#professional makeup brush kit
glamplandivas · 1 year
Affordable Alternatives: The Best Budget-Friendly Professional Makeup Brush Kits
Investing in a professional makeup brush kit doesn't have to mean spending a fortune. With our budget-friendly options, you can achieve the same flawless looks at a fraction of the cost. So what are you waiting for? Upgrade your makeup game today with our affordable alternatives.
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kusumasposts · 7 months
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Enjoy the products deals on halfpe.com
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sarasharma007 · 9 months
Buy Makeup Brushes Online at Best Prices in India | SSBeauty
Buy the best makeup brushes online at affordable prices from SSBeauty. Click here to explore the entire collection of multipurpose makeup brushes at best prices in India from top brands
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cut-cosmetics · 2 years
Cheap Professional Makeup Brush Sets
In the event that you're willing to go for a set without a brand name you can track down quality brushes at vigorously diminished cost. Allow me to make sense of why and were you can do this in the accompanying synopsis
Without defaming any top names about cost, few out of every odd cosmetics craftsman can stand to pay significant expenses on Professional makeup brush set. Perhaps you're a craftsman who is beginning; perhaps you're an understudy or basically a delight cognizant young lady who has a little pay with a little spending plan for excellence items every month. Uplifting news for all females and guys, there is great quality brushes to be found at costs that are lower than what you would anticipate.
While building an assortment of cosmetics brushes, the main thing lady do is click on the best brand name proficient brush sets. "Ooh! they should be the best since they are this brand" and "they should be great since they are so high in cost." Then, at that point, they'll look at brushes that are less expensive and think "Ooh they should be bad quality as they are so modest and they haven't got a notable name on them." Not generally the situation.
There are around six fundamental kinds of brushes available; different types are recorded underneath.
1. Squirrel Hair - Squirrel hair brush sets are the most costly creature hair, they are extremely delicate and costly looking. Squirrel brush units have a lavish look and feel to them.
2. Goat Hair - Goat hair cosmetics sets are involved generally available by experts as they are truly adept at holding a wide range of cosmetics powder.
3. Horse Hair - Horse hair brush sets are extremely flexible, this sort of hair is delicate yet has a decent thickness they holds a wide range of powder set up and are excellent for spreading cosmetics on the skin equitably.
4. Camel Hair - This is a combination of creature hairs like goat and horse or goat and squirrel. These are perfect for spreading cosmetics as the combination of creature hairs add to various characteristics.
5. Regular/Engineered Blend - Normal and manufactured blended brush sets are great as the combination of strands increment the solidness and treatment of fluid cosmetics
6. Engineered - Engineered cosmetics brush sets are man-made strands that don't ingest the cosmetics as much as the regular brushes. As they don't ingest as great as creature they aren't as great for cosmetics powder however are truly really great for establishment. They are great for applying establishment and other fluid cosmetics' to the skin.
Considering purchasing cosmetics brush units: The things you want to ponder are not the main cost you get offered yet what cost you need to spend. Ponder the sort of brushes you need to purchase, what the brushes will be utilized for. Then, at that point, you can settle on the number of brushes you that need to purchase.
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eee-lordy · 8 months
Hiiii! Can you write about jacob elordi x fem reader who is in charge of the makeup and outfits on saltburn or elvis?
Maybe there is a video going viral where he is looking at her (WITH THOSE PUPPY DOG EYES HAHSHAJDVDSJ IM GONNA EAT HIM) while she is doing his make up and she is clueless, yk those videos where the music is lana del rey and the caption is like "me when im literaly obsessed with her" or "when hes completely in love with u>>>>>"
And when that goes viral, the cast teases him and they go on a date?
Idk i think its cute :3
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You were never one to get star struck. In the year and a half you'd been professionally applying makeup to the mugs of many stars, you'd been unfazed by celebrities captivating auras. You hardly blushed when Chris Pine tried asking you out as he sat in your makeup chair. You'd laughed in understandable assurance as Billie Eilish apologized for almost knocking your powder kit from your grasp; when her brother burst in the room to surprise her. You saw your clients as just that, people who trusted you to properly apply blush and fake scars.
But all the composure you'd been proud to claim went out the window when you'd been assigned to work with the cast of Sofia Coppola new film. You hadn't expected to lose your cool. In fact, you'd been rolling your eyes as the hair stylist that shared your caravan had droned on and on about this new Elordi fellow and how dreamy he was. Some of the other workers in the hair and makeup department parroted her yearning for the guy. But you were certain you'd remain calm and cool in this supposed deities presence.
And then he sat down in your chair. And he looked up to you with an intriguing set of droopy dark eyes. And you knew Jacob Elordi was about to be a real problem for you.
It wasn't his fame. You weren't swept up by his essence because of the collective crowd on the internet drooling over the guy. It wasn't even his magnetism. Because he did have a lot of that, you wavered it was necessary to survive fame. But it was more the way he would look up at you from that make up chair. With those dumb stupid big beautiful eyes.  And his smile that followed. And then the infuriating way he'd start conversations with you, those first few days on set.
"What'd you have for breakfast this morning?" Jacob would wonder, watching as you readied a sponge. You would answer and ask for his in return. He would mention stopping by a cafe earlier and go on to ask you where you grew up and if you liked it there and what the best book you've ever read was called. 
"You've got to stop chatting away, makes it hard to do your touch up's." You'd smile, reaching out to adjust Jacobs perfect fucking face so you could work on his brows. 
"Sorry." He breathed out, seemingly genuinely guilty. He went on explaining himself still, slowly as you continued to do your job. "Don't like awkward silence. Or bullshit small talk. Getting to know you seemed like the safest route. Since you'll be covering the dark circles under my eye's this whole shoot."
You laughed in understanding before announcing that you got it, and waved over the hairdresser on site today. 
"Wait, before you go, that book you mentioned..." Jacob pointed your way as you turned for closing up your kit of brushes. Then you watched as the guy wrestled his cellphone from his jacket pocket. "Here," Jacob said, extending the device your way. "Write the title in my notes app. I will forget, but I don't want too. It sounded properly readable."
"Oh." You turned your lips down in a twisted grin of surprise. As you took the device from Jacob's grasp, you felt a surge of gratification that the guy trusted you enough with his phone let alone wanted to read a book you mention not having read since uni. 
Not missing the way the hairdresser rolled her eyes, you grinned and found Jacobs notes app with ease, straining not to glance beyond your means. With the press of a few buttons you wrote down the title, and fought off the impulsive urge to include your very own phone number as well. That would be embarrassing, knowing full well this man would never call or text or probably even dare to glance your way beyond the makeup chair. 
The next few weeks went by the same. Jacob would yammer away until you almost had to hold his mouth shut to finish his makeup. And you would fill the silence by telling stories of your own, because he'd mentioned he wasn't fond of silence and you knew your job went beyond applying lip liner, it was also to keep celebrities happy as royalty.
And all the while you blinked away thoughts of how funny he was. How beautiful Jacob was. You wouldn't let yourself realize he was exactly your type. You wouldn't let yourself dream that you might be his. You simply relished the times you made him laugh. Once you made him laugh so hard he cried, tear tracks ruining the powder you'd only just applied. 
