#prompt 3 gomamon
waterlilysketches · 10 months
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I worked on this all day, I'm so tired lol
not to mention I've barely made it to call this day 1 XD
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mizunoryuu · 7 months
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Day 3: Unity/Favorite Dynamic
Joe and Gomamon
This is probably the weirdest answer I'll give since I would've answered Sora and Biyomon before and while I was a child. As of my rewatch of Digimon Adventure back around 2018-2019 with my husband, I honestly like Joe and Gomamon's dynamic.
I saw Joe as a bit of a comedy relief, a low-interest character as a child. Mainly, his story wasn't nearly as flashy or loud as Tai's or Matt's, as those two needed a good punch or argument to resolve their issues (though Joe was rather loud himself at times, but it was never out of selfishness, it was usually genuine fear or surprise, and usually the English dub).
I didn't really see Joe past the jokes and the responsibility that he felt he needed to carry until my rewatch of Digimon Adventure in Japanese. I really felt how serious, earnest, and honest he was in Japanese once the constant jokes were taken away. And it also really made Gomamon shine in how much he wanted Joe to be true to himself instead of living someone else's shoes. The two seemed to be complete opposites… but that's what made them work. They carried what the other needed and leveled each other out. The lax Gomamon needed a more responsible and concerned Joe, while Joe needed to a chill Gomamon to get him unwind a bit.
While my husband relates to Joe the most (of course I had to ask him which Chosen he liked), in a way, I almost wonder if I love this dynamic because this is how my husband and I are. Usually I'm the more serious one and he's the one trying to get me to chill, so I'm Joe and he's my Gomamon.
For an honorable mention… My art-ner and I had a discussion on my Twitch stream for this prompt, whether or not "best dynamic" could have been a human-human dynamic (or digimon-digimon). But I'd also say my favorite human-human relationship in this series is Joe and Mimi. I don't see their relationship as romantic, but rather a sibling-like relationship of a younger sister-older brother, much like Tai and Kari. At the end of Adventure, Mimi needed some space and Joe respectfully chose to stay with her so the group could continue while honoring Mimi's feelings. I love that Joe got to have a 'senpai' moment, to be relied on by Mimi, and I could really feel that Mimi needed a person to lean on.
Regardless, shoutout to Jyou/Joe Kido and Gomamon. May your fish keep swimming marching. XP
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joukidoweek · 2 years
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Day 1 - Honesty/Reliability - Which crest represents Jyou better? where in the show does Jyou best demonstrate his crest? What about Jyou’s character gives him this crest? Which crest activation scene is your favorite of Jyou’s?
Day 2 - Relationships - What is your favorite Jyou relationship? Can be with the Chosen, with family, etc (doesn’t have to be romantic; friendships encouraged); Favorite character interaction?
Day 3 - Gomamon - What is your favorite Gomamon moment? What is the best moment where Jyou and Gomamon work as a team? Why do Jyou and Gomamon have the best Chosen/Partner relationship (because it’s true)? What is your favorite Gomamon evolution (any digifakes?) What is your favorite banter/argument between Jyou and Gomamon?
Day 4 - Pessimism - What is your favorite Jyou freak-out moment? What is your favorite cynical/pessimistic comment?
Day 5 - Protective - What is your favorite example of Jyou being protective? What is your favorite Jyou sacrifice moment? You can also explore his tendency to be prepared, bringing along supplies just in case of emergencies; or talk about Jyou’s role in the Chosen
Day 6 - Pathway - Jyou doing what he *wants* to do rather than what he *should* do, since he very rarely does anything for himself; Alternate career paths for him, picking the Chosen over school/work duties, Jyou as a doctor, etc
Day 7 - Free Day - favorite overall Jyou moment, favorite outfit, favorite Jyou episode, can be anything!
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
A post with the moments Taichi and Sora were soft for/to/with each other in DA:2020 + Agumon and Piyomon being their mirrors
Hi and welcome to my 'Vote Taiora soulmates 2k21' series. This post is basically part 3 of that. I'm a mess, I know...
Part 1: Taiora being starstruck babies | Part 2: The platonic!Taiora connection in Kizuna
PERSONAL NOTE: Once again me here saying that yes this is Taiora and no that doesn't mean I'm trying to sell romantic!Taiora like it's some kind of truth. I just highly believe they are soulmates and soulmates don't have to be romantic AT ALL. Even better, your soulmate can be your platonic best friend while you're in a romantic relationship with someone completely else. Just saying.
And yes, I am a Taiora shipper and I do see and adore the romantic potential of these two. But that doesn't mean everyone has to see it. Platonic!Taiora is beautiful and precious and that's something I vouch for!
There has been floating so much negativity on the internet regarding the Digimon Adventure reboot and even though I'm not loving it either, there are some things I enjoy. I already once pointed out I really like the soundtrack, hell, I even made this little choreography on the theme song for @digiweek 2021 day 3 (prompt music). But that aside, in this post I want to spread some love for the Taiora portrayal in the series, because let's face it, they are super soft (and pretty much ride or die) for each other!
I could ramble and talk about things... OR I could just bomb you guys with the screencaps I gathered! I mean, those reboot 2020 kids don't talk and bicker as much as their original 1999 counterparts do, so why should I?
And you know what 2020!Taichi and 2020!Sora are really good at? Having the same (s o f t) facial expressions to each other, radiating the same energy, touching and physically supporting each other because they are soulmates~. See it for yourself :D
It starts with Taichi looking at his bestie Sora to check if she's safe on the DIY raft while listening to the sweet conversation about fighting together she just had with her newfound Digimon partner in episode 4.
