#promise I will answer asks + catch up on stuff very soon…. universe has had other plans so far
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Listen, if hori doesn’t put them in the final battle, I bloody well will lmao /lh
I have doodles to do, things to catch up on and asks to get to but my body decided to make me very suddenly ill (>:[) in the midst of some serious college stuff, so just have this for now <3
I want to see all of them feral, dishevelled and fighting, so I am playing with the blorbos like toy dolls :)
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gliphyartfan · 3 years
@yandere-linked-universe @stars-for-thought @linked-heroes @ice-cream-writes-stuff
@imprisioned-in-the-hole I loved your prompt and couldn't resist! Hope I did it justice!
Wind has a strong presence in this one, that wasn't planned by the way.
'I'll be fiine guys.'
She totally should have saw this coming.
'This is Wars' era, wandering the market won't that bad.'
Yep— these past few days had been too damn calm for the all of them,
'I'll be gone for an hour! Two hours tops! Promise!'
Of course something like this was going to go and happen.
'This. fucking. sucks!' She grunted, slowly slide down the rope she made out of the sheets in the room she was trapped in.
This is what happens when you jinx yourself.
'Everything will be fine!' Oh suuure, the first hour was delightful.
Saw some items,
Chatted with some folks,
Even got to pet a few dogs!
But the second hour-
'His Grace wishes to discuss some things with you.'
'Sorry, you got the wrong person. Plus I don't feel comfortable with-'
'That wasn't a request.'
She should have know there would have been someone behind her.
It's always when it's out of your mind that it happens.
And now she was trying to escape her own wedding. And the crazy Duke that wanted to marry her.
She wasn't a hero damnit!
'I'm gonna get lectured so badly after this!' She grunted as she reached the end of the rope, her feet dangling in the air for a moment as she tried to figure out what to do next.
'Damn you laws of physics and gravity!' She whispered to herself.
Physics and gravity decided to take her insult personally as the rope loosened its hold on the railing, causing her to fall into the bushes two feet below her.
'Urk-branch! Branch!' She hissed in pain, reaching underneath and removing the branch poking at her back.
As she rubbed the area, brushing the crumpled sheet from her head, she checked her hand to make sure she wasn't bleeding.
Before she could plan her next move, she stilled as she heard the heavy thuds and clanks of armour approach nearby.
The movement came closer, she used her place in the bushes to keep hidden. Slowly parting the leaves next to her with one hand, she used what visibility she had to discover that yes, it was a pair of guards and the conversation that flowed through the air confirmed they weren't Hyrule guards.
'Is the Duke really gonna marry that girl?'
'Seems to be the case. He's been very pleased with himself too. Looks like he's trying to get the wedding done by tonight.'
Double drat.
'I don't blame him, you've seen that girl? Bet he's eager for the wedding night.'
Okay. NO.
'Haha! A beauty like that for a wife would be quite the status boost.'
The guards walked past the bush and it's hidden occupant.
Had they looked back, they would have seen a displeased glare directed their way.
(y/n) huffed and looked around, trying to remember where the exit was.
With another glance around, she picked up her dress and slowly made her way out of the bushes, pausing momentarily before taking off the heels she was forced to wear
'I can't run and climb in this dress.' Trying to think about what to do next, she looked down at her clothes.
'Link please-'
'Don't tell me to calm down Zelda!'
Wind bit his lip as Warriors marched up to the princess' face and growled.
'Impa is having her men search the castle and surrounding areas, we will find her.' Zelda tried to reassure him, taking a step back when he glared.
'It's been a WEEK and you have nothing to show for it!' He ran a head through his hair, taking a deep breath to calm down.
'You know I've been busy with-'
'With the Grand Duke of the farther kingdom who is here as a token of peace and unity between kingdoms.' Warriors recited irritably. 'Yes, very understandably important when someone went missing under the watch of YOUR men.'
'She was last seen in the market, we have blocked the gates and are inspecting every individual leaving the city.' Zelda gave Warriors a look.
'And might I remind you that they are also your men?'
'Apparently not anymore with how you let them slacked off!'
'Excuse me-'
Wind sighed as they started arguing again.
They were getting nowhere.
'This is going nowhere.' Wind turned and saw Hyrule coming up next to him, watching the arguing duo.
'Any luck with the others?' He asked quietly, not surprised when Hyrule shook his head.
'Twilight is using Wolfie to catch any scents but the storm has made that difficult. Time is with Legend and Wild speaking to the merchants and Four is with Sky speaking with the guards.' Hyrule replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Wind felt the same way.
None of them were able to sleep well since she went missing. The only reason they slept at all was because they needed to be rested enough in the event a fight comes their way.
But the lack of her presence was deeply felt.
'Any luck here?' Hyrule asked hollowly, already knowing the answer but still asking.
Wind simply gestured to the still arguing duo.
'Is she even still in town?' He couldn't help but ask, not wanting to think of the possibility that she was far away, but it was necessary.
'She has to be,' Hyrule reassured,smiling weakly. 'The town went on lockdown almost immediately.'
Wind returned Hyrule's smile with a weak one of his own.
They turned back to the duo, feeling more tired as they listened to the princess justify her duties.
'I am already dealing with the Grand Duke and I can't give anymore of my attention to this than I already have.' Warriors just gave her a look.
'I wouldn't be bothering so much if you allowed me access to his guest quarters.' It was Zelda's turn to glare at him.
'You know I cannot do that, he is a guest and has nothing to do with her disappearance.' Only Wind and Hyrule noticed the way Warriors hand twitched, as if desiring to reach for his sword.
Not that they could blame him.
'I am not accusing him Princess,' he said through gritted teeth. 'I am merely requesting-'
'That I allow you access to his quarters.' The displeased expression on the princess' face only matched the captain's.
'Annnd they're arguing again.' Wind muttered, watching them fall back into another verbal brawl.
'The only place we haven't looked is the guest wing.' Hyrule whispered, wringing his hands.
'You think we should sneak in?' Hyrule looked at the arguing pair and nodded.
'Yeah...it's better than assuming nothing is there.'
'Alright...Wars!' The angered captain looked at them, a scowl on his face.
'Rulie thinks he has a lead at the market so I'm heading out with him.' Wind kept a casual look on his face, staring Warriors in the eyes.
Warriors was quiet for a brief moment before he grunted and turned back to arguing his case with the princess.
But he was less tense than he was a moment before.
He understood what they were going to do.
'He'll keep her distracted.' Wind murmured, tugging Hyrule out of the room.
'And Impa?' Wind sighed and rubbed his shoulder.
'Still searching the market place I bet, we gotta be quick.'
And with that, they both headed to the guest wing of the castle.
The guest wing wasn't too far away, probably for the convenience of whatever foreign guests came to visit.
But it was walled off and the Grand Duke's personal guard was patrolling the area, forcing the duo to sneak their way in.
'I really hope we find something.' Hyrule whispers, the two stilling as a guard passed by their hiding place.
'Best place to look is the most obvious place.' Wind reassured. 'And the most obvious place is a area that's being guarded by enemy guards.'
Hyrule didn't correct him about the guards.
If she was here, they were enemies.
'Let's look through the rooms! Top or bottom floor?' Hyrule hummed.
'We're good at escaping from higher levels, and there's only two floors, let's start low and move up.'
They worked together, both alerting the other when a guard was close.
Soon they snuck passed the majority and reached the first set of rooms.
Then the second set.
Then the third.
They moved up to the second floor and quietly searched through each room.
It was in the Grand Duke's room that they found incriminating evidence on his desk.
'I can't read this language,' Wind whispered harshly as he glared at the papers in front of him. ' but I know (y/n)'s name anywhere!'
'Take it, we can sure it to the princess.' Hyrule whispered back, keeping watch at the door. He tensed when he saw a couple of guards round the corner. 'We need to go!'
'This is the last room and we haven't found her!'
'We found evidence and that's a better than what we had before, now move!'
It took some time to shuffle out the window and climb down, but they were successfully able to make their escape from the guest wing without notice.
'A lead, that's good.' Wind gasped, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
'But still no (y/n)' Hyrule bite his thumb nervously. 'I hope she's okay...'
'We can't lose hope!' Wind grunted, stretching his back and sighing.
'Let's go, we need to show these papers to the others before we give it to the princess-'
The sailor went rigid, eyes snapping forward, widening.
'What's wrong Wind?' Hyrule asked worriedly, hand on the younger teen's shoulder.
The teen bit his lip to keep his expression from crumbling and his breath was shaky,
'(y/n)...?' Hyrule's own eyes widened and his head snapped to look when Wind was staring.
There, in a torn dirty white dress, no shoes, and messy hair, was their beloved goddess looking around, visibly distressed.
'(y/n)..?' Wind raised his voice, hope as visible in his tone as it was in his eyes.
Hyrule's heart felt such relief as their beautiful goddess' head snapped in their direction.
The smile she gave them was simply magnificent as she immediately ran toward them.
The moment she was close, she wrapped her arms around the both of them and began to cry, relief filling her.
'You have no idea how happy I am to see you two!' She hugged them closer.
'WE'RE happy to see you!' Wind sighed happily, resting his head in her shoulder, both him and Hyrule hugging her as tightly as she was hugging them.
Just having her in their arms was a blessing they treasured so much.
'Where have you been? How did you escape?' She sighed and shook her head.
'I'd rather tell it one time.' She looked around.
'Please tell me the others are near by?' She whispered, absolutely exhausted and didn't want to deal with any more drama.
'Well...no. They are looking for you in town. We snuck into the guest wing to look for you.' Hyrule answered apologetically, heart clenching when she sniffled.
Wind frowned for a moment before he gasped in excitement.
'I'll rally them up!' Hyrule and (y/n) looked at him in confusion as he reached into his pouch.
'Wild has the slate! And if he has the slate-' he pulls out what he was searching for.
'Then we can reach him with this!' (y/n) tilted her head.
'A...stone?' Wind grinned at them, the pirate's charm dangling from his fingers.
'A COMMUNICATION stone!' (y/n) gasped in delight and gave Wind another hug.
'Call him! Call him!' Wind laughed and activated the stone.
'Um, I've been meaning to ask...' Hyrule quietly said to (y/n) who looked at him innocently. '...About your..outfit...'
Wind ignored them for a brief moment as Wild's tired voice came from the pirate's charm.
'What is it sailor?'
'Guess who me and Hyrule found!' Wind grinned as he heard gasps.
'You found her?! Is she safe?!'
'They found her?!'
'She's okay! We're by the-'
Wind turned his head so fast, he winced at the pop he felt, the loud yells coming from his charm filling the air.
'WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!!' (y/n) winced as she realized the panic she just caused
He couldn't help it, Wind laughed, soft and just a little hysterical.
Of course an insect had to pop up when they let their guard down.
'Where is she.'
'Sir, we have our men searching for her this very moment.'
'I want her found by TONIGHT, the wedding will go as planned.'
'Of course sir!' The Grand Duke scowled as his guard walked off.
He is so close to raising his status.just another day and he would have been on top of the social world. He sneered, like a child, storming down the halls of the guest wing.
'Should have simply left with her when I had the chance.' He ran a gloved hand down his face.
To think he had one of the heroes of legend in his grasp only for her to have slipped through his fingers.
He'll have to make sure to teach her a lesson.
'Sir!' He sighed irritably, turning to see another one of his guard approaching him.
'What is it? Did you find her?' The guard looked nervous.
'Sir, Princess Zelda is requesting your presence in the throne room at once.' The Grand Duke tensed and stared at the guard.
'Are you sure?' The guardsman nodded, stepping back when the Duke growled.
'Of all the times...' He looked back at the guardsman. 'Continue looking for the girl.'
After the guardsman nodded, he decided to get it over with and headed to the throne rooms.
'Grand Duke, thank you for coming at such a short notice.'
'Your Highness.' The Grand Duke bowed to her, as he rose he noticed the nine gentlemen standing to either side of her.
The heroes of legend.
The Grand Dukes greed brought to mind the rise in his status at what might be a possible meeting with the legendary nine.
He was to arrogant to realize the cold looks he was receiving from them.
She smiled, nodding in greeting. 'I apologize for disturbing your day Grand Duke, I understand how frustrating it can be, but I heard of a strange rumor recently and I had hoped you would clarify it for me?'
'Please rest assured Princess, I will do all that I can to assist you.' He said, smiling openly, the perfect gentleman.
'Splendid. Now,' She dropped the smile. 'Did you conspire to abduct the heroes' companion and force her to wed you?'
The Grand Duke froze, paling as the question registered in his head.
'Ah. Before I continue, allow me to properly introduce the gentleman before me-'
'There is no need your Highness,' calmly interrupted Time, coldly gazing down at the nervous Nobleman. 'He is as aware of our identities as we are aware of his.'
'And you seem to be very aware of the identity of our most dearest companion.' Legend hissed from his place next to Time, glaring daggers at the unsettled man.
The Grand Duke's expression twisted into fear, anger, and panic.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he cleared his throat. 'I'm sure I don't know what you're speaking of.' He calmly answered.
'Perhaps a misunde-'
' A misunderstanding? I'm sure.' Warriors scoffed, looking at Zelda with a raised eyebrow.
She sighed "Lets not fool ourselves here, we all know what this is about.' She stared sternly at him. 'You abducted the young woman known as (y/n) and were conspiring to wed her for...status?'
'She isn't very happy about being kidnapped.' Wild said casually, as if he was not wishing he could jam a bomb down the Grand Duke's throat and detonate it.
It seemed the arrogant man could barely handle being talked down in such a way. His clenched fists trembled in anger.
'I will not allow such accusations to be made against my person!' He looked at Zelda, face flushed in anger.
'If you believe that our kingdoms will be allied after this, I assure you that-'
'If your kingdom is full of noblemen like you, than Hyrule would benefit by NOT allying with you.' Warriors interjected, ignoring Zelda's stern look towards him, looking down his nose at him.
'You have no proof!' Warriors sighed and nodded.
'I suppose I don't.' He was silent until the Duke looked smug before he matched his expression with one of his own, pointing behind the Duke.
'But she's proof enough.'
'Oh, so I'm demoted to proof now, am I?'
The Duke went rigid, his mouth snapping shut on the words just spoken as he slowly turned his head-.
An dispassionate look directed right at him.
'Apologies my Angel.' Warriors smiled softly at her. 'No insult meant.'
'Hmm.' She raised an eyebrow, a brief glance at Warriors before looking at the Grand Duke.
'(y/n) I ask for complete honesty.' Zelda commands. 'Was the Grand Duke the man behind your abduction with intention to force you to wed him?' (y/n) nodded.
'Yes your Highness.' Zelda closed her eyes and sighed.
'Very well, I will arrange for his departure tonight.' The Grand Duke's face a unique combination of red and enraged yet also paling.
'T-This will not stand! When my king hears of this-.'
'We have already sent your king the information of your crimes.' The princess proclaimed to the unsteady nobleman.
'You are no longer welcomed within the borders of Hyrule Kingdom and are henceforth outlawed from ever returning. Impa shall escort you to the guest wing to retrieve your belongings.'
Zelda then turned and strode away, but not before sending an apologetic glance at Warriors.
He simply returned her look with a blank one.
(y/n) walked passed the royal knights that now surrounded Grand Duke and made her way to the group.
'I'm so glad you guys found me.' She said with relief in her voice.
'You ended up saving yourself dear.' Time chuckled, reaching up and cupping her cheek. 'And we were panicking like we lost our minds.'
'I was panicking when Wind and Hyrule popped up.' She admitted. 'Trust me, I was so happy and relieved to be found by you guys.'
'We'll always find you (y/n)!' Wind chirped, wrapping his arms around her waist, causing her to giggle.
'Well I guess it has it's uses.' She clapped her hands.
'I'm hungry and demand all the cuddles! I hated this week!' Wild was already pulling out his slate and looking through his inventory.
'I'll make a meal that'll taste so good, you'll forget this week ever happened!' (y/n) grinned in delight.
'That's what I want to hear!'
The Chain surround her as they guided her out of the throne room, the angry cries of the Grand Duke not worth notice.
Yet two members of the group lingered behind.
And they were eyeing the fuming nobleman with calculating eyes.
'We could have been a bit more...hands on with his punishment... ya know that don't you old man...?' Wind commented, his treasured wind waker in one hand.
'As enjoyable as it would be, I don't want to spend a moment longer away from Her.' Wind sighed but nodded in agreement , crossing his arms, tapping his wind waker against his chin.
'So the storm will kill him?' Time nodded, inspecting his Ocarina casually.
'I have more than enough magic to conjure one strong enough.'
'You've already had Wild damage parts of the ship correct?' Wind nodded. 'Than once I summon the storm, make sure the winds finish the job.'
Wind hummed. 'Kay.'
They both looked at the shrinking form of the dead man walking.
'Ugh, I hate bugs.' Wind huffed, a disgusted look on his face.
Time stared at the Duke until he could not see him no more.
'Hm..So do I...'
That night, the group of nine celebrated the return of their most beloved member, lavishing her with their affection and as she requested, all the cuddles she asked for.
(That night, reports were received by two kingdoms that notes a vicious storm appeared as the Grand Duke's ship sailed beyond the Hyrulian sea borders. Destroying the ship beyond recognition. There were no survivors.)
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
kind of an odd request — do you have fics where erik is grumpy with everyone else but a ray of sunshine with charles?
Hi anon, thank you for the ask. First and foremost, I'm so sorry for how long this took me but I've been searching for all the fics that come to mind that fit your request. Second, this is not an odd request because I love this trope so much. I mean, it's basically canon that he's grumpy with everyone except for his Charles, right? Anyway, I might add to this list later on, but I can't sit on this any longer and hope that you have found some fics that you enjoy!!
Fic Recs Where Erik is grumpy with everyone but a ray of sunshine with Charles
Twice as Blind – Darksknight
Summary: Erik is probably the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, and because of this, he'll probably die alone. Charles is a complete flirt and playboy and, probably, will never commit to anyone ever.
(The lesson here is that when you have two friends who are BOTH secretly seeing someone, well, it's probable that they're seeing each other.)
In the moonlight, on a joy ride – scarlettblush
Summary: Librarian AU. Charles is the young librarian and Erik is the college student who is completely besotted with him.
The Proper Care of Actors – Clear_Liqueur, Clocks, Etherei, afrocurl
Summary: Erik is an A-list action star who is notoriously difficult to work with, until the day he gets cast alongside Charles Xavier, rom-com darling who can charm the pants off movie audiences the world over and apparently even one Erik Lehnsherr. The paparazzi catch them out and about soon enough, and their real-life Hollywood movie romance becomes instant tabloid fodder.
Rumor Mill – ikeracity
Summary: Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends.
So it's obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he's bringing his husband. There's rumors flying round about how much of a masochist or equally antisocial bastard Erik's husband must be to put up with him. Others think he must be a meek mouse perhaps bullied by Erik.
What they weren't expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik's arm. What they certainly weren't expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
Work/Life Balance – pocky_slash
Summary: Alex is pretty sure his weird, anti-social boss is a robot. Right up until the guy's adorable husband shows up. His adorable husband who happens to be a famous actor. His adorable husband who happens to be the very same famous actor who was the source of many of Alex's teenage fantasies.
Terrifying Domesticity – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is the most dangerous and notorious mafia boss around for miles, and yet the strangest things terrify him.
For example: his children, and his very pregnant mate.
Of kittens and teacups and love – Ren
Summary: Modern AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he's maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
Fools Rush In – LoveSupreme
Summary: Erik owns a cafe on the edge of campus and accidentally starts maybe-stalking a Biology Professor there.
Growing Pains – ikeracity
Summary: Twelve-year-old Erik Lehnsherr is an angry, closed-off foster kid with trust issues and a bad temper. Ten-year-old Charles Xavier is a lonely kid in boarding school who just wants a friend.
Logan pretends he doesn't think they're both fucking adorable.
Home Together (The Finding Our Way Remix) – significantowl
Summary: Erik is not the sort of person other students strike up conversations with. His expression, his posture, every part of his manner say: Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to talk to you. But none of that stops the boy ahead of him in line with the collapsible white cane, and nothing can stop Erik from falling for him, like it or not.
Melted Ice Cream and Macaroni Art – pocky_slash
Summary: Everybody likes Charles. Nobody likes Erik. And that's really the source of Erik's doubts. Also, there's ice cream and a baby. Part of ‘the Daycare’ verse.
Walling in or Walling Out – stlkrchck
Summary: Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
(Wise Men Say) Only Fools Rush In – wildelybroken
Summary: After reading a fic where Erik and Charles are super sluts, meet at what is presumably Raven and Emma's engagement party, and end up sleeping together, I made the following comment and just inspired myself.
"They start casually texting each other throughout the day, maybe while they’re bored or frustrated at work, and start out meeting up and sleeping together semi-frequently. And eventually they accidentally start dating without noticing it at first, not until Raven and Emma get them alone and are like “wtf you two super sluts are actually dating??” And at first they deny, but then they’re both like “holy shit, we are!” And they meet back at one of their places and they don’t have to say anything, they just look at each other and come together immediately, kissing passionately and ~making love~. In the middle of it they realise that’s what they’ve been doing for a long time now and they confess their love to each other and they live happily ever after because they deserve all the good in the world."
For Charles – Shigai
Summary: Tired of being told he has to find his 'heart', classical piano graduate Erik Lehnsherr decides to travel to Italy and drink from the famous Italian passion for music. While searching for it, he meets Charles Xavier, a graduate in Fine Arts who is basically travelling around the world perfectioning his technique, and who will turn his world upside down.
Together they will discover that, sometimes, what you thought you didn't need is what you needed the most.
Erik Hates People – Anonymous
Summary: Erik hates people- it's his rule, a way of living.
Sugar – humanitys_cutest
Summary: Erik glances at the clock for what feels like the tenth time in less than half the minutes. It feels like he's been in some meeting or other since the day started almost 10 hours ago, and he's had just about enough of listening to these pompous old men discuss what would be the best design for his building like they know anything about it. He tries as subtly as possible to massage his temples to assuage the building migraine, but he knows it's no use.
He just wants to go home.
Everyone Likes Charles – Rosawyn
Summary: '“Everyone who's met him likes him.” Cain's grin was even stupider than before. “Once you meet him, you'll see.”
It was almost like a challenge then. And damn. Erik hated saying no to a challenge.'
Still Going Strong – JackyJango
Summary: Speaking of forty-eight, Erik hates it. Hates it even more that others are aware of it. While he’s pragmatic enough to know and accept that aging is inexorable, the increase in number gives the people around him the freedom to pounce at him with questions, opinions and advice he'd fought to keep at bay all year.
Besides, Erik believes that youth is a state of mind, not a phase in one’s life.
You have a child’s mind in a man’s body, Charles constantly tells him.
But despite his age, Erik is healthy. He works out daily. His muscles are steel and he can dead-lift four hundred pounds. He can break bones without breaking a sweat. Most importantly, he can still carry Charles to the bedroom and fuck him senseless. And as long as Erik can do that, he’s perfectly happy.
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed – hllfire
Summary: Charles meets Erik, the man he had heard about many times from his sister and some friends, on a rainy Sunday morning. The stories about Erik paint him as a distant and intimidating man, but Charles finds out that maybe the stories had been wrong.
How to Successfully Ruin Your Life – humanveil
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Charles Xavier accepts a job at his local café, expecting nothing more than a fun, new pastime. What he gets is a mysterious customer and a schoolboy crush.
Stolen – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is a miserable, grumpy, cantankerous bastard, and he has every fucking right to be. He drew the short end of the stick when he got the Underworld as his domain, and there isn't very much fun to be had in judging and governing dead souls who would rather be anywhere else but with Erik in the depths of Hell.
So when he meets Charles, brilliant and lovely Charles who is more popularly known amongst the mortals as Persephone, and feels the promise of something wonderful that could make his eternally doomed existence infinitely more bearable... you can bet all your drachmas Erik's not going to let Charles go any fucking time soon.
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours – magneto, pangea
Summary:Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
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jihyuncompass · 3 years
A Birthday Visit
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Well well well would you look at that. My very first Tears of Themis fic is for Marius’s birthday who could have guessed (anyone who knows me) Happy Birthday Marius, I can’t wait to see you again <3
For future reference, this fic was written for Marius’s 2021 birthday. As of yet Tears of Themis has not been released for the English audiences. I have played the beta but there is a chance Marius will be a little out of character as a result of the timing. 
Summary: You visit Marius’s work to celebrate his birthday with him, even if he’s a little busy 
Marius x MC
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: N/A
The PAX building was an intimidating one. That thought always came into your mind when you approached it. While the Law Firm was also one of the large skyscrapers that made up the Stellis skyline, the PAX building was taller, and quite the intimidating addition to said skyline. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d been here, far from it, but it was rare for you to go into PAX for a non professional reason, or without being explicitly invited by Marius. You looked up at the building, even without meaning to your eyes focused on the window you knew belonged to Marius’s office. There was a good chance he was in there right now. 
Adjusting your bag over your shoulder you walked through the doors and into the bustling first floor.  
You walked through the groups of professionally dressed employees standing to chat idly, or summarize the recent meetings they had. Or stop to enjoy their coffee for a little while before getting back to work. 
“Welcome to the PAX group.” One of the receptionists started as you walked to the desk. “How can I help you today?” You cleared your throat, speaking as eloquently as you can. 
“Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Von Hagen? I’m a friend.” You said to the receptionist. She raised an eyebrow and looked up at you. Scrutinizing your appearance.  
“I’m sorry, Mr. Von Hagen doesn’t see anyone without a meeting.” You pressed your lips together, 
“I can promise you he’s a good friend of mine, it’s his birthday and-” 
“I’m sorry I have no way to verify that you are who you say you are.” The receptionist said. You reviewed your options in your head, clearly she wasn't going to let you go up there on the promise of being a friend. 
After a moment of brainstorming an idea came to you, digging through your bag you showed the receptionist your work ID badge, listing you as a lawyer for the Themis Law Firm. 
“I’m also Mr. Von Hagen’s personal lawyer, he knows who I am.” The receptionist squinted at the ID, hesitant of it’s quality and authenticity. After typing at her computer briefly she sighed and relented. 
“Aright, I do see your name here. I’ll let you up there and I’ll give a call to Mr. Von Hagen’s assistant to let them know you’re here.” You thanked her and hurried to the elevator. The first challenge was dealt with, now it was just time to go through with the rest of the plan.  
You piled into the elevator with a group of suited men heading to what you assumed were their own desks and offices throughout the building, but you’d be one of the only people going as far up, to nearly the top floor where Marius’s office would be found. 
The elevator was nearly empty by the time you made it up, only a few people exiting with you. 
One of Marius’s assistants was waiting for you on the other side of the elevator. They greeted you as you approached them. 
“Good afternoon.” They said. “I’m afraid to say that Mr. Von Hagen has been stuck in meetings all day so I’m not sure if he’ll be able to see you.” 
You pressed your lips together, you should have asked him in advance, he was usually busier than he always let on. 
“Well I just have a couple things I want to show him, I’m happy to wait for when he has a spare moment.” The assistant seemed unsure but shrugged. 
“Very well, I’ll take you to his office, you can wait there. I’ll let him know that you’re there.” You followed the assistant down the long hallway to the office at the end, the largest by far, belonging to Marius. 
