#prompt: bard guards
roleslayingweek · 1 year
Day 2
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Today's prompts: Fire and Bard Guards!
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Prompt 43
Geralt will never admit it, but he loves when he dreams. It's soft, and weak, and bordering on psychotic, and yet the dreams are the best thing to ever happen to him. It all started when he opened his eyes to find himself in a field of buttercups and dandelions, with a man stood in the middle, playing a tune on his lute. He was a young man, looked to be barely a man, in all honesty. He introduced himself as Jaskier and pestered Geralt the entire dream until he finally woke up. But every time he dreamt, he dreamt of Jaskier again, until he began to look forward to it, every night. It must be some sort of sick lucid dreaming, given that Jaskier also began to grow closer affections to Geralt. Geralt was quite good at dreaming if you ask him. Over the years, he imagined Jaskier differently. He grew into himself more. Looked more 'complete' in a way. More confident. Jaskier begins getting more and more affectionate, until one night he kisses Geralt. They do a lot more kissing from then on. They fuck, and cuddle, and Jaskier plays with Geralt's hair, and sings him songs, and they kiss, and laugh, and talk, and it's all in their sunny paradise. Geralt appreciates the relieve from the cruel realities of world every night. He thinks it must be a bad trait for a witcher, but he watches Jaskier laugh at his own joke for the fourth time that hour and realizes he doesn't really care if it makes him a worse witcher. It isn't until the night Jaskier mutters "Oh Geralt, how I wish you were real." that Geralt realizes their dreams might not be as fake as they had both apparently assumed.
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faithschaffer · 1 year
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The prompt list is here! This year's prompts are themed around the wielder- who uses the sword?
I hope this list proves inspirational for those who design swords exclusively and those who may want to design a character along with a sword. Also please remember you do NOT have to use my prompts, they are just here if you want to use them. Have fun! 
The list written out:
6-Knight errant
9- Royal Hunt Leader
13-Royal heir
14-Royal guard
16-River spirit
17-Forest spirit
23-Vampire Hunter
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
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Not A Peep
Simon (Ghost) Riley x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: You're a medic on Task Force 141 and Ghost finds out you have a thing for him when you get flustered stitching him up. Once you guys get back to the barracks, he fucks your throat under a desk.
Word Count: 1.0k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Dom Ghost, Face Fucking, Rough Smut, BJ Under Desk
It was easy to separate yourself from all the stories being told while studying to be a combat medic. Tales about women falling for soldiers and then being immortally traumatized from watching the war take its effect on him. Whether it be emotionally or physically, the horror stories were gruesome. One teacher talked about how she had to treat her fiance after he’d been shot in the arm, apparently it fucked her up for a while. In a way, you would mock the fact that anyone would put themselves in that situation. Falling in love with someone with such a high risk job. It seemed like common sense not to put your heart on the line, especially when it could affect your job. 
That was until I met Simon and you started to understand that those wives tales weren’t so far fetched. The two of you didn’t talk much but it always felt like there was so much tension. Constantly making eye contact, becoming flustered and tongue tied whenever he spoke to you. Avoiding him when you could, not liking the feeling of your heart racing when you did. He held so much emotion in his eyes, like he was projecting his thoughts through eye contact. On a recent mission, a bullet brushed past the area above his hip bone; creating a laceration that needed stitches. Barding into the tent and pulling his pants down and shedding his gear.
 Immediately you get on your knees, pulling everything you needed to treat him out of your tactical vest. Looking up just before starting the first stitch, he was already looking down at you. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were narrowed onto you. Blood was running down, trailing down the contour of his v-line. Hands started shaking slightly, especially as he started to moan and curse in pain. Even though you were fully aware his reaction was from discomfort, you couldn’t but imagine if it… wasn’t. 
He was watching you like a hawk, swiveling his head to watch you whenever you grabbed gauze. All hope that he didn’t notice you acting flustered was ditched when you started feeling dizzy, swaying a little. He grabbed your arm to prevent you from falling, your partner taking over. Now back in the barracks, you took a long hot shower. Trying to figure out why you got so in your head, the water began to run cold. Prompting you to get out and get dressed, walking back into your room. Ghost who was stripped of gear, laying back on the bed supporting his weight with his elbows. 
“Do you need me to redress that for you?” you asked, assuming he was waiting to see you about his wound. 
“No. Do you need me to undress you?” he asked, sitting up. 
“I- What?” you asked, taken off guard. 
“Do you. Need me to. Undress you?” he asked slower, like you were too dumb to answer the question. 
“I don’t understand-” you began saying. 
“No no, I saw you today. The way your eyes widened when you were on your knees in front of me. The desperation and neediness was so potent I could practically smell it on you. I could have taken you right there if I wanted, forced myself into your throat. So hot and bothered you couldn’t even do your job, I consume your thoughts. Don’t act like I don’t” he said, backing you against the desk that was in the corner. 
“I don’t-” he interrupted. 
“Wanna say something you regret,” he said, running his thumb over your bottom lip. Dipping it into your mouth, feeling around to see your reaction, “I think it safe to say that if you didn’t want my cock, you wouldn’t be sucking my finger like a whore. Would you?” he asks, you shake your head and in response he gives you a sharp smack on the cheek.
“Would you?” he asks again, giving you a chance to correct your answer. 
“Yes sir,” you say, melting at the way he looked at you. 
“Good girl, get under the desk.” He said, which you did without hesitation. 
He unzipped his fly, struggling for a second to free his member but finally got there. Sitting down in the office chair, rolling into the small space under the desk. Completely trapping you inside the small space. No longer being able to see above his shoulders, not that it mattered when his cock was right in front of you. Every time your lips finally encased his tip, he would use his hand and pull it away. You reach up and try to take his length into your hand. His voice booming through the room as he pulls away a couple inches to look you in the eyes. 
“Put your fucking hand down, you haven’t done anything to deserve it,” he said, scooting back in, using his hand to guide your head down. 
After all the teasing, the feelings of his cock pushing past your lips felt like heaven. Ever since you met him all you could think about was him ravaging you. Using your body for whatever he wanted. A loud groan coming from the back of your throat, his other hand was stroking your cheek. Slowly starting to push your head down further, you gagged which made him chuckle. 
“Fuck, I knew i’d eventually have you gagging around my dick,” he cooed, letting his head fall back. You looked up, now being able to see his exposed jawline. Reaching your hand down and starting to play with yourself. Spreading your wetness around and circling your clit. Moaning as drool and pre-cum started sliding down his shaft. He grabbed your hair and starting to fuck your mouth. His eyes were rolling back, feeling feral hearing the wet slobbering and slapping sounds. There was a knock at the door which made you squeal and try to pull away. 
“Shhhhh!” He hisses before clearing his throat and answering the door. However just before he does, he presses your head down, applying pressure with both hands on the back of your head. Forcing your lips all the way down to the base of his cock. 
“Yeah!” he yelled, Soap opened the door but remained in the doorway. 
“Have you seen y/n? We have training soon,” Soap asked while you were digging your fingernails into his boots, swallowing around his length which hurt slightly.
“Yeah, I think she went to get some fresh air,” Ghost said, stars were forming in your vision. Soap thanked him and promptly exited and Ghost finally let you pull back. Gasping for air and wiping the tears out of your eyes. He moaned as the cold air hit his dick just after getting used to your hot throat. 
“That’s a good girl, just breathe. Yeah, you’re a such a good fucking girl,” he snarled and pulled you back down on you. 
He stood up and balled his fist in your hair, and pinning his hands onto the top of the desk. Essentially locking you into place and he obliterated your throat. Making sure your nose was pressed into his base with every thrust. Not bothering to pull his cock out as he started came. Warm cum flooding down your throat and into your stomach. He pulled out, not wasting any time putting his dick away. You rested your upper body on the now empty chair that sat in front of you. Ghost squatted down and grabbed your wet chin to look up at him before speaking, 
“Firstly, you should thank me for feeding you before training. Secondly, I didn’t make you cum because you left scratch marks on my boot,” he said, walking out of the room.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
Suggesting/Requesting Eddie having a crush on the valiant knight Steve Dustin goes on about, not realizing it's Steve "the Hair" Harrington and the way he reacts when he realizes they're the same dude. Cue adjustment period.
hi! first of all thank you for the prompt 🥰 i slipped and kinda decided to take your ‘valiant knight Steve’ quite literally and made this a medieval/regency au with knight steve and bard eddie, kinda enemies to lovers. it totally got out of hand, so this is part 1, with all my apologies to your original prompt 🤍🌷
Eddie smiles as the fields and forest that surround Hawkins come into view, kissed by the early afternoon sun with more affection and richness than the city probably deserves. It looks different this time of year, the green seems deeper than he left it, and nostalgia paints him a picture of glory and welcome that would make any traveller linger at the sight. 
He knows it’s only the magic of coming home, the thrill of having been gone so long that he needs to learn his town a-new, and the curiosity of a poet that makes his heart beat faster; but it’s his life’s blood to embrace all of that. So he spurs on his trusty horse to make it home even just a minute sooner. 
The people’s reactions to his arrival come in multitudes, though Eddie can respect the healthy dose of mistrust with which they regard him. He has made a name for himself after all, a bard more than a jester these days, but most people don’t tend to forget the pretty face they chased out of the city on multiple occasions. 
He lifts his head in greeting as he passes the elderly Wheelers as they’re tending to the flowers lining their windows, and grins with glee at both the disapproving scoff and the wary nod he gets in return. 
He’s in good spirits. Great spirits, in fact, the sun shining down on him, welcoming him and lighting familiar paths for him to tread again after years of absence. Hawkins will see his glory, his success, his victory, and it will pale in jealousy and regret. They cannot chase him away this time, not with the title of royal bard and winner of the bardic competition three years in a row. 
If his travels have taught him anything, it’s that he is pettiness acts as a wonderful motivation.
Of course, he shall also see his friends again. One of his saddlebags is half full with their letters that have accumulated over the years, all of which Eddie has kept for reasons of muse and a heart entirely too soft for his own good.
Most of all, though, even more than proving his worth and success to his city and its people, it is curiosity that brings him home. 
Dustin and his friends have been mentioning a most valiant knight, waxing poetic about his glorious deeds and his kinder heart — or, as poetic as they get, which is hardly at all. Which consequently made Eddie write no less than five ballads about the stories they told him, three of which have made it into songs yet, one of which he was made to play in every tavern on his long journey back to Hawkins and to Princess Nancy herself on more than one occasion.
