fideidefenswhore · 6 months
In the decretal commission for Henry’s case, the ‘facts’ under scrutiny were three, all related to the original dispensation granted so that Henry could marry his sister-in-law: Had the marriage between Henry and Katherine been necessary to preserve the peace between England and Spain? Had Henry agreed to the marriage in order to preserve this peace? Had Henry VII, Isabella, or Ferdinand died before the dispensation went into effect? The questions were so posed that not only was it easy to arrive at the factually correct answers, but the answers themselves would be precisely those that would most effectively undermine the validity of the dispensation . . . it was to be laid down in the decretal commission that it required the facts in only one of the three matters to be investigated to prove inconsistent with what was stated in the dispensation for the marriage to be declared invalid.’’ Since the document was destroyed, it is impossible to determine how far Clement went along with this ruse, but given that it was destroyed by papal order one can safely assume that the solution it contained was in the king’s favor.
The Italian Encounter with Tudor England: A Cultural Politics of Translation, Michael Wyatt
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djuvlipen · 1 year
"with love's light wings did I o'er-perched these walls for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt. thy kinsmen are no stop to me"
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
This post is SPITTING FACTS about what titles KC can remove from Harry. FACT: KC can strip Harry of Prince and HRH. This is not a youtube opinion but the informed opinion of a highly credentialed professor emeritus of public law by u/Positive-Vibes-2-All
This post is SPITTING FACTS about what titles KC can remove from Harry. FACT: KC can strip Harry of Prince and HRH. This is not a youtube opinion but the informed opinion of a highly credentialed professor emeritus of public law I had it up to my wazoo reading and hearing conflicting opinions of what KC is able to do regarding titles so I went searching for a rock solid answer."Master Graham Zellick is a Senior Master of the Bench and former Reader, is emeritus professor of public law and former Principal of Queen Mary & Westfield College, sometime Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, a former editor of Public Law, and was Chairman of the Criminal Cases Review Commission, President of the Valuation Tribunal for England and a member of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal. He is an Honorary Fellow of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge and of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies."In no uncertain terms, Zellick states that KC can remove HRH and Prince"....The title of Prince is likewise in the gift of the Monarch. As with ‘HRH’, it is usually acquired by coming within a class or category stipulated in letters patent, but it can also be done individually.....There is no reason why the Sovereign cannot remove these titles, a decision which again could not be challenged in the courts, since the royal prerogative in relation to honours and titles is said to be unreviewable or ‘non-justiciable’. The exercise of prerogative powers is in principle subject to supervision by the courts in the same way that statutory powers are – as Boris Johnson discovered in 2019 when his attempt to prorogue Parliament was annulled by the Supreme Court – but powers exercised by the Monarch personally otherwise than on ministerial advice or in relation to honours fall into the non-justiciable category. "​imho It would be more fitting and send a stronger message and cut deeper to strip the title Prince then stripping Harry of his Dukedom which as Zellick explains at the link would need to be done by parliament. Harry is the one who should bear the brunt of responsibility, he has been the traitor to his family, he is just as responsible as Markle for employing scum like Boozy and other sugars to name just two instances of his treachery.​https://ift.tt/36MDgNh'. post link: https://ift.tt/zNryWkq author: Positive-Vibes-2-All submitted: August 18, 2024 at 10:23PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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What’s the general election stuff? I’m so confused what’s going on lol
So yesterday Rishi Sunak (the Prime Minister of the UK) declared a general election will take place on July 4th. To do this, he had to request a dissolution of parliament from Charles, who gave his permission during the day yesterday when he met with Rishi for 15 minutes. This means that on Friday (May 24th) parliament will be prorogued (essentially paused, so no new laws or anything will happen), and it will be officially dissolved on the 30th May. This means that from that point the UK won't have a parliament or any MPs and people will start campaigning for re-election.
About an hour after the news of the general election broke, Buckingham Palace made this statement:
Following the Prime Minister’s statement this afternoon calling a General Election, The Royal Family will – in accordance with normal procedure – postpone engagements that may appear to divert attention or distract from the election campaign. Their Majesties send their sincere apologies to any of those who may be affected as a result.
This is something which used to be called 'purdah' but is now just being sensitive. Lots of other people have explained this much better (including @duchessofostergotlands so I'm going to direct you here) but tldr: any work (which includes some royal engagements) which may impact on an election needs to be suspended.