The assistant closed the door behind you, the office was neat and tidy as it always was. Although it was Marius’s office, you were always a little disappointed by just how little of Marius seemed to be in the office. The sleek professional furniture, the carefully organized files, cup full of standard ballpoint pens didn’t seem like Marius. The rebellious, creative and playful Marius you knew well and had grown to adore. 
Sitting on the couch in his office you decided to make use of your time by setting the present you’d gotten him out on the table, along with the small cake box. With your job and caseload you hadn’t had the time to make a particularly fancy or intricate cake. But something small the two of you could easily share.  
You hummed to yourself gently as you got everything set up. Your eyes focused on the work in front of you. So much so you didn’t even notice as the office doors opened while your back was turned. 
“So.” A voice said from behind you. The sudden noise startled you, making you jump. Quickly turning around you were face to face with Marius. Dressed with a full suit, although he had that playful gaze he kept around you. Seeing him, your shoulders relaxed, and a smile crossed your face. “I heard you wanted to see me.” 
“I hoped I could catch you for a minute for your birthday.” You explained to him. “I should have asked about your schedule, I wouldn’t have come if I knew you were so busy.” Marius shook his head. 
“Nah I’m glad you’re here. It’s a perfect surprise.” Marius looked past you and to the table behind you where everything was set up. His eyes lighting up with that almost childlike excitement he got. However that excitement was quickly clouded. 
You frowned. “You don’t have a lot of time huh?”
Marius hesitated to answer you. “I don’t have a lot of time, I have a meeting in a half hour.” 
As you looked from Marius to the table you straighten your back and beamed at him. “Well then let’s make this a fun half hour! Enjoy the time we have.” With this the playfulness returned. The Marius you loved to see. 
Sitting beside one another, you made quick work of slicing the cake into two even slices for the two of you. 
“I’m afraid it’s nothing fancy.” You said. “But I have no doubt it tastes good and that’s what matters, doesn't it?” 
“Did you make it?” Marius asked, a brow raised curiously. 
“I did, I’m not a baker though so be warned.” Marius picked up the fork, picking up the perfect bite of cake to get both the cake and the frosting on top. Watching him closely you made note of his reaction. “What do you think?”
Marius nodded. “It’s good, I think I would even say I’m impressed.” You relaxed against the couch. 
“I’m glad you like it.” You said. “I was worried it wasn’t going to be very good.” You took a bite to taste it yourself, the sweetness of the cake hitting your tongue immediately. You’d had better cakes, but still you couldn’t deny the little part of you that was proud of what you’d made. 
Not wanting to waste your time you quickly leaned forward to push some presents closer. This seemed to grab Marius’s attention away from the cake in his hand. He set it down to pick up one of the gifts, looking over the basic wrapping paper. 
“Go ahead.” You encouraged. “Open it up! Take a look.”  Marius stared with the smallest one, quickly tearing off the paper without much thought. He pulled out two tickets, reading the tiny text on them. “They’re for an upcoming art exhibition I read about online, I thought it’d be fun to go together. I don’t know nearly as much about art as you do but maybe you could teach me some stuff.” 
Marius smirked. “I guess I could spare some of my expansive art knowledge to impart some on you.” 
Holding back from rolling your eyes instead you gave him your best genuine smile. “I would love that. I’d love to learn from you.” Marius seemed pleased by this, as evidenced by the redness that quickly started growing on his face. Looking back at the gift he tried to get himself back under control. 
Similar to the first gift Marius tore the wrapping paper off the second one. This one, a hand held sketchbook, bound nicely with a leather cover, his initials MVH put onto the front. A small note you’d written scribbled onto the first page. 
“This is-”
“Well, you’re always working so hard here, or studying hard at university, and I know you would probably much prefer to be in your studio painting. So, that’s a little sketchbook, one you can carry anywhere.” Flipping through the pages, Marius’s expression turned soft, warm, happy, not holding that playful spark. “I know you probably could afford any notebook in the world, but this one is customized just for you, not another one of these exists just like it.” 
The softness in his face stayed even when he looked up at you, even when he looked down again. 
“Thank you, for this.” He held it carefully in his hands, as if he was afraid of damaging it too soon. Before he could even put pencil to paper for the first time. There were still a couple gifts left, but you let him linger on that one. Trying to memorize every single second in your mind. 
The rest of the gifts were more basic things, special sweets, some art supplies you’d seen when you passed by the art store on your way home. Despite how basic many of these smaller gifts were, he never seemed ungrateful, and equally happy to see each one. 
All the presents unwrapped, and cake nearly finished you both sat together happily. Looking at Marius with the initial excitement wearing off you started to see the exhaustion peeking through. The heaviness in his eyes, the way his shoulders were stiff yet slumped. He looked tired, worn out already. 
“Your assistant said you’ve been in meetings all day?” 
Marius rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, PAX has a big thing coming up. I’ve been in meetings since eight. This is the first break I’ve had all day.” As he spoke he loosened his tie, letting it release some of the tension in his shoulders and neck. 
“You look exhausted.” You said. He sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds. “Have you been resting?” 
Marius’s eyes opened again. “I was at my studio late last night. But I’m fine.” 
You looked more concerned, you doubted he was really resting enough. With everything he did, there was no possible way he was letting himself take breaks. Even on his birthday he seemed to be working full steam ahead. 
“Marius, why don’t you lay down for a bit? Let yourself rest?” Marius looked over at you, as if he was trying to think through it, crunching the numbers in his head. Gently touching his shoulder you turned him to face you, his eyes raised to look at your face. You loosened up his tie some more and unbuttoned the top button on his dress shirt to let him relax. 
 “Come on.” You said in a soft voice. “Rest for a little bit.” 
He considered this for a little while longer. Then let long a long sigh, he let himself lean forward enough to rest his forehead against your shoulder. Reaching up you rubbed his back, gently massaging to let him relax against you. 
“I can’t rest for long.” Marius muttered. “There’s that meeting-”
“Something is better than nothing.” You reminded him. “How about you lie down? You can rest with me until your meeting.” He was still for a little while longer, then lifted his head long enough to move. 
Marius’s head was laying in your lap. You gently played with his hair, running your fingers through the strands. Marius’s eyes slipped closed, his breaths long and even. 
“My meeting-” 
“I’ll get you up when it’s time. Rest right now.” You told him. He sighed and let himself fully rest. 
“Thank you.” He muttered. 
“Happy birthday Marius.” You whispered to him. Watching him rest, you couldn’t help but smile. This moment was going to be over sooner than later, soon he’d have to get up and get himself cleaned up, he’d go to that meeting, and then the next one and the next one until he could call it a day. He’ll probably go to his studio again, even if he’s exhausted. He’ll try and get some rest, but eventually he’ll get up and start it all again. 
But right now he’s with you and resting. Enjoying the short break he could afford. Maybe not the best birthday one could have, but one that was more than happy. 
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Ours (500 Celebration)
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500 Celebration Masterlist
Pairing: Hvitserk/Reader
Prompt: From the Quotes category: “I crave the simplest of love with you. A cold night, warm sheets, and your skin against my own. Certainly, that is all I could ever ask for.”
Word Count: 4279
Warnings: AU, fluff, angst, suggestive themes/implied sex (no smut), most likely OOC, other (canon-typical, but no spoilers of the show past 4b) warnings might apply but I’m choosing not to add them for spoiler reasons, so beware. Consider this a ‘Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ work.
A/N: Hi, yeah, another Hvitserk piece. He’s less intimidating to write and I feel very rusty atm so I’m almost afraid to try to tackle Ivar and fuck up his characterization and stuff, so I need a bit more time. Though, hopefully, I’m posting another entry for the 500 Celebration sometime soon, and that one is for Ivar, pinky promise lol
As it often is, this is an Alternate Universe where everyone lives and the Great Army lasted longer (because fuck canon), but you don’t need to know much of any of that. Established relationship, but kinda.
Hvitserk can’t quite remember what he was doing -or what he was supposed to be doing- before he caught a glimpse of you out of the corner of his eye, but he cannot say he minds how easily you catch his attention, how quickly you manage to make everything else unimportant in his eyes with nothing but your presence.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, but the wide smile betrays you.
“Your sister let me in before leaving,” He offers, seemingly certain and ignoring the voice in the back of his mind that doubts his own words, that questions truly how he got here. But it does not matter, you are walking towards him and seeking his warmth to escape the cold of the world outside this home, and not much aside from how it feels to finally have you in his arms matters much. “You are freezing.”
Tilting your head up, your lips curve into a smile that even after all this time still manages to put him under your spell.
“Warm me up, then.”
His answering chuckle is stifled against your lips, smiling lips against your own as you kiss him with that careful balance of hunger and adoration that pulls tight at his chest.
He drags you with him to the entirely-too-small bed, greedily keeping his hands on your body and almost managing to make you both stumble because of it. But you smile against his lips, and breathe a laugh by his ear when he lets himself fall on the mattress dragging you with him so you’re straddling him, and he can’t find it in him to regret his inability to let you go just yet.
He allows himself to get lost in you, chasing the thrill of hearing his name as a breathless plea, of tasting the evidence of your desire for him, of seeing your eyes darkened and dazed as you look at him.
The cold of the world past this house seeps inside as time goes by, but under warm sheets with your body pressed against his, he can barely feel anything but warmth.
Kisses that were previously ravenous are now slow, but still make pleasure shoot down his spine when your tongue brushes against his or your teeth nip playfully at his bottom lip. Hands that were desperate to grasp and touch at whatever expanse of skin they could now idly trace over your skin with the kind of awe only having you in his arms can evoke in him.
“I missed you.” He is telling you, lazy kisses on the curve of your neck, pretending not to shiver at the light caresses of your hands up and down his back.
“Mhm, I missed you too.” You answer, and it really shouldn’t, but your words feed the stupid fantasy he has had for a while where ‘I missed you’ is between you two another way to say ‘I love you’. At least, for him it is, and he substitutes in these three words the ones he cannot bring himself to say.
“Where were you today?”
“I went to the market, there were new shipments from the east and I wanted to buy some herbs.”
“Does that mean you’ll make that smoked fish soon?”
“No,” You pointedly say, but he hears the smile in your voice. When Hvitserk settles on his side, you do the same, burrowing close. “I am saving these, I will plant them and keep them inside.”
“What for?”
“So I don’t need to buy more. I always wanted a garden of my own,” You are musing, “Especially after that traveler from the East brought those herbs. He taught me to care for them, you know. With my own garden, I could grow them myself.”
He has had you with him since before he left with Bjorn for the Mediterranean, though he will admit you have had his heart for much longer than that. And though each spring he leaves with his brothers back to England, and he has spent one winter in Repton as well, you are always there, waiting for him to return to you.
He has promised you he always will, and he intends on fulfilling that promise for as long as you will have him.
And yet, for a while he has been battling with himself on whether he dares ask for more. He will be the first to admit he is too often plagued by uncertainty, but it isn’t uncertainty what keeps him from asking forever out of you, from promising you the rest of his life if you promise him the rest of yours, no.
Hvitserk has regrettably found out that he would rather have this, with no promises and no certainty, words of love kept trapped on his throat and unheard to the dismay of his heart; than risk asking for more and lose what he has, lose you.
It has certainly never stopped him from imagining it, from hoping for it. A home of just the two of you, a family of your own, children with his eyes and your smile.
And now, drunk on you and still half-delirious with the pleasure and warmth he can only find with you, in your arms; with his hands still greedily tracing every curve of your body, not any longer with the passion of lovemaking but with the inexplainable craving he has for feeling you soft and warm beside him; Hvitserk finds he cannot keep the words from leaving his lips, from betraying his longing, his hopes.
“You could,” He ventures, pretending to be entirely focused on the lock of your hair he is playing with so he can continue to avoid your eyes. “We could, uh, have that.”
“Oh, you’ll build me a house then?” You taunt, laughter seeping through your tone.
Hvitserk takes a breath, tells himself to meet your gaze, and tries, “Buy it, maybe. It would take too long to build it, and winter is upon us, I wouldn’t want you to get s-…”
“Wait, you are serious.”
His smile is hopeless, and he shrugs, praying his voice doesn’t sound as shaky to your ears as it does to his own, “Y-Yeah.”
Just as he takes a breath to say something -he isn’t sure what, his thoughts are too jumbled and his heart is beating entirely too fast-, you sigh, pulling back to look him in the eye.
He resists the urge to flinch, to move away. Perhaps if you think he is unaffected by your rejection, you can ignore he ever dared ask for more, and he can keep you with him.
“You don’t have to-…we can pretend I never asked, yeah?”
He shouldn’t have asked, he should have known better. He…he has ruined this, hasn’t he?
“Is that what you want?”
“N-No.” He can’t lie to you, not even now.
“You want…a house? For the both of us?”
He nods, even though he didn’t need to. That isn’t really a question he could answer no to, not now, not ever.
“Is it…something you want?”
Your smile soothes his still quickly-beating heart, and the hand you lift to cup his cheek makes him realize that he hadn’t known warmth until you touched him, that he hasn’t known warmth since he last felt your touch.
“I want you.” You reply, with ease, with nonchalance, as if it truly is that easy, as if it is that simple for him to get to keep this, keep you.
“I-I will get us one with a garden,” He promises, stumbling over his words, thoughts jumbled. He wants to make sure you know he will make it worthwhile. “You can plant all the herbs you want, and anything else you want. And, uh, and during the winter we can bring your favorites inside so they are safe from the frost.”
Hvitserk is vaguely aware he is still talking, listing things you can do as if you don’t know how gardens -or houses- work; but he can’t stop.
He isn’t sure what it is that compels him to speak so freely now, what it is that lets the edge of his thoughts soften and the prick of uncertainty when daring admit such things lessen.
Perhaps it is the warmth of this home that seeps into his very bones, staving off the cold of this land of rain and mist, letting him forget of a world past the limit of this small house.
But he gathers it has more to do with the way you are looking at him, a softness in the curve of your smile that makes his heart -no longer his, really- stutter a beat, a love of the kind Hvitserk isn’t sure he was meant to have or could ever deserve shining clearly in your gaze.
“How can I be certain you aren’t getting me a garden so I’ll cook more often?”
You startle a laugh from him, and the happiness that bubbles in his chest compels him to cross the distance between you, tilting his head towards yours as he captures your lips, his hand tangling in the hair at the back of your neck as he kisses you softly.
“I promise that isn’t the reason why,” His eyes open to find you smiling, a teasing glint in your eye, and he amends, “That isn’t entirely the reason why.”
You accept his words with another soft kiss, delicate fingers tracing over the side of his face. Hvitserk finds his chest aches, a dull and distant kind of overwhelm, at the adoration he sees shining in your gaze as you let your fingers trace his profile.
“So, a house of our own,” You venture. He is sure he is smiling like an idiot, lovesick and adoring, but he doesn’t much mind. “With my own garden.”
He nods, a little dumbly, realizing a few moments later that you might want words in response.
Clearing his throat to get rid of the sudden tightness of it, Hvitserk promises, “If that is what you want.”
Your fingers are tracing aimlessly over the ink traces of his chest, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps to chase after the almost-phantom touch, and with a breathy tone that betrays your tiredness, you add,
“Mhm, I do. And a big bed.”
Hvitserk knows, and he is certain you know as well, that anything you want to ask from him he will agree to, as long as he gets to have you to come home to, as long as it keeps you with him. But, for appearances’ sake, he argues,
“What for?” To further his point, he runs his fingers over the forearm you’ve wrapped around his waist. There is no night he can remember spending with you where you weren’t entangled with one another, your skin against his and the safety and warmth you offered seeping into him even in your sleep.
“Big family, big bed.” Is all you mutter as a response, as if truly is that simple. As if it is so simple, so effortless, for you to promise him what he has always wanted.
When you burrow closer, legs intertwined with his as your hold on him tightens momentarily, Hvitserk is struck with a realization that for some reason makes a dull ache blossom somewhere in his chest.
For all he may talk and hope and plan, for all the small details he might dream up of a future with you, for all the idyllic images he may give shape in between hoarse whispers in the quiet of night; he truly doesn’t need ask for anything other than this, than you.
Perhaps that is what he is asking for after all in these quiet promises, because daring imagine a world where he gets to keep you, where he gets to have all these small pieces that make up the future he scarcely dares admit to wanting, seems so outlandish, so…unattainable; but if he thinks of them as something as ordinary as a garden, if he thinks of them as tangible things he can make real, that he can give you, then maybe it isn’t so unattainable of a future.
Hvitserk has never quite managed to convince himself he is enough to keep you with him, and in these shared promises of a home of warmth and love and belonging, he finds he can dare ask for what he couldn’t in any other way.
For now, he can ignore the looming dread of having to face you with nothing to offer you other than himself. He isn’t Bjorn, he doesn’t have his brother’s fame and renown, he isn’t Ivar, he has nothing to his brother’s sharp mind or his ambition; the pride you could feel at having them by your side Hvitserk knows he could never even try to compare to. And he isn’t Ubbe, too often it is you who offer strength and certainty to Hvitserk when he has none instead of the other way around, he isn’t Sigurd, he can’t promise devotion and love in the flowery way of poets when too often his thoughts stumble over each other when he tries explaining how he feels; he knows he could never keep you safe and happy the way they could.
But if for now you want him, if for now you love him, then it does not matter. For now, either because you are indulging him or because you haven’t yet realized that he could never be what you deserve, you are promising him the future he has always wanted. A future with you, a future of you, and he can’t ask for nothing else, for nothing else than countless nights like these, for nothing else than the images of a life together that you have made up tonight.
He gathers it really shouldn’t have taken him this long to get it, but…you were the one that proposed the bigger bed. It is foolish, such a small and inconsequential thing you asked out of him, but he dares believe you crave these small promises of a future as much as he does, he dares imagine that you hope for a life together as much as he does.
The light of the fires is so dim it is almost extinguished by now, and absently playing with your hair he wonders if he should get up and revive it, just so you don’t get cold. Though, if you do wake up because of the cold you might wake him so he warms you up, and that sounds much more inviting than leaving the warmth of your arms now.
Still, Hvitserk reaches with one arm and drags one of the furs over you, making sure you stay warm. You take advantage of the movement to snuggle closer to him in your sleep, a slurred word that sounds a lot like his name leaving your lips as you settle with a sigh.
Hvitserk doesn’t remember feeling this happy, this content, in such a long time. Being away from you for so long every year as winter passes has become harder and harder the longer he has had you beside him, waiting for him at the docks each winter, kissing him goodbye each spring. And now he can’t remember when it was the last time he allowed himself to be with you while forgetting the inevitable farewell, either because of the approaching spring or because of the treacherous voice in his head that tells him if he dares ask for more he will lose it all.
And now he can stave off this restlessness, this strange anguish starting somewhere hollow in his chest. Hvitserk blinks quickly, telling himself it is to get used to the darkness and not to get rid of the pinprick of tears in his eyes, and searches your face.
Quietly, with a trepidation that makes his voice and his heart tremble, he calls your name, holding his breath as he waits for a sign that you hear him, that you’re still here.
You hum in response, sleep still clinging to your voice. You burrow closer to him, your hand between you trailing up his chest until you rest it lightly over his heart, the soft and loving touch making his heart feel as if someone were cruelly squeezing it.
Hvitserk doesn’t hesitate to reach with his own hand, trapping yours in his hold, the restlessness in him demanding he do something to keep your touch with him for even just a moment longer.
“We…we will have that, won’t we?” He asks, and if his words are clipped and half-broken, if the desperate need for reassurance is clear in the tremble of the hand that holds yours, he doesn’t much care for it anymore. “W-What we talked about, the…the big bed, and your garden, and a-a family of our own. Tell me…tell me we will have that.”
He doesn’t want to close his eyes, he doesn’t want to stop looking at you, especially not now that the warmth in your gaze feels like the only thing keeping him tethered to sanity; but he cannot help it, squeezing his eyes shut at the sudden but not unexpected realization that the ground underneath him will crumble to nothing.
“I want that,” He admits, voice raspy to his own ears. Disuse, lack of water, he isn’t so sure of the reason anymore. “I want that, I-… something…something simple, just…something ours, we can-…” He opens his eyes, meets your gaze and pleads, voice barely above a whisper, “Tell me we can have that.”
But you only look at him, lips curved into a sad smile, eyes shining in the low light of the room, and shake your head.
“You cannot stay here, my love.” You sit up on the bed, and he tries following suit, but he cannot seem to make his body obey him anymore. He feels sapped of strength, and can only watch with wide eyes as your figure becomes the only clear thing he can see, the edges of his vision darkening. Panic grips him by the throat, and he tries speaking but no words leave his lips.
Your hand is soft on the side of his face, soft and so, so warm, that he feels like he was buried under the ice before you touched him.
His lips form around the silent shape of your name, trying fruitlessly to stop you. Because he knows goodbye when it is looking him right in the eye.
And he knows when you pull away he will be left alone again, buried under the ice again, so cold he can barely feel his own heart beating.
You make no note of any of it, resolve intertwined with sadness as you pull away from him, leaving him behind.
There’s clear and white light threatening to blind him that still is nothing against the comfort of warm lights and dying fires, and the stone wall at his back is much more solid and hard than the softness of your bed; yet the world seems dimmer, less real, to him regardless.
Your words exist for a few moments longer than you do, the last remnant of a ghost as the world around him fades and Hvitserk finds himself on the cold ground with nothing but damp stone walls around him.
You have to fight; you have to live, Hvitserk.
“Brother,” He hears the call, hoarse and choked, squinting his eyes and seeing Sigurd quickly darting towards him through the old door he just opened. So that was the light. He had feared the Christians were right after all for a moment there. “Ubbe, over here!”
Hvitserk watches as Sigurd scans the space around them, seemingly in search for any sign of someone else, and he wishes he could make his body obey him to tell his brother there is no point in looking for what is already gone.
In the distance he can hear a familiar voice urging people to move out of his way. Before he can think for too long on why he’s on a cell now, before he can mourn the loss of a house and a warmth he’s doubting were even real, Sigurd is kneeling in front of him, eyes wide as he reaches above him.
Hvitserk isn’t sure where exactly it is his brother touches, he just knows it hurts like a bitch. Try as he might, he cannot squirm away from the pain, body too sluggish to obey his commands.
His arms drop to his sides, and he realizes the pain was the movement as the shackles that held his arms above his head released him.
His gaze seems to focus for too long on the dark and caked blood on his wrists, on the unnatural way his left forearm bends, because Sigurd calls his name, an urgency that makes worry prick at the back of Hvitserk’s mind, almost piercing the fog.
“Hey, don’t look at that. Look at me.”
He blinks bleary eyes and Sigurd’s face is replaced by Ubbe’s, and the pain returns with a vengeance as his brother lifts him and drapes him over his shoulders.
He hears people passing them by and talking amongst each other, hears the rhythmic taps of Sigurd’s feet as he jogs ahead of them both, hears something about sending word to Repton as Ubbe drops him unceremoniously on Ivar’s chariot.
Hvitserk lingers on that, cannot help but to.
Dazedly, he remembers Ubbe embracing their mother on their first return from England and the watery smile on his lips as she sniffled against his chest, he remembers Ubbe clasping a hand on his shoulder as Hvitserk admitted to being in love with you and the raspy voice of his brother offering him reassurance about deserving you when he had none.
Ubbe has always been gentle, at least when it comes to his family. This much, Hvitserk knows.
Perhaps that is why he lingers for so long on the hurried and almost callous way he dropped him on the chariot.
Hvitserk sees the trees over his head moving as they ride back wherever it is they are going, and slowly his mind returns to him. He isn’t sure if he wants it to, but it does.
He is remembering now, flashes of an ambush in the dense forest near Thetford, an arrow grazing his side, some bastard’s sword slashing at his back, a heavy boot taking advantage of his pain and forcing him on the ground, the edge of a metal shield stopped by the arm he raises just in time.
His memories of what happened afterwards are escaping him, like sand between his fingers, and he cannot quite hold on to anything long enough to make sense of it. He thinks he remembers taking gasping breaths and finding no air as the Saxons drag him somewhere with a rope around his neck, he thinks he remembers fighting against the iron chains set on his wrists until his hands went numb. He knows he remembers thinking it would be over soon enough.
He remembers quiet, after that. After the thrill of having him captive ended and so did the torture, after with the absence of pain came the absence of everything else. He doesn’t want to believe he remembers the cold, the fear, that seeped to his very bones when he realized they would let him die quietly, without a fight, without anyone by his side.
But he still remembers that house, warmth in your eyes and in your arms, the sound of a giggle you muffle against his lips, the enveloping feeling of safety and peace in that small house of dim fires.
Hvitserk isn’t sure if both are real, he just knows which one he wishes would be.
“You better not die on the way home, hm?” Ivar tells him, drawing his attention to his younger brother. “Made us go through all this trouble to find you, so you…you have to…”
Ivar’s words die when his voice chokes on nothing, when strength falters even as he tries not letting it. He feels Ivar’s hand, the awkward gentleness of someone not quite used to it, on the top of his head, offering a caress and murmured words Hvitserk doesn’t understand.
He lingers on that too.
He remembers his little brother watching from his chair as he and Ubbe embraced Sigurd on their return from Paris with a strange look in his eye only to move away and ask questions about the war when they moved to hug him too, he remembers Ivar visiting him in almost secrecy the last night before he left for the Mediterranean with Bjorn and offering him a dagger and warning him not to die far from home.
Ivar has always been a complicated person, shunning and yet craving softness like no other, and Hvitserk has been witness to his gentleness, rare as it is. But he usually masks it with roughness, intertwines it with distance, until there isn’t much gentleness left after all.
And so Hvitserk lingers on it, on Ivar’s fragile gentleness, on Ubbe’s desperate harshness.
On the way all his brothers’ hands shook as they approached him, touched him. On the reason why.
He lingers on that, and wonders if he will die even now that they found him. He wonders if the Gods would be as cruel as to let him die now, feeling the pain and the absence.
Feeling the cold that seems all the more biting now that he has felt such warmth, feeling the world that suddenly is all the more unknown now that he has dared voice the desire to have something be his.
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Yep, I’m not even sorry. I hope you liked this, I would love to hear your thoughts, thank you for reading!
Btw, you can choose to believe that she is very much alive and he only hallucinated her, and now he’s going home to her to finally ask for that forever; or you can choose to believe she is dead and since he was close to death they could talk one last time and he could ask what he didn’t when she was alive. I know which one I prefer as a writer, which is not the same I prefer as a reader, so the choice is yours 😅
500 taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @1950schick @ietss @peachyboneless @encounterthepast @maggiescarborough @fae-sedai @zuxiezendler @crazybunnyladysworld @stupiddarkkside @northumbria @sagyunaro @aprilivar
Hvitserk taglist: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @adrille88​
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Here's something to lift your mood after what you just wrote
Imagine Impulse feels Really Bad after Pearl gets sick testing the new recipe for iDimpy bars, and he spends the next several days just. Caring for her.
He does research on foods commonly eaten in Australia when sick and does his best to make them for her (whether or not he's successful is up to your imagination)
And the whole scenario is just very soft and fluffy hurt/comfort that's very heavy on the comfort
YES. I had to write this. :D It's not specifically Australian, but chicken soup is practically universal comfort food. <3
Impulse tapped hesitantly at the door of Pearl’s upside-down boat. Well. One of the doors. He was pretty sure it was a door.
He heard shuffling from inside and stepped back as the door — not the one he’d knocked on — swung open.