The Knightmærs, as he calls his little collection of poeterey, his pride and joy about a man he has yet to meet. Tales about maidens saved and brothers defeated, hearts stolen and retrieved with the gentlest gestures, and children protected against the evils of night, expecting naught but friendship. And friendship he got. 
If Eddie’s heart picks up yet another notch at the thought of meeting this knight as the familiar city walls tower before him, he allows it for a second before announcing himself to the guards. They looked wary upon his approach and blanch now as they hear his name; Eddie does not hide his laughter this time and preens as he is told to ride on. 
“Oh, Hawkins, old friend,” he mutters under his breath, not even bothering to hide his smile. “You and I shall have so much fun, shan’t we?” 
He barely makes it to the home he has been sharing with his uncle since the ripe age of twelve with minimal fuss, unsaddling his horse and guiding her to the trough, when he hears it. 
Halting in his motions the currycomb, he looks up from the rusty brown that shines red like embers in the sun and spots Dustin racing down the street towards him. 
He lowers the comb and steps around his horse, grinning at his rapidly approaching friend. 
“Why, good day to you, young traveller, what brings you to my humble abode?” 
Dustin doesn’t falter in his approach, doesn’t even slow down, and Eddie braces himself for impact. Years of experience have made him quite practiced in handling tackle-hugs, but Dustin has grown quite a bit since he last saw him, and they both stumble backwards when Dustin’s arms wrap around Eddie in a way that seems to press all air out of his lungs. Eddie laughs as he hugs his friend back with as much ferocity. 
“I’ve missed you! I was writing to you this morning when I remembered you said you’d come this week. I didn’t think it would be today!” 
“I came as soon as I could. Such is the Munson way, or did you forget?” 
Dustin shakes his head and finally lets go, though Eddie yearns for another hug. It’s been too long. The boy has grown. He’s hardly a boy anymore, though he shall always remain as such in Eddie’s heart. He smiles and ruffles Dustin’s locks, realising with a pang that they’re almost of a height now. 
An ache like homesickness settles in his gut and wears on his heart heavily. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, smoothing out the curls he’s put in disarray. “It’s just been too long. And I’ve missed you, too. You’ve grown quite a bit since last we talked.” 
“I have!” And he looks so proud of it, too, preening a little under Eddie’s faux scrutiny, and it’s what makes him pull Dustin against his chest again. 
Eddie continues taking care of his horse, feeding her, combing through her mane, making sure she has as much comfort as he can provide after their long days of travel. Dustin sits on the fence and watches him tend to her, feeding her the occasional apple when he thinks Eddie isn’t looking. He hides his smile and pretends not to see. 
God, but he has missed his friend. 
Their twosomeness is rudely and entirely too quickly interrupted by Lord Harrington of all people, who hurries down the street in search of Dustin. 
Eddie never did like the lord and his pompous appearance coupled with his rude personality. He always acted like a prince among men, subject to many a jest in Eddie’s younger days. On one memorable occasion, Eddie managed to steal the lord’s clothes and swap them with his own, making him walk about in linen rags and torn-up trousers. 
Days later, all of his lute strings ripped just as he was getting ready to play at the tavern, and he never messed with Harrington again — even though there was a parcel three days later with new lute strings and his old clothes he had made the lord wear. No note attached to it, because Lords didn’t stoop down to converse with lowly peasants even for revenge. 
So, seeing Harrington now on the very first day of his being back, it sours Eddie’s face and his humour. 
“Why, Lord Harrington,” he speaks before the man can get a word in. “To what do I owe the displeasure of seeing you here? Have you suffered a fall from grace yet, or was it a hit in the head that left you disoriented, bringing you to my humble abode?” 
Harrington frowns at him, though Eddie deems to detect confusion more than distaste. 
And then he has the audacity of not even answering to Eddie’s ruse, simply ignoring him and instead turning around to Dustin. 
“Dustin, Master Clarke is expecting you. I will not cover for you once more.” 
“Spare me,” Harrington says, hands on his hips now, and Eddie is starting to feel defensive over Dustin. How dare his lordship come and steal his best friend away when he hasn’t even been home for an hour yet? 
Before he can get so much as a word in, however, Dustin is already jumping from his perch on the fence and trudging towards Harrington, rounding the man and leading the way up the hill towards the castle. 
“I’ll come back later, Eddie,” Dustin says over his shoulder, and then he is gone, rounded the corner, out of his sight. 
Harrington, however, lingers. Eddie raises his eyebrows in question and challenge, and the Lord scoffs a little. It’s like he wants to say something — but what could it be? What could Lord Harrington have to say to him, years after they last saw each other? 
He does look stunning, Eddie has to admit with a grudge against his self and his integrity. The golden light of the afternoon sun catches in his hair, likening it to strands of gold that kings and queens pay alchemists across the world to procure. Eddie, for a moment, feels like he has found it in Lord Harrington’s hair and the skin of his face, but he quickly snaps out of it, cutting off that particular train of thought before it can run away form him. 
“I hear you are a bard of great renown these days.” 
The words catch him off his guard, for Eddie was sure that the Lord would not attempt to converse. Yet it seems that propriety still has a tight grip on him. 
Does Harrington like his ballads, his plays, his poetry and sonnets? Has he heard them? Or has he heard of them? Has word travelled across the countries, telling of Eddie the Bard and his brave-hearted muse his soul yearns for and his quill bleeds for?
Eddie is not sure which option thrills him more, but whichever one it is, it makes him smile, feeling quite bashful and yet proud. 
“So you hear,” he says, approaching the stiff Lord. “What exactly is it that you hear, my Lord?” 
He swallows, following Eddie’s steps with his eyes, turning his head when the bard circles him slowly. “I hear you sing of beasts slain and brothers banished, a knight at the heart of your ballads.” Eddie smiles at that, knowing that Harrington has at least heard of two of his Knightmærs. I hear it sounds like mockery, the knight but an object of your hyperbolic fascination and flowery imagination, his pain and bravery nothing to you.” 
He stops dead in his tracks, his feet planted right before Harrington. The Lord looks like he is taking personal offence to his works, and it irritates the bard. 
“And what, Lord Harrington, would you know of fascination, pain and bravery? I cannot imagine you have faced a lot of hardship in your life, and the only acts of bravery you had to chance upon were mislead in the name of false honour.” 
“False honour,” Harrington repeats, his words like poison, sharp and dangerous as the sword’s blade at his hip. “You would know something about that, I imagine, telling stories of which you have no idea. Immortalising glory where there should be sympathy.” 
Eddie studies him, the frown between his brows, the hard line of his jaw, set and calmed to keep more words from spilling. Imposing, this Lord is. A sight for sore eyes even in his  purely misplaced anger. 
Eddie huffs, his eyes travelling between the Lord’s where they are standing so impossibly close. 
“Sympathy,” he repeats. “Nobody, my Lord, wants a ballad of sympathy. It is glory that the people seek!” He steps back from Harrington, gesturing with his arms as he dramatically recounts the lessons he has learned over the years, passionate for his craft. “Glory, heroism, heartbreak and love! Yearning and longing and deeds of an aching heart, that is what the people want to hear. That is what deserves to be immortalised in art, in poetry, in song! I shall forgive you for being so painfully unaware of this, my Lord, but I shall not stand to be in your company much longer, calling my work lacking or a mockery when it is borne out of nothing but loyalty, fascination and love.” 
They are close again, because Harrington did not step back when Eddie approached him once more, his feet planted like a tree, fierce and strong and unbudging. 
It is intoxicating, though Eddie blames half of it on the passion and the rage, on the bravery that possessed him to send the Lord away, or the fierceness with which he came to his muse’s defence. 
Harrington swallows again, his eyes wandering over Eddie’s face once more, lingering at his lips, both their jaws set in determination and perhaps a sudden tension.  
“Forgive me for insulting you with my company,” he speaks at last, his voice nothing but a rasp. “You will find there is an irony to your words soon. I shall not rob you of that discovery. I ask you do not take it out on our mutual friends when you do, Munson.” 
And with one last glance, Harrington turns on his heel and hurries up the hill, too, leaving Eddie puzzled and quite dazed upon the lingering warmth of their close proximity. 
When did Harrington become so handsome? There was a fire in his eyes that Eddie got to witness for just the blink of an eye, but he wonders where that comes from, what it means, and what other secrets he holds. 
Perhaps, if he cannot meet his muse, the knight Dustin has only ever referred to as Steve, Harrington might serve to inspire a ballad or two himself.
Harrington catches his eyes on more than one occasion over the next days. Eddie is invited to the castle to play for Princess Chrissy, though she greets him like an old friend and makes him sit close to her at the banquet. Right beside Harrington, who merely nods at Eddie, his fists clenched as Chrissy asks the bard about one of his ballads — the one about the valiant knight slaying a horde of monsters to keep the kingdom’s children safe. 
The Lord must really hate Eddie’s work. It fills him with spiteful glee, for some reason, and he makes sure to play and recite all of his Knightmærs that night. Harrington excuses himself when Eddie hasn’t even made it halfway through his songs, and he doesn’t return that night. 
He takes personal offence now and vows to make the Lord’s life as difficult as he can. 
But still there is no sign of Steve. 
Eddie is starting to get frustrated. 
He was supposed to be here, stand tall and proud with a smile on his face upon seeing Eddie, sweep him off his feet, make him swoon, dare Eddie to fall in love with the face long after the name. 
His mood is sour, and only sours further when Harrington rounds the corner and stumbles upon Eddie who is tuning his lute for tonight’s banquet. The annual royal tournament is set for the next morning, so everyone is in a good mood. 
Well, everyone except Eddie. And Lord Harrington, by the look on his face. 
“Munson,” he says, straightening before he bows his head in greeting. “Forgive me, I was looking for some quiet. I shall look somewhere else.” 
And, somehow, that is enough to snap his patience that was already wearing thin. “Why can you not stand being in my presence, sir?” he asks, rising from his seat. “Does it disgust you so to be around mere peasants?” 
Harrington looks taken aback, shock and confusion clear on his face before a frown takes its place and washes away all further emotions. 
“It is not your presence that bothers me, nor the nature of your birth.”
“And yet you leave every time I so much as strum a tune, Lord Harrington, ready to throw both caution and propriety to the winds. Leaving me to wonder what it is that I have done to deserve such treatment.” 
