#probably Felix is Sylvain's bestie
thegardenerknight · 1 year
Gautier Ranch
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Miklan's farm.
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isan0rt · 9 months
I feel like I need to make a fucking chart for how the Blue Lions Polycule works in my head…
But that would be too much work so I guess I'm just posting a list.
Monogamous, married to Dimitri (emotionally and spiritually if not legally)
Understands Dimitri is poly tho, is okay with this. Legitimately is not jealous or threatened by Dimitri's other romantic feelings elsewhere.
Platonic besties with Ashe, Annette, and Mercedes
Married to Dedue (emotionally and spiritually if not legally), primary partner, Would Not Be Okay if they were separated (seriously, This Is A Set, Do Not Separate).
Deep romantic affection towards Felix since they were itty bitty
First crush was Glenn, oh boy that makes things extra complicated
Purely platonic with Sylvain and Ingrid (and the other Lions tbh)
Probably did hook up with Sylvain one time but it was weird so they decided never to speak of it again
Ace but not aro, VERY low libido, only interested in sex if the planets align correctly and extremely easy to turn back off even in that case
It's Complicated with Dimitri (romantic affection since they were itty bitty, Complicated Feelings Abound, painfully jealous of Dedue but won't admit it)
Romantic relationships with both Sylvain and Annette
The one with Sylvain is Intensely Weird, the one with Annette is wholesome AF.
Incredibly weird and intense romantic relationship with Felix (he has Faerghus Gender Hangups)
Also in a serious relationship with Ingrid, somehow (it's D/s, he subs)
He's incredibly demi and is not romantically attracted to anyone who's not his childhood friend
Dimitri would be weird tho, tried it once, it was weird, never again
Serious relationship with Sylvain, no she doesn't know how that happened either
(it's because she is demiromantic and only emotionally attracted to Deeply Enmeshed Old Friends but Felix and Dimitri would be weird so that leaves Sylvain) (She doms him) (it's REALLY kinky) (They're both really into it)
Otherwise attracted to women but in a ‘Chivalrous Knight who then gets topped by beautiful women’ kind of way (she is a pillow princess when hooking up with women) (it's the sexual repression)
Casual sexual relationship with Mercedes (and also Dorothea if she's around)
Aromantic, she is married to the church
Bisexual tho with a female lean, casual sexual relationship with Ingrid (and also if she's around, more intense relationship with Constance)
Bambi lesbian queerplatonic cuddlemance with Annette
Platonic besties with Dedue
Primary partner is Felix
Queerplatonic cuddlemance with Mercedes
She would also be willing to hook up with Ingrid except they both bottom with other women so it never works out
Also platonic besties with Dedue
He's there but not actually dating anyone else in the polycule
Little crush on Dedue and Ingrid but because they are Ideal Knights, no actual desire to act on this
Cat Dads with Caspar who is otherwise not even part of this polycule
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three-duck-houses · 1 year
@fe-oc-week Day 2 - Relationships
Nico has several relationships with characters before she meets the Lords in Remire, including her family, the Troupe, Lady Daphnel, Byleth, Jeralt, Shez, and Leonie. She then develops more throughout the school year (Hilda, Claude, Raphael, Caspar, Sylvain, Felix, Flayn, and Seteth)
(This got loooooooooooooooong and kinda rambly, I'm sorry<_<;;; )
Her family:
There's her maman Mali, her sister Cassida (Cassi, Mali's daughter), uncle Perry and aunt Helan, her cousin Ryan, and Gramps and Gramma Eisner. Also her Mamani (Mali's mother), uncle Rafa, and cousins Rizeti and Kota in Almyra who they lived with while they were there. She adores them all and will do anything and everything she can to make sure they're all happy and healthy and safe, even things she normally hates, like murder. And lying
The Troupe:
The Portia Performers Troupe is a group of about 90 people who split into 4 travelling groups plus those who stay at "base camp" to help make props and costumes and look after those who are too old young or injured to travel. Nico had plenty of "cousins" to play with while growing up, since most children stay at camp to be raised communally by those who stay behind until they're old enough to not be in danger or pull their own weight on the road. She adores her extended family, and will always try her best to keep them safe and happy. Especially those who she grew up with, and she has something of a flirty banter type relationship with them, since that's just what they're like? (Being able to read and flirt with people is a good skill to have when you're hoping they'll throw money your way)
Lady Daphnel:
Nico admires and respects Lady Daphnel a lot, and is extremely grateful for everything she's done to help her family since they came back to Fodlan. Including giving them a place to stay and helping them all find jobs, especially her (since she'd never planned on bringing a wyvern back with her, which sort of got in the way of her vague plans on joining the troupe since she'd never be able to afford Kilani's food if she did)
She's loyal to Lady Daphnel, placing her interests a very close second place after her family's, and strives to live up to the faith her Lady has placed in her when she was made a personal messenger for Lady Daphnel... and entrusted with collecting spy reports from around Fodlan since she can carry messages much more securely and quickly than other messengers and methods, since she can magic the winds to make Kilani fly faster
Nico loves spending time with Byleth no matter what they end up doing, whether that's fishing, cleaning and mending things around the camp, cooking together, sparring, or Nico telling stories she'd learned while travelling. Her "cousin" might not say much, but anything she does say is well worth listening to. She's found Byleth has become a little more expressive over the 4 years she's known her, that or Nico has simply gotten better at noticing the tiny changes in expression and body language Byleth makes, but either way, Nico is right more often than not at guessing what Byleth is thinking, and putting whatever that is into words
She's worried about Byleth being at the academy, since when she healed Byleth a while ago she found the giant lump of rock embedded in her heart, and Jeralt ended up telling them both about what happened with Byleth's birth since it was probably related to the rock. But besides being nearby in case anything happens, she'll follow Byleth's wishes and try to not make too much of a fuss while they're here
Shez is her bestie, pretty much the first friend she ever made who wasn't in some way related to her. She kind of treats him like she does her troupe cousins, but also kinda doesn't, since he can relate to the fighting bandits and monsters aspect of her life more than her extended family can, who can only relate to the constantly moving around part
They're very relaxed and casual with each other, and always found something or other to talk about when they ran into each other
At one point, Nico asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend to help her get out of a potential arranged marriage meeting her Mamani had been asked to set up, and he thought the idea of someone wanting to marry her without having met her hilarious, so agreed to go to the meeting with her. The plan worked, and he enjoyed meeting Mamani and trying a bunch of Almyran foods, so when she needed his help again he agreed, and kept agreeing to the point they swapped from pretend-boyfriend to pretend-fiance
(Neither of them are the least little bit interested in each other like that though. Shez is pretty much in it at this point for the home cooked food and Mamani doting on him and calling him a handsome young man)
She got Shez to join the Blade Breaker crew after the run in between them and Berling's lot, since she pointed out that it was kinda just business gone bad, Berling's crew hadn't had to die if she hadn't been trying to kill them, and, well, he doesn't have anywhere else he needs to be/can go? And also please don't keep trying to kill Byleth, as much as she does adore Shez, making people pick between two options never really goes well for the person pushing the choice...
Leonie is Nico's other bestie, and her first and only real "normal" friend she has until she starts at the academy, since everyone else is either "family" or Shez, who's a constantly moving merc
Nico has a somewhat flirty attitude towards Leonie, because it's what she defaults to when not using her suck-up-to-nobles manners, and Leonie has either never noticed or never cared and has thus never asked her to tone it down or stop
She loves spending time with her since she always knows where she stands with Leonie, and any arguments tend to be over silly things, like if Nico really has to keep practicing archey till she hits the damn target please Leonie please let me stop I've been shooting this damn bow for half a bloody hour please
Nico sort of knew Hilda before she meets her at the academy, because she knows Holst from delivering letters and stopping by the Locket on her way to and from visiting her family in Almyra, and Holst had asked her to buy various jewellery supplies from the markets
She thinks Hilda is nice enough--as nobles go--at first, but quickly catches on to her lazy tendencies. She's happy enough to let things go and pick up Hilda's slack, since she is just a commoner who hasn't paid for her place here like others have after all.
After Nico knocks Hilda out of the way of an attack and gets a nasty axe wound to her arm, Hilda starts trying a little harder to get to know her, and when she realises just how socially awkward Nico is with people who aren't Byleth, Shez, and Leonie, she sort of takes Nico under her wing, and teach her the other forms that friendships can take
Nico's relationship with Claude is... complicated
It starts off pretty badly when she gets upset he let her babble on about how great Oswald, no, sorry, she means Lord Rei-damnit all, Duke Reigan is, without stopping her or telling her he's his grandson. And then he gets very suspicious and wary of her when she tells Byleth and Jeralt in Almyran that she can get enough money to bribe the three lords to pretend they didn't see the crew, since some guy has been pestering her uncle to get her to find the youngest Prince who's not been seen in over a year, and offering her a literal Prince's ransom for her trouble...
