#profile suoh mikoto
midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Profile: Mikoto Suoh
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His darling must be someone he’s known for a long time at least for a couple years if not his whole life given that it does take time for him to get to that point.  
Stalking/After Meeting: 
He will slowly start to act on these feelings making it harder for them to realize just what is happening until it’s too late. 
It’s 60/40 whether he’ll take them or not it just depends on what the situation is at the given time. But it’s still a large enough chance for his darling to be careful around him. Because when he does decide to take them, it will come out of nowhere. 
He can be a bit harsh with his punishments. There is a possibility that marks will be left whether intentionally or unintentionally.  
There is the possibility of the relationship being…. Kind of normal but there is a lot his darling must deal with. (Jealousy, possessive etc.) 
Random headcanons: 
He does care deeply for his darling given that they are one of the most important people in his life. 
However, he does have a bit of a sadistic streak when it comes to his darling. (Another reason why they will have marks.) 
He really doesn't mean any real harm to his darling. 
His clansman is more than willing to help him with his darling if he ever needed it. (Or even if he doesn't.) 
If he were to lose his darling in any way, he is going to lose his mind. If they were to just run away the whole city would be burned to ash just to find them but if they were to pass away…will…that's a different kind of chaos. 
There are very few places his darling is allowed to go without him or his clansman. (Mostly him.) 
It is rare for his clansman to watch over his darling all by themselves for a long period of time. It's not out of mistrust, it's just that he rarely ever leaves their side long enough to where his clansman would need to watch them. 
Childhood friends: 
Knowing his darling for so long makes his yandere side worse than if they had known him for a couple of years. It appears that everything doubles his possessiveness, his overprotectiveness, his darling will just be smothered in everything he has. 
It’s a very strange dance he and his darling go through from him wanting to fight them at every turn to not wanting their eyes on anyone else. At the end of the day, it’s going to be a lot messier in more ways than one in this situation.
When it comes to the future, he will give them any kind of future they want as long as it's with him and him alone. 
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
She woke up feeling the gentle breeze.
Anna was lying on the bed and she stared out the window. She could see the blue sky with passing clouds. A soft warm breeze was blowing from the other side of the window.
(What was I doing?)
She thought to herself with a cloudy head. She looked out the window for a while feeling like she was in a dream, and she slowly moved her gaze around the room.
She saw Totsuka sitting on a chair next to the bed. Totsuka leaned forward and looked at Anna delicately.
"Good morning Anna."
Totsuka said that with a voice that was warm and soft like the wind blowing in the room.
Anna was surprised and deeply relieved that Totsuka was there.
Totsuka had a kind expression on his face, but when he saw Anna, he frowned a little sadly.
"Are you okay? It seems painful."
Anna narrowed her moist eyes and smiled.
She was fine. The pain was gone. If Totsuka was smiling there, everything should be fine.
"I'm fine... I think I had a bad dream."
"Bad dream?"
Totsuka asked back and slowly got up from his chair.
Anna wanted Totsuka to laugh at the dream she had, so she started talking.
"Tatara... you were killed. Mikoto avenged your death and died."
Totsuka walked over to Anna's side and sat on the edge of the bed. Lying on the bed, Anna looked at Totsuka's face.
"So they all collapsed..."
Anna's words stopped there and were gone. Because Totsuka looked up with a sad and apologetic look on his face.
As she looked at that expression, the fog in Anna's head slowly cleared away.
She didn't want to understand.
"That is not right."
Sadness welled up at the words he spoke, and Anna pulled her face down onto the sheets so as not to let Totsuka see her terrible face.
"The dream is... this way..."
She was crying at the end of her words.
Totsuka's voice calmly affirmed reality.
"I'm sorry."
His voice was soft and gentle. Nothing had changed or was going to change. Time no longer flowed in Totsuka.
She could only describe it as a dream, but it was clearly different from the dream she had while she was sleeping. Anna's responsiveness, which had been closed off for so long, was now wide open. Anna's helpless soul was probably responding to the "Slate".
Connected to the "Slate", in a place beyond time, life and death, the souls of people who should never meet again were in contact.
She heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
Anna raised her face in surprise and raised half of her body.
Gotsun. Gotsun. And with the rhythm and footsteps she knew, the sound of footsteps came closer.
Totsuka touched Anna's shoulder.
"It's good to talk."
The sound of footsteps got closer and the person appeared. Illuminated by the dim light that came in through the window, his appearance was revealed.
Red hair.
A red flame hidden in her body.
The one who gave her monochrome world a beautiful red.
Tears welled up in Anna's eyes this time because she couldn't stop herself.
Anna jumped out of bed and ran. She hugged him with her whole body. Suoh didn't hesitate and caught Anna.
"You are an idiot, Mikoto!"
Before she knew it, Anna was yelling at him.
Those were the words that she couldn't say when Suoh was alive. Without saying a single word of resentment or words to hold it back, she just looked at Suoh's back.
But right now, anger, sadness, frustration, and love were overflowing like a torrent from inside Anna. It was as if the frozen emotions had suddenly melted.
Suoh accepted Anna's passion with one word.
"You are terrible!"
A low, deep and sincere voice.
Anna clung tightly to Suoh's body. Anna could feel Suoh's temperature much higher than hers. It was the temperature Suoh lived in, the kind side of the hellfire inside Suoh.
She could only count the number of times she felt Suoh's body temperature like this, but the temperature certainly made her feel nostalgic.
And that temperature continued to glow red inside Anna.
Anna gently released his body and looked at Suoh.
"But Mikoto..."
Anna put both hands on her chest that kept Suoh's warmth.
"Your red is still hot."
Suoh breathed out slowly with a smile.
"That's not my red."
Suoh's previous intensity disappeared and he looked at Anna with calm eyes.
"It's your red."
Anna stared at Suoh.
She reflected Suoh in her eyes so she wouldn't miss anything.
"It's your color."
Tears appeared in Anna's eyes again, blurring her vision, but the beauty of the red that Suoh possessed did not change.
Anna smiled without tears in her eyes.
"Mikoto's red... My red."
For Anna, Suoh's red was a salvation.
She is color blind, she is unable to recognize colors other than red, and because she was born a Strain, she has the ability to see things she doesn't want to see and hear things she doesn't want to hear. She even lost her family.
Even so, the reason why Anna was able to live without despair was because Suoh showed her a beautiful color of red, coloring her world.
Strong, terrifying, and most of all, beautiful, this red-lit place was the place where she believed she would live.
The color she thought was gone that day was still inside her.
"I wonder if I can use the power of this red to protect."
Memories of Suoh and Totsuka in the old HOMRA bar flashed through Anna's mind.
(Your power is not to destroy, but to protect.)
Totsuka said that to Suoh, who feared that the power contained within him would one day destroy everything.
In fact, Suoh used that power to protect Anna many times.
Anna will never forget the warmth of Suoh's red that enveloped her.
Suoh looked back as if he trusted the answer. When she turned around following Suoh's eyes, Totsuka was smiling while he was sitting on the couch.
"Anna, you won't let a nightmare remain a nightmare."
The reality was like a bad dream.
She lost someone important to her.
However, that's the past they lived to the fullest, and Anna has to draw the sequel herself.
Now Anna is very aware of the terror of that color red. Scared, restless, and unsure what to do, she stayed in her shell the whole time.
Now, she wanted to face that red.
Suoh knelt down and made eye contact with Anna.
He wasn't the type of person who would go out of his way to bend his knees for someone else's sake, so it might have been the first time she'd exchanged glances with Suoh on an equal footing like this.
Suoh's big hand touched Anna's face.
Anna tilted her face and let Suoh's hand touch her cheek.
She closed her eyes, feeling it deeply, and opened her eyes.
"Even if you continue to look away, nothing will come of it. Anna... No..."
Kusanagi called Anna by a name that wasn't Anna.
"Red Queen."
Anna opened her eyes.
She accepted the interference from the "Slate" that she had always feared and rejected.
A sea of boiling fire flowed towards Anna.
A fierce flame that could reduce anything to ashes.
Anna's world was dyed red with the color of flames.
Anna whispered those words into her mouth.
"No Blood..."
The disk below Anna glowed the same red as the sea of flames that was born within Anna.
"No Bone..."
The sea of fire inside Anna overflowed and gushed out of Anna's body.
"No Ash!"
Anna spread her arms. The birdcage-like cage that had trapped Anna opened like a toy.
A mass of magma-like flames erupted from below Anna, and turned into waves that filled the space between the "Slate". The air filled with heat and the windows shattered at the same time.
A flame like a rough and stormy sea. The flame of destruction hated to be bound and ran free, trying to burn everything to the ground.
It sought destruction and combustion with the same nature of the flames that the "Red King" had.
But Anna would not allow it.
(This is my red.)
Anna remembered the words that Suoh gave her at the intersection of souls in her dream.
(I don't want to destroy anything with this flame. But I can't sit still here anymore. I'll stop crouching alone in a birdcage while the people important to me are fighting. This red, this flame, is to take me where I must go outside the cage.)
That thought caused the flame to take shape.
The flames sent out from inside Anna took the shape of wings and spread widely across Anna's back.
The flames that came out like a belt from the wings swirled in the hall and shot up into the sky.
Anna looked up at the sky with glowing red eyes. With responsiveness released, she saw the scene in the sky.
On the rooftop of the Mihashira Tower, which pierces the sky, the space distorted and red light burst out.
The Green Clan swordsman and Kuro, who were fighting on the rooftop, looked up at the sky with surprised faces.
A red Damocles Sword emerged from the burst of light.
The Damocles Sword had a shape that looked like flames and a red rose with thorns.
Even though it is the same red Sword of Damocles, it is a new sword that looks completely different from Suoh's rough and crumbling sword.
Anna closed her eyes. She sensed many narrow paths leading everywhere from Anna. It was the thread that connected the scattered friends of "Homura" and Anna's power as the "Red Queen".
Is it because Anna still has Suoh's flames on her body? Or does she have something to do with the inherent ability to respond? Anna, who deployed her Sanctum, was also connected to the clansmen of Suoh, the former king.
Yata muttered in amazement.
Yata and Kusanagi, who are next to her, are also connected by threads. Beneath Yata's left clavicle and Kusanagi's right scapula, there are marks of "Homura". It hadn't given a fever since Suoh had left, but now it glowed red with Anna's power.
Along the connected thread, Anna's flames flowed towards the two of them. Anna certainly felt that the two of them had accepted it, which was different from Suoh's flame. It was salvation for Anna, who had ascended the lonely throne.
"The power is overflowing!"
Yata roared and sent flames from his body that matched Anna's flames. Yata's eyes became brighter, and he took on a lively expression that seemed to be that of the vanguard captain of "Homura", and turned his hand around. The makeshift weapon that he picked up immediately moved like a part of Yata's body, and the color changed due to the flames that moved from Yata's hand.
"Come on!"
Riding his skateboard, he approached the ninja who was shocked by the awakening of the "Red Queen". The ninja stepped back and threw many kunais. Yata swung his staff and knocked down all the kunais, then kicked the board and jumped high.
The flames helped Yata to jump, and he jumped at the ninja from above, as if he was riding a wave of flames.
Yata's club, which he swung downward, grazed the ninja. The ninja staggered back.
Seeing that he had created a large opening, Yata clenched his fists as soon as he landed, and from a low position, he applied force and pulled himself up with all of his strength. Yata's fist went straight for the ninja's face and sent him flying.
His brain seemed to shake with all his might, and the ninja lay silent on the ground.
Yata smiled triumphantly and looked back at Anna. But that smile faded when he saw Anna.
Anna was about to be swung by the flames that she emitted. The flame wings that spread out on her back also swayed, and she lost her balance and wobbled unsteadily.
It was too much power for a single person to hold in her body. Suoh had always experienced the conflict and depression of having that power.
Anna had glimpsed Suoh's nightmare by interacting with him.
In the nightmare unfolded the spectacle of a city that had been burned and destroyed by a fierce flame that swallowed everything.
(Anna, you won't let a nightmare remain a nightmare.)
She thought of Totsuka's words.
She thought of Suoh's body temperature as he called her and touched her cheek.
A flame that likely turns into intangible heat that breaks its form and swallows everything indiscriminately.
Sweating, Anna shaped it again as it tried to riot.
That was not a devastating fire.
It was meant to take off.
Even if it was lost or broken, it would revive and take flight.
Anna roared. Like a little beast, howling at the sky.
The flickering flames converged on Anna's body and took shape again. Following Anna's will, that became a giant bird to shape Anna's prayers.
A bird made of fire flapped her wings and flew into the sky. It burned the ceiling of the room and went up to heaven.
A bird of bright red flames circled Anna's Sword of Damocles in the sky.
But if she let her guard down, the flames were about to become another formless and ferocious force of destruction. Anna concentrated with all her might to calm the flames.
"Are you alright, Anna?"
Kusanagi and Yata were calling her. They and Anna are already deeply connected. Not only that. Suoh and Totsuka were also inside Anna.
(This terrifying and incredibly beautiful red will become your ally.)
Anna put her hands on the floor and turned her face down.
Beneath the transparent floor, she stared at the enshrined "Slate".
"I'm not going to lose to you."
She sweated and closed her eyes.
She prayed that it would come back.
(My red, my power. Don't go on a rampage alone. Come back.)
As if responding to Anna's despair, the giant flame bird flapping his wings slowly disappeared as if it had melted into the red Sword of Damocles.
The flame of the "King" seemed to have settled inside Anna somehow.
"Anna! Are you okay?!"
Kusanagi and Yata knelt down next to Anna and looked inside.
Yata frowned in concern and it looked like Kusanagi was about to cry, Anna took a deep breath and smiled.
The scar on his back was troublesome.
He wanted to give himself first aid and run to Mihashira Tower, but he couldn't do it right because of his back. If he moved wrongly, pain would shoot through him and his wound would open up.
He might have to go to the hospital, but he didn't want to get stuck in long-term treatment.
Kamamoto was struggling to bandage himself alone in the HOMRA bar when a cold bell rang and the door opened.
Kamamoto was startled by the sudden shout and raised his voice.
Looking up, Kamamoto's childhood friend Nunohashi Ayumi was standing pale at the entrance of the bar.
"Riii-chan?! What happened that you have that wound?!"
Ayumi came closer as she turned around with a crying face.
"Why are you here?"
"My aunt was worried that Ri-chan and Anna would suddenly disappear from the store while yelling and screamed..."
Ayumi is the daughter of the Nunohashi Meat Shop next door to the Kamamoto Liquor Store. Since she is a member of the family, if something happens in his parents' house, the neighbors will hear it immediately.
"When trouble happens, don't come here carelessly because it's dangerous... Ayumi, I'm sorry, but bandage the wounds on my back tightly!"
"What are you talking about?! Please go to the hospital properly! Or rather, an ambulance..."
Kamamoto grabbed Ayumi's hand as she tried to get her PDA. For some reason, Ayumi's cheeks turned red.
"Please, Ayumi. I don't have time right now. Anna is in danger."
"Anna-chan...? What happened to her?!"
Ayumi's eyes wavered. While Anna was staying at Kamamoto's parents' house, Ayumi also became fond of Anna. Kamamoto had seen many times how she tried to take care of Anna by pretending to be an older sister, as if she had a younger sister.
"Anna was kidnapped. It's not a case that can be solved by calling the police. Yata-san and others are going to help now, but... I want to leave as soon as possible."
When he begged and insisted again, Ayumi looked up at Kamamoto with teary eyes and clenched her mouth to hold back the tears.
"Please sit down."
Ayumi took the bandage and said that.
"I'll help you."
Kamamoto sat on the chair at the counter and turned his back to Ayumi. He heard a gasping sound as Ayumi stepped back, facing the wound.
Ayumi is like a little sister to Kamamoto. Even Kamamoto didn't want to show her such an injury and force her to take care of it, but at that moment he couldn't heal himself.
As Kamamoto wanted, Ayumi wrapped him in a strong bandage to hold his wounds.
"Thank you! Now I can..."
Kamamoto quickly got to his feet, feeling that he was able to move thanks to his wound being firmly bandaged.
Immediately, his head felt dizzy and he fell to his knees on the ground. He was anemic.
"Ri-chan! After all, it's unreasonable! It's okay, just take a break!"
He borrowed Ayumi's hand and lay down on the couch. Kamamoto closed his eyes on the couch because he couldn't resist in a situation where his eyes would fly white if he moved wrong.