Eddie finds himself walking closer and closer to the Lord, coming to a stop not one foot before him. He is drawn in by his presence, his charm as alluring as his cold silence. Everything about Lord Harrington intrigues him, horrified as he is to admit it. But with Steve not around to catch his eye and captivate his heart and mind alike, he simply has to find inspiration elsewhere. 
And the way Harrington’s face is taken over by a dangerous expression is the most inspiring, alluring thing he has seen in a while, even though it is directed at him. 
“How can you have the audacity to feign confusion over my disdain, bard,” he hisses, and Eddie shivers slightly. Harrington does not even have the sense to step back, staying right where he is, so close, so improper. “How can you pretend it is not my life you have taken and made your own, singing songs and telling stories, making into nothing but a jaunty tale recited by drunkards with no regard to the blood it was written in.” 
Eddie blinks, not quite catching up with the point Harrington is making. 
“You sing your ballads, your histories, your Knightmærs like you know what they mean. Making a mockery of me, stealing from me every chance to tell my tale in my own voice, in my own tempo. Entire kingdoms will know before I will have had the chance to wake up from a nightmare, and they sing about it, sing about pain they did not have the misfortune to suffer, sing with a smile, with booming voices because you make them. And yet the only one without a voice remains the one who slew the beast.” 
Lord Harrington speaks to him as though he takes offence at the content of Eddie’s ballads, offence at the reality of their background. But what right does he have to take offence when his songs are based on heroic deeds, recounted to him first hand by his very best friend. What right does Harrington have to question the truth behind them? 
“If it is a matter of truth that concerns you, let me reassure you, my Lord, that all of my ballads are based on true events. I ask that you do not call me a liar, no matter how great your dislike of my craft.” 
“It is not a liar that I call you, but rather a thief.” 
Eddie gasps, offended now. “What do you suggest I have stolen, then?” 
“A person’s right to their own story. To their own nightmares. A man's right to flee from the horrors he lived through, acquainting every tavern in this kingdom and the next with his horrific and desperate deeds.” 
“How dare you call his deeds horrific,” Eddie hisses now, feeling protective over his knight. “How dare you accuse me of ill intent when every word out of my quill is written with nothing but love and admiration.” 
“For whom?” Harrington challenges, disdainful and cold. “Only for yourself, your vanity, your overgrown sense of artistic ambition.”
“No,” he shakes his head, hands clenched into fists as he finds himself incredibly close to Lord Harrington, their faces only inches apart now. “It is love for this person I have never met, whom my dear friend has told me about. A man who has kept me awake at night as I was pouring over letter after letter, hoping he should be well. It is a love so strong it has to be turned into art, into song, love that should be sung in every voice of the kingdom.” He scoffs, stepping back to catch his breath. “I do not expect you to know such a love when all you have in your cold heart is disdain for all things beautiful. You would never know bravery if it looked you in the face, you would never know love if it was the very fabric that makes this world. It would slip through your fingers, my Lord, for you would be busy yearning for the day your life found its meaning.” 
He is seething, heaving breaths, out of control over the words tumbling out of his mouth. Insulted in his pride and his muse, offended, hurt. Confused, still, as to why the Lord hates his songs with such vigour. 
“Is that your opinion of me?” Harrington whispers, though even in that toneless voice of his lies so much that Eddie cannot begin to decipher. 
“Yes,” he whispers back, the fight leaving him now, the very air sucked out of the room they share. “I believe I made that clear just now.” 
Harrington takes one step closer once more, but Eddie does not budge. 
“Then I suggest you forget that knight of yours,” he says, quiet and final. “And forget the idea you have of love. To love someone is not to turn his nightmares into song. To love someone is not to look him in the eye and insult his very existence even further. You love yourself, your craft, your mind. But you do not love him. You would not recognise him if he shared the same breath as you.” 
Eddie huffs, just barely able to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “And what makes you so sure of that, Lord Harrington?” 
A smile twitches his lips, though there is no mirth, no glee. “You have just proven it to me, Mr Munson.” He takes a step back and evades Eddie’s eyes. “I believe you should return to the fest now. Good night.” 
And with that, he turns around and leaves. 
Eddie finds himself rooted to the ground, air returning to the room now but still he is unable to catch his breath, staring ahead as he is. 
Words echo in his mind as the picture paints itself and a horrible, horrible realisation dawns on him. 
You will find there is an irony to your words soon. 
How can you pretend it is not my life you have taken and made your own?
But you do not love him. You would not recognise him if he shared the same breath as you.
You have just proven it to me, Mr Munson.
But… There is no way. There is no way that Dustin’s friend, Dustin’s knight and protector, his saviour, Steve, should be the same as Lord Harrington with his careful, quiet, disdainfully quirked eyebrow. 
Except, Lord Harrington collected Dustin from Eddie’s home, speaking with him in a tone filled with such familiarity, they cannot be mistaken as anything but friends. 
And Lord Harrington had listened with such rapt attention when Eddie played his jaunty tunes and the well-known classics at the banquet days ago, looking like he enjoyed Eddie’s play. His face had only soured when people started requesting his newer original songs, his fists clenched upon the opening chords of The Knight and His Nightmare, leaving the hall altogether when people requested more. 
You sing your ballads, your histories, your Knightmærs like you know what they mean. 
Eddie’s heart falls when he realises what he has done. How blind he was to the frowns and the tension, how deaf to the hints and insinuations, how ignorant he was of the pain he inflicted on Lord Harrington. Lord Steven Harrington. Steve. 
His Steve. And yet not his at all.
He falls back onto the bench, dazed, as the weight of his realisation settles inside his chest. 
onwards to part 2
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roguishcat · 24 days
WIP Wednesday
💕Thank you so much for tagging me @inkymoonbunny and @honeybee-bard! 💕
This is the last one-shot for Augustarion that I will most certainly not finish in August. The prompt is DILF and it is mostly dialogue and random stuffs atm. But it will be something. I have a good feeling about it!
“Well, I never thought that I would be jealous of myself, but I guess here we are,” Astarion chuckled and pushed you gently before crawling onto the bed. “Just means that I have to try much, much harder, if I am to keep up with competition.”
“So… you are okay about the children part? I thought you hated children, you complain about them enough,” you blushed as Astarion played with the ties of your nightgown, gradually loosening them as he twirled them around his dexterous fingers.
“I complain about you taking in a stray after stray, yes. But being a father,” he paused a beat, “I never thought about it, admittedly. Not with the tadpole, constant fighting and near-death experiences being pretty much an everyday occurrence. But now that I am thinking about it… I wouldn’t mind it. With you, that is.”
You felt him pull at your underwear with his other hand, as he wiggled out of his own with impressive speed.
“Wait! Now? As in, right now?” you panicked as it sunk in. Your vampire seemed to have arrived at the conclusion that he would most enthusiastically start procreating as of this moment, and your sleepy self did not understand his intentions until he was literally on top of you.
“Yes,” he growled.
“Well, from what I heard of dhampirs, it is quite an undertaking that will require a rigorous routine. So, think of this as practice, us getting ready. And it’s not a race dear, it’s a marathon. One might say-”
You covered his mouth with your hand, because clearly Astarion was not done talking and him talking was usually just a way to distract you so you would drop your guard enough for him to pounce.
“But the others- hey!”
You felt him nip at your hand and quickly withdrew.
“Are not here and will not come back for a while, we have all the privacy we need. And anyway, you got me all worked up with all that sweet talk only to leave me feeling all blue? Oh, my dear, have mercy!”
No pressure tags: @fangbangerghoul, @preciouslittlebhaalbae,
@astarionancuntnin, @clazberryk, @pinkberrytea,
@busy-baker, @trashpandasaga,
@silent-words, @waterdeep-weavemoss, @orangekittyenergy
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ooooh for the fake dating prompts: geraskier + #1? pretty please 💜
They were actually quite the good kisser, but they of course would never ever tell them that.
“We need a cover story,” Jaskier says. “If the Duchess thinks you’re here as a witcher, she’ll have her guards throw you out before you have time to get annoyed by all the people.”
Geralt wants to argue, but the bard actually has a good point. “I could pretend to be your bodyguard again. At a gathering this size, there have to be at least a few nobles there you’ve cuckolded.”
Jaskier wrinkles his nose, considering. “You showing up with swords might put her on her guard, whether you're here as a witcher or bodyguard."
“Then what do you suggest?” Geralt crosses his arms over the chest, scowling. After passing a couple of messages for the Redanian Secret Service, the bard thinks he’s some kind of mastermind at espionage.
Jaskier thinks for a moment, then brightens. “I know! You can come as my apprentice who is really my lover.”
“Why not just your apprentice?”
“Because no offense, Geralt, but no one is going to look at you and think you’re in training to become a bard. And gods help us if anyone asks you to sing. So it behooves us if they think that the only reason I keep you around is because of the service you provide to my instrument.” He wiggles his hips.
Geralt feels his lips twitch of their own volition. "Hm, not sure if we can pull that off."
“And whyever not?” Jaskier looks offended.
“If I’m your lover, you’d have to go at least three days without letting anyone else into your pants. Might kill you.”
“I can go three days without sex!” Jaskier plants his hands on his hips.
“Since when?”
“I went nearly two weeks without when we were traveling through Velen!”
“And you bitched the entire time.”
“I would have done that anyway. Velen is terrible.”
Geralt can’t argue with him there. “No one’s going to believe we’re really lovers.”
“Why not?”
"Because no one’s going to think that I’m the kind of person you take to bed," Geralt doesn’t say, thinking of the pretty barmaids and fancy nobles Jaskier normally pursues. Instead, he says, “There will be people you know there. They’ll have seen you with your lovers before.”
“And?” Jaskier arches an eyebrow.
Geralt searches for the right words for a moment. “When you’re sleeping with someone, you’re usually all over them. You can't keep your hands or your lips off them. It’s why you nearly get gelded for fucking the wrong person so often. You’re not subtle.”
Jaskier opens his mouth as if to argue, then closes it. “Then I suppose I’ll have to do that with you.”
Geralt snorts, skeptical.
“What?” Jaskier asks, taking a step closer. “You think it will be such a hardship, draping myself over you?”
The neck of Geralt’s armor feels a little too tight. Did he have it fitted wrong? “No one will buy it.”
Jaskier takes another step, moving into Geralt’s space. “Then we really should start practicing now.”
“I don’t need to practice,” Geralt growls. “I’m not a spotty youth who’s never held a girl’s hand before.”
Not that hand holding comes up much in his intimate encounters, but he’s not going to bring that up.
