#promphet speaks
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Hello, as some of you may be coming here with the belief that I am the same admin that runs @/Writing-Prompt-s please know that is incorrect! I am NOT! We share a similar name because he started it years ago, but I have been running it solo for almost 8 years now and have nothing to do with his other blog(s) or whatever it going down. Thank you!
Also I don't scrape(?) my prompts from Reddit or any other site - they're all submitted by other users who follow this blog and I just pick some to post (that's why you can find posts on here where I remind others to send them in). Occasionally I may make my own if I have an idea! But that's a misconception I keep seeing that I wanted to add this about.
Further explanation/information under the cut about who runs this blog:
While the/an admin of Writing-prompt-s did start this blog years ago, he then left it to idle and focused on his original blog. I saw this and reached out, again years ago, asking to run it - to which I was promoted to admin. I have been running Drawing-prompt-s solo for about 7 or 8 years now.
Until yesterday (08.06.24) I had no idea anything was even going on with his blog. I have nothing to do with it, I barely even see anything from it aside from the rare prompt come up on my dash nowadays. I only found out when I went to Q a bunch of posts up and found a slew of hate mail ranging from calling me a zionist, threatening violence, and telling me to kill myself. And one of my followers having sent an anon informing me that one of those posts had incorrectly stated he ran this blog as well - that user has since recognized that this is not the case, and various others have pointed it out.
I had a pinned post about this before and when I left for a few hours and came back it was gone. I am working under the assumption right now this is just the fault of Tumblr, though I am tentative about that. So if you see this posted again that is why, and if you see this exact post made again then just be aware it is becuase I am saving a copy of this message and each time the post is removed I will be reposting it, as i am saving this elsewhere so I do not have to rewrite it each time.
I do not want argument under this - I have caught up on everything going on, I have seen the post saying he runs this one, etc. All I wanted for this blog is to post prompts, share art, and encourage others to follow their passion for creation. And occasionally to drop cute cat pictures of my little gremlins.
To those who have been here for years and know who I am, know I am not that same person, I say thank you for sticking around - and to those correcting the misinformation, thank you again. I appriciate it <3
Yours sincerely,
a very confused chick in her early 20s who had no idea anything was even going down.
-- Prompt Prophet
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Swinging this out here one more time! Just wanted to share it again to make sure it reaches people - I did make another post as well, and there is the insta too. I'll be sharing more information on the story as it gets closer. But it's still projected for early 2026 so far.
-- Prompt Prophet
Instagram post linked here
Upcoming book, “Lykos”, by new independent author J. N. Ledford, is a supernatural contemporary romance novel with a twist.
Estimated publication in late 2025 or early 2026!
More content to be posted as the date arrives.
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“Khalid Hawkins expects a few things when he moves to Haywood County, NC, to take over the cabin he inherited from his late grandfather – old pipes, cleaning up a yard, and maybe some renovations if he can figure them out himself. What comes as a surprise however is when the first storm hits and he hears a crash in the shed outside, only to find a werewolf slumped over in a heap with an arrow gouged into its body.
Fae Holloway expects a few things when she opens her eyes, like a white light to walk into since she just got shot with a silver tipped arrow. Instead, she gets to wake up to a burning pain in her chest, more wolfsbane than she’s ever seen, and bones that feel like they’re ready to dissolve. At least she is still alive, and still in her wolf form, which is likely the only reason she survived to begin with. All her realizations topped off by the wide-eyed stare of the young man poking his head around the corner of the splintered shed door.
The pair are in for more than they realize as they begin to grow closer, unaware that the very people who had driven the werewolf into Khalid’s life weren’t ready to give up on the hunt just yet.”
[Background image of Devil’s Courthouse in the Blue Ridge Parkway by @ajledford_com (instagram) used with permission]
#prompt prophet#promphet speaks#lykos#independent author#supernatural romance#werewolf#contemporary romance
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are you also prophet-rebellion?
Yep! That's my main account. I believe it was posted here a few years back too when I first took over as admin of this blog. If you're meaning because I reblogged my truck post on there then yes - that was me. I just don't have many people there.
But I don't need to reblog it anymore because it's funded!!! I took her out a bit and while I'm still super anxious I think she'll be good enough to get me back the 5 hours home.
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Hey guys,
I have been gone for a few days and may be gone a few more - I had a procedure on Wednesday that kept me busy, and after it I have been in pain (unrelated to the procedure. Probabaly).
Right now it is likely just an inflamed lung that refuses to calm down, which is not great for trying to breathe pain free - so I'll be back in a few days when existing as a sentient being no longer hurts! Yay!
