#☆  //  sɪғᴛᴇᴅ ᴀᴘᴀʀᴛ ɴɪᴄᴇ & ɴᴇᴀᴛ   —  ╰ DASH GAMES. ╮
devenior · 4 years
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          COFFEE  WITH  MILK   (  &  SUGAR! )
you're soft,  comforting,  & really chill.     you make people feel better.     you're probably a really great friend.     maybe you have a tendency to feel sleepy,  or just don't like getting up in the morning,  but i promise you you're doing great.
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TAGGING :     @darknessbled​  /  @dawnwalks​  /  @multinaes​.     @unionsrising  /  @lightreigned.     @progenyofdarkness​.     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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the version of ventus you see depends on the way you treat him.     never mistake ventus’ kindness for weakness ;    he has a heart of gold,  but it won’t end well if you make him angry.     ventus may be quick to forgive you,  but he will never forget the people who have wronged him.
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TAGGING :     @darknessbled​.     @lightreigned​.     @ofsanctum​.     @cosmoshe​.     @savethekiing​.     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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BOLD  what applies to your muse ,   italicize  those that somewhat do.
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SPARROW.     innocence.   big dreamer.   waking up too early.   walking home.   being afraid of meeting new people.   slim hands.   always cold.   reading a book under a tree.   the smell of the forest.   missing your home.
EAGLE.     independent.   caring too much for others.   sharp looks.   walking through the city late at night.   the tallest & most spectacular building.   iron.   being single & okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT.     falling in love easily & heavily.   traveler.   the infinity of the bluest sky.   storms.   broken smiles.   forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones.   feeling out of place.   mistrusting people.   a fleeting romance.
CROW.     feeling as if you have seen so much & as if you know a lot.   prejudging.   tight hugs that leave you breathless.   a grey sky.   serenity.   intelligence.   being left behind.   chains.   smoke.   the pride of someone wise.
DOVE.     petals.   jealousy.   being tired of living with the same old faces.   whispered secrets.   marble.   sundresses.   white clothes.   the first sunset of winter.   pride in who you are.   learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL.     family.   golden light.   the sea murmuring in your ear.   summer afternoons.   caramel ice cream.   collecting seashells & other things & calling them treasures.   living breezy & carefree.   swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY.     artistic.   getting excited easily.   dancing & singing while you are alone.   looking at your friends having fun.   no phone.   being afraid of judgment.   spring.   a meaningful gift.   the first ray of sunlight.
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TAGGED  BY :     @lightreigned​ !!     love you,  boo. TAGGING :     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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               ERA  AESTHETICS .
BOLD  what always applies to your muse.     italicize  what partially applies.
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MEDIEVAL.     tired eyes.   coffee stains on the table.   listening to the bustle of the city.   unmade beds.   loose ponytails.   sunlight seeping through the curtains.   chapped lips.   walking barefoot across the floorboards.   dusty dictionaries.   black & white reruns.   huge sweaters.   the ticking of the clock.   hearing birds in the morning.   fireplaces.   falling asleep during class.
RENAISSANCE.     freckles.   the sun rising.   watching the sea.   taking shots of the city.   historical museums.   bright eyes.   looking up at the clouds.   walls covered in artworks.   drawing in the middle of lessons.   tracing your fingers on the sand.   painting for hours.   staying in uncrowded coffee-shops.   worn paperbacks.   messy braids.   going to bed with your socks on.
BAROQUE.     dark hair.   a little sophisticated.   always observing the world around you.   intricate designs.   high ceilings.   extravagant musical pieces.   dim lights.   colorless photographs.   fancy furniture.   pale skin.   hearing soft footfalls coming from outside the room.   mischievous looks.   bitten nails.   candlelight dinners.   dark shades of lipstick.
CLASSICAL.     chandeliers.   the clinking of a teacup.   laced clothing.   modern architecture.   light hair.   watching the view from the terrace.   hidden birthmarks.   drinking tea in the morning.   wandering about in an empty building.   botanical gardens.   old films.   ancient marble sculptures.   expensive perfume.   breakfasts in bed.   reading about mythology.
ROMANTIC.     compassion.   short writings on scraps of paper.   blushed cheeks.   a bouquet of roses.   reading collections of poetry late at night.   loose hair.   carpeted floors.   attending operas.   faint music playing in the background.   staying under the covers until midday.   the night sky.   streetlights.   picking flowers.   dancing around in silk dresses.   scented candles.