“Even the greatest master at his craft needs to keep his skills sharp.” Jaskier tilts his head to the side, studying Geralt’s face. “And you’re right. We’re only going to be able to sell this if we look like two people who are used to being intimate with each other. Kiss me.”
Geralt can’t quite school the surprise out of his face. “What?”
“Kiss me,” Jaskier says again. “Do you want to take the Duchess down or not?”
“Not sure how kissing you will help that.”
“We might need to kiss at some point to maintain our cover,” Jaskier says. “Best not to risk it, right?”
Geralt lets his gaze drop to Jaskier’s pink mouth. The bard’s lips have always been inconveniently pretty, especially when they’re parted in stunned offense or curled into a wicked smile. He almost says no, that he’ll figure out another way to get close to the Duchess. It’s best not to let Jaskier anywhere near a contract this dangerous anyway. Jaskier can go back to his succession of pretty lovers and Geralt can find and kill a monster, just like they always do.
He’s about to pull back when Jaskier seems to get tired of waiting for Geralt to make a move. Before Geralt can react, Jaskier’s lips are on his and suddenly, Geralt isn’t thinking about the Duchess or the contract anymore.
Jaskier’s lips are warm and soft against his, tasting of the wine they had with dinner. He doesn’t realize that he’s cupping Jaskier’s face in his hands until he registers the prickle of stubble against his palm. He slides one hand down, over the silky fabric of Jaskier’s doublet, warm from the bard’s body heat. Jaskier shivers as Geralt’s hand rests on his lower back.
Geralt drags Jaskier closer, breath hitching as Jaskier’s fingers tangle in his hair. He can hear Jaskier’s heartbeat hammering and can practically taste the arousal in the air. It would be so easy to drag Jaskier the short distance to the bed, to lose himself in Jaskier’s taste and the feel of him and…
Jaskier pulls away, blinking up at Geralt with the dazed look of someone emerging from a deep sleep. For a moment, they stare at each other. Jaskier’s pretty mouth is swollen from kisses, a sight that sends something hot and possessive surging through Geralt’s belly.
Jaskier clears his throat and laughs, the sound more high-pitched than usual. “And you think we couldn’t pull it off!”
“Pull what off?” It takes Geralt a moment to remember why they were doing this in the first place. The Duchess. The contract. Right.
“Pretending to be two people who are intimately acquainted.” Jaskier waggles his eyebrows. “Now you won’t have to pretend to be unable to get enough of my lips.”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “Sure, bard.”
“Oh, don’t lie to me. You have to admit, that was a damn good kiss.”
“I’ve had better,” Geralt lies.
Jaskier gasps, mouth falling open. It’s a sight that makes Geralt glad that his new armor has a codpiece. “Pure and utter slander! I’ve had it from reputable sources that I’m the finest kisser on this side of the Amell Mountains.”
“You know they’re paid to give you pretty compliments at the Passiflora, right?”
“Brute.” Jaskier pokes Geralt in the chest. “That’s a terrible thing to say to your pretend lover.”
“Forgive me,” Geralt says dryly. “I’ve never had a fake lover before.”
“And at this rate, you never will again.” Jaskier turns on his heel, nose in the air.
With the bard looking away, Geralt reaches up to touch his lips. He can still taste mulled wine and can still feel the warmth of soft pink lips against him. He’d like nothing more than to pull Jaskier close and lose himself in another one of those kisses.
But this is just pretend and Geralt can’t let Jaskier know the effect he has on him. So he wipes away the lingering taste of Jaskier with the back of his hand and goes to sharpen his sword. There’s a monster to kill, after all.
Fake dating prompts
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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mlmxreader · 8 months
Dragon's Tongue | Bard x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Hi!
Can I request the prompts “Take it, I want you to have it” With Bard please? ❞
: ̗̀➛ Bard doesn't mind being in a relationship with a soldier, especially not one that's lost absolutely everything.
: ̗̀➛ violence & death, angst
You coughed weakly as you started to stir, heat rising and bubbling from your stomach up to your face as you stretched and looked over next to you; Bard was still sound asleep, lying on his stomach with his arm draped across your stomach, his fingers splayed out so he could feel the rise and fall as you breathed.
You almost felt bad for it, in all honesty. Being awake so late while he was so sound. But you couldn't help it. The life of a soldier was an entirely different world than that of a bargeman, after all.
Everything you had seen, you could still picture it so clearly. You did your duties, you paid the price of a mile ten thousand times over - yet it felt like it had all been in vain.
Lucky to be alive, you were one of the few that survived from your regiment; one of the few to be saved by the very thing that Bard had been born to kill.
You had spent years defending a dragon that slept soundly within the mountains of a small island; you could still hear the steady rise and fall of its great breath, an earthquake beneath your feet, when it slept.
You could still feel the heavy vibrations when it grumbled and alerted you to danger. It wasn't like any other dragon; it had given its life to defend the people of part of the small island.
Towering in stature, its winged seemed to form two massive mountains on their own, its legs thicker than any stone or metal you had ever known. The smallest of its sharp and pointed teeth was still longer than you were tall.
But its red scales, shimmering in the golden hour sun, were always so beautiful. Brilliant crimson and ruby shades mixed with garnet and merlot. Its eyes were angular, and its tongue formed a massive pointed arrow at the end, almost identical to its tail.
Its great claws were able to tear apart even the heaviest of stones, and the spikes that littered its body seemed denser than anything else you could have imagined. The dragon never hurt anyone, though. It seemed to know who its people were, and was only ever hostile to outsiders.
You had spent years guarding it, keeping it safe. The dragon's tongue was always more natural when leaving your mouth, as opposed to the language of men.
The sword that currently sat at the beside, now dulled and neglected, had once been pulled from a lake by that massive beast, who had insisted that you needed it. It never said when, or why. But you did find out.
You found out the day that they attacked from the east. Men, armed to the teeth and with gnashing and gnawing accents, Men, who wanted to take over the part of the island that you belonged to, and would stop at nothing to take it.
They outnumbered you, and they had more artillery; you and your men would never have survived, if it hadn't been for that dragon.
It had fulfilled its promise, coming to aid its people when they needed it most; using its massive tail and claws to take down as many as it could - but it did not expect them to have catapults, and nor did it expect them to use them to chain it down.
By the time it had broken free of its chains, you and your men had all but entirely been wiped out by the men. The dragon had managed to fend them off for long enough for the survivors to flee, but heavily injured, you never got far.
But what those men did to your home... you could never forgive such animosity. Such beastly and inhuman actions.
They had taken everything. They banned the dragon's tongue, and anyone who was caught uttering even a single word had been beaten and bruised to the point of near death.
They took your homes, demanding that they owned them, and forcing you out of your own lands. They outlawed your practices - culture, traditions, holidays. Everything.
That poor dragon, who had given its life to defend you and your people, was trapped inside the mountain.
They promised that it would never come back, that they would slaughter everyone if it did.
Lake-town was your best option. Far enough from those men that you could feel safe, yet close enough that you didn't miss your home too much. Even though it wasn't your home anymore. Even though they had destroyed every ounce of your home.
Bard, despite his distrust and distaste for the beasts, had encouraged you to teach him and his children the dragon's tongue - he picked it up well enough, although you still had to wonder off a few times.
Sometimes it was too much to remember that you once had a lovely, beautiful home; situated within deep Valleys near the mountain. Near the river that ran through the part of the island that you and your men had given your lives to protect.
But Bard had never been anything but understanding. A soldier, you were never really used to kindness. You were never used to a gentle touch and a soft kiss. But Bard changed that. You would trust him with anything, everything.
He stirred what he felt you move, shifting around to lie on his side as he let out a long yawn and looked at you with such horrible softness in his eyes.
"The mountain?"
You nodded, a little surprised when you swiped a hand down your face and felt something wet near your eyes. "Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mâd, tros ryddid gollasant eu gwaed..."
Bard nodded, frowning as he moved a little closer, looming up at you and daring to smile sadly. "So did you."
You shook your head, clearing your throat. "I should be dead. I should've died in... in my home..."
It was a particular kind of homesickness, Bard knew that better than anyone. The type of homesickness that wasn't just limited to a place; it was missing a language, a culture, traditions. People.
The true meaning of home. It was never about a place, it was never about those beautiful Valleys or that deep, blue river or those cold rocky mountains. It was about the humanity. It was about what had been stolen so violently. It was about the people.
There wasn't much Bard could do, except get up as he hummed under his breath. He grabbed his leather and fur coat, and tossed it over to you as he dared to flash you a quick smile.
"We'll go sit outside, come on."
You nodded, tugging it on and inhaling his scent for a moment before falling into step beside him and standing by the front door.
"I used to think it was funny," you mumbled. "I was born to protect a dragon - you were born to kill one."
Bard smiled as he laughed softly, daring to take your hand in his. "Why don't you think it's funny anymore?"
You shrugged, swallowing thickly. "I love you too much to care about the difference anymore..."
"Are you feeling alright?" He whispered, getting close enough so that his lips were beside your ear.
You shook your head. "I don't know... is that bad?"
"No," he said quietly. "The children are all put tomorrow in the morning... what do you say you come to work with me?"
"Won't I distract you?"
"No," Bard hummed. "It might do you some good, get you back onto lakes and rivers... besides, you can wear my coat again."
"I couldn't-"
"Take it, I want you to have it," he told you gently. "Please."
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writerman · 3 months
hey, for the writing prompts, if barduil and 'fog' and/or 'glass' work for you that would be great, or if those words work for Garrett and Aro, also feel free to go for it! <33333333
Thank you <3
I would have finished this earlier but I went for a walk with my friend that ended up being way longer than expected aha.
Also, I genuinely thought I would never be able to write Barduil again, so I sincerely and genuinely thank you for the prompt.
Title: Howling Night
Pairing: Bard x Thranduil (Barduil)
Word count: 2064
It was cold.
The kind of cold that latched on to a man, icy fingers caressing each vein the deeper it sank in, leaving the skin to tingle as shivers, unbidden, eager to seize the entirety of the body ran over gooseflesh skin.
Bard had been travelling toward Mirkwood, having left late night soon fell around him and with it a fog rolled in thick, a swirling mass of white overlaying the darkness of an already moonless night.
Picking his way through the marshland was already difficult, such had always been the way with terrain of its kind, but past rainfall had left the way treacherous, and ill ease had fallen over him as his horse proved overly skittish as they slowly squelched through mud with only a small lantern for light.
