#probably won't make a ton of gifs this time though since this game is very long and i'm running out of disk space for captures
tobiasrieper · 2 years
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DEACON | Fallout 4
345 notes · View notes
ro-is-struggling · 2 years
Being homesick and watching the world cup with the avengers headcanons
Pairings: platonical Avengers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky senses that something is wrong with you but you don't seem ready to talk about it. After watching you closely for a while he discovers that your sadness comes from missing your home country and decides to do something to cheer you up. One day you mention to him how excited you are about the World Cup and that gives Bucky the idea of throwing you a surprise party to watch the last game of the event together. In the midst of the tensions of the game, emotions surface and your feelings for Bucky are exposed in the most unexpected way.
Notes: This thing is based on THIS request from my friend and fellow Argentinian and is brought to you by my inability to think about anything other than the world cup since the day of the final because MY COUNTRY FUCKING WON I'M SO EXCITED AGUANTE ARGENTINA CARAJO ⭐⭐⭐🔵⚪🔵
I decided to write this one as headcanons and divide it in two parts. The first will be more generic so everyone can imagine celebrating their country with Bucky and the Avengers. The second part will be specific about Argentina since that's what was requested. I just wanted to make sure there was a way for everyone to enjoy this one given that most of my readers are not from Argentina. It’s probably going to be a lot more detailed because well it’s where I come from and I LOVE the idea of the Avengers doing Argentinian shit. 
You can totally just read the first part, it has all the story in it. The second part is more of a detailed description of argentinian shit I think would be funny to show the avengers. I won't repeat or add anything big to the story, just random shit 
Also I don’t care if your country didn't classify or if it doesn't participate in these things, in this story it does and made it to the final bc in my country we take the world cup very seriously and it’s the only thing I can think about since we fucking won!!!! I'm so excited about it you're gonna have to bear with me
I’m still working on a ton of other stuff but today I offer you this. Tomorrow, who knows
y/c = your country.
wc: 6600 total, 3700 (part 1) 2900 (part 2) 
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🟣 Okay so I imagine Bucky has a secret crush on you for a long time but he never acts on it because of #reasons (like his insecurities and trauma). 
🟣 but can anyone blame him tho? like you’re the most beautiful and caring woman he met since he regained control of his mind. You were always good to him, taking your time to get to know him and making an effort to create a safe and secure environment for him to slowly heal. You were always there for him, even when you didn’t really know him that well
🟣 That’s why when Bucky noticed that something was wrong with you he was determined to find out what it was so he could help you
🟣 It all started with your mood. He noticed that you were more somber and distracted. Your cheerful and positive personality was gone. You spent most of your free time in your room doing who knows what and Natasha had to drag you out of bed to participate in some activity with the rest of the team.
🟣 Bucky had asked you on several occasions if you were okay —just like the rest of the Avengers—, but your answer was always the same: "I'm fine, I'm just tired that’s all."
🟣 He knew it was all lies, but he didn't want to pressure you to talk if you weren't ready. He knew better than anyone how uncomfortable and annoying that could be. So he just smiled and nodded, waiting for you to be ready to tell him what was bothering you.
🟣 That didn't mean he was dropping the subject, though. On the contrary, Bucky kept a close eye on you. Just because you didn't talk to him about your problems didn't mean he couldn't keep an eye on you from a distance to make sure you were okay. And it was thanks to his watchful eye that he finally got to the root of the problem.
🟣 One morning when he returned from his morning jog he found you in the living room looking through the contents of a large package that was lying on the floor. He came over to ask you what you were doing and you told him with a big smile on your face that your family had sent you a package from your home country. And as you showed him the gifts they had sent you —pictures of your relatives and many objects alluding to your country of origin— Bucky noticed that your special glow had returned. You were smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning, taking things out of the box and explaining with great enthusiasm what they were. 
🟣 He listened attentively to every word that came out of your mouth, loving the glow of happiness in your eyes as you wrapped yourself in the flag of your country that your relatives had sent you. Your happiness was contagious and Bucky couldn't help but smile and be happy to hear facts about a country he didn't know so well.
🟣 Although the happiness didn't last long, because the next day Bucky noticed you were just as sad and distracted as always.
🟣 Bucky knew that you came from (y/c) and that you had family there. You always spoke proudly of your home country and occasionally told stories of the times you went there on vacation to visit your family. But for some reason it never crossed his mind that the reason for your sadness was that you were homesick.
🟣 But now that he knew the real reason for your problems he was ready to do something about it. He wanted to return the favor, to help you in the same way you had helped him in his recovery.
🟣 His first idea was to take you on a surprise vacation to (y/c) but after checking the Avengers' schedule he realized that would not be possible. They had an important mission coming up and were supposed to be preparing for it. Bucky tried to ask Fury to excuse you at least, ensuring him that he would take your place on the mission, but the Shield director wouldn't listen to him so he was back to square one.
🟣 He was on his way back from his meeting with Fury when he ran into you in the elevator. You smiled at him and quickly engaged in casual conversation about your day. You looked more cheerful than usual, not your usual cheerful self but you didn't seem sad either. So Bucky, being the curious creature that he was, couldn't resist asking you what got you in such a good mood. And in your answer he found the perfect idea to lift your spirits.
🟣 Apparently the World Cup was happening, a football tournament in which different countries were competing for the title of the best in the world. And apparently (y/c) had made it to the finals. So Bucky had the brilliant idea to prepare a surprise party for the day of the final so all the Avengers could cheer for your team together and celebrate your country with you.