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Look at that proud bestie grin. Such a cutie.
Then fast forward to how they are supportingly touchy together..! Two times, in episode 32 and 36. I mean, what's up with that??! Go hug each other already like true childhood bffs do nowadays.
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I sense proud mom and dad vibes, what about you? (Also note Piyomon and Agumon in the left one, such cuties <3)
Next up, in episode 37, is Sora being SUPER ride or die for Taichi literally jumping into the water true superhero style to safe the day.! And safe Taichi and Agumon from their stupidity (which is like super low key stupidity compared to OG!Taichi)
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This is my personal favorite, episode 40, Sora talking all fast and excited about the passion they share, football/soccer (<- this depends on where you live, I prefer to say football because you play that ball with your damn foot!!!), and how she just LOVES playing it with HIM.
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And Taichi is all like "Hell yeah girl, of course I can tell! Preach"
Then in the same episode we find these two pearls (among many other pearls, just go watch that episode yourself already)! Sora looking all soft and concerningly happy to have found her berry-fied bestie. And Sora being glinstering-eyes-happy (like, is she crying??) to see that said bestie back to his human self again!
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Okay. There is episode 50, the one with the music I liked and where Taichi resurrects/just resurrected for the big fight and the kiddos trapped in the black ball in the mouth of Milleniummon all scream his name for Taichi to resurrect ONCE AGAIN talking about suffering from portagonist-trope-disease huh?. There are three people Taichi hears screaming his name seperated from the rest and it's rival lover Yamato, baby sis Hikari and CHILDHOOD BESTIE SORA. And let me tell you, when I'd heard her screaming his name in the agonizing way she did, yes, I would have resurrected too if I were Taichi.
Then we of course have that whole Hououmon 'safety first' episode 52. See me ranting and screaming about it in my 'part 1' of this series.
And THEN it's time for the most recent episode, episode 62, where Taichi and Sora reunite and Sora gives Taichi THIS SOFT FACE after she says "The Chosen Ones aren't just here to fight, you know?"
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Sora, my baby!!! You can drag me away now, I'm done with this big ride or die softie <333
And you know what's the best part? After the fight with Shakkoumon, which isn't really a fight with Sora following her own words and instead of fighting the Mon talking herself into the heart of the Mon, Taichi REPEATS Sora's words by saying "The role of the Chosen Ones isn't just to fight, huh..." followed by Taichi giving Sora HIS SOFT FACE!!
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I'mma repeat myself, but find yourself a guy that looks at you the way Taichi looks at Sora. SO SOFT. OH MY GOD, TAICHI MARRY ME PLEASE. (No please don't, that's weird x'D) I swear, they even tilt their head in the same freaking angle!! This could be cheap animation suffering from 'same face syndrom', but I like to believe that Taichi has watched her, seen the expression she gave him and literally M I R R O R E D I T. This was the whole episode for me, best thing ever.
Also, in that same episode we see THIS:
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Even their digimon partners are super ride or die for each other..!! If I had to ship digimon with each other, it would definitely be Agumon and Piyomon (and Gomamon, I'll get to that in a bit). And yes, I know it's a big stretch to let Garudamon, a perfect level digimon, intercept the freaking attack from Wargreymon, an ultimate level digimon, that destroyed Milleniummon 12 episodes ago... It's a bit unbelievable, BUT a) Garudmon is a freaking badass, b) THAT'S WHAT BESTIES DO! And the fact Sora is pretty much ride or die for Taichi, means Piyomon/Garudamon is pretty much ride or die for Agumon/Wargreymon too, no matter the evolution level.
Also, let me point out this little scene under water in episode 35 where Piyomon teases Agumon. Really, I think that's so cute and vouches for the friendship they mirror from the friendship their human partners have!
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Actually, isn't it funny that the humans in the reboot hardly tease each other and bicker compared to the original cast and it's the digimon who took over the teasing?
Last but not least, there's one picture left, the end of episode 43. Piyomon and Agumon asleep leaning into each other for support (and Gomamon being cute joining this weird-ass digimon-OT3 I just love!) while on the very right of the frame we see Taichi and Sora laughing/talking together in a super cute way, probably talking about their profound friendship and how they will be football buddies and besties for life :') Also important: they are the only humans in this scene (and then I'm talking about the others not present in this frame too) that are 'seperated' from and not focusing on their digimon, instead they are focusing on each other.
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So there you have it. Okay, there might be more moments, but hey, I only get 10 pics per post. If you still don't believe in these two being soulmates in some kind of way... I have no idea how to convince you otherwise.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Our Home
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Our Home
Word Count: 422
Prompt: “Home,” Day 7 of Digiweek 2021
Featured Characters: The 01 Gang
A/N: I know I talk a lot about the human characters in Digimon, but what about the Digimon? They’re just as important as the humans, feelings and all. So I wanted to explore a bit of how the Digimon think, especially when it comes to the idea of “home.” I hope you enjoy! <3
The conversation started innocently enough.
Izzy, in all his curiosity, was the one who asked the question. "Do you ever miss the Digital World?" he inquired, looking up from whatever project was keeping him awake at night this time.
