#protecting the identity of the people who chat with me 👍
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ikarus-angel · 3 months ago
To nie byl film | 1934
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Hrk oh no this somehow turned into a failure of a love story help. Also Reich was his student once in an university in Berlin so that's GREAT.
Also their legal names are Wilhelm Jäger and Warsan 😩👍
I forgor Polands last name because errr.. polish.. 😔😔😔 sorr...
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But yeah they are majorly dysfunctional I love them so much 🥺👉👈
Tho I don't think Poland is into bdsm, sorry guys, he's old 😔😔😔
Anyways I wrote an essay about why the heck Poland would fall for Reich err wanna read it? 🤗
Keep in mind that this is an AU and the people are very... well.. ...you know I don't have to explain AU's there's like thousands.
Reich does have a pretty big advantage over any other guy that might be a love interest for Poland.
1. He is already there - always
2. Polen knows that he's gay
3. Aside from his looks or personality he was his gay awakening in a sexual sense
4. Reich knows Polen is gay and supports him on his path of finding and accepting himself
Their living situation may also amplify this - Reich is dependant on Polen - not fully, he would probably not be homeless if kicked out, he does have savings and a job. But he does rely on him a lot. He is also socially dependant on him, being relatively new to Warschau, mostly at home. He meets new friends by Polen introducing them to him.
I would assume that based on these factors - with the newly discovered exploration of homosexuality - and being aware that this man is struggling, going as far as believing him to be severely mentally ill - he feels a strong sense of responsibility for this man. Perhaps he wants to protect him. Feel important to him. "Save" him, in a way.
Now, Reich's personality.
He is confident, intelligent, charming - but most importantly vulnerable. With Polen. With only Polen. And for some this might seem like a weakness, expecially to this time, but if you sincerely care for someone, it is very valuable. He knows that Reich has a strong character - but he also knows his spiraling, his low points, his habits. And it is important that he has those, and that Poland knows those. If Reich was perfect, he wouldn't need Polen. If Reich met his ex boyfriend (Italy) and ran away with him, he wouldn't need Polen. And that is just something he can't bare thinking about, I would assume.
He enjoys the attention, the affection, being accepted, being wanted. Who wouldn't? It's just natural. And Reich makes it so easy.
Also Reich isn't like. Ugly. That's a plus. His time in the Reichswehr also helped his shape a lot, tho he probably regressed in his depression.
Or I dunno maybe Polen just likes his partners fun sized.
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literaphobe · 1 year ago
i don’t quite get the clothing conventions of tvl, can you explain it to me please?
so here’s how clothing SPECIFICALLY works in the Secret Base:
- whenever ladybug and chat noir detransform in there, their magic suits come off, but their masks and head gear stay on (yes the cat ears. when tvl!ladybug first introduced tvl!chat noir to the Secret Base she said ‘you can take the cat ears off yknow it’s allowed’ and he was like ‘nope! Secret Base and I are in agreement - the cat ears stay ON’ or something <- not in any tvl scenes btw just something I thought of)
- they don’t Feel the masks tho, they’re just visually there, and also ladybug can take down her hair ties whenever and chat noir can take down his cat ears whenever!!
- the Secret Base does this with magic 👍 and quantum masking 👍 the part with their clothes is a bit more interesting -> they can wear whatever they want from their real lives. this is because the Secret Base disguises their clothes slightly. the easiest way to imagine this would be if for example - marinette wears a pink shirt w hearts on it, but when she steps into the Secret Base, ladybug appears to be in a red shirt with stars
- LIKE that’s just an example of how it COULD work tho. to tvl!chat noir’s knowledge, he just knows that if he saw ladybug’s civilian self outside wear the Exact same thing she wore inside the Secret Base, he wouldn’t recognize it
- and yes, they DID test this. they got like, some random shirt, and she wore it in the Secret Base, and then later on she showed him that same shirt on patrol and he was like ‘I don’t recognize that at all’
- why do they need the clothes to work the way they do? it’s to basically have Being In The Secret Base simulate real life as much as possible! bc while the Secret Base is for safety, and the kwamis’ protection, it’s also a contingency plan
- as briefly described by tvl!chat noir in ch1, 23 year old ladynoir have been facing a crisis over the years -> people GIVING UP their miraculous due to various reasons. one of the most recent factors is Work Responsibilities. in THIS ECONOMY it’s hard to be a superhero AND have a job, and some of those difficulties involve Secretly Getting Away, whereas the STRESS of it all… yeah. so, to cope w that, tvl!ladybug decided HEY CHAT NOIR! if either of us ever get fired - FUCK NEEDING MONEY. we have magic. we’ll cope!!!!! <- she’s secretly scared he’ll leave like the others. and he’s the only one who she might lose Forever bc she doesn’t know his identity, whereas she knows who literally Every other holder is
- this got out of hand. I hope u understand how clothes work in tvl’s Secret Base now!! feel free to ask any other questions :)
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