#probably won't be published for awhile lol
Aaaaa tysm for the ask!! Here's some out-of-context Ground Zero:
He let out a “tch”, glaring at her for a second before scooping her up.
“Hey!” Kovalenko protested, though she wrapped her arms around his neck anyways. “Bakugou, what are you doing?”
prompt game: for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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usagi-miyamoto · 2 years
[Rubs my gay little hands together] I have so many drafts that are almost done, and soon I might be able to edit them and publish new fics hehe >:3
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fiie · 10 months
♡ Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade Guide! ♡
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Hello, im fie !! 🩷 welcome to my guide on how to download the jujutsu kaisen mobile game. *UPDATED*
* I have an android phone btw, so that's what this guide is written for :) I don't know much about apple devices. initially, i was planning to figure it out for both types of devices, but i dont currently have an apple device i can use to test things on (im sorry apple users ;-;)
*UPDATE*: Some changes with what vpn options work
-> Acquiring a VPN *UPDATED*
Ovpnspider is an app you can download in the google play store. All you have to do is download it and then set your location to japan.
The publisher of the game, sumzap, has made it difficult to access their game even with a vpn. As such, most well known vpns will not work. I've done some research and one that still does seem to work (and is free) is ovpnspider.
✅️ VPN acquired!
tbh this app can be hit or miss. Sometimes it works perfectly fine and I have 0 issues, while other times it continuously struggles to properly connect. If you have trouble connecting try choosing a different connection in the app or even restarting your phone.
-> Making a jp google play store account
Before we do anything else, open up your phone settings > apps > google play store > storage > clear data and cache.
Make sure your vpn is on and set to japan.
Next, open the Google play store and let's make our jp account! You don't even have to sign out of your current account. Just click your account icon > then the drop down arrow > add new account > create a new account
✅️ 🎉 now we have a jp google play store account!!
-> download the phantom parade app!
Make sure you switch over to your newly made jp account. After doing so you should find yourself in the jp google playstore.
Next, simply search up jujutsu kaisen phantom parade. Even though we are in the jp store you should still be able to type it in English and find it.
Once its finished downloading open up the app....
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 aaaaaand we're in 😎
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Tap to start!! It will probably prompt you to check off the terms and conditions and then ask for you to type in a name you wish to use for your in game account.
Next, it will ask to download the rest of the game resources. (this might take awhile)
Tip for navigation: the red button is usually the ok/next/confirm/accept button
✅️ Game installed and ready to play! yay~
And that's pretty much it!
Keep in mind whenever you want to play phantom parade you will need to turn your vpn on and have it set to a japanese location otherwise you won't be able to get into the game and will run into a communication error (picture below)
-> * Communication Error
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The game can be really picky at times. If you're having issues and keep getting the error message try restarting your phone, reconnecting to your vpn, and then opening the app again. I found when using ovpnspider that sometimes choosing a different japanese location would fix it too.
Update: Turning notifications for phantom parade off also seems to lessen the frequency of error messages.
-> Translation overlay
Having difficulty navigating the menus or understanding what's going on? Consider downloading a translation overlay app!
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Using this will allow you to translate all the text on the screen with the press of a single button. Unfortunately, the translation isn't very good, but it's decent enough to gain a basic understanding of things. It often has trouble properly translating character names just because of how kanji works. In the example above, you can see it often will translate yuji's name to yuhito lol.
The app i often use for this is called bubble translate and can be found in the google play store. It's super simple to set up and use!
-> Free SSR ticket
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Just a small note, but after you finish the tutorial for the game you will be gifted with a ticket for an SSR character of your choice. When you first use it, it will pull a random SSR character. If it's not the character you wanted, don't worry you will be given the option to re roll or accept. Just keep re rolling until it pulls the character you want.
The SSR characters that can be pulled are:
Satoru Gojo
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Toge Inumaki
Maki Zenin
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
And that's everything! I hope you have fun with the game and good luck with your gacha pulls! I hope you all get your faves!!
I might make a more in depth guide on how to actually play the game detailing the gameplay and the different characters/abilities/events/ect. if enough ppl are interested (???)
If you have any questions feel free to send me a message via ask or dm and I'll do my best to respond. 🩷🩷🩷
-> Extra
My friend convinced me to add the shitty rundown of the main menu I made for her to this guide💀 so here
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customize home screen: pick who u want on the home screen/ change background/ ect.
Characters + equips: where you can look through all your characters and equips as well as upgrade them and setup your party.
Gallery: rewatch cutscenes from the main story, events, and extra unlocked scenes
Home: the screen we are currently on.
