debonairrose · 2 years
Programming is the art of choosing which questions to ignore.
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rhapsoddity · 26 days
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so Mumbo over the years,, am I right?
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charismaofobedience · 2 years
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someiicecube · 4 months
I could not function properly until I answered that soup ask. There were so many thoughts about soup...
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rib0mbees · 2 years
now “his other half is the manifestation of love” is like. ok. corny-cute [i personally love it sorry] BUT it perfectly fits int o my headcanon so. i will neveer critisise it <3 cos i think. they’re a half-robot. or i mean like a cyborg..... half-ender half-cyborg ranboo :> hes made of love bc hes created. they are a construct, an android, literally “made” of love out of the desire for a child. 
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zapsoda · 9 months
do you think that if postal dude because a game developer he would be like yandere dev
i dont think pdude would be a game dev bc he doesnt like video games but if he did he would definitely definitely be as dysfunctional as yandev. he would def spend a lotta time programmign in sexy women. i think he might actually be good at programming though i dont think he would be nearly as bad.
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yl0w · 10 months
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firs post helleo hleo i make littl drawingz and do miscellaneous funny things like music and programmign
itd be extremely epic if i made some freinds here!!!
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unwelcome-ozian · 10 months
is OZ programming the only kind of programmign involving poppies? ours is heavily tied with poppies related to death/fakedeath related programming, but we also have a lot of memories and programs involiving AiW programming?
Flowers can be used in programming.
Flower fields such as the poppy field are used as a dissociative trigger to place an alter into deep trance.
Poppies (red) can be used in programming to put parts to sleep.
Poppy seeds have been used for the purpose of causing confusion
In Christianity, the poppy symbolises the blood of Christ, and his resurrection and ascent to Heaven.
In Greek and Roman poppies, poppies were used as offerings to the dead.
Egyptian artwork includes poppies as a symbol of eternal life
There are approximately 250 types of poppies. The meaning/symbolism would depend on the species of poppy used.
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the-acid-pear · 8 months
man the fucking forgotten ending in DSaF is insane. Literally insanely heavy lore and Henry's sexy ass voice but also Dave's extremely questionable plan (i can excuse child murder but programmign a robot to fuck me is a bit too fucked up) also, just the ending. with foxy like, monologuing. Mental, fave ending so far for sure.
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icarusgf · 2 years
finished programmign lab implemented snekoban i am a #womaninstem
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n3rdsplace-blog · 6 years
What is a computer?  1.0
We live in an era where we cannot imagine our lives without computers. We use them for everything and everywhere; at home, at work, school, we even carry them in our pockets. But have you ever asked yourself what exactly is a computer?
Today we will cover the pure basics of the computer. What is the computer, what is its purpose, and we'll mainly touch on the topic of history.
Computers were designed years and years ago. People always created inventions that could help them in everyday life with their labor work - they invented tools like hammers, axes, knives etc... And then the idea sparked...what if we create a tool that could help us think?  And that's how first "computers" were invented. 
They already had them in ancient times - but in a very different form from what we know computers for now. The first "computers" were actually calculating devices. Most known is the abacus, this was the first invention that we know of, that was already able to assist people with simple operations. It was invented around 2500 BC in Mesopotamia and was a simple machine made out of beads and rods.
It wasn't until the industrial era where first electronic devices were invented but more sophisticated electronic devices or the so-called early computers weren't seen until the 20th century. The first digital electronic calculating machines were developed during World War II. The speed, power, and versatility of computers have been increasing dramatically ever since then.
The earliest appearance of the word computer was actually in around 1613 in the book by Richard Braithwaite, and it wasn't a machine at all, in fact, it was a person who did calculations. It was also considered as a job title and it stuck around for a while. It wasn't until the late 1800's when the meaning of computer started shifting and started referring to devices. 
There were many mechanical devices created in the 17th century that were already able to solve a lot of mathematical functions, in fact, those machines were so successful they were used for the next three centuries. But those machines weren't accessible. They took hours, days to generate the result and were extremely expensive. Some major inventions, for example, were Napier's Bones (1614, invented by John Napier), The slide rule (1633, William Oughtred), The rotating wheel (1642, Blaise Pascal) and many more.
Let's talk about Charles Babbage now. "Father" of the first computer.
Charles Babbage is known for being the father of the first computer. He created and developed two concepts in his life. One being the Difference Machine and the other being The Analytical machine. He was also assisted by the world's first "programmer", who was, in fact, a woman, by the name Ada Lovelace. None of the machines were actually built when Charles Babbage was alive, as he stumbled across funding issues. However, in 1888, Henry Babbage, Charles son, was able to complete a portion of this machine and create basic calculations with it and demonstrated it years later in 1906. 
Fun fact: The Difference Machine was actually fully built, based on the original Babbage's concept in 1991 at the London Science Museum. This machine weights around 3 tones, costs 500 thousand dollars and works completely.
Quite a revolutionary invention was also Hollerith Tabulating Machine, that was also built out of mechanical parts BUT it was already dependent on electricity. Calculations with his machine were much faster and it was the Hollerith's company that later on with years grew into the worldwide known company called IBM.
The first computer without mechanical parts was ENIAC, built in 1946. It was 1000x faster than the Tabulating machine and its weight was over 80 tons. The size of the machine was approximately the size of a big classroom. ENIAC and other computers that followed and for the storage of data used vacuum tubes, are sorted into the 1st generation of computers. 
1st generation of computers was around from 1940 - 1956 and those computers were only able to solve one problem at the time and were using the vacuum tubes.
In the year 1956, the 2nd computer generation was created. Those were the first computers that used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. 
