#project report for business loan
setupfilling · 5 months
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If you’re looking to apply for a loan, you’ll need to prepare a  Detailed project report or DPR to submit to the lender. This report is a crucial component of the loan application process, as it provides the lender with a detailed overview of your project and your ability to repay the loan. Our Team will help you in getting Project Report for bank loan that will be accurate and will be accepted by every bank and financial institutions. Read More >> https://setupfiling.in/project-report-for-bank-loan/
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vimesbootstheory · 2 months
"I have completed the initial review of your business plan and cash flow and overall, you've done a great job putting everything together! Often we have recommendations and changes to help strengthen one's application, however, I don't see any significant gaps in what you've presented."
this is great. I'm going to get a good grade in applying for a business loan, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
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financesevaloan · 2 years
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CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) Model
The CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) Model is a model that describes the relationship between the expected return and risk of investing in a security. It shows that the expected return on a security is equal to the risk-free return plus a risk premium, which is based on the beta of that security.  
CAPM Formula
ERi =Rf +βi (ERm −Rf )
ERi =expected return of investment  
Rf = risk free rateβi =beta of the investment(ERm −Rf )=market risk premium  
The CAPM formula is used to calculate the expected returns of an asset. It is based on the idea of systematic risk (otherwise known as non-diversifiable risk) that investors need to be compensated for in the form of a risk premium.  
A risk premium is a rate of return greater than the risk-free rate. When investing, investors desire a higher risk premium when taking on more risky investments. The model considers the asset's sensitivity to non-diversifiable risk or market risk), often represented by the quantity beta (β) in the financial industry, as well as the expected return of the market and the expected return of a theoretical risk-free asset.  
Capital Asset Pricing Model assumes a particular form of utility functions or alternatively asset returns whose probability distributions are completely described by the first two moments and zero transaction costs. Under these conditions, CAPM shows that the cost of equity capital is determined only by beta. Despite its failing numerous empirical tests, and the existence of more modern approaches to asset pricing and portfolio selection, the CAPM still remains popular due to its simplicity and utility in a variety of situations.
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industrialsolutioniid · 3 months
A Complete Guide of Documents Required for Loan
Taking out a loan is essential to achieving personal or business financial goals. However, when you go to a bank for a loan, you need to see and understand many documents. Whether you are a homemaker, a business owner, or someone with personal needs, you may need a loan at any time. If you are thinking of taking a loan, you first need to understand your requirements, assess your assets, and then you will also need various documents. In today's blog, we will discuss in detail the documents required for various types of loans, so that whenever you go to take a loan, you are not disappointed.
Why are documents required for loan applications?
Lenders ask for various documents required for loan applications to assess your certified repayment ability and the viability of your monetary needs. These documents help them evaluate the risk associated with lending you money. Whether you’re applying for a personal loan, business loan, or a mortgage, being well-prepared with the necessary documents can expedite the approval process.
Documents Required for Loan Approval
When applying for a personal loan, here are the primary documents required for loan processing:
Proof of Identity: This includes government-issued IDs like a passport, driver’s license, or national ID card.
Proof of Address: Utility bills, rental agreements, or property tax receipts can serve this purpose.
Income Proof: Recent salary slips, bank statements, and tax returns demonstrate your ability to repay the loan.
Employment Verification: For employment verification, you might need a letter from your employer or an employment agreement.
Credit Report: A current credit report helps lenders evaluate your credit history and score.
Business Loans: Specific Documents Required for Loan Applications
For business loans, the documents required for loan approval are more comprehensive, reflecting the complexity and scale of the financial assessment:
Business Project Report: This outlines your business plan, including market analysis, financial projections, and business goals.
Bankable Project Report: A detailed version of your business project report that includes thorough financial analysis and risk assessment, making it more suitable for lenders.
Customized Bankable Project Report: Tailored to meet specific lender requirements, this report can increase your chances of loan approval.
Prototype Project Report: For startups or new business ventures, this report includes prototypes or models of your product or service, showcasing feasibility and innovation.
Read Blog- Mudra Loan - Apply Online, Interest Rate, Types, Eligibilty, Bank List
                    How to Make a Perfect Project Report for Business Loan
Mortgage Loans: Important Documents Required for Loan Processing
Applying for a mortgage requires a detailed examination of your financial status and property details. Here are the essential documents required for loan approval in this category:
Property Documents: Sale deed, property tax receipts, and a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the builder or society.
Down Payment Proof: Bank statements or receipts showing the source of the down payment funds.
Income and Employment Verification: Similar to personal loans, but often with additional documentation such as business financial statements if self-employed.
Credit Report and Score: A good credit score can significantly impact your mortgage terms and interest rates.
Insurance Documents: Proof of home insurance to protect the property against unforeseen events.
 Tips for Preparing Your Documents Required for Loan Applications
Organize Your Documents: Ensure all documents required for loan applications are well-organized and easily accessible. This includes making copies and keeping digital backups.
Check for Completeness: Double-check that you have all necessary documents required for loan approval before submitting your application to avoid delays.
Update Information: Make sure all your documents are current, including your credit report, bank statements, and tax returns.
Customise Your Reports: If you’re submitting a business loan application, consider preparing a customized bankable project report to align with specific lender requirements.
Common Challenges and Solutions
Missing Documents: One of the common challenges applicants face is missing some documents required for loan approval. To avoid this, create a checklist based on the lender’s requirements and cross-check each item.
Incomplete Business Reports: For business loans, an incomplete or poorly prepared business project report or bankable project report can hinder your application. Investing time and possibly consulting a financial expert to create a comprehensive and customized bankable project report can make a significant difference.
Low Credit Score: Having a low credit score can make it difficult to get approved for a loan. It's important to keep an eye on your credit report regularly and work on improving your score. You can do this by paying off debts, fixing any mistakes on your report, and being mindful of how much credit you use.
Understanding and preparing the documents required for loan applications is an important step in the loan approval process. Whether you’re seeking a personal loan, business loan, or mortgage, being organized and thorough with your documentation can significantly enhance your chances of success. From personal identification to a detailed business project report, every document plays an important role in presenting a clear and trustworthy picture to lenders.
Taking the time to gather and prepare the necessary documents not only streamlines the application process but also demonstrates your commitment and reliability to potential lenders. By using the advice given in this detailed guide, you can confidently manage the process of applying for a loan and come closer to reaching your financial objectives.
How to get a project report?
