#pronounced ON-DREE-UH
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noe-clara69 · 9 months ago
Could possibly be working on an aftg gender swap fic (aftg where everything is the same except Neil and the twinyards are girls)
Anyways, having difficulty figuring out what Neil’s name should be
Lmk if you have more ideas and I’ll make a new poll
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robotslenderman · 2 days ago
I'm differentiating between Australian and not Australian because I'm Australian myself, but I think pronunciation divides would be based on another region, I just don't know which ones lol. I'll make a more accurate poll if there's enough interest.
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emmlivia · 6 months ago
Andrea’s name has been pronounced differently since 2022
When watching lego friends, there has been 3 different ways Andrea’s name has been pronounced, it has been consistent from 2012-2021, but then it changed in 2022 and then changed again in 2023, when last week’s episode and today’s episode here is how they’re pronounced in each show:
Classic-girls on a mission: on-Dre-uh
Holiday special-Heartlake stories: an-Dre-uh
Next chapter: Ann-dree-yuh
It’s strange how it changed, maybe it’s because the casting was switched from American voice actors to Canadian voice actors (since some ninjago voice actors do voice on both show) like how the style was changed from humans to minidolls, and maybe Andrea is pronounced differently depending on the region, but if the cast is now Canadian, why does heartlake stories have a different pronunciation to next chapter?
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bluewarf · 4 months ago
"it's pronounced AN-DREE-UH, you insufferably smug dipshit," I repeatedly mentally correct Cutter, for no reason in particular
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creaturefeaster · 2 years ago
How do you pronounce your OC's names correctly? cuz I used to call Rede (Red-eh) and Caela (Kay-lia) and now I pronounce them as Reed(Rede) and Kayla(Caela)
I am just going to list mimes & any other names that might not phonetically translate well over text. I assume you already know how to pronounce characters such as Tim, or Bonnie.
Uppsulka: uhp-SOL-kuh
Foxglove: FAWKS-gluhv
Caela: KAY-luh
Magdelyndriannamberlynataliovannah: Mahg-duh-lihn-dree-awn-am-berr-lihn-nawt-uh-lee-oh-vawn-uh (The stressing on certain syllables here is really entirely up to the one speaking)
Rede: REED
Twiddle Niddle- TWIH-dull-NIH-dull
Chickenstab: 🐓🗡
Holly: HAW-lee
Jarna: YARR-nuh
TyV/TyVson: tie-VEE, tie-VEE-suhn
Ching: CHING
Calamea: kahl-uh-MAY-uh
El Ganso: ell-GAHN-soh
Atrox: EY-trawks
Weepy: WEE-pee
Atromea: ah-troh-MAY-uh
Oxaclock: OCK-suh-KLAWK
Hamburger: 🍔
Vindemia: vin-DEE-me-uh
Vilmr: Same as the traditional spelling Vilmer, VILL-murr
Maja: MY-uh
Gary's last name, Villafranca: VEE-(l)yuh-FRAHN-kuh
Frigus: FRIH-gus
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sage-hendricks · 8 months ago
None of the above.
Andrea, pronounced ANNE-dree-uh, not on-DRAY-uh, but everyone says the latter even after being corrected.
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clunelover · 2 years ago
Very niche and dumb peeve: I hate that Facebook lets people put in phonetic spellings of their names, because most people have no idea to write things phonetically!!!
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violetfeatherwind · 3 years ago
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Holy cow! Iben’s color palette matches almost exactly like the character, Andrea (pronounced ON-dree-uh) from The Ghost and Molly McGee! Look how similar they look!
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nelldrea · 2 years ago
nelldrea headcanon 2
andrea gets PISSED whenever anyone pronounces her name wrong (AN-dree-uh instead of on-DRAY-uh) and nell picks up on this almost immediately after meeting her, so she starts to intentionally mispronounce her name just to see her jaw clench and her brow furrow. it is only months after they start dating that nell realizes how gay that is
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ajaxtheabrasive · 3 years ago
Andrea doesn't actually dye her hair, it just turned grey from the stress of constantly hearing people pronounce her name as "AN-dree-uh."
