#probably going to write wizard smut on their devices too
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slytherizz · 1 year ago
Writing wizard smut on your work laptop is all well and good until you must return said laptop and all of its sins to your employer
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official-weasley · 4 years ago
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, mentions of alcohol, SMUT
A/N: This chapter contains a rather long sexy scene (probably the longest I have ever written and well..it’s…juicy. I had a day, okay. BYE 🙈)
Chapter 14
3 months later…
“Charlie, you got a minute?” I stopped in front of the Admission Office.
“Of course, Ernie. Got something for me?” I grinned at him.
“A letter from your brother.” He handed me the envelope. “What got you all cheered up today?”
“What do you mean?” I kept looking at the letter.
After all these months it still felt amazing getting a couple of letters per week from Bill.
“I heard you whistling walking here. You only whistle when you’re in a really good mood.” He smirked.
“It’s the first Saturday in August, Ernie. You know what that means!” I couldn’t hide the smile that spread across my face.
I can’t believe Ernie noticed when I whistle.
The truth is, I don’t recall the last time I was this happy. The mating season was over. Bill and I were on speaking terms again. Just last month I was able to see all my siblings and my parents again.
We had a family reunion and Bill and I got Ron drunk by accident. We had two bottles on the table. One with wine and the other with apple juice and we forgot to check the bottle before pouring him a drink.
He, of course, didn’t say anything and after two glasses he was hammered. Bill and I couldn’t stop laughing at the way he spoke and he was so tipsy. He tried getting up and almost fell flat on his face and then found it so funny that he fell off the bench we were sitting on.
It wasn’t funny when mum found us and saw something was wrong. Bill tried to distract her but failed and she figured us out. She made us take Ron to bed and then we planned to hide in the attic with the ghoul but mum found us and she shouted in our faces for a solid hour. I felt as if I was 12 again.
When she stopped she made us go down and wait on our family members for the rest of the night. Before we did, we made an excuse that we need to use the toilet and we locked ourselves in the bathroom on the middle floor and started laughing so hard I thought I won’t be able to catch a breath. We might be 23 and 25, which is way too old to make mum so mad, but we didn’t care. We were having the time of our lives.
I can’t begin to describe how happy it made me that I could hang out with Bill again. With my siblings. To get a bone-crushing hug from Ginny and play chess with Ron. It’s indescribable. For the first time since I started working in Romania, I wanted to plan my days off to go and see them again and I was loving it.
I was finally myself again. Talking to my family. Supporting and being there for my siblings. Teasing Bill for being so in love and having the best job in the world. I even made myself a bookshelf and I am slowly filling it with books.
My routine in the Sanctuary is more or less the same. I wake up. Make myself a coffee and go watch the sunrise. I am no longer overthinking if Rhylee’s going to be there and if she is, we simply watch the sun showing itself from behind the mountains together.
I didn’t think I would be able to be friends with her after what happened at her place that night but we grew even closer. She was one of my best friends. That didn’t mean my feelings for her faded away. But they were easier to bear now that I didn’t feel guilty for being in love with her.
I have come to terms that I will never call her mine. It was painful, I am not going to lie about that but at least I can move on and not overthink her every move.
Bill and my friends in the Reserve all think that I should tell her how I feel but every time they try and persuade me I stop them. I made a mistake telling my mates what Bill told me about Nick. Ever since I did they are trying to do everything to bring me and Rhylee together. At first, I wanted to kill them but now I just find it amusing.
I am proud of myself for how much I’ve grown. I feel more mature and I see things differently. I see what matters and I push myself to do things that make me happy. I read more. I run. I train Aami and Bean, that’s the name Rhylee decided to give our albino Short-Snout. I hang out with my friends and advise my siblings. I really couldn’t ask for more.
The fact that I am still awestruck every time I see Rhylee or that my heart wants to escape my ribcage every time she laughs or looks at me, is just a minor inconvenience now. I can deal with that with everything else being so great. I wouldn’t change my current life for anything in the world if it means I make my family happy and I can hang out with my friends while having the best job.
At first, I wanted to fight my feelings. Push them down. Get rid of them somehow. But I quickly realized that I can’t change them and that it’s pointless to think they are simply going away. I have meaningless sex and even though it’s never as it was with Rhylee, it still counts as a fun night and it’s a good distraction.
I might get lucky and find myself a girl to settle down with one day. For now, I was happy with the things being as they were. It wasn’t perfect but it was much much better compared to the painful loop I was in before.
“I’ll be damned!” Ernie’s voice brought me back to reality. “I forgot about the party tonight!” He slammed his hand at his forehead. “Thanks, Charlie for reminding me! Can you imagine me forgetting about it?” He shook his head.
“Ernie, if it’s going to be anything like last year, just the music and us being all over the place would remind you soon enough.” I laughed.
Every year, in the first week of August we had a party. We invited everybody from the neighboring wizard villages and there was always someone that borrowed something Muggles call speakers. We decorate the central area of our village with lights and put tables and chairs around it so it looks like a dance floor. We hang the speakers from the trees and we help with the cooking throughout the day.
The party officially begins the second we are done with work and the music starts playing. It’s something we all look forward to all summer. Theo has been talking about it for two weeks now. He made an entire plan on getting us all so wasted that if he asked Gerta out again, we won’t remember how she slaps him in the face.
“You’re right, mate! I’ll see you there!” Ernie started putting papers together. “I have to clean up the office early if I want to make it to the party in time!”
“Want me to help you? I just finished working.” I offered.
“Oh, no! You go get all nice and ready, so you can dance with the ladies!” He laughed and I followed.
“Will do, Ernie. Will do.” I waved to him and started walking toward my home.
People were already running left and right, checking if everything is ready. I unlocked my front door and closed it with my foot while opening Bill’s letter.
Dear Charlie,
I know you’re going to be busy this weekend with your big party and everything, but I just had to write to you about this.
I bought a wedding ring for Fleur today. I am planning on asking her to marry me this weekend. I am taking her to the beach near Shell Cottage. Dad said that perhaps we could even buy it if we ask aunt Muriel nicely. I don’t want to get my hopes up but I can imagine myself living with Fleur there.
I am planning a romantic picnic and popping the question by the end of the night! I would love your opinion on the matter but I sent out this letter too late for your owl to reach me with your answer. Perhaps while you’re reading this, I’m already engaged!
Can you feel how nervous I am through my letter?
Anyways, I just needed to share that with you!
Wish me luck!
Oh, and have fun at the party! Please have the time of your life and don’t hold back in case anything ought to happen, if you know what I mean!
Love, Bill
Merlin’s beard, he is getting engaged! It was Saturday, so either he is already or he will be soon!
I jumped in the air in the middle of my living room that’s how happy I was for him. I hope they can convince aunt Muriel to sell them Shell Cottage. We used to go there as kids and it’s a wonderful place to start a family.
I blinked as I felt my eyes water. I wish I had the time to write him back and tell him how fucking proud I am of him for doing this and that I think Fleur will be thrilled for how he is planning to propose. I can’t wait for them to have babies so I can be an uncle!
What was I doing?
I put the letter down and scratched my head. I was so excited for my brother that I completely forgot.
Party! Right!
I hurried to take a shower and then opened my closet to see what I could wear. I didn’t wear jeans for ages. So let’s go with that and a buttoned shirt. I checked myself out in the small mirror in the bathroom and combed my hair with my fingers. As much as I could comb it. My hair was untamable.
I think I look pretty good! Not that it matters as I knew Theo is going to get us all drunk in about 15 minutes! I locked the door behind me and started walking toward the music.
“There he is!” Andrew raised his glass at me the second he spotted me.
“Look at you being all handsome!” Theo put a hand over my shoulder the second I sat down.
“Are you flirting with me, Theodore?” I winked at him. “My place or yours?”
“Damn, Charles. Is that how you flirt with women because if I wasn’t married I would go with you right now.” Peter laughed.
“I would love to, Weasley. But I am going home with Gerta tonight!” Theo was determined.
“Really?” Andrew and John asked together before bursting out laughing.
“We should get one of those Muggle devices that capture what is going on. So that even if none of us remembers tonight we could watch it in the morning.” Evan said.
“I will stay sober just to see Theo get slapped by Gerta!” Peter smirked.
“You’re already tipsy, boss.” Andrew obviously didn’t believe Peter will stay sober.
“Damn, you’re right.” Peter said after a few seconds of thinking about it.
We all started laughing.
Three hours later our table had 3 empty bottles of Fire Whiskey on it, more empty beer bottles than one could count and the waitress just brought another round. To say that we were completely hammered was an understatement.
We were laughing at something, tears running down my face. I am pretty confident none of us knew what the joke was or who told it.
