vinaythoughts · 5 months
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Do you want to upskill your career in Scrum Master? Join our Scrum Master JOIP premium Training and internship program with Placements. Attend Our Live Webinar on 11th may 2024@ 10:00AM
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vabroapp · 3 months
Vabro : Transforming your Agile Project Management
🚀 Enhance Your Agile Game with Vabro - the All-in-one SaaS Tool! 🌐✨ Transform your Agile Project Management with Vabro: Streamlined Collaboration 🤝 Powerful Task Management 💡 Customizable Workflows 🔄 Visual Scrumboard 📈 Real-time Reporting 📊 To know more, please visit our website at www.vabro.com now! 💼
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agilemethodology · 5 months
Maximizing Efficiency with Product Development and Project Management Software
In today's fast growing business world  , the success of any organization is based on its ability to efficiently manage product development and project workflows. With the rise of digital transformation, businesses are increasingly turning to product development software and project management software to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and drive innovation.
Streamlining Product Development
Benefits of Product Development Software
Efficient Idea Management: Product development software allows teams to capture, organize, and prioritize ideas effectively, ensuring that valuable insights are not lost in the shuffle.
Streamlined Workflow: By digitizing the product development lifecycle, organizations can streamline processes, reduce manual errors, and accelerate time-to-market.
Enhanced Collaboration: Product development tool facilitates cross-functional collaboration by providing a centralized platform for sharing information, feedback, and updates in real-time.
Data-Driven Decision Making: With robust analytics and reporting capabilities, organizations can make informed decisions based on real-time data and insights, driving continuous improvement and innovation.
Key Features of Product Development Software
Idea Generation and Management: Capture and evaluate new product ideas from various sources, including customers, employees, and stakeholders.
Requirements Management: Define the product and the importance and track product requirements throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring alignment with business goals and customer needs.
Prototyping and Design: Create prototypes, mockups, and wireframes to visualize product concepts and gather feedback from stakeholders. Go for a demo about the product.
Collaboration Tools: Foster collaboration among cross-functional teams through features such as discussion forums, document sharing, and task assignments.
Version Control: Maintain a centralized repository of product artifacts, ensuring version control and traceability throughout the development process.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Conduct comprehensive testing and quality assurance activities to identify and address defects early in the development lifecycle.
Release Management: Plan and coordinate product releases, including scheduling, resource allocation, and risk assessment.
Optimizing Project Management
Benefits of Project Management Software
Improved Planning and Scheduling: Project management software enables organizations to create detailed project plans, allocate resources efficiently, and track progress against milestones and deadlines.
Enhanced Communication: By providing a centralized platform for communication and collaboration, project management tools ensure that team members stay aligned and informed throughout the project lifecycle.
Resource Optimization: With visibility into resource availability and workload, organizations can optimize resource allocation, minimize bottlenecks, and maximize productivity.
Risk Management: Project management software facilitates risk identification, assessment, and mitigation, helping organizations anticipate and address potential challenges before they escalate.
Performance Monitoring: Real-time dashboards and reports allow stakeholders to monitor project performance, track key metrics, and make data-driven decisions to drive project success.
Key Features of Project Management Software
Task Management: Create, assign, and track tasks across projects, ensuring accountability and visibility into project progress.
Gantt Charts: Visualize project timelines, dependencies, and critical path activities using Gantt charts, facilitating effective planning and resource management.
Collaboration Tools: Foster collaboration among project team members through features such as discussion boards, file sharing, and real-time messaging.
Resource Management: Allocate resources efficiently, track resource utilization, and manage resource conflicts to ensure optimal project performance.
Budgeting and Cost Management: Monitor project budgets, track expenses, and analyze cost trends to ensure projects are delivered within budget constraints.
Risk Management: Identify, assess, and mitigate project risks through proactive risk management processes and tools.
