#proofread this while playing dnd
spaceless-vacuum · 2 years
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Fandom‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Legend of Zelda
Pairing‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Yandere!Link x reader
Word count‧˚。゚・° 。✎ 1772
Summery‧˚。゚・° 。✎ You are the prince/princess/gender not implied royalty from another kingdom Link and Zelda are visiting, and Link develops a crush.
Misc‧˚。゚・° 。✎ third person pov, stalking, abuse of power, implied kidnapping, yandere behavior and themes
Traveling to other kingdoms was simply part of being a hero. It wasn't unusual for a knight to travel, especially not when the knight in question was just found out to be the new hero of courage. Brave face and all did he stand against a tide of monsters. Now came an even bigger threat. Being plunged into the uncertain water of politics. The hero was back and now he had to be paraded around in all of his glory for the nobles and kingdoms to gawk at and behold. 
It was necessary. As much as he hated it and as much as Zelda only tolerated the manners and dignitaries this was all needed. Hyrule had to do what was best for its kingdom. Which means a lot of political affairs before returning home. Even as he appreciated each moment of the adventure and how much he cared for his work after weeks of this he was drained.
Even Zelda with all of her wisdom could only do so much to keep her friend in high hopes.
The visit to your kingdom was preplanned. Just another stop on their way up to the north to meet with the Rito. They were one of their allies and dropping by to meet up with old friends was always called for. Not an aspect of this journey was out of the ordinary. Even the meeting seemed stale and boring. Rehearsed speeches and pleasantries were exchanged.
Which meant Link was about to burst at the seams. There was little to do besides nod at the right places and wait until he was able to excuse himself to bed. Pretending to be the perfect knight wasn't his strongest skill. He was more at home nestled in between the branches of an oak tree than he was stuck in the high stone walls of a castle.
After the sixth encouraging look from Zelda in the last thirty minutes he knew he had to run away. A tactical retreat he decided to call it. With an apology and no explanation he excused himself from the room for a breath of fresh air. No one even noticed. Too focused on a story some senator was oversharing. The outside air was cool and refreshing. He didn't even notice you at first.
The ache in his shoulders faded as he rested himself onto the railing beside you. Neither of you talked as the minutes passed by. The story wasn't done yet and no one had asked where he was so it was safe to stay a little longer. You didn't look at him. Instead taking your own time to relax and unwind during the little moment your absence wouldn't matter. There was a silent understanding between the two of you.
There were two souls facing the same moment enjoying the same time together without a word needing to be shared; even among all of the chaos in the other room the two of you carved out a small moment of peace together. Between the political games, memorizing names and faces of people he'll never meet again, and having to be the absolute perfect version of Link or else they might smell his fear he was exhausted. From head to toe.
Even in the storm that was today and tomorrow he found a moment of peace next to you. That was all he needed. For a moment he felt perfect. Like it was perfect again. It was just like he was when he was Zelda but different somehow. His chest rang out with a pang of emotions. It was a tight knot that couldn't be untangled. There was no need to worry or to be serious. Just the two of you and the chilly air.
Relaxation. That was what did it for him. He could feel all the excitement in the world but it didn't matter if he didnt feel like he was safe around them. He felt safe around you.
So it was obvious that right at that moment a loud voice would ask where he and the absent ruler were. Child of the king you did have a duty to maintain. Come to think of it no one noticed you left in the first place. It was obvious that he had to come back for you. If no one else would note your absence he would; and he did.
The only time he felt safe seeing you was when no one else was around. Amongst the crowd he couldn't relax. If he was seen fawning over one of the heads of another kingdom everyone would only see some way to profit from it. He had his fair share of accidentally leading someone on. Love was simple and easy and the politics made it muddy. Even when he did express interest in someone the moment it became about faking love for gain he had to drop it.
There was no way to grow anything in a garden of deceit and lies.
It didn't help that other people could tell. The way he looked at you and only you. He just couldn't focus on anyone else. The meeting that night had to be cut short once Zelda realized this was going nowhere. The boy had a crush that ran deeper than any trench. Only the flood could put out the fires in his heart. So he arranged a secret meeting with you.
There were times Link was able to arrange meetings in the library with you. Zelda would keep the guests downstairs busy and arrange for you two to have some alone time. His version of getting to know you was much more fun and personal. Making excuses to wander the lands around the castle not only meant running into you more often, but it also made the nobles happy. They enjoyed the idea of him enjoying the beautiful lands. It wasn't the truth but it worked.
Zelda was able to win the votes of the council while he was able to win over your heart. From far away. Link found out that you often took walks. Once in the morning and twice in the afternoon. Often when he asked you accepted, and only twice did you turn him down. Both times he stooped low and apologized before walking away. Leaving you to feel guilty for both insulting him and breaking his heart.
After the second time you had to apologize and eat crow in front of the entire council you decided it wasn't worth going through the trouble of being alone. Especially not when Link was so carelessly and unknowingly caring around the strongest weapon anyone could. The weight of his word against yours. It wasn't intentional so you really did forgive him. Rather it seemed a simple way the world worked that he mattered more than you for those short moments in the meeting room.
It wasn't all bad. When he did join you on walks he was as quiet as a mouse. You got to lie and say you were showing him around but in reality he never spoke. Just nodded or hummed his way through conversations. Rather he seemed happy to pretend like he wasn't there at all. It was hard to tell he was there, not until he would accidentally step on a stick or twig and snap you back to reality.
Occasionally he would sigh. Quietly at first, but Link would sigh louder until you would hear him. He wanted to hear you talk. Your voice was so lovely so no need to worry about what you were saying. Just dont leave him in the silence between words for too long.
As often as he walked with you, so did he follow you on your trail.pacing behind you from about fifty feet. You were so calm when not around him. While watching you do things on your own he wanted to be by your side but it was difficult to balance his natural charm and not coming on too strong. No one could know about this little obsession. Hylia forbid if some foreign dignitary found out about his little obsession.
He couldn't stand for his heart to be used against him. Which is why he puts on a brave face when in meetings. You seem just like him. Tired of the wait for the politics to end so life can continue; and he knew you wanted it to continue with him as well. You loved him just as much as he loved you but were unable to show it. Between all the guards and distant family members visiting for a chance to meet him you were just trying to get away from it all.
And being a knight in shining armour for royalty is actually in his job description. Saving you from everyone including yourself seems like such a small task when he thinks about it. Which is why He opens his heart up to Zelda. A week into the trip and only a few days before leaving he confesses how much he needs you. She is shocked to say the least, but ecstatic to see her most loyal friend so head over heels over you.
Link’s happiness was infectious and together they talked all night long. Link forgets to mention all the more, condemning parts of his love. Like the way he snuck into your room at night just to keep watch. Was it bad? Yes. However, he couldn't help himself. Your guards were too dumb to catch a bird, much less anyone even slightly trained. How could he trust anyone else with this job?
Anyone besides the best was not enough. Who would choose anyone else over him? No one matches the lifetimes of skills and no other candidate could compare. This sentiment only repeated the more time he was cut off from spending time with you. There was work to be done, meetings to attend, and then he would have to go home. Away from you.
This is what spurred the idea of him inviting you back to Hyrule with him and Zelda. The freedom it would give him was a thought to behold. You could spend time with him on his own schedule. Your kingdom could only benefit from this course of action. Worse than that, because of the politics no one would pursue you to try and take you home. 
Then again, no one back home would try and stop him from acting on his darker impulses. Few people would document his actions, and even Zelda would eventually crumble after seeing how in love he was with you.
It was perfect.
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You look lonely.
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《 VirginRockstar!Eddie munson x GroupieFem!Reader
《 Summary: Eddie finally had it all, success, money, and fame. There was still one tiny problem he had.
《 Warnings: unprotected sex, Eddie is 25. Virgin!Eddie, multiple orgasms, over stimulation. Loss of virginity. Brief mention of birth control, subish eddie. A little spanking.
《 Word count: a little over 8k
A/n: Not proofread ignore any mistakes you come across. Please like, comment, and reblog to show support. Divider credit @cafekitsune
18+ minors dni
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Year 1991
Eddie's life was at an all-time high. He had everything he only dreamt about back home in Hawkins, Indiana. He had money, fame, and adoring fans who loved him. Yet he still never had the opportunity to make a real connection with anyone. He still hasn't found the one.
Which was fine he didn't really need anyone right now. His life was too hectic for a partner. He was traveling all over the world meeting new people every night. He put all of his time and energy into music, and it paid off in the end.
He's surrounded by beautiful models and actresses, but never has he once been lucky enough to be intimate with any of them. He was a nervous and shy guy even after success. He never changed. He was still Eddie. Sweet, shy, and the same nerdy man who loved to play DnD and read Tolkien.
Eddie did have plenty of opportunities to lose his virginity in the past, but he was terrified. Most people would assume he was getting laid left and right. He's read the gossip magazines. He knows what people think of him. While he can talk up a big game, once it's time to get down to it, he just... doesn't.
He runs away. He gets too much in his own head. What if I'm terrible? What if everyone finds out I'm still a virgin at twenty-five? Those thoughts raced in his mind anytime he took a woman out on date, knowing they were expecting to hook up with this crazy rockstar.
His fear of rejection held him back, and now his fear of being a total disappointment was the new cause. He knows there's truly nothing wrong with still being a virgin. it's society who has a problem with it. Normally Eddie wouldn't give two fucks what people thought about him, but this was different. Most days, he actually doesn't care at all or even thinks about it. Until he's alone in bed with nothing but his overthinking brain.
All that would change once he saw you in the crowd. Not blinking. Then he saw you again when he snuck backstage to his dressing room. He managed to somehow sneak past a group of girls without much notice, hiding behind large security guards.
You were standing off to the side next to a crowd full of half-naked women. Eddie didn't mind all of you being there. As a matter of fact, he enjoyed the view after walking off stage. A crowd full of women willing to be his for the night. If only they knew.
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Tonight was your first Corroded Coffin show. You've been waiting months to finally see them live. They have been on their world tour for almost a full year. Eddie Munson, their lead singer and guitarist, has had your eye since you first saw them being interviewed on Headbangers Ball.
The moment you saw those eyes and long hair, you were hooked. Once you found out they were coming to your hometown, you rushed to buy the tickets. You were already familiar with the security at the venue they were playing. So, getting backstage access wouldn't be a problem. One of the perks of making friends with the employees.
You didn't sleep with every band that came into town. Only the ones that peaked your interest. You'd never be caught dead in some glam metal band members' hotel room. You liked the thrasher types. The ones who looked like they hadn't slept in days. The bands who were loud and aggressive. Those were your types. The guys in that scene were generally more sweet and down to earth. Which is why you gravitated towards them. If you were good to them, they were good to you.
Corroded Coffin live at The Whiskey a go-go on October 31st, 1991.
You held the ticket in your hand, shaking with excitement. You were finally going to see them in person. You were actually going to meet Eddie Munson. Being a groupie wasn't something you ever intended on happening. It just did. You loved the music first and then got to love the people who created it second.
You weren't too fond being labeled a groupie. You genuinely enjoyed the company of these rockstars. It was never just about sex. You made a real connection and friendship with most of them. You always knew there would be no romantic feelings between yourself and whoever it was you got to know for the night. Or a few nights.
Only two days until Corroded Coffin would be in your city. You bought two tickets just in case your best friend wanted to tag along. She never really enjoyed this scene the same way you did. There was a thrill and rush you got that she never experienced or cared to. Still, you bought the extra ticket just to be on the safe side. Maybe she'd like to share Eddie with you. If she was down. You don't know why you were so sure he'd give you the time of day. But you were.
You were very sure of yourself that you could have him. Most bands had an after-party at their hotel when the show was over. They'd all gather on the bus with whatever groupie of their choosing and head off. That was your plan. Get backstage. Introduce yourself to Eddie and hope he takes you to the party....if they have one. Party or not, you were going to be his.
You've heard the rumors. You read the magazines and seen him out and about with some of the most famous women in Hollywood. The groupies that walked the sunset strip all had a little tale of how he was in bed. They would describe him as rough or very giving. Sometimes both. Some said he was gentle.
Others would say he was an asshole who kicked you out after he got what he wanted. You know, most of the time, you needed to take what they said with a grain of salt. From your past experiences with other bands. Their little stories were fabricated or over dramatized for the sake of attention.
Make no mistake that you didn't just want to sleep with him. You wanted to be his friend. Talk to him about his music. Have a connection with him. Listen to any crazy stories he might have. You wanted to have a life like Pamela Des Barres.
Where songs are written about you. Getting special treatment and tour the world with them. Have a rockstar fall for you even though that's a big no-no. You don't fall in love. You don't get romantic feelings. No matter how deep of a connection you get with one of them. It's hard not to. You idolize these men and women. But you knew it would only end in heartbreak for you.
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The night of the concert you decided to go early and sweet talk the security so they'll let you backstage. You knew them pretty well by now. They know why you're there and have no problems with it. Your friend didn't tag along like you were hoping, but you're used to it. You'd figure you would chat it up with some of the other girls' backstage. They weren't your favorite to talk to. Too much jealousy and competition amongst them for your liking, but if gave you something to do in the meantime.
Eddie had been scrambling around all day long, getting ready for tonight's concert. He made sure his hair looked nice and his clothes were laid out on his hotel bed. He's been hitting the gym a lot more lately. So his clothing choice consisted of no shirt and just jeans half the time. He's got a lot more tattoos since the last tour he has done. A full chest piece and both arms down to his knuckles covered in ink. He looked a little different now compared to just three years ago.
He was nervous. Eddie was always nervous before a show. No matter if there was a crowd of five people or hundreds. He was scared. He puts too much pressure on himself. He compares himself to his idols too often. Something he knows he shouldn't do, but he can't help himself. He was going to the venue early and helping the roadies unpack and set up the equipment.
Eddie figured he'd meet up with the guys and do sound checks and then help his team get everything ready. They were playing at the Whiskey. A venue Eddie was very familiar with. He's spent most of his time in the crowd watching his favorite bands play up on that stage. Eddie never imagined there would come a point he'd be playing up there, too.
Back at the venue, you were talking it up with one girl you've grown pretty close to. You didn't know her personally, but she was at the same shows you always frequented. Her name was Lila, and she looked like she walked right out of a penthouse centerfold. Long bleached blonde hair, big breasts and legs for days. Most of the other girls hated her, but she was always very sweet. She didn't make up one night stand stories to get "popular." If she didn't hook up with a certain guy, then she'd tell you. She never lied. Which is why you've grown to respect her.
"I hope we get to meet Eddie after the show ." She bounced from one heeled foot to the next. A large smile plastered on her face.
"Me too." You chuckled, watching as she struggled to contain her excitement.
"Doesn't matter which one of us takes him home as long as it is not one of those Debbie downers over there." She leaned forward to whisper.
"Why not have us both?" You joked.
Her jaw dropped." Yes! He can have us both."
You shake your head and pull her to walk over out by the side stage. You always got the best view from there. No one shoves or pushes you out the way. Plus, you could be very close to the band. Which is exactly what you wanted. The sound tech guys were busy putting everything together as the roadies were bringing in the equipment.
That's when you noticed him. Hair pulled back in a low ponytail. His bangs are longer, and loose strands of hair fell beside his face. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just pants and a chain around his neck. The tattoos on his arms and chest on full display for you. Eddie was getting the amps on stage with the rest of the crew. You heard them make a joke about which girl in the back they'd pick out for him. But you didn't care about that. You couldn't take your eyes away. He was truly more beautiful in person than on TV.
Eddie glanced your way a few times when he noticed a couple of people off to the side watching. He felt a blush creep its way up to his cheeks when he saw you gawking at him. Eddie still wasn't the best around women if he didn't prep himself first. He was a good flirt, but the moment he noticed they were checking him out, he'd turn beet red. The little blonde standing next to you had her eyes on the road crew.
You saw him make eye contact with you a few times, and your mouth went dry. You've been with plenty of rockstars before, but none of them have ever given you butterflies the way Eddie did. His big brown eyes look straight into yours, and your breath hitches. You tried to elbow Lila and get her attention, but she was too busy checking out a roadie. She was like that.
It didn't matter if they were the ones playing onstage or working for the band. If she found them attractive, she went for it. You nudged and nudged desperately, trying to get her attention as Eddie's eyes never left yours. But all you heard was her giggle next to you as she eyed up and down the guitar tech. "Alright, Ed, time for sound check." You saw Jeff peek his head from around the corner.
You lost her now. Her focus was not on Eddie anymore but his roadie. You wouldn't be surprised if she even stayed to watch the show.
Only an hour until the show starts and you were getting antsy. Lila was gone. She left not too long after the stage was officially set up. You knew where she ventured off to. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. You just wish you weren't alone. There was something so...exciting about tonight. You've been to plenty of rock concerts, but this one was different. You didn't want to experience it alone.
Corroded Coffin were still considered newcomers. Who got very big very fast. There wasn't a magazine on a stand that didn't have Eddie's face on it. From tabloids to Spin magazine. He was on it. The thrill of getting to experience him in person was coursing through your veins.
There was this lump of excitement in your throat. You wanted to scream. Get it all out. You made up your mind that you were going back to his tour bus or hotel room. He was going to be yours for the night. It didn't matter how many women were lined up for his picking. It was going to be you.
Finally, the lights dim, and the crowd has already gathered to their designated spots. You were still off to the side. Gazing up at the smokey harsh purple haze lighting up the stage. There is a backdrop with huge black lettering reading Corroded Coffin hanging up high. Gareth is already at his drum set, setting up for the rest of the guys to make their grand entrance.
Each member emerges from behind the curtain with a roar from this pretty large crowd. Jeff and Grant waved to the sea of people. The crowd is alive, and you can feel it. That electricity is pumping in your veins. The place was packed. Maximum compacity is five hundred, but you know there is way more than that here tonight.
The mic in the middle of the front stage stays empty. Eddie still has yet to come out and introduce his band. The crowd is getting more and more wild. The other members play some instrumental songs to help hold everyone over until he arrives.
The band picks up speed, and the lights switch from a purple haze to red. The entire stage was glowing. The smoke on the stage gets thicker. The crowd forms a mosh pit right off to the side from you. Some of them sneak on stage to dive back into the crowd.
Your eyes have not left the stage. Not once. You kept glancing back from the mic stand to the curtain. You wouldn't lie. You were getting impatient. Extremely impatient. You wish you still had Lila with you so you could have someone to talk to as time passed. Knowing her, you probably won't be seeing her around until the next band is in town.