Get your Customized Bankable Project Report with IID
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techminsolutions · 8 months
Micro-Business Empowerment: Unveiling 5 Key Insights into CGTMSE Loan Schemes for Sustainable Growth
Micro-Business Empowerment: Unveiling the Pros and Cons of CGTMSE Loan Schemes for Sustainable Growth: Key Insights into CGTMSE Loan Schemes for Sustainable Growth India’s vast network of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) forms the backbone of the nation’s economy. However, securing funding for these small businesses often proves challenging due to their perceived higher risk profile.…
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bankloan · 1 year
Crucial Need for CMA Reports in Business Management
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, making informed decisions is paramount for sustainable growth and profitability. The Cost Management Accounting (CMA) report stands as an invaluable tool that equips businesses with essential insights into their financial operations. This comprehensive document not only aids in understanding costs but also plays a pivotal role in strategic planning, resource allocation, and performance evaluation.
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Understanding CMA Reports
The CMA report is a detailed analysis that delves into a company's cost structure, revenue streams, and overall financial health. Unlike traditional financial statements, which focus on historical data, CMA reports provide real-time and forward-looking information. This enables business leaders to make proactive decisions that can positively impact the company's future.
The Need for CMA Reports
Effective Cost Management: In a competitive market, optimizing costs is essential for maintaining profitability. A CMA report identifies cost drivers, analyzes cost behavior, and pinpoints areas where expenses can be minimized without compromising product or service quality.
Strategic Decision-making: Businesses must adapt to changing market conditions swiftly. A CMA report aids decision-makers by providing accurate data on costs, revenue trends, and market dynamics. This empowers them to adjust strategies and seize opportunities effectively.
Performance Evaluation: Evaluating the performance of various departments or product lines is critical for identifying strengths and weaknesses. CMA reports provide insights into which areas are contributing the most to the company's bottom line and which might need improvement.
Resource Allocation: Efficient resource allocation ensures optimal utilization of assets. CMA reports assist in determining where resources are most effective and how to allocate them strategically for maximum returns.
Budgeting and Forecasting: Planning budgets and forecasts becomes more accurate with CMA reports. These reports provide a clear understanding of expected costs, revenues, and profitability, enabling businesses to plan ahead effectively.
Pricing Strategies: Determining the right price for products or services requires a deep understanding of costs. CMA reports help in setting competitive prices that cover costs and maintain profitability.
Risk Management: Businesses operate in an environment fraught with risks. By analyzing costs and revenue patterns, CMA reports enable businesses to identify potential financial risks and take preventive measures.
Creating a CMA Report
Constructing a comprehensive CMA report involves various steps:
Data Collection: Gather accurate data on costs, revenues, production volumes, and other relevant factors.
Cost Classification: Categorize costs into fixed, variable, and semi-variable, as well as direct and indirect costs.
Cost Analysis: Analyze cost behavior, break down costs by department or product line, and assess cost-volume-profit relationships.
Variance Analysis: Compare actual costs with budgeted costs to identify variations and their underlying causes.
Trend Analysis: Examine historical data to identify patterns and trends that can guide future decisions.
The world of business demands precision, adaptability, and informed decision-making. In this context, CMA reports emerge as a critical tool for success. By offering insights into cost structures, revenue streams, and overall financial performance, these reports empower businesses to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and pave the way for sustained growth in a competitive landscape
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
“How did we lose to China in Indonesia!?”
This is the question being worriedly debated in government offices and executive suites throughout Japan. [...]
Japan’s project plan called for a five year construction period, including a full one year trial operation period. If construction were to start in 2018 the line would be ready to take passengers in 2023. Total cost would be some Rupiah 64 trillion (JPY 534.6 billion, or $4.5 billion).   The Japanese government operating through JICA (the Japanese International Cooperation Agency) would finance 75% of the cost with a 0.1% long term yen loan (terms and conditions in conformity with international convention for concessionary financing). The remaining 25% would have to be raised by the Indonesian government and private enterprises.   Importantly, Japan’s concessionary loan would--in accordance with international conventions for official government lending--require an Indonesian government guarantee.   Then, in October 2014, as the Japanese agencies and companies prepared for the project, something happened in Indonesia:  the swearing in as president of Joko Widoko.  Campaigning for office Joko had called for greater infrastructure investment, and it was taken for granted that he was a supporter of the Java high speed rail project. However, Joko had campaigned as a “man of the people” whose priority would be improving welfare for Indonesia’s common and rural people over the more affluent people in the big cities.[...]
on March 26, Joko visited Beijing and met Chinese president Xi Jinping.  Xi publicly announced support for the Indonesian high speed project and the two governments signed a memorandum specifying China’s interest in the Jakarta-Bandung line. Well before the Joko-Xi meeting China had entered competition for the project. China’s proposal was for a total project cost of Rupiah 74 trillion (JPY 618.2 billion, $5.2 billion). The cost was higher than Japan’s, but China committed to financing the entire amount at an interest rate of 2%.  Moreover, the project would be completed in three years--meaning taking passengers in 2018 [lol]. [...]
That China was awarded the project and Japan rejected seems to owe mainly to China’s willingness to accept the financial risk of the project (i.e., to forego an Indonesian government guarantee and also, thereby, possibly to finesse international ODA norms) and of Japan’s inability or unwillingness to do so.   The Toyo Keizei piece makes the point that such projects’ risks are not small. Taiwan is an example. Taiwan’s high-speed rail line enjoys relatively heavy business passenger traffic, which allows relatively expensive ticket prices. But the high prices seem to have discouraged non-business passengers, such that ridership numbers have fallen short of forecasts and revenues have proven insufficient to cover debt service requirements.   Compared with Taiwan, Indonesia is a very poor country. Given that business traffic will be relatively limited, ticket prices will have to be set low to be affordable for average citizens (and to avoid political backlash). Generating sufficient cash flow for debt service looks like a formidable challenge. That China is willing to take the risk speaks volumes about how China views infrastructure aid in the Asian region.  According to press reports China sweetened its offer in other ways as well, including committing to establish a joint venture with Indonesian firms to produce rolling stock for high-speed rail, electric rail, light rail systems, not only for Indonesia, but also for export to other Asian countries; to transfer related technology [!!]; and also to renovate and rebuild train stations.