Gacha hell: gacha hell. (where u roll for new characters and equips. There are 2 forms of currency paid & free. Some banners can only be pulled on with paid)
Character profiles/ranks: everytime you upgrade, level up, use a character they get points. idk think of it like your friendship level with them maybe ?? You get rewards from getting characters ranks up.
Quests/missions: where you go to actually play the game. Main story, events, expeditions, ect
Event popup: shows the limited events currently taking place & how many days are left (in this picture theres 4 days left for the even displayed)
Mail: in game mail where the devs sometimes send us nice things
Tasks: ongoing tasks like dailies and stuff that you complete by playing and get rewards from
Footprints icon/ I didn't know what to label this but they are dudes that gather materials for you: ap, money, character and equips level up mats. They are always gathering stuff for you so even if you haven't played the game for a bit they'll have stuff for you.
Exchange shop: bunch of different shops to exchange materials/items/ect
More options: has settings/inventory/friend list/ user profile and more
Okay, done for real this time! Byeeee and thanks for reading my guide!! I hope it wasn't that bad and i was able to help :,)
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bistaxx · 4 months
Actually I don't think I'm gonna publish that post afterall, half cuz I don't wanna rewrite it and half cuz judging by the posts I've seen a lot of people have already said what I was going to anyway- so here's a condensed version- and this is mostly just me getting some stuff out of my system tbh lol
I still really do not get why the server didn't close down for longer/do a hiatus, it just genuinely seemed like the most logical solution from every angle: a financial one, a burn-out one, a reconstruction one, and to strengthen credibility and trust- instead they just kept things going again as soon as they could and it just felt so careless and so cruel to the employees who'd been let go with no explanation or those left in limbo unsure if they still even had a job or not. It also was just not fun at all watching a server that felt like a soulless zombie-shell of it's former self.
I get needing to let go of the egg admins- I'd much rather say goodbye then have them strung along underpaid/not paid at all solely because fan loves them and they rake in views.
That said I wish the goodbye streams were better planned and it's a bitter feeling knowing some of the eggs won't ever get to say goodbye
Somewhat related to above, what Cherry (Em's admin) said on stream REALLY does not give me any hope that this new team will be any better then the last- At the very least I'm glad Cherry has the other former admins and Bagi there to support her.
same goes for the twitter translators who were canned and replaced with AI- like I can get those teams being cut because those roles were imo a LOT to ask out of an employee and not sustainable- it's the way they went about it that leaves an extremely sour taste in my mouth and makes me worry that there could be more fired employees who were treated similarly.
I still really do not know how to feel about the reset especially since we don't know anything about it- Common thought seems to be it is happening on the 24th which like...first of all why is this happening so soon why are you so obsessed with rushing back into things stop it- second of all... I just don't know if I feel comfortable sticking around for it cuz like I said above right now I don't feel like I can trust this new team not to repeat the same shit the past one did (and I'll most likely miss it anyway since I work that day of fucking course LOL)
I don't hate this project, I don't want to root for it's failure, I don't want it all to fall apart- I wanted it to get better- I'm critical of it because I wanted it to be better for everyone. I'm beyond devastated with how this turned out, all the wasted potential from every angle just eats me up inside, I truly thought things were going to get better. A naive hurt part of me is always gonna wish that things do get better and maybe somehow the stories I loved so dearly will somehow come back... but that is such copium lmao
I'm probably still gonna lurk around because I love the community on here and because I am morbidly curious to see what they're gonna do with this project next... I don't think I'll watch personally, but I'll keep up with the liveblogs. I stopped my queue awhile back cuz I felt so bad about the server and everything, but I'm gonna reopen it soon. Even though I still feel too bitter rn to look back on it all fondly I still want to support a talented resilient community that deserved better.
I wish I could feel better about it all, but I'm not gonna waste time getting my hopes up.
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feralkwe · 2 months
in an effort to not succumb to a potential panic attack, i will instead focus on some fandom nonsense! i've had a little influx of new follows, almost exclusively people i've seen in the ffxiv tags and watched from afar for awhile now, so maybe i should do a little intro post.
i'm feral kwe (kwe means woman in anishinaabemowin) but you may feel free to call me just b. just a tired, queer, indigenous lady who is an eldritch being in tumblr years (my original blog started in 2008 or 09) and gets a little too lost in the blorbo sauce. the fandom i'm currently most active in is ffxiv, but i dabble in good omens, mass effect, a couple of the gay vampire shows, and have been in and out of marvel fandom. i'm a dragon age old, my first online fandom and the one i went the most hard in up until now, so consider that a blanket warning for the upcoming months, since i'm not sure yet where i'll fall into it again. for the foreseeable future, i'm quite happy in my ffxiv brainrot, and will happily go on and on and on (and on and on) about my wol, kit hareington given even a breath of permission to do so.
