#promo: lovely mortals
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queenjudeofthefolk · 2 years ago
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Indie semiselective take on Jude Duarte from the Folk of Air trilogy by Holly Black written by literature
icon border by the lovely @slayrph
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naturalyst · 20 days ago
tag drop. keeping it minimum for now as i develop lena <33
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phantom0f-death · 2 years ago
Tag Dump
🌺please don't interact with this post
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sgiandubh · 2 months ago
I love your style, intelligent, down to earth, very practical, not in the 5-10 children in 7 years part of the fandom. Guess that’s why I’m very intrigued by your take on recent events. I feel a massive shift in their public behavior, very different from the last 6-7 years where they tried very hard to separate themselves from their characters and each other. Why do you think that is?
Dear @i-ship,
Thank you very much for the kind words. I try to keep things in check and base my opinions on solid facts. Not 'FACTS', mind you, but as much as possible publicly available documents and data. The not so public things (meaning you have to pay for those, which indicates a different confidentiality level) I keep for myself, because I am not an idiot: in no way, however, do they contradict the rest, in which case I would immediately recalibrate my analysis. I also know very well that confirmation bias has often been mentioned as a sad excuse across the street, when things didn't look good for them. That is wishful bullshit, because no legal professional would prostitute their skill in order to shoehorn reality into a given scenario. Papers speak by themselves - there is no need to stretch the information they contain, but yes, you can (and you should) interpret them. Therefore, all I did was to translate in everyday English what is often not accessible to everyone and wrap it in a bit of context. This is, apparently, a mortal sin and I know it is the main reason I am being hated with a passion, by many.
All of the above just to stress the fact that I am not easily swayed by sensational pics, tidbits and gifs. I may sound like a damned party pooper to you, but I prefer to patiently follow what I think is interesting, rather than childishly bounce on my chair every single time people see what they really saw a thousand times before, in eleven years of saga. Nor do I need to have confirmation four times a day of something that simply exists, irrespective of the fact I know about it or not.
I will say only this: C definitely looks as she DGAF about the whole circus anymore. It started with the piggyback pics, on March 25, continued with the Taylor Swift concert (the only time I allowed myself to oooh and awww at 4 AM) and is now seemingly confirmed by these new promo pics and interviews. Yes, they screeched 'it's fan service', but as far as I know nobody forced C to behave the way she clearly intends to show everyone. It's Season 7B, for Christ's sake, the script is hogwash and the acting is not so good (yes, I will need a rewatch to write something decently balanced about it), the audience numbers are dwindling and OL is on its way out. Hard truths, no matter how you turn it: why would she open again the door to 'speculation' (ah, but what's in a word?), especially considering this cesspool of a fandom's obsessive-compulsive collective behavior?
Unless, @i-ship. Let's not write the script, but you got me. I hope this answers your question - at any rate, it was a pleasure trying to.