You blinked, and there he was. A guitar slung over his chest. His hair hanging loose around his shoulders. The shirt he was wearing now tore and cut shows off all of his tattoos. He doesn't say anything. He makes his way to the mic with a cocky smirk on his face. Watching the sea of arms waving out for him. The band never slows. Eddie starts belting out lyrics to their newest single. His voice growling in the mic. You'll never understand how these guys can do this almost every night for months on end.
The veins in his neck buldging out with every passing lyric. The crowd here tonight has never been like this before. There was something so special about witnessing a group with so much energy and passion that it's passed off to the crowd. The floor beneath your feet vibrating. You can't tell if it's from the music or the stampede next to you. Whatever it was, it had you mesmerized.
Your eyes still never left, Eddie. He stopped playing for a short moment to address the crowd. "How is everybody doing tonight?!" The contrast bewildered you. Between his speaking voice and singing voice definitely would give anyone whiplash.
He scanned the crowd, looking at how chaotic it had been since he arrived. Eddie looks off the side and sees you there. Same spot at earlier. You must look utterly hypnotized, and truth be told you were. You couldn't look away. He's got some kind of hold on you. He smirks and looks back to the rest of the audience, but every so often would make eye contact with you.
Song after song, you noticed guitar picks landing by your feet. You hadn't seen the first three times it was done. Too busy watching him thrash away on his guitar. You're surprised it's still able to play after the beating he's given it. He's playing so fast his hand looks like a blur. A pick slapping you in the chest snaps you back to reality. You bend to retrieve it and notice there are now five picks total all by your feet. They're a crimson red with E.M. scratched in the back.
Eddie had been throwing his picks at you the whole time. You hadn't noticed until he plucked one so hard at your chest that you felt it through your t-shirt. He moves over to your side of the stage and crouches down so he's almost eye level with you. He's so close you can touch him if you wanted. Eddie plays the solo of their final song of the night right in front of you. It was like he was playing it for you. Time stood still. Just the two of you and the music. You didn't even realize you stopped breathing until he got up and walked away. Giving you one last look over his should.
Eddie goes back to stand at his microphone. His confidence is through the roof. His stance is proud. "Thank you so fucking much for coming out to see us tonight. We are Corroded Coffin!" He growls that last part out, and the crowd erupt so loud you know your ears will be ringing tomorrow. The vibration on the floor intensified. You were surprised that it hasn't collapsed in yet.
One by one, the members exit the stage. Leaving Eddie to be the last. He looked back at you one last time and gave a little wave. Did he really just wave at you? No must have been to someone else. Definitely not you. You kept telling yourself.
There is no way. He was giving you a lot of attention tonight. Maybe he was? You kept arguing back and forth in your mind as you headed out.
Before you can even try to find the backstage area again, there is a security guard handing you a pass. That was awfully quick, but you don't dwell on it. All you wanted was to find Lila and Eddie.
You rush to the back and see her sitting on a case that holds one of their bigger amps. Her hair is disheveled, and her makeup all smeared. "Where did you go?"
She jumps, "Oh hey!! I got preoccupied."
"How was the show?"
You snort. "It was amazing. They were amazing. He was amazing."
"Babe, that's great. Are you going to the after-party at their penthouse?" Lila goes to stand and smooths down her dress. "The roadie.. I forgot his name told me about it."
"Oh, I'm definitely going. The security guard gave me a pass. I'm sure Eddie told him to give it to me. He had been throwing these at me all night." You go into your pocket to show her one of his picks he had been hitting you with.
Her eyes widened, and a smile spreads across her face. "He wants youuu."
She looked over at the other girls, who were now ease dropping on your conversation. She rolled her eyes and went back to give you a big hug. A bright smile stretched across her face.
"Let's get going. There is another little roadie I got my eye on." She hooks an arm around yours, guiding you to the exit doors.
You don't see Eddie anywhere. He's not out mingling with any of the backstage crew or fans. You figured he was getting cleaned up after the show. He did look very sweaty. His shirt clung to his skin, and his bangs stuck to his forehead. You were positive you would see him at the after party.
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The after-party was at this luxury hotel in the penthouse suite. Jeff, Grant, Gareth, and Eddie all had their own hotel rooms but used this one for mingling after their concert. There were tons of people here. Lila left you behind again the moment she walked through those double doors. She saw her roadie and planted herself in his lap and never got up.
You dabbled in conversation with their crew and had a pretty good talk with Jeff. He was the calm one of the band, and Grant was the funny one. When they got to bickering, it was like watching an old married couple. Grant would say some stupid joke, and Jeff would rub at his temple like he just came down with the worst migraine of his life.
While you were busy conversing with them, you kept scanning the room for Eddie. The sole reason you were even here to begin with. He wasn't here. At least not yet. You were wondering if maybe he found someone else to spend his night with. The thought of that riddled you with disappointment. Was he even the one who gave you the pass?
That didn't stop you from looking. The more you looked for him, the less engaged you were with the two men in front of you. The drink in your hand has become room temperature. More people have now rushed to join the party. The air was thick with smoke. The music was loud, and you started to feel suffocated. You excused yourself from the conversation to go to a less occupied area away from everyone.
As you're making your way past drunk person after drunk person, you see him. Eddie's standing off to the side with a glass in hand that contained a dark liquid. He looks freshly showered. His hair is still a little damp at the ends. You decided to muster up some courage and walk over to where he was tucked away all alone.
"You look lonely." You remark watching his face closely.
He swirls the brown liquid in the glass, causing the ice to clink. "Nah, jus' wanted a moment to cool down." He stared ahead watching the party.
"You know, just one pick would've been enough." You joked, hoping to lighten his mood a little. Eddie was coming off dismissive, but he's was just shy. He's never been good with small talk. As a matter of fact, he hated small talk it always felt forced more than anything.
He snorts, "Sorry bout that you weren't really noticing the first three I plucked your way, though."
"That's fair...."
You eye him and down, taking him all in. He looked good. Eddie notices you checking him out, too. His bites his inner cheek to keep calm. You're looking at him like you want to devour him whole.
"Wanna go somewhere more quiet?" You place a hand on his forearm and lean in a little close.
"It's pretty loud in here. I can't really hear you." You played innocent. You know what you were doing, and Eddie definitely knew what you were doing.
He gulps "Uhhh...sure". He straightens himself up, clearing his throat. He needs to keep his composure. But for how long? Would tonight be the night?
This alway happened he would invite a girl to his room or they would invite him somewhere. Things would get hot and heavy, and right when it was time to fuck he'd kick them out. Too embarrassed to be a disappointment for them. He'd rather be called an asshole than terrible at sex. Tonight? Tonight was going to be different.
He set his drink down by a near table and takes you by the hand leading you out a door you had no idea was there. Eddie walks you down an empty hallway until he's stopping at his room door. He takes his key out and looks back to see you behind him, staring at the fancy carpet. He was nervous but so were you. Just a little. Eddie had a bit of liquid courage in him tonight. He's usually a beer guy but decided to go for something harder to celebrate how great of a show tonight was.
There is a click, and soon he's pushing open the door. "You first." As he bows letting you enter.
You make your way in the room as he flicks on the lights behind you. It was large with a couch facing a king-sized bed. You take your jacket off, and he does the same. Eddies wearing a shirt that if it had anymore holes wouldn't even be considered wearable anymore. It does show off his arms and tattoos, so you're not complaining.
Throwing your jacket on the side of his couch, "You guys were really good tonight."
"Thanks the crowd was fucking insane." Eddie's making himself another drink at the mini bar. "Thought they were gonna go through the floor."
"Want one?" He offers calling over to you.
Shaking your head. "No, I had quit enough earlier, actually."
He nods respectfully at your decline.
Rounding the corner of his bar, he comes to plop down beside you, spilling a little of his drink on him. He's watching you closely, and you've never felt more nervous around anyone else before. You've done this plenty of times. Take a rockstar back to their room. Have some fun, and then stay a little while or leave. No one has ever made your heart skip a beat other than Eddie Munson. Who is now watching you intently. In this moment, you really wish Lila was here too.
You do it. You go right for it. This is why you're here. Why he took you to his room with no amount of hesitation. Leaning forward, you capture his lips with yours in a feverish kiss. You can taste brandy on his mouth as your tongue swips his bottom lip for access. Eddie still holding on to his drink, and the other is firmly planted beside him. You stop coming up for air. His chest is heaving, and his pupils are blown.
Eddies doesn't say anything. He was too caught up on from your kiss. He leans back in the cushions. Letting his legs spread wider apart. You take that as an opportunity to straddle his lap. Eddie stared up at you, and before you could say anything. His plump lips were already on yours. You grind down against him feeling his semi hard cock through his pants. He grunts in your mouth as your tongues fight for dominance.
You press down harder in his lap, desperately looking for any small amount of friction you could get. Wetness is already pooling between your legs. His hands move to grip on your ass hard as he helps you move against him.
You kept thinking to yourself that this wasn't real. You're actually not sitting in Eddie Munson's lap making out in his hotel room. He moans when he feels your hand dip down to rub his cock. Feeling how hard he was getting in his jeans.
Eddie breaks the kiss and stills your movements on him. "Wait, you don't wanna do this with me. He frowns.
"Why wouldn't I?" You're confused. Does he not like you? Does he not find you attractive and is only saying this to be nice so you'd leave? So many thoughts rush through your head in just a couple of seconds.
"I dunno. I just think you might be let down a little." His voice is small. He's not the big loud rockstar that was screaming just hours ago.
Eddie still won't dare look at you. Too afraid of rejection even to this day if he told you the truth.
Your brows furrow, and you laugh in disbelief, "Why would I be let...down? "
He rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated groan. He moves to get up, and you go to sit back in your spot on the couch.
Pinching the bridge of his nose. His lips were in a thin line. He was annoyed and embarrassed. Mostly with himself.
".....fuck I guess now is the time." He muttered under his breath.
"Ive never done this before." Eddie waved from himself to you. Hoping you got what he was trying to say so he didn't have to blurt it all out.
"Huh, do what? You're still so confused, but you're trying to understand him.
Not only did his music mean so much to you, but he did as well. Corroded Coffin was the first band you truly clung on to. The first band that you actually bought a ticket to see instead of sneaking in and stealing a seat. Seeing him struggle to find his words was truly tough to watch. You have so much respect and admiration for him. The last thing you want is to see him upset over something.
"It's okay Eddie whatever it is, you can tell me. It won't make me think any less of you. You tried to reassure him.
He takes a deep breath, "Fucking hell I can't believe I'm about about tell you this...I'm a virgin."
You blinked back, thinking he was just messing around. He was known to pull little pranks on people. "Shut up, you're lying. I've heard the rumors."
"Yeah, that's what they are, rumors, all lies." He chews on his thumb nail out of nervousness. Would you laugh at him now? Is he still this amazing rockstar? "It won't make me think any less of you." Yours words ring in his head, but were they true?
"B-but you've gone out with like very famous women." It's not that you didn't believe him or that this was a bad thing. He was a famous rockstar who could have anyone he wanted.
"Nothing ever happened, sure. I tried to get to know them and have a serious relationship, but most of them just used me to shed whatever good girl image they had going." Eddie confessed. There was a hint of sadness in his voice.
"So... You're telling the truth?"
"Yeah, I understand if you wanna leave." His tone was harsh, but he didn't mean for it to come off that way. He is getting defensive to protect himself from humiliation.
"I don't wanna go." You move to stand in front of him. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No," Eddie's voice is barely above a whisper. He finally looks at you, and his face softens when he sees no amount of judgment coming from you.
"Let's get on the bed." You push him so he flops back on the mattress. Standing between his legs hanging off the side, bare feet firmly planted on the floor. His shoes having long been discarded.
Slowly, you strip yourself of your top, pulling it above your head as he watched your tits bounce as you lift the shirt. You weren't wearing a bra, and you were thankful for that. One less article of clothing to getting in the way. Next was your jeans, and you carefully inched them down your legs along with your panties. Eddies eyes stayed glued to you as you became completely bare before him.
"You ever touched a girl before?" You crawl on top of him sitting just below his cock straining painfully against his zipper.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Yes, I've touched tits before."
"Not tits..here." You laugh, taking his hand and putting it between your legs. He lets out a shakey breath. Feeling the wetness between your legs as you feel his calloused fingers explore your entrance. Your slick coating his fingertips, getting them nice and sticky.
"Oh," he marveled, his eyes focusing on where his hand currently was.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, Eddie." You purred.
You bite back a moan as he continued to explore at your opening. Your hand gripped at his wrist.
"Fuck." He cursed under his breath. Your pussy felt so inviting. Dripping wet like it was crying out for him. Begging and pleading to be fucked.
His finger glided up between your folds until they're grazing your aching clit. "Mmm, that feels so good." You praised and move both of your hands to place them on his chest.
Eddies watching and studying your face. His fingers rubbing sloppy slow circles on your throbbing clit. Your slick dripping down your inner thighs. You moan out his name and it takes everything in Eddie not to cum on the spot.
"Take your clothes off." You breathed heavy, feeling yourself already getting close.
He sat up quickly as you helped remove his shirt and pants. Leaving him in nothing but his blue checkered boxers. Tiny beads of sweat already forming on his face and tattooed chest. You take a moment to admire the dark inck, covering him almost up all the way up to his neck. You know It must have taken hours or even days to finish.
He lays there waiting. Watching and waiting for your next move or instructions. Whatever you were going to do, he was ready for it. Anything you wanted, he's all ears. Eddie was yours for the night as he wasn't going to chicken out this time. No running.
His cock forming a large tent in his underwear already. You can see a small wet patch from his pre cum. "Can I kiss you?"
He nods, moving forward to plant his lips to yours. You giggle, "Not on the mouth."
"Im talking about right there." You run your thumb over his leaking tip that's trapped in his boxers. A mischievous grin creeping up on your face.
Eddie looks a little dazed. Like he can't believe this actually happening to him right now. "Y-yeah."
You pull his boxers down letting his cock free. His tip was an angry shade of red, precum dripping down his cock. Your mouth salivating at his length. His cock was thick with prominent running down his shaft. It laid nicely against his belly button.
"You have such a pretty cock." You cooed taking his length in your hand. Eddie hisses from your touch. He's so sensitive that any amount of attention will send him just about over the edge.
His head falls back, and you can see his Adam's apple bounce when he swallows. He blows out a breath of air, trying to focus.
"Oh shit." He whispered to himself.
You take the opportunity to lick a strip up the side of his cock. He groans deep from his chest. He was going to cum he just knows it. With his cock still in your hand you slap the head of his cock on your tongue tasting the saltiness of his pre cum. Wrapping your lips around the head, you swirl and suck on him gently. Eddie throws an arm over to cover up face. His other hand clawing at the white duvet.
"I-if you don't stop, I'm not gonna last much longer." He managed to stammer out. Your mouth too busy working on his sensitive tip to even care.
You remove his cock to speak, "That's kinda the point."
Wrapping your soft lips back around him. You suck much harder this time, and his hips involuntarily buck. You smile, feeling a boost of confidence you are getting this type of reaction out of him. Felt like getting a little cocky. you decided to take him further in your mouth until he hit the back of your throat.
His abdomen flexing as his release builds. Your throat swallowing around his length. You pull him almost all the way out before taking him in your mouth fully again. Your head bobbing up and down his shaft. His hips bucking up again making his cock go deeper in your throat. You gag slightly as spit drips down your chin.
Eddies still hiding his face from you. His cheeks flushed. "Fuck....I'm gonna cum."
You bob your faster. You take absolutely no sympathy on him. You want him to finish. You want to taste and feel his cum sliding down the back of your throat. You say something in audible as your mouth is currently stuffed full. Your jaw is hurting and going slack. But you don't care.
Your main goal for right now is not only to make him cum, but make him do it as many times as he can handle. With no warning, Eddie grabs your hair and keeps your head in place while thrusting up in your mouth, making it difficult for you to catch your breath. Your nose brushes against the soft curls of his with each thrust he gave. His hips raising off the bed to push his cock in the back of your throat.
"Mmphf, ooh shit." He grunts, shooting ropes of cum down your throat. The saltiness of his cum is all you can taste. Eddies relentlessly fucking your mouth the way he wants to fuck your pussy as he rides out his orgasm.
Every low groan emitted deep from his chest causes your pussy to flutter, sending a shiver down your spine.
He lets go of you, and you remove him from your throat with a loud pop. His cum and your saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth.
"Christ, I'm sorry." Eddie apologized, He really tried not to cum so suddenly. He really really did.
You coughed a little, finally able to breathe normally again. "It's okay."
"Yeah, but... what about you?" He asked as guilt was starting to set in. He didn't want you leaving with ache between your legs that wasn't satisfied.
"Who said we were done?" You smile deviously at him. His cock still semi hard on his belly. You lay beside him, running your fingernails against his length. He gasps and lets out a whimper.
The difference between this Eddie and the one on stage is something you'll never forget. His cock twitches and you can feel him getting hard under your touch.
"Scoot up on the bed for me." You instructed, wanting him to get nice and comfortable before continuing.
Eddie listened and moved higher up on the bed until his head hit the pillows.
You move to straddle him. His cock sitting just above your pussy. He's looking at you in awe. Like you're the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and he's completely at your mercy. And you are. And he is. As of right now, if you told him to run naked down the hallways, he'd do it. Eddie would do anything you told him to.
You rise and scoot forward some more so his cock is between your wet fold. You rock back and forth on him. He moan as you rubbed yourself on his cock. Your aching clit is finally getting some much needed attention. His chest is rising and falling rapidly.
Eddie moves his hands so they're holding on tight to your hips. You grind on him harder and faster. Your juices soaking his thick cock. That's it he was going to cum again. It was too much. What was left of his cum you didn't clean off was currently making a mess all over your pussy.
"F-fucking! hell." Eddie breathed, his fingers digging deep into your skin. He could feel another orgasm approaching him.
You felt yourself growing closer, too. The veins on his cock pulsating between your legs. Your pussy rubbing against him so deliciously. His tip nudging at your clit. Your legs tremble. Eddie bites down hard on his bottom lip almost drawing blood. His eyes glossed over. He was in pure extacy.
Eddie couldn't get enough. The feeling of his cock gliding between your slippery wet folds. It was driving him wild. If just by doing this felt incredible. Then he can't even comprehend what it must feel like to be buried in your pussy.
You had him drooling and unable to think straight. Nothing his own hand and a dirty magazine has ever been able to accomplished. Whatever his own imagination concocted was nothing compared to you. Nothing at all.
