#prominent saturn
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heliosphere-underthesky · 8 months ago
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Gas Giants and Ice Brothers' relationships in a nutshell (aftermath of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Incident)
Phys.org: Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 | Grand Tack Scenario
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vickysaurus · 2 years ago
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I bought a connector thingie for taking photos through my binoculars, and because I am always willing to try polevaulting before I can walk, I made my second and third targets ever with it the Moon and Saturn. As blurry as these photos are, I am astonished I managed to actually capture the rings with a phone camera.
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aphrothiti · 6 months ago
This song feels like the epitome of Saturn to me
Kurt Cobain was in his Saturn dasha when it came out
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8housevenus · 2 months ago
attraction-spicy astrology observations
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1st house venus - naturally enchanting, perceived as beautiful and attracts opposite sex easily, very positively alluring.
1st house pluto/scorpio rising - deep and intense, when involved with one there's plenty of sexual attraction and forbidden chemistry that exudes from them. very influential and persuasive.
libra moon - charming and witty, flirtatious and knows how to dig deeper to make you like them more. easy to create emotional attraction to them.
moon in 4th - private and a hidden gem, selectively tempting to those who they can see deep connection with.
pluto in 7th - brings lots of change and transformation to their partners. socially accepted as a very intimidating beauty. very high awareness of their promiscuous behavior. hidden or even open admirers.
pluto-venus/mars aspects - powerful feminine and powerful masculine, wouldn't see it unless you get to know them. very domineering individuals, prefers to have the upper hand always.
lilith-ascendant aspects - can be sexualized even overly by others, can attract dislike because their magnetism is so strong. radiates a very 1 of 1 energy, extremely forward and confident in their sexuality.
lilith-venus/pluto aspects - very desirable by other people, always knows what they want and have a good sense of control over themselves. they really are if looks could kill.
jupiter/venus in 8th - captivating and fancied for their understanding of other's needs. a guilty pleasure; people drawn to their mystery & tempting image, desired in secret.
mercury-venus/moon apects - flirty mouths, openly complemented on their bodies or demeanor. has a sultry & calm voice.
taurus/libra mars - can have pretty private parts, (mars represents our reproductive organs, blood, energy). sidenote: taurus mars might prefer slow oral and dirty talk in the bedroom, libra mars prefers switching it up and grabbing/grabbed by the thighs.
capricorn mars - capricorn is exalted here, very expressive in sexual act, puts pressure and loves to take control. likes to be on top, especially if it's a man, usually goes for more submissive women, and if it's a woman, she goes for men who are more domineering than her.
pisces in jupiter/venus/mars - pretty shlongs/kittys.
sun-venus/moon aspects (especially if sun, venus, or moon is in 10th/5th) - might like to take photos of their lady parts or be recognized for their lady parts.
8th house stellium - prominent scorpion energy; seems inexplicably fascinating upon coming across them. there's an intensity that is not easily breakable; this suspicion makes them seem so out of reach when they're next to you.
venus in 12th - attracts secret admirers, stalkers, people dream of them a lot and even daydream about them. they see and are seen through rose-colored lenses, and you wouldn't even come to realize it.
sun in 8th/scorpio sun - very obvious, masters of sexual charm, very goodlooking and has attractive energy.
virgo mars/ 6th house mars - very submissive and carries themselves with a very "pure"-like energy which can attract very suspicious people. be careful of people who want to use you.
sagittarius mars/ascendants - tend to have thicker legs.
capricorn venus - loves to have their chins and hands touched, likes to make their partner go on their knees for them.
uranus in 12th - has kinks that they prefer to hide and has very unique ways of giving pleasure. might like to drizzle on oddly specific body parts or likes to use toys, chains, foreplay.
saturn-mars aspects - loves it slow & steady, likes to be the one being in authority in the bedroom. might like utilizing their fingers in their partner.
4th house mars - might enjoy having their breasts, nipples, stomach kissed or played with.
mercury-jupiter aspects - likes talking their partner through it during oral.
12th house mars - prefer to be submissive and do a lot of spitting, especially on their lower parts or on their partner.
9th house mars - likes men/women from different ethnicities/cultures/backgrounds, might even travel a lot just to see different people.
risng/mars in degrees of taurus, libra, leo, capricorn, gemini - might like to accessorize themselves with jewelry or try to enhance their bodies in some way to appear more luxurious. (belly buttons, tattoos, piercings, bracelets, necklaces, nail polish, rings, etc). material gwoorls.
thank u guys for reading all the way!!
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magic-astro-fae · 3 months ago
Aspects to Venus
Depending on whether the Venus aspects are challenging or beneficial will determine one’s relationship w the themes found below
Venus/ ASC: Physical beauty, charismatic, sociable, inviting, warm, pleasantries, comfortable home, emphasis on fashion/ hair/ skin care, social chameleon, comforting, inclusive
Venus/ Sun: Attractive personality, strong sense of self, individualized style, complimentary, relationship oriented, energized thru socialization, interests in fashion/ makeup/ beauty
Venus/ Moon: Beautiful home, clean/ hygienic, comforting food, healthy meals and lifestyle, beauty routines, retail therapy, creature comforts, caring for loved ones needs, caregiving, nurturing
Venus/ Mercury: Attractive speaking/ singing voice, empathetic communication, art/ literature, intellectually inclined, diverse friends, inclusivity, community oriented, reading/ writing
Venus/ Mars: Balance, achievers, articulate, practical abilities, romantic, relationship oriented, sexually inclined, physical attractiveness, hard workers, money makers, active and social
Venus/ Jupiter: Welcoming, bubbly, humorous, large features (eyes/ breasts/ thighs/ etc) prominent speaking voice, unique laughs, family oriented, diverse social circles, spirituality
Venus/ Saturn: Hard workers, money making/ saving, consistency, reliability, introverted, responsible in love, respectful, long term planning, strives for security, refined tastes
Venus/ Uranus: Unconventional lifestyles, unique style, individualized beauty routines, inclusivity, diverse friendships, fights for love, tough love, mysterious aura, social chameleon, intelligent
Venus/ Neptune: Dreamers, romantics, spiritual, accepting of others, caregivers, empathetic towards others, introverted, fantasies of love, romantic, physical beauty, mystery
Venus/ Pluto: Loyalty, intense relationships, diverse friendships, unconventional lifestyles, unique self expression/ style, routine, beauty regiments, personal success/ money makers
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months ago
Saturn ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧in Houses
Saturn in 1st House
You have a serious personal manner and can come across to others as cool and reserved. Generally, you don't speak or act without good reason or intention. You are naturally prudent and careful, with good self-control and self-discipline. Your early life may have been difficult, with hardships or limitations to overcome. Yet, you have the power to achieve positions of prominence and responsibility in life through sheer hard work and perseverance. At times, you can be too serious and given to bouts of discontentment and gloominess. You tend not to suffer fools easily.