His opinion starts to change when she takes an arrow in the back of her shoulder in the classes first mission. And then when she gets poisoned while keeping him safe from an assassin. And then when Judith tells him that she trusts Nico, so even if he can't trust her himself can he trust her judgement?
She stops being mad at him pretty quickly, but by that point he's wary, and then by the time he's started to open up to her, she's put him pretty firmly in the "employer I must keep safe" mental folder, so she feels pretty conflicted about if she can or should befriend him or not
At least, whether she should while they're here at the academy. After he's graduated and she's not being (sort of) paid to look after him, anything's possible
Raphael and Caspar:
Her training buddies! When taking the weapon proficiency exams when she enrolled, Nico demonstrated that she knew some hand to hand combat. But it's vastly different to what is taught for Brawling. And both Raphael and Caspar wanted to spar against her to try and pick some of it up
So every week they get together and work through some of the exercises she uses, and she's slowly teaching them some of the other "fun" things she can do, like floating push ups, and handstand push ups, and how to jump half your height from standing, and tight rope walking
She likes them both a lot, since like with Leonie, she pretty much always knows where she stands with them, and they're both great to train with since they're both really encouraging, and take feedback well
Sylvain reminds her a lot of one of her troupe cousins, and she unintentionally treats him as such... flirty banter and all
After a conversation in which Nico spells out that she has no real interest in dating him, flirting is just fun sometimes coz it's nice to make people feel good about themselves, and Gautier is kinda far and too fucking freezing for her to want to visit him at regularly, Sylvain realises that she honestly does like him for him, and doesn't want any of the things he assumes most girls do
They fall into a tentative friendship, blurred a little because Nico runs cold and Sylvain runs warm and she has odd definitions of personal space, which get worse later in the year because reasons, but mean she'll sometimes sit on his lap and wrap herself around him under his jacket to try and warm up, which he's kinda fine with so long as Seteth won't yell at him for it?
At first she got on ok with Felix, he was fun to spar with and she got to demonstrate a wide variety of fighting styles to keep him on his toes with. But then after an incident on her dead mother's birthday where he wouldn't take the hint to stop asking her to spar, and she lashed out at him, accusing him of being the insatiable Blue Lion who won't take a girls no for an answer, the somewhat friendly rivalry disappears in smoke
It takes several weeks after her heartfelt and public apology before he'll look at her again, at which point he grudgingly admits she had a point, now shut up and teach him how she does that dance move he saw her do, it looks like it'll be useful for fighting
So things become kinda ok between them.
He sometimes joins her Raphael and Caspar for the "odd" training, and she gets him to walk the tightrope, saying it's good dexterity practice
(she just wants an excuse to throw things at him and try to knock him down)
Nico knows pretty much from the moment she meets them that they aren't human, because she's got a spell tattooed around her eyes that lets her see magic that she kinda can't turn off (long story), and their internal magic flow is very much not the same as everyone else's. Only matched by Rhea's, really. And kinda similar to what's around Byleth's heart rock... hmm
She makes an effort to spend time with Flayn when she sees she's alone, because while she's heard about how protective Seteth is, she also knows how lonely it is to be alone while surrounded by people. She keeps conversations to safe topics at first, but soon discovers that Flayn is an absolute treasure trove of stories she hasn't heard before, and is more than happy to trade stories with her that she'd learned on her travels.
Seteth is unimpressed with her at first, partly because of the fact they'd had to let Nico join the academy in order for Byleth to stay (Byleth was going to refuse if Nico and Shez couldn't stay for the year too), and partly because she was openly spending time with Flayn
But after Nico tries to prevent Flayns abduction, and then pushes her magic beyond its limits and severely injures herself while getting Flayn back, he mellows slightly towards her, both because he feels he owes her something of a debt, but also because he sees Nico honestly does care for Flayn
It makes the tail end of the year rather interesting =3
There are a few other relationships I could possibly mention, like the also complicated ones she has with Dimitri and Edelgard, but I'm going to call it there, because this is already way too long as it is <__<;;
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targentis · 5 months
- What's your favorite character arc?
- What's your favorite details you noticed about the game?
- What's your favorite character design?
- Do you have any hcs/things you'd like about less popular characters ( the church staff, students like Raphael or Caspar, random npc )
- Idk if you particularly care about shipping, but do you have any rarepair? ( Ok, tbh that one is because of your Rodrigue fic because it was delightful. And because I saw you liked Ferdinand/Dimitri- )
- Do you have any hcs around the characters family? ( This one might also be because of your Rodrigue fic- )
- ALSO is there any platonic dynamic, especially less popular, that you care about?
- Group dynamic too! I'm pretty sure your favorite is the blue lions, but is there anything particular you enjoy/notice about the houses? ( including the Church staff! And it can consider recruits too, as well as either pre or post time-skip )
- This one is a bit cheessy but is there any song you associate with three houses in some way?
( Sorry I know it looks a bit like an interview, feel free to only answer the question you want! And I might not like/reblog your answer bc I'm shy but I'll garantee you that I will have read it! Thanks you if you decided to answer :) )
wowa sure i’ll answer all these why not HDSNDJSN
gotta say dimitri has my favorite character arc 💪💪💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥👆👆👆 they literally gave him a trauma recovery arc and it wasn’t even bad. we love the psychotic rep in this game 💪💪💪💪 the healing 💥💥💥💥💥💥 the sexy also 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
oogh. this is a Hard One. all the character design in this game slaps so hard. i’ll probably have to say post timeskip Edelgard takes the cake for me though because like…that headdress…the gravitas of the whole getup…never seen anything like it before
I LOVE CORNELIA 💥💥💥💥💥💥 i know i already talked about my trans headcanon for her but like genuinely…..she is so fascinating to me…what is trans Agarthan culture like…one must wonder…
LMAO the Rodrigue fic was a commission but i am a Rodriguela supporter forever 🫡🫡🫡 other than that yeah i like Diminand (but i’m a Cymitri truther and Yes this counts as a rarepair to me), Ashelix, whatever Ferdinand and Felix is called but Specifically as exes…i think that’s it off the top of my head. i also ship Cornelia with Valter from Sacred Stones but that’s a whole nother can of worms
OUUUU tbh i think All of my family hcs came out in that one Felix fic that everyone sleeps on HDBSBDJS i just i just i love thinking about Glenn……..and what would happen if Felix just went to therapy ONCE……… Rodrigue is a good father idc what anyone says
yes i think we were robbed of Claude and Hubert supports and i’ll die on this hill. they would have been such incredible worsties. i also really like Lorenz and Ferdinand as the most insufferable friends on the planet. and Annette and Dimitri have such cute supports that i never hear anyone talk about…faerghus four my ass, Annette is Dimitri’s REAL sibling figure ‼️ speaking of the faerghus four i hate that dynamic. Dedue and Dimitri have thee most beautiful friendship and ppl want me to believe he has a comparable relationship with the snotty rich kids he grew up with? get real. that being said Felix and Sylvain have that Exact lasting childhood bond that everyone seems to want Dimitri to have with the rest of them so. i like those two as besties i have a lot of feelings about that.
its so interesting that the Blue Lions come off as my favorite group dynamic because like…i gotta say they’re probably my least favorite as a group AKDKSNSKSA i LOVE the Black Eagles for this. (i am totally neutral on the Golden Deer. i have like zero opinions on them and i am sorry 😔) specifically though i think what gets me about the Black Eagles is that they have this…communal vibe, i guess? it makes it easy to imagine them all like hanging out with each other even though they all have such STRONG personalities. the Blue Lions…i just get the sense that they’re not all very compatible with each other if that makes sense??? it feels like i’m at an awkward family dinner every time i see them all together. it could just be that i like almost all the BE whereas there are quite a few BL i strongly dislike HHDBWNDN because recruiting my faves makes this less unbearable. also i fucking love the church staff…i especially love how supportive all the professors are of each other, and how Byleth really feels like they have a community around them while working at Garreg Mach… Gatekeeper i love you………
yes i do actually and it’s PVP by Amaranthe. i don’t actually know WHY that song makes me think of this game, the lyrics aren’t really applicable, but i have such a vivid animatic in my head every time i hear it so there you have it.