"You....this--fuck I can't even talk." Eddies whimpering and whining under you. He has a vice grip going from your ass and back to your hips. Moving them to hold on for dear life or smoothing over the softness of your skin.
"Oh my god!" he croaked. The bed rocking back and forth as you grinded on his cock. The pictures on the wall shake as you go faster. He watches as your breasts bounce, putting him in a trance.
Your climax quickly approaching, but you try to push it back. You wanted him to cum. You'll get yours later.
You feel him twitch again, and he curses under his breath. The grip he has on your hips starts to hurt. "I'm cuming...oh fuck I'm cuming." You haven't stopped moving as his cum shoots out onto his stomach and chest. Tears spring to his eyes and pour down his cheeks. Both of your minds are clouded. You stop grinding, letting him come down from his high.
He lays there limp arms out stretched after letting you go.
"I..youre so fucking amazing." Eddie finally spoke up.
You move back off him letting his cock rest up before you continued anymore. If only others could see him right now. Completely fucked out and you've only just begun. His skin is shiny with a sheen of sweat in the lighting of his hotel room. Eddie would never forget this moment or you for that matter. If he could take you on tour with him and never let you leave, he would.
"Hey, pretty boy, you okay?" You coaxed, running a hand down his cheek.
He doesn't speak, still trying to collect himself. "Mmhmm." Was all you managed to get out of him. His cock was surprisingly still hard.
"Are you ready to feel me now?" You leaned over to whisper in his ear. Licking a strip up his throat before biting down, leaving a tiny little bruise behind.
"Fuck yes." His husky voice as he replied. His eyes are closed, preparing himself for you.
Eddie was ready for this. More than ready. He made himself wait long enough out of fear and anxiety.
"Need your cock so bad." You playfully whine. Hearing that drove him crazy. He doesn't think he'll ever tire listening to someone beg for his cock from now on. Not after tonight.
You smile and move to lean up. Taking his length in your hand and aligning him up at your opening. His breath hitches as you take just his tip in you. Eddies mouth hangs open as he watches you slowly sink down on his length.
You take him inch by inch teasing him as you do. He's so thick it's going to take time adjusting to his size. You don't think you're ever going to feel as full as you will tonight. Somehow, you wonder if Eddie truly knows just how big he is. He has to have an idea? Right?
You continue sinking down on his cock while its spreading you open. It was pleasure and a little pain feeling him splitting you open like this. Your pussy dripping for him. "Ooh, Eddie."
He's biting hard on his closed fist. Fighting hard to contain whatever animalistic moan is threatening to escape. The tip of his cock is a shade of red that's almost purple. The veins in his neck protruding out.
"Please fuck me." He begged you.
Eddie Munson just begged you to fuck him. He's actually begging.
you most definitely are not forgetting tonight and will most certainly never tell anyone. Not even Lila. Sorry, she had a chance to be here and instead picked a roadie. The boost of confidence that just surged through your body after hearing him.
"I-i don't care what you do jus fuck me oh fff-god please!" Eddie whined as he rushed to feel your pussy hugging around his cock.
"Relax, I'm g'nna fuck you." You teased.
Finally you bury him deep inside you until his cock has fully disappeared. You both sigh in unison at the relief. You sit still, allowing yourself to get used to the intrusion. You roll your hips, taunting him a little.
"Sweetheart, dont tease me. I need you." He begs you some more.
"Mmf! god!, you're so big." You whimper. Eddie's cock stretched your sensitive walls the way no one else ever has.
You brace your hands on his abdomen. Eddie, out of nowhere, slaps your ass hard. He was growing extremely impatient all of a sudden. Grabbing your attention immediately. You nod, blowing out a breath of air. Rolling your hips some more before lifting them up and slamming yourself back down on him. His pubic hair tickling at your clit. Your both moaning together as his hips thrust up to meet yours. His tip hit that spongey spot on your walls.
"Fuck fuck... it hurts", Eddie cried with a strangled moan.
"Want me to stop?" You asked stopping yourself from gliding your pussy on his length.
"No! Don't stop!" He half shouts.
"I like it."
You quirk an eyebrow at him. His eyes look into yours, pleading for you to keep going. You lift yourself up and gingerly sink back down on his cock.
"Faster." Eddie demanded with a croak in his voice. You don't hesitate for a second. You lift up and start bouncing on his length at a frantic pace.
The springs in the mattress squeaked from how hard you rode him. Eddies face twisting up, and you know he's about to cum once more. He's blabbering nonsense beneath you. Mumbling to himself, "it hurts... so good," and "You're so tight."
He moves one of his hands to grip and spank your ass harshly. You know he is probably mimicking what he's seen in porn but you dont mind. You enjoyed it. Your pussy making a loud wet schlick noise as Eddie's cock stretched you open.
"Ahh! Eddie." You moan out for him.
"Keep fucking me.....dont stop. Dont f-fking stop." He grunts. His eyes half lidded as he watched you ride his cock. "Goddamn, you're wet!"
You feel your release building back up. You reach a hand between your legs as Eddie watched you. You rub tight circles on your sore bud.
He leans up on his elbows, looking on as you play with yourself. He was getting close again. Another orgasm threatening to spill out of him. Eddie is surprised he's about to give you another. he knows he's about to cum for the third time tonight.
"W-wanna cum again for you." Eddie lets out a small whimper. He sounded so needy.
"Oooh baby." You mewl. Your mouth creating an O shape. Your eyes are closed tight, and your thighs shake. You feel that coil in your belly tightening. "Spank me again." You begged him.
Eddie does as he's told and slaps your ass hard, causing it to ripple. The sound of skin slapping bouncing off the wallpapered room.
He feels your walls pulsing around his cock and he thrusts up repeatedly hitting that spongey spot inside you just right. Your hand moving faster circles on your clit as you struggle to keep riding him.
Eddie keeps thrusting his cock up in your pussy over and over again. It doesn't take much longer before your orgasm is ripping through your body. You let out moan that almost resembles a scream. He's watching you come undone before him. A hint of pride hits him, knowing it was him who did that to you. You won't be surprised if hotel security is called to check and see if any is hurt. The noises coming from this room would cause anyone to be concerned.
Your nails digging in his chest while his cock helps you ride out your orgasm. Your body spasms above him. You lean forward to bury your face in the crook of his neck. You stay like that while Eddies sweaty skin and leftover cologne invading your nose. Sitting back up your mind feeling foggy and your face tingles. White dots appearing in front of you.
"Sweetheart I-I can't cum inside you." Eddie rasped his face tear stained. His eyes look at you sadly.
"I'm on the pill it's okay." You reassured.
He nods and you move your hips to easily ride on his cock. Your pussy clenching up around his length was sending him over the edge. You were so tight. So wet. His balls are completely saturated in your creamy juices.
You feel his length twitch against your walls. Just a few more pumps of his cock and he's spilling his load for the third time. Eddie cums so deep and hard inside of you he forgets how to breathe for a moment.
His toes curling and eyes go crossed. His mouth hanging wide open. He shoots a hand up to press against the headboard, bracing himself. You're relentless on top of him. Bouncing on his cock the bed is smacking the wall with so much force.
"Fuking christ." He grunts, his head digging back into the pillow. His back arching. You don't stop bouncing up and down on him like a bunny until you've milked him dry. His cock growing more in pain by the minute.
"C-cant cum again" Eddie pleaded. His cock hurt and it was now unbearable. Not like how it felt before when the pain was enjoyable. He can feel himself, getting close again.
Eddie just can't do it. He wants to, but he can't. He wants to fill you up with his cum again. He wants to make a mess of you the same way you did for him. Unfortunately his cock is too worn out and and sensitive to give you another.
You listened and halted.
"No more." He breathed.
"Want me to stop this time?"
Eddie nodded, squeezing his eyes shut. Regretfully, he had to stop. He's drained in more ways than one.
His face all the way to his neck is beet red. If his chest wasn't covered in tattoos, you'd guess he was that color all over.
He lets out a shuddered breath, running a hand in his hair. You take the opportunity to carefully remove him from inside you. Wincing a little at the sudden loss. His cum dripping out of your pussy and down your trembling legs a little getting on him as well. Eddie is quivering beneath you. There is a trail of his cum left behind on his abdomen and chest from his previous orgasm.
You laid back down next to where he was. His cock sore and tired from the abuse you just gave it. You and Eddie lay there not speaking for a while. The only sounds are low hums coming from the A/C. Your breathing evening out.
"Ya okay?" You asked softly, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, I...I feel fan-fuckin-tastic, actually." Eddie laughed, recalling what just happened.
"Well, I should probably get ready to go now." You announce trying to hide the sadness in your voice.
"You're not gonna stay a little longer?" He moves to sit up.
"D-did you want me to stay?" You eyed him curiously.
"....well, yeah." His voice now very horse from grunting for so long. He shifts to look you in the eyes. Letting you know he's serious.
"You can sleep here if you want and leave in the morning. Check out isn't until 11:am."
"Oh okay..I'll stay." You smiled over to him.
"Cool! Hey, did you want to hear this new song I'm working on?" Eddie exclaimed, trying to stand on his wobbly legs.
He carefully walks over to his guitar, still completely naked, and his hair disheveled.
"Is that even a question?" You pick up his discarded grungy t-shirt throwing it over your head. You never realized how cold his room felt until now.
For the rest of the night, Eddie spent the majority of the time playing you little snippets of songs he's been writing. He'd ask you for honest feedback, which you gave.
"Ya know, I'm definitely gonna be writing a song about you." He stated, strumming lazily on his guitar.
Your eyes widened as you laughed at what you thought was a joke." You're serious?"
"As a heart attack." Eddie smiled before getting off the couch, tackling you back on the bed and attacking your neck. Having you both giggling like maniacs.
After this night, you became a legend in your own right. You swore you'd never tell a soul about this, but It didn't take long after the song was officially released for everyone to put two and together. Eddie kept his word about writing a song after you. He didn't mention you were his first, but that's okay. That can be your little secret together. The best kept secret.
Corroded Coffin would go off to win two grammys and headline stadium tours. You went to see them when they came into town, and Eddie gave you the VIP treatment. You promised yourself you wouldn't catch feelings. That was hard to do when he would serenade you in his hotel room.
Eddie was too charming and caring to avoid any of that. You knew better, and you curse yourself for even going against your own set of rules. You were sure Eddie didn't feel the same. He just had a special bond with you after you took his virginity. He definitely didn't possess any true feelings for you besides admiration and friendship. Or did he? Only time will tell.
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blogfullofemos · 4 months
Nasallang? Like a Nordic Metal Band?
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Hiya guys, did you miss me? I figure to thank you guys every time I post another fic. I truly appreciate the support, commentary, and reblogs every damn time. Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️. You guys can send me asks as well, if you feel like I can bring a concept of yours to life. Enjoy and continue to let me know how you feel 😊. This has also been proofread.
Synopsis: Eddie Munson is taking matters into his own hands... Well. Into your hands, but nobody is there to see it. (This is a favorite I've written so far. This idea is so cute to me ☺️)
Word Count: 995
Warning: Amateur piercing session (PLEASE DO NOT DO WITHOUT THOROUGH RESEARCH OR PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION), and please don't hide things like these from your parents unless you know you can handle the repercussions. Mentions of drugs.
Pairing: Bestie! Eddie Munson + bestie! reader
    “Okay.” you sigh, assessing the makeshift tools before you. A box full of alcohol pads, a few pin needles, and opened cases of piercings awaiting your procedure. Eddie smiles crookedly, biting the side of his bottom lip, elated for his new statement pieces to proclaim him. Well, more like an obtuse declaration. With an apprehensive side eye, you couldn’t help but smirk at Eddie’s overt excitement. His skinny jeaned legs bouncing rapidly as he consistently rubbed his hands on his knees, were they sweaty? Yeah he’s smiling, but his dimples are barely indenting. And he keeps biting his lip. Maybe it’s the hard plastic toilet seat lid he’s sitting on, it just made you uncomfortable watching him sit on the unforgiving cover. Picking up a pin needle, you twist the thin metal between your index finger and thumb. Your nerves prickling the ends of those fingers while you gauge the depths of its puncture. “Okay but like…” you give another apprehensive side eye “Why feed into it?” you finally ask. Even as Eddie given you a soliloquy for his urgency on the matter a few nights ago. 
“I play DND, electric guitar, smoke weed and maybe… Just maybe dabbled with other hallucinogenic substances… But TOWN FREAK!! Cuz’ MUMMY DEARESTS can’t bear their children poking at a little bit of Hellfire!! WELL LETS GIVE’M MORE.!!”
     God you just thought it was another intrusive rant that tend to be filled with false promises. But here you were with impending nasallang and snake bites. “Because why not?” Eddie retorts, pinching your arm. He giggles as you quickly drop the needle to swat his hand off, followed with a quiet but dramatic “Ouch!!” Not wanting to disturb Uncle Wayne’s quiet beer reading session at the small living room, or rather pique his curiosity. “What about Uncle Wayne?” you wince, rubbing away the lingering pain. Eddie rolls his eyes, diverting his attention from you, he turns his body towards the tools. Taking an alcohol pad out of the box and ripping its wrapping open with his teeth. He makes a disgusted face as he spits the ripped seal out of his mouth, pulling the wipe out. “This would be his final straw. He’ll definitely think you’ve lost it.” you say, crossing your arms.
“I’m 19 going on 20; and to ease your worried little head while also reminding you. I’ve gotten my first tattoo at 15 and all Uncle Waynee did was burp and pat my shoulder.” Eddie answers your incessant doubts, wiping the alcohol wipe under his bottom lip. He theatrically points at you and winces his eyes, burping on que “That’s a reaaally cooool tattoo Eddie… Who did it?” he acts out his Uncle’s drunken mannerisms. You smack your hand on your head as Eddie burps again, smacking his lips and daintily tossing the wipe into the basin. You slide your hand down to your mouth, hiding your smile while trying your best to give Eddie a disapproving gaze. Failing to dissuade his stubbornness, you sigh out as you rip open an alcohol pad. Sterilizing a pin needle, you try your best to recall every word Eddie read to you from an amateur self-piercing guide. Beautifully written by a goth chick Eddie ‘talked to’ ages ago. 
     “But why me?” you pout, nervously getting yourself into place. Eddie helps you by widening his legs, letting you get close to his sat frame. Breathing out, he shakes his head back, the movement helping his hair naturally slip away from his face without his hands. His brown eyes connecting with yours, his crinkles forming with his reassuring smile. You give a smile back, taking a gentle hold of his chin and guiding his head to move about. Aesthetically measuring the placements with whatever experience you can tie this to. “Why me Munson?” you repeat, needing him to say anything to distract you from ending this before even beginning. Eddie knees hug onto your thighs as his anticipation locks you in, licking his lips “Robin is squeamish as we all know. Steve has better things to do, and well…” Eddie drifts off but stops as his breath hitches. His eyes widen as he feels the slight poke of the needle at the bottom of his lip; his hands naturally grabbing onto your hips.
You freeze as your muscles lock from the unsuspected action, your eyes widening as you snap your hands away from him. “Shit sorry.” he quickly says, dropping his head to shake his hair out with his hands. Your cheeks searing with unabashed disclosure, be it the first time he’s ever touched you there. Be it the first-time you guys gotten this close in an…. Intimate position. But this is what comes with the territory of a growing friendship, and not wanting to make it any more than what it is. You quickly recollect yourself as you take hold of Eddie’s chin once more, guiding him to look up at you again. “S’okay.” you reassure dryly, clearing your throat you continue “But I’m pretty sure with enough bartering Erica would gladly do this for you.”
“Yeah but she’s like 15, I don’t trust her with sharp objects around anybody, especially around me… And you’re the only one I can depend on, being best friends and all.” he says, finally giving you his award-winning dimpled smile. 
       “Okay. Okay. Take a deep breath for me and whatever you do. Keep. Your. Mouth. Open.” you take hold of his bottom lip with your index and thumb, pulling it out as much as you could “And try your best to stay quiet.” you add. Eddie nods slightly while incoherently accepting your requests.
“In 3… 2…… 1. Breathe in.” 
Eddie grunts LOUDLY as you pierce through his lip; iron gripping your hips like a baby latching on to its first sweet. Yeah, you had your hands full with this one. But it’s going to make for a great story time throughout the many years to come.
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gh0ulkisser · 1 year
who's he?` hobie brown
warnings cats??, i didn't proofread so there's probably some mistakes lol, the n word is used once....twice... maybe three times, sexual tenison ig, shit talking ab white people LOL & that should be it... enjoy! also i don't know how british people talk soo he's american in this either hate it or love it. this is my first time writing after a while so feedback would be really appreciated.
based on the song "that's the way love goes" to some extent. was listening to it on repeat & got inspired.
and happy juneteenth to my fellow african americans!
it's a beautiful monday afternoon. the blazing sun hitting my chocolate skin, the cool breeze kissing my cheeks making me feel relaxed. me and my friend grace decided to have picnic crowded park to celebrate juneteenth, something simple something cute.
"and my mom made these sandwiches for us." grace face lit up with a bright smile showing off the sandwiches that are wrapped in wax paper. "what kind of sandwiches are they?" i asked taking one from her hand.
"some vegetarian sandwich, my mom is on her healthy shit." she unwrapped the wax paper biting the sandwich immediately. "so what's going on with you? i haven't seen you in a while miss thing."
grace looks at me with engaging eyes. "nothing, i've been chilling that's all." i said lightly breaking eye contact. "nigga stop lying." grace yelled making people turn their heads to stare. "who's the boy?"
"there's no boy. i promi-" i got cut off by my phone ringing. me and grace both look at the contact name.
"bitch who the fuck is hobie? and why did you put that emoji?" grace stares at the phone with a shocked face. "why are you assuming its a boy first of all, second of all i use the emoji for everyone i cherish."
"you don't have that emoji for me." i rolled my eyes. "it's not that big of deal i promise. he's just a friend." i grabbed my phone putting it on dnd. "bitch you fucking annoying." grace murmured.
"can you at least tell me about him? likeeee what does he look like.... how do you meet him?" grace asks. i shook my head. "nigga why not?" you can talk to me about anything else but this is where you draw the line?" i nodded taking a bite of my sandwich.