The hairdresser who was the leader of fawning over Jacob as soon as he left the room had taken to frowning in your direction most days. You reckoned it was because she'd never been able to make him laugh that hard, or at all, ever. And the stories she told him when he asked her to seemed to lose his interest halfway through every time. Try as Jacob might, you saw his eyes glaze over as the hairstylist droned on about her retirement plan or the grocery list she'd put together that day.
After acknowledging her sorry excuse for conversation Jacob would stop you from packing up and heading to lunch so he could ask you for more books to read, more films to watch, more stories from you. Then his assistant would interrupt, or he'd be called to set and you'd be left to head to the craft table with dangerous feelings of lust and intrigue to push away. You would not let this boy break you of your career long streak of professionalism, damn it.
One night, in the middle of a week break from set, you spent an evening scrolling mindlessly. When a tiktok with Jacob's name in the tags popped up, you scrolled away at the speed of light. You didn't let yourself linger too long on posts with him there, not wanting to know anything good bad or otherwise so long as you were assigned to work with him on this project. But it wasn't long before another tiktok popped up featuring the guy in a very familiar setting. He was too famous at this point. You watched as you saw leaked footage from behind the scenes of Priscilla, but weren't too shocked. The stars of the film were occasionally being interviewed by publicists between takes to document their experience, beginning to promote the film.
And maybe you let yourself keep watching out of a sense of entitlement, you'd been working on this set. You could watch a video of Jacob from work, right? You couldn't tear your eyes from him no matter how hard you tried now anyway. You watched as the person holding the camera zoomed in on the guy while he adjusted his suit jacket. You watched as he seemed to talk to the costars at his side. You watched as he looked up and smiled. And you couldn't help but melt a little at the sight, he seemed so happy, so at ease. And then you watched as Jacob's grin widened as he waved someone closer. And much to your horror, you saw yourself step into frame. 
You remembered that day, where you waited on the side lines to fix Cailee's eyeliner. While the director was storming up a new camera angle, Jacob waved you over to mention the last chapter of your favorite book he'd almost finished reading. He was laughing over a bit that you'd warned him about the week before. And you were laughing over how excited he was about it, finally having someone to gush over your favorite plot with.
Now, huddled beneath the blankets of your bed, you slammed your phone down at your side, bewildered to know someone had caught your interaction on camera. Raddled to have just seen Jacob lighting up at the sight of you. Angry at yourself for hopping you'd read his body language in a way that suggested he really liked you that much.
When you picked your phone back up, you watched the candid moment over and over, trying to debunk Jacob's smile. Trying to convince yourself he was only being friendly, only cared because he had to find someone to mingle with during down beats. 
And then you read the comments. 
"If Jacob smiled at me like that, I would die."
"Imagine making him laugh like that she's so lucky."
"Who is she??" One comment read. "Her last name will be Elordi if he hasn't married her already, calling it." Someone replied.
You shouldn't have read the comments.
When you were due back on set you swallowed away the excitement bubbling up in you at the prospect of seeing Jacob again. This was so unlike you, to be awaiting the arrival of your client with an embarrassing giddiness. As you reminded yourself that this was your job and Jacob was simply a guest in your makeup chair- the man himself eased into the caravan, ready to get ready for the day.
"Hey, you! I had a bunch of points earned up to get two free coffees so I brought you one. I remember you said you like almond milk so I asked for that." Jacob was all smiles as he extended a latte to you. Awe fuck. 
"Thank you, Jacob." You struggled not to sigh with angst as you accepted his very generous surprise. Luckily, he seemed none the wiser that you'd answered through gritted teeth. He just kept smiling as he headed to your chair.
"Oh, me first today lovie. Need to start your dye straight off, you're little makeup girlfriend will have to wait." The hairdresser announced, daring to grab Jacob by his sleeve, yanking him toward her end of the trailer. The other workers around rolled their eyes, sick of her endless commentary. You bit your tongue as you leaned against the counter, shaking your head when a coworker scoffed in the hairdresser's direction. Luckily, Cailee waltz in, ready for you before anyone else. You thanked God for the distraction, readying your brow pencil and chatted to the girl about her break from set. 
All the while, your least favorite coworkers voice demanded to be the loudest in the room. She made everyone listen to some boring ass story and practically whinnied when Jacob got up to trade Cailee places. 
"No offence, you're fine and all, just don't have hair as silky smooth as Jacob's." The hairdresser told Cailee but made sure her comment was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh wait, silly me," 
As Jacob settled in the makeup chair and began to ask if the drink he'd brought you was good, the hairdresser of your nightmares shoved her way between you and the person you were meant to be working on. 
"I left of a bobby pin, how'd I forget," She droned in an annoying pitch, nearly shoving you over in her attempt to get closer to Jacob. 
"Can you please get out of my space?" You called, annoyed that she was pushing you away from your station without a single polite excuse.
"Can you please stop being such a jealous bitch?" The hairdresser whipped to face you with a manic smile.
"Oh my God?" You almost laughed in shock at her comment when another coworker dared to reach out and pulled her away, and out of the trailer. Another hairdresser apologized to the room for the previous girl's behavior and stepped up to lead charge of Cailee's wig.
With no time to shake the rage that had been born in you, you pushed it down, biting your lip hard as you went about finding the right sponge for Jacob's foundation. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, seemingly worried. And that pissed you off too. Why'd he have to act like he cared so much? Why'd he have to be so damn wonderful?
"I'm fine. Thank you again for the coffee, it...is kind of bitter but it was a really sweet gesture, I swear. Close your eye's please." You responded as calm and cool as possible.
"Bitter... sweet..." Jacob winked, just for you to see. It was the best thing you'd ever witness. And the worst all the same. You were sure you blushed. You tilted his chin and struggling to suppress how much you'd miss when you didn't get to be this close to him. He stayed quiet as you finished his face, and so did you. When his makeup was done, almost everyone else had left the trailer. The last remaining beautician was walking out as you'd closed the case to your kit. 
"I thought you didn't like awkward silence." You dared to mention, as Jacob stood to leave. It wasn't like you'd thought to ask. It was just a thought that ended up blurted out. And then you were bold enough still to look up and right at the guy with those perfectly shaped eyes to find he'd already been staring right at you. 
"S'not so awkward with you."
You really wish he hadn't said that. You really wished you'd never prompted him too. You really wished he wasn't still standing there looking across the features of your face like he was waiting on you to respond. There was a knock on the door just in time, and a voice calling for Jacob to hurry to set. 
"I'll see you after lunch, right?" Jacob wondered as he moved toward the door. You muttered something like "Yeah sure," as you turned to start collecting your things. As far as Jacob knew you were headed to the craft table. But as your feet started marching out of the trailer, you found yourself headed toward the manager of the crew you'd been hired in with. You explained to her that you really thought it was best you turned in your resignation. 