Reporting and Analytics: Generate comprehensive reports and dashboards to track project metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
In conclusion, product development software and project management software play a crucial role in helping organizations maximize efficiency, drive innovation, and achieve project success. By leveraging these tools, businesses can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and deliver value to customers more effectively. Whether it's bringing new products to market or executing complex projects, investing in the right software solutions can empower teams to thrive in today's competitive landscape.
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hannahlu666 · 20 days
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An Encounter in the World of Code - 01: The Encounter (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1473821789-an-encounter-in-the-world-of-code-01-the-encounter?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=HannahLu666 
It might be an interesting story for you, if you are a developer, or product manager, or a QA. 
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ssyscript · 1 year
Ngobrol sama Engineer
Hi guys, udah lama banget yaa aku ga nge-blog? hehe so ya, here we go!
aku udah lama mau bahas topik ini. kisahnya, berawal dari kak Reza yang memang menjadi mentorku sejak zaman aku magang di revou. keterusan ngebimbing aku dengan memberi insight saat aku apply dan ada tugas teknikal. duluu banget ka reza pernah bilang ke aku, coba tanya insight dari programmer yakni: "Sejauh ini kamu kerja beririsan sama pm ekspektasimu ttg pm harus gimana? (Product management)" akhirnya aku tanya ke temanku zaman kuliah namanya Maslul, kawanku zaman kuliah yang sekarang kerja sebagai backend di suatu startup ternama.
inilah insight yang kuperoleh:
Kudu udah tau jobnya (product manager) ngapain aja ssy. Aku sendiri males kalo sama pm yang belum paham jobnya
Menghasilkan produk yang match dengan market
Kalo bisa gaji gede malah lebih bagus ssy hahaha, terserah itu mah mau mentingin mana dulu (gaji atau ilmu), kalau ilmu berarti kalo dapet company yang ngesupport banget, bisa cepet belajar banyak, dan lebih banyak tau dibanding orang lain
Harus dong berusaha yang lebih giat lagi biar dapet gaji yang lebih besar, mumpung udah masuk ke industrinya kudu dikejar
PM kan yang rancang produk ssy. Gaada pm berati gaada produk. Mau maksa kaya gimana pun produk yang dihasilin ga sebagus kualitas PM.
Maslul pernah kerja di perusahaan tech yang belum ada PM nya. alhasil produknya jelek. "Makanya gaada pm aku sebut gaada produk, karna percuma produk yang dihasilkan ga tepat guna"
Maslul: Maksud jeleknya adalah, Sama kaya engineer ssy, ada yang bisa backend, ada yang bisa frontend, ada yang bisa keduanya (fullstack). Pertanyaannya, apakah kode fullstack lebih bagus? Kebanyakan engga. Dengan lama pengalaman yang sama, fullstack gabisa sebagus backend untuk kode bsckend. Dan gabisa sebagus frontend untuk kode frontend. Kenapa? Karna concern-nya beda. Dengan waktu yang sama, fullstack harus kuasain keduanya. Akibatnya pengetahuan dia kurang dalam di masing2 bidang. Sekarang kita liat PM, apakah backend dan frontend bisa bikin produk? Bisa dan gampang. Tapi apakah produk yang dibikin tepat guna? Belum tentu. Kenapa? Karna butuh orang yang concern disitu, dialah PM. Sekarang apakah PM, backend dan frontend bisa bikin produk? Bisa. Apakah produknya bisa laku? Bisa. Apakah customer suka? Belum tentu, customer suka dan nyaman kalo didukung sama ui/ux yang bagus. Ssy: "Krn pm ga sekedar bikin produk, tapi emang harus produk yg punya value, tapi masuk budget, dan bisa relate sama urgensi + nakar efffort team lain disesuaikan dg target bangun produknya, gt kan? Dan bidang lain ga punya cukup waktu untuk mikirin itu karena fokus ngerjain bidangnya" Maslul: "Nah, ini point-nya. Dan ketika bikin produk kan harus yang dibutuhin pasar. Gimana cara tau produk itu dibutuhin? Biasanya pm akan research, dalam bentuk survey maupun compare dengan perusahaan lain. Apakah engineer bisa? Bisa aja, tapi apakah itu job engineer? Engga." Ssy: "Iyaaa itu makna dari value, untuk dapet value bearti mikirin apa customer butuh, apa masuk ke trend sekarang, apa bisa minimalisasi risiko dan bisa profit dll" Maslul: "Ini di negara lain, ada PM nya ngga? Kadang kaya shopee itu corenya di singapura. Di indo cuma buat role operasional dan role tech yang support doang, bukan orang inti."