Saturn in 2nd House
Financial success and wealth comes through good old-fashioned hard work and effort. You find out from an early age that you get what you work for and that there are no free lunches. As a rule, you tend to be cautious and careful with regard to spending money and investing. Deep down, you have a fear of poverty, especially in later life and will take steps to make yourself as financially secure as possible. At times, you can be frugal and stingy.
Saturn in 3rd House
You are a deep and contemplative thinker, who is capable of profound thought and mental concentration. You have good reasoning powers and may demonstrate the ability for scientific thought or mathematics. However, you may lack intellectual confidence or experience disruptions in your early education. You are a serious person with little interest in idle chatter or light conversation. Relations with siblings or neighbours can be strained at times.
Saturn in 4th House
Your home and family life are very important to you; however there can be difficulties attaining domestic harmony and security. You may experience hardship in your place of birth, which is only alleviated by moving to another locality or country. There could be difficulties in your relationship with one or both of your parents, with the possibility of physical or emotional separation from the father in particular. Also, you may have to take responsibility for an aged parent. Personal wisdom comes with age and maturity.
Saturn in 5th House
Your romantic life has its challenges; there may be delays, disappointments and restricted opportunities in your love life, with experiences of emotional coolness and sexual dissatisfaction. However, attractions to those who are older or more mature can lead to stable and lasting relationships. Difficulties may be experienced in having or relating to children and there may be a tendency to be too strict or formal with them. Creative and social skills are acquired through effort and determination. Financial speculations should be approached cautiously.
Saturn in 6th House
You take your work seriously and are a stickler for correct procedure. You have little tolerance for shirkers in the workplace. At times, there can be difficulties with employment matters. If you are an employer, you may experience problems with staff, such as losses, deception and unreliability. You may experience health problems through inadequacies in your diet, or through worry or overwork
Saturn in 7th House
You view relationships with others seriously and realistically. You have a strong sense of responsibility towards others and desire fairness in your dealings with people. Marriage or significant partnerships tend to be stable and enduring. Equally, however, coolness or emotional remoteness within marriage can lead to difficulties, feelings of loneliness and separation. You may be attracted to others of a wide age difference to you. Possibly, a partner may be obstructive, critical and uncooperative. Opponents or enemies can be persistent and relentless; and legal difficulties may be experienced.
Saturn in 8th House
The financial affairs of your personal or professional partners are likely to be an ongoing source of concern or worry for you. It is possible that a partner may experience problems or struggles with money, or cause you personal financial difficulties. Tax matters or inheritances may be a burden and if mishandled could possibly result in legal action. Loans from banks or lending institutions may not be easily obtained.
Saturn in 9th House
You may develop a serious interest in higher learning, philosophy, law and metaphysical knowledge and diligently apply yourself to their study. You tend to have strong convictions, either for or against, spiritual and religious beliefs. Age and life-experience can bring wisdom, but this is dependent on your attitude and handling of life's challenges. You could experience troubles and loss through legal disputes and difficulties may be encountered during long distance travel.
Saturn in 10th House
Vocational matters are of supreme importance to you, and you'll work hard to achieve your professional ambitions. You may experience obstructions in your career, but these can be overcome with perseverance and endurance. Your desire to attain success and positions of power and authority is strong and realizable. However, the potential for a fall from grace or a reversal in fortune is just as strong, if you abuse your position.
Saturn in 11th House
You can be a bit of a loner and sometimes feel uncomfortable in social situations. You tend not to make friends easily; however you have the ability to cultivate genuine and long lasting friendships through sincere effort and steadfast loyalty. You can gain through the patronage and goodwill of older and experienced benefactors. Take care that you don't fall victim to false or deceitful acquaintances.
Saturn in 12th House
You are an intensely private person, who needs frequent seclusion and time out from the demands and pressures of life. You work at your best behind-the-scenes and can be involved with institutions, such as hospitals, universities or government departments. In general, you tend not to be overly concerned with the need for public recognition, preferring instead a quiet and simple life if possible. You may suffer from inexplicable fears and anxieties, and possibly at the hands of false friends or secret enemies. On occasion, you can literally feel confined or restricted.
For Readings DM
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thedivinetarot · 3 months ago
Hold me, love me, touch me, honey be the first who ever did
Future spouse turn on +18
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☆ How to chose your pile?
First clear your mind, take a deep breathe and close your eyes. Ask the question in your head "what will turn my future spouse on about me?". And shall the picture you are drawn to the most will be your pile.
☆ Disclaimer:
Please if you are under 18 do not interact or reblog this reading. This content is explicit and is not for you.
This is a general reading so don't put your life on hold for it. Also, this reading is written for the feminine (women, girls) if you are masculine or identify as a man this reading is NOT for you. This reading is for the feminine collective.
▪︎This reading was done using Raider Waite tarot deck and sexual magic tarot deck.
Lots of love 💕
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Pile 1 - sleeping beauty
Your current energy
I feel like this pile’s energy is quite saddening. I see that you had a project to work on and nothing went as you hoped which made you clash with your team members and caused something unpleasant to face. I see that you feel quite empty and insecure towards your own thoughts. You have many creative thoughts to offer and you are so passionate about them but I see that because your team didn't listen to you or do anything you say it left you feeling unimportant or like a "chair's leg" idk how to explain it but they made you feel like an empty vase. Also you might have been feeling quite stuck and gloomy. I see that lately your self-esteem has dropped and you feel like nothing matter or you don't matter anymore. I'm so sorry for that pile one you deserve absolutely the best. Your thoughts and ideas are valuable and if someone didn't take them seriously that doesn't mean that they don't matter. Also, I see that you might be under a psychic attack or telepathy so be careful. I see that this person who is attacking you is quite naive and they are doing it with their whole will which means they know exactly what they are doing. I see that you are trying to get over them like your mind is trying to wash them off but they are like an ink stain that doesn't really go away. But eventually it will so don't worry. For others (people who are under psychic attack or telepathy) this person is trying to communicate telepathically with you so expect them to show up in your dreams or receivesigns from them. I see that what is between you two is not finished yet. You may see that everything has finished buuuttt it is not. This person may come with a love offer and communicate with you very soon. They may be working on themselves right now. Anyways the period of stagnation is almost over or it will be over by the end of this year.