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TAGGING :     @darknessbled​.   @kukyc​.   @hefrosts​.   YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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mindlessly shared space,  automatic glances,  overwhelming warmth :    you're deep romanticism.     deep romanticism consists of pure comfort & belonging,  the complete intertwining of two souls.     it's growing into a shape that fits perfectly in the arms of another,  it's asking questions you already know the answer to,  just to hear the way they pronounce those words again,  it's admiring their face as they sleep pressed against you,  admiring the same face you study as they talk about whatever they're fond of that week,  yet finding new things to love,  even after years of doing so.     you’re most likely an old & pure soul,  & anyone would be so incredibly lucky to have you.     just remember that emotional & romantic depth is not the end goal,  enjoy your journey rather than focusing on a certain point of achievement along the way.     love in uncertainty,  sit in unfamiliarity. " we'll survive, you & i. "          f. scott fitzgerald.
TAGGED  BY   STOLEN  FROM :     another blog. TAGGING :     @darknessbled​.     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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you are the embodiment of warmth & light.     people rejoice when you are out & flock to be around you.     you are the ache in your legs after a long day out exploring with friends.     you are the warmth in your chest as you lie out tanning.     you are the feeling of seeing the soft rays of yellow & red stream through your window in the evening.     sometimes you may feel like you burn too bright,  leaving bright red sunburns.     & sometimes you might.     but the reality is,  despite that,  no one could ever live without you.
TAGGED  BY   STOLEN  FROM :    off the dash. TAGGING :     @darknessbled​.     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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NAME  :      ventus,  call him  VEN.
EYE   COLOUR  :      blue.
HAIR   STYLE   /   COLOUR  :     spiked blond.
HEIGHT  :    5′6″.
CLOTHING   STYLE  :      whatever is comfortable & allows for a lot of free movement.
BEST   PHYSICAL   FEATURE  :      his smile & eyes.
FEARS  :      loss.     the dark.
GUILTY   PLEASURE  :    daydreaming.     dancing like no one’s watching.     eating dessert before dinner.     staying in pajamas all day when able.
BIGGEST   PET   PEEVE  :      passive — aggressiveness.     the  ‘ i’m sorry you feel that way ’  apology.     obsessive selfie — takers.
AMBITIONS   FOR   THE   FUTURE  :     to become a keyblade master & be with his friends,  terra & aqua.
FIRST   THOUGHTS   WAKING   UP  :      ’ oh thank goodness. ’
WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   MOST  :      his friends & how to move forward.
WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   BEFORE   BED  :      ' i’m scared. ’
WHAT   THEY   THINK   THEIR   BEST   QUALITY   IS  :      adaptability & kindness.
SINGLE   OR   GROUP   DATES  :      single.
TO   BE   LOVED   OR   RESPECTED  :      loved.
BEAUTY   OR   BRAINS  :      both.
DOGS   OR   CATS  :      both.
LAYER 005 :    DO THEY…
LIE  :     no.
BELIEVE   IN   THEMSELVES  :      most of the time.
BELIEVE   IN   LOVE  :      yes.
WANT   SOMEONE  :      yes.
BEEN   ON   STAGE  :      yes.
DONE   DRUGS  :      no.
CHANGED   WHO   THEY   WERE   TO   FIT   IN  :      no.
FAVOURITE   COLOUR  :      green.   silver.   brown.
FAVOURITE   ANIMAL  :      mice.   fish.   birds.
FAVOURITE   BOOK  :      anything that sparks the imagination.
FAVOURITE   GAME  :      racing.
LAYER 008 :    AGE.
DAY   THEIR   NEXT   BIRTHDAY   WILL   BE  :      dec 7.
HOW   OLD   WILL   THEY   BE  :      verse dependent.
I   LOVE  :      my friends.
I   FEEL  :      happy!     but ... a little worried.
I   HIDE  :      my pain.
I   MISS  :      being at ease.
I   WISH  :      that i could heal everyone’s hurt.