Everyone else fell silent as they glanced at their Digimon partners, who had all gained thoughtful looks on their faces. (Save for Agumon, of course, who was stuffing his face as per usual.) T.K. rested his chin on Patamon's head while Matt placed his hand upon Gabumon's. Sora and Mimi hid their faces in Biyomon and Palmon's feathers and leaves while Kari hugged Gatomon a little tighter. Even Joe looked nervous to hear the answer, while Tai watched Agumon with a faint smile on his face.
"That's a silly question," Tentomon finally said, sounding almost offended that Izzy had asked. "You're my home, Izzy."
Though he tried not to show it, the others could tell this made Izzy incredibly happy. He reached up and pulled Tentomon into his arms, burying his face in the Digimon's shoulder where no one else could see the tears sliding down his face.
"Sora's my home," Biyomon said, turning to look at Sora's face. "Right, Sora?"
"Yeah," Sora said, her voice breaking a bit as she tried to keep her composure.
"Well, I feel the same about Mimi!" Palmon declared, and the others could see Mimi's smile from across the room.
Gatomon placed her paw over Kari's hand, and Patamon placed his front paws on T.K.'s leg, and it was generally understood among the four of them that the two Digimon felt the same. Gomamon looked up at Joe and smiled, and Joe grinned back and hugged the little seal Digimon.
At first, Gabumon didn't say anything. Then, he turned and wrapped his arms around Matt, nuzzling his face into Matt's chest. "You've always been my home, Matt," he said in a low voice only meant for his partner. "I love you."
Matt hugged Gabumon back, and neither of them needed the words to express the affection they felt for each other.
Agumon hadn't been paying attention throughout the whole conversation, but when he looked up from his food at Tai smiling at him, he grinned a toothy dinosaur grin. "You're my whole universe, Tai!" Before Tai could start sobbing on the spot, he added, "And so is this food!"
The DigiDestined and their partners laughed at that, knowing that there would never be any doubt just how much they all meant to each other.
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noctisfishing · 4 years
What Do You Treasure?
Day 6 - Treasure
#noct writes taiora week 2020 [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 ]
@taioraweek for more Taiora love! @noctisfishing for Taiora/Digimon writings and more. :)
Setting: Digimon Adventure tri.: timeframe / Canon Divergence
Tags: Fluff, Humor
Other Characters: 01 Chosen Children and Digimon Partners
Notes: My challenge for this was to separate this prompt theme from a multi-chapter fic that I’m still working on. ;) Like a few of my other fics, I pictured everyone in high school in this one.
Basically, everyone has their own answers. ;D
“What do you treasure?”
Sora arrived home after school one afternoon with that question lingering on her mind. The teacher had posed the question to the class during a discussion about a novel in which the students were assigned to read.
“Is it an item that has some meaning to you? A place you’ve been? A friend, or a loved one? There is no wrong answer.”
When she met Piyomon in the living room and asked her, she responded right away.
“It’s you, Sora!” Piyomon leapt into Sora’s arms and nuzzled her beak against her. “Meeting you and becoming partners is the greatest treasure I could ever want.”
“Oh, Piyomon…”
Sora smiled and held her partner tightly, knowing that she felt the same way. 
She thought about calling Taichi to ask how he would respond. She already knew what she would tell him. 
But she also couldn’t help but wonder what her friends would say.
The moment Taichi arrived home and asked Agumon the same question, he responded without any thought.
“Hamburgers?” Taichi repeated.
“Can we go get some later?”
“We just had some with Sora and Piyomon the other day!”
“They’re so delicious, I could have them every day!”
Taichi laughed, shaking his head. “You sure never get tired of them.”
He went into his room to set down his school back on his desk chair, and he noticed the picture frame on his desk with his friends and their Digimon partners. Sora was standing next to him, and he remembered that the two of them were laughing together at the time the picture was taken.
He wondered if the answer was that easy to tell.
“Who do you treasure, Yamato?”
Sora with Piyomon sat on Yamato’s couch as she asked him the question. Gabumon sat in front of her, lifting his paw toward her and laughing playfully as she gently waved his paw up and down.
“Are you thinking about sensei’s question, too?” Yamato asked quietly while he tuned his bass guitar.
“Yamato might not tell you,” Gabumon added. “But you could probably make some really good guesses.”
“I’d rather you not.”
“He’ll tell us if he wants to,” Sora replied with a smile. She didn’t want to push Yamato into talking about something he was uncomfortable with.
She saw that Gabumon was eager to talk, but he kept quiet as he beamed at Yamato fiddling with warm up chords. She didn’t have to ask to know that Gabumon and music were his treasures.
Yamato paused his playing and looked as though he had just remembered something. “I was supposed to call Takeru today to help him with something.”
Both Sora and Gabumon both knew that Takeru was another one.
“I can’t just choose one pair of shoes!”
Taichi had caught Mimi on her way home as he and Agumon went for a walk.
“So, you treasure your shoes?” Taichi asked.
“My whole closet, actually. I do have a favorite dress and cute boots - oh, and just paired with the right necklace and earrings? Ah! It’s an outfit that I cannot live without!”
“Then, your treasure is something you can wear. Something, not someone.”
Mimi looked at him from the corner of her eyes in suspicion. “Why? Do you treasure someone, Taichi?”
“Well, uh…”
Taichi went red in the face the longer Mimi stared him down. He could tell that she was reading his mind.
“I don’t have to answer that!” he stammered.
“I’m sure you’ll admit it when the moment’s right,” she said with a wink. But then, she let out a giggle that sounded less mischievous. “It’s Palmon for me. And you, and all of my friends. The Digital World, too. It would be hard to deny that for any of us.”
