#province of Catania
travelella · 5 months
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Mount Etna, Adrano, Province of Catania, Italy
Maria Teneva
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sciatu · 7 months
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Affreschi di Olivio Sozzi (Catania 1690-Ispica 1765). Poco prima del grande terremoto che distrusse tutta la Sicilia orientale, nasce Olivio Sozzi, uno dei pittori siciliani più grandi del suo tempo (1690-1765). Siamo in un periodo che non possiamo definire felice per l’isola che tra peste, terremoti e guerre vede le città spopolarsi o ridursi a cumuli di macerie. Eppure è un momento di grande fermento, di innovazione con l’introduzione del barocco e di rinnovamento con città ricostruite secondo dettami illuministici. Tra gli autori di questo disperato (perché nasce dalla distruzione) rinnovamento (perché ricrea e svecchia) c’è Olivio Sozzi. Come molti grandi siciliani l’artista cresce innestando sul talento e l’abilità artistica siciliani il respiro europeo formandosi a Roma. Dalla grande e classica città che stava anch’essa risorgendo nel Barocco, Sozzi acquisisce le forme, il gusto, il respiro universale. Tornato in Sicilia e uno dei motori della primavera artistica che nell’isola ripara i danni del triste inverno che aveva cancellato secoli di arte e di vicende storiche. La sua attività si svolge nelle città più ricche di allora, Palermo, Catania, Messina e nelle loro province spaziando dagli affreschi presso le iconiche chiese ortodosse della provincia Palermitana, fino alle rinascenti grandi chiese e cattedrali del siracusano e del catanese. Sozzi non ha l’aerea gioiosa bellezza del Borremans, con le sue leggiadre sante di bell’aspetto e i suoi cieli infiniti, è più formale, più iconico e tradizionale. Ma le sue madonne hanno l’eleganza e la perfezione dei classici, esaltano la luminosa concezione che il bello sovrasta ogni imperfezione ed orrore che la vita o la natura potrebbero darci.
Frescoes by Olivio Sozzi (Catania 1690-Ispica 1765). Shortly before the great earthquake that destroyed all of eastern Sicily, Olivio Sozzi was born, one of the greatest Sicilian painters of his time (1690-1765). We are in a period that we cannot define as happy for the island which, between plague, earthquakes and wars, sees the cities depopulated or reduced to piles of rubble. Yet it is a time of great turmoil, of innovation with the introduction of the Baroque and of renewal with cities rebuilt according to the dictates of the Enlightenment. Among the authors of this desperate (because it arises from destruction) renewal (because it recreates and rejuvenates) is Olivio Sozzi. Like many great Sicilians, the artist grew up by grafting the European flavor onto Sicilian talent and artistic ability, training in Rome. From the great and classical city which was also resurrecting in the Baroque, Sozzi acquired the forms, the taste, the universal breath. Having returned to Sicily, he is one of the driving forces of the artistic spring that repairs the damage of the sad winter on the island which had erased centuries of art and historical events. His activity took place in the richest cities of the time, Palermo, Catania, Messina and in their provinces, ranging from frescoes in the iconic Orthodox churches of the Palermo province, to the resurgent large churches and cathedrals of Syracuse and Catania. Sozzi does not have the airy joyful beauty of Borremans, with his graceful good-looking saints and his infinite skies, he is more formal, more iconic and traditional. But his madonnas have the elegance and perfection of the classics, they enhance the luminous concept that beauty surpasses every imperfection and horror that life or nature could give us.
