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That's a nice album you got there
let me just
yt-dlp --ignore-errors --format bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 320K --output "%(title)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?
thank youu
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The more I think about it, the more i believe the game falls into all cliches with SA in media. Anya has no personality except being a victim. She has no extensive backstory like all the male characters. She has no agency. Really only one moment where we get her perspective (dead pixel scene). We are meant to look at her death as a not the worst outcome, not her worst moment.
There is nothing wrong in writing this face of coping and trauma. But she deserved more – more writing, screentime, attention.
In this state things happen to her and men around her run around and fail to take responsibility. The moral is that men should take responsibility, and that they need to care for women around them like children. Only the first half of this is true.
I hate that Anya is nothing but a victim in this game. Literally could have been a lamp.
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Linuxed a pc taken out of trash with a spare windows 7 hdd on a projector during a community sleepover. So cool and goofy lol
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I desperately need money and added online lessons to my offer
Everytime someone gets me for a online lesson it seems they hate their children. I am very cheap and think that 80% is because there is noone cheaper in their area, but it absolutely is also the lack of care for quality for those children.
On one hand my current pupil has difficulty with reading, is at least 3 years behind on material and 90% has adhd. Online lessons are the worst thing in a case like this. But I'd like to think I'm better then nothing.
Also this form makes me such a bad teacher. You need to control them all the time, push them for answers, point out all the time when they cheat or are doing something else — which is very often. i feel like a cop, it is awful.
But easy money I guess.
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Przed sobą widzisz proste zadanie fizyczne: "czy dyfuzja zachodzi szybciej między substancjami o wyższej temperaturze? prawda/fałsz"
Matematyka wzrokowa (łatwy, sukces): widzisz atomy wiszące w nicości trzęsące się w chaotyczny sposób, przelatujące między sobą Encyklopedia (łatwy, sukces): Oczywiście dyfuzja to zjawisko samoczynnego przemieszczania się substancji, oczywiście - prawda Empatia (łatwy, sukces): Widzisz zakłopotanie na twarzy ucznia, to proste zadanie może sprawiać mu problem. Na lekcjach może mieć głowę zupełnie indziej, albo lekcje prowadzone są nie tak jak trzeba...
Ty: No to co jak uważasz? Uczeń: chyba prawda...
Empatia (średni, sukces): Wyraźnie jakiś element sprawia mu problem, mimo poprawnej odpowiedzi Logika (łatwy, sukces): Jest tylko jeden element w tym zadaniu, zagadka nie jest trudna.
Ty: Okej, a wiesz czym jest dyfuzja? Uczeń: no nie za bardzo
Retoryka (łatwy, sukces): Wyjaśnij mu to proste zjawisko. Definicja jest zrozumiała, a on niegłupi
Ty: To zjawisko samoczynnego mieszania się substancji przez ich chaotyczny ruch
Retoryka (łatwy, sukces): Świetnie! Domknij to eleganckim przykładem z życia codziennego, coś z czym może mieć częsty kontakt. Encyklopedia (bardzo łatwy, wpływ przyjaciela który w domu nigdy nie zaoferował ci niczego oprócz herbapolu: -12, porażka): Wiem! Coś powszechnego prostego, robotniczego, to musi być wyrazisty obraz!
Ty: ... to jak gdy wlejesz herbapol do wody i on miesza się sam z siebie
Empatia: Konsternacja długo nie opuszcza jego twarzy Spostrzegawczość: W koszu ma 3 paczki po czipsach. W tej ekonomii? To ponad połowa twojej wypłaty Logika: Ten bogaty chłopak nigdy nie widział herbapolu Wewnętrzne imperium: Syrop bogów, trunek lotniskowy - wlej go do pojemnika na szampon hotelowy, a następnie wymieszaj z wodą w lotniskowej toalecie za bramkami. Pyszna ulga niskim kosztem! Matematyka wzrokowa: Widzisz warstwę różowego herbapolu na dnie szklanki oddzieloną wyraźną linią od przezroczystej wody. Syrop notorycznie nie miesza się sam z siebie i zostaje gęstą warstwą na dnie. Mimo nieuniknionego dyfundowania, wyraźnie widocznym byś go nie nazwał. Porażka na wszystkich frontach
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I mean i am a rat too and i too try to do engineering
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Jezu na radiu polskim dwójka grają na banjo dobrze że mam radio kapitał i mogę posłuchać dźwięku gryzienia blachy i jeżdżenia kredą po tablicy. Kocham was alternatywne radia proszę nigdy nie gińcie
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Once a week i go into your house and pretend to be you. I will write your emails, do your loundry, dust and organise the shelves, write to your friends and arrange meetings acccording to your calendar
In exchange you do the same for me.
please i beg you i will die this is too many phone calls to make for one mere mortal.
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Recenzja szminki do żelazek
Szminka nie zlikwidowała wszystkich przypalonych polimerków, ale z lekkim dociskiem w 15 minut likwidowaliśmy 95%. Całkiem nieźle, koszt też niewielki bo 12 zł. 9/10
Opary są giga toksyczne: - 1.05 pkt
Nakładanie szminką roztopionego kwasu mrówkowego na pionowo stojące żelazko brzmi jak głupi pomysł — tka właśnie jest. Pobrudzona deska do prasowania, panika, poparzenia: -1 pkt
Wniosek — w sumie to polecam ale nie wdychajcie szminki do żelazek.