PM itu emang bidang spesifik dan punya konsen disitu, makanya dia bisa bikin produk yang sesuai pasar. Kalopun anggepanmya jarang orang yang paham bidang itu, ya tetep harus dicari. Kan tujuannya bikin produk yang bagus.
Ssy: Product owner & project manager banyak yg pindah ke product management. Tapi gaada yg sebaliknya. Krn product management itu ibaratnya lingkaran yg lebih luas dari kerjaan product owner+project manager, dan aku yakin org product management yg background nya udah pernah di product owner/project management bisa lebih matang skill nya daripada product management yg belum punya background tsb Maslul: Bahkan banyak yang dari engineer/ui ux pindah ke PM ssy, alessnnya udah males ngoding. Biasanya pm yang kaya gini yang disukai engineer, karna pernah jadi engineer jadi dia tau mana solusi yang possible/engga. Dan prediksu waktu developmennya lebih mateng, tau cara nego ke usernya.
Menurutku, teknikal knowledge yang perlu dimiliki pm itu: -Pengetahuan umum soal html -Pengetahuan umum soal css -Pengetahuan umum soal repository -Pengetahuan umum soal mysql, tabel, kolom Kalo advance, coba belajar query sql yang basic aja, udah cukup. -Pengetahuan umum soal authentication, flownya kaya apa. -Pengetahuan umum API Pengetahuan umum API dokumentasi
Ssy: Ssy: ada ilmu2 programmer yg kamu bilang secara fundamental hrs aku bisa. dan aku belum ahli disitu, makanya aku coba discuss sama org lain, silabus seperti apa untuk bisa paham lintas divisi saat bangun produk. Maslul: Ini nice to have loh ssy, ga wajib. Yg wajib ya produk knowledge. Menurutku kamu gaperlu terlalu dalem di teknikal, value dari PM itu bisa manage produk. Itu udah cukup banget. Developer gaperlu butuh PM yang paham banget teknikal, walopun itu nilai plus. Tapi value utama PM ya dia paham produknya sendiri. Akan sayang kalo PM lebih condong ke teknikal. Dia harusnya condong ke produk, tau sedikit teknikal itu bagus, tau sedikit bisnis itu bagus, tapi kudu tau banyak ke produknya dulu. Sebenernya, buat level awal itu semua gaperlu ssy (silabus bootcamp terkait laravel, nodejs dan react js untuk seorang product manager). Cukup kuasain product knowledge aja, yang disitu must have. Tapi harapannya setahun kedepan, kamu udh paham sedikit soal teknikal knowledge. Dan semua yg kamu kasih diatas terlalu menjerumus ke framework tertentu. Pm kudu tau fitur apa yang bagus, yang tepat, solusi yang pas. Ini betul Dadi ui ux oke ini ranah ui ux, kita cuma atur flow aja, dan review dikit, ga harus tau dalemannya karna ya profesional, ui ux lebih paham lah daripada pm soal gituan. Dari qa nya dapet, betul tapi ga perlu detail, cuma tau flow testingnya, issue apa aja yg ditemukan. Programmernya dapet, betul tapi gabisa dengan pm yang baru terjun, perlu pm senior buat paham teknikal. Dan itupun hanya dasarnya aja, ngapain hire programmer kalo pm kudu tau semua? Padahal yang dimaksud teknikal knowledge menurutku itu basic teknikal/general teknikalnya. Ga menjerumus ke framework tertentu. karena ilmu yang bagus itu ilmu yg ga deped sama teknologi tertentu. Jadi ketika teknologi berubah, basicnya masih dipegang Sebenernya tugas PM udah banyak ssy, harus manage project, issue, nentuin prioritas, planning timeline, nentuin kebutuhan integrasi dan biayanya untuk beberapa bulan/tahun kedepan, nentuin produk mau dibikin seperti apa yang fit dengan market, daily standup, mastiin semua developer jalan dengan benar, manage developer biar ga terlalu gabut dan ga terlalu burnout, nentuin flow, bikin PRD, manage desain bareng ui ux, nentuin keperluan tim biar project bisa berjalan dengan smooth: termasuk diantaranya jadwalin