i write fic! i'm feralkwe on ao3, and have the highlights marked in a pinned post. i write original work, too, and have even sold and published some. it's easy enough to find, so i won't link it here, but if you are curious and want to ask me about it, please do!
speaking of asks! my askholebox is always open and i welcome people to just drop in unannounced. consider this open provocation to do so! i don't have anon enabled, and likely never will. my life is better for it. 11/10 do recommend as a life choice.
i don't follow a lot of people. i keep the number artificially low for the sake of not having so much go by that i can't keep up. that said, i do try to check in on the blogs of people who follow me from time to time. i don't really make mutual/non-mutual distinctions. since i block with abandon for any multitude of reasons, if you're here at all i already love you. that said, if you follow @yamisnuffles or @icescrabblerjerky you are likely to see a lot of overlap. they're my ride or die lifelong besties and we exist in a state of mutual whimsy that can best be described as 'lol ilu'. do with that information what you will.
i try my best to use tags consistently for things i know need it. that said i do my best to stay out of active dragon age main tags, and do not use any of those in original posts. the most pertinent one, the one i was asked to tag the most, and the one i've had the longest is #and that's jenga, my personal anders tag. if you need something tagged, please ask, and i'll try my best to accommodate reasonable requests.
i probably haven't read your blog description. i probably did not notice if you have a dni. i assume if you're here that i don't fall under any umbrella you desperately do not want to engage with. i do not vet the blog of every poster i reblog. if you think i've done something harmful, please give me the benefit of the doubt that i did so unknowingly, and give me a chance to correct it. i'm human, and so are you. i just ask that we try to be excellent to each other.
i think that covers everything! if i missed anything, like i said, ask! or just come say hi and introduce yourself!
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minkkumaz · 1 year
it feels like its been awhile,, (its only been a week.) since i interacted ^^;
how have u been?! i hope all of yungyus insta posts have been making you jump up and down with happiness LOL
a little confession, i always delete tumblr off my device when i go to school. I worry someone will recognize the app and find out im an avid fic reader.. but i forgot to redownload it for a while..
had to backtrack on what happened w/ the bonedo series u were working with; ill be excited when november rolls around!! an extra month to prepare for all of that angst.. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, IM SO EXCITED FOR THE HALLOWEEN IDEAS U HAVE COMING UP!! whatever u write will exceed all of our expectations (as they normally do!!)
hopefully you were able to recover from ur sickness!! stay healthy omi, dont force yourself to write <33
i've been good, and yes all the yungyu photos he's been posting have had me jumping for joy :,3 i literally have changed my pfp on discord multiple times hes just such a cutie.
AND ME TOO ! i used to have notifications on all the time but i turned them off and have gotten so secretive over my phone ever since i started my little tumblr career. i used to be super into fanfiction over quarantine with my other interests, but i only got back into it out of curiosity when i started liking kpop! then it only spiraled from there. my first story ever was a coffee shop au for seungmin hehe. i had such a crazy seungmin phase, and i have so many old stories for him that i haven't published!
and yes i feel so bad for putting them on hiatus but all of them will probably be around 6k words, and it has intimidated me so bad i haven't wanted to work on them! so i might just gradually release them for awhile, just know at least ONE of them will be released in january. so sorry abt that btw i know you were looking forward to them :( but i do have an idea up my sleeve for october so atleast one thing will be spooky themed aha.
i've recovered well from my sickness just a little cough :) i'm gonna focus on school for a bit, as i hate forcing myself to write! writing is something that is supposed to be a fun hobby to make me happy, and if i force myself to get stuff out i won't have fun anymore. but trust me, ill get back in my groove eventually, just waiting for thanksgiving and winter break LOL
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scary-senpai · 2 years
🌝 + 🧠 (Doesn't have to be exclusively for OPM necessarily, although I prob won't know what you're talking about for other fandoms, lol)
Gahh! Thank you so much for asking <3 you are the best.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
this was difficult to answer because for better or worse, a lot of my writing ideas appear as intrusive thoughts when I should be doing other things. there really isn’t a character that interests me that I haven’t written for in some way/shape/form, even if I haven’t published it yet, especially within the OPM-verse.
I think I'd like to do a bit more with Mumen Rider. I think Mumen tends to appear in fic as an Author’s Darling, almost—and for the record, I do this also--if I need a sweet, upstanding cinnamon role to always say the right thing at exactly the right time, I'll use Mumen Rider (like when he's giving Garou parenting advice in Holiday Hijinks).