You'd never dared yourself to tread the line during work. Never been so enamored with someone you were meant to be professional with. It wasn't in your best interest to see how far this went. And it wasn't in Jacobs best interest that you kept lingering around distracting him with stories and novel suggestions.
So, on a decided whim, you packed your things, swallowed frustrated tears, and headed home for good.
You let yourself be mad once your front door was shut and locked. You threw away the stupid coffee Jacob bought you. You turned the telly off and tossed the remote toward the hardwood when Euphoria came on. You muttered and cursed and slammed cabinets as you made a carb heavy comfort meal and called your best friend. 
The day went on and turned to night as you tried to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You began getting ready for bed, talking yourself into sleeping off all the weird feelings and events that had transpired today. Tomorrow, you'd find a new job and make sure to decline any with that one awful hairdressers name on the list of beauticians. 
As you sat on the edge of your bed and set a reminder for yourself to job hunt tomorrow afternoon, a notification interrupted your typing. 
Instagram was alerting you that one certain Jacob Elordi was sending you a fucking message. He'd followed you a couple weeks ago, when you handed him your phone to show him a picture of your beloved childhood pet. He scrolled away from it and found your handle to promptly pull up on his very own Instagram, following you with a smile.
Your eyes widened and your thumb worked faster than your brain, clicking the popup before you could talk yourself out of it. Oh, shit now he was going to know you opened his fucking stupid ass message. You really wished you hadn't met this boy. He wasn't even here and he was torturing your every thought. 
"You were NOT there after lunch as promised. Call me? xx"
Before your eyes displayed a row of numbers that if pressed would call Jacob Elordi's cell phone. You tried really hard to talk yourself out of it. But being away from him for the last ten hours had really done a number on your heart. It missed him more than your brain was afraid to admit. Your thumb clicked the numbers. Your phone started to ring. 
After one buzz he answered. 
"I got off set to hear you'd quit and left me to bear that horrid hairdresser without you? Was the coffee really that bad?" Jacob's voice crackled through the line, soft and saccharine. You chuckled morosely at his coffee joke before responding.
"No pleasant greeting. What if it wasn't me calling? What if it was some crazy fan girl?" You dared to venture. 
"Are you saying you're not a fan of mine?"
You wanted to assure him that you were probably his biggest, but sighed in place of a response, struggling to choose your words. 
"What happened? That hairdresser should be fired. You shouldn't've left." Jacob spoke, as you watched the traffic out your window and relished the sound of his voice in your ear. 
"It..." You couldn't help it. You couldn't hide it any longer. "It wasn't really her. I quit because of you, Jacob."
"Me? I- I'm sorry I thought we-" He sounded too worried, and you realized you'd spoken a little too cryptically.
"Not because you did anything wrong." You hurried to explain, interrupting his unnecessary apology. "It's me, not you." 
"Is this a break up? I never even got to ask you on a proper date." He laughed a humorless laugh.
"That's the thing." You said. "I like you way more than I should've ever let myself. It's too unprofessional for me to work with you and have these feelings. I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be telling you this. Everyone treats you like a piece of meat, I hate that I-"
"So... what I'm hearing..." Jacob's voice rose a bit as he interrupted you, catching your attention off guard. "Is that I can actually ask you on a proper date? And this doesn't have to be a break up at all."
"Oh! I- wait are you joking?" You blurted, shocked by the tone of his voice and the fact that it seemed like Jacob Elordi was asking you out. 
"I like you too, dummy. I've been doing my damnedest to make that clear. You know I don't just follow every wardrobe artist on Instagram and bring camera men cafe treats. I used my free coffee on you! I'm so sorry it was no good though." 
"It wasn't the worst coffee ever." You smiled, feeling a calm and hopeful buzz wash over you. 
"Well, let me take you on a proper date, for a proper cup of coffee, and talk you back on set." 
"I can date you, or be your makeup artist, but I will not allow myself to do both. I have a very strict moral compass as a working lady." 
"I'll choose the first option then by a long shot." You could hear Jacob's smile in the tone of his voice. You let him ramble a little longer about the day he'd had and how bad he felt that you'd been moved to quit. He asked you to meet him at the cafe across from the set during lunch tomorrow, and you promised you would in fact show up without a doubt this time. 
Fuck finding a new job tomorrow. You were going on an absolute dream date with Jacob. But you were most definitely ordering your own coffee.
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KISS Headcannons: After a concert that didn't go well
It was a bad show. Something messed up, Costume fail, technical issues, bad crowd, whatever. Reactions are a mix of brief onstage composure but mostly post show and in the dressing room.
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He is quiet, doesn't say a word to anyone, just shoots people looks when questions are asked
His bad mood is instantaneous, the moment he is away from the crowds view, the demon act drops and so does any nice demeanor. (He's not out to be an ass but he's not going to care about others feelings in that moment in time)
His first call of action is to find out the people involved (if its a mistake from techs or bad stage set up. Etc). He's going to have a stern talk with someone.
If there is no one who needs talking to, to scold, he's going to get his costume off in private, and then join the guys in the dressing room and take off his make up. He's going to avoid any questions asked or brush them off.
He'll open up later to Paul about how he felt but try to get on with what needs to be done and move on.
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He's gunna get annoyed and he's going to be vocal about it to the audience in a pissed off but sarcastic, joking kind of way
He might go talk to one of the techs if it's anything big but would also just carry on if no one comes to speak to him
He communicates with the rest of the band about his frustrations on the way back and in the dressing room
He makes sure to check in on Gene but is also aware of their reactions and gives him space
After getting out of costume and makeup, he'll check on what went wrong and why and see if anything needs to be resolved, keeping an eye on what Gene is saying and asking
Is understanding to any situation though he is very clearly annoyed/pissed and is open about the fact but he is still respectful and professional
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He'd be frustrated but takes it with a pinch of salt, more frustrated if it was about his kit
If its about his kit then he'd try to find a way to support the techs and figure out what went wrong if it's unknown or help get things fixed if something broke during his playing
He wouldn't let his mind stress about it too much and focus on carrying on for the sake of the fans, wanting to cancel out any risks of giving the audience a bad time
He'd remain cheery and probably talk to Paul and Bruce/Vinnie/Ace about his frustrations but wouldn't dwell on it.
He'd get his costume (and possibly makeup) off and hunt out some food and chill
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He would be more confused and upset more than angry, like Eric he'd rather find a way to resolve the issue and help out
If the issue is with his guitar then after it was fixed he would probably give a little mini solo and interact with the crowd to bring up the mood
If the issue is something else he'd check in with the other members and try and keep the spirit up
He wouldn't stress about it much like Eric once they were backstage. He'd just get changed and join Eric in eating and relaxing
He would probably have a friendly chat with some of the techs to find out the issues and reassure them that things like that happen which would be needed after any talks with Gene or Paul
Do you guys want Vinnie, Ace, Tommy, Peter and Eric Singers reactions too? Comment please!
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 10 months
could i request some chris pontius or steveo x shy reader? where maybe it's her first day on set and she like works in makeup and he's just flirting w her making a blushing mess lol tysm
Cat and Mouse
Y/N gets her first real job and gets caught up in a romance she could have never imagined!