It was too late to undo his mistake.
While Bard was acutely aware of how far from both Dale and Mirkwood he was being on the marsh, he could not pinpoint just where he was, for all he knew his horse could have been leading him in circles, not that he could leave the blame on her entirely.
With what meagre light came from the lamp he had fastened to the saddle, Bard halted his weary steed and tried to assess just what he was going to do. Vestele shifted nervously beneath him, her huffing breath mingling with the fog still swirling around them.
“Shush now, we’re alright, we can move again once I work out where in the Hells we are.” His words were a whisper as he tried to soothe her, though he was sure his own worry radiated well enough that Vestele likely picked up on it tenfold, as animals were known to do.
An eerie and distant screech echoed through the night air, a howl much like a wolf appeared to respond, Bard grabbed at the loosened reins hoping to pre-empt any attempt of the horse bolting, he was a moment too slow and with a panicked whinny Vestele reared up high throwing Bard from her back before she bolted into the dark.
The sound of her hooves splashing through streams and mire grew distant until he could no longer hear a single thing around him. The silence was overwhelming and dread drenched Bard’s insides as he picked himself off the floor. His clothes are soaked, smeared with mud and the sickly-sweet smell of rot that only came from the peat marsh.
The terrible screech sounds again, a howl follows, closer than before. Two beasts of the night conversing in a song that would chill even the most steeled of nerves.  Bard rested his hand on the hilt of his sword as he tried to gauge which direction it had come from, and he curses under his breath.
A fine thing it would be to have the newly crowned King of Dale die to beasts because he eschewed having a guard accompany him. It was out of habit; Bard had always done things alone and assumed he still could.
And yet, there he was standing shivering in the cold, blind to what lurked in the mist with no idea where he might be and how long until the sun would rise.
Would the fog even clear when the sun rose?
There was no use standing around waiting for danger to find him. He had to keep moving, as he takes his first step, he feels something solid crunch beneath his boot, crouching down to see what lay in the mud, Bard could scarcely make out the rather forlorn sight of his lamp, the glass shattered the flame long since dead.
The mire enveloped it causing it to, essentially, vanish right before his eyes.
Bard’s brow only furrowed deeper than it already was as he tried desperately to peer into the swirling mist and darkness before him, raising back to his full height, he moved on and began to trek to… well, wherever he ended up.
There was something strange, almost unsettling about the marshland, as much as Bard wished he could attribute the worry to his bad luck, something told him to be careful of what he might come across.
Time appeared to drag as Bard wound his way toward what he hoped was either Dale or Mirkwood.
With an aching in his bones and a persistent and sharp pain in his leg plaguing him, his progress had slowed to something akin to a determined stagger until he conceded to no one in particular that he had to stop and rest.
With the absence of light Bard could not inspect the pain, nor determine if the strange sticky wetness on his clothes was blood or mud. With the air so damp and his spectacular fall earlier his clothes were still soaked through and as the night proceeded on as the night usually does, the chill on his skin began to worsen and lay heavily over him seeping into his bones until his teeth chattered.
Fool King, that is what they will remember me as when I am found frozen solid with chunks torn out of me from night beasts.
Bard internally bemoaned. He had been so full of confidence and perhaps a smidge of bravado when he had sped out of the city on his mighty war horse with a winning smile to the crowd as they gawked at him.
The gawking, he understood now, was utter disbelief at his stupidity and not his people being struck by his very person being near them. He had very little ego, but at that moment, leaning against a sturdy shrub, he accepted that what ego he had was now dust in the wind.
Through his inner turmoil and humiliation, there was a howl again, the screech had since died out, close and clear. So loud it had startled Bard and he scrambled to get to his feet. A hand, still trembling from the cold, reached for his sword.
A pair of golden eyes appeared in the dark, and slowly the form of a grey wolf came into view. It stared at Bard for the longest time before throwing back its head and howling several times in succession before falling silent.
Worried it had called for the rest of the pack, Bard unsheathed the sword at his side, hand moving back ready to swing if he had to. The wolf does not move, aside from sitting down- the golden glow from its eyes had receded and there is silence.
There is a low rumble, something familiar and yet it was not thunder. Bard eyes the wolf warily before slowly turning his attention to where he believed the rumbling came from, the rumbling soon gave way to the sound of many things splashing through muddy waters.
Unless the wolf had somehow summoned a behemoth, it had to be the thunderous pounding of hooves, horses!
With renewed hope Bard tried to call out, whoever it was be it hunters or guard drills he would set aside his embarrassment of being lost and hope for rescue.
At his side, the wolf appears standing beside him letting out a long and sonorous howl and a flash of golden light burst through the dark as countless armed elven soldiers come to a halt on their breathless steeds.
Their lanterns carrying a magical golden glow, reminiscent of the wolf’s eyes not moments ago, illuminated a far wider range than a normal lantern would have managed.
“My Lord, this way!” A soldier called to Bard, they dismount and hurry toward him before being unceremoniously moved aside by the very man Bard was really hoping would NOT show up.
Thranduil is moving toward him, eyes raking over him as he takes in the state Bard had found himself in. He cannot hold Thranduil’s gaze and looks away to the wolf still sitting patiently at his side, there is a slight wag to its tail which was actually very comforting because if Bard was a wolf he would wag his tail at the sight of Thranduil too, if he wasn’t so damned embarrassed.
“You are injured, someone attend to him immediately.” He raises a hand and beckons unseeingly to the soldier he had all but pushed out of his way. They hurry over with a thick cloak throwing it around Bard.
“When Vestele arrived without you, I…” Thranduil’s gaze had softened, and as if suddenly remembering his station realised, he was forgetting himself in front of his soldiers and cleared his throat. “We spend much time away from Mirkwood, your injuries cannot be allowed to linger here in the cold.” Without a word to the soldiers, they moved aside and into formation allowing Thranduil to lead Bard to the elk standing patiently in the dark unbothered by the nighttime escapade it had been dragged out to.
It would be a struggle to get up on the mountain of a creature Thranduil rode, especially given that his leg was now starting to cause more pain to the point he was limping, wincing with every step he took.
Standing before Mahtar, Bard hesitated before looking back at the others, who had the sense to avert their eyes as Thranduil with grace and, quite frankly, heart fluttering ease, lifted Bard to assist him on getting up.
“You will not walk, Lord Thranduil, I could not allow such.” Bard’s words tripping from frozen lips clumsily, blushing at how his decorum crumbled so easily in the elf king’s presence.
Thranduil did not answer as he climbed up sitting comfortably behind Bard reaching around his waist to take up the reins urging Mahtar forward with a gentle click of his tongue.
“It has been too long since we have been this close, I sincerely doubt I could manage to walk the entire way knowing you were so close and not against me this way.” Thranduil whispered into Bard’s ear as they headed toward Mirkwood without any issues from the fog.
“T-the wolf!” Bard stuttered trying to change the subject before he combusts from the heat in his cheeks, he certainly was not cold now, but he had to distance himself from the conversation. Just because Thranduil was whispering did not mean elven ears could not hear.
He twisted round to see the wolf trotting by their side obedient as a dog.
“He assisted us in finding you ahead of time- I did not want to leave to chance that you might have been injured or attacked in the dark. He let me see through his eyes for a spell, but once he had gotten too far ahead of us, he would signal to us where he was, and we merely followed the sound.
He will return to his home in the forest now.” This conversation might not have interested Thranduil, likely dull considering it was the norm for him, it fascinated Bard and many questions sprang to mind.
However, Thranduil was far more invested in talking with his hands as they slid under Bard’s clothes, his warm hand inching up Bard’s stomach to his chest.
It appeared the king had been anticipating Bard’s arrival with more fervour than expected.
“I do hope that injury of yours is healed with haste, if I must wait a moment longer to have you, I fear my behaviour might be unbecoming of a king.” The hand under Bard’s clothes rested over his pounding heart and Bard was gifted with the deep rumble of a quiet chuckle.
“Ada, please people can hear you!” Legolas appeared out of nowhere coming to their side on a sleek white horse, his face set in an expression of mortification before he sped off ahead calling over his shoulder that he was behaving like an elfling.
“Perhaps, we should enjoy the rest of the ride home in companionable silence.” Bard managed a laugh as he pressed his back against Thranduil’s chest raising a hand to softly caress his cheek in sympathy and consolation.
“Wise words, meleth nin. I would agree with you.” The response again was quiet with a slight pout in the words but nothing Thranduil would ever admit to.
The ride to Mirkwood was far more comfortable wrapped in a heavy cloak with an elven king wrapped around him, the only problem he had was that his injury now throbbed horribly.
But he could overlook the pain for his dear Lord Thranduil, his mell.
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samstree · 1 year
not sure if you’re still doing requests! but i’ve been wondering about jaskier and geralt being in a happy relationship, but jaskier being much more in love with geralt than geralt is with him, and it’s just something jaskier knows as a fact… do you have thoughts…
hi! i'm not sure if this is meant as a fic prompt, but i do have some thoughts.
perhaps jaskier has been in love for too long and too deep, he cannot fathom geralt being just as in love as him, even after they get together. he thinks it's a classic falls first/falls harder scenario, except he falls both first and harder, and what geralt feels for him in return is only a fraction of his affection for geralt.
sometimes, jaskier lets it slip. he drunkenly tells a barmaid how geralt "only tolerates a mouthy bard by his side" or how he "will just kick me out at the next chance" to geralt's face, while they are sitting there together. slowly, slowly, he notices how these words make geralt recoil every time. in dismissing the possibility that he could ever be loved back deeply, jaskier is also dismissing geralt's ability to love .
it takes time for jaskier to realize how hard geralt fell, how he's so careful with jaskier these days. geralt loves so quietly that it takes jaskier years to hear his love songs, and they are just as beautiful. maybe, jaskier did fall first, but geralt fell harder. that much, he has learned.
it takes even longer for jaskier to know that geralt fell first, too. there was attraction for him at first, as a young bard meeting a mysterious stranger in the terrible tavern in posada, but it took years following a witcher around for the love to build for jaskier. but for geralt, it took a day. it took a bard not being scared of him, choosing to follow him for love to take roots. the love was there all along for geralt. he both fell first, and he fell harder.
by this point, jaskier is retired with geralt at corvo bianco. on a summer night, a wine drunk geralt admitted to falling in love on the first day of meeting jaskier, how fast and how deep it was, to the point that he was knocked out of breath, watching jaskier sleep next to him on their first night together. a human bard, with his guard down, sound asleep next to a witcher.
you see, jaskier may think he knows something for a fact, but he is proven wrong over many years. by the time he learns of the expanse of geralt's love for him, he's an old man with grey hair by his temple. he does not want to waste time with doubt anymore. he just wants to be sure, of both their hearts.
