#lego friends heartlake stories
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emmlivia · 6 months ago
Andrea’s name has been pronounced differently since 2022
When watching lego friends, there has been 3 different ways Andrea’s name has been pronounced, it has been consistent from 2012-2021, but then it changed in 2022 and then changed again in 2023, when last week’s episode and today’s episode here is how they’re pronounced in each show:
Classic-girls on a mission: on-Dre-uh
Holiday special-Heartlake stories: an-Dre-uh
Next chapter: Ann-dree-yuh
It’s strange how it changed, maybe it’s because the casting was switched from American voice actors to Canadian voice actors (since some ninjago voice actors do voice on both show) like how the style was changed from humans to minidolls, and maybe Andrea is pronounced differently depending on the region, but if the cast is now Canadian, why does heartlake stories have a different pronunciation to next chapter?
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legofriendsgallery · 1 year ago
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History of Heart Lake
Okay I'm here for investigate Heartlake's lake : Heart Lake's history thorought the generations then I nagivate a story. Because LEGO Friends' Story was interesting and have great easter eggs but no one invenstigate it
When we observe the formations of Heartlake City in the goam and og, we see that the two are close. In the webisodes, Andrea explained that a child named Evy struggled for days to find water stolen from the village where Heaetlake was located back then, and then she went to the cave where the giant who caused the drought lived. Not losing hope, she destroyed the giant's dam, brought water to the village and created Lake of Heartlake. According to the same legend, it is said that when the dam collapsed, she could not escape the flowing water and drowned, but did not die and lived as a mermaid in the lake.
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In Costume Party webisode both Stephanie und Tania be Evy. Founder of Heartlake
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When Emma preapera cards for her Friends as gifts (I love you Emma) Emma throws a wreath of flowers on the head of the Evy statue in the square of the plane tree visited by the flying squirrels
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Evy Evy is seen as the savior, founder and soul of Heartlake. The most important historical figure in og
Goam is next. The main subject of season 2 is the hidden treasure in Heartlake and the mystery of Heartlake. Personally, my favorite season of Goam is the second season because there is a lot of development about both the city and the characters. (Stephanie's older sister, Olivia's fear of heights, etc.) In the first episode, it is told that 5 women, who are considered the founders of Heartlake, are helped by the mermaid named Evy on a sea voyage where the waves are raging.
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The complicated situation arises here because these five people reach Heartlake after the ship journey; Cassandra Collinsworth (athlete), Agnes Rose Peacock (artist), Georgette Walker (astronomer), Juliette Cooper (actress, stage performer) and Wilhemina Hary (hunter) If they are considered the founder, who is Evy Goam? As far as I understand, even though Evy is the official founder who resurrected Heartlake, she ensured that life in Heartlake did not disappear completely with her own will, it is these five people who made Heartlake the Heartlake we see in Lego Friends. Evy actually f saved it, but as it is hidden between the lines in the legend, Cassandra Collinswort, Agnes Rose Peacock, Juliette Cooper, Wilhemina Hart and Gorgette Walker followed Evy's path in a turbulent time in Heartlake and formed the soul of Heartlake, not considering despair as an option. This is why there are parallels with the Lego Friends group. Lego Friends prevented most of the damage and had priceless adventures at a time when the city was being terrorized.
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exercisenplay · 2 years ago
Find the Best Deals: LEGO Friends for Sale Create Memorable Moments
Calling all LEGO Friends enthusiasts! Explore our fantastic collection of LEGO Friends sets for sale and unlock a world of joy and friendship. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories of Olivia, Emma, Mia, Stephanie, and Andrea as they navigate their colorful lives in Heartlake City. With our affordable LEGO Friends sets, you can recreate memorable moments and embark on new adventures. Don't miss out on these incredible deals—get your LEGO Friends set today and let your imagination soar.