Steve-O X Fem!Reader
2.8k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, slowburn, flirting, teasing, crude language, drinking, accidental injuries, praise, stalkerish behavior from Y/N if you squint
An: Thank you so much for the request!! Finals hav been kicking my ass lately but I somehow managed to crank this one out XD There’s something about the dynamic of this fic that just enchanted me and I would be more than happy to write this kind of fic for some of the other guys! I’d especially love to see what would play out with Johnny, but maybe that’s a little self indulgent X) Anyways, as always, my requests are open and I’m still accepting fic requests for my 100 follower special, so keep sending them in!! I have a few good ones of my own coming down the pipeline so keep your eye out! ;)
It was your first day on set, so it was understandable that you were nervous as you walked into the trailer on the Paramount lot, your makeup kit in tow. All you were told when you first got the job was where you would report to and that you would be working on a movie set- that’s it. Kinda sketchy but hey, maybe it’s a privacy thing. It was just you in the makeup trailer as you collected yourself, taking a deep breath as you flipped the bright white vanity lights on and started to set up your gear on the counter.
You were so immersed with arranging brushes and products that you didn’t even hear the trailer door open as your client walked in, only being alerted to his presence as you felt the foldy director’s chair he was sitting in shift a little as he took a seat. Holy shit. Speechless, you blinked a few times, trying to register who you were looking at- not that you didn’t know him, it’s just this was too good to not be some dream. “Are- are you Steve- O?” He chuckled, flashing you that boyish smile as he sat back in his chair, “In the flesh, baby.”
It was about then when you realized that maybe you were leaning a little too close to him- your boobs were practically squished against the back of his head. He didn’t seem to be that bothered by it, not looking upset in the slightest as you stepped away, blushing. It would be impossible to deny that you’d had a crush on Steve ever since you saw him on TV, back when he was swallowing goldfish for a living, and this first impression wasn't helping the feelings that stirred inside of you.
Trying to distract yourself, you grabbed a shade of concealer that looked like it matched his skin tone to cover up the blotchy mauve shiner that covered nearly a quarter of his face- a product of a movie star lifestyle you could only dream of. “Hey, don’t worry about it.” Steve gestured to the glaring mark with a finger, his voice low, “Kinda wanna keep it there. Looks pretty rad, y’know?” You nodded, the only response your body could give, your eyes wide. He seemed so cool, so calm in comparison to his usual obnoxious stunt dude behavior.
And so you continued with what you were being paid to do, trying your damnedest to stay professional. This was hard, especially when you needed to lean in towards him, maybe four inches away from Steve’s face, tilting his chin up with your left hand to get the angle you needed to look at something or other. Of course, he wasn’t making it easy for you with how he kept catching your gaze the whole time with those sweet eyes of his. Part of you was a little pissed off- what gives him the right to do this? To make you all flustered with nothing but a look- but another part of you was maybe a little too excited at all of this.
A few minutes in the same room as him and you were already wrapped around his finger. Hell, you weren't in the slightest turned off when you caught him stealing glances down your shirt when he thought you weren’t paying attention. Weirdly, you found that kind of endearing, maybe even attractive. Those five minutes in the makeup trailer felt like an eternity and you breathed a sigh of relief as you stood up after you finished your job. Turning around, you went to zip up your case when you heard something behind you, “Hey, what’s your name, makeup lady?” Your heart jumped a little when he spoke up, his raspy voice barely above a whisper. You whipped around, nearly nose to nose with Steve as you avoided looking at him as much as you could, concealing your pink face, “My name’s Y/N.”
You couldn’t see it, but there was a little glint in Steve’s eye when he realized just how much he was affecting you. “Well,” His voice took on a slightly different tone, “I guess I’ll be seeing you around, Y/N.” And just like that, he was gone out the trailer door that he didn’t bother to close on his way out.
And you wished it ended there- that you could just be left alone with your silly schoolgirl crush on the cool movie star, but of course it didn’t. It couldn’t. Of all places, it happened in the white food tent around lunch time. You were going down the line of fold up tables, picking through what the catering services had brought in those silver aluminum pans- chicken, some vedgie thing, and some crinkle fries- when you heard someone call to you from a ways back, “Hey, makeup lady!” Assuming it was some production supervisor (they never seemed to respect you), you rolled your eyes, not even looking back as you replied, “I have a name, you know.”
“Oh yeah! Shit, what was it…Y/N!” Your heart sank when you realized who it was as they slipped in next to you in line. Steve seemed totally unphased, still as friendly as he was before but with a suggestive tone in his voice that made you shiver, “So, how’s your first day goin’? Everyone nice?” He didn’t take anything from the trays as he moved along, seemingly only there to talk to you, “If not, I’ll totally kick their ass.” You hoped Steve didn’t notice how much your hands were shaking as you nodded and smiled, hiding the warmth on your cheeks as you speed walked away with half a plate of food.
He wore that smug ass look on his face with pride as he sat down at the table with the guys like he just won the Super Bowl. Understandably, they were a little confused at his bravado. Johnny wasn't impressed, “What the hell was that?” Steve just grinned as he took a sip of his beer, shooting a glance over to where you were sitting with your back turned to not look conspicuous, “That chick’s in love with me. Watch.” Steve turned his head back and just as he did, you whipped around almost on command to try and catch a glimpse of him with that needy look in your eyes like a lost puppy. Unbelievable. Of course, all the guys besides Steve immediately turned towards you and made eye contact. Faced with this, you were a deer in the headlights, and quickly returned to your food.
Bam chuckled, a sly grin spreading across his lips, “Dude, if she’s got the hots for you that bad, you gotta get that ass!” He spoke as if he was some experienced playboy, but he had no clue. It’s not just about sex- there was a lot more to whatever it was that was going on between Steve and the makeup girl. When broken down, the two of you really wanted the exact same thing, the only difference was that she was too shy to admit it and he wasn’t. It evolved into a hunt- a cat and mouse game. This was more than getting ass. “Whatever, Bam.” Steve rolled his eyes. Ryan leaned to one side to get a better look at you, “Oh yeah- you gotta tap that.” Johnny cracked up at his bluntness and Pontius simply shoveled a bite of food into his mouth, flipping Steve a thumbs up.
You knew it was in violation of your contract but something you weren't proud of inside you compelled you to do it. On the lazy afternoons you weren't doing makeup but you were still on the clock, you found yourself snooping around the set in hope of getting a glimpse of Steve. It wasn't a tall order to blend in with the nameless PAs and set people, so you mostly went unnoticed, ducking behind corners and slipping into empty dressing rooms. Every time you saw Steve chatting with the guys with a beer in hand, or in the middle of a stunt if you were lucky, you had to hold yourself back from giggling like a teenage girl. However, it wasn't always that easy to get your fix.