🟣 Bucky spent the next few days researching everything he could about (y/c), its history, traditions, typical food and traditional music, everything. He wanted to learn as much information as possible about your country so he could make a theme party that would make you proud. So he stayed up late with a computer on his lap and a notepad in his hand, quickly scribbling down the main ideas to outline his plan. He even went so far as to talk to a couple of people claiming to be from (y/c) on the internet —under a fake name obviously— to ask them questions that the internet articles didn't answer. They were all very nice to him and gave him advice that he was sure would add a special touch to the party.
🟣 Luckily he didn't have to plan everything alone. When he told the rest of the Avengers about his idea they all joined in the preparations, splitting up the tasks at that very moment.
🟣 “Just friends my ass” Bucky heard Natasha mutter under her breath after he explained what he had in mind so far. He ignored her, though he couldn't stop his blood from traveling to his face, pooling in his cheeks in embarrassment.
🟣 Tony was in charge of getting the food, searching all over town for a business that specialized in traditional (y/c) dishes. When he found one he ordered large quantities of all the dishes they offered and even paid extra to have one of the establishment's cooks present at the party in case you wanted a specific dish on the spot.
🟣 Natasha and Wanda joined forces to create a playlist with songs that would represent your country well. It was a mix of traditional music with contemporary songs from popular artists of the moment. They took their job very seriously, researching the history of (y/c) and searching the internet for lists of the most played artists and people's opinions about it. They both knew what it felt like to be homesick to miss your family and friends that were left behind. A complex system of signs and symbols, of ways of seeing and understanding the world and relating to others, died a little when migrating to another country and that could be a very difficult thing to go through, so they wanted to make sure you had the best party ever and that it brought you a little bit closer to your beloved homeland.
🟣 Steve, Sam, Thor, Clint and Bucky were in charge of decorating. They had to take turns going out to buy everything they needed in a way that wouldn't be suspicious to you. There was a lot of shopping to do and little time to do it in, so they spent most of the time making up all sorts of excuses, covering for each other so they could sneak out of the Avengers' compound without arousing suspicion. But it was worth it because by the day of the match they had multiple (y/c) flags, national team jerseys, all kinds of posters, balloons, lights and other decorative items in the colors of the country - including posters with the words "let's go (y/c)!!!" in big, colorful letters.
🟣 On the day of the game Bucky was in charge of distracting you while the others prepared everything. Tony hired help, so they were able to have the Avengers compound decorated in your country's colors in a matter of a couple of hours. And while they worked on that, Bucky took you to have breakfast at a place he swore had the best pancakes in the world. It was a lame excuse, but you didn't seem to notice. He knew he would always be able to get your attention with food, and just as he hoped it worked like a charm.
🟣 You talked a lot over breakfast, catching up and sharing funny stories about your teammates. You mentioned the big match a couple of times, explaining how important it was to you and how it made you feel closer to home.
"I know it might be dumb, but seeing all those people cheering with the colors of the flag painted on their faces makes me feel less alone.". You explained, shrugging as you stirred your coffee absentmindedly.
"It's not dumb" Bucky assured you, reaching out to place his hand over yours, giving it a light squeeze of reassurance. Looking up you saw that he was smiling at you, the corners of his lips curving upward in a grimace that sparked a comforting warmth inside you.
"You can come watch it with me if you want. It'll be fun, I promise!"
"Sure, I'd love to" Bucky accepted your invitation, having to bite his tongue to avoid ruining the surprise that awaited you.
🟣 You noticed that Bucky was more attentive to his phone than normal. Usually he barely used the device, the rest of the team always scolded him for not reading important messages or answering calls. He could go days without even turning it on, it just wasn't programmed into his system. But today he was paying attention to every message that came in —and there were many, the device vibrated on the table every five minutes.
🟣 You thought that maybe Bucky was trying to change his habits, to incorporate the device into his routine, although that still didn't explain the number of messages he was getting. It occurred to you then that maybe he had finally taken San's advice and downloaded one of the many dating apps out there. That idea put a strange taste in your mouth, your heart squeezing in your chest at the thought of Bucky talking to other women with romantic intentions.
🟣 Never in a million years would you have guessed that the real reason his phone was ringing so much was because he had planned the world's best surprise party for you.
🟣 When you returned to the avenger's compound he asked you to come with him to the living room for a moment. "There's something I want to show you" was his only explanation. You followed him and once there you were surprised by your teammates, who jumped up and shouted "surprise!" when they saw you, throwing colorful tiny pieces of paper in your direction.
🟣 The room was an explosion of the colors of your beloved country, with flags and posters of support adorning the walls. There was a huge table filled with the traditional food you loved so much and hadn't eaten for so long. There was also traditional (y/c) music playing softly in the background and your teammates were wearing national team jerseys and had the colors of the flag painted in stripes on their cheeks.
🟣 “Oh my God, guys!” you exclaimed in surprise, unable to believe what your eyes were seeing. "You did all this for me?" Tears formed in your eyes, feeling the love of your friends invading your insides and filling you with a comforting warmth.
"It was Bucky's idea," Natasha clarified with a playful smile on her lips. But you paid no attention to your friend's insinuations, you were too overwhelmed by the situation for that. 
Turning to look at Bucky, he offered you a shy smile. "I noticed that you were a bit homesick and I wanted to do something to cheer you up," he explained with a shrug, minimizing it as if it wasn't the most loving gesture anyone had made for you in a long time. "I talked to Fury to try to get you an early vacation so you could go to visit your family, but he denied it. So I came up with this and when I told the guys they all wanted to participate."
"Buck, I... I have no words," you stuttered, struggling to find the right words to thank him for such a gesture. Your brain was too overwhelmed by the situation to put into words everything you were feeling, but you hoped he knew how much you appreciated everything he had done. "This is beautiful, I- thank you so much. Thank you all so much for this." 