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veryintricaterituals · 2 months ago
I know I'm a perfect stranger, but I'm a fellow fan, and I need to vent this shit to someone. That was the most heartbreakingly dissappointing and infuriatingly insulting half hour of television I've ever personally experienced. Especially because they had Guillermo there as the perfect audience stand-in relating to all of our pain. I was in tears watching him desperately grapple for some kind of character development, meaning, revelation, resolution, something, ANYTHING. Amid unfunny and often straight up insulting, callous jokes at his and our expense. Plot points brought up and left unresolved, character development left uncompleted. All the obvious Nandermo hints straight up queerbait, Nandor will remain romantically lonely and never discover the love "right under his nose" that was obviously seemingly intended to be Guillermo, Colin will never know Lazlo really raised and cared for him, Memo too, Guidja was never going to happen, Lazlos Dad locked in the closet with Colins Funkos seemingly hinting at making a comeback, not happening. Jerrys betrayal arc anticlimactic, badass parts of Guillermos last fight scenes with his cousin pointlessly cut for unfunny pointless bullshit, Nadja never getting an independent business or whatever, Guillermo and Sean mortal and destined to die and be lost to their friends forever someday. WHY THE FUCK DID COLIN BEAT HIM!?? they were hinting towards him being an EV but now that scene makes no fucking sense missing an opportunity to also explain where EVs come from. The Guide being pushed to the wayside. None of the other characters were brought up again. 3 fake endings obviously meant to insult us for, of course, being upset by this real bullshit one, one of them insulting us for wanting the Nandermo they had hinted at themselves, needlessly stretched between 3 episodes. The shitty Nandermo mocking 'cameras off' comment near the end. We were strung along with Guillermo for SIX FUCKING YEARS, and all of it wasted, none of it mattered. It was all pointless. The writers didnt care. And by the end seemed to hate us for loving and being attached to the show they made for so long and wanting more, and wanting Nandermo, which they set up, and just queer ship rep that they had been setting up in the first place. I guess you could say Guillermo grew the most, but I would've liked to see more about where he ended up. They had the option of another episode they turned down. There was just so, so, much wasted potential with what this show could have been and how much more time could've been spent on it without 'jumping the shark' as Waititi claims if it had competent, progressive, brave, writers who gave a shit all the way through and it didnt need to have constant jokes later on with less dramatic breathing room. They just wanted to be done with it. I can see now why Matt Berry seemed so unenthusiastic in interviews and apparently Harvey seemed annoyed with Simms in promos, and that comment he made in an interview about his last moments on set reminding him of Titanic and "Nandor and Guillermo finally being able to be, y-know" So fucking heartbreaking him experiencing this after getting invested in these characters and their relationship as a queer man himself. I was sitting there watching Guillermo walk into the foyer and just sit there silently defeated in tears, staring into the void as the other characters sang "we'll meet again" in the background, and I'm just crying with him.
The good thing about fandom is that we're all perfect strangers and great friends at the same time, as high school musical once said: "we're all in this together".
Go ahead and vent in my comments! Scream your truth! They fucked with us!
I guess I'm actually not that angry because I could see it coming from a mile away, I feel like I've been grieving this show since season five ended and they destroyed Guillermo's arc, I just didn't think it'd be this bad.
There's just nothing there, no purpose, no aspirations, no character development. I get what they were going for, they been trying to ram it in since season 4 "Vampires don't change and everything stays the same" but the problem is that they have changed and significantly so throughout the seasons, they have grown and learned and loved and lost.
It's just fucking disappointing and such wasted potential, like not even thinking about Nandermo, but in general. They couldn't give an ending to any other character because they had destroyed their characters and arcs so completely there was nothing to say. And they knew that, they had a whole season to figure it out and instead just went, ehh let's use Guillermo as a stand in for the audience and gave us nothing anyway.
I have so many thoughts because I've been watching since season 1 and ughhh, I have so many drafts that I'll be posting in the next few days. All I'm going to say is thank G-d I have interview with the vampire because I would be way more devastated if I didn't have beautifully written gay vampire media to fall back on.
Anyway feel free to come and vent to me!! It's the way to get through this! also we're totally friends now 💜💜
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gachagon · 10 months ago
I watched the newest episode of The Amazing Digital Circus, and yeah I can already tell this is gonna be a great show. I think it manages to handle both its comedy and horror pretty well without one being less effective than the other.
The pilot was great, but I really like that episode 2 shows us a better picture of the characters than what we already thought about them. I think the most surprising character who's development was made really clear was Pomni.
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In the pilot she's naturally apathetic and also freaking out about everything, and the promo material with her included seems to follow that same track record, but here in this episode Pomni does what Ragatha's been trying to do with her the whole time! She consoles this cute little gummy gator guy about his own existence and stuff in a really mature way that we just haven't seen Pomni do before.