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Was at the barlast week and some girls wanted to share their wrapped. The fact that I could pull up my dumbphone and mp3 player and be like "sorry I have spotify only on my desktop" and got a round of "Slaay" and "what is that thing". I haven't felt this cool.
Also i gave my dad access to my account so my 3 of top 5 songs ths year are Carlos Santana. That would be the opposite experience thank god.
I don’t have Spotify so I can’t participate in the fun memes but on the plus side I get to smugly say, “I don’t have Spotify,” when people ask
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But, in true studyblr fashion I will make a motivating post.
A — urgency to importance plot.
Common exercise to sort your priorities. Y is importance of a certain task, X is how fast you need to get to it. It is very helpful when sometimes it just seems you have too much.
For example we can see that i have made enough savings and repeating customers that teaching stopped being an urgent or that important matter. I will not abort it, i still like free money, but I don't need to look for new customers or work that hard for now.
Also scoring internship is way more urgent than writing the thesis, so that is the next goal.
You still want to focus on the important, but not urgent things — they will soon become urgent.
Urgent but not important things can take a break, or get delegated. I think I will find someone to do it for 2 months.
This plot also is important for stress analysis. Urgent things are more stressful than important things. And important and important are obviously the worst. So it is good to eliminate some things and get to work on other quicker.
Don't abort your hobbies. You will need breaks. And you can't get burned out. Self realization is a part of that.
B. This week:
Monday — make some fucking phonecalls. One online session. Get a freaking webcam already. Write an email to your prof. Make a CV template. Edit: and make a psych appointment jfc please
Tuesday — meeting with prof. get to getting some results. Run learning algorithms during the night. Thesis abstract presentation at 16:00. It will help you to build the core of your thesis paper.
Wednesday — results from learning. If everything goes right — train the classifiers, if not just work it out. Make first plots. One teaching session late. Start making notes for final exam — at least list the classes and sort them by importance.
Thursday — Just classes. Get a coffee with some friends. Get some machine learning books for the introduction. You get some work at the library as a treat. Get some drinks, wont have enough energy to keep working.
Friday — Last chance to get the internship, calls, calls, calls. Psych appointment. Library! Get the results together. You probably will have everything now. One teaching session and then community work, probably meeting with gf. Hard to work on fridays.
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Problem C is I just have too much for too little fun.
Don't go into biomedical engineering, it is a waste of time, you will learn nothing.
Do some real engineering, like mechanical, chemical or electrical or computer science. And just focus on the medical aspect of it.
Biomed is the other way around, you focus on the medical side, and then have to choose an engineering field which you know nothing about. Deranged actually.
And fuck you textronics, you will never be a real science, take the L and just die.
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I love Tantacrul, you love Tantacrul. We all should. But this video is next tier. It is impossibly long, but very well made and at least look at the introduction, to get a vibe on how social media changed from a positive thing to a cancer on our lives. Very good.
Side note, engineering thesis is in the works, there may be some studyblr posts in the near future.
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But like still having 2 usb 3. ports and a internet port could make a shitty netbook a serious machine for basically free. Fast wired internet access and inability to transfer photos from my camera straight to a hardrive are seriously the only things i cannot circumvent on my shitty chromebook. Which i use daily to write and code, access my serious machine at home for more intensive programs or run google collabs. For a uni student it basically has everything except that and that is a huge downside, I can't imagine living at a dorm without a wired internet access or moving photos 2 gb at a time.
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Hello! I really like your internet warfare post and am making my own list of goals for after i'm done with academia (which forces me to use my smartphone alot).
I was very curious if you had advice for keeping in contact with people that dont have phones/are international once you unplug? Most of my friends and family are out of the country or have never got onto having a cell phone, and i can't afford international talk and text. T_T They're only on social media like instagram which i want to quit using all together. I have yet to come up with a solution besides email, though. Any advice? Thank you so much!
Omg I am super glad you like it c: It is very nice to know that there is an audience for such advice
I am not unplugged and I'm in uni as well! I have a laptop (cheap) which I carry around everywhere and a PC at home, so i both have access to modern communicators at home and everywhere where wifi is available — uni, libraries, public parks!? it actually makes using the Internet more fun, because i do it mainly in fun places. The only thing that changes is that i don't have access to the Internet constantly and I have to make a conscious choice to connect. So the simple answer is — just let them know you will write only when you have access to the internet. Get this 2005 lifestyle. And actually, yes, email could be a great way, I think writing longer, more thoughtful e–letters with friends could be actually great.
But I have some more specific advice.
If you ditch your smartphone and want to still message people on instagram, but not look at the feed and posts inside you can use LeechBlock to block instagram.com but unlock instagram.com/direct. That way you will be blocked from everything except DMs, making it just a communicator really. Something like this in LeechBlock settings:
As is written in the Tip, + is used to except instagram.com/direct from blocking and allow you to chat with friends. For most of my communications I use messenger.com, which is a way to access fb messages without opening Facebook.
Second one is using a very old version of Instagram or an old smartphone. My phone, which honestly deserves a separate post, is a very old Android phone, but it is so out of support nothing modern really works on it, you cannot even access google play for example. I have instagram on it, but you can only see photos, write comments and chat with friends — no video, which is the biggest issue — so i Can chat with my friends, but there is rarely any other point of opening that hellsite.
For me it will never be possible to delete all socials as I work using them and that's where i share my photos and art and thougths (here :3) with strangers. The goal is to take ownership of my time back, both from google, meta and my colleagues and bosses who all wan't to extract as much of my time and attention as is possible.
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i hate textronics i hate textronics i hate textronics i hate textronics
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