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bahbzxxx · 2 years
✧Ven Ven x Reader relationship hcs I have that I don't think have been mentioned yet✧
Tumblr media
✧Narrating each other's every move as if it's a nature documentary~
You eagerly plop yourself right in front of your partner, Kamera ready and in hand. You prepare your narrator voice.
"The secret bird man in his natural habitat, travel weary, spots his pray. It's an apple, sitting idly in a tree. Little does it know that it faces grave danger."
"The bird man prepares his plan of attack-he will fly and get it like the big bird he is." You prompt him from behind the scenes. He rolls his eyes, and then slowly spreads his wings as you keep yourself from laughing. He's gonna pay you back for this silliness, he will make sure of that.
"Now look at that. A most beautiful specimen indeed. But does that mean he will succeed in the capture of his prey?"
You point to the tree and mouth and smile at your partner from behind, looking at the apple and nodding in the direction. The bard decides that he will follow his cues-for now. He retrieves the apple, and takes a dramatically large bite.
"ah. Rest in piece apple. You shall be missed, but your place on the food chain...was never that high."
The star actor suddenly tosses the apple away, and then looks at you. He gets to the ground, and prowls slowly towards you.
"Oh... This is strange. Has he found more prey? What has he...oh..."
He's very close to the Kamera.
"Maybe..." He says villainously. "Maybe that apple wasn't the lowest thing on the food chain, windblume...
He pounces on you and pins you down with endless kisses and snuggles before you can even react.
How could you not know this was coming?
Other HCS!!!
✧Lots of naps together, obviously. But you have to have matching eyemasks~ how else will people know that you're off limits?
✧Occasional turf wars with Marvin and Marla. They ended after the first one because you realized that Stormterrors lair is much better for the two of you.
✧ treating the thousand winds temple as if it's your personal ballroom. When that one ruin guard comes, Venti can basically one-shot it at this point. Then, the two of you waltz as if nobody's watching for hours on end.
✧Using anemo slimes as toys/pets- sometimes, gently bopping an anemo slime back and forth is low-key fun, especially if both of you are extremely lazy and drained and aren't in the mood for anything else. Sometimes, the two of you hold weddings for anemo slimes because of the one time you were cooing over how cute two anemo slimes looked together and the archon has never forgotten how cute that was.
✧Breaking into the cathedral to tune all the unused instruments and play the giant organ-youve never gotten caught
✧lots of travel- not that you're rich, but actual adventuring where you experience all teyvat has to offer with him. The two of you also enjoy finding natural spas...
✧massages. He loves how ticklish you are, and you love how ticklish he is. It's just cute...especially when his wings pop out of nowhere.
✧ loves when you pick up new instruments, or if you want to sing or embrace your musicality. Let him teach you a few things, he would love to perform with you someday!!!
✧Let him tell you his stories. Just ask him, don't be shy... he's been a wallflower to many, many stories as much as an active force...so he knows what's up.
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last updated ; 04/06/23
listed below is everything that i have published on this account for the canon of “the owl house” that features hunter wittebane/hunter/the golden guard.
[main fandom masterlist] [part two of hunter stuff]
hunter wittebane
alphabet — yandere
hcs — tall s/o [here]
hcs — gentle giant s/o [here]
hcs — short s/o [here]
hcs — basilisk s/o [here]
hcs — psychopomp s/o [here]
hcs — cat girl s/o angst [here]
hcs — winged s/o [here]
hcs — albino s/o [here]
hcs — cheerleader s/o [here]
hcs — assassin s/o [here]
hcs — pregnant s/o [here]
hcs — manipulative yandere s/o [here]
hcs — shy s/o who is perceived as intimidating [here]
hcs — flirty wild witch s/o [here]
hcs — eda’s daughter s/o [here]
hcs — bard or illusions coven s/o [here]
hcs — selfless healing coven s/o [here]
hcs — emperor’s coven s/o who teases him [here]
hcs — oracle coven s/o + grom [here]
hcs — protective male s/o [here]
hcs — fighter s/o with bloodlust [here]
hcs — sweet s/o with ruthless reputation [here]
hcs — s/o who loves playing with his hair [here]
hcs — s/o who doesn’t believe in soulmates [here]
hcs — s/o with a similar curse to eda [here]
hcs — s/o who is shy but affectionate [here]
hcs — s/o who is jealous of willow [here]
hcs — s/o who gets cuteness aggression with him [here]
hcs — guitarist male s/o [here]
hcs — wild witch trans masc s/o [here]
hcs — human magic user s/o [here]
hcs — injured s/o [here]
hcs — gift giver s/o [here]
hcs — martial artist s/o [here]
hcs — laidback observant s/o [here]
hcs — insecure s/o [here]
hcs — breakdancer s/o [here]
hcs — first time making out [here]
hcs — first kiss [here]
hcs — holding his child for the first time [here]
hcs — crush on wild witch [here]
hcs — elaborating on insecurities [here]
hcs — mutual pining [here]
hcs — first time dating a guy [here]
hcs — seeing coven friend after day of unity [here]
hcs — confessing to his long-time crush at a sleepover [here]
hcs — pet names [here]
hcs — cuddling [here]
hcs — general fluff [one] [two]
hcs — general angst [here]
poly hcs — luz/amity/willow/hunter + general [here]
poly hcs — luz/amity/willow/hunter + future [here]
poly hcs — luz/hunter + fluff [here]
poly hcs — edric/hunter [here]
poly hcs — edric/hunter + crush who ships them [here]
poly hcs — willow/hunter + s/o with anger & self esteem issues [here]
poly hcs — willow/hunter + s/o who is afraid of thunderstorms [here]
yandere hcs — general [here]
yandere hcs — general + luz’s sibling [here]
yandere hcs — general + eda’s child [here]
yandere hcs — poly + edric [here]
yandere hcs — poly + luz [here]
yandere hcs — poly + willow [here]
crossover hcs — atla [one] [two] [bonus]
crossover hcs — steven universe [one]
crossover hcs — our world [one]
drabble — sister!reader [here]
drabble — soulmate au [here]
drabble — competitive!reader [here]
drabble — trapped human!reader [here]
drabble — injured!younger sibling!reader [here]
prompt — fluff [one]
imagine — fluff [one]
thoughts — would he want kids?
thoughts — would he accept a polyamorous partner?
thoughts — how would he react to having an immortal partner?
thoughts — how would he react to his partner flinching away from him?
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
Outlander drawing prompts I got from Wannadraw
- Jasiri gardening
or as Deadpool
or as a model
- Madoa as a warlock
or as a popstar
or steampunk
- Janja drawing a picture of himself
or chibi style
or as a popstar
- Chungu as an evil queen (king)
or wearing an outfit made of flowers
or as an artificer
- Cheezi made of cheese (hehe…CHEESE-i)
or playing with fireworks
or skydiving
- Nne riding a dragon into combat (a komodo dragon lol)
as a demon
or as a puppet
- Tano adopting 50+ cats (bonus if they’re all disney cats)
or dancing in a music video
or as a bard
- Mzingo chibi style
or as a cowboy
or if he was one of the mean girls
- Mwoga as a lego character
or going to prom
or as a ranger
- Reirei as a bard
or rocking a ballgown
or at the Olympics
- Goigoi going to highschool (new au??)
or on Valentine’s Day
or traveling the desert
- Dogo if he was a disney prince
or sporting a giant anime sword
or as a superhero (SUPER JACKAL)
- Kiburi wearing 50’s clothing
or dressed like Nicki Minaj (WHEEZE)
or gardening
- Tamka as a model
or drawn in hayao miyazaki’s style
or on Valentine’s Day
- Nduli as a barbarian
or flying on a magic carpet
or as a Mortal Combat character
- Neema as a rogue
or running from a bear
or surfing
- Shupavu as a llama
or as a druid
or as a character from your fav video game
- Njano as a plant person
or as a wizard
or stranded on an island
- Kenge as a druid
or as a pirate (PIRATE AU?????)
or made of cheese
- Sumu going to a Ren faire
or stranded on an island
or as a ballerina
- Ushari climbing a tree
or drop dead gorgeous
or wearing a bikini (ig as a human-)
Bonus: Vitani’s guard
- Vitani falling in love with an ice cream
- Shabaha as a warlock
- Kasi cooking
- Imara in Lady Gaga’s clothes (bonus if she wears her meat dress)
- Tazama as a character from your favorite video game
Double bonus: Makuu and Hodari
- Makuu if he was two inches tall
or in a Halloween costume
or as an angel
- Hodari at comicon
or as a paladin
or wearing an outfit made of flowers
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rosella-writes · 8 months
and here's the thing, I was looking at the prompt list and I was like but what if. what if I also sent one for Loghain & Tabris uwu
❛ you’re not getting rid of me that easily.❜
>:] thank you beloved. For @dadrunkwriting
Rating: T Words: 617
The Warden was naught but a girl, but she carried a familiar sense of indignant rage — it did not help matters that she still wore her hair in two braids, pinned at the nape of her neck, as the ladies in Denerim did. The rage — and the blonde wisps of hair coming free of her plaits — was as familiar to Loghain as the back of his own hand. 
But he blinked, and the remembrance of his own daughter was gone. 
Rosalie Tabris still paced before the fire. She had not removed the armour she’d met Riordan in, and it was stained with an echo of blood in its seams from her encounter with Loghain’s second in command. Loghain doubted that the rusty red would ever come out. 
“You heard the man,” Loghain grumbled. He turned his gaze towards the hilt of his sword, and picked at the leather wrapping it until it swung from his hip. “He plans to take the fall, but if he fails —”
“He won’t fail,” Rosalie snapped. 
“If he fails,” Loghain repeated, and he heard the same tone in his voice as he’d used in conference with Cailan, “we must be prepared. It must be one of us. Better that I make the final blow, if I am to be any further use to Ferelden.”
The fire crackled on the grate. Rosalie’s pacing resumed, and her boots clicked on the stones. “I could leave you at the gate. Guard my retreat, prevent them from following and cutting us off. That’s how your mind works, right? You’ve got it full of military strategies and —”
“No,” Loghain sighed. 