🟣 Once the initial shock wore off, the party began. While Bucky and you went to change into your national team jerseys, Tony turned up the music to start the celebration. Thor was the first to approach the table with the food, serving himself a plate full of every available thing on the table. "I'm learning about Y/N's culture!" he defended himself when you looked at him in surprise, though the god's appetite was nothing new really. The others followed soon after, soliciting your recommendations and asking you what some of the dishes contained.
🟣 You discussed details of your country for a while, starting from the food, to the music, to the common customs of the people there. You answered their questions cheerfully, and congratulated them on the good choices they had made in everything. For a non-native ( y/c) person, they had managed to put together a good selection of representative food and music. You were particularly surprised to hear not only typical music but also popular songs by famous artists from your country. You were touched by the seriousness with which they had taken every detail.
🟣 When it was time for the match, everyone gathered in front of the large television in the living room. You all settled down on the couches, although there were so many that some of you had to sit on the floor. You ended up sitting between Natasha and Bucky, with Wanda on the floor at your feet.
🟣 The match was difficult, full of tension and complications. Your teammates had never heard you shouting and cursing as much as you did during those 90 minutes —dropping a couple of insults in your native language from time to time that they didn't understand, but they could guess what it meant from the tone of your voice. The flag you had draped over your shoulders at the beginning of the game soon became your anti-stress toy, squeezing the fabric between your fingers every time the opposing team came too close to scoring a goal.
🟣 As the last minutes of the game approached your nerves were through the roof. Your heart was pounding so hard against your chest that you felt like it was going to burst out of your body at any moment. Your eyes never left the screen, moving from the players running on the field just to watch the minutes ticking by.
🟣 The match ended in a tie so the winner had to be decided by penalty kicks. Your heart raced even faster as you watched the players prepare to kick, knowing that it was now all in the hands of the goalkeeper. Instinctively you reached for Bucky's hand at your side. He took it, interlacing your fingers in a strong grip. Your eyes were glued to the television, but Bucky's eyes did not leave your figure, admiring your profile. Even from his perspective he could see the illusion in your eyes, the happiness drawn in your expression despite your deep concentration. He lost himself in you for a moment, the world around him ceasing to exist as he allowed his eyes to memorize every little detail of your face at that moment. It was the happiest he had seen you in a long time and he wanted to memorize that expression forever.
🟣 Bucky didn't quite know what was happening because from one second to the next he was jumping with you, your hands intertwined as you celebrated. Your team had scored a goal, securing victory and your happiness. You threw yourself into Bucky's arms, your eyes sparkling with emotion. He gladly took you into his arms, holding you tightly against his body as he let himself be filled with your euphoric joy.
🟣 But then the unexpected happened: you kissed him.
🟣 You didn't even realize what you were doing until it was too late. You were so excited about the game, so happy for the company of your friends, that it was impossible for you to control your emotions. It was a last second decision, one you didn't even make consciously. You lost yourself in his deep blue eyes as you looked up at him, it was as if you were in a trance, mesmerized by the joyful gleam in his eyes. And without realizing it you leaned forward, standing on your tiptoes and taking Bucky's face between your hands so you could press your lips together.
🟣 Bucky kissed you back without hesitation, his lips moving to match yours with determination. Perhaps it was the immediate positive response that caused you to lose yourself completely in the moment, unable to register what you had done. Or maybe it was the way his hands wrapped around your hips, pulling your body to his, enveloping you in his warmth. Probably a little bit of both.
🟣 The world around you ceased to exist as you held each other close, your lips moving with desperation from the euphoria of the moment and the repressed feelings between you. Suddenly you forgot about the game developing in the background, the narrator's voice sounding small and distant as you lost yourself in the sweet taste of Bucky's lips, melting in his arms. He was all you could think about, all you could feel.
🟣 You even forgot about your teammates gathered around you. They all watched the scene with surprise, not because of the kiss itself —because essentially they all knew there was something special between you–- but because of the timing and the way it had happened. It was quite obvious that you liked each other, but they didn't expect that after so much time dancing around each other that things would end up like this.
🟣 Well, some of them did. Natasha, Steve and Wanda were looking at you with knowing smiles, happy that their predictions had come true.
"I knew it!" Wanda exclaimed. Her voice shattered the illusion and you were snapped back to reality. You broke away from Bucky as soon as your brain was able to process what had happened, your face burning with embarrassment as you turned around and saw all your friends staring at you. 
"You better start paying us, Stark," Natasha added, stretching out her hand towards Tony. “You too, Wilson.”
You were horrified, completely embarrassed by your behavior. How could you have lost control like that? It was humiliating and... Wait, paying them?
"What is going on?" you asked with confusion as Tony and Sam pulled out a couple of bills from their wallets and passed them to Natasha. She gladly took them, counting them before handing them out to Wanda and Steve. 
"We had a bet," she said casually as if that explained everything.
"A bet?"
"Yeah, we said that you guys were finally going to stop dancing around each other and admit your feelings today. Tony and Sam said it was impossible because you guys are too dumb to realize you liked each other. And Clint and Thor were surprised to hear about your unspoken thing."
"Oh my God!" you exclaimed in horror. All this time you had thought you had managed to keep your crush on Bucky well hidden from all your teammates, but apparently you were wrong. "Was it so obvious?"
"A little, yeah" Wanda nodded and you let out a groan of embarrassment and frustration.
🟣 Bucky was almost as embarrassed as you were to discover that apparently everyone knew his big secret. He expected it from Steve, they had known each other for so long that he couldn't hide anything from him even if he wanted to, but he was surprised to discover that even Tony had noticed. Was it that obvious?
🟣 What surprised and confused him most, though, was the confidence that Steve, Nat and Wanda seemed to have that this would be the day that you would finally act on your feelings for each other. So he asked them about it.