I will still Q some up here and there come Sunday, so maybe by Monday. And will go back to art reblogs for sure once the pain subsides!
But prompts will resume as soon as possible!
Edit: don't forget to submit prompts you'd like to see! This is a submission run blog!
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A lot of changes within the last month but I'll be coming back soon!
Thankfully I have since bonded with my new roommates, which is good, because I'll be going through surgery in the coming months and won't have the funds to be living on my own.
Last month has been a slew of medical exams and working, but I've gotten through the brunt of it. I'm excited to get back to posting on here - and seeing what art you all have created in my absence and will create for the prompts to come!!!
-- Your local Prompt Prophet
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It just feels right to reblog here, bc that response is by far still one of the absolute funniest that I've seen and sometimes when I feel bad I just think of that tiny bat body on the draft horse and just start laughing.
I know so many followers have seen it, but for those that have not, please go look at the vampire-centaur response that was gifted to the public eye because it's just top quality honestly.
And don't worry, my notes have been silenced long ago bc occasionally some of these prompts just take off but even on a normal basis I must silence the constant barrage 😅
--Prompt Prophet
So hey! This is actually the mun from @Drawing-prompt-s, where you found the bat-centaur prompt.
Honestly I like popping in at times because I was following you before you even responded to that prompt - and then I saw that you did and lost my marbles cackling for days because it was fantastic!
Anyways! You're reawakening the pony phase in my now, smh. Oh well, it's absolutely worth it. I always love seeing your art come up on my dash, it's so fun! I don't remember back when I first started following you, but I do think it was around the "high geologist" post originally? Maybe before that!
Either way, I always enjoy your art! And I really enjoyed seeing your response to that prompt (and seeing that it still gets regular notes, on the off chance I check, I had to turn off notes for that blog a long time ago honestly).
-- Prompt Prophet
I still read most of the notes I get here (which is a lot) but what was so funny about that prompt is someone expected me to do something really awesome and sick with "vampire centaur" maybe with a flowing cape, or gigantic bat wings that stretched across the sky. Instead I did.... That
oh my god the preview looks so normal.
For a while the bulk of my followers came from The High Geologist and now most of them find me through my other stuff, and are then shocked to see happy harbinger and airplane rehab in my menagerie
I'm a very energetic person, so I make a couple big hits every once in while and then don't really slow down, I just keep making more. Even on the off season I'm constantly doing art, I just started posting it again when I got into ponies.
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Happy New Year!! 🎉
Just one prompt today and maybe some tomorrow!
"Share the piece that you're most proud of from 2024 or create something new to start off 2025!"
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I'm very sorry for reblogging the addition to my post that stated you were run by the same guy that harassed me and other Palestinian bloggers, I've been told that information was incorrect and surely caused you a lot of harm.
Deeply sorry that you got dragged into this.
I appreciate the apology!
There was always going to be a link since my blog was started by them, so I'm sure someone would have said as much eventually and it would have happened.
8 years later and occasionally people still think it, though I believe most of my new followers don't even know we're linked. But he did start it, and over the years I've had a handful still assume we're the same, or that I'm a guy, etc.
The person who even said it has realized the irony in not checking that information before they dropped my username.
Unfortunately some of the damage is already done and can't be reversed, but it seems like a fair bit of people are determined to correct it, and I've done as much too. Hopefully the majority will read my pinned post and realize as well. It seems that even some of my followers who have been contacted about it have either ignored it or corrected it, so I'm not just out here fighting it off alone, I have these lovely people backing me on it!!
But once again, thank you for reaching out about it and apologizing! It is much appreciated!
-- Prompt Prophet
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Probably going to be gone for roughly two weeks - starting a new job with hell hours in addition to my current one and training is going to suck, it starts tonight at midnight.
May post here or there!
And don't forget to send in prompts to be posted/content you would like to see!!
- Prompt Prophet
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Your Tumblr Local Prompt Prophet here to say Happy Halloween and to make some announcements!
I don't have any art to share with you at this time, but don't worry, there will be a little Halloween colored kitty at the end of this post.
A, I will be changing up how I do art and prompt Q's. With having a second job now, the new one has 12 hour shifts. So end of the week will likely only be prompts (unless I forget). I will try to do art reblogs early in the week (Monday - Thursday)
B, I have unpinned the post regarding the issue a while back, where I was said to be the Writing Prompts Guy, so no more seeing that. I decided since the og post saying it has been locked for some time and I haven't seen any comments on it or about it for a while.
C, I may replace it at some point in the future with a link to the book page. I won't be spamming it here, at least not for a while, but I may share some sketches and work for it. I will be sharing information (or more, at least) about the book in the future.
