#professional disc golf association
coochiequeens · 1 year
“Protected status as transgender women” As opposed to the status of actual women in women’s sports. https://nypost.com/2023/05/14/transgender-female-disc-golfer-removed-from-womens-event-amid-legal-drama/ The Disc Golf Pro Tour was pushed into the spotlight over the weekend after Natalie Ryan, a transgender female competitor, saw her chances of possibly winning a California tournament disappear due to an appeal of the court ruling.
The Professional Disc Golf Association tightened its rules on transgender participation in December, which would have kept Ryan out of the women’s division. 
She filed a discrimination lawsuit in February, saying the tour’s decision was based on “prejudice,” according to OutSports.
On Thursday, US District Judge Troy L. Nunley granted Ryan a temporary restraining order to allow her to play.
“It appears there was an intentional act, the creation of a policy, that excludes individuals based on their protected status as transgender women,” Nunley wrote in his decision, according to OutSports.
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jtnortoncom · 2 days
Really Bad day of disc golf!!
#discgolflife #discgolfli Spotsy  Amateur Championship (SpAm) Presented By Prodigy DiscPDGA A-tier · Amateur Sat-Sun, September 14-15, 2024 Hosted by Spotsy Disc Golf ClubPart of ODDS 2024 Professional Disc Golf Association MVP Disc Sports Jack T Norton I had to make the 3-hour drive to this one on the morning of the event, I was wiped out at the end of the day. This was the single worst…
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garrywalthall · 6 months
Understanding and Preventing Low Back Injuries for Golfers
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Golfing has increased in popularity among individuals of all ages. Before playing a round, golfers benefit from warming up. Otherwise, they can develop issues such as back pain. Approximately one-fourth of recreational golfers develop some form of associated back pain, increasing to 40 percent among professional and elite-level golfers.
Many golfers achieve downswing speeds that exceed 100 miles an hour. The swing generates shearing forces that surpass body weight by a factor of six at ball impact and during the follow-through. The twisting forces converge in the lower back, known as the “crunch factor.”
Previous generations of golfers did not experience such tremendous spinal stresses, as golfers more gently rotated the shoulders, trunk, and hips into the backswing. However, Tiger Woods and his contemporaries popularized an approach that involves keeping the hips almost stationary, facing the ball throughout the backswing, even as the shoulders and torso twist forcefully. The intense motion coils the core muscles, which store more energy, like twisting and tightly pulling a rubber band.
While the approach boosts the explosiveness of the swing, it is a spine-intense motion that impacts the vertebrae in the lower back. The crunch factor, which requires absorbing a force of six times body weight, significantly exceeds that experienced by runners, whose spines absorb a force double that of their body weight with every stride. During the follow-through, the spine experiences another torquing motion in the opposite direction. Medical experts describe movements requiring spinal rotation at high velocity as fundamentally unnatural.
When on the course, golfers should remain aware of any unusual pain, spasms, twinges, or sensations in the back. Muscle strains are common and typically respond to ice, rest, and OTC medications. Less common, disc herniations painfully involve vertebrae and their cushioned pads moving out of position on the spine. However, Tiger Woods has experienced the injury several times, and he has reportedly undergone half a dozen back surgeries for disc problems.
Another serious issue is spondylosis, or exacerbated facet arthritis. A form of osteoarthritis occurs with the gradual breakdown of cartilage in the spine. For most competitors on the links, changing their swing is not an option, as this would impact their game and score relative to other players. However, a mix of warmup and stretching activities can increase flexibility and have a pain-alleviating effect.
Static stretches involve holding a single position for half a minute, delivering some benefits. One static stretch involves holding the golf club behind the shoulders and neck and rotating the torso. Repeat it twice to stretch the shoulders and open the torso. Next, the side bend involves raising the arms into a “hands up” position, club held over the head for balance, and bending to each side from the abdomen. For the forward stretch, hold the arms straight out and scissor a foot in front of the other. Bending at the waist, reach for the ground and feel the hamstrings extend. Another stretch involves lying and stretching the hips by pulling the knee into the chest.
