#prologue part 2
isabeauwolf · 2 days
--- Prologue part 2 sneak peak! ------ ;)
Monsterhaul x Mary: She Wolf and the Beast
Prologue part 2: Inner Beast and Black Feathers
He was surrounded by a never ending void of black, then the candles on the walls lit themselves as his eyes scrunched shut from the bright light. Blinking twice and opening his eyes as he drank in the scenery before him, his beautiful and ancestral castle, his home was shrouded with darkness, and the statues of angels and cherub were replaced with demons, hellish creatures and other mythical monsters.
Kai's brows furrowed as he walked the halls he knew by heart, he swears the furniture and other inanimate objects were moving and alive.
His footsteps echoed, he swallowed the lump in his throat, he needed to find Eri, he needed to protect his little sister. The hair on the back of his neck rising and goosebumps crawling against his skin as he picked up the pace speed walking, then sprinting into a run, calling his sisters name.
Opening and closing ever unlocked door, finding it empty.
Where were the servants?
Where were his men and aids?
Where the hell was Eri?!
Any room that was unlocked, he pressed his hand against the door, activating his quirk, splinters of wood flying as he covered his eyes, blinking past dust and rooms that hadn't been used in years, nothing.
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As a writer, I strongly advices against counting your words... Cause quantity of words doesn't equal quantity to read. I mean, I wrote 8k. Seems like a lot, right? Well It's not.
Most of it consist of the first scene with Mc, more precisely It's a lot of variations of this scene about Mc. Sigh...at least Mom, Dad, the Dog and Mc are almost at the Manor s doors.
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moons-of-peachclan · 3 days
Prologue - Part 2
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[Image ID: Shrubquiver, New Player Driftstreak (a reddish shorthair cat with blue eyes), and Siltroot stand beside New Player Downyvine (a dark gray rosetted longhair with golden eyes) and Turtlestar. Turtlestar says, "Downyvine is right. We have to cross. We don't have any other options." End ID.]
Despite being weak from smoke inhalation and exhaustion, Turtlestar decides that the Clan will swim for one of the near islands in the river. Shrubquiver, Bramblesong, and Divepaw drown before reaching the nearest island. Turtlestar also drowns, but not before heroically sacrificing all of her remaining lives to rescue as many clanmates as she can.
Smoke blazed dark behind them as they reached the riverbank. The cats of PeachClan were dirty, coughing, and exhausted-- they'd come a very long way in a very short amount of time. Dashdawn was trying to tend to everyone as best she could while the gathered cats caught their breath on the sandy riverbank.
The two near islands loomed ominously behind them. The sun would be setting soon and they had their backs against a wall: PeachClan cats were not strong swimmers.
Shrubquiver, Driftstreak, Siltroot, and Downyvine were gathered a small ways away from the rest of the clan to advise Turtlestar on what to do next.
"We can't stay out here in the open," Driftstreak said. "We don't have the time, energy, or equipment to build dens and we don't have enough fit warriors to defend us. Plus, we have kits too young to handle the exposure."
Downyvine nodded firmly. "He's right. Besides, every predator that survived the fire will be roaming this riverbank just like we are."
Shrubquiver's ears angled back. The ancient molly was already having to sit for this conversation, and her lungs ached something fierce. "We'll never make it across." Her voice was rough with smoke already. "We're weak, and we're not strong enough swimmers."
Turtlestar's heart ached as she looked out over her clanmates and then back at the islands. It wasn't so far, and the river was low and slow... but Shrubquiver was right. The water was cold, the smoke was thick, the Clan was exhausted, and a cat like Shrubquiver couldn't have swam that distance even in perfect health.
"And we don't have the time to make a raft," Turtlestar said more than asked. Driftstreak shook his head anyway.
"Nor the supplies."
Turtlestar glanced at Siltroot, her brother. His eyes softened when he saw the look she was giving him. Under his breath he said, "To the end of the line, sister. Always."
She turned back to the gathered advisors, but in particular Shrubquiver. "I'm sorry," she said, and she meant it. "Downyvine is right. We have to cross-- we don't have any other options."
The ancient molly's eyes hardened. Turtlestar nearly expected her to refuse or rebel or gather up any who would follow her and march to MarshClan territory, but she dipped her head and said, "The leader's word is law."
"I swear on all the lives I have remaining, I will make sure every single cat gets across."
