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Podcast development update: New name and a half year on
The past half year I’ve been active making the podcast (with the help of the awesome Matthijs of the ProwarenessOndemand.nl platform). In that time, making the podcast I have learnt a lot and there are some things I would like to share about its lessons and developments.
Most important part: If you’re doing this solo (or almost solo, with the help of the awesome multimedia-wizard Matthijs) it goes slowly. That’s ok, but I’m still looking for active collaborators as well as pro-active Product Owners with lessons, stories and cool ideas to share.
Second: A unique name is a really nice thing to have. As I’ve learnt the past months there are a few other Product Owner Podcasts out there, and although none I’ve discovered so far has exactly this name, it is nice to have something distinguishable (is that even a word?). So here is is: The Product Owner Perspective. This also enables my other P.O. focused outings to fit nicely under that label. And by extending from podcasting it looks like I’m able to enroll some brilliant minds to collaborate on blog posts and other stuff. Exciting times. Let’s see what happens next. :)
Lastly, doing off the cuff audio recordings of about 30 mins (or more) talking about whatever comes up is nice for people who listen to podcasts. However, I’ve come to suspect that my target audience, Product Owners, might not be the kind to sit back and spend half an hour on listening to or even watching two people throw around ideas. So I’m planning to experiment with a slight change in format. Not sure where it will lead, but I’m looking to chop up the interviews in specific questions and smaller parts. This way listeners can more easily select and decide what they want to spend time on.
Looking forward to another half year of Agile Product Owner knowledge sharing!
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Stakeholder collaboration for a large public website – P.O. Podcast #2 - Patrick de Groot
In this second episode of the Product Owner Podcast, we have the honour to chat with Patrick de Groot, Product Owner for Politie.nl and other online services. Politie.nl is one of the largest Government websites. Their continuous drive to deliver true value for the Dutch public has been rewarded two years in a row with the 'Website van het Jaar' award, a government first. Patrick shares his experience and insights in working with the Scrum Team and Stakeholders. Specifically about his collaboration with UX specialists, Project Managers & Program Managers; roles you might encounter in your organization.
Please enjoy this episode, and let us know what you think! If you have any comments, tips, input, questions… Please contact us using one of the following:
Feedback form: https://www.research.net/r/ZPWTCK6
Follow us @po_podcast https://twitter.com/PO_Podcast
Email: [email protected]
Links & resources from this episode
Patrick on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickdegrootprr
Patrick on Twitter: http://twitter.com/paddylegrand
The award winning website: https://www.politie.nl
Mobile Media Lab on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MobileMediaLab
Story Mapping / Walking Skeleton: http://jpattonassociates.com/user-story-mapping/
Subscribe to the podcast
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/productownerpodcast/
iTunes Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/product-owner-podcast-powered/id1183369330?l=en&mt=2
TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Product-Owner-Podcast-p941555/
Learn more about Product Ownership at the Prowareness Agile Academy
#productownerpodcast#Product Owner#government#website#police#politie#patrick de groot#stakeholder managment#collaboration#interview#podcast#episode
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Coaching Product Owners when working as a contractor Scrum Team - P.O. Podcast #1 - Kai Stevens
Kai Stevens works for Enrise as a client Product Owner Coach. Since Enrise builds software for various clients from different backgrounds, it is paramount that the value steering is done with the right business insights. However, the 'client' Product Owners are often new to Scrum and what their role entails, so even if they know all about what's valuable to their business, they often don’t know yet how to fulfill their new role. Which is where Kai comes in.
In this podcast Kai explains how he works with his client Product Owners to teach them the importance of Vision, how to get to a starting backlog using Story Mapping and more.