Clutching a blanket around her shoulders, her green-tinted face and swollen eyes pitiful in the early morning sunrise, Pearl blinked at him.
“Mornin’, Impulse,” she said, her voice raspy. “Please don’t say you’ve got another candy for me to try.”
Impulse winced, rubbing the back of his neck. “No, no — I’m really sorry about that, Pearl. Really. I was just… you know. Checking in on you. Figured I’d see how you were doing.”
She stepped back, wordlessly inviting him inside, and he followed. The door swung shut behind him, and he realized that the inside of the house was almost entirely in darkness.
“My head’s killing me,” Pearl said. She crossed the room and dropped onto her bed, curling up on one side and tugging the blanket over her sock-clad toes. “I dunno what you put in that candy, but it’s some nasty stuff.”
Guilt coiled in Impulse’s gut and he grimaced. “What can I do to help?”
Pearl didn’t answer for a moment, her eyes drifting shut.
She blinked up at him. “I dunno, Impulse — I’ll be fine in a day or two. Just… I dunno. I can’t think straight right now.” One hand crept out of the blanket and pinched the bridge of her nose.
Okay. Okay. This is a thing I can deal with. Impulse was no stranger to caring for sick or injured friends — Ender knows he’s played nursemaid to Tango and Zed’s various ailments enough times.
“Listen,” he said, crouching down next to the bed and keeping his voice low and gentle. “I’m gonna go see if Stress has got anything to help. I’ll be back soon, okay? You just sleep, and I’ll take care of everything.”
Pearl offered a weak smile, wrinkling her nose at him. “You better,” she said, already half-asleep. “This is all your fault, you big lug.”
He waited a second, his face creased in concern, until her breathing evened out and a soft snore escaped.
Then, standing, he backed away on tiptoe. He’d fly over the Stress, see if she had any suggestions or spare potions laying around. And if Pearl could keep any food down, he knew he had some golden apples in storage.
“Be right back,” he whispered, letting the door close softly behind him. The bright morning of Boatem was fresh and cool, but he didn’t have time to enjoy it right now. He had a friend to care for.
Twenty minutes after, he was back, slipping back into Pearl’s house with all the stealth of a Grian on a prank trip. Pearl was still sleeping, so he quietly moved to the kitchen and pulled a saucepan from the cabinet, filling it with water and setting it on to boil.
When Pearl finally stirred an hour or so later, the small house was filled with the warm, comforting smell of chicken broth.
“Impulse?” she pushed herself up in the bed, rubbing at her eyes, her hair askew.
“Hey,” he answered. “You feel like eating something?”
Pearl started to shake her head, and then paused. “Actually,” she said, “That smells really good. Maybe… just a little?”
With a smile, Impulse ladled out a small bowl of the stew: herbs, carrots, chicken, and slices of golden apple swimming in the rich broth. There was also a dash of healing potion in it — not enough to taste, but enough to be helpful. He carried it over to Pearl and let her take the bowl, sinking down to sit on a low stair next to the bed.
Pearl took a ginger sip, and her eyebrows shot up to her hairline. “Impulse!” she said, pulling her head back and looking down at the bowl with brighter eyes. “This is… this is actually really good. Where’d you learn to cook?”
He shrugged. “You pick up a few things,” he said. Then, a bit quieter. “I, ah. Again: I apologize, Pearl. I thought I had the candy bar recipe fixed, but I shouldn’t have asked you to be my guinea pig.”
Pearl took another slurp of the stew with a little hmmm of satisfaction. “Nah,” she said, swallowing. “I could have said no, after all.” She lowered the bowl to her lap and gave him a grin that, though weak, still sparked with mischief. “But,” she said. “When I’m better, you’re definitely going to help me clean up Boatem.”
Impulse winced. “Aw, man…” And then he shrugged. “No, you’re right. Fair is fair.”
Pearl nudged his knee with her foot. “And no more experiments.”
“Ah… I can’t promise that.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Fine. But go after Grian next time. He left a giant G in the side of my castle anyway.”
Impulse laughed — catching himself just in time to keep it quiet for Pearl’s headache. “Done,” he said.
Pearl toasted that with the soup bowl. “Thanks, Impulse,” she said quietly.
He shrugged. “Hey,” he said. “That’s what family’s for.”
She smiled, looking down at the bowl and not actually at him. “Yeah,” she agreed. “Family.”
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Not yours.
summary: someone tries to force their way back to y/n's life and harry isn't having any of it.
word count: ----
based on these requests:
“also!! what about something angsty? maybe artemis gets hurt or something and harry is just in full on dad mode”
“What about caleb seeing the trio on tabloids, so he gets slightly jealous and “want’s” back into Artemis’ life unexpectedly.”
“ could you write something for my shy little boy about Artemis real father finding out that harry adopted him and showing up at their house claiming that Artemis is his son and basically trying to claim his rights as a father, and harry gets REALLY protective, plsss i would love that concept”
“Can you do one in the shy little boy universe where Artemis's dad tries to come back in his life or something. Like he sees them and he's life 'give me a second chance' . I love your writing. Thanks”
you can find more of my shy little boy here
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
November, 2019.
Park days were the best days for the Styles family. They didn’t get to have them as much as they’d like as they were always so busy, but today was an off day and Artemis was responsible for choosing what they were going to do. And of course he chose the park.
Y/N packed some snacks in a picnic basket while Harry took the job of dressing Artemis up. Obviously Artemis ended up way too dress up for just going to the park but it wasn’t a secret Harry was crazy about them wearing the same color or matching outfits to go out.
Harry had picked a pair of white shorts and paired it with a pastel yellow polo shirt he tucked into the shorts. Artemis looked adorable although Harry knew his son most likely get the clothes dirty as soon as they arrive to the park.
“Daddy, my nose itches.” Artemis tried to take off his glasses but Harry stopped him.
Last month they had an appointment with the ophthalmologist and Artemis had to change his glasses at his doctor's request. But Artemis wasn't happy with his new ones, he was always looking for an excuse to take them off or hiding them from his parents.
"Better?" Harry asked, using his fingers to scratch softly where Artemis pointed it itched. The much smaller boy nodded. "You need the glasses, sweetheart. Don't take them off."
"I like my old ones better, why can't i have those?"
"Those doesn't work for you anymore, monkey." He explained. "C'mon, let's put your shoes on." Harry knelt in front of him to watch how Artemis ties his sneakers up, he smiled when his son made it without a problem.
"I just put the things in the car, are you ready?" Y/N said when she saw them coming down the stairs.
"Yes! Let's go, let's go!" Artemis almost jumped from the lasts steps.
Artemis rambled the entire ride about all the fun things they’d do together once they got there, constantly asking if they were at the park already. When they arrived, Harry was surprised it wasn’t so full of people, considering it was the weekend. Y/N unfolded the blanket on the grass, laying the stuff they brought.
“Daddy, let’s play.” Artemis pulled from Harry’s arm, making the latest chuckle.
“Just be careful, please. We don’t want you to fall.” Y/N remained her son, who was too busy running around with his dad.
It was a beautiful day outside, there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, and the weather was perfect despite being in the middle of November. Harry had packed a Frisbee Artemis liked to use in their backyard and that’s what they were using to play.
Harry made sure to throw it softly at his son, not wanting the toy to hit him in the face. Artemis threw his hands in the air every time his daddy caught it.
Everything happened too fast, none of his parents could catch Artemis before he was face down on the grass. He had tried to throw the Frisbee higher but didn’t control his strength and he ended up on the floor.
Harry’s eyes grew wide as he ran towards the small child, his heart breaking as he heard his loud sobs. He picked him up from the grass and scooped him in his arms.
"Are you hurt? Where does it hurt, baby? Is it your arm?" He said, panic visible in his tone.
"He scraped his knees." Y/N said before cooing at Artemis, trying to calm him down. "Got some band aids for your knees, my love. It's okay." She took him in her arms and handed the band aids to Harry so he could put them on his boy's knees after cleaning the little blood that was there.
Caressing his hair softly, Y/N sat back down on the blanket, putting Artemis on her lap to wipe his tears off. "All better?" He nodded with a pout on his face.
Harry copied his son's pout, sitting next to them on the blanket. He didn't like seeing his love being upset, and he'd lie if he said he didn't feel a little guilty for him getting hurt.
"It's okay, accidents happen and sometimes we get hurt." Y/N said as if she could read Harry's thoughts. "What if we eat and then we can go for ice cream."
The smile reappeared on Artemis' face as he stood up from his mum's lap and cheered excitedly. Artemis ate whatever Y/N had packed for them, hurrying his parents so they could go get dessert.
"Are you okay?" Y/N asked Harry at the end of the day when Artemis was falling asleep on his daddy's shoulder as he carried him back to the car. "You've been quiet since he fell."
"Just worried. Should we take him to ER?"
"For scraped knees? Don't think so. Harry, it's fine, really. He doesn't even remember he has them." She assured. "Tomorrow it will be all better."
"But he cried so loud." He furrowed as they reached the car and Y/N opened the door of the backseat so Harry could put him on his carseat. "I was worried he hurt his elbow or something."
"I guess it was more out of surprise. He wasn't expecting to fall facedown on the floor." Once everything and everyone were in the car, Harry started to drive back home. "Please don't beat yourself up for this. It was literally an accident."
"But i was playing with him."
"Yes, but you couldn't have prevented it from happen."
She put a hand on his thigh, not wanting him to feel any worse from something so small. Artemis doesn't have a lot of accidents as he is a calm boy who doesn't play sports or anything that requires running or jumping, but when they happen, he gets scared and that's normal. No kid likes to see blood coming out of them, even if it's only a little.
"As a parent the best you can do is stay calm during these situations. If you don't panic, then he doesn't either." She smiled at him.
Y/N loved how protective Harry was, his skills as a parent never failed to show in any situation. But he was still very new at it, and he couldn't help but want to put his boy in a little bubble so nothing bad would happen to him.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
A week later, Y/N was cooking dinner while Artemis was upstairs in the movie room watching a cooking show on Netflix. Lately he's been obsessed with those and could watch entire seasons if his parents let him.
Harry was out having a meeting with his team but promised to be back for dinner, so it was just the two of them in the house.
The buzzer sounded, alerting someone was at the other side of the gates. Y/N put down the knife she was holding and walked towards the little screen that allowed her to see who was there.
Her breathe hitched when she saw Caleb standing there. He was looking the other way but Y/N could recognize him anywhere. A frown appeared on her face as he hit the buzzer again. She stayed in her place, starting at the screen and hoping he'd turn around and leave.
But he didn't.
She was ready to go outside and tell him to leave but she heard the gates open before she could do so. The gates opening meant Harry was home.
And home he was. But he furrowed as soon as he saw a body standing there. He didn't recognize the man but he was pretty sure he's seem his face before.
He parked inside but didn't close again the gates as he returned outside. "Can i help you?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Is Y/N home?" The stranger asked, putting his hands inside of his pockets. "I need to speak to her."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Doesn't matter, i need to see Y/N."
"Uh, it does matter, actually. Why is it so important to speak to my girlfriend?" Harry questioned again in a protective tone.
Before he could answer Harry's question, Y/N came out of the house, closing the door behind her before rushing towards the two man. She stood beside Harry, taking his hand in hers.
"What are you doing here, Caleb?" She asked and Harry's brain finally clicked. He looked so different from the only picture he's seen of him. "What do you want?"
"I need to see him, Y/N." Caleb said, almost in a demanding tone. Y/N looked up at Harry, who already had a deep, angry frown on his face. "I-I saw that video of you three at the park and... Y/N, i'm ready to meet my-"
"He's not your son." Harry barked angrily.
"Harry's right, Caleb. He's not yours in any way." She said sternly. "Besides, i bet it isn't the first video or picture you've seen of us, what could possibly make this one different?"
"I saw him getting hurt." He said defensively. "It.. awoke something in me. I want to be a father, Y/N."
"Then go ahead and get a family of your own because neither Artemis nor I have anything to do with you. Do i have to remind you, you signed the paper giving up your paternal rights?" Y/N started to get angry and Harry squeezed her hand.
"I was twenty-one, Y/N."
"So was I!" She now exclaimed.
"I think it's best if you leave." Harry spoke again, trying to control his anger before he punched that man straight on the face.
"And you are?" Caleb asked "Oh, right. You're the guy she replaced me with. Does my son calls you daddy too?"
"She didn't replace you, she just moved on with someone way better." He smirked. "And yes, my son calls me daddy, must hurt, right? Now get the fuck out of my property before i call the bloody cops."
Harry let go of Y/N's hand just to push Caleb out, not being able to hold his anger anymore. "If i ever see you close to my family, i'll fucking ruin you."
When Caleb was back on his car, Harry finally closed the gates and turned to see Y/N. "I'm sorry you had to see him, my love."
Y/N sighed. "I'm okay. I just... I hadn't seen him since he..." Her lip started trembling but she swallowed the tears. "Seeing his face brought back a lot of emotions."
"Couldn't imagine." Harry took her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "But you won't see him anymore, over my dead body."
"Thank you."
Harry smiled softly at her, supping her face with his hands and pecking her lips. "Thank you for letting me be the one by your side."
"I wouldn't dream of having anyone else."
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs1 @stephaniemalvie @immajustreadwritereblog @jadert15 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @abundanceofsoph @harrysthicccthighs
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all1e23 · 4 years
Tricks & Treats
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Orion’s Halloween is quickly turning rotten until someone helps to turn her day around with a few sweet treats. 
Warnings:  N/A Unless you count a disgusting amount of fluff to be a warning.
A/N:   A new Astrophile drabble! This is set in the very far future, Halloween 2042. Orion is 27 and it’s just the kiddos. No Beck or Bucky. This does have some bits (okay a lot of bits) of the the shared Price of Astrophile universe collab with Tara and if you haven’t read The Price of Gold you need to! Thank you to my beautiful @moonbeambucky​ for looking it over for me. If you have not read the series Astrophile, THERE WLL BE MAJOR SPOILERS.  
Catch up on the series here!
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!*
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Halloween 2042
Today has been a disaster. A complete and utter nightmare. It started with spilling hot tea all over her copy of Star Lore and down the front of her favorite skirt, which forced Ori to settle for the little black number Cassie bought her as a Halloween costume. It’s supposed to be a cat but it’s really a dress accompanied by cat ears. It’s not that it’s awful, it’s not her usual taste. It’s a simple spaghetti strap dress, sweetheart necklace that doesn’t dip too low and cut just above her knee. As far as Halloween costumes go it’s fairly modest but it’s a little tight compared to the rest of Ori’s closet. 
Little did she know that was just the beginning to her terrible day. This was the first day in months that Ori was running the store on her own. No mom to fall back on. Not that it hasn’t happened before. At fourteen Ori was working the floor by herself so none of this was new but, today has been a nightmare from the moment the doors opened. It was unusually busy for a holiday, especially Halloween. It wasn’t often that the store was packed with customers on a day like today and there were moments when Ori began to feel claustrophobic with the amount of people filling the tiny shop.  
Half of the morning was spent on decorating the window display for a new series that was set to be released at the beginning of November. The copies were scheduled to be delivered today, but they never showed and when Ori called to check on their status, the man she was unlucky enough to be put in contact with screamed at her, explaining that it was a holiday and not everyone spent their lives working. 
It was one of those days where she wished she was ten years old again and Bucky could swoop in and save the day. 
By some miracle, there was a lull, and she was able to slip behind the counter where her phone is kept when she’s working the floor alone. She swiped away the missed calls from Cassie and ignored the texts from Leo. There was only one person who knew how to calm the swirling mess in her head right now and she knows how pathetic she looks, twenty-seven, and tears swimming in her eyes. She didn’t care because just hearing his voice would help settle her. Theo’s voice rang her ear and as happy as she was to hear it, part of her wished it wasn’t his voicemail. 
“H-hey,” Ori’s voice cracked, she cleared her throat ridding it of the tears choking her. “I know you’re at work. I’m sorry I’m calling. Please tell me I didn’t get you in trouble. I’m so sorry if I did. I just… I needed to hear your voice. I’m having a really awful day. That party with Cassie is tonight. I don’t want to go even though Cassie says it will be fun. And this new series. This stupid dumb shipment. They said they would be here today and I spent all morning doing the window display between the mad rush of customers by the way, they never showed. When I called to check in they said they can’t get here because it’s a holiday and well, they yelled at me. Now, I have to find something to replace the window display and spend another hour fixing what I did this morning. The store is so incredibly busy. I haven’t even stopped for lunch. I’m hungry and tired and I hate this day. Great. Now, I’m whining. Did I mention that I miss you? Well, I do and-” 
“Ma'am?” A deep voice grabs Ori’s attention and she turns around to find a man in a UPS shirt standing behind the counter, she smiles as kindly as she can and pulls the phone away from her mouth to answer him, “I’m so sorry. Can I help you?”  
“We have your delivery.”
Ori can feel the color drain from her face. She shouldn’t have that many boxes and the publisher on the clipboard being handed to her isn’t right. 
“Wait… No. No, I didn’t order that. That’s not mine-”
“Orion Barnes?” 
“Well, yes that’s me but,” She sighs, holding back the whimper that’s threatening to escape her. “Can you hold on just one second?" 
Ori didn’t wait for his okay like she normally would have, she stepped towards her office and put the phone back up to her ear, “I guess my terrible, awful, no good day isn’t over. Talk to you soon? I hope.”
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Orion had her eyes glued to a stack of invoices in front of her when the bell above the shop door rang. Thankfully, she was able to clear up the whole shipping mixup, but dealing with that set her even further behind inventory. It didn’t matter much. She knew who it was without having to raise her head. Ori didn’t have to look up to know her sister had arrived. Cassie skipped nearly everywhere, she has since she was old enough to walk and between the jingling of the bracelets on her wrist, the massive keyring on her purse, and the bells on her shoes (that had nothing to do with Halloween) it was easy to know when she arrived. The jingling came to a stop next to Ori, and a slight nudge to her hip that made Ori look up from the papers in her hand to find Cassie handing over a small brown paper bag from the bakery next door. Ori narrows her eyes at the gesture. Is she trying to butter her up about the party tonight? 
“What’s this?”
“Cinnamon bagel from next door,” Cassie said with a certain self-satisfied taunt to her voice. “A certain boy texted me and said you hadn’t eaten today and asked if I could bring you something when I come by to pick you up for tonight." 
Ori beams brightly as she peeks in the bag, avoiding her baby sister'’ suspicious and slightly giddy gaze.
“Question. Why is Theo texting me about your food needs and how does he know about tonight?” 
She doesn’t answer, but this isn’t unusual. Like Bucky, Ori’s softer, gentler when it comes to revealing things close to her heart. There are some secrets she’s not ready for the world (or herself) to know yet. Cassie on the other hand is loud, in all things, but especially with what’s written on her heart. She loves just as deeply as Ori does but she’s quick to shout it from the rooftops, without a hint of fear.
Ori wishes she could be like that sometimes. 
“Something is up. I can tell by the smile you’re trying to hide!”
"I’m smiling because I was hungry and it was very thoughtful of you both.”  
Ori finally gets a look at Cassie’s costume when Cassie sheds her coat and she can’t help the surprised laugh that slips out. She’s in a white cotton dress that looked like it was made from one of those adult onesies, covered in glitter from head to toe and the rainbow leggings she has on matches the tail sticking out of the bottom of her coat and the mane on her hood she has pushed down. 
“What are you wearing?!” 
“What? I’m a sparkly unicorn. I look adorable!” 
Ori grins. 
“Yes, you do. You look beautiful.” 
The bell chimes again and Ori greets her brother without looking, he’s never far behind Cassie after all. Leo looked pretty much like he always does, slacks and a button-up white collared shirt under his coat but he was wearing black square-frame glasses. He leans over the mahogany counter and presses a kiss on Ori’s cheek. Whatever Cassie was hoping to get out of Ori would never happen now that Leo was present. Ori laughed at the pout on Cassie’s face, picking at the bagel as she scans over the invoice in front of her. 
“Ready for tonight?” Leo asks as he steals a piece of her bagel.
Ori shrugs a little, glancing at the clock and sighed when she saw it was nearing six. They would be pushing her out the door soon. It’s not that she didn’t like going out, she did. Things have been off lately and she hasn’t felt much like socializing, which is why her siblings insisted they have a party. If it turns out to be as terrible as she predicts it’s going to be, she can always call Bucky to pick her up because no matter what Bucky still drops everything to come to her rescue whenever she needs it. 
“It’s going to be fun!” 
“I guess. I’m not really a party person.”
“I know but you make the cutest cat ever.” 
Leo’s brow furrows and the worry on his face has him looking so much like Bucky it almost makes Ori laugh. 
“You’ve been working a lot. Skipping family stuff. When was the last time you came to family dinner and didn’t rush out the door? Mom said you’re working more hours than she is-”
“I should! She deserves time with dad and it’s not like I have a life waiting on me right now.” 
It’s been a little over a year since she called off her wedding and ended things with Cole and while she’s happy that relationship has ended, she’s nowhere near where she thought she would be at her age. She had plans and lists, milestones she promised herself she would hit by a certain age and now she’s… floating. No purpose. No real path. Simply riding her mother’s coattails, managing a store she wouldn’t have without her mother and she has no idea where she’s going or what her future is going to look like. It’s terrifying. So maybe she’s been spending a little more time at work to keep her mind busy. Sometimes it doesn't quite calm the chaos in her head, but staying busy helps. 
“That’s not true. You have us and, yeah, mom deserves a break but so do you. We thought it would be good to get out of the house. If you hate it I’ll bring you home.” 
Ori smiles. Leo has always been their protector, ready to jump in and save his mom and sisters from anything that could cause them the slightest bit of discomfort. She couldn't be aggravated with him for wanting to help, he’s only following in Bucky’s footsteps. 
“Yeah, okay. Today has been a mess. Give me a few minutes to wrap things up, okay?” 
She’s barely had time for her eyes to focus on the words in front of her when Cassie chirps from her side, “The window display is a mess. What happened there?” 
“I’m just saying. Want me to help you fix it tomorrow?”
“I’ll be out in a minute,” Ori snatches the brown bag with her bagel resting on top and heads back towards the office in hopes she will be able to focus there, “and yes. I would like help. Thank you.”
“I’ll watch the desk!” Cassie shouts behind her, getting an appreciative smile from Ori. The quiet doesn’t last long. The shop bell is ringing and Cassie is yelling for her before she’s managed to make it through one invoice.  
“Ori! Get out here. There’s a delivery.” Cassie’s shouts are piercing her ears and she’s certain  the entire bakery next door can hear her clear as day. Ori steps back out onto the sales floor, frowning and having every intention of reminding Cassie not to scream in the store, but she can’t because she’s staring at the largest bundle of lavender she’s ever seen. 
“I-- this. What is this?” 
“They are for you!” Cassie squeals but quickly stops smiling and looks at the older gentleman who is wearing a warm smile when he confirms that they are indeed for her sister. 
“Yes, ma’am,” The man says with a chuckle, “If you’re Orion Barnes. These are for you.” 
He passes the delicate bundle wrapped in brown paper in her arm and passes over a pen for her signature. She quickly scribbles her name and pulls the small white card out of the twine, grinning foolishly at what’s written. 
“Who are they from?” Cassie begs, jumping up and down. “I already know but I need to see the card myself.” 
Ori presses the card to her chest to keep Cassie from sneaking a peek, she’s not willing to share a bit of the sweetness written there. Cassie quickly gives up on the card and snatches the receipt before Ori can grab it, finding exactly what she was looking for. 
“Theo Tucker! I knew it!” 
The thin paper is pulled from Cassie’s hand by Leo, who is staring at the receipt with a deep frown as if he can’t process what he is seeing. 
“Why is Theo sending you flowers? Where did he find a place that delivers lavender like that? More importantly… why is Theo sending you flowers?" 
Ori can’t answer her brother, she’s too busy grinning like a fool and hiding her blushing cheeks behind the soft purple sprigs in her arms. 
“What do you mean ‘Why is Theo sending her flowers?’ Because he loves her. Am I the only that’s been paying attention?” 
"He loves you. It's the same thing and you don’t get flowers.”
“It is a hundred percent not the same thing, Leo.”
There’s the faint sound of the twins arguing in the background, “How is it different?” “Leo you can’t be serious. You’ve seen the way he looks at her!” She should probably stop their bickering but she can’t. She can’t focus on anything, not while she’s daydreaming about California. 
Maybe it wasn’t the worst day, after all. 
“So, are you going to wear a sprig of lavender as your catnip? Seems like it added a little spring in your step.”  
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Cassie had squealed when Ori asked her to draw a cat nose and whiskers on her face. If she was going to dress as a cat she had to go all out. The ears, while cute, weren’t enough to satisfy the perfectionist in her. Before they left her apartment, she sent Theo a thank you text and a picture of her all dressed up. The simple response, you look beautiful, makes her stomach flip and leaves her head spinning. It drops a fraction when Leo asks why she’s smiling at her phone with such a goofy grin. 
No one is ready for that answer, so she tucked her phone in her purse for now. 
The minute they arrived, Leo stepped through the front door and pulled his shirt open to reveal a giant S stitched onto his blue undershirt and he proceeded to do several more times throughout the night. Despite her reservations about the party, it wasn’t so bad. Or maybe she was simply in a better mood. She spent a better part of the night hanging around Cassie and Ariel, who was dressed as Tinker Bell and her lovesick Peter Pan never strayed from her side for long. Ori didn’t know a lot of the people currently filling Leo and Ollie’s apartment, so it felt safer to stick by family. 
At some point a small group of people broke off from the larger party and started playing spin the bottle. It was strange to watch twenty year olds play a childhood game. There was bobbing for apples which didn’t seem all that sanitary if you asked Ori, which is why she declined rather emphatically when asked if she wanted to try. 
Halfway through the night their mom texted asking for pictures, so she took a few with Cassie and Ariel, some of her and Leo and of course all of them posing together. She even sent the few of Ariel and Ollie off to the Tuckers. Another text comes in but it’s not a response from her parents, a very handsome Indiana Jones pops up and she can’t help the huge smile that forms. He looks adorable with that hat and playful smirk and she tells him so. Ori peered over her phone to find Cassie and Ariel smiling, she cleared her throat and quickly hid her phone back in her purse. 
“Oh, look. There are some mummy cupcakes left. I better go grab one before they disappear,” Ori had muttered as she quickly tried to divert attention off of her. 
There was every Halloween themed treat you could think of. The chocolate covered strawberries dressed up as ghosts, bloody s’mores, and candy corn rice krispy treats were gone first. When Ori asked how they managed to do all this, Leo admitted with a sheepish grin that their mom had done most of the baking and Cassie and Ariel had decorated. She should have known Ariel had a hand in the planning, it was too well organized for Leo and Ollie to handle on their own. 
The party started to die down a little after one in the morning, Leo offered his bed but Cassie was already fast asleep and there was no way she was sharing with that human koala. After refusing to take Leo’s spot on the couch, Leo brought her back home with the promise to text him the minute he got back. There’s no way he would let her catch a cab back to her place all by herself. 
