#prometheus class starship
cal-1maf · 1 year
I mentioned in my previous post that I think California-class starships are new builds cobbled together from old parts and I want to elaborate on that more.
Visually, the Cali class appears contemporaneous with the Galaxy, Nebula, and New Orleans, based on the shape of its deflectors and portholes and the finish of its outer hull. Its round saucer is a bit anachronistic but appears similar in size to the saucer of the even older Ambassador class ships.
Compare that to "more recent" builds like the Sovereign, Intrepid, Prometheus, and even Texas class, the Cali definitely just looks older. My best guess is the underlying spaceframe is the saucer of an Ambassador, given a pair of reasonably new nacelles, and garnished with a deflector assembly from the New Orleans with a new housing.
Now, the Cali could have been built before the war, but it would be strange that it was passed over for fleet actions in favor of older designs like the Miranda; group of ships which appear to take heavy losses. The Cali may be Starfleet's replacement. But why old parts? The Federation is post-scarcity, right? Can't they just replicate up some new ships? Well... yes and no. There's a few things that may be at play here.
We know deuterium is a limiting factor. Voyager talks about this frequently and the first sacrifice they make to conserve power is rationing replicator access. Replicators, to do what they do, really must be huge power hogs and scaling that up to make a fleet of starships means their power requirements must be astronomical (heh heh). The good news is deuterium is incredibly abundant. The bad news is they're limited in collection and distribution (which we see in a recent SNW episode with the deuterium collector!)
Material losses from the war. Things like deuterium harvesters and industrial replicators need to be replaced, and infrastructure rebuilt, which takes time. And that kind of infrastructure-building is arguably what the Cali-class is for.
The Romulan Relief Fleet. That's still happening, and basically all of Utopia Planitia is assigned to it. That's gonna impact new builds heavily.
So, to summarize, I think the Cali class is built from old parts, and one of its mission directives is rebuilding the infrastructure Starfleet needs to begin building the new starships we see in Picard.
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hasufin · 2 years
I know this is fanon, and justifying stuff in-universe that otherwise kinda doesn’t make sense. But I was thinking...
I think Starfleet’s biggest problem is - and has always been - getting enough personnel.
Now, let me break down a few things. These are canon:
The NX-01 had a crew complement of 82, not counting the MACOs. Which isn’t all that many, but that’s in a ship with only 7 decks and 230 meters long (including nacelles). From what we saw of the interior, the spaces were not uncomfortable, and nobody hot-bunked, but they didn’t have all that much space either.
Now, the NCC-1701 - the original Constitution class Enterprise - wasn’t much longer at only 288 meters, but it had 22 decks and originally had a crew of 430 personnel. Which roughly makes sense. (Out of Universe, the crew size and layout of this Enterprise was informed by Roddenberriy’s military background). When the DS9 crew found themselves on this ship, Dax commented “They really packed them in on these old ships”. The original Enterprise was probably the most crowded of the starships we saw. Interestingly, the enlisted crew had similar accommodations to those on modern US navy vessels: 8 people to a cabin, each one having their own bunk and locker.
The next iteration of the Enterprise, the Excelsior-class NCC-1701B, was a whopping 466 meters long, with a crew complement of 750 - but also 34 decks. It was significantly larger than the Constitution class, but nowhere near as crowded.
Next we get to the Ambassador class Enterprise: 478 meters long (or 526, sources vary), 33 decks, 1,320 crew. This one is actually pretty easy to compare - the Ambassador class has 570 more crew members than the Excelsior. It is worth noting that while the Excelsior class remained in use even into the Dominion War, Ambassador class vessels are unheard of in that era.
Now, the big one: the Galaxy Class NCC-1701D. Sometimes derisively referred to as a “cruise ship” by fans, Galaxy class starships were 641 meters long, and 473 meter wide - wider than the next largest ship is long. The crew complement varied widely, from 1000 to 6000 depending on the mission. This may seem like a lot, but that’s on a whopping 42 decks. The 1000 figure is the standard for the ship to be fully operational, which suggests that while the Galaxy class starship was easily 8x the size of a Constitution class, it could operate on little more than twice the crew. This vessel had science labs, leisure options including holodecks, a ship’s lounge, and an arboretum. Senior crew members were given entire suites (typically a luxury only afforded the captain and sometimes visiting officers), and had education facilities for shipboard families.