☆ Placements for you:
Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Cancer. Or you have Neptune, Saturn, Mercury prominent in your chart. Or you have 12th, 2nd, 10th, 7th, 3rd, 4th house stallium or your sun moon is there. I see also moon in cancer and saturn in libra.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
Right off the bat I see that your future spouse will be in love with your breasts. I see everything related to them. Massaging them, sucking them, grabbing them. They also looovvvee how the bra shape them especially corsets and push up bras and also they love how they look with no bra soo ;) anyways. This person is so down bad for you like they are an animal for that part. I keep hearing the song "Addicted to you by Shakira" weird I never listened to that song before but when I described the song to my sister she gave me the name. Also, your waist and belly button. They like how your waist is shaped. I see also that you are this person's dream girl. They see you as the empress, their empress. They like how beautiful you are whether you think it is true or not. I see that they see you the empress to their empror. I also got the collar bones too. Your spouse is going to see you as something so beautiful and otherworldly. I keep emphasizing on the upper body especially the breasts and waist. I see also that they like watching you getting undressed after an event or a party. They like your whole naked form too but mostly your breasts. They also like your size too, no matter how big or small you are they think that you complete them and the chemistry is off charts. I see that you guys may have wonderful sexual chemistry like you two can't keep your hands off of each other. You see those couple who gives off the vibe that they fuck every two minutes? You are like that pile 1 they adore you. This person also gets horny by the fact that you are intimate with them and only them. They get horny or turned on by dim lights and you getting undressed in front of candle lights. Also this person might get horny when you guys hug. They just feel soo hot and bothered whenever you are around. Their love language may be physically touch. They even get horny when you set on their lap too. I see that they might get turned on when you are applying lotion, perfume or even cream on your body they get weak in their knees.
I hope you enjoyed your reading💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Taurus, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Cancer, Pisces. Also they have moon, Mars, Venus, Neptune prominent in their chart. Sun or moon or stallium in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 4th, 12th, 10th. Venus in Aries, mars- moon, Venus- ascendant aspects in synastry.
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Pile 2 - Woman posing
Your current energy
I see that you might be stuck on someone with Aquarius placements. I see that you have finally made peace with them and you feel kind of imbalanced by that. I see also that this person kept you stuck and out of place. I see also that you are in a place right now where you can't see the truth and you are very conflicted. This confection is keeping you feeling restless and tired. I see that you are fighting internally your anxiety about them. I see that this person knows how to tick your boxes and keep you on edge. Pile 2, this person's intentions aren't fully good towards you. I see that they are only here for fun and good times but believe me it will only end up with disappointment so be careful. I see that this person is manipulating you into thinking that they are so tired and can't live without you but they are not. They know that you'll get back to them, I see that you need to stop giving them the validation that they seek because each time you return to them it make their ego bigger. You are worthy of more than that pile 2. Also, the energy under the bottom of the deck is quite wicked. This person is doing everything in their power to torture you and manipulate you.
☆ Placements for you:
Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, moon in sagittarius, mars in leo, Venus in scorpio, Sagittarius, Venus in Aquarius. Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Mars, moon prominent in your chart or stallium in the 11th, 12th, 2nd, 6th house in your chart.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
I got a lot of 10s in this pile so I guess your spouse really feels turned on by the fact that they are making a family that is going to leave a legacy behind with you. Also, this person really gets turned on when you surrender to them, I see a lot of submission. Doesn't mean that they are dominant but they generally love to see you under them. They might be a soft dom. They won't force you to do anything against your will. This pile is quite vanilla, I see a lot of fluids here. They might feel turned on by your sex fluids or they generally like to play with it. They also get turned on when you tease them. This person is foodie, I am picturing the image of Louis and Peter griffin when they were feeding each other fruits in this scene check it out if you want to. You might feed each other grapes and fruits in general. I'm not getting this person enjoying a specific body part at all. I feel like they enjoy your presence during the act more. Also, they get turned on when you hug them tightly. I feel like this person is quite traditional, they enjoy it when you make dinner for them. I see them getting back from work were you are dressing up nicely and making them a very delicious dinner. Also, this person is into sexting. I see them getting very horny when you are teasing them with your nudes. Idk this person respectively is very traditional and vanilla. I see also that they are very mature emotionally. This person get turned on by eye contact and deep conversations they might spend hours making love and they last very long.
Enjoy your reading pile 2💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Leo, Mercury in virgo and sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Venus in virgo, mars in Aries. Dominant planets in Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Uranus. Stallium/ sun or moon in 1st, 6th, 11th, 12th, 9th house in their chart.
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Pile 3 - Lady with flowers
Your current energy
I see that this pile is surrendering to the divine. I see that you are trying to enjoy your life as much as possible. I feel like you are living in a routine, there's nothing much honestly. I see that you are anticipating something. I feel like you want something new in your life, something to break the routine without creeping you off. I see that you always lean towards routine and structure but somehow you desire change. I see that you want change but you are very resistant to it which is creating chaos energetically. Pile 3, set with your self and decide what exactly is holding you back from the change? What is scaring you this much? Writing this down can be really helpful I order for you to acknowledge what is wrong. I see that this duality of wanting change and fearing it is keeping you stuck and confused. But at the same time you are looking forward, you are looking for a sign from the universe or God to intervene and change it. You are deeply feeling optimistic about tomorrow. I see that your energy is quite happy and warm. You might have walked away from something that kept bothering you and now you feel like that thing have no power over you right now. I see that there might be a small health issue that faced you in the previous weeks like cold or fever. But you got better thanks to God or the Universe.
