#projekt euclid
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tonguetyd · 3 months ago
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Projekt Atlantic, December 2023
Projekt Euclid, December 2024
📸 adamrosssi
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Projekt Euclid.
Arena Nürnberger Versicherung November 9th, 2024
(Source - the wonderful vicmemoria, courtesy sirlennartoffranconia)
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ad-astra-per-aspera1976 · 9 months ago
For the EU/UK leg of the Teeth of God Tour we are doing green for Euclid. We need a LOT more volunteers as some of these venues are much bigger! DM me to join our discord or click the link here!
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sleeptokenpuppy · 9 months ago
Things that have happened that were NOT on my Teeth of God Tour Bingo Card:
Projekt Atlantic having to change our pink light song because they changed the setlist
Vore not being on the setlist
Video game music in the piano intro to Rain
Rain during Rain in Texas
The lightning that perfectly matched II's drumming
The wind at Red Rocks doing majest9ic things with Vessel's cloak
Atlanta melting all the body paint
Two lemons and half an avocado as offerings to the crowd
Drum stick on throat action
Vessel just fuckin laying down on stage
People near me in the pit at the Boston show playing Smash Bros while we waited for the opener to start
Vessel and III having that little fighty feud thing during The Summoning, especially not the part where someone else came in to fight Vessel????
Moshing for Euclid??? !!!! (were y'all crying while moshing? be honest!)
But like.
This is my first experience being in this fandom while they're touring. Actually it's my first experience at all being in a band fandom and watching the social media happenings when they're on tour. And gods, I am so thankful for everything I've been here for.
From the silly to the sexy, through concern and catharsis, every tear we shed, every meme we made, every act of wtf that stunned us and every act of sweetness we swooned for...
And especially, as a Projekt Atlantic volunteer, every light we held up in honor, in love, in worship.
Thank you, fandom, for being what you've been. The Teeth of God Tour has been such a joy to witness, and with its conclusion a few days ago, I'm thankful to have shared all these sacred moments in time with all of you.
Thank you, Sleep Token. What you do is honestly incredible. 🤘💖
Oh and next tour I'm doing a separate bingo card for hats. The sheer quantity and variety of fun headgear these fucking guys have worn will never cease to make my days.
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epepepepepepe · 2 months ago
my android footage masterpiece (translation and very extensive yapping under the cut)
Very important translations:
Ja sa zabijem-im going to kms
dopiče/cikokos-fuck/shit/generic curseword
Tam je-there he is
Ma jeblo do barikady- i got knocked into the fucking barricade
A príde tu- hes gonna come here
Poď sem- come here
cant sleep so im going to yap about my experience seeing bilmuri and sleep token live. This was the first concert i actually wanted to go to and my first time going alone (dont tell my mom). I still remember sitting in my room and getting the presale email, the stress of buying my ticket and the fucking elation when i managed to get one. Theyre my favourite band currently so safe to say i was screaming crying throwing up. As the date was getting closer and closer i started to lose my shit aka telling literally everyone i know, overthinking about every aspect of that day and torturing my roomate with lore (which she accepted with grace).
The day of i could not keep still. Like literally I decided to walk to the popup store (which took me like 30 minutes) because i had to do something with my body. Honestly i was not expecting to get the tour shirt but i stood in line for an hour and a half and even met a lovely girl to go to the concert with! Its so nice to have a physical reminder of my experience, especially since the prague design is so beautiful. Then i went home for a bit (emphasis on bit, i just inhaled my lunch and forced myself to sit for 15 minutes) but could not chill tf out so i decided to go to the venue.