"How come you were so sure this would happen?"
"Are you kidding? You threw her the nicest, most thoughtful party ever," Natasha replied as if it were obvious. "I'm honestly surprised she didn't kiss you the second you walked through those doors"
🟣 After the game was over and the euphoria of (y/c)'s victory celebrations had died down, Bucky approached you again. The rest of your teammates were lounging on the couches, too drunk or too stuffed with food to pay attention to you. You were catching your breath on the balcony, leaning against the railing with your country's flag draped over your shoulders protecting you from the light breeze that had risen. He stood next to you and you leaned your head on his shoulder immediately. Bucky was a little surprised, but received the gesture gladly, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him.
🟣 You remained in that position for a while, silently admiring the scenery in front of you as you enjoyed each other's company. But then you broke the silence. "Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" Bucky looked down at you with a smile, your wide eyes returning his gaze full of anticipation as you waited for an answer. "How about next week?"
🔵⚪🔵 Argentinian Version 🔵⚪🔵
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🔵 Okay now for the Argentina part
🔵 I imagine the avengers compound is all decorated in white and light blue. The living room, the hallways, the bathrooms, the balconies, EVERYTHING. That's what happens when Tony Stark gets involved in organizing a party, he gives it his all.
🔵There are Argentinian flags everywhere and posters saying "Vamos Argentina!" on all the walls. Balloons, strings of tinsel and even lights in light blue, white and yellow in allusion to the flag.
🔵 Also posters with Messi’s face everywhere. 
🔵 In fact, all the avengers were wearing the national team jersey with the number 10 and Messi's name on the back. Some had the classic white and light blue stripes and others the new alternative jersey with purple details that was designed for the World Cup in Qatar. In addition, all of them had light blue and white stripes painted on their cheeks to represent the Argentinian flag.
🔵 I imagine that the music playlist includes all kinds of Argentinian music you can possibly think of, from the saddest tango, to the chacarera teachers used to make you dance at school events, and even the latest Lali Esposito song.
🔵 And cumbia, lots of cumbia (bonus points if it’s 90s cumbia because that’s my fav)
🔵 I imagine that while you are waiting for the game to start you get to talking about music and food. They ask you questions like the origin of some of the rhythms and genres of music they came across and some of the dishes they had to eat today, and you happily tell them.
🔵 But then Por lo que yo te quiero by Rodrigo starts playing and you find the perfect excuse to teach them how to dance cuarteto. None of the men dare to do it at first, so you take Wanda’s hand and teach her the basic steps while you explain where cuarteto comes from and what it represents.
🔵 In a matter of half an hour you have all the avengers dancing cuarteto with a fernet in hand —served in the cut half of a plastic bottle as god intended.
🔵 You could tell that none of them were used to dancing to that kind of rhythm. Well, except for Sam, he was a natural. You were surprised at his ability to pick up the rhythm after a couple of seconds dancing with you. You didn't know he was such a good dancer, nothing in his personality told you that, other than maybe the fact that he was one of the avengers who liked to party from time to time the most.
🔵 But anyway, they were all putting a lot of energy and fun vibes into it and that helped them disguise their inexperience a little bit. Besides, cuarteto was not a very difficult rhythm to dance to, so they were fine. They were all having fun, laughing as they moved to the music, and that was the most important thing. Dancing was mostly about attitude anyways. 
🔵 You danced with Bucky a couple of times as you went from person to person to correct their moves. And you took your time with him, not because he was bad at dancing but because you enjoyed the closeness. The basic cuarteto steps were simple even for him who hadn't danced in over 70 years, so he did a good job. 
🔵 He looked genuinely happy as he let the rhythm of the music and your footsteps guide him. He had a big smile on his lips and his eyes shone with a special sparkle. It was a version of him you had never seen before and you were proud to have been the one to bring it to light.
🔵 He let loose as you danced, spinning you around the room before pulling you into his body once again, moving to the cheerful rhythm of the music. And you laughed each time, feeling an immense amount of joy fill your chest as you shared such a beautiful and special moment with Bucky.
🔵 Also, can we talk about El Meneaito?
🔵 I know it's not technically an Argentinian song, but it had a big impact on the parties around the country (at least while I was growing up) and I can't just not include it.
🔵 So when the playlist goes from quartet to that song you don't waste a second getting them all in a line, standing in front of them to show them the choreography. Side to side, side to side, hips swaying down, y ahí, ahí, ahí, ahí, ahí, ahí 
🔵Please if you’re reading this and you don’t know El Meneaito I encourage you to go listen to it and look for videos of the choreography as well (which is not the same as the official video) because imagining the avengers dancing like this is priceless
🔵 After a couple of songs they decided to take a break to get something to eat. And just in time the caterers that Tony had hired for the day arrived with the asado. Before they tried anything else you forced them all to eat at least one choripan, explaining that there was nothing more representative of argentinian culture than a good choripan with chimichurri (rip a los argentinos veganos).
🔵 They also tried empanadas (of all kinds), locro, LAS MILANESAS, and every kind of Argentinean food you can think of.. 
🔵 I feel that Thor being a god and Steve and Bucky being super soldiers are the avengers with the biggest appetites and therefore the ones who got to try a little bit of everything before collapsing from all the eating. The rest chose from the many options whatever appealed to them the most, always listening to your suggestions.
🔵 The asado —complete with provoleta, chorizo and morcilla as a first course, tira de asado, entraña, achuras and vacío— got great compliments from everyone, although the rest of the dishes were not far behind, with the empanadas being a second favorite.