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years ago
just a psa for those of you who only see people talking about more niche daniel characters but never hear it out loud...
andrea (from ladies in lavender) is pronounced ahn-DREY-uh (not ANN-dree-uh like the american female name)
and jan (from the edukators) is pronounced YAHN (not jann like the american female name)
just so you know lmao
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winchester90210 · 5 years ago
The BH 90210 Rewrite. 1x13: Slumber Party
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Rewrite Masterlist
Read the previous chapter here!
Chapter Summary: Junk food is had, secrets are exposed, and flings are revealed...
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, one minor make out scene.
Word count: 2,900
My work is not to be reposted and/or edited without my expressed written consent. (Reblogging is fine and encouraged!!)
The flashback is in italics.
Feedback is incredibly appreciated! :)
A/N: This is one of my favorite episodes! Hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry about the scheduling issue, next week should go as planned. Feedback on this chapter would be wonderful! :)
"Are you sure this thing isn't a slumber party?" Kelly criticizes. You open your locker as your friends begin to bicker on both sides of you. Something akin to petty surround sound.
"I told you! It's a night of female bonding-- a chance for us to get together and talk about what's important," Brenda explains.
"But we're doing it in our PJs," Donna interjects.
"Well, that would make sense unless you prefer to sleep in your clothes," You say, "Bren, I think it's a great idea. It could be fun!"
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"Can we invite some guys to come over later? I mean, after we've talked and bonded and everything?" Kelly asks.
"Kelly, I thought what we wanted was an evening to ourselves where we don't have to think about guys, talk about guys, or worry about what we look like 'cause some guy is around. Isn't that what we said?" She nods, rolling her eyes. "So what's the problem?"
"Nothing!" She leans against the lockers, "Actually... there is one thing. I kinda made plans with this other friend of mine, Amanda Pacer. You don't know her, she's a senior, but we have been friends forever."
"So bring her," you suggest, taking out your history book and shutting your locker.
"Well... I know this may sound stupid, but I don't want her to think this is a slumber party... It's not a slumber party, right?"
"Brenda! Kelly, Y/N, and Donna are here to bond with you!" Brandon shouts up the stairs, laden in his all-white Peach Pit uniform. He looked so cute, this "no guy" rule was pointless. Especially when the said guys looked like that. "Hey Y/N/N," he kisses you softly, pulling you closer to him.
"Hey," you mumble. He gives you a hard, dizzying, coffee-flavored kiss as he slowly backs into the front door. You hum against him happily, "I'll pay you to stay, I'm serious. Cold hard cash." He grins, slipping his warm hands under the sides of your jacket, holding onto your hips gently.
"As much as I'd like to, I promised Nat I'd pick up this shift."
"Tell him you have other business to attend to. Like getting me out of this slumber party. Nat'll understand," you plead jokingly. One more soft, sweet kiss and he lets go of you. "Brandon..." he smiles at you adoringly and turns towards the other two girls waiting in the foyer, pretending that they weren't just watching everything you two were doing.
"Have fun, ladies," he swings the front door open and leaves as quickly as possible, knowing that if he stayed any longer you'd actually end up convincing him to stay. As one Walsh exits, another enters as Brenda comes down the stairs wearing a long, plaid nightshirt. But before she's even fully down the stairs, Kelly starts to complain.
"Brenda, this is really weird."
"Kelly, we are going to have fun! Where's Amanda?"
"Oh, she's coming later," She fidgets awkwardly, "She uh, wanted to bring her own car in case..."
"Something better came along," Donna interjects.
"I think this might be a little too down-home for her."
"Kelly, we're not going on hayrides," you cut in.
"Okay, we have chocolate ice cream,vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream!" Brenda announces as you pour the doritos into a bowl. It's a scramble of hands and junk food as you all grab what you want.
"Do you have any other cookies?" Kelly asks.
"Yeah! I think they're in the cupboard," Brenda nods.
"Oh, I love cookies smushed in ice cream!" Andrea beams, "it's the best."
"You ever put popcorn in ice cream?" Donna wonders. The group groans in disgust. "Hey, it's really good!" You hop on the counter next to where Donna is and grab a chip
"Well, there's microwave popcorn in a bowl over there, knock yourself out," Brenda giggles, handing you your bowl of chocolate ice cream.
"Thanks," you smile, "Hey, Amanda, what do you want? Vanilla or chocolate?" You glance over to Kelly's friend as you help the girls put together their sundaes, and she's sitting alone at the kitchen table with her arms crossed, pouting.
