#prompto agrentum
plusfriesplease · 2 years
Prompto: *does anything. Smiles, laughs, exists*
Noctis: *fucking dies*
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It’s Always Sunny in Insomnia
I got an ask a little while back asking I’d do an XV version of those It’s Always Sunny in Midgar/ASGZC title cards. These were a little harder, so I kind of slid into headcanon territory a bit... but then ended up with too many. I think these are the funniest ones.
Sorry your ask straight up vanished from my drafts anon — I hope you see this!
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@thwippersnapple What have you done?!?!
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yourfinalfantasy · 5 years
Am I the only one on Earth who thinks Prompto and Noctis are basically Sam and Colby???
I mean.....
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queencrimsonred · 6 years
Opened FFXV for the first time in ages to play the Terra Wars side quest
It was so cute, and I briefly forgot why I loved ffxv until I was doing side quests in a slightly dazed state. It’s such a beautiful game, and this was such a nice little side quest! 😭
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furiousasablaze · 6 years
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Another @pikaiscool doodle 👀
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bomberbeedraws · 6 years
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Messing with some colors
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kyoguru · 6 years
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instead of doing homework i binge read running behind  by @asidian and treated myself to these doodles after i finished my own work  xoxo thanks for the distraction it was a tasty treat
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man-in-the-ironmask · 7 years
So in Tekken 7, when you go bowling with Noctis, you get the other Chocobros to cheer him on. Prompto cheers when Noctis gets a strike, Gladio is disappointed when he misses and Ignis chimes in with praise. So freaking adorable.
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catgoboom · 7 years
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(lmao) print available at Perth Madfest ‘18 this weekend! (come say hello at Table AA19 ‘OchiCat’)
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drunkfinalfantasy · 7 years
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kat-artzz · 6 years
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Yeee doodle of kuwt sunshine boyyy and some good boys with precious birbs lmao (im telling you my traditional is wayyyy better than my digital lol)
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minomotu · 7 years
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“My whole life, all I ever wanted was friends. But no one ever wanted me back. So when I finally found people who did want me, I did everything I could to make them stay. And ever since then, I've lived my life in fear: That one day, they'd find out who I really was...and they wouldn't want me anymore.” -Prompto Final Fantasy XV Prompto: @minomotu Photo: @riyuski
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hano0onat · 6 years
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Quick sketch of android prompto! Isn’t there’s anyone going to write a fic of android prompto? Please someone makes it 😭😭😭 I saw someone wrote ffxv crossover with Detroit but the noctis and the other were the android . It’s looks great too. I wish I could write
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akinikko · 7 years
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I’ve been meaning to draw this child for ages now…
And i finally got around to it! • • •
You deserve all the love in the world Prompto ♥
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queencrimsonred · 7 years
Chocobros with an S/O that has an annoying roommate part 2
I’ve been having roommate issues lately and needed to pick myself up before I actually smacked my roommate which inspired me to write about my beloved chocobros and how they’d deal with their S/O ranting about their horrible roommate. Not too sure of anyone will like it but it made me feel better 😅 this is the second part. Enjoy! ~Crimson
_____ paced back and forth, annoyance clear in her eyes, her boyfriend carefully watching, prepared for the possibility that he may need to stop her from committing a crime. “I’m a Kingsglaive, I literally protect the city and fight monsters.” ____ grumbled “I’m busy so often, and all I wanted to do was sleep, sleep Noct, that’s not asking much.”
“No it’s not, especially with how stressful some of your days are.” Noctis agreed, feeing horrible for his exhausted girlfriend, who wouldn’t even sit down out of sheer annoyance. She hadn’t actually told him what her roommate had done to acquire her wrath but it was clear that something went horribly wrong.
“How can a person be so inconsiderate? I swear it’s as if common decency isn’t a thing—!”
“What exactly did she do?” In that moment ____ stopped pacing and her face paled slightly, momentarily forgetting she hadn’t told him, and now finding it incredibly difficult to speak. She glanced out the windows that overlooked the city, feeling your face slowly heat up.
“Uhh...” ____ pressed the back of her hands to her burning cheeks. “I forgot to lock my bedroom door and two nearly naked people fell on to my bed...I’m probably going to have to burn those sheets...” she covered her eyes tiredly.
“Well that would explain why you’re here in the middle of the night in less clothing then usual,” she sent him a slightly annoyed look at his amusement before letting out a heavy sigh. Noctis laughed lightly at her annoyed expression before wrapping an arm her waist and tugging her onto the couch. She practically fell on to his lap with a huff and draped her arms around his shoulders to keep herself upright while Noctis kept his arms wrapped securely around her waist. “Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.”
