#pro j2 panel
j2spntranscripts · 6 months
☆ 2007 Chicon (Jensen solo)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL, SMALLVILLE AND BUFFY/ANGEL Location: Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Chicago, Illinois Time: Sunday November 11, 2007, 9:40 am (GMT-6) Panelists: Jensen Ackles Last episode: 3x06 "Red Sky at Morning" Nov 8, 2007 Next episode: 3x07 "Fresh Blood" - Nov 15, 2007
Question Index: 1- spn 2x15; Dean eating caramels scene 2-Fav sporting event; Fav concert 3- Fav fan interaction 4- A Few Good Men; Future Plays; Plays vs Television 5- Most Embarrassing Thing While Drunk for J2 6- Acting; Emotional scenes; Emotional fallout counter-measures 7- Acting; line memorization techniques 8- spn 2x21; holding dead!Sam scene 9- JDM return rumor; Golfing; Fav Pro Golfers 10- Fears; of flying; Reprisal of Eric Brady; Fan gift 11- (Fan Report) unknown; 2x20 12- (Fan Report) unknown; S3 strained brother relationship 13- Props; Dean’s Jewelry meaning 14- Jensen on Alan Ackles; Devour 15- Fight choreography 16-Jared's question
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*) *Purple text: corrections/suggestions from @detailtilted
[click here]- jensen_cc1 by _sin_attract [click here]- jensen_cc2 by _sin_attract [click here]- jensen_cc3 by _sin_attract
◘Heres Jensen! By DegaDreamer◘ 0:00
“Wayward Son” by Kansas is playing as the Jensen walks up on stage. Cameras are flashing constantly. The crowd is screaming with applauds and cheers. Jensen punches down on the down beat. The audience gets louder. Jensen then slowly sits down.
•(0:12 DD) - introduction
Jensen: Hey! (audience squeals and claps) (smiles) That’s an intro. (audience laughs) That’s nice. How’s everybody doing? (audience cheers) Waking up yet? (mixed audience reaction) I’m not. (wipes face) (audience laughs) Woo! Those videos were kind of cool, huh?
◘Chicago November 2007 - Jensen Solo Panel - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted◘- (0:08-14:23)
Audience: Yeah!
Jensen: Like that Ghostbuster one. (audience laughs) Why am I always eating? (audience laughs)
Audience memberA: (?I'd throw up?)
Audience memberB: Yeah, Really!
Jensen: (shakes head) It’s unbelievable. Every time, reading the script it’s like, “Oh, sausages. Great. Yeah.” (audience laughs) “Be eating those. Sandwich? Yeah. Oh, yeah. For sure.”
(on the flashing lights) I can’t see.. a thing. (audience laughs) (laughs and shakes his head) A sea of flashes. (audience laughs) Unbelievable.
(to creation staff) Alright, so, what are doing here? What do we- we, uh- okay.
Creation staff: Well, we got mics set up on both sides of the stage.
Jensen: (nods) okay.
Creation staff: And so, whenever you can have people come over and start the barrage. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Let’s, uh- yeah- Let’s-let’s get going. I agree. (audience laughs) Otherwise, it’s just me sitting here talking to myself… It’ll get boring real quick.
(audience denial) Ah, yeah, yeah…. (laughs, shakes his head, and readjusts his posistion) Here we go. (smiles) (audience laughs) Uhh, (looks back and forth) pick a side- pic- ah- Alright, (nods to his left) let’s go, uh, right here.
•(1:19 DT, 1:38 DD)- Chicon07JA;Q1- spn 2x15; Dean eating caramels scene
Fan: Hi Jensen, I’m Anne.
Jensen: Hi.
Fan: I, um, in “Tall Tales” I’ve been curious about it, you stuff your mouth with the chocolate or whatever it was. (audience laughs) How much did you stuff in your face and did they CGI your mouth or? (audience laughs)
Jensen: (looks down and makes a big closed smile for a brief moment before taking a breath then answering) Those were caramels. Annd, they were real. Annnd, they were not sugar-free. (audience laughs) Annd those that- those were my cheeks. (audience laughs) I think I had, uh.. I want to say, each take I think I got in around.. fifteen? (audience oo’s)
Um.. and when you have that much sugar in your mouth- (audience laughs) I mean, I didn’t- I didn’t swallow it. I mean, as soon as the take was over I was like (mimics spitting it out) (audience laughs) But you get that much sugar in your mouth and my-my tongue started swelling up and my mouth was going numb. And it was just- it was ridiculous. I’m like, “This was the stupidest idea ever.” (audience laughs)
Um.. (looks at fan) but it was funny. (throws a hand up) (audience laughs) So, yeah, that’s- that-that was all real. That was all me. And it was, uh- it was actually my idea, so uh… (shakes his head, looks down, and throws a hand up) (audience laughs) I was supposed to grab a couple. (grabbing motion) And I was like, “You know this is going to be a lot funnier if I grab fifteen and shove ‘em in my mouth.” (nods) (audience laughs) (looks at fan) So, there you go.
Fan: That was great. Thank you.
Jensen: Yeah (looks towards his left and points to the next fan) Absolutely. How about over here?
•(2:36 DT)- Chicon07JA;Q2- Favorite sporting event; Fav concert
Fan: Hi, good morning. I’m Lindsey.
Jensen: Good morning.
Fan: I have two questions and you can answer either one. (Jensen: okay.) The best live sporting event you’ve been to or the best live concert.
◘Jensen's q&a by augustfading◘
Jensen: (looks up) Best live sporting event or concert. (Fan: whatever comes to your heart.) (inhales) Umm, well, the best live sporting event would probably have to be the first time I ever went and saw the Cowboys play. Uhh. (audience woo’s) Yeah. That was, uh- that was great.
Ummm, (sits up) and then the best- actually the best- well.. It was not the best concert, but I think I like- I just like the fact that it was my first concert ever, was uh- uh- it was actually at the same stadium, the Texas Stadium. Um, and it was the, uh, Michael Jackson Thriller tour. (audience laughs, cheers and claps) (shrugs)
How cool is my mom? (audience laughs) I was six year old and she drags me to Texas Stadium and it was the scariest thing of my life. (audience laughs) You know, it’s like this giant crowd and the stage is dark. And just, you know, these big monsters are like stomping out on stage. (audience laughs) And here come these people with, you know, swords- I mean, it was like a full on huge production, right? And I’m li-aaa- you know, I was like, “This is not Disney.” (audience laughs) But it was, uh- it was pretty spectacular. And I-I- I still remember- (gestures to head) I’ve- I’ve vivid kind of pictures of that in my mind. (audience giggles) So, that was cool.
Then I- I think the next concert I went was a Van Halen concert. (audience cheers) (nods) That one I went to on my own accord, So. (nods) (audience laughs)
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: Yeah. (turns and looks to his right and points to the next fan) Over here. Okay. Here we go.
•(3:58 DT)- Chicon07JA;Q3- favorite fan interaction
Fan: Hi, (Jensen: Yeah.) my name is Jen. (Jensen: Hi.) Good morning. (Jensen: Good morning.) Um, I was wondering what your favorite, uh, gift from your fans you got?
Jensen: (looks up) Gift from my fans. Uuuh… that’s a good question. I, uh- you know- I- (rubs face) I-I’ll give you this instead. I’ll give you one of my fav fan stories. Uuum, It was, uh-
Audience member: Asylum? (audience laughs)
Jensen: What’s that?
Audience member: Asylum?
◘Favourite Fan Interaction by csnutty◘
◘Jensen at Supernatural Con by InsipidRamblings◘
Jensen: (laughs) No. This one- ah, this just pops in mind. It was many, many years ago. Uh- uhm- and I was, uh, when I was doing, ah-uh, “Days of Our Lives.” (audience woos) And, um.. and I was at a- at a mall.. uh, doing an appearance in a… Iii a-actually forget where it was, but it was a- kind of a two levels mall. And I’m on stage. (points up) And there’s people above- It’s like an open center, so the, you know, big crowd of people on the- on the railings.
◘Jensen Ackles at Chicago Con…3 by DegaDreamer◘
And I’m just talking to the crowd. Just like I am now. And I feel this tap on my head. (tilts head) (audience laughs) (looks up) And I look up. And this little girl has (mimics girl) fished down a pad and paper. (mimics writing) A paper, pad, and pen. (audience laughs and aw’s) A pad of paper and pen. And she just goes, (smiles and waves while looking down) (audience laughs) (throws a hand up and leans back) I was- that’s- that’s ingenuity right there. You’re getting an autograph for that one. (audience laughs)
(turns to fan) That was- that was kind of fun. That was kind of fun. Yeah. (turns to his left and nods) How about you over here?
•(5:28 DT, 0:56 DD)- Chicon07JA;Q4- A Few Good Men; Future Plays; Plays vs Television
Fan: Hi, um, I’m Ariel. (Jensen: Hi.) Um, I saw you opening night for “A Few Good Men.” (Jensen nods) You nailed that part by the way.