It’s nearly three by the time Ori trudges up the stairs to her apartment. She’s tired, but it’s a good kind of tired. Not that she will ever admit this to Cassie but tonight was fun. It wasn’t exactly where she wanted to be, and a very important someone was missing but it wasn’t as bad as she envisioned. She slips out of her heels and drops her purse on the table by the front door, she can clean up tomorrow when she’s not struggling to keep her eyes open. Right as she reaches kitchen island where her bouquet is sitting in her mother’s chipped mint green vase, her phone rings in her hand and she can’t help but grin at the name staring back at her. 
“Hey, you.”
Ori grins, dusting a finger over a stray sprig and she’s suddenly not feeling as tired.
“My day? You know, it wasn't so bad actually. It got better there at the end. Even better now.” 
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for the writing requests, could I get some ZIT with the theme "Watcher" (the beings from Grians EVO series that everyone uses in fanon now)
oh boy it has been a long time since i watched evo asdfghjkl i hope i remembered stuff correctly
Requests are still open! Please read pinned post before requesting.
  Impulse is the first to discover it. While out chopping down some birch trees, he comes across an odd symbol set into the cliff. But what really catches his attention is the fact that the pattern is made of bedrock. He spends a few minutes inspecting it closely, trying to figure out how it could have gotten here, before he decides that he should tell someone about it. 
  And now, right here, is when Impulse makes a decision that he will forever look back on as the moment that changed everything. He will realise in the future that he should have gone to Xisuma first, should have shown the admin the bedrock symbol so that he can deal with it. But he doesn’t.
  He goes to his best friends, Zedaph and Tango. 
  Impulse will realise later that his second mistake is in not telling his friends exactly what the issue is straight away. Instead, he tells them he has to show them something weird and he takes them to the site.
  As soon as Zedaph lays eyes on the symbol, he freezes, his entire body starting to tremble. 
  By the time his friends notice, he has fainted. 
  “Zed?!” gasps Tango, as he and Impulse rush to his side.
  Thankfully, Zedaph wakes very quickly. Blinking, he presses a hand to his throbbing head, as Tango helps him sit up. “Oh gosh… I haven’t seen that symbol in centuries…”
  “What?” Impulse stares at his friend. “You know what this is?”
  Zedaph slowly nods. “It’s the symbol of the Watchers. Have you heard of them?”
  Impulse and Tango simultaneously shake their heads. 
  “They’re a race of beings millions of years old. Some legends say they were present at the creation of the universe as we know it. They have incredible cosmic power but generally they don’t like to intervene, hence their name: the Watchers. What they do is they observe, they watch, they wait. Eventually, they may start leaving these symbols around.” Zedaph indicates the pattern. “Like that one.”
  “What does it mean if a symbol appears?” Impulse asks, somewhat nervously. “Are they marking Hermitcraft for something?”
  “When they leave their symbol on a world, it usually means there’s someone or something of interest in it,” Zedaph responds. “Or...”
  In the ensuing pause, Tango and Impulse exchange a glance. “Or… what?” Tango says.
  Zedaph avoids the question. “We need to make sure we don’t go anywhere near that thing. The Watchers may seem placid but they can be angered, and when they are, their wrath is beyond explosive. They’ve already destroyed the former world of one of the Hermits here on the server.” 
  “What?!” his friends both yelp simultaneously. 
  “Who?” Tango demands.
  “It’s not my place to say. Just know that we have to make sure it never, ever happens again.”
  A long pause follows this. 
  Finally, Impulse speaks: “Earlier, you said there might be something or someone here to interest the Watchers, or… something else. What were you going to say?”
  Zedaph squeezes his eyes shut. “...or they’re warning another Watcher living here that they know where they are.”
  “Oh, Zed…” Tango’s face creases in a sad frown. “I’m so sorry…”
  “Zed, are you telling us you’re a Watcher?” Impulse asks quietly. 
  Zedaph takes a deep breath. “I’m not biologically a Watcher but I may as well be; I was found and adopted by them as a baby and they fed me more and more of their power as I grew up until I was practically one of them. Then some bad stuff happened and… well… REALLY long story short, I abandoned them and fled here. I thought they decided not to pursue me, but… maybe they just didn’t know where to find me all this time.”
  Zedaph looks so downtrodden that Tango reaches out to hug his best friend. “We won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
  To his surprise, Zedaph pushes him away. “No, you don’t understand. If the Watchers show up here to reclaim me, I have to go with them. I’ll have no other choice. If they don’t get what they want, they will destroy this world and kill everyone in it. I’ve already seen that happen to one world; I couldn’t handle it happening to you guys as well.” His voice cracks and he buries his face in his hands. “I can’t lose you. Either of you.” 
  Tango again tries to pull Zedaph into a hug, and this time, Zedaph lets him. Impulse joins him on his other side and they hold their friend close. 
  “I came here to make a fresh start but I didn’t expect to fall in love with Hermitcraft,” Zedaph whispers. “I didn’t expect to… to form such a strong bond with you two. If the Watchers return, I-I’ll lose you either way.”
  “We won’t let that happen,” Tango vows. “We’re Hermits, remember? Hermits can solve any problem that arises if they put their minds to it. We’ll find a way to save you from them, I promise.” 
  Zedaph sniffles. He really wishes he could believe that. 
  “C’mon, buddy,” Impulse says. “Let’s all go back to your base. We’ll consolidate all your knowledge on the Watchers and see if we can figure out an effective method of making sure they don’t come for you, or at least a way of stopping them if they do come.”
  “You can’t stop a race like the Watchers,” argues Zedaph.
  “How do you know if we don’t try?” Tango says. 
  “Because I AM a Watcher, Tango. I’ve tried figuring out a way to stop them thousands of times before.” 
  “But have you tried doing it with two extremely stubborn redstone geniuses who won’t take no for an answer?” Tango inquires.
  Zedaph blinks. “Well… no, but-.”
  “That settles it, then. C’mon.”
  Tango and Impulse both tug at Zedaph’s sleeves. Their determination imbues Zedaph with a tiny bit of hope. He’s never had anyone care about him this much before, so perhaps their insight will provide the last piece of the puzzle of how to escape the Watchers once and for all.
  So he lets his friends lead him away, but none of them notice what’s happening behind them. 
  The symbol is glowing purple.
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griefpersevering · 3 years
sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
the lokius beach fix-it fic nobody asked for
[Read on AO3] [Buy me a coffee?]
“Who are you?”
Loki stares at him for a long moment, his heart sinking in his chest. First Sylvie, now Mobius… maybe Lokis are destined to lose.
“What?” he asks, still breathing heavily.
The last few days have all melded into one; an indecipherable blur of racing for survival and not much else. With so much happening in quick succession since his failure in New York, it’s impossible to tell whether it has been days or weeks or months since he first arrived at the TVA.
Mobius doesn’t answer, just raising an eyebrow at him.
Loki allows his eyes to wander, assessing the situation and resigning himself to a fight. If Mobius doesn’t know who he is… well, there’s a chance he could get pruned again, and he would like to avoid that situation. Currently, the only people he can see are B-15 - who shouldn’t be too much of a problem - and Mobius, who he would prefer not to hurt, but if he doesn’t recognise him then-
Mobius bursts out laughing, B-15 snickering behind him. She claps him on the shoulder before waving goodbye and wandering off, still laughing to herself as she leaves.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Mobius says between breaths, his confusion replaced with a smile. “That was mean. I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Mobius?” Loki ventures, still wary.
“Look, all that stuff about the Multiverse or whatever?” he replies, waving a hand dismissively. “Not our problem. I’ve officially retired, and I’ve got an excellent retirement plan. Fancy joining me?”
Loki crosses his arms, frowning. “You tricked me.”
Mobius shrugs. “Seems only fair.”
He tries not to smile. “You’re sure the TVA can deal with the Multiverse?”
“Yep, B-15’s taking care of it. Now, come on, there’s a beach waiting for us.”
Mobius fiddles with his TemPad for a moment, a doorway opening up in front of them. He takes a few confident strides towards it before hesitating, looking around the library one last time.
“You don’t have to come with me, you know,” he says, not meeting Loki’s eyes. “I know… I know a quieter life doesn’t really agree with Lokis. You can stay for the fight, if you want, or for Sylvie.”
Loki’s chest constricts at the mention of her, but he forces a small, sad smile onto his face. “You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he answers, and Mobius smiles.
“For all time, then,” he says, extending his hand to Loki.
“Always,” he finishes, taking it as they step through the doorway together.
keep reading under the cut!
The other side of the portal is exactly what Mobius promised: a beach. But what he failed to mention is the beauty of said beach - it isn’t just any old strip of sand, but one of the most breathtaking places Loki has ever had the honour of visiting.
They take a few steps into this new world, their shoes filling up with sand and their hands still entwined as they let their eyes adjust to the bright light. Loki pauses to slip off his socks and shoes, the sand warm and soft between his toes. Mobius follows suit, leaning on Loki for balance, a huge smile on his face.
“It should only be a few minutes walk from here,” Mobius announces, grinning.
“What is?” Loki asks, but he doesn’t get an answer. For once in his life, he isn’t sure he needs one, happy to go along with whatever adventure Mobius has planned.
They walk in comfortable silence, their feet sinking into the sand as they take in the tropical sights. To their left is a bay filled with sparking water which disappears past the land out to the horizon. In the distance, Loki can see a much busier beach by what appears to be a town. If he listens carefully enough, and the wind is blowing in the right direction, he can hear a hundred conversations carrying across the bay at once, a pleasant white noise that mixes with the sound of lapping waves.
To their right is a row of secluded houses, all enveloped in lush greenery that grows from the forest behind them, seeming to lean forwards and envelop them. Their front doors are all painted a variety of bright colours - red, yellow, purple, orange, pink - apart from the one at the end, which is just the default brown.
Mobius pulls a set of keys out of his pocket, a tiny fish keyring hanging from them. “This one is ours,” he declares, and he tugs Loki towards the little cottage at the end of the row.
It takes him a moment to find the right key to unlock the door before it swings open, a neutral brown and white hallway greeting them. He leaves his shoes on the mat outside the front door, Loki following suit, before venturing inside their new house.
Loki can’t say he is surprised by the decor - it isn’t exactly reminiscent of the TVA, but everything is decorated to look almost like a show home. There are no bright colours, no personal touches, nothing to indicate that anyone has ever lived there before them.
Just as Loki opens his mouth to say something, Mobius wrinkles his nose and beats him to it.
“Would it kill someone to pick up a paintbrush?” he complains, but he’s still smiling. “That’s what you get for a company retirement plan that’s only been in place for six hours, I guess… we’ll have to do it all ourselves.”
Loki raises an eyebrow. “Company retirement plan?”
Mobius grins. “We have a lot to catch up on. Come on, why don’t you get cleaned up, and I’ll get us something to drink.”
As soon as he leaves the room, Loki rolls his eyes and waves his hand, using his magic to clean the blood and the dirt off of him and to change into a pair of shorts and a bright green haiwaiian t-shirt. And, now that he thinks about it… he frowns and uses what little magic he has left in him to spruce up the place a bit, before collapsing onto the (admittedly, very comfy) couch.
Mobius returns only a few minutes later, raising his eyebrows at the way Loki is sprawled across the sofa, his eyes closed. He looks around the room, taking in the few things that Loki has added - a blanket draped across the back of the couch, a wooden coffee table with a golden bowl of fruit placed neatly on top, and a framed poster of a jet ski on the far wall.
Oh, Mobius thinks with a snicker, you’re gonna love what I have planned for tomorrow.
“Did you get us a drink or are you just going to stand there for all eternity?” Loki asks without opening his eyes, swinging his legs so that there’s room to sit next to him.
“Sorry if I wasn’t moving fast enough, your highness,” Mobius teases as he plops onto the couch, passing a cold beer bottle into Loki’s waiting hands. “The new outfit slowed me down a bit.”
Loki smirks, cracking open one eye to see the outfit that he’d swapped for Mobius’ old clothes. “I thought you’d appreciate something more comfortable. Besides, we match.”
He swings his legs back up onto Mobius’ lap, taking a swig of his drink. They are quiet for a moment, listening to the distant crashing of waves and enjoying the lack of need to do… well, anything.
“Do you mind if I turn the television on?” Mobius eventually asks, and Loki hums an affirmative. He grabs the remote, trying to avoid jostling the legs on his lap as much as possible, before pressing the on button.
As an afterthought, he tugs the soft blanket from the back of the sofa and drapes it over the both of them, firmly focusing his attention on the screen in front of them rather than the sleepy god next to him.
Since he isn’t exactly human, Loki doesn’t need nearly as much sleep as humans. Usually, about eight hours is enough to get him through the week. However, with all the crazy stuff and time hopping and running for his life that he has done in the last however long, he’s asleep within minutes of making contact with the sofa.
When he wakes, however, it is to light streaming through a thin beige curtain. He sits up, running a hand through his hair, as he sleepily takes in his surroundings.
Somehow, he has ended up on top of a bed that he has never seen before. Given the boring decor, he assumes it must be the upstairs of the cottage… so, presumably, Mobius had moved him upstairs in his sleep.
Loki waits for that statement to sink in, for him to feel that usual sense of panic at someone being there and moving him while he was vulnerable, but it never comes.
(If he is being honest with himself, he knows exactly why Mobius is the exception, but he isn’t ready to admit that, not yet.)
He wanders over to the window, yanking open the curtain. There, outside, is the same paradise they had arrived in only last night. And, if the digital clock on the bedside table is enough to go by, it’s 10am on the twenty-fourth of September, 1991.
The view is even more beautiful when he is more awake to admire it, Loki decides. The bay sparkles like a rare jewel, and he finds himself cracking the window open to let some fresh air in.
He sighs, a long breath that mists the glass in front of him. He’ll miss this place, when he inevitably has to leave. Because there’s no way he can stay here for the rest of his life; he’s a Loki, after all, and Lokis are destined to lose. This - a paradise beyond time with someone who knows who he is and accepts him for who he is? He could scoff at the idea. When has the Universe (or the Multiverse, he supposes) ever been that kind to him?
Loki stares blankly out of the window for a few minutes until he is broken from his trance when he spots a familiar figure struggling down the beach, attempting to balance much more shopping than one man can manage.
He blinks a few times, making sure that it is, in fact, Mobius, before barking out a laugh and rushing downstairs and out the front door to lend him a hand. After all, what kind of guest would he be if he let his host embarrass himself publicly within 24 hours of moving in?
When he catches up to him - wearing the same garish, bright orange haiwaiian shirt that Loki had conjured up for him yesterday, he notes - Mobius doesn’t even notice he’s there until several of the bags are lifted from him.
“Hey! Oh, it’s just you,” he exclaims, adjusting a box under his arm. “Thank you,” he adds.
“What did you get?” Loki asks, tucking some of the smaller items into a pocket dimension so he had free hands to carry the rest of it.
“Oh, just a couple of things to spruce the place up. I got a bit carried away, actually,” Mobius admits as they start off back down the beach. “How did you sleep?”
Loki rolls his eyes. “Like the dead, apparently. Did you move me while I was asleep?”
Mobius doesn’t meet his eyes as he responds. “Yep. You looked uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to wake you.”
There’s a pang in Loki’s chest; another reminder that leaving this place will get more and more painful the longer he stays. He can’t get used to these common gestures of affection - he can’t think of another person who would have cared enough about his comfort to go to the effort of carrying him up the stairs.
“Is something wrong?” Mobius asks, interrupting Loki’s train of thought. He’s staring at him, a curious expression on his face, and it’s only then that Loki realises they have stopped.
“It’s nothing,” Loki replies quickly, giving Mobius one of his most charming smiles as he starts walking again.
Mobius stays rooted to the spot. “Bullshit.”
Loki stops, his back turned to Mobius, and sighs. A range of lies are on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t quite find it in himself to bother trying to keep up a facade that they both know Mobius can see straight through.
“I’m having a nice time,” he states, after a minute of debate.
Mobius starts walking again, juggling his shopping as he catches up to Loki. “And that is a problem… why?”
“Because good things don’t last!” he exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. “Lokis are destined to lose.”
Mobius raises an eyebrow. “You think this will be taken away from you,” he says. It isn’t a question. “Well, I have a present for you, then. Two, actually.”
They reach the front door of their cottage, Loki’s eyes trained on the ground as he scuffs his sandals on the sand. Mobius rummages through his bags, trying to find something specific.
“May I have the red striped carrier bag, please?” he asks, when his search comes up fruitless. Loki conjures it for him, passing it over. He doesn’t know what’s in any of the bags (although, now, he’s thinking he should probably have checked), he had only picked it because it is one of the heaviest ones.
Mobius opens the bag from him with a word of thanks, peering in to check it’s the right one. Then, he sticks a hand in his pocket, pulling out his fist closed around something.
“Here,” he says, offering his closed fist to Loki. “This is yours to keep, forever.”
Loki cautiously holds out a hand, and Mobius drops the item into his palm. Loki stares at the little piece of metal, wondering how it could mean so much.
“...Is this?”
“The key to our house, yeah,” Mobius confirms, smiling. “And a crocodile keyring, since I’m apparently never going to get over meeting that version of you.”
Loki smiles, just slightly, cupping the key carefully in his hands as he admires the keyring.
“And that bag is also for you. Well, the contents are, I don’t know if you want the bag as well-”
It’s not hard to tell that Mobius is nervous, so Loki can’t begin to imagine what is in the bag. He picks it up, sand pouring out the bottom of the bag, raising his eyebrows at what he finds.
“Green paint?”
Mobius grins, scratching the back of his head. “We’re the only ones with a boring front door. I figured we should probably fix that, add some of your flare.”
Loki gives him a shit-eating grin, sliding the keys into his pocket.
“What?” Mobius asks, sensing something is up. “What did I say?”
With a wave of a hand and without the paint can ever being opened, the front door is suddenly the colour of Peppermint Fresh.
“You seem to be forgetting you live with a god,” Loki declares, waggling his eyebrows.
“Oh, come on.”
They spend the rest of their day renovating their new house, Loki’s powers speeding up the process immensely. Other than paint and wallpaper, Mobius had also bought them both some clothes, as well as a range of random items to make the place look a little more personal, and two whole bags of groceries.
“I’ve never cooked anything before,” he admits, just as the sun starts to dip below the horizon. “We never had to, at the TVA. We always just went to the canteen.”
Loki hums to the radio playing in the corner, standing back to check if the strip of wallpaper he had just hung looked straight. “We always had people cook for us, back on Asgard,” he replies. “My mother tried to teach me, but I found pestering my brother much more interesting.”
“Do you miss your family?” Mobius asks, collecting the paintbrushes from around the room so he can wash them in the kitchen sink.
“They weren’t my family,” he responds immediately, before wincing. “Well, not biologically. But I’m starting to think that maybe family is more than just DNA.”
Mobius nods, shoving the paintbrushes into a carrier bag. When he’s sure Loki has nothing else to say, he gestures to the door. “Want to make sure I don’t set fire to the kitchen?”
Loki smiles. He has found himself doing that more and more since he has met Mobius; the man always seems to know what to say and do. “I’m pretty sure you know that I have quite the history of arson, but sure.”
So, they go downstairs, Loki waving his hands and cleaning the stray blotches of paint off their clothes.
“Let’s start with something simple,” Mobius suggests, opening the fridge. “Fish fingers?”
Loki nods. “Surely even you can’t mess that up.”
Oh, how he was wrong. An hour later, they’re sitting next to each other on the couch (upright, this time) eating burnt fish fingers and scoffing at the programme they’re watching.
“Do humans really believe in these things?” Loki asks incredulously, squirting more ketchup on his plate in an attempt to overpower the burnt taste.
Mobius scoffs. “I think it’s for entertainment, Loki. But yeah, ‘aliens’ don’t act like this. At least, not as far as I know.”
“There’s a multiverse now,” Loki muses. “Maybe there weren’t any before, but there are now.”
Mobius shrugs. “Who knows. It’s not our problem, either way.”
Loki doesn’t answer, instead opting to scoop the fishfinger into his mouth. Mobius frowns at his lack of response, grabbing the remote and muting Mulder and Scully’s investigation.
“You do know… this whole multiverse business, it’s not your fault, right? And, as far as we know, nothing catastrophic has happened yet.”
Loki swallows, refusing to take his eyes off the silent TV. “That’s the thing, Mobius. It is my fault - partly, at the very least. And what if something bad does happen? Any suffering or pain caused by this is on my shoulders.”
Mobius puts his plate down on the coffee table, nudging him with his shoulder. “That statement is so incorrect, it’s unbelievable. I thought you were supposed to be smart?”
Loki doesn’t say anything, and he sighs.
“Look - first of all, it isn’t your fault. This is all on Sylvie. I don’t know what happened there, but from what I gather, you tried to stop her, and that’s all that matters. I’ve met a hundred different Lokis, and every single one of them would have done what benefits them the most, not fought to try and do something to help other people.”
“She kissed me,” Loki says, out of nowhere. “Sylvie, I mean. And then she just… tossed me away.”
Mobius frowns. “Did you like her?”
“I thought I did,” he admits. “But I think - I don’t think I liked her like that. I think I mistook wanting her to be safe and happy for love.”
“It’s a kind of love, just perhaps not the one you assumed it was.”
Loki nods. “I loved her like a sister, I suppose.”
“And she betrayed you,” Mobius continues. “When you were finally allowing yourself to trust others again.”
Loki puts his plate on top of Mobius’, suddenly not hungry. He tries to turn his attention back to the muted television, but he’s missed too much of the exposition to properly understand what is happening.
“Loki, look at me,” Mobius says softly. “Loki.”
He turns, praying that he doesn’t notice the tears welling in his eyes.
“Experiencing two conflicting emotions is perfectly normal,” Mobius continues, reaching for Loki’s hand and squeezing it. “You can care about Sylvie, and be upset about what she did at the same time.”
“I just-” he tries, his voice cracking. “I just wonder whether she ever cared about me, or whether she was just using me the entire time. I mean, it’s the kind of thing I would do, isn’t it?”
Mobius stares him dead in the eye, his voice firm. “Maybe once, but not now. You know what makes you different from every other Loki?”
“The fact I stole the Tesseract, escaped to the desert, and then helped to take down the man in charge of the universe?”
“No.” Mobius sighs. “Well, yes, I suppose. But what I was trying to say is that you’re different to every Loki because you care. You recognised your faults, and then you tried to change them.
“You said, earlier, ‘Lokis are destined to lose’, and yet here you are. I would count this as a win, wouldn’t you?”
Loki is uncharacteristically silent after that. They sit like that for a few minutes, neither of them speaking, before Loki stands up and disappears into the kitchen, taking the plates with him. Mobius sighs, reaching for the TV remote and turning the channel to some random movie.
When Loki returns a few minutes later, he sits straight down next to Mobius. They watch the movie - something about little fluffy monsters - together, not finding the need to speak.
It’s only by the time Loki’s head has drooped onto Mobius’ shoulder that the silence is broken. He drags the blanket over the sleepy Loki that’s attached itself to him, grinning at how adorable he finds the ferocious god.
“Thank you,” Loki mumbles, only half-conscious, and they both know he isn’t only talking about the blanket.
This time, when Loki wakes up, he knows the bed he lies in is his own. He frowns, not remembering getting into bed, before realising that Mobius must have carried him upstairs again.
If anyone asked him, he would say that he had fallen asleep because of all the magic he had used to renovate during the day, but that wouldn’t be the truth. No, he’d be a little more hesitant to admit that their little cottage by the beach feels like the safest place he has ever stayed. Besides, emotions are exhausting.
He sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and checking the little clock by his bedside. 9:24, it reads, which isn’t too-
“Loki?” a sleepy voice says from beside him, and he has to stop himself from leaping out of the bed in surprise.
Because somehow, in the few minutes he has been awake, he has failed to notice that he is not alone in the room. Next to him, tucked neatly under the covers, is Mobius, Captain America pajamas and all.
Loki wrinkles his nose at the choice of outfit, but doesn’t voice his opinion. “What - did I fall asleep again?”
“Mmm,” Mobius hums, eyes sliding shut again. “‘S too early, go back to sleep.”
Okay, Loki’s pretty sure his heart just melted slightly. “I don’t need as much sleep as you,” he replies gently. “But you should lie in.”
“Fine,” Mobius complains, rolling over. “But I’m stealing your pillows.”
Loki can’t help but grin at the ridiculous sight - Mobius M. Mobius, formerly one of the most prestigious members of an elite organisation, spread starfish-style across their bed in his Avengers pajamas.
(Although, Loki supposes, the actual Avengers won’t exist for another twenty or so years, thanks to their time travel shenanigans.)
He slips into the hallway, leaving the door ajar behind him, before rummaging around in the bags they had shoved in the study yesterday without bothering to unpack. It only takes a few minutes to find the item he’s looking for, and it takes even less time to sneak back into their bedroom, his footsteps entirely silent.
Click! Loki smirks from behind the disposable camera and sneaks back out of the room, hoping that Mobius doesn’t wake up. Just because he doesn’t want a throne anymore doesn’t mean that he isn’t the God of Mischief- surely, Mobius should be expecting at least a few harmless pranks.
It’s a nice morning - cool, but in that way that suggests it might get much warmer later in the day - so Loki decides to go for a walk. He has barely made it past the second house in their row when a familiar face pops up from behind a hedge, waving wildly.
“Hey! I know you - blue box guy!”
Loki blinks a few times, trying to place the man in front of him. “Casey?”
“Yeah!” he exclaims, hurrying out of his front gate. “You stole my drink.”
“Sorry,” Loki replies automatically, before shaking his head. “Wait, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, you would not believe the week I have had,” Casey begins, waving his arm dramatically. “So I’ve been behind a desk my entire life, right? And then Mobius comes along, and he’s all like ‘Everyone who works for the TVA is a variant and the Timekeepers aren’t real!’ So there’s a bit of a fight - not everyone believes him, you see, and I had no idea what to think - and then a load of people come back from a field mission saying they saw Judge Renslayer as a high school principal!”
“Really,” Loki says drily, trying to keep up with the man’s incessant babbling.
“Yeah! So then Mobius takes over, just for a while, and he says that there are two Loki variants who are gonna take down whoever is behind the TVA, and he comes up with a plan - the people who still want to work there answer to B-15 and do whatever they want to, or you can retire to a few different locations in a few different times! And I figured, ‘Gosh, I nearly died twice in the span of ten minutes and that was scary so I should probably make sure my life has meant something,’ and also a multiverse sounds like a lot of paperwork, so. Here I am!”
Loki is silent for a few seconds, still trying to process all the information that Casey managed to spit out at an alarmingly fast rate. “Wait. So, everyone who lives here used to work for the TVA?”
Casey nods. “This row of houses, yeah. ‘1991 Beach’ was the most popular retirement option - I was pretty lucky to get one of these spots.”
“Huh,” is just about all Loki can manage.
“And guess what, criminal whose name I don’t know!” Casey exclaims excitedly. “I met a fish the other day.”
Loki raises an eyebrow, amused. “Did you, now?”
“Yep! Which, uh, makes your threat much more vivid.” Casey shudders.
“Don’t worry, I don’t kill people anymore,” Loki says, and realises that that is probably the truth. “Sorry about that, and for stealing your drink.”
Casey shrugs. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
“I should head back, but it was nice to see you again, Casey.” Loki turns back to their house, his feet slipping slightly in the sand. “Oh, and, by the way - my name is Loki.”
He turns his back and walks away before he can see the look on Casey’s face, but if the sharp intake of breath he hears is anything to go by, he has certainly succeeded in surprising his new neighbour.