And for all of this, take a Halloween kitten sitting silly on my bed while I work. The superstitious Supernova! (She is a healthy weight, and very active - she is just sitting weird so she looks like a chunky baby. Her only problem is being possibly asthmatic. And a menace.)
Don't forget to send in Prompts!! This page is run off of submissions and user interaction (like the art reblogs)!

-- Prompt Prophet
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Update :')
I am so tired, y'all. My doctor put it as "when it rains it pours" - fitting, bc I had to walk back from the doctors office in the humid summer rain. I personally say "Murphy's Law has too much fun with me."
Anyways, yeah, in addition to my missing cat and just general financial issues, my truck just... Quit??? Today of all days.
Of course it's a Monday.
I was literally going to go get in to go to my doctor's appointment, it clicked on like it was starting and a second later everything died. :')
It's not the battery, I know that, because we bought and replaced the battery only a few months ago. It's most likely either the alternator or the starter.
This truck is 19 years old, almost as old as me, so God only knows. I don't know the last time either of those things were changed, if ever, and I can't ask either of the prior owners (I'm the third).
So I am once again posting pictures of my cat and my Paypal link because Jesus. I'm just. I'm so tired, guys. I am so, so tired.
Plus pictures of the missing miss Salem. My absolute heart who I'm still holding out hope for.

Sincerely yours,
(a very tired) Prompt Prophet
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Supernova Update:
Since I figured y'all might want a quick rundown of what's been going on with the sick trashcan kitten I found back in February.
[Update under the cut + Cat Tax picture]
I did keep her and she gets along wonderfully with my older cat Jolene. They play, cuddle, chase, groom one another (it's more Jolene grooming Nova and Nova then trying to WWE body slam her).
Nova has turned out to be quiet the parkour master and it's already pretty big for a 6 months old cat.
And speaking of her being 6 months, she got spayed on the past Friday (06/14). And it has been.... Huo boy. Interesting. Both Salem and Jolene were spayed at the foster home and shelter they were respectively at prior to my adoption. So this is the first I've had to deal with a spayed pet. Still cost me over $100 between meds and what I did have to pay with the spay voucher - I cant imagine how bad it would have been cost wise without it.
Supernova does seem bound and determined however to open her stitches no matter what I do. She did irritate and (I don't think open, but tear) at the top stitch while I was asleep. So we got that cleaned up and put some ointment on (vet approved). E-Collars don't really work though, we tried it and she went ballistic - like bashing her head against the wall repetitively and doing flips and rolls to get it off, we thought she would pop her stitches doing all that alone. I even tried clingwrap around her tummy because I can't afford one of those little cat jumpers to stop her. So it's been a fun attempt and keep her from ripping them open. And by fun I mean stress inducing.
But there is your current update on our local trashcan parkour king, my brilliant feline daughter, Supernova.

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Promphet here!
Don't forget that prompts are run off of follower submissions to this blog - if there is something you want to see then please feel free to send it in! The more submissions the better!
Also, since this is an art blog, I know I have both artists and art followers on here - if anyone knows some cool artists that do book cover illustrations or would be willing, drop their tumblr/website/etc. in the notes please! I'm not saying commissioning is happening tomorrow or anything, but the goal is to have the book published or publishing by EOY 2025, so I would like to start looking more in depth now. I have one or two artists in mind, but other options are fantastic. I know what I want, generally, for at least the front cover, but I also recognize that I don't have the technical skills to execute it in a way I feel will be worthy of an actual book. Which is going to be self published. Preferably someone comfortable with both human and canine feature, as one is a human and one I would prefer to have in her werewolf form. Hopefully this makes sense, but I am also working as I type this so I haven't properly double checked it. Thought to throw it on to the quick submission reminder however. For anyone who responds, thank you!
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You don't mind if I do some of the older prompts? I have some ideas for them.
Of course! There is no time limit on when these prompts can be completed - they're here for entertainment and enjoyment. If one is speaking to you, or more, then do them!!!
-- Prompt Prophet
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Is it okay to make 3d models or clay models from prompts ? Does that count as drawing?
Despite the name of the blog, drawings are not the only way to respond to these!! We have occasionally had prompt responses using other mediums, just not as often - that's the only reason they're not shared as much!
Any sort of artistic response, using any sort of medium, is more than "allowed" on this blog!!
-- Prompt Prophet
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On a small break for the holidays!
I'll be back come Thursday or Friday!
Do not forget to send in the sort of prompts you would like you like to see - as this blog is driven by user submissions!
-- Prompt Prophet
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