After resting for a while, his condition gradually calmed down, but he felt like crying out of embarrassment. When he thought about Anna's situation, his body didn't move as he wanted, and he was frustrated.
"Ugh... I'm sorry... Anna..."
Ayumi knelt down by the couch and rubbed Kamamoto's shoulder gently.
"Ri-chan. What does Anna-chan mean to Ri-chan?"
In response to Ayumi's question, the image of Anna, who was always by Suoh's side, and the image of Anna, who swallowed everything and stayed strong even after Suoh left, came his mind.
"Anna is a girl who was loved by a person for whom I had great respect. Of course, if something happened to Anna, who is important to all of us, I wouldn't be able to face Mikoto-san or Totsuka-san even if I were to die. Even though Kusanagi-san trusted me and left it to me... I had to protect her..."
Towards the end of his words, instead of talking to Ayumi, that became an internal monologue. He closed his eyes and prayed wholeheartedly for Anna's safety as he clenched his teeth in rage that he couldn't move.
At that moment, Kamamoto felt a glowing heat in the center of his body.
He opened his eyes and jumped. Ayumi let out a surprised voice.
His entire body was buzzing. In the center of his body, the flame that Suoh gave him, the flame that had grown weaker and thinner after Suoh disappeared, it now recovered its heat and attracted Kamamoto. And for some reason, he felt Anna's strong presence.
Ayumi looked at Kamamoto curiously.
He remembered that sensation of heat welling up from the depths of his body. It was very similar to Suoh's feeling when he deployed his Sanctum. The core of his body burned and power surged, and a particular part of his body emitted strong heat.
Kamamoto got up from the sofa, turned his back on Ayumi, and lowered the buttocks of his pants.
Ayumi yelled again.
"Ayumi! What's going on with my right butt?!"
"What do you mean?! Is something like a flame-like pattern glowing red?!"
"On second thought...!"
Kamamoto's "Homura" "mark" is on the right buttock. It's a tattoo-like pattern that appeared on his body upon receiving Suoh's installation. In Kamamoto's case, when he found out that he had appeared on his right buttock, he remembered very well how Suoh had a very confused expression on his face. It was a bit disappointing that Kamamoto didn't show it off as easily as Yata.
The "mark" on Kamamoto's right buttock was now red hot.
Kachan, the doorbell rang again.
The voices of two men shouting at the same time resounded. It was Akagi and Bando, the main members of "Homura", who opened the door of Bar HOMRA. The two of them screamed at the image of Kamamoto showing the girl his exposed buttocks.
"What are you doing, Kamamoto?! Hurry up and put that dirty ass away!"
Bando yelled that. For some reason, Ayumi, who had been shown her buttocks, protested.
"Ri-chan's butt isn't dirty!"
"What are you too?!"
With confirmation, Kamamoto pulled up his pants and pushed his buttocks away, then turned to look at Akagi and Bando.
"Both Shohei and Bando, you guys felt that and came here?!"
"During this time, you seem to have engaged in an unhealthy act of showing your buttocks to a girl?!"
"San-chan, calm down. Kamamoto-san's"mark" is on his buttocks, so it can't be helped. It's not bad, but I guess it's like that."
Akagi regained his composure first, calmed the excited Bando and rolled up the left sleeve of his own clothing. The "mark" on Akagi's arm was also emitting a red glow.
"We were finishing up our part-time job at the burger joint over there, but suddenly, it felt like Mikoto-san enlarging his Sanctum, and the "mark" got hot..."
As Akagi spoke, Bando calmed down and nodded solemnly.
"If the three of us feel the same, maybe other people are feeling the same. What the hell is going on?"
After Bando said that, a bit confused, he moved his eyes confidently.
"Also... for some reason, along with my "mark" getting hotter, I felt Anna's presence... Hey, how is Anna now?"
Kamamoto bit his lip once and opened his mouth to talk about what happened and what could happen now.
Munakata looked towards the red Sword of Damocles that appeared above the Mihashira Tower.
"No way..."
Beside him, Fushimi, who was also looking at the sword, muttered so. He was thinking of a person inside the Mihashira Tower who might have the ability to manifest that sword. Or maybe there was something more direct about Fushimi, the former Red Clansman.
Munakata was not surprised. Looking at the newborn sword without a single scratch, unlike the crumbling red Sword of Damocles that he knew, he even felt emotion.
In front of Munakata's line of sight, a bright red column of fire rose atop Mihashira Tower. The sound of destruction reached the ground with a slight delay.
The rooftop of Mihashira Tower was destroyed by fire, and a giant bird made of red flames flew out of the room, probably from where the "Slate" was.
The bird circled around the Sword of Damocles.
The high-temperature flames that burn everything to nothing was something Munakata had felt up close and faced many times. The beautiful firebird that danced around the sword was surely the same temperature.
However, the firebird did not reveal its ferocious beastlike appearance that Munakata was familiar with, but instead melted into the side of the sword.
As the members of "Scepter 4" held their breath and looked up, an explosion with a special power dyed in green light occurred on the rooftop of Mihashira Tower.
Debris flew conspicuously and nearly fell to the ground. It was like the aftermath of the battle of the green clan leaders who had occupied Mihashira Tower.
"What's going on up there?!"
"Kuh, it's going to collapse!"
The besieging members of "Scepter 4" were agitated. Awashima immediately called out with a voice that sounded like a cold whip.
"Evacuate while deploying the shield! Fushimi!"
"I understand! Back up twenty meters and re-stretch the siege net!"
Leaving command of the members to the capable vice-commander and number 3, Munakata himself remained motionless even under the rain of debris, never taking his eyes off the Sword of Damocles floating in the sky.
He kept looking at the red Sword of Damocles wielded by someone other than Suoh Mikoto.
"You're getting excited, right?"
Looking towards the red Sword of Damocles and the fire bird that appeared flying from the center of the roof garden, Mishakuji said that cheerfully.
"The appearance of the red Sword of Damocles, which should have been missed, is accompanied by a gigantic flaming bird. Fufu, it's beautiful. I also want to add some more flashy production."
A flash of green light went through "Ayamachi". Mishakuji felt the supernatural power exploding from him.
Until then, Mishakuji, who had been able to defeat Kuro using only his swordsmanship, began to display supernatural powers. The green sparks crackled violently and flashed brightly. His skin went numb just standing next to him.
Kuro instinctively took evasive action before thinking of anything.
At the same time, Kuro jumped back and Mishakuki brandished a bomb-shaped sword.
A sharp cut and a green electric discharge destroyed the place where Kuro was.
The scaffolding collapsed and debris flew conspicuously, and only the aftermath blew Kuro's body like a paper doll, falling into the hole made by the firebird earlier.
(How unpleasant. Get back to your feet and evacuate.)
Mishakuji laughed at Kuro, who was looking for a place to retreat as he fell, and his gaze wandered.
"Are you still running away? Kuro-chan!"
Mishakuji was free even in the air, as if he had been released from gravity while Kuro was falling.
Kicking the falling debris into the air, he changed direction, he wrapped around Kuro and struck him in the back with the hilt of his sword.
The air in his lungs escaped with a groan from the impact of being hit by a car, and Kuro's body, which had been falling, was thrown up.
Kuro desperately regained his balance in the air and struggled out of the helpless state of the fall. He kicked the debris off to the side and grabbed another piece of debris. As if trying to swim in zero gravity, he chose a large object among the countless debris flying through the air, used it as a foothold, and jumped onto it, reaching the wall and planting his feet on it.
"Kuro-chan, I'll tell you why you're definitely not as good as me."
"Stop talking nonsense!"
He got a little used to running up the wall. Kuro ran through the wall looking for a way to counterattack.
Kuro kicked the wall to challenge Mishakuji, who easily crossed the rubble in midair as if he had the ability to fly.
"My sword carries everything I have."
The two swords collided on the falling rubble. The supernatural powers repelled each other, causing flashes of light. Kuro's hands were numb from the weight of Mishukaji's sword, and he went flying without even being able to stand up due to his poor position.
Mishakuji's chase fell on Kuro's body one after another.
"Joy, anger, sadness, amusement, fear, confusion, surprise, excitement, pride, honor..."
With each word, Mishakuji's "Ayamachi" hit Kuro. Kuro could no longer block the sword with his sword, and all he could do was protect his body with his powers and reduce the damage so that it wouldn't be fatal. A sword imbued with each and every one of Mishakuji's emotions struck at the defenseless Kuro.
Kuro's body crashed to the ground with a blow that seemed to hit from above. Although he managed to get into landing stance somehow, he couldn't control the momentum and slipped on the ground as he kicked up clouds of dust.
"And love!"
Mishakuji lightly landed in front of Kuro and said that.
Kuro, still on his knees, managed to raise his head and looked at Mishakuji.
Zehyu, zehyu, his throat was ringing eerily. Thanks to the supernatural ability of a Silver Clan member with excellent defense left behind by Shiro, he somehow managed to keep himself physically satisfied, but the damage rebounded to the center of his body.
Still unable to stand up, he just shifted his gaze. The place where Kuro fell was a place like a machine room that protruded from the atrium between the "Slate". Looking towards the center between the "Slate", Anna, who was supposed to be trapped in a cage, was free and was able to see a red field that protected Neko from the falling debris.
Mishakuji also looked down between the "Slate" and said without even looking at Kuro.
"But your sword is empty. Miwa's beloved sword, "Kotowari", is like a makeshift stick. So of course, it's not as good as my sword, which dances with everything I have on it."
Kuro tilted his head. Kuro no longer had the courage to retaliate or the words to respond. In this battle, Kuro has not been able to land a single hit on Mishakuji.
A feeling of helplessness and exhaustion shook his spirit. The accumulated damage on his body was also great. The only reason he wasn't fatally injured was because Mishakuji was "playing around". Kuro's sword was not enough.
"Don't lose, Kurosuke!"
Neko's voice resounded loudly among the "Slate".
Kuro raised his face in surprise. When he looked at her, Neko was clenching her hands tightly into fists and looking at Kuro with her eyes straight at him.
"You will meet Shiro again!"
Kuro's shoulders trembled.
The hand that gripped the handle of the "Kotowari" gained strength and trembled.
(My sword is empty. What is my sword for?)
He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as if to bite into his weakness. Everything that had happened so far flashed through his head like a flashlight on.
Miwa who taught Kuro how to use the sword.
Mishakuji treating a young Kuro who pesters him for lessons.
People who called the adult Kuro "Kuro-kun".
Miwa entrusting "Kotowari" to Kuro along with his will.
The school island in winter. To end the conflict, Kuro knelt before Shiro, who acted as the "Silver King".
(Kuro Yatogami, as a member of the clan of the First King, Adolf K. Weismann, I promise to dedicate my life to the King.)
Kuro wanted to help Shiro. He wanted to help him, who is a talkative and unreliable man, but who loves people and works for the people who are important to him.
After being sworn in by Kuro, Shiro relaxed his expression after widening his eyes.
(You really are very formal. You don't need that kind of ceremony to be friends.)
Shiro said that and extended a hand towards Kuro who was on his knees.
(Come on.)
As he took hold of Shiro's hand and stood up, he felt Shiro's power flowing from the held hand. He was a warm and gentle force.
After receiving a fragment of that power that he had for many years, Kuro decided to once again wield its power for him.
Kuro slowly opened his eyes.
His hands stopped shaking and his mind, which had been turbulent until now, had calmed down.
(What am I wrong? That's right, it's okay that this sword is empty. This sword and I...)
He stood up and placed "Kotowari" in the scabbard.
A sword that had swung with a troubled heart, he returned it to its rightful place in the scabbard and held it up in front of him.
"I am a member of the clan of the First King, the "Silver King", Adolf K. Weismann. My name is Yatogami Kuro."
He declared that and took a surprised stance.
"I will never use this sword for my benefit. This sword is for the purpose of opening the way for my "King"! And it is wielded to protect my "King"!"
Kuro's sword is different from Mishakuji's.
He didn't want to be there. He was there for what he believed in, and for his "King".
Kuro himself became a sword.
Mishakuji looked at Kuro's face, narrowed his eyes, and smiled.
"Fufu, you finally have a pretty face... Then, I have to deal with you as a vassal of the "Green King"."
Mishakuji turned his sword around and took a stance.
Mishakuji's face changed. A bright and feminine face with a constant smile was suffused with sharpness and emanated a solemn voice.
"Mishakuji Yukari, ready."
He announced in a low, colorless voice.
A tense period of silence passed. Kuro maintained his unannounced stance and heightened his nerves as he looked at Mishakuji. He didn't miss it for a single moment. In order to insert the point of the sword into the point of the needle and open a path, he looked at Mishakuji with all his heart.
Mishakuji was the first to move. He ran straight to Kuro.
Kuro kept watching Mishakuji's movement until the last minute. Mishakuji's sword danced. Although he carried all kinds of emotions from Mishakuji, he was ruled by Mishakuji's strong ego and drew a trajectory that didn't falter one bit.
Kuro took a strong step forward and unleashed a sword with all of his might.
A cross. A glow.
The two blades intersected and shook violently.
A strong shock ran through Kuro's arm and body, but Mishakuji's body was also swept away by the momentum of Kuro's sword. He spun to kill the momentum and turned to face Kuro.
Kuro was kicking the ground hard and jumping.
His mind remained calm.
The fear, anger, anxiety, and hesitation were gone, and with the will to pave the way, he put all of his strength into his blade.
Kuro's sword, which glowed in a single color, drew a straight trajectory in contrast to Mishakuji's colorful sword.
Mishakuji's eyes were fixed on Kuro's sword.
To the extent that he made him think that he would be unprotected by the sword as he was, looking with admiring eyes, when the sword was about to hit him, he smiled happily and showed "Ayamachi".
The swords swung with supernatural powers.
The powers of the two collided violently, causing an explosion.
Kuro, who was concentrating all his nerves on reaching for the sword, received the aftermath of the explosion all over his body and flew away.
He managed to land on the ground between the "Slate" where Neko was, but fell to his knees and vomited blood.
Neko cried out in concern. Kuro endured the pain and raised his face.
Mishakuji, who emerged from the rising dust, did not appear to be damaged, but the sleeve on his upper right arm was cut and bleeding.
"The current sword was reasonably beautiful."
Finally, only the tip of the sword reached him.
(But what are you going to do now?)
Behind the hesitating Kuro, Anna stepped forward.
Kushina Anna. Probably the earlier red Sword of Damocles and the giant fire bird that went through the rooftop between the "Slate" and the roof garden. Was he going to borrow power from her? But...
Before Kuro could give an answer, he heard the sound of wings from above, and a parrot swooped down calling him "Yukari! Yukari!"
It's the bird that Mishakuji brought. However, things were different from before.
As soon as he landed on Mishakuji's shoulders, the sound from the depths of his beak changed from a parrot-like bird's voice to a fluent male voice.
"Are you ready, Yukari?"
From the parrot's mouth, there was little intonation, but a voice flowed with a deep presence.
"Please come back now. I'm going to go deeper than this. The person in front of you is no longer a clansman to be captured. She is the Third King, the "Red Queen"."
"But Nagare-chan. I won't be satisfied if I go home with my head down."
Mishakuji naturally chatted with the parrot and looked at Anna with eyes tinged with sword swallowing.
"Now that she's just born and can't handle her power, I think that will be enough."
In response, Kuro grabbed his sword again. Neko also instinctively protected Anna with her hands.
The man who speaks through the mouth of a parrot replied without hesitation.
"I was already able to fulfill my purpose to a certain extent. Let's stop doing something so declining."
Kusanagi was in a position to protect Anna, looking at the parrot on Mishakuji's shoulder.
"Nagare, Nagare Hisui, "Green King"!"
Yata's eyes widened at Kusanagi's words.
"What?! This bird?!"
"No, the bird is just a mediator... The Green Clan put a lot of work into things."
"As expected of the Reds' commanding chief, you are well informed. I admire you."
The parrot's emotionless eyes looked around the group and fixed its gaze on Anna.
"It's not a face-to-face meeting, but it's nice to meet you, new "Red Queen". I am the Fifth King, "Green King" Hisui Nagare. As an apology for leaving early, let me give you a birthday present."
Tension coursed through Anna's body.
Mishakuji lifted the edge of his lips amusedly.
"Or maybe it will be a parting gift. Show me how lucky you are not to die at this level, Kuro-chan."
Mishakuji turned on his heel and started walking. Kuro stretched out his hand to reach him.