Jensen: (nods) Thank you. (audience cheers and claps)
◘Jensen Ackles by jjc7384◘
Fan: I was wondering do you plan on doing, uh, more plays, like do you prefer plays as opposed to television or?
Jensen: Um, eh- that wasn’t- you know, it wasn’t something that I-I wo- was consciously trying to-to get into. Uh, it was-it was more of something that just kind of stars aligned and- and, uh, I thought, “Wow, that would be really.. really cool.” And, I remember getting, uh- getting out of Fort Worth and-and starting our rehearsals- And I think it was like the second day of rehearsals, and-and I actually really.. started to understand the magnitude.. of.. the role. And-and how much… dialogue (deflates) I had. (audience laughs)
It's a 100-and-twenty-five-page play, you guys. And I’m-I’m in.. about ninety-eight percent of it. Um, I’m sure you guys remember the movie, “A Few Good Men,” how much Tom Cruise is on screen. So, it was- it was very daunting.
And I was just remember thinking, “What have I done?” (audience laughs) “We open in like two weeks.” And I-I’m pacing in my hotel room trying to figure out- how to, you know, learn these lines. And, uh, (shakes head) finally came around. And, you know, within a few days of- of rehearsal, but I just- I had ‘em all. And I don’t- I don’t know how it happened, but the brain is a funny thing and it worked. And, uh-
But it’s- it’s a really interesting, you know, it’s a much different medium then-then doing television or film obviously. Um, there’s that, uh.. that amazing sensation of- of gratification you get from a crowd. Um, that you don’t get, you know, with a bunch of sweaty crew guys. (audience laughs) Um, so i-in that aspect, it’s, uh- it’s definitely something that I.. hold in high regard. Um, I don’t know if I’ll be doing, uh, doing another one anytime soon. But, uh, that was definitely an experience I won’t forget.
Fan: Thank you. (Jensen nods then turns his right)
•(7:16 DT)- Chicon07JA;Q5- Most Embarrassing Thing While Drunk for J2; no answer given
Fan: Hello, Jensen. (Jensen: Hi.) I’m (?Carge?) Um, a little bit of a two-parter. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done when you’ve been drunk? (audience laughs) (Jensen tilts his head) And what’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve seen Jared do? (audience laughs and claps)
Jensen looks up, smirks, and chuckles to himself. Then looks down and rubs his eye.
◘Jensen Q&A by DegaDreamer◘
Jensen: The most loaded question (?that I've heard?). (audience laughs)
Audience member: He comes on after you.
Jensen: That’s right he does, doesn’t he? (readjusts his position and exhales) Wow, uh, well, you know, I-I’m gonna say I probably don’t remember what I did. (audience laughs) Um, and that's probably a good- a good thing. Um, (tilts head) But, Jared? (scratches chin) (audience giggles) So many to choose from. (audience laughs)
◘Jensen's q&a by augustfading◘
Um, oh gosh, (shakes head) I don’t know. (some aw’s from the audience) Uh-e you know, you- you put me on the spot. I might have to come back to you on that one. (audience giggles) Um… let me think about it. (audience giggles) I’ll mull it over.
(turns to his left) Hi.
•(8:15 DT)- Chicon07JA;Q6- Acting; Emotional scenes; emotional fallout counter-measures
Fan: Hi, Jensen. I’m Sue. Dean’s gone through a lot of pain in the last.. few episodes. What do you do to unload that, when you've gone through such emotionally charged scenes?
Jensen: Drink like a fish. (audience laughs) No. Uh.. (laughs) Um, my mother is shaking her head somewhere.. (audience laughs) in Texas.
◘jensen_cc1 by _sin_attract◘
Um… no it’s, uh-e- actually it’s funny that you- that you (rubs forehead) that you say that. I just had a-a very, uh- very emotional, uh-uh, emotionally heavy day on uhh.. Wednesday. This past Wednesday. And it was a- a full day of just me. Jared had- had the day off.
And, um, it was a- a, you know, it-it- it’s very taxing. I would- I would rather do a (gestures) full day of stunt work than a full day of (gestures) emotional acting. Because it’s-it’s- there’s a difference between being, uh, physically, um, depleted and (gestures) emotionally depleted.
Um, so it’s, um, e-eh- as far as, you know, trying to-to deal with it. I just- I just try to go home and get some sleep. And- and you know.. (throws up hand) talk to my friends, and call my family, and, you know, remind myself of.. (laughs) why I’m actually doing this. (audience laughs)
Umm.. but it’s, you know, it’s just something that you do. And I’ve- I’ve been doing for the longest- it’s just, you know, I don’t even think of it. It’s just like, “Oh, well, you had a rough day today.” You know, and it’s just a, you know, (shrugs) for me it’s just a hard day at work.
Um, but it feels- there’s a certain gratification you get too, when at the end of the day when you know you- you really given it your all. And-and you’re- you’re that.. wrecked, as in that spent. At the end of the day it’s like, “Phew, I actually put in some good hours today.” So, I think that kind of gratification helps me get through it. (nods)
◘jensen_cc2 by _sin_attract◘
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: (turns to his right) Hi!
•(10:00 DT, 0:20 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q7- Acting; line memorization techniques
Fan: Hi!
Jensen: How you doing?
Fan: Good. My name’s Rachel. (Jensen: Hi, Rachel.) Um, I was wondering how long it takes for you to memorize your lines and what kind of techniques you use.
Jensen: Um, (laughs) Well, (adjusts his position) after you, uh- after you been doing it for a- for a couple of years-uh-uh-um the same role I mean. Jared and I have gotten- and I don’t want to say we have gotten lazy. (audience giggles) But, um, we’ve gotten very quick at, uh- at the memorization process.
Um, it-it- it depends on, you know, how- like the stuff that I was talk- that I did last Wednesday. I-I went home on Tuesday night and-and spent about an hour going over it and looking at it, and trying to decide how I wanted to do it and what- how I want to play it. I don’t- I rarely do that (laughs). I usually, uh- Jared and I get picked up in the- in the mornings and- and ride to work, um, in- in the same, uh, truck. And so we- we generally go over our lines on our way to work.. then again in the- the hair and make-up trailer. And then we- we go and block it and shoot it.
So, um.. (snaps his fingers) Just the repetition. We can- I can read a-a two or three page scenes- or two or three page scene.. two or three times and have it memorized. (audience wow’s) So, I-I- I think it’s just- It’s like a muscle. The more you do it, the better you get at it.
Fan: Um, does “Ten-inch Hero” have a distributor yet?
Jensen: Not yet, we’re working on it. (nods) (audience aw’s, some woo and clap) (turns to his left) Hi.
•(11:23 DT, 1:43 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q8- Acting; spn 2x21; holding dead!Sam scene; spn 2x04; on the hood of the impala scene
Fan: Hi, I’m Carly. (Jensen: Hi.) Um, I’m just wondering in “All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 & 2” (Jensen: Yeah) Where Jared.. dead, (Jensen: Yeah) (audience giggles) and you (laughs) had to like hold him- how were you able to pull that off? Because, that was like really good, when you were like- when he was like.. dead. (audience and Jensen laugh)
Jensen: (tilts head) I’ll tell you what, it’s some of the best work he’s ever done. (audience laughs) Umm, (readjust his position) You know, it-the- the cool thing with, uh- with this show and-and- and the two characters is, um- and-and working with Jared, um, is that we- you know, we work together.. so much that.. it’s not hard to.. see him, you know, like that, and then try to envision him like that. You know it’s-
Or-or.. um.. you know likes-ee- if I was doing- if I was fresh on a TV show and I didn’t really know the people I was working with.. I might have to think of somebody else in that position to kind of get me there emotionally. But, because he and I are such good friends and-and we work together so much it’s-it's like, you know, he’s- he's practically a brother to me anyway. (audience aw’s) And so it’s not that difficult to- (to audience) Shut up! (audience laughs) (shakes his head) I’m trying to talk to you people! (audience laughs)
(to Fan) Um.. and you know it’s-it’s just working with each other and, you know, h-e-he and I were (snaps fingers) just.. just able to do it, I guess. I-I don’t really know that there’s a formula for it. Um, but, uh, you know, it’s like I said, any of those kind of days are- they're very taxing.
And, I remember, uh.. definitely a scene where I-I’m talking to him and kind of breakdown and stuff. I-I went to.. to Kim Manners, who was filming that- who was directing that episode, (audience woo’s and claps) (nods) And, uh- and I said, “Alright, Kim. I gotta know what you're- what you're planning on doing for this, uh- this scene because I don’t know how many times I'm gonna be able to get through it.” (some audience aw’s) “Um, so-e-I, you know, if you could minimalize your- your shot list and just shoot it from, you know, two or three angles as opposed to six.. It’s gonna help me, because otherwise I’m just gonna dry up and.. be worthless.” (audience giggles) So-so, he did. He, you know- He and I collaborated a little bit and tried to figure out the best way to shoot it and the quickest way to get done, so that I’m not, you know, a total wreck-
And it’s always his episodes too. (throws his hand out) (audience laughs) Uh, you know, the-the.. (rubs face and exhales) Of course I’m going to forget the name of the episode, (rubs neck) but the, uh, where we’re- we're-
Audience members: Heart! Heart! Heart!