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saviourkingslut · 8 months
Idk if the last ask was sent but CURRY MY GUY IT'S CHOOSE YOUR LEGENDS TIME who are you gonna vote for and what are your predictions!! ☺️☺️☺️
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bestie you came through the first time no worries, i applaud your sheer enthusiasm tho
hmm predictions are a little challenging bc this is the first time engage will be added to the roster and im having a hard time gauging the popularity of its units. it's decently popular afaik but since it came out almost a year ago and didn't really generate that much lasting discussion (ahem lmao) i feel like a lot of the hype has kind of died down. but at least im decently certain that none of the new feh units aren't going to sweep like last time adfasdf
in any case, i think on the men's side, diamant and alcryst are probably going to be top options. looking at the results from previous years, felix has been a consistent top 5 placer, (got 3rd twice, though he keeps getting overtaken by units that previously placed below him like robin and soren), and m!byleth also tends to have pretty solid placing in upper top 10. however, the past two years sigurd has been steadily climbing the ranks, and what with 3h fatigue and sigurd being a pretty popular lord overall, i can see it ending up being an engage character and sigurd in the end.
on the women's side, bernadetta has placed 3rd three times during the past four cyl editions, so she's got a solid chance. however, ivy's enduring popularity might just make her shoot to the no. 1 spot. and there's always hilda and azura, who consistently place high and are both popular units in feh that sell well (i.e. they have a lot of alts). i don't think timerra will place 1st or 2nd but she might place top 10.
as for my own votes i'll probably go for my standard 3x sylvain, 2x felix again. i think felix honestly deserves to get his brave alt for being such a popular unit year after year and bc he can be such a powerhouse in 3h, while his base alt in feh was a distinctly whelming sword infantry no. 252. and sylvain is one of my personal favourites, who, despite also having placed top 10 the past two years, has been shafted twice (mid summer demote, very mid cav axe (???) demote). please give him a good alt im begging.
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claude: if I didn’t like edelgard as much as I do and he wasn’t wearing yellow he would absolutely be my first choice I love this guy. he’s silly!!!
lorenz: good HEAVENS what is that haircut. also your middle name is ‘Hellman’ which is concerning.
a ‘ladies man’ according to Claude. hm
raphael: big guy!!! he looks cool :]
ah jeez his parents are dead… poor guy I wanna give him a hug
leonie: I like her design!! and she’s jeralt’s apprentice, ooo….
interesting ability, too! she does more damage if a male unit is next to her. neat!
hilda: she looks cool! not sure if I’ll add her tho since I’ve already got edelgard as an axe unit
lazy, apparently. the part with Claude sharing how her picture wouldn’t be next to the word ‘lazy’ in the dictionary because she wouldn’t get around to submitting it was funny
marianne: someone please get this girl a towel she looks like a sad wet cat
might try to add her to my house for the sole reason because I really want to be her friend so that haunted look in her eyes will go away. bestie are you ok
lysethia: ooo I really like how she looks… might try to get her to join my house
she has double skill experience too!!!!!! I like her a lot besties get outta that house!!!!!!! can I trade caspar for her
ignatz: lil guy…. just a lil fella…
edelgard: ELDY MY BEST FRIEND EDELGARD I LIKE HER A LOT she’s pretty she wears red she has an axe her house is the black eagles what’s not to love.
bernadetta: I’ve known this girl for five seconds and I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her
ferdinand: ‘legitimate’ son? I know that probably has some kind of medieval meaning but it’s funny to think the first thing he says is ‘I’m the REAL son of the Aegir family I SWEAR you HAVE TO BELIEVE ME’
not even Edelgard likes him. I’m iffy on this guy
hubert: oh that’s a malicious guy. I like him already what kind of shenanigans does he get up to
her hair is very cool and she can use axes???????? I already adore her
caspar: he is. there.
no outstanding opinions. he’s just a dude
linhardt: his first line of dialouge is ‘Linhardt. Good-bye.’ so he’s already piqued my interest. what’s this guy’s deal
he only wants to do tasks that interest him and take naps, according to edelgard. a man after my own heart
dorothea: I like her design! she’s pretty :3
she can heal adjacent allies too, apparently! she’s gonna be a mainstay I can already tell
dmitri: least favorite house leader. idk I just. dont like him. he looks annoying.
sylvain: cool hair but he immediatly started hitting on me as soon as I started talking to him so he’s already losing points
a ‘skirt chaser’ according to dmitri so. yeah least favorite student here so far
mercedes: mercie bestie join the black eagles these blue lion shmucks don’t deserve you
she looks SO nice I need to hug her this instant. holding her gently
annnette: she has cool hair! I like the lil rings
she also apparently caused a kitchen explosion so I like her already
ingrid: ingrid!!!! she looks nice!!
no weaknesses according to her info screen! that’s correct for she is perfect
felix: ok i need to beat this guy up IMMEDIATELY he challenged me and I can’t take that lying down. draw your sword pretty boy
I would absolutely enjoy a friendly competition with him so I can wipe that smug gosh darn grin off his face. I like him!
ashe: yet another little guy to the pile! he has silver hair so I’m already a little interested
OOO HE HAS LOCKPICK ok he might be good after all
alois: I know I ragged on him for his shoulder spike but I like him! I like his voice and he just seems nice :]
seteth: he certainly is A Guy. no outstanding opinions on him. mildly suspicious of him due to the sheer fact that he works with rhea. speaking of-
rhea: I do NOT trust her. jeralt literally told me to keep my guard up around her so I’m not trusting her for a second.
gatekeeper: he does a very good job of watching the entrance. keep it up pal I’m rooting for you
jeralt: sword dad!!!! he’s soso cool
hanneman: the scholar! not sure what else to say about him except he’s cool
manuela: not really sure what to put for here and hanneman since you already got my first impressions of them. she is certainly there.
jeritza: ooo mask guy…. whats his story…
If you keep up this Lorenz, Ferdinand and Seteth slander then I will block you /j
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
(Nutjob anon)
Everyone simping after Tighnari or Haitham, and then there's me, going feral because FELIXFELIXFELIXFELIX MY BELOVED FELIX SNFJEJJEVGRRRRRR this chapter's insults were endorsed by Felix. Not a lot of boars, but the vibe was there so it's a win for me! I would nominate him as possible next underboss... but we both know that that's a bad idea lmao.
And since you are adding 3h characters, ai have a feeling Childe and Sylvain could be good friends! ... Only for them to talk trash behind the other's back ("I swear! His personality is so fake. How come you can stand him?")
And I'll also like to raise you: Linhardt and Tighnari being friends: Green, sassy, doesn't care for titles and only his research? Yes, they'd be very good friends.
I am also getting Lysithea vibes from the capo: wanting to do a lot but little time, and everyone needs to give them a vibe check for that attitude lol I hope Barbara can smack some sense into them, because I can't help but think that capo is also operating under the "there's nothing more terrifying than a man who has nothing left to lose". Yes, they are fighting for their men, but they personally don't care about what might happen to them, so we better watch out that sanity meter, or else the capo will turn into the real hazard all along the way.
And dunno Ansy, I know you want to help us with hinting that bringing Cyno is bad, but the one that I don't trust is Haitham lmao Cyno said it himself: don't kill Tighnari. Even if what he did makes his blood boil, at least he is conscious enough to first get the cure. But Haitham is quite prideful, so maybe he'll come with some shit that he is the only one we need and he can always steal what Tighnari have done and finish it. After all, the main point is to cure you, right? Anything else is expendable. And maybe having Cyno there might help him clarify some questions he might have.
I don't like how autorithive Haitham is, with ordering us to leave (even if it was good for us). That means he has no reservations in misleading us if what we are doing doesn't go with his agenda. So with Tighnari, someone who is... somewhat on the same ground as him in terms of research, he might not think as your underboss but as an academic rival when acting.
Anyways, angst hurts me but boy that I will spin that death wheel with gusto 😎
HDIAOAOAK I TRY MY BEST TO MAKE THE FE:TH CHARACTERS SUBTLE HERE (that very much failed with dimitri cause first off I'm a simp and second it's weird if the reader doesn't grieve for at least one chapter lol) SO I CAN'T MAKE FELIX THE UNDERBOSS EVEN IF I WANT TO 😭😭 (i actually added him in cuz I thought of you lolol)
(kazuha was almost the underboss tho but Alhaitham won lol)
I think not a lot of genshin players are major FE:TH fans so I gotta be real sneaky with the characters lol... But that sylvain idea 🤔🤔🤔 considering childe's whole comical side story with lumine rn I could invite mister steal your girl for some dumb sht lol. Lindhart is a rather european name so I could have him as another one of Focalor's people ehe, though he'd probably ask for Tighnari to do his job for him cause he's too lazy–
AND YES LYSITHEA AND CAPO WOULD HAVE BEEN BESTIES 😭😭😭 THEY'D UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND THEY'D PROBABLY FEEL LESS ALONE USIAOWO THESE POOR PEOPLE– the difference between the two of them is that lysithea always feels like she's being looked down on like a kid while the capo feels like they have too many burdens to bear– making these two vent to one another would probably be therapeutic for them ;;----;;;
My two au's right now both have nothing left to lose vibes, although capo!reader has that a lot less than our unhinged hyshum!reader. The only thing holding them back is that some of their men are still alive. They do care, it's just that they don't want to overthink:
These men have families, wives, husbands, children– what would become of them if they recklessly charged for revenge? There's no need to drag these people into nonsensical slaughter. It's your problem Capo, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. And it's selfish to make them die for you when they have a better reason for living.
Their conscience won't allow it.
These type of thoughts just pull them back. It's all true, of course, their reasoning is sound but it is suffocating. Hence, most of their inner turmoil are repressed.