In some ways the Sovereign class bucked this trend - it was much more combat-oriented and did not have families on board. However, it was even bigger, 700 meters long with 29 decks. While probably having somewhat smaller volume, the crew complement is only 855.
Starfleet keeps building bigger ships - and more of them - but with fewer crew relative to their size.  We don’t ever really find out how much of that interior space is livable or most other details. But we do see the accommodations progressively improve. This is actually somewhat similar to how US Navy berthing has improved - when it transitioned to an all-volunteer force, crew got better berths, more pay, and better food. This seems like it would continue in an ostensibly post-scarcity society: “Give up your comfortable house, life of leisure and personal pursuits, and your private unlimited replicator usage in order to live in a closet and eat gruel while getting shot at” is a pretty tough sell.
We also see two important considerations.
At least since the TOS days, Starfleet has pursued heavy automation. - the M5 multitronic computer, and later we see the use of holographic personnel (a practice which apparently becomes very common on civilian vessels), significant automation in the Prometheus and Texas class vessels (the near-loss of the one due to that automation, and many deaths with the other do not dissuade Starfleet, suggesting a significant need for the automation.) In Picard we see that Starfleet has integrated Borg technology into their ships, which results in a major security hole - though, to be fair, one that has to some extent always existed, as apparently it’s possible to take remote command of any Starfleet ship to some extent. All this suggests that Starfleet is desperate to reduce crew requirements.
And, you know, this tracks. We only ever see Starfleet as having a singular academy, located in San Francisco. Which is... well, worrisome. Sure, the US Navy only operates one officer’s academy - but the US Navy isn’t trying to field a fleet of starships for hundreds of planets. Unless Starfleet is running dozens of other academies - something which is never mentioned - they simply aren’t commissioning enough officers.
We see in Prodigy that Starfleet is able to essentially replicate small vessels, and in Picard the idea of (with extensive use of synthetic lifeforms) building enough ships to evacuate all of Romulus and apparently much of the Romulan empire is entirely realistic. The Federation’s industrial base is adequate to field an enormous navy. They simply, plainly, don’t have enough people to crew them. Even in TNG, when they assemble a fleet to stop Romulans from supplying the Klingon civil war, they have trouble coming up with enough officers to command the ships.
The idea of having more ships than commanders is such a foreign concept today. Even in WWII, when every country was cranking out as many vessels as they could, they were always able to find people to command them - perhaps not well, perhaps lacking in experience - but they were never hamstrung by empty captaincies.
Whatever the reason, Starfleet just doesn’t have enough people. That’s their biggest problem, and seems to have been the case for all of Federation history.
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cavewithshadows · 1 year
(Too Many) Admiral Les Buenamigo Head-Canons
1. Grew up as a family friend of Alonzo Freeman (Alonzo being named after Les’ father), where Les was something of a little brother to Alonzo. 
2. Les has always been fascinated by and talented with engineering.
3. Worked as part of the Support Team for Nova Squadron at Starfleet Academy, which is where he met Carol Mariner. 
4. Introduced Alonzo and Carol to each other, and was one of Alonzo’s groomsmen at the wedding.
5. Assigned to the Galaxy-class Project at Utopia Planitia right out of the Academy... and remained an Ensign for the duration of the project (which was about six years).
6. Pattern emerged where Les was assigned to various projects that would last for years, and only get promoted at the end. (Danube Runabout project, Defiant class project). Meanwhile, his friends are working their way up the ranks, with Alzono already in the Admiralty, and Carol a mid-ranking officer on the Enterprise.
7. Les dreams of making a name for himself in Starfleet, designing the Texas-class starship. Finally, he is assigned to the Prometheus-class Project as a Lieutenant Commander, where he is promised a chance to work on his own project once this is done.
8. Problem is, part of the assignment is the Prometheus’ auto-piloting during Multi-Vector Assault Mode, and while Les is a fantastic engineer, computer programming is not his skillset. But his career is saved when he notices the talents of young Samanthan Rutherford, who IS brilliant with computers.
9. Les basically trades starship parts to Samanthan (for his shuttle races) in exchange for his computer code for Prometheus. The young man gets better parts for his shuttles, Starfleet gets top-running computer code, and Les gets the credit, and, in his mind, a long overdue promotion and chance to work on his own project.