Jensen: (shakes head) No, no. (audience laughs) (tilts head) Although, yeah, that was him too. (audience laughs) No, where we’re sitting on the, uh- at the end of the episode were sitting at the front- on the front of the hood, and I say-
Audience: Oooh.
Audience member: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things.
Jensen: (nods) Thank you. (audience giggles) And.. I remember that scene where I’m like, you know, “He’s your dad too. And I shouldn’t be so hard on you and all that stuff.” And-and I got so wrecked after that, I had to take a walk down the road, because I was so messed up. And there was- I’m just like, “Kim! Man!" (audience laughs) "You better quit that.” (audience chuckles) So, it’s just (throws hand up) there’s really no formula for it.
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: Yeah. (turns to his right)
•(4:44 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q9- JDM return rumor; Golfing; Fav Pro Golfers
Fan: Hi! (Jensen: Hi!) I’m Cher. (Jensen: Hi!) Um, I’m two-part question. (Jensen: Alright) First of all, I heard that Robert Singer said Jeffery Dean Morgan might be back on.. this season. I’m wondering if you know anything about that?
Jensen: I have no idea. (Fan: Okay) (audience giggles) (laughs) Yeah, Bob doesn’t tell- doesn’t tell me a whole lot. (Fan: Okay)
“Hey, Bob, was that good? Did you like that take?” (makes a face) “Oh, you’re one of those actors?” (looks down briefly)
(audience laughs) (nods) That’s Bob.
Fan: Okay. And, to congratulate you on acing (?eighth?) and, uh,-
Jensen: (laughs and nods) Oh, thank you. (Fan: Yeah) She’s speaking about the hole in one I made this past, uh, this summer. (audience giggles)
◘Chicago November 2007 - Jensen Solo Panel - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted ◘ -(14:39-16:21)
Fan: Oh yeah. And then I thought maybe a-any Pro-Am tournament, (?don’t you think, in Balboa? or ?or do you think about that?)? (audience giggles)
Jensen: You know I- I don’t want to paint the wrong picture. I’m not like, some, you know, uhhh, Phil Mickelson here or anything like that. I just- (shrugs) I just like to get out and play, you know, hit a ball, right? Um, but, uh.. ee-If I- If I have time I would love to do some of those- some of those, uh.. tournaments, but I just don’t have any time. (laughs)
Fan: Okay.
Jensen: It sounds fun. (audience giggles) I hear it’s cool. (audience giggles) But, unfortunately I’m stuck up in rainy Vancouver with Jared all day long. (audience laughs then some aw) (shakes his head) (audience laughs) Such a sensitive crowd. (audience laughs) Jeeze. Um-
Fan: Do you have any favorite golfers?
Jensen: I’m sorry? (leans in)
Fan: You have any favorite pro golfers?
Jensen: Oh…I don’t know that there’s one specific that.. Woody Austin’s kind of fun. (Fan: Oh.) Because he breaks clubs over his head. (nods) (audience laughs) (fist pumps) I feel his pain. (audience laughs)
Thank you. (nods) (Fan: Thank you) (turns to his left) Hi.
•(15:43 DT, 6:20 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q10- Fears; of flying; Reprisal of Eric Brady; Fan gift
Fan: Good morning. Two quick questions and a tiny comment. (Jensen: Okay.) Um, first, regarding “Phantom Traveler.” (Jensen: Yes.) Do you share Dean’s sentiment regarding flying?
Jensen: (laughs) (audience laughs) No.
Fan: You did a great job acting like someone who’s afraid of flying.
Jensen: Acting like an idiot? (audience laughs) I do that a lot. Uh, no. I-I’ve fly way to often to-to be f- I’m us-I’m the guy that is asleep before we taxi out to the runway.
Fan: Thanks (Jensen: Yeah) Um, and is there any possibility of you returning, even in- in a cameo scenario, to your role as Eric Brady? (audience gives mixed reaction) …His name has been brought up a lot lately.
Jensen: Yeahh, you know, I got a call from Ken Corday last year. Uh, Ken Corday is the, uh, the owner of “Days of Our Lives.” Um, and he wanted me to come back for- I forget what-what the- the event was going on, but- (some answers called out from the audience) I’m sure some of you probably know. (audience laughs) (smiles) Uh, for like, um.. for like a half a dozen episodes or something. And I was like, “You know what? Yeah, let me see.” But we just couldn’t work out the dates.
So, I- as long as I, you know, as I keep as busy as I am.. I probably won’t. But, you never know.
Fan: Um, we’ll hope for it. (Jensen: Yeah) Uh, the comment is, the bracelet I’ve left for you is a gift in the photo op room. (Jensen: Yes) I made it. I didn’t buy it. (?I just want you to know?) (Jensen nods) (audience laughs) (?pictures on it?) like this one, but it’s peridot.
Jensen: Thank you. (nods) (audience laughs) Thank you very very much. (smiles) (turns to his right) Hi!
•(7:47 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q11- unknown; 2x20
Fan: Hi! Um,
-No footage available-
• Chicon07JA;Q12- unknown; S3 strained brother relationship
-No footage available except for the tail end of the answer-
Fan Reports: *warning: fan reports are often times accounts of an event where the poster relies mostly on their own memories and biases. As a source it can't be fully verified unless there is video footage that can accompany it. Therefore fan reports should not be taken as the unquestionable truth, but instead of a likely possibility of things said.
◘Chicago November 2007 - Jensen Solo Panel - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted◘ - (16:37-18:51)
Jensen: -Hopefully, it progresses. Um, I don’t know what’s going to happen with this writers’ strike. But, um, there’s- that’s going to be a- a very interesting plot.. point, is the- the brothers’ relationship. So it’s really cool. And, I’m very excited. I hope that.. the writers quit crying over spilled milk (?and just write?). (some of the audience laughs most oo’s) (smiles)
◘jensen_cc3 by _sin_attract◘
I’m just kidding. I’m just- (audience giggles) (swipes hand repeatedly) No, they- actually I hope that they get what they want ‘cause that way we get what I- what we-we want when we go to negotiations. (audience giggles) (nods) (Fan: Thank you) Thank you. (turns to his left) Hi!
•(17:07 DT, 0:14 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q13- Props; Dean’s Jewelry meaning
Fan: Hi! Dean’s jewelry, the necklace, the ring, the bracelet, are we ever going to know-
Jensen: I don’t know (looks down) (audience and fan laugh) (wipes his face and mouth) I (laughs) I honestly don’t know. Uhh, (laughs) No, what it was is (?Sam?, ?Pam?, or ?and?)- I- I don’t know if you guys have heard this before, but- or heard me said this before. But, uh, in the beginning when we were doing the pilot I said, “You know, I-I want this guy to have s-s- things, because he’s- he’s, you know, he’s in this supernatural world and he travels around. He’s probably got amulets and- and things that are, you know, associated with what he does.”
◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 6 by sarahmonious)◘
So, the costume designer at- at that point, and myself kind of went through this whole, you know, stuff of, you know- She just dumped a box out onto a table (audience giggles) and she’s like, “This is all the stuff that I’ve had, you know, accumulated through the years on all the projects I’ve worked on.” So, we kind of, like, went sifting through it a little bit. And I-I saw something that was really cool and I saw another thing that was really cool, and I was like, “Yeah, okay. Let’s- let’s do this- let’s do these.”
And-and of course, I had to okay them with- with Eric. And he looked at them and he’s like, “Okay, we’ll come up with reasons why you have those.” (audience chuckles) I was like, (shrugs) “Whatever.” (audience laughs) He has not. (audience laughs)
Fan: Is the ring a spinner ring? (Jensen: What’s that?) Is the ring a spinner ring?
Jensen: No, it’s not. (Fan: Oh.) The ring is- was, uum.. It was a- a ring I actually had, uh, personally, um, that I.. no longer- I don’t even know where that thing is. Um, (audience giggles) but they just made a- a replica of that. Um, and I just say that it’s.. the- my beer opening ring. (audience laughs) ‘Cause if you notice I (mimics opening a beer with a ring) crack beers with it. And that’s really the only.. use it has. (audience laughs) It’s so Dean doesn’t have to carry around a can opener. (audience laughs) or a bottle opener yeah. (turns to his right) Hi.
•(1:59 SA)- Chicon07JA;Q14- Jensen on Alan Ackles; Devour
Fan: Hi, uh, first off, thank you for sharing your weekend with us (Jensen: [nods] Yeah) and for all the long hours you’ve put in. (audience cheers and claps. Jensen looks down and then up nodding) Um, talk to us about the experience on Devour working with your father.