🔵 Tony was the wine taster of the event, enjoying the taste of that alcoholic beverage more than the Fernet, which was, in his words, "more bitter than he expected"
🔵By the time the match started everyone felt like they knew and understood Argentina a little bit more. Hearing you talk about your country's traditions was very different from reading about them on the internet. So everyone felt a little more engaged in the game than they initially thought they would be.
🔵 You wrapped yourself in an Argentina flag to sit and watch the game, the albiceleste fabric draped around your shoulders like a blanket. And you forced the rest of the team to wear hats and other accessories in the colors of the flag as well.
🔵 Tony, Sam and Clint ended up watching the game wearing wigs with long hair painted half white and half light blue.
🔵 Steve and Thor took a harlequin-like hat and Bruce a flower necklace, all in the same color scheme as the flag.
🔵 Wanda and Natasha opted for cute headbands with stars in the colors of the flag.
🔵 And for Bucky you chose a crown of light blue and white flowers which you carefully placed on his head, arranging his long chestnut hair so that it looked pretty with the new accessory on. He looked adorable, like a princess straight out of a fairytale. 
🔵 And you obviously took a lot of pictures before the game started because there was no way you were going to pass up the opportunity to immortalize that moment.
🔵 During the game your Argentinean side came out in the form of frustrated shouts and insults in Spanish that most of your teammates did not understand.
🔵 There were a lot of "la puta que te parió" and  "la concha de su madre" every time the opposing team stole the ball or scored a goal. There were also a lot of "gol la concha de tu madre gol!", screaming at the top of your lungs as you celebrated when Argentina scored a goal.
🔵 They had never seen you like this. Normally you weren't so emotional and most of your teammates had barely heard you yell a couple of times in all the time they had known you.
🔵 Let alone cursing in the way you were doing it. They may not have fully understood what you were saying, but it was more than clear that those were not nice things, going by the tone of your voice and the expression on your face.
🔵 "La puta madre, no puede ser!" you shouted in frustration when the opposing team tied the scores. In a matter of minutes the match went from a comfortable 2-0 in favor of Argentina to a 2-2 score, ensuring that they would have to go to overtime to decide the match in the best case scenario. At worst, penalties. 🔵 "Wow, I've never seen you so… angry" Steve said from his spot on the couch to your left.
"I know, football brings out the worst in me," you replied without taking your eyes off the television in front of you. "The World Cup is a big thing in Argentina… football in general is. That's why if we don't win today I will kill myself" you added playfully, although a part of you would definitely die if they didn't win the Cup today.
" Still, you never yell or curse like ever,"Wanda intervened. "Where is this all coming from?"
"Yeah, I didn't think you were capable of such rage," Natasha added. "I kinda like it."
"Well, that's because my American personality is very different from my Argentinian personality."
"American personality?" Tony asked with confusion.
"Yeah," you nodded. "My true personality gets… lost in translation. The way I speak, the way I act, my sense of humor, everything is different when I speak Spanish. Argentinian culture and American culture are very different and I have to adapt in order to be a normal person around you guys. Also there’s a lot of things that don’t have a translation, so, yeah… "
"Different how?" Bucky asked, curious to know what this version of you that he apparently didn't know was like.
"Well, we have a different sense of humor, we tend to joke around about everything really. We also are very passionate and affectionate, we kiss and hug with pretty much everyone” you explained. “We also curse a lot, like we casually insult each other in an affectionate way. ‘Boludo’ can be an insult or a term of endearment to call your friends depending on the context. That's why we get very creative when coming up with insults when we really want to hurt someone. You guys couldn’t handle it.”
🔵 If they thought they had seen the worst of you, you proved them wrong when it was time for the penalty kicks. You were a bundle of nerves as you watched the players position themselves to kick. You grabbed Bucky's hand, interlacing your fingers for support. You probably squeezed it harder than you should have, but he didn't complain - the advantages of having super strength. The first penalty kick was taken by the opposing team and even though Argentina's goalkeeper was able to touch the ball, he couldn't prevent the goal. Feeling defeated, you leaned against Bucky, resting your head on his shoulder as you felt your heart racing faster and faster. He gave your hand a firm squeeze as a sign of support, placing a kiss on your head as he murmured words of encouragement.
🔵 Then it was Messi's turn to take the penalty kick and he did it beautifully, securing a goal for Argentina. You jumped out of your seat as you saw the ball bounce against the net, screaming as the camera panned to the players celebrating on TV. Life came back to your face, and even though you were still tense, you felt much more confident.
🔵 You went through all the penalties with the same fear, the same tension and intensity. When it came time for the decisive penalty kick you clung to Bucky by your side. Your hands intertwined tightly as you watched Montiel preparing to kick, knowing that if he got it right the cup belonged to Argentina. Your heart was pounding wildly in your chest and your stomach was spinning. Time seemed to stand still, everything moving in slow motion as Montiel made his run to kick.
🔵 When he scored the goal that secured the victory for Argentina you couldn't contain the scream that escaped from your throat. You jumped up from your place on the couch with teary eyes as you hugged Bucky, clinging to his body as you tried to contain the emotion.
🔵 Although you weren't very effective at it because you ended up kissing Bucky without even realizing what you were doing.
🔵 To escape the embarrassment you felt after that unexpected kiss —and the revelation of your friends' bet–- you proposed eating dessert, hoping that the food would distract your teammates who kept looking at you from the corner of their eyes every time you talked to each other.
🔵 The dessert table had a variety of options including alfajores, pastelitos, pastafrolas, chocotortas and tortas fritas, as well as a couple of pots of dulce de leche
🔵 Everyone was first attracted to the pastafrolas because it was the closest thing to an American apple pie, although you explained the differences to them.
🔵Everyone was very eager to try everything to find out what they liked best, so they took plates and filled them with small pieces of everything so they would have a sample to decide. Then they all sat down on the couches and took turns tasting everything, giving their opinion and arranging it on a list.