meeting kalo developer perlu tanya2 ke divisi tertentu/company tertentu, mulutnya developer ketika ngomong dengan orang bisnis, bikin dokumentasi produknya, bikin flow, jadwalin meeting dengan user ketika UAT, orang nomor 1 yang akan ditanya kalo ada issue sama produk tersebut, dll. Menurutku itu yang lebih utama ditimbang PM bisa html, css, dan teknologi lain. Temenku ada yg basicnya programmer. Sekarang perusahaannya bangkrut, ya karna itu ga mau dengerin nasehat orang lain, yg mana pdhal dia hire orang bagus, sepak terjang udah terbukti di luar. Gw sebagai orang tech garis keras pun paham job masing2 dan kita saling respect. Emang ada kalanya PM kudu ditampar karna terlalu lembek ke orang bisnis jadi tim tech yang sengsara.
Ssy: aku pernah 1on1 sama ka deassy (pm apiary glints julo) , aku dapet insight kadang di kondisi kebakaran/ urgent kita (pm) ga harus langsung tahu harus ngapain, yg paling penting kumpulin stakeholder yg terlibat, dan cari tahu "penyebab kebakaran" dari mereka (engineer, designer, dll) terus juga aku kadang tuh (kayaknya udah 5x lebih) ikutan zoom nya kak fadel PM Flip, dia pernah cerita ada kondisi dimana dia tuh gabener2 tahu detail tapi dia tahu pokok persoalan dan solusi intinya hrs gimana, tapi dia bilang ke team engineer intinya "gimana caranya gue pengin fiturnya jadi kayak gini2", dan itu diimplementasikan sm engineer dll Maslul: Ini setuju, cuma biasanya karna PM yang bikin produknya, day to day dia urusin standup dll, jadi paham mana potensi issue. Kalo masih gapaham, dia kan punya tim, developer dll, tinggal tanya mereka aja. Thanks Maslul insight nya! ^^
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ecomassists · 1 year
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If you are you a drop shipper or e-commerce business owner struggling with your Shopify Dropshipping Store Or do you want to scale your business? 
Then there is no alternative to the winning product for you. One winning product can indeed impact your business.
As a team, our goal is to help you to grow your business. You can get assistance from members of our highly skilled team in finding profitable products for your Shopify dropshipping store.
We are professionals in Shopify product research. By conducting extensive Shopify product research, we will locate for you the niche or general best-winning product.
We will provide you:
Trending & Evergreen Winning Products
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Adding Products Professionally to your Shopify Store
So what are you waiting for? Let's take action to grow together. Text me or let's have a meeting to get started.
Contact us: Fiverr, Instagram Email: [email protected]
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The Product Management Way! - with Rashmi Ramakrishna: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0SHxfEQiBegHeIr1D3OTO1?si=3950559483054683
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themesflat-blog · 6 days
Remos - eCommerce Admin Dashboard React NextJS Template
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🚀 Introducing Remos – the ultimate React NextJS template for eCommerce admin dashboards! Perfect for managing your online store with efficiency and style.
✨ Key Features:
Fully Responsive & Mobile-Friendly
Next.js & React Integration
Tailwind CSS for Styling
Advanced Analytics & Reporting
Product Management System
Order Tracking & Management
User Management & Roles
Customizable Dashboard Widgets
Dark Mode & Light Mode Support
SEO Optimized
Multi-Language Support
Secure Authentication
Regular Updates & Dedicated Support
🌟 Why Choose Remos? 