10. Les encourages Samanthan to apply to Starfleet Academy, intending to use him to complete the Texas-class, which Les has now come to envision as an automated starship, based on the Prometheus class. 
11. Unfortunately, there is an “accident” (secretly the result of Samanthan’s demented and evil-prone AI code), but Les can’t let this kill, or even delay, his project. So, he gives a bogus investigative report blaming human error, wipes Samanthan’s memory upon his Cyborg conversion, and uses his connections to arrange a transfer to a different division in Starfleet (Carol’s division, but as a staff officer for some bigwig). (It is because Les covered everything up that he did not discover the AI was the cause of the “accident”, leaving the problem unaddressed for years).
12. Legitimately does good work during the Breen Attack on Earth in the Dominion War, where he jury-rigs a shield that saves a good chunk of Starfleet Command, as well as a visiting member of the Federation Council. The Admiral that Les was a staff officer for was critically injured, so Les was tapped to fill the position temporarily. With his connections to the highly-ranked Alonzo, as well as a grateful Federation Councilor, Les’ position is made permanent.
13. Prior to this, Les was the one to give Beckett Mariner her two years of horse-riding lessons (teaching her how to be a cowgirl, basically), and also tutored her for Early Admission to Starfleet Academy (a la Wesley Crusher, only it worked). 
14. Les is the source of Beckett’s philosophy of ‘rules that get in the way of helping people are better off broken’, because that is how Les justifies his corner-cutting to himself.
15. Used his new rank to help protect Beckett’s career after Beckett went AWOL from her second starship to rescue General K’orin from a Klingon prison. Les’ help ensured that Beckett was not discharged, but instead transferred to Carol’s division of Starfleet (though not to the Cerritos just yet).
16. Les continues to be friendly with Alonzo and Carol, but now that he is in Carol’s division, he quietly stonewalls Carol’s idea for Operation Swing-By until his baby, the Texas-class, is ready, because he likes Carol’s idea and decided to steal it to make a name for himself and his class of starship.
17. The Texas-class is actually a masterclass in starship engineering, and would make an excellent starship, if it hadn’t been for Les’ insistence on making it automated. And if he hadn’t used Samanthan Rutherford’s AI coding (but if he’d used anyone else’s, he wouldn’t have been able to take the credit).
18. Sam Rutherford was assigned to the Cerritos so that Les could keep tabs on him, since it wouldn’t be strange for Les to keep track of his friend Carol’s ship.
19. Les was the one, along with Alonzo, to transfer Beckett to the Cerritos from the Quito, as a genuine friendly favor.
PS: Hello everyone! This is my first major post here! I had a lot of fun thinking these up, and I hope it captures the right feel for this character. Les is someone sociopathic and self-obsessed, but slick. There should be enough here to justify Beckett calling him “Uncle Les”, and for his corruption to be unthinkable to Carol. Not only that, but he has to go from Lieutenant Commander (as seen in Rutherford’s cyborg-based memory) to Vice Admiral in only a few years. Go ahead and share any thoughts or head-canons you have about him as well!
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prometheuscaptainslog · 3 months
Stardate 53092.02
These are the voyages of the starship Gorgon. A Prometheus class vessel, whose mission is one of deep space exploration. But also one of espionage.
I am Captain Nogoh. Varam Nogoh. The entire crew of the Gorgon, myself included, have disciplinary records longer than our achievements. That is not to say my crew are bad... just troublesome. But when you look at why they caused trouble? I wouldn't say any of them were wrong.
But it gave them, gave us all, a reputation. We're on this mission not because we are expendable, it's just that we aren't important.
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My totally irrational personal top picks of Star Trek protag starships:
Most beautiful: the Excelsior
Coolest: Book's ship
My favorite: the Defiant
Honorable mentions to the Prometheus, Constitution class, Akira class, and Discovery refit
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nevinslibrary · 3 years
Make It So Friday
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When I saw this book on the physical shelves I was stoked, and it jumped to the top of my TBR pile. For a bunch of reasons. For one, I wondered what it was like. It was originally written in German and translated to English. Good news, I could only barely tell, which was awesome. It flowed just like any other Star Trek novel I've read. It's also a Post-Typhon Pact (a big multi-serieses storyline they had in the novels) novel. I've only read a little of the Typhon Pact, but, that didn't seem to matter too much either. You may want to have read stuff like A Singular Destiny, just to know some of the names, but, the author also introduces the facts you need to know pretty well.