🔵 You disagreed with some of their opinions, but overall they were right. Most recognized the superiority of dulce de leche and that was good enough for you.
🔵 I really like the idea of giving Bucky a spoonful of dulce de leche for him to taste, your eyes lingering on his lips and the way they moved over the spoon, delighting in the sound of approval that vibrated in his throat at the sweet taste in his tongue, holding back the need to kiss him to taste the dulce de leche in his mouth.
🔵 While they debated about desserts and which was better than which, you ran to your room in search of the mate set your family had recently sent you from Argentina, as well as the bag of yerba mate you had stashed there. Mate was a must in any Argentinean celebration.
🔵 “What is that?” Thor asked when he saw you pouring the yerba into the mate.
“This is Mate. It’s like coffee for you guys or tea for english people… or… I don’t really know what you drink on Asgard but the point is it’s a really popular drink.” you tried to explain to the Asgardian and the rest of your teammates.
“Oh I know! I’ve seen you drink it on missions” Bucky said and Natasha agreed with him, remembering a time when you explained to her what it was.
“That I did! Mate is my best friend. It’s every Argentinian's best friend. if it were up to us we would live on this alone, but unfortunately our body needs more nutrients.”
“Okay but what is it? How do you drink it?” Clint insisted.
“It’s like tea if tea were drunk in a cup full of loose herbs,” you tried to explain in terms they could understand. “Basically, you fill this cup with Yerba Mate, then you pour hot water into it and drink it through this thing called Bombilla which is basically a kind of straw designed to not let the herbs come through when you drink.” While you were talking you were preparing the mate, arranging the yerba in a little mountain against one of the walls of the cylinder cup to keep the yerba in good condition for as long as possible.
“You can drink it alone or with sugar on it. Usually people in Argentina prefer it alone, but I think it might be too bitter for you so I’ll add some sugar. Here, try it!” you said, passing the mate to Sam. He had a reaction that you could only describe as the Kombucha girl meme, although he ended up liking it.
🔵 In fact, that was the reaction of most of your teammates, surprised by the new taste on their tongue. It was a strange sensation, but once they got used to it they agreed it wasn't so terrible. The sweet hint that the sugar provided definitely helped to familiarize them with the taste.
🔵 When it was Tony's turn, he didn't seem too happy about drinking from the same Bombilla that five other people had put in their mouths before him. “You’re supposed to share it,”you told him when you noticed his hesitation. “In Argentina we share mate with anyone who wants one, friends or not. No self-respecting Argentinean denies mate to anyone.”
“That’s gross,” Tony complained.
 “I'm sure you've put worse things in your mouth.”
🔵 Soon they ended up in an authentic round of mates, circulating the drink while talking about anything and everything, laughing at Sam's jokes and Tony's exaggerations. It was the first time in several weeks that you felt supported, accompanied. Surrounded by your friends while drinking mates, you felt at home again. Today you missed Argentina a little less and it was all thanks to Bucky.
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eternalwritess · 6 months
Could I have a hazbin hotel match up please!!!
My pronouns are she/they and I am demiromantic? I cut feelings/attachment when I get really upset at people. I don’t mind any characters really! It’s hard to describe my personality but I am bubbly, blunt, sensitive but also real, I have ADHD (the kind I have used to be called ADD) if that helps with personality as well.
Besides ADHD I have epilepsy and my vision is not the best in the slightest :,) I also have a bit of hearing issues. My fashion is all over the place but: bright colors (mainly pink) I wear bootcut/bell bottoms a lot, I love t-shirts (specifically old-school characters) and stripes. I crochet!! Like a lot!! Mainly small blankets or plushies but I’ve made 2 failed sweaters! I also do cozy gaming and drawing!
How I show love is gift giving, words of affirmation, and quality time! I love to talk and talk and talk so that’s what I count as quality time just having someone listen or hear me. Music is just about as random as clothes! If a song is good then I like it! But mainly pop, RnB (80s - now), musicals, and classical music! I wouldn’t say I have a dark sense of humor but I am able to find a joke in everything since that’s my coping mechanism though jokes are always a hit or miss depending on the mood.
My aesthetics are everywhere but I looooove cutesy things! Just adore them!!!
For myself in a relationship will I really don’t know! I don’t want to say I get obsessive but I definitely put my all into a person and I hope to receive the same back!!
Random: but I develop attachments to items quickly!
My pet peeves are definitely not listening to me when I ask a question, making repetitive loud noises, moving my things because I’ll lose it if it’s not where I said it was, talking over me. I those are it!