“Theodore, there you are damn it!” Our faces got serious the second we comprehended who was standing in front of us.
“Gerta, love!” Theo stood up, knocking a few bottles off the table.
“I am just wasted enough to say yes to you. Now come with me before I change my mind!”
I have no idea how Theo fancied this woman. I was terrified of her. Even her harsh voice scared me.
We all watched Theo and Gerta going towards her hut with our mouths open.
“Please, tell me one of us will be able to remember that in the morning!” Peter whined.
“I don’t think I could forget this if I drank the entire alcohol stash in the Sanctuary.” Andrew said slowly.
He looked like he was about to throw up.
“What is happening?” Evan, who was sleeping, leaned on his crossed arms, lifted his head.
“Gerta just took Theo home.” I answered, still in shock.
“What?!” I thought his eyes were going to fall out of their sockets and I think it’s safe to say he just sobered up.
“Look, Charlie!” Peter and John leaned against me. “It’s Rhylee.” They sang together.
“So?” I rolled my eyes.
I knew this was coming. I was hoping they would be too drunk to remember to tease me about her, but apparently, they weren’t there yet.
“Come on! Go and dance with her!” John tried pushing me to stand up but he was too weak.
It was funny how I was the youngest but did the best with alcohol.
“Give me a break, mates.” I pretended to look through the bottles to see if there was one that wasn’t opened yet.
“C’mon! She has been eyeing you all night!” Peter said. “Have some fun, will you!”
I sighed and got up. I knew they wouldn’t stop until I would go and ask her to dance. And to be perfectly honest, I was too drunk to care or to feel nervous about it.
I made my way to her. Surprised that I wasn’t tipsy at all.
“Hi.” I waved at her awkwardly. “Want to dance?”
“Sure!” She grinned and stood up at once.
I haven’t noticed how drunk she was until we reached the dance floor and she started hugging me. We danced to a few songs and I didn’t even dare to look at the table where my friends were sitting. They would probably start cheering.
The next song was a slow one. Shit! Who’s idea was this?
Rhylee pulled me closer, our bodies slamming against each other and if I wasn’t so steady on my feet we would collapse to the ground. She wrapped her arms around my waist and brought her face closer to mine.
“You look very handsome tonight.” She winked at me.
Okay, I think it’s time to take her home. She is drunk and doesn’t know what she’s saying.
“Thanks. You look great too.” I didn’t know what else to say.
Of course, she looked great. She was gorgeous. But I’m not going to admit that to her.
I didn’t like the way she was looking at me. Not one bit. It’s the same look she was giving me all night the night we had sex at the Burrow and I am not going through that again. I might not be hurting anyone this time but she was in a relationship.
“Let’s get you home, shall we.” I smiled at her and hugged her over the shoulder.
“No! Why?” She tried to stop me. “We just started dancing. Come on, Charlie! Loosen up a bit!” She got so close to me that if I wouldn’t move my head backward we would kiss.
This was getting out of hand.
She wrapped her hands around me again. How was she so strong if she was as drunk as she appeared to be? I sighed and we danced through one more song.
“Okay, now you can take me home.” Her whispering in my ear sent shivers down my spine.
We were slowly making our way through the crowd, toward her cottage when I remembered that I never opened the present she got me for Christmas at the Burrow. I have no idea why it popped in my head but I was just drunk enough not to care and admit to her that I lost it.
“Hey, Rhy?” I cleared my throat.
“Yes?” Her eyes were too hopeful for my liking.
“Do you remember the present you gave me for Christmas when we met?” She simply hummed in response.
I felt my cheeks turn pink. This was embarrassing. After what happened between us and she gave me the little package, I simply tossed it in my bag. I don’t remember where I put it once I got back to Romania and I don’t even know why we are talking about it now but apparently drunk Charlie’s curiosity got the better of him and wants to know what’s inside.
“I never got the chance to open it and I misplaced it somehow. What was inside?” I said as quickly as I could.
I didn’t want to offend her for losing it.
“What?” She laughed.
“What was inside the little box?” I repeated the question.
“Where did you lose it?” She ignored me.
“It has to be somewhere in my cottage if I didn’t toss it in the trash by accident.” I scratched my chin, thinking hard where it could be.
“Well, let’s go then!” She grabbed my hand and started walking.
“Where are you taking me?” I chuckled.
“We are going to search your place for my present!” She bestowed me with the biggest grin I have ever seen.
She seemed so pleased with her idea.
“Now?” I chortled.
“Yes!” She exclaimed. “The gift might be silly but we got to see what I got you!”
“You don’t remember?” I raised my eyebrows at her and she stopped walking for a second.
“I am not sure.” She said slowly after a few seconds. “Come on, Charlie! It’ll be fun!”
I haven’t seen her this relaxed and happy in months. She grabbed my hand and started walking towards my cottage again. She was so excited to do this that I simply couldn’t deny her the satisfaction of finding the little box. And to be completely honest, I didn’t want to stop her.
“Okay, so if I was a little box, where would I be?” She put her hands on her hips, thinking hard, her eyes scanning every shelf and drawer. I started in the kitchen and she went to check the compartment in my bathroom.
After half an hour we completely trashed the place but I didn’t mind at all. I was having too much fun with her. She started throwing the clothes out of my closet, jumper after jumper and I started moving the socks away to see if I tossed it in the drawer.
I almost gave up when my fingers touched something that wasn’t fabric. I pulled out a small red box with a green bow on it. This was it!
“Rhy, I found it!” I heard her gasp.
I think she was standing inside my closet. I laughed when she poked her head out of it. She was adorable!
She hurried to me, stepping over piles of clothes, and stopped right in front of me.
“Open it.” She whispered, her eyes on the box in my hands.
I slowly removed the lid and shook the box’s contents onto my palm. I couldn’t believe it. It was a dragon scale. A dragon scale of an albino dragon.
That’s what she got me for Christmas?
I know it didn’t mean anything because she didn’t even know who she was bringing the gift to but I was still astounded. She knew I loved dragons so she got me a dragon scale. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
“You call this a silly gift?” I breathed.
Rhylee dragged her finger across it and put it back in the box. I was so in shock at what it was that I didn’t notice how fast she was breathing. She took the box from my hand and placed it on top of my dresser.
“Rhy, are you o…”
She cupped my face and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was so startled by her action that I didn’t have the time to respond.
“I’m sorry.” She pulled away, her hand over her mouth.
“Emm…it’s okay.” I didn’t know what to say.
I just kept staring at her with my eyes wide open, trying to calm my heart down.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” I could see the panic in her eyes growing.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pretend I didn’t enjoy the kiss? Because that would be a bloody lie. I have been dreaming about kissing her again since we spent the night together at the Burrow.
Did she even know what she was doing? How drunk was she? Because that kiss definitely sobered me up! I thought we were over this. She stopped that night when I came to her place. Why did she do it now? I thought I was doing a good job being her friend. Why does she mess with me like this!
I needed every muscle in my body not to grab her hand and pull her back for another kiss. I can’t do this, can I? She has a boyfriend. Somebody will get hurt again! I can’t go through that guilt again. I can’t hurt someone else. Even if I don’t know the guy. Even if he is a prick like Bill said.
What did Bill say in his letter this morning?
Please have the time of your life and don’t hold back in case anything ought to happen, if you know what I mean!
Don’t hold back. Bill, that’s not helping!
I was trapped. I wanted to grab her hand and prevent her from leaving but at the same time, I wanted to do the right thing. My heart was beating so fast that it hurt and the look in Rhylee’s eyes wasn’t helping me decide. It was a mix of panic and hope. Hope, that I would decide for her whether or not this was a bad idea.
Of course, it’s a bad idea, Rhylee! It’s the worst possible idea.
“I have to go.” She bowed her head and started towards the door of my bedroom.
It’s a bad idea.
It is a really bad idea.
I know, damn it!
But do I care?
I stepped toward her, almost tripping over the clothes on the floor.
Do I care?
I grabbed her hand and turned her around, our bodies colliding. Her eyes slowly moved up to lock with mine. We were both breathing heavily.
Damn it, Rhylee! You can’t say my name like that. Don’t ask for me to do something.
Okay, let’s go over this again.
Is it a bad idea? Yes.
Do I care? I am just drunk enough that it’s safe to say that no, I do not.
I placed my hands around her neck and kissed her. I thought she was going to resist me. I was waiting for her to pull away. But she didn’t. She was doing quite to opposite. She parted my lips with her tongue and it gently found mine. She was kissing me back.
Merlin’s beard, this was insane! I can’t believe I forgot how good her lips felt on mine. What an amazing kisser she was. How soft her lips were and with what passion she kissed me.