I looked back at the CC for the 2017 and 2019 general elections. While there wasn't a particularly big decrease in engagements, the engagements that took place included overseas tours, patronage engagements, receptions and galas, and work linked to projects. I don't know what was postponed at the time but I assume the engagements which were postponed were the ones which were linked to current divisive topics. For example, I would assume that engagements closely linked to things like food banks, schooling, homelessness, trans issues, etc. would be postponed at the moment.
Things like Trooping, Ascot, Garter, any football engagements William does linked to the Euros, Anne's visits to lighthouses aren't going to be cancelled or postponed because they're not going to have an impact on the election. Despite this, I think they will reduce their engagements more than they would usually purely because it forces Charles back inside to make him rest more!
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artstelle · 2 years
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Lancelot & Guinevere
Lancelot: With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls;
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
Guinevere: If he does see thee, he will murder thee.
Lancelot: Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of his swords.
Guinevere: I would not for the world he saw thee here.
Lancelot: I have night's cloak to hide me from his sight;
And but thou love me, let him find me here:
My life were better ended,
Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.
Rome & Juliet AU for Drama prompt by @merlinbingo
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catos-wound · 4 months
in 81 the lex cornelia de maiestate stated all governors who wished to have their command prorogued needed to suck the sword etc. and then in 55 it was amended in the lex pompeia that they needed to suck it /well/
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lost-carcosa · 11 months
Disgraced former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who unlawfully suspended Parliament, restricted the right to protest, and lied to MPs, has been appointed to the advisory board of the International Democracy Union, the global centre-right group for “freedom and democracy”. 
The International Democracy Union (IDU) is an international alliance of centre-right political parties based in Munich, Germany. It is chaired by Stephen Harper, the former Prime Minister of Canada. 
The group announced on Tuesday: “The IDU is excited to announce that PM Boris Johnson has joined our Honorary Advisory Board. His extensive experience as a statesman will be of tremendous help as we work towards building an ever-stronger alliance of the centre-right! Welcome to the IDU, Prime Minister!”
The decision has been met with baffled outrage on social media. In June, a report found that democracy in the UK was in retreat, following Boris Johnson’s cavalier approach to standards in public life and efforts to warp the constitution under his tenure.
Commissioned by democratic pressure groups, Unlock Democracy and Compass, the report found that issues like the partygate scandal – where politicians making the rules repeatedly  broke them over Covid – and the lobbying scandal surrounding Owen Paterson which saw Johnson try and fail to get him out of hot water by overriding Commons procedure – undermined the strength of democracy in the UK. 
Johnson’s government also introduced mandatory photo voter ID, which has made it much more difficult for millions of people to vote. At the same time, his Elections Act undermined the principle that the body responsible for overseeing elections, in this case the Electoral Commission, should be independent of government. The government can now set the body’s strategy and has a majority of seats on the parliamentary body overseeing it. 
Meanwhile, clampdowns on the right to protest and strike, and conscious attempts to delegitimise and weaken the power of independent regulators and the judiciary, compounded existing failings within UK democracy, the report found.
The IDU post is the latest gong for the man who shut down Parliament in order to prevent it voting against his Brexit plans, and who resigned when faced with a potential Commons vote over repeatedly lying to MPs. Johnson’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act has also seen hundreds of peaceful protesters locked up since passing last April.
Responding to the announcement that the former Prime Minister has joined the IDU’s Honorary Advisory Board, Tom Brufatto, Director of Policy at Best for Britain, said: “There is a staggering irony in Boris Johnson – the man who unlawfully prorogued parliament, eroded voters’ democratic rights with the Election’s Bill, and was found to have deliberately misled Parliament and the country during the pandemic – providing advice on the promotion of democracy.
“He should have no further influence on our or anyone else’s politics.”
Byline Times readers responded to the news of Johnson’s new post with disbelief. “Their entrance requirements must be really low to think he’s an asset to the group,” one said. 
Another said: “Any potential credibility they have just flown out of the window. [I] can’t believe any organisation thinks having Johnson on board is an asset.”
“Johnson is one of the greatest scam artists the UK has ever seen,” one argued. “If they are pleased he has joined them it says a lot about their integrity or rather lack of it,” another said, while one branded it simply: “Farcical.”
Another pointed to Johnson’s decision in 2019 to withdraw the whip from 21 Conservative MPs who dared to challenge him over his no-deal Brexit push: “At the next election, many were replaced by people of the ‘calibre’ of Lee Anderson, Scott Benton and others.”