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follow-up-news · 1 year
More than $200 billion may have been stolen from two large COVID-19 relief initiatives, according to new estimates from a federal watchdog investigating federally funded programs that helped small businesses survive the worst public health crisis in more than a hundred years. The numbers issued Tuesday by the U.S. Small Business Administration inspector general are much greater than the office’s previous projections and underscore how vulnerable the Paycheck Protection and COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan programs were to fraudsters, particularly during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic. The inspector general’s report said “at least 17 percent of all COVID-EIDL and PPP funds were disbursed to potentially fraudulent actors.” The fraud estimate for the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan program is more than $136 billion, which represents 33 percent of the total money spent on that program, according to the report. The Paycheck Protection fraud estimate is $64 billion, the inspector general said.
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Canada's privatised shadow civil service
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PJ O’Rourke once quipped that “The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.” But conservative parties have unlikely allies in the project to discredit public service: neoliberal “centrist” parties, like Canada’s Liberal Party.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The Liberals have become embroiled in a series of scandals over the explosion of lucrative, secretive private contracts awarded to high-flying consultancy firms who charge hundreds of times more than public sector employees to do laughably bad work.
Front and centre in the scandal, is, of course, McKinsey, consligieri to opioid barons, murdering Saudi princes, and other unsavoury types. McKinsey was brought in to “consult” on strategy for the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), a Crown corporation that gives loans to Canadian businesses.
While there, McKinsey performed as per usual, veering from the farcical to the grotesquely wasteful. Most visible was the decision to spend $320,000 on a livecast fireside chat between BDC president Isabelle Hudon and a former Muchmusic VJ that was transmitted to all BDC employees, which featured Hudon and the host discussing a shopping trip they’d taken together in Paris.
Meanwhile, BDC has been hemorrhaging top people, which leaving the organisation with many holes in its leadership — the kind of thing that would pose an impediment to its lofty goals of substantially increasing the support it gives to businesses run by women, First Nations people and people of color.
Hudon — a Trudeau appointee — vowed to “start from scratch” when she took over the organisation, but then went ahead and did what her predecessors had done: hired outside consultants who billed outrageous sums to repurpose anodyne slide-decks full of useless, generic advice, or unrealistic advice that no one could turn into actual policy. They also sucked up BDC employees’ time with endless interviews.
The BDC has (reluctantly) disclosed $4.9m in contracts to McKinsey. The CBC also learned that Hudon parachuted several cronies from her previous job at Sun Life into top roles in the organisation, and that BDC had reneged on promised promotions for many long-term staffers. Hudon also repeatedly flew a chauffeur across the country from Montreal to BC to drive her around.
In Quebec, premier François Legault hired an army of McKinsey consultants at $35,000 per day to advise him on covid strategy, for a total bill of $8.6m. McKinsey’s contract with the province stipulated that they wouldn’t have to disclose their other clients, even in the event that they had conflicts of interest:
The contract was kept secret, as was the long-running, $38m contract between McKinsey and the Hydro Quebec power authority:
Most of the bad press McKinsey gets revolves around the evil advice it gives — like when it advised opioid companies to pay cash bonuses to pharma distributors for every death-by-overdose in their territory (no, I’m not making this up):
But these rare moments of competence should be understood in the broader context in which McKinsey isn’t evil, they are merely utterly, totally fucking useless. The 2022 French Senate report on McKinsey really digs into this:
They find that a quarter of the work McKinsey turned in was “unacceptable or barely acceptable in quality.” This is in line with the overall tenor of work performed by consultants. For example, when it came to giant Capgemini, the French Senate found that the work it provided was “of near-zero added value, indeed sometimes counterproductive.”
And yet, despite the expense and “near-zero added value,” hiring outside consultants is a reflex for neoliberal centrist leaders. Trudeau has presided over a massive expansion of the Canadian government’s reliance on outside consultants:
After campaigning on a promise to reduce outside consultancy, the Trudeau administration increased consultant spending by 40%, to $11.8 billion. This shadow civil service is not just more expensive and less competent that the real civil service — it is also far more opaque, able to fend off open records requests with vague gestures towards “trade secrecy.”
Since 2015, McKinsey has raked in $101.4m in federal contracts, even as the civil service has been starved of pay. Meanwhile, federal departments insist that they need to “protect Canada’s economic interests” by not disclosing outside contracts, and list their total spend at $0.00.
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada estimates that between 2011–21, the Canadian government squandered $18b on outside IT contracting that could have been performed by public servants. In 2022, the Government of Canada spent $2.3b on outsource IT contracts, while the wage bill for its own IT staff came in at $1.85b.
It’s not like these outside IT contractors are good at their jobs, either. The most notorious example is the ArriveCAN covid-tracking app for travellers, the contract for which was awarded to GCstrategies, a two-person shop in Ottawa, who promptly turned around and outsourced it to KPMG and other contractors, whom they billed to the government at $1,000–1,500/day, raking off 15–30% in commissions.
For months, the origins of the ArriveCAN app were a mystery, with the government insisting that the details of the contractors involved were “confidential.” But ArriveCAN was such a steaming pile of shit, and so many travellers (a population more likely to be well-off and politically connected than the median Canadian) had to deal with it, that eventually the truth came out.
The ArriveCAN scandal is ongoing — just last year, it cost the Canadian public $54m:
Trudeau’s Liberals didn’t invent outsourcing high-stakes IT projects to incompetent grifters. Under Conservative PM Stephen Harper, Canada paid IBM to build Phoenix, an utterly defective payroll system for federal employees that stole millions from civil servants, bringing government to a virtual standstill. Thus far, the Government of Canada — which paid IBM $309m to develop Phoenix, as a “cost savings measure” — has paid $506m in damages to make good on Phoenix’s errors:
The Liberals didn’t invent Phoenix — but they did deploy it, after campaigning on the wastefulness and incompetence of the Tories’ outsourcing bonanza. And after Phoenix crashed and burned, the Liberals increased outsourcing spending.
All of this is well-crystallized in last week’s Canadaland discussion between Jesse Brown and Nora Loreto:
And on his Substack, Paul Wells proposes that the Senate — a largely ornamental institution in Canadian politics — is the unlikely check of last resort on the Liberals’ fetish for outsourcing:
There are former deputy ministers at the federal and provincial levels, secretaries to cabinet, a former Clerk of the Privy Council, a former chief of staff to a prime minister. A lot of them can remember the days when big decisions weren’t farmed out to firms that make their founders rich and are spared the rigours of accountability for their counsel. Surely some of them would like to shine a light?
Image: Sam (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Canadian_House_of_Commons.jpg
Presidencia de la República Mexicana (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Justin_Trudeau_June_2016.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
[Image ID: The legislative chamber of Canada's House of Commons; behind the speaker's chair, the back wall has been replaced by an enormous $100 bill. The portrait on the $100 bill has been replaced with an unflattering, braying picture of Justin Trudeau. The Bank of Canada legend across the top of the note has been replaced by the McKinsey and Company wordmark.]