Anyway, I imagine him like this although in canon, his decisions are ostensibly selfless but still somewhat questionable (and I joke a little bit about this in The Hero Association's First and Final Festivus, when Mumen attempts to do a self-deprecating standup routine in front of his colleagues.) The first rule of emergency response, for example, is "stay in your lane, and don't create more work for the rescue team." Also, he attacked Garou first, from behind. (oh man, when I went back and read the manga after watching the anime, I wrote 'Mumen rider struck first????' on a big ole post-it note because I thought I was reading it wrong).
I think a lot of the sweetest, kindest people have spent a lot of time fighting their inner shadows, because (like we see in Mob Psycho), kindness is a muscle that has to be actively exercised and mindfully developed, and it’s also a muscle that fatigues. So I'd like to see Mumen Rider grappling with how to be a good person. I've thought about this, but I haven't figured out a way to execute it quite yet—whenever I try, he just comes out too similar to the way I write Garou. Probably I will figure it out after spending a bit more time in Mumen's head.
Anyway, if I were ever to write a Mumarou fic, it would be either the sweetest thing ever or the absolute darkest thing ever. I would also like to write a crossover where Mumen is actually Gojo Satoru, this massively over-powered and insufferable character widely considered by his community to a kind of "Chosen One," who, having spent an entire lifetime living under intense and overwhelming pressure, just wants to bike around and touch grass and rescue cats from trees and maybe lose a fight once in awhile, knowing that Saitama's got his back. Gojo's Cursed Technique (magical power) requires him to cover his eyes most of the time, and he has very distinctive features so this could easily work in an AU where we never see Mumen Rider without his biker gear.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Okay, funny you should ask that question, Bestie, because I might ask for your help with this one day. It's an OPM / welcome-to-nightvale crossover:
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I use Discord to keep tabs on my WIP notes, and these are literally the only notes I have. Here's a transcription/translation because these notes are somewhat incomplete
Garou taking Tareo to the library for books. Garou saying it will be fun, libraries (“you mean books?” “Books too but mostly libraries”) are fun but also incredibly [[Note: apparently I did not finish this sentence, which is a problem I have often]]
Opening is sweet but then maybe vague mention of “librarian repellent” (Tareo wonders why Garou doesn’t bring any). Garou says “like a librarian would get me down” [[Note: basically, the first scene would be a bait-and-switch, playing around with irony and what most people would picture when tasked with imagining two kids visiting the library]]
When Garou and Tareo arrive, Genos is just very calmly in the library fighting off librarians. Saitama came because he’s bored. or he’s on a quest to not come home with his memory wiped, holding 33 copies of Helen Hunt’s biography. “You too, huh?” Garou says [[Note: this is a frequent occurrence in Nightvale]]
Anyway, for those of you unfamiliar with Welcome to Nightvale, here's what the Nightvale Library is all about:
The Night Vale Public Library is a notable landmark in Night Vale, although there is widespread dissatisfaction with the library among the town's citizens. Its available public computers are outdated and slow, they provide a lending period of only fourteen days, and the Biography section contains nothing but 33 copies of the official biography of Helen Hunt. There have been reports of a faceless spectre who roams through the Biography section, bringing visitors to an untimely end. Cecil expresses his desire for the City Council to make some serious changes to the library, "or I may find myself hoping that the faceless spectre puts the library to the same mysterious, violent end as its many victims."
Unidentifiable black metallic trees suddenly appeared by the library back in June, causing all airborne objects above 30 feet to catch fire. They were cleared away to make room for a new strip mall and parking lot.
It's creepy. It's weird. It's got books—Garou would love this, and he would have certainly survived the summer reading program.
The Summer Reading Program was is was an annual event held at the Night Vale Public Library in a group of kids and teenagers are trapped in the library and possibly forced to learn.
It was abolished around 1983 following an incident known only as "The Time of Knives." During the 2013 program, fourteen students between the ages of 5 and 17 were kidnapped by librarians and trapped in the library. The number later grew to nearly 100 children and teens before the program officially began that day. It was during this event that Tamika Flynn, 12-years-old at the time, battled librarians for the first time. Her triumph established her combat and leadership skills, and the severed head of the librarian served as a reminder of her battle in the summer reading program of 2013.
To promote the 2013 event, posters were placed around town, unbeknownst to the stores they were put on. Some of them read:
- Get into a good book this summer We are going to force you into a good book this summer - You are going to get inside this book, and we are going to close it on you and there is nothing you can do about it
All with the tagline "Catch the flesh-eating reading bacterium!"