And the story. There is a species, the Renao, some of them seem to have become radicalized. So, The USS Prometheus (the cool ship that can split itself in three pieces) and a Klingon Ship called the Bortas are put on the case of who truly has started terrorizing the Federation and Klingons. There are also some familiar faces from various Star Trek TV serieses. And I may or may not have yelped a characters name in joy when he appeared on the page (I won't spoil it, it was awesome!)
It was a really fun read, and, as I said, part of a trilogy (darn ILL, have to wait for the next part). Can't wait to see what happens next. (Oh, and that is a warning, while this is a full book, it does have a cliffhanger, so, make sure that you can get the whole trilogy somehow before you start this book).
You may like this book If you Liked: The Unsettling Stars by Alan Dean Foster, Gods of NightActs of Contrition by Kirsten Beyer
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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Some unused Starship GIFS for the Select Starfleet Ships Project
Excelsior-class U.S.S. Excelsior in TNG’s “Flashback”  Galaxy-class U.S.S. Yamato in TNG’s “Contagion”  Constellation-class U.S.S. Hathaway in TNG’s “Redemption Pt 2″* Oberth-class S.S. Vico in TNG’s “Hero Worship” Nebula-class U.S.S. Prometheus in DS9′s “Second Sight” Nebula-class U.S.S. Farragut in “Star Trek: Generations” Nebula-class U.S.S. Lexington in DS9′s “Explorers” Unnamed Excelsior-class in DS9′s “Sacrifice of Angels” Prometheus-class U.S.S. Prometheus in “Message in a Bottle” & “Endgame”*
*according to Memory Alpha, as the labeling on the ships still had the names they bore in the previous episode
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scifiction · 6 years
Via Spacedock
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weatherman667 · 4 years
Star Trek Starships:  Galaxy X-class Dreadnought
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The canonicity of this is highly suspect as it appeared in the alternate future episode “All Good Things...”  The Federation entered into a catastrophic war with the Klingons before the outbreak of the Dominion War, and considering the Klingon attack on the Cardassians is what started the Dominion War, the Dominion War might not have happened.  They quietly consolidate their power, unchallenged, and then attack the Federation would have no way to resist them.  As it is, Federation barely managed to defeat the Dominion, and it required an alliance with the Klingons, Romulans, and even the Cardassians, whom were a client-species of the Dominion.
But, the design was so striking that people have used pretty much any excuse to include it.
The three main upgrades were speed, firepower, and a cloaking device.
The increased speed is hard to describe because of how the TNG-era warp scale works.  It’s logarithmic, which means that an increase in whole numbers leads to an order increase.  It’s also based off power.  This is why by the end of the TNG-era, TNG, DS9, and VOY, we started see fractional increases.  The Galaxy class had 9.6 as a regular maximum, 9.8 as flank speed, (emergency-only), and a refit speed of 9.9.  The Intrepid-class could reach 9.975.  The Prometheus beat this, meaning it was likely 9.99_, or something ridiculous  Warp 10 was considered infinite, but it seems more or less like a singularity, akin to Light Speed.  For the record, in the Star Trek universe, (and most Speculative Fiction), ship’s don’t actually accelerated to light speed, they bend space so that the distance traveled is less.  This means that from their own frame of reference, they are not traveling faster than the speed of light.  To reach the speed of light through straight-out acceleration, you would need infinite power.  As such, we honestly don’t understand what the consequences of accelerating to light speed would be.  Warp 10 is the equivalent of this, and higher speeds need different technology, like Transwarp Conduits and Quantum Slip Stream.
Anyways, the current warp scales did not suffice for ships going warp 9.9999, or something, and so the Federation redefined the warp scale.  We don’t know exactly how the two scales compared, by the Galaxy X-class managed to have more than two warp nacelles to increase their speed tremendously.  This is something the Federation has been trying on and off for decades with minimal success.
As for firepower, the ship was focused on the Phaser Spinal Lance, which could one-shot an enemy dreadnought.  It had a fixed firing, meaning you had to aim the entire Galaxy class to use it, and it took several minutes to recharge.  But a single shot could take out the keystone of the enemy warfleet.  They also added Phaser Cannons, which seems to be hastely made type-XII phasers.  It’s a lot easier to increase the power of a weapon if you don’t need all of the precision and mutli-targeting and 360˚ firing arc.