This routine went on without any hiccups for about a week before a problem was presented. Filming was outside for a stunt involving the Three 6 Mafia, but the dense summer heat was pushed completely out of your mind as you peeked out from behind a white trailer. There, in front of all the cameras, was Dave, Bam, and Steve, filming some bit where Dave eats horse shit. All vomiting aside, the only thing you could see was how cute Steve looked in the little farmer’s outfit that the costume department whipped up. Sweat glistened on his skin under the midday sun as he took off his straw hat, using it to fan himself. It’s rare for a guy to be able to pull off the overalls no shirt look, but he certainly could. Damn.
But just as you were thinking about how you wouldnt mind shucking his corn, you accidentally made eye contact with Bam. Oh shit. There wasn't a way in hell that he didn’t see you. You hadn’t even noticed that you were steadily creeping out from your hiding place until you were far from the safety of the trailer wall, so, acting on prey animal instincts, you ducked behind the nearest object.
“Hmm?” It was only then that you noticed what you ducked behind was a man- Ryan, to be specific. God, if this could get any worse. Drink in hand, he just raised an eyebrow, looking down at the strange scene- you, crouching behind his foldy chair, “Makeup lady?” Oh, you were screwed. You could feel your fingers go numb as you panicked, your fight or flight instincts kicking in as you skirted away, your heart beating out of your chest. Ryan shrugged, taking a sip of his beer.
It was embarrassing how flustered you got around Steve but you just couldn’t help it. You had a lot of time to mull over it before you came into work the next day and it was apparent; something had to happen or else you were sure you would spontaneously combust. The tension was killing you, but there was no way he’d pay you any mind. Immagine a celebrity like him dating- hell, going on a date- with some makeup artist he met on set. Be reasonable, you thought, cleaning off your brushes idly.
Steve strutted into the makeup trailer, cool as ever, “Hey! How’s my favorite girl doin’?” Your knees felt a little weak under you at his words, holding yourself up with one hand on the back of the chair as he sat down. His favorite. No, no, he didn’t mean it like that. No way he would. “I’m, uh- I’m good, yeah.” You hardly noticed the smirk on his lips as you hurried to distract yourself, busying your hands with your brushes to still their nervous shaking. This was not what you needed this early in the morning.
Suddenly, time froze as you heard the hard thwack of your elbow against the side of Steve’s face. Your jaw fell and you stumbled over your words, hurriedly apologizing at your absentmindedness, “O-oh my god! I am so sorry- I can’t believe-“ He was still a little stunned, the mark on his face reddening, when you realized that you had instinctively reached out, gently touching the soreness on his perfect cheekbone out of concern without realizing what you were doing. It was like lightning shot through your fingertips, traveling up your arm, and your face said it all. Steve just smiled that cute, boyish smile, making eye contact for just a second longer than a person normally would, “Hey, it’s cool. I don’t mind.” You felt the tips of your ears get hot as he winked at you, “But hell, you of all people know how’t touch it up.”
Taking a deep breath, you pushed down all your nerves as you cleared your throat and tried to sound confident as you grabbed something to cover up your blunder, “I really liked your performance yesterday.” It was a vain attempt at small talk, sure, but it was something. He looked up at you, “Oh, did you?” There was a funny tone in Steve’s voice- sweet and kinda teasing- that gave you butterflies in your stomach and made you wonder if you were really as sneaky as you thought you were being, “What part did’y like? The puking or me shovin’ stuff in my ass?”
God, how he laughed when Steve saw how embarrassed you got. Stuttering a bit, you tried to come up with an explanation, but he just waved you off, “Ah, I’m just fuckin’ with ya. But I mean, if you wanna watch sometime,” The euphemism wasn't lost on you and he could practically see the thoughts running through your head as he continued, “I could bring you to check out the set sometime.” All you could do was nod. Oh, he knew. And the worst part was he didn’t care.
Steve chuckled as you practically led him around the set. It was like you knew the place because, well, you did, but he pretended not to know about your little stalker activities. While you were busy, Jeff came up and tapped him on the shoulder, “Hey, dude. Rick needs you- something about that rake jump stunt.” And when you looked back from ogling some camera equipment, Steve was gone.
But from across the set, you met eyes with Chris who smiled at you with that dopey grin you’d seen so many times on tv. One week in and you were still getting starstruck. He walked over to you, striking up a conversation, “Hey, Y/N! You know what I heard?” Chris leaned in towards you like he was gonna tell you a secret, shooting a nod towards Steve as he was walking away, “I heard he’s awesome in bed. I mean, that’s what I’ve heard from the ladies.” You could tell that Chris saw this as a perfectly normal conversation topic, but you still got a little flustered, “O-oh, he is?” Chris nodded.
Sitting on camping chairs under one of those fold out tents you see at barbecues, Johnny and Bam watched from afar, cracking open cans of Miller High Life. Bam turned his head to one side like a dog, peering around Chris’ shoulder, “Looks like Pontius is tryin’t steal Steve’s girl.” Johnny chuckled, bringing his can to his lips, “Once he gets his claws in her there’s no way he’ll get her back. We oughta’ go interviene.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a blur of two men who you recognized as Johnny and Bam. Chris waved, “Oh, hey guys! We were just talking about how great Steve is in bed!” He gave Bam a nod, “Isn’t that right?” His eyes went wide for a second before he caught on, “Oh, yeah! He’s, uh- he’s great.” Johnny quirked an eyebrow from behind his sunglasses, “Have you slept with him, Bam?” It was like a Three Stooges bit as Bam rushed to cover his ass, putting his hands up, “No- no! I mean, I heard that he was good.”
“I mean, I’d get it from Chris, but I never expect that from you.” Ignoring Johnny’s teasing, he reached out a hand to you at the perfect time to formally introduce himself, “Hey, I’m Bam. I really like girls.” Eyes wide at all the action that was suddenly happening around you, you just nodded. You couldn’t decide if this was him hitting on you or not when you felt a protective hand on your shoulder as someone spoke from behind you, “Okay, guys. Get lost.” Jumping a little, you turned around and might as well have leapt ten feet off the ground. It was Steve. All the guys joked and dispersed as he spun you around, turning you to face him and that smile that always got to you, “They didn’t say anything bad about me, did they?” You fiddled with one of your nails, looking anywhere but his face as you joked back to try and ease the tension, “Oh, on the contrary!”
Steve smiled, leaning a little bit closer to you as the low tone of his voice slipped into nearly a whisper, “I’m gonna be honest with ya, Y/N. I really like ya.” The way that he could just go out there and say that with such confidence made you break a sweat, and you were practically glued to the ground you stood on as he nearly whispered into your ear, “Let’s get drinks sometime, yeah?” All you could do was nod in response.
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puuuders · 2 months
I'm getting questions about my cosplay stuff. So here is a list of all the stuff I ordered for it. All of it is ordered off Amazon except the eye contact.