For appearance I’d figured I’d give you the d(a)emon form which a butterfly (those I did give myself curly hair I can’t live without them!) Because they’re pretty, love daytime activities, and bad vision. Butterflies are beautiful and fragile and I’ve been described as that since I am very short and been called pretty a lot 😅
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
might be slightly inaccurate... but hear me out-
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You both most likely met at some sort of thrift store of some kind. You were both most likely in the same section when she came up to you and asked if you needed a job
Since you were somewhat new to hell you agreed and she took you in from there
She doesn't mind you being blunt at all or just straight up telling her to stop. She most likely will with some anger but she will nonetheless
She is also quite all over the place so I feel like you would both get along in that area with her jumping around and finding all the latest trends and you following her around and doing the same
Since you have epilepsy she makes sure that you don't go near Valentino or his area, or even Vox sometimes (because of his tv face) sometimes even pushing you the opposite direction
"Yeah other way"
Since your vision isn't the best she made you glasses that look somewhat stylish and she makes you a shit ton of custom glasses. You also have contacts and she has eye color changing ones for you as well just in case you want them
As for hearing issues... she's quite loud so uh you won't have trouble hearing her-
No but she also makes you hearing aids and such that look somewhat stylish. She loves styling things for you and probably does your whole wardrobe
"I'd say I overdid it but damn do these look good"
She badly wants you to teach her how to crochet something about the style and such
Sometimes you'll make small things for her and she keeps it in her room even if she thinks its slightly childish. It's important to her and she just has a hard time admitting that
As for songs... she would totally have the same style of music as it being all over the place. She hears something nice or trendy and she'll blast it in her studio before getting bored of it
She'll come to you for suggestions too
"Do you like this song?... Yeah I agree it may be slightly overdone"
Even with your fashion being all over the place she doesn't really care as long as its in order. Although she will add her own spin on it and make it more trendy
She doesn't mind if your humor turns dark at times... actually sometimes she'll encourage it
She likes the fact that you find a joke in everything. Which is one of the reasons why she takes you to Vox just so that you two can make fun of him every now and then about his obsession with Alastor
She tries her best to give you stuff like you give her and try and make it special but sometimes she might forget something here and there with being busy
Sometimes she'll try to play it off but most times she'll apologize with gifts and trying to sweet talk you
"Listen I'm really sorry, it's just work y'know? Vox and fucking Valentino"
She tries her best to listen to you when you ask something but sometimes she'll zone out and apologize trying to answer it to the best of her ability. There might be a small rough patch there
She doesn't at all make loud repetitive noises. She finds it way too annoying also and will shout at anyone who does such
Hope you don't mind shouting cause she shouts... a lot
You are both a very stylish couple and most likely are one of Hell's most powerful ones
Overall you are both very hyper and fun to be around <3
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mamamittens · 1 year
Alright, ngl, I fully planned on writing this week but work decided it was time to do inventory again. At the literal last minute.
I. Hauled. Ass.
And tomorrow I'm probably going to be counting a fuck ton of shit sooooo RIP IG
Anyway, as a small apology lemme talk about the au of Sweet Child, Grow (now the nickname for "How our Seeds Grow"). And fittingly, I'll start with the name!
I actually didn't think too much about the name before rolling with that but it's kinda genius in hindsight because now the two read as "Oh, sweet child of mine, how our seeds grow" which sounds awful wistful don't it? And sweet. I like it. And it's very poignant considering the au is all about little reader growing up with the WBP.
Also! I did write a fair bit for the next chapter but it felt short and I thought I could more or less squeeze in a few chapters now that the narrator (child reader) is way less angsty about being kidnapped and not as observant so there's less wordage to get across here. And as I did I realized I accidentally wrote in a little plot hole in the first one.
See, reader's supposed to really love animals. But what happened to their den den mushi? The snail from the beginning? So I'm taking a moment to answer what no one has asked.
They didn't get to keep the snail until well after they returned since it's apparently pretty easy to convert them into 'phones' so to minimize shenanigans, they just withheld it until they felt they could trust reader.
And since in Grow the reader is just a scared kid, they get to keep the snail with a normal shell. Reader named him 'Cream' even though they weren't supposed to because it's not 'their' snail. It's the marine's snail. Little reader has gotten better at hiding how attached they are to their issued snail at whatever base they're on but not very well.
As a treat, here's a little snippet!
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Oh! And before I forget!
I'll try to remember y'all that asked to be tagged in the next update but I make no promises! If you're super concerned about it though as soon as it comes out you can also read not only Sweet Child but Grow as well on AO3! Or maybe follow the tag for the story??? Idk how reliable that is, I don't really follow specific tags on Tumblr ngl
AO3 is currently experiencing some minor issues (8/30/23) though, so please be patient if it won't work immediately and perhaps check back later!
Anyway! Thanks for being patient everyone, as well as the fairly positive-ish neutral reaction to my new rule concerning asks for updates! It's a lot less stressful thinking about which fics to update now that I have a hard line. I'm afraid the personal clash between pathological demand avoidance and people pleasing is incredibly uncomfortable to grapple with at the best of times. And it leaves me feeling like either a raging bitch or a doormat 😬
I'm hoping to get some writing done soon but with inventory in full swing tomorrow I won't be surprised if I just pass the fuck out when I get home. Istg I opened cult of the lamb for a quick sesh and next thing I knew it was 9 (my bad entirely. I know damn well that game is very hard to put down- always one last thing I can do before going to bed but it's never just one is it???)
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Speaking of which! I gotta go to sleep now lol
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Info post!
Thank you everyone for your feedback on the demos! I am very happy you all came to like it. Don't feel discouraged from sending any new feedback though, since it's gonna be awhile until I get back to work (I'm in exam hell 'till mid May), might as well use the time to advantage.
Most of you seem more interested in game/visual novel format, therefore in this post I'll talk about features I mean to implement, or think of implementing. I'll also talk about possible updating schemes (chapter basis vs. all-at-once), let me know what you think about those. For those who won't get intimidated by text, I'll leave some WIPs for artwork at the very end :3
Discussing game features!
Random events Now this is something you've already experienced in the demo, albeit in its rough form. Since I'm planning a kinetic/linear story (aka there won't be a choice system) because writing a branching story is going to kill me, this serves as a sort of replacement. Due to random chance being involved, random events will happen only during "moments of respite", so to speak, when there is no danger and no consequences for the main plot. Random events are mostly "character flavor", additional moments that, if you miss, won't hinder the major story, but they do add fun little details to characterization. This should mitigate possible unfairness while still bringing some replay value to the table. I plan on implementing a scene list, where you can view names of all encountered/unlocked scenes, sort of like achievement list.
