devenior · 4 years
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“  trace  ”           @progenyofdarkness​,   from  HERE.
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VENTUS  SHIES  AWAY  FROM  THE  TOUCH  ... at first.     only at first.     he can’t help being a little  gunshy  of his darker counterpart,  given all that he’s endured at vanitas’ hands.     part of him doesn’t want to blame the raven for it,  though,  knowing fully that it had been down to  XEHANORT’S  ABUSE  that vanitas had turned out the way that he had.
if he’s been given a second chance by fate,  then ... then perhaps the wayward wind ought to do the same.
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“  ... why do you want to know about it?  ”     the blond asks quietly,  nervous fingers flitting to the very top of the old injury above his heart that vanitas had just been tracing.     it’s barely visible because he’s only wearing his dual   toned jacket in light of his recent sparring session with aqua in the newly restored land of departure.     “  it’s just ... the scar from when we were separated.     that’s all.  ”
he hates to admit it,  but the scar had started to sting a little when vanitas had touched it.     the notion makes his skin crawl.
“  not a big deal.  ”
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ofsanctum · 4 years
starter for @progenyofdarkness​
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               ❝ Why does it looks like you are always in such a bad mood ? ❞ There is a pause. ❝ You are veeeeery grumpy, Vanitas.. ❞
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secxndchance · 4 years
Having Vanitas live with them would take some getting used to. It wasn't bad exactly - just...different. Vanitas was a big part of his life and he always would be. They were two sides of the same coin.
They were brothers in a sense but they didn't need to be defined by one another. If Roxas could exist as his own person, then why not Vanitas?
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"Hey Vanitas!" He called, knocking on the door to the other's bedroom. "Wanna train with me? Aqua is away doing Master stuff."
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oathofpromises · 4 years
“ it’s okay to be angry, you’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you. ”
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Kairi hands slowly clenched into fists as she listened to the masked boy. When did anyone ever tell the maiden it was alright to be angry at what had happened to her? It seemed like the solitary people who ever made the red head feel like it was okay show all her emotions was Sora and RIku but even than the princess of heart felt like she simply wasn’t allowed to share any negative type of feelings. Yen sid did say that being a pure light required the girl to set an example so, she merely had to push away any feelings that would conflict with the role presented to her. A role that Kairi never sought for and that brought up the fact that her entire destiny had been altered not once but multiple times.
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“Do I seriously possess the right to be upset?” she asked, as all the girl could think about was all the times she had failed. The helplessness she felt course throughout her entire body...the utter fear and heartbreak. So many conflicting emotions swirling around in her mind and heart. 
Why exactly Vanitas was talking to her? The girl wasn’t entirely sure as to the exact reasoning but his company wasn’t unwanted. It felt nice talking to someone that wasn’t going to coddle her. It felt like Sora, Riku and the others were too overprotective of her so the girl simply tried to repress any negative emotion from them. It was Vanitas words that seemed to crack a part of the shell Kairi placed around her heart. Tears started to drip down the sides of her face as the pain had become additionally too much to bear anymore. “Why are you being so nice to me?I don’t claim the right to be angry about what happened to me because in the end it’s my fault Sora and others got hurt. I was too weak again to protect him, and it hurts to admit that.”
How painful it truly was to hear herself admit the doubts and fears she had. The person Kairi was most angry at wasn’t Xehanort, yes she was angry at him for hurting Sora, Riku and others but the person all  her anger was directed at was....herself. 
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lumen-et-tenebrae · 4 years
[MEME] Master. If I may, I have a question.
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“I certainly hope it’s a good one.” Came the dark Master’s reply as he sat in an armchair, reading a book.
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lightreigned · 4 years
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Sora’s ofc is very Destiny Islands inspired~  But with some cracks and some little darker things because his life isn’t always perfect , and he hides away a lot of the things he doesn’t want others to see .
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TAGGED BY :     @devenior​ TAGGING :     @progenyofdarkness​ @oathofpromises​  &&   YOU!! If you want to do this!! TAG ME!!