Placements for you:
Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Aries. Also, I'm picking up on Mars in Aries, Venus in scorpio, Moon in scorpio. Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Pluto as dominant planets in your chart. Stallium in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 11th house.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
Well first you got triple 888 which never happened in my readings. It means that you are going to experience infinite abundance with your spouse. I see that this person at first will be soft and sweet. They will make love to you softly, they will demand nude pictures of you and they will masturbate to it. They have breeding kink, they will imagine having a child with you while they are masturbating. They are going to make love like there's no tomorrow but as the relationship preced they are going to get scary honestly. I see that they are going to share their sexual fantasies with you. They will ask you to role play with them and the roles are going to be quite dark. Like, they might role play a r*pe scene or something very dark of course with your consent if you are comfortable with that type of stuff or not. With each day that pass they will show their kinkier side to you. I see them using their belt or whip on you. There will be hair pulling too, and heavy BDSM. I see that they will escape reality with you into the bedroom I see them really praising and encouraging you afterwards. They also might tie your hands. I see wax play too, this person is very naughty and kinky I can't with them. This pile’s future spouse might get turned on by pain. I'm picturing Angelina Jolie when she stabed her boyfriend to feel pleasure while they are doing it. This person might get horny when you are in pain. They might cause you pain too. This person is giving Christian Grey, I see that they like being in control and doing heavy stuff to their partner. Idk pile 3, if you might get uncomfortable with that try to communicate with them. You don't have to face all of this. Also, I see that this person will see you as their lover, I got the lover card and Judgement twice which is quite unusual. I see that it might mean that this relationship is meant to awaken something in you, something you are ignoring.
Enjoy your reading pile 3💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Air placements (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). Mercury in sagittarius, and water placements (Cancer, Pisces and scorpio). Mercury, Pluto, Venus. Stallium in Air placements or houses and Stallium in water placements.
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Pile 4 - Woman looking at the stars
Your current energy
I see that there's someone in your life that is spreading rumors about you. It might be a woman with leo placements or a man with Aquarius placements I'm not sure. I see that they feel very jealous of your achievements and how graceful you are. I see that you are the type of person who is very beautiful. You might be beauty with brains, someone who is very intelligent and smart. This person is spreading rumors about you and the cards are telling me that they will get their Karma so don't worry you don't have to do anything about it. The cards are advising you to have inner strength and calm down before engaging in any behavior that doesn't suit your public image. I see that you might be someone who is quite popular and known but very envied by others. Your skills and dedication are drawing the right people into your life and the right opportunities too. I see that if you are planning on traveling somewhere it will happen but also for that to happen you need to find closure and end a cycle in your life.
☆ Placements for you:
Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Leo. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Venus prominent in your chart. Stallium in the 1st, 6th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 7th, 11th house in your chart.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
Okay, first thing is this person is very idealistic, very emotional and devoted. I see that they get horny when you tease them with your breasts like pressing them against him or showing them to him randomly make him sexually frustrated. I see that he gets really horny when they see you dressing up for them. A lot of emphasis on glam, they enjoy watching you dressing up, putting on perfume and makeup. You might be their type honestly. Like they were searching for someone like you and they found you soo it is a win win. This person is like pile 2, they are quite traditional. They don't have any weird kink at all. I see that they lean more to making love unlike pile 3 it was insane but anyways no judgment on my blog. I see that your ass is something that they like, they enjoy the size, shape and how soft and squishy it is. This person gets so horny when you are showering or under water. They see you as someone who is so ethereal like a mermaid. They like your body naked and wit under the shower. They might join you there too. I see that they really get turned on when you whisper in their ear and tease their neck. This person is in their head a lot when it comes to you. They might go to work and sit there imagining you two doing it nonstop and when they return home they'll be like a wild animal. He is so soft, like a soft dom again. I can't with him I try to provoke many cards but all I am getting is the cups suit which is linked to love and emotions. I see that this person is very emotional when it comes to you what matter for them is intimacy and how comfortable you are with them. Also, it keeps them going when you are in pleasure. They feel prideful when you reach your orgasm and moaning their name. Also, I'm getting Nikki Minaj here. He'll totally take it off of you after the party. Also I'm getting the song "something about you by eyedress, dent may" this person sees you like something so beautiful and ethereal. They have a lot of respect for you, they won't curse or cuss at you at all during sex. They see sex as something very sacred and romantic only shared between two people. They don't dare to call sex (sex) they'll say (love making) instead. This person is very poetic, they can and will write poems about you and set the right romantic mood for you two to enjoy.
Take care pile 4 💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces and cancer). Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra). Mercury, moon, Venus as prominent plants in their chart. Stallium in the 4th, 8th, 12th, 11th, 3rd, 7th house for them.
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Post date: 24th of Nov -2024 Sun
* Feedback is appreciated
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millysastroblog · 4 months ago
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Jesus, Adolf Hitler, Marilyn Monroe, Donald Trump, Mao, Albert Einstein, Michael K´Jackson, Abrahmam Lincoln, Marthin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, Leonardo Da Vinci ….
🪄Cardinal or fixed modalities
🪄 7th house or libra placements
🪄 8th house placements
🪄10th house ruler the 7th, 1st, 8th or 10th house
🪄2nd degrees, 8th, 18th, 20th degrees
🪄17th, 28th, 29th degrees anywhere (especially Sun and MC)
🪄Jupiter in the 1st or aspecting ASC
🪄Mars in the 10 th house (known for their high energy, stamina, strength, body, sex appeal, dancers, bodybuilders, etc. )
🪄Moon aspecting ASC
🪄Leo placements
🪄Jupiter/ Pluto/Uranus/Mars aspecting North Node (square, opposition or conjunction)
🪄Air in big 3
🪄LIBRA RISING (at first sight they are likable and charming )
🪄Lilith in the 1st/ 10th
🪄Saturn in the 10th (long lasting popularity even after death)
🪄1st/ 10th /11th house stellium
🪄10th house ruler in the 10th house
🪄North node conjunct Jupiter (huge calling in life )
🪄Prominent Sag placements
🪄Moon in the 1st house or 10th house
🪄Sag, Leo, libra in big 3 overall prominent in birth chart
🪄Neptune, Venus, Pluto,Jupiter dominance
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aphrodeiities · 5 months ago
ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
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and i wanted to be kind and leave three mores spot for someone for a chart reading, £30 for any type of chart reading.
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♇ what is a ruler in astrology?
♇ a ruler in astrology is a planetary ruler, a planet that rules over the sign that takes over a house, for example, someone with capricorn in their second house, will have saturn as their second house ruler.