Oh and don't get me wrong! I respect your choices for bringing Cyno along– I love the chaos. I'm just tryina warn those certain simps that "something bad is about to happen to you and you should definitely question what happens of one of them dies-"
Or you know, I may be misleading everyone because I want a bad ending.
: )
Since when was I known for writing happy endings for my fics? Ehehehehehehehehehhehehehehheheheehehehehhehehehehhe–
And oh my darling nutjob anon...
Both Cyno and Alhaitham want to take credit for your cure. That's one of the many things that made these three idiot's truce work.
Alhaitham is authoritative, no doubt about that, but he respects you a ton. He could've done something stupid like kidnap you or try to remove you from being a Capo– but he'd rather spend some (very limited) time with you as someone you won't forget this time, (N/n).
You can consider Cyno the one with the "hidden agenda" because he's loyal to the church. He considers it his personal blessing that he was the one assigned to monitor you. Cyno is a very lonely person here. He is very prone to making idealized versions of you that fits his imaginations, and fortunately for him the Cardinals acknowledge his devotion to his missionary works.
And then there's our used-to-be-Innamorati-Familia's-informant, Professor Tighnari.
"The main point is to cure you, everything else is expendable." is exactly the dangerous mindset he is on. We'll get to him soon! It's about time he sees his Capo again!
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jackienautism · 1 year
hi again!! no worries at all :) take your time replying lol, i know these updates are usually like. long. and your replies are so detailed! so i get it.
as for my initial confusion with the support system, it was kind of... everything? that i didn't really get at first? it was easier to find a system with byleth where i was getting supports quickly once i figured everything out, vs getting supports with the other characters was a little trickier.
dorothea and sylvain's supports were.... actually pretty good imo? i enjoyed their a support. their paired ending wasn't awful either, but idk. i think i'd just rather pair them with different people. as for ingrid, YEAH, i intentionally didn't get her to a support with anyone besides byleth bc i'm pretty sure the only characters she had paired endings with who i had recruited were felix and sylvain. and i was not doing that.
ferdie and hubert are good!! and MAN caspar and petra's supports..... SO good definitely recommend getting those. i liked their ending fine, but the supports were definitely a highlight and idk if i could do a playthrough without getting them. so interesting. next playthrough (where i'm planning on getting the dorothea and petra paired ending) i'm probably gonna get these two to a support again as well.
and YAYY i love supports between the girls they're sooo good it makes me so mad that so many of them only go to b support!! at least the ones i was getting last playthrough. but i'm v excited to see petra's and dorothea's. and YAY petra in a tree. i love that.
YEAH i thinkk my "recruit everyone possible" route is gonna be. CF. because in that route you can spare hilda and claude, who i like, and if i have to pick between killing dedue and dimitri or killing edie and hubert.... well. i like dedue but it's an easy choice.
yeah i played through marianne's paralogue!! definitely enjoyed it and it very much elevated her to my favorite non-eagle character last playthrough lol. i'm soo excited to see more of her!!
and ty for the class thoughts!! yeah increased mobility is good, i think i'll probably try putting at least more of my units on mounts this time around, but who knows. i like coming at battles and leveling from a character perspective, sometimes to the detriment of actual strategy, but it's fun at least, so. we'll see!
so. i've given little update on my playthrough because i. haven't really played that much. instead, i missed the eagles sooo bad that i convinced my brother to play and hoped he would pick the eagles (he did) so now i've been watching him play (and in true older sibling fashion. sometimes taking the remote and playing for him. just a little bit. it is my switch.) anyway! i now understand how you felt a little because i'm sooo worried he's not gonna side with edie. i've been subtly sprinkling in anti-church of seiros comments to influence his choices LMAOO. im also sooo sad he doesn't really like bernie or hubert </33 his favorites right now are petra and edie though which is good taste. and he also likes caspar and dorothea a lot.
i'm finding on a replay that i am so much more fond of ferdinand than i was my first time around. i didn't realize just how much he had grown on me until i was back at the start and everytime he speaks im like. omg that's my friend ferdinand von aegir. LMAO. still not gonna recruit him on my VW playthrough but it is absolutely gonna murder me not to lol.
anyway! i do plan on playing more VW today. i'm very excited about claude LOL. and i feel a little less distraught about betraying my eagle besties when i'm simultaneously watching a playthrough where that (hopefully) won't happen.
have a good one :)
HIII oh im glad then, i appreciate you saying that! and i love how long your updates are, it rly shows to me how much you care and thats so epic 2 me... thank YOU for taking the time to write these out for me!!!!
mm i see i see. i guess it makes sense that it was easier to get supports w/ byleth since that's like. the main character. and you basically get support points (????) from doing basically.... everything. like the instructing characters individually and even just choosing the correct dialogue choice during explore? it gets you support points or whatever so i can def see that being easier than getting stuff between 2 other characters. its esp annoying since w/ the others you mainly gotta do thw whole like... these characters must be in range of the same enemy unit to get the lil hearts (support points) during battle. and that can get tedious and like i said. annoying. and besides that... you have to eat a meal w/ them or do choir practice to boost support between the 2. which. can only occur so many times per explore. and that also requires you TO explore during free days. which also can only occur so often per month. hopefully that makes sense? dfknf i dont rly know where I was going w/ this. but anyway glad you understand what's going on w/ the supports a bit more now! good luck getting the endings you want this time around!!!! AND THE TEA TIMES TOO.... I TOTALLY FORGOT ABT THOSE.... butyeah youre right theres def a lot more that can be done to get byleth supports w/ the characters
well thats good! i still have yet to see them... gonna try and get all the supports between the black eagles this crimson flower run then do another where i get the supports between the BE and other characters! if that makes sense. and yeah fair enough, do you have any preferences for who you pair them with btw :o? DFJNGDFG YEAH OKAY SO IT WAS PROB INGRID WHO I WAS THINKING OF... its like. this girl has a legitimate fear over only marrying someone just to have kids . just to further her crest's bloodline . or maybe im just making that up. BUT ANYWAY I DONT FEEL RIGHT PAIRING HER OFF W/ ANY GUY BC OF IT TBH!!!!! i rly like dher supports w/ ashe though... i thought they were rly cute, esp their A support. i dont understand why we can't A support her w/ any girl though. its so dumb !!!!! but in relation to her supports w/ felix, regarding their B support, if ANYONE, i dont care how long ive known them, told me to get married and have children or fucking whatever felix told ingrid i would SLAUGHTER someone. i get felix has a problem w/ the way she and other characters view being a knight and therefore the "knight mentality" but jesus christ............