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ghostofhallownest · 9 months
this is going to be extremely rambling but what immediately struck me about the will of the many is that my first impression was that it's drawing inspiration, as near as i can tell, from an often poorly adapted segment of roman history: not the roman empire itself, but the fall of the roman republic and its transition into an empire. (there's always the off chance that the civilization that preceded the Calamity was meant to be the republic, but that has more etruscan vibes than anything---ok that was an extremely off the cuff comparison don't hold me to that) there's this period of increasing social unrest, political tension and division, and gradual decline of the "order" of the republic so often idolized now, that culminates in the establishment of the roman empire under caesar augustus. the late republic is characterized by extreme social unrest, with divisions between both the ruling oligarchy and broader, deeper issues in the fabric of the republic itself. there's the social wars and the question of citizenship, which can be related to birthright---but more interestingly, you have the three servile wars, mass slave revolts, the first of which begins on Sicily (and involves taking over a city on the east coast of sicily named Catania, but that's just a fun anecdote). i'm not really willing to dig through my whole archive of roman republic notes, so from wikipedia:
The Roman conquest of Macedonia, in which thousands of the conquered were sold into slavery...as well as the oppression of corrupt Roman provincial governors...all contributed to a constant supply of new slaves at very cheap price, which made it more profitable for their masters to wear them out by unremitting labor, harshness, exposure and malnutrition, to be cheaply replaced, than to take proper care for their nourishment, health, and accommodation. Accordingly, the plantation system which took shape in Sicily led to thousands of slaves dying every year of toil in the fields from dawn to dusk with chains around their legs, and being locked up in suffocating subterranean pits by night....The Roman Senate failed to take measures to curb this dangerous tendency, which converted one of the most beautiful and fertile provinces of the Republic into a horrible den of misery, brigandage, atrocity and death.
first of all: that really happened! terrible! second of all: hey that sounds fucking familiar and not to predict the arc of the series (there's a lot of unionization themes you could read into it, and a lot of "oh my god everyone has normalized this hell so we dont do anything about it NO more death isnt the answer but hello?? does no one care?? fr??" baked in), but like...check out the summary of the third servile war on wiki if you wanna 👀
listen, everything i learned about roman history i learned against my will, but if i had to learn it then by god i will be so silly with it
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thetldrplace · 6 months
Sicily: An Island at the Crossroads of History. Chapters 1-3
This book was written by British historian John Julius Norwich. I will attempt to cover the chapters one at a time, other than this first installment, since the chapters are smaller.
1 Greeks  The first true culture we encounter on Sicily is Mycenaean, from around 1600BC. Around 1400 BC, Sicily was absorbed into the Mediterranean trade routes. The Mycenaeans disappeared around 1200BC, no one knows why. There were some tribes that lived on the island: Sicans, Sicels, Elymians, but we know little of them.  
Sicily's earliest historical period people were Greeks who had come over to colonize areas of the eastern and southern coast. The first Greek-Sicilian settlement was Gela around 688BC. The next centuries saw the cities build up through Greek art, philosophy, and civilization. But we must recognize that "Greece" was something like the way we consider "Arab" today. It was a concept more than a particular nationality. 
The Carthaginians had a footing on the western edge of the island at Marsala and Trapani. Carthage was originally a Phoenician outpost. The Phoenicians were canaanites from the Old Testament. They were a seafaring people, who had established trading outposts all over the Mediterranean. Carthage, modern day Tunis, was one of those cities, which had gained independence in 650BC. 
There were occasional clashes between the Greek cities with appeals to Carthage to intervene by whatever city saw itself as undermanned in the looming fights. 
Around 400, an agreement was made between Syracuse and Carthage whereby Carthage would limit itself to the western portion of the island.  
2 Carthaginians  For the next hundred years, skirmishes continued between Greek Sicily and Carthaginian Sicily, but in 272, Rome captured Tarentum and effectively claimed control over the entire Italian peninsula. During the 200's Sicily was going to have to make a choice between Rome and Carthage.  
There were a series of 3 Punic wars (wars between Rome and Carthage) fought between 264 and 146BC. During that time, Sicily became a Roman territory. 
3 Roman, Barbarians, Byzantines, and Arabs.  Roman  By 241BC Sicily was essentially run by the Romans. The Greek speakers were still there, but Greece was in no position to influence much on the Island. Carthage was a power during the first part of the 200's, and indeed, Hannibal was causing all kinds of trouble on the Italian peninsula itself but, Carthage was not the influence on Sicily.
The Romans never considered Sicily more than a province... allies... but they were not considered citizens. The important fact was that Sicilians spoke Greek, not Latin. We know relatively little about the events on the island. But here are some 'highlights'... or lowlights... you can decide....
There were several slave revolts on the island. The slave population dangerously outnumbered the free, and they were terribly abused. (Good combo for an uprising.) The first slave war broke out around 139BC, Rome was slow to react since it didn't take the idea of slaves too seriously, and consequently wasn't put down until 132BC, seven years later. 
A second slave war broke out in 104BC, but this time Rome was quicker to respond. The second war was ended in 100BC after an epic effort by the slaves. 