♇ my second house is ruled by saturn, and saturn is placed in my seventh house in astrology.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 1H ⟶ self value means a lot to them. distinct/nice voice can become famous for that. family-oriented or known as the most selfish family member. beauty and money oriented. very stubborn but beautiful, can imply that romance and communication is important to native.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 2H ⟶ can be self-centred, being someone who is vocal. can be someone who is frugal as well. might like to sing, cook and create are. stubborn. could be obsessed with future spouse and can be someone who likes to many money. can be very sensual/sexual.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 3H ⟶ very communicative. slow speakers or likes to take time to make their point. can be someone who likes to make quick money. pretty hands and hand writing. can be manipulative. values intelligent and siblings and cousins. spends money on food and travelling. beautiful relatives and pretty/loud neighbourhood.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 4H ⟶ values family and order. very emotionally distant and private. very secretive and easily hurt. can be someone who is protective, and might become the money-maker of the family. being someone who has a nice aesthetic, and might sound like your mother, or a prominent female figure in the family.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 5H ⟶ very creative people. superstars and values talent. could value children and be very protective over them. or could value healing the inner child. very intelligent and educated. very sexual and can value romance and sex. could moan loud during sex or could like listening to hot audios.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 6H ⟶ troubles with eating. gym/health freak. can value order and good health. might like to speak on the phone a lot and can be someone who could love pets or animals in general. being someone who likes to win as well, very competitive souls. but can be critical or someone who fishes for compliments to other people.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 7H ⟶ money from partners or business partnerships. can value connections with friends, family and people in general. can have a nice/airy voice, family relationship might've impacted how you behave in relationships. might love to buy aesthetically pleasing stuff and can be known to be pretty.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 8H ⟶ very private and guarded people. family secrets can change them. gaining finances through spouse or a will. can be be intimate and values intimacy. secret siblings/family members. sensual voices, known for voice acting or even singing. could also be mean if they wanted to.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 9H ⟶ values intelligence and travelling. could like to be flattered. being someone who could like to trade with other people. can be someone who values philosophy or having faith in something. people believing in them helps them become more confident, another placement where someone fishes for compliments all the time. can gain money through creative writing or directing. can have a big ego as well.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 10H ⟶ popular business moguls. can be a famous vocal actress or actor. up-front person. nice deep/commanding voice. authoritative person, someone who values career, discipline and reputation. can be very self-involved and controlling. prominent financial life. coming from a respectable or known family.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 11H ⟶ popular friends, values friendship and being independent. gaining money from the internet or through networking. distinct voices might sound animated. can be a humanitarian. weird food taste, found family core. being someone who loves privacy and charity. people are curious about your family, how you earn money. could have a wealthy future, or wealthy friends.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 12H ⟶ drains through money. retail therapy. struggles with food. might be paranoid. light voices but shady people. unexpected talent, people are surprised whenever they're good at something. a family member might've gone to prison/been behind bars. manifestors. could be interested in the fae, could have dreamy beauty. might disappear a lot, and can be delusional.
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and i wanted to be kind and leave three mores spot for someone for a chart reading, £30 for any type of chart reading.
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planetsandstarsandstuff · 4 months ago
Natal Chart Notes/Observations:
(please do not copy or repost on other platforms)
Those with Venus in the 3H can be extremely sweet in the way they speak to others - these people are often very verbally affectionate, especially with those closest to them. Compliments from them can feel particularly validating.
Cancer Moons tend to be babied a lot - people assuming they're more sensitive than they are, thinking their feelings need to be protected, etc. Their vulnerability is often exaggerated in the minds of others.
Having Saturn or Mercury in/ruling the 2H can allow a person to detach from material possessions quite easily; they tend to approach this area of life with logic + practicality and are often able to throw items away with little hesitation (Mercury likely even more so than Saturn, as Saturn's rigidity can hold them back here.)
3H Neptune may be especially prone to dropping things.
Those with Mercury in the 12H often struggle to turn their brain off; it can feel like there's constant chatter in their subconscious. This may also be true for those with Pisces Mercury, Neptune-Mercury aspects, and Neptune in the 3rd - no structure to keep racing thoughts contained.
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Above is an excerpt from an interview with Joan Didion, who has her Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in the 6H - keen awareness of how one spends their time, finding and creating beauty in the mundane, daily indulgence in life's pleasures. Those with 6H placements, when expressed at their best, are particularly good at remembering to live.
7H Suns are often such lovely people to engage with, they bring so much warmth and vitality to their interactions with others. Very friendly people who focus a lot of their energy on those around them.
If you have any t-squares in your chart, look to the apex to see where you're likely to engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms in response to issues indicated by its two opposing houses. If the apex is in the 12th house, for example, this can look like isolating, excessive daydreaming, and possibly substance use. In the 7H this might look like codependence, in the 6H overworking, etc. The sign and planet should be considered as well.
(look to the opposing sign + house to find the qualities that likely need to be embraced.)
Our 3H is how we speak, but our 2H is how our voice sounds - someone with a 3H Moon might speak with a soft inflection but if they have a 2H Mars, for example, the actual resonance of their voice may be quite loud or harsh. Princess Diana's Moon was in both her 2nd and 3rd house (looking at placidus + whole sign together) and she's famously very soft spoken - not only in expression, but also in the actual tone of her voice.
Those with Chiron in the 1H are prone to viewing life through a negative lens, their pain informs their worldview more than most.
Scorpio Venus/Pluto-Venus/Scorpio 5H love angst.
Mercury-Venus aspects can indicate having a very classically beautiful voice. Jonathan Groff, who has Mercury exactly conjunct Venus, is a good example of this - under every interview I've seen of his are comments filled with people talking about how much they love his voice - not only his singing voice, but his regular speaking voice as well.
Prominent 11H placements can attract an audience quite easily.
Those with Jupiter-Mercury aspects tend to have a funny way with words - something about the way they speak just tickles people. Ayo Edebiri, who has her Mercury sextile Jupiter, is a great example of this. Kate McKinnon as well (Mercury conjunct Jupiter). These individuals often have great comedic timing and aren't afraid to go big in order to get a laugh.
Having Venus in or ruling the 4H can indicate a person being somewhat of a mediator within their family - always trying to keep the peace, encouraging family members to connect, etc. Family is often very important to these people.