One reader noted wryly: “I expect they want his skills and expertise in how to dismantle and damage democracy.” Others mocked the IDU’s use of the phrase ‘Prime Minister’ to describe Johnson, in the way that former US presidents keep their ‘President’ title. “He appears to have fooled the IDU into thinking he is Prime Minister,” one said.
Several replied simply with clown emojis. 
Former Conservative leader William Hague is a former chairman of the IDU. In June last year, Hague was among those calling for Johnson to quit as PM, saying his win among MPs was the “worst possible result” for the party. 
The damage done to his premiership was “severe” and showed a “greater level of rejection than any Tory leader has ever endured and survived”, Hague said, slamming Johnson’s failure to tackle the drinking culture in No 10 during the lockdowns. 
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lorena12me · 1 year
"Are you trying to get out of our deal, Bern?" the human form of Tim begins to crumble, as his red wings unfurl in Bernard's living room menacingly. The blond hadn't noticed those huge black claws on Tim's fingertips in their previous encounter, they looked... sharp "That's not how this works" he growls. "No!" hastily denies the human, inwardly praying to all the gods of fortune that blessed him at birth to let him get out of this in one piece "I want an Prorogue!" Tim laughs, dry and mischievous. "Prorogue?" the temperature in the room drops ten degrees, the light bulb flickers the shadows on the walls move "So you can look for a way to get out of our deal?, You asked me to chase you, you told me you wished I wouldn't let you escape..." his clawed hands clutch Bernard's arms and then he pushes him off making him lie down on the couch, with the fairy climbing over him like a bird holding its prey "...And now you want to repent?"
Part 2 of The wrong place at the right time
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houseofbrat · 2 years
Hi HOB, regarding your comment on W’s chart being suited for an engineer: I was reading Chinese astrology for W’s natal chart and there are many similarities. The life star is Qisha (Seven Kills, otherwise the aggressive battlefield general).
The person can lead in military or engineering fields with independence and cool decisiveness. By nature he is strong and direct, intimidating, able to win the respect and submission of many. As a military man he is sensitive and alert to dangers, however his moods are labile and impulsive. Coupled with an inherently rebellious nature and boldness, he should be wary of inviting conflict. Appearance-wise he has thick hair, good musculature, and a dominating gaze. He is competitive, confident, bossy, reckless, righteous, and driven. It is difficult to trust others and as a result he has only a handful of true friends.
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"however his moods are labile and impulsive." Ding! Ding! Ding!
That to me is one of the biggest problems with William. It's not obvious out in the open on engagements, but he has problems with anxiety & depression, I suspect.
I think it's interesting that William has Jada Yoga in his chart, which King George VI also had. Jada Yoga: "The person becomes nervous and loses the balance of his mind when speaking in front of a group of people."
"he should be wary of inviting conflict." Another thing I agree with.
I remember reading Roya Nikkah's article in The Times on William before his 40th birthday last year. I remember her saying that William wouldn't have allowed the proroguing of parliament in 2019 that QEII did. I instantly thought that was not a good sign. I'm sure QEII and her advisors knew that Boris really didn't have the right to prorogue parliament back then, but entering into the political sphere like that would not have been a good move. Considering that QEII with all her grandma popularity didn't think she could stop Boris proroguing parliament with all hell breaking loose, there is no way it would ever be a good move for someone like William to do so. But, I have no doubt he's going to pick those fights because he thinks he can win. Not all battles are worth fighting.
I think the description you posted is quite accurate.
Thank you!