"See you soon."
Mishakuji bowed gracefully. At the same time, Mishakuji's body was engulfed in a strong green light that burned his eyes, and Kuro inadvertently turned around.
When he opened his eyes, Mishakuji and the others were gone.
Yata clicked his tongue.
"Dammit, he got away!"
"Though we lost them this time. For now, let's withdraw immediately."
Kusanagi was about to say that, but he frowned and stopped his words.
The surrounding debris became electrified, and a green current erupted. Neko yelled "Meow!"
"My hair is tingling!"
Neko's long hair stood on end, like an animal charged with static electricity.
Anna looked up at the sky.
Above Anna's Sword of Damocles, a dark cloud slowly began to swirl.
It was not an ordinary cloud. With unnatural movements, black clouds flowed onto Mihashira Tower from all directions, spinning like coiled snakes and turning into a large black mass.
Green thunder flickered disturbingly in the dark clouds.
Kusanagi's face twitched.
"This is his present?"
The thunder within the black clouds grew violently and swelled with enough energy to light up the night sky.
"The Raiko technique?"
He heard a crackling voice through a broken voice changer. The ninja who had fallen into the rubble staggered to his feet.
Yata grabbed the ninja's necklace, who seemed to know why.
"Oh, damn, what's going on?!"
The mechanical face mask covering the ninja's face fell off. From inside, the face of a young woman appeared, and Yata rolled his eyes.
"It is a technique of creating lightning by gathering the energy of the lower members of the clan."
"Ah, a woman!"
Yata's face turned red, and as if he had touched something hot, he released her lapels and jumped back.
With a grim expression, she looked up at the thunder that was gathering in the sky and kept growing, and muttered.
"But why of this magnitude? Could it be that a group mission was dispatched that did not show itself to the intrusion unit?"
Hearing that murmur, Kuro remembered his knowledge of "Jungle".
When he was under Miwa's tutelage, he learned the characteristics of each clan. The Green Clan had a strange shape that set it apart from other clans.
Clan members who haven't even seen a "King" and a "King" who never appears. Normally, to become a member of the clan, one has the proper determination and a sense of belonging to the clan led by the "King". But "Jungle" doesn't have that. Inferior clan members join "Jungle" simply by installing the "Jungle" app without even being aware that they belong to the clan.
They act by participating in game-style missions as users of the application, not as members of the clan under the command of the "King". As expected, the people who participated in the Mihashira Tower raid were a limited number of people who were quite deep, but there were countless people who had just installed a popular game application. But what if you issue what the ninja calls a "collective mission" and gather that power?
It is said that the "Jungle" app began to become popular in Tokyo when Kuro was a high school student. It is not known how many users there are at the moment, but if they are trying to suck the power out of each one of them and throw it to that place, how big will it all be?
The thunder that gathered in the sky above the Mihashira Tower created a green sphere that was bigger than the Sword of Damocles. Dazzling green electricity violently exploded into a giant plasma ball-like body of energy, seeking release.
The ninja made a bitter face.
"Is he planning to finish us off? Shit."
"Hey, what the hell are you talking about? Ah!"
In front of Yata, who was looking at her, the ninja's feet glowed green, she sank to the ground and disappeared.
"Hey, let's run away quickly!"
Neko looked at Kuro and said that. Kuro groaned as he kept his eyes fixed on the sky.
"We won't be able to escape in time..."
If it was just Neko, she could escape with Kuro's supernatural ability. But it was impossible to carry that number of people.
The ninja said that he planned to end everything, but the "Green King" doesn't care if the remaining Green Clan members inside the tower get involved. Is he thinking of dumping everything ruthlessly and without remorse?
The energy body that turned into a huge sphere split.
The released energy fell like lightning as thick as a building.
Anna raised both palms to the sky.
A red Sanctum was opened. A dome-shaped defensive field appeared directly above the Sword of Damocles.
It appeared and blocked the attacking green beam.
Kusanagi desperately called out to Anna.
Even if it was being blocked by a red field, the green beam did not disappear.
Red power and green power collided head-on, mixing green stream and red sparks in the night sky.
Anna stared at the sky, continuing to catch the thunder falling like a violent waterfall.
Sweat dripped down her white skin. Her expression distorted in agony, her teeth clenched, but Anna's glowing red eyes still pointed at the thunder as if she were eating it.
Kuro couldn't do anything but keep looking at Anna's profile.
Even when he lost Shiro, he was told that he was an obstacle except for the "King" and was not allowed to go with him. Even now, he gritted his teeth at how small his body was that he could only let such a young girl carry him on her back.
Kusanagi and Yata were also looking at Anna with pained and frustrated expressions.
"This time I will protect you all!"
Anna, who had never had anything more than a calm voice and few words, said that in a shouting voice.
Raiko's technique clash and Anna's red field. Anna desperately controlled the power of the "King" she had just obtained to maintain a defensive field, but the endless thunder began to show fluctuations.
The red field, which was continuously struck by intense lightning, scattered sparks and flickered. Anna's hand, which was raised toward the sky, trembled.
Anna, who endured with all her might, closed her eyes tightly. However, from that expression, power suddenly leaked out.
Anna's consciousness was flying. Kusanagi stretched out his arm and caught her body, which was about to fall backwards.
At the same time that Anna's consciousness was cut off, the red defensive field that Anna had deployed had disappeared.
There was nothing to block it, and green thunder fell to swallow it all up. Neko clung to Kuro's arm.
Kuro kept his eyes on the thunder of destruction. The last fight he could take, various actions revolved around his head. But before he could take action, something happened.
The space next to the red Sword of Damocles was distorted into blue. From there, another sword appeared.
The Blue Sword of Damocles.
A blue field unfolded as if to envelop the two swords lined up side by side. As soon as the green ray touched the blue field, it froze and crystallized as if time had stopped.
Kuro and everyone were holding their breath as they looked at the scene.
A giant blue lightning crystal cracked and shattered.
Kuro stared in amazement at the particles of beautiful blue light falling down.
The unconscious Anna slowly raised her eyelids and looked at the red and blue swords floating side by side in the sky.
"Many supernatural reactions have occurred in various places in Tokyo! That energy is gathering in the sky above Mihashira Tower!"
A crew member in a vehicle equipped with a probabilistic drift measurement instrument reported in a shrill voice.
That was also confirmed visually. If they looked around, they could see countless thin green lights of supernatural powers rising up into the sky.
A few streaks could be seen in the sky in the distance, but from a closer distance one could see the green electricity coming from the PDAs placed by the spectators just outside the regulation line, rising as if it were being absorbed by the sky. The people holding their PDAs didn't even seem to notice. The power of general "Jungle" users who knew nothing was being sucked, albeit in small amounts.
Dark clouds hung over the sky that had absorbed countless thin thunderclaps, and those clouds gathered and swirled over Mihashira Tower with tremendous force.
Within the black clouds that had turned into gigantic black lumps, the energy gathered from all sides charged up with a disturbing crackling sound.
Understanding the situation, Munakata began to run.
He heard someone call him, but he didn't have time to answer.
He ran up to the Mihashira Tower, ignored the entrance and started running up the wall.
Another team member let out a more surprised voice than before.
Munakata dressed in a brilliant blue supernatural light and kicked the wall of Mihashira Tower made of glass. He jumped several meters in one step and ran against gravity.
The green light that gathered in the Mihashira Tower grew violently in an instant, forming a gigantic sphere made of lightning.
Munakata kept running on the wall. One story of the tower was straddled in about one step, aiming for the top of the sky-piercing Mihashira Tower.
In the center of the dark clouds, a clump of green energy flashed brightly, exploded, and became a thick bolt of lightning that struck Mihashira Tower. It was as if the green dragon was about to swallow the head of the Mihashira Tower.
Munakata turned into a single blue light and slid down the wall. Beneath Munakata's scuffed shoes, the window glass shattered.
A red Sanctum was deployed at Munakata's destination.
A thick green beam was blocked by a red defensive field centered around the red Sword of Damocles. However, the thunder did not disappear and continued to attack the red field.
The forces of green and red collided violently, and electricity and sparks scattered vividly.
Munakata continued running while he watched the scene.
To Munakata, the Third King's red was a familiar color.
A fierce, free-spirited color that disturbs the order Munakata is aiming for, and disturbs even Munakata himself. It was frustrating for Munakata, but when he erased that color with his bare hands, he was seized with an indescribable sense of loss.
Munakata felt a strange sensation at the bright red in front of him.
It was certainly the color of the Third King, but the new flawless red Sword of Damocles, and the beautiful Sanctum, shaped to protect them, were different from that man's.
The pure red field struggled to withstand the green lightning. However, it started to wobble due to the fierce unstoppable attacks and finally disappeared.
At this time, Munakata had reached the rooftop.
He raised his right hand, palm up.
He expanded his Sanctum. The blue Sword of Damocles appeared.
He directed the power of blue, which governs order, against the falling green thunder and ruled it.
It was the first time he had used a large amount of power since he had fought Suoh in the incident last winter.
The green power absorbed from people by the "Green King" mechanism and converted into energy in the form of lightning stopped in order.
The giant thunder turned into a blue crystal.
The crystals, which turned into sky-piercing pillars of ice, cracked and shattered.
Munakata slowly lowered his hand, which was pointing to the sky, and pushed up his slightly misaligned glasses.
After Munakata ran up the wall of Mihashira Tower and fended off a large thunderclap that was thought to be a trick from the "Green King", the Green Clansmen escaped from inside Mihashira Tower.
Judging from the accusing voices saying "They abandoned us.", it seemed that the "Green King" had aborted the operation. Did they feel like they were left behind in the Mihashira Tower because the mission they had been sent had been called off, or maybe some realized that they too were nearly killed by the giant lightning at that time?
In any case, there was one thing for Awashima and the others to do.
"Capture the members of "Jungle" that came out of Mihashira Tower! Don't let anyone escape!"
Responding to Awashima's order, the soldiers surrounding Mihashira Tower began to move. The members, who were frustrated by the long wait, enthusiastically captured the members of "Jungle" one after another. Here and there, the clash of the weapon of "Jungle" and the saber of "Scepter 4" desperately roaring resounded.
Aiming at the point where the siege net of "Scepter 4" had weakened due to battle, capture, and transportation, a group of "Jungle" jumped out, seeming to be timing the escape.
Awashima swung her saber as he stopped the member trying to follow him.
With a flash of spirit, she swung the sword widely vertically and horizontally, and slashed with a special ability. The grid-like cuts closed in on the party trying to escape through the gaps in the siege netting, closing in on them with a single blow.
The power was moderated to the extent that it did not inflict deep wounds on the body, but those who were hit by Awashima's lattice slash fell to the ground and stretched out. Immediately, the members of "Scepter 4" rushed over, grabbed them, and dragged them to the transport vehicle.
"Lieutenant. It has been confirmed that Mishakuji Yukari escaped."
Akiyama hurried over with his saber lowered and whispered in her ear. Awashima hesitated for a moment.
It was Mishakuji Yukari's power that allowed that group to occupy Mihashira Tower despite the "Golden King" being absent. Most likely, he himself had neutralized all the "Rabbits" inside the Mihashira Tower.
He was a dangerous person to let him go, but...
"Considering the opponent's strength, there are no personnel left to pursue him at this time. We can't do a deep search."
"I agree with that."
Instead of Akiyama, Fushimi, who was behind Awashima, spoke up in a hoarse voice.
"It's frustrating when you get thrown around a lot and all you catch are little disposable fish that don't know anything. I'm out of here for a while."
In that case, there was another person who did important work besides Mishakuji Yukari. A person who bypassed the security of Mihashira Tower and the blockade line of "Scepter 4" with his peculiar ability.
"I trust you."
At Awashima's words, Fushimi silently turned on his heel.
Awashima raised her voice and gave instructions to the members while she looked up at the sky.
Two Swords of Damocles, red and blue, floated above the Mihashira Tower.
(Actually, I didn't want the Captain to use the power of the "King", but...)
Thinking so, Awashima shook her head slightly, realizing that she had faced the anxiety within herself.
(If it's hard to bear the burden of killing the "King", it doesn't get any better than that.)
She remembered Kusanagi's voice over the phone.
Awashima seized the hilt of her sword without giving much thought to the task at hand.
Douhan Hirasaka slipped through the siege of "Scepter 4" and ran through the city to get as far away from Mihashira Tower as possible.
She ran into the alley and caught her breath.
"As expected of the "Blue King" to calm down the lightning technique. They helped me by accident."
"Scepter 4" was chasing down and capturing the escaping low-ranking clansmen. She should disappear now.
In her heart, Hirasaka thought that the return on that business was small compared to the risk and effort. "Jungle" is a good customer, but due to her gambling temper in everything, Hirasaka, who pursues an efficient business, often did not get along.
She didn't trust or believe in him to begin with, so she didn't even think that she was betrayed when she was about to be killed along with the enemy.
She activated a special ability and went through the wall she was leaning against. She decided that it would be better to escape through the wall repeatedly and go into hiding.
However, when she was half submerged in the wall, several knives flew towards her and pierced the wall that Hirasaka was trying to break through.
She took a breath and withdrew. She couldn't go any further inside the wall. When she pulled her slumped body out of the wall, there was a man in a blue uniform, blocking the alley. A person whose details she knew. Saruhiko Fushimi, a member of the "Scepter 4" Special Forces Corps and the number 3 in command.
Fushimi turned the knife around like a handcuff.
"I'm not incompetent enough to allow the same trick over and over again."
"Scepter 4" is good at defending and capturing with the control field. Using the throwing knives as a go-between, Fushimi should have put a field on the wall that Hirasaka was trying to break through, preventing her from breaking through.
Originally, Hirasaka's tactics relied on surprise attacks that made the most of walls. Hand-to-hand combat isn't her forte, but since her opponent uses a throwing knife that blocks Hirasaka's technique, she had no choice but to create openings even in hand-to-hand combat.
Hirasaka drew the two swords from her back.
Fushimi put his hand on the saber.
"Fushimi, ready."
The saber was gently drawn, and he took the basic stance of standing it vertically in front of his chest. Fushimi smiled slightly.
Hirasaka launched a preemptive strike. She lowered her body and attacked, aiming for the legs and swinging the sword. If they stop moving, she could escape in the meantime.
Fushimi jumped slightly to avoid Hirasaka's sword. A saber swung down from the sky. Hirasaka raised the other sword and struck back.
She turned her body around and threw a kunai. However, all of them were struck down by a saber with brilliant blue supernatural power, and the saber swung in a fluid motion.
With a sharp sound, Fushimi's saber and Hirasaka's sword collided. The metallic sound of intersecting blades resounded several times, and Hirasaka's legs fell off.
Hirasaka's body was damaged in the battle with Yata, a member of "Homura". Fushimi's slashing attack couldn't be met with the one-handed blade, so she crossed the blades of both hands to catch the saber that was being swung downward.
Fushimi suddenly smiled a little.
The saber was quickly drawn, and the next moment she felt a strong impact on her torso.
She heard the sound of her powered suit armor breaking, and before she knew it, Hirasaka was lying on the ground.
Her arms were twisted behind her and held her.
"Green Clan member, I will ask your name during the interrogation. You will be detained under Article 1 of the Anomalous Phenomenon Management Act."
Fushimi's hand pulled out Hirasaka's PDA from inside the powered suit.
Losing ownership of the PDA, the power that had been lent to her by the "Green King" disappeared from Hirasaka's body.
In "Jungle", only Mishakuji Yukari and other true executives possess supernatural powers in the true sense of the word. The other psychic powers possessed by the other members were only temporarily lent by the "Green King" through the "Jungle" app. Hirasaka, who is a top-tier player, is no exception.
(The loss of the special ability that is a work tool in the containment of the person. This time the business lost a lot.)
Hirasaka thought so with a cool head and closed her eyes.
The capture of the low-ranking clansman of "Jungle" who were fleeing from Mihashira Tower was almost complete, and a transport vehicle was launched to pack them up and send them to the holding place of "Scepter 4".
Munakata, who returned to the ground, stood in front of the entrance of Mihashira Tower, thanking Awashima for properly leading the capture and Fushimi for capturing the excellent ninja from "Jungle".
They still had a lot of work to do. After the unprecedented incident in which the territory of the "Golden King", which is the cornerstone of this country, and the "Tokijikuin" Golden Clan, which clearly could not resist the attack of "Jungle" at that time, were attacked, it was an urgent task to find out what to do with the "Slate" managed by the "Tokijikuin".