"Nothing for me, thanks."
"Oh, come on, Amanda. You're gonna make us all look like pigs!" Kelly exclaims.
"You said it, I didn't," Amanda ostracizes. The room goes radio silent, but instead of bumming out the room, Brenda starts snorting like a pig at her while the rest of you laugh and pick up your junk food.
"Donna, that is so gross!" Kelly laughs, watching as her best friend shows vanilla ice cream and popcorn into her mouth all in one spoon. Your cheeks already hurt from laughing, but you couldn't stop smiling.
"I know, but I like it! I don't know why, but I do, okay?"
"This is something you can never do with guys," Kelly smirks, piling on the whipped cream to her sundae.
"What?" Andrea asks.
"Pig out!" The five of you giggle as Brenda turns to Amanda, who's once again decided to remove herself from the group.
"Do you eat on dates, Amanda?"
"Never. But I always order something expensive," her voice is sharp, and she's slumped back in the white chair in the far corner of the room.
"To let them know I'm worth it," she shrugs.
"I knew it was over for me and Steve when I started pigging out everytime we went out to eat," she scoffs.
"He never took you out to eat, Kelly," Donna giggles, and then everyone, (excluding Ms. Grump Pants, of course) bursts out in laughter.
"I am in... sugar shock." Brenda sighs, resting her head on your shoulder as you lean back onto the couch, smushed up against the other girls.
"I feel like I just gained ten pounds," Andrea groans.
"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Kelly ponders.
"Ooh, lets rent Pretty Woman!" Donna suggests.
"Donna, you've seen that movie 300 times," Kelly snickers.
"It's dependable. You know, sometimes I think about running away and becoming a hooker on Hollywood boulevard," she puts her fist up to her heart, fawning, "just so I can meet Richard Gere."
"There's only one problem... you're not Julia Roberts."
"Look, we're not going to rent a movie... or become prostitutes," you tease Donna, "The whole point of this was so we could talk. Andrea, go get your Ouija board."
You settle back down onto the couch after coming very close to crapping your pants because of what you thought was the Ouija board... which just ended up being David Silver sneaking creepy pictures of you guys through the window. You breathe deeply as your heart rate settles down. Amanda checks her watch and scoffs.
"It's after midnight."
"What, do frat boys turn into pumpkins?" Brenda bites sarcastically.
"No, they turn into drunken slobs." You sure made my night," she complains.
"Amanda, you didn't have to come!" Kelly barks.
"What? And miss all the fun? The party games?" She laughs sardonically, "I don't want to leave anymore. Everyone's ruined my night," she takes off her beige coat and throws it on the chair. "It's my turn to ruin their's. Okay everyone. I've got a game if you're up for it. Skeletons in the closet. Everyone sits in a circle, and the person in the middle has to answer all their questions as honestly as possible. The kind of question is up to you, whatever you feel like asking. Of course, the better the question, the better the game."
"Go ahead. Ask me anything," Andrea smiles nervously.
"Why does everybody call you 'Awwwndrea?'" Amanda starts.
"Excuse me?"
"What are you, British? I mean... Awwwwndrea?" Amanda guffaws.
"That is pretty pretentious," Kelly adds.
"Kelly," you warn her.
"It's pronounced both ways. But An-dree-uh is a little boring and common. I like to be different."
"Good answer," you smile.
"So, am I through?"
Amanda studies her carefully, "No. Not yet... have you ever slept with a guy before?" What the hell was wrong with this girl?
"That's... a little personal. But uh... no. No, I have never slept with a guy before. Yet."
"Well, if you could sleep with any guy in school, who would it be?"
Andrea chuckles anxiously, looking down at the ground. "Come on, you guys. I can't answer that..."
"Yeah, you can. You can trust us, Andrea... well," you glance at Amanda, "most of us, at least."
"Uh... I don't know. I guess... I guess uh..."
"Brandon?" Kelly cuts in.
"What?" You glare at Kelly.
"No." Andrea answers, "No. Not Brandon. No... it would have to be Hans Fleischman. He is this incredibly gorgeous lifeguard who pulled me out of the water when I was stung by a jellyfish at Zuma beach last summer." You adjust in your seat uncomfortably while the Kelly snickers in disbelief at Andrea. "Hey, what is this? Brandon is just a friend."