Truly, the Summer Reading Program Garou needs and deserves. I've got a decent amount of headcanon but no real plot.
Thank you so much for asking! these are always fun to do.
(original post is here--the ask is still open, I always love talking about my fics, haha)
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imarawbu · 6 months
So since I saw that video from my ex's brother's wedding in my feed I have had the flashbacks resume full time really bad. I've not told anyone, no need to say anything. I really wish I had just ended my life back then a few weeks before I met my ex just like I had planned to before I did something dumb and called a helpline where they forced me into the hospital where I met my ex.
There was no way to get away from my family back then, even when I ran away to Canada with my ex, we ended up back here. I ended up back with my parents after the divorce. Idk I probably won't go back with them as there's no way for me to especially with my daughter after this divorce. Besides I am not leaving until I'm financially secure anyways and can stay where I am. I know what will happen if I go back with them.
Financial security is all I want and need now. Lol. So does everyone else in this shithole country with few exceptions. There's no point getting remarried, I am already isolated from everyone and I have a kid so no friends. The social groups I had before marriage are all dormant and gone as everyone has moved on in life now. Maybe I can find a way to double my own investments and find a way to gain total financial freedom for a couple of years, go back to school and finish a degree, no job pays decently anymore for college degrees though. I probably wouldn't get any better pay than what I get at this job. I want a degree(s) to showcase intelligence not really for a specific job- but that's not an option with a kid, especially as a single mother.
I messed my life up, yeah I know. No need to tell me. I am always quite aware of what's my fault, I just don't go around saying it all the time. I try to give myself the benefit of the doubt instead.
This Ramadan series I mentioned is called why me and so there are other things that obviously resonate with people in hard times. Other videos about how praying Istikharah turned out to not bring a good end, how blessings or things you really want are withheld from you because the idea is to elevate your status or prevent you from falling into sin are pretty relevant to me- obviously.
I used to be an atheist before I met my ex husband. Yeah, one of the worst humans that exists on this planet was part of the reason I decided to become Muslim (I'm not really going to give him credit for anything because he didn't do anything, it's mostly the fact that I liked him and studied up on his religion that got me into Islam). These kind of things you see as an atheist and the knee jerk reaction is to say well there obviously no god because he could just do X and nobody would suffer. This was why I was so militantly atheistic (a long with the belief in logic and science somehow proved the lack of a god.) looking back it seems so immature and juvenile to be an atheist and go around talking so sure of yourself and that you, a being on a tiny speck on he edge of a galaxy thats an even tinier speck compared to this universe has all the answers and knows how things should function and be.
Lol. I'm sure that will get a lot of atheists mad. I don't really care. There's nothing logical or scientific about atheism, agnosticsm, maybe, at least you admit you don't know everything. Once you write a scientific paper and get published. Your view on science, the scientific method, really change. Maybe that's more apparent after all the stuff related to the COVID and the vaccine, if you were paying attention into the science community and having to pivot every couple of weeks until the realization came that nobody if following any evidence of anything, COVID or otherwise. I'm not anti vax, I'm just saying how things developed. I wrote a couple papers on COVID. It's very boring and uninteresting, I read through 1000s of papers, no joke, to get references. You realize after awhile, yes, we have the scientific method but these experiments we do are not always reproducible, especially in biology. You can do the same test 5 times and you will get different results every time, if the results are similar or reveal a pattern then you use that as evidence. It is very similar when it comes to things you have no evidence for, at some point the evidence doesn't support anything and humans have pattern recognition and so you can logically go with that because there are no exact answers. Then you can be angsty, be an atheist, and say the lack of evidence is evidence for your position and make leaps about what you would do as an all powerful being when you can't even master your own mental health. Anyways enough on atheists, probably what I wrote doesn't even make sense.
I'm not perfect but I never did anything to have to grow up with parents that made me the scape goat and blamed me for everything. When I tried to leave, I ended up in an abusive marriage. Coming back was literally suffering and tried to escape again to the same thing but a little less abusive with a kid in tow now. You should have done this, you shouldn't have done that. Yes. I know. Not helping. Where should I have learned that? Osmosis? I got that after the fact. Who should have taught me? Parents? Really? Interesting. Let's go back to what I said at the beginning. Is my messed up life my fault? Yes and no. Yes, I did it, I did somewhat know better but that option was better than my current reality. No, it's not my fault, why should I have to choose between known horrible and potentially horrible? Isn't there a non- horrible option? Homelessness? How would that be helpful..
Anyways this is long enough. Nobody reads these things but me.
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