I put her hands on her hips and brought us closer to the bed. With a gentle nudge, she was lying on it, that playful look in her eyes again. I climbed on top of her and wrapped my fingers around her hair and gently pulled it back so she tilted her head and revealed her neck.
I placed a soft kiss just behind her right ear and I felt her tremble. I kissed her again, not so softly this time. I started biting her neck and I felt her moving under me.
This simply can’t be wrong. It felt too right to be wrong.
I pushed myself up and started to unbutton my shirt. I looked down at her. Damn, she was so sexy. She always was but the fact that she was wearing a dress when she always wears either jeans or sweatpants was frying my brain.
“Please, fuck me, Charlie!”
Seriously, she was begging me?
Why in Godric’s Hollow did I put a shirt with so many buttons on? I don’t have time to do this! I put my hands on my chest and pulled the shirt off me. The sound of fabric ripping filled my ears and my heart started pumping even faster when I saw Rhylee’s eyes shine.
I helped her get up and pressed her against the wall. She wants me to do her, I will do it my way!
I took my precious time unzipping her dress. I could feel her getting impatient but I knew she liked the tease. If she only knew what she got herself into.
She took her arms out of her sleeves and shook her body so the dress fell off her. I turned her around, her back to the wall now, and spread her legs. She was observing my every move, curious what I was going to do next.
“Lift your arms.” I demanded and without questioning me they were above her head.
I wrapped my left hand around her wrists and pulled her underwear down with my right one. I unhooked her bra without hesitation. She was now standing in front of me, completely naked. I stuck my tongue down her throat while circling her nipple. She moaned in my mouth.
Oh, Rhylee, you haven’t felt anything yet.
I slowly moved my fingers down across her belly button, still kissing her. It didn’t really surprise me that the second my fingers ran past her clit, they drowned in her wetness. She gasped in my mouth as I started moving them in circles.
I let go of her arms now and she put them around my neck, trying to keep it together. I have to say she was doing a rather poor job.
“What is it?” I teased her when I started moving my fingers around faster and her eyes rolled back.
“Fuck…you.” She said between her moans.
“I’m a little busy focusing on you right now, Rhy.” I whispered to her.
She tried squeezing her legs together but I didn’t let her. I felt her getting tighter and I was determined not to stop until she screams from pleasure.
“Are you going to cum already?” I laughed playfully.
“I…I can’t hold it.” She cried.
“Oh, don’t hold back.” I bit the tip of her ear as her breathing got even faster.
She buried her fingers in my hair and kissed me. She was pressing hard against my lips, clutching my fingers with her soaked walls, muffling her moans with the kiss. It was pure euphoria, feeling her tremble. It brought me pleasure on another level.
“Stop.” She finally pulled herself together to talk.
“Are you sure?” I mocked her.
The look in her eyes was saying otherwise.
“It’s your turn.” She winked at me.
“Oh, I am not done with you.” I pressed her harder against the wall and placed a gentle kiss on her collar bone.
She winced, her body still sensitive to my touch.
She was speechless and her eyes were full of the wonder of what my next move will be.
“You begged me to fuck you. Don’t you know you have to think before you speak?”
I bit her neck. And her shoulder. And made a few circles with my tongue around her nipple, while playing with the other one with my finger. I kissed the scar that painted her belly. And just below the belly button. I got to my knees and spread her legs again.
I slowly ran my finger across her clit and she shivered.
“Are you ready to cum for me again?” She bit her lip and nodded in reply.
My fingers slipped back into her. This time I decided to take it more slowly. Let’s see how she likes it if I move my fingers in and out. Does that do anything?
She arched her back, scratching the wall behind her. And what if I do this?
I spread her legs just a bit more, lowered my head, and kissed her wet lips.
“Oh.” She let out a sigh.
I ran my tongue over her clit and started turning it in gentle circles. As she started breathing faster I doubled the pressure and felt her knees give in.
“Keep it together, Rhy.” I teased, my fingers still hard at work.
She grabbed my hair and pushed me back to continue my work.
“Fuck, Charlie.”
I don’t know if she was so horny or was I doing such a good job as it didn’t take her long to cum again. Her body was spasming more than before and this time she didn’t have my lips to stifle her moans. I loved how loud she was. How her pleasureful sounds filled my ears. It was like a drug.
I got up and wrapped my arms around her. She was a mess.
“Have enough yet?” I winked at her.
“No.” She giggled.
“Good.” I nodded.
I put my hands on her hips and lifted her and she automatically wrapped her legs around me. I gave her just enough space between our bodies that she unzipped my jeans and pulled them off.
She grabbed my dick, looking me straight in the eyes, and bit her lips when she placed it right in front of her juicy entrance. I don’t know what she was expecting as a surprised gasp left her mouth when I thrust in her.
She wrapped her arms around me and held tight to keep herself steady, moaning while I was rocking my hips back and forth.
Fuck, she felt good. This was insane. I knew that with all the adrenaline running through my veins, the alcohol left my head a long time ago but I still felt dizzy. I can’t believe it was even better than the last time.
I fantasized about sleeping with her more times than I would like to admit. I just couldn’t help it. She was the best I ever had. I could be myself around her. Somehow I knew exactly what she wanted and I wanted to give it to her. Badly.
I have to start thinking about something else. She felt too good and she was getting tighter again. I want to wreck her completely. I want her to forget her name and I want her to scream mine again.
“Charlie.” She moaned in my ear.
“Have enough of me yet?”
“Charlie.” She said louder.
“What is it, sweetheart?” I placed a soft kiss on her neck as I started to move my hips even faster.
“Come on, you can do it.” I encouraged her to speak.
I was too amused by how weak she was.
“Oh, my…” Her eyelids fluttered and I felt her squeezing me even more.
“Cum for me again.” I breathed.
I could watch her moan and twist from pleasure all night every night.
“Charlie, I can’t.” She finally managed to complete a full sentence.
I stopped moving my hips and froze.
“Are you okay?” I lifted her chin and made her look at me.
“Why the fuck did you stop?” Her eyes widened.
“You said you can’t, I thought…” I blinked at her.
I was so confused.
“I…” She bit her lip and looked away.
“What is it?” I tilted my head to find her eyes again.
“I never came three times before.” She mumbled so fast that I thought I heard her wrong.
“Oh.” I pressed my lips together, to stop them from spreading into a smile. “Well, do you think you could cum again?” I asked gently.
“Yes. I was close.” That naughty smile is going to be the death of me.
“Then let’s break your record, shall we?” I smirked at her and lifted her so she wrapped her legs around me again.
I entered her slowly this time and she pushed my hips more towards her immediately when she saw what I was doing.
“Don’t get slow on me now, Weasley.” She bit my lip and sent a new wave of adrenaline through my veins.
I decided to tease her just for saying that. I slowly pulled my hips back, so that only my tip was inside of her and then pushed my hips forward again with such a force that it took her breath away.
I did it again.
And again and again and again until she started screaming from pleasure again. For a second I thought she was going to pass out as her eyes sealed shut and she gasped for air between her moans. But I was determined not to stop until her body relaxes or she tells me to stop. She was doing neither.
She barely had the strength to wrap her hand around my neck so I could lift her when she stopped moaning. I took her to my bed and covered her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her voice rusty from all the sounds she was making.
“I’m going to take a shower. You need some rest.” I winked at her.
“We need to take care of you first.” Her eyes moved from mine, down to my dick which was still hard.
“You can do that later. Now rest.” I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
I walked out of the room, straight into the shower.
Just as the hot water started running down my body, I felt her press her body against mine from behind.
“Miss me already?” I turned around and smirked.
“I told you…” She kneeled. “We have to take care of you.”
She didn’t have a chance to say anything else as she grabbed my dick and put it in her mouth. Damn, she was good at sucking dick. It was unbelievable. I was the one with weak knees now. She was moving her mouth so fast as if she wanted to get revenge for before.
I wanted to watch her doing it. I wanted to see how she chokes on my dick but I couldn’t. It felt too good and I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling back and closing them. I buried my fingers into her wet hair and helped her move.
I loved how she enjoyed doing it. The way she was moaning and looking up at me. I can’t take it anymore. I let out a loud groan as I came, the water washing my load off her face.
“Now, I can rest.” She smirked and I helped her get up.
I turned her around, wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her shoulder.