"Wait-- wait a second. Is this the same Brandon that's all over her everyday?" Amanda laughs out, "Sweetie... get a life. You like him. Everybody already knows." You sure didn't. "And he likes her." You don't even dare to look up from your thumbs. What the hell were you supposed to do in this situation? Sure, you encouraged her to answer it but you didn't think it would be Brandon. You would feel weird comforting her, but you still feel weird just sitting there and letting her get harrassed.
"Okay... okay. So it-- it is Brandon." Her eyes well up as she stutters through her words. The room is silent for a moment before you hop to your feet.
"Well, this has been a blast," you huff, "I'm gonna go get a soda. Anyone else have plans to seduce my boyfriend? Kelly? Donna? Hey, how about you, Amanda?"
After Kelly's turn, to which she described her traumatic first sexual experience, and Brenda's where she describes how she betrayed her best friend back in Minneapolis... you were really starting to hate this game.
"Come on, Donna, you've gotta have some secrets," Kelly encourages.
"I don't! I tell you guys everything!"
"If you could go out with any guy in school, who would it be?!" Brenda asks. Let me guess, Brandon?
"Greg Houseman. You know that, she never stops talking about him," Kelly sighs.
"What is the most dishonest thing you've ever done?" You ask, curling your legs up to your chest. She pauses to think for a moment.
"Didn't anybody in your family go insane or something? Anything?"
"No... we're all really normal," she shrugs. The thing was, she's right. You've been to her house. Her mother is great, her dad's really nice, her house is perfect... she was completely normal.
"You know what your problem is, Donna?" Amanda prompts, "Your life is totally boring. Anyone who can't dredge up one secret about themselves is either lying or a total zero."
"That is not true," you snap.
"Why, what are you hiding, Y/N/N?"
"Nothing, Amanda."
"Oh, really? That's not what I hear... or what I've seen."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Get in the circle," she smirks, this time deviously. Dangerously. You follow her orders, moving from the floor to the chair.
"What's your favorite movie?" Brenda asks.
"Rebel without a Cause."
"What's your favorite color?"
"Baby pink," you watch Amanda out of the corner of your eye, getting more and more frustrated at the boring questions.
"Oh, come on! You guys are such a drag!" She leans forward, smirking, "What's going on with you and Dylan McKay?" You look at her confused.
"He's dating her," you gesture towards Brenda, "Not me." Amanda shakes her head immediately, as if she knew you were going to say that.
"Do I need to dumb it down for you, sweetheart? What happened at the Bel Age a few months ago, y'know, when you jumped him?"
"What?" Brenda says quietly, her voice breaking. She looks at you as tears start to brim her eyes.
"Bren, wait a second--"
"Did you sleep with my boyfriend?" Your jaw goes agape and you laugh sourly in shock.
"You really think I'd sleep with Dylan?!" A pit of guilt was forming in your stomach as you tensed up.
"I don't know what to think, Y/N! All I know is you two spend an awful lot of time together alone and now I'm hearing that you pounced on him!" she snaps. Oh my god. You couldn't believe this was happening.
"That's not what happened, Bren!"
"Fine!" She scoffs bitterly, "what happened, then?"
"So, I was at the Bel Age a few months ago, Brandon had just gotten the job at the Peach Pit..."
"I don't wanna go home yet," you told him. The Porsche rumbled as Dylan warmed it up. He raised an eyebrow at you as he leaned back.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere you want to take me." Those would be words you would later come to regret. Asking a hot guy with a leather jacket and a Porsche to have his way with you? Bold move. Dumb move, too. He could've taken you anywhere. Baja, the abandoned elementary school, anywhere. But where did he take you? The Bel Age hotel.
When you walked in he popped the radio on and you sat down as a Gloria Estefan song played quietly throughout the hotel room. Dylan was over at the wet bar, pouring himself a glass of scotch. Looking back, it was the only time you'd ever seen him drink something in moderation.
"You drink?" He asked, looking back at you.
"I could start," you shrug. And that was the first of many bad decisions you'd make in that hotel room. He grabs a second pint glass, but you weren't paying much attention to him as he clanked around, trying to pour you something that wouldn't make you gag.