2H Moons love providing for others - cooking for people, gifting things, just generally making sure those around them are well taken care of. They'll do anything to bring comfort and safety to their loved ones, and often find a lot of emotional fulfillment in doing so.
Capricorn Mars can be very presumptuous in that they think they're in charge everywhere they go. This can definitely get on people's nerves but in all fairness if any placement deserves to be in charge it's probably this one - if nothing else, a cap mars knows how to get things done.
Thanks for reading!
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harmoonix · 8 months ago
🧡Late night astrology observations 💜
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People with Sun in the 3H, 6H, 11H are really good at helping others and to communicate with them, they just have this very welcoming energy
Venus/Moon or Mercury in Sagittarius or in the 9H can make you attracted by other cultures also can indicate you may be attracted to people with multiple ethncities
Pisces and Sagittarius Venus are blessed with beauty since jupiter make a co-relationship with venus with those signs
Taurus Moon and Venus are such good placements to have in your chart, they make you so loving and charming, these placements bless you with beautfiul gifts
Having Sagittarius in your 4H/12H can indicate having more nationalities or ethnicities
"Energy is only borrowed" is such a 8H and 12H placements quote
Lilith in your 3H/Gemini can make you to act more rebellious while talking/you can talk dirty a lot/curse
People with a water sign in their 2H or 3H have beautiful voices! Other may find yout voice cute
Neptune in the 4H/6H/8H/12H can make you more spiritual or intuitive without realizing it
Uranus aspecting Moon can have stages of personality changes a lot, especially being moody
Uranus and Venus aspects always met like potential parnters without really asking for it, they just happen to meet by a certain situation
People with Jupiter and Lilith in harsh aspects can have a really intense and sexual energy
Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in the 7H can be blessed with beautiful dating lives, even if you did not met that person yet, your time will come
Scorpio venus, moon and mars can attach to others so easily and in some cases being even obessed over people
The most jealous moon signs in a relationship ranked in my opinion are Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer Moons. I think is also because they have a really posessive nature
Virgo Rising can be the most hardworking person in a group project, they want to get the highest grade, the high possible place for them winning is essential
Having Pluto or LIlith in the 4H can sometimes indicate being bad influenced by your family members
12H placements esp Sun, Moon or Chiron are so spiritual, is actually insane how karmic and spiritual these placements can be
Chiron in the 7H can tell about a person which heals their partners but also their relationship, in the same time without healing themselves at all
Saturn in the 4h/Cancer can talk about a household where emotional needs were not so much present, Saturn may give emotional needs to the native from a partner rather than family
Scorpio Moons can posses trust issues and is usually a sign that they have been hurt in the past
Pisces or neptune in the 7h can talk having the need to connect with your spouse on a spiritual level
Juno and venus aspects can indicate having a beautiful spouse
Sun aspecting Pluto can indicate having to fight for your image since you can be seen as a bad person
Jupiter in the 2h or in taurus can bring sucess in money or sometimes wealth
Jupiter aspecting the ascendant can give a very beautiful and prominent face to the native, jupiter - asc aspects are so underatted in beauty observations
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I wanted this one to be more of a simple - style😁👌 btw these observations were really made on a late night. Insomnia texting through...🙄🙄
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damianstarastrology · 1 month ago
astrology observations 1.26.25
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Moon conjunct ascendant people tend to move away from home at some point in their lives.
Transit Sun and Moon conjunct your ascendant could indicate an upgrade to your living situation; this could include moving homes or making renovations to your current home
Scorpio Venus people tend to only have a few serious partners in life before settling down. These people are fiercly committed and do not feel the need to play the field for long if at all. Messy breakups are common with this placement especially with a square to Mars in Leo/Aquarius
Venus square mars people have intense relationships with others. The relationships modeled for them in childhood effect and shape their early partnerships
Jupiter conjunct ascendant individuals have a strong pallet for aquired tastes; they enjoy eating foods from a variety of cultures
Transit Jupiter in the first house is an auspicious period of life. You will enjoy rich foods, experience beautiful enviornments and financial boosts
Aquarius and Scorpio Rising have likely lived in an apartment or communal living space at some point in their lives. These placements can be indicative of a lack of privacy growing up resulting in hermit-like tendencies in adulthood
Saturn conjunct Venus in the natal chart can inhibits social connection in youth and could indicate an awkward personality especially if aspecting the Sun
Transit Saturn conjunct natal mars is a period of necessary delays, contemplating options and longevity of plans rather than taking actions
Sagittarius Venuses are best suited for partners who are not from their place of origin
I have noticed prominent Aquarius placements in many people who identify as queer/LGBT+. Aquarians thrive on labels from a young age but likely resonate with a different label or evolve to reject labels entirely as they age.
Aquarius Risings are likely to change and evolve in coming years with Pluto crossing their ascendant. This evolution will be the natural progression of the changes you have been taking in recent years
Capricorn Risings have had a difficult time these past few years with Pluto passing through their first house. Friends have been lost, familal relationships changed forever, likely a significant death in the family happened during this time.
Over the next 20 years, Capricorn Sun and Rising will be working toward owning a home and achieving a steady, reliable form of income. By the time Pluto enters Pisces, they will likely have paid off a mortgage and own a property of their own, or they will have inherited a home, property or business
Capricorn Venus usually have a one that got away. They have a difficult time letting go of past partners
Cancer moons love going to the beach. Being near the ocean has a cleansing effect on them
Gemini placements connect with others through humor. They love to laugh at themselves. People get offended when Geminis poke fun at them, but it is all in good humor and harmless. This is just their way of connecting with you
Capricorn Moons can come off as mean spirited but they are actually the opposite; these people are very compassionate and easily hurt, they are accustomed to others disappointing them and so are emotionally guarded and reserved
Having Aries in the 10th/11th house indicates running your own business and/or being your own boss especially if the Sun, Mercury or Venus are in Aries
Sagittarius/Pisces Midheaven and Jupiter conjunct MC/in the 10th house indicates higher education, recieving bachelors, masters, or doctorate degrees
Taurus Suns are easily annoyed by people with big personalities. They can’t stand loudness or obnoxious behavior. They prefer the company of other relaxed, easy going individuals
Sun in the twelfth house tend to randomly disappear from people’s lives without a trace
Sun in the sixth house are recurring characters in others daily lives. They often run into people at the grocery store or out running other errands. A ton of household names are sixth house suns; Charlie Chaplin, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Gordon Ramsey just to name a few
Moon conjunct Saturn experience seasonal sadness during winter months
Mars in the first house and mars square pluto people are argumentative and intense. They can turn any conversation into a ranting session
Saturn in the third house get their drivers license later than their peers
Neptune conjunct ascendant people have a close connection with the arts. Music, film, media, television, theatre, art and culture vastly shaped/warped their worldview growing up
Uranus conjunct ascendant/in the first house in Aquarius probably had unmonitored internet access growing up
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astrotruther · 6 months ago
Rising Signs Observations
Unserious =͟͟͞♡
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➶ Aries Ascendant is a very rare placement. The most identifiable trait of these natives is their innocent faces. The sign of Aries brings a child-like quality. These people are often told that they look way younger than their age. They also often don't indulge in cosmetic procedures because they like their youthful/ natural look. E.g. Penélope Cruz, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
➶ Taurus Ascendants (both men & women) are some of the most on-paper/ conventionally beautiful people that I've never looked at twice. I'm sorry, you all are amazing, I've just never been attracted to a Taurus Rising. E.g. Miley Cyrus, Austin Butler. With Gemini in their 2nd House, they can be very successful writers. E.g. Toni Morrison, George R. R. Martin, Salman Rushdie.