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Sex work, Stripper, OnlyFans, Strip Club, Lap dance, Alcohol, F Masturbation, Angst
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @marytudorbrandon @enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007 @peaches1958 @identity2212 @summersong69 @liecastillo @islacharlotte @evansabove1981
A/N: If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!​
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
Riley (5 hours earlier)
I spent the last several days working on my proposal for Don. This is more than just an advertising project. Don seems to think he will need a significant investment in order to really make a lasting effect on his business and keep the place afloat and I’m pained to say that I have to agree with him.
Yesterday I called around and got quotes from various contractors in Atlanta and the neighboring towns to run a proper analysis and I think we can make this work if we take it one step at a time.
Don and I agreed on the top three most important improvements to make on the garage and then made a list of the "nice to haves". I don't want Don taking out a personal loan any bigger than it has to be and I'm hoping the extra income from the urgent improvements will allow him to eventually tackle the rest of the project list.
I've done the math three times now and it always turns out the same. If they keep going like they are, Don will have to close up by the end of the year. He asked me to keep that little detail between the two of us though since Sy apparently doesn't know how dire the situation is.
I prepare the folder with all my notes, designs and the various contractor quotes and pack it in my bag by the door.
I have a few hours before Sy gets home and before I have to leave for work. I hadn’t really planned to film today but I guess I could get ready at home and film something before heading off to the club.
I do all my makeup and change into an outfit that, with any luck, will attract attention without getting my videos blocked on Tiktok. I’ve just gotten my account back up and running after the last time I was reported.
I film enough to splice together a few posts then change my makeup and my outfit to something a little more bold and repeat the whole process. Hopefully, no one will notice that everything was filmed the same day.
The big problem is that I don’t have a video to post to OnlyFans tonight because I worked double shifts at the diner all week on top of the work for the garage. Not posting might make me lose over a hundred dollars of tips and subscriptions which I really can’t afford.
With a sigh, I pull out my good camera and set up the tripod in its usual spot. I dig through the box of toys I keep hidden in my closet and decide on a small bullet vibrator and a pink realistic-shaped dildo. It’s nice and veiny like I picture Sy’s cock would be. God that makes me sound like a creepy stalker, doesn’t it?
I feel like those girls in high school who have a crush on a male teacher. When we talked about his ex-girlfriend, I could tell how much he longed for a different life, one where he could have a house with a white picket fence, a wife to kiss when comes home and a couple of mini Syversons running around and raising hell. He deserves to have everything he dreams of.
Sy’s already had an entire career in the army and now he has his new job at the garage. I’m a failed marketing assistant with mountains of debt and the only relationship I’ve ever been in lasted all of two months back in college.
I know I can’t be with Sy. I’ve done my best in the weeks since he’s moved in to keep him out of my head but seeing him with his shirt off the other day? That left me all hot and bothered in the kitchen. Just thinking about it now has my stomach fluttering with interest. Why does he have to be handsome, kind and caring?
I start my recording and stand in front of the camera so my body is visible from my lips to my mid thigh. I squeeze my breasts for the camera as I welcome the audience with a dirty introduction. I dart my tongue out, wetting my lips before blowing a kiss to the lens, then walk backwards toward the bed.
I get on my knees, facing the camera while wearing nothing but lacy black underwear. I grab the bullet and run it slowly over my breasts. When I reach my nipple, the sudden intense sensation makes me hiss. I close my eyes and imagine it’s Sy’s tongue teasing me rather than a little piece of battery-powered plastic.
In my fantasies he’d wait until I was soaked and begging before even getting anywhere near my pussy. I wonder how his beard would feel on my skin or between my thighs. I bet it would be rough but that the scratching would only add to the sensation.
I switch positions getting on my back and reach for the dildo. With my knees pulled up and my legs spread wide, I tease the tip through my folds. I beg out loud, telling the viewer behind the camera how much I need their cock even though there is only one man in the world that I truly want in my bed.
The dildo I’m using is the biggest I have but it’s by no means enormous. It’s a modest seven inches and no more than an inch and a half thick. I push the tip into my cunt and moan at the intrusion. I picture Sy’s wide body above mine, whispering his dirty desires in my ear and praising how well I’m taking him. After I get used to the girth, I turn the bullet back on and hold it against my clit.
My eyes are still closed and my thighs quiver violently when I pump the dildo, relentlessly against my G-spot. Sometimes I make it last, pulling back every time I’m close to my peak and denying myself until I can’t hold it anymore. Right now, I’m too pent up to stop when I start teetering over the edge.
Sy’s deep southern drawl echoes in my head. “Takin’ my cock so well. Be a good girl and come for me.” The imaginary words are my undoing. I fall apart and I almost call out Sy’s name but manage to turn it into a moan before it’s too late.
Fuck, that was so intense that I feel droplets of sweat running down between my breasts and the evidence of my release dripping on the bedsheets below me. Shit. I’m going to have to shower before I get to the club.
I look at the clock by my side and my eyes go wide when I realize that I’m absolutely going to be late by the time I make my post. I don’t technically have to be at the club before opening, I just choose to get there that early to get opening credit. Getting there later tonight will mean paying an extra sixty for house but it’s better than if I hadn’t had anything to post tonight.
I jump out of bed, turning off the camera and dropping my toys in the sink to deal with later. I rip off my wig and carefully pack it in my bag. Hopefully the curls will be fine and I won’t have to redo them at the club.
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I just recently started working at this club but I’m lucky because my online reputation precedes me. They contacted me on social media, inviting me to come work with them without the usual audition process. What they really want is the free advertising that I can provide if I post about their club on my page.
Nevertheless, I tried it out. The girls were welcoming and the house rules were similar to what I am used to so it was an easy match. The fact that it’s in Atlanta also means we get clients with deeper pockets. I have yet to post about it publicly but if I choose to make it a permanent part of my work week, I will definitely be inviting my followers over.
I’m especially happy about the special performances they hold for birthdays. The birthday package doesn’t actually require it to be the person’s real birthday. As long as someone shells out the cash, the owners don’t much care who is on stage. It’s expensive enough that it doesn’t happen every night which helps keep the appeal alive for the regulars. One of the clubs I performed at in Vegas used to make the lucky guest strip down to their underwear in front of everyone so the version of the show that we perform is actually tame compared to some I’ve been a part of in the past.