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liannova · 2 years ago
discussing my thoughts about the different generations of lego friends
— generation 1
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i absolutely love this generation. it’s simple, it’s sweet, it’s nostalgic. i was never a huge fan of lego friends growing up, but i still enjoyed it as a kid and have a couple prominent memories in relation to lego friends. (but anyway)
this gen is simplistic in a good way. the plots of the episodes are easy to understand. the characters feel super familiar, you kind of know what to expect with them. and they were established with the intent for at viewers to be able to relate to at least one of them, whether it be in terms of looks or interests. no, it’s not the most diverse lineup ever. if anything, the diversity in this generation was really bad.
i love the way they handled friendships in this, though, specifically with side characters. i liked how mia had plot points with characters like lacy, kate, livi, and fiona. and i always enjoyed the rivalry between stephanie and tanya (and the brief friendship between tanya and emma). there are more dynamics i could state, but these are the ones that come to my mind quickest. i feel like the side characters were unique enough, and every dynamic was unique in its own way, too.
i wasn’t the biggest fan of the voice and animation/design change that happened. it made sense for the movie, but for the episodes, it got confusing to me. a couple voices changed before then, but the alteration of the series between The Grand Hotel and Getting Out The Vote, i’ll probably never be the biggest fan of. i definitely prefer the earlier episodes, and while i absolutely do not hate the later episodes, i kind of just wished the voices stayed. idk why they changed, tbh, including the animation style. maybe it was contract related, or they just wanted something different??? i have no clue, in all honesty
overall, i love this generation. i still have to dive into the webseries lore, though (with the 2D animation). anyways, my favourite character from this generation is definitely mia, and my favourite ship is always mia x emma (miemma).
— generation 2
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this is by far my favourite generation. i’m gonna be real, though… i used to not like it at all. i wasn’t a fan of the changes they made (this was when i was heavily into the first gen) and i thought the characters were “too different”
but now, i fight for the exact opposite of what i initially thought about girls on a mission. the animation change is great. the new voices are much more accurate both in terms of character and representation. the modern take on heartlake city is nice for modern times. and the characters personalities aren’t much different from the original… if anything, they’re more interesting. they stayed similar to their original designs and personalities, which is a good thing for fans who previously knew the main five in the previous generation. i’m always gonna defend olivia’s design change (because apparently, it’s a common theme that people are very upset about her new look). it’s easy to tell who is who, and they look different enough in terms of fashion style, too, lol. idk! i just really love the artistic expression within this gen
i like how they continued to have character problem focused episodes in goam. while they were a bit shorter, they were still nicely setup and nicely paced. it’s hard to pick a fav season, tbh. i really love season four because the mall and the fun faire are just beautiful to me. but i’ll forever love the go-kart arc of season one. i feel like they lost me a bit between seasons two and three, but i was not disappointed at all. 
in terms of characters, i would’ve loved to have seen the side characters in goam from the previous gen (specifically livi and tanya). i know, though, that it’s a reboot, and often in reboots, old characters aren’t included and new characters are introduced. that’s okay, though! we got iconic characters like vicky, savannah, camila and claire out of it! and i liked the inclusion of the boy characters within this season. i liked how ethan was the most prominent one for awhile, then it switched over to river.
i’ll forever be a defender of goam. i could write an essay fr. my favourite character from goam has fluctuated over time (going from mia to vicky to stephanie to andrea), but i’d say that andrea and mia are definitely my best girls from this gen. my favourite ships are tied between andrea x emma (andremma) and stephanie x mia (stephmia).
— generation 2.5
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this generation confuses me so much. i don’t necessarily hate it. it just came at a time where i was really hoping for a goam season five. i feel it was a bit of a downgrade in terms of animation, and i fear it might be due to the criticisms of “girls on a mission doesn’t even look like lego media at all, the girls don’t look like legos”. i will say, though, that i’m not mad that heartlake stories exist, because it’s a nice closing to generation 2 and bridge into generation 3
i haven’t watched these episodes as much as i’ve watched the episodes of the two previous generations. i will say that at first watch, i don’t enjoy the voice changes as much as i do for goam. but maybe that’s where i just need to be open a bit more (also researching the actresses may help, i always love researching voice actors). the stories feel very close to the vibe of generation one, though, which i rly enjoy. and the new take on heartlake city feels cozy.
you can still tell which character is which. and i like the inclusion of side characters. from what i remember, i think the side characters were included a LOT more than side characters have ever been included in lego friends media.
i don’t have much to say about this generation, as i haven’t given it much thought, let alone much of a chance. i’d be happy with or without it, to be honest. but it was nice to have between goam and generation three. idk if i much of a change in my favourite character for this gen, probably still between mia and andrea, which is probably my favourite ship in this generation, too.