➶ Gemini Ascendant women have some of the most unforgettable faces. They also have a youthful look but their beauty differs from Aries Ascendant. They rarely come off as childlike or cute, their aura is rather graceful and intellectual. E.g. Julianne Moore, Kristen Stewart, Amy Winehouse, Priyanka Chopra, Drew Barrymore. Men with this placement are also popular but there's nothing jaw dropping about their looks (or maybe it's just me lol). E.g. Matthew McConaughey, Armie Hammer, Ashton Kutcher.
➶ Cancer Rising men are so chill and have a knack for comedy. E.g. Paul Rudd, Matt LeBlanc, Hasan Minhaj. Their talking voice can be a little goofy; E.g. The Weeknd lol. Women are usually sweet but can be problematic/ drama queens if unevolved. E.g. Chrissy Teigen, Tyra Banks.
➶ The placement that's hands down most likely to gain massive fame is Leo Ascendant. An issue most of them seem to face is of longevity. Often they're associated with a certain project or stereotyped in some way that people can't see them as a versatile individual. Blake Lively - Gossip Girl, Lucy Hale - Pretty Little Liars, Matthew Perry - F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Selena Gomez - Justin Bieber, lol sorry!
➶ Virgo Risings have the most boy/ girl next door aura about them. They have a similar charming wit as Gemini Risings which makes them likable and popular. However, these people may have skeletons in their closet. They are ordinary enough that nobody suspects them of any wrong-doing. This is the placement that can get away with murder. Even if controversies come to light, they're much later in their careers after they've amassed fame, wealth and success. E.g. Steve Jobs, Chris Noth.
➶ Libra Ascendants don't necessarily have the best fashion sense but they always look good. They're very likeable and often down to earth people. Very loyal. Some of them gain a lot of attention for the people they choose to date. E.g. Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears, Yoko Ono.
➶ I've seen people say Capricorn Risings are a lot like Scorpio Risings due to dark aesthetic/ piercings etc. While Saturn does influence the aesthetic but it is still a very surface level observation based on celebs that often just put on a persona. The essence of these two is quite different:
Scorpio Risings are charmers. They look you in the eye while you talk to them. The eyes are the most obvious identifying factor. Rather than having a specific shape, Scorpio risings' eyes have a depth to them that makes you feel 'seen', and has an underlying promise of understanding your true self. Also, it is THE bollywood IT boy placement. E.g. Shah Rukh Khan, Hritik Roshan, Arjun Rampal. Personal planets in Scorpio, especially a stellium, has a similar effect. However, I don't see it manifest in the same way for women. Their piercing gaze may often come off as just cold. The most prominent example of this is Chloë Sevigny.
On the other hand, Cap. Risings are charming in a less personal way. They are the lookers, the ones on the stage, the center of attention; they radiate their charm to the hoards of awestruck admirers. There's no reading between the lines for unsaid promises, just a very attractive person. E.g. Zac Efron, Ariana Grande.
➶ Sagittarius Risings have a natural talent in acting. Some may look intimidating from afar but they're very kind people once you talk to them. They're versatile and like to experiment with their art, style, self-expression etc. Their fashion sense depends on whether or not they have a good stylist. E.g. Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian, Brad Pitt, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Winona Ryder, Jodie Foster, Elizabeth Taylor.
➶ Aquarius Risings - popular & widely talked about on the internet, no matter if the career is prolific or not. These are the celebs whom most people have a crush on. E.g. Ian Somerhalder, Zendaya, Aaliyah, Audrey Hepburn, George Clooney, Orlando Bloom.
➶ Pisces Risings - Something very distinct about their look or the way they speak/ sing etc. Sometimes the eyes have an intimidating look to them but they're the least intimidating people ever. E.g. Billie Eilish, Adam Driver, Peter Dinklage, Morgan Freeman, Ellen DeGeneres, Kajol.
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mxrcurysb1tch · 1 month ago
‧₊˚ 🪐༘⋆ જ⁀➴ Astrology observations pt. 3 ‧₊˚🪐༘⋆
Finally back with another post… after a month 😃
⭑.ᐟ The way I like to think about the sun, moon and rising is this: Your moon is who you are when everything else is stripped away from you. It is how you process your emotions and it’s the filter through which you see the world. It is the baseline “you” that you revert back to when you are running on empty. The rising is who you are at your best. When you’re operating from your rising sign you are at your peak performance. It’s probably the you that feels happiest. It is also who you aspire to be in life, who you want to be seen as. The sun is the “middle piece” it’s essence floats throughout your entire chart. I think of it as a subtle influence that underlies every part of you. Whenever you do anything there is always a part of your sun inside that action, thought or decision. I also like to think that the rising sign is the way in which you express your sun. For example, if you’re a Gemini sun and a Leo rising, you will express your Gemini in a Leo way.
⭑.ᐟ Fire moons may have felt like they couldn’t express negative emotions growing up and had to always seem positive and upbeat. Now they might have problems with opening up or admitting that they even experience sadness and pain. They might be masters at putting on a front with people even when they are losing it completely inside.