"oh my god! did you fuck him?" grace questions. my mouth open in shocked. "no i didn't fuck him! i literally just met him. grace please!" i unlocked my phone going straight to my camera roll to pull up a picture of him. "this is him." i said passing my phone to grace.
it was a picture of hobie and me at a cat café. his beautiful smile showing his pearly whites, the silver piercings making his face even more sexier and his thick stunning wicks.
the four-legged animal purred underneath my hand as i softly pet it. "i want to adopt a cat so badly." i said breaking the silence between me and hobie. he looks at me and then the cat. "why? cats are evil."
"if cats are evil why did you agree on coming to a cat café with me?" i lifted an eyebrow looking at him. he smirks. "i needed an excuse to hang out with you." i blushed breaking eye contact.
"i don't know if this is a weird thing to say." i looked up at him admiring his face. so damn attractive...the things this man can do to me. "but white people are so fucking weird." he said snapping me out of thoughts.
we just looked at each other.
i busted out laughing scaring the poor innocent cat. "what made you say some shit like that hobie?" i asked and he just shrugged. "there was this white girl in my class that had the same last name as me." i paused to pet the cat calming it down. "and i just thought about her ancestors enslaving my people."
"is that a fucked up thing to think about?" i asked him as i played with the cat's tail. "yes." he said nonchalantly. we sat in silence but the silence was soothing and very comfortable.
the purring of the cat and the chatter of the customers filled in the silence. i felt him stare at me. making my heart start to pound against my chest. i then felt this hand start to stroke my thigh.
i looked at his hand then i looked at him.
"you good?" he asked in a mocking way. "mhmm." he smirked knowing i was in fact not good. "you wanna go to my place?" he squeezed my thigh. his cold rings leaving a mark on my thigh.
"he's cute." grace said grinning. "yea i know." i finished eating my sandwich wiping the crumbs off my mouth. "so he's not your boyfriend?" grace gave you back your phone. you shook your head.
"we are only friends."
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jwonsoon · 1 year
enhypen - how they show affection at school 𖨆♡𖨆
☼ authors note - hi guys first post :) thinking about life w them at school god im going nuts - def not proofread im just rambling !
his way of showing affection is through subtle touches </3. 
during those school breaks after exhausting classes he just wants to see you and listen to how ur day went.
his hand is always hanging around u, whether thats ur knee or shoulder giving u small squeezes of reassurance while ur with all ur friends to remind u nonverbally that he misses u. 
also if u guys are laughing about something he is always looking at you w so much admiration or leaning into you god i want him 
HE IS SO OBVIOUSSSS. i love him so much 
jay would have such starry eyes he would completely light up around u. he is so smiley and giggly around you laughing at ur jokes that were not even that funny. 
he’s also such a good listener like he’s just so attentive and give u the exact energy u need when ur ranting like he gives me “yea i really hate when that happens too…” vibes. 
buys u food anytime. 
he would be so insistent calling you over and telling him to sit with him cus he wants u near to him he’s barely seen u all day :(( he’d whisper ur name like “come here i miss youuuuu” i cant i cannot
he loves playing w ur hands bopping them around and intertwining w them when ur talking to him. (think him and jungwon in enhypen&hi i cant do this) u also love doing the same to him, he gets all giddy but he still wants to be attentive to the rest of the friend group and not seem too obvious so he’ll be nodding and listening but he’ll occasionally look at u and smile to himself. god. 
his form of affection is just simply being with u. being close in proximity. he just loves the idea of u being there
he misses u and doesn’t wanna see u stressed!!!!  when his hands are free he’ll have his arm around u rubbing ur arm asking what he can do to help :(
would also be so visibly excited to see u if u haven’t seen e/o all day he makes u feel so special. he is so comforting i love him so bad jake i love u
but this is more subtle it HURTS. his hand is always lingering around yours. and he always nudges u or he’s always looking down at ur hands that are barely touching and sometimes u dont notice so he gets pouty OH MY GOD.
secretly memorized ur schedule so at the end of one random class he’s finished early and hes just standing outside like 🧍 ALL AWK waiting for you to walk to lunch together and ur like how did u know i was here…hes like 🤷‍♂️
sunghoon is really subtle with it. if he senses you’re having a bad day he’s gonna be extra goofy w lame dad jokes to try and distract u. he’ll buy food for u but make it seem like it was for him and give it to u “just because.” sigh . the little things
despite being busy af. he will always make time for YOU. like he has a meeting but he receives a text that you’re about to go home? he will be excusing himself for 5 mins to give u a proper bye. FUCKKKKK
always texting u. ur laptop BETTTTERRR have DND on or else it will be pinging every 2 seconds. just like how this boy is always on weverse, he is constantly updating u about funny shit that happens in class or just what hes thinking or ur future hang out plans “we should go here on saturday”
he would so walk u home from school if y’all lived near and he would get sad if he can’t bring u one day like “how come ur leaving early i cant walk u home and ive barely seen u all week :( “
somehow always carrying ur stuff - especially if u tend to leave things behind. especially hoodies and waterbottles. like by the end of the day ur like “ok so why do u have half of my belongings.” when u guys pack up after lunch he is always picking up ur stuff b4 u cus he just knows u sometimes forget 😞 
no matter how busy y’all are. sunoo wants to see u ☹️ u guys have barely talked the whole day. he will text to meet in the middle of class just quickly. “what floor are you in? can u leave class rq i wanna say hi :(“ 
compliments. COMPLIMENTS. always the small details too like if he’ll notice if u tried a new makeup look or if u did ur hair different. he’ll make u feel so pretty
walks with u around the campus during lunch after you guys are done to have one on ones. he likes spending time one on one with you cus sometimes its harder within ur bigger group of friends awh. 
would always have ur arms linked and laugh about stupid things with you FUCK SUNOO MY SUNSHINE 
i luv him NI-KI so much im gonna get emotional. 
when he laughs or gets excited he’s practically jumping onto u or puts his whole body weight on u you’ve almost fallen so many times. 
always squeezing ur shoulders from behind to catch ur attention cus he’s so tall, similar to this sometimes he scares u from behind and u get so startled and he loves it cus he thinks ur cute and silly </3 but he sometimes does it when you’ve seen him coming from like 4 miles away… goofy ass 
when hes with u he’ll scrunch his nose and whisper “cute” to himself bc he doesn’t wanna be obviousssss😜u cant know that hes’s SIMPING!! (but he doesnt realize that u did see it and ur geeking)
likes to hug u when theres no one else around or fully lean into u like hes about to get a good nights sleep  😭
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ask-elland-n-will · 7 days
OOC Question:
I am sorry, I am sure you already answered that Question, but how did Will and Elland come to life? 💚
How did you come up with their names and personality?
[I'm gonna call this recent series of ooc asks "Lily rambles while on a walk without proofreading anything"!
Cyrus was first, I cannot begin this conversation without bringing him up. I played him in a DnD campaign for about a year. Elland happened a little while later, but was just an NPC, somebody for the game master to bring up to get the plot going. I switched into playing Elland cause I wanted to give another class a go: Cyrus went home to take care of family stuff, and Elland moved into his friendgroup to help prevent the end of the world. Typical DnD stuff.
Elland is supposed to Cy's foil. Their dynamic was great, their differences stood out more when they were paired up. I wanted a really strong bond.
HL came around — and as I was playing Elland in DnD at the time, I used him in HL. When starting a replay of the game, I went with another archetype I always loved, a talkative cute ginger sunshine boy (we know how he mutated since then 🤣). It was a switch from Cyrus into Will, because Cyrus, being an adult in DnD, was, for the lack of the better word, too horny and abrasive. He didn't fit in a school, and at the time the thought of changing him felt like a monumental task.
So I created another foil for Elland. Will now is so far from his original self that I might as well come up with another cute sweet OC. It always happens like that with my characters. When it feels like one has too much of everything, the character branches out into other characters. Will used to be a coward — and don't get me wrong, self preservation is strong in this one but he knows when to pick his fights and is not easily scared when he can explain things logically (pickle was an exception but he got over that fear after a while). But with time Fred took over the coward role.
Lilith was supposed to be sweet — yet now she's unhinged, strong, domineering — those qualities didn't sit right with any other characters.
Elland was supposed to be more like he is in DnD, this figure making tough choices and not being afraid to get his hands dirty to protect family. But it felt wrong for the HL setting, and thus I have Fyodor, who is even more straightforward. Wherr Elland still can tell a white lie — Fyodor is brutally honest, even if it needlessly hurts somebody's feelings.
I'm rambling at this point haha
Names? Elland — I was in a book club at the time, going through The Mistborn series and The City of Brass. There was a character in the first book series, Elend Venture, whom I liked a lot. When I was coming up with names, I wrote "Elland" and only way later realized why it feels so familiar. I got inspired without knowing.
The second book is fantasy set around the world of djinn. That was the inspiration that made Cyrus a genasi, and de Strontiums in general came from the Middle East (still haven't decided if Egypt or Turkey). There were a few centuries of assimilation both in DnD and HL, so Elland and Cyrus are mixed race.
Cyrus is a name of Persian origin with Greek roots. It meant "sun". With how the boy is burning, it was fitting. And in Genshin there is a guy named Cyrus who is the head of the Adventurers guild. So I had a good feeling about the name.
Their last names, too. Strontium is/was added to fireworks to give them red colour. I've mentioned before that their family came from firework making origins. It's a tradition for them, even when they became nobleman. They branched out into firearms eventually, that's how the majority of their family's wealth was accumulated, helping supply the Crown. In DnD — making weapons for the city guards, and a bunch of other experimental projects that had to do with explosives. Cyrus was reeeealy born for this.
William — always loved the name, no other reason. Abbott — I was looking all over the wiki for a family name that would soften their stance on muggles. I don't remember exactly, but later down the line Abbott's married muggles. Even is Sacred families weren't really a think in HL times (I think?) It doesn't make Will any less generationally pureblood.
For personalities - I'll lump Will and Cyrus in the same category. I needed someone fun. Fun, outgoing, energetic, inspired. And to pair them up for a dynamic I liked, I needed someone calm. Supportive, more empathetic, good listener but somebody with a firm hand to direct Will/Cyrus if they get carried away. W/C should hold E in high regard. E is the kind of person to ground them and make them see things they are too blinded to see.
In practice (roleplay) it's a bit harder to do, so don't be surprised if the characters sometimes do things you didn't think they would do. That, and coming from DnD, Elland especially, Tumblr will just never see some of the sides of him I see critical for understanding his character. Now that I made up my mind about my boys' as OCs lore, the dangerous and unforgiving environment that was HL MC lore and DnD lore — it moved aside.
Elland is a Hufflepuff here only because I couldn't decide between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff because I wanted Puff's commonroom. If I made a choose on behalf of the DnD Elland, he is more Ravenclaw than Puff in terms of personality. A lot of it just didn't come to him until he went to magic academy. And again, bringing up harsh MC lore, now I can't really show off how he operates under pressure and how smart and quick-thunking he is, and how passion can cloud his judgement, especially when his loved ones are involved. Dueling might be the only way for that to slip through.]
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For Whom the Bell Tolls
You get vecna'd, or almost, the group needs to know you're favorite song but only Eddie knows it (it's For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica :)
kinda proofread
945 words
It was just a quick stop while you were on the run, joining Steve, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, Lucas, Dustin, and Max. You promised. It was just a quick detour through north hawkins, not too outside of town. It was just your grandfather’s ranch, and you’d be quick, promise.
It’s been 10 minutes. Steve fidgeted in the drivers seat of the stolen van. He was parked at the gate. He could hear Eddie and the kids conversing in the back, but the noise wasn’t processing as he stared out the rolled down driver’s window.
It was quiet, too quiet. Then sudden one of the ranch dogs started barking. That was it for Steve, no more waiting. He grabbed and walkie talkie and left the van, leaving the door wide open as he sped walked up the dirt path to your grandfather’s ranch house.
Robin, who’d been poking at Nancy, and trying to poke at Steve, called after Steve. After getting no response, Nancy left through the passenger door, telling the boys and Max to stay as Robin clambered over the center console and left the van through the driver’s door. The ladies closed the door and jogged after Steve, watching him disappear around the side of house.
Once the girls caught up to him, they saw you just.. standing there. One of the ranch dogs was barking at you, pacing around your still stance. Steve walked up to you and patted your face, urging you from your trance. He panicked, calling your name and shaking your shoulders.
The older girls asked what was going on, obvious to the fact that this was how it happened to Max only the previous day. They only knew about the Code Red and that something happened to Max, but here they were. Face to face with exactly what happened to the red headed girl.
Steve scrambled to grab the walkie talkie he hooked onto his jeans, alerting the others of the Code Red. Frantically asking the others that resided in the van if you had any music in your bag that your brought. The girls worked on attempting to wake you from the trance, panicking when there was no response from you.
In the van, the kids panicked. Dustin asked for more information in his walkie talkie while Lucas and Max rummaged through your bag, looking for cassettes.
“Favorite song?!” Dustin asked. “No! I don’t know Y/n’s favorite song!! Isn’t that something you should know?!”
“Y/n’s favorite song?” Eddie asked from his spot on the bench in the back of the van. He was too confused to be panicking. “Why do you need her favorite song? Is she-“
“Vecna’s got her!” Dustin answered, joining the others on going through your bag.
The kids separate with a handful of cassettes in their hands. The ripped the side door of the van and ran up the dirt hill. Eddie followed, the kids’ panic rubbing off on him and he stumbled after the trio.
“Vecna?!” The metalhead asked. “You mean like DnD? But-“
“It’s like what got Chrissy,” Max answered. “It’s after Y/n now.”
The group rounded the house, the kids slid to their knees at your feet and dropping the cassettes. Steve joined them, hands shaking.
The reality settled in for Eddie. Whatever got Chrissy, or Vecna (as the kids called him), was after you now. He still couldn’t get what happened to Chrissy out of his mind, it haunted him every day and night, resulting in poor sleep. He couldn’t imagine you going though that, he didn’t know if he could handle that.
Eddie dropped beside the kids, digging through your music and looking for that one song. The one Eddie introduced you to when you first became friends, and the one he found you listening to by yourself many times when he snuck in through your window.
“This one! This one!!” Eddie shoved it into Max’s hands, as she had her walkman with her. “I’m sure of it.”
Max scrambled up and shoved the headphones over your ears and pressed play. She stood beside your still body as the song played.
Dustin and Lucas got up, your cassettes in their hands. They stood there, scared as they waited.
Moments passed by with no results. It felt like forever. And suddenly you fell to your knees, a gasp tearing through your throat. Everyone rushed forward, aiming to catch you before you fully fell to the ground, but it was Eddie that caught you. He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you protectively.
Everyone piled on top of you two as you shook the headphones from your ears and stuffed your face in Eddie’s jacket, panicking and hyperventilating from what you just experienced.
The group urged you up once they were sure you were okay, stumbling back to the van in a post-panic haze. And it was quiet as you all took off, everyone in their same places. The kids put your stuff back in your bag and you gave Max her walkman back, the redhead handing Eddie the cassette. You curled up on the bench in the very back of the van, looking out the window blankly.
Eddie sat beside you, pressed against you. He stared down at the blue colored cassette in his hands, looking at the set list on the back.
For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica. Of course. The song that Eddie introduced you to. The song that saved your life.
Eddie put the cassette in your bag and closed it up, putting a hand on your bent knee as he stared ahead, still trying to wrap his head around what had just happened.
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smolkiwi98 · 7 months
Hi! I had sent you a request about reader (if you can make the gender not specific, id appreciate it) being Dean and Sam's cousin and taking them to play rpg because Dean would 100% love it and Sam is probably going to have fun to. And when they are getting there they ask the reader about that friend group, if they met while hunting or something and you're like "about that, there's something i was going to tell you" and Eddie (stranger things) opens the door and is all like "baby, you're here!" and pecking the reader's lips. The brothers are a little protective over their cousin who is playing as the dungeon master and Dean makes it so his character is always provoking Eddie's character or fighting him in the game at first
Okay okay...I know it's been awhile, but here's the first half!! A lot of stuff has been going on and a lot of changes! I hope you like it!!
make a request here!
“Hey, Eddie?” You called out of the bathroom. After a few seconds your boyfriend was right at the door, “Yeah?” He asked. His hair was in a low messy ponytail and his forehead had a little oil on it from working on his car. You smiled and held onto your towel. “My cousins are coming over today.” Eddie gave you a confused look “They are? Did you tell me and I forgot?” His eyes widened at that small thought which made you chuckle “No, they just called me. They’re in town and wanted to stop and say hello.” You explained. Eddie nodded his “Have I met them?” Eddie has met a few of your family members, but these two were never around much. You shook your head “Nope! I haven’t seen them since I was about 13.” You smiled. Eddie could tell you were excited about the visit, “I guess I should get showered then.” He said matching your smile.
You were in the kitchen baking some pie (a request from your cousin) when there was a knock on the door. Eddie was still in the shower, he complained about having oil and dirt in his hair so he would be a minute. When you opened the door there stood the two very tall mysterious men in your family, “Sam! Dean!” You said wrapping your arms around them both. The two laughed and patted your back “How’ve you been, kid?” Dean asked, looking at you. You shrugged “I’ve been good! I finally moved out of my moms house.” You said with a small chuckle, “How is she doing?” Sam asked. Again you shrugged “I assume she’s good. I haven’t spoken to her in a while to be honest.” The two brothers nodded and gave each other a look. “Oh! Come in!” You said stepping aside for them to walk in “Dean there’s a pie on the table. I just took it ou-and he’s gone.” Sam laughed, “Yeah…nothing has changed with him.”
“Son of a bitch!” Dean yelled. Both you and Sam ran into the kitchen ‘What? What’s going on?” You asked in a panic. You look around and see Eddie sitting at the table with a slice of pie and Dean looking confused and a little upset, “I thought you said it was my pie.” Dean said. Sam shook his head, “Dude there’s plenty of pie there. Just take a slice.” He said, sounding annoyed with his brother. Dean grumbled something and took a slice before sitting down “Who is this anyway?” Dean asked. Sam sat down next to him and you sat next to Eddie, “Sam…Dean, this is my boyfriend, Eddie!” You said with a smile “Eddie these two are the cousins I told you about.” Eddie was a little shy but gave them a smile “Y/N, has told me a lot about you guys. It’s nice to meet you both.”