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unionsrising · 4 years
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- Naminé does not exactly believe she is worthy of others care or affection after everything that has happened. - She doesn’t believe she deserves the replica body she was given, and wishes that Repliku had just taken the body for himself…. - She regrets ever tampering with Sora’s memories in the first place, and wonders often if she could have changed everything that happened if she just refused to help the Organization. But she acknowledges that she really had no other choice… - She wants to believe that Repliku cares about her genuinely, and that if she never tampered with his heart that he would still care for her… but she finds herself doubting that sometimes and wondering if he is still manipulated by the work she had done to his heart. - She likes white sure, but her favorite color is actually a light blue, like her sandals. - She doesn’t really view herself as very strong, but she wants to do what she can to help everyone that she cares about. - She cares about Roxas and Xion very very much… and she Wishes that things did not have to happen the way that they did… but she realizes that at this point everyone has achieved the best possible outcome for themselves given their hard situations. - She does not want to use her powers to hurt another person ever again... If she does use them again she wants it to be for the right reasons. - Namine walks around Destiny Islands with a little parasol often, not wanting to get another bad sunburn, as she tends to burn easily. -  She loves to experiment and test out different ways to make art. Namine loves smoothies and fruit popsicles! - She is admittedly a little socially awkward, but she loves making new friends. Even though she burns easily she is fond of the outdoors, and likes taking walks, often taking pictures of the plant and animal life on her phone to take home and recreate as an art piece back home. - She enjoys chicken nuggets quite a lot, don't @ her, she knows it's silly. - Naminé has found that she really likes to listen to music while working on art pieces, and she can often be found singing as she works. - She wants to learn other magic, so she will not be viewed as helpless or always in need of defending. - A staff for Namine to use when working with other forms of magic not related to her memory abilities can be found below the cut ! Made by my lovely gf over at progenyofdarkness
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darknessbled · 4 years
why do you hurt ??
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you swallow pain & fold around it.
you have always hurt.  you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it.  you don't choke on it.  you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones.  you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean.  nobody needs to see it.  you will live through this on your own.  you know what you need, and relief isn't it.  this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so.  you should.  hiding does not mean you won't be seen.
TAGGED BY:  @progenyofdarkness​ TAGGING: @avulsusprinceps​, @darkheartedprince​, whoever wants to yoink it I Guess
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        Hey Brother                                   Hey Brother There’s an endless road                Do you still believe in  TO REDISCOVER !!                   ONE ANOTHER ??
                        Independent. Selective. Private
               SORA                        &&                         VANITAS
Lightreigned by Asteria        &&     ProgenyofDarkness by Damselfly
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ofsanctum · 4 years
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@progenyofdarkness​ asked: “ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ”
misc prompts for your feels / ( still accepting!! )
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               𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒; that`s the first thing the princess felt with the said sentence and the next one is surprise. ❝ What are you doing here ? ❞ This indeed is something Kairi did not expected at all; and because of that, the question suddenly came out from her mouth. She wasn`t mad or scared that Vanitas have appeared, however the surprise and confusion is very evident on her face as to WHY he have decided to come talk with her.
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               There is a slight curiosity as well and is not like she doesn`t want him here, the girl was just caught off guard. ❝ I mean---- I didn`t know you were here too. ❞ She paused. ❝ I don`t mind if you stay. ❞
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lumen-et-tenebrae · 4 years
Make a Terrarium inspired by your Muse!
Tagged by @progenyofdarkness​
This was honestly pretty cute! Here’s Xehanort’s:
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And here’s Eraqus’s:
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I will be tagging these lovelies: @crystalshooterprotectors​ @iskrone​ and @integrumluna​. But you guys are not obligated to respond! I just thought this was fun!
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devenior · 4 years
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          COFFEE  WITH  MILK   (  &  SUGAR! )
you're soft,  comforting,  & really chill.     you make people feel better.     you're probably a really great friend.     maybe you have a tendency to feel sleepy,  or just don't like getting up in the morning,  but i promise you you're doing great.
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TAGGING :     @darknessbled​  /  @dawnwalks​  /  @multinaes​.     @unionsrising  /  @lightreigned.     @progenyofdarkness​.     YOU?
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lumen-et-tenebrae · 4 years
Why Does Your Muse Hurt?
Tagged by @progenyofdarkness​
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Xehanort’s result:
You were meant to.
It was built into you. Designed for you. There is pain here because it was meant for you, and how fucking dare they.Your suffering is not their right. You hurt because they gave you ways to suffer and carved it into you when you could not breathe, because the intention always was that they could weaponize your pain against you. It is Yours. You are Yours. How fucking dare they. They cannot make you theirs; Do not let them try. 
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Eraqus’s result:
You're choking on how much you have to try.
You have tried. You have carried the weight of the world on your shoulders and accepted more responsibilities than you have ever wanted, even intended to gain. It isn't crushing - you are strong enough to hold it - but you are choking. You don't know what to do with it. You don't know where it goes, how to move this weight everyone knows you can hold onto, and do you even want to get rid of it? Never. You would not give this to - force this on - anyone else. But you can't. But you are choking on it. Your body will hold it up even when you lose all the air in your lungs, and your footing, and your courage. It does not mind choking you. It seems almost designed to do so. If you weren't wrung out you wouldn't be doing this thing properly.
Tagging: Anyone who feels like doing this!
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