TAGGED  BY   STOLEN  FROM  :     old blog. TAGGING  :     @darknessbled​.     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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► NAME.   ➔     “  ventus!     call me  VEN!  ” ► ARE  YOU  SINGLE?   ➔     “  not really,  no!  ” ► ARE  YOU  HAPPY?   ➔     “  i’m  over  the  moon!  ” ► ARE  YOU  ANGRY?   ➔     “  what?     no!  ” ► ARE  YOUR  PARENTS  STILL  MARRIED?   ➔     “  i ... don’t remember them.  ”
► BIRTHPLACE.   ➔     “  oh gosh,  i don’t know if it still exists!     i can’t even remember the name!  ” ► HAIR  COLOR.   ➔     “  blond!  ” ► EYE  COLOR.   ➔     “  blue!  ” ► BIRTHDAY.   ➔     “  oh gosh.     i don’t remember that,  either!  ” ► MOOD.   ➔     “  i’m usually pretty upbeat!  ” ► SEX.   ➔     “  i feel like,  in the context of this questionnaire ... thing ... then you actually mean  gender!     in that case i’m a boy!     if you mean ... the  other  thing,   though,  then ... i’m ... oh geez ...   ” ► SUMMER  OR  WINTER?   ➔     “  summer!  ” ► MORNING  OR  AFTERNOON?   ➔     “  afternoon!  ”
► ARE  YOU  IN  LOVE?   ➔     “  ... i ... i think so?  ” ► DO  YOU  BELIEVE  IN  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT?   ➔     “  maybe?  ” ► WHO  ENDED  YOUR  LAST  RELATIONSHIP?   ➔     “  i’ve never been with someone before now ...  ” ► HAVE  YOU  EVER  BROKEN  SOMEONE’S  HEART?   ➔     “  oh gosh,  i hope not!  ” ► ARE  YOU  AFRAID  OF  COMMITMENT?   ➔      “  why would i be?  ” ► HAVE  YOU  HUGGED  SOMEONE  WITHIN  THE  LAST  WEEK?   ➔     “  yeah!  ” ► HAVE  YOU  EVER  HAD  A  SECRET  ADMIRER?   ➔     “  i don’t think so?  ” ► HAVE  YOU  EVER  BROKEN  YOUR  OWN  HEART?   ➔     “  ... yeah.     literally.     i had to!  ”
► LOVE  OR  LUST?   ➔     “  love,  of course!  ” ► LEMONADE  OR  ICED  TEA?   ➔     “  ooh,  lemonade!  ” ► CATS  OR  DOGS?   ➔      “  oh man,  why can’t i pick both?  ” ► A  FEW  BEST  FRIENDS  OR  MANY  REGULAR  FRIENDS?   ➔     “  again,  why not both?  ” ► WILD  NIGHT  OUT  OR  ROMANTIC  NIGHT  IN?   ➔      “  aww geez ... lately i’m more inclined to chose the romantic night in.  ” ► DAY  OR  NIGHT?   ➔     “  day.  ”
► BEEN  CAUGHT  SNEAKING  OUT?   ➔     “  heh ... oops.  ” ► FALLEN  DOWN  /  UP  THE  STAIRS?   ➔     “  yeah,  i used to do that a lot.  ” ► WANTED  SOMETHING  /  SOMEONE  SO  MUCH  IT  HURT?   ➔     “  ... yeah.  ” ► WANTED  TO  DISAPPEAR?   ➔      “  oh ... yeah,  but ... i don’t anymore.  ”
► SMILE  OR  EYES?   ➔     “  smile,  but ... i really like eyes,  too.  ” ► SHORTER  OR  TALLER?   ➔     “  ... taller.  ” ► INTELLIGENCE  OR  ATTRACTION?   ➔     “  aw geez,  i like both.  ” ► HOOKUP  OR  RELATIONSHIP?   ➔     “  ... what’s a hookup?  ”
► DO  YOU  &  YOUR  FAMILY  GET  ALONG?   ➔     “  oh yes!     we’re super duper close,  closer than ever now!  ” ► WOULD  YOU  SAY  YOU  HAVE  A  “MESSED  UP”  LIFE?   ➔     “  not really?     it’s the life of a keyblade wielder,  i guess!  ” ► HAVE  YOU  EVER  RUN  AWAY  FROM  HOME?   ➔     “  if i hadn’t ... maybe none of this would have happened to us.  ” ► HAVE  YOU  EVER  GOTTEN  KICKED  OUT?   ➔     “  goodness no!  ”
► DO  YOU  SECRETLY  HATE  ONE  OF  YOUR  FRIENDS?   ➔     “  why would i do that?  ” ► ARE  ALL  OF  YOUR  FRIENDS  GOOD  FRIENDS?   ➔     “  oh yes,  the best!  ” ► WHO  IS  YOUR  BEST  FRIEND?   ➔     “  definitely  terra!  ” ► WHO  KNOWS  THE  MOST  ABOUT  YOU?   ➔     “  oh,  that’s easy!     it’s terra again!     vanitas  knows quite a bit,  too,  though ... & i think sora does,  too.  ”
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TAGGED  BY :     @darknessbled​,  you funny ol’ thing you!     ♥ TAGGING :     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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          YOUR  LOVER.