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she-toadmask · 4 years ago
I’m kind of in a mood suddenly so below the cut there will be me just talking about fanfics I have read or am reading and why I like fanfic and stuff because I need to just
Fanfiction fucking rocks the basic part before all the stuff about it as the story just...it’s so easy to access and there’s so much and it’s just all there on the internet I don’t have to find a physical book
And on AO3 (where 90% of good currently-updating fic is afaik) there is TAGGING where you will know what you’re getting into (unless the author suddenly adds a sex scene and only then updates the tags but at least they give a warning at the start of the chapter but it doesn’t bother me as much as it did a couple years ago as long as I know it’s coming I know it’s a tool and it has its uses) with character drama and deaths and all that jazz not to mention how Ash being a badass has a specific tag and just other random things having tags that are important parts of the story
Like there are multiple fics I have found (not all of them are living fics sadly) of writing Ash’s journey in the beginning differently, like there was one I saw once that I kind of forgot to keep reading where he went to Sinnoh (and was still rivals with Paul and I think their ship tag was there?) and it said it was following game plot and then there’s one that I definitely don’t have open anymore because it didn’t update for some amount of time where he had a Joltik and then a Ferroseed and it’s really cool and a different one that’s still living and it’s called Pity of the World and Jesse + James (who is genderfluid in this fic) + Meowth are good people and stuff and just steal abused Pokemon and they run into Ash and they all end up being travel buddies and Ash understands Pokemon (not literally of course that’s not this fic) and also just knows what James’ gender is before they say anything and also in one chapter Zapdos is in Gringy City and says something about friendship being for mortals or something??? idk we’ll see and then there’s a different fic that I was reading and lost when switching devices and Ash was raised by Pokemon and literally can speak Pokemon and it was really neat but I haven’t tried to find where I left off because I’m too lazy for that tbh but it is still updating it’s Symbiosis or Symbiotic or something like that
Most things involving Ash that aren’t shippy or weird like that (ok there are some I’m not interested in but whapdfajaldjakjdf) end up being really cool because he’s a fucking legendary magnet which can either be played for laughs or deadly serious or just not be part of the fic if it isn’t relevant and so many fics use Aura it’s really cool (including Pity of the World I think he mega evolves Pidgeot (who evolves before leaving) when he fights Sabrina who does not have a doll in this fic) and there are different ways they do it and the thing I was mentioning about his connection with Pokemon like maybe it’s just a bit more than normal or it’s just yes he is everything and I kinda skipped out on gens 6 and 7 of the anime but I get enough to understand what they mean in chat fics and when referring to it in other fics it’s really cool
I think I mentioned Creepypasta and how there were two Harry Potter Creepypasta fics, one that was one and was slow to update if it wasn’t dead and one that was on the fourth one actually I was wrong about what number it was I think and updates every two weeks the first one is more lighthearted/written by a younger person like Slendy is a character and Harry x a lot of the ‘pastas I guess and it takes place starting before 4th year and the beginning is kinda meh with some weird dialogue and absurd levels of Dumbledore Ron and Hermione bashing but it does call out some of the other legitimate problems like how the lake trial in the tournament just kidnaps people which is very big because it was Ben who was kidnapped so big yikes there and honestly it’s not what you want to read if you want something really high-quality and serious like not that it doesn’t take itself seriously but it feels closer to something I would have read when I was in middle school than most of the Sanders Sides fics I read (just using that as comparison because the vast majority of that is well-written stuff). Then the other one!!!! For one it has a much more realistic/developed take on the Creepypastas’ existence like how the stories are how they exist with Slenderman being a cosmic horror being thing more than a character with character which is always really cool and Jeff kidnaps Harry as a baby (he is Boy when he is with the Creepypasta and Harry when at Hogwarts and there’s some really cool stuff about how they’re different) and, having lived with murderers, Harry gives zero fucks about things and kills Fluffy in the first book long before other stuff happens, Quirrel tries to use him to get the stone but gets annihilated at the mirror because family and then Voldemort is just a giant white snake for the rest of the series so far and also because he sucks Lockhart tries to exorcise Harry because Harry is fucking nuts and it’s great and also Harry is a Hufflepuff and there is probably more Gryffindor bashing than is necessary and pretty much all the adults get bashed for sucking (like in book 3 the boggart stuff is called out for being hella dangerous for them also Harry can’t cast the Patronus charm make of that what you will idk what) though Harry does make for quite the conversation topic among the teachers, Harry x Neville is the main ship and Neville eventually gets resorted into Hufflepuff because the Gryffindors are being massive dicks to him, also Harry flirts with Draco because Harry gives no fucks and it’s great (also both books give Luna lots of love, like the young one she’s a Seer like from Madame Macabre’s old webcomic that’s dead as it gets and the long one she’s just a good character and shit) and Harry makes these books to spread Slenderman’s legend throughout Britain/the Wizarding World and Draco may have gotten one and survived???? but now Neville has one during the summer months (and also through feeding Fanged Geraniums or whatever live stuff and blood instead of bonemeal he is creating Audrey II and straight-up says something about having to call it Harry Jr. but that’s probably just a little joke and isn’t going to stay beyond this but it’s just fun because Little Shop of Horrors slaps) and I have big fear about him doing the stuff and getting hurt and Harry/Boy conflict will be scary
There’s this other fic I found when trying to find good fics involving Ash and it’s kinda weird and seems to be written by a younger author but we’ll see where things go, like Harry got transported by Celebi to the world of Pokemon and Giovanni is Silver and Ash’s dad and they live with him and also Harry does too and he’s in a wheelchair and also is really smart and I wish we had gotten to spend a bit longer seeing their dynamics before when Harry is 14 the Goblet of Fire somehow spits his name out and Celebi helps with getting Harry (and also the other three because of course) safely there without dying because dimensional travel is hard and Celebi is friend and Luna gets to be important here too I think she’s shown up as a named student and guided them to a room and seems to know things about the castle and that’s kinda all there is so far there’s a bit more but it’s not got a lot yet I hope the author keeps going it’s a weird idea but I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes
Oh I forgot to talk about it but there’s this whump Ash fic that was being written under one title but it got dropped and now it’s being rewritten with the same concept but under a new title and going about a lot of things a different way it’s just the same starting premise and the fic is Helpless and Ash almost dies multiple times and there’s this theme of adults failing him and also Gary fucks a thing up and Ash needs support and therapy (a good number of fics have Ash needing therapy but given the shit he’s been through that is not surprising especially from my limited knowledge of Kalos holy shit Lysandre was doing some mad shit) and it’s just good but it is a lot of hospital and Ash being hurt and almost dying so be warned if that isn’t a safe read for you
The reason I don’t just outright block explicit anymore despite the horrors of trying to find safe Pokemon fic on AO3 amidst the consensual porn, incest porn, pokephilia porn, etc., is I randomly decided to try and find some Sonic fanfic on AO3 because a couple people on YouTube have been doing Sonic story stuff (Sonic What If has some good stuff that’s just... what-if scenarios and then there’s Sonic Rewritten which takes a game’s plot and then redoes it but good like the Deadly Six having personalities or Sonic 06 not having maybe bestiality or Generations being more than ‘oh past and present stages now have nostalgia’ and Robotnik and Eggman are significantly different people in that one and it’s really cool) and I thought maybe I would find some good stuff on AO3 (which I have but nothing that I want to ramble about specifically though there was one fic where Eggman does Tails clone and then his original body dies so he’s stuck looking like Tails and it’s kinda wild) and I found a fic that was marked explicit because torture and violence (honestly it wasn’t that bad) and I like it and don’t want to miss something that I might like by accidentally blocking it and now when I try to find Pokemon fic I have to see Leon x Hop and Pokemon x human smut.
There’s one Sanders Sides fic that I was reading and I don’t remember the name nor do I know if it’s updating I think I lost it but it started from the beginning of the series with the Dark Sides being a platonic poly family and when they weren’t in the episode they were talking about it/the Light Sides and it’s honestly really really good and the author just decided to have Deceit’s name be Janus and it was amazing when it turned out that was his real name it was just great but IDK if the fic has been abandoned, I think I lost it in the shift, but it was really good (but sympathetic dark sides and unsympathetic patton and roman and logan for a bit so do be warned if those aren’t comfortable for you)
Oh yeah I remembered another fic I can talk about there was this one Creepypasta fic and it’s completed and it is a Jeff x Reader but it kind of just stops being about the romance after a certain point and just goes way off the rails. It starts like ‘oh this will be a normal x reader with mansion and Slendy is dad and Zalgo is probably evil’ and then NOPE SLENDERMAN HAS BEEN RAISING FAMILIES THAT LOVE HIM TO TURN THEM INTO CRYSTALS TO MAKE HIM MORE POWERFUL AND ZALGO IS AGAINST THAT and it just is great like I never see Zalgo being good, like Slenderman being evil or whatever is plenty common (especially in the innumerable ARG fics I don’t read because I don’t have the attention span to learn what the fuck the source is) but never in tandem with Zalgo being anything but chaotic evil n shit it’s wild and it’s great and also Slenderman’s parents have faces I guess idk that was weird also there is one smut chapter but like the author said you can skip the smut and I did and didn’t feel like I missed any plot stuff so if that’s a no for you just keep an eye out for the author’s warning. It is by a younger writer, as demonstrated by its daily updates while it was being written, tiny chapters, and some general writing style stuff common to younger writers, but honestly I just love it for being something so wildly different, under the guise of a typical x Reader fic.