This episode is really about the fear of not belonging or having an impact on other people. The beginning nightmare sequence where Pomni imagines herself being abstracted versus the end with Kaufmo's funeral really shows that what she's most afraid of is that she ultimately won't have a place here at all, even if being there terrifies her.
I think Pomni has come to terms with the idea that she won't be able to leave or find an exit right away, but the fear of not fitting into her role as the Jester and doing the same song and dance for eternity eats away at her.
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The funeral is a really good coping skill for all of the people in the Circus (minus Jax who just didn't go to the funeral at all) because it eases the fear of not remembering any of the people you spent all that time with, but also eases the fear of being forgotten.
I can imagine the idea of Gummigoo not remembering Pomni but still being out there "Out of bounds" is sad, but unlike the people in the circus he can always come back and in a weird ironic twist always has a place in the world he's in. And even if he doesn't remember Pomni, she'll always remember him and that's the really important part.
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Also can I just say that I love this little crocodile/gator man T_T He showed up with such a silly concept but I think he really added a lot to the episode. It makes me wonder what would've happened if he really was allowed to stay in the circus despite not being real.
The episode has a lot of themes about being aware of your own mortality and why you're even alive and what purpose you serve. And in the end, for Gummi he was able to stomach the truth of his own existence with the help of Pomni, but he decided to just keep it a secret from everyone else up above.
After he gets "poofed" its safe to say he'll always still exist just not in the way Pomni saw him. And whenever Cain wants to use him for a future quest, he'll still have the same old memories of his friends and his "sick mom" who needs syrup, but the knowledge of Pomni and being Out of Bounds will not be there.
Is it better that he doesn't know what's out there? That his mother isn't actually real, and that he and everyone he knows is just 1's and 0's in a computer? Or is it better if he does know and is able to cope with that reality? Likewise, should Pomni really even worry about trying to leave this world she's been forcefully thrust into, or should she just go with the flow and accept her place as the Jester in the circus?
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Truly an "Ignorance is Bliss" kind of story. We already know from this episode alone that the one thing Jax craves is chaos but that's not because he's fallen in line with being a rabbit in the game or because he wants to leave.
I think Jax is an excellent parallel to Pomni in this episode. Where Pomni tries to peacefully cope with her place in the circus and possibly coexist with the world around her, Jax wants to do nothing but cause as much disruptions as possible. Jax has accepted long ago that he's not leaving, but instead of losing his mind over it he's just become an incredibly selfish person who only wants to take his entertainment from other people. He uses his veneer as the trickster rabbit to cause as much problems in their journey's as possible all so he himself won't go crazy.
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And even though in the end he's not there to witness what happens to the candy people, I think just having something new to think about is enough for him in a weird way. While Pomni struggles with feeling like she belongs, Jax has been there for a long time and his biggest struggle is "disappointment". It's being so mind numbingly bored that you forget yourself.
This is leading me to believe that what causes people to abstract isn't finding the exit or thinking about the exit, but that it's more personal than that. Abstraction seems to be when someone really truly breaks under the pressure of being in the circus itself. All of the members of the circus seem to cope with being in the circus in different ways. For Gangle it's drawing and art, for Ragatha it's throwing herself into all of the journey's and just immersing herself as an actual "ragdoll" who's going on quirky adventures, Pomni just potentially found her way of coping which could be trying to just help other people with their own baggage and being an ear to listen to, and Kinger has by all means lost his marbles so as long as he's not thinking about how hard it is being in the circus he's fine.
I think Zooble's is to just not go on the adventure's at all or maybe we just haven't seen how they cope yet. I'm guessing that Kaufmo didn't really have a coping skill, either that or it became too much and he abstracted. I think his obsession with finding an exit had something less to do with the exit itself making him go insane, and more about the possibility of him remembering something he wasn't supposed to.
He probably regained his memory in some way and that was what led him down the spiral into abstraction, looking for a way out in any way he could.
