#proves u only care abt their appearance and not the relationship itself
deeez-n · 1 year
"there should be more toxic ships in bsd" u couldnt even handle skk
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ALSO can you talk abt wigfrid's hair!!!
OK ummm ummm 😳 um. i. project a lot of my personal relationships w hair onto her bc... from the way it looks in the braids. it looks incredibly similar to my hair. you dk how much i value wig's coily hair. this is a wig coils safe zone.... if u draw her hair straight... um. well i forgive you even though i know that ur wrong💥
putting this behind a cut bc i accidentally got deranged when i wrote this
i like to think she's never cut her hair. not once. it's simply too long for that to have ever happened, really.
as a kid, she never really liked how much maintenance it required... and, unfortunately, neither of her parents shared her hair type, making it quite difficult to tame her hair without it either taking decades, or harming her scalp in the process. really, she wanted nothing more than to cut it all off and be done with it. but her mother wasn't having it... growing up, wigfrid was always taught to value her hair. really, it was her only conventionally attractive feature (at least in terms of its shade, anyways... the color hadn't done her many favors. sure, she was born in the americas, but the stark red hue did well at convincing people of otherwise). when you took into consideration her scraggly stature, unaligned teeth, and untamable eyebrows that one could only hope she'd grow out of, she couldn't afford to lose the natural beauty of her admittedly gorgeous hair. so it remained.
it didn't really do her much favor with her peers, though... nor did it prove infuriating in day-to-day life. she still kept it out and unstyled, back then, and having it get caught on things (or god forbid, having things get caught in it) had been an infuriatingly common affair... and, of course, other children just loved to play with it. they hadn't really seen anything like it before.
wigfrid's relationship with her family- specifically her mother- was never really great... but she hadn't realized how suffocating it was living in their shadow until she truly left the nest to make a name for herself on her own. that was when she begun her own journey of self discovery- and along the way, that's when she learned how to manage her hair. more specifically, how to style it in ways that looked as good as they felt. she'd been pretty experimental, but the braids inevitably won out as her favorite.
the first time she saw them, she loved them. i mean, loved loved them. for the first time in her life when she looked at herself, she didn't see the woman her mother desperately tried to force her to be. she saw herself... someone new. someone she could actually hope to love. it was liberating- invigorating. she never really looked back since.
within the constant itself- as one could probably guess- it's a lot harder for wigfrid to manage and tend to her hair... especially when the seasons frequently prove far too cold and inhospitable for her to so much as wash it... let alone to the point where it'd look as professional as she'd like. but be certain that when she gets the chance to do so, she takes it immediately. i like to think that wigfrid cares about her appearance a lot more than other people tend to think... she'll frequently explain it away as a responsibility of the valkyrie she is. after all, one of odin's warriors aught to set a good example, yes? one must be as elegant in combat as they are in appearance... and to a certain degree, even she believes that explanation at times. but deep down, its mostly just a yearning from the one beneath the mask. a craving for something familiar; a little taste of self care.
one of the things that i think about whenever i think about the survivors hair are the specific survivor skins... especially since in most of the survivors' cases- especially the long haired females- their hair has fallen into a complete state of disarray. even wilson, notorious for being fussy about the way he looks, has seemingly given up on preening himself when forced into what looks to be harsher odds.
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but wigfrid proves to be the exception. not only is her hair far nicer in comparison, but the style of it is literally no different than the style she takes up in the forge. she's kept the braids, just wrapped them in twine so they catch on things less, and preserve their shape indefinitely.
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not only that, but it's clear that wigfrid's not really doing great in any other aespect of her physical health- or even her resolve, really. her clothing is torn and disheveled, and she's resorted to camouflage (for those who aren't aware, this is important to note if only because wigfrid is rather against the concept of hiding and disguise. to resort to sneaking and lurking instead of her typical brashness and fighting head-on is quite unlike her. to me, its a clear indication something has seriously altered her outlook on the world).
but of all things to preserve, she keeps her hair in check. i like to think this shows just how much thought she devotes to it. its an extension of herself. its a mark of her own self pride. it shows dedication to herself- not just the valkyrie she externally portrays.
and considering how many self loathing undertones you can find in her behaviors and sprinkled throughout curtain calls, to me it feels like one of the only things wigfrid can find to love about the person behind the mask.