Jensen: Um.. Yeah, that was- that was intense. Uh… ieh- I don’t know if, uh- I did a- I did a- a movie. A very, very low budget, uh, (audience laughs) film. (laughs) Uh.. it didn’t really turn out the way I thought it would. (laughs) (audience giggles) In fact, I remember watching it and going, “What is happening?” (audience laughs) “I don’t even remember this.”
Um, but they- they cast my actual father to play my father in the- in- in the movie. And, uh, it was really.. it was really cool. It was something that I always wanted to do. I mean, you know, watching my dad, uh.. um, as I grew up, uh you know, in doing, uh- He’s an actor, kind of a commercial actor in Dallas. And, so, he would do commercials and he would do, you know, stuff like that, and tv shows now and again. He, you know, played half a dozen roles on- on any television show that would film down there.
◘Chicago November 2007 - Jensen Solo Panel - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted ◘ - (19:06-21:15)
So, watching him was actually kind of- because I got all my little quirks and stuff from him. And I always wanted to work with him. And so, that was really- it was really neat to-to-to be able to play opposite of him. He-he- he thinks I showed him up on- on screen and I think the opposite. (audience chuckles) So, (nods) it’s kind of a mutual respect there, (nods) yeah. Thanks for asking. (turns to his left) Hey.
•(3:29 SA, 19:27 DT)- Chicon07JA;Q15- fight choreography
Fan: Hi, Jensen. Call me Deb. (Jensen: hi) I wanted to thank you anyways, because friends and I came up to Vancouver this past spring (Jensen: yeah) and, um, for "What is and What Should Never Be.” We waited around and hung out–
Jensen: You’re the Jersey girl.
Fan: Rhode Island!
Jensen: (nods) Rhode Island girl. (audience laughs)
Fan: We brought yah that big basket of candy and the- those doggy (Jensen: that’s right.) snacks for Jared's dogs, (Jensen: That’s right.) you know, to be eaten (?in Dallas?). (laughs) (Jensen: that’s right.)
But I wanted to ask you 'cause, like, the more conversation with Jared and I didn’t get to talk to you that much about your fighting. You guys have been fighting for a while. I loved that fight in “Skin,” it was like, so clean. (Jensen: Yeah [laughs]) And I wanted to know, you’ve been doing it in Dark Angel, you’ve been doing it in this, do you guys progress? I mean, do you work on it? Do you like- ‘Cause I’ve been doing stunts and fighting for 16 years and it’s constant classes even now. (Jensen: Right.) So, do you have to constantly keep it going?
Jensen: Um.. No. We don’t- I mean, we.. I’d like to say, “Yeah. We train day in and day out.” But, we just- we don’t have time. So, we try to stay in shape as much as possible. You know, get in the gym and- and.. just keep our bodies, you know uh, athletic. (audience mhmms and then giggles) Um, but I- I honestly think that- (audience catcalls) How do you guys go there so quickly? (audience laughs) It’s amazing. (audience yells things out and one person yelled, “It’s not hard.”) Um, (adjust his sit and shakes his head) I’ll leave that one alone. (audience laughs)
•(3:29 SA, 20:46 DT)- Chicon07JA;Q16- Jared’s question
Jared: (off stage) This question is from anonymous. (Jensen smiles and rubs his brow) What do you say to the accusation that Jared- (audience screams and claps)
Jared walks up on the edge of the stage with a big grin looking at Jensen.
Jared: -Is a lot better looking and, uh, (walking closer to the middle of the stage) and that the success of the show has been- it’s an anonymous question. I don’t know who it was. (audience laughs) He was- he was very handsome.
Fan: Hey, Jared! You’re stepping on my toes here!
Jared: (hunches down) (to fan) Sorry. Sorry.
Jared scurries off to the end of the stage and then starts to talk to one of the ?bodyguards? off stage.
Fan: (?It’s frustrating?) I’m working here. (audience laughs)
Jared kind of reels back while looking at Jensen with a smile on his face.
Jensen: (to Jared grinning) Yeah, now your screwed aren’t yah.
The audience laughs. Jared puts his head in his hands and hunches over. Then places his hands in the pleading position. The audience laughs.
Jared: I-
Fan: Don’t mess with the fight wo- the fight (?choreographer?)!
◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 7 by sarahmonious)◘
Jared: (going to the middle of the stage with a hand raised in surrender) I know- I know better than that. I know better than that.
Jensen: (to Jared) Uh, I’m sorry sir. What was your question? (audience laughs)
Jared: (puts a hand to his chest) Oh, not mine. Not mine. Not mine. (Jensen: Oh, okay.) It was anonymous.
◘Jared and Jensen by augustfading)◘
Jensen: And what was the question?
Jared: What would you say to the, um, many say true accusations that (Jensen: uh huh) Jared- or Jared’s character- that’s my character, Sam. (audience laughs) was.. better looking, (audience laughs and cheers) smarter, (walks up to Jensen and rests his arm on Jensen’s shoulder) taller, (audience laughs and some scream) younger (shrugs) Okay, we can lose younger. (swipes his hand) Uh, then- then your character.
◘Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki at Chicago Con…4 by DegaDreamer◘
Jensen: you have to ride shotgun.
◘Chicago November 2007 - Jensen Solo Panel - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted ◘ -(21:16-21:54)
The audience oo’s and cheers. Jared lifts up his hands and shrugs walking a little bit away from Jensen. Then Jared walks back to Jensen and rubs and squeezes his shoulders.
•(6:10 SA, 0:43 S, 0:36 A, 21:24 DT) – Closing
Jared: My turn. (slaps Jensen’s shoulder) Get out of here.
Jensen: Is it? Alr- Am I outta here? (stands up) Alright, guys. That’s it. That’s all. (audience aw’s) I- I gotta go.
Jared: (to audience) He’s coming back. He’s coming back. (audience cheers and claps) right after-
Jensen: I’ll be back.
Jared: (goes to sit down and then sits back up) It’s a warm seat.
Jensen: (starts walking off) I’m gonna think about that drunk question. (audience screams and claps)
Jared: Can I have a-
Jensen: (walks off stage) Thanks guys. (audience cheers)
Jared’s Panel starts.
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mainsminder · 2 years
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kitkatwinchester · 3 years
I am going to say this, and I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for it, but I'm so sick of this, so I don't care.
I get that you're upset, but in that speech, when did Jared ever actively say that queer love wasn't okay?
I am in the LGBTQ community, and I didn't hate that answer.
And here's the thing.
He didn't specify anything about queer love specifically. He was talking about romantic love. He was specifically discussing the idea of romance and that Supernatural was never supposed to be about romance.
In that speech, fine, yes, he said that the confession was not a romantic confession, but it had way less to do with gay love specifically and MUCH more to do with romantic and sexual love in general, and that's actually a point I agree with.
WAY too much of media these days is focused on romance and sex. We ship these characters, these two are in love, these two totally wanna bang: do you know how hard it is to find movies/tv shows/books that are just about FRIENDS or about FAMILY and have NO romance (or, at the very least, very little of it)?!
Why do you think I like Supernatural so much??!! I get so, SO sick of the emphasis on romantic and sexual love in media, and re-watching Supernatural is such a breath of fresh air every freaking time.
So frankly, I think Jared has a point.
And if you love romantic and sexual relationships in media, then that's fine. Go for it. Watch that all you want. There is plenty of it out there, and you can insert it into whatever media you want however you want.
But as a result, don't get pissed at the amazing human beings that are the Supernatural cast just because they thought of the relationship differently.
And yeah, I get it. I do agree that Jensen's answer was a little more well-mannered and well thought-out, and he handled with a lot more ease. Jared's response was definitely a little more emotionally charged.
But can you blame him?! These actors aren't blind. They're not idiots. They know the drama the last few episodes have brought. They know all of the Destiel drama. They've seen it. And with the amount of hate (most of which is pretty unnecessary and unfair) that Jared has been getting about topics like this, I can't say I blame him for being a little peeved off that they got a question about it.
Obviously, a question like that was bound to happen, and Jared probably should've been expecting it, but he's also HUMAN, and he had just been talking about how emotional saying goodbye to the show was for him.
To suddenly be reminded of such a currently very toxic conversation in the fandom was probably a little emotionally jarring, even if he had mentally prepared himself.
And he did settle himself down a little bit after his speech. After Jensen talked, his next words were much calmer and much more understanding and supportive sounding. I really do think he was just already in an emotional place and put in a bad situation with a difficult question to handle.
But his answer wasn't bad. If you take out the emotional delivery, what he said makes perfect sense, and it's actually something I 100% agree with, and is honestly my favorite thing about the show.
So come on. Please stop this. These types of emotionally charged responses from you are part of the reason we as a community get reactions like that. When we lash out at people, they lash back, whether they mean to or not.
Please be reasonable. Please handle this responsibly. Please, please, please, stop hurting and pushing away one of the few communities and one of the few groups of people that is without a doubt accepting.