One thing about sleep token fans, they are awesome people. It was amazing to see how excited everyone was for the concert: the beautiful makeup and outfits, they were exhanging gifts, everyone was smiling, just good vibes all around. Soon i was blessed by a projekt euclid sticker (you guys are awesome btw thank you) from a volunteer who was dressed like a member of the band, old mask and all. They were cool but spooked me at first because they just sort of teleported into my peripheral vision. We talked a bit about how fabric markers are a bitch to use lol
When the doors opened everyone cheered and people started running through the venue (security did NOT like it), which was a longer walk than i expected (we had to like go underground and stuff it was crazy). The thing i was most worried about was that i was not going to be able to see (im 160 cm in platforms) but i managed to secure a spot right in front of the catwalk. Like second row. And this sense of realisation set in that i was actually there, seeing my favourite band and not only was i going to be able to see, sleep token are gonna be RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
The venue was so nice, i think it was one of the smallest ones on the uk/eu tour so it still had the atmosphere of a medium-ish? size concert. The worst thing about that whole day was the waiting because time goes by sooo slow when youre thinking about it and checking your phone constantly. Holy fuck i didnt even get to the actual concert yet
Bilmuri: i did not know anything about the band prior but listened to some of their songs in preparation for the show and i have to say, theyre very cool. Polar opposite vibe to st but sooo fun to watch. And the songs are all bangers (my fave is the one about cranking your mf hog). The singer interacted with us a lot, he pointed to someone in the audience like every 5 seconds, the saxophonist was INCREDIBLE holy shit. There were a couple fun moments, like when someone threw him a shirt with an eagle and the us flag on it and he wore for one song and then had to throw it back because it was too tight lol, then they complimented the crowd (they said that we were louder than the germans fuck yeah) and during the last song i think he pointed at me cause i actually knew the words for once. All around they were very fun, im proud to be an honorary american yeehaw. Theyre gonna be back in prague next year and i def want to see them again!
Sleep token: by the time we were waiting for st i could feel the stress and excitement from everyone around me. I really have to give props to the crowd cause we cheered at every little thing lol. Like even when they took dow bilmuris banner and you could see the giant st logo. I was a bit worried about the fog because with the house lights on it was so thick you could barely see the back of the stage, but it was fine in the end. Now, before i went to the show i told myself i was going to have fun but be normal about it. Well as soon as the lights went down that went out the window. I kinda scared myself with how intensely i was screaming lol.
I mean what is theyre to say. Incredible. Everything from the performance ( vessels vocals, iis a drumming god, iiis whole vibe, ivs screams, the FUCKING ESPERA MY GOD they sing like angels) to the lights and lasers (sometimes i would just look at the lights and get lost in the moment, especially furing atlantic, the summoning and tmbte) the crowd (at least from my pov everyone was having so much fun and my god we were loud, also at points there were like 3-4 different moshpits, people were hanging onto vessels every word, i mean we were cheering and clapping at every little thing)……im just very grateful for this experince. Legit top 3 moments of my life so far
During (i think) the offering vessel came sauntering down the catwalk and maybe this is gonna sound weird, but i realised that they were real?? Because they are anonymous i just kinda saw them as the funny guys and girls in my phone up to that point. So im like holy shit hes in front of me hi (i think i actually said hi out loud) and THEN before the breakdown iii and iv came down the catwalk together and i lost my shit again. And again. And again. Thank god they dont speak my native language
Other notable moments: iii grabbed ivs face like they were going to kiss, i got startled by the elevator during chokehold, vessel had a um...moment with iv during his solo, vessel bowed like 50 times at the end and did a surprisingly correctly shaped heart, someone yelled COME ON VESSEL in czech at the start of ascencionsim, project euclid was a success at least from my pov (im never getting rid of that piece of green paper), walkaline on the catwalk, iii and vessels moment before the granite breakdown (bro needed NO help with the pit), the whole of atlantic
Im not gonna write about every single song because this post is already way too long but my god. Just thank you thank you thank you
PS: a week ago i posted an artwork of mine on here and i never got so many notes on a post so thank you so much!!!i will def post more st fanart in the future
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channelsoph · 10 months ago
teeth of god set list has changed minorly but it will actually tear me apart. what do you mean TNDNBTG as an opener?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN EUCLID AS THE ENDING?? double homicide (not like this was predicted by the Oracle as in the whole tumbrl ST community…)
Missing Limbs? rrrrr also ain’t no way there isn’t something like BloodSport or Sugar as a secret one in the end argue with the wall
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this is a post of the Projekt Atlantic on insta
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aquareegia · 1 year ago
hi! wanted to ask a few people this: since wembley is in 2 weeks, do you have any predictions on what might happen, or do you think sleep token will do anything special?