— generation 3
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alright y’all, i have tons to say.
i’m OBSESSED with this generation, and it’s only november 2022 (meaning it hasn’t officially released yet, only officially announced).
everything about this generation is so exciting. i’m walking into this gen with an open mindset because i know this is the biggest change within the lego friends franchise, and it’s a change for the better. there has always been a debate on the mere existence of lego friends and how it forces (feminine) stereotypes. i find myself writing against these critiques, as i feel that the existence of lego friends is a positive thing! but now i’ll definitely be writing in favour of lego friends due to this new reboot.
i love love love how media is getting more diverse throughout the past few years. diversity should’ve been set from the start, not followed through a trend. but i’m glad it’s happening, especially even more past girls on a mission. i’m gonna say that i thought goam was pretty diverse already. they diversified the main cast and included many other unique characters within the antagonists, love interests, side characters, and even minor characters. we already had disabled rep in goam, but there’s even more to expect in the new generation, and i’m excited for that.
i’m especially excited for the rep of neurodivergence?!?! this is major. no, like, this is MAJOR. i already have a hunch that, if explicitly stated, liann and nova are very neurodivergent coded (based on their bios), but who knows. dude, they’re probably all neurodivergent. anyway
i’m glad the main five won’t be completely gone. i wonder about the other characters, but mia already appears in a (teased) set for the new generation. the fact that they said “the main five are all grown up” has me in shambles. like, wow. they really have because mia is apparently now a mother?? this is big, everybody.
i have a lot of hope for this generation. i love the inspirational stories around why they are rebooting lego friends, and i am very excited for the animated series. yeah, i’m gonna miss the goam animation style. but i already love the new friends and i can’t wait to get to know them. my favourites based off bios are definitely nova, liann, and paisley. and i’m really excited for the (possible ship) dynamic between aliya and autumn.
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modellismo360gradi · 3 years ago
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📅 Novità LEGO 🎅 Per questo Natale, fai un passo indietro nel tempo con le ragazze LEGO Friends. Ricorda con loro il primo Natale trascorso insieme quando eravate piccoli. In questo calendario dell’Avvento troverai le graziose micro-doll di Olivia, Mia, Stephanie, Andrea ed Emma. Aiutale ad appendere le calze e a costruire i regali. Insieme potrete creare i dolci per le feste o accoccolarvi davanti al camino. - Contiene il Calendario dell'Avvento LEGO Friends, il regalo di Natale per trasformare dicembre nel mese dei fan di Heartlake City grazie ai 24 regali nascosti dietro alle porticine - Il calendario dell'avvento è pieno di simpatici giocattoli: un bob, uno snowboard e uno slittino. La magia LEGO sarà la protagonista del conto alla rovescia fino a Natale - Ci sono anche un pianoforte e un robot con telecomando. Inoltre, il mattarello gira, il braccio del frullatore si solleva e la porta del forno si apre, per divertirsi ancora di più - Contiene 5 mini bambole LEGO Friends: Olivia, Mia, Stephanie, Andrea e Emma: i bambini possono aiutarle ad appendere le calze e a costruire i loro regali - Contiene anche gattini e cuccioli giocattolo. Gli elementi di queste costruzioni LEGO possono essere usati come decorazioni o sistemati sul tappetino ribaltabile - Sebbene siano di piccole dimensioni, questi giocattoli LEGO da costruire hanno molte simpatiche funzionalità per stimolare la fantasia a creare storie in tema natalizio - Questo calendario dell'avvento giocattolo con 370 pezzi è un regalo pre-natalizio ideale per bambini e bambine dai 6 anni in su, che amano giochi a tema festivo - I nuovi giocattoli ei mattoncini da costruzione LEGO soddisfano rigorosi standard di settore, sono sempre di qualità uniforme e compatibili, ed è così dal 1958. - I giocattoli per bambini LEGO vengono sottoposti a innumerevoli test per garantire che ogni set di costruzione giocattolo soddisfi rigorosi standard di sicurezza. #modellismo360gradi https://www.instagram.com/p/CTtNLAQK_sV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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emmlivia · 5 months ago
Old is 2012-2017
New is 2018-present
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legofriendsgallery · 1 year ago
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thexam-union · 3 years ago
Hi !!