Gaius Verrus was governor/criminal from 80-70BC, which saw the island suffer terribly under his pillaging. He was excoriated in the Roman Senate by Cicero, who took the case on himself, and Verrus, who saw the writing on the wall, packed up his stuff and amscrayed to Marseille before the trial ended and he was put under arrest.
The final transition of Rome from Republic to Empire left Sicily with a much larger Roman element than before. By decree, all mainland Italians had gained Roman citizenship, but this was not true for Sicily. 6 cities however were included, and their citizens were given Roman citizenship: Taormina, Catania, Syracuse, Tindari, Termini, and Palermo. 
Sicily had become one of the most important sources of grain for the Roman empire.  
Unfortunately, we know little of Sicilian history for the first 500 years of the Christian era. It seems to have prospered, as evidenced by the quality of the buildings that have survived from that period. 
They were largely unconcerned by Constantine's decision to move the capital of the Empire to Constantinople in 330. They were largely unconcerned with the decision to move the western capital to Ravenna in 395.  
Constantine's main contribution was the official status of Christianity, which spread rapidly across the island, replacing the old Greek religion.  
By the 400's there also seems to have been a large influx of Jewish immigration. 
Barbarian  By the late 400s, the barbarians had arrived. Who you callin' barbarian?? I'm sure the barbarians didn't think they themselves were so deficient... after all, who just kicked who's @$$ on Rome's home field? The three "barbarian" tribes of interest to us are the Goths, Huns, and Vandals. Only the Vandals showed any interest in Sicily. 
The Goths, under Alaric, had besieged Rome as early as 408.  
The Huns attacked Italy by 452, but didn't get to Sicily. 
The Vandals however, had gone across Gaul (france), settled in Spain, then crossed into North Africa, attacked Carthage and raided Sicily. 
The Roman empire, these days, is considered to have finally succumbed in 476.  
Byzantine  In 533, Emperor Justinian launched a campaign to recover the western empire. His general, Belisarius, arrived in Sicily in 535, where he was universally welcomed by the Greek-speaking population. Sicily was once again an imperial province,  ruled by a Byzantine governor, hooray! By the middle of the 600's, the Greeks were concerned for their western provinces because of the surge of Islam.  Emperor Constans II decided that a Roman empire without a Rome was kind of pointless, so he wanted to shift his capital westward, but after actually seeing the dump that Latin Rome had become, he decided in 663 on the more familiar Greek atmosphere of Syracuse. This should be good for the Greek speaking Sicilians, right? The next 5 years were a nightmare for the Sicilians, due to the extortions and heavy taxes laid on them. This may have gone on for God knows how long, except in 668 Constans was assassinated. His son picked up again and moved back to Constantinople. 
Arab  Sicily had been left in peace for some time, but Arab raids were continuing. They now controlled the entire north African coast, and in 827, they invaded Sicily when a local governor, Euphemius, was ousted for an affair with a nun. He responded by proclaiming himself Emperor and then, realizing he didn't have enough muscle to actually make that happen, invited the Arabs to come help. The Arabs came, shoved  Euphemius out of the way, and started a slow takeover for themselves. 
Palermo fell in 830; Messina fell in 843; Syracuse in 878. By that time, Sicily was effectively an Emirate of the Muslim world. 
The Muslim conquest made Sicily a major player in Mediterranean commerce. The Arabs introduced terracing and siphon aqueducts, they introduced cotton and papyrus, melon and pistachio, citrus and date palm and sugarcane. Muslim, Jewish, and Christians all thronged the bazaars of Palermo. 
But stability was not part of Arab rule, and there were always tensions between the various factions. 
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classicvirus · 11 months
Green orchid/2: 1950 Fiat 1400 Orchidea by Vignale
If you think you’ve already seen this car, you’re right: you probably saw it on Classic Virus earlier this year, but we felt it was necessary to republish it as there are now more photos and more information. First of all, it should be mentioned that this car belonged to a single family of noble Sicilian origin in the province of Catania, who kept it from 1950 to 2018. This explains the…
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warningsine · 1 year
Violent wildfires, fuelled by climate change, have killed scores of people across the Mediterranean. 
Deaths have been reported in Greece, where a plane dropping water on the blaze crashed, killing both pilots. 
Yet, the heaviest death toll so far is in Algeria where there have been 34 victims, including 10 soldiers surrounded by flames during an evacuation in the coastal province of Bejaia, east of Algiers.