Taichi smiled back. “That’s true.”
“Peace and quiet.”
Sora smiled with hesitation the moment Jou responded harshly to her question at his front door. “I’m sorry, Jou,” she said. “We must be bothering you.”
“Relax, Jou!” Gomamon added, jumping onto his arms. “Sora never comes here to make any trouble.”
Jou sighed, suddenly looking remorseful. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Sora. I’ve just been stressed.”
“It’s okay. Entrance exams are sure to be stressful.”
“Don’t worry,” Gomamon said with a cheerful smile. “I’ve been here to root for him when he needs it!”
“I’m sure you have been!”
“I should make you some tea! I already have the kettle going for Jou!”
Gomamon jumped off from Jou and disappeared from the door, leaving Jou to chuckle timidly. “Don’t feel like you’re intruding,” Jou told her. “Please, stay for tea. Gomamon will whine if you leave now.”
As Sora sat down at the table with Jou and waited for Gomamon, Jou had decided to answer her question.
“I don’t know where I’d be without Gomamon,” he said. “He truly is my best cheerleader.”
“I see,” replied Sora. “But I imagine ‘peace and quiet’ is still a true answer?”
“Yeah… Taichi and Agumon can test me on that. They showed up earlier and asked me the same question.”
“Oh…” Sora held her hand to her mouth to try to stop herself from laughing. “I’ll be sure to talk to him about it later.”
“My treasure?” Koushiro asked Taichi, his eyes transfixed on his computer screen as they both sat in his room.
“You know, something, or someone… that could have a special meaning to you.”
“Well, I think that’s an easy answer for me.” After clicking a few times on his computer mouse, Koushiro pushed himself away from the keyboard on his desk. “Tentomon, for one.”
“Koushiro-han…!” Tentomon replied on the side, and Taichi could swear his face was glowing redder than the shell on his body.
“And… my parents, too.”
Koushiro sat in his chair as though deep in thought.
“That makes sense, Koushiro,” Taichi assured him with a smile.
Koushiro remained quiet, but Taichi heard Tentomon clear his throat loudly and shift himself next to Agumon.
“Just try to stay away from his harddrive,” Tentomon whispered to Agumon. “He almost imploded when I nearly dropped one of it parts as he was building it…”
“Ooh, gotcha!” Agumon whispered back.
“Patamon… and Yamato, of course!” Takeru replied with a cheerful smile to Sora.
“I figured you would say that,” Sora said, giggling.
“He probably would tell me he’d never talk to me again if I told him.”
“But he would still talk to you again a minute later!” Patamon said chiming in, sitting on top of Takeru’s head.
“You must be really interested in everyone’s answers,” Takeru added.
“It’s nice to know what can make someone’s eyes light up,” replied Sora.
Patamon made a squeak, and Sora noticed that Takeru had been looking above her for a few moments.
“Has anyone asked what it is that you treasure, Sora?”
“Not yet.”
At that moment, Sora realized where Takeru and Patamon had been staring, and Sora moved her hand up to her hair, lightly running her fingers through her locks.
“Think he’ll figure it out?”
Sora laughed. “I’m sure he will.”
“My stupid, adorable Onii-chan, of course.”
“Staaahhp,” Taichi said, pushing Hikari away from trying to pinch his cheeks. He had returned home, where she sat in the living room with Tailmon.
“This one, too.” Once Hikari stopped, she picked up Tailmon and nuzzled the top of her head.
“Is it really that easy?” Taichi asked. “Everyone responded with answers that seemed to roll off of their tongues.”
“It’s not too hard to figure out, Taichi. Even if you are afraid to say it out loud, the answer just comes to you.”
Taichi grimaced. “I didn’t say anything about being afraid.”
The doorbell rang. Hikari looked at Tailmon, and Taichi looked toward Agumon. They weren’t expecting any guests, and their parents weren’t going to arrive home until later.
Sora was at the door when Taichi answered, with Piyomon standing at her side.
“Hey, Sora,” Taichi said, finding himself happy to see her. “What brings you here?”
“Oh, well…” Sora had met eyes with him, but suddenly looked to the side with a shy smile. “I’ve been going around asking everyone a question, and I think it’s your turn.”
Taichi was taken aback. He had returned home after getting hungry, but he had planned to call Sora right after he had dinner.
He wondered if it was the same question he had been asking all afternoon. He watched her bring her hand to her hair, tucking a lock behind her ear, and then, he noticed it; a red shiny gem clipped in her hair on the side.
It was the hair clip he had given her for her birthday one year. He didn’t realize that she would keep it for so long.
He realized that that must have been something she treasured, just like how...
“I treasure you, Sora,” he said aloud. Somehow, his realization at that moment urged him to say it, and it seemed to tumble out of his mouth.
With a nervous laugh, she turned to face him again with a wider smile.
“I treasure you, too, Taichi,” she replied.
Even with the sizzle on his cheeks, he couldn’t have been happier. 
They stood face to face, suddenly laughing at each other. He knew that she had been nervous to say it, too, but he found relief knowing that saying it aloud wasn’t as hard as either of them thought, after all. 
Taiora brought their Digimon to a burger place and Taichi ordered the avocado burger that Mimi had told him about earlier. Mimi found out later and got upset that they went without her.