Hey 👋
Hmm... I'm pretty sure they'll play Atlantic bc of the Projekt Atlantic that's being organised by some fans.
I don't think they'll unmask anytime soon (i'd be shocked if they did tbh) but I could see Vessel talking for the first time, even if it's just to say "Thank you." But that's not really a prediction but more wishful thinking.
No matter if Ves actually talks, I think there's a high possibility that there will be another message from him in some way.
They will definitely be acting fruity, as always. 😂
Again not a prediction but wishful thinking: the ritual will be professionally recorded for a live album/dvd (PLEASE!!).
Gold paint on all the vessels (the ST sigil in gold on Vessels chest would be 👌✨️).
I could see them bringing back some songs (Sugar 👀) and adding new ones. I could see them close the ritual with either Euclid or Atlantic.
Apart from that I have no idea but I'm sure it's gonna be a blast and the eepies always find a way to surprise us. 🫶
I wish I could experience this live, I'm so happy for our eepy cryptids. 😭🩷
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nanonews · 3 months ago
Edited to add bonus projekt euclid vibes last night of tour xmas cracker paper crown context (photo: Adamross Williams)
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Now, they rest.
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architectnews · 4 years ago
Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac, Antony
Antony School Center and Leisure Activity Center, Architect, South Paris Building Design, Architecture Photos
School Center and Leisure Activity Center in Antony
Paris Education Building Development, France design by Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
19 Nov 2020
Groupe Scolaire et Centre Municipal de Loisirs sur le secteur de Lavoisier à Antony
Design: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Location: Antony, Hauts-de-Seine, southern suburbs of Paris, France
Photos © David Boureau
Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac, Antony
School buildings shape the development of children and young people who spend most of the day there. They are also prestige projects for French municipalities. Therefore, its architectural quality is even more significant. The new elementary school with kindergarten by Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes in Antony is the result of a competition won and an enormous improvement compared to the old school it replaces.
Antony is part of the Métropole du Grand Paris, the RER C train takes 20 minutes to the center of Paris. The school is close to the station, a secondary school and a high school, on a curve in Rue Pierre Gilles de Gennes.
In order to fit in with the urban structure, to obtain as much space as possible for the courtyards and optimal sunlight for the classes, the building follows the limits of the site. Natural daylight, open, bright rooms, a large amount of freedom of movement and direct access to the outdoors were essential planning criteria.
The incidence of sunlight was simulated over the whole year, the wings are staggered in height: three floors in the northeast, two in the northwest and one on the winding road from southwest to southeast. The sun shines into the school yard and the classrooms, energy consumption remains low. The school consists of four wings that surround a large, trapezoidal courtyard. A courtyard with trees and a large terrace for the classes on the first floor forms the airy, sunny, child- and exercise-friendly center of this school.
Optimized usage of the site
The multi-purpose hall on the ground floor is situated on the curve of the road in the southeast. It is suitable as a space for play, sports and exercise for children, but also for events. It forms the link between the large canteen on the street side and the entrance in the west wing of the school. This entire sequence on the street is combined with a polygonal, partly translucent facade made of glass and expanded metal. This gives the children a presence in the urban space, enables natural light and ventilation and signals openness.
Surrounded by a wide, red-colored pavement, the hall rises towards the curve up to a room height of four meters. It follows the curve of the site and creates a very bright, spacious, multifunctional room. Its slightly rising roof is used as an outdoor court on the first floor. The roof slope leads to flat wooden steps, a barely visible stainless-steel net serves as a ball net and fall protection. Plants along the outer limit provide a green filter towards the surrounding.
In the southwest, the geometry of the roof forms a canopy that protects the entrance. Here the children can wait before and after school. A second multipurpose room is slightly advanced – it emphasizes the entrance and can also be used externally.
The public space on the street is followed by the corridor that opens towards all classes. It serves as a buffer, transit zone, lounge and break area. This corridor widens up behind the entrance to the foyer, where a wide staircase leads to the first and second floors. It naturally separates the older children from the little ones who walk straight into their groups.