But before that, Munakata had the responsibility to welcome a new "Red King" as the "Blue King". Even more so at that time that "Tokijikuin", which had that responsibility, did not work.
After lining up the special forces and waiting, Anna Kushina, a girl who can be said to be Suoh's memory, Izumo Kusanagi, the staff officer of "Homura", and Misaki Yata, the vanguard captain, appeared from the depths of Mihashira Tower.
Anna Kushina stepped on the broken glass and left the building. She stopped her feet when she noticed "Scepter 4" waiting in two lines.
After all, there was an unmistakable sign of a "King" in her.
It houses the fire of hell, a symbol of violence, disorder and destruction. However, he did not feel any danger of tingling. He heard that she was originally a girl with a strong responsiveness. She perhaps knows better than anyone how to interact with the "Slate". Or, because she was close to Suoh, was she already familiar with that flame?
Anna stopped and looked in that direction. Awashima raised her sonorous voice and issued an order.
"To the new Third King, everyone, draw your swords!"
The main members of the Special Forces drew their swords one after another while raising their names, and drew their swords vertically towards the sky in front of their chests.
The flower path of the sword was done. Fushimi and Awashima also grabbed the hilt of their sabers.
"Fushimi, ready."
"Awashima, ready."
They created a path to welcome the new Third King.
Yata showed a disgusted look, as if he was careful of the line of bare swords. Kusanagi controlled him lightly with his hand.
Undeterred, Anna walked straight down the path of the sword. Kusanagi and Yata also stepped behind her to protect both sides.
When she got to the front of Munakata, Anna stopped and silently looked at Munakata.
It was a place to meet the "King", but they were acquaintances. Kusanagi casually greeted Awashima, but was ignored. Munakata also knew that Kusanagi had been in Germany for a long time and that Awashima had cooperated with him.
Yata hesitantly tried to thank Fushimi, but Fushimi ignored him as well. In fact, Munakata was convinced that it was the "request for support through another channel."
In the midst of that, Anna did not look away and looked directly at Munakata.
"Thanks for your help."
After a few moments of silence, Anna offered a simple, childlike thank you.
"If the "Red Queen" was in her prime, my help would not have been needed."
Munakata responded with a slight smile and immediately hardened his expression.
"However, it is true that the "Green King" Hisui Nagare is a presence to beware of. He is a creepy man."
In the end, even after all those incidents, the reason why the "Green King" withdrew so easily was the unforeseen situation of a new "Red King" awakening. It is very likely that he was able to obtain the desired information from the Mihashira Tower data bank. Whether it was the whereabouts of the "Silver King" or the "Golden King", or information about the "Dresden Slate", that was just a preliminary skirmish.
There was no doubt that the "Green King", who had been buried underground for a long time, was about to start something.
From far away, he listened the sound of running footsteps.
Anna's gaze turned in that direction, and a definite joy appeared in her expressionless expression.
Running towards them were Rikio Kamamoto of "Homura" and seven other members of the Red Clan. They seemed relieved when they recognized Anna's appearance, and Kamamoto, who was in the lead, relaxed his expression with a face that looked like he was about to cry.
"Anna... I'm glad you're safe...!"
Yata raised his fist with a smile towards the members of the Red Clan.
"You guys are late!"
They must have sensed the awakening of the "Red King" and rushed over. Munakata looked at the scene of the Red Clan with interest, wondering if there was such a substitute for the "King".
Anna smiled and nodded at her comrades who ran up, then she looked to Munakata.
"Please, take care of the rest."
"I understand."
Considering Anna's words as a request from the "Third King", who was part of that incident, to deal with the situation and transfer command, Munakata raised his voice to declare it to everyone around him.
"With the agreement between the Third Queen and the Fourth King, from now on, Mihashira Tower and the "Dresden Slate" will be under the control of "Scepter 4", and full authority will be entrusted to the Fourth King Reisi Munakata. "
Anna nodded.
After that, her gaze fell on the saber attached to Munakata's waist.
Sensing the meaning of her gaze, Munakata drew the saber from his waist and held it horizontally in front of Anna.
"Yes. I killed Suoh Mikoto with this."
There was no disturbance in Anna's behavior. Looking at the saber with a transparent expression that showed no sadness or anger, she gently placed her hand on the scabbard.
Even though she is a girl, when the "Red Queen" touched the saber of their own "King", the members of "Scepter 4" who were standing were wary and noisy.
For the members of "Scepter 4", sabers are a way to control their own abilities. They cannot be carelessly touched by other people, and it is not unreasonable to be alert against the "King" of the Red Clan, which can be said to be an enemy clan.
Responding to the vigilance and hostility of the "Scepter 4" members, the Red Clan members also showed signs of agitation, but Kusanagi placed a hand on Yata's shoulder to calm him down and winked at him. As Fushimi clicked his tongue, the members of "Scepter 4" held back with his hands.
Anna gently moved her hand over Munakata's saber and stroked it.
As Munakata watched the little white girl's hand slide over the scabbard, memories of that winter day came back to him.
Suoh laughed with a kind face that he had never seen before, as if the possessed spirit had fallen.
A red Sword of Damocles that fell and crumbled.
The feeling when Munakata's saber pierced Suoh's heart.
The weight of Suoh's dying body leaned against him.
Munakata blinked and his eyes widened. Anna withdrew the hand that was touching Munakata's saber.
"It was what Mikoto wanted. I don't hate you, but I don't want to thank you either."
What Anna told him was an honest feeling that couldn't be repaired. Munakata smiled and nodded.
He remembered what Suoh muttered like a moan, it was the words for that girl, Anna Kushina.
(Sorry, Anna. I can't show you that pretty red anymore.)
But she was no longer just an observer.
She became the Third Queen, the "Red Queen", emitting a bright and dangerous red.
Leaving "Scepter 4" and approaching with the hasty companions, Kamamoto knelt on the ground and placed his hands on Anna's shoulders.
"Anna... I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you..."
Anna shook her head and put her hand on Kamamoto's arm.
"No. I'm the one who's sorry. Are you okay with your injuries?"
“This kind of injury is nothing…!”
Bando raised his eyebrows at Kamamoto's tears.
"This guy who used to hang around in the bar often says that! Listen to me, Anna! This guy, Kamamoto, brought a girl to our holy place, the HOMRA bar, she healed his wounds and then he showed her his butt."
"San-chan! That's good now!"
Akagi soothed Bando with a concerned smile.
"By the way, why are you here?"
At Kusanagi's question, Chitose and Dewa looked at each other.
"We saw the red Sword of Damocles in the sky... I felt the flame within me, which had been weakened for a long time, whispering."
"I wanted to know what was going on, so I went to the HOMRA bar with Chitose."
Fujishima and Eric also exchanged glances before opening their mouths.
"I was in the room with Eric, but when Mikoto-san opened his Sanctum, I felt something similar, so I went to the bar with Dewa and the others."
"Then, we heard the story of Kamamoto-san."
"Knowing that Anna was in the Mihashira Tower, we came running."
Kusanagi nodded and looked around. Anna also looked at the faces of each person who came. They all had a complex expression that was a mixture of relief, joy, and strong confusion that Anna was safe.
"Anna... have you become the "Red Queen"?"
As if he represented everyone, Kamamoto asked quietly.
"Hey! Anna, you were awesome! You're really cool and you even helped us out!"
Yata said proudly before Anna could reply.
Anna slightly relaxed her expression when she saw Yata.
In that place, Anna felt that Yata and Kusanagi accepted her flame without hesitation.
But not all did. For the members of "Homura", Suoh Mikoto should have been the only "King".
She couldn't become "Queen" of "Homura" just by being chosen by the "Slate". She wasn't sure if everyone in "Homura" would choose her, but even so, Anna was happy that everyone who had been laughing together at the HOMRA bar was there once again.
"I was called by the 'Slate' for a long time. But I was scared, so I pretended not to see, I pretended not to hear."
Anna put her hand to her chest.
"But I stopped looking away. The red Mikoto showed me will be my red this time."
Anna smiled as she looked at "Homura" over everyone's faces, each with her own expression.
"Thanks for coming."
Kusanagi put a hand on Anna's shoulder.
"Anyway, let's go home. Rest well now and let's talk about the future later."
Anna nodded once, then said, "But wait a minute.", and she turned away.
As if not to get in the way, she approached Kuro who was watching the situation from a distance, and Neko who was crouching next to Kuro and watching the procession of ants, looking tired of the situation.
"Many thanks for everything."
When Anna thanked him, Kuro shook his head.
"No. There was a course of events and my own personal reasons. Besides, in the end, we were the ones who saved ourselves."
Anna looked at Kuro and took out a red marble from her pocket.
"Take this."
Before handing over the marble, Anna wrapped her hands around it and put her strength into prayer.
The responsiveness that she had been shutting down for a long time blossomed even more after being awakened as "Queen".
She didn't know if that would work, but Anna transferred some of her sentient abilities and gently opened her hands so they could connect with their loved ones.
"This will be a talisman for Kuro and Neko."
Kuro looked at the marble in Anna's palm curiously, and obediently took it.
"I pray that you can find the person you are looking for."
"I appreciate it."
Kuro grabbed the marble and lowered his head slightly.
"Neko, let's go home.", He said as he said goodbye next to Neko. Before returning to her comrades, Anna once again looked at the busily moving "Scepter 4".
Munakata was alone among the members of "Scepter 4" who pulled out the people from "Jungle" who were still inside Mihashira Tower, carried out the injured, and handed them over to the emergency services. Munakata was standing still doing nothing.
Seeing him, an uneasy murmur passed through Anna.
The "Red Queen" left, and only Munakata's blue Sword of Damocles floated in the sky.
Munakata was looking at his own sword.
He always had a hunch.
From the moment he took Suoh's life into his hands, he felt the feeling that he could no longer be a flawless "King" grew stronger little by little.
And now that feeling became a visible form.
A small crack went through Munakata's Sword of Damocles.
"The burden of killing the "King"..."
Munakata looked at that small wound and muttered.
"Let's take it and stand up."
Munakata began to walk. No matter what the circumstances, there was no cloud in the path of the “Blue King”.
Mishakuji Yukari walked while he hummed.
Kotosaka was flying to the side.
"You saw many interesting things at Mihashira Tower. It's a pity you didn't receive a direct memory."
Remembering the various beautiful things that he was able to see that time, he smiled.
"My cute little apprentice has finally started to grow. I witnessed the birth of the new "Red Queen"."
Kuro's sword that reached Mishakuji, and the power of the reborn "Red Queen" that soared into the sky in the form of a giant fire bird. Both were immature, but there was beauty in it.
There is certainly the perfect beauty of perfect things, but there is also the beauty of young shoots that make you feel the growth of the future.
And the distorted beauty when something that was supposed to be perfect is missing.
"The Sword of Damocles of the "Blue King"... I was able to confirm the status of it."
Mishakuji was looking at the blue Sword of Damocles as he left. He witnessed fault formation there, if only slightly.
Mishakuji laughed, spread his arms wide, and danced round and round.
"Fufufu, all the actors are here."
"Not yet, Yukari. We don't have a key person yet."
Hisui Nagare spoke through Kotosaka. Mishakuji looked at him sideways.
"That's right. Adolf K. Weismann. Nagare-chan, you are obsessed with him, the "King" from the beginning. We have to put him on top of this game board as soon as possible."
In the first place, the main goal of that operation was to expose the "Silver King".
Hisui Nagare claims to be a fan of the "Silver King". Nagare has extraordinary affection for the "Silver King", who discovered the "Slate", moved it, and dreamed an extraordinary dream like him.
"But the die is cast. The countdown to the real party has begun. Isn't it? My lord, "Green King"."
Kotosaka, who had the spirit of Nagare, landed on Mishakuji's shoulder. Mishakuji knew that Nagare was in a good mood just from the feeling on his cheek.
Mishakuji's lips also naturally lifted the corners of his mouth to create a smile.
"So? Were you able to get some results from the Mihashira Tower data bank?"
"That is also affirmative. As expected of the Mihashira Tower, which is the center of this country. It was a treasure trove of confidential information. Among them, there was also a clue about the "Silver King"."
"Oh, where is the "King" you're looking for?"
"The "Silver King" is in the Land of the Dead."
Mishakuji's eyes widened slightly. A giggling voice could be heard from behind next to Kotosaka.
"As expected of the "Golden King". To have concealed the existence of the "Heaven's" twin so perfectly."
There was joy deep within the flat way of speaking with little intonation. Mishakuji smiled at his master's good humor and said, "You're going to be busy from now on."
Kuro and Neko returned to Gakuenjima after sunrise.
When he first went to see Kukuri, Kukuri seemed to be worried about them, and she was exaggeratedly happy for their return.
"Welcome back, both of you! I'm glad you're back. You said you'd come by later, but you didn't come back at night and I got worried."
"Sorry. We had several problems. We were late."
"Kukuri, I'm home!"
Neko yelled happily. For Kuro, that is now a place to return to, but for Neko, who has memories of living there with Shiro, Gakuenjima is like her hometown.
Kukuri was also invited, and the three of them had breakfast in Shiro's room. Kuro and Neko didn't have dinner yesterday. Calming down the hungry Neko, he stopped at the family kitchen in Shiro's room, cooked rice and grilled horse mackerel, he poured in bonito broth and made tofu and wakame miso soup.
After finishing breakfast, which was simple, but Neko and Kukuri liked it very much, Kukuri made herself a cup of tea after her meal. Neko was misbehaving and sucking on the fish bones while she played on the bed.
Kuro took out the red marble that Anna handed him and held it up in front of him.
"Kurosuke, what is that? Caramel? Spicy? Sweet? Tasty?"
"It's not food. It's something Anna Kushina gave me when we parted ways."
Kukuri also looked curiously at the small red crystal ball pinched by Kuro's fingers.
"What? A marble?"
"Yes. She told me to carry it as a talisman..."
Anna Kushina is a girl with a strong sense of sensitivity that the "Green Clan" had their eye on. He also heard that red marbles were used as a medium when she was taking full advantage of the ability to perceive.
That's what she gave him. He thought there was some kind of power put into it, but so far she seemed like nothing more than a normal marble.
As she stared, Kukuri who seemed to be interested approached Kuro and looked. Neko also rushed over and jumped onto Kuro's back with the momentum of the charge.
He tried to scold her so she wouldn't act violently in the room, but Neko clung to Kuro's back and stared at the marble, her wide eyes twinkling.
"It's Shiro!"
That's what Neko said with a happy, confident and bright voice.
Kuro jumped and looked at the marble.
Certainly some kind of image shuddered in the depths of the marble.
As Neko continued to look at it, the oscillating image formed what seemed to be Shiro's back, just as Neko had said.
Kuro's lips trembled.
"Shiro...! Where are you now...?"
A small back was reflected in the small marble.
Even so, Kuro was convinced that it was Isana Yashiro.
He's been looking for him for almost a year.
On more than one occasion he felt the fear that he was dead and that he would never see him again.
Now, with the help of Anna Kushina, Kuro and Neko are connected to Shiro by a very thin thread.
Kukuri, who was looking at the marble with Kuro and the others, muttered in a strange way, but with something that touched her heart.
"This person is... Shiro-kun...?"
The Shiro on the marble didn't look back. Neko waved her hand at the marble.
"Shiro! Hey, Shiro!"
"Shiro! Can't you hear me?!"
Kuro also yelled without hesitation. However, perhaps because the connection was one-sided, Shiro did not respond to Kuro and Neko's calls, and the image finally flickered vaguely, like the first time, and disappeared.
Even though the marble had returned to just a transparent red marble, Kuro and Neko continued to stare at it for a while. After a few seconds of silence, the two looked at each other.
In contrast to the stunned Kuro, Neko had a big smile on her face.
"Shiro, are you there!"
Neko said that happily.
Kuro replied with a hoarse voice.
Surely that wasn't an illusion. It was only for a moment, but Kuro also felt connected to Shiro.
Shiro was alive.
"Kuro-kun, Wagahai-chan... right now... you two are important people."
Kukuri spoke with a somewhat dreamy voice.
"I only know about Shiro-kun from the history of the two of you, but for some reason, when I saw the reflection of him in the marble, I felt a strange nostalgia."
"I see. I'm sure he'll be able to get along with Kukuri. When he returns, please meet him."