FERDIE AND HUBIE ARE SO GOOD!!!!! i esp love the whole like tea / coffee thing... that was cute iirc. and okay boss !!!! ill def get caspar and petras supports! im def more interested in them now that you mentioned them :] do you plan to recruit caspar and petra durinf your VW playthrough? or do you still plan to do one BE and one BL? regardless have fun w/ them!!! and have fun w/ dorothea and petra's paired ending next run through<3
YEAAAAH THE GIRLS<3333 AND RIGHT???? ITS SO ANNOYING..... LIKE I GET THAT SOME ENDINGS ARENT EXPLICITLY ROMANTIC (like lysithea and raphael's iirc) BUT THE FACT WE CANT EVEN GET TO /SEE/ AN A SUPPORT IS SO ????????? PLEASE... NINTENDO AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS PLEASE TELL ME YOU CHANGED THAT IN ENGAGE...... i just want to see my bestie girl friends interact w/ each other without there being a guy involved is that too much to ask. which supports were you getting between girls last playthrough (eyeballs)? bc like... in previous games all characters w/ supports got to go up to A support.... just some (the ones between same sex characters :/) didnt have an S . which, im glad three houses changed that, in terms of same sex characters actually getting endings together, but sometinmes only having TWO supports between characters is sad
WOOOO CRIMSON FLOWER!!!!! but yeah makes sense.... i was gonna say that in azure moon you can recruit hilda but yeah id well rather not kill hubert and edie.... also did you have to fight dedue in his demonic beast form in CF? bc im pretty sure if you defeat him before he transforms, its left ambiguous whether he dies or not. or not. i cant remember much tbh. i jsut remembering getting a cutscene w/ a black screen of him talking to dimitri. BUT YEAH. ANYWAY. HAVE FUN DOING THAT RUN!!!!!! its nice to have all the best friends on your side
MARIANNE<3 oh inm so glad that you did her paralogue and whatnot! its going to be fun to see her interact more w/ her classmates. she's still mainly quiet during group discussions but she does talk every once in awhile! or maybe she speaks every tijme? i can't remember so dont take my word for it sorry. AND IM FGLAD TOHEAR THAT SHE WAS YOUR FAVE NON BLACK EAGLE FROM LAST PLAYTHROUGH!!! a win for marianne fans
and of course! im not an expert by any means but. thats just what ive experienced while playing and stuff. and by the coming at battles and leveling from a character perspectivve, you mean like. going down a route that you think best fits them right? if not, please let me know what you mean fdgjfg sorry. but either way, makes sense! obv go w/ whatever makes you the happiest :] bc thats what matters msot in games like this.... esp whe n theres jusr SO much you can do and accomplish
AND OHHHB THATS SO AWESOME DFKGDFGG the same actually happened w/ me!!!! thats so fuunny and cool! i got my brother to play after he watched me play a bit and gosh its so fun to watch someone else play. esp when they have the same general opinions as you (he also chose the black eagles and edie as his first route, but thats prob bc of my propaganda LOL) and ssame w/ the older sibling fashion,.... he makes me do all the class bullshit, and sometimes battling, but he's gotten a lot better as he played more! we've been meaning to play together again... hopefully soon! happy that you're getting to experience the same!!!! and FJDGNGF SPRINKLE IN THOSE ANTI CHURCH OF SEIROS COMMENTS YEAAAHH i totally approve of that, ill be over here hoping that he sides w/ edie too. NO BERNIE OR HUBIE????? WELL. HOPEFULLY THAT CHANGES WHEEN HE GETS TO THE TIMESKIP..... (assumign he chooses to side w/ edie, which he BETTER) ouuugh petra and edie<3 good choices for sure. hopefully that means hes more likely to go down crimson flower than silver snow! caspar and dorothea are absolutely good side faves yes yes
FERDIE NAND<33 OH IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT DKFGNDGF your friend ferdinand von aegir ))): thats so true.... and i feel that..... have fun not recruiting him and therefore having to face him later in battle i assume <////3 i will be hoping for the Best
YESS CLAUDE IS SO AWESOME,.... I WONT SAY MUCH BUT I LOVE HIS CHARACTER AND HIMM SO VERY MUCH...... since you enjoy edie and her route, im sure youre going to enjoy him as well! and thats good!!!! it must be nice to be able to see them in action again through your brother.... ONCE AGAIN HOPING REAL HARD THAT HE CHOOSES TO SIDE W/ EDIE. I WILL ALSO BE VERY DISTRAUGHT IF HE DOESNT
hope you have a great one too my friend<33333 thank u again for sending these in :D
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pathetic-gamer · 3 years
Sometimes I think about how all the characters ive put on teams together in fe3h recently would get along, and I've come to two very important conclusions
Sylvain and Balthus: besties
Felix and Linhardt: worsties
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This ones for you @napping-husbando
Honestly this wasn’t asked for but I shall bestie upon to you all:
My casual headcanons for Felix Hugo Fraldarius :)
First off, he won’t exactly be the most affectionate person in the beginnings of your relationship
Make sure to ask mainly Sylvain and Dimitri what he does and doesn’t like when it comes to holidays, including his birthday.
Holy shit does this man love his weapons
Honestly but as a couple, he’ll be the most against pda
Now, when you two are alone or at home is a different story
He’ll happily cuddle you and hold you close, donning his infamous death glare if you even try to move away from his affections
I’m getting little spoon vibes from this man
Like he fantasizes about being wrapped up in your arms, able to actually be dependent on someone other than himself for once in his life
Bonus points if you kiss the back of his neck :)
He’d absolutely love being kissed on the back of the neck, it makes him shiver sometimes but he loves it
Especially on the days he has his hair down, just sweep it away and over his shoulder and press a small kiss to his nape.
Honestly I like to headcanon this man as trans, because tell me he doesn’t give off that energy at times
Wearing a binder and tank top to training, and absolutely kicking Dimitri’s ass in it <3
Sylvain would give you advice like “make sure you treat him plenty, he’s as stubborn as they come”
While Dimitri would probably be looking out for your safety the whole time
He’s trying to be a good boyfriend, but he has zero experience in this kind of field
Just give him some time, and tips from Sylvain, and he’ll learn :)
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theeeveetamer · 2 years
Felix's Mom Headcanons!!!
She's a tsun
She's a scrapper. Felix got his brawling boon from her
She secretly loves Sylvain and is super happy her son is with him. But also, she will never, ever, ever tell him that and exclusively insults him whenever she talks to/about him. Sylvain is really into that, actually
She misses crybaby Felix a little bit because he reminded her a lot of Rodrigue, who was probably also a crybaby when they were younger. Sometimes when she wants to tease Felix she'll tell him how much he reminds her of Rodrigue
She's besties with Judith. They probably run some sort of MILF-based fight club (thanks @zorua-adorable for the idea!)
Unlike Rodrigue, she actually visibly ages (and she does it like some fiiiiiine wine)
She doesn't want to become Duke Fraldarius because everyone in Faerghus is too afraid of her and that would be, quote, "too boring". After the war she probably retires to some beach somewhere and lets Felix take care of everything
She was maybe banging Felix's uncle? I haven't decided yet
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raspberryranpo · 3 years
Lemon and peppermint tea for blue lions boys please!
peppermint tea + blue lion boys
fire emblem three houses: blue lion boys
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peppermint tea: what do they get excited about?
i have fifteen volumes of haikyuu 😫 so sexy
also, i did something similar with the blue lions here!! i hope you don’t mind if i just do peppermint tea :(
——> tea prompts
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100% gets excited about random trees. you cannot tell me otherwise
whenever you both go out for a walk, or you’re both outside, he’ll point out a birch tree and then proceed to tell you the entire history of a birch tree
he also has random memories regarding some trees, for example:
“oh, you see that oak tree over there? my step mother threw me up one of those when i was six and they didn’t find me until the next morning!”
it’s just so morbid but dimitri says it so nonchalantly
also gets excited about birds & definitely owns a pet bird at the castle
flowers and plants. seriously why are these guys all nature nerds
sometimes he picks you a flower from the side of the path you’re both walking on, puts it in your hair, compliments you, and then tells you all about that flower
and it’s genuinely the sweetest thing ever
weaves little flower crowns for you whenever you’re both sat outside & has the happiest look on his face when you put it on
also he looks so cute in a flower crown so please make one for him too
ingrid’s grandma he definitely gets excited over books since he’s actually a massive nerd
one day you take him to a book shop & he completely nerds out over this one romance book
he’s raving about the main characters & how pretty the girl in it is and he doesn’t even realise what he’s doing
it’s wholesome seeing his true self, though, so you don’t stop him
he’ll stack piles of books into your arms and not think anything of it at first
but then you both walk outside & you’re holding this huge bag of books, and then he realises how terrible he’s been acting
he gets excited over a great many things - swords, lances, tomes, armour, strategies...
felix is definitely lying when he says that he hates cakes and sweets. you can see him dealing cakes with lysithea at midnight like she’s his drug dealer or something
he gets so excited whenever there’s a nice cake in the cafeteria, but he has to keep up his tough persona, so that’s a big no
pays lysithea to get some for him though. also he cannot let sylvain ever find out about this
joins the black eagles if dimitri or dedue find out just to spite them
it is known that ashe gets very excited over books. but he also gets rather excited over paintings
he’s besties with ignatz so he always goes to sit and watch him painting
can tell you anything and everything about any of the paintings in the monastery, without any hesitation
has probably cried at an art museum
whenever he sits through a service in the cathedral, he cannot take his eyes away from the paintings on the walls, or the stained glass windows
ashe & ignatz also cannot shut up about the cathedral paintings, so it’s really hard to concentrate on the service if you’re sat anywhere near them
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cavalierious-whim · 3 years
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Sylvain's wholly unprepared for Felix to ask him to slather sunscreen upon his pasty (well-defined) back.
Happy Sylvix Summer. Take my dumb beach fluff rife with Teen-aged Tropey Rom-Com bullshit. Read here on AO3 for better quality, and follow me here on Twitter!
Despite his long-harbored crush, Sylvain never thought much of a half-naked Felix until one fateful beach trip.
They’re past their high-school years and well into college. Young enough to not be tied down by relationships. That’d be boring to Sylvain, who has a new flavor every week and happily so.
Mostly because it’s easier to be casual than commit to something that’d mean more.
Felix is just an old friend, he tells himself. A second glance, really. Okay, well, maybe not second-- that’s a cruel thing to say. Sylvain would give his left arm for the guy, literally, but he’s never really considered the why behind the thought until then.
And sure, he’s always liked him, even if Sylvain’s never thought much about it. Felix is kinda cute in a deranged cat sort of way.
But now, it makes a lot of sense. Stares him right in the face, a visage of gleaming pasty white skin and deceptively toned muscles. Sylvain’s just fucking blind and stupid, and now it can’t be unseen.
Felix is no longer a scrawny and gangly thing; now he sports lithe and supple muscle. Defined shoulders and a slim waist that tapers into what’s probably the finest ass Sylvain’s ever seen. Pert and shapely, perfect in every way.
Sylvain stares long enough for his ice cream cone to melt all over his hand.
“I’d tell you to take a picture,” says Ingrid, her laugh pealing through the air from behind her hand. “But that’d only piss him off.”