When he gets back, Mobius is awake, shuffling around the kitchen in his pajamas. “Morning, sunshine,” he greets as Loki appears in the doorway, sniffing the air.
“Breakfast?” he asks hopefully, and Mobius laughs.
“Yup. Full English, I thought. Did you have a nice walk?”
Loki perches on the edge of the table, smiling. “I didn’t get particularly far. I had an… interesting conversation with Casey, though.”
“Oh, I remember him. Bit weird, if memory serves,” Mobius responds, scrunching his nose as he cracks two eggs into the frying pan. “Wait, how do you know him?”
Loki scratches the back of his head. “I may, uh - I may have threatened to ‘gut him like a fish’. And then I stole his drink and poured it into your salad.”
Mobius raises an eyebrow. “Wow, okay.”
“In my defense, he didn’t know what a fish was until he moved here. And, I was part of the reason he retired, so.”
“How did he not know what a fish- You know what,” he replies, shaking his head as he turns back to the stove. “I don’t care.”
Loki turns the radio in the corner on with a flick of his wrist, and they are both content to sit and enjoy the quiet morning while Mobius cooks. In no time at all, they are sitting across from each other, two plates of food in front of them.
Picking a piece of eggshell out of his food, Loki warily takes a bite. “Did you have any plans for today?”
“As a matter of fact,” Mobius responds with an excited grin, “I do.”
It turns out, Mobius’ plans involve him packing a backpack and eagerly dragging Loki down the beach to a small jetty. There, waiting for them on the end of the small pier, is a jet ski.
Loki grins. “So that's why you chose the beach.”
Mobius grins, dumping the bag on the side and fishing his keys out of his pockets. “I have read about these things every day for almost the entirety of what I can remember, and I’m finally getting to go on one. Are you coming?”
“Of course,” Loki answers, and he clambers on behind Mobius.
“Hang on,” he shouts over the engine, and Loki wraps his arms around his waist. “You ready?”
“I’m starting to think this might be a bad- woah!”
Before Loki can even finish his statement, they’re off. Mobius soon gets the hang of it, zipping around the bay and whooping. Loki can’t help but smile - sure, he isn’t nearly as bothered about jet skis as Mobius is, but the man’s excitement is contagious. Besides, there is a certain freedom to it; he can feel the wind in his hair and taste the salt on his lips.
Suddenly, Mobius attempts to do a sharp turn, jolting them both with absolutely no warning. Loki tries to hang on, clinging tightly onto his chest, but the movement catches him by surprise and he ends up in the water.
Mobius turns the jet ski around, slowly pulling up next to (the now very wet) god. “Sorry,” he says, but he doesn’t sound very apologetic.
“Maybe I’ll stick to sunbathing,” Loki suggests as Mobius hauls him back onto the ski before dropping him off at the jetty.
“Are you sure?” he asks, clearly torn between having the time of his life and leaving Loki on his own.
“Of course I’m sure,” he answers. “I think I’ll survive an hour or two on my own. Besides, I don’t want to ruin your fun by vomiting all over you.”
Mobius pulls a face. “Maybe it’s for the best, then. I won’t go far, I promise.”
“Go!” Loki says, waving his arm at his friend as he picks up their bag. “Have some fun. You’ve earned it. I think we both have.”
Hours later, when the sun has started to set over the horizon, the two men find themselves lazing on the beach next to each other. Mobius slips a chocolate wrapper into the book he’s reading and places it down next to him, turning to his companion.
“Loki,” he begins, staring out at the sea. “Did you ever think you would settle down like this?”
“Never,” Loki answers, without any hesitation.
“Me neither.”
In the distance, there is the faint smell of cherry pie - perhaps one of their neighbours is cooking. A seagull swoops by overhead, landing on a fence a few feet behind them and bobbing about. If you look closely enough, you can see the ripples on the top of the water; the only clue that there are fish below the surface.
“We make a strange pair, don’t we?” Mobius muses, watching the sky turn from blue to orange to pink.
Loki hums. “That’s why we’re perfect for each other.”
There’s no argument to be made against that in Mobius’ mind, so they sit together, not at the end of the world, but at the beginning of one.
tag list! ask to be added or removed :D
@tiredgayemoweeb / @idrilearfalas / @consulting-supernatural / @doomeccentric / @lyriumwolf / @peterspattersons / @inconceivablelife / @sunsetcurve123 / @i-am-the-trash-duchess / @hermes-creature / @alexmalikplays / @hisfishfingersandcustard
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btsficsforthehumble · 3 years
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adj.: 1. Modern, unfamiliar, or different
2. Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
pairing: reader x ot7
genre: college au; angst, fluff, smut, poly, ot7
Summary: You begin your first year at a prestigious university, set out on achieving your academic goals when a series of men step into your life that change the way you view the definition of love.
Part Five
Warnings: none in this chapter
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: New characters, yay! Just an fyi but I would like to start posting one chapter every week... thots?? Also, I've been thinking of adding a taglist? sksk I know it would be small but I personally love to get tagged when new chapters come out for my faves. If that's something ya'll would like comment so I know!! Alright, back to your regularly scheduled program :)
Literature was next. Now this? This you could handle. Always being a bit of an avid reader, you could devour a novel in one night --- and you often did. Finding the hidden meanings between the lines of text, like unwrapping a present, gave you a thrill. You were the person who could debate for hours about the meaning of a symbol in a book, as annoying as that is to everyone else.
Maybe it was the promise of escape, where you could be transplanted into another world, detached from your own, that appealed so much to you about reading. You could lose yourself, feeling the rush of the love affair or the thrill of a dangerous adventure. Coupled with your analytical nature, you felt more than at home in a literature classroom.
With this in mind, you make your way to your next class with more vigor than usual. When you arrive and take a seat, you pull out your materials and wait for class to begin.
Several minutes later, your professor walks to the podium in the front of the room to introduce herself. After several minutes of reviewing the syllabus, she explains the structure of the class. You were to be placed in small groups, to discuss the readings and write a paper at the end of the semester. This made you a little nervous --- having to rely on others to some capacity for your grade always gave you a bit of anxiety.
She began reading out the names of the students belonging to each group, so you listen carefully as to not miss your own name despite your anxious thoughts swirling inside your head.
“... Eum Hee-Young, Gal Ae-Cha, Ree Mun-Hee, you are group seven. Kim Seokjin, Y/l/n y/f/n, Kim Namjoon, you are group eight. Ok Youngsoo…” her voice fades off as you glance around the room, trying to meet the gazes of other searching eyes as your group was announced.
Your eyes meet those of a guy who looked maybe a year or two older than you, with round, wire frame glasses. His mahogany hair was pushed off of his forehead, parted to the side giving him a youthful but put-together look. He holds up eight fingers, looking at you expectedly, and you nod quickly. He picks up his belongings, preparing to move to you as you had empty space in the seats around you. As he slings his backpack over a shoulder, you scan your eyes around the room to try to catch the other member of your group.
To your surprise, your eyes meet those of the same boy you had ogled over yesterday in your calculus class, before it had started. You shyly hold up your own eight fingers, to which he gives a decisive nod to, and begins to make his way to you as well. You can’t help but notice the planes of his back as he bends down to grab his backpack, his wide shoulders tilting making them seem even larger. He is wearing a simple blue button down and jeans, but even through that you could tell his shoulders tapered to a narrow waist, making him have the perfect masculine inverted triangular build.
Slightly embarrassed at your thoughts, you glance at your other partner, now close to you. His oversized yellow knit sweater swallowed him a little, but with the glasses gave him a cute bookish look. His large frame juxtaposed his cute appearance --- he was on the taller side and seemed built as well. You made eye contact, and gestured to the seat next to you for him to sit. The other boy now approaching, you both watch as he takes the other open seat in front of you.
Your group now assembled, you tune back into your professor who was explaining the first text you were to read together. She told you that it was a short love story that relied heavily on symbolism and became a prominent symbol in and of itself in movies and television. Your first assignment was to analyze the symbolism of the text, and come to a more complex conclusion than what the surface of the text presents. You could feel yourself becoming slightly excited to jump into the assignment as she explained.
“You will be given the rest of class to get acquainted with your group members. They will be permanent, bar any issues that may arise. The first assignment is due at the end of next class. While on this first assignment I will be more lenient with grading, please do your best and set a good standard for your groups. Okay, go ahead everyone,” she finishes.
At her dismissal of your attention, you glance back at your group members. The boy with glasses speaks first. “I’m Namjoon, nice to meet you guys.”
“Seokjin, or just Jin,” the other boy gives.
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you both.”
“So, what year and major are you? I’m a third year, and a journalism major,” Namjoon offers. As he speaks, he gives you both a grin that displays deep dimples on both cheeks. He was very cute, you decided. He had a nerdy charm to him, with a build on the beefy side that made you want to cuddle him.
“I’m a first year… and to tell the truth I haven’t decided on a major yet,” you admit, but give them both a smile.
“Ah, hoobae, you are lucky you are with us pros then! I’m a fourth year, and a business major,” Seokjin says with a wide smile.
“Sunbaenim, are you in calculus before this? I thought I recognized you from there,” you downplay a little. You knew he was in that class since you had spent time checking him out in it, but didn’t want to seem creepy.
“I have a recognizable face.” At this he gives a smug look, but is clearly using a joking tone. “Yeah, calculus with Yoo at nine?”
“Yep. That guy goes so fast,” you frown. “But anyways, how do you guys feel about this assignment?”
Namjoon enters the conversation again, “Honestly I’m kind of excited for it. It’s been a while since I’ve done any reading that isn’t research related, which kind of sucks.”
“That does suck. I love to read, that’s why I took this class, actually,” you empathize.
“Yeah? What do you like to read?” Namjoon leans towards you a bit, excited at the prospect of talking about reading it seems.
“Oh, um… I’d say my favorite genre is probably any type of fantasy, I like being able to be in a different world for a bit. Oh, I also like historical pieces, that stuff is always so interesting.” You were a little hesitant to share, afraid he’d judge your preferences.
“I love historical pieces. I think that’s one of the things that lead me into journalism actually, it’s basically writing history for those in the future to look back on. I just think that’s really cool.” His eyes seemed glitter as he talked about something he was obviously passionate about. You felt yourself developing a soft spot for the boy, finding his friendly disposition and slightly nerdy personality to be incredibly endearing. It didn’t hurt he was also very attractive.
“What about you sunbaenim? Do you like to read?” you ask Seokjin, whose head was oscillating between you and Namjoon.
Surprised the attention shifted to him, his eyes widened to give him an owlish look. You are really surrounded by some beautiful men, you think. What do they put in the water here? It would be normal to run across a cute guy here or there, but this is kind of ridiculous. Seokjin himself has a face that is so beautiful it looks like it should have been carved out of marble!
Focus! You have to scold yourself. The boy you were just admiring in your head is now answering your question and you are too distracted to even process what he’s saying.
“... not too crazy, occasionally I guess…” His body language told you that he was slightly embarrassed at not being as enthusiastic a reader as you and Namjoon.
“I’m sure you have hobbies that are cooler than reading then, if I was athletic or creative I wouldn’t read so much either! Namjoon-sunbaenim, I’m sure you agree,” you encourage with a smile, wanting Namjoon to follow suit in making Seokjin feel comfortable.
Thankfully, he catches on quick. “Oh, yeah, I am way too clumsy to do anything more high stakes than page turning,” He chuckles. You and Seokjin both smile at Namjoon’s subtle self-deprecation. They both were sweet, you think. Your earlier fears about working with others subside. “I guess I could say that I do have another hobby though, I actually help out at the school’s radio station for fun,” Namjoon adds shyly.
Jin tilts his head in surprise. “Oh really? I have a friend who…”
He gets abruptly cut off by the professor’s voice echoing through the room, which causes him to stop his thought.
“Hopefully everyone is acquainted now, and is ready to get to work next class. I expect good things from you all this semester. You are dismissed,” your professor says with finality.
The three of you quickly gather your things, ready to merge with the swarm of students streaming out of the door. You give them both a smile, and say, “It was nice meeting you both. See you next class!” to which they give their own farewell.
As you leave, you check your phone out of habit. It seems your intuition is right, as usual.
*Miss me yet?*
Does Taehyung really have nothing better to do?
*What exactly is there to miss?*
You hope that after your curt response he’d get the memo. This guy is such a fuckboy, you think. While you don’t know why he set his sights on you for now, you hope he gets bored soon. While you give that tough persona to him, the truth is you are more sensitive than that. The idea of being used for sex once and then discarded was unappealing, and Taehyung seemed like the type to do just that.
Finally home after attending two more classes for the day, which were thankfully much less eventful, you slip off your shoes and let your bag slide off your shoulder to thunk on the floor. You were tired. And hungry, apparently, because your stomach makes some concerning noises as soon as you slip your light jacket off. You make your way to the kitchen at the sound, ready to make a nice dinner and decompress.
When you get there, you see one of your new roommates sitting at the stools for your kitchen counter. This roommate was one that you had connected with immediately, drawn to her blunt but fun-loving aura. Her short stature, shorter than average, gave no warning for her and ‘gives-no-fucks’ attitude. You could tell however, that inside she had a soft heart. Even in your short time together, you had seen glimpses of it here and there.
You learned when you had met that she had moved to Korea from America last year, making her a second year at your university. Her features stood out from the crowd, with brown skin and large curls that framed her face in a halo. She was really quite beautiful. Tia, but called Bean by her friends, which now included you, made you feel welcomed to campus and you were thankful for her.
Wanting to not scare her as you walked into the kitchen, you gave her a greeting. Her head pops up from where it was buried in her phone, which had been drawing her into her own world.
“Hey chickie. Long day?” she asks. Apparently your exhaustion was pretty obvious if she could tell right off the bat. You sigh, bending over to pull some vegetables out of the fridge.
“I just want to know who let me schedule four classes on Tuesdays. They should be in jail,” you complain.
She gives you an amused look, watching you now stand at the cutting board to prepare your food. “I think that person was you, sweet thing.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. If I could go back in time and slap my past self I would,” you grown with your head tipped back. She lets out a laugh at your expense.
“Don’t laugh at me unnie! I’m going to pass away from exhaustion over here!” you try to say seriously, but can’t help but let out a little giggle. “What were you doing with your head buried in your phone, huh? Are you talking to someone?” you tease, pointing your knife at her with your other hand on your hip.
“Why, do you wish it was you?” She wiggles her eyebrows, giving you a side smirk. You knew she was deflecting, so you lift your eyebrow and give her a flat expression, waiting for her real answer. “Ugh, it’s nothing. There was just this really cute girl in my class today, and I tried talking to her but she didn’t really seem like she liked me… and I may have just been looking at her social media,” Tia admitted.
Now at the stove, stirring your dinner, you look over your shoulder to say something that would hopefully ease her anxiety. “You know that you can come on strong sometimes, maybe she’s just a little shy, ya know? Maybe try again with a softer approach,” you offer. “What is there not to like?”
She gives you a wide grin to match your own at your last remark. You both giggle, any tension in the air from Tia’s concerns gone. Dinner now finished, you grab two bowls and serve you both. You both slip into easy banter, almost like you two have been friends for years. You hope that you will be, someday.
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piracytheorist · 3 years
Small Signs (1/1)
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Fandom: Resident Evil 7
Summary: Ethan wakes up, thinking of his wife, who has been missing for three years. Little does he know today will be the first news of her he'll get since she disappeared.
Word count: 1.4k AO3
Another dull day.
Another day Ethan wakes up and the other side of the bed is cold.
One would think that he would get used to it, after all this time. But no. Some days he still finds himself waking up and instinctively reaching to hold her.
She always responded to his touch, no matter how deep her sleep. She would sigh and move her body closer to him, then nestle there until she actually woke. He would wait for her to wake up, work honestly be damned, he'd think sometimes.
He stretches his arm, laying it where she would've been, hand on the pillow, fingers running softly over the fabric. He would’ve been mad to think that her scent could have stayed on it after three years.
He sighs. Three years of confusion.
Work be damned, he used to think, but it's the only thing that has managed to keep his mind occupied. His co-workers realized quickly that he was dealing with Mia's disappearance on his own way and time, and they left him alone about all the "You should move on" stuff as soon as they started.
Not that he doesn't appreciate their sympathy. But they’re not in the know.
Even their friends feel distanced to him now. They’ve mourned Mia already, and he’s now the odd one out. He still enjoys their company, but despite the remarks on how it isn't too early to start going out again being rare, sometimes it feels like they can’t get it.
He just wishes he had any fucking way to explain to them the very last message he got from Mia.
"Stay away. Forget that you ever knew me. Have a good life."
It still sends shivers down his spine to think of it. He remembers the moment he watched it the first time clear as ever. How he'd stayed frozen, almost shivering from shock, in front of his computer, for who knows how long after the video had ended. The sirens blaring in the background. Mia's distraught, tired, dirty face. Her telling him to forget her. Completely. As if she never existed.
A part of him – a small one, but a part nonetheless – was almost angry at her request. She'd lied to him – and admitted so – and after all those years of being together, she just expected him to forget all about it? Their love? Her admittance? Her guilt?
He groans in frustration. Despite anything else, he feels guilty for being even that little angry at her. And for the life of him, he can’t believe she didn’t love him. She couldn’t have just left him… there must have been another reason.
Maybe he should do as she said and have a good life. Maybe he should really move on. Maybe he should just do as their friends want to tell him but won't.
But still... If they had known...
The police had instructed him to not tell anyone about Mia's last video. Even if they hadn't, he still had no idea how to even start that conversation.
"Yeah, first she sent me that sweet message, with the promise of coming back soon, and that same night she sent me this one and it scared the shit out of me. And then she disappeared without a trace. Can you see now why I can't really move on?"
If only he knew what happened. Without a body found, he believes he'll spend eternity hoping he'll get news of her. Not that a body is difficult to get lost and destroyed to the point of no recognition, that fucking voice he hasn’t been able to mute even three years later, says again.
If only he could just know what happened. How, or why she disappeared. If she died, at least if it was quick and painless. At this point he's gotten used to the jab inside his chest at the thought of her actually being dead. It still hurts as much as first, but the pain comes less often and more anticipated.
He wants answers. What was with the creepy video, why she lied to him, what she hid from him.
Who is he kidding? Most of all, he wants her.
It isn't like that every day. He gets up with his alarm clock and loses himself in the morning prep routine, focuses on work, goes back home and finds ways to spend the day by either cleaning, tidying up, maybe distracting himself with a beer with friends and then goes to sleep, hoping the next day will provide opportunities for distractions again.
He's given up on the piano. He was pretty mediocre at it already, so it's not like he has any memories of himself playing exquisite sonatas and Mia sitting next to him, being entranced by his fingers dancing across the keys. But he's supposed to be happy for it. He's supposed to give heart to it.
He doesn't feel like he has much of a heart left. Sad thought, he's aware. But it's also true.
The alarm clock on his phone finally rings. He silences it and gets up.
That one small difference, waking up a few minutes before the alarm, stains his entire day. When he opens the cupboard to take the coffee jar, his eyes fall on the sugar jar and he remembers how Mia took her coffee with sugar, and how that jar has barely seen any use in the past three years. When he washes his now empty coffee mug, the lack of a second cup to wash brings a feeling of emptiness in him. When he brushes his teeth, Mia’s old toothbrush is almost taunting him. He didn’t throw it away at first, because, well, she could have returned at any time, right? After the designated three months since she’d first used it passed, he felt as if throwing it away would send out a sign of resignation to the universe, or something. So there it stays and haunts him.
He’s almost managed to forget about that and ignore its existence. But today, being such a day, when he opens the towel cupboard to take out a new one, it catches his eye. An unopened pregnancy test box, probably expired by now.
The last pregnancy test Mia’d had was negative. “When I come back, we’ll try again. It will be positive, then. I know it,” she’d said.
He just had to change the towels today of all days, didn’t he?
He thinks that getting out of the apartment will make him feel better, with some – relatively – clean air in his lungs. Instead, it makes him feel emptier. No goodbye kiss, no see you later, her house keys still and always missing.
Even with work he can't get his mind off. Especially when an old man calls him for help with his computer and starts talking about how it was a gift from his lovely wife.
Is it too much, that he once dreamed – and sometimes, his traitorous mind still dreams – of himself and Mia growing into an adorable old couple like them? Is it because he was so damn happy, that the universe decided a different path for him?
Ethan feels thankful, albeit reluctant, when Jim invites him out for drinks that night.
Had he been asked, he'd never believe that his sullen mood that day would be a sign. A sign that, while Jim would be talking about a particularly demanding and annoying customer, Ethan's phone would ring with a notification. That he'd turn it on and in a shocked state he'd see that he got an email. From Mia.
Dulvey, Louisiana. Baker Farm. Come get me.
It's her account, he knows it. He even knows the password; he had logged in a few times over the past three years in the frail hope it would somehow bring her to him. Last time was one and a half month ago, on their anniversary.
He doesn't even stop to think. Louisiana, fuck, that's nearly across the country.
Well, no time to waste then. He starts picking up his stuff.
"You okay?" Jim asks.
"Yeah. I- I gotta go."
"Something wrong?"
"No, I just- I gotta go."
"Ethan, what the hell?"
What the hell indeed.
He nearly runs to the exit, not looking back at his friend.
Mia is out there, calling out to him, and he's going to get her back.
A/N: Boi has no single clue what nightmare he's getting himself into XD
Anyway, I headcanon that Ethan plays a bit of piano. There are enough appearances of pianos both in RE7 and RE8 (and even a puzzle with one) so I'm going with that. I feel that it's just a hobby to him, so practicing everyday is not his priority, and after Mia disappeared it would just feel wrong to him. Boi's sentimental af.
I looked all over the game's credits, and I couldn't find if the dude Ethan calls at the begining of the game has a name (or even who voices him, lol), so I gave him one myself. I just thought it'd be cool to tie it in that way.
Also, hey, this is the first time I write for this fandom. Yay me! Here's to probably writing more fic!
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
The Studio — Hoseok
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader (nicknamed Giggles)
Wordcount: 9.6k words
Genre: (lots of) smut, angst, final fluff
Rating: 18+
Hello cuties! Welcome back! I had assumed I would be done with Hobi’s piece in the studio quite soon, however it took me some extra hours. Writing it was extremely difficult! Let me remind you that this is NSFW, so minors, please do not read or interact.
PSA — If you’re interested, I was thinking of making a taglist, so you’ll receive a note on your activity feed whenever I publish a new piece (since I know sometimes app notifications do not work). Also, in the next two or three weeks I’ll be busy with university, so I don’t think I’ll be able to write full one-shots. This means I’ll be posting small drabbles that will help me lay the groundwork for all the filth I’ve been storing away from you (and that I’ve hinted in the masterlist). The polls will stay open and you’ll be able to vote for next prompt, however it will take me a while before I start writing again according to your requests.
This piece is a one shot and it takes place in some indefinite future in the official timeline, shortly after him and Giggles have moved in together (quick reminder, Giggles is the nickname he has given the reader, however if you want to know how I imagined her, you can find her headcanons here). 
Synopsis: Giggles has been a little uncomfortable after she has moved into his apartment, mostly because his job has kept him from going back home. After a week of struggle, she heads to Hoseok’s studio to grab her man with the help of special weapons.
DESCRIPTION AND TRIGGER WARNINGS: angst at the beginning, reader is upset and cries. Other than that, this is filthy. NSFW, contains several BDSM themes, such as domination (Dom!reader, Switch!Hoseok and a fluffy dose of vanilla sex because I needed to cleanse my soul), rope bondage (wrists), blindfold, sensation play and mild impact play (flogger, hinted riding crop and tickler), pretty intense edging, teasing, oral sex and masturbation (both male and female receiving), squirting, MULTIPLE ROUNDS (it’s Hoseok, come on!). Emotionally challenging: Hoseok feels guilty as hell, reader is quite angry, but they’re both lovesick puppies by the end of it. Special warning: one bratty Jimin appears at the end of the piece.
Word count: 9.6k
Here is my masterlist! Enjoy!!!
A lowfi mix came from behind Hoseok’s door. He was probably just chilling as he worked on something else. It wasn’t uncommon for him to listen to random stuff as he looked for inspiration, especially since he was currently trying to work with a more old school R’n’B vibe. He had a new artist he wanted to collaborate with and this new genre was becoming increasingly challenging, especially since he wanted it to have that early Two-thousand flow, reminding him of that time he had started venturing into Western hip hop, thinking about dates and girls and teenage crushes.
The bag felt a bit heavier on your shoulder now that the music showed you his mindset. This could turn into a very one-of-a-kind type of night.
You knocked at the door. The music turned down a notch, as if he wasn’t quite sure he had heard right.
Hesitantly, shutting your eyes tight, you knocked harder before pressing your hand to your chest, curling around it in fear. Hoseok could be harsh when interrupted: though he usually realised and apologised, seeing him mildly disappointed always gave you a chill down your spine, and not the good one.
His shadow appeared from behind the opaque glass door.
The door unlocked and opened. “Hey, hello there.” His expression was blank for a second before he realised you were quite neutral, as if trying to square yourself before seeing him.
Something caved in your chest. He had deep, dark circles under his eyes. “Hi.”
“Are you coming in?” He asked.
“I only wanted to ask when you’re coming back home.” You said, your lip slightly trembling.
He blinked.
“I’ve texted you and called you, but you didn’t reply.”
He blinked twice. “What time is it?”
You exhaled and made to turn around and walk away.
“Giggles.” He called, chasing after you and catching you in his arms, backhugging you. “Baby.”
“No. I’m done with baby and all of that. I’m fucking done.” Tears started falling. Your plan had gone to hell. All your mental briefings and getting yourself in the right mindset were useless by now. The bag made you feel twice as frustrated. “I am tired, Hoseok.”
That made him feel like a scolded puppy. You had never uses that tone with him, never used his full name while scolding him.
“I am tired.” Now that your first tear was spilled, all the others came out without any control. “I am exhausted.”
He pressed you harder into him. “I promise it will end soon.” He smiled as he saw you turn and hide into him.
“I am tired of your promises. You made me move in and then disappeared for a week straight. I don’t know where I can put my stuff, I had to handle transport, to talk with my landlord, to do everything by myself. And I’ve been doing double shifts all week. I am raw with exhaustion and I’ve had absolutely zero support.” You sobbed, pressing your pointer finger into his chest, before laying your punch against his breastbone, angry and tired and accusing. “You were supposed to be my certainty but you gave me fucking nothing.” He flinched when he heard you swore. You never swear at him. The fact that you’ve done it twice in the same argument spoke volumes about how angry you were. “You were supposed to give me certainties. But you don’t even answer to my texts.” You punched him weakly. “I hate you so much.”
Now he was worried. Heavily worried. Anxious. “Let’s get in the studio, ____. Come on, love.”
“I don’t want to come in.”
He shook his head, tipping your chin back. “I said, come in.”
“You don’t get to order me around, Hoseok. Not like this. I’ve been doing everything you’ve asked me. I’ve been saying ‘yes, sir’ to every single one of your requests and look where that brought me.” You shoved your face away, out of his grasp.
He cupped your face with both hands. “Look at me.” He ordered. He tried again, softening his voice, panicking as you strongly opposed. “Look at me, little bird.”
You obeyed. It was the fucking nickname’s fault.