Downyvine laid her tail gently on Turtlestar's back. Her tone was kind but the words were not when she said, "Don't make promises like that when you can't keep them."
Turtlestar was determined, though. She would personally make sure every last one of her clanmates got across-- or she would die trying.
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ianvs-comic · 2 years
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Prologue Part 2.
Monsters like to wander the dark.
Luffy knocks on a wooden door. Law opens it. Those little actions are the beginning of everything that is to come.
Hey there~ Decided to draw something in my usual style! I really like doing the shading. And hair. I really like hair.
Anyways, I've wanted to draw this scene for a while now. I will probably be drawing more scenes in the foreseeable future. XD
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers ~ Tormented Reverie ~ Yuuki's Prologue [part 2]
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Yuki: (Tell them... but I don't even know the answer.
Why are they all staring at me like that?
What do they even want me to say?)
I... well...
Boy w/ Teddy: Would you please hurry up?
Waiting for you to explain is upsetting Teddy.
Yuuki: Oh, sorry...
I am not sure why I am here - to be honest.
A man - he took me from my house, and then left me here.
Boy who was 'Asleep': Huh, the hell is that about?
Boy w/ Hat: A pimp perhaps~?
Boy w/ White Hair: Disgusting!
Boy w/ Glasses: Honestly...
No one is simply left on our door step for no reason. Surely there is some of explanation.
The brothers bicker amongst themselves. Yuuki can't help but take a moment to glance around. This place felt larger on the inside, though that could just be because it was dark outside.
Yuuki: (What am I going to do?
These guys seem weird... and I should focus on calling the police.
Maybe I could sneak past them to find a phone...?)
Yuuki moves to creep into the other room, but is stopped by one of the boys. He towers over her, his red eyes glaring down.
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Boy w/ White Hair: Where do you think you're going?
You are the one who woke all of us up - doesn't seem fair trying to running away.
Yuuki: Ua - well I just-
Boy who was 'Asleep': For once Mr. Punchy is right!
You woke Ayato-sama up, time to pay for it
The corpse from before appears behind Yuuki. His lips smirked as fangs descend into view.
Yuuki: W-woa now just a minute...
Boy w/ Hat: Not fair Ayato-kun~ I did say that I would take her, nfu.
Boy w/ Teddy: I would like some too, after all, we were woken up as well, ne Teddy?
Yuuki: H-Hold on a minute...
What are you guys talking about...?
(They're aren't planning to -!
No no no!
Someone please help me!)
???: Ah... that man was here earlier
Just as the boys began to touch Yuuki, a new voice makes itself known.
Boy w/ Glasses: Useless thing, when were you going to tell anyone?
The glasses wearing boy descends the stair case and walks into the sitting room. The other boys fallow his movements, stepping away from Yuuki. Laying on one of the coaches is another boy, though he looked still asleep.
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Sleeping Boy: A few days ago... said "a debt paid" or something.
She is supposed to stay with us.
Yuuki: ah! Y-Yes!
They said that to me as well - something about a debt...
The boys all turn to face Yuuki. Emotions mixed among them, but their eyes all seemed to be looking at something delicious.
'Mr. Punchy': Why didn't you say something at the start!?
Boy w/ Glasses: Goodness, seems there was a reason.
In any case, she is not to be eaten, it would seem.
Yuuki: Eaten!?
Is that what you were going to do!?
No way, I wont stay in a house of cannibals!
Sleeping Boy: We're not cannibals... vampires
Ayato: Shu what the hell!
Boy w/ Glasses: Hopeless.
Yuuki: Vam...pires....?
Boy w/ Teddy: What more is there to explain?
Are you stupid?
Boy w/ Glasses: Enough of that, now that we know she is supposed to be here - who will be in charge of watching her?
She cannot be allowed to simple roam about.
Boy w/ Hat: Nfu, Laito-kun has no problem keeping this Bitch-chan.
Ayato: I was the first one to be woken by her -
That means her blood belongs to Ayato-sama!
Mr. Punchy: Always so high and mighty!
We were all awoken by the yelling, you're not special!
Yuuki: Hold on...
My blood doesn't belong to anyon-
Boy w/ Teddy: Food shouldn't speak, unless it wants to be eaten faster.
Shu: Do what you want - just keep it down...
Boy w/ Glasses: This wont do, simply choose someone if it is that much of an issue.
Yuuki: Choose someone?
You can't expect me to make that kind of choice without knowing any of you.
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Boy w/ Glasses: So troublesome.