Mask - Trick Or Treat Studios Ghost BC Latex Nameless Ghoul Mask https://a.co/d/0uVjDlR
Rings - RLMOON 18K Gold or Silver Plated Wide Band Rings 12MM Thumb Ring for Women Men Thick Simple Plain Band Ring High Polished Comfort Fit Size 6-11 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYC3BRW9/?coliid=IUCGKV20R4L3F&colid=2ZZONJLT1096E&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_lstpd_DF1SGKDQ2TPMEQSD87VV&language=en_US
Uniform - TAIGUJI Nameless Ghoul Cosplay Costume Black Coat Props Halloween Outfit vampire cos https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNT4R55V/?coliid=I40K4F5ZR0WJO&colid=2ZZONJLT1096E&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_lstpd_DF1SGKDQ2TPMEQSD87VV_1&language=en_US
Balaclava - VULKIT 2 Pack Neck Gaiter Face Mask Scarf Reusable Bandanas Tube UV Protection Balaclava Outdoor Sport for Men and Women https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HVPBQJT/?coliid=I2M3ACZXYCHD2B&colid=2ZZONJLT1096E&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_lstpd_DF1SGKDQ2TPMEQSD87VV_2&language=en_US
Uniform - TAIGUJI Papa Emeritus Inspired cosplay Costume Band Cross Brooch Costume Halloween black tuxedo vampire cos https://a.co/d/3VZ2jGx
Face paint - BOBISUKA Blank in the Dark Black + White Oil Face Body Paint Set, Large Capacity Professional Paint Palette Kit with Brushes for Art Theater Halloween Party Cosplay Clown Sfx Makeup for Adults https://a.co/d/iLPfFkV
Eye contacts -
Hope this helps!
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wndaswife · 2 years
Could you do 37, 38, and 70 for Lizzie please
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elizabeth olsen & gn!reader
tags: fluff.
word count: 937
“I heard you wanted me to work with you for this scene,” you say when you walk into the makeup trailer.
“Hey, Y/N. How are you?” Lizzie asks, spinning in her chair to face you with a grin.
You were assigned to work on Kathryn for the next few weeks for Wandavision’s final episode. Lizzie was assigned to a more experienced makeup artist as a particular scene in the episode called for much more detailed work which you didn’t have a history with practising. Not yet, at least. Not until Lizzie made a request for you to work with her instead of the other artist.
“I’m alright. And you?” you ask and place your tools and kits on the vanity the actress is sitting at.
“It’s a weird feeling finishing WandaVision after filming’s gone through so much. How do you feel about it? There was a lot of work you had to do with me,” she speaks, leaning back into her seat as she watches your face through the mirror.
“Excited, I suppose, to see the final product. Wrapping up is always bittersweet, though.”
Lizzie hums in agreement. After a few moments of watching you set up your things, she questions, “What’s the plan for today?”
“Well, the first few scenes are pretty simple and natural. We’re going for a modern makeup look, so just let me know if there’s anything specific you have in mind to make you look more natural that you’d prefer,” you explain and take out a few brushes, Lizzie’s shade of foundation, and primer. She nods in understanding. “We do the fight scenes last, which’ll be more tedious in terms of prep time. But I think it won’t be too bad. I’m excited.”
The next few weeks are filled with long hours- early mornings and late nights. But the tireless hours pay off when shooting finally comes to an end. The cast and crew gather around sharing applause and thanking each other for the collective hardwork shared with wonderful people who’d been working for the last chaotic and memorable year.
You’re cleaning up in the makeup trailer when Lizzie steps in, wig freshly taken off. You can tell by the way she massages her scalp with her fingers.
“Y/N,” she sighs as if relieved. “I’ve been looking for you. Have you been hiding up here this whole time?”
“Hi, Lizzie,” you greet with a tired smile. “Yeah, I’ve just been busy cleaning up.”
She wraps an arm around your hips and pulls you into a side hug. “Don’t you want to come out and celebrate?”
“I think I just wanna go home. I’m pretty tired,” you tell her regrettably.
“Let me take you out. I’ve been wanting to find some time to ourselves but we’ve just been so busy. Let’s go out for coffee. I’ll pay.”
Thirty minutes later, you’re walking through downtown Los Angeles with her, coffees in hand warming each other up from the brisk winter. Though you’ve been working with her for the last year, you realise you haven’t gotten to know Lizzie very much until tonight. And you liked her. A lot.
When the two of you finally get back to her car, you stop by the driver’s side with her. It’s an awkward moment until you suddenly tell her, “I don’t know if I’ve ever told you, but I really like your laugh. I think it’s so contagious. Even through the most tiring days, sets are so much brighter with you.”
She’s just grinning at you, her bottom lip between her teeth as she looks at you. The undivided attention makes you antsy and you look away from her.
“Y/N,” she says, bringing your attention back over to her. Wanda laughs between words, her hand raised to her mouth, “You’re so clueless.”
Your shoulders fall and you ball your lips over to the side awkwardly. You didn’t know what to say to that. You like Lizzie, but if you had no clue how to keep up a conversation with her, perhaps you weren’t a good match for her, even if only for a professional relationship. A painful pang shot through your chest at the very thought.
But without warning, her cold hands are placed on either side of your face and she pulls you close to her. She’s wearing a playful grin on her soft lips, bright glints of amusement dancing in her green eyes. The sight stuns you, making you freeze on the spot.
Lizzie quietly asks, “Can I kiss you?” After a few more moments of waiting for your response that hadn’t come because of how stunned you were by your proximity to her, the actress giggles. She pinches your cheek lightly between her thumb and the side of her index finger. “Say yes,” she chuckles, her laugh blowing white in the cold air.
“Yes,” you answer quickly.
Lizzie’s grin widens and she steps towards you so your bodies pressed together. She kisses your lips softly and your eyes flutter closed. Your arms lift to wrap around her body, hugging her against you. You feel her smile widen against your lips and she pulls away. Her arms wrap around your neck and, on the tips of her toes, she leans against you. “You’re warm,” she whispers.
You answer with a nervous smile that makes Lizzie laugh, “So are you.” She kisses you again.
“I want to see you tomorrow. Are you free?” she asks, kissing your cheek and looking up into your eyes. You nod. “Then I’ll pick you up early before lunch and we can spend the day together. I really like you, Y/N.”
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belladoesmakeup · 2 years
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Hi guys,
We all know I have a real obsession with Makeup Revolution (Revolution Beauty) as a brand because it is a drugstore brand which products that are similar quality to luxury and yet they keep the brand affordable. It's crazy because they could easily charge more for their products and I can assure you people would still buy them. Today we are chatting about a gift set I purchased during their boxing day sale, we are chatting about the Revolution Pro Glam Miracle Cream Starter Kit, £18.00.
Now before we get into details if you aren't familiar with the Revolution brand they have loads of different ranges in their brand. Revolution Pro is one of their more professional, higher quality brands so the products are a little higher in price range compared to Relove by Revolution and yet still really affordable. Now this gift set is worth £30-£40.00 and yet I managed to get it for £18.00 total bargain, so let's chat about what I got inside.
In this gift set you get 4 products and a exclusive makeup bag so let's chat about the products included. First up we have the Revolution Pro Miracle Cream 50ml, (usually £10.00). This Miracle Cream is designed to hydrate the skin from the first use and re-energizes your base for smoother, plumper and younger-looking skin. Suitable for all skin types. This lightweight and hydrating formula absorbs perfectly into the skin, leaving you with a smooth and nourished. Now the name reminds me of a certain luxury moisturiser I adore so I'm excited to test this out and see how it compares.