Tonight, I am intent on making the performance memorable because I haven’t worked the room beforehand. I got here just in time for the floor manager to put me on stage. There are a lot of girls working on weekend nights and the competition makes it harder to earn good money. Most of them already have regulars in this club which is an added level of difficulty for me.
The outfit I brought with me for the evening just so happened to scream “I make men like you bow and lick my boots” which is perfect for the situation. Sugar is playing the role for the first time and her inexperience shows in the tentativeness of her strikes. I tell her to really go for it but even then, the spank is more of a gentle tap so I offer to show her how it’s done. The man at our feet flinches and groans but he doesn’t use the safeword we gave him. He takes his ten strikes and earns his reward.
With the bright stage lights, I don’t notice Sy sitting in the audience until it’s too late. The look on his face when we lock eyes perplexes me. He looks… guilty, maybe even ashamed but he doesn’t seem surprised.
I don’t miss the way Kira is perched on his lap or the kiss she gives him as she leaves. I am very much ignoring the wave of possessive jealousy the kiss instills in me when in the blink of an eye, the man behind Sy pushes him to his feet and practically drags him out while a younger man runs after them.
I don’t have time to wonder what’s wrong, not with four hungry looking men waving bills in my face. I’m busy dancing for the birthday boy when the younger man comes back to the booth. Alone.
The birthday boy’s friends aren’t subtle about following me online or subscribing to my OnlyFans. I do my best to keep in character until it’s time to move on to other customers but as uncomfortable as the extra attention makes me, it ends up being a blessing. After other patrons hear me being called a “pornstar”, I get asked for more bed dances than I’ve done in all my months as a stripper combined.
I take my time removing my wig and makeup after the club closes. I’m the last to leave and I can tell the bouncer is annoyed at having to wait for me before he can finally call it a night. When I tell him I’m ready, he locks the backdoor behind us and walks me to my piece of shit car. Once I’m safely on the road home, the weight of this evening’s event comes crashing down on me. When I make it up the stairs to my front door, I feel like I’m about to burst into tears.
I freeze on the fourth floor landing, clutching my keys in my hand with the other wrapped tightly around the strap of my duffle bag. I know Sy is home, his truck was parked in his spot. It’s well past 4 am and logically, I know he is most likely asleep but some part of me is worried that he might have stayed up. Worse, some part of me wishes that he’s stayed up thinking about me.
“Fuck, I can’t do this.”
I turn around and run down the stairs. I get back in the car and scroll through the names in my contact list. I select a number for another waitress from the diner who does the opening shift and lift the phone to my ear.
“Riley? What are you doing up at this time on your day off?” 
“I just got off at my other job and I… I must have dropped my house keys in the breakroom without noticing. I can pick them up when I go in for my shift later but for now, do you think I can come sleep at yours?”
I hate lying to Kathy but I’m not ready to talk about what happened nor am I willing to tell her about my secret night job.
“Oh honey, sure. It might be a little noisy once the kids wake up though.”
“That’s fine. You’re doing me a big favor, I promise to cover for you the next time you have a family emergency.”
She laughs on the other end of the line. “I won’t say no to that. Come on over, I’ll leave the side door unlocked if you don’t make it before I leave.”
I thank her again then hang up and put my car in drive. I pull up in front of her house just as she walks down the front lawn.
“Guest bed is ready for you. Upstairs, last one on the left.”
“Thank you, have a good shift.”
She waves as she drives off and I climb the stairs as quietly as I possibly can. Once I’m safely behind closed doors, I fall face first into the mattress, muffling my sobs in the fluffy pillow until I eventually pass out from exhaustion.
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I wake up dazed and confused by my surroundings until I remember that I crashed at Kathy’s for the day. I dig through my bag for my phone only to find that the battery has died when it refuses to turn on. I use the black screen as a mirror to check my appearance and once I’m convinced my bedhead won’t terrify Kathy’s boyfriend, I leave the room in search of a charger.
As it turns out, I was asleep much longer than I thought because I bump into Kathy in the kitchen.
“Hey sleeping beauty, you want some dinner?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stay so late.”
She waves off my apology. “We’re having spaghetti. You can sit next to Kade.”
I want to refuse but my stomach answers for me with an embarrassingly loud growl. I was so busy yesterday that I completely forgot to feed myself. Kathy gets me a charger and we sit down for dinner with her family. It’s nice, her toddler is hilarious and her older daughter can’t stop saying fun facts about animals. Apparently, elephants can’t jump. I have no idea if it's true but it doesn’t matter because it makes me smile.
By the time I leave, it’s too late to stop at home before going to my regular Saturday night club. I quickly look at my phone after pulling into the parking lot and see that I have five missed calls from Sy and two voicemails eight hours apart.
I play the first one which was left at five o’clock this morning.
“Um, hey Riley. I was just callin’ to make sure you’re alright. Ya didn’t come home last night and…” There’s a pause and for a second, I think he might have hung up. “Could ya just send me a text so I know you’re safe? Please?”
The annoying voicemail beep pierces my ears before the next message plays.
“It’s me again.” Sy’s voice in the last message sounded concerned. Now, however, he just sounds pissed. “Just lettin’ ya know that I’ll be back for my things as soon as I get a new place. Keep whatever food’s in the fridge.”
What? I stare at my phone, completely dumbfounded before playing the message again, then again for a third time as if it will magically change the words.
Sy is gone. Sy is gone and it’s all my fault.
Chapter 8
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setupfilling · 9 months
Setupfiling.in is an online leading platform that provide #Business Registration, #GST Registration, #Trademark Registration, #DPIIT Recognition, #Project report Preparation, #Income Tax Return Filing and Other #tax compliance services. Visit us https://setupfiling.in/ or Contact Us +91 9818209246
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Maximizing Your Investment: How to Buy the Best Residential Properties in Dubai
Maximizing your investment in Dubai's real estate market requires strategic planning and informed decision-making. This blog provides tips on how to buy the best residential properties in Dubai to achieve maximum returns.
For more information on home loans, visit home loan dubai.
Setting Investment Goals
Define Your Objectives: Start by defining your investment objectives. Are you looking for rental income, capital appreciation, or a combination of both? Clear objectives will guide your property search and decision-making process.
Risk Assessment: Assess your risk tolerance level. Higher-risk investments may offer higher returns but come with increased volatility. Lower-risk investments provide more stable returns but may have lower potential gains.
Investment Budget: Define your budget and consider financing options such as home loans and mortgages. Ensure you have sufficient funds for the down payment and additional costs.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Houses in Dubai.