Kuro smiled as he lowered his passionate eyes. Neko shook Kuro and said, "Let's go pick up Shiro!"
Kuro gripped the marble tightly to confirm the connection.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I don't know if you've seen it,but that one south park episode where facebook gets introduced and everyone starts exaggerating about friending/relationship in your profile that with all the characters 😭
In which Munakata invents ‘Kingbook’ and becomes mildly distressed when no one will friend him back XD Though imagine this kinda being like that, like post-ROK Everybody Lives AU and Munakata thinks it would be splendid to have an easy communication network between clans. He gives Fushimi the order to set it up, Munakata’s parents have told him about this ‘Facebook’ thing so he thinks if Fushimi could set this up similarly. Fushimi rolls his eyes at the request but if it’s a task he’s been given he’s going to complete it, so soon Kingbook has been created and Munakata is urging everyone to sign up for better communication. S4 are all given the order to sign up in particular and imagine their confusion, like Akiyama doesn’t get why they need to make a profile just for communicating between members and also why does Hidaka keep spamming his feed with memes. Doumyouji is the one who realizes Fushimi left the coding in for friending and sends out friend requests to the whole squad except Munakata, Awashima and Fushimi (he’s not sure if Awashima would disapprove and he’s too scared of Captain and Fushimi to send them requests). Munakata of course also becomes aware of this and sends out friend requests en masse, and is somewhat bewildered when no one responds. 
Then imagine Homra and S4 having to work together for something and afterward Munakata decides to confront Mikoto for his refusal to respond to Munakata’s friend request. Mikoto’s all ‘huh?’ because Totsuka absolutely set up his profile and Mikoto hasn’t even looked at it, however he can’t pass up the chance to tease Munakata so he wonders if Munakata really is just that friendless.  Munakata says he doubts that Suoh has many friends and should not talk, which is when Totsuka sheepishly pulls up Mikoto’s account and shows that he has a bunch of friends, all the Homra guys have of course immediately requested to be King’s friend and Totsuka accepted them all for him (he wonders if he should have accepted Munakata’s request in order to pacify him but decides no, it’s more amusing this way). Mikoto just grins like guess I’m more popular than you, don’t cry Munakata. Munakata claims that he doesn’t care but in fact it’s very clear that he cares very much.
He doesn’t want to force anyone to friend him of course but imagine him calling the alphabet boys into the office and trying to ‘subtly’ find out why no one will friend him back. Hidaka tries to explain that no one really friends their boss, it’s like you keep work and private life separate and Munakata points out that Hidaka has sent Fushimi a friend request and Hidaka scrambles for a response. Luckily Yayoi helps Awashima finish setting up her account and she dutifully friends her King, Munakata thanks her for it but imagine him sounding slightly on edge still. He decides to try and get Fushimi to friend him as well but Fushimi flatly refuses, Fushimi immediately set his profile on private and blocked everyone. Munakata feels slightly mollified that Fushimi has no friends either and suggests they friend each other, Fushimi is just like ‘no.’ 
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nofxces · 5 years
Character Profiles
Tumblr media
“Burn them.”
Basic Info
K Project Canon Character
Name: Mikoto Suoh
Birthday:  August 13, 1988
Nationality: Japanese
Native Language: Japanese
Birthplace: Shizume City
Open for Asks
“I’m sorry Anna...”
0 notes
soulofgenocide · 5 years
BnHA Profile Page ( Student )
Tumblr media
Face Claim: Young Mikoto Suoh
Name: Richard Oliver
Hero Name: SpiderSilk
Age: 17
Height: 6′3″
Hair: A dark red which grows paler the farther it grows out
Body Type: Athletic, Slim, Well toned.
Class: 2-A at U.A.
Quirk: Thread Core
(A mixture of his mother and father’s quirks, Richard has an almost infinite supply of black spider threads inside of him that he can call out, however the more he calls out the harder they become to control and if he reinforces them using his father’s quirk the stress doubles instantly.)
Strengths: Close Combat, Traps, Escaping, Non-Lethal Takedowns, Fire Immunity if its on threads but flesh can be burned, Can dominate a battlefield by spreading his threads.
Weaknesses: Water, Extreme Cold, Can fight long range but it’s very obvious attacks, Can feel what the threads do, His threads escaping his body also opens up wounds for them to escape through.
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kaleidoscope-sys · 3 years
Kaleidoscope’s Sitting Room (in alphabetical order)*
Updated as of 11/06/2021 21:38
Current/Reformed headmates
Aïam/Aïamy — little/Naïvety / Cardinal — #Aïam or #Aiam
Alkaline — Will/Strength / Cardinal — #Alkaline
Amos — love for previous partner — #Amos
Baezel — little Hope / fictive — #Baezel
Bärchen — endeared little — #Bärchen
Bobby — reformed persecutor / little/middle, see Stable — #Bobby
Breekon — Protector of Merc (see Mercury) / fictive — #Breekon
Buppy — dog — #Buppy
Chartreuse — dissociative and frustrated — #Chartreuse / #Char
Chloę dë Chânnel — bitchy — #Chlo
Dafabaum/Dafa — comfort / Caregiver / Cardinal — #Dafa
Elizabeth (Lizard) Rosemary — Lake’s child / little — #Lizard
Empty — the vacuum inside a frontless system — #Empty
Ethan — introject / fictive — #Ethan
Eurydices — fictive — #Eury
Ezekiel — angel / belief in Christianity — #Ezekiel
Ezra — fictive — #Ezra
Galo Thymos — fictive — #Galo
Ghost — ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ — #Ghost
Green — protector / intrusive thoughts / previously fictive — #Green
Dr. Habit — fictive— #Habit
Holden — Protekeeper —#Holden
Jamie — backup host — #Jamie
Kaleid — previous system helper — #Kaleid
Klaus Von Reinherz — fictive — #KVR, #Klaus
Lake — headmate — #Lake
Lio Fotia — fictive — #Lio
Luna Lovegood — fictive — #Luna
Madeline Mallory — sadness / depression — #MM
Mal — fuzztive — #Mal
Maldeux — angel/god — #Maldeux
Mandy — mania / stress /hyperfocus — #Mandy
Melania — jealousy — #Melania
Mercury/Merc — (host) — #Merc
Mia Fey — fictive / focus — #Mia
Mikoto Suoh — fictive — #Mikoto
Oonown (Nown) — depersonalization/derealization / Cardinal — #Nown
Oriko — placeholder — #Oriko
Orpheus — fictive — #Orpheus
Poem-Weaver — Mental Sobriety / Cardinal — #PW
Rinzler — angst — #Razr
Rouge — fictive — #Rouge
Runuk — lust — #Runuk
Rusher — impulsivity / Cardinal — #Rusher
Saruhiko Fushimi — fictive — #Saru
Sasha James — fictive— #Sasha
Scarecrow — fictive — #Scarecrow
Scribblio — anxiety/panic — #Scribblio
Sebastian — fictive — #Seb
Skippy! — silly — #Skip
Sleeplight — individuality / Cardinal — #SL
Snow — last resort host — #Snow
Spikey — anxiety, dissociation — #Spikey
Sukuna — fictive — #Sukuna
Sweetkins — caregiver — #Sweetkins
Sweetpea — fear of abandonment (Melania’s daughter) / little — #Sweetpea
Telly — ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ — #Telly
Violence — anger / Ares — #Viole
Visiójos — thought / Cardinal — #Vis
Wallow — teen — #Wallow
Who — reformed Prosector, see Bentley — #Who
Zo��y — headmate — #Zoey
Cockney/Stella — Mercury and Sebastian — #Cockney, #Stella
Denmark — everyone — #Denmark
Holden — all the Cardinals — #Holden
Intrus — Holden, Merc, Spikey, Viole — #Intrus
Jamery — Jamie and Mercury — #Jamery
Jameson — Jamie and Viole — #Jameson
Jovine — Merc and Viole — #Jovine
Mercey — Merc and Spikey — #Mercey
Natrroba — Merc and Holden — #Natr
Rhyan — Holden and Viole — #Rhyan
Symphony — Holden and Jamie — #Sym
Vulcan Magnolia Hart — Holden, Melania, Merc, Spikey, Sweetpea, Viole — #VMH
Prior to Reformation headmates
Bentley — previous persecutor, see Who — #Bentley, #Who
Stable — previous persecutor, see Bobby — #Stable #Bobby
Miss Turquoise — self judgement / persecutor — #Turq
The Train Man (handles the functioning of the system) #Train Man
The Fairy #🧚🏽‍♂️
Cis (the System) #Cis
Mr. Booger (an uninvited guest)
Alternative Faces of Headmates / States of Being
Dark Habit — Fawn defense mechanism — #dHabit
Lunny — Merc in littlespace — #Lunny
Mercurios — breakdown Mercury — #Mercurios
Recovery — recovering — #Recovery
Dead Headmates
Annalise — prosecutor
*to be linked with profiles as created
0 notes
kara-no-ai · 7 years
KOR Bad Boys part 6
*Shows up 6 months later with Starbucks and part 6.* I know it’s been forever since I released a translated portion of KOR. I apologize. Life’s been... well, life these past months and it’s been a struggle to deal with that. I do still plan on continuing KOR, hopefully without such long gaps, since I’d like to see it fully translated and able to be enjoyed by the English fandom, but at the same time can’t promise to finish it anytime soon.
Shout out to endless-season for correcting the glaringly obvious errors and their infectious enthusiasm for KOR and Homra-related stuff.
After several days spent trying to gather information on Kurayama Mitsuha, Kusanagi came to the conclusion that Kurayama had grown bored with life.
"Earless Mitsuha? That guy's not somethin' that you can be reasoned with. Heard just the other day he fought with members of Hikawa's group and beat them up bad. He's treated like a wanted criminal in Shizume City these days."
"Mitsuha has a lot of allies, but those people are all just idiots who think that him having a screw loose is cool. He's been going around stirring up trouble lately, but that's probably just for show."
"There's been a lot of gangs who have been beaten down by Mitsuha and disappeared out of fear. But there's also many out there who he's beaten down that are furious and plotting to get revenge. Seem that they haven't turned anything up so far because no one knows where he lives. He doesn't have any places he frequents, and seems to just pop up here and there out of thin air."
"I heard that Mitsuha's group attacked one of the gangs that was planning to get revenge on him again. That they got beaten up even more badly than last time and it crushed their spirits."
The more Kusanagi heard about Kurayama Mitsuha, the more he was convinced that Kurayama was not trying to set himself up as the head of the teams of juvenile delinquents in area. Rather, Kurayama gave the impression of being ill-content to sit and wait for his own destruction and instead acting violently to meet it head on.
It went far beyond the level of treading on thin ice. Kurayama was far too lacking in his sense of self preservation that people would normally keep in mind no matter how dangerous the actions they take might be. It appeared that by not having a fixed address and popping up out of thin air, Kurayama did at least feel as though he had to keep hidden at most times. From the way he chose to once again beat up the gangs that were scheming to get revenge on him, one could get the sense that he had the ability to gather information and possessed some sort of planning abilities. So it did not seem as though his actions were simply because he was stupid.
"Though havin' said that, he doesn't seem ta have any ambition either. 'S like he's got an addiction to violence."
Late night Shizume City. Kusanagi exited the club he was doing information-gathering at and stopped for a smoke in an alleyway. The music inside had been quite loud and his ears still felt slightly numb from it.
The smoke from Kusanagi's cigarette ascended into the air as he continued to smoke, the outdoor air conditioner by him blowing lukewarm air.
It has been easy to bring together the teams plotting for revenge on Kurayama, as per Nagahama's request. They had to be discrete about it as there was the risk of Kurayama finding out and attacking them a second time, but there were many gangs for whom getting Kurayama back was their main priority above all else.
It was because of this that using their mutual goal of taking out Mitsuha to form an alliance across all the groups had been easy. Though even though an alliance had been formed, there will have to be someone to take up the mantle of leader or else nothing would become of it. As of now, Kusanagi could not think of a good fit for that position. He also had no intention of taking on the position himself.
Just as he was thinking about what he should do, he felt someone's gaze.
When he looked, in the entrance to the alley there stood a face that he recognized. The only reason it had taken Kusanagi a second to figure out who it was was due to the fact he wasn't wearing his school uniform. He was dressed in black jeans and a black jacket. The eyes that poked out from under that red hair were sharp enough to make even Kusanagi, who should be used to dealing with unruly looking people, flinch for a moment.
"Suoh Mikoto..." Kusanagi whispered without thinking.
Seeing Suoh Mikoto at night, Kusanagi had a very different impression of him than he did when they had met in the courtyard during the afternoon. Suoh did not look like a first year high schooler at all in his casual clothing, just by standing there he gave off an air that overpowered his surroundings.
Kusanagi remembered his nickname, Wild Beast Mikoto. Certainly, looking at the Suoh Mikoto that was right in front of his eyes, there was something about him that made Kusanagi feel as though if he made one false move he would be killed and eaten.
However, after staring at Kusanagi for a brief amount of time, Suoh averted his gaze and resumed walking. It was like watching a feline animal turn its head when something catches its attention, shifting all its focus to that thing before deciding it was neither an enemy nor prey. and then quickly losing interest.
Kusanagi remembered he had a cigarette in his hand and grimaced over being seen smoking by his kouhai. He threw the used cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, then left the alleyway to chase after Suoh.
"Whadda coincidence seein' you here, Mikoto-kun." Kusanagi said as he tried calling out to Suoh from behind. Suoh did not answer, nor did he quicken his steps, and continued walking at a leisurely pace.
"Remember me? We met in the school courtyard. I'm the third year Kusanagi Izumo from yer school."
"You hang out 'round here? Yer well known, so if ya walk 'round here at this time of night, yer gonna get caught up in somethin' again."
"Where ya headed off to? Or are ya headed home?"
This guy really didn't have an ounce of civility in his veins. Kusanagi began to feel as though it was like he was trying to hit on an uninterested girl and shrugged his shoulders. Though he followed after Suoh out of curiosity, it wasn't his place to continue pestering him when he wasn't interested. When he thought to say some sort of goodbye and leave, Suoh, who had been silent up till now, opened his mouth.
"You're being followed." Suoh said, voice unbefitting of a boy in its lowness. His tone held no sense of urgency and for a second Kusanagi stared at him as he didn't know what he was talking about.
Being followed? Suoh is? No, I am? As soon as he understood what that meant, Kusanagi looked around his perimeter with as little movement as little as possible.
In the mirror on the curve of the road, he saw a group of several people a few meters behind him. He also saw people watching him from the shadows.
Kusanagi clicked his tongue loudly. He had been careless.
It appeared as though Kurayama's allies had found out about Kusanagi going around around asking about him. They were going to either restrain or warn Kusanagi for being a nuisance.... No, they weren't going to take a roundabout course, they meant to crush him.
I knew I shouldn't have gone 'n stuck my neck out for this. Kusanagi thought as he sighed bitterly.
He was was deep inside a corner of Shizume City where were many clubs, bars, love hotels, etc.  were lined up next to each other. There was quite a distance between where he was and the main road. As he quickly racked his brain for how he could get away without getting cornered, he glanced over at Suoh's profile.
"Thanks fer lettin' me know. I'll think of somethin'. I'll head off to the right at the next curb, so you keep on headin' straight." Kusanagi said as he continued walking at a steady pace so as not to let on he knew he was being tailed.
It was then that Suoh looked over at Kusanagi for the first time.
"Be careful headin' home. It could be dangerous for ya if they think yer one of my allies."
For some reason, when Kusanagi said that, Suoh laughed. It was a very fearless way of laughing, where only the corner of his lips moved upward.
It was such a brazen, delighted smile that Kusanagi unconscious stopped dead in his tracks in surprise. He scrambled to return to the pace he was keeping before and asked Suoh in a barely there whisper, "Hey, are you listenin?"
"Yeah." This time, Suoh answered him. But as they rounded the corner, he did not follow Kusanagi's words and go straight ahead. Instead he stopped and stood in the middle of where the streets intersected and gazed calmly behind them.
"....... Hey, Suoh?"
"Formulating escape plans, pretending not to know you so I don't get involved. It's a pain in the ass."
Your actions are asking for much more pain than that! screamed Kusanagi internally. He was so caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, that he wasn't able to quickly formulate his next move.
In those few seconds of hesitation, the group that had been following Kusanagi realized that they had been discovered and gathered round.
Clicked his tongue, Kusanagi prepared for the worst and was ready to make use of Suoh since he  seemed to be looking for a confrontation.