Dynamic stretches involve repeated movements such as forward lunges and swinging the legs back and forth. Perform them before a round as they help limber and relax the muscles, improving blood flow. When taking practice swings, focus on gentle motions that prepare the muscles for the torsion (twisting) and torque (force) to come with a swing at full clubhead speed. Begin by swinging shorter clubs such as short irons and wedges and transition to woods and mid-irons. Start practicing with the driver directly before your first-hole drive on the range.
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pargolfsupply · 8 months
5 Wonderful Imprinted Golf Items To Select as Gifts
Giving away golf balls with a beautifully imprinted logo and a tagline of the giver can be the perfect way to attract instant attention. Admittedly, an avid golfer will cherish such a gift and would not be averse to thanking the giver in any manner possible. This is good news for small companies hoping to be recognized within a community, town, or city. While this makes excellent business sense, the recipients also cherish the promotional items to encourage sports or any event held at the local school or gym. There are many other imprinted golf items to consider distributing, whether for business promotions or as personal gifts.
Connecting with a company that has already made a name is selling such specialized items is necessary. Such companies also handle personalization requests that create imprinted items solely for a customer. While a rule of thumb is buying in bulk, many companies are also open to producing custom golf balls and other golfing items for the right price.
Some of the most popular imprinted items that are sure to bring a wide smile to the lips of a skilled golfer or an amateur include the following:-
1. Titleist Golf Cap- This is a classic golf cap with the Titleist logo imprinted on it. The recipient is sure to feel proud when wearing at a golfing event. The perfect accessory for golfing enthusiasts, this item has remained hugely popular since the Titleist logo began to be seen on superior golf balls.
2. Groove Belt- It is not surprising to find men well past their prime during their time at the golf course. It may be the right time to gift a groove belt to the man of the house replete with the name and an honorific imprinted on it. A usable gift that never ceases to please the consumer
3. Golf Glove- There can never be too many gloves for a golfer who likes to spend time teeing off. A quality glove that stretches and breathes can be healthy for the hands and protective at the same time. Imprinting it with a logo or a name can enable one to hold onto it for years
4. Putter- This is an ideal gift for corporates, especially those who love to make business decisions on the putting green. Using a durable putter that lives up to its brand and is imprinted with the right logo can help one in every sphere of life.
5. Golf Balls- Sure, this is a ubiquitous choice when one is concerned about giving a golfing gift to a loved one or a business associate. The imprinted logos are too many for comfort, spoiling the giver for choice. It is best to select quality golf balls that indicate professionalism and success. Wait! It does not have to be a single golf ball, either. One can easily gift a set of balls or ones with special features.
Marking the exact spot of the golf ball is done with a marker that is tiny in size. Most golfers prefer custom golf markers that may be engraved or colorful discs.
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The professional disc golf association has essentially banned trans women from competing professionally. If you also feel spicy at this please feel free to @ them on their insta page (PDGA).
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thegametimeguru · 2 years
Episode 267: Dallin Blanchard - Professional Disc Golf
The sport of Disc Golf is often thought of as a 'casual sport' where you play with your friends on a weeknight or a weekend. That's not the case for everyone though. Did you know there is a Professional Disc Golf Association? Also known as the PDGA? 
Today we bring on Professional Disc Golfer, Dallin Blanchard to share his knowledge about the sport! Dallin was an athlete growing up, and in a house with a lot of brothers, there was ALWAYS competition. Check out what he says about the sport of Disc Golf in regards to competition and why he loves it so much! 
The sport has taken him to many places, and has even had some financial benefit to it. We'll learn what goes on in the life of a Pro Disc Golfer, and find out just how often they have to practice. 