Just finished basic setups over here, so we’re open for business. This is kind of like a sister blog of sorts to our friends over at The Island Initiative ( @island-like-no-other ) but chances are there’s going to be a lot of crossover between the two spaces. They Are Canonically Friends, and all that.
This is an RP/Writing/Character blog based around UK Theme Parks (Thorpe Park, Legoland, Chessington and a local travelling fair) and you’re welcome to stick around and vibe :>
No estimates for what content’s going to be here, but there will be content Sometimes !! Feel free to drop questions in for them, they’re going to be Routed so the right people get them. Roster will be posted in a relative timeframe.
As a personal introduction, hi! I’m Beltrame, and I’m very new to the coaster scene (this year levels of new) because of Wonderful trips during the summer, and I’m just happy to be here.
As for Credentials(tm): 
CC currently stands at 9, with 40 different rides total
Most visited park is Thorpe
Favourite coaster is a toss-up between Vampire (Chessington) and TWD (Thorpe)
Favourite themed area is Swarm Island and by a lot. It’s just full of vibes and lore, what’s not to love?
Helped solve the Hornet language
Not a coaster credential, but I am Incredibly into typefaces and spreadsheets. Just too much. I swear I’m not a 40 year old businessman, I’m a Queer Youngster(tm) who looked at sorting things out and went “ooh......”
As a followup to the previous point, graphic design is a fun activity. Counterpoint, I have the ability to make Authentic Wordart in current year. :>
Character Introduction Posts :
Thorpe Park [ ⛰️ } The Island Like No Other ]
District 199 ( Muphrid, Merga & Antares ) Creek Town ( Bellatrix Buckwheat & Castula ) The Jungle ( Flegetonte & Alphecca ) Lost City ( Fomalhaut & Gomeisa ) Amity Cove ( Volans & Kalausi ) The Dockyard ( Mirzam, Rotanev & Mezzetino )
Legoland [ 🧱 } The World Of Imagination ]
Mythica ( Intan, Sika, Electra ) “The Two Cities” ( Pincoya & Natasha ) [ Lego C. & Heartlake C. ] Stories to be Told ( Dofida, Gumala & Alphard ) [ Duplo Vly., Knights’ K’dom & Ninjago ]
Chessington [ 🗺️ } The Adventurers' Realm ]
Forbidden Kingdom ( Tevel & Alcor ) Wild Asia ( Citala & Lesath ) The Isolationists ( Aludra & Marquess Tislit ) [ Land of the Tiger & Wild Woods ] The Land of Adventurers ( Morava & Apollyon ) [ Pirates’ Cove, Mexicana ]
The Travelling Fair [ 🎡 } The Travellers ]
 Mimosa, Heze, Arcturus & Arrakis
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themepluginpro · 4 years ago
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LEGO Friends Emma’s Fashion Shop 41427, Includes Friends Emma and Andrea Buildable Mini-Doll Figures and a Range of Fashion Accessories to Inspire Hours of Creative Fun, New 2020 (343 Pieces)
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Description LEGO Friends Emma’s Fashion Shop 41427, Includes Friends Emma and Andrea Buildable Mini-Doll Figures and a Range of Fashion Accessories to Inspire Hours of Creative Fun, New 2020 (343 Pieces) :
Price: (as of - Details)
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Kids with a passion for fashion and dressing up are going to love Emma’s Fashion Shop 41427. Set over 2 floors, this feature-packed playset houses a fashion store where kids can help the mini-dolls choose a new look courtesy of a cool style spinner that lets them mix and match outfits. Kids can then dress them in the neat rotating changing room, complete with reflective mirror. Budding fashionistas can play out their designer dreams in the Emma's studio where there's a sofa area where the clothing creations are dreamt up over a cup of coffee. The studio also has a sewing area and a balcony. Kids can also remove the studio for easy access to the shop below. Or two friends can play in the 2 areas at the same time! Heartlake City sets offer youngsters an exciting build-and-play experience. Introduce your little builder to the world of LEGO Friends, where Stephanie, Mia, Emma, Olivia and Andrea are waiting to welcome any child to the fun. Let kids play in style with Emma’s Fashion Shop 41427; There’s a store downstairs where youngsters can make-believe shopping for clothes and a tailor’s studio upstairs for designing and making pretend outfits This build kit