Since this is the first podcast of a series, we highly value your feedback. If you have any comments, tips, input, questions… Please contact us using one of the following:
Feedback form: https://www.research.net/r/ZPWTCK6
Follow us @po_podcast https://twitter.com/PO_Podcast
Email: [email protected]
Links & resources from this episode
Kai on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaistevens
Find Kai's blogs at Enrise: https://enrise.com/author/kai/
Roman Pichler's Product owner tools: http://www.romanpichler.com/tools/
Subscribe to the podcast
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/productownerpodcast/
iTunes Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/product-owner-podcast-powered/id1183369330?l=en&mt=2
TuneIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Product-Owner-Podcast-p941555/
Learn more about Product Ownership at the Prowareness Agile Academy
Product Owner training: https://www.agileacademy.nl/training/?eventtitle=professional-scrum-product-owner-training
Product Owner Advanced training: https://www.agileacademy.nl/training/?eventtitle=product-owner-advanced
SAFe Product Management/Product Owner training: https://www.agileacademy.nl/training/?eventtitle=safe-product-management-product-owner-training
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Basic Interview Structure for the podcast
Today was a great leap forward in the product owner podcast development. I’m constantly juggling to find a balance between a lean start and having the minimal required structure to deliver the intended value to the ‘customer’; Product Owners looking for stories and experience of others to learn and improve.
I just got off the phone with Kai Stevens and am very thankful for his time to chat about stuff, and his offer to help me refine my questions a bit.
I think it’s fun to compare my own current interview structure with the first podcast later on, so to share a bit of the process, here’s the current basic structure I thought up, along with all the previously brainstormed questions ranked by dotvotes (by a bunch of Prowareness colleagues). This has NOT yet been reviewed by Kai, but is loosely based on our conversation of today.
Basic Interview Structure
Who are you?
What is your agile experience?
How did you become a product owner? Why?
What is your PO-’level’ (range BA to mini-ceo)?
The good stuff
Vision; what is your approach to conceive and communicate the Product Vision? How do you make the connection to Sprint Goals (if any)?
Refinement; What is your role and approach here?
Business Value; How do you determine BV? If not, why?
Stakeholder Management; How do you make sure the right Stakeholders are Involved and engaged? Where in the Sprint do you involve SH (Review, Refinement, collaborating directly with the team)?
Bonus: What is THE single most important thing for a product owner to know/do? What do you spend most time/energy on in your role as a PO
Are you currently involved in ways to share knowledge/experience between Product Owners? Where/How?
Where can we find (more about) you? Blog/twitter/linkedin etc.
What do you think of this structure? Let me know!
As a bonus: We did the brainstorm of questions in dutch. Because we came up with MANY possible questions, I do not intend to translate them. But below you’ll find them nonetheless. The above set of ‘good stuff’ is compiled from the top questions in the list below.
5 Wat is het doel van je team? 5 Hoe bepaal je business value? 5 Hoe zorg je ervoor dat Stakeholders komen (en blijven komen) 4 Wat is het lastigste in jouw rol? 4 Hoe meet je geleverde Business Value? 4 Hoe krijg je feedback en wat doe je er mee? 3 Hoe bepaal je de volgorde van je Backlog? 3 Hoe heb je je product bepaald (en vertaald naar een backlog)? 3 Slicing: hoe doe jij dat? 1 Hoe breng je werk naar het team? 1 Hoeveel tijd besteed je aan Stakeholder mgt? 1 Hoe houd je Stakeholders Tevreden? 1 Hoe helpt de SM/AC jou? 1 Hoe doe je de refinement (en hoe vaak en met wie)? 1 Hoe ga je om met acceptatie criteria? 1 Hoeveel mandaat heb je? 1 Hoe ga je om met D.O.D.? 1 Hoe werk je samen met andere PO's? Hoe ziet jouw ideale review er uit? Wie schrijft de PBI's Hoe zorg je dat je betrokken blijft bij het team? Hoe (vaak) zeg je nee? Heb je een team backlog of product backlog? Wat voor soorten werk staan er op je Backlog? Heb je een Backlog item template, en zo ja, hoe dan? Hoe betrek je end users Wat doe je met klachten? Hoe vaak leveren jouw teams releasable software?
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