Speaking of ship stuff and Creepypasta the trilogy of Sans x Creepypasta fics are amazing. The writer definitely improves over time, the beginning of the first book kind of has the weird ‘then I knew I was in love’ stuff from a couple of the pastas (then again I’m ace and demiro so starting romance is just generally weird) but it is just a really good series. Sans ends up with seven kids in the third book and, while everyone else in the Undertale cast is bashed in the first two, Papyrus does seem to get some redemption in the third, so there is that. Also Murderer Sans is a fantastic tag, Gaster made a deal with Zalgo to create the skelebros and Sans is more demon than Papyrus by a lot and Zalgo is trying to kidnap Sans and Sans’ children so he has his family together to destroy the world and wander free and it’s wild and also Chara and Flowey show up and also LJ being an angel is mentioned and relevant to the plot for a bit so that’s neat and I don’t know all the details of how it ends because I lost it when I shifted and didn’t want to find where I was but it’s a great fic (albeit with a few things I can argue on) and the author has also been writing other Sans x Creepypasta stuff but I haven’t read it because idk
I really wish I had a good Minecraft fanfic to gush about but I really don’t it’s hard to find Minecraft fic that isn’t tuber-based, either Dream and friends (which occasionally I find a good one but so much is either Dream SMP which I have no interest in getting into, involves people I don’t know from Dream SMP, or just is shippy or straight-up doesn’t have a premise I’m interested in) or Hermitcraft (I fell behind so I have no idea what’s happening anymore) (but also like Mianite and Aphmau stuff but not as much as used to, but now Dream rules all so), and it just sucks. Like if some of it was Team Crafted fic I would be on board like hell yeah give me that nostalgia juice but it’s so much shit I just don’t know. I love the idea of Minecraft fanfic because there are so many options for the world and you can either make your own characters and you probably have to but then there’s just if you use Steve Alex Herobrine or Notch how they are written depends on the author and I live for that shit it’s a big part of why I read Creepypasta fic it’s because I like when there are different ways characters can be done (not unsympathetic or sympathetic like Patton so much like straight-up different characters) like Herobrine and Notch are the big ones like good vs evil, involved vs not, serious vs comedic, there are so many different ways to play them and I’m so disappointed AO3 doesn’t have much of it and so much of it is just Dream stuff and it usually just isn’t what I’m after in a fic.
The only other fics coming to mind right now are two wildly different fics involving Springtrap x Reader, one of them is being transferred from Wattpad for copy reasons, complete with tiny-ass chapters and that language that’s just so middle-school in the best way possible (like William and Springtrap are different consciousnesses and they way the author describes their struggle at one point is just so similar to a stupid thing I did and I have so much affection for it) and the other is legitimately really really good and the reader-insert has recently found out that Springtrap is William Afton and has murdered many children and they are currently dying multiple times to help his victims pass on because they can see ghosts and it’s actually really good and I have no idea where things are going, reader has currently met up with Michael Afton, currently all purple and dead and stuff, and has learned about remnant (weird-ass shit from modern FNAF lore) and it’s getting wild. I feel like there are two types of FNAF fic, ones in the style of FNAF 3/4 and earlier and ones from maybe 4 onward. Like ones where the lore was basically ‘bad man committed murder against children and they’re possessing the animatronics and that’s why they’re trying to kill you’ and then 4 starts having some more expansive lore ish and then after that it just goes everywhere with remnant and scooping and even more locations and also the books matter probably??? There is this one fic involving Glitchtrap that hasn’t updated in a bit and it’s fun, I like the idea of Glitchtrap and really wish I could read more fic just centered around FNAF VR. Then again, BEN was always one of my favorites and after I stopped being absolutely terrified of Herobrine I really liked his possibilities, maybe I just like the story utility and possible execution of characters with wide-ranging powers over technology and affecting the real world outside of it, IDK.
Ok I’m out of ramble energy, and also topics unless I go more in-depth about specific character options, but my energy is gone so I think that’s the end of it. I typed 3,000 words about fanfictions I’m reading and probably could have talked more about some of them if I wanted. This is my new hyperfixation. I guess. At least I know I have one, it’s reassuring to know for some reason, like for a while I missed how much Pokemon was my life in elementary school and Minecraft was in sixth grade, like it was nice just having something to focus on, though maybe that’s just the college and depression talking.
That was good, I’m glad I did that. Y’all are loved.
If you seriously read this entire thing... Wow. I really appreciate you digitally listening to me talking about random fanfic shit that I like. You’re really really cool.
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gideongrace · 5 years ago
Talking amongst ourselves - fanfic writer interviews: @ihni
(Originally, these interviews were done more conversationally, but this interview is a LONG one! So I edited it down for tumblr. You can read the whole unedited, uncut interview over on a03! There are pictures involved. :)
Please say your first name, your age, your pronouns, the fandoms you write for and provide a link to your a03. You can also mention your sexual orientation or other details, if you'd like.
My real name is Moa, but I go by Ihni online. On AO3, I have an account under Ihni (https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ihni) but that's for rhymes (and doodles). I only wrote rhymes/poetry for a long time, and when I started writing fic, I wanted to put that under another pen name. I was NOT comfortable writing stories for YEARS. Now, though, I don't care. So, I write fics under the pen name Thei (https://archiveofourown.org/users/thei/).
It's all Stranger Things, these days. Harringrove (because I love the fandom and I like the two of them interacting) and Billy-centric (because I love his character, SO MUCH).
I am ace and aro, so my fics tend to not contain any sex (I have ALLUDED to it a couple of times, but that's basically as far as I go). I am also just as happy to write fics without any romantic or sexual relationships at all. Billy and Steve can be buddies only, as far as I'm concerned.
How do you feel about being aroace when so much of fanfic is all about romance and sex?
I live by the tried and tested rule of "don't like, don't read". 
There is a lot of romance in our fandom, for sure. But it's not like it's lovey-dovey IN OUR FACE romance, you know? 97% of Harringrove fics are two dumb boys who are bad at communication and who can't deal with Feelings. And I fucking live for that! Also, even the lovey-dovey fluffy romance stuff is cute, when it's them. I may not want a relationship for myself, but I don't mind at all if the boys are in one! (If they want it, they deserve it <3)
And as for sex ... well. I can read about sex, if it's well written or if it furthers the plot. If it's too graphic, I tend to scroll past it though, or just skim through it. It doesn't... give me a lot? I guess. Like, it's not like I read "smut" in the tags and go "oooh I have to read this!" - rather the opposite, in fact. I can read it, but it's not something I actively look for, and when I stumble upon it, I don't always read all of it. If I know the writer, I'll probably read through it to honor their work, though.
I just won't ever leave a "omg that was so hot!" comment! XD If someone expects that from me, they'll be disappointed (and I'm constantly terrified of disappointing or offending people for NOT commenting on their smut).
Basically, I am the master of my own fandom experience, and if something makes me uncomfortable I will keep away from it. Simple as that.
More people should live by that rule.
What's your writing process like?
That's an interpretation of my writing process.
No, but.
I usually get SUPER INSPIRED to write a specific scene, or concept... and THAT part goes well, but then I have to build a STORY around it, and that takes SUCH A LONG TIME and SO MUCH EFFORT!
And also, usually, it gets out of hand.
I usually have to force myself to get the words in, honestly. And also, I get real tired of what I'm writing, real fast. So I have to force myself to finish (I have a few WIPs that are more than a year in the making...) before moving on to other things. (And I usually write the other things inbetween, anyway.)
I get easily distracted, when I write. Like, actually sitting down and writing takes an hour and a half. Then I MIGHT write for like twenty minutes, lol.
Cold Turkey Writer was a godsend XD.
If I have internet on while I'm writing, not a lot will be written, let's just ... let's just say that.
How do you edit?
Sometimes, I read through it once, and change a few things, and let that be it.
In a couple of cases, for the longer ones, I have actually made an effort to read through it more than once. (The problem being that by then, I'm so sick of it that I will skim through it just to get it over with.)
A couple of times, a friend has read through it for me, and given me pointers. Which is VERY HELPFUL! But they've offered to do it for me, I would never ask it of someone.
And about the editing process ... I check for spelling mistakes, or when something sounds wrong, or looks wrong ... and then I fix it, so it looks and sounds better in my head. I don't know. That's editing, right?
What fanfic authors do you admire?