Rosalie halted in her tracks and glared at him through lividly gold elfin eyes that reflected the fire near her feet. “You’ll do as I say.”
He felt a sad smile crease his craggy face. “You will not be rid of me so easily.”
Rosalie’s jaw tightened. Her ears flicked back, one at a time, with the force of her anger.
“We will remain at one another’s backs,” he insisted. “I am surprised at you. You should know better than to give me a chance to repeat the same tactic I used at Ostagar.”
Her expression did not change, but the droop of her ears still betrayed her. “I had hoped,” she finally grumbled, “that you would, in fact, quit this particular field. It would be utter folly to kill off all Fereldan Wardens in one fell swoop.”
Loghain shook his head tiredly — his braids brushed his shoulders with the motion. He closed the distance between himself and the Warden with a few loping strides, then took up her hand with awkward hesitance. She turned that hand into a fist between his palms, but she did not jerk it away. 
“Against all odds,” he muttered, “I have grown fond of you. You are a better friend than I ever thought to find, and all despite the harm I have done to you and your family. Let me give you this.”
Rosalie’s glare was scorching, but her eyes were no longer hard mirrors of flame. They instead were oddly glossy and wet as they stared up at him from beneath furrowed brows. He gave her hand a quick shake of emphasis as he went on. 
“Think of your bard. Think of the flowers you have yet to give her. Think of the songs she has yet to sing to you. I would not deprive you of them, not when I have so little life of my own worth living.”
Rosalie finally lowered her gaze and clenched her eyes shut — two tracks of tears fell down her cheeks, cutting through the dust upon them like rivulets of melting snow.
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chaptersinprogress · 2 months
Hellooooooo I humbly request #35 'your problem is my problem' from the ~they're dating~ prompt list
Ciri tossed and turned and tossed and turned. But it was of no use. The ground remained unpleasantly uncomfortable: lumpy and hard in all the wrong places.
Sighing, Ciri flopped onto her back and closed her eyes. Maybe she’d have better luck counting sheep...
1 little sheep, 2 little sheep, 3 little sheep...
She’d reached 741 sheep before rustling and a huff at her side broke her streak. Keeping her breathing in the even meditative cadence it had fallen into, Ciri opened her eyes just a fraction.
The dark form beside her huffed once more before sitting up. A short hiss escaped the figure, before it crawled out of the makeshift tent they lay beneath. 
Ciri opened her eyes fully and curled up on her side so that she could see out of the entrance better. She watched as the figure paced in circles round and round the campfire beside the tents.
The repetitive pattern of the action had nearly lulled her into a doze, when a whispered voice carried through the air.
“Yennefer?” she heard Jaskier ask. “What’s wrong?”
A new figure joined the one that had abruptly stopped moving by the fire. Ciri found herself now wide awake.
There was a long pause that hung in the air, Yennefer seeming to weigh her words, before she finally answered him quietly.
“Couldn’t sleep. Why are you up?”
Jaskier shrugged, the movement almost imperceptible to Ciri.
“Same here.”
The two of them stood by each other in silence, staring at the fire or out into the woods, Ciri couldn’t tell which. Minutes passed as such, and Ciri had about made up her mind to stop watching and attempt the sheep thing again when Yennefer spoke once more.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Ciri only caught the tail-end of a hastily stifled chuckle. Then Jaskier’s head tipped to the side a little, as if he was actually considering the idea, before it was shaken off.
“Maybe,” his voice quietly allowed. “But not today I think.”
Yennefer hummed.
The bard nudged her. “You have more than enough problems to solve at the moment anyway, nevermind adding mine to the mix.”
The sorceress inhaled, paused, then abruptly turned to him, her hand shooting out but the fingers coming to rest gently on his wrist. Jaskier froze.
Ciri couldn’t be certain but she’d bet the last three sweets in her pack that their resident magic-expert was staring intently at the place her fingers met the skin of Jaskier’s wrist.
“It’s… It’s not a hardship,” Yennefer said slowly. “If you have… problems… I… You’re my favourite sing-songy twit so…”
The muscles in the mage’s jaw worked hard, the movements highlighted by the flickering light cast by the fire. She glared at a point over the bard’s shoulder.
“Your problems are my problems too, okay?”
From the way Jaskier was gaping at Yennefer, Ciri could tell that he had been completely caught off guard by the sentiment. To be fair, Ciri hadn’t seen it coming either. Yennefer didn’t really come across as the type to express that sort of thing.
“Right… well…” Jaskier tripped over his tongue, which had Ciri biting her own to make sure her laughter couldn’t be heard. “Well you're my favourite sewer-dwelling she-hag, so your problems are my problems too!”
Now it was Yennefer’s turn to be thrown, violet eyes blowing wide open as she stared at Jaskier in disbelief.
Meanwhile Ciri had graduated from biting her tongue to biting the meat of her forearm to stifle the full-body laughter that shook her. Melitele help them all, this was almost as bad as when she had to watch Grandmama and Eist figure themselves out! It was like neither of them knew what to do with each other… and Geralt said that they’ve all known each other for a long time!
The two adults continued to just stare at each other.
“So, um, hugging!” Jaskier yelped out frantically. “Hugs—hugs are a thing we do now right—would you like a hug? A hug seems like a great idea right about now, really adds to the whole vibe we have going; though I really probably should stop taaaalkingggg…”
The bard’s voice trailed off as he abruptly found himself wrapped in a hug.
Ciri couldn’t help the soft coo that escaped her as she watched the two of them just stand awkwardly frozen for a few moments.
“I do believe a hug typically involves more than one person doing the hugging, Jaskier,” said Yennefer, her voice partially muffled by said man’s chest.
“Ah—right, right,” replied Jaskier frantically, startled into action, hands flailing a little before he gingerly rested them on the mage’s back.
The awkwardness lasted a little while longer, before the tension began to seep out of their muscles. Ever so slowly, they began to relax against each other—the distance between them vanishing into nothing—curling over and into each other until an onlooker wouldn’t be able to tell where one ended and the other began.
Ciri watched them for a long while: two bodies melded into a singular, more solid form, swaying gently side to side as the night breeze swirled around them. Her eyes grew heavier and heavier, the time between blinks stretching further and further, till she slipped easily into sleep’s embrace, the afterimage of the entwined figures lingering for just a few moments longer.
~they're dating~ | ask box
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gigglyrambles · 2 years
Of Campaigns & Revelations (Steve/Eddie)
Fandom: Stranger Things Characters: Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson Summary: Eddie loves planning campaigns, Steve loves planning events. So how exactly did the dream team get so sidetracked? Words: 2700+
Notes: Ahhhh not only is he late with his first fic on this account, but he's late for SS too. I was lucky enough to write a fic for the absolutely incredibly talented @rosiesramblings! I tried to use all of your prompts (earning a reward, too much energy and boredom) somewhere in the fic and apologies for the late post, but I hope you like It!!! A big thank you to our lovely host @hypahticklish too. Happy happy holidays and a wonderful new year to everyone.
Sometimes, Eddie Munson laughs and Steve swears it could shatter that Garfield mug he’s so obsessed with— despite the fact that he only uses the damn thing for hot chocolate.
Like the breathy laughter that burst from his lips last friday, When Robin spent a little too long comparing an old photo of Steve to the baby from The Labyrinth. Most memorably, a joke about their shared fashion taste had the party’s favorite dungeon master quite literally wheezing on the shag carpet, clutching his sides as if he’d never recover from the sheer hilarity of it all.
Or perhaps he was thinking of the high pitched yelp of laughter that broke free every time he was caught off guard. As much as Eddie hated to be genuinely scared, he found way too much amusement in getting jump scared. Shitty horror films, friends hiding behind doors, or even that lame haunted house from Halloween— All of the above earned the same result, a shriek that dissolved into laughter about halfway through.
Then again, they weren’t all bubbly and loud. Eddie’s laughter could be soft and sweet too, harboring an almost shy cadence when the time called for it and…
It’s at this exact moment, with utensils ever so neatly tucked into napkins and plates set along the grand mahogany dining room table, that Steve realizes he’s been thinking about Eddie Munson way too much. All it took was one crappy little chuckle, one silly reaction to a half assed joke, for his thoughts to wander. Anything the other said during his trance was a mystery, though as that playful voice came back into frame, Steve figured the context clues were probably easy enough to figure out.
“-not a fighter, clearly. Maybe a Paladin or a bard. One thing is for sure, you’d definitely play an elf or a half elf. A prince maybe. Estranged?” Eddie’s rambles are definitely pointed towards him, although it’s clearly more of a conversation with himself than anything else.
Calf crossed over thigh, he sits on the kitchen counter. Pale hands hold a green piping bag steady over a tray of freshly cooked sugar cookies, adding some ghoulish finishing touches. “Just say the word, Big Boy, and I’ll create the most perfect, personalized Steve Harrington campaign of the year.”
“You mean the only Steve Harrington campaign of the year?” Steve retorts.
Just like always, sarcasm drips from his lips like honey. Even after volunteering his house, time and energy to Eddie and his Hellfire Goblins, the self proclaimed babysitter still can’t seem to fight his natural born grumpiness.
That persona was like a security blanket or a teddy bear; Steve’s always relied on it to make the world less scary or more accurately, to make himself less vulnerable. The Harrington Boy, The King, The Babysitter, every new iteration had improvements, but they also had one thing in common: A security mechanism, an off switch of sorts. Something that Eddie Munson clearly lacked.
“Only cause you’re a buzzkill.” Eddie insists, licking a bit of green from his fingertips.
The cookies are far from perfect but they’ll undoubtedly impress the kids. Dark eyes examine each one with a precision he definitely didn’t supply when creating them, though eventually he deems them good enough with a dimpled grin and a cheeky thumbs up.
With two hours left on the clock, Eddie finds himself at a loss. All the fun tasks for the campaign tonight have been finished. Food and snacks were the first on the list to be crossed off with pizza scheduled for later and fresh baked cookies set to the side. Decorations were next. Everything from miniature figurines to home made maps to origami dragons and mini potion bottles for the kids filled with juice.
The idea to spike the potion bottles had been vetoed with a very amusing yet indignant huff. Despite Eddie's insistence that he was a 'born rebel' at fifteen, Steve refuses to give them a lick of alcohol before they hit senior year.
Aside from that, all that was left was mundane tasks like vacuuming or cleaning up the newly created mess in the kitchen. Most people would have cheered, thankful to finish their list of chores before the fun could begin. Though most people didn’t have as much energy as Eddie Munson.