"That's how it's gonna be, huh. Real sorry but, you're gonna be gettin' involved in this."
Kusanagi turned his gaze to the group of guys who were nearing them. In total there were seven headed their way.  That, plus he could see a group of three who were watching from further back.
It was going to be rough, but as long as they made sure they weren't surrounded by the group, with the infamous wild beast Mikoto by his side things might just work out.
Kusanagi pictured a map of Shizume City in his mind. If they played their cards right, they might be able to lure the guys into a narrow alleyway where they could fight one on one. If they could make it to where the road splits off into three paths there, it would also be possible for the two of them to attack their opponents from both sides. It had nothing to do with using unfair tactics or the sort, they were greatly outnumbered and had to.
While Kusanagi was mentally piecing together a plan, the guys had advanced closer to where they were right in front of the two.
The vanguard, a guy with muscly arms, stared down at Kusanagi and Suoh. Kusanagi himself was over 180 centimeters tall, which made the guy who stared down at him truly gigantic.
The guy laughed in a way characteristic of someone in a superior position. "Heard you've been going around sticking your nose into Mitsuha-san's business. Which group are you from? Out for revenge for someone? Don't tell me you're thinkin' of doing something dumb like trying to take down Mitsuha-san."
The giant man leaned down so that he could be face-to-face with Kusanagi and Suoh. He leaned in closer as though to make them feel pressured from above.
Kusanagi gave a faint smile and took the attempt at coercion in stride.
"I ain't thinkin' nothin' as big as that. Since Mitsuha-kun's lookin' to die, he'll get taken down sooner or later without me havin' to do anything."
The large guy's face twitched. The others started to clamor.
"Mitsuha-kun's definitely crazy strong, though. But all that boils down to is physical strength. There's no way that alone'll win against the strength in of numbers certain organizations  have."
"You bastard! You tryin' to take Mitsuha-san down by getting together a bunch of people? I won't let that happen! You don't know where Mitsuha-san's at and more than that, Mitsuha-san's got a bunch of soldiers like me. Even if it comes to a war, he's not gonna to lose."
"No, no. That's not what I'm sayin'." Laughing, Kusanagi waved his hand in front of his face. "We aren't the ones who're gonna bring it to an end."
Well, not to say that wouldn't be possible either. Kusanagi added to himself.
"I'm not talking' about an organization we just slapped together. More like those who legally carry weapons, like the police. Or those who do it illegally and use violence as a way of makin' a living, like the pro yakuza.”
Kusanagi could sense the tension that his words brought about in the guys. He saw their expressions grow grim. It seems that they had also had had similar thoughts.
"Ya see, I heard from one of those people that yer becomin' an eyesore for 'em. They're different from the police and ain't the kind to let ya off easy.  I'm not even involved and the thought of what kinda punishment they'll dole out scares me." Having said that, Kusanagi gentle tapped Suoh's shoulder and began to run.
The group began to follow them, but Kusanagi had not been expecting to get rid of them through words alone. He had planned to give them information that would frighten them if even a little, and use that to lure them into the location that would be favorable for him and Mikoto to fight them in.
However, Suoh didn't move. It was impossible for him to not have understood what Kusanagi's signal had meant, yet he just stood there straight as a rod.
Panicking, Kusanagi had call out to Suoh. But Suoh did not move an inch, he simply stood there with a vacant look on his face as though he'd grown tired of a boring conversation.
Don't tell me he fell asleep standin' up? Kusanagi thought, as he began to sweat from the strange idea.
The aura of fear that had swept over the group of guys was replaced with one bursting with anger. The large guy standing in front decided to take care of the one right in front of him first. He approached Suoh and flung his first at him.
Kusanagi stopped running and watched it unfold. He wanted to experience wild beast Mikoto's skills firsthand.  
The guy threw a wide punch and it was easy to read the direction of it. The guy's punch swung down towards Suoh's left cheek -- and it made contact.
"Wha...?"  Kusanagi said unintentionally, in a dumbstruck voice. If it were him, he could have easily dodged that blow.
Could it be that the tales of violence were nothing but a rumor that originated from a person's wildly exaggerations and that Suoh, who had been a middle schooler up till very recently, was really just your run of the mill brat? If that was the case, Kusanagi was truly a heartless guy for getting his kouhai involved in such a situation. Clicking his tongue for the umpteenth time, Kusanagi headed back to where Suoh was.
Though Suoh had been punched, he hadn't fallen. He staggered several steps backward and slowly raised his face. Suoh laughed. His slitted, sharp eyes appeared to be sharper than ever and were glowing from within. The overwhelming atmosphere that Suoh possessed had suddenly grown in strength.
The second he saw Suoh's smile and eyes, Kusanagi got goosebumps. His palms started sweating. His instincts were letting him know that the creature in front of him was dangerous.
A wild beast. Those words ran through Kusanagi's head once more.
Suoh took a light step forward and punched the large guy square in the face. The contact made a faint slapping sound and the large guy fell to the ground like a doll whose strings had been cut.
Suoh's punch had been incredibly fast. The next second after he had extended his arm to punch, his arm was back at his side. It was so fast that if you didn't focus on what was happening, you wouldn't have noticed it.
With the man who seemed to be the leader down for the count, the rest were left momentarily speechless. But they soon came to their senses, and, having identified Suoh as a threat, angrily brandished their fighting spirit. Two brought out knives, and those without weapons readied their fists.
Kusanagi thought to call out to Suoh once more so that they could change the location, but stopped. He realized that Suoh wasn't likely to move. Moving to a space that would be advantageous for oneself was common sense for fights, but to Suoh it was "a pain in the ass."
Another guy came at Suoh. Suoh again took the blow and was punched in the face. With an expression as though nothing has happened at all, he grabbed the guy who had invaded his space by the nape of his neck and punched him in the gut. The guy groaned, curled up in a ball on the surface of the street and vomited.
One of the guys with a knife drew near to Suoh. The faint noise of a knife cutting through the nighttime air resounded.
But, Kusanagi came rushing in and made it just in time. He grabbed the guy's arm, kept it raised, and hit his elbow with enough force to break it by causing it to bend in the direction it shouldn't. The guy shrieked and dropped the knife. Sorry but I don't have enough leeway to hold back on someone who's got a weapon.
"When people attack you, ya gotta dodge! If ya take a hit from someone carryin' a knife you'll end up dead!"
"I dodge knives." Suoh replied to Kusanagi's angry tone as though it were something tedious.
'If you're able to dodge a knife then dodge their fists or do something to defend yourself !' was Kusanagi's exasperated response as he kept a vigilant watch over the remaining foes and judged their distance.
Three of them had already been taken down. Four remain. There's one more with a knife, but we should be able to handle this.
Here I didn't wanna get involved in anythin’ dangerous... Kusanagi mentally grumbled to himself.  
The other guy with a knife stomped the ground and came flying at Suoh. Just as he had said, Suoh dodged the knife. He evaded it with a minimal movement. From how he dodged it at the last second, you could tell he did not have the slightest fear towards weapons. The guy with the knife slipped past Suoh's flank and then, taking a blow to the back of his neck from Suoh's elbow, hit the ground. It would be difficult to come to the aid of someone wielding a blade because it meant putting yourself at risk of being stabbed. Three of the group, who looked on as their the guy with the knife met his end came booed as they approached, two heading to Suoh and one towards Kusanagi. Kusanagi guarded with his arm or dodged the numerous punches that the guy who approached him blindly threw. He evaded numerous punches to the face from the guy. Unable to land a decisive blow,  he switching back between offense and defense until finally he saw an opening. Kusanagi swung a kick at the guy's unguarded side. The guy went flying sideways, clutching his stomach as he tumbled on the ground. Kusanagi quickly glanced in Suoh's direction. Though he had been attacked by two people at the same time, they were sprawled out on the ground below Suoh, who stood there looking as though nothing had happened. "Yer seriously strong. I'm beyond impressed, I'm dumbfounded." Kusanagi sighed at Suoh, who continued to look nonchalant. The air about him that Kusanagi had witnessed and gotten goosebumps from before had gone dormant. With a blank expression on his face, Suoh grumbled and spit out blood onto the corner of the street. Kusanagi glanced at their surroundings. He saw a guy off in the shadows looking their direction. The guy had a grim expression on his face as he held his PDA to his ear and spoke something into it. This is bad. The guy had to be one of Kurayama's. If they stay here, they'll get treated to a second helping of fighting. "C'mon." Kusanagi said shortly, grabbing Suoh's elbow and starting to run. Since he had learned from experience that even if he were to just say something Suoh wouldn't listen, he used all his might to pull Suoh along with him and tug him along as he ran. Suoh looked extremely annoyed by it, but he didn't put up much resistance and moved alongside Kusanagi.  
Kusanagi headed towards a street filled with people to shake off any pursuers and then led Suoh to Bar HOMRA. Today the bar was temporarily closed, as usual, since Mizuomi hadn't felt like opening it. Using the space key he had gotten from Mizuomi, Kusanagi opened the back door and stepped inside. Inside the bar, Kusanagi left the lights in the main area were off and only turned on the one by the counter to insure there was just enough brightness so that he could see and flopped down onto the sofa. "Where are we?" Suoh said suspiciously as he looked around the interior. "Bar HOMRA. 'S my grandfather's. I help out 'ere and there, so it's like a second home ta me." "Hmm." Suoh said disinterestedly and sat down at on one of the counter seats. "So why'd you bring me here." " 'Cause if we'd stayed there, reinforcements woulda come. We had ta head somewhere else." Exhausted, Kusanagi sunk down into the sofa. His hand traced over the faintly stinging cornered of his mouth. He seemed to have gotten it during the scuffle. There was a small amount of dried blood. When he looked over at Suoh, he was also lightly touching where he'd been punched in the face and surveying the damage. As Kusanagi watched him, he remembered the reckless way Suoh had fought. "Ya may be really strong, but th' way ya fight is too  hard ta pull off. There's a lot better ways to fight against multiple opponents." "Doesn't matter. I won." "Yer asking to get hurt someday if ya think like that. You've got a brain, so don't just go lookin' for the least bothersome way out and think when you're  fightin'. When you're dealin' with multiple people or dangerous opponents, ya gotta retreat here and there and plan out a strategy. After you've gotten 'em to a place that works to your advantage, you can get 'em." Upon being told it was payback for ignoring every single one of Kusanagi's orders and signals, Suoh listened to Kusanagi's warning with a serious expression. Kusanagi gave a soft sigh. He fixed his expression and looked at Suoh as he spoke. "Lemme just say it again, I'm sorry you got involved. I was lookin' around for stuff on Kurayama Mitsuha as a bit of a favor for someone." Suoh's expression didn't change in the slightest. Regardless of whether that was due to he knew about Kurayama or because he didn't know what to make of that, Kusanagi decided to tell him about the circumstances that has lead to them being attacked. He told Suoh about Kurayama Mitsuha, who recently started stirring to trouble in Shizume City. That he had taken a job from the leader of one of the teams that had been attacked by Kurayama. That he had been gathering information to formulate a plan to assemble a group of people who were against Kurayama Mitsuha to create an organization that would be able to defeat him. But that Kurayama's allies had found out about his movements and that it had led to the attack. Suoh sat at the bar, resting his elbow on it with a look that made it hard to tell if he was listening or not. Once Kusanagi's monologue had ended, he quietly whispered, "It's got nothin' to do with me." "That's true. It didn't have anythin' ta do with ya up until just now. Even though we fled the scene, yer famous. Startin' tomorrow Wild Beast Mikoto is gonna be hunted down as Earless Mitsuha's enemy." Despite the seriousness of Kusanagi's tone, Suoh ignored him and looked tired. Does this guy understand what kinda position he's in? Thought Kusanagi as his head ached. "And I'm pretty well known too. So if they hear from somewhere that someone's diggin' up info on Kurayama Mitsuha, they're going to know right away that it's me. It's both of our problems now." Now that it has come to this, even without being asked by Nagahama to do so, Kusanagi would have to create a large organization to face off against Kurayama Mitsuha for his own protection. And because of that, he'd need someone to be its head. What about this guy? Kusanagi quietly observed Suoh. Wild Beast Mikoto. He was well known enough. He wasn't a bad match for even someone like Earless Mitsuha. But he was too young. Though he had a dominating air to him in his looks, and most importantly during the fight had an aura that made one shiver. With that-- Indifferent to Kusanagi's thoughts, Suoh had stood up from the chair as soon as the conversation had ended. "Don't care. If they wanna chase me down, let 'em chase me." Suoh said in an unworried tone. He seemed to be preparing to leave, which made Kusanagi hurriedly stand up from the sofa. "W-wait a minute! Ya managed to get by today, but if it came down to a battle of numbers, as good as ya are, you're not goin' to make it out unhurt. And how you fight's dangerous...." As Kusanagi continued to scold him, there was a knock on the door of the bar. It says we're temporarily closed. Kusanagi thought irritably as he looked over at the door. Though the "CLOSED" sign was hung on the door, it might have been a regular who sensed that there were people inside and was trying to come in. Kusanagi ignored it the first time, but the knocks  continued. They were neither reserved nor forceful knocks, just an even tapping on the door. Kusanagi gave up and headed towards the door. "My apologies, we're closed today." Kusanagi said while opening the door. In front of the bar stood a young, gaudily dressed guy who appeared to be 18 or 19. His hair was a bright blond and large accessories adorned his body. He wore a choker with large spikes in it that seemed like it were a dog color. There were 5 earnings in his one ear--
Kusanagi halted when he saw the young guy's right ear. The upper half of his right ear, the one with 5 earrings, was missing. It was as though it had been cut off. A nice smile that could even be called cheerful made its way across the guy's face as he spoke. "Good evening. I'm Earless Mitsuha."
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tenseki1079 · 8 years
Art Theft
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RP Log || The Other Side of the Mirror
A “What If” scenario which explores time-travel in the K universe. Following the death of Mikoto Suoh, Fushimi Saruhiko finds himself dealing with the unexpected appearance of himself, come from the past, lost and confused. How will they face these unexpected events?
It’s kinda lengthy but plenty of fun, so I’ll be sharing it in separated chapters. You can find the other chapters using the tag or checking my profile! Enjoy your read~
[Tag: #SaruSaru
Universe: K
Headcanon/Ships: A Strain with time-traveling powers who has joined Homra.
-Young Fushimi: He comes from January 2010 (After the events of “K SIDE: RED” where Anna joins Homra, but before the events of “K R:B” where Munakata becomes Blue King and restores Scepter 4. In “Lost Small World”, this would be 10 months after Yata and Fushimi joined Homra, and 8-9 months before the Minato Brothers incident).
- Present Fushimi and where the story takes place: January 2013. (One month following the death of Mikoto Suoh in the first season of the anime. Homra is considered as disbanded).
Players: Roleplay Abiogenesis (Homra Saruhiko Fushimi)
Status: Semi-Open/Ongoing
Scene Concept: Following a suspicious new clansman who has joined Homra, 16-years-old Saruhiko Fushimi finds himself thrown three years into the future. Here, the Red Clan he belongs to seems to have disappeared without a trace, and on top of that he learns his future self works for a mysterious Blue King he’s never heard of before. How will the two Fushimi deal with each other?]
It was just a theory, but what if he had died in that fall actually?
Saruhiko wasn’t taking his own thoughts seriously, of course. But while he was there, sitting in that train waiting for the stop to Chiyoda-ku Station, his thoughts were all he had to go by. And trying to wrap up his head around the situation was getting harder the more time passed…
He tried to sum it all up in his mind again to see if he’d remember anything new.
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The last thing he knew for sure was that he had been trying to be helpful. No matter how others put it. So if he was in some kind of trouble, he had no reason to feel guilty.
The new guy that had approached Homra to join had looked suspicious to him from the start. The way he stared so warily around himself, how he seemed to choose his own words carefully… it had smelled like trouble right away for him, setting off all his alarms.
But Suoh Mikoto didn’t care to look into the motivations and agendas of those who came to ask for his power, and had made him a clansman. The test had been passed. From there, any hope to have Misaki’s support on the matter had been lost. Because anything with Homra’s mark on it was sacred and unquestionable for Misaki Yata.
So when he had decided to steal the guy’s phone and look into it, Saruhiko had been acting on his own. Hacking it hadn’t been difficult, but what he had found inside was something he had never expected.