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ultraericthered · 4 years
I recently compared the subtitles for every episode of Digimon Adventure with what was said in the scripts of the English dub version, “Digimon: Digital Monsters’, which covered Adventure to Frontier and...didn’t have the most faithful of dubs to put it lightly. From what I recall, Season 2 (Adventure 02) had the worst dub job overall, Season 4 (Frontier) had the best dub job overall, and both Season 1 (Adventure) and Season 3 (Tamers) were sort of in the middle and got mostly really good by their second halfs, the latter season even more so than the former. I was glad to see that this one had more good than not good, but it took a while to get there. 
For the dub scripts’ quality and accuracy to the original, I rank by if they’re GOOD, OKAY, BAD, or SKETCHY (a hazy area between OKAY and BAD that could lean towards either one).
1. OKAY (Aside from pointless narration from Tai, poor scripting of character introductions that even spoils TK’s relation to Matt, not mentioning File Island by name, and a few ill time jokes added here and there, it conveys the same premise as the original well enough)
2. GOOD (Surprisingly mostly accurate to what was going on and being talked about in the original, with a lot of the added jokes being actually funny. The worst bit is the ending - “DIGIMON!” Whaaaa...?)
3. SKETCHY, leaning towards BAD (There were parts that were done well, but Matt claiming he and TK are “half brothers” even when that’s not true, bad jokes and added dialogue spoiling moments, overuse of “da man!”, and a pointless rewriting of Greymon’s evolution scene from last episode really weighed this one down).
4. BAD (Not only was this one just painful to get through with its overdose of added dub-exclusive rambling and jokes, but the original version’s entire fucking premise and relevance for Sora’s character development was completely absent, leaving it completely hollow)
5. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (There were typical dub problems, but I think the scripting of Izzy and Tentomon is strong enough to outweigh them here, and the change to what Tentomon said that prompted Izzy’s little flashback actually worked)
6. GOOD (Aside from some goof-ups at the very start and Palmon’s big moment prior to evolving getting neutered, the translation was faithful to the original, with even Mimi being written better than usual)
7. SKETCHY, leaning towards BAD (I can forgive a lot of things in this one but completely butchering its ending was unforgivable. Also, making Unimon talk and recognize Gomamon even when there’s no way he could’ve known him as Gomamon any time before Joe arrived on the island was another fantastic dub blunder)
8. SKETCHY, leaning towards BAD (Halfway through the episode it just falls completely off course and is really overwritten. I prefer Tom Wyner as Devimon’s voice but he needs to know when to shut up)
9. GOOD (The plot, character motivations, and even jokes were mostly on point here. But wait, didn’t Gabumon say “naked Digimon” in the dub when he removed his fur? He didn’t say it when I watched. I know he said “naked Digimon”! I heard what I heard!)
10. OKAY (It got the job done well enough, with the worst offense being Centaurmon’s added dialogue and how he recognizes Tentomon when, again, he shouldn’t)
11. BAD (Devimon’s little narration at the start is misleading, the payoff to “looking for humans in the Digital World” is absent due to the dubs earlier scripts, who or what Lord Bakemon even is becomes incoherent, and the workaround of all the religious aspects in the episode are ludicrous, with constant Halloween references for a set-up that’s not a thing like Halloween and the Sutra chant being replaced with the very specific “Bakemon, lose your power”)
12. GOOD (Some added dialogue playing over silent moments aside, this was the most faithfully translated dub script yet)
13. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (The core essentials of this one remain in-tact, but that battle with Devimon in the second act gets positively skewered by bad lines and out-of-place jokes)
14. GOOD (Amazingly accurate. Nothing much bothered me here)
15. GOOD (Another mostly spot on translation of the original story to English even with the change of Etemon to an Elvis Impersonator)
16. GOOD (Another great one! We are on a roll with these!)
17. BAD (It had to end eventually, huh? It’s a bad episode to start with but the dub made it 10 times worse, starting with its very name and that it’s even brought up in the dialogue. They’re not supposed to know what their crests stand for yet!)
18. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (A little bit of a step in the right direction compared to last one)
19. SKETCHY, leaning towards BAD (Much of Izzy’s big game-changing discovery and explanation got muddled in translation, and Tai somehow comes off as more of an asshole in the dub)
20. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (Some bits were off, especially where Datamon was concerned, but plot driving the action and the epic feel of the original are thankfully retained)
21. BAD (This might just be the worst dubbed episode in the series! Its refusal to shut up and let the right atmosphere set in was excruciating, most of Kari’s lines were all wrong, the halfway point with the creepy transmission from Izzy in Vademon’s dimension was so off it wasn’t funny, and they added a false sense of danger and urgent stakes rather than keep the focus on Tai’s internal conflict)
22. OKAY (Definite step up from last one and mostly enjoyable, with the plot being conveyed exactly as it was, but the details and time frame about what’s happened in the Digital World are off and the idea that the other kids think that Tai might have died is omitted)
23 SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (Again it gets the story right but certain details are written all wrong. Like, how did it take Joe as long as it did to react to DemiDevimon standing right in front of him?)