In 1964 the 3rd Generation came and lasted to 1971. Those computers had integrated circuits and they replaced transistors with silicon chips. That increased the speed and efficiency of computers and were also the first computers that were able to solve many problems at the time.
The Year of 1971 was the revolutionary year and it's also the start of the 4th computer generation and computers that we use now, also belong into this group. They are known for using multiple integrated circuits, built onto a single silicon chip. 
The birth of personal computers, known as PC'S was in 1981. The computers were simple and reliable. They kept developing, causing the drop in price and improvement in quality. Although the components of computers are getting more and more complex - that allows the use of the computer to be simpler than it was ever before. 
So now that we traveled through years and years of computer history I wonder...What is a computer?
Well... A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or the so-called data. It's instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Computers follow sets of programs and these programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of different tasks. 
But a computer can't run those tasks if it's not complete... So what is a complete computer?
A complete computer consists of hardware and software. To make it simple, the hardware is any physical parts of the computer. Which includes all of the computer components such as a monitor, keyboard, speakers, mouse and internal components (processor, hard drive, etc...). While the software is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. 
Fun fact: The computer sees data as numbers - 1's and 0's and those numbers are the so called binary code. Then, computers combine the numbers into more complex things such as photos, videos, movies, websites, games and much more.
When most people say computer, they're talking about personal computers. This can be either a laptop computer or a desktop computer - the difference between the two is minimal and mainly based on the portability of the computer.
Personal computers, also called PC'S come in two main styles. PC and Mac. PC's are the most common type of computers and there are many different companies that make them. They usually come with the Microsoft Windows operating system while the Mac computers are all made by the company called - Apple. Apple's computers come with the Mac OS X operating systems but we will talk about the operating systems in the future posts.
And for the end of this post...
Computers now come in many shapes and sizes. Smartphones, tablets, game consols, and now even TV's have built-in computers although they might not do everything a desktop or a laptop computer can.
There's another type of computer that plays a significant role in our lives but not many people are aware of them. They are the so-called servers. A server serves information to other computers on a network. In fact, every time you use the internet, web servers deliver the web pages that you want to see to your computer. Servers are also used in many offices to store and share files. 
And this is how I am ending my post for today. I know, it's a lot of information but there are so many facts I left out today. The history of computers is extremely wide, in-depth and overall very interesting. So feel free to explore it, educate yourself about it, because I am sure, you'll find a piece of history that you'll enjoy.  In the next post, I'll touch the subject of computer components or the so-called Hardware. So make sure to follow my blog and stay updated on my new posts.
Thank you so much for reading and have a great day!
Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer (Paperback) by Paul Freiberger
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fzrticv · 2 years
.not really a hc per say, but I really like the thoug of fizz leaning a bit of the tech Ozzie works with. They probaly already do to a exetnd cause of their own enhacment but like - just in general
maybe not even dirctly taught but more just from observing Ozzie work and lisnting to the sin when he goes into a tech rant.
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floralbfs · 4 years
anyways im the smartest bithc on the planet and im going to get a 100 on this test
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oflgtfol · 3 years
i understand that this is tumblr and not like, researchgate or stackoverflow or whatever, but does literally anyone know literally anything about lorentzian fitting and how i could do that in python for a curve with two peaks
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klonpa · 4 years
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regulardomainname · 7 years
My Journey Of Learning Programming Through Flatiron School #42
My name is Mason Ellwood, and I’m currently working on Flatiron School’s Online Full Stack Web Development Program. Each week, I’ll be writing about my experience, what I’m learning, and tips on learning to code. So as you all know I finally started learning Javascript! Which is amazing and has helped me out at work immensely. But like all things that you begin to learn for the first time, it becomes a real pain in the butt until you slowly grasp how everything fits together. But I have been amazed at how quickly those pieces are fitting together once I grasped my first OO programming language. How all these pieces fit together and everything is connected in a sense to complete a task. My time that I have to spend through The Flatiron School so far has taught me to think of things in a different way. How to think of things at a larger scale to complete a task and bring that skill in a tangible form to the workplace. So for this first lesson, I will give a brief overview of Javascript and we will go through what I have learned together as I am going over it. So you can better understand how I have gone from writing zero Javascript to hopefully being proficient in the language. As you probably already know, Javascript is the universally accepted language of the internet. As far as a developer standard you should know how to use it. “JavaScript is a dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language; it is prototype-based and supports both object-oriented and functional approaches.” – The Flatiron School If you have never written any Javascript go ahead and open up your console and we will try it out together. To open up the console simple right-click anywhere on this screen and select Inspect. Go to the top of the dialogue box and select Console. This area that you are now it is considered a sandbox. If you are using a mac press Command + K and it will clear the screen for you. In this sandbox environment, you are now able to write and execute code directly in this environment. If you have been following along in my previous posts this is very similar to the IRB environment. A sandbox if you think of like a sandbox, it is an open area where you can do or make anything you can think of, with some limitations. “Remember how we could play in sandboxes as kids: building castles, moats, and shaping an entire world without worrying about the consequences outside of that world? In programming, sandboxes work the same way: they’re environments that we have complete control over, but whose contents don’t spill into the outside world.)” – The Flatiron School Inside this Sandbox environment type alert(“Hello World”); And check out the response. You should be given the response below. This should give you a popup window that prints out the information added to the screen. Congratulations you have officially written your first lines of Javascript! “A large part of programming is experimentation — we come up with a hypothesis (how we think something should work) and test it with code.” – The Flatiron School Javascript is a means of completing a task, and with you as the developer thinking about how things should be done without a clear picture to how it should be done. There are endless possibilities to doing the same thing with Javascript, but it is your job as the developer to chose that path. Read More at My Journey Of Learning Programming Through Flatiron School #42 http://dlvr.it/Pv9VPk www.regulardomainname.com
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