There was a video there, of a cold night scenery. There was a gunshot, and then… yes, the guy who had fallen to the ground in a pool of blood in that video had definitely been Totsuka-san.
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Which couldn’t be, obviously… since Totsuka-san was perfectly alive and irritatingly cheerful as his usual.
Because of many doubts and his inability to explain to himself the meaning or purpose of that file, Saruhiko had decided to confront its owner directly. He was older than him, but not by much. And he obviously didn’t look like a fighter. Saruhiko’s experience with the knives made in the ten months spent inside the Red Clan would be enough to deal with him if he tried anything sketchy.
But all he had done when Saruhiko had isolated him for questioning had been get scared and run away. Saruhiko had expected that too, and found a way to lock the only way out. The only way the newbie could go was up and that’s where he had gone.
So when he had reached him on the rooftop, the middle school drop-out thought he had him cornered, and the last thing he’d expect was to see him leap over the edge to plunge down what had to be at least a six stories fall. Rushing to look down, he had been almost certain he’d be about to witness his first suicide. There had been both horror and thrill inside his chest at that notion, for some reason.
But none of that had happened. What he saw instead, was a large, white door – yes, it looked like a huge trapdoor of light – materialize in the thin air, and swallow the falling dude into its blinding whiteness.
“A Strain…?” He remembered he had muttered that to himself. It certainly had looked like some kind of supe phenomenon. There was no other explaination. Quickly, he had reached for his phone to do something… anything to collect evidence and show it to the others.
The phone had escaped his grasp on the way out of its pocket and that had been his doom. Half-turning to pick it up in a hurry, Saruhiko had lost his footing on the rooftop’s edge and slipped. His weak grasp on the metal gutter had lasted less than two seconds, and then he was falling too.
He had expected death. He didn’t think it would be painless, but he hoped it’d be short. Time had gone too fast for him to even have any bittersweet regret or thought for those he’d leave behind. It seemed those stories about your life passing before your eyes in a flash were bullshit. He had none of that, just shock and the underlying rational awareness of his own demise.
Then whiteness had swallowed him, and his body had impacted with the ground, but in a much lighter way than he had expected. It still hurt, of course. Hitting concrete with your face always hurt. But it had been more like what he’d expect from falling off a bike than a roof.
He had remained still on the ground for a minute, to let his own shock pass and sentience get back into gear, before pushing himself up on all-four. His glasses had a crack on one of the lenses, but he was alive… and unexpectedly well for someone who had just plunged down a six story building. Looking up, he had found that strange white trapdoor still open, just above his head. It shone brighter one last time and then disappeared.
Back then, he had figured it had worked as some kind of safety net. Something to slow down his fall and allow his target to run away unhurt. Why else wouldn’t he be there with his guts scattered all over right now?
The weirdness hadn’t ended there though. For one, upon reaching the rooftop again, Saruhiko had been unable to find his phone anywhere. He could only suspect that some accomplice or other person had gotten to it before him, because it wasn’t on the ground level either.
Unable to call someone, heading to the bar HOMRA had been his second option. However…
[Sorry, we’re closed]
The sign on the door hadn’t lied, and neither had the lights that were all off inside the building. Of course, bars closed. That hadn’t been the shocker. The weirdness of this had been that it was nowhere in the right schedule… and he hadn’t heard of anything sudden like broken plumbing or a trip that’d force Kusanagi-san to close up shop for the rest of the evening today. He had been in there not even two hours ago…. right?
Oh, whatever. Saruhiko had been officially fed up with those idiots and their problems for the day. He had been through hell and back. They could remain ignorant of the trouble they had brought on themselves with their loose criteria for recruitment for an extra day. Maybe two. Time to go home.
Or not? If there was a God somewhere, it had to be one in a real mood to make him miserable today, because all of a sudden, his key just wasn’t working in the lock anymore. Knocking had done nothing either. Had Misaki forgotten to turn in rent this month? Normally he had known better than to let him handle it, but he’d remember if he had messed up so badly.
It took Saruhiko half a hour to go find the exit of the secret escape way he and Misaki had created that connected the duct of the next building to the room above their apartment and climb down through it. And then only two seconds to just grasp on how everything didn’t make sense anymore…
…Because it was empty. All gone. His stuff. Misaki’s. The loft had nothing left and neither did the space beneath. The kitchen and bathroom were also empty. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere. It looked like this place had never been a house to begin with.
Just what the hell….
A train blared through the tunnel alongside the one he was in, heading for the opposite direction. It snapped Saruhiko out of his trance and he looked up. His stop was the next one, thankfully he hadn’t missed it.
Though he wasn’t even sure this was the right thing to do, either. But what other answer was there? He didn’t really die, did he? He was breathing. There was blood in his veins and his uneasy heartbeat and sore spots from his fall hours ago reminded him that very well.
The Tsubakimon, that was his destination. The bar was closed and his stuff was gone. The only possible explaination he could give to it… that was remotely reasonable… was that in his absence the Blue Clan –which he had believed to be disbanded ever since the Strain Research Facility’s destruction the previous summer– had gotten back at Homra. Probably to try and get Anna back, or something like that. His stuff had to have been seized, and Misaki arrested. Maybe Kusanagi-san too. Maybe everyone was on the run and that was why the bar was closed. But with what balls would a kingless clan like Scepter 4 venture into the Red King’s territory like that?
Seeding doubt in his weak theories was of no help right now. Saruhiko felt now more than ever, the need for some kind of certainty. He was alone and there was nobody around to give him the answers he needed… so he’d find them on his own.
Infiltrate the Blue Clan’s headquarters to see what he could find out about the known status of the Shizume Town gang. That was his first course of action now.
When the large building appeared into view, Saruhiko stopped and hid behind a parked vehicle to gauge the risks, and scout for entryways that wouldn’t get him caught like an idiot.
Continues to Chapter 1.
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chilly-territory · 7 years
K~Profiles: Munakata Reishi
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Munakata's full profile from K Fan Clan (the original text is provided by the wonderful blueseraphima as usual)
[NAME] ・Real name: Munakata Reishi ・Terms of address: Captain, Munakata, Boss Glasses
[PROFILE] ・Birthday: 10/1, Libra ・Blood type: AB Rh- ・Age: 25 (at the time of season 2)
[APPEARANCE] ・Physique: 185cm in height. Tall slender well proportioned figure. ・Face, hair: intelligent with refined features. Wears glasses with thin metal frames. Smile of a person with a hidden agenda. ・Attire: Scepter 4 uniform ・Personal effects: personal use saber. Registration name is "Tenrou" (Sirius)
[HABITS, SKILLS] ・Excels at hypocritical courtesy ・Possesses the power to 'rule' over all things
[IMPRESSION, OTHER NOTES] ・Image color is blue ・Young king pursuing personal ideals ・Unfathomable person whose true motives are unreadable to ordinary people. Comes across as a VIP with the top class abilities and caliber. ・Possessor of a power rivaling that of the Red King Suoh Mikoto.
[POSITION, OBJECTIVES] The Fourth and the Blue King. Head of Annex 4 of Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau and leader of an anti-ability wielder security organization Scepter 4. Annex 4 is an official public organization, while Scepter 4 is a private armed organization siphoning off the former’s budget and personnel. However, with the Gold King Kokujouji’s backing, it is virtually an agency ranked above the police and functioning as an armed force with more authority. Frequently takes active arbitrary action for the sake of its ideals (preserving social stability).
[PERSONALITY, CONDUCT] His personality is characterized by steady and tenacious advance towards his personal goals. Makes daring moves in irregular circumstances without losing his calm. Does not reveal his real intentions even to his inner circle. Even before awakening as a king, Munakata had clear comprehension, boasting an understanding of all kinds of things and a vision of their significance and correct shape, but was not certain about who he himself was. For that reason, upon awakening as a king, realized that the answer to his question about himself was "a king", due to which has no hesitation or apprehension towards living as a king and working towards his ideals. Does not shy away from making sacrifices for the sake of majority's well-being, but considers it his duty as a king to take the heavy responsibly for it alone and does not reveal that intention to those around him. For that reason, people often see him as unfathomable and scheming. Has a preference for logical setups and puzzle games and seeks paths leading to the solution of the main puzzle (social stability), thinking even of his own existence as that of a pawn. Although a countless number of such routes is possible, what ultimately matters to him is his conviction of "solving the puzzle" as well as the aspect of "enjoying" the process. That trait is often seen as "arrogance" or "boldness" by others.
[FATE, ENDING] Priding himself on his ability, he feels strongly about the duty of a king and intends to devote his life to pursuing social stability. Knowing that the present society is maintained by the Gold King Kokujouji's existence alone, he took it upon himself to succeed that duty after Kokujouji's death. At the same time, due to shouldering the burden of king-slaying from Suoh Mikoto's death, his own fate became uncertain.
[ABILITIES, TACTICS] As a king, possesses enormous power, with its attribute being "ruling" over all kinds of things. Within the boundaries of his activated Sanctum, can restore or reconstruct things. Also, within the Sanctum, the powers of his clansmen are enhanced, while the powers of those from other clans and strains are weakened and even overridden (not in terms of special ability but in terms of raw power). Can freely use the superhuman swordplay and martial arts incorporating superpowers. Even without relying on his superability, possesses swordsmanship capable of overwhelming Yatougami Kuroh without drawing his sword. It was possible mainly due to his intelligence rather than physical training.
[POWER] A (king class)
[LIKES] Tea, wagashi, Japanese cuisine.
[DISLIKES] Disorder, chaos, vulgar individuals.
[HOBBIES] Tea ceremony. Performs the tea ceremony in his office or wherever it is where he dispatches to. Puzzles. Likes block puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and any other type that requires building an orderly structure. Usually does not smoke, but indulges in smoking from time to time. Smoked for a period when studying abroad.
[FASHION] Due to staying active in his official capacity 24 hours a day, does not have many chances to wear anything besides his uniform. It is unclear if he has any preferences in civilian outfits on the rare occasions of wearing them. For sleeping, prefers Japanese-style clothing (due to its comfort)
[BODY] He is slim but has sufficient stamina. Whether he works out or not is unclear. Due to efficient application of the available physical prowess thanks to his outstanding intelligence, sees no need in having great physical strength. Applying his superpower when necessary, displays superhuman physical abilities. Has severe myopia. His glasses are not for show.
[INTELLIGENCE] Exceedingly high, beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination. From an observer's viewpoint, when presented with a problem, he provides the solution immediately, seemingly without spending any time on considering it.
[BELIEFS] Officially, honors and respects order, but personally does not necessarily act in accordance with clear-set rules, nor is averse to resorting to extra legal means. Exhibits the pattern of "acting without letting himself be bound by the rules in order to protect the rules of the majority" which can be viewed as self-righteous. At the same time, that way of thinking can also be viewed as a requirement for someone in the transcendental position of an extremely powerful king.
[EARLY YEARS] Born to a family running a landscape gardening business. Both parents, as well as his magnanimous older brother, are ordinary people of virtue. Reishi was the only outstanding, high achieving member of the household, but he was not worshiped or avoided for it, he was simply honestly loved as a member of the family. He exceedingly excelled at studies. Has the experience of studying abroad. Munakata lives in the Scepter 4 dorm, while there are 6 people living in the Munakata family house - his father, mother, older brother, brother's wife, niece and nephew.
[TIMELINE] ・1988 Munakata Reishi is born. ・Summer 2010 Munakata awakens as the Blue King. Awashima becomes his first clansman. Suoh and Munakata meet for the first time. ・December 2012 To prevent the Damocles Down, Munakata kills Suoh in the course of the School Island incident.
[TERMS OF ADDRESS FOR HIMSELF] First person pronoun of choice is "watashi". Rarely, in private, switches to "ore". Second person preferred pronouns are "anata" and "kimi". On rare occasions, uses "omae" to address Suoh. Speaks politely although his words could be viewed as "hypocritical courtesy", sounding polite on the surface but being rude in intent. His catchphrase is "getting straight to the point". Although he usually speaks in a roundabout and obfuscating way, when he wants to make a strong assertion, he prefaces it with this phrase.
[TOWARDS AWASHIMA SERI, FUSHIMI SARUHIKO, OTHER SCEPTER 4 TROOPS] "Awashima-kun", "Fushimi-kun", "kimi". Uses polite language even towards his subordinates, but on occasions mixes in sarcasm or speaks his mind very bluntly. Despite that, tends to veil the true reasons behind his actions, but his subordinates do not mind being kept in the dark much. The tendency could be viewed either as him putting a wall between himself and others or, alternatively, as a relationship of mutual trust at a safe distance.
[TOWARDS KOKUJOUJI DAIKAKU] "Gozen" (Your Excellency), "anata". Takes the attitude of a lower ranking person, but does not understate his dignity as another king and does not show any fear of incurring Kokujouji's displeasure or wrath. His is the attitude of a daring youth.
[TOWARDS ISANA YASHIRO] "Isana Yashiro", "anata", "kimi". In season 1, was interested and at the same time wary of the mysterious boy. After the boy's true identity as the Silver King came to light, Munakata showed the basic degree of respect towards him, and although it is clear that he does not mind establishing a cooperative alliance, he does not fully trust the boy either. Also, feels somewhat resentful towards the Silver King who ran away, forsaking his duty.
[TOWARDS YATOUGAMI KUROH] "Yatougami Kuroh-kun", "Yatougami-kun", "kimi". Had a slight interest in Kuroh ever since Kuroh was Miwa Ichigen's retainer. In season 1, when he learned that Kuroh joined forces with the mysterious boy Isana Yashiro, his interest grew and Munakata was investigating Kuroh through conversations and fights. Kuroh who is straightforward and has faith in himself is suitable to be a Scepter 4 member. Sensing a potential in Kuroh, Munakata wishes he could have Kuroh as one of his subordinates had they been lucky enough to meet differently.
[TOWARDS SUOH MIKOTO] "Suoh Mikoto", "anata", "omae". While the line is blurred, there is a public and a private side to their interactions. For the latter, Munakata's expressions become somewhat rough. The very fact of a private facet of himself he only shows to Suoh Mikoto existing proves that Munakata is human, at the same time it also denotes that not even he is a perfect king.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Mini Profiles: Mikoto Suoh
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Yandere type: Possessive  
  Traits: Manipulative, Controlling, Protective, Stalker, Violent 
  Is it Instant love or one that grow over time:  
It's gradual both his love and yandereness. 
  Delusional level (0-10):  
4, for the most part he is in reality but there are times when his delusions take over even if only for a moment. 
  How will do they hide their yandere side:  
Since he does take things slow his yandere side is hard to spot since it all mixes in with how he is. 
  Danger level (0-10):  
10, now this is mostly towards others but his darling really doesn't want to test his patience. 
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Suoh Mikoto
Terms of address: King, Wild Beast Mikoto, King of Homura
Birthday: August 13, Leo
Blood type: B
Age: 24 (At the time of death)
Physique: 1.85 cm in height. A tough block-like body.
Face, hair: His eyes are sharp and intimidating. Reddish lion hair.
Attire: A jacket with fur, accessories (chains, bracelets), after Totsuka's death he wears an earring.
Personal effects: He usually carries cigarettes.
· Makes eye contact with a calm and close person.
· The method of attack is a blow that hits with an overwhelming amount of heat.
· The image color is "red".
· A "bad boy head" that contains the urge to explode. The need to destroy is still entering the work.
· The image of “a lion that went crazy” and “a bomb about to explode”.
· Image of "unstoppable".
King of the street gang team “Homura”.
He was a lonely person, but thanks to the overwhelming charisma of him, Kusanagi, Totsuka and a dozen other people, he became the head of the street boys. After awakening as the "Red King", the boys were drawn to Suoh and did an installation test to see if they could accept the "Red King" flame, and he welcomed everyone who passed it.
Suoh, who has a need to destroy, has been struggling to control his power since he woke up as the "Red King". Suoh's Weismann deviation was erratic, and the sword of Damocles had many scratches.
The shackles that signified his bindings were removed after Totsuka's death, and he held the sword of Damocles, which was about to collapse, pursued its ruin towards destruction.
In normal times, he is quiet and lazy. There is no coordination, but if he is interested he can show a side that is an unexpectedly good relationship. Individualistic, annoyed by social restrictions.
Basically, he is not obsessed with it, and does not pay attention to details.
He became the "Red King" because he was chosen by the Slate, and he has no intention of acting as a "king". He believes that both he and those who follow him will live as they choose.
