#probably will not finish
thevaudevilledemon · 2 years
Unfinished Duck story #2 - This Time... IN SPAAAACE!
Yeah so... I have a lot of ideas for stories, but never end up finishing them, I’m thinking about talking to my doctor about ADD meds or something. Anyway, here is the duck fanfiction? AU? where the cousins are spacemen. Enjoy, or don’t... I dunno, I never finished this.
The sign said no more, that was all that was written on it in big red block lettering. From looking at their office, you would think that was all they could afford. Their office was in the lower tier of the colony. This was the poorman's tier, where the desperate live. Not that the Duck cousins were desperate. Donald was the nephew of Scrooge McDuck, the man who owned half of the colony and collects dues from the other half. Fethry had a relative in the Resource Gathering Squad, the team that run from the space colony on the Moon to the resource farming sectors back on Earth. Gladstone was the odd duck out here, but he had his amazing luck to keep him satisfied. If all three of them wanted to, they could be given better accommodations in the top tier of the colony. Donald never wanted to live amongst the top tiers, he would be content in the mid-tier with his sister and her three kids. He'd be happy in the upper tier with his girlfriend, a graphic designer by name of Daisy, but he would be extra happy in the Farming sector on Earth with his grandmother and other cousin. Fethry was a simple man with a simple mind, he was happy wherever as long as others were happy around him. Gladstone simply takes what he gets. Why they decided to go into a line of work, not even they could tell you. Especially since they spent most of their days sleeping in their office. It was a gross yellow-sepia and pea green colour scheme with dim lighting that flickered constantly and was always on the edge of burning out completely, papers all over the floor, despite nothing being on them but some coffee stains and footprints, and the walls looked like plastic computer casings that have been exposed to light and heat for too long. It more seemed like they just came here to nap the day away rather than work, but they only napped so long because work was slow. Donald and Fethry kept up with their space training regularly, Donald more willing than Fethry, who lost interest in space travel ages ago, but Donald and Gladstone keep convincing him that having the training done was better than not. After all, licensed spacemen do get better unemployment pay, and considering Fethry's roommate, Gloria, barely made enough money with her job, Fethry tended to agree. Gladstone was less of a traveler and more of a coordinator, and even then not so much. Gladstone studied for the job he was meant to do, but many would say it was out of boredom, including him, though he would never admit that he was genuinely interested in the topic. Gladstone mostly knew which buttons to press out of sheer luck, and if he happened to press the wrong button, it worked out in his favour anyway. He remembers one time in a simulator he was docking a ship that had lost thrust control. As the simulated ship drew nearer, Gladstone had a moment of panic and pressed the button marked "Distance" rather than the one marked "Ease". However, it was found that hitting "Distance" actually was able to bring the ship to safe landing speeds, so he passed the test regardless. Funny enough, Gladstone was reading about this in a book. He found he couldn't sleep, so he picked up a book to ward off boredom (see also keep up to date with his interest) and the first chapter was about using the "Distance" ray to aid docking ships which have lost thrust control. It named Gladstone was one of the discoverers of this process, which Gladstone couldn't help but find amusing, his good luck helped him discover something by accident. He was silently reading along the book, Donald had fallen asleep in his chair and Fethry was curled up by a dusty filing cabinet. The sounds of their snoring became white noise to Gladstone, lulling him into a strange sense of serenity, uneasy peace that remained uninterrupted, until the door slammed open and the three cousins shot up with surprise. "GAK!" they all shouted. "There ye three are, what's gotten into ye? I've been callen for hours now!" Scrooge McDuck began scolding the three. "Uncle Scrooge!' Donald began in surprise, he was face down on the ground with his legs laying on top of the desk, 'Our phone has been disconnected for ages, we haven't been able to pay the bill." "Than why not answer the phones I gave ye?" Scrooge asked impatiently. "You asked us to turn those off after that mission that took us out of your plan boundary." Gladstone chimed in, he was absent-mindedly looking around for a bookmark. Scrooge opened his mouth to say something than swiped his fist through the air, "Agh’ He grunted, ‘Regardless, I have an urgent mission for the three of ye!" "Count us out!" Donald growled. Gladstone, having found a bookmark and placed it in his book was at this point fully attent to the conversation. "I agree, last mission you had us on ended up being longer, harder and more dangerous than you promised." Fethry chimed in, "We still haven't gotten the bonus you said you'd give us either." "Bonuses! Bonuses! Is that all ye want? A lousy, bonus? When I was a young lad-" "You worked for what you earned and earned what you worked for." Donald finished with a grumpily-sarcastic tone. "You'd be wise to keep quiet nephew!' Scrooge retorted, 'And as for your concerns Gladstone, I'll have you know that the job you three had was one of the safest jobs in the entire fleet." "Safe for specially trained operatives,' Gladstone retorted, 'Uncle Scrooge, we have done the training to work on and take control of space vessels, we did not have the training to deal with those aliens bursting out of chests, nor the ones that ate the ships cats, nor the weird ones that were terrorizing that jaundice colony... Summerplain I think  it was?" "So unless you can promise on three quarters of your wealth this mission will be as safe as you claim, we won't take it." Donald seemed to have become angrier at the memory of the chest-bursting, cat eating, jaundice terrorizing aliens, Fethry was almost frozen with fear at the memory. Scrooge growled. "Hmph, I cannae promise you that, but if it looks dangerous for you I'll let you come back home and give you your base pay." The cousins looked at each other, then Gladstone piped up. "What is the job?" "One of my ships has been found derelict, it's one of the debris processing ships, no crew, no fuel, just floating through space." "So you want us to check it out, right?" Donald interrogated. "Primarily, if it looks safe I'd like you three to return the ship, and do what you can to clean it before it gets here, if possible." The three cousins looked at each other again, they felt unsure, but the knowledge of there being no lifeforms aboard the ship meant that whatever destroyed the ship was gone, hopefully.
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hoofpeet · 3 months
14 year old artists listen to me right now (gripping you by the shoulders) STOP caring about your "internet presence" right naow. Draw slower and stop trying to boil your art down to an acceptable marketable brand
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wanologic · 2 months
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sorry danny, sam will never think you’re cool
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greykolla-art · 7 months
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It’s healthy to step out of our comfort zone’s a little!😜
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fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
cannot stop thinking about this skit from the new i think you should leave season
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nicecrumbart · 3 months
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Keep thinking about that one scene in secret life
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novaneondream · 3 months
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it’s our turn to make you smile
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kelocitta · 2 months
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Friendly return fire for Shuckerss of The Forgotten and The Vision!!!!!!
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pommegrantaire · 8 months
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Au lit, le baiser by Henri de Toulous Lautrec but make it Aziracrow
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newttxt · 9 months
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leashes for zosan
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deep-space-lines · 4 months
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Tumblr shrinks it down pretty bad so please. please. I am begging you. look at the full sized image and zoom in. This art piece made my friends worried for my mental health I need someone to witness the amount of detail and effort I put into this
also the original sketch under the cut bc I think comparing them is really funny
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catboy-teeth · 1 year
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ToToDental - Only the Best Dental Care for your Pokémon Companions!
*Don't forget to schedule your Pokémon's annual check-up!*
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If Vanny is in the digital circus.. where’s Pomni?
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wolfythewitch · 5 months
May have girlbossed a little too close to the sun but yay! Backgrounds!
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ruushes · 18 days
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my hof was born to be a griffon rider, if they could've given him a griffon at the start of dao the blight would've been over in a week
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carnivoured · 1 year
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