and is obsessed with my hero Academia. While me, just a rotten potato who assumed he was a horny guy who asks nudes from girls. It was really fun and all since we are both born-again Christians and we are also both musicians in our church, he play the electric guitar in their fellowship while I play the bass guitar.
We were really having fun fanboying and fangirling over the series until he replied a.. “Let’s get married”
PS: I said yes and we are now happily living as anime couple in instagram.
0 notes