He hands you the concoction and sits down beside you, his legs against yours. A little closer than normal, but you didn't think anything of it. Fidgeting anxiously, you began to drink whatever it was he gave you. It was new, being alone with him like that. Sure, you could hang out with him in groups but... just you and him? You tilted the glass back, letting the smooth and surprisingly digestible liquor flow down your throat until there was nothing left in your glass. This stuff was supposed kill anxiety, right? He eyes you up. Peculiarly, but not critically.
"Yeah, you could say that." He would continue to fill your glass, and his own, for that matter, all night. He'd put on his Road House VHS tape somewhere in the middle. And you were watching it. You really were. But as the movie went on longer, you got closer. A fairly innocent movie night (the first of many) turned into a night full of regrets.
His hand was on your leg right before the first kiss happened, thumb drawing dizzying little circles on your thigh as he watched the movie. You're sure if you showed any signs of discomfort he would've stopped-- that fact gave you peace in the moment. But the last thing you wanted him to do was stop. So he didn't. And neither did you. It wasn't until later, when his lips were trailing down your jaw, hands pushing your dress up, and his own white t-shirt was somewhere on the floor next to you. That's when it came to a crashing halt. Removing his lips from your neck, he sighed.
"What is it?" You asked. The air between you two was intense, sensitive. One move and he'd be back on top of you, starting the cycle all over again.
"What about Minnesota?" He slides you off of his lap in one swift motion, but his hand was lingering on your hip.
"What about Brandon?"
"Come on, you've seen how he is around you. I don't want to get in the way of that, mess anything up."
"You're not messing anything up. If Brandon was interested he would've made a move already."
Cut to you, current day, girlfriend of the mentioned boy, "Hah... whoops."
"But either way... this is a bad idea, isn't it?" You sheepishly picked up the shirt from the floor and handed it back to him. "So," you cleared your throat, "Friends?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, fiddling with the shirt in his hand. The energy in the room was different then, awkward. Laughable. But friendly.
"And that was it," you finish, "We're friends. Kissing him now would be no different than kissing Donna or Kelly."
"You wouldn't have kissed him if you didn't like him!"
"I do like him. As a friend," you plead, "Bren, I've been supporting you guys since day one, I would never do something to hurt you." You search her eyes for something. A little bit of waivering, forgiveness, pity. Anything at this point. Stupid Amanda and her stupid skeleton game. Brenda avoids your gaze for a moment.
"And nothing's happened since then?" She chokes out. You see her shoulders rise and fall as she takes in a shaky breath.
"Nothing's happened since then."
She lets out a deep sigh, almost out of relief, but tears are still threatening to spill from her eyes "Okay... I guess I understand." As she says that, it's like every muscle in your body lets go of the stress it had been holding for the past few weeks. You really hate secrets.
"Uh, Bren... I have a confession to make," Kelly pipes up from the side of the room, "After you started going out with Dylan I tried to get a date with him." Oh shit.
Taglist: @be-patient-be-good @mpmarypoppins @bevelyhills90210 @blueoz @harleylilo88 @princess-ghost-alien @hueycat2004 @l4life @keepcalm-and-beyou
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xellandria · 5 years ago
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@stranglethorn-bonfire-bash season is starting up again (signups for the Art Fight end on the 15th!) and while I really enjoyed both drawing and RPing Apple at least year’s bash (and art fight), I wanted to challenge myself in a different way this year.  I can draw people with my own bodytype, but I’m not comfortable doing it, especially in semi-revealing clothing.  Beaches are pretty great for semi-revealing, though, so here we are!
Andrea Witterel (pronounced “ann-DREE-ah” instead of the more common “ann-DRAY-ah”) is a middle-aged midshipman from a family of ropemakers in western Stormsong Valley; the merchant vessel she was employed on got tangled up in some Old God Shenanigans™ during N’Zoth’s assaults on Azeroth with some funky end results; she’s not corrupted necessarily, but... well 🤫
Deciding between this year’s teams was tough—Surf makes obvious sense for a Kul Tiran, but Sky was an unexpectedly strong contender for Other Reasons™ and I ended up having to design out both versions before I could choose, haha.  Also included, since I don’t think I ever posted them to Tumblr, is a model edit I did of my hunter back in February for a twitter hashtag trend, and the first sketch of her that I don’t think got posted anywhere (until I made it my personal twitter’s avatar relatively recently).