I don't want to lose this fandom, but you guys are really starting to scare me.
Please don't tear this fandom apart even more than it already is.
I can't handle it.
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mrs41258 · 4 years
Jackles didn't say that he's happy Dean died lol, he said he prefers Dean died if someone has to die BETWEEN Dean and Sam. To me it's 100% sure Dean would rather die than outlive Sam and Jackles always tries to hold Dean's POV.
He was far more dependent on Sam that s5 Dean, besides I think a lot of people would die if they had to choose between their own life and their brother's life, I'd surely pick my death over my sister's.
On the other hand I don't fully agree that Sam coped well btw. He's not S1 Sam anymore, now he was dependent on Dean almost as Dean on him. He didn't do anything with his life after Dean's death, he gave up hunting, witchcraft, didn't study anything he was interested in. He used to want to change the world, instead he just took care of Dean 2, waiting to die naturally. Probably he did better than Dean would have done (Dean would get himself killed like he did in 15x20...JK(?) tried to do also after Cas' death in s13), but still bad, indeed I think Sam got the worst ending among TFW.
Anyway, even if Dean dying and Sam "living" has been agony, I may agree to an extent that Sam dying and Dean surviving would have been worse.
What would have been SO MUCH BETTER is both of them surviving and living the freedom they gained fighting against God.
No brother had to die, that's the point, no death was necessary, it was forced to produce cheap shock and cheaper angst, the only necessity was to hire a competent writer who didn't need a kill and basic manpain to create an impactful and emotional ending.
Dean or Sam is a false dichotomy.
Anyway I'm no mind reader and I don't wanna assume things but I feel Jackles' opinion about the finale can be inferred by his desire to reboot it LOL.
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
The thing with Daniela started because she changed cockles panel last minute to j2m, cockles fans were mad about that because that is the only cockles panel they get and j2 have 2 panels at every creation con,they express that disappointment and the fact that it was last minute and some people bought 🎟 specifically because of cockles panels. Her reaction to that was something rude doesn't cover it
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I think these 3 anons are about the same issue, but I'm not sure because I googled "daniela chiusa jib9 drama" and I got this:
Her facebook statement about the j2m panel
And another one critizising "shipping wars"
But in the last one she's not ranting over just destiel shippers, it's actually about any extreme side of the fandom (including wincest/J2) and the shipping wars. In fact, several destiel/cockles shippers agree with her in this post.
So I'm still not sure if she's really so anti-destiel (I know she isn't pro-destiel, but that doesn't mean she's also an anti).
She even defended Misha (ok, I know that's the bare minimum of respect and common sense...)
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And the thing about the j2m panel, apparently some fans stirred shit on the internet about it, but it seems most of people (at least the ones in the con) were ok with it? I don't know if that j2m panel was planned from the start or it was a cockles panel and then jared crashed it (as he did in jib10)
Anyway, whether Daniela was right or wrong... I'm happy that one year later she had to witness straddlegate with her own eyes, and now jared betrays her not going to the first jibcon since the pandemic.
Ugh, I have another question... is this person kelios?
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I think Cockles broke up. There is an article here.
The owner of the article does not like Misha, but what she wrote may be true
I’ve a actually seen this person’s post before. Here’s the deal, as you’ve said, they are very pro-J2/Wincest and very anti-Misha. They even call those of us who are Misha Stans ‘morons,’ so I think it’s suffice to say they’re reaching when they says Jensen doesn’t like Misha. But their post doesn’t really prove Cockles broke up.
It’s really hard for me to believe them. Example: she said Jensen looked mad when Misha crashed his panel back in Denver Con.
Ummm we’re they looking at the same panel vids and pics we were?! 🤣
Here’s some stills:
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Clearly this person lied or are willfully in denial about Jensen not hugging Misha. My guess is they didn’t actually finish watching the panel vid.
And as for Misha brushing off Jensen’s arm, it seemed all in good fun for Jensen calling him a soft plushy. The only time Mish seemed ‘annoyed’ was when Jensen starting talking about Covid. And his annoyance, to me, appears to be more of a serious, sobering nature. It’s no lie that Covid is a serious issue that has killed over 5 million people. So why would Mish smile and flirt when Jensen was talking about such a somber topic? That’d be just tactless, and Misha is anything but when it comes to something so heartbreaking.
Anyways, the thing is, even if they have broken up, I don’t think it’s in Jensen’s nature/character to ever allow himself to emotionally hurt someone he cares about.
My hope is that it’s just his hectic life that is causing him to be a little more stand-offish and not a breakup. There is hope though— I mean he did just bless us with a video on Twitter of him, Jensen and Jared backstage goofing around. I wonder if maybe CE is behind his mood? They purposely ostracize him from J2 every convention. Who knows, they may have even told Mish to tone it down during pics.
I’ll know more tomorrow when I see them during ops. That is if I don’t pass out from an aneurism at the sight of them in all their gorgeous glory first.
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J2 Gold Panel Dallascon 2022
Dallascon came and went, and it brought the first j2 panels of the year!
The panel starts with Jared sharing that his, and Jensen’s parents were originally going to be in Van for the filming of the finale but couldn’t because of the pandemic. They’re kind of making up for that this con, their parents were there and both set of parents and the boys had dinner together the previous night, that is so sweet 🥰
The fan who asks the first question had done a photo op the previous day with Jensen were she arrests him which makes Jared joke and bring up the time that Jensen put him in the orange suit after his arrest, and they joke a bit- I know how this fucking fandom is so I know this is gonna get some mixed reactions but personally it makes me happy that Jared can joke about it and be casual about it. Anyways that first question was about a Stephen Amell cutout. This same fan at a previous con had done a Jensen photo op with a Stephen Amell cutout as a prop and she wanted to know if Jensen send him the pic; Jensen said yes, and that in reply Stephen send him back a pic of a cutout of Jensen. And Jared says that something Stephen does is he'll randomly send him a pic sometimes of himself holding a picture of Jared saying 'well i saw you today' and that's like his way of catching up. I can't help but feel that now Stephen Amell is going to be handed a lot more pictures of Jared 😂
Then they were asked, which one of them is more like their character and what did they bring of themselve to their character? Jensen says there are a lot of similarities between him and Dean that overtime as the show grew and he grew as a person the lines blurred in terms of personality between him and Dean. That the characters are a part of them and what was on screen was him exaggerating a piece of his personality not him pretending to be someone different.
Jared echoes, says that he’s a silly dude but when he gets into work mode he's like Sam, he becomes laser focused. And that Jensen is funny and friendly but when shit's gonna go down he's like Dean. x
Would they consider working on an international project like Squid Game? If yes, what country would they like to work in? Jared answers yes, that it would be amazing he jokes that they technically did work in an international project for 15 and a half years because they're from Texas and worked in Canada. He also says if it's a project they're excited for and they're free he'll go wherever just send him the ticket and he'll get on a plane. Jensen thinks that due to their family situation with the kids and such they are a little bit more tethered to where they can go and have to be more thoughtful about how far away a location is and how long they'd be away; talks about how his time in Toronto was more difficult than he anticipated because when he signed up for the role he thought there would be a handle on the pandemic by the time he had to film so he thought he'd be able to travel back and forth. Says that if he had known that in advance he probably would have sat down and given accepting the role some more serious thought.
Also, Jared went into a little non sequitur about his kids passports and the way he said it was "our kids were all born in Seattle" not "my kids" "our kids" just leaving that there do whatever you want with it x
Gonna preface this by saying I hate questions like the fourth one but a lady, whose birthday is also in March, asked if they could go get drinks together for their birthday. Questions like these make me uncomfy especially when asked in front of a crowd- it's like a proposal at an event don't do that shit. But the boys handle it like the pro's they are, Jared says if she's ever in Austin there's a place Family Business brewery - he also shares he was gonna hang out there a bit on Thursday night after filming cause Walker films close to the location but he couldn't cause his kids were freaking out and he had to watch the new episode (I swear when talking about his plans to visit FBBC it sounds like he said he was planning to text Jensen). Jensen tells the fan he doesn't know where she's going to be on her birthday but he's pretty sure he knows where he'll be on his which is on set next to Jared, at which point Jared all cutely does some fist pumps, but that he'll have a beer for her. x
They are asked, once again, if they are content with the ending of the show. They are, Jensen says what he has before that he didn't think Dean dying was going to result in some sort of finale but that after talking to Kripke he got a new perspective. Jared also tought it would be Sam dying, he then says pretty much what he has said before that he loves the realism of living this great life and it could all end in one moment, and says that the ending has kept him thinking. x
And the final question was: After 15 years and 320 lessons of why not to keep secrets. How do they feel about their characters never learning that it’s bad to keep secrets? I feel like this was a loaded question and based on their answers I think the boys took it as one too; Jared quickly jumps in and says that he thinks it's a great lesson, that it's one everybody has probably dealt with that he thinks it's something they all deal with; that moment when you think “oh i’m not gonna bother him with this” and then you fnd out later a. it’s not gonna be a bother to them and b. you would have been better off if you just mentioned it cause they can’t read your mind.