In the Harringrove fandom, I have to mention LEMONLOVELY, because I'm in love with the way she writes Billy, and the way she's shaping her fics as she goes, and the way her attention to detail brings a whole mood (I am OBSESSED with her "Words Left Unsaid" fic, and am probably that fic's biggest fan).
LYMRICKS, because fucking hell, they sure can write a fic that draws you in. There's something about long sentences in combination with short sentences that really makes them easy to read, and the language is like a punch to the gut, at times.
CALLIEB, because I love their stories and I'm currently following "Second Thoughts" and I love how they write everyone like ... like they're holding their breath, waiting for something.
And I'm not even gonna mention any others by name because I'm terrible with names and I'm bound to forget someone and I'm just, I don't want to do that. Our fandom is full of talented writers, and I just. If I've commented on your fic, I read through all of it and I liked it. If I haven't - well, I HAVE been writing more lately = less time to read, and I have like 100 fic tabs open on all of my devices ... I hope to get there, some time!
In other fandoms, let me mention PeaceHeather (for how they write Loki and that world), aloneintherain (such good whump!), isaDanCurtisproduction (the absolute best Spideypool!) and gaelicspirit (who writes lovely angsty whumpy Musketeers fics). Like. Just to mention 0.01%, or something.
I don't think any of them, particularly, have impacted my style - because I don't HAVE a style - but I soak up every word of every fanfic I ever read, and if one sentence is a particularly pretty string of words, I will copy & paste it into a word document that is now 170 pages long, or screenshot it to keep it forever. ❤️
Words. <3
What's your favorite story of yours?
What's your least favorite story of yours?
What's your favorite line you've ever written?
Like, in what SENSE? Even though I know my writing isn't up to par, they're still my babies. Still my creations. I love them in different ways! Like. I love "Coming Back" because it was the longest I had written back then, and it's probably the one I am most pleased about, writing-wise, and it's also the one I went through and edited the most. So it feels like the one I worked the most on.
I love "Toy Soldiers" because it was a totally self-indulgent piece of writing that I wrote for the joy of it, and because I wanted to read it and no one else was about to write it for me.
I love "About Apologies" because something about it pleases me, it was an experiment that didn't fail, and I like it more and more with time.
I love "Less of a mistake, more of a miscalculation" because I had fun while writing it, and it turned out kind of like I wanted it to, plot-wise.
I love "Actions and reactions", because I had no idea what I was doing back then, but I still did it, and somehow it got long and I still don't know how that happened.
And I realise that this makes me sound a little self-centered, but I worked hard on them. I love them, even if they're my ugly and imperfect babies. And even if I cringe if I re-read certain parts XD
I guess my least favorite story of mine (and I'm guessing we're talking Stranger Things things here?) is "Not unusual" because a) I never re-read it and b) it was the start of something that I have to actually FINISH at some point and ugh, that was not the original plan. If we're talking least favorite stories in all fandoms, then definitely "In which there are mistakes made", which was a Teen Wolf fic, and the reason why I don't do WIPs anymore. The last chapter was written simply to fucking END it, and ugh, I hate it.
The favorite line I've ever written ...? I don't know. Are we talking in fic? Because I write my best stuff in comments, honestly. :p I don't think I have an answer for that one, actually. Sorry :S
What part of writing is easiest for you?
What part of writing is hardest for you?
Easiest? Dialogue. I like dialogue. Like, as a non-English speaker I can at least imagine a plausible exchange of words, and banter, and make it sound somewhat realistic, I imagine.
Hardest? The rest. Like, some people are just fucking WIZARDS with words, can write these long descriptive sentences that perfectly sets the mood for when a character gracefully moves across the room ... whereas I am just, "He stood up and walked over. End of fucking story."
What do you do when you're struggling for inspiration?
Give up?
Or do something else.
Or go and read. (That's basically the same as giving up.)
Or, if I'm still writing, I go to another part of the story and write THAT, and hope that I'll feel like connecting the two pieces, later.
Inspiration is a bitch.
Who introduced you to fandom and when?
Oh god. I am old. I don't remember. 
I started writing stories when I was real young, and I was always reading something. I started writing stories with my friends when I was a teenager. Then we discovered the internet (yes, this was around the time when we got internet access in school and at home, told you I was old!) and when doing that, I guess we found more like-minded people.
Fanfics ... weren't an organized thing, back then. But I've been reading them, and been in fandoms, ever since I discovered that there were people online who liked the same things that I liked.
I would say, actively, from maybe around 19-20 years old? Like, that was ACTIVE fandom-ing.
What is your advice to fellow writers?
How often do you jump between fandoms?
How long have you been writing?
As a WRITER, I am not the best person to give advice to writers, I think. I'd rather TAKE advice than give it, at this point.
As a READER, my advice is to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE, because you are doing a good thing and you are creating a version of a world that is yours, versions of characters that you can shape into anything, and SOMEONE out there will love you for it (probably me).
I jump between fandoms ... hmm, as a WRITER? Seldom. Billy's my jam and I'm not moving.
As a READER? All the time. I mean, I'm pretty deep into Harringrove and Billy and Stranger Things, but sometimes I need something light-hearted, and then I go back to some of my basic fandoms, and read something else. I will never run out of things to read. 
And how long have I been writing? FOREVER. I wrote when I was young, and thought I was going to be an author (wrote in Swedish, back then). Then I wrote when I was a teen, for fun. Then I stopped writing. Then I started writing rhymes, in English, because it was a craft I could do and train in, and it was short pieces. And only in recent years (very recent), have I started writing fics. And now, I write long-ass fics in English, so I guess I have at least come a long way!
Why do you write?
I just sat and stared at the screen for a good ten seconds.
I'd say that it differs.
Sometimes, I write because I want to READ something and no one has written it (or is going to).
Sometimes, I write because I want a very specific thing or feeling, and it doesn't exist yet.
Sometimes, I write because I am inspired.
Sometimes, I write because I want to.
Sometimes, I write because of a deadline.
Sometimes, I write because there's something in my head that Won't Leave Me The Fuck Alone until I get it out.
Sometimes, I write for fun.
Sometimes, I write because I want to hurt.
Sometimes, I write because I need to.
Sometimes, I write because I want to become better at it; learn; reach towards the writers whose work I love.
And sometimes, I just sit and stare at a document, don't write a single fucking word, and go watch a movie instead.
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thisweekingundamwing · 8 years ago
Weekly Recap May 21-May 27
It’s Sunday, and that means it’s time to see all the amazing content created by the Gundam Wing community! 
We’ve taken submissions for all content, but we’ve also gone through AO3 to see what fics were written/created this week. Once again, we want to encourage EVERYONE in the community to submit their work! Fanfic, fanart, moodboards, chats, meta discussions, playlists, cosplay, events - you name it, we want to share it!
Below the cut you will find all the great things this fandom has been busy doing. If any of them take your fancy, please take the time to like, reblog and comment. Any creator can tell you - support and encouragement go a LONG way to inspiring more content.
Thanks and see you next week!
Fanfiction (in alphabetical order by the author’s url)
@amberlyinviolet Knife in Hand
Summary: When Duo learns there’s a hit out on him, he turns to the only person in Chicago he believes capable of helping him. But will the cost of the Broker’s help be too high? Pairings: 2x3
Ammiehawk, Wizards, Gundams and Host Clubs, Oh My!
Summary: Harry Potter finds out he has some relatives on his father’s side and goes to live with them the summer after fifth year, after Voldemort was destroyed in the Department of Mysteries. Along the way he also discovers a wayward brother and many friends and adventures in his new school, Ouran Academy. Originally a challenge by TZAG
@anaranesindanarie One More Light
Summary: Duo goes missing and no one can figure out how or why.