'Mr. Punchy': Just pick someone!
Boy w/ Glasses: Acting as though your blood is that precious, such arrogance.
It has been a while since we have had a woman to educate.
Very well, a trial run perhaps will speed things along.
Ayato: Trial run?
What does that mean?
Laito: Ooo a game of pass the Bitch-chan~
Such a dirty mind Reiji-kun, nfu.
'Mr. Punchy': Don't be gross!
Yuuki: (A trial run?
Something like that might be fine...
Then again, being passed around by six vampires...)
H-How long would I have to decide?
Shu: The next new moon...
Reiji: Ah, so that was tonight.
That should be fine then.
Introductions are in order so that you may choose accordingly. I am Reiji- the second son.
Over on the coach is Shu, the eldest.
The triplets, Ayato, Kanato and Laito.
Then lastly, Subaru, the youngest.
Present yourself to us then. Since we will be housemates from this day forward.
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Yuuki: Oh...
(This situation... it's all because of that man.
He must be the one they are talking about too.
I guess for now - I don't have a choice.)
it's Yuuki...
Yuuki Koishikawa.
-- END --
[part one]
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quadrupletsau · 2 years
 Prolouge 2. Girls in tower.
On night of their fifth birthday, two young girls watch "floating lights" out the window. Despite their father's warnings of the dangers of the outside world...
SQUEALS! GUESS, WHO FINALLY DECIDED TO UPDATE THE STORY? YEP. That's me! It's still prolouge, but we have just one part of it left, before getting into interesting stuff...
I hope you'll stick around to see how it grows!
Also, thinking of making doodles on this AU, what do you think?
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alternatedanganronpa · 7 months
wake up
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"Wh-What...? Where am I?"
I woke up with my head resting on top of a hard wooden desk. My body feels...heavy. It's pretty normal for me to zonk off in the middle of some boring class or whatever, but... What was I doing asleep here just now? This isn't a classroom I've ever been in before.
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Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy! Firstly, we'd like to explain the basics!
Any ask you use could directly interfere with the Path of the original story,creating completly different storylines!
That's all for now!
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son1c · 1 year
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i got you
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northern-passage · 1 month
a little update.. what i'm working on/prologue changes so far:
no prologue! it’s chapter 1 now
removed the option to leave clementine behind. you have to take them with you :3c
removed height options (sorry!)
in general, edited the cc to flow better
combat preferences have been adjusted-- all still the same but i've made it more obvious how each specialty works mechanically which will hopefully make fights more intuitive to win (or lose, if you want)
genderlocked the sibling. officially a Sister
edited a LOT of dialogue; hopefully it's an improvement and feels more natural
restructured the wraith fight so that it's consistent with the fight in blackwater. with the changes made to the combat preferences this should make the combat system overall cohesive now <- i'm still working on this currently but i am HOPING to finish it by the end of this month.
i have pretty much rewritten the entire prologue. wasn't my plan at the start but here we are... so things are quite different. but also the same. i also streamlined a lot of the choices & branches and cut/combined ones that i felt were just excessive.
i plan to update once i've finished making & importing these changes, and i will probably limit the demo to chapter 1 (previously the prologue) until i get through and edit chapter 2 (previously chapter 1) because i really don't want to have the demo be inconsistent for however long it takes me to get through the next edits. hopefully this will not take that long, and then i'll put chapter 2 & and part 1/what's already been published of chapter 3 back up. and then!!! i will move on to finishing chapter 3.
i know this probably isn't the update you all were hoping for but i'm excited for the next steps with tnp :-)
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isabeauwolf · 20 days
Overhaul x Mary: Darkest Wolf
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Prologue 2: Freedom and clipped, broken wings
:----Preview -----
Sara quickly ate breakfast, then rushed to check in on Mary who was laying down for her early morning nap when Kai woke up.
She was excited to finally be able to talk to him and was surprised to discover that he had the most beautiful honey colored eyes she'd ever seen.
She'd bet he would be a real looker someday.
Walking back into her room, she sensed something was wrong. Her body became on alert as she ran down the halls, hearing Pops call for the doctor and her heartbeat thudded hard in her ears and chest tightened with worry.
Rushing into the room as Kai's head hits the pillow, calling his name, kneeling beside the futon, she felt his forehead with the back of her wrist, noticing his skin was pale and clammy, yet scolding hot. He's running a fever!
It makes sense given how and where she found him last night during the storm, combined with so much stress on his body.