⭑.ᐟ Venus dominant people/strong Venus ie, Venus in Taurus (or Libra) Venus in 1h, Venus as chart ruler. They might be preoccupied with looks, their own and that of their partner. They can be very picky when it comes to choosing someone to date, which can be a good thing but can sometimes stop them from making real deep connections with people. They need to be careful not to choose people just based on looks.
⭑.ᐟ Saturn and Venus conjunction can look like someone who is blessed with a lot of material wealth but feels like it could be taken away at any time. It could also look like someone who loves to be given princess treatment/spoiled but feels very guilty when receiving money and time from other people. Natives can also feel guilty about their own wealth and have a deep understanding that not everyone is as fortunate as they are.
⭑.ᐟ Women with Capricorn placements / prominent Saturn love getting tattoos and piercings. It’s something about the permanence of it and perhaps a little about the pain… as is Saturn’s “motto” no pain no gain.
⭑.ᐟ Pluto in the 7h- extreme jealousy in relationships. Either you attract it or you are the jealous one. Also a lot of instability with friendships. Moving friend groups a lot, not having stable friendships or relationships throughout your life. A lot of projection onto the other person, mirroring back their behaviours. It’s not a comfortable placement to have especially if it’s in synastry too.
⭑.ᐟ Sagittarius moons are super extroverted and love being out in the world BUT they also really love spending time in their rooms. Maybe this is bc the 2 sag moons that I know both have earth suns but I’ve noticed that they spend a lot of time in their rooms gaming and hiding away.
⭑.ᐟ Nobody talks enough about how funny Aquarius placements are, especially moon and sun. In my experience they are the best at coming up with hilarious inside jokes.
⭑.ᐟ People with planets in the 1h (especially if it’s the sun or moon or a stellium) are so genuine and you can tell they are not hiding who they truly are, they just couldn’t if they tried. They have a kind of congruency to who they are, and not as many layers to peel back (this does not mean that they aren’t complex people, just that they are real!) What you see is what you get with them! Also they really tend to embody the planets that are within this house. For example, my friend is a cancer rising with her mercury in the 1st. I always thought she was a Gemini rising because she talks so much, even more than me as a Gemini rising LOL and she’s very analytical, but she just has a 1h mercury!
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hamburrgist · 2 years ago
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Tom from good reads here unintentionally making an argument for Hamilton being born in 1757
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mstase · 1 year ago
— VENUS ASPECTS & your attractive features 🦢
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these are just based on my observations and experience. don’t take it seriously, and take what resonates. [more applicable with the easy aspects]
☀️ sun-venus: you have an easygoing and likeable aura that makes it easy for people to connect with you. your sincere love for making connections with others is evident, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. the natural charm you possess is a noticeable aspect of your personality, adding to your social popularity. when interacting with others, you show tolerance and acceptance, always striving to maintain a harmonious environment for everyone. also, your graceful manner and excellent sense of style are prominent, leaving a lasting impression on people you come across.
🌙 moon-venus: you have a motherly, comforting energy, regardless of gender. you are kind and nurturing, making the atmosphere around you calm and peaceful. there’s something unique about how you make others feel safe and cared for, showing that you naturally understand and respond to their needs. you are known for being warm and loving, making connections with others through friendliness and genuine affection. you work hard to have positive relationships, and your charming personality makes others feel comfortable around you effortlessly.
🗣️ mercury-venus: you have a calming voice, and you’re skilled at speaking with the right words and have a good sense of how language flows. your way of communicating is marked by being polite and diplomatic, and you express your ideas thoughtfully. your sociable nature and excellent social skills make it easy for you to connect with others. also, your artistic talents are evident, and you’re good at giving compliments and advice. your expertise in literary works adds depth to your communication skills, making you a well-rounded and engaging communicator.
🔥 mars-venus: your allure goes beyond mere appearance; it’s genuinely charming. the way you move, whether it’s dancing or engaging in sports, adds to your appeal. you possess a pleasing figure and athletic prowess, showcasing noticeable muscles. your enthusiasm for connecting with others shows a vibrant and fun-loving personality. adventure is a constant companion as you actively seek it out. there’s a natural inclination for artistic endeavors in you, passionately engaging with them. overall, there’s an intriguing quality about you that captures attention, making you popular.
⭐ jupiter-venus: your upbeat and friendly personality has a way of making people feel drawn to your positive energy. you warmly welcome others with your generous and honest nature, and your big-heartedness leads you to give a lot to those you care about. what makes you even more charming is your great sense of humor and love for fun, which make you naturally attractive to those in your social circle. your ability to share positivity and connect with others, combined with your giving nature, creates strong and memorable bonds with the people around you.
🪐 saturn-venus: you carry yourself with composure and respect in your interactions, demonstrating maturity and creating a sense of security for others. people place their trust in you due to your reliable and grounded nature. you are loyal and dedicated, making you a trustworthy and committed person. your sense of elegance and sophistication is evident in your appreciation for aesthetics and good taste. there is a blend of grace and softness in your beauty, marking you with a distinctive and appealing charm that sets you apart.
🌀 uranus-venus: your natural inclination for spontaneity and unpredictability brings a lively and dynamic vibe to those around you. this ability to embrace the unexpected not only keeps things interesting but also injects excitement and different perspectives into situations. your love for change is another aspect of your character, enabling you to infuse a sense of freshness into people and spark their curiosity about you. your personality, marked by its erratic nature, adds to an electrifying and eye-catching presence, making you stand out easily.
🌊 neptune-venus: you are a talented person who thrives in a variety of creative pursuits. your gentle and kind nature has a calming impact on those around you. imagination and sensitivity play crucial roles in shaping your character as you perceive the world through a dreamy and idealistic lens, consistently recognizing the best in everyone. your compassionate and empathetic nature makes you approachable, and you often go out of your way to help others. your energy is particularly captivating, exuding a soft and tender beauty that reflects your personality.
🕷️ pluto-venus: your character is marked by passion and depth, as you wholeheartedly give, creating an unforgettable presence. your intensity is palpable, and your emotions resonate strongly, impacting not only yourself but also those you encounter. you may naturally come across as upfront and confident, leaving a strong impression on others. your distinct and captivating features shine, especially when embracing a fierce and darker style. very charming; there’s a magnetic quality about you, surrounded by an aura of mystery that captivates and entices those around you.
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