~ One Hour Later ~
“So you’re saying the dragon can’t die…like at all?” Sam asked, “Exactly! But, there is a way to kill it! The players just have to figure it out.” Eddie answered. The two have been going on and on about DnD once Sam saw a d20 laying on the counter. You and Dean sat there confused. “Do you get any of this?” Dean asked, you shook your head “I’ve tried playing so many times and I’ve sat in during games and still don’t understand.” You said. Dean chuckled and finished his beer, “How did you meet this guy anyway?” He asked “School actually. I was new to the school because ya know…mom homeschooled me and I had no one to sit with at lunch.” Dean looked at you “So lanky frizz hair invited you to his table?” You laughed and pushed him playfully “Yes…and his hair is not frizzy!” Dean looked at you and then back at Eddie “I don’t trust him.” You rolled your eyes, “You don’t trust anyone, Dean.” You looked at Eddie and smiled at how him and Sam were geeking out over his DM binder, “But trust me. He’s a good guy…He’s not an asshole.” Dean raised an eyebrow at you and then stood up “I’ll judge that myself.” He said while walking over to Sam and Eddie, “Alright dorks…tell me what’s going on with these dragons and elves and other crap.” He said before sitting down. You shook your head and grabbed the empty bottles and dirty plates and went to the kitchen.
Throwing away the bottles and placing the dishes in the sink you heard Sam come in, “Hey!” He said, smiling at you. You smiled and turned around to look at him “Hey! You having fun?” Sam nodded his head, “Yes actually. Eddie is a pretty cool guy.” You smiled “Yeah, I think so too.” You said with a small chuckle.
To be continued….
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looksthatkilledd · 2 years
Henderson's Sister // Perv!Eddie Munson X Fem!cheerleader!Henderson!Reader
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A/N: tysm anon! ilysm, i took my own bit of a twist on this! i hope that's okay! Pairing: perv!Eddie Munson X Fem!Cheerleader!Henderson!Reader Warnings: Very smutty but no sexual contact between the reader and Eddie??? (Eddie just gets very turned on at the thought of you) swearing, Eddie being a perv, dirty thoughts, slight degradation, masturbation and Eddie just being a fucking perv honestly what do you expect? lmk if I forgot any! Words: 2k AU: N/A not proofread LMK IF U WANT A PART 2!!!1
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"c'mon man! you gotta come! it would be so boring without you!" Dustin begs his older friend "absolutely not. with steve? no." he spoke sternly
"dude! hot chicks will be there, I think Y/n will be there. i can convince her to go," he smirks
Eddie freezes as your name spills off Dustin's lips Y/n. the very hot cheerleader, Dustin's older sister. she wasn't like any of the other cheerleaders, not into boys or makeup, you were a rock and roller, and he's seen you rocking a couple iron maiden tees, and he found it so hot, what he found hotter was you in that little cheerleader outfit, he would often find himself staring at your skirt, hoping that some gust of wind would come and push that filthy little skirt up so he could see all the glory that laid underneath it, he wondered what kind of underwear you would wear, or if you would even wear anything underneath at all, his dick stirred around in his jeans, he forced the moan that very wanted to come out of his throat back down, so that Dustin wouldn't hear how much of a perv he is for his older sister "I mean that would be so bad, maybe.." Eddie speaks lowly "yes!" Dustin cheered "ill see you there." Dustin shuts his locker as the last bell of the day rings and everyone is happy to leave this hellhole for the long weekend, he couldn't help but see you walking towards the front doors, still clad in your cheer uniform, as if he couldn't get harder, he watched as you walked and swayed your hips absent-mindedly as you talk to Chrissy, smiling, he watched as you 2 part ways, he takes his plump bottom lip between his teeth, closing his locker god his mind is so filthy about his best fucking friend's older sister 'Y/n Henderson' the name itself made his head spin, he just imagines bending you over the console of his van, pulling up that pretty little cheer skirt and fucking your lights out.
he sighed waving through the crowd, trying to reach his van to rub one out, he felt like his dick was gonna burst out of his jeans at any second, the halls around him started to get a little too warm, and he could feel every part of his body getting flushed by just thinking of you.
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you were sitting in your room, now traded your cheer uniform in for a nice comfortable pair of plaid PJ pants and a cute little shirt, music was softly from your turntable, and a random van Halen record was playing, suddenly your brother burst in, not bothering knocking, you were unphased "y/n.. you gotta come to the cabin steve is renting out! eddie Munson will be there!" he shouts excitedly Still unphased you raise an eyebrow
"Eddie the freak, Munson? yeah, I'm good, i don't want to go play your little fantasy game." Dustin groans "Pleaseeeee, it's lakefront, very private and everyone is going, steve, nancy, robin, mike, everyone! and there are gonna be drinks and stuff. no dnd I promise!" your interest suddenly peaks when you hear 'lakefront' and 'drinks'
you bite your lip, thinking about it "whos driving us?" you question
"Harrington?" you pause, "I'm in dusty buns."
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Dustin was beyond annoyed, being pressed in a tight little car with you, robin and steve for 3 and a half fucking hours (that felt like a lifetime) while you guys cackled and sang 99.99% of the goddamn way, he was spent, as soon as the car was parked in front of the mini-cabin, Dustin fled from the car very quickly, practically running away from hell in his eyes, you laughed at your little brother, before grabbing the backpack full of your stuff and hauling it inside.
the cabin was nice, not too big, not too small, it had a nice front porch, with a little porch swing, the living room was big, it had a turn table on the tv stand, along with the box tv and some tapes, the kitchen was smaller than the living room, it was basically a kitchenette, a fridge, stove, microwave and sink, very simple. on the first floor, there were 3 rooms, all equipped with 2 twin-sized beds, and bedside tables, you assumed that's where the younger part of the group would sleep, you walk upstairs, finding 3 more bedrooms, one being the suite, with a king bed, and an attached bathroom, not to be selfish you skipped that room, leaving it to probably steve who rented the nice cottage, you went to the second room, it was quite simple, double bed, large vanity, you look across the hall to see the other room was set up the same as the room you were in so you decided to choose that room, setting your backpack down, humming you open it up. eddie finally arrived at the location, in his beat-up van, pulling the keys out of the ignition he flings the door open, got out and slammed it, before sliding the back door open and grabbing his bags, slinging them on his shoulders, locking his van he walked into the cozy cottage, already finding your little brother settled on the couch reading some comic. "so where is she?" Eddie whisper-shouted, Dustin points to the stairs "be respectful, she is my sister," he grumbled and Eddie nods, practically running upstairs, his bags long forgotten and abandoned, he practically fell to his knees upon seeing you slightly bent over, wearing the tiniest jean shorts and an iron maiden baseball shirt, he was awestruck, his dick almost immediately hardening, god you were so hot, your ass was so pretty to him, you were swaying your hips slightly, Eddie swallows his pride and lightly knocks on the door frame, you crane around to see the sudden intruder. your mouth pulls into a smile, completely oblivious to the fact the same man was getting aroused over your ass "Eddie the freak Munson, didn't know you would be here," you say crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow "mm didn't know you would be here either princess." he smiles as a hazy blush fluttered over your face at his little pet name
"yeah yeah, what do you want?" you dare to speak again, blinking your eyes slowly at him, your eyelashes fluttering Eddie honestly thought he creamed himself at the sight, you looked so fucking innocent and he wanted to corrupt you. but he knew you weren't innocent, maybe you were just as pervy as him, go you were gonna be the death of him. "nothingggg, jeez," he says, he sat on the bed next to your bag
"Seriously, what do you want Munson?" you, he wanted to say, he wanted you so bad, to pin you down and plow you till sundown, to absolutely destroy you, but he couldn't, you were his best friends older sister "well henderson, 'm really bored, is that really much of a crime?" he pokes at you you huff and roll your eyes in respond, his tongue pokes between his lips in a giggle "whatever." you grumble taking out a pile of clothes and turning away from eddie to put them into a drawer, Eddie glances down into your bag and spotting a cute pair of black lacy panties sitting on top, if his dick wasn't fully hard yet, it was definitely now, you drove him insane, now that he sees these panties, its almost thrown him over the edge, he needed you so bad. he uses your occuipid state to quickly swipe them and stuff them into his pocket, he was going to use those later, he knew for sure.
"I better be getting to unpacking to." eddie swallows and almost runs to the door, "mm see you later freak." you mumble out eddie smiles as his heart flutters at the attention you were giving him
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the sun was at its peak, everyone had finally arrived a couple hours earlier, you found yourself already dipping in the lake, you had found a very nice blow up raft, which you had found yourself settled on, you were wearing a cute little black bikini, the bottoms were tied on either side of your hips, the messy little bows you had tied were the only thing keeping the sinful bottoms up, the top was the same, another lazy bow was tied around your neck to keep your breasts from falling out, you hum as you slide your sunglasses down, lounging on the lake, hoping to get a bit of a tan.
eddie stalked outside "I'm going to beat you to the lake henderson!!" he shouts, running towards the dock, with your annoying brother running after him, both clad in swimming shorts, they were both about to jump in but you stop them "if you two dare to splash me, I will slit both of your throats in your sleep." you grumbled, not looking at them but already knowing what they were about to do before you spoke to them so sternly eddie couldn't help but blush "yes ma'am." he spoke quietly, way too flustered, you smile and return to sun bathing
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the sun was still beaming down hard on the party, that wasn't the only thing that was hard, Eddie has been rocking a painful hard on for the past few hours, he was surprised no one saw it through the thin mesh shorts he was wearing, he slid out of the lake, heading over where the older gang was sitting around the coolers, he glanced out at you, you were still floating on the raft, clutching a beer in your left hand and your right arm was dangled over your stomach.
eddie leaned down and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and letting the cheap, cold liquid stream down his throat, it tasted horrible yet so good, he stepped closer to the older group to jump in the conversation, nancy's arm was draped over robin, robin cuddling into nancy's chest steve was sitting on a cooler holding a bottle of beer, taking a couple of swigs from it, Eddie sat down on one of the coolers, glancing around, his eyes falling on your flawless body, he bites his lip, he turns his head away as he notices you moving.
"got something on your mind freak?" steve teases Eddie turns bright red "no not all." he says sipping his can of beer "yeah you do, tell us." robin pipes in Eddie sighs "Henderson's older sister, y/n, fuck she's so hot." Steve laughs in eddies face "I love ya bud but I'm sorry you don't have a chance with her, she's a cheerleader and you're, you." steve says to the metalhead in front of him "I know! but I just like really want to rail her but I also want to take her on a nice date and treat her right." eddies back were facing you, he was completely oblivious to you slowly approaching the group and him, overhearing his comments about you, with a beer clasped in your right hand and your shades over your eyes you laugh, Eddie whips around horrified, he just outed himself. he didn't even want to look you in the eyes, he just stared down at the ground, silently praying that this was some fucked nightmare, much to his demise you speak. "you want to rail me? well then lover boy, why don't you give it a try?"
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sweet-berrry · 5 days
…………if you want another episode……….58 maybe?
Episode 58: The Tides Between Us
This one is 4,211 words long, and 1.5k words longer than my other post. I had so much fun transcribing this and thanks for requesting it!!
Information: ● Scenes are roughly separated by bullet points - while sentences or smaller pieces of info are separated by dashes - this helps me type faster and still keep things somewhat organized - Pink text is my commentary/reaction
Warning: When I say "transcription", I am lying. This is a strange type of note taking where I try to write as much information down as fast as possible with minimal pauses. It serves as typing practice and fun (for me). I did not proofread this. Spelling and grammar mistakes are very likely.
EPISODE 58: The Tides Between Us
Intro - Everyone introduces themselves enthusiastically - including…. Chinsicle [I love visual bits in my podcasts] - Chinsicle got in through the vents and craves chins for “chin time” - They suggest playing dnd and Chinsicle screams in pain 
RECAP - The trio woke up in the night to find Ollie had become a child again - Chip had made a deal with Niklaus to restore Ollies youth - Ollie is torn between being happy to be a kid and sad to leave the crew - The crew made it to Allport alongside Lizzie’s crew and ship - they docked and chip tried to reunite Dre and Lizzie - It did not end well - Lizzie asked Jay and Chip to meet Rufus, the lovely shopkeeper and ex-black rose pirate - Gillion and Caspian went to The Tank and Gill reunited with Eden Tidestrider [wahhhhhhh wahhhhh] - Chip and  Ollie are with Rufus (investigating what kind of bird Apple is) - Gill and Caspian are leaving The Tank - Jay is with Lizzie and they are headed toward The Porthole - END RECAP
Chip and Ollie are hanging with Rufus - Turns out that Apple is a magical bird! - Rufus isn’t sure what kind of magic it is - Chip pokes Apple to learn more [?] - “Yep, bird, bird” - Rufus tries a potion that supposed to dispel the magic - Chip worries that the magic might be keeping the bird alive - They hear the door opening, and Rufus’ wife walks in - She is named Amber and is a Kitsune [I hope I spelled that right?] who has very long hair and a blue silk kimono style robe. She also wears a lot of jewelry - She asks chip who he is and what they can do for him - he answers appropriately - She says that she noticed the sense of magic but thought it might have been something he was trying to pawn - Chip blows on Apple to try and reveal something, nothing happens 
Ollie is interested in a belt that gives you super strength, Chip is also interested - Amber suggests they focus on Apple - Rufus helps Chip with the belt - It costs twelve thousand gold pieces, actually 1200 pieces - Chip asks for a deal “for an old friend” - he rolls a 19 for persuasion - Chip promises to use it for good on their adventures - There is purple smoke coming from the Apple room - Rufus says he can give Chip a deal since Amber isn’t paying attention - And gives him fifty percent off [I wish real life worked like this] - Rufus checks him out - the belt is made of leather and metal and there is a swirling engraved design of two mountains - Rufus asks if they want anything else - chip says no - Ollie asks if he can wear the belt, chip says no - Ollie starts to cry and asks if he wears the belt, can he stay on the crew - Chip dodges the question and suggests they check up on Apple
Amber returns and says that making Apple “back to normal” will be difficult - She also confirms that Apple was not always a bird and that the transmutation magic used on her is very old [at this time Apple is referred to with she/her pronouns so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯] - A magic that you don’t learn from books - Chip says that Amber might be able to keep the bird [*sweating*] - Rufus hints at something - Amber mentions another sorcerer who is a recluse who might be able to help them  - Chip asks where he could find him - She says his name is Grimm and lives in the northern sea - but it’s very dangerous in the north sea - Chip kind of promises to bring Ollie there [smh] - Rufus brings up that Chip was wondering about teleportation magic to take Ollie home - Amber says that it might take a couple days to set everything up - Chip asks for more time - Rufus warns that they close at sundown - the time is waning, they have two or three hours till sunset - Amber warns that teloportation is very expensive and can be dangerous - Chip examines Ollies reaction - Ollie is resigned and straight faced. Obviously mildly upset, but is taking it like a champ - Rufus says he could give Chip a discount, but Amber objects - Chip leaves Apple with them overnight - They say their goodbyes and Chip and Ollie step out
They see an intricate shopping center surrounding a main road - behind it is a wooden platform that leads to the lowest level of the city - Directly in front of them is the main wooden street - Chip and Ollie are walking casually - Their are mostly humans and elves walking the streets - This middle level of the city seems to be very well planned - Chip is looking for the Porthole to meet up with Lizzie - He rolls a 14 for perception and recognizes that this level will not have a pub like that - They walk to the lower levels of the city
Chip attempts to conversate with Ollie about the possibility of teleporting Ollie back home - He tries to make light of it, but Ollie is obviously reluctant - Ollie asks if there is anyone on the crew who can teleport - Chip says he if they can and they haven’t told him he’d be pissed - Chip decides to be honest and tells Ollie that he wants him to go home, but doesn’t want him to feel like he’s getting rid of him - Ollie reassures Chip that he wants to go home, but he will miss this adventurous new home - Ollie was lonely at home, but he feels more brave when he’s with the crew; like he has a purpose - “I hate being a kid [crying sobbing on the floor] - Chip says that he understands Ollies frustrations, but that Ollie deserves to have a childhood - Chip reassures that he enjoys Ollie’s company, and that he is so grateful that he hasn’t tried to or threatened to kill him [ok chip chill, he’s twelve] - “Maybe if you knew how to stab me, you would” - Ollie says that being with the crew makes him feel better, and that he would be sad to miss out on any of the adventures they go on - Chip says that maybe Ollie can come on just a few more [Chip, you deserve every bit of that slap] - Chip then hands Ollie the belt - Ollie is very excited - Chip tells him that he needs to use the belt to stay safe, not to put himself in danger - The belt is a little big, so he looks a little silly - The belt doesn’t work immediately [you have to attune to it I think] - Chip then invites Ollie to geta tattoo with him - Chip is looking for a tattoo shop and finds out that he can get a tattoo at the Porthole - They walk there pretty easily
Gillion decides to wait for Eden to get off of work - He says he considered breaking the glass but changed his mind. Eden giggles at this and Caspian encourages him before realizing that he would be banned from drinking there. Gillion says since everyone is aquatic anyway… it’s just an idea - Caspian explains what a nine-to-five job is - Gillion is shocked and wonders if maybe he should break the glass - they continue to banter and plot until Eden’s shift ends - Eden does have dental benefits though, so Gillion is coaxed out of using a barstool to break the glass - Gill asks where Eden wants to go - Eden says she can’t stay for long, but she’d love to meet Gill’s friends - Gillion tells “Meh” (the gate keeper) he hopes they meet again - They all leave The Tank and as they step out, Eden throws her hands around Gills neck and starts crying - She wasn’t sure he was still alive and is overjoyed to see her brother again [I’m cryinggggg] - Gill apologizes, saying he didn’t mean for it to be so long before they met up again  
Eden pulls out a cloak for Gill to wear from her bag. It’s to hide their Titon features from prying eyes in Allport - Gillion doesn’t understand why he would need to hide - She smiles and jokes about his wanted poster, but she reasserts that he needs to protect his identity - Gill worries that Eden isn’t safe at Allport, but Eden reassures him that she’s been safe [really?? Really Eden?? Is that the truth????????] - They swim through the tunnels back up to the surface - Gill asks Eden how she got here - Eden says that she came to the surface after Gill disappeared. The elders stopped letting her see Gill, but didn’t tell her that he had been banished. She went searching for info about what happened to him. She got into some trouble and thought she might die, but she was saved by a random kind gentleman who she hasn’t seen again. It was Niklaus. [rrraahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh] But she denies making a deal with him - Gill warns her that he is not trustworthy and that if she sees him again she should swim in the other direction - She says that she will trust Gillion, but also the “Nicholas” left a very good, honest, and selfless impression on her. [ooohhhh, that’s why I saw ship art of them a couple days ago] - after being saved she came to Allport - They both talk about how smelly the oversea people are - Gillion specifically warns her about how stinky Chip is - OOC: Bizyl says, “She’s gonna love the musk” [what.] - As gill and co make their way to the Porthole, and Caspian magically dries them all off - Caspian calls Gillion “The Driplord” - and they continue toward the The Porthole
Jay and Lizzie are walking together, with Jay opting to stay silent and wait for Lizzie to start conversation - Lizzie is walking in front of Jay and gives a little bit of a tour of Allport - Lizzie leads her to The Golden Circle Market. It is gold and in the shape of a circle and a market - She leads Jay to the edge of the market and to a ladder - At the top of the ladder is another section of the city, entirely lit by lanterns - it is primarily a woodworking/construction sector - There is a ship embedded in the wall that has been repurposed into a multi-level tavern - Lizzie goes up the steps to the entrance door. The door has a minotaur bouncer - The minotaur demands a code. Lizzie asks Jay if she knows any of the pirate code. Jay says that Chip only told them that the first rule was not to piss your pants - Lizzie is shocked that they don’t know anything about being a pirate - Lizzie tells her another tenant is “If you don’t consent, you die” [I think maybe Grizzly meant “If there’s no consent, you die” cause that makes more sense] - The minotaur winks at Lizzie and wishes Jay and Lizzie a fun time [the shipping] - Jay asks how Chip and Gill are gonna get in - The inside is literally just a pirate ship that’s been converted to a tavern - It is warm because there are tons of people. Also it stinks. -  Lizzie leads them to the bar and asks the bartender for a few rounds. The bartender slides four tankards over and Lizzie gives Jay one.