Market Research and Analysis
Market Trends: Stay informed about current market trends, including property prices, demand and supply dynamics, and future developments. Utilize online resources, real estate reports, and market analyses to stay updated.
Location Analysis: Analyze different neighborhoods in Dubai to identify areas with strong growth potential. Consider factors such as infrastructure development, proximity to business hubs, and planned projects.
Rental Yields: Research rental yields in various neighborhoods to identify areas with high rental demand and attractive returns. Properties in central locations or near key amenities tend to offer higher rental yields.
For mortgage services, consider Dubai Property Mortgage.
Choosing the Right Property
Property Type: Decide on the type of property that aligns with your investment goals. Apartments, villas, and townhouses each have their own advantages and considerations. Apartments generally offer higher rental yields, while villas may provide better long-term appreciation.
Developer Reputation: Research the reputation of the property developer. Established developers with a track record of delivering high-quality projects on time are usually a safer choice.
Property Condition: Inspect the property thoroughly to assess its condition. Check for any structural issues, maintenance needs, and potential repairs. Hire a professional inspector if necessary.
For rental property management, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Title Deed Verification: Ensure the property has a clear title and is free from any legal disputes or encumbrances. The DLD provides title deed verification services to help buyers confirm the property's legal status.
Sales Agreement: Review the sales agreement carefully and seek legal advice if needed. Ensure all terms and conditions are clearly outlined, including the price, payment schedule, and any additional costs.
Residency Visa: Property buyers in Dubai may be eligible for a residency visa. The visa duration and requirements vary depending on the property's value and the buyer's nationality. Consult with the DLD or a legal expert to understand the specific visa requirements and benefits.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Apartments in Dubai.
Financing Your Investment
Home Loans: Explore various home loan options offered by banks and financial institutions. Compare interest rates, loan terms, and eligibility criteria to find the best deal for your needs.
Mortgage Pre-Approval: Obtain a mortgage pre-approval to determine your budget and streamline the buying process. A pre-approval demonstrates to sellers that you are a serious and qualified buyer.
Down Payment: Ensure you have sufficient funds for the down payment, typically 20-25% of the property's value for expatriates. Consider additional costs such as registration fees, agent commissions, and maintenance charges.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Laura, an investor who successfully maximized her investment in Dubai's real estate market. Laura conducted thorough market research, identified a high-potential neighborhood, and selected a property from a reputable developer. By following the steps outlined in this guide, Laura secured a high-yield investment and has seen significant returns on her investment.
Future Trends in Dubai Real Estate
Sustainable Developments: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable properties in Dubai. Developers are increasingly incorporating green building practices and energy-efficient features into their projects.
Smart Homes: The adoption of smart home technology is on the rise. Properties equipped with advanced security systems, automated lighting, and climate control are becoming more popular.
Mixed-Use Communities: Integrated communities that offer a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational facilities are gaining popularity. These developments provide residents with a convenient and holistic living experience.
Maximizing your investment in Dubai's real estate market requires strategic planning, thorough research, and informed decision-making. By setting clear investment goals, conducting market analysis, choosing the right property, and navigating legal considerations, you can achieve maximum returns. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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financesevaloan · 2 years
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Project Report Sample  
A project report sample is a significant document needed for a bank loan or any other investment. It contains all the information about the scheduled business model and includes all the information such as technical aspects, managerial, economic, and financials of the business or project report in question.
Sample of a project report
Enterprise – Basic details
Profile of group – Field of expertise, years of existence, etc.
Project proponent – List & details of promoters and directors
Proposed shareholding – Details of promoter with no. of shares and amount.
Associate concern - (brief about parent company)
Management team – Details of a specific person
Executive summary – Summarize whole project report in short.
Description of project – Describing business model & objectives.
Statutory clearance - Environmental clearance, Forest & Wildlife clearance, and other applicable statutory permissions
Security offered to FI or Banks  
Description of product – History, properties, uses & application, standard and specification of the product.  
Location of the project – Materials, equipment, etc.
Market survey - Present Market Position, Market opportunity, Statistics of Import & Export, Export Prospect, Marketing Strategy, Competitor Analysis, Name & Address of Existing Units
Technical Feasibility – Land & building, raw material, water, steam, power, etc.
Process and technology description – Technology requirement and manufacturing process.
Commercial viability - Environmental aspect, Environmental cost benefit analysis, social aspect, SWOT Analysis, Subsidy
Proposed schedule for approval  
Size of magnitude of operation - Proposed Production Capacity, Cost of the Project  
Activities required for the project
Financial viability
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nysocboy · 11 months
Tommy Nelson/Young Junior: Lots of Gay-Subtext Roles
In Righteous Gemstones Episode 2.1, Young Eli Gemstone (Jake Kelley), a professional wrestler, is talking to his manager, Glendon Marsh (Wayne Duvall), while his son Juni (Tommy Nelson) sits bored with a cigarette.  When a naked man enters the locker room, Marsh says "Nice cock!," and Juni is so busy gawking that he trips; then he looks back to gawk at the guy's butt.  Definitely being presented as gay. And, as we see later, as a bigot. 
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Glendon offers Young Eli a job in loan enforcement, along with his son. They have to beat up and break the thumbs of a boorish, abusive, tv-watching guy who owes Glendon money (on tv, watching tv is always deviant, unless it's a news report relevant to your situation).
There is no indication that the two become friends, except for the background song: "The tall, dark stranger is a demon...a devil rides close by his side." And of course, near the end of the episode the grown-up Junior will return to Eli's life.
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Tommy Nelson is one of the few Gemstone actors who isn't from the south -- he was born in West Haven, Connecticut in 1997.  He's been involved in local theater since he was five years old, with roles in The Laramie Project (about the hate-crime murder of a gay student), The Drowsy Chaperone, and It's a Wonderful Life.  
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In front of the camera since age 9, Tommy has 31 acting credits on the IMDB, including canonical or gay-subtext characters in My Friend Dahmer (2017) with Ross Lynch,  and The Cat and the Moon (2019) with Skyler Gisondo and Alex Wolff (above). Since he married a woman in September 2023, we can conclude that he's heterosexual in real life.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Investments in place matter. Public spaces such as parks and community centers as well as businesses such as restaurants and bars signal local prosperity, add a richness to the neighborhood, and enhance community wealth by attracting further investment.