@anaranesindanarie, Random Works
Summary: A collection of complete and uncompleted works. Pairings: 2x5, some 2x4
@the-notorious-bhg @morbidbirdy, Where I Belong
Summary: In the year AC 205 the status of the Earth-Sphere remains relatively peaceful thanks to the efforts of the ESUN and it’s peacekeeping organization Preventer. The five young men who had once fought together for this peace now work quietly behind the scenes to maintain it. Despite their new roles in this world, Heero and Trowa struggle to establish a comfortable place in it. In the process of finding themselves they eventually realize that their place is with each other. Pairings: 3x1
@the-notorious-bhg, @morbidbirdy, Take Me On
Summary: Heero and Trowa run off to Bali and elope. Pairings: 3x1
@chronicwhimsy, Schoolyard Blues
Summary: A new teacher starts at the local town school, hoping for an easy year after moving from the big city. Unfortunately, she wasn’t prepared for the child of two men who don’t understand kids at all…Pairings: 2x5
@claraxbarton, The First Five Times
Summary:After five months in a 'friends with benefits' relationship with Duo, Trowa is asked to pretend to be his boyfriend for Duo's ex's wedding. Ships: 2x3, 1x5, 4x6 Warnings: smut, language, angst
@claraxbarton, My Lover, My Liar
Summary: Set after the war, one of the pilots faces the future. Inspired by Halsey’s “Closed Eyes” Ships: 2x3 Warnings: DEATH FIC
@claraxbarton, Good Things
Summary: Duo and Trowa’s family has a new addition, courtesy of Quatre Winner. Pairings: 2x3, past 3x4
Duointherain, Dark Poetry
Summary: It's ten years after the wars and Heero has now been forced into medical retirement. He had lost track of Duo, but looks him up ... and it's way different than he thought it would be - beyond anything he could have dreamed of. Pairings: 1x2
@helmistress (Talliya), The Assignment
Summary: WuFei's observations on his two friend's rather odd relationship and how he thinks they should just get on with it already. Pairings: 2x3
@i-am-captain-snark, Life After Gundam
Summary: A series of one-shots taking place post-Endless Waltz in the lives of the former pilots, soldiers, politicians, and civilians. Pairing: 2x unspecified female
@kangofu-cb, Just Like Paradise
Summary: Part 3 in the ‘Just One Date’ series.  Duo and Wufei travel to attend a wedding! And buy a house! Sort of buy a house. Pairings: 2x5x2.  No warnings, except NSFW.  Smutty Sunday contribution
@kangofu-cb, Mission: Redacted - Chapter 4
Summary: Post-war, Une has been selected to direct the new Preventers Organization. Unfortunately, following government directives of disarmament and pacifism, criminal enterprises have sprung up, escalating crime and violence. Searching for a solution, she brainstorms a team of off-the-books operatives tasked with protecting the peace at all costs.Meanwhile, the pilots are all dealing with peace and the scars of war in their own ways, not all of them healthy…
LadyJFox, Hard Line
Summary: It's been nine years after the Eurussian Incident and the Earth Sphere Unified Nation continues to experience peace through communication and cooperation. Quatre Raberba Winner, while finishing his doctoral thesis in engineering at MIT in Boston, reconnects with his friend and ex-boyfriend, Trowa Barton. A romantic flame is rekindled while an old enemy plots his revenge. Pairings: 3x4, 2xH, Rx1
@lifeaftermeteor, Snippet Saturday
Summary: Having survived the Eve War, the Gundam pilots are left to their own devices to chart the paths their lives will take in a world that none of them expected to live long enough to see. Peace is disorienting and growing up is hard to do. Pairings: past 3x4x3, 1x2x1 and Sx11xS have started, 5xRx5 is inbound
Luvsanime02, Standby and AO3
Summary: Heero goes in front of the Board of Professional Review, and now she has an important decision to make. This is the fifth story in Navigation, a fem!Heero series.
Nerdybloomers, Golden Hour
Summary: Treize's attempts at traditional courship fall flat on the all-business Une, so he switches strategies. Provides a little more background to the infamous bath scene in episode 4. Pairings: 13x Une
@remsyk-blog, Wine Pairings
Summary: a drabble inspired by a delightful set of Stanley Tucci gifs and @kangofu-cb and @artemisblogs.  Pairings: 1x2, 3x4
Rennitz, Procrastibation
Summary: Wufei is cooped up in the office and is at wit's end. Duo strolls by and, in the course of helping him, starts a flame that neither one of them expect. Pairings: 5x2
Shine, Back to One
Summary: Quatre, an actor, goes on a journey of self-discovery just as his show’s twenty year reunion gets underway. What he discovers about himself and about his four not-really friends leads to a complicated romance everyone but him saw coming twenty years in the making. Pairing: 3x4
@shinigami-of-excellence, Special Needs - They Don’t Care About Us
Summary: Zechs deals with the news of Treize's return, and picks something up on the way home from a briefing with Noin. Wufei delivers some news. Pairings: 2x6, 5x2, 5x13, 13x6, 3x4, 5x2x13x6
@simulacraryn, Ink to Paper
Summary: Dorothy cleans out Treize's estate, but her discoveries only give her further heartache.
@simulacraryn, Speak and Wish
Summary: Late night scrambled thoughts from Catherine Bloom...
TheHiddenBaroness, Resurrecting the Viper
Summary: Following a routine visit to Vingolf, Orga, Mikazuki and Merribit are surprised by the sudden appearance of a practically naked, injured woman. Although Artima seems to have full recollection of who she is, she does not seem to understand the outside world. Against Orga's better judgment, the Isaribi is soon entangled in Artima's quest to find and destroy her old mobile suit - and discover both she and it are relics from over three hundred years ago that could hold the key to Tekkadan's future.
@la-femme-noelle, The Pact
After seducing Quatre, the other four ex-pilots brave the uncharted waters of their new abilities and learn to cope with the unintentional gifts they were given. But as always, power requires responsibility and the humbling acknowledgement of humanity's weaknesses. The struggle to stay true to themselves becomes a dangerous and terrifying endeavor as they skirt the boundary where conscience bleeds into chaos and the dark abyss of temptation. Pairings: 3x5x2x4x1, 3x4, 4x1, 2x4, 5x4
@themanwell, Bungalow
Summary: Duo has a thing for fixing up old houses.  Trowa has a thing for Duo.  2x3. One-shot. Rated M for smut. 4600 words.
@themanwell, “I think you might be pregnant”
Summary: Two out of Three universe, Prompt #52. Pairings: 2x3, HxR (+5)
@themanwell, This is probably a bad time, but marry me?
Summary: Prompt 50. Pairings: 2x3
@themanwell, May Demons Rest: Shinigami Sleeps 2017
Summary: A re-write of my 2004 fanfic “Shinigami Sleeps.” To find and free Duo from his demons, Trowa leaves his uneventful life at the circus for the mean streets of an obscure colony in L2. Pairings: 2x3
Fanart (in Alphabetical order by the author’s url)
@chronicwhimsy made two lovely things this week!
Two chillin’ mermen (Duo and Wufei) 
Two snuggling mermen (Duo and Wufei)
@maevemauvaise made a lovely aerialist Dorothy
@shinigami-of-excellence was VERY busy making LOTS of lovely things this week!
Duo Twins commission for @anaranesindanarie
Duo in a suit commission for @kangofu-cb
NSFW Solo and Treize in the shower
Trowa and pets for @funambulate
Duo and Solo commission for @cylinanightshade
Calendar Events (in alphabetical order by event name):
Summer of Zechs runs June 4-June 17. It’s a two week festival celebrating Zechs Merquise. All content is welcome and there are suggested prompts/themes for each day!
And that’s it for this week! Again, we welcome all Gundam Wing content. Please submit so we can share your awesome things with this great fandom!
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dralentines-day · 8 years ago
Gift #36, @vickyvic92
@vickyvic92 , this gift is SICKYSICK - in the best possible way. 
Our gifter says:
“Hello, dear! This is a short smutty fic; I had a bit trouble coming up with something that would fit the prompts at first, but ended up really enjoying writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. Have a lovely day, no matter who you spend it with, whether that is yourself, friends, family or a special someone...”
Untitled - It's Valentine's Day and Draco is ready to go out with Harry, but then he stumbles upon some pictures... 2k.
Tags: smut 
Draco stepped out of the bath feeling fresh and ready to spend the evening with his gorgeous lover. Harry had reserved tables at Draco's favourite French restaurant: Le Magicienne Gourmand. He was going to get back home from work at any minute now, to take Draco out for their Valentine’s Day date. Draco would never admit it, of course, but he loved these kind of sappy things and Harry was amazing at making him feel incredibly special in these occasions.
So it was happily humming that he strolled into the bedroom to get dressed, towelling his wet hair with the hood of his bathrobe, searching through the drawers for that one shirt he knew Harry loved. After a few minutes of unsuccessful research, though, he started wondering: where could it be? He was sure that he had put it back in its usual place… oh, but Harry had borrowed it for that charity ministry event!
Draco sighed and went to Harry's side of the closet, opening a few drawers before finding the shirt. He took it out, smiling at the prospect of having Harry all hot and bothered because of how nice he was looking… in doing so, however, he nudged something hard and small, that fell off the drawer onto their immaculate parquet, leaving a dent and spreading its contents everywhere.
Draco cursed, immediately bending to pick it up and inspect the damage to his beloved mahogany, but stopped dead in his tracks, realising what the small thing, which appeared to be a box, had contained. They were pictures. Draco didn't mean to look at them – it was clearly something that Harry hadn't wanted to share with him, at least not yet –, but it was impossible not to do so in collecting them to put them back inside the box.