The third addition was a cloaking device.  This is likely because the Romulans knew that after the Klingons beat the Federation, they would likely go after the next most powerful species, the Romulans.
As such, the Galaxy X-class has been a fan favourite since it made it’s first appearance, and, like I said, people have been using any excuse they could to bring it back into canon.
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eric-coldfire · 4 years
Star Trek Discovery and Picard have one good point...
Much like Disney’s Star Wars films, shout out to STD and Picard for being such dogshit shows that it revives my interest in good Star Trek media and renews my interest in writing my own Star Trek fics.
Here comes the adventures of Janus Sym, Captain of the Prometheus class starship, Tetsusaiga/Achilles.
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(Just as soon as my JJBA fic is done.)
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lorerunner · 4 years
How would you rank the Federation Class Starships from Best to Worst?
There’s 86 different Fed ships so forgive me for not going through the whole list. I’ll also assume you mean aesthetic preference not actual capacity. So I’d probably go with... Constitution Refit, Galaxy, Sovereign, Defiant, Miranda, Prometheus, Steamrunner, Nebula, Excelsior, Intrepid, Constellation, Constitution, Oberth, Universe.
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ironcaniac · 6 years
Glaring errors ruin Star Trek Shipyards reference book
The Star Trek Shipyards series of reference books published by Eaglemoss (a.k.a Hero Collector) were supposed to be a nice comprehensive catalog of the Starfleet ships seen on Star Trek.  Even though I hadn’t bought a book in hardcopy in years (I have a Kindle), I liked the idea of having an encyclopedic resource of starships as a coffee table book.  However, once I received through mail order the Volume 2 of series that covers starships from “2294 to the Future,” I immediately noticed a glaring omission!
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Where’s the Akira-class starship?  Every other starship that was introduced alongside the Akira in Star Trek: First Contact is here.  Also, obscure ships like the wrecks from the Battle of Wolf 359 and even the Federation tug were included.  Akira-class ships have appeared in over 10 episodes in addition to being in First Contact, so its omission has to be a mistake and could not have been intentional.  The most obvious indication of this error is the fact that they actually put an Akira-class ship on the cover but left it out of the actual book!
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Now, I’m definitely partial to the Akira given that it’s the basis of my STO ship and one of my favorite starship classes.  But even from an objective standpoint, omitting the Akira is a pretty serious mistake.  I would even go so far as to say that such an omission essentially ruins the book that claims to be a “chronological history of all of the Starfleet ships featured in the Star Trek television programs and films.” 
I’ve reached out to the publisher for an explanation but have received no response.  I surmise that the omission somehow was not noticed until publication already started or finished.  The publisher probably realized it would cost too much to recall the misprinted copies and reprint them correctly so they’re trying to sell as many of them as possible and are just hoping people won’t notice or won’t care that the Akira-class wasn’t included.  They can’t admit the mistake because it could make people not want to buy the book, hence the radio silence from them.  
Another less egregious but still laughable error is that the book has the U.S.S. Prometheus as only 126 meters long.  No definitive figure exists for the length of the Prometheus, but based on evidence seen in the episode that featured it, the ship has to be longer than that.  The MSD in “Message in a Bottle” clearly shows that the ship has over 10 decks.  I mean, come on!  A Prometheus with 10+ decks can’t be smaller than the Defiant which only has 4 decks!  
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Ex Astris Scientia and Star Trek Online seem to have the size of the Prometheus right at around 400m or slightly shorter than the length of an Akira.  My guess is that the 126m figure used by the Shipyards book is actually the length of just one of the Prometheus vectors (probably the saucer vector) that somehow got confused for the length of the entire ship.  It’s another glaring error, but...at least they didn’t leave out the Prometheus completely!
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As a general lesson, the misprinted Shipyards book demonstrates the problem with hard copy reference books in this day and age.  Printed books can’t be easily corrected if an error or omission is discovered after printing.  They can’t be updated either if the information becomes outdated.  The only way to do those things would be to print new editions of the book, which when compared to digital copies that can be quickly corrected/updated, is a highly inefficient process (as the Borg would say).