Grocery stores are a crucial component of this ecosystem. And premium grocery chains focused on natural, organic, and specialty foods (commonly referred to as “fresh format” stores) such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s[1] not only provide healthy shopping options for residents, but also serve as markers of high-income, desirable areas, which contributes to increased property values and an image of security and stability. Conversely, the lack of these assets—or the proliferation of chains associated with poverty, such as dollar stores—can indicate to investors and developers that a community is struggling or lacks a clientele that would make investing profitable. These patterns can drive an upward or downward spiral of investment, concentrating wealth in already-wealthy areas while diverting it from struggling ones.
Community investment patterns are often influenced by race as well as wealth. Analyzing the distribution of grocery stores in several large U.S. cities, we find that premium grocery stores are less likely to be located in Black-majority neighborhoods, regardless of the average household income of those neighborhoods, and are substantially more likely to be located in neighborhoods where the Black population share is less than 10%.
In other words, businesses and the broader real estate and financing sectors are not investing even in prospering Black-majority neighborhoods, which devalues these communities and hinders opportunities for growth.
Devaluation of Black communities has led to disparities in food access
Uneven food systems across neighborhoods of varying racial compositions reveal ways that American society signals the value it places on the people in those communities.
The devaluation of Black neighborhoods is linked with redlining and mid-20th century “urban renewal” projects that labeled many Black neighborhoods as “slums” and demolished them. Meanwhile, federal, state, and local leaders invested in infrastructure that brought suburban white residents to and from urban cores, signaling the higher intrinsic value of white communities. These policies acted on the presumed lower value of people and assets in Black communities, which shows up in the kinds of amenities a community offers.
Federal Housing Finance Agency appraisal reports have allowed researchers to confirm that homes in Black neighborhoods are valued roughly 20% lower than equivalent homes in non-Black neighborhoods, and are nearly twice as likely to appraise below the contracted selling price. Similar devaluation patterns have been found in commercial real estate in Black-majority neighborhoods, which makes it difficult for Black entrepreneurs to get loans to start new businesses or invest in existing ones. Customer-facing businesses that do establish themselves in Black-majority neighborhoods face lower customer ratings and less revenue.
One part of the larger structure of business and commercial real estate devaluation in Black-majority communities is “food apartheid,” or disparities in access to food that have been produced by structural racism in residential and investment patterns, such as supermarket redlining. Though differences in food access are often blamed for elevated food insecurity and worse nutritional outcomes in Black communities, the relationship may not be as strong as is often believed, as our Brookings Metro colleagues pointed out in a 2021 report. They found that while there has been a tendency to frame the problem of food insecurity and poor nutrition in low-income neighborhoods as one of “food deserts” (areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious food), a number of recent studies have shown that greater access to food retailers does not correlate to reduced food insecurity, and that shoppers, even those without vehicles, do not necessarily choose to shop at the nearest supermarket.
Furthermore, the rise of food delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in greater access to grocery delivery services for most Americans living in traditionally defined “food deserts.” While financial insecurity and the higher cost of healthier food play a bigger role in food insecurity and nutritional deficits among low-income Americans, segregation and differing retail options in Black-majority neighborhoods still matter, because they are symptoms of a broader problem of devaluation and underinvestment in Black communities, which has real consequences for local wealth retention and development.
Beyond issues of access, this report presumes that store type is an economic statement of value that can spur or throttle investment in an area. The store types present in a community are a judgement of the level of investment a community is worthy of.
Premium grocery stores are absent from wealthy Black-majority communities
We analyzed the locations of premium grocery retailers in 10 U.S. metro areas with populations over 1 million and substantial numbers of high-income, non-rural census block groups with Black-majority populations.[2] We found strong evidence for underinvestment across all 10 metro areas.
As seen in Table 1, in seven of the 10 metro areas studied, none of the Black-majority, non-rural block groups in the top quartile for household income were located within 1 mile of a premium grocery store and only in one metro area—Washington, D.C.—was the percentage above 5%. For block groups in the same income brackets but with less than a 10% share of Black residents, the percentage that were located within 1 mile of a premium grocery store ranged from 10% in Atlanta to 34% in Los Angeles. Furthermore, Black-majority block groups in each income quartile of all the metro areas studied had a lower chance of being within 1 mile of a premium grocery store than block groups in that metro area overall.[3]
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While we see the same pattern of underinvestment in wealthy Black communities across all 10 cities in our sample, there are significant differences between metro areas as well. Figure 1 highlights the difference in the shares of Black and non-Black neighborhoods near premium grocery stores. The differences in premium grocery store prevalence in wealthy neighborhoods are lowest in the low-income metro areas (New Orleans and Memphis, Tenn., which have median household incomes below $60,000), and largest in Washington, D.C., New York, and Los Angeles (which are among the wealthiest metro areas in our sample).
Another difference appears when we look at low-income block groups. In some metro areas (Atlanta and Baltimore in particular), the deficit of premium grocery stores is similar across low-income and high-income Black neighborhoods. However, in two metro areas (Houston and Chicago), Black-majority communities in the bottom income quartile were actually more likely to be located near a premium grocery store than low-income communities with few Black residents. In both cases, the differences are small, and the low-income Black neighborhoods in question are in relatively dense urban areas adjacent to higher-income neighborhoods.
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Comparing premium grocery store locations in the Washington, D.C. and Atlanta metro areas
The Washington, D.C. metro area is the highest-income metro area that we studied, with a median household income of $111,000 according to 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. It is also home to Prince George’s County and Charles County in Maryland, the second-highest and highest-income Black-majority counties in the country. Still, our analysis demonstrates the differences in investment distributions between Black-majority and predominantly white neighborhoods. For example, the absence of high-end retailers, including premium grocery outlets, in Prince George’s County has been a point of concern in those high-income Black communities for decades.
The Washington, D.C. area is home to roughly 20 Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods locations each, as well as two local organic chains: MOM’s Organic Market and Yes! Organic Market. The national chains are much more likely to be located in neighborhoods with few Black residents across the income spectrum, while the two local chains show a much smaller racial disparity. In the case of Yes! Organic Market, this is partly a consequence of the fact that all of their stores are located in the urban core—often in gentrifying areas—and thus close to historically Black communities. However, it may also be evidence that locally owned stores are less likely to undervalue Black neighborhoods than national chains with less familiarity with the areas where they operate.
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As seen in Figure 2, a belt of high-income block groups with Black-majority populations wraps roughly a third of the way around the Capital Beltway in the District’s eastern and southern suburbs. However, while high-income areas in other parts of the Washington, D.C. suburbs are scattered with Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and MOM’s Organic Market locations, the two MOM’s locations in the belt are near its ends, in areas with less predominately Black populations, and neither of the national chains has any locations in the belt. In fact, while each of the chains has a single location in Prince George’s County and none in Charles County, these stores are located within a mile of each other, and very near the University of Maryland’s flagship campus, in a part of the county that is not majority-Black.