He passed out again as she held him against her chest again.
Sara was surprised how quickly her inner wolf quickly accepted him on her own, and into her pack. Holding him against her as she used the water from the water pitcher, to apply to his forehead with a wash cloth as she felt tears prickling her vision, keeping him in her lap and wrapped in a blanket. "It's okay, I'm here. Your safe. Rest Kai, my brave warrior." It hurt how scared he looked in her arms, his eyes wide with horror and terror, body language frozen as he weakly tried to push her away, breath ragged and the scent of fear gave it all away.
This poor child has known hell, he's known pain, him flinching from her touch, instead of embracing her warmth and comfort, it's clear that he's been abused. More than any child should have to endure.
Ludolf explained what they learned and what had happened.
She listened and stayed by Kai's side, reapplying the wet wash cloth, wiping down his body without completely undressing him, or letting Ludolf find cleaning and washing Kai whenever she had to check in on Mary.
Sara tried to remain calm as best as she could, but her inner wolf was whining, rubbing against her skin, wanting to come out, shift into her wolf form and curl up against him, offering her warm when his body shivered and trembled.
Resisting the change hurt and felt as if her bones and skin were being ripped apart from the inside out, but she swallowed her pain and discomfort for taking care of both Kai and Mary, and knew they needed her more. Inhale and exhale, in and out, breathing through her nose, letting it out as she reopened her eyes.
She knew they barely had any solid leads beside turn him over to the police. They would throw him into the system and she might never see him again. Sara had already talked about Kai living here with them since she could keep an eye on him, taking better care of him than wherever the hell orphanage he came from.
With her mind made up, she placed him back down, changed the water pitcher, asked Ludolf to change and bath him while her and Yuki changed the bedding, he did as ordered without question.
Once Kai was bathed, redressed, the doctor came back, whispering that the boy would need more bed rest, have her medicine and would check back in the morning or if called. Sara thanked him, she sat down beside him, running her fingers through his hair and changed the wet rag once more, humming and singing a song she'd sing her girls.
Hours past, Kai would awaken from nightmares, half delirious, begging and crying, teary eyed golds meeting her violets as her heart aches as she cooed gently in his ear, holding him and rocking him back and forced, whispering that she wasn't going to let anyone take him away from her. It was a promise and a vow, only death would take her away from her new child.
Around four o'clock in the morning, Kai's fever broke.
It was still early in the morning when he opened his eyes again.
Kai opened his eyes, it was dark.
He was still in the same room.
Blinking, turning his head he saw Lady Sara asleep beside him, her hand laying on top of the blankets as she nuzzled the top of his head, pulling him closer to her body as he grew flustered and struggled, his arms and hands were stuck inside the stupid blankets. How strong is this woman? he grunted in discomfort and panic as his phobia kicked in, then he heard laughter and he froze.
"Do you need help, brat?" It was the old man, Pops.
Kai twisted his body, growing more flustered as he met the older man's teasing stare with a glare.
"I don't envy you." Pops admitted, smirking. "I'm afraid that shifter woman are as strong as men in their clan." He chuckled, raising a thick brow and rubbing his chin with his hand. "It's clear that she's taken a shine to you, and claimed you as her own son. It's only been two days." He shook his head and grinned. "Whatever am I going to do with her?"
Kai huffed and grunted in discomfort, but it was clear that his interest had been peeked by Pops words as a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Shifter?"
"Yes, Lady Sara is a part of a subspecies of nonhumans that can shift between man and beast, or in her case female wolf." He explained, "Unlike other mutant and animal based quirks, they were around long before quirks were world spread and known. You could say they are a type of ancestor, blending in and hiding in the shadows until quirks manifested."
"She's not the only one?" Kai asked.
"Many underneath hers and her fathers command are shifters, mostly born with their inner wolf and the ability to shift partly or fully." Pops answered smiling and glancing behind Kai, "Good morning, my dear. Sleep well?"
Kai remained still, his eyes widen and his face grew flustered once more, his cheeks and ears pink.
Lady Sara blinked giving Pops a lazy sleepy smile as she sat upright, stretching and rubbing her eyes. "Morning, Pops." Blinking sleep away, voilet eyes glancing down and her smiled widdened, "Morning, Kai. I'm glad that your fever broke."
"Morning," Kai muttered, trying to bury his face into his pillow.
Lady Sara and Pops laughed.
