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cleofast300 · 13 days ago
Do cpunz, cdream and ctommy have a trio name?
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lightningonatether · 7 months ago
yeah!!! we need more cendersmile just hanging out, and cender being a little progere is such a cute and cool idea. Cdream giving cender cursed advises while making plans is my new hc now
i mean cdream giving cranboo advice IS canon! I don't remember if it was directly confirmed or just Heavily implied that the lessons ranboo started remembering at some point came from dream but either way... as far as I'm concerned what with the rest of ranboos lore pointing in dreams direction and the fact that a lot of those lessons certainly seemed in line with dreams mindset... yeah it's canon. and if enderboo wasn't a protege he was at the very least certainly a friend and ally who shared dreams goal. perhaps in a more healthy way than cpunz did, actually. I have a whole paragraph of thoughts typed out concerning why I theorize that but this reply is getting away from me maybe I'll post it separately
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savefrog · 2 years ago
I'm not sure how in-depths you want an answer for your Old English question, but OE had gendered pronouns, and gendered third person pronouns go back way, way before English or Old English and appear in most languages that would influence it into its multiple shapes.
In OE, hē (he nominative), hit (neutral nominative), hēo/hie (she nominative) and hīe (plural they neutral nominative) were all used, and had declensions (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative) like in German or Latin. Cædmon's Hymn (OE, composed 658-680) use his/hē, which is gendered masculine (very evidently the ancestor of current English "he, his, him"), for G'd.
Other languages such as Old Norse, Gothic or Proto-Germanic (among others) which would influence (Old, then not Old) English also have three grammatical genders (feminine, masculine and neutral) used as she, he or they, with both ON and ProGer of my knowledge having different grammatical genders for a plural they (kind of like the french "ils" and "elles", with added neutral). All three also had case declensions.
Proto-Indo-European, the linguistic "root" of most languages now found on the Eurasian continent which has shaped most of them in some way and is thought to have come into existence around 7500–6000 BC, was reconstructed as having gendered third person pronouns (feminine, masculine and neutral), also with declensions depending on case (nominative, accusative, genitive, ablative, dative, locative and instrumental).
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I do not mind the detail at all, thank you! (would totally be interested in hearing more)
Absolutely appreciate all this knowledge and that would explain why I could not find a source for the claim.
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agentleem · 9 months ago
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hey these are some tips for some of the little details in drawing fat folks that some people might not know!
everyone has fat on their bodies so its a worthwhile skill to have, but most art tutorials leave it out. heres some other good tips from artists!!
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third-new · 25 days ago
What modern diplomacy is — and isn't — as depicted on 'The Diplomat' - The National
A top Briton Diplomat To Canada says the ever-important task of maintaining relationships and sharing information between key allies isn't too different from what audiences might see on a Netflix drama. Although Diplomat Imaginary, says David Proger, the British deputy high commissioner to Canada, is that headline storytelling captures what it's like to prevent crises from spreading behind the…
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newtras · 25 days ago
What modern diplomacy is — and isn't — as depicted on 'The Diplomat' - The National
A top Briton Diplomat To Canada says the ever-important task of maintaining relationships and sharing information between key allies isn't too different from what audiences might see on a Netflix drama. Although Diplomat Imaginary, says David Proger, the British deputy high commissioner to Canada, is that headline storytelling captures what it's like to prevent crises from spreading behind the…
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satrthere · 25 days ago
What modern diplomacy is — and isn't — as depicted on 'The Diplomat' - The National
A top Briton Diplomat To Canada says the ever-important task of maintaining relationships and sharing information between key allies isn't too different from what audiences might see on a Netflix drama. Although Diplomat Imaginary, says David Proger, the British deputy high commissioner to Canada, is that headline storytelling captures what it's like to prevent crises from spreading behind the…
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latribune · 7 months ago
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from Irish forenames, 6 letters long
Africh Aichán Aidhbh Aidhán Ainden Aindás Ainion Airean Aithín Aitlís Aitrín Ambris Amhala Amhall Amhlan Amonna Anaith Annéar Aodhna Aodhre Aodóis Aoiles Aoilín Aoimha Aonait Aortúr Arbhin Arbrid Arghus Arlait Arnárd Arrdra Aíbhin...