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demigodsanswer · 2 months ago
Leah Jeffries is truly such a perfect, natural Annabeth. In every clip of her from an interview or a promo video where she's unscripted and allowed to "be herself" (in scare quotes only because those are also a kind of performance, I don't know her), she is giving young Annabeth Chase. It's no mystery to me why she was cast.
It is a mystery to me why the fucking writers decided to make Annabeth spend most of the show standing there quietly! Leah truly did the best she could do. The writing for Annabeth was so infuriating. What do you mean you're going to cast a young girl who I could so easily imagine saying "What? You think only male gods get to fall in love with mortals? How sexist is that?" and then not let her say that??
Makes me fucking crazy.
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themortalitasi-a · 2 months ago
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A walk through the garden of death. Flowers blooming beneath green flames. An odyssey to tame the fear of mortality. Grief softened by the presence of a curious spirit.
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Independent Emmrich Volkarin (ft. Manfred) of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Loved by Day, 25+. Sideblog, follows back from @dicethrow. Promo by @iniziare. Pinned.
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mrstsung · 3 months ago
If you want CORRECT OPINIONS on raiden from mortal kombat.
Go to @1-up-chump
If you want fun raiden content go to @elderglocks they are awesome. I always enjoy their stuff.
Also @vanessa-tsung is awesome too.
And my new fren @southtownvillage they dont have much rn but please show them love and support. <3
If you want epic shang tsung and correct sexy opinions on shang tsung. Come here and enjoy my cute self ship art.
There are many other blogs but i can't remember the names. So apologies.
Not a promo per say but i felt the need to hype up my peeps.
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queenjudeofthefolk · 2 years ago
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thank you so so much for your kindness @slayrph and patience
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rathayibacter · 11 months ago
might as well do a little TDOV promo, esp since ive got some new folks following me. hi, im rath! im a queer nonbinary game designer, and ive written a bunch of ttrpgs!
some quick blurbs under the readmore
BIG PROJECTS: - Disparateum, a game of exploring a city at the crossroads of many worlds. dance through dreams, swordfight your reflection, explore a fractal museum, scale the surface of your own soul, and more! - KATABASIS, fight your way out of a concrete afterlife as you try and return to life. your armor, weapons, and tools are crafted from your emotional baggage, and the monsters and environments youll face are all splintered and confused reflections of the world you're struggling to return to. - [BXLLET>, a post-apocalyptic cowboy game where bullets are your XP, and every shot fired kills your target. has a ton of supplements and reimaginings.
SMALL PROJECTS: - Charcuterie, three zine collections. the first two are compilations of small games ive written and released in various forms, the third is short stories and poetry. messy, weird, barely edited, stuffed with doodles, a lot of fun. - Stationkeeping, a small Animal Crossing-inspired game about renovating a dinky space station, slowly expanding it out and occasionally meeting aliens or other players on their own journeys. played on index cards you carry with you and fill out as you do various things in your life. - Maybe One Day, It'll Be Enough - a game about war gods sentenced to infinite community service for their crimes. played by throwing a ball against a brick wall. for hours. originally released as a tumblr post here. - NOT WEAVERDICE, half a core mechanic for a superhero game, half a ramble about superhero ttrpgs and how to have fun with them. im currently working on a game that expands out this idea, called Unskilled Labor. - MORTAL POP!BAT, a 616-page Funko Pop wargame. yeah, im including it in the small projects category. fuck you. - Wintergreen, an OSR game that fits inside a mint tin. one of my earliest released games, still has some pretty cute ideas.
thanks for checking this all out, it means the world! the last few months have been pretty tight, and every little bit of support really does make a difference. happy trans day of visibility everyone, love yall!
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nidhi-writes · 6 months ago
HIS Niyati - Bhallaldeva x Modern AU Reader(Time travel)
I gazed at the night sky, and my eyes teared at the thought of being in this totally unknown place—or world, I would say. 