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dragimal · 7 years
How different are the crybaby characters compared to the characters in the manga? I haven't been able to watch it since I only have hulu and amazon prime.
(if u ever wanna watch it I could maybe try to set up a rabb.it for anyone interested and mooch my roommate’s netflix for a few viewing events. big maybe tho, I haven’t had a lot of personal time lately, and I don’t see that changing soon..)
for my own convenience I’m gonna try to do a compare/contrast list (+ personal “ideal” versions b/c why not). also, I must repeat my disclaimer that it’s been a minute since I read the og manga so some details may be warped by my memory
OG pre-Satan: 
environmentalist, conspiracy theorist, flips wildly between completely neutral/dead-pan and hysterical (which could be for any emotion– he could be hysterically happy, hysterically mad, etc.). he’s not the best strategist and often makes snap decisions (ex– doesn’t super give a shit abt blowing his cover, as long as he can make a clean/quick getaway). his “sacrifice the few for the many” approach is questionable, but ultimately logical in a battle for the survival of humanity as a whole. more likely to seriously injure than outright murder people. pretty desperate to keep Akira by his side. he’s basically the right image below
OG post-Satan: 
they actually face their mistakes and realize that by trying to wipe out humans, they turned into a version of the God they opposed, ultimately trying to wipe out a whole race of beings that deserve to live as much as anyone else, despite their faults. this is ultimately a lesson on Satan’s hubris, and lends to a thematically satisfying (and soul-crushing) ending
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Crybaby pre-Satan: 
basically cool/collected throughout, with very few moments where he loses his cool (or has much emotion at all, really). seems like he knows what he’s doing most of the time, and most of his decisions seem to have a far-reaching goal that was planned ahead. indiscriminately kills everyone who poses even the slightest threat to his plans, despite the fact that his plans are supposedly for the sake of humanity. doesn’t seem super attached to Akira, beyond using Akira for his goals. basically the left image above
Crybaby post-Satan: 
Akira apparently taught Satan that love exists and is good? idk, the whole point of the OG plot was that Satan’s love of the demons pushed them to hate humanity. I think this is actually the main structural change that ruins the entire demon/Satan-revenge arc of Crybaby irreparably, b/c basically everything falls apart if Satan doesn’t feel any love or even obligation to the demons. like, if Satan doesn’t love demons already, then what’s even the point? as can be seen by the lack of cohesion/logic in anything Satan or their lackeys do, Crybaby clearly doesn’t know either. it’s also not a super effective approach when u can’t actually feel the love Satan/Ryo apparently has for Akira, and have to have it spelled out in the last 5 minutes of the series :/
Ideal Ryo: 
OG Ryo, in all respects (aesthetics, personality, etc.). tho I do like Crybaby’s puffy white coat, that’s 100% fashion-disaster OG Ryo
OG pre-Amon: 
very skittish– will avoid confrontation as much as possible, but will still stick around to protect those he cares abt, even if he’s scared shitless. wary of weird stories abt demons, and rightfully questions their validity
OG post-Amon:
(edited w/ thessaliah’s input)
fiercely protective of humans until he realizes the atrocities they’re committing against themselves and devilmen, at which point he completely denounces humanity. thus, shows a strong sense of justice over forgiveness
Crybaby pre-Amon: 
obliviously cheerful and trusting– I’m legitimately not sure if he’s actually brave or just too dense to recognize danger as it comes. doesn’t question weird stories abt demons, and is ready to step right into the frying pan w/ barely an ounce of information beforehand
Crybaby post-Amon: 
(edited w/ thessaliah’s input) 
cries a lot, which I think is a nice visual metaphor for his inner humanity. much more forgiving of humanity, even when he sees humans at their worst.