“I wanna have a conversation, but I think I gotta be a bit drunk to do it” - Jay takes a sip, rolls a six on the con save and immediately gets a little drunk - Lizzie also fails the save but doesn’t start talking yet - Lizzie drinks her second tankard, but rolls a nat 20 on this save - Jay starts the convo, but it’s still very awkward - Jay is nervous about how quickly she is getting drunk, but Lizzie encourages her to drink - Jay reminisces about the last time she did a keg stand and Gill blew up the ship - Lizzie asks about it and Jay explains - Lizzie finds it a little funny and drinks another tankard, fails the save and is definitely drunk - She asks about Jay’s dad and past - Jay downs her drink in preparation and rolls a nat 1 (she is drunk beyond belief) - She just starts crying about her dad always breaking things. Like her doll when she was a child (he shot it) and Lizzie’s ship (he sawed it in half) - Lizzie agrees he sounds like a dick, Jay says he always loved her - Lizzie confesses she cares about Chip, and that she tried to convince Chip to leave her - Jay admits that when she first started sailing with them, she was a spy
Lizzie gets a little suspicious, but Jay says she never reported anything to them - Jay gets giggly when drunk [so cuteeeeee] - They talk about their mutual love for Chip, despite his sillyness - Lizzie admits there’s hope for some of the Black Rose pirates to be alive - When Jay starts to worry they’ve made the conversation to dark, Lizzie reminds her that that’s why you drink. To open up with people you wouldn’t usually be able to - They’re the women, the girlbosses - Jay says she wants to be the best pirate ever, but Lizzie warns her that’s there’s lots layers - Lizzie says she wants to prove everyone who ever called her weak wrong [by very extreme methods] - Jay says the Navy is a lil fucked up - Lizzie says they should redistribute the power so everyone is equally fucked up [I think Caspian is canonically a communist] - they both get another drink and fail, if they fail again they’ll pass out - they really like each other now - Lizzie slips and says Jay looks a lot like her sister, but backtracks saying she didn’t know Jay had a sister - Jay wants to beat the shit out of everyone in the Navy - Jay asks what Lizzie will do now that John is back - They will use John knowledge to find some shit out in the North Sea - Lizzie admits they have some double agents within in the navy, but she can’t say more or else Caspian would kill him
Chip walks in with Ollie - They’re talking about what tattoos they want - Chip promises that they will prank someone today - Then they make their way to the girls - Jay grabs his face, “You’re real” - Chip sets up to prank Jay by getting her to get a tattoo - Jay tells him that they were having a heart to heart - Lizzie says Chip should shut up if he doesn’t want to get killed - Lizzie has a pink wave tattoo sleeve - Lizzie challenges Chip to a fight in The Pit
Gillion walks up to the porthole with Eden and Caspian - When asked to give a piece of the Pirate Code, he recites the “don’t piss your pants” one - apparently it’s a rule because “fear piss” attracts the strongest sea monsters - and they walk into The Porthole and find the others very quickly - Gill introduces Eden, Jay calls her cute and Chip goes “wow” - After Caspian reminds her they’re safe among pirates, Eden lets her hood down - “Gill, why didn’t you tell me you had such a cute sister?” “Because I didn’t know if I would ever see her again :|” - Chip immediately starts acting a fool - Lizzie drags Chip to the pit before he can start flirting - Eden feels very awkward, but warms up to Jay fairly quickly
The Pit is a beam over a mud pit - Lizzie rolls up her sleeves and says winner gets the other persons ship - Chip denies those terms at first, but everyone tells him not to be a pussy - Eden knows Lizzie - Ollie cheers for Chip - Jay picks Ollie up so he can watch his uncle fight - Lizzie rolls a higher initiative and throws a punch that misses - Chip doesn’t really want to hit her, so he slides behind her and uses the bandana to mimic her - Lizzie boops him, and then her eye starts glowing purple - Moving to the side, Chip shoves her in the ribs - Lizzie just barely keeps her footing - Lizzie throws another punch, but misses again - Chip trips her, sending her into the mud pit - The crowd that has gathered cheers for him, before Chip cannonballs into the mud with Lizzie - Everyone is in good spirits and standing - Still covered in mud, Chip introduces himself to Eden. Poor, poor Eden starts gagging from the stench surrounding Chip. - Caspian helps Lizzie and Caspian clean off before they meet again towards the back of the Porthole
Chip still has a big head from the win - Caspian starts the conversation while Lizzie naps a little bit - Ollie and Chip tell Gill that Apple is a magical not bird - Gill tells Chip that he’s met people and he’s met birds and he’s 65 percent sure that Apple is a bird [I love himmmmmm] - Chip explains transfiguration - They ask Jay if she’s a bird and she tries to fly - Chip starts trying to impress Eden, introducing himself as the captain of the Riptide pirates and ignoring Gillion explaining the co captain thing - Gill gives the funny crew run down - Chip asks if she’s ever had anybody important like a crew in her life, obviously trying to find out if she has an S/O - Eden admits she doesn’t know much about pirates, but that it’s great to hear that they have such a wonderful family - Gill shows Pretzel to Eden, and Eden remarks on how big she’s grown - Eden is happy that Gill wasn’t completely alone all this time - Gill says they don’t have to talk about his childhood right now - In order to change the subject, Eden admits she doesn’t have anybody right now, and that she’s sorry she had to show up in her work clothes - Chip says she looks great - Jay comes back wondering why she thought she was a bird - Eden says that she has her parents back home, that her and Caspian are good friends, and that she’s met Lizzie twice now - Chip continues to be insufferably, remarking that oh yeah, he’s kind of like Lizzie’s older brother, no big dea, you know, he just tries to look out for her is all B) [I cannot with him.] 
Gill asks how the parents are [it was just a mistake to you. To me? Gill calls them THE parents because they were never really HIS parents. Not after they abandoned gave him to the elders] - Eden responds that she tries to visit them, but doesn’t think they know they are in the oversea - Gill worries that he was banished from his home and will never be able to return, but Eden comforts him that whatever the elders decided proves nothing about Gillion’s character. - “I thought I did everything right.” [I’m crying. He sounds so tearful. I am not normal about this man and listening to this podcast reminds of that] - Gill tells her the elders are well informed to make good decisions, but Eden tells him that no matter what they told him, a lot of things are going to change.
Chip asks why they didn’t grow up together - Gill explains that he didn’t have many friends or family visiting him while he grew up in the palace - Gill says the duties were not always nice. [understatement of the century] - Eden and Pretzel were some of the only reasons he made it through those times - When Eden found out that Gill had been sent away, she’s been looking into the elders and trying to find him - Gill tells Eden he’s sorry he didn’t find a way to contact her - “Gillion, it’s not your fault. Nothing that you have been through has been in your control, and none of it is your fault.” - Gill starts crying - “If you were suddenly dropped into the middle of the ocean, surrounded by strange creatures that didn’t share your ideas, understand what you were, why. And yet you held these things with such conviction. It’s easy to become a representation. It’s just a lot.” [catch me crying into my sour patch kids] - Chip says I didn’t know you had a sensitive side, and Gill responds “It’s because I don’t” [once again, he’s just like me fr]
Eden asks if they can help her with something - She’s been looking into the Undersea Elders and the RAFT Navy - She thinks the navy is gonna try to create an artificial leviathan, to oppose the undersea gods - She can’t say how she learned the information - She needs them to break into RAFT HQ stealthily - Allport is technically neutral, but the Navy is gaining power and targeting undersea dwellers - Eden requests they investigate a specific office that should have the location where they’re building the leviathan - “Besides stopping the underwater mech god, do you guys have anything else going on?” “I mean, kinda” - Eden urges Gill to keep a low profile, only getting the location, or else the citizens of Allport will bear the burden of pirates causing havoc [foreshadowing foreshadowing foreshadowing]
Chip tries to remind Gill of his grandfather, and asks Eden if she remembers anything about him - Eden admits that she doesn’t have many memories with him, but knows that he was a brilliant man who went to the oversea - Chip affirms that Finn is alive and Eden suggests that he might have a lot of the answers that Gill’s been searching for - Eden can’t be associated with any pirates publicly or anything so she really appreciates them being willing to help out - “I don’t mean to brag… but I don’t know if we’ll be able to get up there without being arrested” [Chip, you sad sad man]
Eden asks about Jay being a bird - So Gill and Chip start lying about her actually being a bird who magically appears human - Jay tries to fly again - Ollie tries to help Jay up, but because he’s so strong, he accidentally throws her up into the ceiling 
Chip helps her up and takes her to get a tattoo - he wants to get her a little jaybird feather - Grizz explains how magic tattoos work, but our pirates are broke ass bitches - For Ollie, Chip wants to give him a little riptide flag - And for himself, Chip wants full sleeves of tattoos of blue waves - Jay falls asleep during her session 
Gill asks Eden if she found anything of interest about the elders - Eden is sorry, but she can’t tell him the entire truth yet - Gill tries to see if it’s her choice to keep the secrets, but he can’t fully discern her complicated feelings, but she is not afraid - Gill says he trusts her - They once again celebrate meeting again - Gill voices his desire to destroy robot god, although Eden tells him that the goal is to destroy it before it’s built - Gill asks Caspian for help learning new sword fighting techniques, but he doesn’t have a sword - Caspian gives Gillion his own sword, saying he can lend it - Caspian argues it will give him time to practice hydromancy - In return, Gill gives Caspian the immovable rod - “And as the pirate code, all deals are sealed with a shake” “hmmmmmm… yes. What are the other ones?” - Caspian says he should ask Lizzie some other day - And he picks up Lizzie ready to take her to the ship
Eden promises that they’ll meet again, but she can’t say when - “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow” [feeling ill about them] 
Chip also gets a coral crown and a bluejay tattoo on his back
They make their way back to the ship with Chip leading the way and Jay leaning on Gill - While passing an alleyway they hear coughing and see drop of blood - Immediately investigating they come upon Old Man Earl clutching his stomach and bleeding profusely 
If you actually looked this far, just know that I appreciate you
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𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
Thinking about that bloodsmith on tiktok, who makes jewelry and other little things from blood, and how Eddie would get you a cute little hear pendant made with his blood. You would get him Dnd dice made from your blood.
A/n: Not proofread, this is pure fluff, but I still don't want minors interacting with my work.
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Eddie came running up from behind you while you're getting ready to head out for the night. You were checking over your makeup and outfit in his mirror.
"Babe! babe!, close your eyes. I got you something." He smirked, hiding one hand behind his back. You squinted for a moment, eyeing him curiously. You obliged anyway.
Shaking your head and closing your eyes tight. "Alright, they're closed"
Eddie looked you over and waved a hand in front of your face. He stood proudly behind you, looking at your face through the mirror. He wanted to make sure you weren't trying to take a peak. This was a surprise he had been keeping from you for a few months now. Every day since he bought and had it made for you, it killed him not to spoil it.
He took the golden heart necklace out of the velvet pouch. In the middle of the pendant was a deep red stone in the middle. You felt him putting something around your neck as your eyes were sealed shut.
"Now open your eyes." Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist while resting his chin on your shoulder.
"You got me a necklace. it's so pretty." Your face lit up as you looked down at the pendant, resting right above your chest.
"A pretty little necklace for the prettiest person I know." He smirked.
You felt your face heating up from his compliment, "What's the stone? Garnet?"
He shook his head. "Nah, it's my blood." Eddie continued watching your reaction to the gift from his mirror. "Pretty cool, huh?"
"You got a little piece of me with you all the time." He gave a quick little kiss to your neck.
"I love it." You reach your hand up to scratch his head.
You gasped, snapping your fingers, "That reminds me I got you something pretty similar." You removed his arms from your waist, digging around in your bag that was thrown on his chair.
You pulled out a similar velvety pouch that held your necklace. "Here for you."
"Don't tell you got me the same necklace." He teased, taking the bag from your hands. Eddie couldn't hide the big smile spreading across his face. He loved that you were both so insync with one another. It was like you could read eachothers minds.
You rolled your eyes, "noooo not a necklace."
He opened the bag and took out a new set of DnD dice. The numbers were etched in cold, and the color of them were a deep crimson red similar to the stone on your necklace.
"I remembered you said you needed a new set, and I got these made special for you." You watched him hold them in his hands with so much care. He was cradling them in his hands like there the most fragile thing on earth.
"You're so weird." His tone was full of affection. He couldn't help but fall in love with you more right here in this moment. "I'm not letting anyone touch these."
Your mouth falls open. "You're weird too." You pretended to get offended.
Your fingers played with the heart pendant dangling around your neck. The pendant was a pretty good size. you can see he gave quite a lot of blood to make the stone part. You gave a lot, too. It took way more than you thought to create those dice for him. All of it was worth it to see the smile he had when you handed them to him.
"You keep this up, and I'll have no choice but to marry you." He held up a dice to the light between his two fingers, inspecting every little detail.
You slapped his shoulder and continued to get ready for the night. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
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fritzyfluffington · 8 months
Broken Path
> Astarion x F!Tav (Redemption Durge version. People on Larian’s forum told me they’re the same but with more content in the case of Durge 🤷‍♀️)
> Warnings: Nothing really? Blood and gore and amnesia. Words like “squelch” used to amp up the discomfort. Lamentation over corpses and their lack of usefulness when it comes to opening locked doors. Astarion flipping out because our protagonist is a walking filth monster. Use of the word beach instead of calling it a riverbank.
> Word count: All? Many? 4,700-ish?
> Summary: Another retelling of some of the beginning of the game. Lily wakes up and stumbles around on the sandy riverside beachy area with no shoes. She meets her inner dragon. Astarion treats her as though she spawned from a trash bin. Just an average day in the warped and heavily modded playthrough that I’ve been given the pleasure of watching 🤭
I want to preface this real fast. This is my writing of my friend’s stupidly modded game. I like to watch while she plays and we bounce ideas of what could be happening in between fights or in between cutscenes. I haven’t played this game even though I love DnD (I don’t have a computer). @tavamarie proofread Astarion to make sure I got him semi-right. Blame her! It’s not my fault! 😅
Haven’t written in around ten years so I’m a bit rusty. Be kind to me ❤️
She was tired. So tired. It felt as if she had been hit in the head with a rock or maybe one of the boys had smacked her with their practice swords again. Her vision was a bit cloudy, and her mouth tasted of bitter metal, gritty and unpleasant.
Lily winced as she touched a spot near her temple and pulled her hand away, blinking a few times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. Blood, thick as though it was old, oozed down her fingers as she watched. It felt as if the entire world had gone wrong…red…
“I’osi!!!” Lily cried out, taking off like a shot in the direction of her home, wiping at the blood that kept running into her eyes. The boys were going to be in so much trouble! Her legs were long for an eight-year-old, easily foretelling that she would be tall like her mother and father. They enabled her to sprint much faster than her brothers.
But…hadn’t she passed out? They had probably already gotten home and told Osu a lie…
Lily heard the sound of a woman’s laughter. It was ear piercingly maniacal, making her head hurt as though it was going to split apart.
Maybe it hadn’t been the boys that hurt her? Maybe it had been the village kids? Again…. Why couldn’t she remember anything? Her temper flared and she used the tiniest bit of magic to make herself faster. Just a touch so the Wildness wouldn’t come to call. She sprinted as fast as her legs would carry her, smelling smoke on the wind. Panic grew within her as the smell grew stronger.
Lily counted the cobbles on the way to the garden. Counting so she knew when to turn onto the hidden path. She felt her heart in her throat as the cottage came into view. Was that blood? Smoke billowed out of the windows, and she screamed at the scene before her in absolute denial. Lily called for her grandmother again, not paying attention as she barreled forward, tripping on a stone that was partially unearthed. The world faded from her view as she fell backwards, crying out in horror when she noticed…the sky…there was a spider-like creature staring back at her where there should have been stars.
She screamed as it bent its great spiked head to devour her.
Everything hurt. Why did everything hurt? Lily opened her eyes, hesitating briefly as the image from her dream was still fresh in her mind. She really didn’t want to look up and find a creature covered in spikes and horns staring down at her with its’ multiple legs poised to pounce. In her dream, she had thought it a spider? No…no spider was that frightening.
Shuddering, Lily finally sat up with a groan, looking around at the nearly pristine river in front of her. If not for the random flaming Nautiloid parts, she almost felt she wouldn’t mind staying. Almost, save for the dire sense of urgency she felt inside her chest. Her shaky legs stumbled as she stood up and began the slow walk down the beach. It felt as though she hadn’t been on her feet in a long time, or perhaps she had been on them too much. The thought felt like an ice pick through her brain and Lily placed a hand to her head. Her skin felt hot, flushed and sweaty. Her lips and tongue felt parched and dry.
She tripped, her foot catching against something solid and an all too familiar smell filled her nostrils. Death. Looking down, Lily stared into the unblinking eyes of a corpse. One of many that was littering the beach amidst all the wreckage.