Two people died in southern Italy on Tuesday. 
Scorching temperatures have blasted several countries across the Med for days now, creating tinder box conditions. 
Extreme weather events such as these are linked to human-induced climate change. Scientists warn they will only grow more frequent, severe and longer unless people and governments drastically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. 
In Algeria, firefighters continued to tackle 11 fires ravaging the northeast, after managing to put out around 80% of the deadly blazes that killed at least 34 people over the last three days.
Local media images show fields and bushes on fire, charred cars and shops reduced to ashes.
In Toudja, a badly hard-hit area in the northeast, the fire was almost entirely stopped, despite a few persistent outbreaks. Sixteen people died here. 
Firefighting planes dropped water for two days on this wooded area, located on the shores of the Mediterranean.
Fires have also raged in neighbouring Tunisia, where 300 people had to be evacuated from the coastal village of Melloula.
Greece has been particularly hard hit, with authorities evacuating more than 20,000 people in recent days from homes and resorts on the holiday island of Rhodes.
Two Greek airforce pilots - aged 27 and 34 - died yesterday when their water-dropping plane, crashed on the island of Evia, east of Athens. 
Savage forest fires have ravaged the country for ten days, with firefighting teams from around Europe scrambling to help. 
On Tuesday, temperatures were pushed back into the 40s, with strong winds whipping by the flames. 
With apocalyptic images of decimated forests continuing to shock Greece, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis warned the struggle against wildfires would remain "difficult".
In reference to the dead pilots, he said: “They offered their lives to save lives.” 
“They proved how hazardous their daily missions in extinguishing fires are ... In their memory, we continue the war against the destructive forces of nature.”
Successive evacuations of locals and holidaymakers have been ordered on Corfu, Evia and Rhodes. Tourist flights have now largely been cancelled, though some providers were still running flights in affected areas. 
While storms batter the north, parts of southern Italy are going up in flames.
Firefighters on Tuesday battled wildfires in Sicily, one of which got so close to Palermo airport it was shut down for several hours on Tuesday morning.
The tarmac melted and authorities urged people not to come to the airport for “security reasons.”
At least 1,500 people have so far been evacuated from the Palermo area. The national fire brigade, Vigili del Fuoco (VdF), said the situation was “critical” in five areas around the city, where several houses had been affected by the fires.
Sicily's civil protection agency reported temperatures of up to 47.6 degrees Celsius in Catania on Monday.
The bodies of two septuagenarians were found charred in a house engulfed in flames and an 88-year-old woman died near Palermo, media reported on Tuesday evening.
The president of the Sicilian region, Renato Schifani, has indicated that he wants to ask the government, which meets on Wednesday, to declare a state of emergency on the Mediterranean island.
In Italy's northern Lombardy region, a powerful storm accompanied by heavy hail caused flooding and power outages and was blamed for the death of a 16-year-old girl at a scouts' camp.
Firefighters fought in overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday a virulent fire threatening three villages in Haute-Corse, south Corsica. 
The fires were close to three villages, Corbara, Pigna and Santa-Reparata-Di-Balagna. 
Parts of two hamlets have "many sensitive points, dwellings, religious points", according to the firefighters.
Some 130 hectares of vegetation have already been ravaged by the flames according to a latest assessment.
Flames came within 12 km of Croatia's medieval town Dubrovnik late on Tuesday.
Dubrovnik was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1979 recognition of its outstanding medieval architecture and fortified old town.
In Turkey, authorities evacuated a dozen homes and a hospital as a precaution on Tuesday. 
Wildfires are raging through a rugged forest area near the Mediterranean resort of Kemer, in Antalya province.
Another wildfire in the western province of Manisa was brought under control a day after it burnt at least 14 homes.
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newmic · 13 days
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The village of Occhiolà – which is located in the Sicilian province of Catania –
was completely destroyed – literally razed to the ground! - during the great earthquake which struck eastern Sicily on January 11, 1693. Once the shock had passed, Prince Carlo Maria Carafa Branciforte decided to have the village rebuilt on a new location located about two kilometers from the ruins of Occhiolà. This is how the town of Grammichele was born. As you can see in the photo below, the reconstruction was carried out according to a perfectly geometric plan designed by the architect Fra Michele da Ferla. A large hexagonal square occupies the heart of the village. This is Piazza Carlo. Tribute to the sponsor. From this esplanade then radiate perfectly straight streets crossing at right angles. Obviously, urban planning did not wait for the charter of Athens and the new towns of the post-war period. The city of Mari (Syria), the plan of Hippodamos, the Roman colonies and Baghdad prove us the opposite. This rigorous geometry made Grammichele famous. The city was also included on the World Heritage List by UNESCO in 2002.