Ideal Akira: 
personality-wise, I’d have to say OG, particularly for pre-Amon. while Crybaby pre-Amon is kinda cute in his obliviousness, I prefer the Akira who will knowingly jump into danger for those he loves, despite how scared he is. + I was so mad when Crybaby Akira didn’t question ANYTHING abt Ryo’s demonic explanations, like wtf dude u just swallowed that shit hook line and sinker, huh? 
on reflection, I also prefer OG post-Amon, b/c I think it’s a lot more soul-crushing to see this ~largely~ idealistic character finally finally get worn down to the point of just giving up on those he was trying to protect. Crybaby’s overly-idealistic approach isn’t necessarily bad, but I do think it smooths out Akira’s rough edges a bit too much for my liking. tho Crybaby def has a leg-up thematically when it comes to the crying, I love that so much
aesthetically I could go for either, but I think I’d ideally love the look of everything Crybaby Akira + OG sideburns/mullet lmfao
prideful as a personality trait, thus takes any slight as a personal offense. unashamed, but simultaneously defensive of her abilities (namely has some internalized misogyny in the beginning, which she eventually overcomes). impulsive and somewhat socially dense, which leads her to being unintentionally harsh in situations where she thinks she’s trying to enact “tough love”. could be read as (obnoxiously) selfish in situations where she wants Akira to fit her standards, and doesn’t question his changed state (and more importantly, doesn’t miss the ‘old Akira’)
proud of her accomplishments, but not necessarily defensive of her position– she’s secure enough in her abilities to not feel threatened. thoughtful of those around her and what they may be going through. possibly too trusting, considering the whole situation w/ her agent. actually seems aware and somewhat wary of Akira’s changed state, even if she does like it
Ideal Miki: 
this one’s tough b/c as much as I hate OG Miki and Akira’s relationship, there are certain negative traits that I think give OG Miki a more dynamic character than Crybaby. like OG’s socially dense, unintentionally harsh approach is p interesting to see, esp if it’s highlighted as a point of growth for her. of course, I want to completely trash the way OG Miki treats Akira in terms of throwing him into dangerous situations and harshly criticizing his pre-Amon character, but I wouldn’t necessarily mind seeing her sometimes harshly criticize Akira’s decisions in a way that is clearly framed as her trying to help Akira (even if it isn’t necessarily the most ideal approach). I also love OG Miki’s bubbly, unashamed personality, which is a gr8 contrast to her harsh approach to social situations
as for Crybaby, I fuckin ADORE Miki’s relationship w/ Miko, which I think only works the way it does b/c Crybaby Miki is securely proud, not defensively prideful like OG. plus, OG Miki’s defensive pride is p damn annoying to me, ESPECIALLY her internalized misogyny, god I want that completely trashed. yeah, OG eventually grows past the misogyny, but it feels less like satisfying character development, and more like a relief, like, “oh thank god she ain’t pullin’ that shit anymore” 
I suppose, given all this, my ideal Miki is one that combines OG’s social harshness/denseness (to a logical/understandable degree), bubbly temperament, and impulsiveness, with Crybaby’s secure pride in her abilities and actual physical prowess (+ Crybaby’s love of cats, which is adorable and relatable)
tbh I had to look her up again b/c I completely forgot her arc/personality. idk if that’s on her actually being a boring character, or if it’s just the fact that her arc was dropped in the middle of all the other wild bullshit of the main plot wayyyy at the end of the series
anyways, she’s a former delinquent trying to reform herself, but her old gang/posse won’t leave her alone, and she’s all stressed out over being half-demon. I don’t remember her personality necessarily being affected by the demon, which is kinda odd. also her demon form is some tiddy/pussy-volcano ridiculousness
it’s worth noting that the actual, literal OG Miko makes a very brief appearance in Crybaby as one of the half-demon test subjects held captive by scientists– volcano-tits and all. personally, I count this as OG Miko’s actual Crybaby counterpart, but for the sake of comparing important characters, I’ll be comparing OG Miko to main Crybaby Miko since they share a name and an actual arc in each respective series