What am I doing here? Why am I here? When I was supposed to be back home with my comfort blanket, watching the movies. But here I am in one of the movies I loved. The cold air caressed my neck and hair, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body, and The hair at the back of my neck stood, causing me to freeze, as if a predator was watching me as a devil in the dar that would make the mortals mind to froze. I slowly gulped down and turned around, only for my breath to get stuck in my chest as my eyes widened.
Standing before me is the devil himself, the darkness that will cloud Mahimati in the upcoming years—Bhallaldeva himself.
His majestic body and toned physics will make your brain make contrary statements about him if you don't know who he is or what he has become. 
Not only did his eyes find mine, but a sudden change in his body and his eyes made me gulp down. His legs slowly took a step and came near me. I tried to stand my legs on the ground and not show that I was intimidated by the mass of handsome muscles coming at me.
But nothing could prepare me for the next thing that happened. Amusement filled his eyes, his lips turned up, and he smiled. I mean, Bhallaldeva SMILED!! That, too, looking down at me. I have watched Baahubali more than 50 times, both 1 and 2, but I have never seen a smile from that handsome devil. But here he is, standing before me and smiling, the very happy one that could make your heart go Wheeeee!!!
"You... you are... here." His voice came out as he whispered, surprising me. I tilted my head slightly and looked at him, responding to him.
I licked my lips as I spoke back to him, "Sorry. I don't get what you are saying." I tried to keep it simple.
But just as his soft fingers caressed my cheeks like a feathre gracing over it, his cold fingers felt so good at the top of my heated cheeks, My body melted at his touch.
"Ahh," I gasped at his sudden closeness and touch. I found myself leaning into it. He slowly leaned in, and his hot breath grazed the tops of my lips as I yearned for them to touch mine.
But just like that, a voice caused me to come out of the trance.
"Nandhini," Called the familiar voice. I stepped back from the handsome villain before me and turned left to find Baahubali coming towards us. I sighed in relief as my lips bloomed into a smile, but I needed the person before me to see his eyes stuck on my face.
Baahubali smiled as he reached us. "What are you doing out here? Devasena is looking for you," he said, and he turned to find Bhallaldeva looking at both Baahubali and me with his eyes narrowed. "Bhalla, you are here as well?"
I slowly moved and stood behind Baahubali, but I could not stand straight with the eyes of someone like Bhallaldeva directed towards me. I could feel my legs becoming jelly, so I leaned onto one of the Constance I found in this place other than Deva, Baahubali; he smiled at me and let me lean and hold his hand. I am not sure why, but my action caused the young Prince before me, whose face now has something I can't quite place, like anger and something else.
Something then I didn't realise would cause the destruction I witnessed through the screen.
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Note: I recently started an Aemond x modern AU OC, and then today, after completing my Beast out of him series, I got an idea on implementing a same-time travel, of our OC travelling from the modern world into the world of Baahubali and what if our famous Villian Bhallaldeva already obsessed with our OC since he was a child, he always dreamt of her, she is his guidance and support system. But what happens when she gets thrust into this world and has to live among the characters she watches on the screen is real, with the obsessive Prince always on her track. How will our OC react, or will she like how our big bad Prince obsesses over her?
Let me know your thoughts, guys!!
taglist: @mahi-wayy @ahamasmiyodhah @whippersnappersbookworm @harinishivaa @mayakimayahai
@jkdaddy01 @gloriouspurpose01 @whyishekinda @salaarfanindia
@aprofoundrickmaniac @toomanyfanficsbruh @willkatfanfromasia
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or to get removed.