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altur24 · 2 months
ALLATRA Warns! Where You Should NOT Travel!
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ALLATRA  Volunteers Warn:
Learn about the climate situation in the area you are traveling to in order to stay safe and sound!
Please note that from July 3-9, 2024, serious climate events occurred in some regions of the planet:
Italy has issued a red alert on the island of Sicily due to the simultaneous eruption of two volcanoes: Etna and Stromboli.
On July 4, a powerful eruption occurred with lava fountains and a volcanic ash cloud reaching about 5 km! Roads, sidewalks, cars, and the runway of the local airport were covered with ash in the Catania province. This resulted in the cancellation of at least 90 flights. For two days, the authorities prohibited cycling and motorcycling and limited the speed of movement for all types of transport to 30 km.
It is worth noting that last year, forest fires forced tourists to evacuate Sicily or cancel their trips. This summer, in addition to the increased volcanic activity, the island is suffering from drought and a lack of water.
In just two days, at least three destructive tornadoes occurred in Shandong province. At least 83 people were injured, and five died as a result. The tornado winds were tearing down trees, ripping off roofs, and scattering cars. Over 2,800 homes, 48 power lines were damaged, and over 24,000 hectares of farmland were affected.
Japan has experienced a dangerous heatwave. Over half of the country's prefectures have received a heatstroke warning. On July 7, the temperature in Shizuoka reached 40 degrees Celsius. This figure was a record since the beginning of meteorological statistics.
In recent years, heat-related deaths in Japan have increased sixfold.
On July 8, at least 435 people aged 2 to 102 were hospitalized in Japan with suspected heatstroke. Over 6,800 people were admitted to medical institutions with this diagnosis in the first week of July 2024.
ALLATRA Volunteers warn, caring about human lives:
It is important for all of us to understand that the climate situation is very serious!
However, many continue to take risks for entertainment and profit. Tourists visit regions where weather warnings have been issued, and business owners are ready to exploit these places for financial gain, regardless of the threat to people's lives.
The world is facing growing climate challenges, and it's time for each of us to take responsibility.
It's time to get out of our favorite sandbox and grow up.
By sharing information about the growing danger, we will not only help those around us realize the reality and stop being careless about their lives, but together we can find a solution to eliminate the root cause of climate disasters by taking timely and comprehensive measures.
Learn about the climate situation in the area you are traveling to in order to stay safe and sound!
Please be sure to share this information: write a comment, like, share, and of course, give applause!!!
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Catania: 13 arresti per associazione di tipo mafioso e traffico di cocaina grazie all'operazione "Leonidi bis"
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Catania: 13 arresti per associazione di tipo mafioso e traffico di cocaina grazie all'operazione "Leonidi bis". Nell’ambito dell’operazione “Leonidi bis”, oltre 100 Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Catania, stanno eseguendo, nelle Province di Catania e Agrigento, un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare emessa dal G.I.P. del Capoluogo etneo, a carico di 13 indagati, accusati a vario titolo di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso e traffico di stupefacenti, soprattutto di cocaina.... Leggi articolo completo su La Milano Read the full article
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siciliatv · 2 months
Mafia, blitz contro Cosa nostra a Catania e anche ad Agrigento: 13 arresti
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Mafia, blitz contro Cosa nostra a Catania e anche ad Agrigento: 13 arresti I carabinieri del Comando provinciale di Catania hanno eseguito nelle province del capoluogo etneo... #SiciliaTV #SiciliaTvNotiziario Read the full article
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m2024a · 3 months
(Adnkronos) – L’anticiclone africano Minosse colpirà l’Italia, portando un caldo ‘infernale’ su tutto il Paese, compreso il Nord che finora aveva vissuto fasi relativamente fresche. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologo del sito www.iLMeteo.it, conferma che nelle prossime ore la vampata nordafricana raggiungerà la Sardegna con 39°C ad Oristano, la Puglia con 36°C mentre porterà 35°C anche in Umbria (Terni) e 34°C al Nord (Forlì). Roma toccherà i primi 34°C della stagione.