24. SKETCHY, leaning towards BAD (And yet again, only this one goes a step further by messing up Myotismon’s scenes, double ruining that Tai-Izzy exchange, having Pabumon talk full words, making Izzy say “he didn’t mean to make you de-digivolve!” as though he was passing the blame to a different person, and losing all sense of faithfully translated dialogue by the end. Also, in my personal opinion, they should’ve made this one the debut of “Hey, Digimon!” ‘cause that would’ve been a lot funnier)
25. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (At first it’s pretty on point, but changing “I Wish” to a karaoke song and “When you’re like this, I hate you!” to “You’re a spoiled brat!” just don’t feel right)
26. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (This script’s better points tend to be drowned out by a lot of weak lines put to really weak voice acting, and its conflict is just much harder to buy in the dub)
27. OKAY (I can’t really complain about changing sake to soda, but even beyond that, it’s mostly a well rendered dub script. The only issues would be Tai coming up with an infiltration plan on the fly, and the episode getting pretty hacked up in general towards the end)
28. SKETCHY leaning towards BAD (All the Lull Destruction and dumb Gennai jokes return here, and no, Izzy - Leomon is not a Data, Centarumon is not a Virus, and Etemon is not a Vaccine, and the stars are for Rookie, Champion, and Ultimate levels, not In-Training, Rookie, and Champion! How are you so smart yet so dumb?)
29. GOOD (Incredibly well translated. Even the part about the terrorist bombing cover-up was kept in the dub before TV networks censored it out! Myotismon even gets to say the word “DIE!”)
30. GOOD (Another home run. Much of the humor of the original is retained, some humor is actually improved like with Joe’s “bad dog!” line, and despite the clumsy hitchhiking edits, making the guy who picks them up Sora’s cousin admittedly does make the whole thing less creepy)
31. GOOD (Three consecutive wins once again. While not perfect, this one conveys the plot well enough and is especially good at selling the family moments, particularly with Izzy and his parents)
32. OKAY (A lot of the lines were changed wholesale, but most of what was being talked about carries the same meanings)
33. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY* (The cover-up of Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon’s fates cannot be defended, but otherwise this one tried its best to work around stuff that was pretty hard to localize).
34. GOOD (With the sole exception of messing up the scene where Myotismon finds Gatomon and Wizardmon raiding his coffin for the Crest of Light, this dub script delivered everything as it should have).
35. GOOD (A few misses here and there don’t change the fact that this script had mostly hits, conveying all the epic goodness properly)
36. GOOD (Same as above. We’re on another roll here!)
37. GOOD (This was one of the best scripted episodes in the whole dub. It gets so much right that the things it does do wrong - Myotismon’s out of place Wizard of Oz reference, Myotismon getting his attack names wrong twice, and Joe killing the mood of the ending - are very noticeable)
38. GOOD (Five solid scripts in a row? This is a new record!)
39. OKAY (Ah, they were doing so well and then this one had such a notable downgrade. Way too many nonsense lines and instances of Lull Destruction constantly breaking up the mood of the story)
40. GOOD (The Dark Masters’ debut was kept as frightening as it was meant to be, their characterizations are spot on, and some of the lines were changed from the original actually for the better)
41. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (Some of the script early in feels gratuitous, but it picked up once everyone but Mimi and Joe got trapped in the shack, and Scorpiomon’s depiction was actually an improvement over the original).
42. SKETCHY, leaning towards OKAY (Almost everything in this episode vibed with me except the excess of jokes cracked by Whamon at various points. Also some added Lull Destruction, but I actually kinda liked Gatomon’s little song before cutting up the fish)
43. GOOD (Impressively, they managed to get Puppetmon down pat despite him not being allowed to chase TK with a real gun)
44. OKAY (This one was decent, Marlon Brando Cherrymon and all)
45. OKAY (Well, they managed the best they could with an episode that had complex exposition and a lot of its opening act cut from it)
46. GOOD (For the most part, they got this one totally right)
47. OKAY (Not as strong as the last one, but MetalEtemon still rocks)
48. GOOD (The amount of drama retained for this one is impressive, made even better with appropriately emotional voice acting)
49. BAD (First true stinker of a script we’ve had in a while, with the dub again taking a pretty subpar episode and making it even worse to have to sit through. “HE SHOT MY PAW!”)
50. SKETCHY, leaning towards BAD (Joe’s little crisis of self confidence was a complete fabrication of the dub, plenty of Lull Destruction even from Piedmon when he isn’t actually there, and there were some real groaners during the fight with LadyDevimon)
51. OKAY (Matt and Sora’s insecurities were not conveyed in the dub as well as they were in the original, making this kind of a slog)
52. GOOD (This script does for Piedmon what Ted Woolsey did for Kefka Palazzo - all of his lines are gold, making him both funnier and even scarier, and the episode is all the more memorable for it)
53. BAD (I...I shouldn’t even have to explain this one. There’s a time and a place for self-parody and silly one liners - the series’ ultimate antagonist detailing his origins and what drives him to our heroes before trying to kill them all is NOT one such time and place)
54. GOOD (They almost got this one perfectly right. Just needed to ditch some character development derailing lines, explained the digital gate situation better, and not let Tai narrate again at the end)
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sloanerisette · 4 years
Jyoumi Challenge Day #3: Cooking
This one is a little simpler, but today and tomorrow’s prompts are meant more to be the cute little ways the two think of the other within their new relationship and how to show them how they care. Hope you enjoy!
“Mama, where’s the umeboshi?” Mimi called out from the kitchen, all sorts of equipment and ingredients strewn about two counter tops.
“The umeboshi?” Satoe Tachikawa asked, popping her head through the doorway to see her daughter hard at work, the sight causing her to giggle softly. “Mimi, what’re you doing?” she asked, now stepping into the kitchen.
“Making a bento box, mama!” she said simply, peering through the fridge, brows furrowed and mouth scrunched up before she finally found what she was looking for, the wide smile quickly popping back on her face.
“I can see that, but what for? Tomorrow is Sunday— and I’ve never even seen you make something so elaborate!”