“Ingrid,” says Sylvain panicked. He shakes the melted, sticky mess from his hand as he continues to gawk. At least they’re in the shade under his umbrella, so it’s only a minor mess. “When on earth did that happen?”
Ingrid raises an eyebrow. “When did what happen?”
Sylvain groans. Of course, she’d make him say it. Ingrid’s the worst (or the best) when it comes to forcing others to make fools of themselves. She’s already adopted a devilish smirk, waiting for Sylvain to dig himself a hole deep in the beach sand.
A grave might be more fitting, considering what Felix would do to him if he ever caught Sylvain staring.
“I mean, what’d you expect?” asks Ingrid, sparing Sylvain from further embarrassment. For the moment. Sylvain knows better than to think that she’s done with him. Ingrid’s only biding her time. “When people play sports, they get ripped.” She points to Sylvain. “Look at you. Look at me.”
“I play baseball,” says Sylvain in a low hiss. “I can throw a pitch as fast as a car on the highway and sprint the length of an entire field. Fencing is barely a sport when compared.”
Ingrid just looks at him, her face flat and unimpressed as she sips at her drink and twirls the tiny decorative beach umbrella within it. “I dare you to tell him that.”
Sylvain flounders the tiniest bit. Absolutely not. He likes living far too much. Ever since Felix picked up a foil and learned how to bout, he’d been considerably more dangerous than the crybaby know-it-all they’d all grown up with.
“But, like… how?” says Sylvain as he wonders, persistent in his confusion as to when Felix suddenly became handsome. Like, model handsome. Like, Sylvain would take him around and then pound him into the sheets handsome.
Sylvain never thinks about sleeping with men. Except for Felix, but that’s something that he usually pushes to the back corner of his mind because it’s really fucking awkward to think that way about your bestie.
And Ingrid knows, she’s known for a stupidly long time because of one shitty night where he’d drunkenly blubbered his feelings out to her. In rare form, she didn’t laugh at him that night, she’d only combed her fingers through his hair and called him the world’s biggest idiot.
He’s good at that. Being dumb. Probably his best quality.
Sylvain can’t stop looking, his eyes grazing over Felix’s perfect form. My wet dreams are never going to be the same again, he thinks, his mouth going dry.
“Disgusting,” says Ingrid, making a face. She knows what Sylvain’s thinking, what he can’t help but agonize about. But then she waves her hand dismissively. “Also, he does squats from sun-up to sun-down. No wonder his ass looks so good.”
“Wait, are you looking?” asks Sylvain a little too quickly. Accusatory. He watches her through a shrewd gaze.
“Oh, Goddess, no. I’d rather choke.” She makes another face, this one cross-eyed as she cuts across her neck with a finger dramatically. “I’ve just been watching your sorry ass moon over him--”
“I’m not mooning--”
“Who’s mooning over what?”
Both Ingrid and Sylvain freeze at Felix’s voice. Then, Sylvain laughs, high-pitched and incredibly awkward.
“Sylvain and how he’s--”
Sylvain kicks her and Ingrid curses. Felix watches on, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Sylvain’s rarely rude to Ingrid (okay, so that’s a lie; he’s rude to her constantly, but she’s Ingrid, and she deserves it every time), but he shoots her the meanest look that he can muster.
Which, admittedly, isn’t very threatening.
“Is there a reason you look like a fucking five-year-old trying to threaten a classmate who stole your juice box?”
Sylvain nearly congratulates Felix on his brilliant use of imagery. Instead, he starts with, “Felix--”
“Oh, don’t mind him,” cuts in Ingrid. “He’s just annoyed that I called him out on his bullshit.”
With that, Felix perks up because if there’s something that he loves more than anything else, it’s watching Sylvain getting dunked on. Which is more often than Sylvain likes to admit.
“So,” says Felix, “The usual.”
“Felix, why are you even here?” Sylvain doesn’t mean for it to be so biting, but it comes out sounding quite like Felix himself, an absolute feat.
“We’re at the beach, and together at that if I must remind you,” says Felix, cocking his head to the side. “The sun’s high and blazing, and I’m pasty as hell. Help me with this.”
A demand, not a request. So incredibly like Felix. Sylvain barely catches the bottle that is thrown at him. “Sunscreen,” he reads aloud rather dumbly.
“Yes, you dimwit,” says Felix. “Not everyone tans like you. Some of us come out looking like lobsters, and I don’t mean in a tasty kind of way.”
Sylvain disagrees. Felix looks the tastiest he’s ever seen, and Sylvain’s known him for nearly two decades.
“So what, like rub this all over you?”
Felix rolls his eyes, replying slowly like he’s speaking to a child. “Yes. My arms are short and you’re conveniently there. Even if I’m flexible--” Sylvain super doesn’t need to think about that, “--there are parts of my back that I can’t reach.”
Sylvain would rather burn in Ailell than do this because this is now his absolute worst fucking nightmare. A unique hell, tailored just for him. A test of the Goddess.
Or a memory he’ll wank to for months to come.
Definitely the latter, knowing Sylvain.
Ingrid, bless her shrew-like and ill-tempered soul, shoots Sylvain an amused glance. Soaks the entire thing up, her mouth tipped to the side as she delights in Sylvain’s discomfort. This kind of thing fuels her; juicy gossip feeds her for days and then some.
Especially when it comes to Sylvain.
“Ingrid, fuck off,” says Sylvain. Felix, who didn’t see her look, reaches out to swat Sylvain in return. “Ow!”
“You fuck off,” says Felix. “Stop being rude.”
“She’s the one--”
“Alright, I’m leaving,” says Ingrid abruptly, “Before this lover’s spat gets any worse--”
“This isn’t a spat--” starts Sylvain.
“Lover’s?” exclaimed Felix, pink in the face.
That catches Sylvain’s attention as he turns to him. What an odd reaction-- the embarrassment as he refuses to look either of them in the face. Sylvain’s mouth falls open in surprise and Ingrid’s clamps right up. Then, she smiles, the sly little grin that she gets when she’s up to no good. Never bodes well. Sylvain’s about to say something when she speaks.
“I’ll come and check on your boys later, yeah?” Oh, Ingrid’s up to no good, about to throw Sylvain to the sharks. Wholly intent of leaving him behind with Felix and his newfound discovery that his crush is probably more than a crush.
“Ingrid--” starts Sylvain, but before he can properly beg her, Ingrid’s gone, leaving behind nothing but a trail of footprints in the sand.
Felix plops onto the towel in front of Sylvain, his back facing him. Sylvain looks at the expanse of it, far broader than he remembers. He swallows thickly as his hand hovers awkwardly over Felix’s skin.
“Insufferable, that woman. What my brother sees in her I’ll never know.”
“Even people with terrible personalities have matches,” says Sylvain in humor. A decent attempt at distraction that usually works with others.
Felix grunts. “Yes, well, you’d know that best of all, wouldn’t you?”
Ouch, thinks Sylvain. Nasty little stinger right out of left-field but incredibly on-brand for Felix. His favorite thing to do is remind Sylvain about his habitually shitty dating habits.
“That’s a little cruel, don’t you think?” Sylvain uncaps the bottle of sunscreen and squirts a generous amount onto his palms.
“What, can’t handle the criticism?” Felix snorts. “Sylvain, you’ve slept with the entire volleyball team, minus Ingrid.”
“Have you seen them, though? Legs up to here, literally. Except for Ingrid of course, because that’d be so gross--”
“Ridiculous,” says Felix, snorting again. “Utterly predictable. And you wonder why you’re always dead last.”
Sylvain frowns at the strange wording. “I’m top of our class.”
Felix doesn’t immediately answer. “That isn’t what I mean,” he finally says, tilting his head back slightly to look at Sylvain. Then his expression hardens, turning aggressive again. “Are you going to lather me up or should I go ask Ingrid instead?”
“No,” says Sylvain, “Just… yeah, okay. I’ve got this.”
“Sylvain, it’s just sunscreen.” There’s a tiny frown on Felix’s face.
Sylvain’s a confident man, able to woo anyone into his bed. Rubbing sunscreen into Felix’s skin should be easy. It isn’t. Sylvain hesitates and hesitates, fingers hovering over the smooth line of Felix’s bare shoulders.
Nothing explains Sylvain’s sudden dry mouth or the inkling that this is a terrible idea.
“Sylvain,” says Felix, clearly waiting.
Felix’s skin is warm to the touch and soft under Sylvain’s calloused fingers. He starts at his shoulders, massaging the liquid in, squeezing at Felix’s tight muscles.
“Tense?” asks Sylvain, teasing him.
“Tired,” says Felix, sounding-- well, just that. Exhausted, even.
Sylvain’s hands pause as he leans forward slightly. “You train too much.”
“You don’t train enough. You could be on the national team if you gave a shit.”
Sylvain laughs and leans even closer, his mouth near Felix’s ear. “Yeah, well, that’s the difference between us. I don’t want to be on the national team.”