Next up we have the Revolution Pro Glam Palette, No Regrets Soft Nude, (usually £6.00). This 5 pan eyeshadow palette is so creamy and pigmented I was really surprised. This palette has a gorgeous soft nude colour story with a pop of gold. If I was going for a soft eye look this is a palette I would use straight away. I also love that the palette isn't massive so it's easy to travel with. Now we have the Revolution Pro Faux Effect Lash Wide Eye Mascara Waterproof Black, (usually £10.00). This mascara has a hourglass shaped brush, the curved shape helps to build lashes from the root catching every hair and adding volume. I'm excited to try this out. Lastly we have the Revolution Pro Eternal Rose Lip Oil Rosy , (usually £7.00). I have one of these already and adore it, leaves my lips looking glossy and feeling hydrated. Long story short I'm obsessed and glad I have another one in my collection.
If you are looking for a giftset where you get your money's worth I would highly recommend this gift set because you get a great mix of skincare and makeup. If you want to check out the gift set or the individual products I have linked them all above .
Lots of love
Bella xx
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verbeautyus · 2 days
The Ultimate Professional Makeup Case: Centani Rolling Nail Case by Ver Beauty
When it comes to organizing and transporting your professional makeup and nail supplies, nothing compares to the Centani Rolling Nail Case by Ver Beauty. Designed with the needs of makeup artists, nail technicians, and beauty professionals in mind, this premium case is the ultimate solution for those who demand both style and functionality.'
Why Choose the Centani Rolling Nail Case?
1. Ample Storage Space: The Centani Rolling Nail Case offers generous space to store all your essential tools and products. With multiple compartments and trays, you can easily organize your makeup brushes, nail polishes, files, and other accessories. The smart layout ensures that everything is within easy reach, allowing you to work efficiently without any hassle.
2. Professional Quality: Crafted with high-quality materials, this makeup case is built to last. The durable exterior protects your products from damage, while the sturdy handles and wheels make transportation a breeze. Whether you're traveling between clients or attending a beauty event, the Centani Rolling Nail Case ensures that your tools stay safe and secure.
3. Elegant Design: Not only is this case functional, but it also exudes a professional and sophisticated look. The sleek black finish, combined with the refined detailing, makes it a stylish addition to your professional kit. Stand out in the industry with a case that reflects your commitment to excellence.
4. Versatile Usage: While designed primarily for nail technicians, the Centani Rolling Nail Case is versatile enough to be used by makeup artists, hairstylists, and other beauty professionals. Its customizable compartments allow you to tailor the case to your specific needs, making it a valuable investment for any beauty career.
5. Easy Mobility: The built-in wheels and telescoping handle ensure that you can move the case with ease, no matter how much you’ve packed inside. The smooth-rolling wheels make navigating through crowded spaces or up and down stairs effortless, ensuring that you arrive at your destination with everything intact.
Enhance Your Professional Image with Ver Beauty
Choosing the right tools and equipment is crucial for building a successful career in the beauty industry. The Centani Rolling Nail Case by Ver Beauty is more than just a storage solution—it's an investment in your professional image. With its blend of functionality, durability, and style, this case is designed to meet the demands of even the most discerning beauty professionals.
If you're looking for a professional makeup case that combines quality, convenience, and elegance, the Centani Rolling Nail Case by Ver Beauty is the perfect choice. Its ample storage, durable construction, and sleek design make it an essential tool for any beauty professional. Visit Ver Beauty today to invest in your career and ensure your tools are always ready for the next big job.
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asma-riaz · 3 days
Concealer Full Coverage Kit with Brush, Under Eye Concealer for Dark Circles, Cream Makeup Concealer [Hydrating Waterproof Concealer] for Conceals Acne, Blemish, Pores and Spots (#03)
Price: (as of – Details) ➤ Set Contains: Cream Concealer × 1 Concealer Brush × 1 ➤ Product Specifications: Net Content: 8g/ 0.282oz/ Pot Color: 8 colors are shown in the picture Skin Type: All skin types Shelf Life: 3 years ➤Product Features: 1. 8 colors available, natural matte colors 2. Comes with a professional brush for easy use 3. Full coverage for flawless skin 4. Super silky texture,…
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market-insider · 13 days
Makeup Tools Products: Analyzing Current Size, Share, and Growth Trends
The global makeup tools market size is expected to reach USD 5.85 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The proliferation of beauty influencers across social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok has significantly impacted the market. These influencers utilize their platforms to demonstrate various makeup techniques, provide tutorials, and recommend products to their followers. As a result, they wield considerable influence over consumer preferences and purchasing behaviors. This phenomenon has increased demand for specific makeup tools influencers endorse, driving sales and shaping market trends. In addition, influencers are pivotal in promoting new product innovations and highlighting the benefits of different tools, generating heightened consumer interest and interaction. Consequently, this dynamic has contributed to the overall growth and market expansion.
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Advancements in technology within the beauty industry have spurred the creation of sophisticated makeup tools that offer improved functionality, performance, and user convenience. For instance, there are now makeup brushes featuring synthetic fibers that replicate the softness and precision of natural hair, alongside ergonomic designs that enhance grip and application control. Furthermore, incorporating technology into makeup tools, such as LED lighting in mirrors for better visibility or smart brushes capable of analyzing skin conditions, caters to consumers interested in innovative, high-tech solutions. These technological strides drive product innovation, appeal to tech-savvy consumers, and play a pivotal role in the ongoing market evolution.
Makeup tools play a crucial role in achieving desired makeup effects and enhancing beauty, yet they are often considered optional purchases, especially among budget-conscious consumers. This perception leads consumers to hesitate when considering high-quality or premium-priced makeup tools, sometimes opting for more affordable alternatives or refraining from purchasing altogether—this price sensitivity challenges manufacturers and brands aiming to capture market share and maintain profitability. Economic downturns, fluctuations in disposable income, and changing consumer priorities can exacerbate this sensitivity, potentially reducing demand for makeup tools and putting pressure on profit margins. Educating consumers about the advantages of investing in durable, high-quality makeup tools can mitigate concerns about initial costs and encourage informed purchasing decisions based on long-term value and performance.
As consumer demand shifts towards personalized products and experiences that cater to individual preferences, customization has emerged as a key opportunity for manufacturers and brands within the industry. This trend is manifested in various forms, such as customizable brush sets featuring interchangeable heads or handles, personalized engraving services for makeup tools, a diverse range of color choices to match personal style preferences, and tailored functionalities that cater to different user needs. In addition, DIY customization kits enable consumers to personalize their makeup tools at home. By embracing customization, brands can distinguish themselves from competitors, deepen consumer engagement, foster brand loyalty, and stimulate sales growth in a competitive market environment, thereby contributing to market expansion.