Mimi rolled her eyes playfully, still smiling, as she turned her head to look towards her mother, “It’s not for me!” she chirped happily, her mother quirking an eyebrow in confusion.
“What’s the special occasion then, sweetie?”
That one simple question let the floodgates open, as Mimi turned to look at her mother with an expression radiating nothing other than glee and confidence.
“For Joe!”
“Oh, I should have figured young love had something to do with this,” Satoe teased, and Mimi nodded.
“Mhm! He’s been spending so much time at cram school lately and I know its all been stressful for him, so I wanted to make a little special lunch to help out.”
Mimi knew Joe had gone through a lot— she still remembered last year just how stressed he had been over his entrance exams— and he was still putting in 110% to get into the best school he could one day. He deserved a treat every so often (everyday, if you asked Mimi), and even if she hadn’t usually been the type to do these things, she figured there was no time like the present, and she couldn’t wait to see Joe’s face when he walked out of cram school to see her there with the cutest little bento box.
“Oh, that’s so sweet! He’s lucky to have as amazing a girlfriend as you,” she said, “Do you want me to help you out at all?” her mother asked, and Mimi quickly shook her head.
“I appreciate it, mama, but don’t worry! A girl’s gotta learn on her own! Plus, I think I’m getting the hang of this already!”
Mostly, at least. Thankfully there had been plenty of leftovers from the night before so she didn’t have to get too deep into the cooking process, and what little there was she knew she’d be able to handle with ease.
“Well, you should make sure to hurry so you can get there before he ends up leaving!”
“Don’t worry, I’m on it! We still have the leftover tuna for the onigiri, and making eggs are easy! It’ll be no sweat!”
Mimi’s brow furrowed together as she looked at all she had set up, and then to the cute little bento that was off to the side.  Then she checked the clock on the oven, frowning slightly.
She didn’t have much time, but she sure did have a lot of energy and every intent of finishing this up and getting it to Joe just in time, so she could see that smile on his face and hear how much he loved it.
Satoe watched quietly from the living room, smiling as she watched Mimi work harder than she was sure her daughter ever had in the past, listening to the young girl mutter to herself about doing one thing or another.
Though there was a fair  bit of struggling with it, by the time she had gone to make the tamagoyaki, Mimi was starting to feel more comfortable with the process.
“Ok, Mimi… you can do this… this is no trouble for you!” she said to herself quietly in hopes of hyping herself up enough so she wouldn’t fold under pressure.
Tuna mayo onigiri assembled, tamagoyaki made, and she was able to take some leftover pickled vegetables from last night’s dinner, as well as the umeboshi she had gotten, placed gently on top. Last but not least, she had gotten some pickled ginger and nori on some rice to shape into Gomamon’s face.
“Perfect! Oh— wait!” she said, running across the kitchen to pick up the salt and pepper, putting some on the eggs, “Now its perfect, just the way he likes it!”
Her mother padded into the kitchen, looking down at the bento box, “Oh, sweetie, it’s beautiful! And it looks delicious! Someone’s really taking after me!” she said, giving her daughter a quick kiss on the top of her head, Mimi beaming with pride.
“Thanks, mama! Don’t you think he’ll love it?”
“Definitely! And— oh! Is that his little Digimon friend?” she asked as she pointed to the rice, Mimi nodding proudly.
“Yup! I wanted to make it look like Gomamon!”
“Oh that’s so adorable,” Satoe cooed sweetly, before grabbing some napkins and a pair of chopsticks, “Now you better get going! You don’t want to miss him! You know how to get there?” she asked as Mimi got everything together and all set, the young girl nodding.
“Mhm! And don’t worry, I’ll be safe!” she chirped, before speeding out without a second thought or ounce of hesitation.
Joe had just been let out of cram school, feeling exhausted and staring down at the test he had gotten back before leaving. An 81. Better than some of his past scores, but still not good enough. He sighed, how was he going to get into a good college at this rate?
His ears perked up when he heard his name being called, confused considering who the voice was from.
“Mimi…?” he asked himself quietly, before looking up to see Mimi there, unable to stop himself from smiling.
“Mimi!” he called out, starting to run over to her, already feeling the nerves and stress start to dissipate from his body, “What’re you doing here?” he asked, suddenly confused by it all.
“What? Are you not happy to see me?” she asked with a sly grin, relishing in teasing him and laughing as she saw him blush. Soft laughter continued to bubble from her as she watched him shake his head and wave his hands in front of himself, clearly in a tizzy.
“No! No I am! I just wasn’t expecting to see you! But I really am happy to see you! Really! Honest!” he rambled quickly, now stopping in front of her.
“Joe. Joe?”
Finally he stopped, looking down at her, “Y-Yeah?”
“I’m teasing you.”
Joe paused, once again having gone tense before his shoulders finally slumped, a sigh of relief escaping him, as a small smile finally crept onto his face.
“Of course. Yeah, I knew that,” he nodded, Mimi giggling again.
“I had something I wanted to give you,” she told him, before he glanced down at the little box in her her hands.
“You brought me lunch?”
She nodded quickly, “Yes! I know you’ve been stressed out with cram school and all your homework lately, so I wanted to give you a little pick-me-up!”
Warmth spread through Joe’s chest, the boy unable to help but smile at the idea. When she grabbed his hand, his fingers curled around hers, finding comfort and solace there, as she led him over to a bench. With her fingers placed gingerly on his shoulders, she lowered him onto the bench, sitting next to him, and placing the bento box on his lap.