comes with a studio and a tailor's shop, 2 buildable mini-doll figures, and fashion accessories, such as the new shiny textile skirts, scissors and fabric, sparking hours of creative play Kids can remove the top floor to play with the store and studio areas separately; This also gives better access to the store’s fun features, such as the spinning style selector and the revolving changing room This 343-piece set makes a great present for girls and boys who love fashion role play, or those who love to get immersed in a rewarding building project This 2-story fashion store measures over 6” (17cm) high and 6” (16cm) wide makes an awesome toy display in any bedroom More Details #LEGO #Friends #Emmas #Fashion #Shop #Includes #Friends #Emma #Andrea #Buildable #MiniDoll #Figures #Range #Fashion #Accessories #Inspire #Hours #Creative #Fun #Pieces
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legolovebirds · 4 years ago
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Lego Friends Heartlake Vet (3188) 레고 프렌즈 하트레이크 동물병원 (3188) I made two vets a two story (modular) animal hospital. 프렌즈 모듈화 프로젝트 시작!!! 두번째 건물사진들! #lego #legolovebirds #legodiorama #레고 #레고스타그램 #레고모듈러 #레고덕후 #legostagram #레고사랑부부 #레고시티 #legocity #legomodular #legofriends #legovet #3188 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIhuOqJBt6/?igshid=1ga0843r5ulvo
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jillianjmiles · 5 years ago
LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340 Kids Building Set with Mini-Doll Figures, Popular Toy and Gift for Girls (722 Piece)
New Post has been published on http://enjoylifeplay.com/product/lego-friends-friendship-house-41340-kids-building-set-with-mini-doll-figures-popular-toy-and-gift-for-girls-722-piece/
LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340 Kids Building Set with Mini-Doll Figures, Popular Toy and Gift for Girls (722 Piece)
The LEGO Friends 41340 Relationship House is the ultimate base for unique moments in between the
pals of Heartlake City– whether starting adventures or taking pleasure in some downtime. This popular kids’toy includes a kitchen area, living room with craft table, bed room with double-sided TELEVISION screen, balcony with speakers, barbecue, hot tub, juice bar and a lookout tower on the roof. Outside, there’s a swing, a bike with a trailer filled with tools and great deals of cool functions in this transformed station house building including a working pulley-block, alarm, pole, slide and a garage with opening door. Consists of 3 mini-dolls plus 3 animal figures.
Everyone is welcome at the LEGO Friends Friendship House! This colorful doll home structure set is the best relationship gift for any celebration and is the leading toy for girls. Kids will like structure this multi-story fire station house!This huge innovative
women doll home set is developed with 722 LEGO pieces and includes Olivia, Emma and Andrea mini-doll figures, plus Dash the pet dog, Rumble the hamster and Cinnamon the bunny figures for creative play LEGO Friends Relationship Home is
a 4-story modified fire station with a garage, kitchen area, roofing system balcony, a working sheave system, slide and a friendship tree! Swing on the swings, take pleasure in the juice bar or have the mini-dolls relax in the jacuzzi Ladies and young boys the ages 6-12
years will delight in developing the innovative LEGO Pals Relationship Home building set which works with all LEGO construction sets for imaginative structure Relationship Home measures over 11 inches (30cm)high, 9 inches(24cm)wide and 4 inches(12cm )deep Friendship tree steps over 3 inches(10cm )high, 7 inches (19cm) wide and 1 inches (3cm )deep Bicycle with trailer measures over 3 inches (10cm) long, 1 inches (4cm) large and under 1 inches(1cm) high
Buy Now
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unblockedgames55-blog · 7 years ago
The Smart Trick of arcade games friends That Nobody is Discussing
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As well as the top arcade games friends, EightyTwo in Downtown LA offers a complete home of vintage pinball machines. Score! At EightyTwo, you and your friends will likely have use of above 21 classic arcade games to Engage in, pinball equipment to search, and don’t neglect the extensive whole bar and menu.