I really really am currently enjoying my Kul Tiran alts (and race changed main); most of them are just a vague idea of what they might be if I were to ever flesh them out into a “real character” but the one that had the most thought put into it was the one that was based off a combination of these PTR/Wowhead dressing room screenshots and the trinket off Wrathion whose proc and on-use both give you fiery dragon wings.  She needed more than that obviously, but it was a good start; I’ve been thinking about it off and on for a while but haven’t really put much of it down and solidified it (since I don’t actively RP anymore, this hasn’t really been a problem until now, lol)
My hunter is currently rocking her look, but I’m not really convinced that my hunter is a good fit for her (especially with the specs being what they are); if the account that the lvl 103 draenei paladin on WRA is on ever goes inactive I will delete any character I have to to get that name on my account and that’ll be the official version of this character (and then I’ll have to decide on a class), but until then she’s a purely mindscaped character.  That’s why her first name is pronounced funny, by the way, though it doesn’t make much sense if her character name doesn’t end up Xellandria (which is in use by my Nightborne Mage atm)—the drake whose essence was combined with hers, Tarecgosa questline-style, was named Xeloszia (which, uh, didn’t realize til now had Xelloss in it lmao whoops) so it made sense to me that “Xeloszia" and “Andrea” became Xellandria (just Andria looks funny to me).
Witterel is the last name of the captain from Return of the Obra Dinn which has basically the best soundtrack of any game in the last five or so years and an LP of which has been my go-to for comfort watching/listening for at least a year and a half now—the night that ended with me going to the ER for a heart attack I was watching it for sure, and that was last July during the art fight, lol.
Eventually I will have more fun character tidbits over on Toyhouse, but that requires me to actually write them out, sooooooo...
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sufficientlylargen · 2 years ago
#it was this post that made me realize that anglophones pronounce mitochondria as マイトchontria#and not like mitosis#even tho both derive from the same μίτος (via @shacklesburst)
How is that "not like mitosis"? In both cases I, at least, pronounce the start like "might-o", though the emphasis differs (MIGHT-oh-KON-dree-uh vs might-OH-sis, or perhaps my-TOE-sis).
Do some people pronounce it like MITT-o-sis?
did u know: according to scientists, in October the mitochondria turns into the frightochondria and becomes the haunted house of the cell
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your name is pronounced on-dray-uh not an-dree-uh or am i just dumb
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violetsophist · 5 years ago
tagged by @cowboysiken
answer 17 questions and tag 17 people!
name: ayedria (ay-dree-uh), although I wish I could go by Brie because its a part of my middle name, BrieAnn. Brie seems much nicer and easier to pronounce.
age: 18
zodiac: cancer sun / sagittarius rising / aries moon
height: 5′3
hogwarts house: when I first got sorted, I was in 5th grade and was a hufflepuff... I identify with slytherin much more now though,,, but anyways screw j.k. rowling
the last thing I googled: how do I figure out my zodiac sign? (I was trying to figure out the rising and moon parts)
song stuck in my head: oblivion by grimes
number of followers: 99
amount of sleep: I get at least 3 hours and at most 7 if I’m lucky enough. I honestly have no concept of rest
lucky number: 7
wearing: some old, pink st. augustine shirt and grey pajama shorts
favorite song: damn this changes frequently... right now it is sunshine of your love by cream
favorite instrument: I love to play the piano, but it’s not my fav. tbh it is a tossup between bass and drums... paul mccartney’s violin bass is kinda sexy
favorite author: the thing is I don’t have one because I can’t find one whose works I love entirely. a few athors I like are stephen king, henrik ibsen, j.d. salinger, and daniel keyes
aesthetic: earrings,,, and lots rings with gems on them. I tend to wear tank tops and shorts rn because it’s so hot. I wear a leather or denim jacket over a band t-shirt and jeans with black sneakers (when it’s moderate or cold outside). my clothes are always over-sized haha 
favorite animal sounds: literally any guinea pig noise
random: my desire to get involved with art was driven by the warriors series by erin hunter. this truth still haunts me to this day
Idk any people on tumblr except for like 4 users (don’t feel obligated to do this, I was just bored): @rosynosed @kevday2 @ajmnyrd
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