Turn based battles This one is more ambitious but not entirely impossible. There are tons of tutorials on battle system in Renpy and even codes already written and running. Battles could be another way to make up for lack of choice system and thus lack of gameplay. Plus, the script outline already features numerous fighting scenes, and given it's VtM, I feel battles could be implemented organically. I'm mostly thinking of watered down Darkest Dungeon, or, if you're hip, Honkai Star Rail. The amount of "water" is yet to be decided, but it should be relatively simple both for me to implement and for you to play through. Don't know if I'll add anything that could be called "leveling up characters" but I am thinking of making battles skippable in options. This is still mostly an idea, and I'll need to make some tests first to see if I'll be able to implement this in actual game.
Updating schemes!
First things first, I'll need to write the entire script. The reason why I don't want to make it chapter basis is, based on my past experience, there's a high chance I'll figure out some changes needed in previous chapters as I work on next ones, so I go back and edit them accordingly. And this works best if I'm writing the full thing back to back, without publishing. Release when it's ready. This should take me a year, give or take, again based on past experience (it's almost the same amount of writing I had to do back then). I understand it's quite long but I don't feel comfortable changing this workflow of mine :(
Now, for actual game development, there are two options:
All-at-once Basically the same as with the script. I develop the entire game and then publish it in one piece. Personally I feel this would work best for me, but it would increase the already big enough wait time to around two years, best case scenario. Probably two and a half, or even three. I understand it's hard to wait that long, which is why there is a second option.
Chapter basis I develop a chapter (insert all the text, art, animation, music, etc.), publish it, then proceed to work on the next one and release it when it gets done and so on. Sort of like game patches. Bendy and the Ink Machine style if you remember that thing. You redownload the project and continue from your last save. This gives me a bit less control but also makes you wait significantly less for main story content.
Please let me know which option you would prefer.
As a thank you for reading this huge wall of text, here are some WIPs as promised :D
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Part of the short comic on your regular Tord and Edd shenanigans
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Something tarot themed! Missing Cat (The Star) for now. I'll probably change the composition for most of these.
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Rough concepts for Tord's wAcKy family. Also him pre-embrace
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Some Matilda animation. Girlboss
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softguarnere · 2 years
hi, I have a ship request if you’re still doing those <3 I love your writing and these other ships, they make me feel so warm and fuzzy!
so physically I’m around 5’1 with warm brown hair that lightens in the sun but gets dark in winter. personality wise I’m an absolute dork :) I’m super loyal to my friends and really value information of all kinds. my goal when socializing is making others feel cozy and appreciated. it’s super easy to make me laugh which I love about myself. I tend to be creative through my hobbies and academics but it can be hard for me to stick out full projects. it can also take a bit to get me to socialize or leave my comfort zone but I always have a ton of fun when I do (gotta feed off the extroverts lol)
I love music, creating hyper specific playlists, and playing my baritone uke. I was absolutely a theater kid. I can be fairly athletic when I want to be, I grew up playing and enjoying sports. I also love baking and sewing when I have the time. when my energy’s low I usually spend my free time reading, writing bits and bobs, and playing video games
thank you so much dove <3 <3
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the compliment, I really appreciate it 🥺💕And I completely get what you mean about the extroverts lol -- Idk if I've ever related to a statement more in my life
I ship you with . . .
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Babe Heffron!
Knew it had to be Babe when you said the thing about being a dork, lol (in a good way, I promise!) I just think the vibes would match so perfectly. I totally see you guys being that couple that are always up to some sort of mischief, or are always making plans that somehow end up sending you on some sort of crazy adventure, and I think it would be very sweet
Babe loves your laugh. Lucky for him, since it's easy to make you laugh, he gets to hear it often. Sometimes you try to hold it in, and something about the way it slips out after you've tried and failed to hold it back after one of his jokes just makes his heart soar
Babe is so extroverted -- especially when he's around Bill -- that his energy is infectious. It's so easy to be outgoing around him, and to branch out and meet new people when he's by your side. But at the same time, if you need to recharge your social battery, he will 100% come up with an overelaborate distraction so that you can slip away (this boy would do anything for you, omg it's so sweet)
He understands if you need to be alone to recharge, too, as much as he'd prefer to be spending time with you. You come home from a party worn out? Hey, he's got you a mug of tea and has queued up whatever show you've been watching so that you can enjoy a moment alone
"The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" Which is so him. If you're trying to bake a new recipe, you don't even have to ask him if he'll sample some of it, because chances are, he's stolen a little bit of whatever you've made while your back is turned. He gives honest feedback, even though he's convinced you couldn't bake something bad if you tried
In a modern au, Babe's Spotify library is almost entirely playlists that you've made. He tries to make you playlists in return, but then he gets super embarrassed and sets them to private, because he knows that his music taste isn't as cool as yours. But when you accidentally discover a few of them and tell him how much it means to you, he's blushing for days every time he thinks about it
Babe is super competitive -- with everything. It's just who he is. It's probably why he and Bill get along so well, because they're always roughhousing and racing and competing over nothing. When you first get together, he's determined to go easy on you in sports and video games, because he is not going to have a repeat of the great-hole-in-the-flatscreen-incident that occurred the time he, Bill, and Toye got a little too competitive. But when he sees how athletic you are and how good you are at video games (without cheating, unlike some of his friends who we won't name but we all know who I'm talking about hehehe) he's willing to have a fair competition. He loves it if you get competitive with him, because instead of it ending with a smack on the back of the head, he gets a soft kiss and a sweet "congratulations!"
He really loves how you make everyone feel appreciated and like they belong. In a canon-era relationship, it's something that he adores about you, especially after the war. On the wrong day, he can get a little too in his head, and he's always so grateful after he gets to spend time with you, because it clears his head and makes him feel all warm and gooey inside
Thanks for the request Anon! I hope you enjoyed this 💕🕊️
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