#project jackal
projack · 2 months
so sorry for lack of post ive beeen dead I hope yall will take some Silver doodles as apology
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dw bout the last image, he'll be ok :D I was also playing around with colors, I like the idea of Silv bein slightly iridescent his front quills are a struggle to draw :<
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son1c · 2 years
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the supervillain has succumbed to the power of friendship
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deitiesofduat · 5 days
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Hi all, it's been a long while since I've updated several of my online accounts, with the exception of Bluesky and my participation in Artfight 2024. Here's something to jumpstart the blog until I have the means to play catch up!
Some new banner art for DEITIES that I've wanted to complete for a long while -- from the project’s inception when I drew this early sketch. Featuring the divine trio from the main storyline in their animal forms: Set, Horus, and Anubis. Alongside the banner art, I created makeshift references of their animal forms using the descriptions from their respective profiles.
DEITIES Website: deitiesofduat.com
Set's Profile: deitiesofduat.com/portfolio/set
Horus’s Profile: deitiesofduat.com/portfolio/horus
Anubis’s Profile: deitiesofduat.com/portfolio/anubis
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mashirodayo · 1 month
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jackalproject · 18 days
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You know what time it is.
Howdy! Welcome back to the monthly update posts! This month brings something special; an offer to you to join our team!
When I first started this project, I hoped I would be able to pull it off alone, but it becomes clearer and clearer to me each day that I cannot do it alone. So, I’m going to open up applications to be apart of the project!
Currently, I am looking for a colorist, a lineartist, and possibly a cowriter! Here is a link to the google form that you can send in your submissions to, where you’ll be asked for your portfolio/link to your works and your socials. Thank you to everyone who applies! If you are accepted, I’ll reach out in a week, on the 8th of September. Once we’ve worked everything out, I will send you an invite to the discord, and we can get started!
Of course, obligatory warning. This is a large project, and I don’t want anyone to get caught off guard by it. Team members will be given the full rundown of the plot, and are able to back out if they believe it is too much or need a break! I am very flexible, and we will make things work. I look forward to working with you all <3
Now to the real update:
PART ONE: Final script done, first issue in progress
PART TWO: Script in progress
PART THREE: Final concept in progress
Expected Releases: None this month…?
Oh look! A funny Finn expression from the storyboard! Just for you.
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Thank you to everyone who’s been patient with me, I really appreciate it. See you all soon!
(another link to the form, in case you missed it. You can also send in your portfolio and submissions on discord. Mine is Nikojpeg!)
Niko out!
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
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despazito · 5 months
i need to see an articulated skeletal mount of a very dsyplastic pocket bully before i die, i need to know whats going on in there
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nb-hedgewolf · 7 months
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What would happen if once all strong forms of magic returned to equestria... something went... wrong. What if... it brought with itself evils even beyond the threat Opaline could've ever imposed. A disease that hundreds of years ago was already mysterious and forgotten. Reawakened by all forms of magic bursting with power at the same time.
My Little Pony: Cutiemark Chaos
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molinaskies · 5 months
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jackalmanmybeloved · 5 months
Marisa kirisame pc98 and Jackalman Touhou Pc98
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twinned69 · 1 year
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Walk like a Egyptian...
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parackalism · 4 months
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this is KINDA outdated , infinite is blasian ( south african + egyptian ) shadow is mulatto , and ... yeah.
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projack · 2 months
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for anyone curious on how silver got uh..purple'd in the last post the future is fucked up again (oh boy!) This time when he returns he finds nothing but unnatural darkness and a giant dragon radiating a very slight blue and red glow Its visibly lonely, and upon seeing SIlv it begins softly crying Silver being himself hugs the dragon, very quickly noticing the darkness spreading across his body. He connects the dots very quickly. This dragon is what caused this darkness, and in a rush effort he returns to the past in order to warn Sonic and seek help.
(I am very new to drawing sonic proportions, so things may be a bit awkward looking)
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shadfinite · 9 months
ok but the thing is shadow and infinite isnt a "healthy" or "good" relationship at first. it takes them years to be good for each other. they shouldn't have been together! they should have broken up years ago! but they didn't and they are working through it and eventually things work out. EVENTUALLY Infinite stops enabling Shadow's self destructive behavior and EVENTUALLY Shadow stops tolerating the admittedly unacceptible way Infinite treats him.
See, Infinite doesn't know what it's like to be with someone who doesn't want to hurt him even a little. Every relationship he's ever been in has been a really unhealthy and dangerous power dynamic (he's been the weak one and the strong one before). It takes him YEARS DECADES maybe even CENTURIES to realize Shadow is NOT LIKE THAT. Shadow didn't even really want to specifically hurt Infinite when they first encountered each other in the Mystic Ruins. He was just doing a job. It takes Infinite such a long time to understand that. He's so obsessed with Shadow but he has this one conflicting core understanding with Shadow that he simply cannot wrap his head around. He needs to stay in control so that "when Shadow tries to fuck him over he has a way to regain the upper hand."
Shadow thinks he's lesser than everyone, even Infinite. Even though Infinite literally started a war and wanted to destroy everything just because he was bored. If Infinite wants all the power over him, Shadow is okay with that because surely he deserves it for being such a miserable creature. When Infinite calls him names and treats him poorly he just lets it happen because Infinite is the first person he's met in a long time who will treat him in a way he understands. To Shadow, this is unfortunately what true love looks like. Being attacked is familiar, and Shadow knows that when people are kind to him he doesn't know how to deal with it. He thinks Infinite is giving him a form of stability that he can't live without.