“Well this is it, Stevie.” Eddie pipes up a few moments later, watching the other brunette readjust the table settings for a bunch of soon to be sophomores who definitely wouldn’t notice if the fork was on the left side or the right. “Two hours left and you’re too busy turning my campaign into a murder mystery dinner to pay attention to me so clearly? I’m dying. I can’t believe I’m gonna die of boredom in the Harrington Household… So big. So cold. So… white and mundane for someone as vibrant as myself.”
Eddie’s melodramatic performance is enough to peak Steve’s interest, but not his amusement.
“Finish Vacuuming the living room or stop complaining” Steve answers flatly. Over time, he’s learned that playing into the antics only magnifies them. Ninety nine percent of the time, just disregarding Eddie’s insane childish tendencies made them go away. “Besides, you can’t die from boredom.”
Ninety nine percent of the time, that would have worked.
Unfortunately, there was still that worrisome one percent to worry about.
“Well you might.”
“I might what—” Oblivious as ever, Steve finally ditches the table settings. Turning on his heel, the brunette’s lips are already parted, ready to question what the hell that response implies when he catches sight of the other’s stance.
Kitchen counter long since abandoned, the feisty dungeon master is taking stake across the room. Socked feet slide across dark polished wood, eerily unsettling in the quiet pace they set. Pale hands are held up, turned into claws with wiggling fingers that make Steve’s stomach flip as uncertainty settles in.
“Okay, okay. You might not die from my boredom.” Eddie hums lowly, lips curling into a grin that can only be described as downright mischievous. Each word is drawn out slower than the last, anticipation building between the two. “But you might not survive the cure. Let's see. I already tried knock knock jokes, barely effective. Funny movies, ehh somewhat works— Unless they’re too weird. Then you just sit all grumpy and confused— Anyway, not the point! Dear Steven, my point is…”
Similar to those puzzles Nancy used to force on him while babysitting Mike, he should’ve figured it out sooner, but he’s definitely seeing the picture a bit more clearly with time. They’re approximately halfway through Eddie’s villainous monologue when it clicks. Every example revolves around making him laugh which is an incredibly flustering thought all on its own. Out of all the ways to cure his boredom, Eddie wanted to do so while making Steve smile. Most people focused on his hair, his ass, his better known assets.
Eddie Munson was the first person to ever fixate on something so mundane.
Thankfully, Steve doesn’t have a second to worry about the heat crawling up the back of his neck, or the slowly developing crush that he’s most certainly going to ignore.
“… that I never asked if you were ticklish. Always felt like a cheap shot, you know? Low hanging fruit, but in the name of science, we do have to test every—” And that’s all it takes. The second the word ticklish leaves Eddie’s lips, the former jock is sprinting across the length of the dining room table and out of the room.
Heart hammering in his chest, the beat is so loud Steve can practically hear it ringing in his ears. White converse round a corner, running into the living room while quick footsteps sound close behind.
“Oh come on, Pretty Boy.” Eddie snorts through a laugh of his own. “Don’t run away from me!”
If he just looked back, he would have seen the way Eddie smiled at him from ear to ear, excitement and giddiness bursting from his pores. He would have seen the way the other nearly slipped in his socks, clearly lacking any grip as they ran around like little boys again. He would have seen the way those dark eyes lingered, how they drank him in, admiring his toned legs from years of athletics.
If he just looked back, maybe he would have registered how close he was to his demise. Then again, if he looked back, then Eddie might have seen how flustering that pet name was, or worse: He could have seen the smile tugging at his lips.
One foot rounds the corner of the couch but never gets the opportunity to touch down. Instead, fingers curl around the back of his sweater, swiftly pulling Steve until he’s falling. His back hits the sofa cushions with a soft grunt, brown locks splayed across the decorative pillow.
Everything flips in an instant. Eddie’s upper hand turns to shit the second he jumps onto the couch. Leaving more than enough room in between them, Steve takes the opportunity to act. Lightning quick reflexes give him just enough time to weave underneath the metalhead’s arm, flipping their positions until Eddie’s the one with his back against the couch and wide eyes looking up.
Though rather than looking scared he looks… exhilarated.
Any anxiety written across Steve’s face a minute ago is missing from Eddie’s now. As the general surprise wears off, he goes from wide eyed to giggly, immediately throwing his hands up in a mercy pose he knows won’t work. Wild curls fall in every direction, the occasional soft breathy laugh stumbling from his lips as he tries to worm out from underneath Steve’s pin.
“Stevie, C’mon. I was just trying to have a little bit of fun- Wait wait- Steve Hey-” In the long debated question of Dungeon Master Vs. Varsity Athlete, they finally know who comes out on top. Eddie’s rambled mixture of explanations, apologies and pleas fall on deaf ears the second nimble fingers touch down on his sides.
One of the most accessible vantage points, it proves rather successful when one squeeze elicits a sharp huff, all the air in his lungs leaving at once. Eddie’s body instinctively tries to pull away again, hands attempting to intercept Steve’s insistent poking and prodding of the soft flesh.
The silence lasts all of seven seconds. Any attempt to threaten Steve dies on his lips, choked out to make room for all the laughter taking control. Immediately thrashing around to the best of his ability, it’s clear that Eddie’s not going down peacefully.
“A little bit of fun doing what, Eds?” Steve questions. “Annoying me? Chasing me around my own house? I mean, shit, Munson. How the hell do you even have all of this energy? Honestly. I did you a favor flipping the tables, you clearly needed to tire yourself out.”
Each new guess and tease is accentuated with another poke at his vulnerable sides. One to the left right below his ribs, one to the right closer to his back, two on either side near his tummy, and one aimed in that squishy spot directly above his pantline— One that has his giggles interlaced with squeaks and squeals, struggling to handle any sort of stimulation that close to his hips.
“Nohohoho not thehehere!” Eddie whines half heartedly, though Steve can’t help but notice how little he fights back, hardly using any strength whatsoever in his attempts to grab onto those tortuous digits.
Thankfully for the thrashing Dungeon Master, Steve doesn’t get the chance to drill his thumbs into the divots of his hips for very long. An incredible stop on his grand tour of Eddie Munson’s giggle buttons, the destination proves to be too much. One sharp dig earns a yell so piercing the neighbor’s dog begins to bark, rough hands diving forward to grab onto anything for some sort of stability.
What Eddie’s trained fingers find instead is that squeezing Steve Harrington’s thighs renders the guy practically useless. A loud shriek splatters around the room, high pitched almost desperate giggles flying from his mouth. Any ounce of strength was sapped, curling up against Eddie’s chest in a way he’d swear was romantic in any other circumstance.
Umber eyes meet hazel, gazes locked with recognition on both sides before the tables are flipped yet again. Eddie hooks a leg underneath Steve’s knee, an arm worming out from below to wrap around his waist.
Before the Family Video employee can so much as suck in a breath from his fit of giggles, they’re back in the original position with a self proclaimed babysitter pretending not to enjoy himself on bottom and a metalhead who couldn’t hide it if he tried on top.
It turns out that Steve Harrington fucking shape shifts when you tickle him. The former jock’s confident sarcastic persona changes to something else entirely. If Eddie’s attempts to get away were half assed then Steve’s attempts don’t exist. Every new spot or tactic is brought with a new form of laughter, but they all have the same thing in common:
Steve’s leaning into it.
There’s no denying it. When teasing nails drag up his side, he turns into the affection rather than away from it. When his lower stomach is kneaded like a fresh pile of dough, he leans forward instead of pushing back. And when thumbs drill into his armpits, the brunette actually attempts to keep his arms up or at least not locked at his sides god forbid their fun ends too soon after being blocked.
Of course, Steve doesn’t notice this. Nor does he realize that Eddie was noticing this, but one of them has to be the observant one and it’s not the mess of giggles currently turning rosier with every passing second.
It’s almost as if their enjoyment is the key. Once that last bit of hesitance drains out, calloused fingers waste no time. Eddie changes spots again, this time clawing at his ribs with a smile that reeks of both vengeance and affection, a combo punch that would have made Steve breathless if he wasn’t already dissolving under deep belly laughter.
There’s way less talking now too. While Eddie’s an incredibly wiggly and talkative victim, babbling and thrashing through his hysterics, Steve seems to struggle getting anything out other than his laughter, only managing the occasional babble or squeal induced ‘Eds!’.
Finally those skilled guitarist fingers choose to take pity on him, allowing Steve to actually get a word in.
“Nohot… fair.” He breathes out through residual giggles. It doesn’t matter that the tickling has since ceased. Ghost sensations still tease and taunt across his sensitive skin, mentally swearing that he could still feel those fingertips dancing across his torso.
Eddie’s endearment drips like honey, dark eyes warming at the sight of his friend still struggling to get his act together. “No? I think that was totally fair. Plus, I slaved over those cookies, Stevie Boy. Heart and soul. Body and mind. Don’t I deserve a little prize?” His lips curl into a wicked grin, knowing damn well that his next words would fluster more than soothe. “Perhaps shaped in the form of those cute ass giggles of yours?”
Just as expected, heat begins to crawl up the back of Steve’s neck at the sentiment, though the rosy hue on his face from earlier makes it easy to mask the blush currently spreading. As if proving Eddie’s point further, playful pokes return to Steve’s torso, randomly nudging little spots until he’s back to bubbly uncontrollable giggles.
Using the last bit of strength, he reaches out to give Eddie’s side a squeeze, earning matching breathy laughter in return.
The fight grows less clear after that. Stray pokes and occasional squeezes keep both boys giddy, lost in their own little bubble.
For as long as he could remember, Steve Harrington had been a fixer. Even when the most misguided, he tried to right his own wrongs as well as everyone else’s around him. What began in early childhood as a terribly sad attempt of bringing his parents together had warped into a personality trait, a role he constantly forced himself to play out of fear of feeling useless.
But now the pressure of planning a perfect event for the kids is long forgotten and somehow he knows it’ll all work out. Because Eddie’s laughter is interlaced with his, their cheeks rosy and breath staggered. Suddenly, that familiar ache in his chest doesn’t feel quite as heavy as before and Steve realizes while doing absolutely nothing important at all, that he doesn't feel useless. He realizes that maybe…
“Hoholy Shit, Harrington. Forget weed. I think those damn giggles of yours got me high.”
Maybe this feeling between them was something else entirely.
Sometimes, Eddie Munson laughs and Steve wonders if love has always sounded like this.
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