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wolfofcelestia · 11 months ago
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Welcome! Now that this blog has been fully converted into a Zayne loveblog, I've finally decided to make an actual introduction.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻
My name is Elara (she/her). I am an adult and will be posting adult content. Minors, blank blogs, art theives, and toxic people will be blocked
Most of what I write here will be about fictional boys voiced by Satou Takuya
Most of my analysis posts are usually very stream of conscious-y because I never stop thinking about this stupid ice man
Sylus will also appear on my blog. He's settled in as my second favourite so he will be around too
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻
I write when my brain allows me to. Most of what you'll see here are short clips of dialogue, headcanons, scenarios, and scenes in the style of LADS's social media posts. These snippets tend to be comedy, fluff, smut, angst, and occasional dark content
Got a request? Feel free to drop an idea in my askbox. No guarantees it will get filled, though
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓨𝓾𝓶𝓮𝓳𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 💙❤️🩵
This blog is my self-indulgent yumejoshi (self-insert) safe space, with my F/Os being Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and Rei.
I am extremely sappy and sentimental. Also extremely thirsty. I am parched. Dehydrated. I just have a lot of feelings for these boys. If you have a problem with that, feel free to block or unfollow me. You don't need to be in my space.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮
Thanks for stopping by and reading this far! There's more information about my name and Rei under the cut below for the curious.
Feel free to have a look around and interact with me whenever you like! I’d love to hear what you think of my ideas.
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All of my writing can be found in my blog directory.
Quick tags:
─── ・*☆・゚ Zayne, Dawnbreaker, Foreseer, Master
─── ・*☆・゚ Scenarios, Headcanons, Poems
─── ・*☆・゚ Vampire AU, LADS Soundtrack, Zayne Tier Lists
─── ・*☆・゚ Hunter's Diary, Glint Photos
─── ・*☆・゚ Zayne Favourites, Sylus Favourites
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─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓵𝓯 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪
A rough translation of my Saniwa username: 天狼星
This is the star Sirius, which roughly translates to "heavenly wolf star" in Chinese/Japanese.
I wanted a daimyou-style title for my saniwa self-insert, so it turned into Wolf of Celestia.
Don't be fooled by the name, though. I'm actually just a smol wet puppy burdened with feelings for boys who don't exist.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼
“Elara” is the name of one of Jupiter's moons. In Greek mythology, she is a mortal princess with an unfortunately lame story. But I liked the sound of the name so I kept it.
The pronunciation on wikipedia is EL-ara. I also accept el-ARA.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓓𝓪𝔀𝓷
You may have noticed that I call him Rei in some posts and Zayne in other posts. Sometimes even in the same post, like this one. This is a very deliberate choice.
I first learned of his existence from Satou Takuya retweeting one of the promo videos for the game before it was released, so even before Day 1, I knew him as Rei. (And I was downbad for him without even knowing a thing about him.)
He is still Rei to me and always will be, but for ease of communication, I call him Zayne.
Long story short,
I call him Zayne when:
I'm referring to his character in general
I'm writing something meant for the rest of tumblr to reblog or engage with
I call him Rei when:
I'm referring to "My Rei", the Rei in my game, and the F/O of my yume ship.
─── Usually used in personal posts about my sappy feelings, not really meant to be engaged with
I'm referring to the character who is voiced by Satou Takuya and speaks Japanese.
─── Usually used to comment on SatoTaku's voice work specifically
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼
In my scenarios, I usually put dialogue and emphasized words in certain colours
MC is red because… put simply, that’s my colour
Zayne is always blue
Foreseer is always purple
Master is always green
But because tumblr is mostly in dark mode and I’m too lazy to add colours that aren’t on the default options, Dawnbreaker is usually red
Because if he were to choose a colour, it would always be hers
The only time Dawnbreaker isn’t in red is when MC is in the same scenario. In those cases, Dawnbreaker is the default text colour, relinquishing his colour to her
Because he would choose to be empty if it meant he could stay with her for just a little longer
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That's all for now! I'll keep this updated if I need to add more links or information.
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Final note: Yes my whole aesthetic is space and stars. Yes, my main is 10000% Rei LMAO I am so sorry Seiya
Dividers by saradika-graphics, cafekitsune
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bloedewir · 9 months ago
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
"Fen'Harel and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"
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Don't get me wrong here: destroying of the world is bad and etc yet I feel extremely sorry for Solas.