Remos is designed to streamline your eCommerce operations, providing a powerful and intuitive admin dashboard. Whether you’re managing products, orders, or users, Remos offers the tools you need to succeed.
🔗 Get Remos today and take control of your eCommerce business!
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digitalhive923 · 11 days
7 Steps To Get More Traffic & Sales With WooCommerce SEO!
Read the blog titled 7 Steps To Get More Traffic & Sales With WooCommerce SEO! WooCommerce enables easy online store setup, product management, payment processing, and customer management from WordPress. Key features include customization, extensive payment options, inventory and shipping management, SEO optimization, and social media promotion.
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agile-rant · 18 days
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quellsoft · 1 month
Effective Product Development Strategies
Ready to launch a new product? A solid strategy is key to success. Learn how to define your target market, develop a compelling product, and create a marketing plan that drives sales.
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danieldavidreitberg · 1 month
AI Product Managers can drive innovation and efficiency in startups, helping them stay ahead of the curve. Discover the benefits in Daniel Reitberg's latest article. #AI #ProductManagement #Startups #Innovation
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study-buddies · 1 month
ISB Executive Education Launches Comprehensive Product Management Programs
The Indian School of Business (ISB) Executive Education has launched two new product management programs in collaboration with Emeritus, catering to a diverse range of professionals. These programs are designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the dynamic field of product management.
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Program Details and Fees
The first program, a 16-week online course, is set to commence on August 13, 2024. Priced at Rs 1,50,000 plus applicable taxes, this course focuses on enabling participants to ideate, test, and launch products that resonate with customers. The curriculum is designed by industry experts and includes a live masterclass on AI and Generative AI, application-based case studies on top Indian startups, and access to essential product management tools. A capstone project will also be a key component of the program, ensuring that participants gain hands-on experience in product management.
For those seeking a more in-depth exploration of the field, ISB is also offering a 28-week online certificate course on professional product management. Beginning on September 30, 2024, and available for Rs 2,40,000 plus applicable taxes, this program is tailored for mid-career professionals, aspiring product managers, business heads, and entrepreneurs. The course is particularly beneficial for individuals transitioning into product management or those looking to deepen their expertise and lead product strategies within their organizations.
Certification and Success Criteria
Participants who successfully complete the programs with a minimum score of 70 percent will be awarded a certificate by ISB Executive Education, a credential that signifies their expertise and readiness to tackle the challenges of product management.
Target Audience
The programs are specifically curated to meet the needs of various professionals, including those transitioning into product management, mid and senior-level managers, business heads, and entrepreneurs. By offering cutting-edge modules on AI and Generative AI, these programs aim to keep participants at the forefront of industry trends, helping them to stay competitive in an ever-evolving market.
Enrollment and Further Information
Interested individuals can learn more and enroll by visiting the official ISB website at isb.edu. These programs provide a unique opportunity for professionals to advance their careers by gaining practical knowledge and skills from one of the leading business schools in India.
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rapidoform · 2 months
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Easily transform your data into clear, actionable insights with stunning visuals. See your trends at a glance!
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hannahlu666 · 10 days
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The Data Realm - 05: Yuehua (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1476087885-the-data-realm-05-yuehua?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=HannahLu666 In "Realm of Data," the boundaries between the virtual and real worlds blur, with time flowing like a shifting mist. The protagonists battle through this digital domain, striving to solve mysteries and restore order. Facing countless challenges and unpredictable system rules, their every effort becomes legend. This story explores the grandeur of the data world and the legendary journeys of its heroes, revealing their quest for hope and rebirth amidst the complex rules and ever-changing landscapes.
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anzaelllc · 2 months
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Accurate data is key to success in the aftermarket industry, preventing issues like parts proliferation and high return rates. 🚗
@anzaelllc’s 𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐗𝐌𝐋 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐚 , enhancing your business and staying ahead in a data-driven world.
Discover more at https://www.anzael.com/ 🌟
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