“Bon appetit!” she grinned as he opened it, just as happy as he was when she saw his smile. He turned his head to look at her as he broke his chopsticks apart.
“Is that rice supposed to be Gomamon?” he asked, Mimi nodding quickly as she pointed to it.
“Yup! With pickled red ginger and nori! Isn’t he cute?”
“I think you’ll have to make one of these next time you see him. He’ll probably want to come up with some sort of plan to sell these things,” he chuckled.
“Ooh, that’s a great idea,” she said, “I could make little bento boxes around all the Digimon! Something with fish for Gatomon, and lots of veggies for Palmon!” she said with a gleam in her eye. Joe even noticed such, and as he started to poke away at his food, he couldn’t help but smile as he saw how excited she was.
“I almost feel bad eating Gomamon like this,” he said, plucking up some rice that featured his partner’s red ginger mane, pausing for a moment, before popping it into his mouth, taking his time to chew. “He is pretty tasty, though.”
“You like it? Really?” she asked, and Joe nodded, smiling at her.
“Yeah! It’s really delicious— and that was just the rice so far! You made all of this?” he asked.
“Mhm! Is it that surprising?” she teased, poking him in the arm, and Joe shook his head.
“No, not at all! It’s really great,” he assured her, before picking up the tamagoyaki and taking a bite, “I am surprised you didn’t put maple syrup and cherries on this, though,” he teased her gently, to which she stuck her tongue out at him.
“You just aren’t as experienced a culinarian as I am, sweetie! But don’t worry, one day I’ll teach you all about gourmet food!”
The boy couldn’t help but laugh, albeit feeling a bit nervous at the prospect of such food. “Can’t wait.”
Joe continued to make his way slowly and methodically through the food, Mimi sitting close, watching in awe with each and every little expression of enjoyment on his face. A part of her wanted to cut in, to ask what he thought, or to grab his chopsticks and pick up a few things just because it felt like he ate so slow, but she managed to contain herself, having to sit on her hands as she watched with rapt attention.
Of course, that left Joe blushing a bit, smiling to her every so often as he ate, up until the point he finished, with not a single grain of rice or speck of greens left, Joe setting the chopsticks in the box and putting the lid back on.
“What do you think!?” Mimi asked quickly, unable to hold back just a moment longer.
“It was delicious! Easily one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time,” he said, Mimi tearing up as she grabbed his hand.
“You think? Really? Oh, Joe, you’re so sweet!” she said, pulling him into a hug, resting her head on his chest. The sudden movement left Joe letting out a yelp, nearly dropping the box, before he gathered himself and wrapped an arm around her, patting her gently on the back.
“I’m just being honest, Mimi. It’s great. Thanks so much,” he told her, “That was really nice of you.”
“You don’t need to thank me! I’m happy to do it for you! I’m just glad you liked it. I was so nervous making it because I just wanted it to be absolutely perfect,” she admitted, now looking up at him.
Joe smiled softly, “It was. I think you’re great at this.”
“Really? Well I think that just means I have to keep cooking! And you’ll just have to keep tasting all of my delicious creations!”
The very thought sounded great to Joe, honestly. But before he could say anything, there was one thought that suddenly sprang into his mind.
“…You’ll make sure to wait on any maple syrup and cherries… right?”
Mimi pouted, eyebrows furrowed as she narrowed her eyes at him, before seeing the small smile he had on his face, realizing that, somehow, he had made a joke.
She stood up, giving him an exaggerated wink before she yanked him up and latched onto his arm.
“I guess I’ll just have to work you up to that!”
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noctisfishing · 5 years
Candy Basket (Digimon Prompt Fics)
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Updated 9/11/2020; Will update this post periodically
Rated: T
Summary: A collection of short scribbles and scenes based on writing prompts. Featuring characters from Digimon Adventure 01/02. Pick and choose the ones to satisfy your sweet tooth. 
Note: Current word count range 104 - 506. No romance - just itty bitty scenes I can imagine in canon. I use names from both American dub and Japanese sub.
Click to read in the tag: [ #candy basket ]
All candies so far (17 as of 6/3): [ AO3 | FFN ]
Choose your candy:
An Adventurous Stray [ 211 ] - Hikari & Daisuke
Beeees? [ 286 ] - Mimi & Palmon
Fluffball Hair [ 273 ] - Sora & Tai
Writing His Tune [ 211 ] - Matt
A Curious Language [ 170 ] - Koushiro, Yamato, Motimon & Tsunomon
Why? Because Ice Cream [ 144 ] - TK & Patamon 
Reliable Strength [ 104 ] - Gomamon & Joe
Where To, Guys? [ 236 ] - 01 Digidestined
Izzy (Un) Useless [ 204 ] - Tai & Izzy
Nonsense [ 254 ] - 01 Digidestined
Well, Well, Well [ 135 ] - 01 Digimon
Phew [ 137 ] - Sora
Waiting [123 ] - 02 Digidestined
Sweet Jun Music [ 383 ] - Daisuke, DemiVeemon, & Jun & Yamato
Snack Attack [ 235 ] - Yolei, Kari, & Digimon
Before the Fall [ 333 ] - 01 Digidestined
Soon Enough [ 406 ] - Davis, Tai, Veemon, & Agumon
Haunted [ 473 ] - Yamato, Gabumon, Takeru, Patamon
Tentomon’s Dream [ 506 ] - 01 Digidestined and Digimon
Read more fics on my Tumblr :)
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