If Rook is pictured with the ritual dagger on promos it means they will have it. It's unlikely those daggers is a common weapon or sold 10 pieces per silver coin.
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So it's the second time Solas' plan ruined by random hero-to-be who's kinda stealing an important thing belongs to Solas. He's is just keep rolling a Nat 1 over and over again.
Here's the dagger
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Then he lost it. Probably because of the blast. Turned around to look for it, but there is Rook already and suspicious pile of something glowy. May be the dagger or Varric or Varric and the dagger.
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New arrivals are not in a mood to wait any longer (just like da-fans.. sorry for that 😅), so Solas be like: "damn with the dagger keep it to yourself unknown mortal".
I slowed the gif a bit. Obviously it's Ghilan'nain. And supposable Loki x Thranduil child (my bets on Dirthamen/Falon'Din btw).
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Apparently Solas decided to leave the party because it's gone too wild. So he flees to the opened rift (it looked like a conscious move not an accident but who knows).
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It seems to me he's doing something with his hand. Some fast movements or so. It could be some protection magic or navigation spell or just a tremor or a glitch. Hard to see even slowed and contrasted.
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(even if it's a hopeless idea to analyze just a piece of gameplay trailer especially if many things may be changed to release i love it. that time full of speculations and theories is a great time)
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rayneing-on-your-parade · 5 months ago
International Podcast Day!
I'm a little late, but today was busy with work and writing. So for podcast day here's my list of podcast recommendations (along with tumblr links if they have them so you can follow):
(I am not above promoing my own show)
Slowly Unspooling is a serial fiction podcast that follows Kai and their journey to discover the secrets of some tapes that showed up one day. Tapes with their voice on them.
Kai will have to battle with themself and their family to unspool the mystery that has decided to involve them.
length: 10 episodes so far season 2 starting next week
Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality
(follow the creator for this and next @dom-guilfoyle
Hello, and welcome to the Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality. The Audio Tour Guide will be your window into the history of the museum and its exhibits today.
Please note, that if you notice your version of the Audio Tour Guide behaving oddly, kindly ensure that you dispose of your Audio Device in the nearest incinerator at the earliest convenience.
Personal Review: This story about finding your place in a world, is one of the best I have ever listened to or read. The narratives are weaved perfectly together and I will protect Guide with my life. Stay safe out there.
Length: 79 episodes, completed
Tales of the Low City
Deep beneath the soil of a dead world, there is life.
Tales From The Low City is a collection of tales from a strange, bleak, and beautiful world where all creatures great and small, ambitious and content, bipedal and tripedal and quadrupedal must come together and make something like "civilisation".
Personal Review: I just started this one after being on the patreon for a while, and I love it. The stories are so well written and as I wrote in an episode review: Dom's main talent has always laid in their ability to tell a story that everyone can relate to, but is more than a simple "i can relate" to some. This episode does just that.
Length: 10, incomplete
The Magnus Archives
Description: “Make your statement, face your fear.” A weekly horror fiction podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join Jonathan Sims as he explores the archive, but be warned, as he looks into its depths something starts to look back…
Personal Review: Honestly, i don't think I ever sat down to review this one, its so good. Jonathan Sims is one of my favorite authors and while each episode may not be your cup of tea, the whole show has something for everything.
Length: 200 episodes, complete
Liminal Apocalypse
Description: It's the end of the world... Or is it? Five people retreat into an underground doomsday bunker fearing nuclear fallout, and when they get there they start receiving radio transmissions from the outside. But the information they're receiving, just doesn't quite add up.
Personal Review: Short and heart wrenching, Liminal Apocalypse delivers a tale of hope and love defying odds no matter the outcome.