Crybaby Miko is insecure and wants so very badly to prove herself to others, especially Miki. this is especially potent considering Miko’s actual name is Miki, but she’s forced to stick with Miko as a name b/c Miki’s popularity/prowess overshadows any other potential Miki. post-demon, this jealousy manifests itself as an insatiable competitive streak, as Miko now has the ability to not only reach Miki, but surpass her level. Miko eventually realizes that at least part of her insecurity was misplaced affection for Miki. thus, part of Miko’s desire to be on the same playing field as Miki was so she could feel worthy of potentially dating her. also, Miko’s demon form is some kinda spider creature
Ideal Miko: 
just b/c of her personal/thematic connection to Miki, I’d have to vote Crybaby Miko for almost all traits. I rly love her arc in Crybaby, and she’s a lot more personally connected to the plot than OG Miko is (considering OG Miko appears super late in the game, and barely interacts w/ Devilman). 
though I do like the idea of a former delinquent trying to reform herself– it might be kinda interesting to integrate that into Crybaby Miko. maybe have her be a delinquent before she met Miki (I can’t remember how long they knew each other in Crybaby, but I’m thinking maybe have Miko be a middle school delinquent, then a reformed high-schooler). it might be especially interesting to see how Miko struggles to restrain a delinquent side that was used to getting what she wanted, then have it all fall apart when she’s merged with a demon 
Crybaby Miko is also more interesting aesthetically, in all her forms (human, devilman, and demon). I’m esp super gay for her devilman form, while her full-demon form is such a huge improvement on tiddy-volcanoes. I do like OG’s hat tho, I wish Crybaby could have OG’s hat
a little fuzzy on the details of these guys as well, but I mostly remember their overall arc
in the OG, these guys are straight-up bullies/delinquents, and aren’t there to fuck around. at first, they’re extremely aggressive towards Akira and Miki, and straight-up threaten to rape Miki. later on, once Akira gains their respect (and the world starts goin to shit), they become reliable, rough-around-the-edges friends, and try to protect Akira and Miki as much as they can
these guys seem like harmless, disenfranchised rappers. they could be read as dangerous when they first approach Miki, but I honestly don’t think they would have done anything even if Ryo hadn’t intervened– I think they were just trying to scare her. Kukun in particular plays a significant role in Miko’s arc (however brief). they all rap about the hardships and injustices of society in a way that fits p well w/ the plot
Ideal bullies:
I rly love the OG bullies for how they go from aggressively antagonistic to aggressively protective of Akira and Miki. however, I rly hate exactly how aggressive they start out (namely, their willingness to straight-up rape Miki), which kinda sours their connection to Akira/Miki later on. it’s, uh, hard to forget something as serious as that, even when the ppl in question do seem to have changed some
as for Crybaby, I rly love how the rappers are a misfit group that makes comments abt society at large as the story progresses. + the rapping itself is p damn entertaining. I also, of course, adore Kukun’s relationship w/ Miko
it’s hard to say which I like more, but I’d def have to cut legitimate rape threats from the OG characters to truly appreciate them. as a way of merging some of their best traits, it might be interesting to see the stakes raised w/ the Crybaby rappers, and have them carry knives and make actual threats against Miki/Akira’s safety at first (again, w/o the rape threat,,), only to find out later it’s just a facade they put up for their own safety (but still won’t back down if they actually ARE up against trouble)
closing comment I guess
I think those are all the characters I feel like talking abt. I could talk abt other characters who got some significant changes (like Miki’s parents, or Akira’s parents), but I didn’t feel any particular way abt them in the OG or Crybaby, so they’re not rly worth my personal time ¯|_(ツ)_/¯
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