Classes as living spaces
The classrooms of two and a half to six-year old children are situated on the ground floor. With floor-to-ceiling glass facades that can be opened largely with sliding doors, they are all oriented towards the spacious playground, which is designed as a friendly art landscape with gentle hills made of sports surfaces, trees and play areas. The children can go outside directly.
The classes on the upper floor follow the same principle: They are oriented towards spacious terraces. The rounded edges form the inner courtyard. Part of the terraces are made of wood. A sheltered space forms a framed view to the neighborhood. There children can play outside even in rainy weather. One can play or talk together in any weather until class begins.
Air quality plays a major role in children’s well-being and ability to concentrate. A floor-to-ceiling wooden panel interrupts the glass facade between the classes. Behind it is a heater that preheats the air and blows it in through the class-side fins when it is too cold. If the CO2 content in the room air increases, fresh air is supplied.
This wooden element gives the glass facade a rhythm and contributes to the warm atmosphere of the courtyard. All partition walls and load-bearing supports are made of exposed concrete, the walls to the aisle as multifunctional wooden furniture: On the class side, they serve as shelves, boxes and wash basins, and on the aisle side as cloakrooms. In the entrance area there is strip parquet on the floor. The canteen is a deep, open space on the street that is naturally lit by the facade there and an all-round glazed inner patio.
The school is robust, open and bright. For Dietmar Feichtinger, architecture is the stage for everyday life. This school is oriented towards outdoor spaces – and it leaves enough space for appropriation and development.
Quote from Dietmar Feichtinger
“Schools are very important places in the development of children. Architecture is the background. We want to create areas of life for students and teachers with a robust materiality and lots of natural light which develop with the people who use them.” Dietmar Feichtinger.
Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac Antony – Building Information
School Center Dunoyer de Segonzac Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac Schulzentrum Dunoyer de Segonzac
Project: School Center and Leisure Activity Center in Antony Projet: Groupe Scolaire et Centre Municipal de Loisirs sur le secteur de Lavoisier à Antony Projekt: Schulzentrum und Tageshort und Freizeitzentrum Volksschule in Antony
Address / Adresse: – Avenue Lavoisier / Rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 92161 Antony, France
Client Address / Maître d’ouvrage Adresse / Bauherr Adresse: – Ville d’Antony Direction Générale des Services Techniques – Service Marchés Publics Place de l’Hôtel de Ville – BP 86 92161 ANTONY FRANCE
Architect / Architecte / Architekt: – DFA | Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes Architect Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Feichtinger, mandataire
Team competition / Équipe Concours / Team Wettbewerb: – Pierre Dufour, Rita Alegria, Giulia Borghi, Alejandro Islas
Project team leader planning / Chef de Projet étude / Projektleitung Planung: – Rita Alegria
Engineers / Bet / Statik: – Quadriplus Cogeci
Other Planners / Autres bureaux d’études / Andere Fachplaner: – Etamine – BET HQE Thermibel – Acoustique Katene – Fluide
– EUCLID – Cuisine PROCOBAT – Économie
– Risk Control – Contrôleur technique CCR BTP – Coordination SPS Francis Klein – OPC
Contractors / Entreprise (Groupement) / Baugesellschaft:
LOT 01 – Entreprise générale SNB LOT 03 – Plomberie TEMPEOL LOT 04 – Électricité BRUNET LOT 05 – Menuiseries HERVE LOT 06 – Cuisine FROID 77 LOT 08 – Ascenseurs AFEM
Site area / Site / Grundstücksfläche:
Floor area / Surface utile / Nutzfläche: 3 571 m² SU