Questions such as: Weather conditions, pre-match rituals, superstitions, practice frequency, physical demands, technique, etc. all come into play in our conversation today! You'll probably be amazed at the intricies of this sport! 
Check this one out and as always, leave us a 5-Star Review on Apple Podcasts and share what you enjoyed about the episode! I'm excited for you to hear from Dallin!
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wanderingwitness · 6 years
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Finals of @pdga tournament at Renaissance Park today // All my drawings are done on location from life, not from photo, usually in 2-5 minutes; these character drawings were done from making observation drawings at the scene and finishing with color at home. // #reportagesketching #reportagedrawing #livedrawing #urbansketching #urbansketchers #urbansketch #cltartists #cltarts #cltartist #liveillustration #urbanillustration #urbanillustrators #inkdrawing #2018amworlds https://ift.tt/2mOFdRL
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piratedashmod · 2 years
What's a disc golf tournament like?
It basically depends on what type of tournament it is. All of them are fun and you get a lot of it, so that's the main baseline.
First off, there's two types of tournaments; you have sanctioned and unsanctioned. The basic thing to note about that one is sanctioned has some oversight by the governing body, the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association), while unsanctioned can be run by any group in a more casual-like setting. The main group I'm associated with here locally runs unsanctioned events, and they tend to be more relaxed and laid-back in their atmosphere.
Sanctioned tournaments can be fun too, but it's more organized in how they're ran. And that also depends on what level the tournament is at, ranging from A-tiers to C-tiers. For amateurs, A-tiers are the most professionally ran events and can typically be from one day to three days in length. The one I'm playing in next weekend is a three day A-tier event. B-tiers can be that way as well but typically your B- and C-tiers tend to be one day events where you play two rounds each day. For those one day tournaments, they typically have shotgun starts, meaning you can start play on any hole. For example, I could start on the 15th hole of a 20 hole round. This is done to speed things up on those one day tourneys.
Sanctioned tournaments are also rated, and you get a rating at the end of each round to help you tell how you did relative to par. The base rating is 1000. Unfortunately for me, I'm still trying to get better and my highest rated round is 811. And over time, all your rated rounds are averaged and you get a player rating. Mine's currently 770, which puts me at Novice.
And then the fun part, almost all sanctioned tournaments have a players pack for everyone in addition to prize money for those that finish well. And the players pack is usually worth 100% of your entry fee, so it's worth it to play in them.
I think I covered it all here. It's a lot to go through.
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coochiequeens · 9 months
The PDGA is not financially or logistically in a position to take the lead in multi-state litigation on this topic,” wrote the organization in their statement. “For the first time in recent memory, the PDGA will end the year with a net operating loss, and it is not in the best interest of our members to continue to allocate resources to further litigation.”
There it is. Instead of using funds to create a third category open to anyone who identifies differently than their bio sex TRAs just wore down an organization to let men bully their way into women's sports.
By Reduxx Team December 23, 2023
The Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) has been forced to drop their new regulations on men who want to participate in women’s competitions after being sued by a trans-identified male player. The lawsuit was launched earlier this year by Natalie Ryan, who had been dominating women’s competitions prior to the PDGA attempting to rein in male competitors.
Ryan first filed a suit against the PDGA in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California this past February. In his complaint, he argued that a recently-adopted PDGA policy prohibiting trans-identified males from competing with women if they had undergone a “male puberty” violated his civil rights and California laws against discrimination.
“The policy adopted by the PDGA and [Disc Golf Pro Tour] is arbitrary and capricious and in violation of Plaintiff’s right to be free from discrimination based on her gender,” the suit said, arguing that policies restricting widespread male participation in women’s sport “denied [Ryan] and other transgender women, who in the eyes of California law are women, full and equal access to the accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, and/or services of [PDGA] organizations.”
Yesterday, a settlement between Ryan and PDGA was announced. While the full terms are not available for public consumption, part of the agreement included PDGA dropping the policy which banned males from competing with women unless they had begun transitioning prior to puberty. This change means that all males who had undergone at least two years of hormone therapy are able to compete with women once again.