That if you find that person or people in your life where you can tell them everything and know that there might be situations where they're like "hey man that sucks, that hurts my feelings, I still love the shit out of you but here’s what we can do moving forward"
Then Jensen starts to say that you gotta appreciate that there's drama in secrets, and I swear to God you can see it, you can see Jared debate wether to open his mouth or not- he turns to Jensen and says "I don't if you don't tell me" listen I'm so glad they've reached this point were they can joke about it but that man is gonna single handedly ensure Jensen never fucks up again 😅
Then they joke around some more because the fan says to save the drama for the soap opera so Jared says "as we all go through the Days of Our Lives" and then Jensen goes "this all a House of Wax that could melt in a New York Minute" 😂
Thus marks the first panel of 2022; I'll be honest it flew by even for a Gold panel it didn't feel like 30mins. But there were some interesting moments and if you wanna check out the full thing you can do so through the link below:
J2 Gold Panel Dallas 2022
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What about Jensen body language before the fallout though? I'm a new fan, pls tell me more?
Alright, disclaimer: I'm not a scientifically accurate watcher of cons, I barely watch con videos because i have the attention span of a fungus, i have auditory processing issues+I'm not a native english speaker so i understand shit of what they say without transcripts or subtitles, but i do exist on tumblr and have seen snippets, gifsets, and I did watch an entire (or at least a good part of it, idk) j2 panel once for some reason I don't remember rn, and that was really the time where I got stuck with the most clarity of how wildly different Jensen's body language in j2 panels was to other panels that i'm more familiar with because we gif them more or simply talk about them more.
I don't want to sound like I Know(TM) Jensen or have special access to his mind, so please keep in mind that this is basically my theory based on how I perceive the little I see of him, but this said - my impression is that Jensen was uncomfortable in Sunday j2 panels, long before the post-finale fallout with Jared. Jensen and Jared usually stand up in front of the audience and answer questions, and Jensen looks stiff and, well, like he's not enjoying himself. I'm used to seeing a million snippets and gifs and pictures of him in panels with Misha or others, and he's relaxed and cheerful. When asked questions in the j2 panel sometimes he looks downright defensive.
Oh, right *facepalm* I just remembered that I watched that j2 panel because someone asked Jensen a Destiel-related question (with the word Destiel in it) and Jensen basically snapped and shut the question down and it was uncomfortable to watch because he was obviously not comfortable with the entire thing. The audience in j2 panels is NOT a Destiel-friendly audience in general. (Of course there's going to be exceptions in the crowd but as a crowd, the alignment is not pro-Destiel, alright?) While the audience in Cockles panels is obviously a pro-Cas, pro-Destiel crowd. Pick some Jibcon videos, j2 panel and Cockles panel from the same jibcon if you want, and compare the atmosphere and body language of the two. I think you'll notice a difference.
Now, Jensen is not comfortable with interacting with fans like this, in general. His solo panels can get uncomfortable for him at times (at least once that I remember Misha went to support him during a solo panel because he was clearly nervous). His levels of comfort obviously depend on whether someone is with him, and who, and also on the audience he's facing. Again, the audience of a j2 panel is not the same audience in a Cockles panel. I think the difference in Jensen's comfort levels comes both from whom he is with, and the crowd.
I'm aware I'm not saying anything substantial but... just have a look at old panels. Compare j2 panels and non-j2 panels. I think that the difference is pretty noticeable. I'm not surprised at all that j2 panels spew drama and negativity because that's the norm. Now this is my theory but I'm pretty sure that Jensen needs to go with the wishes of the crowd (that's what he's paid for, entertaining his audience, right?) and he doesn't like it when it's a j2 crowd.
Take all of this with a fuckton of grains of salt because I don't have a magical access to Jensen Ackles' brain but... I don't think the guy's ever been particularly relaxed and happy in j2 panels, because j2 panels lean Jared fans/J2 fans/brothers-only fans, and they're basically Jared's kingdom, not his. He's comfy when he has a pro-Misha crowd in front of him.
As an old fan the J2 fallout is coming like the least surprising thing ever because Jensen might have played along the marketing strategy ~the amazing J2, brothers in the story and in real life!!~ thing all this time because it was literally his job, but I think that he's grown apart from the Jared side of things a long time ago and has been personally feeling a lot closer to the Misha side of things. By side of things I mean both the person and the fandom that aggregates around the person.
The difference now is that he seems less inclined to keep up the ~brothers in real life!!~ act (look at the various 'oh my brother' tweets he's made recently, they sound so authentic and genuine like he put negative amounf of effort in sounding genuine), probably because a) the divide between him and Jared is getting wider, b) he literally doesn't work every single day of his life with the guy anymore, so he has no reason to avoid conflict that would destroy his daily life.
It's still his job to do j2 panels, so he'll do that job, but he'll also storm off when it's over. I ain't watching the panel video, but apparently Jared acted really inappropriately (getting involved in a question that wasn't for him and didn't have anything to do with him and derailing Jensen's answer bringing it into a direction Jensen wasn't going) and Jensen liked it even less that he usually likes doing a j2 panel. I'm not surprised. I think the finale just exacerbated things there.
I hope I answered your question!
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collegeboysam · 3 years
i give it one day before people come up with really fake sounding jensen autographs stories where they ask him to elaborate on the last j2 panel question and he suddenly absolutey changes his mind and does not agree with jared and is 100% pro deancas hints and love and whatnot so it can all be turned into "jared bad jensen uwu got pressured into agreeing bc he is anxious around him" and the only source of said jensen auto moments will be a post written on notes app and a "dude trust me" yet all the twitter girls are gonna eat that up
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winchesterish · 3 years
That post you reblogged about destiel shippers transforming into wincest shippers tho!!!! Thank you for sharing that. I experienced something sort of similar in the sense that everyone who recced spn to me talked about Dean and Cas. Or if someone was their favorite, it was Dean, and then they'd shit all over Sam. I also have two siblings who watched the show. I don't know if they've seen the whole thing but one of them was very vocally anti wincest and she thought everyone who shipped it was fucked up. The other shipped wincest secretly but tried to keep appearances up cuz he lived with our anti wincest sibling.
I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I finally watched the show and Cas isn't a main character and Sam's actually really fucking adorable and sassy and oh my god I was ruined from the get go, from easy tiger and the YEARNING and the STARING and the looking like they're gonna beat each other up or eat each other or both and OMG I HAVE SEEN THIS SHOW SO MANY TIMES AND I STILL FORGET THAT THEY DON'T KISS. Because they always look like they should be kissing. I am obsessed with this stupid show the way that Dean is obsessed with Sam. Like I just wake up and stupid little things remind me of them even though I've been in the fandom for YEARS. ugh. And obviously you know I love Cas too and wincestiel but DAMN getting into wincest tho. There is nothing like finally giving in to it.
Tori you phrased this perfectly, the anti wincest and pro wincest sibling dilemma sounds like the worst fandom inner family drama :/ Sammy is so sassy and sweet and I absolutely adore him bonus points for early seasons floppy hair Sarah Blake you were so right to miss the old haircut. Don't get me STARTED on the staring it always feels like i should either look away or look directly at it incase they start making out. J2 panels are absolutely INSANE the second Jared & Jensen share that look I have to get up and grab my aluminum foil and put on my little tinhat. Giving in to wincest top ten feelings of all time.
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spnshameblog · 3 years
j*red confirmed that?
As insane as it sounds, yes. They get asked about the parallel in a j2 panel and jred is like "haha yeah that was the intention, amazing how ppl pick up on that" or something. That was one of the instances that led ppl to believe jred was pro destiel which..... hm.
Looking back im not sure if he was serious or if he was mocking the fans for seeing the parallel, bc i can definitely see him do that. But im gonna decide to take him by his word, bc if he WAS trying to just be like 'yeah suuuuure it is haha', then the fact that ppl take his words as confirmation of destiel is probably pissing him off and thats funny.
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sammyhale · 5 years
J2 VegasCon 2019 Main Panel
*Reminder: Full answers/more context in vids and gifs <3
J2 jump onstage as fans wave pink hearts from the crowd <3
Jensen: Whenever we come out and do one of those jumps, I always wonder if today’s the day one of us blows a hip. 
Jensen’s microphone keeps making a high pitched sound lol. 
They ask how many first-timers are there. Jensen: Okay, well, I’d like to remind you we’ve been on this show for fourteen years, doing these for thirteen and a half. Where were you??? 
Jared: We are five days into our final hiatus. Jensen: Five days into our hiatus beard!
Jensen won’t shave for a few months.
J2 whispering and Jensen cracking up :P 
Jensen reveals that Jared is wearing a party patch (they help with hangovers). Jared puts his leg on Jensen’s lap and rolls up his pant leg to show the patch lol. 