Felix harrumphs and crosses his arms over his chest. “That just makes you dumb, then.”
“I don’t doubt that.” Sylvain smooths his hands across the top of Felix’s shoulders, then sweeps them down and under his blades, thumbs digging into the meat of Felix’s back.
Felix lets out a low moan, a sinful-sounding thing that makes Sylvain bite at his lips and look to the sky. He’s never really prayed before, doesn’t believe in the Goddess, but he asks Seiros for strength.
“Shit, Sylvain,” says Felix with a sigh. “That’s--”
“Seriously, Felix, you’re all locked up.”
Felix whines when Sylvain raises his hand to press into the muscles at the base of his neck, his fingernails just barely scratching across Felix’s skin. “Sorry,” murmurs Felix, pink in the cheeks again, hands shifting awkwardly in his lap.
“You need to cool down properly after your sessions,” says Sylvain. “You’re working yourself too hard. Nothing but knots and bone back here.”
“Sunscreen,” says Felix suddenly.
“The sunscreen. Your hands are dry.”
Right. The sunscreen. Sylvain isn’t supposed to be giving Felix a massage, he’s supposed to be oiling him up and readying him for the sun. He slicks his hands up again, murmurs an apology, and finds the lower part of Felix’s back this time.
“Sorry. Can’t have you burning to a crisp out there.”
Felix sighs at the touch, leaning into it slightly and Sylvain nearly dies on the spot. So, maybe he’s just now noticed how handsome Felix is, but it’s not exactly the first time Sylvain’s thought about him like this. Usually, when he does, he tucks it away deep-- not because it’s embarrassing, or Sylvain has reservations about men, but because Felix would slaughter him if he knew.
Sylvain lets out a long breath as he rubs the sunscreen into Felix’s skin, making sure not to miss any spots.
“What’s Ingrid doing?” asks Felix, nodding to where she stands fifty paces away in the sun.
Sylvain looks up, squinting at her. Ingrid flashes him a grin before pressing her thumb and forefinger together on one hand, and then taking her pointer finger with the other and--
“Is she--”
Ingrid makes the crudest gesture known to man, and then, wiggling her eyebrows, points directly to Felix, then Sylvain right after.
Sylvain’s going to kill her. Absolutely murder her in her sleep. He’s got a spare key to her place and he knows where she keeps the sharp knives. Glenn might forgive Sylvain for it if they properly explain. Even though Glenn’s nearly thirty, he still thinks it’s his job to protect Felix.
Especially from Ingrid’s never-ending teasing.
“She’s dead,” says Sylvain. “Next time I’m within a few feet of her.”
“Not if I kill her first,” says Felix.
Sylvain leans over Felix, shooting Ingrid the finger with both hands. She, naturally, shoots him one right back. “So fucking rude,” says Sylvain, leaning back again and slathering his hands with sunscreen once more. “And the things that she implies. Don’t listen to her.”
Strangely, Felix is quiet. Twiddles his thumbs in his lap. Sylvain watches him for a moment before resuming his requested task, catching the spots of his back that he’s missed.
“Would it be so bad?” asks Felix.
Sylvain’s hands pause. “What?”
“The idea of being with me. Is it such a terrible idea?”
Sylvain laughs because that’s what he does when faced with awkward questions. “Felix, we’re too old for gay jokes and Ingrid knows that. She’s just picking on us because it’s how she asserts dominance.”
Felix doesn’t even scoff which is a red flag, so Sylvain grasps him by the shoulders and looks at him from the side. “Hey, wait, are you worried about dating? I thought it wasn’t something you’re interested in?”
They’ve known each other since they were practically in diapers, so of course, they’ve talked about this: girls and dating. Well, more so Sylvain who always talked at Felix. Felix is relatively tight-lipped about it, even now, into their college years. Always says that he’s just not interested.
Never bothered Sylvain one bit.
“I mean, I know some cute girls--”
“Sylvain, I don’t want to date women.”
Oh. Oh. Sylvain’s mouth shuts tight as he absorbs this information. This puts a lot of things into perspective; Felix’s disinterest in women and how he’d roll his eyes whenever Sylvain would talk about them. His lack of celebrity crushes and such. Felix has just never said it so bluntly.
“Felix, it’s totally cool if you’re gay. I know some cute guys--”
Felix lets out a frustrated groan, rubbing at his face. “Sylvain, I’m not-- that’s not-- That’s not it.”
“Felix, you have to throw me a bone here, what on earth are you talking about--”
“I like you, you absolute imbecile,” says Felix very suddenly. And loudly. Entirely red-faced with embarrassment as he digs a hand into the sand beside him. “And Ingrid’s known for years because Glenn fucking told her, and that’s why she’s been so incredibly insufferable this entire time--”
Sylvain bursts into laughter, which in retrospect, probably wasn’t the best reaction. “Wait, no, no, that’s not why I’m laughing,” he says when Felix starts to pull away. Felix pauses, looking at him with barely contained aggravation.
“This isn’t funny, Sylvain,” he says quietly.
“Ingrid’s making fun of both of us, so yeah, it kind of is.”
Felix blinks very slowly, his face contorting into supreme confusion.
Sylvain sighs, rubbing at his chin awkwardly. “So look, here’s the thing. The shitty dating’s always been to fill a void because I’ve always been afraid to like, date someone properly. No commitment is so much easier than actual commitment and--”
“Sylvain, what on earth are you blabbering about?” cuts in Felix impatiently.
“I like you too?” Sylvain doesn’t mean for it to come out sounding like a question, so he clears his throat and tries again. “What I mean to say is, I’ve always liked you, I guess, but I’ve never really noticed you and--”
When Felix laughs, it’s always a bitter-sounding thing which is why Sylvain never wants to hear it. Means he’s about to lose his shit. This time though, he’s chuckling softly, rubbing at his face tiredly. “Let me guess,” he says quietly, “Ingrid knows.”
Sylvain swallows thickly, sitting there awkwardly with sunscreen-covered hands. “She, uh, might.”
“So, I didn’t have to resort to this, then.”
Sylvain shoots him a confused look. “Resort to what?”
Felix sighs, pink-cheeked with embarrassment again. “Parading around without a shirt on. The whole sunscreen thing. Ingrid’s blasted idea, of course, and now I see why. Glenn agreed, saying you’re the type to be visually stimulated but because I didn’t think that you liked me--”
“Wait, wait, back up,” says Sylvain, trying to process everything that Felix is trying to say. “What do you mean Ingrid’s idea?”
Felix finally looks at Sylvain’s face, annoyed with the entire situation. “She was tired of me not saying anything and told me to do something about it. I said it wouldn’t matter, that you didn’t like me but--” He pauses and waves vaguely between them.
“She’s known that I’ve liked you for years,” finishes Sylvain quietly. “Oh, Goddess, I’m going to kill her.”
“Please don’t,” says Felix. “Because then Glenn would kill you and that would mean I’ve made an utter fool of myself for nothing.”
Sylvain looks at the sunscreen again. “Felix, I hope you realize, rubbing you down in this nearly ended me. Like, I won’t be able to move from this towel for at least ten minutes.”
At that, Felix smirks slightly, his mouth tipped up at one corner. “Well, I’m sure there are spots that you’ve missed.”
Sylvain groans at the idea.
“I’m joking,” says Felix quietly, reaching out to touch Sylvain’s shoulder, thumbing over it with uncertainty. “So what--”
“I mean, the answer’s yes, obviously.” Felix looks at him, his face carefully schooled into something bland. Obviously trying not to get his hopes up, so Sylvain continues. “I mean, I didn’t collapse onto Ingrid’s bathroom floor one night, wasted to only say no--”
“You what?”
“Okay, so forget about that--”
“So you were truly serious about liking me?” asks Felix, his voice cracking slightly.
Sylvain’s expression softens. “I mean, it’s never been so clear until today but--”
“Why today, of all days?”
Sylvain’s done a fantastic job of looking at only Felix’s face so far so he finally looks down, eyes sweeping over his chest. Sylvain swallows thickly. “I mean, look at you, you’re--”
“Save it for the women who warm your bed,” says Felix acerbically. He moves to get up properly and Sylvain reaches out to grab his wrist.
“Felix, wait, don’t do that.” Felix does. Waits for him to say his piece. “I’ve always liked you, but it never really clicked that you’re-- uh-- look, there’s no delicate way to say it, so I just will. You’re gorgeous. Handsome. I can’t stop looking at you because you make me feel things, and that’s something that’s just... Ingrid told me to take a fucking picture, Felix.”
Felix snorts at that, hiding a smile behind his hand. Then he plops back down to the sand.
“You realize that I expect to be more than a bed warmer,” says Felix finally, arms crossed over his chest.
“I’d never ask that of you,” says Sylvain, seriously. “Unless you wanted to, because trust me, I’m certainly not opposed--”
Felix reaches forward with lightning-fast speed, pulls open Sylvain’s swim trunks, and dumps a handful of sand directly into them. Sylvain looks down dumbly. Dreads the inevitable itchiness that comes with getting sand in the bits where you don’t want it.