"Well, someone needs a morning bath." Lady Sara announed stretching and yanking the blankets back, picking Kai up by the back of his shirt, wrapping her arm around his waist to heading towards the bathroom. "Come on, time to get squeaky clean."
Kai struggled, growing more embarrassed. "Let me, I can clean myself!" He reached his hands out, huffing and puffing, trying to grab her and activating his quirk, when she caught his wrists with superhuman speed, Kai barely saw it.
Clearly shifters didn't have just superhuman strength, but were fast and agile too.
Lady Sara's smile turned sickeningly sweet and tight lipped. "Now, now, Kai." She tilted her head, violet eyes hardening. "You tried to use your quirk just now, hmm? I can smell you anger, frustration and malice. Such a temper, we need to fix that. So your quirk is touch based?"
Kai froze in her hold, going limp and staring at the floor.
Sara frowned and explained gently, "I won't undress you or touch you other than this. I need to make sure you can stand and bath properly by yourself." She let go of his wrists, stood outside the bathroom, put him down at the threshold and turned around. "Try attacking me again and I'll make a game out of it." She said teasingly. "I may not look it, but I'm strong and used to be a vigilantly. I gave it up after I married, but I still train everyday." She giggled, "Have to make sure I can catch my children when they run off."
Kai glanced at Sara's back, to where Pops was sitting. His expression was impassive as he sighed, and nodded. "Understood." He turned, walked into the bathroom and closed the door, pressing his body against the wood, swallowing and taking a shaky breath he was holding.
Quickly undressing, folding the clothes neatly before shoving them into the laundry basket, into the shower, turning the water on as hot as he could stand it, getting in and scrubbing every inch of his skin raw as the smell of roses hit his nose.
Blinking he glanced down at the bar of soap and suds in his hands. Roses? Well, this was Lady Sara's room and he assumed her bathroom. He recognized his scent on her skin as he blushed and shook his head, washed his face and hair, then rinsing off as a thought occurred to him.
He was free.
Truly free of that hellish death trap.
No, he wasn't completely free.
He rubbed the back of his neck and followed it as far as he could between his shoulder blades. The chip hidden underneath his skin and the number on his back, his code number. He remembers the doctor calling him a spare, what for he didn't know. The memory made him shiver and glare at the wall as he grit his teeth.
Kai could remove it himself, but he couldn't see it. He could make a hole in the wall and repair himself that's as far as he's done with his quirk, his curse and diseased blood. His mothers and the doctors and someone else's words echoing in his head over and over again.
Closing his eyes, crouching and huddling in the corner of the bathtub, covering his ears and shivering, tears prickling the corner of his eyes as he quietly and silently sobbed, go away, go away, go away!
A knock at the door made Kai open his eyes, his breath hitch and turn his head towards the door.
"Kai?" It was Lady Sara. Her voice was calm yet worried. "Are you alright? Do you need help?"
Licking his dry lips and swallowing the lump in his throat, he replied, "No. I'm getting out." Kai grabbed a towel drying himself and noticed clean clothes on the sinks counter, his thin brows furrowed, did Lady Sara or Pops put them there? He didn't remember hearing anyone come in or knock until a few moments ago.
Shaking his head, he quickly wiped his face, sniffed and got dressed in a black long sleeve, grey sweatpants, socks and underwear. It was all soft and new.
When Kai opened the bathroom door, Pops was gone and so was Lady Sara. He tilted his head in confusion. Where'd they go? Peaking his head out as he heard her voice on the other side of the main door.
Stepping outside the threshold of the door, he saw an empty hall way.
He saw her standing outside of a different door, smiling and waiting.
"It's alright, Kai, I'm out here," Lady Sara replied, nodding to herself and a glint of praise and pride in her tone. "You are a fighter, that's good. You should be proud and hold your head high." She giggled, "The moon goddess has been watching you."
He remained still, rooted on the spot.
"I had the liberty of returning my things back into this room, so the one you are currently staying in is yours now. Ludolf and Pops are out buying everything you need, if you need or anything anything ask myself or Pops. It's summer vacation, so we will have to enroll you into school soon after Pops legally adopts you with me as your co-guardian."
He blinked, "You really accepted a stranger, a street kid into your house as your own?"
"Yes." She agreed without hesitation.
Kai deadpanned, "Are you insane? Or are all shifters like you?"