‘Fools should have gotten out of the way faster!’ No…no, this was a terrible waste of life. Someone should mourn for these poor men and the families that they left behind.
So, why was a part of her mind mocking them? Worse yet, why was that part of her smiling at the death and decay that surrounded her? Why did that voice, sounding very much like her own, encourage her to rip and tear into the bodies, to drink their cooled and coagulated blood and revel in their gore? She swallowed back her nausea, looking away from the dead and continued down the sandy shore. The more dead she saw, the faster she forced herself to walk, lurching along the path in an almost panicked state.
It made her feel claustrophobic. This feeling that she shared her mind with something that wasn’t her. Something that wanted to lock her away so it could use her body for its own purposes.
‘What in Gods name is wrong with me?’ She felt a trickle of blood as it oozed down her forehead and started questioning whether or not she was dreaming again.
But no… this didn’t feel like a dream. If it was it was extremely detailed. She could smell the scents around her, which wasn’t a good thing in most cases considering her current surroundings. Much of the smoke that filled the area smelled of burning chemicals, flesh or hair. It made Lily’s eyes water and stung her nose when she was forced to pass through it.
Her bare feet were hurting, from the sand beneath them or something else she had stepped on she wasn’t sure. On parts of the Nautiloid, she suppressed a shudder as the ground seemed to be made of flesh. She barely noticed as she stepped on fragments of metal and bone, as well as sharp rocks. Her feet bled freely, but Lily’s concern was elsewhere. The feeling that she had been on this ship before it exploded was overwhelming and she was extremely glad that she couldn’t remember the experience. If the entire thing felt like walking around inside a living creature's innards, she never wanted the memories back, honestly.
After an hour, time she had spent diligently rooting around through discarded barrels, crates and the occasional backpack, she came upon an ancient looking building. Lily paused, looking up at the worn stone brick of the stairs leading up to the massive wooden door of this…..was this a temple?
Perhaps there were priests within that could assist her as she was definitely unwell.
Unsteadily, she limped slowly up the steps, not noticing the bloody footprints she was leaving behind in her wake. The steps weren’t steep but her legs still trembled as she climbed them. Finally reaching the door, Lily grasped the handle and tried to open it. It didn’t budge.
She banged on the door with a balled fist, feeling an unfamiliar sense of desperation coil in her chest. Moments passed and she finally pulled her hand back, surprised that it had bruised slightly from her pounding on the door.
‘Am I dying?’ the desperation within her was slowly becoming something very similar to anger.
She chewed her bottom lip as she stared at the door. It was, to put it simply, very extremely, impossibly locked. She had lockpicking kits that she had found in a backpack but…. Judging from how confused she was by the contents of them, she doubted she was ever skilled in their use.
Honestly, the only thing on this beach she had felt familiar with was the corpses and though the idea of smashing a dead body into the door repeatedly was funny on some levels….
Lily turned from the door and sat on the steps, placing her head in her hands. A fire had started within her, anger filling her belly at the ever-present confusion filling her mind. Why was she here? What had happened to her? Was there no one that could help her?
‘Am I going to die here?’ she wiped away more blood from her forehead again, noting that the slightest movement was now causing dizziness. Her arms trembled as she leaned back against the steps, allowing the small breeze from across the river to cool her body. Was her fever getting worse?
“It’ll be dark soon,” she said to no one, “I guess I should figure out shelter…” Was that her voice? It sounded so pleasant and rather pretty, not fitting at all for how she felt. Lily looked around, noticing a couple of barrels that she had missed, tucked next to the steps up to the temple. Supplies for the temple, maybe? Was it wrong to steal from monks or priests or whomever resided here? Well…they hadn’t helped her so she would help herself. Maybe increase her odds of survival?
She stood, stretching her aching muscles a bit before stumbling her way down the steps. The barrels were sealed, though the seals were easy enough to break. They were also a general disappointment, containing sacks of rotten fish and old vegetables. The only good things that she managed to find were two bottles of water and a bottle of Ithbank, which smelled strong enough to clean wounds….or start fires perhaps. Surely this wasn’t Ithbank. This smelled as if it had been here for years, fermenting until it was strong enough to slap someone across the face.
Lily doubted she would be brave enough to imbibe at this point as she had a feeling she never really had a taste for paint stripper. She placed one of the bottles of water and the alcohol in one of the backpacks she had found before turning back to the path leading through the wreckage. Her eyes immediately fell upon a dead body which caused that curious feeling of claustrophobia to hit her.
Lily downed the remaining bottle of water, ignoring the nausea that she felt looking at the corpse. This wasn’t her. She wouldn’t revel in death. She refused to give into this stupid darkness within her. If she couldn’t control it, she simply wouldn’t look at the issue…until she felt better anyway. Then she would try and figure out what was causing this. Unfortunately, there really wasn’t any place to look that wasn’t touched by death in some form or fashion. There were dead fishermen on the beach, dead Mindflayers in the wreckage and…just random dead people sprinkled throughout. People that didn’t belong at all, judging from their attire.
Which was she? Was she a person who belonged on the waterfront or was she a random victim that had been on that ship? Why couldn’t she remember anything? Why did the idea of being a victim anger her so much? Shouldn’t it have scared her or confused her as well?
A memory of a rock, or something much like a rock, flashed behind her eyes. It flew at her head in her peripheral vision. There was a bloom of pain behind her right ear before her world went black. That was her last memory…before she woke up on the beach. Why couldn’t she see what was in front of her in the memory? Yellow eyes? They looked…frightened? No, that didn’t feel right.
They looked…. ‘Filled with hatred’
The memory faded, followed by the icepick pain that was becoming all too familiar. Blood oozed freely once more, from what had to be a head wound somewhere beneath her hair. Lily needed to move. To find some help before she became too sick with fever to find someone who could help her. She tucked the empty bottle in her backpack and started walking, her feet almost dragging as she moved forward.
Tilting her head back, Lily made the choice to look above her instead of staring ahead at the massacre amongst the wreckage. ‘The sky’, she thought, looking at the nearly cloudless visage above her, ‘The sky is a very pretty shade of blue.’
Unfortunately, when you’re staring above you, it’s very easy to step into or onto things that you would like to avoid. In Lily’s case, she stepped on an Intellect Devourer. The fear she should have felt was diminished by the immediate feeling of nausea upon hearing the squelch from her foot landing atop the brain. The feeling of its’ juices coming up between her toes. It was as though her mind was a few steps behind, not realizing the danger she was currently in until the brain she had stepped upon hissed at her and lashed out with its’ large, clawed feet.
“How did you hiss!?!” She practically yelled at it. No, her mind still wasn’t caught up, “You have no mouth!” It chirped and warbled, once more slashing at her with those massive claws. This time she felt it should have hit her and her mind finally snapped to attention, now giving the little monster proper consideration. Something within herself shifted, watching the small creature run off to join two others. Watching through her own eyes.
‘Of course there are three of you,’ blood flowed freely from her lip now, trickling down her chin as she bit down just a little too hard this time. The stress was clearly getting to her.
‘Pay attention!’
That wasn’t her thought... unless she was secretly a snarling, extremely irritated, male dragon. Her mind completely disconnected then. The feeling of being puppeted, though gently, overwhelmed her. Lily’s eyes focused on the three Devourers in front of her and she felt more than saw her right arm lift up. Her fingers snapped and a single shot of lightning struck them from the clear sky above.
The creatures simply popped, splattering their surroundings and anyone unlucky enough to be standing close enough with blood and brain goo.
Control of her body returned.
The voice that wasn’t her own seemed to sigh and Lily could almost feel a dragon’s warm breath on her skin. ‘At least you remember how to walk and talk.’
“Thank you for saving me?” She walked over and prodded some of the remains with her toe, her body fully shuddering as her skin touched it.
‘Was that a question?’
“No….I…. I just don’t know what’s going on. I would have died if you hadn’t….” She felt a wave of sympathy and had the impression of a wing wrapping around her in an embrace. It made Lily feel entirely too small. Safe, but small.
‘I have been asleep for fifteen years. The chains that bound me to rest are gone, though I don’t know why. You managed to wake me just as a different part of you managed to chain me fifteen years ago.’
Lily couldn’t remember fifteen hours ago, let alone fifteen years ago. She understood that the voice sounded angry when it referred to a different part of her chaining it. What in Gods name was she?
She felt a moments pause as though unsure that she was telling the truth…to herself? No, that didn’t make sense. Utter confusion swamped her before being replaced with resolve to care…for herself? Confusion again. ‘I am going to help you but only if you never think in such brain addling ways again. First, you may call me Other until you remember my name. Second, you need to find help, Lily. You have a parasite in your brain. A tadpole.’
She was going to ask if Other was actually inside of her mind or if he existed somewhere else and was simply communicating through it, but the mention of a parasite stopped her thoughts in their tracks. Granted, Amnesiac Lily didn’t have enough knowledge to accomplish lunch, but…she knew of only one type of tadpole that fed upon the brains of their unfortunate victims. Mindflayer…
‘Yes, Lily, a Mindflayer parasite is in your brain. It’s been there a while judging from how damaged your brain is.’
Other sounded tired now. As tired as she herself felt, actually. She needed to push forward, find some help and figure out what was going on.
Was she…talking to herself? Astarion watched from a shadowed copse nearby. His eyebrow had been lifted in confusion since the moment he had spied the daft woman wandering alone through this debris field of an area. For starters, she was walking around barefoot on the beach. That wouldn’t have been such an issue with him as, from the looks of it, people were abducted and placed in random pods in varying states of dress. What did bother him was the fact that he had watched her as she stepped on all manner of sharp objects. Her feet were bleeding and she paid them little heed. Her head was bleeding as well, or at least it had been bleeding at some point from the look of her. Granted, when he had seen her on the ship, Astarion had been sure she was wearing shoes and hadn’t seen her from an angle allowing him to see the blood…if it had been there at the time.
Perhaps she was a thrall? That would make sense, especially since she was talking to something. Maybe she was being controlled in order to rescue a surviving mindflayer from that accursed ship?
He fidgeted with a piece of gold from his pocket, rolling it between his fingers while considering his options as he walked back to his own fallen pod. On the one hand, he wanted to know what had been done to him and the little lost thrall out there was likely his best source for immediate information. On the other hand, he had watched her as she had literally walked around with her head tilted upwards as she stared straight up at the sky.
Add to that her conversation with someone that wasn’t there, and he was more and more certain that killing her would be the kindest option. After all, if she was being summoned to rescue a denizen of the crashed Nautiloid, they would likely kill her as soon as she found them and if they expired before she reached them, she would likely die as well. Thralls couldn’t last long without their masters…could they?
He cursed. Astarion considered himself educated and well-read, but he wasn’t normally interested in books about Mindflayers. If they were mentioned in something he was reading already, that was one thing, but the biology of the creatures seemed a little dry for his tastes. He wasn’t often afforded the luxury of time to himself, so the idea of wasting it on a book about Mindflayers and their ins and outs made him scowl.
No, he preferred books with information that he could actually and regularly use…. How was he to know he’d be abducted by the tentacled bastards on that ship?
Astarion glanced in the direction that she would be coming from. The little lost puppet was a bit closer now and he made up his mind to go ahead and catch her, question her and kill her. “Over here,” he called, trying to act like a poor lost nobleman. It wasn’t such a huge lie that he would feel out of place playing the part, after all. “Quick! Over here. I need help!”
The vulnerability he could hear in his voice made him grimace as he continued to call out, coaxing her to his side.
Astarion listened for her footsteps to get closer before he turned towards her and then, stunned by how filthy she was, doing a dramatic double take and turning towards her once more. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in horror as he stared at her. “Bloody Hells woman! Did you take ‘bathing in the blood of your enemies’ literally?” That wasn’t what he had meant to say. His well-versed mask of charm simply couldn’t cope with this walking gore pile before him. He grimaced as he realized that she likely wouldn’t be able to answer him.
When she had the nerve to look exasperated at him and did answer his question, he was quite shocked. “Apparently…. Did you need something?” The wretched leather armour she wore, if that’s what that had been, fell from her shoulders as she released the remaining clips that had held it in place. It practically disintegrated when it hit the ground.
What was beneath were ripped-up garments that had long ago finished their service and were in desperate need of retirement. She added a new tear to the garment, yanking a strip from the bottom and wiping at the blood that was drying on her face. She passed it over her arms next, scrubbing away at the stuck-on viscera.
When it became apparent that much of the grime would require water to remove, she tossed the cloth to the ground before looking at him expectantly. They stayed like that for longer than either of them was comfortable with, making Astarion actually start looking around for anything to focus on that wasn’t her face. After all, she had really only managed to push the gross around with an even filthier strip of….what used to be cloth.
It was appalling.
This woman needed to be dunked in the river and held there for the better part of a day until she was halfway clean. Only then could she consider having an actual bath.
“WELL?” She snapped at him, making his eyes jump back to her face.
“Ah, yes.” This was apparently not a thrall. She was disgusting and definitely addled but her mind was her own... Or at least it seemed to be. He took a deep breath, deciding to go ahead with his initial idea. It wasn’t the first time he had to get close to someone who was beneath his standard of hygiene…. It probably wouldn’t be his last. “There’s one of those brain things,” he pointed at the bushes behind him, “I have it cornered. You can kill it right? Like the others?”
She cocked her head to the side and looked at him, then at the bushes behind him. “Can’t you kill it?”
He ran a hand through his silver curls in slight irritation, “Maybe, if I had a weapon. I am, however, sadly unarmed.”
“Ah…well, it’s probably already run out of the bushes up ahead. Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.” Lily wasn’t about to tell him that she had no idea how she had managed to kill the other three Intellect Devourers so she simply turned around and started walking away since there really wasn’t anything she could do.
“Hmm, I was hoping for a kind soul. No matter,” Astarion reached down and withdrew a dagger from his boot. He padded up behind her silently and grabbed her shoulder, yanking her backwards and tossing her on the ground.
Before she could respond, he had straddled her middle and was holding the dagger to her throat. He clicked his tongue with a smirk, “Not a word. I would hate to have to…. No, honestly, I would hate to have to dirty my blade on that filthy skin of yours.”
She rolled her eyes, “It isn’t as though I realized I was this dirty when I was next to the river. I would have washed up then if I had known. I’m also fairly sure most of this came from those exploding Intellect Devourers up the path…”
Astarion pressed the blade down, effectively shutting the woman up. Gods, even her hair was drenched in Mindflayer gore. He reached out and curiously picked a piece of a tentacle out of her hair before throwing it away, visibly repulsed. He glared at her, noting that he had made a small nick in her flesh. The skin of her neck wasn’t clean, but he could at least see her pale colouring. His eyes followed a droplet of blood as it slid down into her hair. “I said not a word, didn’t I?”
Astarion pitched his voice low and spoke quietly, conveying to her that he was a threat when all he really wanted was to get off of her and jump into the water of the Chionthar. He imagined the grime on her climbing over onto him and suppressed the urge to vomit. Just as well. When had he last eaten?
She nodded, watching him intently as he decided what to do with her.
“You were on the ship. I saw you traipsing around as if you owned the place. Tell me what you and those tentacle freaks did to me!”
“So, I can talk now?” She grinned, enjoying ruffling this elf’s feathers. Lily’s mind once more seemed to be ten steps behind in recognizing the danger around her.
“I am extraordinarily close to gutting you and putting you out of my misery.” Astarion bit out with a growl. She did actually seem concerned then. Took her long enough…
“I was kidnapped too. Let me up and we can talk like civilized people.” A statement and not a question. She meant it.
Before he could respond, Astarion was forcefully inserted into someone else thoughts. Or rather…their memories. He watched, seeing the woman beneath him in the pod’s reflective glass. She was groggy but her mind sensed danger, so she acted, slamming her forehead repeatedly into the glass until it broke. It allowed the wretched creature to tumble out of her pod where she struggled to stand, hands bound as a dragon tore through the wall in the chamber adjoining her own. Fire erupted, spewing forth and burning the pods within along with all of their inhabitants.
Thank the Gods she hadn’t been in that area…
Thank the Gods he hadn’t been either…
She wiggled her way over to a piece of exposed bony material jutting up from the floor and rubbed her bindings along a sharp edge until they snapped. Just in time as the dragon was now aiming into the chamber that she was in. She hid behind a fleshy console, unaware that she cast some kind of shield around herself just as the flames spewed forth again.
He was back in his own head, released from her memories and, Astarion assumed, she was released from his. He sighed, pulling the dagger away from her throat and standing up, taking a couple of steps back from her before he started attempting to brush off any filth that had migrated onto his clothes from her. Really, he was waiting for her to stand and get her bearings. Astarion looked up at her once he sensed her stillness.
He cleared his throat, “They took you too. I’m sorry I assumed you were one of their thralls.”
She frowned, feeling like she had heard something very similar quite recently. All she could see in her mind when she tried to remember why, was a toad shouting at her about how she was a thrall and needed to die after swinging a massive sword at her. Her lips twitched to the side as she pondered this, “Thanks for the apology, I guess? If I had a weapon, I may have done the same to you.”
He chuckled, an artificial sound even to his own ears, “Ah ha! A kindred spirit! My name is Astarion,” he tried to take in any detail about her, but she was absolutely covered in grime and gore. Her hair was a mountain of tangles and filth, completely obscuring her ears. There was no way to discern anything aside from the fact that she was a pale shade of ivory, perhaps a touch darker than his own. He gave up, assuming he would learn who and what she was soon enough, “I was in Baldur’s Gate when those beasts snatched me up.”
“I’m Lily, I think.” Her hand fiddled with a pouch that was hanging by a cord around her neck. It had been tucked beneath her armour, he guessed, else it probably would have been taken. The markings on the leather were elvish, making him curious about what type of magic was within.
She nodded, frowning in frustration, “Right. I’m pretty sure I have amnesia.”
“I see,” Astarion was a bit disappointed. There was no way an amnesiac would know what was going on…right? He opted to take his chances. It never hurt to ask, after all, “I’m guessing your knowledge of Mindflayer parasites is, undoubtedly, pretty limited then?”
“I know they’ll turn us both into Mindflayers. That’s pretty much it.”
His mind went blank. Shocked, he blurted out, “Turn us into….” The laugh that passed through his perfect lips was forced and almost sounded pained. “Of course, it’ll turn me into a monster. What else did I expect?”
Before Lily could offer her condolences, which seemed appropriate given his reaction, Astarion continued, “Wait, there’s still time. If we can find someone who has studied them. Someone who knows how to control these things…these worms, then perhaps…”
“You mean destroy them, don’t you?”