“Okay, yeah, I deserved that.”
Felix hesitates and then says, “Insufferable.”
“Yeah,” says Sylvain in agreement.
“It’s part of your charm.”
Sylvain grins at him. “Oh, my charm? Does that mean that I won you over with my bewitching demeanor?”
Felix’s expression sours the slightest bit. “Don’t push it.”
It falls quiet between them, as they sit on the towel underneath Sylvain’s umbrella, but it’s a comfortable silence. Sylvain rubs the leftover sunscreen into his own shoulders as Felix tries not to stare in return.
“So,” says Sylvain finally. “Dinner on the pier maybe? Without Ingrid and Glenn, I mean.”
“Yes, nothing says fantastic first date like shoveling buttered crawfish into your mouth like a slob.” But Felix’s face is soft and fond when he looks at Sylvain, and Sylvain knows that it’s a date sealed for later that night.
Things are going to be weird, supposes Sylvain, but there are worse things. At least they’ll be figuring it out together.
“Who gets first dibs on dunking ice-cold seawater all over Ingrid?” asks Sylvain.
“I think that I can get Glenn to distract her long enough for you to fill the pail. Or, we can tag team her-- grab her and throw her in the ocean itself.”
That’s a better idea and Sylvain says as such, much to Felix’s entertainment. “Maybe we shouldn’t,” continues Sylvain. “We do owe her some credit.”
Felix snorts. “Are you going to give her the satisfaction of it?”
They both look at each other, then Sylvain says, “Absolutely not.” He pauses, reaching out to Felix, wanting to grab his hand and hold it. But he hesitates.
Felix sees and watches silently. “We’re dumb,” he finally says. “It’s taken us so long. We’re nearly done with college.”
“Yeah, well, late-bloomers and all that.”
“Sylvain, you’re the opposite of a late-bloomer.”
“Not where it counts.”
Felix sighs softly and reaches out, taking Sylvain’s hand, linking their fingers together. He doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t have to. He and Sylvain have always been like that; silent in most of their communication because they just read each other so well.
Except for when it comes to their wants, apparently.
Still, better late than never supposes Sylvain when he squeezes Felix’s hand back.
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saviourkingslut · 1 year
for the FE ask game: 17, 18 & 19
17. Rank the Black Eagles from your favorite to least favorite. 1. Ferdinand 2. Linhardt 3. Caspar 4. Dorothea (i have a lot of fondness for the version that exists in my head but in the game itself she is kind of mid and underdeveloped a lot of the time imo, so that's why she's on 4 instead of 3) 5. Petra 6. Bernadetta 7. Hubert (genuinely so much fucking wasted potential i could have LOVED this guy, they should have doubled down on the creepy genuinely evil bitch with a soft side, but they had to make him edelgard's soulless puppet instead. like he's barely even his own person it's so disapppointing) 8. Edelgard (perish) im not... a huge beagles fan tbh. like most of these characters i couldn't really care less abt rip! ferdinand is my bestie tho. and i love linhardt for being a cunt, i wish he didn't get hit with extremely sleepy character beam 18. Rank the Blue Lions from your favorite to least favorite. 1. Dimitri 2. Sylvain 3. Dedue 4. Mercedes 5. Felix 6. Ashe 7. Annette 8. Ingrid but im going to be real with you, dimitri and sylvain are my clear favourites who i am mentallyl ill abt and then i genuinely love all the other blions pretty much equally so like... this list is almost arbitrary in that regard. 19. Rank the Golden Deer from your favorite to least favorite. 1. Claude 2. Marianne 3. Ignatz 4. Lysithia 5. Leonie (she'd be higher up if it weren't for the fact that she kind of got nuked by Jeralt-syndrome) 6. Lorenz 7. Hilda 8. Raphael ehhh i probably like the version of claude that exists in my head more than the actual canon version bc i have some... issues with him but like w/e!
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grinserabe · 3 years
I’m sure you must have answered this before but what’s your favorite route? Which three houses lord is your favorite? Do you have any personal headcanons?
Favourite lord: Claude. But I love all three a lot; all of them are in my top 5 (ish) for sure. I honestly always thought they did a great job making all lords easy to love, but I suppose that's a pretty controversial opinion, lol.
Favourite route: Well, I had the most fun with CF. I don't think it's objectively the best route, but after playing FE for years, I appreciated how CF has a different approach to what we're used to. Also, Hubert is my favourite, and I like having him as my ally. Again, though, I think all routes have something interesting/fun. VW was my first route, and I was convinced it would stay my favourite, haha. But yeah.
I’m also glad we don’t have a golden route. I like that we have four different outcomes that are all filled with losses and tragedies, that we have to make decisions that aren't 100% fair for everyone. It’s just more realistic that way.
Headcanons: I have many, but here are a few off the top of my head:
- Edelgard, Dimitri and Rhea have survivor’s guilt. Well, I suppose that’s just plain canon, but the game never directly acknowledges that’s something all three of them have in common. I like seeing their actions through that lens, though, because you want to compare them to each other anyway & parallels like that are especially fascinating.
- Ferdinand doesn’t have freckles. I’m sorry, but I’ve seen this so often in fanart and fanfic that I have to bring it up here, lol.
- Felix’s mother has reddish brown hair (a bit like his eye colour).
- Ferdinand and Hubert are a bit jealous/envious of each other. Pre-TS, Ferdinand is actually pretty unpopular. He doesn’t have close relationships at Garreg Mach, and the only characters who are friendly towards him are Petra and Lorenz. (We see him the most often with Petra, but it’s clear Ferdinand and Lorenz were always meant to be besties.)
But Edelgard and Hubert are actually the two characters he’s the most “interested” in; they’re the ones he will repeatedly mention outside their supports, no matter the route. I think it’s only natural that he would be jealous of their apparent closeness and trust in each other.
About Hubert: he can be surprisingly self-depreciating, and I like to imagine he can’t help but compare his looks to Ferdinand’s then and now.
I don’t think they ever hated each other, but since the game shoves their contrasts and parallels in our faces, there’s just so much that could make their dynamic more complex and spicy.
- Dimitri wasted no thought on romance during the course of the game, and he probably has something like a second puberty after the war. I always thought the strong appeal of his character is how many meaningful platonic relationships he has. They all seem so effortlessly intimate.
- Claude is scared of emotional intimacy.
- Edelgard craves intimacy, but she's very bad at it.
- Felix occasionally carries treats for the monastery cats with him.
- Characters who always smell amazing: Hilda, Claude, Ferdinand, Dorothea, Sylvain and Shamir.
- Hubert breeds poisonous frogs <3
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recurringwriter · 3 years
OBVS i need to send 'rodrigue' for the character meme
this is my own fault huh. walked right into that
favorite thing about them can i skip this okay i like that he's so stupid? i thought it was just how i remembered him but replaying azure moon really confirmed that his mind works in mysterious ways. it's a big cloudy space with nothing but lambert and chivalry in it. also his wavy dark hair i'm realizing i'm a sucker for oh no @ me: shut up shut UP
least favorite thing about them facial hair
favorite line i hate everything he says jk i think it's funny that he just hands out fancy weapons like your great-uncle bringing you a snowglobe from his vacation although.. he has one shining moment where he's like "No, Dimitri, you will hear me out" and i cheered!! but then he gives up and just lets dimitri do whatever. loser.
brOTP Judith + Rodrigue + Nader = nonrecruitable npc bros 4ever. Rodrigue and Seteth should be friends, too. I'd say Gilbert but it would be boring. Gilbert would be a sucky friend. Mrs. Dominic, though...i can see that. reason and faith besties please?
OTP i saw the rodriguela ship foundering on a shoal and seized the helm of it eh
nOTP margrave gautier my beloathed...okay i have a whole scenario in my head that Rodrigue is like 'i've been friends with M. Gautier for all my life it is good we are friends :)' and he goes over to their house for dinner parties and stuff and they all laugh and laugh and talk and the MOMENT Rodrigue walks out the door M. Gautier and Lady Cheese Gautier turn to each other, roll their eyes, and start badmouthing him. The Gautiers are Fake Friends and that is the Hill I Will Die On but i’m not done! Rodrigue Knows that the Gautiers hate him but he keeps up the ruse of being their friends for Felix and Sylvain's sake
random headcanon i guess that was just one but also...he definitely had a fluffy cat growing up. like a himalayan or something. whatever in-game breed is the closest equivalent. big soft fluffy cat.
unpopular opinion oh probably that he deserves a redemption story with felix? a... rod-emption arc if you will.. or that he isn't like 'i love my sons dimitri and *looks at smudged writing on hand* flea'. he's Trying to be a good dad!! he loves his son felix!! he's just battling his own Stupidity!! and gives up too easily
song i associate with them 'photograph' by nickleback lowkey also 'daniel in the den' by bastille
favorite picture of them please refer to my icon
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