He is like a feline beast that sleeps normally and is sober during battle. Kusanagi said: "He was happy to have been born as a lion in the savannah."
Although he has the urge to destroy and the desire to destroy it, he acknowledges that he does not want to destroy his fellow Homura and has lived by killing the urge within him. He often has nightmares due to the need to destroy and a sense of crisis that his abilities could escape. He is vague about his future, which is to destroy everything, and when he is about to be swallowed by his own power, he stays in the room and enters a lethargic state where his senses are dull and he is overwhelmed by that urge.
While he felt a sense of comfort with "Homura", he was eager to burn everything. There was also a side that was thrown into thinking about the feeling of loss due to Totsuka's death that was also the brake on Suoh's need to destroy.
He killed the "Colorless King" who had killed Totsuka, knowing that his sword would fall. On the brink of the fall of Damocles, Munakata killed him.
He manipulates a powerful flame. He has a fearsome power of destruction.
Basically, he destroys disturbing things with just a few moves, but when he fights Reisi Munakata, he develops a fist fight that combines light movements and flames.
Since the bad boy is awake, the action is basically that of a bully with a fighting method.
A (King class)
Sake and cigarettes. When he's in a good mood, he doesn't hate the noise his friends make.
Be patient, annoying things. Social restrictions.
None in particular. It is not a hobby, but sleep well.
T-shirt, jeans, fur coat. He likes accessories.
A slim and muscular body. A boy with excellent muscular strength before waking up as "King", who naturally trained during repeated fights.
Instinct is often used before head. However, his intelligence is really high.
Impulse. He hates being bound by the social framework.
He has an attachment for his companions, and uses the bar "Homra" as his residence, but he does not want to run his group as a "King". He recognizes that a team is also an aggregate of individuals.
Beneath the desire to destroy him, he thinks that he must protect his friends, but he is also eager to destroy everything and burn his life.
His parents died early. He was raised by his impartial grandfather when he was a child, but died when Suoh was in high school. Since then, he has lived freely with his inheritance.
· 1988, Suoh Mikoto is born.
· 2004, he meets Kusanagi and Totsuka.
· 2007, Suoh awakens as "Red King", Kusanagi and Totsuka become the first members of his clan.
· 2009, Suoh makes Anna a member of the red clan.
· 2012, December, He is killed by Munakata after killing the “Colorless King” in the Gakuenjima incident.
The first person is "Ore" and the second is "Omae" and "Temee". A sloppy tone. He doesn't talk much.
He calls him "Munakata" or "Omae".
He really thinks he's a bad guy, but he's the first one who has rivaled Suoh since he became "King", and they have the same fighting spirit. Although he did not like him humanly and never agreed with him, he was saved by the existence of Munakata, the only person who could see the same scene and did not risk being destroyed by his own power.
It is possible that he always had the vague idea that Munakata would give up on his Damocles, which could come to pass.
He usually calls her "Anna" or "Omae".
She is the niece of Suoh's high school teacher, Honami Kushina. He saved her from the place where she had been treated as inhuman by being a Strain, and he decided to make her a member of his clan. He may not have left her at all, he feels a bit guilty for making her a member of his clan at such a young age.
Due to Anna's responsiveness and Suoh's compatibility, there is a great deal of communication without words.
He calls him "Kusanagi" or "Omae".
They have known each other since high school. His existence is more than a friend, a brother. Suoh is on top of "Homura", but Kusanagi actually controls the organization, and since he is also living in the Homra bar, Kusanagi's head is not upright.
He calls him "Totsuka", "Omae", "Temee".
Totsuka was a middle school student, while Suoh was a high school student when they met. From that point on, he was good at swinging around Suoh with freedom and acting, ventilating Suoh, who tended to accumulate depression. After Suoh became "King", he was responsible for containing Suoh, who after his death was swallowed by his own power.
Totsuka is the bright and happy face of "Homura", and Suoh's container.
He calls them: "Yata", "Kamamoto", and "Omae".
As children who love themselves, as relatives, he thinks they are cute.
He calls him "Fushimi" or "Omae".
Fushimi's transformation does not recognize it as a betrayal. There were many children who were drawn to themselves and left.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
For some reason I'm just thinking about HOMRA like Totsuka being like let's set up the blue king and so he just keeps trying to set these people up to go on dates with munakata but then say some s4 person finds out and they're like Oh no no no and that's the day HOMRA finds out that Munakata and Fushimi being involved is a thing and apparently an open secret in s4
Maybe this is atsome point after Totsuka and Munakata get to have a face to facemeeting for the first time in a long time, like they run into eachother randomly at a cafe and Totsuka can’t resist talking to thisperson who he’s always been curious about. Munakata meanwhile is veryintrigued about Totsuka, the person who is so close to someone likeSuoh but weaker than anyone. The two of them end up getting alongvery well, like they have some personality traits that just mesh –Totsuka at some point keeps talking about his hobbies and Munakatagets very intrigued because he has never tried such things before andthey totally have a bonding moment. So then some time later Totsukafinds himself thinking that the Blue King does seem lonely doesn’t he(maybe Awashima’s been by and she and Kusanagi were kinda flirting,and then there’s Mikoto getting annoyed due to some earlierconfrontation between him and Munakata and Totsuka just thinks thatperhaps that person is just really lonely and could use a friend). Sohe decides that his new hobby will be setting up the Blue King withsomeone. The rest of Homra has just a total wait what the hellreaction when they find out what Totsuka’s doing, like why in theworld would you want to waste time setting up the Blue King with adate (oh but imagine he doesn’t tell anyone at first too so there’sall this gossip going around Homra because Anna saw Totsuka making adating profile and he keeps checking his PDA for messages andeveryone briefly believes that Totsuka’s looking for a boyfriend andso it’s like Totsuka trying to set up Munakata while the rest ofHomra tries to be helpful in setting up Totsuka).
So Totsuka keepssending all these potential boyfriends over to Scepter 4 on randommissions, like he has them delivering pizzas and dropping off puzzlesand everything in the hopes that they’ll talk to Munakata andsomething will click. Mikoto doesn’t get the point of all of this andkeeps telling Totsuka he doesn’t need to bother because that guy willbe okay but Totsuka is determined. Then maybe one day Awashima’svisiting Scepter 4 again and she’s brought like Akiyama and Benzaiwith her. Totsuka starts trying to chat with alphabet boys A and Bwhile Awashima does business with Kusanagi, trying to figure out howhis attempts at setting up Munakata have been going. Akiyama andBenzai try to remain professional and ignore him but their naturalScepter 4 propensity towards gossip betrays them and Akiyama sayssomething about how there’s no point in setting up Captain becausehe’s fine with Fushimi-san (and then he immediately slaps his handover his mouth because he didn’t intend to say all that). Totsuka’sintrigued now though and prods until he finds out that while it’snever been ‘officially’ announced, Fushimi and Munakata dating haslong been considered a thing in Scepter 4 and basically everyoneknows. Totsuka’s pretty much just amused to now be in the loop andit’s kind of a good news bad news situation, because good news hedoesn’t need to try and hook people up with Munakata anymore but badnews (for Fushimi, anyway) is that now Totsuka is determined to helpFushimi’s love life by making sure he’s happy with Munakata.
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mistleto-3 · 8 years
Crying for the Moon: Part 15
MikoTotsu Werewolf AU
Pairing: Mikoto/Tatara
1,630 words. For MikoTotsu Week 2016.
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The sight of Tatara riding into school on the back of Mikoto’s motorcycle on Monday morning turned quite a few heads, and he saw a number of people whispering to their friends and casting sideways glances over their shoulders at the pair as they dismounted the bike and removed their helmets. Seeing as Tatara had left his bicycle at school the previous Friday, Mikoto had offered him a lift to class, though it wasn’t as though they hadn’t been going the same way- Mikoto had spent the entire weekend at Tatara’s place, with the exception of an outing to a romantic restaurant on the Saturday evening. Not that Mikoto was much the type for that kind of clichéd lovey-dovey stuff, but he knew Tatara was a sap for it, so he’d suggested the date without complaining (though only after asking Izumo where the best place to take him was, as he wasn’t especially familiar with the romantic restaurant scene.)
“People are looking at us,” Tatara pointed out as he passed Mikoto the helmet he’d borrowed, struggling to hide a smile as he spoke. Even with the quiet worry that there would be another incident like the one that had gotten Mikoto suspended, it was far outweighed by his pride to be seen with his new partner.
“Good,” Mikoto replied simply as he locked up his bike, then slid his arm around Tatara’s shoulder as they walked towards the school building. Tatara felt his cheeks heat up as the stares directed at them grew more incredulous, but he couldn’t help but feel a little smug as he wound his arm around Mikoto’s waist.  
His blush only deepened as Izumo caught sight of them and made his way towards them with a smirk on his face, applauding as he did so.
“Well there’s a sight for sore eyes. Do ya know how long I’ve been waitin’ for you two to finally get it over with and admit ya like each other? The suspense was killin’ me,” he said playfully, then clapped Mikoto on the shoulder. “Congrats, you two.”
“Thanks,” Tatara replied bashfully. “And thanks for giving me the kick up the butt I needed to do something about it,” he added, with a sincere expression on his face.
“Aw, shucks, you’re gonna make me all emotional. C’mon you lovebirds, it’s almost time for class.”
Izumo spent the entirety of the walk towards the school building pestering them for details about the weekend, and Tatara shot Mikoto a sympathetic look as they neared his classroom as an apology for leaving him alone with their friend’s rabid curiosity. When they reached his homeroom, he bid them both goodbye, but as he turned to open the door, Mikoto caught him by the elbow and stole a brief kiss before allowing him to wander giddily into the class, unable to suppress the grin on his face.
As he took his seat, still beaming at the blackboard, Tatara felt something light bounce off the side of his head- a crumpled ball of paper- and he looked questioningly in the direction it had flown from to see the girl sitting at the desk beside his looking at him expectantly. Her name was Sakura, and she always kept her brown hair tied into braids with pink bows. He wouldn’t have called her his friend, but they spoke occasionally, and they’d worked on a few group projects together.  
“Totsuka-san…” she seemed a little nervous, fiddling with the hem of her sleeve as she spoke. “I’m sorry, this is probably really inappropriate, but I couldn’t help but be curious… Are you and Suoh-senpai an item?”
“Oh, um, yeah, we are,” he said with a sheepish smile, but he felt his stomach fall; this was the part he hadn’t been looking forward to, the inevitable backlash.
But, to his surprise, Sakura smiled. “I thought so, congratulations. You make a cute couple, and it’s brave of you to be so open about it, especially after what happened before… I think the whole school heard about the fight Suoh-senpai got into with the boy who tried to attack you.”
Tatara felt another grin creeping across his face; her reaction was the last thing he’d expected. “Thank you…. It seems like everyone’s heard different versions of that story though,” he said with a chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
“It’s still encouraging that you didn’t let it get you down…” Suddenly, an odd look crossed Sakura’s face, and she glanced around to see if anyone was listening to their conversation, before lowering her voice. “I’ve sort of had this crush on Hyuuga-san for months, but I never wanted to say anything because I didn’t know how she’d react… Or how everyone else would react.” As she spoke, Tatara could see her gaze wandering over to the girl sitting at her desk near the front of the room- the class president with sleek black hair and red glasses.
“I can see why you like her, she’s pretty. And if you’re worried about how people will react, they stop caring after a while. It’s only been a few weeks or so since the rumours about Mikoto and I started, and people have already lost interest for the most part. And Hyuuga-san has never been the type of person to judge someone for their sexuality- I’ve seen her tell people off for spreading rumours about me. The worst she can say is no, you ought to go for it,” Tatara replied in a whisper
“You’re right…”
“Let me know how it goes, if you decide to?”
She nodded, offering him a grateful smile, and Tatara replied with a grin, before their teacher entered the room to give the morning announcements, cutting off their exchange.
As the day went on, Tatara was continually surprised at how right he’d been when he said people stopped caring- even with the fresh gossip, and how openly affectionate they’d been on school grounds, it was evident that the ever-fickle student body had, for the most part, become disinterested in Tatara’s relationship status, having moved onto new, more interesting rumours. Only one person shouted at him across the hallway- no more than before their relationship had gone public. If anything, the response he received was mostly positive- a few girls approached him and expressed their jealousy that Mikoto was off the market, and he received a few congratulations throughout the day, a couple of comments on his bravery, and one or two slightly uncomfortable compliments on how hot they were together, but that was pretty much the worst of it. It was definitely encouraging to see how well people reacted in the end, especially considering how badly he’d been treated before he and Mikoto had even gotten together. Not that fear of how his peers would react would have stopped Tatara, but it certainly made things easier; as he’d said to Mikoto, he was the sort who didn’t like to hide his feelings, and it was a comfort to know that he could express his love openly, without fear of reprisal.
Indeed, the only real act of intolerance he saw all week was in the changing rooms before PE- a boy approached him with a threatening expression, dishing out veiled threats of what the consequences would be if Tatara’s eyes wandered in the changing room.
“Don’t worry,” Tatara replied, with an easy smile and the most patronising saccharine tone he could muster. “You aren’t my type.” As he spoke, his eyes dropped to look his classmate up and down in exaggerated distaste.
The boy didn’t seem to know how to react, pausing for a moment and stuttering furiously as the people around them who had heard the comeback sniggered, before deciding that the appropriate response was rage. He stepped forward, as though to grab Tatara by the collar of his shirt, but Tatara merely continued to smile nonchalantly, completely unafraid.
“What’s wrong with you, freak?” the boy snarled.
“Don’t you remember what happened to the last guy who tried to beat me up? It’d be a shame if your nose got broken, your face has such a nice profile,” he said casually, his tone of voice as innocent and non-threatening as he could make it.  
The boy gritted his teeth, shooting Tatara a venomous glare, but then turned and skulked back over to where he’d been getting changed, clearly not too keen on his odds should he have decided to pick a fight with a man who was a year his senior and had almost half a foot in height on him. Tatara rolled his eyes as he walked away, then turned around to retrieve his PE uniform from his bag, smiling as the boy beside him murmured:
“Nice job.”
Mikoto’s response had been similar when Tatara told him of the incident that lunch, though it clearly left a sour taste in his mouth that Tatara’s witty response had been necessary at all.
Izumo, meanwhile, seemed less concerned- he was still chuckling at Tatara’s retelling of the story. “Must be nice having such a scary-lookin’ guy as your partner, huh.”
“Comes in handy, sometimes,” Tatara replied with a smile. To be perfectly honest, though, he didn’t get what people found so intimidating about Mikoto- he looked a little rough around the edges perhaps, and he wasn’t the type you’d want to get into a fight with (though to be fair, his lycanthropy gave him something of an unfair advantage; his strength was a little superhuman at times), but Tatara couldn’t see him as anything other than a big puppy dog. Though perhaps that was just because he was the only person who really got to see that side of him, which was a privilege Tatara was proud to be able to claim.
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Izumo: [playfully writing a pretend dating profile for Mikoto] Long, sullen silences and an occasional punch to the face: the Suoh way.  
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Hakumaitou -  Isana Yashiro / Yatogami Kuroh / Neko
Homura - Suoh Mikoto / Kushina Anna / Kusanagi Izumo / Yata Misaki / Totsuka Tatara / Kamamoto Rikio / Akagi Shohei / Bando Saburota / Chitose Yo / Dewa Masaomi / Eric Surt / Fujishima Kousuke / Yamada Daichi
Scepter 4 - Munakata Reisi / Awashima Seri / Fushimi Saruhiko / Zenjou Gouki / Akiyama Himori / Benzai Yujiro / Kamo Ryuho / Domyoji Andy / Enomoto Tatsuya / Fuse Daiki / Goto Ren / Hidaka Akira / Kusuhara Takeru / Habari Jin / Shiotsu Gen / Minato Akito & Hayato
Jungle - Hisui Nagare / Mishakuji Yukari / Gojou Sukuna / Iwafune Tenkei / Hirasaka Douhan / Kotosaka / Hikotaro Kue
Others - Yukizome Kukuri / Inaba Sumika / Mishina Sota / Hyuga Chiho / Asama Sakura / Kokujoji Daikaku / Usagi / Miwa Ichigen / Man with the Fox Mask / Klaudia Weismann / Tsukumo 99 / Fushimi Niki / Fushimi Kisa / Oogai Aya / Hieda Toru / Samukawa Kanichi / Kurayama Mitsuha / Tsurumi Toya / Preces
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