“Come in with me. I want to talk about this, make up for my mistakes.” He dried your tears with his thumbs. “I want you to tell me how to fix this. What you want me to do.” He combed your hair back with gentle fingers. “You say I keep ordering you around, and that has made you unhappy. I want to turn the tables. Let you order me what to do.” He started taking tiny steps backwards, toward his door, waddling with you in your arms. “This is the last time I beg you to do what I’ve asked you, for tonight. After this you’re absolutely free, Giggles. It’s all up to you, but please, let’s talk it out in my studio.”
You sniffled. “Okay.”
“Thank you.” He smiled weakly.
You followed him.
The studio was clad in soft lights, the bass of the song making the air in the room feel like a warm, inviting, sultry cocoon. He moved to the desk, making the music nothing but a quiet whisper. “Let’s sit on the sofa over there, yeah?” He sat down and patted the cushion beside him.
Reluctantly, you sat down, removing your jacket and placing the bag beside you, on the floor.
“I made a mistake. I didn’t support you. I am sorry. I’ve been busy with my job but that is not an excuse, nor a good reason to disappear while you’re struggling.” He admitted.
“I’ve been sleeping in that bed alone for a week. It was heartbreaking.” You said with a furrowed brow and a pout. “It hurt so much that sadness became anger.”
He combed his hair with his hands. “I fucked up.”
“You did.” You confirmed. “I can handle a bit of loneliness. I’ve been alone for a long time. But that hurts inside your house.”
“It’s our house now.” He argued, deeply unhappy.
“Is it now?” You accused.
You saw his expression turn hurtful. “Are you going to leave?” He said, afraid that that would be his punishment. He knew there would be a price to pay, he just hoped it wouldn’t cost him his whole happiness with you.
“I can’t handle it now. Plus I don’t have much choice. It’s either there or my parents but I can’t move out of the city and do double shifts at work.” You said. “I’m stuck here because I trusted you. Because I gave up all my alternatives for you. You told me to trust you, that I could count on you. What am I going to do now?”
You looked so broken. He felt his eyes well with tears. His voice came out shaky. “Tell me what to do. Anything.”
“You’re gonna do what you want anyways.” You said, a bit hostile.
“No. Please, can you tell me what to do?” He tried to hold your hand. You let him.
“I want you home tonight.” You said, naming your price.
“Okay.” He felt ready to do anything. If you asked him to fly all the way to Paris and bring a box of macarons, champagne and fresh red roses, he would simply whip his phone out and look for the next flight. Fuck, he would teach himself how to fly a plane if need be.
“I want you home every night for the next week. I want dinner together.” You said, punching your index finger into your thigh. “You can use your home studio after dinner, I don’t care, you can stay up all night, but I swear if I have to fall asleep one more night alone in that damn bed, I’m going to gut you.”
“Okay.” He hadn’t come back home because he knew that having you around would mean getting no work done, as he much preferred giving you attention and laying down with you, watching a movie or putting to good use that big bed of his.
“And I want cuddles.”
“Yes, love.”
“Daily cuddles.”
He smiled as you contested like a child. “Yes, little bird.”
“And I want sex at least once a week for the next month.” You said, knowing that you could have much better than that, but you were aiming at the bare minimum.
“Once a week?” He asked, a bit dumbfounded.
“At least.”
That had him nodding. “Can do.”
“Pinkie promise.”
He smiled wider, hooking his pinkie with yours. “Pinkie promise.” As you pressed your thumbs together, sealing the deal, he brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “What now? Can I hug you?”
“No. Go lock the door.” He looked at you dubious.
“Lock it.” You repeated.
He stood up and obeyed. “Now what?”
The negotiation had set you back into your original path. You had come for revenge and you were ready to execute it. “On your chair.” He was going to see how it feels to be powerless. Lost. Alone.
His heartbeat started increasing. He wanted to see where your plan was going to take him. He sat on his chair. “Here.”
“Close your eyes.” Your voice shook a little. You cleared it and said again: “Close your eyes, now.”
He bit his lip. He was getting turned on. A part of himself asked him how sick he must be for this, but he followed your lead, closing his eyes and laying his hands on the armrests. “Are you going to punish me?”
You shook your head before realising that he couldn’t see your movements. “I am going to do as I please.”
He snickered.
“Quiet.” You warned quietly.
He licked his lips and regained his composure. “Sorry.”
You bent and opened the bag. You found your first bundle and started unraveling it, walking back and forth in front of the sofa, stopping with your back to him.
“Take off your clothes.”
“Really?” He asked, incredulous.
“Do I look like I am joking?” You replied from over your shoulder.
“Okay.” He undressed quickly, letting his clothes fall to the floor. “Do you want me to...”
“Quiet.” You repeated. 
He closed his eyes and bent his head down. He was naked on the chair, unsurprised by his own erection.
You took a few steps towards him. As soon as you reached him, you gave him further instructions. “Do not open your eyes. I am going to touch you but if you open your eyes, you won’t like the consequences.”
“Wait.” Hoseok murmured. “How are you feeling now?”
You stopped. “What do you mean?”
“Are you angry at me?” Hoseok asked, his voice meek, hesitant, unhappy. “I’ve never seen you like this. I’m worried.”
You couldn’t do this to him. You couldn’t tie him up and torture him to tears, break him like that. Even though you really wanted to.
“I’m angry a bit, yes.” You replied. You exhaled, waiting in silence.
“I don’t think we should be doing this, then.” He suggested quietly. “I’ll be honest. You’re scaring me a little.”
You placed the rope on top of the desk, out of his angle of vision. “Open your eyes”, you said, placing your hands on his cheeks. His stare met yours. “What if I tell you my plans and you tell me if you’re okay with it?”
He pressed his face against your belly, kissing it. “I’m so sorry.” He nuzzled into your shirt. “I feel so bad.”
You moved your hands from his cheeks to his hair. “This is how I’m helping you with your guilt.” You massaged his shoulders. “I want to take care of you. You must have been so stressed here.”
“I’m the one at fault. I should be the one taking care of you.” He said with big puppy eyes. He looked up at you with his chin propped against your stomach.
“You can take care of me by letting me take the lead. Right now I need to feel like I can control something.” You traced his lips with your thumb, your index finger tracing the ridge of his nose with its lovely curve.
“Then control me.” He said, puckering his lips around your thumb.
“Are you still scared of me?” You asked.
“I’m scared of you going too far or pushing myself too far to please you.” He confessed. “But it’s something unconscious. I know I can trust you.”
“Still, I could tell you my plans.” You suggested sweetly.
“I trust you.”
“You don’t have to do stuff you don’t feel like doing just to please me.” You reminded him politely.
“That’s why we have safewords. When I don’t feel good I’ll use them.” He said, matter-of-factly. “They’re not there only for you.” He smiled.
You were quite curious about how his nakedness seemed to unfaze him. But then again, after more than a year together, at this point nakedness in front of each other felt natural.
“Don’t push yourself just to please me.” You scolded him.
“I won’t. If I don’t feel good, we stop and I’ll make love to you.” He stated plainly.
You thought about it. After all this time you knew Hoseok’s limits and insecurities. “Okay.”
“Okay.” He settled back into his chair, his hands gripping the armrests. He closed his eyes. “I’m ready.”
His chest was so skinny. It felt like staring at a hummingbird. “Are you keeping your eyes closed or would you like a blindfold?”
He smiled. “Kinky.” He breathed out. He paused. “Blindfold.”
You smirked and grabbed it from your backpocket. You already knew he would have chosen to wear it. “I will touch you now Hoseok. Let’s see if you can recognise it.” You stretched towards the rope on his table, keeping it rolled up and brushing it gently against his face.
“Oh.” He rubbed his cheek against it, pressing his lips and then parting them to use his tongue. “I’m getting tied up, aren’t I?” He asked.
“Would you like to?” You asked. Blindfolded and tied up was always a daring combination. You had first done it for his birthday, but back then you hadn’t intended to overstimulate him to tears. That time you had simply used your advantage to give him the ride of his life, physically restraining him from taking control and straining himself to please you. The bondage technique had helped you keep him still long enough to relax. After almost literally sucking him dry, you had managed to ride him, watch him come apart for the fourth time and see him fall asleep like a kid at your side, not a care in the world. It had been a wildly satisfying experience.
“Are you going to use me like last time?” He asked, eyes still closed but his hands reaching out for you.
“Not really.” You commented. “I was thinking of something… softer? So to say.” You bit your lip. He couldn’t see your devious smile anyway.
“I’m interested.” He said, blindly running his hands down your thighs. “Tell me what to do.”
Clutching the rope between your thighs, you used one hand to comb his hair and trace the lovely lines of his face. “I’ll put the blindfold on you now, Hoseok. Is that okay, handsome?”
“Yes.” He said, his cheeks twitching with a small smile.
Putting a blindfold on someone else is a lot more difficult than it seems, however you managed to press the wide silken mask against his eyes, hooking the elastic band with your fingers and slipping it behind his head. “Is it safe?”
“Yes, Giggles.” He replied, turning his head in an attempt to kiss your wrist. You noticed the gesture and offered him your hand, brushing the back of it against his cheek. He managed to press his lips to your knuckles. “I love you.”
You bent down and let your lips hover over his. “Can you feel me?”
“So close.” He whispered. Sometimes he had this sixth sense, like his body — so used to perceive himself in time and space while dancing — had this special sensibility to closeness. Depriving him of sight made it look even more supernatural. It made you feel like he could perceive you spiritually. It felt religious. Metaphysical. You had missed this connection and you had been craving it for a while.
“Can you kiss me, Hoseok?”
He licked your lips in reply, his mouth hanging open, his lower lip brushing against yours so sensually that you envelopped it in yours, sucking.
He moaned, your eyes closing as you felt your body reach another level of arousal. It felt extraordinary. It felt like you were making love to your own body through his nakedness and arousal. Feeling this wanted, exploiting this bond between the two of you, the way your body mirrored his sensations, it was stronger than anything you had ever experienced.
You let go of his lip. “I’m gonna start tying you up now. This is the right moment to stop me, bub.”
“Keep going.” He said, his voice slightly gravelly.
“Okay.” You moved around the chair, studying how to use your prop smartly.
You noticed two thin metal tubes connecting the headrest to the back of the chair. Interesting. You unravelled your bundle of rope and found the middle quickly thanks to the mark placed there.
You remembered Hoseok coming back home with a big box, placing it on top of the coffee table as you were chilling on the sofa. “I want it cut, marked and hemmed by nine o’ clock.” He had said, voice dark, as he offered you a sewing kit and a fabric meter. “You’ll find instructions in the box.” He kissed your head as you sat on the floor and opened the box, dumbfounded. “I can’t use it tonight, but I’ll reward you if you do a good job.” Inside there was one entire spool of rope: the tag read “a hundred meters - pure cotton”. You spent the rest of the evening attending to your chore. Once you were done, you went knocking at Hoseok’s door. He spent the rest of the night repaying you for your fine accomplishment.
“Can you place your hands on your nape” You asked, noticing that he did so immediately.
“Thank you.” You chirped as you started tying him up, placing two fingers between his skin and the rope to make sure you didn't tighten too much. The position was delicate since his blood circulation could be affected by his forearms being upside down, tying the knot too tight would inevitably mean worsening the situation.
Once his wrists were safely secured to the small steel tube, you checked on him. “Is it good, bubs? Too tight?”
“I'm good, thank you, Giggles.” He replied.
“I’m going to grab my bag quickly. I’ll be a few steps away for a couple seconds, bubs.” You said, making sure that he didn’t panic as you stepped away.
A sultry, suggestive song came on, a slow Nineties hip hop track. It was inspirational, especially as you picked up your bag and placed it on top of his desk, near you and his chair, making sure that you wouldn’t need to leave him alone for longer than a couple seconds. Any person with a sliver of common sense would understand it is an awfully bad idea to leave someone bound, blindfolded and unguarded.
You stood in front of him with your hands behind your back and bent to his ear. “I’m here.” You murmured before standing up and dragging your nails down his neck and chest, stopping right at his stomach without neglecting his nipples, circling around them a couple times. He looked delicious, his cock hard and leaking on his lower abs. You observed the twitching of his slim shaft, the lovely curve of it, the taunting pink of his tip glimmering with wetness.
Teasingly, biting your lip, you gathered some of his precum on your fingertip, his lips parting with a purring sound.
“Giggles, please.” He whined.
You smiled as he exhaled, his mouth hanging open, and you deviously slipped your fingertip past his lips.
“Can you taste how turned on you are, Hobi?” You murmured, pressing your digit against his tongue.
He bit down playfully before twirling the tip of his tongue around your finger.
Giggling, you removed it.
“Does it tickle?” He asked.
You licked your lip. “Maybe.”
He shook his head just as you punished his disrespect with a gentle slap on his cheek. “You’re in no position to play games, Hoseok.”
He regained his composure. “Sorry.”
You shook your head yourself, standing up and moving behind him. His sides were vulnerable with his hands tied up and behind his head. You started thinking how you could use this against him. For now you simply decided that his inner forearms were normally sensitive enough to be a good starting point. He always started from your inner forearms. Drawing lines and twirls with your nails, you saw him shiver, his mouth gaping.
“You’ve moved.” He murmured, his fingers wiggling as he searched for contact, giving up once he noticed there was no chance. Daring and playful, you tickled his palms, moving so quickly that he didn’t manage to grab you.
His inner upper arm was even more sensitive, however touching it would mean that he would probably be able to touch you back. You could use something to reach out. You stood back, circling around the chair. It was a lot more complicated now. You had thought that seeing him like this would immediately tell you what you wanted to do to him. You had packed a variety of supplies in case sudden inspiration struck you, but now your lack of planning and your excess of toys confused you even more.
You had him naked and tied up to a quite limiting armchair. You knew your goal was to stimulate him as much as possible, listen to his pretty whines and watch him grow more and more desperate. Get him turned on out of his mind. Surprise him.
Kneeling, you patted his knees with your palms. “Open up.”
He inched his hips forward, his torso slouching against the back of the chair, his thighs parting further. “More?” He asked.
“Perfect.” You said, kissing his knees.
“Oh, you’re gonna do it like the other time?” He asked, bucking his hips up and slouching further. “You wanna blow me?”
You smiled, sending a cold breath running up his inner thigh.
His moan followed like a tide, like sunlight chasing the horizon at sunset.
You mirrored the gesture on the other leg, satisfied with the effect you had just elicited. “Do you want me to?” You asked, referring to his proposition.
“Your choice, Giggles.” He murmured, his reply melting into a ‘fuck, yeah’ as you licked up his thigh.
He could imagine your bubblegum pink tongue against the pale skin of his inner leg, your eyelids fluttering closed as you brought your tongue closer to his cock.
He had the softest baby hair on his inner leg. You wondered how it could be so thin and soft. Once you reached his crotch, you parted your mouth from his skin, your hot breath fanning on the sensitive head of his cock. Making sure that your hair was out of the way, you kissed the skin of his abdomen following the shadow that his sex projected on his belly. The point was that of being that close but not touching him.
It turned a bit more difficult when his hips jerked in an attempt to connect his cock with your lips while you sucked a love bite right on top of where his tip was laying. You moved back. “Stay still, Hoseok. Don’t make me tie up your legs too.” You warned. He huffed out a strained breath and shivered as you continued your trip down the other side with small kisses, finally licking down the other thigh, sitting back on your heels and placing a sweet peck on his knee. Now that his whole crotch area, thighs and abs were wet, blowing cold air all over him was even more fun, your lips directing your breath on different parts, making him try to escape your evil attentions.
“Giggles, you’re so bad.” He mewled, a tiny, desperate laugh underlining his sentence.
Your hands reached the base of his feet, your nails dragging against the natural crease at the center of his foot.
“It tickles.” He said, his legs jumping up as he tried to escape that sensorial torture.
“No touching you there?” You asked, eyebrows curving upwards in wonder. “Okay.”
He planted his feet firmly on the base of his office chair. “Please.” He said.
“It’s okay, Hobi.” You replied sweetly. His dancer feet were too sensitive for that and you’d rather avoid him moving too much and possibly falling from the chair. “How are you feeling?” You asked, standing up. You were at a crossroad. From his answer depended the rest of the evening.
“I’m doing great. This feels incredible, Giggles.” He smiled, complimenting you.
“Are you down for a level up?” You asked.
He nodded. “I’m curious.”
“Choose a number from one to three.” You asked him, your voice bubbly.
“What is it?” He asked. He was afraid of the consequences. Was it going to be the number of times he was allowed to cum? Or maybe something else?
“Just a game, Hobi. Choose a number.” You repeated.
A bit hesitant he said: “Two.” He said. Like us, he thought. He kept the idea to himself, thinking it cheesy. Plus two was halfway. Nothing bad can happen if you stay halfway, right?
You raised your eyebrows and considered cheating. He would never know. You had really prepared three toys and numbered them, however, out of the three objects you had prepared, number two was the one that scared you the most, convincing yourself to pack it just in case he flipped and took the lead. Hoseok could be extremely powerful with that tool in hand and it was probably your favourite accessory for him to use on you.
Unfortunately — or maybe very fortunately — it was you who had to control it tonight.
With quite some courage, you pushed your hand into the bag, finding the handle and gripping it tight as you extracted the black leather device from the bag. The tails of the flogger met your skin gently, caressing it with their delicate, velvety touch. Each tail was made of suede, giving a special feel to the touch. He had never openly admitted how expensive it was, but you knew it was a lot.
As your dominant hand held the handle, the other toyed with the tails, gripping them and wrapping them around your fist; looking at Hoseok, you started thinking where to start.
His inner arms were there, pale, slender and so sensitive. “Can you feel me?” You asked, bending down, your breath tickling the free skin of his wrists.
“Yes.” He commented. “Behind my back. You’re so close but I can’t reach you.” He whined, struggling a little against the rope.
“Are your hands okay? Is the knot too tight?” You checked.
He breathed out. “Yes, I’m okay. Thank you.” He stilled on the chair since he realised he couldn’t touch you.
“My pleasure, Hoseok.” You replied, spurring him on a little. “Would you like me to tell you what’s the number you chose?”
He thought about it, but he realised that most of the arousal he was experiencing was because of the complete unexpectedness of each sensation. “Surprise me.”
You smiled, running the butt of the handle against his upper arm, teasing the top of his armpit. He shivered adorably, the sensation making his arm tingle with goosebumps.
“How does it feel?” You asked, curious.
“Wicked. But also interesting.” He replied, shivering again as you repeated the gesture on the other side. “Very sensitive.”
“Can you guess what it is?” You asked, gripping the flogger from where the tails met the handle, leaving the underside of the shaft free to press against his lips. He sniffed it. “Leather.” He sniffed some more. “Your hand lotion. Is it the handle of something?” He asked, dragging his cheek against it.
In the meanwhile you made sure that the tails were wrapped tight around your fist so that they wouldn’t give you away. “Maybe.” You replied, removing the object from his face and unwrapping the suede straps from your other palm, keeping the toy away from him. You trapped all the tails back, leaving only one out. That’s how to start.
Hoseok, momentarily blinded, kept thinking of what the object could possibly be. “Is the number connected to what you’re using now?”
“Yes. Each number meant a toy. I’m using number two right now.” You said, letting that single string drag from the small hollow between his collarbones down to his belly button. Your small hand struggled around the instrument, however your nerves helped you keep a tight grip.
“You have more than one?” He asked, moaning as the tail tickled the base of his cock. “What the hell is it?” He said, thrusting his hips upward. “Fuck, please.” He murmured, as you teased his balls. You grinned. “It’s the riding crop, uh? You love that one.” He murmured, just as you moved your hand far from his body, letting the tails fall free before snapping your wrist, making the strings swish.
Hoseok listened to the noise attentively, however the background music kept him from properly identifying the sound. “Is it something we have used before?”
You hit your palm again, softly, knowing that the hip hop track was going to make the toy unrecognisable. As you stood in front of his face, you leaned down and snapped it once more, making sure that he would feel the air move as the tails slapped your hand. Doing it this delicately made it feel almost pleasurable against your skin.
“Yes, we’ve used it before.”
You stood up again, letting the tails hang low. Noticing his length dripping in wetness, you snapped the toy once more against your palm, still far from his skin, simply producing an air current.
“Dammit, please, I just wanna cum.” He cried out.
“Guess my toy and I’ll reward you.” You teased.
He whimpered. “Come on, we’ve tried at least twenty together.” He lamented. “And you’ve given me so little.”
“Then let me give you more.” You giggled, This time you took a deep breath. Courage. You wanted him to hear it for real, not the caressing sweeps, but the harsh, punishing ones he usually delivered. Maybe those would sound more familiar. Exhaling, you hit your clothed thigh. You moaned: it could feel so sweet in your own hand, when you could control it and with the barrier of your jeans.
“It’s leather, I’m sure.” He commented.
You snapped once more, your cunt clenching, wetness making you feel uncomfortable between your thighs as you noticed him flinch at the sound. “Are you sure it’s leather, Hoseok?”
When he heard the third smack, he went insane. It felt unreal to be there, to wait for a hit that wouldn’t come, or even worse to be deep in thought, so close to the answer, but to be brought back to reality with the swishing and clicking sound of whatever it was you were holding. “If you say it like that, I’m not sure.”
Grinning, you let the tails hover over his skin, tickling the air around them, charging his skin with goosebumps. He felt electric. “Is this helping you?” You asked, letting the suede skim his skin.
“Oh. So you’re using my weapons against me...” He wondered just as your free hand cupped his balls, squeezing them gently. He was being too cocky anyway. His following moan decisively toned down his arrogance.
“Sorry.” He whined. “Please.” He moaned while your hand pushed the flogger away, your torso bending forward as you stretched to lick the tip of his cock, collecting the hot droplet of cum he had just spilled. “____, I’m begging, please.”
“Please what?” You murmured against his abdomen.
As he began talking you sucked the smooth head of his dick into your mouth, listening to him stammering and moaning in an attempt to speak. With a sweet stutter he cried out. “Wanna cum. Please.”
You released his sex. “You know the rules. Guess the toy and I’ll let you cum. Don’t make me say it again.” You stood straight and moved the flogger back between his legs, the tails teasing his inner thighs. “How come you haven’t recognised it yet?” You teased.
“It’s a tickler.” He moaned. “The one with the feathers.” He huffed out, just as you caught once more the tails in your palm, wrapping them around your hand and moving your grip, freeing the butt of the handle.
“No, love. I’m sorry.” You said, feigning discontent, but secretly grinning.
He cried out. “Oh, come on, what is it!” He growled, his voice sliding into a whimper as you sucked one of his balls into your mouth.
“Fuck it, Giggles. Please.”
He had said ‘please’ at least four times tonight, that you remembered. Maybe even more. You sucked harder.
“Love your mouth, baby,” he rambled, his sanity long forgotten in the unpredictable events of the evening. He felt his guts tightening, his abs clenching. “So good. Shit.”
As you spotted the telltale pulsing in your mouth, you let go of him.
“No, please. Please.” He begged. It was your favourite word on your lips. When he begged. When he begged to lick you, to let him make you squirt, to slap your delicate breasts, to fuck your mouth, to change position ‘just one more time’, to let him ram into you for the third, fourth ride even if you were tired and overstimulated, your brains only capable of telling him yes because you were too fucked out, too greedy, too in love with him to ever deny him.
“You made a dumb guess, Hobi. How can a tickler make that sound? You heard the smack, before, didn’t you.” You pressed the butt of the toy against his shaft, delicately, dragging it up and down in a very upsetting imitation of a handjob.
He keened as several drops of cum bubbled up from his slit and dribbled down his cock.
“You’re so turned on, uh?” You snickered, teasing him ruthlessly. “You’re barely coherent.”
He couldn’t wrap his head around how his sweet, sparkly, submissive Giggles, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, his precious jewel could turn into such a sadistic, cruel creature.
He had probably ruined you.
He was almost glad. Proud of you.
“Giggles, love. Please, have mercy, baby. You can’t hurt me. You love me.” He murmured, trying to convince himself.
You let him breathe, moving the handle away from his sensitive sex.
“I love you. That’s why I need you to recognise the toy.” You cooed. “You’ve heard how it sounds, and felt how it feels. You can do it, bubs.” You bent to his mouth, letting your lips linger over his.
“It swishes and smashes, but it’s a dry, light smash. Not a paddle. Not a tickler, and not a riding crop either. It’s either a cat-o-nine-tales or a flogger.” He murmured.
“Good boy.” You praised him. “What is it, then Hoseok?”
He felt insane. The moment he realised it was one of the two, he started imagining you holding one, getting even more turned on at the thought. “Use it on me.” He asked. “Please.” He could almost see you, your small figure, your tiny hands wrapped around the thick leather base, the cute flinch on your face as you whipped the tails against your thigh. “Use it on me.” He wished he could see you for real. He just needed you to do it once, to be comfortable to eventually do it again, someday — possibly within the next month — to see you actually use the flogger on him. He felt like going insane.
You frowned. You weren’t skilled enough for using it like that.
Whipping yourself over your clothes was one thing, but hitting him? Naked? Tied up? No. You told him.
“I can’t, Hoseok.”
“Please.” He cried out. “I trust you.” He said, quietly reassuring you. “Place me so that the front of my thigh is free, and direct the blow across my thigh, towards the outer side.”
You breathed a couple times. “Okay.”
“Thank you.” He cried out in relief.
Following his directions, you placed him correctly on the chair, his thigh hanging midair. With your back to him, you murmured quietly “Ready?”
He simply breathed out a ‘yes’.
His cry was immediate. “Oh god, Giggles. Fuck.” You had been heavy handed, still he hadn’t perceived the bite of the small silver balls that his cat-o-nine-tales sported. “Flogger.” He moaned. “Wanna cum, please.”
You immediately dropped the flogger on top of his table. “That’s right, bubs. You’ve been a very good boy.”
He pushed his hips upward. “Your mouth, please.” He begged. “Inside.” He sobbed.
You undressed quickly, your shirt coming off in a second and your jeans following right after. With only your panties on, you kneeled on the floor, not quite making yourself noticed.
“Where are you?” He cried out. “Giggles?”
“Here.” You called. “Between your legs.” You kissed his knee. “You look beautiful, Hoseok. So damn beautiful.” Your mouth climbed up towards his lap, quick and practical, your tongue drawing a line of saliva up his thigh. “I’ll give you thirty seconds. If you don’t cum at that, I’ll stand up, take off your blindfold and touch myself while your hands are tied. Got it?”
He whimpered.
“Got it?” You asked again. 
“Yes, Giggles.” He replied, as composedly as possible.
“Good.” You said, before swallowing him.
He groaned, pushing his hips up towards your face. His chair rolled back a bit, but thankfully you grabbed the armrests and managed to secure it.
With wicked intentions you pulled him out, rolling the chair away so that the back sticked to the edge of his desk, keeping it from moving. “Count to thirty for me, Hoseok.”
You didn’t give him time to reply, sinking back onto him.
“One,” he whimpered as you used your hands to stroke the parts you couldn’t take into your mouth.
“Oh, two.” He groaned, pushing some more. You pinched his thigh, reprimanding him for his thrust.
He jumped at that before he cried out a three, panting heavily. “I’m gonna cum.”
Again you pinched.
“Three.” He said with a shrill.
By the count of nine, his hips got impatient, thrusting into you some more, but — lucky him — you felt merciful and disregarded his disobedience as you started to bob your head, before hearing him breathe louder and faster. “That’s it. Giggles, fuck. Love it. So good. Love you.” He managed to babble before he came apart.