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Makeup Tools Market Report
Makeup Tools Market Report Highlights
Based on product, brush dominated the market due to their versatility, effectiveness, and long-standing reputation for achieving precise makeup application
Professional application held the largest market share due to the growing number of professional makeup artists and beauty professionals
Premium price range is projected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast period due to advancements in technology and products allowing for the creation of tools with superior performance, durability, and innovative features, appealing to discerning consumers willing to invest in quality
The Asia Pacific market held the largest revenue share and is expected to retain its dominance over the forecast period. The Asia-Pacific region boasts a rapidly expanding population, marked by a growing middle class with increasing disposable income
For Customized reports or Special Pricing please visit @: Makeup Tools Market Report
We have segmented the global makeup tools market based on product, application, price, and region.
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5 Important Makeup Brushes Every Makeup Artist Should Carry in Their Kit
As a professional makeup artist, having the right tools is just as important as having the right products. Your makeup brushes are the foundation of a flawless look, and whether you're working on a bride, a model, or creating editorial looks, having the right set of brushes can make all the difference. With so many brushes on the market, it can be overwhelming to know which ones are essential for your kit. Here's a guide to the top 5 makeup brushes that every makeup artist should carry, with expert recommendations from Jawed Habib Academy, Laxmi Nagar Delhi (9266610366).
1. Foundation Brush A foundation brush is an essential tool in any makeup kit. It can be a flat, dense brush or a pointed brush, both of which help apply liquid or cream foundation smoothly for an even and flawless finish. This allows you to blend the foundation evenly into the skin, creating a perfect canvas for the rest of your makeup. It is important to use a brush made of synthetic fibers, as they work better with liquid products and offer better precision.
2. Powder Brush After applying foundation, it is essential to set it with a good setting powder for long-lasting wear. A large fluffy powder brush is ideal for evenly applying powder or bronzer. The soft bristles help the product spread smoothly across the face, without disrupting the base makeup. Opt for a high-quality powder brush with soft bristles to achieve a light and natural look.
3. Blending Eyeshadow Brush A blending brush is crucial for eye makeup. This soft, tapered brush allows for easy blending of color on the crease and lid, creating a professional and diffused look. It can be used with both matte and shimmer shades, making it a versatile tool for any makeup artist. Whether you're going for a soft smoky eye or a bold crease, a blending brush will provide a smooth transition between colors.
4. Angled Brow or Eyeliner Brush An angled eyebrow brush is an essential tool for creating sharp lines with precision. It is perfect for filling in brows with powder or pomade as well as creating precise winged eyeliner with gel or cream products. This brush allows for controlled and neat application, ensuring that brows and eyeliner are always well aligned.
5. Blush/Contour Brush A blush or contour brush is essential for adding definition and warmth to the face. This medium-sized, angled or rounded brush is perfect for precise application of blush, contour, or highlight. It helps sculpt and define the face, giving it dimension and a healthy glow. To achieve the best results, choose a soft but dense brush that can pick up and blend pigmented powders without leaving streaks.
Invest in Your Craft with Jawed Habib Academy Laxmi Nagar Delhi
Having essential brushes in your makeup kit is crucial for both experienced artists and beginners. The right tools can enhance the quality of your work and boost your confidence. Jawed Habib Academy in Laxmi Nagar Delhi provides courses to help individuals learn and improve their makeup skills. Contact 9266610366 & Email: [email protected] for more information on how to elevate your makeup. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter for updates and more.
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addnoral · 1 month
Makeup Brushes, Makeup Kit 14PCS
About this item14-Piece Professional Set – Elevate your beauty routine with our comprehensive 14-piece makeup brush set. This collection includes four essential face brushes for flawless application of foundation, powder, contour, and highlight. Additionally, it features 10 precision brushes designed for eyeshadow, concealer, lips, eyeliner, brows, fan effects, and seamless blending.Creating an…
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thelashbrush · 2 months
Unlock the Secret to Perfect Lashes with The Lash Brush
When it comes to achieving flawless eye makeup, the right tools make all the difference. At The Lash Brush, we understand that the key to beautiful, well-defined lashes lies in the quality and design of your eyelash brushes. Our premium collection of lash brushes is crafted to help you achieve stunning results every time.
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Why Eyelash Brushes Matter
Eyelash brushes are essential tools in any makeup kit. They’re designed to separate, define, and enhance your lashes, giving you that coveted, dramatic look. Using the right brush can make a significant difference in how your mascara applies and how your lashes appear. Whether you’re a professional makeup artist or a beauty enthusiast, the right eyelash brush is crucial for creating the perfect eye look.
Discover Our Collection
At The Lash Brush, we offer a diverse range of lash brushes tailored to meet various needs and preferences. Our collection includes everything from classic spoolie brushes for daily use to specialized brushes for intricate detailing. Each brush is designed with precision and quality in mind, ensuring that you get the best performance and results.
Spoolie Brushes
Our spoolie brushes are perfect for everyday use. They’re designed to evenly distribute mascara, comb through your lashes, and separate them to prevent clumping. A well-made spoolie can help you achieve a natural, polished look, whether you’re applying mascara or grooming your brows.
Precision Lash Brushes
For those who want to add a touch of elegance to their makeup routine, our precision lash brushes are ideal. These brushes are designed for detailed work, allowing you to define and separate each lash with accuracy. They’re perfect for creating a voluminous, fan-like effect and ensuring that every lash is coated evenly.
Professional Quality
Quality is at the heart of what we do at The Lash Brush. Our eyelash brushes are made from high-quality materials to ensure durability and performance. We use premium bristles that are soft yet firm, allowing for precise application without irritation. Each brush is meticulously crafted to meet professional standards, so you can trust that you’re getting the best.
Why Choose The Lash Brush?
Choosing The Lash Brush means investing in tools that elevate your beauty routine. Our eyelash brushes are designed to enhance your makeup application experience, offering superior performance and results. We prioritize customer satisfaction and are committed to providing products that exceed expectations. Our brushes are not just tools—they’re an investment in your beauty.
Tips for Using Lash Brushes
To get the most out of your eyelash brushes, consider these simple tips:
Choose the Right Brush: Select a brush that suits your specific needs, whether it’s for everyday use or more detailed work.
Clean Regularly: Keep your brushes clean to maintain their performance and ensure hygiene.
Apply with Precision: Use gentle strokes to apply mascara or separate lashes, avoiding excessive pressure that can lead to clumping.
Store Properly: Store your brushes in a clean, dry place to maintain their shape and quality.
Elevate Your Beauty Routine
If you’re ready to take your eye makeup to the next level, explore our collection of eyelash brushes at The Lash Brush. With our high-quality tools, achieving beautiful, defined lashes has never been easier. Whether you’re getting ready for a special occasion or just want to look your best every day, our brushes will help you achieve the perfect lash look. Visit our website today and discover the difference that premium lash brushes can make in your beauty routine.
The right eyelash brush can transform your makeup routine, providing you with perfectly defined, voluminous lashes. At The Lash Brush, we offer a wide range of high-quality lash brushes designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Explore our collection and experience the difference for yourself. Your perfect lashes are just a brush away!
Read More: Elevate Your Beauty Routine with The Lash Brush PremiumEyelash Brushes
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