He looked at her again, “Of course, what did I say?”
“Preposterous.” He ran his eyes down her body, trying once more to picture the creature before him without her current choice of…coverage. Gods, he couldn’t even tell what species she was. Lily could be a tiefling with no horns for all he could tell.
She had no tail either, however. Tiefling was out. “Look, why don’t we go to the water’s edge down there,” he gestured to a well overgrown path not far from where they were standing. It was blessedly free from any Nautiloid pieces. “I can help you get cleaned up a bit. It’s the least I can do.”
Lily touched her blood-sticky hair and shuddered. She preferred the idea of another woman helping her, but this Astarion person seemed…. aside from the whole dagger incident, harmless enough? He was a liar and a threat, certainly, but not an overwhelmingly large one.
Other, still groggy, agreed to keep watch. Of course, they also hated the idea and had thrown some choice insults about how inept Lily had become.
Of course, she was inept. She couldn’t remember being any other way.
“Alright…erm…lead the way I suppose?”
Author’s Notes 🙃
Lily wasn’t meant to be barefoot. Bestie rearranged BFoE in her mod list and suddenly our adorable sorceress had no shoes on the beach.
The looking up at the sky thing happened in game as Lily did run around with her head creepily staring up at sky until the first fight happened. Tava decided to RP it like it happened, meaning Lily bypassed Shadowheart on the ground because she was trying to not look at anything.
Her being too filthy just kind of happened. She popped out of her pod in the Nautiloid with red hair and a completely splattered face and clothes. It was so funny that I convinced her to leave it. 😝
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quackle · 9 months
You should share your notes for your DND AU (plz)
LOL sure! gonna leave them under a read more cause i'm painfully wordy. (also apologies if they're all over the place! nothing is concrete, i'm no dnd expert, and i refuse to proofread notes from 2am <3):
the au includes chase and millie as the dms and damien, mk, ripper, and nichelle as the players:
chase is one of the co-dms, much to everyone else's annoyance 99% of the time. he films just about every session just so he can get some money on the side... but he's also really fucking good at being a dm and takes it seriously enough, so everybody just deals with it lol. all enemies and danger zones are his doing. he's all for the plot moving through the most drastic of means, mostly to reel in his channel's audience. he's also not too big on most of dnd's written rules, so he's all for breaking them as long as they bring interesting results.
millie is the other co-dm. she's much more organized than chase and tries to throw the players a small bone whenever they're in a pickle, much to chase's annoyance. but she can be just as evil with what she reveals (all for the plot, not because she's a bad person! she's a good person!) she creates most of the world's characteristics and lore + npcs. she has a huge binder filled with character sheets with current stats + notes about the entirety of the campaign that helps everybody. she's slowly (verrrrrry slowly) learning to not stress about typical dnd rules.
damien plays as everyone's favorite wizard squire. after the unexpected death of his beloved liege and mentor by the king himself, he escapes to the castle to reveal the truth to the town, but he (unfortunately) gets stuck with a party of three reckless weirdos before he gets the chance. as the most experienced player in the party, having participated in other campaigns, all the other players generally look to him for advice. he's the "friendship is magic!" character while everyone else is like "ew pass" (for now... found fam incoming...)
mk plays as an extremely cautious yet extremely deadly changeling/rogue. born and raised in the slums, brought up by a found family of thieves, her main objective has always been on treasures, from golden coins to expensive valuables. her dream is to successfully steal something big from the castle... she just has to find a way to get inside. what she lacks in deception and athleticism, she makes up with stealth and perception. she also makes a mighty good disguise for herself and the rest of the party.
ripper's character is a human barbarian who, after losing his entire village due to the king's commands, is aiming to become the strongest in the land so he can overtake the kingdom. he started off not wanting to play, but chase somehow convinced him and now he's obsessed. he's the wildcard, starting off with a 'not much to lose and everything to gain' mentality. he makes rash decisions that either gets the party into shit or quite possibly the best outcomes. truly the master of big weapons. if there's a chance to look in a treasure chest, he's always gonna try pfft.
nichelle's character is a elven sorcerer with a specialty in necromancy. with a deep hatred of her necromancy roots + her outcasted family, she runs away from her home to pretend to be a bard, using an ancient amulet given to her as a young child to disguise her voice as someone else's so she can acquire fame throughout all the land. (spoiler alert! everyone finds out she's a fraud sooner or later!) while playing, she always gets confused on the rules, but she's damn good at getting into character once she understands what's happening. her charisma points is a saving grace in comparison to the rest her party's stats.
a tldr of the main plot point chase and millie have created for this campaign: they're on the run from the king and have to somehow gain allies by persuading the other leaders from their world about the king's evil intentions. the travel between each town grows more treacherous depending on if the king has already gained his own allies...
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hi! can you do an eddie munson x reader where the reader is eddie's age / but graduated when steve did ( or before )? literally out here so desperate for a non high school reader 😔
I GOTCHU- I love my flunk king
'86, Baby (Eddie Munson x College!Reader)
Warnings: established relationship, witty banter, kissing, gender neutral reader, fluff, slight angst(?), bittersweet, 18+ reader
Word Count: 479
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"Y'know, I know your dad misses me." Your boyfriend said as he walked around his room. You glanced up from his homework, giving him an arched brow. He had a growing smile on his face, and he was fiddling with one of his little dnd figurines.
You were laying on your stomach in his twin sized bed. Papers were scattered in front of you, supposedly amounting to something about 1984. You nearly smirked at the subject choice. 1984. The year Eddie was supposed to graduate. The year you walked without him.
"Oh, yeah, he loves you. Talks about you daily." You said dryly as you proofread his essay. Eddie was so focused on passing Mrs. O'Donnell's class that he barely had a C in English. It wasn't how you planned on spending your spring break, but you didn't complain. Not when he was this close.
"Maybe I could come for dinner on Sunday." Eddie offered, and you glanced up. You gave a surprised laugh, wondering if he was serious. By the look on his face, you could tell he wasn't. Still, you played along.
"Oh, so my dad can ask you," You paused, and then mimicked your father's voice as you said, "How many senior years have you had again?" And your boyfriend winced.
"Eugh! Ow! Oh!" In a dramatic display, he grabbed his heart and fell to the floor. You laughed, snorting as you leaned over his bed to look at him. He was laying there, with his tongue lolled out and his eyes closed, before he sat up all at once and pointed at you. "But this is the year."
"This is the year." You echoed as he sprung up. You went back to circling for only a moment before Eddie was climbing into the bed next to you. It bounced under you from how hard he flung himself, and you smiled as his arm circled around your waist.
"'86, baby. This is it." You smiled as he shook your shoulder. You looked over at him, and he took the opportunity to steal a quick kiss. "I'm gonna get my diploma, and then we," He kissed you again, and then your cheek. Then, your jaw. He kissed your cheek again before he finished. "Are outta here."
It was the same promise you'd made two years ago. While it has been delayed a bit, it'd given you time to get some work experience and, if your semester went well, even an associates degree at the local college. And, you knew from the sincerity in his eyes that he still meant it. Diploma, out of Hawkins, everything. He'd have his van packed and outside your house the next morning. And, even if the slightest part of you was nervous to let yourself get your hopes up, you believed him. You leaned in to give him a kiss of your own before you echoed,
"'86, baby."
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hi, cutie!!!
You’re amazing writer!!
Can I request something like first kiss preference with billie, eddie, steve and jonathan maybe, please?
love u. a lot.💘
Uh, YES. This is my first ever request for preferences and just saying, I think they're my new fav. Love you right back, cute anon. Not proofread cuz I'm sleepy.
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Billy Hargrove:
"Billy, c'mon, we went on one date. That doesn't mean I belong to you." I huff, tossing my hair over my shoulder as I throw him a sideways glance, my lips fanning out into a kind smile. His brows just pull together at the obvious rejection, his lips parting in shock.
I know that, out of everything in the world, Billy loves a girl with an attitude and a bite and I will do everything in my power to catch him off guard to see that handsome smirk.
"Don't take it too hard. You can always take me out on a second one." I wink, watching his lips spread out into a wicked grin. He stalks towards me until my back hits the lockers, my confidence grin and stance not faltering as his nose brushes against mine.
"You're a tough cookie, ya know that?" I nod, looking up at him innocently through my lashes as he laughs. He doesn't say anything else, just lowers himself down to my level to capture my lips in a surprisingly kind, chaste kiss. My stomach flutters and head spins at the gentleness, not completely used to that from him. "How about I pick you up tonight at seven?"
Eddie Munson:
"Look, I'm just saying, it would be totally hot if you learned how to play DnD." Smoke swarms around Eddie and I as we lay face up on his bed, passing the joint back and forth in playful conversation.
"Hot?" I cough with a laugh, wafting the smoke towards him with my hands and he giggles, dimpled cheeks blushing in a splotchy pink hue.
"Yes, hot. If I showed up and was like 'yeah, come sit on my lap and help me' the guys would cream their pants." My legs kick as I laugh, my eyes screwing shut as my mind runs wild to all of his other friends reactions. Dustin would possibly be the most priceless and probably pass out. Mike and Lucas would just sit there in shock, jaws dropped and eyes wide.
"Oh, I'm obligated to sit on your lap?" I ask teasingly, rolling over onto my stomach to look down at the, now, embarrassed brunette. He stutters to find an answer, lips parting but his awkwardness quickly dissipates at the sight of me giggling like a maniac.
"Screw you." He laughs sheepishly, taking a hefty drag from the joint before dropping it in the ashtray beside him. "You're a brat- I'm trying to compliment you and tell you that I think you'd be good at it and you'd look good while doing it." He whispers, reaching up to pat my cheek playfully and I suddenly realize the lack of distance between us.
"Makes sense. I'm good at a lot of things and look good doing them too." His brows lift at my tone, the lust behind it even shocking me. In was in no way intended in a sexual or romantic manner but based on his audible gulp, my body wants nothing but to move on its own. Leaning forward hesitantly, I watch as he closes his eyes, anticipating my lips before they even press gently to his. He hums quietly at the feeling of my lips on his, his hand cradling the side of my head. As I pull back, he laughs.
"Point proven."
Steve Harrington:
"Steve, I hate basketball." I huff, rolling my eyes as Steve grips onto my hand, pulling me into the gymnasium. He looks back at me with a laugh and a sweet smile, his shoulders rising in a sheepish shrug.
"C'mon, I told you I'd take you out on a date. I didn't specify where." I laugh, allowing him to pull me up onto the top bleacher, his arm immediately wrapping around me as we settle against the wall, our eyes watching the players warm up.
"Will you buy me snacks?" I ask, tilting my head to look up at him with a small pout. He grins widely, his eyes flickering over my expression with such a sense of fondness. I curl into his side perfectly as he gives me a nod, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head.
It's so normal, so mundane and domestic, to be sitting with him while all of the other girls around us watch and stalk, wondering who Steve 'The Hair' Harrington could possibly be here with.
The last thing they expected was for him to be here with his childhood best friend.
"You're lucky I like you a lot, Harrington." I whisper, tilting my chin to look up at him with a teasing smile. His brows just furrow, the smile never leaving his lips.
"Yeah? Like a lot?" He asks under his breath, almost breathlessly, and his nose nudges against mine. My heart stops in my chest at his proximity, the closeness not exactly foreign or unwelcome but given the circumstances it's different; exciting.
His lips press against mine quickly, almost testing the waters as his eyes flicker back and forth between mine, gauging my reaction before diving right back in, a cocky smile on his lips as my hand grips nervously onto his.
Jonathan Byers:
"You have good music taste." His compliment makes me laugh, my back hitting his mattress as the mixtape I made sounds throughout the room. He looks nervous, leaning against the headboard with his hands in his lap, a soft, bashful smile spread across his lips.
The door is cracked four inches, rules of Joyce, but it doesn't stop me from crawling towards him, sitting directly beside him with my hand on his thigh. He watches me carefully, eyes flickering over to the door before focusing back on me and my hand.
"I figured you'd like this stuff. I asked Will for some of your favorite artists." I shrug, watching his brows raise at my genuine confession, not expecting me to do outside research just to impress him.
"Real- Seriously?" He asks, voice cracking as his back straightens, his eyes shifting nervously away from me as I nod. "That's really, uh, nice. Genuinely." I grin, placing my hand atop his and I give them a reassuring squeeze.
"I don't bite, J." I chuckle, his cheeks vividly blushing as he nods, his eyes fluttering shut in embarrassment. I lean towards him, nudging my nose against his with a small, please hum. Catching his lips in a quick kiss, he lets out a noise of surprise and his eyes widen. "Unless you like that sorta thing."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282
@yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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shyshywritesstuff · 2 years
Welcome to Hellfire!
Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: Eddie teaches the reader a bit about dnd, and helps them make their first character.
Warnings: A ton a fluff, some swear words, maybe soon poorly written descriptions of how DND works (I'm still new to it lol) and I didnt do too much proofreading either haha
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“Eddie do you maybe wanna take a break?” You asked him, seeing that he was clearly getting tired of looking at the flashcards you made for him.
He nodded and stretched, standing from his bed. “Abso-fuckin-lutely. I appreciate your help though, I might actually be able to pass this stupid science exam now.” You smiled and stretched as well. “Yeah no problem. I know you got this.” You looked at your watch. “We could probably get back to it in like 40ish minutes, but for now what do you feel like doing?” You looked back at Eddie and saw he was looking into a notebook he pulled from his desk.
“Well, I do have something I kinda need to get done before tomorrow. I’ve kinda been slacking on it. He said, earning a curious look from you. “oh?”
He smiled and sat next to you at the end of the bed again, giving you the notebook so you could skim through what he had written in there. This page that he had flipped open to had bullet points, each with sime and plans for a story. Wait A story? “Eddie, is this you planning a novel? He gave you a look and took his notebook back. “What? No! These are jusr some plans for what I’m hoping to happen during tomorrow’s Hellfire meeting.”
“Ohhh!” You replied, thinking you were finally understanding what he meant, but you had no idea.“So, you wrote all of that for that game? “
“Yeah! He said, smiling. “And you’re gonna use that story while you play it?” You asked, becoming intrigued in how this stuff works.
“Yeah? A good story is what makes the game fun.” He gave his notebook a little shake. “And I’m quite good at storytelling if I do say so myself.” He smiled and put the notebook back on his desk. He’ll work on the rest of his planning later, for right now he wanted to talk to you.
You nodded in agreement. You only read a bit of what he wrote but you liked the way he worded stuff. “But why do you need a nicely written story for a board game?” You were clueless. Eddie found that adorable, but he also slightly offended that you called dnd a board game. He stood up, crossing his arms. You had a lot to learn. “First of all dnd, is not a board game, but I’m gonna let that slide, cause clearly you are clueless.” You let out a laugh. “Well, I’m sorry! But, please go on. Explain it to me. You said looking up at him. He smiled widely, excited to actually be able to ramble on about one of his interests. “Really? Like you actually wanna know?”
You nodded. “Mmhm. You got me kinda curious about it now.”He clapped his hands together smiling, grabbing his notebook again and quickly sitting by you on the bed.
About 30 minutes passed and you were now more knowledgeable about the members of Hellfire, all their characters, Eddie’s role as the DM, the quests that Hellfire went on, the quests they will be going on next session, and the challenges Eddie has planned. He even went on about ‘Lady Applejack’s legendary critical roll’. Oh! And the maps he drew out so he could keep track of his party’s journey. He made sure to show you those. The last thing he did was show you his dice collection. He had SO MANY. And just because he felt like it, he gave you a d20 and let you roll it. Of course you rolled a natural 20.
“Holy Shit! You’re a natural!” He said, excitedly hugging you. He then put his hands on your shoulders, looking at you happily. “ill tell you what, there’s room in our party for one more if you’re interested.”
You looked at him, surprised he would suddenly ask you that. You thought about it for a moment. But with the look on his face, how could you decline. You shrugged and smiled. “Why the hell not?” He gave you a big smile and hugged you again, before running back to his desk and looking through it. “I have some extra character sheets in here somewhere..” he said, making a mess looking for them. He’ll clean that up later. Probably. “Aha! Gotcha!” he turned back to you and smiled, holding up the sheet. You laughed at his dorkiness and he led you both to the kitchen table, so you would have more room to properly do this. You both sat down, but quickly after sitting down Eddie realized he forgot the dice, so he ran back to his room to grab them. He also came back with a book too, setting them both down on the table.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink before we get started?” he offered.
“You got any coke?”
“What kind of coke?” He asked, causing you to laugh. “Eddie!”
He was giggling as he walked to his fridge and he pulled out two cokes, one for you and one for him, bringing them to the table.
“Okay so what you’re gonna wanna do first is pick a race. You can pick one out from here.” He said, passing you the book that was titled Dungeons and Dragons: Expert Rulebook.
“Eddie, buddy, I’m no expert”. Eddie shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you. You don’t gotta be an expert, this is just the book that Hellfire goes off of.” You nodded as you began looking through it.
Another 30 minutes passed. This time it was filled with you pointing at a race, Eddie explaining it, you asking a shitton of questions about what he was saying, him explaining it even more, and then you moving onto the next race, repeating this process. But once you FINALLY chose your race, Eddie said it was time to choose a class. And then a background. And then name your character and design them. Give them physical traits and personality too. There’s even a spot to draw your character. Then when that’s all done you still got to fill in the 6 spots that said: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. All those spaces had little circles under them too. What the hell did any of that mean? Not only that, but you had to also record your initiative, your speed, your skills, your saving throws, and your proficiency bonus?? You had no clue what any of that meant. It was kinda overwhelming.
You looked at all the blank spots on your sheet and back at Eddie. At least you had him there to help. He was actually very good at explaining things. And the look in his eyes while he was doing so, made you happy too. You were excited to learn from him.
You weren’t even sure how much time passed before you successfully completed your character sheet. However, you did manage to impress Eddie with your dice rolling skills. Again. You managed to get pretty high stats. In fact, Your stats were higher than than Dustin’s when he first started. Eddie was even more excited for you to join Hellfire now. They needed someone with that amount of luck.
He went to grab his notebook again. “Now that you finished making your character, I have this really really really really cool idea of how to add you into the story smoothly..”
You smiled and looked at your watch as he flipped through his notebook. The break you guys took from studying has gone way over ‘40ish minutes’. Oh well, the exam isn’t till Friday and you’ll have time to study between school and the Hellfire meeting tomorrow.
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