“Yeah yeah, either way it’s time for me to go apartment hunting again” ___ stated, more determined then ever to escape her no good roommate. In her fit of rage she hadn’t thought too much about her pajama clad boyfriend and winced, she’d never forget his love for sleep. “Sometimes I’m awful, I woke you up late at night, and this is the first time we’ve seen each other in days and I’m just complaining about my piece of crap roommate. Sorry Noct...”
“I don’t mind, I like having you here,” he responded, _____ smiled and rested her head against his shoulder.
“I like being here, but I think it’s about time for me to go home, you need your sleep, and I have things to do tomorrow. If you want you can come with me and help me find my new place,” she hummed
“You know, I think I have a better idea,” Noctis said
“Oh yeah, and what would that idea be?” She asked
“Why don’t you just stay here?” He asked, ____ blinked a few times in surprise. A light pink dusted the prince’s cheeks as a silence fell between the two.
“You want me to move in with you?” She asked cautiously, not wanting to sound too excited incase she had misinterpreted what he had said.
“Yeah, we’ve just been dating for awhile now, and we sleep over at each other’s place all the time anyways, it just makes more sense. Of course it’s up to you if you even want to,” he rubbed the back of his neck, seeming embarrassed; he wouldn’t say it out-loud but he wanted nothing more than for her to accept.
“I hate to remind you of this but you’re the prince, the next in line to the throne, and I am most definitely not a person of royal lineage. If we move in together it’ll just be one rumor after another, we’ll get no peace.” She said softly
“We already don’t get any peace, besides, maybe this will actually drive the point home.” He squeezes her waist as she glanced up at him.
“The point?” She asked
“I’m committed to you, my status doesn’t change that, I want to live with you,” he said firmly “and living together also means we don’t have to face the public eye as often since we can just hide out here from time to time. We’ll never get peace so we might as well just enjoy our time together.”
“If you’re absolutely sure then I’d love to live with you Noct,” she smiled “I don’t think you know how much this means to me.”
“I think I do because I wanted nothing more than to hear those words.” He responded with a goofy smile; _____ leaned in to catch Noctis’ lips in a soft kiss that he was happy to return.
“I’m going to kill her.” ____ said, the seriousness in her tone and the sheer lack of anger made the slightly older man nervous. He was certain he would have a hard time talking her down from this one.
“Now darling, think rationally,” Ignis said cautiously.
“We are far, far past that point.” ____ emphasizes.
“What could she possibly have done this time to incur the wrath of a member of the crowns guard?” Ignis questioned
“You remember that wonderful new kitchen set I just bought? The ones that cost me quite a bit of gil? She ruined them, literally the entire set, they’re beyond salvaging.” She seethed, and he couldn’t even believe it.
“How is that even possible?” He question, scowling slightly.
“I have no clue, and she didn’t even apologize, or offer to replace it. I swear she’s so rude, I don’t know how I was ever her friend.” ____ complained
“Well some people mature, and others do not, you were friends when you were younger but clearly only you really grew up.” He responded taking her hand in his “we just need to find you more suitable accommodations.”
“Easier said then done, I either have to get her evicted or move out, and I’m not really in a place where moving out is a simple task. I can’t afford to live on my own considering I’m still in school, and only work when I’m absolutely needed.” She lightly squeezed his hand while she used her other hand to prop up her chin.
“Say ____ you have your keys with you I assume.” Ignis said
“Of course, I wouldn’t just leave without them?” She answered
“May I see them for a moment?” She was unsure where he was going with this but handed him her keys anyways. He separated all the keys before singling our one. “What is this key for?” He asked simply.
“Well obviously it’s the key to your apartment,” ____ said, still confused to the point of all this.
“Instead of being my apartment why don’t we make it our apartment?” He offered and would have sworn _____ stopped breathing for a moment. Ignis chuckled at his shell-shocked significant other “you need to breathe my love, passing out right now is not a preferable outcome.”
“It’s just sudden, you plan everything...” she said, wide eyes giving away everything she felt.
“Who’s to say I didn’t plan this? I would understand if you didn’t feel ready to move in with me.” He raised a brow and that only lead to ____ panicking more.
“No! No I mean—“ her face was stained red “I would love to live with you Ignis, I’m just surprised.”
“I suppose it is a bit sudden, but it does sound like you need a new place to call home.” Home, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of sharing a home with her incredibly loving boyfriend. She saw the faintest smile grace his lips as he brought her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against it; a warm feeling spread in her chest “I do believe that both of us would be happier living together seeing as how we’re apart so often. If we live together at least we’ll have nights together.”
“Well then Ignis Scientia, it looks like you have a new roommate,” _____ said, unable to fight the bright smile that was taking over her face. She gently pulled him in so press a soft kiss against Ignis’ cheek, although he wasn’t one for public displays of affection, he could feel his smile grow at the simple act.
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