In a statement, PDGA revealed that a lack of funds was part of the reason why they were unable to fight against Ryan’s litigation onslaught, with Ryan having filed suits against them in two separate states.
“The PDGA is not financially or logistically in a position to take the lead in multi-state litigation on this topic,” wrote the organization in their statement. “For the first time in recent memory, the PDGA will end the year with a net operating loss, and it is not in the best interest of our members to continue to allocate resources to further litigation.”
The rule revision is set to go into effect on January 1, 2024, and will be in place through at least the end of the 2025 season.
Following the settlement agreement, Ryan boasted of his victory on Instagram.
“All trans women will be equals at the elite level again. This is my victory. I had to be ruthless to get them to listen. I’m glad I can put that side of myself away,” he said.
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Ryan has already signed up for a 2024 Tour Card and intends to play at most Disc Golf Pro Tour and Major events. 
The now-quashed PDGA policy is widely believed to have been proposed in response to Ryan’s performance in the female category, with the male athlete rapidly rising through the ranks and beating out elite female competitors.
In September of 2022 at the Disc Golf Pro Tour, Ryan easily defeated the world’s number 1 ranked female competitor, Kristin Tattar, taking home $9,000 in prize money. Months prior, at the Great Lakes Open in Milford, Michigan, Ryan walked away with $6,000 for a first-place performance, beating out the world’s current number 2 ranked female player.
Despite having only participated in women’s Disc Golf for a short few years, Ryan is currently ranked amongst the best “female” players in the world. Last year, after topping the Disc Golf Pro Tour, Ryan ranked into the top 5. Despite not participating in some major events this year due to his lawsuit, Ryan still ranks in the top 15.
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Last year, two anonymous female disc golf players spoke with Quillette‘s Jon Kay and stated that Ryan’s biological sex was undoubtedly bolstering his success in the sport.
“I would say that one of the biggest advantages of the [male-bodied] players is their ability to scramble in tight situations when a disc goes off the fairway, to just stand there and blast a shot through the woods,” one of the women said. “I’ve seen both [trans player] Chloe [Alice] and Natalie [Ryan] do this. They’re just standing still and throw the kind of [forehand shot] that I’ve never seen a female throw even under perfect conditions.”
The other female player added: “What makes it worse is that Ryan’s form isn’t even that good. If it were, [he’d] be out-throwing us by even more. So while the rest of us spend years refining our form, trying to keep up and get more distance, [he’s] been in the sport only—what?—three years or something.”
Another female disc golf player, Jennifer Castro, revealed that she was aware of female athletes refusing to join tournaments where transgender players were enrolled due to the stark performance advantage.
“I personally know of women who refuse to sign up for events if a transgender is playing, not because we hate them but because we feel we have zero chance, so what is the point of wasting our money on registration fees?”
Speaking to Reduxx, Marshi Smith of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) condemned the PDGA and DGPT for buckling under pressure.
“Rest assured the DGPT has not seen their last courtroom. We will fight back on this. Men like Ryan cannot threaten sports bodies with financial ruin so they capitulate to misogynistic entitled demands tossing women aside,” Smith said.
ICONS had previously thrown their support behind protecting women’s disc golf, and the organization had held an emergency press conference following the initial news of Ryan’s lawsuits last year.
A number of female disc golfers participated in the Save Female Disc Golf campaign, slamming a Minnesota court judge who ordered PDGA to allow Ryan to participate in a tournament he had been barred from.
“Organizations must have a backbone and stand on fairness and integrity for their athletes – women included,” Smith added, revealing that ICONS has now launched a fund with the intention of supporting female athletes who wish to challenge male-inclusive policies in court.
“Men like Ryan have the backing of activist pro bono lawyers but we are building our own war chest for female athletes now. We refuse to surrender the hard-earned achievements of women and are prepared to stand firm.”