Baigne Barnán Basael Basnal Beagán Beamhe Beanya Bearne Beasán Beárós Blaure Bláill Bracha Breach Breart Brench Briodh Brionn Broibh Brócht Brónán Buarra Cachán Caigne Cailla Cailís Caithg Calach Caodha Caogán Caoibh Caoife Caoigi Caoire Cartúr Cathar Cathgh Chaonn Ciachí Ciadhe Ciagán Ciamus Ciarra Ciaríd Cinead Cionng Cionán Clinch Clomán Cobhal Cobhch Cobhin Cobhle Cobhán Cobhóg Coilís Coinng Colmón Comhne Comáin Conach Conait Concht Connán Conórd Corghe Coroil Coscar Críomh Cuaidh Cuainn Cuilín Cyrian Cyrich Cúchán Cúmhal Cúmhán Dabbán Dabhán Daghan Daghna Daglán Dailín Daithí Damhal Damhán Damhín Damhóg Darnal Daveen Dearah Dearne Dearry Dearás Declia Declán Deigha Deilín Deilís Diance Diarbh Dighne Doilín Domhín Domóra Donach Donair Donnín Donárd Dubhal Dubhan Dubhra Dubhre Dubhri Dubhín Déarón Dúnaid Eachán Eachín Eadhla Eadnal Eaglán Eagóir Eamhan Eamonn Eanier Earlas Eibhán Eibébh Eidhán Eidict Eighal Eighra Eighín Eilinn Eiléig Eilíne Eimher Eircán Eirear Eoghín Eóilin Fachar Fachán Fearna Fearás Feilín Feirch Feithy Feitiú Felinn Ferean Fernán Fiacht Fiadhn Fianán Fiardh Findán Finear Fiodón Fionch Fionin Fionng Fithar Fitrah Flairí Flaith Flania Flaolm Flaure Fodaig Fodhán Fodhóg Forcán Fornán Frigne Froine Fáilix Fáinse Féimhe Fétann Fíoghe Fíogán Garmac Geanya Geilín Geirín Gláinn Gobhch Gortúr Grearn Grench Gréall Gréann Honghe Honian Horcán Iamhín Iarnín Iobhóg Iodhóg Ionnch Iósaid Iósean Ióseos Jernán Kyleán Lachal Lachán Laidha Lailín Lairiú Lairra Laoird Laolán Limhín Lochal Lochán Lochín Lomhín Lomhóg Lonnán Lorcht Lorgus Lornal Lorthy Lumhóg Machán Mailix Mailín Mainne Maltán Manach Mantán Maodón Maoire Maolch Maolán Maonán Meanán Mearna Meighe Mernam Mionán Mothín Muilín Muimer Muimín Muiren Muiriú Muirna Muirra Muirrd Muirín Máilís Máirna Míchal Mídear Naidha Neamhg Niadna Niagán Niaris Nichín Nielín Nisear Nistín Nisíle Nuadhn Nuaith Nuanya Nóilís Nórach Nórlan Odhach Odhain Odóine Oibeal Oilinn Oirtúr Osaoth Oscair Osteán Pearan Peasal Peiche Peigha Peighe Peigna Peigne Pilíos Proger Proill Proire Prosne Póirig Póirry Póisín Riarna Richán Righan Riocht Rislin Rislán Ristín Rochán Roclín Rogeit Roifra Roilín Rothín Ruadhe Ruaill Ruainn Ruaith Ruanne Ruanng Ruathg Ruathy Ruiren Réagán Réasal Ríogán Ríomán Rónach Rónaid Sachán Sadhna Sadhóg Saelín Samhán Sarbre Sarnán Sarnín Seanya Searla Senian Sephne Seárdh Siltán Sindás Sinngh Siodhe Sorair Sortín Séaghe Séamha Séamhe Séamhg Séarch Séardh Tadarí Tadhal Tadhbh Tadhna Tiasán Tighan Tighus Timeas Toilín Toinín Toirse Tornam Tracht Traith Trídín Tuaire Tuaith Uadhal Uadhna Uaithí Ualais Uallan Uaninn Uargus Uarnán Uiltim Uinnch Ultann Viacha Vilinm Vividh Áindre Áineas Ártigi Árónán Éadhan Éadhel Éadhna Éaghín Éaglán Éallán Éamhla Éamhán Éarath Éardgh Éibhid Éidhal Éiltad Éimhna Éimhán Éinnin Éirgus Éislán Éislás Éistín Émeall Émerrd Ídeach Ídeara Órfhín
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getaferadio · 9 months ago
Los vecinos del Sector III y Arroyo Culebro siguen en pie de guerra contra la instalación de una gasolinera junto a sus casas