You simply stayed there, eyes rimmed with tears, holding your breath as his cum kept spilling inside you. It took him five or six shots before he stilled, empty and spent. Oxygen felt like a blessing once you pulled him out, his tip resting on your tongue. Both your and his breathing were heavy and rushed as you removed your head from his lap and tested it against his thigh.
“Wanna see you, Giggles.” He murmured, his voice hoarse after all the moaning and growling and panting. “Take off the blindfold, baby.” He asked, ready to take control. You were the one who needed attention right now.
“Just a minute.” You murmured, nuzzling your cheek against his leg and closing your eyes.
“Now, Giggles.” He ordered with some urgency.
With a deep sigh, you stood on your knees, stretching towards his face to take off the silk band from his eyes. It took a couple attempts because you couldn't reach perfectly, however you finally managed to uncover him, his eyes immediately focusing on you.
“Hello, little bird.” He said, his tone already sporting that sardonic, telltale undertone. He was going for revenge.
A fearful wave rolled down your spine.
“Hi, Hoseok.” You replied, a bit hazed.
“Can you untie me, little bird? Please?” He asked, but his plea didn't hold the previous submission. This was simply a polite request. “I know you’re tired, pretty thing. Just untie me, I’ll take care of you, I promise, angel.” He said, spotting the way you looked at him like a scared wild animal. “I can’t even cuddle you right now.” He wiggled his wrists. “It hurts like hell to see you this vulnerable and not being allowed to cuddle you, little bird.” His voice expressed affection now, his mood completely changed after he had seen you: the discomfort of your treatment was still fresh but he couldn’t bring himself to torture you back after seeing you curled up between his legs.
You kissed his thigh a little helplessly before whining as you stood up.
“That’s my good girl.” He praised you with a quiet voice.
Undoing the knot was extremely easy. You liked using knots that were simple to undo once you released the safety hook — a reasonable amount of rope strategically tucked into the knot that once tugged simply makes the rope fall to the ground. Hoseok was usually reasonable enough not to untie himself, which meant you could still untie him easily even when your body was tired and your mind felt fuzzy.
When the rope fell to the ground, Hoseok stood still, holding position. Once he jammed a knot because he moved too early and you sulked at him for a week because he made you cut the rope into three unusable lengths. “May I?” He asked.
“Yes.” You confirmed.
He immediately turned the chair so that he was facing you. His arms wrapped around your middle, hugging you tight as you stood between his legs.
“You’ve been so good, Giggles. You’ve been perfect, little bird.” He pulled you into him, making you sit on his lap. “How are you feeling, dove?”
“A bit unsettled.” You admitted. “Strange.”
“What got into you?” He asked, smiling as he stroked your cheek. “You were devilish, pretty thing.”
“I don’t know. I think I was inspired.” You admitted, sinking into his neck, nuzzling into the curve below his ear.
“How did you feel with the flogger?” He asked, caressing your spine gently. He felt soft for you. To hell with revenge, he’d much rather make love to you. Show you all his appreciation for the scene you had staged, your spirit of initiative and the courage you had displayed in taking the lead with the flogger.
“I liked it. It felt new and strange.” You admitted, your arms connecting behind his neck, your hand combing the hair at his nape. “It felt different from when you do it.”
He chuckled. “Yes.”
“It’s not just the role reversal. I felt more confident because I called the shots. I manoeuvred it, so it didn’t feel like I was waiting for it to hurt. The excitement was different.” You kissed his jaw.
Hoseok turned, using his bangs to tickle your cheek. You giggled meekly. “It’s all about having the power to do the unexpected. See how far the other person allows you to go.” He kissed your neck. “I like using it on you because you’re always so soft afterwards. You’re super needy and cuddly and I like assisting you like that.” His hand moved to your side, caressing you reassuringly before his hand ventured under the waistband of your panties, rubbing your ass. “And seeing how far you let me go with the scene makes me see how much you trust me and love me. It’s hot but also cute and affectionate.” He pulled his hand out, dragging it up, skimming your side and cupping your breast, his skilled fingers toying with your nipple. “Do you want me to take care of you?” He asked, his index finger hooking under your chin and pushing your face up, to look at him.
You looked up at him from under your lashes, pouting and giving him the best impression of puppy eyes.
He smiled at you. “What?” He said, with a small chuckle, booping your nose.
“I want your mouth.” You said, biting your lip.
“Where.” He asked, rubbing your tummy, his fingertips toying with the waistband of your panties.
You looked down at your crotch, licking your lip and rolling your eyes coquettishly. “Down there, sir?”
He laughed and bent to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. “Want me to eat you out, little bird?” He snarled and bit your round, fluffy cheek. “Eat you alive?” He asked, holding you tight as he repeatedly sunk his teeth on the fat covering your cheekbone. “Such a naughty girl!” He said, tickling your sides.
Your laugh bubbled up your throat, exploding in a fit of giggles.
“That’s it. The most beautiful sound on the face of earth.” He calmed down once he noticed your short breath. “I love you, ____.” He reminded you.
You smiled so wide your eyes closed. “I love you too.” You stretched your neck to reach his mouth. His lips parted for you, the tip of his tongue drawing the seam of your lips as you disclosed them for him. The kiss was demanding, as usual. The hard, teasing strokes he delivered with the tip of his tongue gave way to a tango of thrusts and twirls, a mind blowing game of flight and chase, small clashing of teeth and sucking bruises onto each other’s lips. You didn’t even know how much time had passed before he gripped your waist, pushing you up. “Stand, little bird.” He murmured softly.
Carefully, you rose to your feet, making sure that your knees didn’t give out below you. His fingers hooked into the sides of your panties. He immediately spotted the wet patch on your grey cotton. “Cute penguin print.” He commented. “Very cute.” He said, his finger moving to toy with the drenched fabric, exposing you. He slid down the chair, kneeling. You took half a step back, only to meet the hard edge of his desk. He had cornered you. You only managed to press your palms into the desk, making sure not to knock anything over or accidentally ruin any equipment.
“Right leg on my shoulder, little dove.” He ordered, his eyes zeroing in on you with a predatory gleam.
You obeyed. Not that you had much choice.
“You’re so wet, Giggles. You enjoyed torturing me this much?” He asked, licking the gusset of your panties. “So nasty.”
“You sounded so good.” You commented, one hand combing his hair back and subtly pushing his mouth against you. “And you tasted even better.”
“These are too cute to rip.” He said, looking at your panties. “I need them off, dove.”
He helped your leg down, immediately dragging the garment down your legs. “Fuck, you’re so drenched.” He growled, noticing the tendrils of arousal sticking your labia together as he placed your leg back on his shoulder. His right arm, free to move, immediately bent so that his hand could spread your wetness all along your slit, before his index and middle finger sank into you, immediately meeting your sweet spot.
“Oh God! Hoseok, please!” One of your hands parted from the table, grabbing his hair.
“Does it feel good?” He asked, crooking his fingers in a come-hither motion. You knew what he wanted to do.
“I’m gonna make a mess, Hobi.” You warned him before a wanton mewl left your lips, betraying you.
“So, do you like it?” He asked again, rubbing his fingers and stretching you out.
“Yes, sir.” You moaned, trying to meet his mouth with your hips. Oh, how the tables have turned.
“You’re about to like it even more, little bird. Hold on tight.” He warned before latching his mouth onto your clit and beginning to torture it with the hard flicks of his tongue. His eyes met yours and you knew he was really going for it. He had that look that meant challenge. You abandoned yourself to your fate.
“Hoseok. Dammit.” You hoped your leg would hold you up because both your hands rushed to his head, pressing it against your cunt. The arm holding your leg moved upwards, sustaining your lower back.
The shift was immediate, the inner sense of burning and the distinct sensations of your inner walls clenching out of your control warning you of what was about to happen. “Hoseok.” You called simply as that overwhelming tide took you under. Your eyes clenched tight, your lower leg quivering dangerously as your orgasm invested him. You knew you had likely squirted over him, especially for the wetness running down your leg. You just hoped there wasn’t a small pool of liquid on his floor.
“That’s it, Giggles. Fucking phenomenal.” He praised you as you gently pulled his mouth away from your clit. He kissed your mound chastely before helping your leg down.
“Did I mess up?” You asked, immediately checking for damage.
“Nothing that a few tissues can’t fix.” He said, standing in front of you, stretching behind you to grab a roll of paper, tearing some and kneeling again, drying up the small puddle. Next he dried your inner thigh. “Are you freaking out?” He asked, knowing that squirting always unsettled you a little.
“The normal amount.” You replied, combing his hair as he looked up at you, collecting all the paper towels and throwing them in the bin.
As he stood again, you felt his hard on against your tummy. “Can you do it standing or do you wanna sit?” He asked, hugging you.
“Your choice. I can handle it.” You replied, still a bit hazy with your previous orgasm.
“Turn.” He murmured, spinning you around with his hands on your waist, your hand moving to press his palm against the small of your back, bending you forward a little. “Like this?” He asked.
“Yes, sir.” You replied.
He bent to your ear. “No need to call me ‘sir’, dove. I’m making love to you.” He said, gently dragging the head of his cock against your folds before slipping in. Once he was halfway in, your mouth open in a silent cry, he pulled out, only to move back in all the way with one smooth stroke.
“Hobi, sweet lord.” You purred, leaning on your elbows, as he started pounding into you. He simply grabbed you under your armpits, pressing his palms against your breasts and pushing you back up, making the angle so right and so intense you thought you would explode again there and then.
However, after a few minutes he simply growled and exited you, pushing you up and turning you around, again. Facing him, you could now see the dark lines forming on his thigh from the flogger, and right on top of that the slim indentation of his abdomen, adorned by his glistening, wet, hard cock.
He let you drink him in with your hungry eyes before tipping your chin up, to make your gazes connect. With his eyes on yours, scorching and demanding, he slipped back inside you, enjoying how your eyelids fluttered at the sense of fullness you were experimenting. The hammering restarted immediately, your hand gripping his shoulders, your nails sinking in. In reply, his strong, veiny palm curled around your outer thigh, pushing your leg up and around his waist.
“Touch yourself. I need you to cum.” He said, making small effort into ordering you, keeping his focus on his ramming.
And you made an even smaller effort into obeying, the hard, filling sensation of him inside you was so satisfying that a few circles on your clit was all it took for your head to crash into his shoulder, suppressing a loud moan by biting into his neck. Still, the bite, the vibrations of your whimpers against his throat, your nails sinking into him and your kegels squeezing him brought him to a mind-blowing orgasm. And he went on, even as you called his name like a litany, a sob interrupting you every now and then as you panted.
He took himself half a minute of stillness. “Can you do another?” He asked, both his hands gripping your ass as he picked you up. “Missionary on the sofa. Just one, I promise.” He said, already walking you to his black leather couch.
You nodded, wordless and brainless, simply hissing when the cold material met your back. “Sorry. I know, cold.” He said, caressing your face. “Ready?” He asked.
Again you nodded, looking at him with a pout. He bent down to kiss your lips. “I love you.” He said.
He said it so often. It was his favourite thing to say, mostly because you would offer him your sweetest smile and your eyes would sparkle with surprise and arousal, just like the first time he had confessed to you. Just like the first time he had bound your wrists on top of your head, kissing all the way down your body, showing you how much adoration his body and his mind could muster.
As he sank into you, you cried out his name tenderly.
“I’ve got you, little dove.” He said, cradling your head in the crook of his arm. “My pretty little bird.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb, drawing the shape of your lips. “I’ll be home, in our bed tonight.” He slipped his thumb into your mouth, wetting it. “I’ll make you so happy, Giggles.” He removed it, bringing it to your clit, delicately rubbing circles into your skin. “It’s all I wanna do.” He pressed his lips restlessly to your mouth and chest, your eyes following his movements in slow motion. You were so far gone you even doubted the sensation between your legs when you felt a new tightness ready to snap.
“Close.” You mouthed somewhere on his chest or neck or shoulder. It felt like slow dancing in a dark room. Except he was inside you and the rocking motion relaxed you so completely that you simply let go, not even listening to him saying to hold on, to make it last a second more, to focus on him.
You simply smiled as pleasure took over, Hoseok himself falling on top of you as his hips lost their pattern and let go of any semblance of control and tempo. His mouth pressed into your nipple as he moaned in release.
You both felt like dead bodies afterwards, laying there empty, spent, completely lost. You could have died without a bother. You could have kept existing without a bother, your bodies resting and waking in an endless cycle, the same way day and night follow each other. You were one thing, one entity, not even one body — any relation to material substance was momentarily suspended.
“Giggles.” He checked in on you. “Baby, we should go home, uh? I don’t have stuff to spoil you here, dove.” He said with a worried note.
Your eyelids fluttered open.
“There she is. Hello, sunshine.” He said, trying to fix your hair. “Let me fix the room before we go, yes?”
You smiled. “Let me help.” You said, only half convinced.
He tutted. “No, sweetie. You lay there and I fix this.” He slipped out of you, standing up slowly, a little clumsily. He immediately went to his desk grabbing his cup of water and sinking a corner of his t-shirt, dabbing at his face and chest, then down at his crotch. Next, he walked towards you, using another wet corner to clean you up. “There.” He said, kissing your knee once he was done. Next he dressed you, manoeuvring your body to slip your clothes on. With a bottle of generic cleanser randomly laying on his drawer, he made sure that no stain remained on the floor where he had eaten you out. Standing in his boxers, he rolled the rope back in a tight coil, placing it back into the bag, together with the flogger, making a mental note to clean it once he arrived home. He didn’t even check what you had packed. He was impatient to shower and cuddle with you at home. Your shared home.
Slipping on his sweater, he looked around, checking for potential hints of what had happened. He shrugged once he saw none. He shut down his computer, checking for the other devices to be off too. Finally, he spritzed some of his cologne on himself and the room. “Okay. We’re good, Giggles. Let’s go.”
You groaned before sitting up and waiting for him to offer you his hand to help you up. “That playlist was pretty bomb.” You said. “We should keep it for our wild nights.”
“I’m using it for my next collab.” He replied, closing down the studio and slipping his shoes on. You did the same at his side. “Maybe you will enjoy my song.” He said, winking at you.
“Oh, hi guys! What are you doing here?” Jimin chirped behind you.
Hoseok raised his eyebrows. “Hi. You’re here late.”
“Just passing by.” Jimin said. “Forgot my laptop.” He shook his head. “Hello, Giggles!” He said to you.
It felt ridiculous how all the boys used the nicknames for you and the other girlfriends. Still, it didn’t bother you, since it reminded you of your bond with Hoseok, but also of that familiarity within the group. “Hi Jimin!” You chirped, a little nervous at the possibility of him knowing what had happened in Hoseok’s studio.
“Well, goodnight!” Jimin said sweetly. “I assume you won’t be at the dorms tonight.”
Hoseok tutted. “I’ll be staying with Giggles. She moved in.” He said with a happy tone.
“I’m happy for you. However I hope you won’t be walking out with that tickler hanging out of the bag.” He winked with a teasing remark. “Enjoy it.” He trotted off.
Standing beside Hoseok, you blushed all the way to the tip of your ears.
Hoseok snickered. “Brat.”
Well, he was Princess’ problem now, anyway.
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dustofbrokenheart · 4 years
The Covenant: Tech Guy
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 3,826
Summary: After renting a laptop from your campus library, you run into a download problem. A call to Library Tech Services for help introduces you to Tech Guy. Good at his job, but with questionable people skills, you learn to work with him. It certainly helps that he has an attractive voice.   
This was not good, not good at all. It was less than an hour to midnight, the sun long since having set, and time seemed to pas faster, not slower, the later it got.
Now, you considered yourself to be pretty good with technology, perhaps not a computer genius but good enough to be able to troubleshoot most of your problems. It was pure bad luck that the night your capabilities failed was the night before you had an assignment due in Graphic Design.
Your own laptop had been ruined after an accident in the library had left the screen nothing more than a web of shattered fragments, but thankfully the library also carried laptops for checkout which saved you from having to fork out money that you didn’t have to buy a new one. You thought that checking out a laptop would be a quick fix to your problem, but you underestimated how high their demand was.
The librarian you spoke with at the circulation desk put you on a waiting list much to your disappointment and you left the building empty handed, unsure when one would become available.
The answer was six days later, the night before you had something due.
When they left a voicemail on your cell phone around seven o’clock to tell you that it was ready for pick-up, you immediately hopped on a bus bound for the library. The anxiety should have been somewhat alleviated because you could actually start to work on it now but when you got back to your dorm room and opened it up, another problem presented itself: the program you needed wasn’t installed.
Bad luck 1 – You 0.
Every time you tried to install it a message would pop up prompting you to enter an admin username and password in order to start the process. You had never seen that message before and innocently tried your own username and password. When that didn’t work, you tried three more times just to be sure.
Next stop was the internet, everyone’s favorite place to ask questions. You ran a quick search describing the problem and read through a couple of chat room threads. Disappointingly, nothing really applied to the situation at hand.
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have spent so much time trying to fix it because all that came of it was a lot of wasted time and you still hadn’t installed the program. You really didn’t want to take another trip to the library tonight if you could help it.
Frustrated and stuck you opened up the library’s webpage to see if there were any answers to be found. They didn’t but you did find the phone number for Library Tech Services, which was miraculously open even this late in the night.
Punching in the numbers you dialed and waited for someone to answer and when they did, it was short and to the point. “Library Tech.”
“Umm, hi… my name is y/n and I’m having an issue installing a program on my laptop rental.”
“Hmm. What’s the problem?” Again, not much to go on but the you could admit that tech guy’s voice sounded attractive.  
“Well. I clicked on the install button, but as soon as I did a message telling me that I needed admin permission to continue flashed on my screen.”
“Did you try your university username and password?”
“Did you double check that you typed everything correctly?”
“Did you try Google?”
“Of course, I did,” you answered with exasperation. He snickered and you felt your hackles rise. You called the number to get helped, not to get laughed at. Attractive voice be damned.
“I promise I exhausted every trick I know, I’m not stupid. But I do have something to finish tonight so if you can help me out here, that’d be great.”
For a split second you felt bad for being short with him but the aggravation was quick to return. He was the one providing terrible customer service… why should you feel bad calling him out on it?
He must’ve gotten the hint because he cleared his throat and started being serious. “The library puts restrictions on its laptops because they don’t want people downloading stuff willy nilly. What do you need to install?”
“Just Adobe Illustrator.”
You heard him typing on a keyboard in the background. “Sounds okay to me. I’ll just give you the admin credentials so you don’t have to make a trip over here tonight.”
You started to say thanks until you processed the end of that sentence. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
“Normally we require people to come in person to fill out a form. Once the request is approved, a person is supposed to enter in the admin stuff, but I’m going to give it out over the phone to save you some time.”
His words left you speechless. You had no idea there was a whole process to do something so simple as install a program; you should’ve asked more questions before you walked out with it. It was a good thing to remember for next time. And the earlier guilt returned, too. He was being so nice now, bending the rules so you didn’t have to make another trek on the bus, which was quite frankly a gamble after dark.
You thanked him profusely, the tension draining from your shoulders. Once you told him the laptops id number and he was able to confirm that it was rented out to your account, he shared the username and password with you.  
With baited breath, you typed in exactly what he told you to and couldn’t help the happy noise that escaped you when it worked. It was impossible that tech guy saw your chair dance through the phone but he laughed again, making you question if he somehow knew anyway.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver!”  
He cleared his throat and said “Glad to be of service.” Then he hung up without another word.
You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked at it blankly. What the heck was that about? Thinking back on the conversation left you feeling very confused but you threw yourself into getting your images drawn up on Illustrator and soon lost yourself in the work.
You ended up staying up late well past your normal bedtime but the deadline was enough motivation for you to push through the drowsiness and yawns. Around 3:30 you finally finished and emailed it to the professor so you wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning.
Sleep came easy that night and you vaguely remembered dreaming about tech guy’s voice which was utterly ridiculous. He hadn’t even mentioned his name, for goodness sakes! Plus, he was so hard to read, bouncing between jerk and nice on a whim. Nope. You were not going to stoop to finding out who he was. Not a chance.
After yesterday’s incident, your first course of the new day was to go grab a cup of coffee. You weren’t an easy riser on a good day, even less so after being up until the wee hours of the morning and caffeine was going to be essential for powering you through your classes.
Your go-to place was a campus coffee shop two blocks down from your dorm. It was still winter but you found that as long as you bundled up, the walk over went quickly and the cold air worked wonders for organizing your thoughts. But the real reason it was your favorite was not its closeness, it wasn’t even for the coffee; it was because of the heavenly pastries they made daily. The croissants, the eclairs, the danishes… they were all excellent. None was above their banana chocolate chip muffins.
A little bell chimed as you opened the door and the blast of heat from inside the shop felt nice against your chilled cheeks. The familiar worker at the register looked up and smiled when they saw you. “Hey, y/n! Should I start working on your cappuccino order?”
“Yes, please!” You approached the counter, removing your gloves to make it easier to take out your card from your wallet. A gleaming dessert case also caught your eye and you tried to glance over discreetly. As subtle as you tried to be, the cashier knew you too well after serving you for the past couple of years.
“Oh, sorry. We’re out those again.”
“Again?” you questioned sorrowfully.
He gave you a sympathetic shrug. “They’re very popular, they always go fast.”
It used to be that you could get your hands on a banana chocolate chip muffin whenever you wanted one but the secret must’ve gotten out to the rest of campus because you’d struck out for the past weeks. With a dramatic sigh, you settled for a chocolate croissant. It was no muffin but it was something to tide over your stomach until lunch.
“You know,” you started conspiratorially, “How can someone be so talented yet stupid simultaneously? If that no-good-baker bothered to make more of them knowing how fast they sell, this wouldn’t happen.”
You had never actually met the baker that was the source of the yummy pastries. In fact, you’d never even seen him and only knew that he was good at what he did and that he never came out to the front of the shop. There was really no reason why you ragged on him that morning other than you had major plans for that muffin that now had to be put on hold.
The cashier chuckled as he rang you up and looked back at the door to the kitchen for a moment. “I’ll pass along the message.” He slipped the croissant in a brown paper bag and handed it, along with the travel coffee cup, over to you.  “Have a good day. See you next time.”
You accepted it with a “You, too,” and were out the door to catch the next bus to your class.
Later that week, you ran into a familiar problem with the laptop. This time you needed to add Photoshop but figured that it shouldn’t be an issue now that you knew the password. So when you typed in the exact same thing as last time and the computer told you it was incorrect, you dragged a hand down your face and groaned. Well, you weren’t going to make the same mistake twice.
Swiveling around in your chair you grabbed your phone and called the Tech Services line again. The only thing that would make this even better would be if tech guy answered again, that’s how your luck was going that week. And sure enough, “Library Tech Services.”
You refrained from groaning again. Out loud anyway. “Hi, it’s y/n again. I was the one who called about the admin credentials Monday night?”  
“What’s up?”
“I’m trying to install Photoshop right now and it’s telling me the username/password is incorrect, which is impossible because it’s what I used the last time.”
“Right. We had to change the password for our monthly maintenance, it’s a security thing.”
“You’re kidding,” you said surprise coloring your voice. “Any chance you can share the new one with me?”
“Technically, I wasn’t supposed to give that to you last time.”
It was time to turn on the charm and convince him like you managed to previously. As you pleaded with him to do you this favor he interrupted you.
“How bad do you need it?”
What was wrong with you that hearing him say that put your mind in the gutter? He definitely hadn’t meant it that way when he said it! He was much chattier this time around so you were able to appreciate his voice better and his voice just did it for you.
You cleared your throat. “It’s not an emergency this time, no impending next-day deadlines, but I do want to get working on this new assignment…”
“Okay, okay. You’re lucky I like you.” That was news to you because you didn’t get that vibe based on the last call. It was nice to hear though. Some clicks sounded from the other end of the line and you waited silently for a few moments before he was ready to say the new password.
“Whew, we’re good to go,” you updated him as the Photoshop installation started. Another moment of silence passed.
Finally, he said a quick, “Good.”
You weren’t caught off guard when you heard the click that signaled he had hung up. Unlike the last call, he hadn’t seemed rude and he did mention that he liked you. Maybe he was just an awkward sort of guy, despite his killer voice. That might explain why he worked an IT job, weren’t those kinds of guys supposed to have terrible people skills?
You worked with Photoshop for a bit and when you reached a good stopping point, you got ready for bed. That night you laid awake for a while, unable to drift off to sleep. Instead, you replayed the conversation with tech guy over and over in your mind.
He was very helpful when he wasn’t giving an attitude and he this was the second time he had bent the rules for you. That pesky word ‘like’ kept rattling in your brain and you started to wonder if that nice voice belonged to a nice face. Furthermore, was there a chance that he found your voice attractive as well?
Sunday morning on a college campus seemed like a smart time to visit the coffee given that most of campus wasn’t up yet, which increased the chances of you getting your hands on a banana chocolate chip muffin. Maybe even two or three if you were honest, to make up for the past several failed attempts.
The sun hadn’t been up long when you opened the door, the little jingling bell announcing your presence. A barrage of delicious aromas caressed your nose and to your extreme delight, one of the scents you detected was a banana-chocolate combination.
You walked up to the counter and the cashier smiled as he told you good morning.
“So… can I get three banana chocolate chip muffins?”
He merely smiled and started working on your cappuccino. “Of course. Reid just finished them so they still in the kitchen, piping hot.”
Reid must be the baker that was responsible for the muffins as well as responsible for never making enough. “Finally! This is a long time coming for me.”
“I passed him your message, I think he took it to heart.” He handed over the drink and turned to go to the kitchen. “I’ll be back with the muffins.”
He pushed the door open and for a split second you caught a glimpse of a side profile belonging to a blonde guy. He was too far away to distinctly make out any facial features but he had nice shoulders framed by his black tee and obvious blonde hair that was hard to miss. He looked cute to you, at least from a distance.
Those two details were the only things you took note of before the door closed, effectively blocking you from more staring. Too bad. It was totally ridiculous to think about but tech guy’s voice would be a good combination with baker guy’s looks.
You picked at the lid of the coffee cup while you waited for the rest of your order already anticipating how they would taste. Your plan was to only eat one this morning and to ration the rest, but you were honest enough with yourself to know that you might enter a feeding frenzy and have all three finished by lunch.
When the door opened up again your eyes searched for the seemingly cute baker but there was no sign of him. There wasn’t a chance to get down about it, however, because a smile lit up your face as soon as you saw the medium sized brown paper bag that held the muffins.
“Reid says these are especially for you,” the cashier said as he lifted the bag over the register.
You were quick to raise your hands to take it from him and made sure to thank him as you left, not questioning why Reid, a person you’d never met, would make a comment like that, figuring that he was referring to how you complained that the muffins were always sold out.
The morning air was especially cold as you trekked back to your dorm, your breath condensing into a fleeting, frozen cloud around your face and the only thing keeping your hands warm was the cappuccino you held between gloved hands. Still, the trip to the coffee shop was definitely worth it and you were hoping that it was a good omen to start the day off with.
Perhaps you were still experiencing the high of the morning victory at the coffee shop, but later on that night while you were working on homework once again, you started thinking about tech guy again. There wasn’t any need to call him; you now had both Illustrator and Photoshop on the laptop and there wasn’t anything else that you needed to install.