you were never loved as much as you deserved growing up.     your heart catches fire when you feel the love of another now,  & when you return that love you do so with the full force of your soul.     to you,  love is like air,  your lungs are begging for it with every beat of your heart.     you are passionate to the end,  you embody the bones of your ancestors who were buried together.     you are just as loved as you are human.
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devenior · 4 years
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          THE  GAIA  SASH.
you are alive.     you are here & breathing & so is the world.     i promise you,  that will not change if you let yourself cry.     the earth is full of power,  but so are you.     you have purpose & meaning.     remember to let yourself feel the things you are uncomfortable with.     you can grow & bring light & take care of yourself,  too.
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TAGGING :     @darknessbled​  /  @dawnwalks​  /  @multinaes​.     @lightreigned​  /  @unionsrising​.     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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you are losing yourself,  bit by bit.     your own skin is peeling away,  moths forming out of it as you shed more of yourself.     your breaths birth hummingbirds & doves as they abate,  your fears turning into savage things of teeth & claw.     how much more of yourself will you have to grate away until you fit the mold you set yourself today?     how much more will have to go tomorrow?     how much longer until you've shed too much of yourself - until the pieces you left by the roadside are more than what little you have left?
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devenior · 4 years
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TENDERNESS.     you are not afraid of the sufferings & sorrows of other people,  even when they are acted out in unappealing ways.     beneath even defensiveness & self - righteous behaviour,  you know that deep down people need nurturing & consolation.     one danger is being naive about people’s dark sides.     but at your best you know you can be mean yourself,  which helps you to sympathize.     you bring strength & forgiveness where other people might panic.
NEEDINESS.       being affirmed & nurtured by others is a central requirement for you to feel safe.     this means you can be slow to warm up to other people,  which is difficult because what you most need from them is their warmth.     yet you know how to be vulnerable :    to let down your defenses & accept that you need another person.     this lack of pretense is a valuable trait,  & ultimately more endearing than the macho efforts others make to deny their childlike sides.
REVERENCE.      one part of you dreams of giving yourself up  –  perhaps just for a while  –  to a hero or mentor.     in the right circumstances you can flourish by letting go of your ego.     in your inner life,  reverence plays out as a willing submission to your own conscience.     in the outside world,  you might get frustrated searching for something worth believing in  –  a country,  a person,  a company  –  but you will always be open to feeling respect,  admiration,  & wonder.
PLAYFULNESS.       you are good at seeing what’s funny,  at relaxing & finding the pleasure of the moment.     play is random,  whimsical,  fantasy - driven behaviour which releases internal tension.     because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder,  perhaps neglected,  parts of yourself.     the downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed.     so it is well complemented by its opposite,  stoicism.
TAGGED  BY   STOLEN  FROM :     off the dash. TAGGING :     YOU?
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devenior · 4 years
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          ruined by  LONELINESS.
you are so lonely.     you are miserable in your solitude.     you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out,  to ask for help.     you will be forgotten by all who never knew you.     your biggest fear is that you will die alone,  & you know this fear will be seen to fruition.     you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in.     & it is a box that no one dare come near.     you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
TAGGED  BY   STOLEN  FROM :     off the dash. TAGGING :     YOU?
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devenior · 3 years
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(  let's be real,  only children believe in  " love at first sight. "     but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet  " the one. "     & there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.     infatuation at first sight is more accurate.     you are the moment when two people lock eyes,  & the whole world stills.     nothing is there but you & them.     & there is suddenly a strong sense of longing.     you love love,  don't deny it.     flowers,  chocolates,  the whole nine yards.     because of this you are loved by many.     hopefully you know it too :    you  are  loved.  )
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TAGGED  BY :     @willfulwayfarer,  thank you! TAGGING :     @darknessbled​.   @theysacrifice​.   YOU?
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