What's confusing for both of them is that they do have moments of tenderness, and they do have inexplicable boundaries that they never cross with each other. They've never discussed their limits, but there are things they would never do to each other because it'd be too much.
They have moments of vulnerability, where they are just sitting beside each other and Infinite is telling Shadow how beautiful he is. And Shadow believes it because he's pretty sure that Infinite wouldn't waste his time being nice if he didn't mean it. Shadow introduced Infinite to a part of himself he didn't know existed, a part of himself that doesn't want to have to try to hard to reach for the top. But that vulnerability is terrifying at first and neither of them want to acknowledge it. It just happens and then its back to business as usual again. They don't talk about it.
They will do things to each other that cause conflict or anger, enable each other's worst habits, but they won't try to change each other's identities. That's the hard limit. They might have an argument where they harp on each other's bad behavior, but it's just talk. They'd never do anything to each other that would actively contribute to a crisis because one thing they both understand on a fundamental level is that changing the answers to core questions like "What is my purpose?" or "What do I believe is right?" is mind breaking. They never force each other to do things that challenge the status quo or threaten to shake their already deteriorating stability.
But this boundary is also part of the problem. They, for a long time, don't let each other grow and absolutely get worse! They break each other down, but they keep making excuses for why they should stay together. People who constantly fight with each other should not be together!
And when I say "together" I don't really mean together. Their relationship is a situationship at best, but Infinite still refers to Shadow as his boyfriend. Shadow insists they aren't even friends, but doesn't really passionately refute when Infinite says they are together. He just deflects. Of course he wants to be Infinite's partner, but that commitment is terrifying and he doesn't get how Infinite can be ready to commit like that even though it's been YEARS. It feels so impermanent because Shadow's perception of time is based on his immortality. That's one thing Infinite doesn't have (doesn't really think he has).
Two things jade them: time and people.
Shadow and Infinite won't challenge each other's core values, but time and people will. For Shadow, this comes in the form of his admittedly slightly larger support system: people like Rouge Amy and Big especially, but also Sonic to some degree. Infinite stagnates. His only support system is Shadow, really. He also has, like, Big and Sonic and Wave, but he isn't ever vulnerable with them in the way Shadow is with his. Shadow starts to grow, Infinite doesn't.
Infinite is definitely the worse off in this relationship. Shadow always knew that. They both knew it when they got together. Shadow has a savior complex. He thought he could fix it.
It in fact gets worse. Infinite is just bound to break that unspoken boundary they set, and Shadow has to put his foot down. Only then do they break all of their walls down and talk about those unacknowledgable moments. Only then do they get better. They can't work out unless they start to see each other as equals, but it's a really slow process for them to explore what that looks like or how its possible.
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sapphanimates · 8 months
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niko-jpeg · 6 months
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I think their parents would have a heart attack if they had another kid take the “war hero with a thirst for adventure but also severe untreated depression” route Gadget went in life.
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jackalproject · 5 months
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Good afternoon everyone! It is time once again for another update post. Are you excited? I hope so. Sorry for dropping it so late, I forgot to download my files and. Yeah. So there’s not much here, other than the once’s I needed. Oopsie.
I’d like to open this post by introducing my new collaborator, @bat-luun He has been helping me a TON with the backgrounds, and is a complete life saver, as well as an extremely talented artist. I’m so happy to have him, both as a friend and as an artist. He has done the Bonus Content banner for the post, when it goes up tomorrow. Go show him some love!!
On a somewhat related note, we now have a twitter account for the project! I personally have not used twitter in heaven knows how long, so I’m realering the ropes haha. The @ is jcklproject, in case you want to give it a follow there.
Before I get into the juicy details, I’d like to thank you all for your patience with me, and request that you hang on just a liiiitle longer. I am participating in the Sonic Big Bang, which I have just entered crunch time in. The project is SIGNIFICANTLY longer than I anticipated, and I have until the 25th to get it done. I am working hard on it, and if it comes to it, I may have to put this project on a little bit of a hold to finish it. Only until the 25th, though, and I will still be working on it! Keep an eye open on my main account for the project in June, when all of the works go up. I’m very excited, and while its not jackal related, I think it will be a ton of fun ;)
Anyway, lets get on to the good stuff.
TEST COMICS: Scripts complete, Issues in progress
PART ONE: Script complete, final concept art in progress
PART TWO: Scripts begun
PART THREE: Storyboard in progress
SCHEDULED RELEASES: Test Comic Issue Two, late May.
This coming test comic is a little beefier than the previous one, rounding out at about 7 pages total, and with a whole two pages worth of scripting! I once again remind you all that progress will go much quicker in the summer, as I will have my own computer at that point, more free time, and my portion of the Big Bang will be over with! Thanks for your patience <3
(Also, this issue ain’t SHIT compared to what’s coming down the line. Weeps.)
Here, have a frame! And a link to a silly post I made that you may have missed!
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Sorry for the brief update, again, so heres a bit of a cut concept! In part two, Finn was supposed to break into Gadget’s house later in the story to request assistance with… something :). And this is how that was supposed to play out.
Your honor they’re really funny. But it was cut in favor of something arguably even funnier, and you’ll all know it when you see it, as it takes place right after the introductory issues lol
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Niko out <3
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
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