L’ondata di caldo sarà decisamente più potente tra mercoledì 19 e venerdì 21 giugno: entro sabato potrebbero arrivare dei temporali specie al Nord a mitigare un po’ la situazione. Questo periodo con il picco del caldo scatenerà il mercurio dei termometri, fino a valori eccezionali per giugno, 12 gradi oltre la norma climatologica. Solo localmente le temperature saliranno un po’ meno a causa di cieli più grigi o lattiginosi: sono previste infatti delle velature, specie sul fianco occidentale, con tanta sabbia del deserto che potrebbe in parte bloccare i raggi del sole. Nonostante le velature, la zona più calda durante il picco di metà settimana sarà il cagliaritano: sono previsti 44°C nelle zone interne più roventi e lontane dalla fresca brezza marina. La classifica delle province super canicolari vedrà ai vertici Benevento e Taranto con 41°C; Agrigento, Caserta, Foggia, Macerata, Siracusa e Terni con 40°C prenderanno la medaglia d’argento, una medaglia comunque incandescente.  Infine, con la febbre a 39°C, troveremo Ascoli Piceno, Catania, Fermo, Frosinone, Matera e Ragusa mentre tra 38 e 39 oscilleranno Avellino, Chieti, Forlì, Isernia e, in particolare, anche Roma e Napoli! Questa prima ondata di caldo sarà dunque molto intensa e, come sappiamo, anche pericolosa: la prima ondata, infatti, ci coglie sempre poco preparati fisicamente, il nostro corpo deve ancora acclimatarsi al cambio di stagione. E quest’anno il cambio di stagione sarà puntualissimo con il picco della canicola atteso intorno al Solstizio d’Estate (giovedì 20 giugno): un solleone africano infernale con l’Anticiclone Minosse in grande spolvero su gran parte dell’Italia, almeno fino a sabato. NEL DETTAGLIO
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lifeitalych · 6 months
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Marmellata di limoni Biologica
Marmellata di limoni biologica - Prodotta con limoni biologici originari delle province di Ragusa e Catania, particolarmente ricchi di ghiandole oleifere e oli essenziali.
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gepetordi1 · 7 months
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The hexagonal town, Grammichele, in province of Catania, Italy, was founded in 1693.
The city was designed by Michele da Ferla, architect
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Catania, ordinavano il pane per comprare cocaina: 9 arresti
Nove persone sono state arrestate nel corso di un’operazione condotta da oltre cento carabinieri del comando provinciale di Catania, con il supporto dei reparti specializzati, hanno eseguito nelle province del capoluogo etneo e di Reggio Calabria. Le persone sono accusate a vario titolo di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti. Per otto indagati il gip ha disposto la custodia in carcere e per uno gli…
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noisynutcrusade · 9 months
Drought, the levels of the Ogliastro Dam worry Sicily: the desolate images
The Ogliastro reservoir is in a worrying situation due to the heat of recent months, associated with the lack of significant rainfall. The lake, in the area between Ramacca and Aidone, is one of the main artificial basins that supply water for irrigation use in the Catania plain area. According to the tables published by the Sicily Region, the volume of water in the lake, between the provinces of…
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Invia la tua candidatura lavorativa a Poste Italiane
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Poste Italiane: MAXI ASSUNZIONI postini, sportellisti e impiegati, scadenza OTTOBRE. Nuove opportunità di lavoro per maxi assunzioni in Poste Italiane, è possibile infatti presentare la domanda come postini, sportellisti e altre posizioni. Le assunzioni per postini in tutta Italia Poste Italiane ha annunciato l’intenzione di assumere circa 10.000 nuove risorse in tutta Italia. Le prime opportunità sono legate a contratti a tempo determinato per il ruolo di Postino. Vediamo quali requisiti sono richiesti per diventare parte del team di Poste Italiane: Requisiti Richiesti: - Diploma di maturità o laurea, con un punteggio minimo di 