Games » Arcade & Basic Games If you want a quick hit of arcade games , AddictingGames aims to remember to! Engage in incredible on the web games in pint-sized offers, from site visitors and fishing to traveling and physics games!
^ a b Steve L. Kent (2001). The final word heritage of video clip games: from Pong to Pokémon and further than : the story driving the fad that touched our lives and altered the globe.
[44] The arcades also lost their position given that the forefront of recent video game releases. Provided the selection concerning actively playing a video game at an arcade a few or four situations (Probably 15 minutes of play for a normal arcade recreation), and leasing, at regarding the exact value, the exact same video game—for a online video match console—the console became the popular selection. Battling games had been the most attractive aspect for arcades, given that they available the prospect of facial area-to-confront Level of competition and tournaments, which correspondingly led players to follow far more (and shell out extra money in the arcade), but they could not assist the company all by by themselves.
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Are you currently willing to go with a mission to bring additional heart into the planet? Be a part of the 5 courageous LEGO® Friends ladies from Heartlake Town! Let’s support one another make the world a much better area!
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buy-legos · 7 years ago
Price: $59.99 Count down to a LEGO Friends Christmas this December. Build the holiday story with Stephanie on her journey to the Christmas market. Take her snow scooter past all of the holiday-themed scenery you’ll find hidden inside. Then stop off for presents, snacks and some winter fun with ice skating. Find animals, build decorations and help her to get ready for the best holiday in Heartlake City. Includes Stephanie and Lily mini-doll figures with 24 buildable surprises in a calendar with 24 secret compartments. 213 pieces.Includes Stephanie and Lily mini-doll figures and features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO Friends holiday-themed calendar Open a new compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts; surprises include a sled, snowman, ice skates and a Christmas tree LEGO Friends pieces are fully compatible with all LEGO System bricks; collect all of the LEGO Friends sets for a whole world of LEGO Friends fun LEGO mini-dolls are LEGO figures made especially for the world of LEGO Friends that can be customized and combined in thousands of ways Measures over 2″ (7cm) high, 9″ (25cm) wide and 3″ (8cm) deep
The post LEGO Friends 41016 Advent Calendar (Discontinued by manufacturer) appeared first on Buy Legos Online.
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legobuilderblog-blog · 7 years ago
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Only a few more left in stock! 1552pcs Friends Heartlake Grand Hotel 10547 Model Building Modular Stories Bricks Blocks Emma Stephanie Toy Compatible With lego Shop now: http://crwd.fr/2f4I5Xk
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toyandhobbies-blog · 7 years ago
LEGO Friends Heartlake Supermarket Building Set 41118
New Post has been published on https://www.toyandhobbies.co.uk/lego-friends-heartlake-supermarket/
LEGO Friends Heartlake Supermarket Building Set 41118
Grab a trolley and go grocery shopping with Mia at the LEGO Friends Heartlake Supermarket. Swivel it open for easy play inside. With so many products packed into the aisles and counters, plus a bakery, turning beauty stand and a checkout, there’s everything you need for your weekly shop. Includes Mia and Daniel mini-doll figures.
Includes Mia and shop worker Daniel mini-doll figures
Features a 1-story supermarket building with opening doors and swivel function to open up the model for easy play inside
The Supermarket features a fruit display, breakfast aisle, fish display, meat and cheese counter, fridge, bakery counter, turning beauty stand and a checkout with candy display
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