Still, you debated calling him. Not because you needed to but because you wanted to. Which was weird, even to you, but you had missed him the past couple of days, bad people skills and all. After the second call, you felt even more confident that he wasn’t as condescending a guy as you had first thought him to be. And you wouldn’t mind getting to know that awkward version of him better.
The hard part was you literally knew nothing about him other than he worked the night shift at the library. You didn’t have a name, a face, not even a work schedule to confirm whether he was working tonight or not. Reid must’ve been serious when he told the cashier those muffins were made especially for you because there had to have been a secret dose of recklessness mixed in there. How else would you explain this strange, and potentially creepy, call you were about to make?
The dial tone rang and you took a deep breath, not sure how this would turn out. On the fifth ring, someone finally picked up. “Library Tech Services.”
You laughed in relief. Tech guy was the on the other end of the phone. “Hey.”
“Hey, y/n. Having another crisis?” On one hand you felt a little embarrassed that you no longer had to say your name for him to recognize your voice but on the other, the possibility that he enjoyed talking with you, too.
“It may come as a surprise but I can get through a day without having a tech issue that needs solving.”
“Oh, really?”
“I swear.” You crossed your heart even though he couldn’t see you.
“Well, what do you want then?”
Time to be brave. “Actually, I called for you.”
“I would hope so, I’m the only who works this shift meaning I’m your only option.”
“No, um, I meant I wanted to tell you thanks for helping me out with installing that stuff on the laptop. You were a lifesaver.”
“I try.”
“Seriously! I definitely would’ve missed one graphic design deadline, potentially two if you hadn’t come to the rescue.”
That seemed to get his attention. “Is that your major? Graphic Design?”
“Yep. Don’t I give off bumbling artist vibes?”
“Hmm you seem pretty confident to me but there’s nothing wrong with that. My grandma was—” He started that sentence but abruptly cut off and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Are you saying I remind you of your grandma?”
“Shit,” he grumbled. “My friends told me to stop bringing her up when talking to hot people.”
“Don’t sweat it, she sounds like she was awesome so I’m honored. But back to the part where I’m hot… do you really think so?”
“Obviously. Do you think I hand out library secrets to every person who calls? Your voice is strong and you sound super smart so I tried my best to be cool with you.”
“Okay but future tip: hanging up on people and not telling them your name is rude, not cool.”
His embarrassment was tangible through the phone and you let him sweat momentarily before speaking. “Luckily for you, I like dorks such as yourself and am willing to look past it as long as I get your name.”
“It’s Reid. Reid Garwin,” he rushed to say.
Now that was interesting. You fell back on your bed, your brain trying to make connections. The name while not super common, wasn’t rare either and what were the chances that you met two of them on the same day. If Reid with the nice body and tech guy, er, Reid with the nice voice were one in the same, you wouldn’t be upset. Quite the contrary.
“Reid as in Reid who bakes my favorite sugar fixes on campus?”
“One in the same. You seen me there before?”
“Only once,” you reveal. “When I went to pick up some muffins this today.”
It was his turn to laugh. “Wait. Are you saying that you’re that customer who called me stupid the other day?”
“They don’t let me out front cause I’m ‘too much’ for people but rest assured that the door isn’t that thick. I feel like an idiot for not recognizing that it was you though.”
The revelation that Reid was baking a tech hero, a winning mix by the way, thrilled you all the way from your head to your toes. At the moment you didn’t even care that he heard you calling him names at the coffee shop although you were sure the mortification would set in later.
“Would you like to go out sometime—”
“You do want to go out with me sometime—”
The two of you spoke at the same time and when you realized that the other had read your mind, you both giggled.
“After you,” you assured him.
“Shit, would you like to go out sometime? There’s a restaurant downtown that’s really good and I promise not to bring up grandma Garwin again.”
The plan was to pretend to think about it but your excitement overrode your brain and you said, “Deal as long as you promise to tell me more about her, not less.”
He started to answer you but stopped suddenly and you could vaguely hear him getting scolded by someone, reminding you that technically he was still on the clock.
“Sorry,” he grumbled, “The librarian on duty told me to stop flirting and get back to work. Stop by the coffee shop tomorrow though and we can talk more.”
You said your good-byes and rolled around your bed, the comforter thoroughly rumpled by the time you stopped. It seemed that your luck may be turning around for the better.
Thanks for reading my most self-indulgent piece to date. Also my longest! Reid may consider himself to be mister cool, but he is also an awkward bean who would make a great tech guy. It's also my first time experimenting with moodboards, let me know what you think :)
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer Reid x Reader
Part 6 
Pairing: Spencer x Reader 
Warnings: Descriptions of murders, cases, Serial killer facts, 
Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess, @ssahoodrathotchner
It had been about two months or so since your little impromptu sleepover at the resident genius's place. Things had gotten a little better, at least on your part. 
You jumped from your make-do desk in your room, snapping your head towards the doorway where a friendly face awaited you. Gabriel had a bag of sweets in one hand and a malt in the other. "Jesus, Gabe you scared me." You cursed, holding a hand to your chest. 
"At least we're even." He points out, putting the malt on the table in front of you. Also inconveniently on top of your written notes for the paper you had to write. You growled and moved the drink, glaring at your best friend. 
"You've gotten even with me plenty of times since then! How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" You ask in exasperation. Gabriel pretends to ponder your question as he pops a caramel apple sucker into his mouth. 
"Says the girl who didn't call me to tell me she was home and instead decided to stay with the coworker she has a crush on. You didn't even bribe me with details!" He complained, dumping a few sweets in front of you. 
You grumpily grab one of the sweets he had graciously offered and tossed it into your mouth. "It was one time! And I hadn't slept for like, four days! Besides, it wasn't my fault my mother decided to drop by and visit!" You huff. 
"Yeah yeah. You know how much I hate that hag. Nothing against you, sugar tits." Gabriel comments, pulling the pop from his mouth. "But still, no excuse not to call me. Send me a text even. Some proof of life." He grumbled. "That malt is yours by the way. Iris insisted I get one for you while we were out. Couldn't say no." 
You look over at the bright pink striped cup dripping with condensation that created a wet circle on the desk. For being pissed at you for over two months, Gabriel was a good friend. 
You took the malt and started sipping generously. "I'm sorry, okay? What do I have to do to prove it to you?" You ask. 
Gabriel smirked. You hated when he got ideas. 
"Tell me about your night with Mister teacher's pet. Then I'll consider it." He teased, quickly bopping your nose. 
"I already told you. After my bitch mother confronted me, he convinced me to head to his place. I couldn't say no. He eventually read me a poem and I fell asleep. And… he knows my real name now. Happy?" You asked with a groan. 
"Oh come on, that can't be all of it!" He whined, almost like a child about to throw a tantrum for being forced to eat his vegetables. Not that Gabriel was any different. He would fight you tooth and nail if you tried. 
"It is! Nothing else happened! No kiss, no dramatic display of feelings, no nothing. Just a really awkward drive to work." You huffed. 
The thought of the drive was a little hurtful. After the night you both had, well more like morning and you slept through the rest of the day, Spencer had been distant. It didn't last long as a couple days later they all had to get on the jet for another case. Spencer then began to re-warm up to you and now you knew nothing different. Though he didn't try to flirt with you anymore. Not like Morgan. But the previous moments where he had you backed up against the map, or had called you a good girl. He never did it again. And to be honest, you missed it despite how embarrassed you were afterwards. 
"Boo! And I thought you liked the guy!" Gabriel exclaimed, acting baffled at the chain of events in your life. He then shrugged. "More fish in the sea I guess." He teased, obviously gaging you for a response. 
"I do! Just… I'm not as obscenely obvious about it as you want me to be!" You hissed, sucking up more chocolate malt into your mouth with a little bit of a pissy attitude. 
"Well if you were, I'm sure he'd be your teacher's aide boyfriend by now. Now, who's right and wrong in this situation? Hm? Yeah, me. No debate." He insists, putting the sucker back into his mouth.  
"Shut up. I have to write this paper. For my doctorate in social science." You explain. "Just because you stopped going to school doesn't mean I can't go ahead and add another doctorate to my belt." You try to change the subject, hoping Gabriel would ease up on you. 
"You and those doctorates. Are you seriously trying to build a filing cabinet up there or are you just bored with working for the FBI already?" Gabriel asks, flopping down onto your bed. 
"Neither. I just want to know as much as I can in all of my areas of schooling. Be taken seriously." You insist. 
"Boring. Why don't you take classes on making candy or something? That would be seriously cool. And then you can open up your own business just to spite those parents of yours! 
I can see it now!" He rants, hanging his head over the edge of your mattress as he spreads his hands as if displaying the business name. 
You roll your eyes. "No thanks. That sounds like something you should do though. You'd fit right into that role, you know. Candyman." You tease. "Now I really gotta finish this paper." You insist. 
"Fine fine. Just be sure to come down from your academic heaven long enough to eat dinner once Iris is finished." He insists, winking at you before he leaves your room. 
Finally, you had your peace and quiet. But it was weird. The peace and quiet was very quickly becoming deafening by the influx of thoughts. Not the helpful kind either. 
You began to come up blank on ideas for your paper and had more ideas on how you could have maybe done something different to prevent that awkward drive to work all those weeks ago. Where did this uncertainty come from?
You grumble and close your laptop after ten minutes of no progress. Maybe you just needed a break. Then again, it was your day off. And you didn't feel like wishing bad things on someone just so you'd be able to go into work. 
Almost as if the universe had been listening and decided to throw you a sickened bone, you heard your phone begin to ring. You eagerly pick it up, knowing it would be something to keep you busy. 
"Hello, Agent (L/N)." You answer without checking the caller ID. 
"Yes, (L/N) I need you to come in. We have another case." Hotch answers the phone. You feel a slight feeling of excitement strike at your core. Sure, you'd been on 6 cases so far, but you enjoyed being around your fellow agents and putting another unsub away. 
"Do I get any insight, Hotch?" You ask. 
"It's a case in Lebanon Kansas. We have a large group of bodies piling up. We have two suspects we believe are working with each other. We just need to profile them and catch them before they kill again. I'll inform everyone once you've arrived." As soon as he finished, he hung up. He didn't give you any chance to reply. Typical Hotch fashion. 
You stand up immediately, grabbing your bag and your go-bag you had packed at all times just in case this happened. You grabbed the malt you still had and drank the rest of it, grabbing a couple of the caramel apple pops Gabriel had left and shoving them into your pocket. 
You wandered into the kitchen, grabbing a plastic container and putting some of dinner into it. 
"Woah, woah, where the hell are you going so late?" Gabriel asked in a fatherly tone. You rolled your eyes and glared at him for a moment. 
"I have work. Duh." 
"Work? I thought you were off?" Iris asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"I am. But unfortunately serial killers don't care that I'm off. Sorry guys. I promise I'll call you guys once I get back, okay?" You promise, finding a lid and putting it on the tubberware. 
"You better. Or else I'll stick gum in your hair. And not the easy to get out stuff." Gabriel threatened teasingly, taking a quick bite of his food. "Have fun arresting some muttonheads!" He called. 
You chuckle and sling your bag over your shoulder. "Will do!" You reply before you turn around and head out of your shared apartment. 
"Hey! (L/N)!" 
You turn your head as you arrive to the bullpen. You smile as the eccentric Penelope Garcia raced up to you to give you a hug once you were down the stairs. 
You graciously accepted the hug and turned to everyone else. "What did I miss?" You ask. 
"Nothing much. Only Reid finally showing us another magic trick!" Penelope answered for everyone. Morgan chuckled and Reid blushed slightly. Emily was leaned slightly against Reid's desk, looking at you warmly. 
"Seriously, he's really good." Emily affirmed. You chuckled and walked over in interest. 
"Really now? Show me." You insist, standing in front of Spencer. He looked up at you and did a nervous chuckle. 
"W-well your gonna have to turn around." He says, giving you an adorable michevious smirk. 
"Oh come on-" you begin. 
"He does this everytime, you'll get used to it." Emily adds, laughing slightly as she begins to turn around. 
"Spencerrr… please? For me?" You asked, batting your eyes pitifully. You knew it would probably get you nowhere, but you could at lease try. 
"No." He insisted. 
"Pleaseeee!" You beg again, putting your hands in a clasped position. You even bended your knees slightly to add to the effect. 
Instead of the immediate rejection, he pondered for a moment and stared at you. 
"Come on kid, one person knows a magician's tricks. Let her be your protégé." Morgan suggests. You giggle and shook your head.  
"No really, it's fine. You don't have to show me-" you begin to backtrack, not wanting to force Spencer into showing you. 
"I'll do it. I-I mean… I have to find someone to pass my gifts onto." He chuckles, rubbing his neck a little nervously. 
"Yeah!" He expressed. 
Morgan raised an eyebrow and stifled a chuckle as he watched you two. He leaned over to Emily who had made her way over to where he stood and whispered into her ear. 
Spencer then told everyone to turn their heads away except for you. Then he began to show you the way he made the mini bottle rocket. He wrapped his hands around yours and helped you with each step. The warmth of his hands spread to your cheeks, and the touch of them sent shivers down your spine. 
"Then turn it upside down and…" Spencer instructed in a whisper, helping you to turn the cap upside down. You watched the foaming top for a few seconds, moving closer towards the unknowing danger of the cap. As soon as it began to jump up, Spencer pushed you back with an inaudible warning. You watched as the bottle skyrocketed and flew fast Hotch's ear. Through this, his hand clutched as your shoulder and refused to leave it. 
"Reid, I thought I told you not to do that." Hotch warned. 
Reid's face grew a little brighter with embarrassment. You didn't know what came upon you then, but you stood up and gulped. "It-it was me. He taught me and I shot it. Sorry sir." You insisted. 
Hotch's lips pulled into a slight smile as he looked back towards you. He didn't say anything afterwards, but you knew he was just teasing you both. "Meet up in the confrence room in five minutes, we have another case." He says after he cleared his throat. You nodded with a cheerful smile and put your bag in your chair. You glanced to Spencer, flashing him a gentle smile before you turned to enter the conference room. 
You entered the room and took your seat, taking the tablet out that Garcia had given you before. "So what do we have?" You asked. 
"We have what is assumed to be over a dozen bodies killed with different MO's and different stages of aggression. The only thing that links them are the DNA from one or both of these suspects; Jensen and Sam Westchester. And boy do they have long records. That's why we were able to find their DNA matches so quick." Penelope answered. 
Spencer took a seat beside you, causing your heart to skip just slightly. "How come we don't have these men yet? Why do they need our help?" You ask. 
"We need to apprehend them. And get a confession. The Kansas state court system has been known to be unpredictable. Sometimes evidence is enough, other times they get off with a warning and community service." Hotch answers. 
"At least they do that." Morgan grumbled. "How come we don't have these guys yet? Are they that slick?"
"Unfortunately yes. They are like Houdini when it comes to busting out of prisons and facilities. The last prison they were held in, one up in Ohio, said they were able to escape through knocking out a guard and switching clothes with him. They were in for a robbery charge." Penelope continued. 
"So why escalate to murder? Unless these murders were scattered." You ask. 
"They are. Over 15 years worth. It looks like they could maybe have more." Spencer spoke up, looking over the picture of one of the more recent bodies. 
"It's quite possible. After all, Harold Shipman managed to get away with 218 proven murders. But they think he could've done as many as 250." You answer, sharing a serial killer fact you found interesting. 
"So we just need to profile these boys and figure out the motive. And if we apprehend them, keep them apart." Emily points out. 
"Why do you say that?" Rossi asks. 
"If you notice the trend in each of these escapes, they only manage to escape when in contact with the other. In the prison they had time to be able to see one another and formulate a plan. Even when in questioning they were able to get notes to each other." 
"Then we'll have to split up and get seperate confessions. These two are brothers, and neither seem to fit the submissive type.' Hotch explains. 
"Two alpha males killing for seemingly no reason for half their lives. This'll be easy to get them to confess and rat out their partner." You say sarcastically. 
"We have to try. Wheels up in thirty." Hotch announces, standing up and leaving the room. 
You sigh and pick up the tablet. "Garcia, can you go ahead and check more than just their juvie records? I wanna have a list of information I can pick from for the profile. Possibly pinpoint some areas of their lives that lead to this behavior." You ask. 
"Oh, but of course Queen! I'll get straight on that. But most of it will probably be sealed." She warned. 
"Unseal those records Garcia. Anything that can help us." Morgan interjects as he grabs his bag and he too leaves the conference room. Garcia nods to him and quickly clicks her heels as she leaves the room. You sigh and pick up your things as you prepare to get onto the jet. 
"You didn't have to defend me." 
"Hm?" You ask, turning to look at Spencer. "Oh, you mean the rocket-thingy?" You clarify. "I was the one to beg you to teach me. Let's just be happy it didn't hit him in the head." You giggle. Spencer looked at you intently for a few moments before he nodded and turned his head away silently. Although it caused you to be uncertain, you brushed it off and walked out to your desk to grab your things. 
As you grab your bags, you feel the small raised bulge in your pocket. You remember the caramel apple pops and smile. At least you could enjoy one of these on the way to deal with a pair of serial killers. Fun.  
You pulled the sucker from the wrapper and popped it into your mouth, beginning your trek out to the jet. As you begin to walk towards the elevator, you notice a pair of hazel eyes following you. You feel a slight burning sensation on the back of your neck and your cheeks as you realized. He looked away once he noticed you were staring back. 
Was he really staring, or was he just spacing out? You hoped it was the former. You were practically begging and praying for it to be. But you knew you'd never be that lucky. 
As you began walking, you heard a jumble of feet behind you and the jingle of things inside a bag getting tossed around. "(Y/N!)" You heard. You widened your eyes and turned around, glad no one besides Spencer had been behind you. 
"Spencer! You can't just call me by my first name right now!" You hissed. 
"S-sorry, I just wanted to apologize if I sounded upset with you. I… I find it honorable that you tried to defend me. No one really does." He explained. You felt your heart melt a little. 
"Spencer… I didn't think that in the slightest." You knew you were lying, but it was going to make him feel better. Besides, it wasn't that big of a deal. "And if that last part is true then I'll be your legendary defender. Like Voltron!" You insist, already beginning to geek out in front of your workplace crush. Way to go, (Y/N). 
"Voltron? What is that? Is it like Star Trek?" He asked, beginning to walk towards the jet with you. You widen your eyes at him and gasp playfully. 
"You, haven't seen Voltron Legendary Defender? Okay, when we get back you HAVE to come over and watch it with me. Afterwards we can watch some documentaries." You insist, practically bouncing on your toes. Spencer looked over you and smiled, unable to tell you no.  
"Sounds like a plan." 
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albertasunrise · 4 years
Chance - Chapter 5
Tumblr media
Warnings: Angst, talk of drug use, overdose.
Pairings: Frankie Morales/ Reader
The trip seems to fly by, every day filled with a different activity that seemed to fill little Sophia with complete joy. You and Frankie couldn’t get enough of each other, discovering each other’s bodies and discovering exactly what makes the two of you sing. It was your last night at the cabin and the four of you decided the best way to spend it was sitting around the fire with a beer in hand, reminiscing about your youth or in their case, their days serving.
‘So what made you quit?’ You ask them all, noting that they’re all still young enough to serve.
‘When they kicked Fish out for his Coke habit... We're a team so we quit.’ States Benny, taking a swig of his beer.
‘Coke habit?’ Your expression drops as you pull yourself away from the man in question ‘What Coke habit?’
‘It wasn’t really a habit-’
‘Benny shut the fuck up.’ Spits Will ‘You’ve done enough damage.’
‘I went through a pretty low patch a little while back.’ He confesses, scrubbing a hand over his face ‘My ex was into it and promised it would take the edge off my PTSD and it did... for a little while. Then I got busted and they revoked my licence and I realised that I needed to get my life on track. I told her that she needed to quit it, finding out we were pregnant kinda helped with that. When Fia was born and Lexi left I had to man up and so I got my licence back and I haven’t touched the shit since.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me about this?’
‘I didn’t want you to think less of me.’ He looks at you with a sad expression as he forms his next words carefully ‘You’ve been the best thing to happen to me since Fia was born. If I lost you I don’t think I’d be able to cope.’
‘Don’t put that sort of pressure on my Francisco.’ You snap, standing and swiftly entering the kitchen.
You could feel your tears threatening to spill as you fought hard not to panic. You’d not been completely honest to the boys when you’d said that you had no backstories. You had one. One that still haunted you to this day. Stepping outside with a fresh beer in hand the boys all look at you but you look at Frankie, his expression breaking your heart and you know you need to come clean. You sit down on one of the free chairs and stare into the fire, carefully constructing your story in the hopes it would bring the boys clarity regarding your reaction to Frankie’s confession.
‘I was in a serious relationship about 10 years ago.’ You start, already feeling your voice wobbling as you speak ‘He was everything to me. We were happily planning our wedding, excited for the future. He worked in insurance which was a demanding job but he always seemed to be full of energy. Turns out he had a secret coping mechanism that he had managed to keep hidden from me. So well hidden in fact that I didn’t know about it until he was having a fit on the floor as he suffered from a cocaine overdose.’
You paused for a few moments as you take a long swig of your beer, noting the new tension in the air as they waited for you to finish your story.
‘I did everything I could for him but he had a heart attack. They weren’t able to revive him.’ You let out a sob then, catching the way Frankie is looking at you and so you return his gaze ‘I can’t go through that again.’ You shake your head as you let out a shaky breath ‘I just can’t Frankie.’
‘You won’t.’ He promises, his eyes pleading for you to believe him ‘I never did it heavily. It was just an occasional fix when things got bad. Now I have Sophia I don’t need it. Now I have you.’
‘He’s been clean for over a year Doc.’ Will pipes up, grabbing your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze ‘You were brave to tell us about this. I can’t begin to imagine what you went through but it won’t happen with Frankie.’
‘It won’t Hermosa.’ He confirms ‘I love you too much to ever risk hurting you like that.’
Your mouth drops open as you process what he’d just said to you. He loves you. Until now, those words had not been uttered by either of you, even if you both felt that way about each other. You both figured it was too soon. You’d only been together a few months but you couldn’t deny that you’d fallen head over heels for this man.
‘Shit... Sorry, I-’
‘I love you too.’ You reply, smiling at him as you watch the anxiety in his face melt away.
That night was the most passionate sex the two of you ever had. He worshipped every inch of you as he tried to make you feel how much he loved you. You don’t think anyone has ever made love to you like that and with every kiss and thrust of his hips, you felt your worries fade into nothing. The drive back home was a long one, you still had a few days off so Frankie asked you to stay a few more days, not wanting your time together to end and of course you agreed.
‘Can you get that baby?’ Asks Frankie upon hearing the doorbell go.
Carrying Sophia in your arms you make your way to the front door, chuckling when she tries to tug on your bottom lip. Opening the door you are greeted by a face that you recognise from group pictures but never expected to see in person.
‘Is Frankie here?’ She asks, her voices dripping in spite.
‘He is.’ You reply.
Sophia starts to get fussy and you turn your attention to her, rocking her in your arms as her eyes start to fill with tears.
‘Here give her to me.’
‘No.’ You suddenly feel very protective of the infant in your arms.
‘Who is it, baby?’ Frankie asks as he comes up beside you, his jaw dropping at who he sees ‘What are you doing here Lexi?’
‘I came for my daughter.’ She replies, eyes burning holes into you.
‘You what?’
‘She’s my daughter Frankie.’ She starts, shifting her weight from one leg to the other.
‘You gave up the right to call her that when you walked out on us.’ He spits, wrapping his hand around your waist and pulling you and his baby closer.
‘Who’s this bitch?’ She growls, pointing to you with her chin ‘Found a replacement quickly.’
‘A replacement?’ You yell, feeling your anger bubbling inside you.
‘Lexi please go.’ He says as he gives your waist a small squeeze.
‘Fine.’ She spits, glaring at you both ‘You haven’t seen the last of me. I will get her back.’
It had been two weeks since Frankie’s ex had turned up at his door. Since then you’d not heard or seen from her but there was always a worry bubbling in the background about what she was planning. You had promised Frankie that if she tried to fight for custody you would do whatever you could to help him, the boys also vowing the same thing. Your shift today had been relatively uneventful, the most serious injury being a sex-related one that you’d rather forget about. You can’t help but watch the clock, excited to see Frankie and the baby. After coming back from your trip you’d more or less ended up staying permanently, he’d gifted you a key the day before you’d gone back to work and gradually your stuff had migrated.
‘Any plans tonight with lover boy?’ Ask Sophie as she gives you a friendly nudge with her elbow and a wink.
‘We both have the day off tomorrow so we were planning on take-out and a Star Wars marathon.’
‘You two are so perfect for each other.’ She chuckles ‘Well have fun!’
You finish up your paperwork and slip into your casual clothes. You practically sprint to your car, not wanting to wait any longer than you had to to get back to your perfect little family waiting for you at home. The universe is obviously on your side as you drive, every light turning green as you approach it and before long you’re pulling up onto Frankie’s drive. Your expression becomes confused as you see that the front door is open but you shrug and grab your bag, stepping quickly towards the house.
‘Baby I’m home.’ You announce.
Looking around you see two mugs on the coffee table and you try and remember if you had left yours out this morning.
‘Frankie?’ You raise your voice a little louder as you walk into the kitchen and find that he’s not there ‘Baby you here?’
You look in the garden but he’s still nowhere to be seen. A gnawing feeling starts to form in the pit of your stomach as you head towards the bedrooms, checking his room and seeing that that room is empty also.
That’s when you hear it. A faint groaning coming from Sophia’s bedroom. Pushing the door open you are hit with a sense of Deja Vu when you see Frankie laying on the ground, his eyes rolling around in their sockets as his body wriggled on the floor. You knew exactly what this was.
‘Frankie?’ You drop to his side, taking his pulse and finding it racing beneath your fingertips ‘Frankie how much did you take?’
‘Lexi.’ Was his reply, his eyes growing wider as his heart rate picked up more.
‘What about her?’ It comes out angrier than you meant it to.
‘She... she...’
‘She what?’
He doesn’t answer, just starts to look around the room in a daze. You pull out your phone, dialling for an ambulance whilst trying to keep your anger at bay. He’s promised. Once you’d gotten off of the phone with the emergency services you ring Will, the fight to keep your anger at bay becoming harder by the second.
'Hey Doc, what's up?'
‘Frankie’s OD’d.’
‘He’s what?’ Comes the older Miller’s voice down the phone.
‘I found him on the floor of Sophia’s room.’
‘Shit. Is the baby okay?’
‘Yeah she’s-’ You stop dead when you notice her cot is empty, your heart starts to race as you start to put the pieces together.
‘You still there Doc?’
‘She’s gone, Will.’ You sob ‘Fuck he said Lexi’s name, I think he was trying to tell me she’d taken her.’ You pause and then it hits you ‘Shit I think she drugged him.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I found two mugs on the coffee table when I walked in. She must have come round to try and sweet talk him and slipped some coke into his coffee.’ You look down at Frankie whose whole body has gone rigid ‘No... no no shit no!.’
He lets out a scream as his body starts to convulse. Eye’s rolling back into his skull. You can hear Will shouting at you down the phone but you can’t reply. You can’t move. You sit there frozen to the spot as you watch history repeat itself with Frankie. This couldn’t be happening again.
Chapter 6
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