Built-up area / Surface construite / Bebaute Fläche:
Total School Center Built Area / Total groupe scolaire espaces bâtis: 3 575 m2
Total School Center Outdoor Area / Total groupe scolaire espaces extérieurs: 1 827 m2
Total Kindergarten Built Area / Total maternelle espaces bâtis: 619 m2
Total Kindergarten Outdoor Area / Total maternelle espaces extérieurs: 812 m2
Total Kindergarten Leisure Activity Center Built Area / Total CML Maternelle espaces bâtis: 190 m2
Total Elementary Leisure Activity Center / Total CML élémentaire espaces bâtis: 265 m2
Total Elementary School Built Area / Total élémentaire espaces bâtis: 831 m2
Total Elementary School Outdoor Area / Total élémentaire espaces extérieurs: 1 015 m2
Total Common Areas Built Area / Total fonctions communes espaces bâtis: 1 608 m2
Appartment Janitor / Logement gardien: 62 m2
Total Technical Rooms / Total locaux techniques: 233 m2
Total Circulations / Total Circulations: 1 070 m2
Total Entrance Hall / Total parvis: 93 m2
SHON: 5 504 m² SHOB SDO: 5 014 m² SDP: 5 096 m²
Size and main features, programm / Dimensions et caractéristiques principales, programme / Eckdaten, Programm
– Kindergarten École Maternelle Kindergarten 6 classes – 180 Children / Enfants / Kinder
– Elementary School École Élementaire Volkschule 10 classes – 300 Children / Enfants / Kinder
– Leisure activity center for nursery school Centre Municipal Loisirs Maternelle Tageshort und Freizeitzentrum Kindergarten 100 Children / Enfants / Kinder
– Leisure activity center for nursery school Centre Municipal Loisirs Élémentaire Tageshort und Freizeitzentrum Volksschule 120 Children / enfants / Kinder
Multipurpose Hall / Salle Polyvalente / Mehrzweckhalle
Sports Room / Salle de Motricité / Sporthalle
Library / Bibliothèque élémentaire et maternelle / Bibliothek
School Cafeteria / Restauration / Kantine
Appartment Janitor / Logement Gardien / Wohnung für Hauswart
Time Schedule / Calendrier / Zeitplan:
Competition / Concours / Wettbewerb: 05 | 2014 – rendu des prestations : 7 mai 2014 – rendu maquette 19 mai 2014
Start of planning / Debut des études / Planungsbeginn: 09 | 2014
Start of construction / Début du chantier / Baubeginn: 09 | 2016
Completion / Livraison / Fertigstellung: 02 | 2020
Building costs / Coût / Baukosten: 11 345 206,76 M€ HT = 11,35 M€ HT
Cost per m2 / Coût par m2 / Kosten pro m2:
2740€/m² utile 1933€/m² SDO 1779€/m² ShON
Pas de certification HQE Performances visées par le MOA : – bâtiment très basse consommation : 49 KWh ep/m2 SDO par an, – bâtiment à fort confort de vie et d’usage, – procédés et matériaux éco-responsables,
Conception bioclimatique Double vitrage au nord. Ventilation naturelle sur cours intérieures et double flux sur rue. Toitures végétalisées Récupération eaux pluviales
Démarche HQE objectif très basse consommation dans le respect des objectifs du label BEPAS (bâtiments passifs) RT2012
Profil Profil TP : 2,4,8,10,12,13 P : 1,5,7,9,11 B: 3,6,14
Photography © David Boureau
Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac, Antony images / information received 181120 from Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Location: Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac, Antony, south of Paris, France
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Comments / photos for the Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac, Antony – New South Paris Education Architecture page welcome
Website: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
The post Groupe Scolaire Dunoyer de Segonzac, Antony appeared first on e-architect.
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The O2 November 29th, 2024
(Source - the amazing babooshkaYahYah)
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ad-astra-per-aspera1976 · 3 months ago
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fivewholeminutes · 1 year ago
I will add my three cents, if i may!!