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geddyqueer · 4 years
We’ve been watching the professional disc golf association women’s tour and one of the disc manufacturers took out an ad about their employee of the month 😭
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jtnortoncom · 1 year
Sunday Day 3 Jenkins Mountain Challenge II VA
Update and Quick pics from Sunday Jenkins Mountain Disc Golf – FINAL DAY OF THE Jenkins Mountain Challenge II 2023 Professional Disc Golf Association B-tier Sunday Finals! WINNERS MPO: (Total: -29) Cody Bradshaw MP50: DNF MA1: Michael Sevachko MA40: Justin Shiflett MA50: Mark Metz FA50: Kimberly Adams MA60: Ed Steele MA2: Derek Santee FA2: Lauren Chakalos MA3: Tommy Landseadel MA4:…
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wanderingwitness · 6 years
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Women’s divisions of @pdga at Hornet’s Nest Park today // All my drawings are done on location from life, not from photo, usually in 2-5 minutes. #reportagesketching #reportagedrawing #livedrawing #urbansketching #urbansketchers #urbansketch #cltartists #cltarts #cltartist #liveillustration #urbanillustration #urbanillustrators #inkdrawing #2018amworlds https://ift.tt/2LOIoUx
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jtnortoncom · 1 year
Saturday Day 2 Jenkins Mountain Challenge II VA
(last edit/update 8-5-23) Update and Quik Pics from Saturday Jenkins Mountain Challenge II 2023 Professional Disc Golf Association B-tier Washington, Virginia. —– JT’s Update  —– My round 1 was a dumpster fire,  but congrats to my card for playing an awesome round. Lauren, Kim, and Anthony playing with ya’ll is an honor. On the other hand, I could not stay away from OB (out of bounds) !!  I…
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brathwait-blog1 · 4 years
The Development Of Disc Golfing: A Greener Alternative Into'Ball Golfing'
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Golf as a American sport is at reduction. According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association along with the National Golf Foundation that the number of men and women who play with'chunk' golf has been down in thirty million to approximately 26 million from the past 8 decades ago
Heritage of Disc Golf
Disc Golf has been on the rise. Called the fastest growing game at the past 30 years an estimated 12 million people have now played the game. The Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) has around 12,000 associates, and disc golf courses are all popping up from most country. disc golfing has inherited much of regulations and its own lingo from'basketball golf'. The difference is that instead of a ball and clubs, disc golf utilizes a traveling disc. The aim is to throw the disc from a tee shirt, across a fairway to some'hole', which is typically a suspended metal basket (as shown in picture). The participant using the fewest strokes or'throws' by the end of the match wins. Yet that is the place the point where both sports begin to part ways.
Disc Golfing Participating in requirements
Truly, Golf classes may require enormous upkeep, causing substantial'greens prices'. Disc Golf classes by contrast are adapted for their surroundings. Any other underused area of property, a playground, or an empty bunch is really a disc course. All you desire is somewhere to a disc stand and also a basket. There is no requirement in creating a disc course.
Simply take a walk and you might not know you're in at the middle of a playing area until you listen to'FORE!' And also the sound of discs bouncing from timber. Our internet site serve as the gathering spot on-line for disc golf info and has a listing of golf courses. Go here: SportSierra.com for more information.
Low ecological Effect
Disc golfing has got a reduced ecological effect, and the PDGA Environmental Committee operates to organize consequences of present and planned classes. Yet, for such a game there is little in the method of'green' gear, clearly an opportunity the entrepreneurial tree hugger audience could mend.
Hard Game
From personal experience I will guarantee disc golfing is just as hard since the traditional match. And with the low price of entrance to courses (most commonly free of charge ), and inexpensive gear to become going, the match fits right into any budget. Getting outside with your family to get a game of golf really is something everybody it is easy to do, easy on Earth, also also about the funding.
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