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A similar pattern is seen in the locations chosen by the Kroger-owned conventional grocery retailer Harris Teeter (Figure 3), which began to move into the Washington, D.C. area in the early 2000s and has focused its expansion on upscale markets. Although Harris Teeter is now the third-largest grocery chain in the region with 44 stores, it has no stores in Charles County and only two in Prince George’s County—neither in a Black-majority neighborhood and both near the county’s border with majority-white Baltimore suburbs.
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The distribution of premium grocery chains in Atlanta, shown in Table 3 and Figure 4, provides a good comparison to Washington, D.C., since Atlanta has the smallest percentage of top-quartile block groups within 1 mile of a premium grocery store among the metro areas we studied. While relatively few block groups in the Atlanta area are located near premium grocery stores, nearly all of those that are have few Black residents.
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Premium grocery stores are rare overall in the Atlanta area, but the ones that are present are nearly all confined to a corridor running north of downtown that has some of the region’s smallest shares of Black residents. The major suburban “edge city” job clusters of Buckhead and Perimeter Center are also home to pairs of premium grocery stores.
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Dollar stores are more common in Black-majority communities at all income levels
The absence of premium grocers from even high-income Black-majority communities is an example of the disinvestment side of food apartheid. However, there is a second component to the different food retail ecosystems in Black and non-Black (especially white) neighborhoods: the prevalence of less-desirable food options. Studies have shown that the prevalence of fast-food restaurants is positively correlated with the percentage of Black residents in urban neighborhoods in the U.S. Similar trends have been found for liquor stores.
Chain dollar stores are one example of food retailers that have targeted Black-majority urban neighborhoods for store locations, often saturating these communities with outlets and making it more difficult for local businesses and other grocery chains to become established. While dollar stores can fill a need in low-income neighborhoods, they are often regarded as predatory businesses that harm communities more than they benefit them, due to very low wages, displacing other grocery options while failing to sell fresh food, store design that increases the rate of armed robberies, and OSHA and FDA violations that put customers and employees at risk.
As shown in Table 4, in every metro area in our cohort except Washington, D.C. (where dollar stores are less prevalent overall, likely due to the metro area’s substantially higher incomes), Black-majority neighborhoods in the top income quartile were more likely to have a dollar store within 1 mile than high-income neighborhoods with a share of Black residents lower than 10%. Furthermore, in six of the 10 metro areas (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, New Orleans, and Memphis), most Black-majority neighborhoods in the top income quartile were within 1 mile of a dollar store. In fact, in New York and Chicago, Black-majority neighborhoods in the top income quartile were more likely to be near a dollar store than non-majority-Black neighborhoods in any income quartile.
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Figure 5 shows the situation in Chicago, where dollar stores are concentrated in and near Black-majority areas, including the higher-income ones south of the city. Dollar stores are significantly less common in areas with few Black residents. While chain dollar stores are much more numerous than fresh-format grocery stores, they still concentrate in neighborhoods with lower incomes and higher shares of Black residents. Many of these neighborhoods have not just one, but a cluster of several dollar stores—making it especially hard for businesses that compete with them to become established.
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As shown in Figure 6, Black-majority block groups were more likely than block groups with a share of Black residents lower than 10% to be within 1 mile of a dollar store for each income quartile in each metro area, with two exceptions: the highest quartile in Washington, D.C. (where dollar stores are especially rare) and the lowest quartile in Dallas (where the racial differences in dollar store locations are smallest overall). And while there is an overall trend toward more dollar stores in Black-majority neighborhoods, the patterns in each metro area are very different.
Dallas has especially small differences—never more than 7 percentage points—in dollar store prevalence between Black-majority block groups and those with Black population shares lower than 10%, while there is a very large variation in dollar store prevalence by income, with roughly 85% of lowest-quartile and 30% of highest-quartile block groups within 1 mile of a dollar store. And among cities with substantial racial disparities, these disparities follow different patterns with income. In Washington, D.C., dollar stores are most over-represented in low-income Black neighborhoods, while the difference is smaller in third-quartile neighborhoods and negative in neighborhoods in the fourth income quartile. On the other hand, Atlanta, Baltimore, and New Orleans show similar disparities across income quartiles, while Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis, Chicago, and New York show the biggest disparities in high-income neighborhoods, which have few dollar stores when they have few Black residents but far more when they are majority-Black.
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Like other local assets, grocery stores influence investment decisions
No single asset type alone determines the value of a place or the willingness of entrepreneurs, businesses, developers, and private individuals to invest in it. Rather, community, consumption, institutional, and other asset types are all part of a unified ecosystem that creates value and indicates potential investment opportunities.
The decisions food retailers make have obvious direct impacts on residents, such as the length of a trip to their preferred store. But their indirect impacts can be even more important. The presence of premium (or discount) retail in a community can drive the decisions of other retailers to locate in or avoid the community, thus strengthening or weakening the tax base. Furthermore, the presence of premium amenities in a community makes it more appealing to wealthier residents, which raises home values and potentially contributes to firms’ decisions on where to locate offices.
The less obvious outcomes of these choices—including their implications for place-based, racialized wealth divides—are no less important. Local assets and infrastructure matter to community well-being and development, and the differences in grocery store chains indicate a broader structural issue of financing practices and corporate underinvestment in Black communities. The tendency to frame this solely as a problem of access has led to suggestions that delivery services can bring about equality between communities. However, disparities in access were always just a symptom of a deeper and more fundamental problem of devaluation and divestment that need to be directly addressed.
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rated-a-for-awesome · 9 months
The NDN Collective has released an impact report outlining the organization’s expansive work to build financial, social, and political power for Indigenous peoples for the last five years. 
A brief look of the report below.
Centered and made real the work of LANDBACK in all programming.
Distributed $44 million in grants to 745 grantees.
Received funding from over 90,000 individual donors.
Supported 11 development projects centering community wealth building. 
Supported 9 Indigenous-owned businesses through a braided capital model, totaling $6 million in loans and power building resources.
Held 24 creative resistance trainings to ensure Indigenous communities and allies are ready to mobilize in key moments for furthering justice.
Continuously fought to center Indigenous rights in climate policy, including by testifying to Congress and building global power at annual United National Climate Change Conferences.
Produced eight political memos and position papers, providing essential recommendations to the White House and governmental agencies.
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