Here's the "you are so loved" bracelet I've got from @thevenomousseprent, together with two more I've got (i forgot to ask the people giving them away for their twitter/insta/whatever handles tho! :c):
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I am still getting emotional when i look at the "yasl" one 🥺🥺🥺 and I've also gotten this tassel from her, because there are no bigger intact tassels + ironed cloak fans than @thevenomousseprent and me (you can also see the blue dot sticker from projekt atlantic, i am SO keeping it):
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I understand the irony of me taking a photo of it lying on an unironed tablecloth, i really do
And here are an euclid and vessel ones from @/fenrahel (alternatively, @/fenrahel_crafts) on insta that i have given away (ves one went to @vesselsscarlet :3):
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Hey guys, I absolutely forgot to show, but look at the loveliest bracelets I got from @thevenomousseprent in Munich.🥹❤️‍🩹
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yasminumm-blog · 7 years ago
Środek tygodnia, to czas gdy jesteś w szkole od rana do późnego popołudnia i jeśli cokolwiek interesującego czy zabawnego miałoby się wydarzyć w twoim życiu zawodowym, to możesz spodziewać się tego właśnie w tym szczególnym dniu. Dziś na przykład zupełnie niezamierzenie przeszłam przyspieszone szkolenie gamingowe dla niezorientowanych. Już po pierwszej godzinie lekcyjnej i podczas wszystkich kolejnych przerw, akurat wtedy, gdy korzystając z wolnej chwili zamierzałam zabrać się do wypełniania dziennika elektronicznego, wgryźć się w zawiłe papierzyska lub zwyczajnie dla zresetowania umysłu odpalić sobie facebooczka, do gabinetu wkraczał mój ulubiony J. Aspi, niezwykły chłopak, który w przeszłości niejednokrotnie ratował mnie z opresji komputerowych, czego, słowo daję, nie zapomnę mu do końca życia. Otóż wpadał nie bez przyczyny, bowiem jak się zorientowałam dopiero po pewnym czasie, postanowił mnie nieco podszkolić w zakresie umiejętności surwiwalowych w świecie gier sieciowych. Chwilę po dzwonku otwierał drzwi i jak gdyby nigdy nic kontynuował z pasją “…no, więc powracając do wątku, te obrażenia są bardzo realistyczne i nawet po ich wyleczeniu zostają pani bóle fantomowe…”. Niegasnący entuzjazm w oczach J. Aspiego był tak wyraźny, że bez żalu zrezygnowałam ze wszystkich dzienników, facebooków oraz wszelkich innych pochłaniaczy czasu. Widać było, że dzieciak troszcząc się o wirtualne życie swojej słuchaczki postanowił nadgonić stracony przez moją nieobecność czas i przekazać mi w wersji skompresowanej wiedzę niezbędną do przetrwania. Początkowo słuchanie jego relacji było dość łatwe, wystarczyło tylko odpowiednio wyraziście reagować na opisy utrapień czekających dzielnego gracza. Niestety wkrótce potem zaczęły się schody, bo J. Aspi nawiązując do swoich wcześniejszych wypowiedzi, raz po raz zadawał mi pytania, oczekując ode mnie wymiany myśli, na jaką niestety jeszcze zupełnie nie byłam gotowa. W końcu pod koniec przedostatniej przerwy mój osobisty trener zostawił mnie sam na sam zestawem informacji, z którymi koniecznie powinnam się zapoznać. Och, jakież było jego rozczarowanie, gdy po upływie godziny lekcyjnej okazało się, że z powodów całkowicie niezależnych ode mnie nadal nie dokończyłam lektury. Teraz wygląda na to, że aby zatrzeć ostatnie niemiłe wrażenie będę musiała nad sobą popracować, dlatego już teraz zrobiłam sobie listę terminów i spraw do zapamiętania: 1. Projekt Zomboid - gra płatna, bardzo realistyczna, o uproszczonej grafice, niezwykle grywalna, uwaga, jeśli zauważysz u twojej postaci objawy depresyjne, koniecznie sięgnij po książkę; 2. Barotrauma - wymaga ścisłej współpracy między graczami, pamiętaj, że aby zabić krewetkę musisz użyć pałki elektrycznej, najważniejsza funkcja - medyk; 3. FCP Fundation - podmiot SCP-049 zabija poprzez dotyk, uwaga, klasa podmiotu KETER oznacza najwyższy stopień zagrożenia. 4. Zadanie domowe - poczytać i wiedzieć wszystko o podmiocie SCP-PL-043 klasy Euclid; 5. Termin zaliczenia - prawdopodobnie jutro.
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ad-astra-per-aspera1976 · 9 months ago
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ad-astra-per-aspera1976 · 4 months ago
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I can’t wait anymore im frothing at the mouth!!!
If you’re gonna be there look for a group of us handing out green stickers and lights to light up the areana for Euclid!
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