Length: 3 episodes, complete
Description: Wanderer’s Journal is a fantasy fiction podcast about Marigold and Pluto, two people from different backgrounds, and their unlikely friendship formed through a magical journal that links them. Each of them finds a journal, learns that their voice is recorded into it, and can be both read and played back to the other. Unbeknownst to them, they become a part of an ancient mystery, and see the world from new angles.
Personal Review: Marigold and Pluto do not fail to entertain, the two of them, unlikely friends in different but similar situations is everything.
Length: 10 episodes, crowdfunding for s2 right now, find a link on their tumblr
Old Gods of Appalachia
Description: In the mountains of central Appalachia, blood runs as deep as these hollers and just as dark. Since before our kind knew these hills, hearts of unknowable hunger and madness have slumbered beneath them. These are the darkest mountains in the world. How dare we think we can break the skin of a god and dig out its heart without bringing forth blood and darkness? Old Gods of Appalachia is a horror-anthology podcast set in the shadows of an Alternate Appalachia, a place where digging too deep into the mines was just the first mistake.
Personal Review: The storylines weave together wonderfully and manage to, in a story about creatures and those more than human, touch on the human story.
Length: 70 episodes, New season 10/31/2024
The Sheridan Tapes
Description: In 2018, famed horror writer Anna Sheridan disappeared, leaving behind only a box of mysterious cassette tapes. Detective Sam Bailey is tasked with piecing together what happened to Anna Sheridan from the seemingly impossible encounters she recorded, but as the scattered pieces of the puzzle come together, Bailey discovers that the picture is even stranger – and more dangerous – than it seemed.
Personal Review: I haven't completed this one, but so far I love the story. Just when you think you have it figured out, no you don't.
Length: ~100 episodes (not entirely sure my rss feed won't show me), completed
Description: A book that ties many together. Who picks up a copy? What powers do they serve? Between missing people and people missing, who will you trust? Twigs and Hearts Open at your own risk.
Personal Review: Each episode made me fall in love more. I am on team angel forever and always. (I have a problem). The story is told in such an interesting format that pleases my soul.
Length: 8 episodes so far, s2 tba
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straightbaittournament · 1 year ago
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
twelve and missy:
they literally kiss and flirt all the time but canonically are meant to be like. best friend turned mortal enemies turned ALLMOSOST best friends again not not because of a heartbreaking misunderstanding/turn of events. missy is referred to as 12's "man-crush". but ultimately the nature of their relationship is ambiguous/not "endgame"/never consummated in any sense of the word, platonically or romantically. they like CANNOT tell each other how they feel about each other
Used to be queerbait. Decided to switch it up. They are gay and in love but also m/f presenting. If a rivalry last longer than a few millennia you aren't rivals, you're just gay.
Although the Twelfth doctor and Missy appear straight presenting, two genderfluid beings are not really "straight". Missy and Twelve had romantic undertones and even kissed a few times but ultimately did not end up together They are so so gender. They used to be two guys in gay love. Now they appear to be a man and a woman but really do they even have gender at all? I say no. It's just a fun game to them. In their future they literally swap genders. The universe would be better off if they had ended up together but they still wouldn't have been straight <3
roman and gerri:
a very queer coded Hetero relationship. slime puppy is real that’s s real thing she says
they absolutely have a weird fucking thing going on. weird coworkers with benefits mommy dom undertones thing going on except they never actually touch they just flirt and dirty talk obscenely and show-typically office talk about taking over the company and backstabbing. this is a thing for like one season and then it's dropped with little to no mention of what's in store for them or like what the fuck happened. no development no conclusion it just happened and then uhhhhhhh. they got screentime as a pair like once in a blue moon. romangerri girls were gnawing at scraps
milf x ratboy. they have like a weird sexual thing going on until they mutually betray each other on several occasions and then they end the show on bad terms but where they both still clearly have lingering feelings for each other. romangerri is basically just like queerbaiting but with straight people. have you seen their season 2 promo poster
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