70/100 per il diploma di scuola media superiore o 102/110 per la laurea, anche triennale. - Patente di guida valida. - Abilità alla guida del motomezzo aziendale (generalmente il motorino Piaggio liberty 125 cc). - Certificato medico di idoneità al lavoro generica, rilasciato dalla USL/ASL di appartenenza o dal medico curante, con indicazione del numero di registrazione del medico presso la propria USL/ASL. - Per la sola provincia di Bolzano, patentino del bilinguismo. - Non sono richieste conoscenze specifiche. Dove Saranno Effettuate le Assunzioni Ecco un elenco delle regioni e province italiane in cui sono disponibili opportunità di lavoro con Poste Italiane: -
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Lombardia – Varese, Como, Sondrio, Milano, Bergamo, Brescia, Pavia, Cremona, Mantova, Lecco, Lodi, Monza e Brianza; - Veneto – Verona, Vicenza, Belluno, Treviso, Venezia, Padova, Rovigo; - Piemonte – Torino, Vercelli, Novara, Cuneo, Asti, Alessandria, Biella, Verbano Cusio Ossola; - Valle d’Aosta – Aosta; - Friuli Venezia Giulia – Udine, Gorizia, Trieste, Pordenone; - Trentino Alto Adige – Trento, Bolzano; - Umbria – Perugia, Terni; - Toscana – Massa Carrara, Lucca, Pistoia, Firenze, Livorno, Pisa, Arezzo, Siena, Grosseto, Prato; - Liguria – Imperia, Savona, Genova, La Spezia; - Emilia Romagna – Parma, Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì Cesena, Rimini, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ferrara; - Marche – Pesaro e Urbino, Ancona, Macerata, Ascoli Piceno, Fermo; - Molise – Campobasso, Isernia; - Puglia – Foggia, Bari, Taranto, Brindisi, Lecce, Barletta Andria Trani; - Basilicata – Potenza, Matera; - Lazio – Viterbo, Rieti, Roma, Latina, Frosinone; - Abruzzo – L’Aquila, Teramo, Pescara, Chieti; - Sardegna – Sassari, Nuoro, Cagliari, Oristano, Olbia Tempio, Ogliastra, Medio Campidano, Carbonia Iglesias; - Sicilia – Trapani, Palermo, Messina, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Enna, Catania, Ragusa, Siracusa; - Campania – Caserta, Benevento, Napoli, Avellino, Salerno; - Calabria – Cosenza, Catanzaro, Reggio di Calabria, Crotone, Vibo Valentia. I candidati possono selezionare una sola zona lavorativa per la candidatura. La scadenza per l’invio delle domande è il 13 ottobre 2023, ma è possibile inviare candidature spontanee anche successivamente. Le assunzioni per spotellisti Le candidature sono aperte fino al 31 dicembre 2023. Di seguito troverai tutte le informazioni utili su come candidarti. Poste Italiane ha avviato il processo di selezione di professionisti per il settore front end destinati a lavorare nella Provincia di Bolzano, in particolare nelle aree di Val Venosta, Val Pusteria, Valle Isarco, Val Gardena e Burgraviato. I candidati prescelti svolgeranno le loro mansioni negli uffici postali, dove si occuperanno di fornire assistenza alla clientela e avvieranno diverse attività di vendita di prodotti e servizi. REQUISITI Per partecipare alla selezione per il lavoro presso Poste Italiane a Bolzano, è necessario soddisfare i seguenti requisiti: - Diploma di scuola superiore. - Patentino di bilinguismo. Le assunzioni per impiegati Attualmente, Poste Italiane è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di addetti allo smistamento in Italia per l’anno 2023. Requisiti - Disponibilità a lavorare su turni notturni - Conoscenze professionali, non sono richieste conoscenze specialistiche. Luoghi di lavoro previsti: Ancona, Bologna, Firenze, Pisa, Napoli, Bari, Lamezia Terme, Padova, Verona, Venezia, Genova, Novara, Brescia, Milano Borromeo, Milano Roserio, Roma Via Affile, Fiumicino, Cagliari Le Regioni o le Province di assegnazione saranno definite in base alle necessità aziendali. Data di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 20 ottobre 2023.
Le candidature
Per ulteriori dettagli e per inviare il tuo curriculum vitae, visita il sito ufficiale di Poste Italiane nella sezione “lavora con noi“. Tieni presente che gli annunci potrebbero essere rimossi una volta raggiunto un numero prefissato di candidature, ma è sempre possibile inviare candidature spontanee. Read the full article
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