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“This is a long one, but I hope it gives insight: To many American citizens, or to those who live in a republic, who have limited knowledge to why the Queen, and the role of a figurehead, is important to many people. She symbolized and embodied the country as a whole. She did not favour one political party or interest group, she represented the nation.It's as if Uncle Sam, the personification and embodiment of the United States, became a real life person but has no political power and is merely an apolitical figure. An embodiment of the United States of America in the flesh. For Uncle Sam, he would have oversaw the Declaration of Independence, the Trail of Tears, Manifest Destiny, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Civil Rights Movement, 9/11 and so forth. As figurehead of a democratic country, Uncle Sam would have had no political say on how elected politicians pushed legislations, he can only consult, to encourage, and to warn, elected politicians, and to veto any unconstitutional policies. Uncle Sam would be a constant in the lives of the Americans, and for many people. Now, I agree 100% that colonialism and imperialism is objectively bad and has roots to many of the world's problems we have today; but it is also a reminder that the laws and policies that pushed for colonialism, imperialism, expansionism, racial segregation and other injustices, past and present, came from elected politicians, not from a figurehead.If Uncle Sam did exist and filling the role of Head of State, he would have had in his constitutional power to veto, prorogue, or dismiss politicians or political parties that would push for unconstitutional legislations that would undermine democracy. He would have, in his constitutional power, sacked a certain destabilizing force (T****) out of office, and would challenge any politicians that would threaten the stability of democracy. I believe that the January 6 Capitol Attack would have been completely avoided if Uncle Sam was the Head of State.If Uncle Sam existed as a person, The United States would not be so divided in the eyes of the international community. Politicians come and go, but Uncle Sam is here to stay. I hope this somewhat explains why the loss of the Queen impacts the lives of so many people. She was a figurehead who did her constitutional duties seriously with little to no controversy. She remained impartial to politics in order to represent the nation as a whole, rather than favouring one political party over another. She oversaw the country from the turmoils of WWII, the Cold War, the Moon Landing, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, 9/11 and so forth. She was a constant in everyone's lives.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
Why did Anne have a coronation while she was pregnant? I would think that Henry wouldn't want to risk her health.
Well, it was a matter of timing in some sense, once he found out she was...dominoes had to be set up, the arrest of Bishop Fisher before Anne's first public appearance as Queen, the Acts pushed through Parliament, the ruling of the Convocation, even the choice of date seems deliberate (Parliament was prorogued until Whitsuntide, her coronation was Whitsunday).
It seems that he just thought it was religiously and politically important, balanced with concern for her health, since his yeoman apothecary, Cuthbert Blackeden had instructions to attend her during her coronation.
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kaitlinj16 · 2 years
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🦋365 Days / 365 Characters🦋
[7/365] Characters 》 Romeo Montague
"I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes, but thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love."
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Hey Jess, I saw Peter Hunt complaining about Charles meeting Ursula von der Leyen today. He said:
“This is a very serious error of judgement by King Charles and his advisors.
He’s abandoned his unifying role and entered the political fray, in a foolish bid to be seen as statesmanlike.
History won’t be kind. Someone’s head will roll.”
I don’t understand, what’s different between this meeting and all the other glad handing the head of state does? I don’t know what a European Commission head does, but it sounds like someone who’d be welcomed to meet the King?
Ursula is President of the European Commission which is part of the executive branch of the European Union. So she isn't a head of state.
I don't know the ins and outs and what I do know is really complicated, but I think that essentially this is about timing. Ursula was in the UK to sign this Windsor Framework thing I mentioned the other day, the agreement around what will happen with the Irish border. Rishi is having to lie in the bed the Tories made and deliver an agreement that pleases both the right wing Eurosceptic Tories who want the UK to have nothing to do with the EU in any way whatsoever no matter how many laws they violate or how many people die and the DUP, the right wing, unionist Northern Irish political party who were so angry with the temporary agreement after Brexit that they have essentially forced the Northern Irish parliament into a shut down for almost a year. Both of those groups tend to be heavily monarchist and so some people view the decision to have Charles meet Ursula hours after an agreement was reached - before the DUP or the Tories have officially signed off on it - was an attempt to force them to back it because they won't want to disagree with the King.
In Great Britain I truly believe almost no one even knows who Ursula is and so the idea that this is what would undo the monarchy is a bit dramatic. But I'm not from Northern Ireland and the sentiment seems very different there. What it comes down to really is the fact that we don't have a single written constitution. The monarch is expected to not be partisan, but individuals will interpret what that means for themselves. Papers like the Daily Mail etc are supportive of the Tory Eurosceptics and so they will be upset by this in a way they aren't by past interventions. But it's barely had a whisper on the left wing Guardian, who have spent months exposing Charles's interference in political matters in the past.
I do think this situation would have been talked about differently if it was the Queen. In 2019 she prorogued (suspended) parliament on Boris Johnson’s advice. This was later deemed unlawful because Boris was doing it to run out the clock to force a no deal Brexit. Everyone knew that’s why Boris called for suspension. The Queen knew everything that was going on in her country politically, she knew why he called it, and she did it anyway. Now it was a hard situation - ignoring the advice of the PM is bad, unlawfully suspending Parliament is bad - but the press all said she was taken advantage of and how could she have known? This situation isn’t substantially different - I believe she’d have met Ursula too if asked - but the coverage is. To me it highlights that Charles definitely won’t get the slack his mother got, he doesn’t have a warm and fluffy persona he can rest on, and his years of disregard for the foundation of our democracy are coming back to bite him.