#GETAFE Los vecinos del Sector III y Arroyo Culebro siguen en pie de guerra contra la instalación de una gasolinera junto a sus casas ¡Escucha sus argumentos en GETAFE RADIO!
Han iniciado una recogida de fimas para pedirle a Progeral Ibérica SA que suspenda la instalación de la gasolinera en la calle Islas Cíes, 1 ¡Escucha sus argumentos en GETAFE RADIO! GETAFE/ 16 ABRIL 2024/. Los vecinos del Sector III y Arroyo Culebro vuelven a la carga para seguir insistendo en que “no queremos una gasolinera junto a nuestras casas”. Tal y como ha explicado la portavoz vecinal “el…
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'Stato di Grazia', Telese racconta l'odissea di Ambrogio Crespi
Cosa deve fare un uomo per dimostrare la propria innocenza? È la domanda a cui tenta di dare una risposta il film ‘Stato di Grazia’ diretto da Luca Telese, alla sua prima regia, che racconta la vicenda giudiziaria di Ambrogio Crespi, presentato nell’ambito del Venice Production Bridge 2023, alla Mostra di Venezia. Un docufilm, salutato al termine da un lungo applauso, prodotto da Proger Smart…
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kritere · 2 years ago
Sondaggi politici, Fratelli d’Italia cresce ancora verso i 30 punti mentre il Pd cala
DIRETTA TV 12 Maggio 2023 Nell’ultimo sondaggio politico di Proger Index torna a crescere Fratelli d’Italia, che sfiora i 30 punti. Male il Pd in calo, mentre risale il Movimento 5 Stelle. 0 CONDIVISIONI Nei sondaggi politici continua a non esserci storia. Il primo partito resta Fratelli d’Italia, che dopo qualche mese di flessione – soprattutto da gennaio in poi – è tornato a crescere…
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#dreamtheater #prog #progrock #progonvinyl #metalhead #proger #papasrockandrollparlor https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbAvxKMq2d/?utm_medium=tumblr
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en24news · 5 years ago
Paderborn pro Kai PrOger: Via RWE into the Bundesliga | waz.de
Paderborn pro Kai PrOger: Via RWE into the Bundesliga | waz.de
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Paderborn. A year ago, Kai PrOger cheered for fourth division Rot-Weiss Essen. Now he is one of the top performers in Paderborn. Today against Gladbach.
The year 2019 is coming to an end. It has been a successful one for Kai PrOger, probably the best of his career. "When I look in the mirror sometimes, I catch myself grinning and just…
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henrybendix · 31 years ago
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StormWATCH 9 (1994) by H K Proger & Ryan Benjamin
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liverpoolmykh · 6 years ago
A monument to the first Party Cell of the Communist Party of Albania in the village of Proger, not far from Korce. A concrete panel which has scenes from the National Liberation War as well as those to Socialist Construction.
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