Most of them were pretty old, featuring people who Draco guessed were Harry's parents and their friends; in some he could spot professor Lupin and even a 1-year-old Harry. He smiled fondly at the little baby, he looked so happy and carefree. There were also a few more recent ones, mostly of Harry, Ron and Hermione, but then… Draco picked up a long and narrow string of pictures, frowning.
They were small, but not so much that Draco couldn't make out the people in the shots: Harry and Ginny, making silly faces at the camera. These ones weren't moving, which made Draco suspect that they had been taken with a muggle device, but what struck him wasn't the stillness of the photos, it was how blissful they seemed. All of a sudden, he saw what everyone else had seen: Harry Potter, the hero, and Ginny Weasley, his best friend’s sister, the perfect couple of the wizarding world.
It was like a monster had risen from his guts and taken residence in his stomach. Why had Harry kept those pictures with his ex-girlfriend? Did he miss her? Was he unsatisfied? Did he secretly wish that he'd have stayed with her? Was he ashamed of his relationship with Draco? These and another million venomous thoughts ran through Draco's mind in the span of a minute, while he paced back and forth, pictures in hand.
Right at that moment, he heard the key turn in the keyhole and the door swing open, just before Harry's shout of: “I'm home!” came to his ears. Draco didn't reply. He heard footsteps headed towards the bedroom, then Harry's head peered in, swiftly followed by the rest of him.
“Draco… ?” he asked in confusion, glancing from him to the box, still on the floor, and then finally noticing the string of pictures in Draco's hand. Draco's blood was boiling; how dare he look so innocent, with his rumpled hair and wide eyes, staring at him like that? “Oh,” murmured Harry, stepping closer. “I had forgotten that I still had those… ” he said, holding out a hand as if expecting Draco to just give him back the string of pictures like it was nothing.
“Had you?” enquired Draco, moving his hand a little more out of reach.
“Is something wrong?” asked Harry, brows furrowed.
“Oh, no,” replied Draco, sarcasm dripping from every syllable. “You just keep pictures of your ex secretly hidden with those of your family and friends!”
“Secretly hidden?” mumbled Harry, more to himself than Draco. “Draco, I didn't mean to hide them from you, it's just that I'm a very private person and… ”
“And what?”
“And nothing, look, I'm sorry that I never showed them to you… I just… ”
“You just what?!” exclaimed Draco, jerking back as Harry made to touch his shoulder.
“… didn't think you would want to see them,” mumbled Harry, barely audible, looking down at his shoes.
Draco's heart contorted painfully. “Because I'm a shallow prat who doesn't care, is that what you think of me?” he shrilled.
Harry looked up, a genuine expression of surprise and concern on his face. “No, because most of those people are dead. I didn't want to put that on you,” he said, looking like he meant it.
A scornful voice in Draco's head, however, made him snap: “So you don't think I would be able to bear it? I'm sure you showed your perfect little girlfriend all of them, though, had a good cry on her shoulder… ”
“Is that the problem?” asked Harry, blinking. “Ginny? Draco, I never showed her those pictures, in fact, I've never shown them to anyone. I thought… Draco, are you jealous?”
Draco felt blood rush up to his cheeks and averted his gaze.
“Draco,” he heard Harry murmur, followed by a tentative footstep in his direction. “You silly git. I didn't hide those pictures from you because Ginny is in them. I didn't hide them at all… I just never showed them to you because I didn't want to sadden you when it wasn't necessary. Like I said, I had forgotten that I still had that photo booth string.” Another footstep. Draco would've asked what the hell a photo booth was, but his voice didn't seem to be working at the moment. “Draco, look at me,” Harry whispered, slipping one finger underneath his chin.
Draco slowly lifted his head and…thump! They both landed straight on the bed, Harry on top of Draco. Harry let out a hiss in parseltongue (he was probably cursing), which went straight to Draco's groin. “What the hell, Harry?!” protested Draco, staring at him in disbelief.
“Sorry,” he giggled, “I tripped.” He snickered some more. “It's not how I planned this to go,” he said, “but definitely how I wanted to end up,” he added, wiggling his eyebrows. Draco huffed like an annoyed cat and glared, despite the sudden departure of the monster in his stomach.  "Draco," called Harry, taking his chin between his thumb and forefinger to lock their eyes. "Is everything okay now? You know that you don't have to be jealous of Ginny, that relationship was very naive and it just didn't work. We're still friends, though, so I didn't throw the pictures away. I'm a very private person, like I said, and you know it full well. I didn't see a reason to show you those pictures, simple as. There wasn't any malicious thought process behind it. Do you believe me?" Draco muttered something that could've been interpreted as a yes. “Now,” continued Harry with a mischievous grin. “Is that your wand that I can feel pressed against my thigh or are you just happy to see me?”
“I hate you,” muttered Draco under his breath, but a small dimple forming at the corner of his lips betrayed him.
“Love you too,” countered Harry, placing a small kiss right on the insubordinate dimple. Draco's lips quirked up of their own volition, which was all the invitation Harry needed to capture them for a deep kiss. Draco let out an involuntary sigh of discontent when Harry's mouth parted from his own, but the feeling of it on his jaw immediately shut him up. Harry worked his way down from Draco's neck to his collarbones, hands expertly skimming down Draco's body to untie his bathrobe. Draco was now left  nearly naked under a fully clothed Harry and this, he thought, was most unfair.
He flipped them over in one rapid movement, Harry now laughing underneath him and letting his gaze linger over Draco's exposed figure unashamedly. Draco's fingers found the buttons of Harry's shirt and made short work of those as well as his belt. He pushed Harry's trousers and boxers down to his knees and Harry did the rest, shimmying them off. “Now, that's better,” declared Draco, letting himself drop on the bed next to Harry, who wasted no time in climbing on top of him again, hungrily kissing, biting and licking up his torso, one hand wandering down to tease Draco's erection. He drew in a sharp breath when Harry's fingers gently wrapped around the base of his cock, lightly brushing up the length with torturous slowness.
Draco's own fingertips found Harry's hair down around his cock and curled up in there, just the way he knew drove Harry crazy.
The other reacted immediately, tightening his grip around Draco and starting to slide his hand up and down his shaft. Draco obediently responded in the same way, flicking his thumb on the tip, eliciting a delicious sound from Harry, which he soon devoured in a heated kiss.
His free hand roamed up Harry's back to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, while Harry gripped the sheets next to Draco's head with a low moan. No words were needed as Harry backed away and reached for the lube in their nightstand. He soon returned to Draco, offering the little jar with a smirk. Draco smirked back, opened it and dipped in two fingers, casting a quick wandless warming spell.
Harry's head nestled in the crook of Draco's neck as he carefully inserted a finger inside of him, then another one. He curled them a couple times, recognising Harry's squirm when he found his prostate. When Harry's panting turned to whimpering, Draco knew that he was ready. He gently slid into Harry and the other was soon rocking back against him, small pleas of: “More, harder, faster,” mixed with parseltongue escaping him at certain points. Then Harry propped himself up on Draco's chest, eyes closed, starting to stiffen.
Draco observed the wonder that was his boyfriend, shamelessly riding him like that, biting his lip every time Draco hit that spot inside of him. “Like that, Draco, just like that,” he cried and opened his eyes. Emerald melted into silver.
“Harry, ” squeaked Draco, tensing... and then they were both coming, chanting each other's names and producing inarticulate sounds of pleasure.
“Mister Malfoy, mister Potter,” said the concierge, showing them to their table.
“Thank you,” replied Harry, holding out the chair for Draco to sit on. “And once again sorry we're late, I… uhm… got held up at work.”
“No worries,” reassured the man. With a slight bow he was gone.
“I got held up at work,” mocked Draco, grabbing Harry's hand and intertwining their fingers.
“Git,” bit back Harry, caressing Draco's hand with his thumb. “Would you rather I tell him what we were actually doing?”
“I wouldn't mind,” replied Draco, one eyebrow arched. Harry gave him a light kick under the table. “Watch it, you insufferable prat!”
“Aww, I love it when you call me names!”
“Is everything okay?” asked a concerned waiter, holding out a bottle.
“Yeah,” tutted Draco.
“Don't mind us,” added Harry, politely accepting the wine. He poured some to both himself and Draco and raised his glass. “Ferret,” he said.
“Scarhead,” responded Draco, clinking the edge of the glasses. Harry chuckled. "To us," he toasted.
"To us," echoed Draco. They both took a sip.
"Happy Valentine’s day," said Harry, delicately kissing Draco's knuckles, where their fingers were still intertwined. His gaze dropped for a split second, caught by the sparkling of their matching rings.
Want to see more? Check the “dralentine’s day” tag or head over to dralentines-day.tumblr.com!
Happy Dralentine’s Day!
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