J2 gave the crew party patches at the s14 wrap party.  
Fan asks if they believe in the supernatural in real-life. Jensen doesn’t not believe in ghosts. First to think there’s a logical explanation. But he’s certainly open to the availability that that 1% could be supernatural. Even though he’s never experienced it in real life. 
Jensen explains the difference between unnatural and supernatural. Unnatural = Jared. Supernatural = us
Norton fixes Jared’s rolled up pants which turns a little dirty, naturally :P 
Fan: Which supporting actors have gone on that have had great careers that you’re still close with? The guest star Jared connects with the most is the girl who played Ruby in season 4 ;) Jensen says they knew Sterling K. Brown was a star when he was on spn, that the Force was strong with him. It’s no surprise he’s had the success that he’s had. Also: Well we’re close to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, even though he hasn’t really done much since spn. He’s still cool. 
J2 ran into Felicia Day yesterday and talked about her daughter aww
Jared watched “Wendigo” recently, named a couple of guest stars (assuming Alden Ehrenreich was one of them ;))
A fan apparently rushed the stage, emotional/screaming and upset about wanting an autograph. Some fans tweeted that she has autism. Fans tweeted that J2, Clif, and Creation handled the situation well. At one point J2 left the stage to help defuse the situation. When they came back out after Jared shouted out: “Our member of the family is having a hard time. We all have had hard times.” He wants us all to be kind. The boys are completely fine. (Some details)
Fan: So after the show, will you continue to shave? Boys: Up here not down there... lol
Jensen: We were talking about Jared’s Viking braids. 
Jensen teased about Jared shaving his head like Borja did yesterday for charity. They said they’d have Misha do it lol. 
Answering sincerely, they acknowledge their look will change a bit, to have their own identities. Jensen:  “Dean is the best imaginary friend I’ve ever had in my life. He’ll be a part of me for the rest of my life. But I don’t have to look like him for the rest of my life.” 
Also: “It all depends on what our wives want us to look like.” lol 
Jared wants to go bowlegged. Asks Jensen how it is, to which he replies “airy.” 
Jensen hopes their relationships with cast and crew will last a lifetime and that is what, quote, “fuels us up.”
J2 are signed to do cons past s15 and won’t end for a while :)  
What is Jared most looking forward to after the show? Getting to know our kids, our wives, and ourselves. Also not shaving! 
Jared: I’m excited to be a dad. Spend more time with the kiddos. Is also excited for the boring.  
Jensen’s never known his wife and kids without the show. It’s been a constant. It’s going to be interesting to see where life goes. He’s excited for the opportunity to spend more time with his kids, wife, and friends. To not get on an airplane.
Jensen: I'm looking forward to but have been happy to have professional opportunities go by these past 14 years in order to tell this story. 
Has anything impacted you (professionally) like SPN has impacted us? Jared says he isn’t sure. Even when “off” we can’t remove our “wigs” like Borja (lol) We’re still working! Always!
Jensen said he and Misha will need vocal therapy after the show to get their voices back to normal. Jensen: I tried to emulate JDM as Dean’s father by speaking with this gravelly voice. I didn’t know I’d been doing this for 15 seasons. I’m a lot older than he was when he played my dad. Jared: Yeah, no kidding!! 
Fan: How do demons deposit sulfur? Jensen: *runs around the stage, making farting noises*
What’s on their bucket lists? And the weirdest thing on there? The fan has an accent that J2 both attempt. Jared says (about the accent): “It’s beautiful and I’m jealous of people who speak better than me, which is everyone.”
We have learned Jared doesn’t have a bucket list. Then he says he would love to go on a helicopter ride. He’s never done it before and it’s the small things. Jensen is unimpressed.
Jared: “What I meant to say was...have a...pet...koala...bear...” Jensen: JUST STOP.
Jensen says, “I want to watch my children grow up.”  
Jared says he can watch his children grow up from the helicopter. Jensen quips, “That’s called helicopter parenting.” 
Jared shakes the fan’s hand and asks where her accent is from, repeating that it’s beautiful. She says, “Yorkshire.” He goes, “no YOU’RE sure.” LOL 
The dad jokes are strong today.
For the final season, this is the first year J2 have said to the writers and producers that they would like to be part of the creative process in the direction and the story of s15. J2 have been invited to the storyboarding with the creators in LA for the final season and definitely want to give their input. They don’t know if they’ll listen, and J2 are prepared for that, but nobody’s lived with Sam and Dean longer than they have. They would love to give input that the show and characters deserve. <3
Jensen: “No one knows these characters more than Jared and I.”
Jared: As a fan of the show, I'd like to offer my input.    
Jensen says they watch the episodes in order to give themselves critical feedback. They don’t read comments on social media re: feedback. 
It’s hard for them to watch themselves as just an audience. Including other TV shows like GOT and This Is Us. 
J2 both loved “Death's Door” then realized we weren't in it much. Jensen: Are we weighing it down? Jared: We're critical of ourselves
Fan: Jensen, you were amazing last night [at the concert]. Jared: Oh, if you think he was amazing last night... :P
Fan asks if Jensen really played piano on Dark Angel and any memories from the show?  It was a little of both Jensen and a pro (close-ups are not him playing). It was a VERY difficult song to learn how to play, Chopin he thinks. He has to think hard to dig up funny stories.
When Jessica Alba gets in the boxing ring (with him) she lined up the punch and hit him RIGHT in the nose. (One of the MANY reasons it’s “so jacked up”) He was too young to say “cut! That hurt!” Realizes he doesn’t do that now, either lol.
Another episode he gets slapped, but the actress wasn’t getting the timing for the fake slap right. She was petite so he assumed it wouldn’t be too bad... But he had a WELT on his face. Whole crew went “oof.”
“Scoobynatural” question for the final scene, how many takes? A small crowd had gathered outside across the street. They’re 20 yards away and can’t hear the regular dialogue. But Jensen knew they would get that last line, and he was embarrassed to say the line because those people wouldn’t know the context. 
Jared: They’re so old they’re animating themselves to be on camera! lol
A fan said she lost her favorite beanie in the Bellagio fountain and was asking on recommendations to get a new one. 
Jared gave his beanie to the fan aww. Then Jensen told Jared that he lost his favorite watch, and Jared immediately took off his watch and gave it to Jensen. Jensen cuddles Jared. Jared then tells Jensen he lost his favorite pair of underwear LOL 
Last question: Fan wants to know where Jensen and Jared went during the “French Mistake” episode.  Jensen says they were at a con. Jared says VegasCon! Or maybe it was Balthazar. But Jensen prefers to think they just didn’t show up for work because “they’re asshole actors.” 
Hugs, standing ovation for the boys, J2 give each other and the fans some love before taking off :) (photo credit: x)
Tumblr media
Info via: Fangasm, Sarah,  #spnlv, #spnvegas
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
To all the sweet destiel fans out there
My blog is not a pro-destiel blog.  I am dedicating this post to a very sweet but very frightened destiel shipper who left likes on my posts.  When I messaged her personally to thank her and let her know that I don't hate her ship [I used to ship it myself], and that I am merely dissatisfied with militant hellers [not all the destiel fans] in her group and Misha's influence on slash fiction, her response astounded me.  She said she thought I was messaging her to scold her for liking my posts.  I am a little choked up right now.  I don't want that sweet child to think I hate every single one of them.  So this post is to make a distinction between a destiel fan and a militant heller.
A normal destiel fan is like any other level-headed shipper.  They ship what they want to ship.  They don't ship shame.  They don't send hate to anyone who says they don't like destiel.  They don't try to make destiel happen on the show.  They just take what they get like everyone else.  Destiel is just a cute, harmless ship and the only source of their happiness and existence. 
Hellers have done the following on Twitter:
@yasCastiel [not sure of the spelling]- tweeted a death threat to Jensen for saying that destiel doesn't exist.  This death threat was amongst all the homophobic allegations on the page.
@mishacoIIins - who has 3500 followers was threatening to burn down Jensen's house, poison his brewery and kidnap Jared's children.  The name has three i's, and the first two are capital letters.  The page was reported but because I am no longer on twitter, I don't know what happened.
Tweeted CW and its affiliates demanding to know why destiel isn't canon yet, claiming that the show is run by bigots. - too many to name personally.  They claim to deserve canon destiel, because they have been supporting the show.  What?  Its just a TV show.  A source of entertain.  You are not laboring yourself by watching it and therefore do not deserve any cookies.  The show is the reward in itself. 
When Jensen tweeted the shoes picture to let fans know that he is having twins, one problematic fan asked if he and Misha are having the babies. 
A heller freak called Intelligent Shipper [what a name] stalked the tinhat blogs and then got angry because she wasn't happy with my tagging.  Really, I perused Tumblr for a while before launching this blog, and I noticed that many hellers don't respect the tags.  Destiel is in every tag.  They go into the anti tag to demand why there is an anti.  So I decided to give them what they want.  Attention!