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muthur9000 · 7 years
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I can't believe this is made out of just paper and styrofoam 😱 "The finished Prometheus is a 1:350 scale model of the spaceship. It’s main parts are structure paper and styrofoam. The USCSS Prometheus was a Heliades-class space exploration vehicle built and operated by Weyland Corp and captained by Idris Janek. It was a revolutionary starship and at the time of its launch, the most advanced and expensive faster-than-light space exploration vehicle ever constructed. It was billed as an official United States Commercial Starship in 2091." - Stefan, Model Maker #uscssprometheus #styrofoam #structuredpaper #scalemodel #Prometheus
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asyrealtyco · 4 years
Speed Comparison 2 : Faster than Light
April 16, 2016 at 07:00PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-jwrpXPBp0Speed Comparison 2 : Faster than Light Featured Comparisons: Race 7: Earth to Mars Light USCSS Prometheus (Prometheus) Fireball XL5 (Fireball XL5) USCSS Nostromo (Alien) Whorfin Spacecraft (Star Trek) The Ark (Transformers) D5 Battle Cruiser (Star Trek) The USS Sulaco (Aliens) USS Enterprise (Star Trek) Pillar of Autumm (Halo)
Race 8: Earth to Pluto X10 Pillar of Autumm (Halo) USS Voyager (Star Trek) Nomad Probe (Star Trek) Borg Cube (Star Trek) Prawn Mothership (District 9) Karla Five Vessel (Star Trek) Eagle 5 (Space Balls) Ascendant Justice (Halo) Moya (Farscape) The GunStar (The Last Starfighter)
Race 9: Earth to Alpha Centauri The GunStar (The Last Starfighter) The Rodger Young (Starship Troopers) Galactica BS-75 (Battlestar Galactica) Axiom (Wall-E) Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer (Star Wars) Trimaxion Drone Ship (Flight of the Navigator) Samus Gunship (Metroid) Millenium Falcon (Star Wars) Bes’uliik Starfighter (Star Wars) Daedalus (Stargate)
Fastest Animal Race — 100m: Hare Lion Horse Springbok Pronghorn Ostrich Cheetah King Cheetah
Fastest Birds Race — 300m Grey-Headed Albatross Spur-Winged Goose Red-Breasted Merganser Eurasian Hobby Swift Gryfalcon Golden Eagle Peregrine Falcon
Fastest Fishes Race — 100m: Great White Shark Blue Whale Killer Whale Bluefin Tuna Shortfin Mako Swordfish Sailfish Black Marlin
Supercars Race — 1km Jaguar XJ220 McLaren F1 GTR Lamborghini Diablo Coatl Ferarri ZXX Evolution Saleen S7 Twin Turbo SSC Ultimate Aero TT Porsche 9FF GT9-VMAX Bugatti Veryon Supersport Hennessey Venom GT Koenigsegg One:1
Supersonic Planes Race, 3km Su-27SKM — Mach 2.35 F-111 Aardvark — Mach 2.4 F-15 Eagle — Mach 2.5 MiG-31 Foxbat — Mach 2.83 XB-70 Valkyrie — Mach 3 Bell X-2 Starbuster — Mach 3.19 MiG-25 Foxbat — Mach 3.2 Lockheed YF-12 — Mach 3.35 SR-71 Blackbird — Mach 3.5 X-15 — Mach 6.7
Race 10 — Earth to Andromeda Galaxy Garden Snail Light Daedalus (Stargate) Star Trek Top Speed (Star Trek) Star Wars Top Speed (Star Wars) Spaceball 1(Space Balls) Planet Express (Futurama) The Tardis (Dr Who) Flash (DC) Heart of Gold (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
Note: Objects not drawn to scale. Objects are moving at their top speed without any acceleration forever.
Sources: Interesting Article on spaceships top speed: https://bit.ly/2M40CmK (most of the research/credit comes from here) Warp Speed Calculator (https://bit.ly/2B8PG59) https://bit.ly/3grvv2v https://bit.ly/3gqEtNn https://bit.ly/2TKp8xt https://bit.ly/3gq92CN https://bit.ly/2THCryC link YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-jwrpXPBp0 ссылка источник
from WordPress https://bit.ly/2X9Y50N via IFTTT
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eclectickittysheep · 7 years
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My new starship USS. London it's a Prometheus Class Advanced Escort.
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vanherndon · 5 years
Van Liked this video on YouTube: Starship Lore : Prometheus Class - A ship for War https://youtu.be/O3AChqZKdFY January 2, 2019 at 11:31PM
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