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jedibongrip · 2 years
cheating au and/or marriage of inconvenience please
based on ask game
cheating au is where i take obi-wan and beat him into a fine paste. he's in a long term relationship with qui gon, since he was very young, and one day finds qui gon cheating on him with some twink (who is the same age as when obi-wan and qui gon met) and it basically ruins obi-wan's life. a few years later he meets anakin but is he obi-wan's perfect match?
marriage of inconvenience is a fic where stewjoni senator/noble (but not direct royalty i think) obi wan marries anakin, prince of tattooine to secure mining, shipping, and trade rights during the galactic civil war. anakin's mother doesn't want anakin to travel while there's a galactic war, so they get married by proxy, and honestly, obi-wan kind of forgets about it. obi-wan thinks the marriage is in name only, just for legal stuff, and its only years later when he meets his husband for the first time that he realizes that anakin doesn't view it the same way...
cheating au snippet:
This betrayal is more than just hurtful, though it certainly is that. It’s humiliating. Everyone told Obi-Wan this would happen, that if Qui-Gon picked Obi-Wan out of a crowd, soon his eyes would stray to someone younger, perkier, prettier. Obi-Wan had ignored them, told everyone that they were wrong. Surely, Qui-Gon would never do such a thing, would never hurt Obi-Wan like that. Surely, all the late night kisses, the soft hand holding, the promises of always, the way he would smile as he ran his hands through Obi-Wan’s hair, surely that all meant something to him, just as it did for Obi-Wan. Surely, fifteen fucking years together counted towards something. Surely, Obi-Wan was loved enough that something as benign as aging wouldn’t change anything. 
Seething at his dining room table, waiting for his partner (and doesn’t that make it worse? Obi-Wan can’t even say his husband, because the man had a ‘principled objection’ to marriage) to finish helping his little whore get dressed, all Obi-Wan can think about is how he found his first grey hair four months ago. He pointed it out with a laugh and said that soon the two of them would be matching. In retrospect, Qui-Gon didn’t seem nearly as amused as Obi-Wan was.
marriage of inconvenience snippet:
So, Obi-Wan got married. Obi-Wan signed and sent off a marriage certificate, and apparently on Tatooine, they held a ceremony with a stand-in for him. He secured a trading deal, a hyperspace route, and mining rights for Stewjon, and by extension, the Republic. Many people thanked him for it, called it a noble sacrifice. The metals were used to build ships, armours, and weapons. The crystals used to power blasters. Some people said that they only won the war because of the fresh supply of resources they acquired. He rarely advertised that this stranger-husband was, at the time, seventeen years old. It made him feel vaguely naseauated, when he thought about it, about the child that now carried his last name. Truly, he doesn’t understand why the Skywalker’s are now deciding that Obi-Wan needs to meet and interact with his husband. Without even asking, Queen Skywalker sent Obi-Wan a polite, but firm, message telling him that Anakin would be en route to Coruscant, as the senate had prorogued and it would be three weeks until the next session began. She followed the message with a docket for when and where Anakin’s ship would land. Then another message with a list of foods that Anakin was either allergic to or didn’t like. The last message had ended with a short, “Take good care of my boy, Kenobi.” Obi-Wan could practically hear her commanding voice from across the galaxy.
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caymannewsservice · 8 days
Parliament opens new session just to debate referendum
Speaker Sir Alden McLaughlin presides over parliament, July 2024 (CNS): Legislators will meet in parliament for the First Meeting of the 2024-2025 Session on 7 October after the governor officially prorogued the previous session and paved the way for the last of this administration. However, in this first meeting, MPs will not debate any new legislation but focus instead on the government’s…
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
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The Daily Fail is getting a mysterious new "erudite" columnist who will be "required reading in Westminster - and across the world!"
I wonder who on earth it could possibly be?
Yes, it's this fucking clown:
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A person who, let's not forget, was fired by The Times for inventing a quote, lied countless times about EU directives for The Telegraph, lied to the Queen about the need to prorogue parliament as his first act as PM, and has just been found guilty of contempt of Parliament.
And he's just broken the ministerial code by not clearing this new position with the parliamentary Advisory Committee on Business Appointments.
I'm sure with his well documented racism, misogyny, and homophobia, he will fit right in at the Fail. Although maybe someone should warn them that he was frequently late handing in copy at the Telegraph and The Spectator (for which he was the editor...)
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