Lua James @Poptivist led her entire battalion of hellers on a crusade to get J2 in trouble because of a joke Jared made at Nolacon.  Oddly enough, they said nothing when Jensen had made the same joke a few cons earlier.  They were angry because Jared had said, rightfully so, that Misha was not a lead, to which the silly lady asking the question about him retorted ''lead support''. What is a lead support?  They are just making things up.  I wonder how embarrassing this is going to be for Misha.  They were very angry because Jared was not given separate panels or fired.  J2 just said sorry and moved on.
Ivana @nowandgen pretends to be Genevieve's greatest cheerlander and fan, but on her own SM she says that Gen confided in her that Jared abuses her and neglects the kids.  Anything to make Jared look bad and boo him right off the show. 
Insist that Dean is bi.  And when Jensen says that he isn't, the hellers say ''oh what does he know.  He is just a talking head.''
There is more but I don't want this to be a long post.  If you ship destiel for fun, nobody has the right to stop you.  Ship what you like, but don't force others to like what you like.  That is stupid.  Yes, there are nuts in every ship.  However, the bullies and strategists and warmongering variety seems to be exponentially more in the destiel section.  Laughing about kidnapping Jared's children is where any decent person will get pissed off, because what did babies ever do to you?
What problem do I have with Misha?  The problem only really started last year.  Before that I loved him, then liked him, then became mildly annoyed and now I cant stand to look at him.  My post ''Misha Collins is not the professor of slash ficiton'' will explain it.  Remember, if you are a militant shipper of any ship, you are making people hate you and those you love.  If you are a normal destiel fan, then don't be afraid of us.  We mean you no harm or ill.  The only ones harming you are hellers.  I am not naming that destiel fan because I don't want them to lash out at her.  Sweetie, if you are reading this, have a wonderful day, and happy shipping. 
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Oh fuck oh fuck I’m really angry. I couldn’t stop myself from reading about the Misha/Rachel panel and I’m so frustrated that Misha apparently said pro-m*gstiel stuff. Do you want me to say what it is? I kinda wish I had time to watch the full panel and see what actually happened, but I don’t want to torture myself more.
2/he was probably just being funny but I still feel kinda betrayed. The shippers are talking about how much they feel validated and it bothers me tbh.
3/I love misha so much and I’m not mad at him or anything. I’m just mad at the situation and need to let my feelings out. It reminds me a bit of how bronlies use J2’s misha jokes as “proof” that they don’t like him.
Ahh, I’m sorry, Anon *hugs*
Well, I did a quick twitter search of the accounts I sometimes stalk, and no one mentioned anything specific other than something about a reunion, (which, yeah, I can’t see Misha answering negatively to that :-/), so until I see otherwise on my dash I’m going to assume it’s nothing worse than things he’s said in the past. I mean if you need to vent you can tell me, but otherwise I’m okay living in blissful ignorance, at least for a little while longer :P
I wish I had better words of comfort, anon, but yeah, this situation just sucks. It sucks that the show didn’t treat Meg as a sexual predator in s7/8 to begin with, it sucks that someone wanted a ~titillating~ Meg/Cas kiss in the first place and then they decided to run with it (even as their relationship continued to make less and less sense), it sucks the show left it ambiguous even though it was clear they had no intention of confirming Cas’s feelings towards Meg one way or the other, it sucks non-shippers and some shippers lose their minds every time a destiel question is asked at a con but then you don’t hear a peep when it’s a het ship, and it sucks balls that, even in these #MeToo times, the majority of people still have trouble recognizing acts of sexual assault in television when it’s anything less than full on rape. To be perfectly frank, it’s akin to the frustration of arguing for queer subtext when you can see it so clearly on your television screen, and yet some people still can’t remove their heteronormativity googles. 
It’s okay to be frustrated with Misha, too, I think, just like it’s okay to be frustrated with Jensen when he inexplicably decides to get cagey and say Dean/cas are platonic, so long as that frustration doesn’t spill over. Misha isn’t perfect, and at the end of the day, he isn’t looking to get into a debate with fans, he’s just trying to make everyone happy and leave with a smile. I wish he understood better, but I wish the same for a lot of people. But this is where it becomes really important to remember the ‘Actor’s opinions aren’t showrunning’ hashtag, because whatever comes out of Misha’s mouth doesn’t affect canon, doesn’t affect the current story, and doesn’t affect that in less than three weeks time, we’re going to being kicking off Cas’s grief arc, the narrative structure once again having Dean and Cas mirror each other’s stories, just like they did last season.  Meg/Cas simply don’t have that, even when they did share screen time.
As for the shippers, all you can do is ignore them, the same way you learn to ignore fans that swear~ J2 hate Misha because they tease him, or that Dean doesn’t care about Cas. I mean, they’ve already convinced themselves Cas must have been in love with Meg even though he ditched her completely in 8x17, never inquiring about her fate on screen once...actors’ headcanons are really all they have at this point. 
Anyhoo, this is why I have my The Cast Ships Destiel tag. It helps to remember that Misha generally seems more open to talking about destiel even without being prompted, and that he acknowledges it’s a current theme of the show. You’ll never be able to convince me he doesn’t currently play Cas as in love with Dean.  
Here’s Misha from 5 days ago when he voluntarily brought up destiel during the Bert/Ernie stuff
Here’s Misha going buckwild in Dencon and talking about how he would be the Impala so Dean could ride him and
him talking about how he thinks it’s great the writers can openly talk about it
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thetiredstuff · 3 years
I can confirm that J/2 drink from each other's glasses/cups, only recently saw that again during a jib panel, and I've seen it other times as well.I've also seen jensen wipe jared's mouth for him, seen him gently kiss the top of jared's head, stroke jared's hair, spoon feed jared ice cream (or maybe it was the other way around), jared has literally worn jensen's underwear... So I haven't seen Misha and Jensen do things like this, I don't know if anyone saw it
hi!! this is from a while ago because to be honest, basically all asks i get are by w*ncesties and j2 shippers who mass DM pro destiel blogs and for some reason i am dinged as an important enough blog for that which is hilarious in and of itself
but these freakin DMs are so fucking weird and funny that i never know how to respond because i mean what is that text??? hahahahahaha
and it becomes like 150000 times funnier if you think about that whole twitter debacle started by jared a couple of days ago which clearly shows that the friendship has "cooled off" to say the least but good for jared and jensen that they had what you're describing at one point
as for jensen and misha: i don't know if jensen and misha did all that because i do not know them
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227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Samsung Trending News! Gayle Chili' King Warns of Spicy' #MeToo Backlash: "There Has to Be Due Process for All Involved" #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix!
The 'CBS This Morning' host on Monday spoke on the topic of corporate culture in media during a discussion at the Milken Institute 2018 Global Conference. Gayle King on Monday warned of a backlash to #MeToo at the Milken Institute 2018 Global Conference at the Beverly Hilton. “I worry sometimes that women make an accusation and men instantly get the death penalty,” the CBS This Morning host said during a panel discussion in Beverly Hills on the topic of corporate culture in the media industry. “I think we have to be very careful; that there has to be a due process for all involved — so I do worry of a backlash to the #MeToo movement.” King was joined by United Talent Agency CEO Jeremy Zimmer, filmmaker Tyler Perry and Tim Armstrong, CEO of Oath, which is Verizon’s digital content business that houses AOL, Yahoo and other brands. King said she often hears men complain that they are confused about how they can and cannot behave in the era of #MeToo, the movement that turns a spotlight on men who abuse women in the workplace. “Listen, if it’s not something you can say in front of your wife, or girlfriend, or sister, or mother, it’s probably not a good idea,” she said. King then got more specific. “It’s probably not a good idea to have a meeting, take out your penis, and think that that’s a good opening line,” she said to laughter. “Is it wrong to give a woman a compliment? No, it’s not. I think everyone knows the intention.” Armstrong said he demands women and minorities be involved in every gathering he attends for work, and he has been known to simply walk out if it’s not the case. “I now cancel meetings when there’s no diversity in the room,” he said. Apart from #MeToo and diversity, Perry said culture at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta begins each day with a prayer, and he acknowledged many other businesses in Hollywood wouldn’t allow such a thing. He noted the prayers are not mandatory and that he’s always impressed with the large number of employees who show up for them. King asked Zimmer what he considers a “deal breaker” when meeting a potential new hire. “It’s somebody who shows up at my office for an interview just looking like a bum,” he answered. “I know that’s really old-fashioned, and I’m sure I missed out on the next Mark Zuckerberg because of that.” When King asked Perry how long he’d continue making movies about Madea — the tough, elderly woman he plays in some of his most popular films — the actor-director responded, “As long as people want to see her, she’ll be around. But the minute they stop coming, I’m killing that bitch!” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/gayle-king-warns-metoo-backlash-has-be-due-process-all-involved-1107199
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  G-Eazy & Halsey - Him & I (Audiovista Remix)
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