Lady Sara laughed, "Of course, you have to be a little insane and unhinged to survive in this cruel world." She snickers, grin widening. "You are blunt and speak your mind. That's a good trait to have, but I can see it getting you into a lot of trouble." Clearing her throat, she continued, "We will have someone test you to test your grade level. Someone so cheeky, blunt and with that resting bored expression you have," she leaned against the wall, "I can see you being a little smarty pants on top of the list."
Kai's face grew flustered. She wasn't wrong.
He's always enjoying being alone. Kai loved to sit by himself and read instead of playing with the other kids, he didn't see a point. They ignored him anyways, so why should he both trying? He didn't need any friends then and he didn't need any now.
"Kai, I want you to meet someone." Lady Sara whispered, lifting a hand and curling her finger and walking into the room.
He followed, stepping into the room and noticed the crib in the right corner of the room, baby toys, diapers, woman's products, neatly and stacked away or in their own space. Kai's face crinkled, he hated clutter and messes. Stepping further into the room, he saw the wolf woman sitting down in the middle of the floor as a small bundle of blankets moved beside her in a smaller carrying bassinet.
"Come, don't be shy." She encouraged patting the spot in front of her, patiently.
He sighed and walked further into the room until he was front of her, clearly bored as his interest faded.
"This is my daughter Mary. Isn't she cute." Lady Sara cooed gently, smile widened, perfect definition of a mothers love. "My oldest is back home with my father. But I had Mary while here in Japan, then her father died." She explained, frowning. "Pops is letting us stay here." Smiling again, she lightly caressed the back of her hand against her baby's cheek. "It's time for her to eat." Lady Sara began to untie her robe.
Kai's face grew scarlet and turned to look away with his back facing her. "I'll- I'll leave the room to give you privacy, my lady." He started to stand, when he felt a tug on his sleeve and paused without glancing over his shoulder.
"Please stay? I enjoy the company while I feed Mary, it's nice to have someone to talk to." Lady Sara asks. "I breastfeed her once a day now, this is my last week until she's completely on solids," she muttered to herself as she held her baby and nursed.
Kai was lost in his own thoughts.
How could he refuse the woman who saved his life?
Pops did say that a debt must be paid.
Kai's life wasn't his own anymore, it belonged to both Lady Sara and Pops, his saviors. The wolf woman had treated him and stayed by his side while he was sick, now he knew why she would sometimes disappear. It was so she could look after, feed and take care of her own child. He remembered her mentioning that she had two daughters, but he didn't know that one of them was here. It made sense, she couldn't abandon her youngest, but she still made time for him, and he wasn't her own flesh and blood.
The thought had his chest warm.
"Kai?" Lady Sara repeated gently, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Will you be able to stay?"
Kai nodded his head and sat back down, muttering. "As you wish, Lady Sara." The tips of his ears were red now.
"Thank you, Kai." Lady Sara smiled and pat the boy on the head. "Such a little gentleman."
"How old is she?" He asked wanting to fill the uncomfortable silence.
"She's a year old."
"Does breastfeeding hurt?" Why did he ask that? Kai cringed and inwardly smacked himself.
"At first yes, it's uncomfortable and requires at lot of patience. But once get the latch down and quick up the feeding ques it get easier the more you do it."
He nodded his head. "Does she get enough to eat?"
"Yes, as much as she needs."
Kai's stomach growled, the rumble sound echoing loud in the room. "Sorry."
Lady Sara giggled and smiled, "It's okay. I'm hungry too. Yuki should be back soon with breakfast. I asked her to make it light and nutritious for you, if there's anything you don't like or are allergic to, let us know."
"No allergies. I'm not picky, except for runny eggs." He replied, staring at the wall. "I don't like them."
There was a knock on the door.
--------- End of Prologue part 2 ------
I know it feels like the prologue is taking forever to get through, but it's worth it, I promise 😉
Tell me your thoughts and which parts are your favs 🥰
@togeandmegumilover @fanofflames @slayfics @x-kiwi-03 @chainslobber @staitc-rj @madamebloodmoon
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Are you okay? It's a question you've been asked many times, by your parents, your aunts and uncles, grandparents, and even cousins, whether they're younger or older than you. They all orbit around you, hundreds of satellites around a planet.
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts 2 - Twilight Town
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ianvs-comic · 2 years
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recalled11 · 1 year
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Part 1/Part 2/ Part 3 coming soon
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burning-academia-if · 8 months
Oh yea since I've only mentioned it in tags
Chapter 1 is releasing this Friday!
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